War Powers Resolution - STATUTE-87-Pg555.pdf

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    87 S TAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 93-148-NOV. 7, 1973 555

    (b ) The t ab le of sections for chap t e r oo of t i t le 18 of tlie Un i t edSta tes Code is amended by s t r i k ing out of the i tem designated712. Misuse of names by collecting agencies to indicate Fed eral agency.

    and inser t ing in l ieu thereo f712. Misuse of names, w ords, emblems, or insignia. .

    Approved November 3, 1973.

    P u b l i c Law 93-148J O I N T R E S O L U T I O N N ovem ber 7, 1973

    Concerning the war powers of Congress and the President, [H . J . R e s . 542]

    Resolved hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the UnitedStates of merica in Congress asserribted War PowersResolut ion,

    S H O RT T I T L E

    S E C T I O N 1. T h is jo in t reso lu t ion may be cited as the War PowersReso lu t ion .


    SEC. 2. (a) It is the pu rpose of th is jo int resolut ion to fulfill thein ten t of the f r amer s of the Cons t i tu t ion of the Un i t ed S t a t e s andi n su re t ha t the col lect ive judgment of bo th the Congress and thePres iden t wi l l app ly to the in t roduc t ion of U n i t e d S t a te s A r m e dForces into host i l i t ies , or in to s i tuat ions w here imm inent involvementin hosti l i t ies is c lear ly indicated by the c i rcumstances , and to the cont inued use of such forces in h ost i l i ties or in such s i tuat ions .

    (b) U nd er a r t i c le I , section 8, of the Co ns t i tu tion , it is specifically ^.^^^ ^^provided that the Congress shal l have the power to m ake a ll laws necessary and p r o p e r for carrying into execut ion, not only its own powersbut a lso all o ther powers vested by the Cons t i tu t ion in the Governm e n t of the Un i t ed S t a t e s, or in any d e p a r t m e n t or officer thereof.

    (c) The cons t i tu t iona l powers of the P r e s iden t as Commande r- i n -Chief to in t roduce Uni ted S ta tes A rm ed Forces in to host i li t ies , orin to s i tua t ions where imminent involvement in host i l i t ies is clearlyind ica ted by the c i rcumstances , are exercised only pu rsu an t to (1) adec la ra t ion of war, (2) specif ic s ta tutory authorizat ion, or (3) anat iona l emergency c rea ted by a t t ack upon the Un i t ed S t a t e s , its terr i tor ies or possessions, or its arm ed forces .

    C O N S U LTAT I O N

    SEC. 3. The P r e s i d e n t in every possible instance shall consult withCongress before in t roduc ing Uni ted S ta tes A rm ed Forces in to hos ti l ities or in to s i tuat ions whe re imm inent involvem ent in hosti l i t ies isclear ly indicated by the c i rcumstances , and af ter every such intro duct ion shal l consul t regular ly with the Congress un t i l Uni te d S ta tesA rm ed Fo rces a re no longer engaged in ho st i l i t ies or hav e been rem ovedfrom such s i tuat ions .

    REPORTINGSEC. 4. (a) In the absence of a dec la ra t ion of war, in any case in

    which Un i t ed S t a t e s Armed Fo rces are introduced(1) into hos tilities or in to s i tuat ions where imminent involve

    m e n t in h ost i l i ties is c lear ly ind icated by the c i rcum stances ;

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    556 PU BL IC LAW 93-14S--NOV. 7, 1973 [87 STAT.

    (2) in to the terr i tory, a i rspace or waters of a foreign nat ion,whi le equipped for combat , except for deployments which re la tesole ly to supply, replacement , repair, or t ra ining of such forces;o r

    (3) in numbers which subs tan t ia l ly en la rge Uni ted S ta tesArmed Forces equipped for combat a l ready located in a foreignna t i on ;

    the Pres ident shal l submit wi thin -i8 liours to the Spe aker of the Hou seof Representat ives and to the Pres ident pro tempore of the Senate areport , in wri t ing, se t t ing fo r th

    (A) the c i rcumstances necess i t a t ing the in t roduc t ion of Uni tedS t a t e s Arm ed F o rce s ;

    (B) the cons t i tu t iona l and leg i s la t ive au thor i ty under whichsuch in t roduc t ion took p lace ; and

    (C) the es t imated scope and durat ion of the host i l i t ies orinvolvement .

    (b ) T he Pres id en t sha l l p rov ide such o ther in form at ion as theCongress may request in the ful f i l lment of i t s const i tu t ional responsibi l i t ies wi th respect to commit t ing the Nat ion to war and to the use ofUni ted S ta tes Armed Forces abroad .

    (c ) Whenever Uni ted S ta tes Armed Forces a re in t roduced in tohosti l i t ies or into any si tuation described in subsection (a) of thissect ion, the Pre s id en t shal l , so lon g as such arm ed forces cont inue to beengaged in such host i l i t ies or s i tuat ion, repor t to the Congress per iodically on the status of such hosti l i t ies or si tuation as well as on thescope and du rat i on of such host i l i t ies or s i tuat ion, but in no event shal lhe repo r t to the Con gress less of ten th an once every s ix mo nths .

    C O N G R E S S I O N A L A C T I O N

    SEC. 5 . (a) Each repoit submit ted pursuant to sect ion 4(a) (1) shal lbe t ransmit ted to the Speaker of the House of Representat ives and tothe Pres iden t p ro t empore o f the Sena te on the same ca lendar day.Ea ch re por t so t rans m i t ted sha l l be re fe r red to the Co mm it tee onForeign Affai rs of the House of Representat ives and to the Commit teeon Fo rei gn Re lat ions of th e Senate for app ro pr ia te act ion. I f , w henth e re po r t i s t ran sm it ted , the Cong ress has adjourne d s ine die or hasadjo urne d for a ny per iod in excess of thre e calend ar day s , the Spe ake rof the House of Rep resenta t ives and the Pres id en t pro tem por e of theSenate , i f they deem i t advisable (or i f pet i t ioned by a t leas t 30 per

    cent of the me m bership of th eir respect ive Houses) shal l jointly requestthe Pres ident to convene Congress in order that i t may consider therepor t and take appropr ia te ac t ion pursuan t to th i s sec t ion .

    (b) W ith in s ixty calenda r days af ter a repo r t i s subm it ted or isrequ i red to be submi t ted pursuan t to sec t ion 4(a ) (1) , whichever i sea r l i e r, the Pres iden t sha l l t e rmina te any use o f Uni ted S ta tes ArmedForces wi th respect to which such repor t was submit ted (or requiredto be submit ted) , unless the Congress (1) has declared war or hasenacted a specif ic auth or iza t ion for such use of U ni t ed State s A rm edForces , (2) h as extende d by law such s ixty-d ay per io d, or (3) isphysical ly unable to meet as a resul t of an armed at tack upon theUn ited S tates . Such s ixty-day per iod shal l be exten ded for not m ore

    than an add i t iona l th i r ty days i f the Pres iden t de te rmines and ce r t if ies to the C ongress in w ri t i ng th at u navo idable m il i ta ry necess ityrespect ing the safety of Uni ted States Armed Forces requires thecont inued use of such armed forces in the course of br inging abouta pro m pt rem oval of such forces.

    (c ) N otw i ths tan d ing subsec tion ( b ) , a t an y t im e th a t Uni te d S ta tesArmed Forces are engaged in host i l i t ies outs ide the terr i tory of theUnited States , i t s possess ions and terr i tor ies wi thout a declarat ion of

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    87 STAT. ] PUB LIC LAW 93-148-NOV . 7 1973 557

    war or specif ic s ta tutory authorizat ion, such forces shal l be removedby the President if the Congress so directs by concurrent resolution.


    SEC. 6. (a) A ny jo int resolution or bil l introd uce d pu rsu an t to section 5(b) at least thirty calendar days before the expiration of thesixty-day period specified in such section shall be referred to the Commit tee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representat ives or theCom mit tee on For eig n Relat ion s of the S enate , as the case may be, andsuch committee shall report one such joint resolution or bil l , togetherwith i ts recommendations, not later than tAventy-four calendar daysbefore the expiration of the sixty-day period specified in such section,unless such House shal l otherwise determine by the yeas and nays.

    (b) A ny joi nt reso lution or bil l so rep orte d shall become the p ending business of the House in question (in the case of the Senate thet ime for debate shal l be equal ly divided between the proponents andthe opp on en ts) , and shal l be voted on with in three calendar da ys thereaf ter, unless such House shal l otherwise determine by yeas and nays.

    (c) Such a joint resolution or bil l passed by one House shall bereferred to the committee of the other House named in subsection(a) and shal l be reported out not la ter than fourteen calendar daysbefore the expiration of the sixty-day period specified in section 5(b).T he joi nt reso lution or bil l so rep orte d sha ll become th e pending-business of the House in question and shall be voted on within threeca lendar days after i t has been reported, unless such House shall otherwise determ ine by yeas and na ys.

    (d) In the case of any disagreement between the two Houses of

    Congress with respect to a joint resolut ion or bi l l passed by bothHouses, conferees shal l be promptly appointed and the commit tee ofconference shall make and fi le a report with respect to such resolutionor bi l l not la ter than four calendar days before the expirat ion of thesixty-day period specified in section 5(b). In the event the confereesare unable to agree within 48 hours , they shal l report back to theirrespect ive Houses in disagreement . Notwithstanding any rule in e i therHouse concerning the pr int ing of conference reports in the Record orconcerning any delay in the considerat ion of such reports , such repoitshal l be acted on by both Houses not la ter than the expirat ion of suchsixty-day per iod.

    C O N G R E S S IO N A L P R I O R I T Y P R O C ED U R E S F O R C O N C U R R E N T R E S O L U T I O N

    SEC. 7 . (a) Any concurrent resolut ion introduced pursuant to sect ion 5(c) shal l be referred to the Commit tee on Foreign Affairs of theHouse of Representat ives or the Commit tee on Foreign Relat ions ofthe Sen ate , as the case ma y be, and one such concu rrent resolut ion shal lbe reported out by such commit tee together with i ts recommendat ionsw ithi n fifteen ca len da r days, unless such H ous e shall otherw ise determine by the yeas and nay s.

    (b) A ny conc urrent resolut ion so repo rted sh al l become the pending-business of the H ou se in question (in th e case of the S en ate the t im e

    for debate shal l be equal ly divided between the proponents and theopponents ) and| shal l be voted on within thr ee calend ar d ays thereaf ter, unless such House shal l otherwise determine by yeas and nays.

    (c) Such a concurrent resolution passed by one House shall bereferred to the commit tee of the other House named in subsect ion (a)and shal l be reported out by such commit tee together with i ts recommendat ions within f i f teen calendar days and shal l thereupon becomethe pending business of such House and shal l be voted upon within

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    558 PU BL IC LAW 93-148-NOV . 7, 1973 [87 STAT.

    three calendar days , unless such House shal l o therwise determineby yeas and nays .

    (d ) In the case of any disagree m ent between th e two Ho uses ofCongress wi th respect to a concurrent resolut ion passed by bothHouses , conferees shal l be promptly appointed and the commit tee of

    conference sh al l m ake an d fi le a rep or t w i th respect to such con curre ntreso lu t ion wi th in s ix ca lendar days after the legis la t ion is referred t othe comm it tee o f confe rence . Notw i ths tan d ing any ru le in e i the r Hou seconcerning the pr int ing of conference repor ts in the Record or concerning any delay in the considerat ion of such repor ts , such repor tshal l be acted on by both Houses not la ter than s ix calendar days afterthe conference report is f i led. In the event the conferees are unable toagree w ithin 48 ho urs , they shal l re po r t back to thei r respect ive Ho usesin disagreement .

    I X T E R P R E TAT I O N O P J O I N T R E S O L U T I O N

    SEC. 8. ( a ) Au tho r i ty to in t roduce Un i ted S ta tes Arm ed Forces in tohost i l i t ies or in to s i tuat ions w herein involvem ent in host i l i t ies is c lear lyind icate d by the c i rcumstanc es shal l not be inferred

    (1) from an y pro visio n of law (w he the r or no t in effect beforethe date of the enactment of th is jo int resolut ion) , including anyprovis ion contained in any appropria t ion Act , unless such provis ion specif ical ly author izes the in t roduct ion of Uni ted StatesArmed Forces in to host i l i t ies or in to such s i tuat ions and s ta testhat i t i s in tended to const i tu te specif ic s ta tutory author izat ionwi th in th e mean ing of th i s jo in t r eso lu t ion ; o r

    (2) f rom any t reaty heretofore or hereaf ter ra t i f ied unless such

    treaty is implemented by legis la t ion specif ical ly author iz ing thein t roduc t ion of Uni ted S ta tes Armed Forces in to hos t i l i t i e s o rinto such s i tuat ions and s ta t in g tha t i t i s in ten ded to co nst i tu tespecif ic s ta tutory author izat ion within the meaning of th is jo intresolut ion.

    (b) Nothing in th is jo int resolut ion shal l be construed to requireany fu r ther spec i f i c s ta tu to ry au thor iza t ion to permi t members o fUni ted S ta tes Armed Forces to par t i c ipa te jo in t ly wi th members o fthe armed forces of one or more foreign countr ies m the headquar tersopera t ions o f h igh- leve l mi l i t a ry commands which were es tab l i shedpr io r to the da te o f enac tment o f th i s jo in t reso lu t ion and pu rsu an t to

    59 Stat. 1031. ] g Un i ted N at ions Ch ar te r o r any t rea tv ra t if i ed by the Un i ted S ta tespr ior to such date .

    of'united sta\Ts ^^^ ^^^ purposcs of th is jo int resolut ion, the term "introduct ion ofArm d Forcrs '^' U ni te d S ta tes A rm ed Fo rce s" inc ludes the ass ignment o f mem bers o f

    such a rmed forces to command, coord ina te , pa r t i c ipa te in the movement of , or accompany the regular or i r regular mil i tary forces of anyforeign count ry o r governm ent when such m i l i t a ry forces a re engaged,or there exis ts an imminent threat that such forces wi l l becomeengaged, in host i l i t ies .

    (d ) No th in g in th i s jo in t resolut ion(1) is in ten ded to a l te r the cons t i tu t iona l auth or i t y of the Con

    gress or of the Pres ident , or the provis ions of exis t ing t reat ies ; or(2 ) sha l l be cons t rued as g ra n t i ng an y au th or i ty to the P res ide n t

    wi th respec t to the in t roduc t ion of Uni ted S ta tes Armed Forcesinto host i l i t ies or in to s i tua t ions wh erein involvem ent in ho st i l i t iesis c lear ly indicated by the c i rcumstances which author i ty he wouldno t have had in th e absence of th is jo in t reso lut ion.

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    87 STAT. ] PUB LIC LAW 93-1 48-N OV . 7, 1973 559

    S E PA R A B I L I T Y C L A U S E

    SEC. 9. If an y provis ion of this joint reso lution or the app licatio nthereof to any person or c i rcumstance is held inval id , the rem aind er ofthe joint resolut ion and the appl icat ion of such provis ion to any otherpers on or circu m stan ce shall no t be affected there by .

    E F F E C T I V E D AT E

    SEC. 10. T hi s join t resolution s hal l ta ke effect on th e date of i tsenactment.

    CARL A L B E R T

    peaker of the House of Representatives.

    JAMES 0 . E A S T L A N D

    President of the Senate p ro tempore.

    IN T HE HOUSE OF REPRESENT AT IVES, U.S.,November 7 1973.

    T he House of Representatives having proceeded to reconsider the resolution(H . J. Res. 542) entitled "Jo int resolution concerning the war powers ofCongress and the President", returned by the President of the United Stateswith his objections, to the House of Representatives, in which it originated, itwas

    Resolved T hat the said resolution pass, two-thirds of the House ofRepresentatives agreeing to pass the same.

    Attest:W. P A T J E N N I N G S


    I certify that this Joint Resolution originated in the House of Representatives.

    w. P A T J E N N I N G SClerk.

    IN T HE SENATE OF T HE UNIT ED STAT ESNovember 7 1973.

    T he Senate having proceeded to reconsider the joint resolution (H. J. Res.542) entitled "Joint resolution concerning the war powers of Congress and thePresident", returned by the President of the United States with his objectionsto the House of Representatives, in which it originated, it was

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    56 PUBLIC LAW 93-149-NOV . 7, 1973 [87 STAT.

    Resolved That the said joint resolution pass, two-thirds of the Senatorspresent having voted in the affirmative.

    Attest:F R A N C I S R . VA L E O


    N o v e m b e r 7 , 1 9 7 3[ H . R. 5943]

    Publ ic Law 93-149

    AN ACTTo amend the law au thorizing the President to extend certain privileges to repre

    sentatives of member states on the Council of the Organization of AmericanStates.

    Council ofO rg a n i z a t i o nA m e r i c a n S t a

    D i p l o m a t i cp r i v i l e g e s .


    t e s .

    Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of theUnited States of America in Congress assemb led Th at the c t o fJ u l y 10 1952 (66 Sta t . 516, 22 U .S.C . 288 g) , is amended as fol lows:

    (a ) Th e t i t le of the A ct is am ended to read as fol low s:An Act to extend cer ta in pr ivi leges to the representat ives of member s ta tes and permanent observers to the Organizat ion of AmericanS ta t e s .

    (b) Th e body of the Ac t is am ended to read as fo l lows :Tha t , under such te rms and condi t ions as he shal l determine, the

    Pr esid ent is hereby au thorize d to extend, or to enter into an agreem entextending, to the representat ives of member s ta tes (other than theUni ted S ta tes ) to the Organiza t ion of Amer ican S ta tes and to permanent observers to the Organiza t ion of American Sta tes , and tomem bers of the s taffs of said represen tat ives an d per m ane nt observers ,

    the same pr ivi leges and immunit ies , subject to corresponding condit ions and obl igat ions , as are enjoyed by diplomatic envoys accredi tedto the U ni ted S ta tes .

    Approved November 7 , 1973.

    November 7 , 1973[ H . R . 9639]

    Publ ic Law 93-150AN ACT

    To amend the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Acts for the purposeof providing additional Federal financial assistance to the school lunch andschool breakfast programs.

    N a t i o n a l S c h o o lLunch and Chi ldN u t r i t i o n A c tAmendments of1973 .

    8 6 S t a t . 7 2 6 .42 u s e 1 7 5 3 .

    60 S ta t . 232;56 S t a t . 7 2 9 .

    42 u s e 1 7 5 7 .

    Be t enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of thegnited States of America In Congress assembled That this Act may

    be ci ted as the Na t ion al School Lu nch and Ch i ld Nu tr i t ion A ctAmendments of 1973 .

    R E I M B U R S E M E N T

    SEC. 2. (a) Section 4 of the Nat io nal School Lunc h A ct is amendedto delete the phra se 8 cents pe r lu nc h as i t ap pe ar s in said sectionand subst i tute the phra se 10 cents per lunc h .

    (b) Sect ion 8 of the Na t iona l School Lu nch A ct is ame nded byinser t ing before the last sentence thereof the following new sentence:

    In any f iscal year in which the nat ional average payment per lunchdetermined under sect ion 4 is increased above the amount prescr ibedhi the previous f iscal year, the maximum Federal food-cost contr ibution rate, for the type of lunch served, shall be increased by a l ikefunount.