War in Vietnam. Background Like Korea, Vietnam was split up into two sections after WWII North...

War in Vietna m

Transcript of War in Vietnam. Background Like Korea, Vietnam was split up into two sections after WWII North...

War in Vietna


War in Vietna



Like Korea, Vietnam was split up into two sections after WWII

North Vietnam, led by Ho Chi Minh, was communist

South Vietnam, led by Ngo Dinh Diem, was democratic

Like Korea, Vietnam was split up into two sections after WWII

North Vietnam, led by Ho Chi Minh, was communist

South Vietnam, led by Ngo Dinh Diem, was democratic

South Vietnam - CapitalistSouth Vietnam - Capitalist Govt. dishonest and brutal Diem jails those who criticize him

US backs Diem - not Communist

Govt. dishonest and brutal Diem jails those who criticize him

US backs Diem - not Communist

North Vietnam - CommunistNorth Vietnam - Communist Ho Chi Minh well liked Living conditions improve under communism

Ho Chi Minh well liked Living conditions improve under communism


North and South Vietnam to reunite in 1956 and have elections to pick a new govt.

Diem refuses to allow South Vietnam to take part, arrests thousands

North and South Vietnam to reunite in 1956 and have elections to pick a new govt.

Diem refuses to allow South Vietnam to take part, arrests thousands

Fighting Begins in South VietnamFighting Begins in South Vietnam Vietcong (VC) - communist guerilla forces in South Vietnam supported by North Vietnam

Diem’s men fire at Buddhist monks who hold nonviolent demonstrations against him

Some monks set themselves on fire to protest -pictures make it to TV and newspapers

Diem’s army kills him and takes over - things get worse in South Vietnam

Vietcong (VC) - communist guerilla forces in South Vietnam supported by North Vietnam

Diem’s men fire at Buddhist monks who hold nonviolent demonstrations against him

Some monks set themselves on fire to protest -pictures make it to TV and newspapers

Diem’s army kills him and takes over - things get worse in South Vietnam

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Warning: Graphic Image of Monks. You may look away.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 8/7/1964Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 8/7/1964 Congress gives President Johnson power to “repel any armed attack against US forces”

US sends troops to Vietnam US airstrikes attack Ho Chi Minh trail - Supply line from North Vietnam, through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam providing Vietcong with weapons

Congress gives President Johnson power to “repel any armed attack against US forces”

US sends troops to Vietnam US airstrikes attack Ho Chi Minh trail - Supply line from North Vietnam, through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam providing Vietcong with weapons

Jungle WarfareJungle Warfare

Vietnam is largely jungle US drops napalm (jellied gasoline) and Agent Orange to burn off forests, causing huge environmental damage and health issues to Vietnamese civilians and US troops

Vietnam is largely jungle US drops napalm (jellied gasoline) and Agent Orange to burn off forests, causing huge environmental damage and health issues to Vietnamese civilians and US troops

US ProblemsUS Problems

Vietcong are not easily identified from others

Vietcong hide in tunnels underground and we cannot find them

Vietcong are highly motivated and know the geography (US is 10,000 miles from home)

US often attacked villages of innocent Vietnamese, thinking they were Vietcong. Causing a loss of loyalty

Average age of US soldiers - 22 (very young)

Vietcong are not easily identified from others

Vietcong hide in tunnels underground and we cannot find them

Vietcong are highly motivated and know the geography (US is 10,000 miles from home)

US often attacked villages of innocent Vietnamese, thinking they were Vietcong. Causing a loss of loyalty

Average age of US soldiers - 22 (very young)

A Divided NationA Divided Nation

Doves - People who want the US to pull out of war

Hawks - People who want the US to fight College students begin to protest the war as friends are called to fight

By 1968, 75% of colleges saw protesting of war Most Americans support the war until 1968, when citizens find out US govt. is exaggerating how well we are doing

Richard Nixon is elected President in 1968 because he has a “secret plan” to end war

He doesn’t

Doves - People who want the US to pull out of war

Hawks - People who want the US to fight College students begin to protest the war as friends are called to fight

By 1968, 75% of colleges saw protesting of war Most Americans support the war until 1968, when citizens find out US govt. is exaggerating how well we are doing

Richard Nixon is elected President in 1968 because he has a “secret plan” to end war

He doesn’t

Twenty Sixth AmendmentTwenty Sixth Amendment

Lowered voting age from 21 to 18

Nixon reelected in 1972

Lowered voting age from 21 to 18

Nixon reelected in 1972

Paris Peace AccordsParis Peace Accords

US will remove all troops and release all POWS

DMZ set up between North and South Vietnam

Communists could take part in govt. of South Vietnam

Soon after, North attacks South, unifies it, and creates a communist govt.

US will remove all troops and release all POWS

DMZ set up between North and South Vietnam

Communists could take part in govt. of South Vietnam

Soon after, North attacks South, unifies it, and creates a communist govt.

Results of the WarResults of the War

1 million North Vietnamese and Vietcong died

500,000 civilians die 1 million Vietnamese children are orphans

US loses 58,000 2500 MIAs remain US troops not welcomed home

1 million North Vietnamese and Vietcong died

500,000 civilians die 1 million Vietnamese children are orphans

US loses 58,000 2500 MIAs remain US troops not welcomed home