WANTED. SHIRTS · Vol. xliv. No. 5. HfgMitow^^ —])R.A. DAW.ES, SURGEON DENTIST. a...

- "" "- " " : - " ' " " " " " Vol. xliv. No. 5. HfgMitow^^ ])R . A. DAW.ES, SURGEON DENTIST. a mmrttnVHtnra^tif looorrnptibl* Own T««th. Jiaioe uxt-dooctn-raalilonap, JSTRtn ttToati _ D Vitiiout pain, by tUo nss of I.a.«gMtiK (Jin. >r B—The new putsnt flam ila»e, »o valiu bin r Ha HKhtnels, oamfort Mid eUanllnou, la "Ho An oxamlnatloh inMtod. apr l-ly r^S^f^^ffiiSL-iaiidSTttrgeon., I ' OBANBTIHT, K. J. _. }7toM ] ) R . C. J, JiAZARJ), •DENTIST. ' - HI&HTSTOWM, N. J. ions mimlolBtereil, ^TpjBOTBoMH )7 to 10IA. M, WANTED. 100 MORE OPERATORS NOW Why our new schedule ^f cut rale prices. -ON- D R.7 GEO. E. TITOS, Physician and Surgeon, offloo and Rosldonoo, opp. Peilillo Institute, SOUTH JVVA/1N STKSET 1 1U<>HTSTOWN7" •Omoo HourB:—T to I) A. «., 12 to 2, and 0 to T r. M. fob I-ly A DRIAN S. APPELGET, gI<HI-T3-T»WK, NF.W .TKR3EY. "Attorney."and^Opunselor at Law, ' Bolioitor aad|Maater In.Chancery... AND NOTARY FUBIiIU, TToawttv AND Pftoaron OH* THE UNITKI>STA.T&H Oollootloni m>(la In .all parts of the United Morticn«iifor«olosnro«uniisi!inihiiitloniH titles i, gpnolnlty. Money to Loan on Bond and COTfON and FLANNEL SHIRTS SpfcCifl Inducements for learners,, .find'.nr- T$ngcmcnte nrade"witbi4iO8(j living out of town H. WALLACH'S SONSj— HIGHTSTOWN, N. J, THE OLD STAND. A, J. ASHTON Main St.* opp—IIspti8l-.Cuu.rcht HIGHTSTOWN, N. J-, DEAIJEUJN _ Master and Examiner in Chancery. HIGUTSTOWN, No.-R9, T. O-O- F. _ _ 60t Tuostlny ETOiUnjjs ot OftOli wook, n.tI8 o'cloulc. 1SA,A,U WDLOOTT, It. Soo'y. mySB.tr ^===^^^^^ffiy Ju.Btioe oftlie'-Feape, A.ND QQMMIBSIQNEB 01" DEEDS, BOOTS and SHOES, and Best Moquets Best Tapestry Bruaeels Good^Tapesti'y Brussels Medium Tapestry-Brussels Best all wool Ingrain Good wool Ingrain Medium Ingrain Common Ingrain $1.10—1.25 85 75 65 .75 G5 55 35 ULOBIIY TUB ROOM. Wldeiepni .brow tbo (hntton, (nd , •••„ .... JmniartMiH Ornw artd*. . ' _Lhlm^UejiBgj > hajdiaTrieyniing feller. In ill their ijBldeB.pride; , - p.* ..... WiiiiimBUorrif fnnttiostly HigE TMJ take the ruliibow bloom f Hurki r «lrl« w«ro course Hdme- LargSBt stock to select from; We hmte comparison. ^-I>-",- J, S. JROOERS,-—— — MOBIISO^ STREET AND EAILEOAD AtENUE. They'll Ihnwer ROini! otijlt Instead, And K'orlfy tho room. «lnd ar«;tbo;tluinic« that they brloir From wood, andfield,-and nil!, Froqi singing;Wn\ and humming beo, And llttlo iltinclnglrlll, lioforo thorn manyCihaiiowit fly, They bnnlfloltliouglltii or Bloom; Tlien, wlth|a welcome, let them In? To^lorllj tho room. With tliem comes health—npon the weak Th-y tnutiy bleA?1nt(8 tthed. Iholr hlisea ttrciiKthen tlreil eye^ And tduchTjpale'oiieekfl~w"lln" red" No pliico too drear Tor them to seek Its darkness to Illume , Thank God that wacaii let them In To ftlorlly tho mom ~~ - Imry spiinjhc yenr roonil, B«»In' enough jnolicy lo id hec'>mo y cnmpnreil lilin nn' M» easy iimuin-re wllh tlio coitru»t Incncli l^r. R out my blr«?n. J iln' jmrilnri, w ' forget' that he'U.iny'svp, !'»;+(•« fly, r SnThf OF ALL KINDS, -SSUNKSr UMBEJELLAS, &o, A gQQd naiOgtasrit. always sa hand, at. the apt l-ly ONH OF THESE DAYS. Ons^rtlioi'o-iiiiyiiiwillBlllisofer, MeotlBKI and pnrtlaKi 0! friend nn'lf^vcr, awkwnrrt fnrinHr'lH^s. •.. ,, "'Zekel'i oldest «!s«>f, 'TlldyAnfi, jnade.no, Sucre, of herVei'iioin 1 -l.linl we were' promlwd, OBllIn'me Bister at the sings, quill\v*i an' ap- plepnrliiVnii'-ftllrlhegirls efiurlAi'liimr'^CBl Annie B<mn, who lllul noted at If Hie hadn't a reennd thought for lilm, Everybody t'jpoMi) we'd lie -ir.nrner. by the lima I'was, my own mfstreM, but some wny 'Zektl didn't get on In builnost. Ai 27 lie wni still unsettled at to his future otriiipiiliiiri. After iiiidylqg' for a few> months lnw, medielrio and forlne rolnli. tr-yr he-rhHiiKdii-lils i(iinil,.aiii4UaagIneiL4UaL he could invent some wonderful machine Hint wiiiild brliiR him a fortune, nn' 'Tlldy Ann said llio shouldn't wonder If lie did, that 'Ztikel was smart fennugh liHo "anything [id wnlVn.mini" 10. Father once quoted 10 mei 'UoslablB aa wnler, tliou sliiill not vMe,\,' I knew whnt he mrnnt, nu' spoke up for 'Z«kel, saylii* his in^ luilrot wTis of n: higher gmila tiianThe»clodif nrnnnil us. Only BITP him time no' he wouldJ Uneofthosa Jay» will ear handa ho fulilDil, ""Onfl"«ftlieiniii[VTWtH'thBT»Tlt'beTloiier : ^lnIll\%rnre^«awroBr = ii?ii'IiSTi-rBourOOTr~ —HBd5a<BF-l*b0M4»B«fttlrth«-tuni ilnyn will the lie BISHTaiOWH, M", J, Beit, Largest and Cheapest , FT r lii-iy £fe3: PEDDIE INSTITUTE, HIDHTBTOWN, P. J A Thorough School for hotli Sexoa, Fall TcwatMiglns Scptombqr-14Hv, 1887. parm ntnilentsfarany fjollego nr'trBJ'l " B6IrrtHiTiiolld-Biid-ornBnienl»l-orftlii!iiuii. UnDolin Oiitof thoio Uiiya will tho burden ilrop; Ko'v«r OKftln shall ahoiie deoeivo UJ, ™-ygf6f nitlililglllngf progfMtrttlpi. - Froed from itiabligbtaithB-viiB enira , Uus Urjic-Tildy Anq an' MnnUy dicil with :tlie"pneUitinny feVer. bronnlit on by-brin 1 ciyicbt in n clreoebln'-rmn- otrthi.-rr-iviry-tTr-rliL' <V0»llTl nilllT-wlteTreitnjy'J bi'i'n lo Ofll tlu-lr wool. Mundy's lost words were:'. 'Yti.n'll.—flii'l—I lie—money—'Zeke.1— AYjiiitLd--iii-:iiiv—Lii'PI.' lie cxnraincll fi hnsdlif tji^rJjiiHtl[n' >: nSyftiri' ^ i e f rji m< Wntjwffi «*«<*• ;s#i;^ 5 w ; '- ••-•• "Biit|liBrd;«nW niy / JM'«t, fufmnlffimf head ^i(li|r, ilianklnL.1% M'M' 1 ! 1 Iffw 0 ^^ Vueii an Incnpnble, wlilnfn; cr^Hir ^R^nnle. ^theFbarW^ialdii^miw'^pr^JJ^i^}-».B«~ ^r« spebli plawttt: Jvi »Mf»Mm §m •* I wa. loth to glfe plmttpw^n J^rfle|.^(Brktr wfioliia'jinwHr^ amrcirvriand^j n^n,,carne after lilm ,tu talie lilm 10 her MeJjrasky; §nmt( Tueb I,Mppied ; B ^«i|pW liny, '^liiipp^ed th be a reit Wiaiiri'lBelpJq'an^rflftiryj^pt Sn. ewry.wayl . • '"'." .]".'. ','•".', . _i;I Ikbd; on In lUe M lionm ftftBWple:: ' ' VVjj lought mt ootapanjri or p«lf| mo (lie rttte'ritlorl ^^ so dear 10 the heart of nioil vf Irpnien. trH liMikin' buck, I can nee ihnt peopla let me Sly one desire waa reTciiffO, hn* humble '2ekcl to llic very dns>, (Iionjjli often uiy (nflier'd words Wfinlil run In my dead) aansin*, pio Irf tremble leil I shut myself onl of UeaTetii 'If ye fori(IV^DiitLliow con _y_tt cjtpccLto.bi; fou f P -"^ok to -i jTaneway ^ Co., Papor Momufee— turers; aa.d Memoved my entire buswiess to = Ne^EBar^ = ^T7,, wHire"! have Two large ant -e©afflodfi©s&—Stafeles -^^-SMO—Mpottd-Sti- and 19 & 21 Atlantic St., und^r the wlnBtU with tho health of immofiai liro, . Ono of thoio dftyi'woiilittlHqult lorowr All that Ii veilBg.lnoarlhljitriro, ,'.-- One orthoiodoy! wo ihnll know thoreassn, . H^ply, sLiaaeJiAti&j^jirjiiaxog JJHT.L Ono of llieio aavt, In tlis fjord's good son son, 0108 Ihall ndorntlio brow. 1I 1 tribulation ifirtht insil l-Uht of his pi.net sh Blcsj"!il,^hougli outVi TTTftod to dwell In Ills sen bright Mnlle, Hoi.py ttrjlmrn In IHelifrciltoBt salvation WBII loiiyiivo tarryit-'Httlo while: me Hint lie, wns mi Ibu rvo of niicccdln' wild Ilia Itivi'iilinn, nn' needed n Illllu money to flnlih itjjin 1 Mikiidy^ioil jindu^tiikiMiJq^^et^' 1 Tiir him. '"I.liisil lily Jcclln«a, liutLin!im!n_finCC..dmlu' Die next few.weeks, linvln' Ziikcl. called scl. flsli nn' n n('viTd(i;w(!ll, 'Z kcl becrd their : i>lil farmer silvlBed him lo quit ilnfiiiiin' nil' put Ins hnnd to the plow, or his Olh'i* simora wVTiiln"fdlli-r"TiUIVAnll 'In' reA^nilo^ieeiln^±ntl1sJlc»tlmt3riZi; 4iyy lienrt wnsn't riglitanLdineajuUpray tliM tuiid's riiijci any faitlier thwurtlieuM words-, o.nr debtors,' 'lent' I lirtflg dpoq mo n curtv, Itistid of ii lilessiu*. ^Juhn, myladopied ann~, grew up, married Miscellaneous. !. " 1 LllatlttitUn ttn'-out-Uw.blgoadnrttnn' wlutfUiiy— [_Elil.lll_n.hotnj!_tiLiiur. IN TOWN- Orr. BAPTIST On M RS. It. 11. FOKMAN, TEiUHEK Am Cost psr year in all tne BfllldBrMiahsi |2M, Twonromtnefiiinllytw, . _JTBltlon.f6e DaySalioiaMtilMiW." E«Jl?«^«* ^f Spsolftl tBrnii by agnomsnt. Bond lor Oat- " l0 "* "'fiiV;jbawosBBHB.A.M., ' I you WANT-TOm«ss^~- Sand for O i M l o p i and IBfornjMlon of tfco- I Trenion Business Ana soaooi,'i» Si»nTa4,sb, Msioalo Tonplt, Tronton, N. J. ' . ; It do«I mars thorough wot k and »B/pIBiore youhg men to good sailttofu than any attaer. Ailrtresn OpBIiBBpt.6. A, J.BIUBB, Jrlnolpal. 7^^l0N¥ COLEKAN, ^^ PIANO, ORGAN & HARMONY. ArrnnKeniflntB oim *o modfi for tho^uso of Pedal t)rgan at tho IIOUBO-^ FOR -T" The "KNABK" Piano-Fortes, Unffiualod In Tone, Touch, DacahlltLy and Woftniiinahlp, AND 7^1 E 'ZEKEJi-AN'-AIE. "Tnke the old rockln' cheer, mo'in nn f set by~lhc cn»l winder, wlieru you ciiii~gcc "thi; wuler in the brook spaiklin 1 , und the icd birds X I shall constantly keep from _150 to 200 head^of HORSES^ and MULES, of alljkinds. si%es% and quaWbies r so that per- sons coming-from a distance need have-no doubt that they will find anything and everything in shape of Horses or Mules. Also, Persons living_at_a * di h h M ,FINEST BJBKD ORGA.N JVIAI>B. Knubo Cabinet Ornht) lyano ftn*. a Bufd t Organ can liofiofliiat tho huuso, Stockton St., Higlitsto-wn. sept 2I-tr A Urto qnaatlty of.Hag ;Oarn«t on-hiiBft nt mttlB a« aooa MOID Be purohftiaa In, any mortal. M0NM0UTH STltEETj NEAR JftAlN, ALBERT BROVVN, SUltGEON, jn S8.am RESIDENCE:—WINDSOR, N. J. o, g__ stace^t to* drive, "who have Morses or M/uUes to change, I have Men for the purpose of going to examine such, and the exchange can be made by Railroad travel. __ Also, "Stock delivered to any~pwrf~of^ the State Free of Expense, and satisfaction Guaranteed. [Es^* 11 Fr,tiin, two lo three Car. loads arrive••weekly, from Canada, Pennsylvania, Ionia, MUcMgan, Indiana, Ken- tucky, etc., etc. Plenty of Second-hand Stock always on hand; good for service in the country. I buying stock Personally, and paying thr 7~ l JrBCl ooke." I'm prnpcr-glml Iliftt jmii like our place Ihongh~il<i8i) old riiBlimni-d 'Zikcl vmrn'T ovi-rly noxious foe '«« lo liiko bonnlcrs this Riimmcr, us Inat ytnr I (liil lio* » tryin 1 lime between Ihe whiiriB un' notions of a finicky wlUcler nu' a tlniorsomc mntden Indy. They vcrclilliia warrtn' nnriTpnllm'-wlU) cncli-otlur >n u wny U'Ol Trnrn't goort In nee. NolMn' plcnflcd 'cm; tlic house, was too Bmnll;my cook. In 1 old fnahioncd, un' they eenrned my pmii-n, coiitinooaly nokin' mo why I ilidn't huv bcR'in- ine, j;efniiiuii's nn' caroMloim; cimtcnd o' clove pinke, inuriiioolp, Inyloffltsffri'nowfliy almnii'n. wVTiiln fnt'l miMin. diTilooii hia hupefl nn' Minn, nn'Ihon I spnke out, tellln' him I'd HIIIIB slniiil by liiiii, uo ad' left I'illhuryi Agnin I wai nlonei in* mada up my mind I'd nllura Ilvo in ( . ariJMlii' vfitli a nelihhbrllitrrwnaiy.iifel^y.ijifcMp- Rny one wltli me nn' tile pnrtln 1 ' witii 'yni allera indriened inFj art* tile np«t Bve years I liiidnn compnny 'rjepl B.JOOon' the.cnl.loilln 1 early liu'ilale-lHylH' dp-stores of frtiii, eriiin an'- Sal I didn't neid, atTtikin' summer bniirdcrs Jeet fer company, Wlicii ontf October 1 morning found mo noi KijIcloJcnVeTiiy tK>il7~ -Ciiluukloly_woxn;.9ili;:ji n 'noont 1 to hand iiie a (if wfllcr, lliougli the ncl(jhhora d, iiftrr they founil out my need. imrth?rwrmHfflpi«Hietl.—W-ne»«r-f<wgt)twe-) ^Durln' my-MgaiitiugeelM^angerinH-waa^ wire promiiBd, nu 1 'lliU seemed 10 Obi-cr biro - lyln'helplelsnn'eryln'i the future seemed so iip-HTifntOTfLrrl}*. ~"— dreary4o-ins-aif*i—WlicB-someUody-JrappeU ar- "Ills folks hi'gnii to bu nrixloiis for Us.to donr, 'system was nil run down, nn' in^lSgjQhgr 1 wns taken with a slow; lingerin' rfeer, oBFrt<. me inore'ntribble thoimouey I'd mWih payln' out fer medicine an* doctor bills. F. D. BtJDtDNG. iSTlT., Pnm;1p(tl7 - •FOUBTIi TERM UIJOiNS ABI'lfi 10TH, 188a. DBALERS Iff Hardware, Furniture, .Willow Ware, Oil01oths,RopiB,«&o. Partlei jmferrlBgto loiost Irom.Wew Tartar Jhllad>lBliln,M»8MBgnJi_of rnfBUBre.aaBlttYB hend lor \Jawmi;Un -BUY-THE— Cream Ridge Marl! Hb l-iy WELLER,- Wholesale and Rotall Dealiirlri and Ittanulnotur- t FINE CIGARS, PIPES, POUCHES,- TOBACCO•ttF ALL THE TERTILTZERS 7 y g p and acquaintance of the business enables me to _hav_e__them to sell cheaper than most. anyone else. 2 2 .me_/or_l_hi_ne«t tfrj^iiiira they troopea nroiin' | jylt from -2O0O -to—2SOO 1 n'n.ti ^ell^ affir^ to sell at^ small profits ' s o ^a| -#^fflPp^^^Sae:^to "looK^™ at-IBL^ pofii- b^Sre puroirera^g^iliewlLer©, . 150 to 250 Horses 5, Mules for Sale or Exchange ^ ••„,."••• AT 820 BMOAD STJiJBST, , W. MOKMIS, Newark, JV1 J. IN THK Bill It's an ill wind Ihnt blows ^ jest wlmn my nkli-s'wi'rn llnrki'al Mil- Ijoul fcnt 'Zdsel to nu, an' nil'biltcrni-ss nn' lmrdnefiB between us was ho.nlcri. Now, mo'in I know Jeal what you're tliliikiu', but 'Zcke un' me nren'l the hiiabiind nn' wife, of lonK atnndiu', thoiigh in our early ynmli we were promised to each oilier. We're Imnlly over our.honeymoon, or I should pay- the ttnie 'lot led tor. It to hut. .-'ZcKcl nn'-mci' nftcr long yeors livln'apart, hcv determined Hint no vin egiir moons shall rise, full an' wane, in our fu- ture. 'Tin allo'SOftu' 'Zi'kel'a 57,-an' ot 20 1 JIQur fjifinj jn|iujl|> mi'Air. IlnrkBr BHM we eniild eoiinl on forty ncres npiece of gohij'met. luw hind, Bii'twoulihi'i lake lonR to pului up II hewed Ing limine, |pod eniiugh for nny. body, I wui willlii 1 to this nminguinent, but 'Zuktil wnnttul la itnit in liL-HL-r'aiyli-, an' pic. 4iirBd»ei!y lifejq nlCD_limL_ljnjuo lojhipk «s be did-, ytt I novur tinpped ,»plBnlB' atad wcaein'jirUqlesJorLiiiy weddin 1 oulflL- t.^ "In Uinio dnys I iviia hiippy. Aunio helped me with my wuildln' prnpiiralions, no' every liny 'Zi'Hbl ciiiiu' lii Inok on. One June nflur- noon Annie nu' me were In our prohnrd sptink* till* iiiiLui Ihat was HUB IJIUHUIIIII* UlJt lilU IVlllI In,' saya I, tbl(iWn^- n trTJoiTpirtriurfil, me wnrl'i Bi't'iiiiiJ UII full of jiy and lhe birdajEnng ao Bwettly. " 'Oli. Annie,, wliy don't « lover como a wonln'yoii? II'H no sweet to^be loved, nn'yon lit no much prettier than me, Jl'a so mrange Hull a lover doemi't flud } n» nut. ' aniiLJ, not liearin''Z kil'fl slip, mi' enllrHy unaware of hie presence until A.iinii;'o blushes caiiBcd me to turn about lo Hull my lover llflle-iiin' to my silly words. 1 To hidi my liinslics I run il'iwn Ihiihlll Into the garden, nu' (ralhercd u handful of dnnmek un' oiiiiiiimrni rn«c5, Ilidn hurried back, In my vanliy, tlunkin' 'Zi'Ri'l would count the lime lung until I wns Jwilli lilin. As 1 walked slowly up the hill 1 nnw in Annie's bluo.eyi^a ,ncw liylit. 'Twag like the expression of one wild, him Ruined Imr lieaiL'ii dealrc. Thoagh all Whlpple with a cup o^ suup, nr^-^Ztkcl, gn-y on' pule,lm' drtteiif similar to a tramp, come hi. "Straight up lo my twdsidc Iffi csmo, h"ld- in' nut hta thiri' trelnblin* hand, oayin' in a timid way -.. •"Penelopyl" "Jeal then Ibo ilrangKRt feclm'cume ovef me, all llio blllcr. sad past of me waschnngttd Into pence nn 1 hnppinrpa. S«y» he, 'Aupie's been gone yeom, my children are all Rone, 'ccriLlwo, an' I'VB comu a hnmtlesa Irnmp lo heg your pnnlou for—fi-r'—hut it's no use try- in 1 in lell~]esrlrnw h onnie aboui, "in Icss'n jnskd[tin- full bitlcrneiis o bcln'jilK d, nn', ai IlhougM, \yithoiit jiiat" cnilBc upon my" pnTT Troubles don't conifi singly, £n' it Deemed lo me ua^ii I ft'lt ihnt life warn't wortli livin'i .an'fiod hnd forgotten me, but I'<^ lived to Baa^nrenttan^IUin^- "At 80 I found myself alone in the world , fattier; 1 moilicr, brothers tfh' ft »l«teM>!r lay in evi-iy da or rintr-»hrnic-h1on«ijfrri«n'- MiL uln.>[niade w»» graceful. I uB I look ltlle pains w jUwny own atllre, Ihlnkln' morn of my work. I wiis homely an' l-"know It. ' * UOBNBItSTOAVN, N. J. S. HOOEKB, Agent, HI0RTHTDWH, N. " . MAIN HIGHT8TO.WN.N.J. MERCHANT MILLERS, wlsn Ihcir maiiv patmne^A V r TEAK and alt who kivs nnfer nted onr Boar by ntlnir In yonr lamlllei ourprlme flour msns- X- V ^Tp^tBf^fgprfiilrtytaf-^——-^^ *M0DJBJCM0MfyES^J^^^S/ firnifflntinnory 11 «c«ens «t^ Trenton^ H. #., 'oo of tho.kloa in tho State. *1***»*'i * Full Boiler Gronud. anQliiotiire'oriJoiir. , All OUT Hoar U mma« from solootfta wbbn mna §Eyjg^^ r^sfifiSssiil wishes to thank Jiis friend.B_for_th.eir past ..favors andliopes for """Ta'contiriuahce of the same. I ha-ve Fnil Line of Pry Goods, AS-WBLI. A8 lhe oliuroliynrH ynu^oan aernst "tho way. B u t ! hnd Ibis farm nn' my ona ambition wns lo make It the envy .of my nbighbori an 1 to show "em ihnt 'Zekol linrtn't quite orbsUed mo when he deserled rne for Annie Bonn. Pulli. er WBB the' last QBiLto go. For Ovet^iHear-he. •at helpless. Jest where I placed Ills cheer, ni- lns e loiikln'^Iinppy, though I could see thnl he longed IQ^be free from hliuendnge. Ono consolation waa left to him, he Oould talk, ai-(t his faeOlties Blemid to be OlWMr nn^sharper j_h«« whan lin w»a n BtmnpjBitaritive m a n ^ ^ ! ^UHM8''erlmantltfned-aBkeU» nnmo lo_jfle ^uVoBeo^atterlhp wMrtln', an* lhBtwnj-tba| week berori he wont to the belter oquntry, ~S: neighbor catno over to buy a buahel of my ebojeo seed potatoes for planlin', and told us of the trouble 'Zehei'i folk! were hevin' with lIckneMan' poverty. When we were* alone father looked pleaain'ly at me and mid, vejr ltf£ryT-~~--~ ~~~~^--~— —— — —^ 'If we—foriive—not—bow—iball—we— DppiloSbissforglveofi.L -L____^ , "1 kne^ that I Wai eherialiln' wicked fe»lT In'ik my beiri, but 1{ ! jeanSd to me 'iekej BD» Annie didn't dettr?e sympathy or pardon from us, Toniee, mo'fn, Annii, Bonn was raydesrcit frleod. I'd allui ibired ny M . •Bfttrwitb her, glrr fisgioiv never dreaialiii.| she WM ibeB plirjnlp y trtteherx W wii to hi "hrrrf mi~))niir*ZelieI wml me wrr "Mis' Whlpplo was so shocked to flnd thought, n highway robht-r or an escopfd lunn- lie Ritllu" oy me, holdlng_niy_hand, Ihat^slio let the bowl of sup fnTl ou the stone hearth an' ECrcnmed for Joslali, licrJniib.in', wjii) w u on his wny to town nu 1 had brought her to my gate. J'jsiah camt) rnnnlo' in nn recognized 'Zckel nn' had a jjni'id laugU nt Miu' VVhipple'o mistake. M In n week I wmfti slrnng as ever an' busy makin' 'Ztkel a new milt of blue jean, as we meant lo bo married luforo Tlmnkiiglflii'. F.illu said Unit 1 wns a silly tiling Intake him after be'J jilted me, an' thill l»e v d cimc back Hficra-home, but we were tooTiappy to mind Piltmry gossip. '-'Our bridal-lour was A-Vrnlh o t w to :lhe ^vent-over Hip old lipmr;—= 1! P*wre-«M-goo«r»»-'— »- I've no chance to tell 'em of my sorrow nnt a misspent life, nu' now llwy'll ntiver know,' "laid he, nn' I trjrfa' lo comfort htm. Whispered: 'One day tusn^'W know-^when the rnists nro roduce,taken in at^Mrteetvpwei, in,l.trade. nntt try my gnnriw aTid pTJCRft the means V nyy lo«in'Jnlth In evejy hnman_ 55IJI»;I giiw uie cfinir.init.un: i imnK inen_an" thare yicldi'd to Anniu'a fascinntlon, ni he nevereame to oiiMininns nfffrflHalTSriSf\ILOMi wi'Ok, wiliiiiiila word of WHrnlo', y i y e r d l h n f 'ZL-kifl an'Annie were irinrrnd. , "Ti.ifl Hs-kcrs came ,tn ire me, an' in my lilllOrni'Si I rijoliod when 1 snw Ihnt 'Zekel wns not fnrglvL'n by them. 'Nollber he nor 4iis-fiirriB l -pHi*nted-wife-s!iBtr'etiteroaT-d0orT Blic, lhe JiEobel, bus caused him to net the villnin, now let herjienr with bll weakness,' .WiriLlilLfalliBt'ajloJdjL .„.^ M ' "A few weeks after lhe weddin*,"iifler i u B . iiriv"liefTleer 'Zekel ah' Annie at,leinnted - lo lie friendly with mej but I poornid totouolr trwrroutfHttlclitd hands. Afier Ihat 1 grew |^yn4eafcf^iMdggj^io-yCTrt-tolTetl^rj-Hit 'Zekel's home was ft cheerless one and thai all Annie's preltinlH was gtine, 1 . OAe by doe the Ilarker glrli married! movln'westward wllb their husbands. The mother went to sleep one afternoon an' arose~lo anolUBr' world, the morigngo on the homeWeadL^WM foweloaed, an 1 1 b"rougBilKie"Kthirllarker, i'lfln' him my owD lather's vucaut place beside the old hjarlhilpne. • : . " ' ,.^ '•Thnpm*BfteiiB-ye>rj-Tildnie^n»Bd •Retail nn 1 Annie gently, and P»%IB aald •twaia pun. Isbrnent sent on Aarjle »n' him for their trench- try. The poor ereoluru had rio room to pros- per, havln' nothio' to commence houaekeepin' Mb^iBSgonaaSoSlfaoeiri'ESnmOrwd^r: put a root wif one's head. Their home waa clearoiljiway, nnTwe tlmll Know ns we, are known.' ' -"1-dotj't think tha^arld hol.U «nv TOUJJIB ilian 'Zehol an' me. I've-. i i k W him foruitturan 1 wnrge, hfs 4 wrtkne^^wHI^ riia better qnnlllies, jest because I haveallni loved him. An' 'Zekel's daughteri * yMiii^ girl with a look of Annie about her, - <l» eotolri* tn -brlgbtei»Tup41«-oid.plice^ find in meitender, |otlB*molhtri» "I oan't say, mo'm., bow 'twould liev ended jfjZjkel bad come back rich, no' wenrto' pur- ple Bo' One linen, eafryin*' hTT'ttciia Jilgft aT rBOSt euqcessful men dn, an'Jn-'d found ron ^ ttrpng an 1 weJIT"Winunelrt bearu are atrajgt Tesiels, beyQnAUromtderaUmdJa!.Qttbe-»f»cal rJltM with a lOTrTraVTOBteBtrttSBeriptkBaipa befoifl. —••/.. v >..-"W^ii..;-k."*'«•••'.. s • "Zekel'a eaijli 1 mt,"n5irtlH Mman'tne to* ba;n lotlln'on tnkln'the early spplei to tho n 1 , even feelln' 1)HtBr (t0wsfd~ I can't tell In words h o c dearly I loved Annie an' traited In her, Shjfral the dnngtMw Of a paaper furnnir, wlioai*aa tn.a delnpmated* oabin upon the edge of onr farmj- y %tbeB'pili jeajllLBanJkJP' - trled_tfjil^h#^' was very handy at bonnet Irim TDikln', *ud eictjfUjdJr ••Zeliel Harker, my lover, wns the pride or hlo family, an" flnn wan lm Mm. s dotlo' folka mote'o WM good'for Oid Mr.^tnd-MIM -Barker W tht glrla wouWfithemrtohii,dplpl famj Unrk. ind •> l»» »«fn't nmMv (anil dt illimln" an 1 a^enbtn In a swamp; 'Zekol wnB a poor mann- y r p In'talkm'instld o' (idpln* gather ^lo^tlio brllo!_8un without a lunch, ^ialtel** pot strobg an'needs good care, which, ibe,,ib«ll bev, if-PeM*>py QfMpo^stketJSbm*iziur own mind. 1 " A Liberty Pole—KoscloaioS SI 'JoBkwr?einbr> ger.au' Annie Waa not ncell,nn f their children ran wild for JMQV of pwper «ra in'^altio^ tion. "Ope fnornln" after, Mr. barker had been with me a TprtDif^n DB caone,t^i tha toom after b < l k 4 lTthl| taf' 'P 'Pen- ••i.toaiteOsptljRHOWIfciWiBMiiWBm**^ j»afdi^» ihoBgyn^ill^ ' 1 Mmim^^^^M told that be """' P 'He doeant V h H H to cam« .bout the g' heft of Jhte mmMM&ms&u

Transcript of WANTED. SHIRTS · Vol. xliv. No. 5. HfgMitow^^ —])R.A. DAW.ES, SURGEON DENTIST. a...

Page 1: WANTED. SHIRTS · Vol. xliv. No. 5. HfgMitow^^ —])R.A. DAW.ES, SURGEON DENTIST. a mmrttnVHtnra^tif looorrnptibl* Own T««th. Jiaioe uxt-dooctn-raalilonap, JSTRtn ttToati _

- • " " • "- " • " : - " ' " " " " "

Vol. xliv. No. 5. HfgMitow^^ —


a mmrttnVHtnra^tif looorrnptibl* Own T««th.Jiaioe uxt-dooctn-raalilonap, JSTRtn ttToati _

D Vitiiout pain, by tUo nss ofI.a.«gMtiK (Jin.

>r B—The new putsnt flam ila»e, »o valiu binr Ha HKhtnels, oamfort Mid eUanllnou, la "Ho

An oxamlnatloh 1» inMtod. apr l-ly

r^S^f^^ffiiSL-iaiidSTttrgeon.,I • ' OBANBTIHT, K. J.

„ _ . }7toM

] ) R . C. J, JiAZARJ),•DENTIST.


ions mimlolBtereil,

^TpjBOTBoMH)7 to 10IA. M,




Why our new schedule f cut rale prices.



Physician and Surgeon,offloo and Rosldonoo, opp. Peilillo Institute,SOUTH JVVA/1N S T K S E T 1 1 U < > H T S T O W N 7 "

•Omoo HourB:—T to I) A. «., 12 to 2, and 0 to T r. M.fob I-ly


"Attorney."and^Opunselor at Law,' Bolioitor aad|Maater In.Chancery...


Oollootloni m>(la In .all parts of the United

Morticn«iifor«olosnro«uniisi!inihiiitloniH titlesi, gpnolnlty.

Money to Loan on Bond and


SHIRTSSpfcCifl Inducements for learners,, .find'.nr-

T$ngcmcnte nrade"witbi4iO8(j living out of town



A, J. ASHTONMain St.* opp—IIspti8l-.Cuu.rcht


Master and Examiner in Chancery.HIGUTSTOWN,

— No.-R9, T. O-O- F. _ _60tTuostlny ETOiUnjjs ot OftOli wook, n.tI8 o'cloulc.

1SA,A,U WDLOOTT, It. Soo'y. mySB.tr

^===^^^^^ffiyJu.Btioe oftlie'-Feape,



and Best MoquetsBest Tapestry BruaeelsGood^Tapesti'y BrusselsMedium Tapestry-BrusselsBest all wool IngrainGood wool IngrainMedium IngrainCommon Ingrain




Wldeiepni .brow tbo (hntton, (nd , •••„.... JmniartMiH Ornw artd*. „ . ' _Lhlm^UejiBgj> hajdiaTrieyniing feller.

In i l l their ijBldeB.pride; , - p . * . . . . .WiiiiimBUorrif fnnttiostly HigE

TMJ take the ruliibow bloom f

Hurki r «lrl« w«ro course Hdme-

LargSBt stock to select from; We hmte comparison.


They'll Ihnwer ROini! otijlt Instead,And K'orlfy tho room.

«lnd ar«;tbo;tluinic« that they brloirFrom wood, and field,- and nil!,

Froqi singing;Wn\ and humming beo,And llttlo iltinclnglrlll,

lioforo thorn manyCihaiiowit fly,They bnnlfloltliouglltii or Bloom;

Tlien, wlth|a welcome, let them In?To^lorllj tho room.

With tliem comes health—npon the weakTh-y tnutiy bleA?1nt(8 tthed.

Iholr hlisea ttrciiKthen tlreil eye^And tduchTjpale'oiieekfl~w"lln" red"

No pliico too drear Tor them to seekIts darkness to Illume ,

Thank God that wacaii let them InTo ftlorlly tho mom ~~ -

Imryspiinjhc yenr roonil, B«»In' enough jnolicy lo

id hec'>mo

ycnmpnreil lilin nn' M» easy iimuin-re wllh tlio

coitru»t Incncli l ^ r . Rout my blr«?n.J iln' jmrilnri, w

' forget' that he'U.iny'svp,!'»;+(•« fly,



-SSUNKSr UMBEJELLAS, &o,A gQQd naiOgtasrit. always sa hand, at. the

apt l-ly



MeotlBKI and pnrtlaKi 0! friend nn'lf^vcr,

awkwnrrt fnrinHr'lH^s. • •.. ,,

"'Zekel'i oldest «!s«>f, 'TlldyAnfi, jnade.no,Sucre, of herVei'iioin1 -l.linl we were' promlwd,OBllIn'me Bister at the sings, quill\v*i an' ap-plepnrliiVnii'-ftllrlhegirls efiurlAi'liimr'^CBlAnnie B<mn, who l l lul noted at If Hie hadn'ta reennd thought for lilm, Everybody t'jpoMi)we'd lie -ir.nrner. by the lima I'was, my ownmfstreM, but some wny 'Zektl didn't get on Inbuilnost. Ai 27 lie wni still unsettled at tohis future otriiipiiliiiri. After iiiidylqg' for afew> months lnw, medielrio and forlne rolnli.tr-yr he-rhHiiKdii-lils i(iinil,.aiii4UaagIneiL4UaLhe could invent some wonderful machine Hintwiiiild brliiR him a fortune, nn' 'Tlldy Ann saidllio shouldn't wonder If lie did, that 'Ztikel wassmart fennugh l iHo "anything [id wnlVn.mini"10. Father once quoted 10 mei 'UoslablB aawnler, tliou sliiill not vMe,\,' I knew whnt hemrnnt, nu' spoke up for 'Z«kel, saylii* his in^luilrot wTis of n: higher gmila tiianThe»clodifnrnnnil us. Only BITP him time no' he would J

Uneofthosa Jay» will ear handa ho fulilDil,""Onfl"«ftlieiniii[VTWtH'thBT»Tlt'beTloiier :^lnIll\%rnre^«awroBr=ii?ii'IiSTi-rBourOOTr~—HBd5a<BF-l*b0M4»B«fttlrth«-tuni —

ilnyn will the lie


Beit, Largest and Cheapest

, FT

r lii-iy £fe3:PEDDIE INSTITUTE,


A Thorough School for hotli Sexoa,Fall TcwatMiglns Scptombqr-14Hv, 1887.

parm ntnilents far any fjollego n r ' t r B J ' l" B6IrrtHiTiiolld-Biid-ornBnienl»l-orftlii!iiuii.

UnDolinOiitof thoio Uiiya will tho burden ilrop;

Ko'v«r OKftln shall ahoiie deoeivo UJ,™-ygf6f nitlililglllngf progfMtrttlpi.- Froed from itiabligbtaithB-viiB enira

, Uus Urjic-Tildy Anq an' MnnUydicil with :tlie"pneUitinny feVer.

bronnlit on by-brin1 ciyicbt in n clreoebln'-rmn-otrthi.-rr-iviry-tTr-rliL' <V0»llTl nilllT-wlteTreitnjy'Jbi'i'n lo Ofll tlu-lr wool. Mundy's lost wordswere:'. 'Yti.n'll.—flii'l—I lie—money—'Zeke.1—AYjiiitLd--iii-:iiiv—Lii'PI.' lie cxnraincll fi

hnsdlif tji rJjiiHtl[n'>:nSyftiri' i e f rjim< Wntjwffi «*«<*• ; s # i ; ^ 5 w ; • '- ••-••

"Biit|liBrd;«nW niy/JM'«t, fufmnlffimfhead ^i(li|r, ilianklnL.1% M'M'1!1 Iffw0^^Vueii an Incnpnble, wlilnfn; cr^Hir ^R^nnle.^theFbarW^ialdii^miw'^pr^JJ^i^}-».B«~r« spebli plawttt: J v i »Mf»Mm §m • * I

wa. loth to glfe plm ttp w^n J^rfle|.^(Brktrwfioliia'jinwHr^ amrcirvriand^j n^n,,carneafter lilm ,tu talie lilm 10 her MeJjrasky; §nmt(Tueb I,Mppied;B ^«i|pW liny, '^liiipp^ed thbe a reit Wiaiiri'lBelpJq'an^rflftiryj^pt Sn.ewry.wayl . • '"'." .]".'. ','•".',. _i;I Ikbd; on In lUe M lionm ftftBWple:: ' ' VVjjlought mt ootapanjri or p«lf| mo (lie rttte'ritlorl ^ ^so dear 10 the heart of nioil vf Irpnien. — trHliMikin' buck, I can nee ihnt peopla let me

Sly one desire waa reTciiffO, hn* humble '2ekclto llic very dns>, (Iionjjli often uiy (nflier'dwords Wfinlil run In my dead) aansin*, pio Irftremble leil I shut myself onl of UeaTetii 'Ifye fori(IV^DiitLliow con _y_tt cjtpccLto.bi; fou

f P

-"^ok to -i jTaneway ^ Co., Papor Momufee—turers; aa.d Memoved my entire buswiess to

=Ne^EBar^=^T7,, wHire"! have Two large a n t-e©afflodfi©s&—Stafeles -^^-SMO—Mpottd-Sti-and 19 & 21 Atlantic St., und^r the

wlnBtU with tho health of immofiai liro, .Ono of thoio dftyi'woiilittlHqult lorowr

All that Ii veilBg.lnoarlhljitriro, ,'.--

One orthoiodoy! wo ihnll know thoreassn,. H^ply, sLiaaeJiAti&j^jirjiiaxog JJHT.L

Ono of llieio aavt, In tlis fjord's good son son,0108 Ihall ndorntlio brow.

1I1 tribulationifirtht insil

l-Uht of his pi.net shBlcsj"!il,^hougli outVi

TTTftod to dwell In Ills sen bright Mnlle,Hoi.py ttrjlmrn In IHelifrciltoBt salvation

W B I I loiiyiivo tarryit-'Httlo while:

me Hint lie, wns mi Ibu rvo of niicccdln' wi ld

Ilia Itivi'iilinn, nn' needed n Illllu m o n e y to

flnlih i tjj in1 Mikiidy^ioil jindu^tiikiMiJq^^et^'1

Tiir h im.

'"I.liisil lily Jcclln«a, liutLin!im!n_finCC..dmlu'Die next few.weeks, linvln' Ziikcl. called scl.flsli nn' n n('viTd(i;w(!ll, 'Z kcl becrd their

: i>lil farmer silvlBed him loquit ilnfiiiiin' nil' put Ins hnnd to the plow, orhis Olh'i* simora wVTiiln"fdlli-r"TiUIVAnll 'In'

reA^nilo^ieeiln^±ntl1sJlc»tlmt3riZi;4iyy lienrt wnsn't riglitanLdineajuUpray tliMtuiid's riiijci any faitlier thwurtlieuM words-, •

o.nr debtors,' 'lent' I lirtflg dpoq mon curtv, Itistid of ii lilessiu*.

^Juhn, myladopied ann~, grew up, married


!. " 1 LllatlttitUn ttn'-out-Uw.blgoadnrttnn' wlutfUiiy— [_Elil.lll_n.hotnj!_tiLiiur.



Cost psr year in all tne BfllldBrMiahsi |2M,Twonromtnefiiinllytw, .

_JTBltlon.f6e DaySalioiaMtilMiW." E«Jl?«^«*^f Spsolftl tBrnii by agnomsnt. Bond lor Oat-

" l0"* "' fiiV; jbawosBBHB.A.M., '

I you WANT-TOm«ss^~-Sand for O i M l o p i and IBfornjMlon of tfco-

ITrenion Business €

Ana soaooi,' i» Si»nTa4,sb, Msioalo Tonplt,Tronton, N. J. ' . ;

It do«I mars thorough wot k and »B/pIBiore youhgmen to good sailttofu than any attaer. AilrtresnOpBIiBBpt.6. A, J .BIUBB, Jrlnolpal.

7 ^ ^ l 0 N ¥ COLEKAN, ^

PIANO, ORGAN & HARMONY.ArrnnKeniflntB oim *o modfi for tho^uso of Pedal

t)rgan at tho IIOUBO-


The "KNABK" Piano-Fortes,Unffiualod In Tone, Touch, DacahlltLy and


AND 7^1 E


"Tnke the old rockln' cheer, mo'in nnf setby~lhc cn»l winder, wlieru you ciiii~gcc "thi;wuler in the brook spaiklin1, und the icd birds

X I shall constantly keep from_150 to 200 head^of HORSES^ and MULES,of alljkinds. si%es% and quaWbiesr so that per-sons coming-from a distance need have-nodoubt that they will find anything andeverything in shape of Horses or Mules.

Also, Persons living_at_a* di h h M


Knubo Cabinet Ornht) lyano ftn*. a Bufd tOrgan can lio fioflii at tho huuso,

Stockton St., Higlitsto-wn.sept 2I-tr

A Urto qnaatlty of.Hag ;Oarn«t on-hiiBft ntmttlB a« aooa M O I D Be purohftiaa In, any mortal.





o, g__ stace^tto* drive, "who have Morses or M/uUes tochange, I have Men for the purpose of goingto examine such, and the exchange can bemade by Railroad travel. __

Also, "Stock delivered to any~pwrf~of^ theState Free of Expense, and satisfactionGuaranteed.

[Es*11 Fr,tiin, two lo three Car. loads arrive••weekly, fromCanada, Pennsylvania, Ionia, MUcMgan, Indiana, Ken-tucky, etc., etc.

Plenty of Second-hand Stock always onhand; good for service in the country.

I buying stock Personally, and payingt h r 7~ l J r B C l

ooke." I'm prnpcr-glml Iliftt jmii like our placeIhongh~il<i8i) old riiBlimni-d 'Zikcl vmrn'Tovi-rly noxious foe '«« lo liiko bonnlcrs thisRiimmcr, us Inat ytnr I (liil lio* » tryin1 limebetween Ihe whiiriB un' notions of a finickywlUcler nu' a tlniorsomc mntden Indy. Theyvcrclilliia warrtn' nnriTpnllm'-wlU) cncli-otlur>n u wny U'Ol Trnrn't goort In nee. NolMn'plcnflcd 'cm; tlic house, was too Bmnll;my cook.In1 old fnahioncd, un' they eenrned my pmii-n,coiitinooaly nokin' mo why I ilidn't huv bcR'in-ine, j;efniiiuii's nn' caroMloim; cimtcnd o' clovepinke, inuriiioolp, Inyloffltsffri'nowfliy almnii'n.


fnt'l miMin.

diTilooii hia hupefl nn' Minn, nn'Ihon I spnkeout, tellln' him I'd HIIIIB slniiil by liiiii, uo

ad' left I'illhuryi Agnin I wai nlonei in*mada up my mind I'd nllura Ilvo in ( . ariJMlii'vfitli a nel ihhbrl l i trrwnaiy. i i fe l^y. i j i fcMp-Rny one wltli me nn' tile pnrtln1' witii 'yni alleraindriened inFj art* tile np«t Bve years I liiidnncompnny 'rjepl B.JOOon' the.cnl.loilln1 earlyliu'ilale-lHylH' dp-stores of frtiii, eriiin an'-

Sal I didn't neid, atTtikin' summerbniirdcrs Jeet fer company, Wlicii ontf October1

morning found mo noi KijIcloJcnVeTiiy tK>il7~-Ciiluukloly_woxn;.9ili;:jin'noont1 to hand iiie a

(if wfllcr, lliougli the ncl(jhhorad, iiftrr they founil out my need.

imrth?rwrmHfflpi«Hietl.—W-ne»«r-f<wgt)twe-) ^Durln' my-MgaiitiugeelM^angerinH-waa^wire promiiBd, nu1 'lliU seemed 10 Obi-cr biro - lyln'helplelsnn'eryln'i the future seemed soiip-HTifntOTfLrrl}*. ~ " — — dreary4o-ins-aif*i—WlicB-someUody-JrappeU ar-

"Ills folks hi'gnii to bu nrixloiis for Us.to donr,

'system was nil run down, nn' in^lSgjQhgr 1wns taken with a slow; lingerin' rfeer, oBFrt<.me inore'ntribble thoimouey I'd mWih payln'out fer medicine an* doctor bills.

F. D. BtJDtDNG. iSTlT., Pnm;1p(tl7 -•FOUBTIi TERM UIJOiNS ABI'lfi 10TH, 188a.


Hardware, Furniture,.Willow Ware, Oil01oths,RopiB,«&o.

Partlei jmferrlBgto loiost Irom.Wew TartarJhllad>lBliln,M»8MBgnJi_of rnfBUBre.aaBlttYB

hend lor \Jawmi;Un


Cream Ridge Marl!

Hb l-iy

WELLER,-Wholesale and Rotall Dealiirlri and Ittanulnotur-






7 y g pand acquaintance of the business enablesm e to _hav_e__them to sell cheaper than most.anyone else.

2 2

.me_/or_l_hi_ne«t tfrj^iiiira they troopea nroiin' | jylt

from -2O0O -to—2SOO 1 n'n.ti^ell^ affir^ to sell at^ small profits ' so a |- # ^ f f l P p ^ ^ ^ S a e : ^ t o "looK™ at-IBL^ pofii-b^Sre puroirera^g^iliewlLer©,. 150 to 250 Horses 5, Mules for Sale or Exchange

^ ••„,."••• AT 820 BMOAD STJiJBST, ,

W. MOKMIS, Newark, JV1 J.— IN T H K

Bill It's an ill wind Ihnt blows ^jest wlmn my nkli-s'wi'rn llnrki'al Mil-

Ijoul fcnt 'Zdsel to nu, an' nil'biltcrni-ss nn'lmrdnefiB between us was ho.nlcri. Now, mo'inI know Jeal what you're tliliikiu', but 'Zckeun' me nren'l the hiiabiind nn' wife, of lonKatnndiu', thoiigh in our early ynmli we werepromised to each oilier. We're Imnlly overour.honeymoon, or I should pay- the ttnie 'lotled tor. It to hut. .-'ZcKcl nn'-mci' nftcr longyeors livln'apart, hcv determined Hint no vinegiir moons shall rise, full an' wane, in our fu-ture.

'Tin allo'SOftu' 'Zi'kel'a 57,-an' ot 20 1

JIQur fjifinj jn|iujl|> mi'Air. IlnrkBr BHM weeniild eoiinl on forty ncres npiece of gohij'met.luw hind, Bii'twoulihi'i lake lonR to p u l u iup II hewed Ing limine, |pod eniiugh for nny.body, I wui willlii1 to this nminguinent, but'Zuktil wnnttul la itnit in liL-HL-r'aiyli-, an' pic.4iirBd»ei!y lifejq nlCD_limL_ljnjuo lojhipk«s be did-, ytt I novur tinpped ,»plBnlB' atadwcaein'jirUqlesJorLiiiy weddin1 oulflL- t.

"In Uinio dnys I iviia hiippy. Aunio helpedme with my wuildln' prnpiiralions, no' everyliny 'Zi'Hbl ciiiiu' lii Inok on. One June nflur-noon Annie nu' me were In our prohnrd sptink*till* iiiiLui Ihat was HUB IJIUHUIIIII*

UlJt lilU IVlllI

In,' saya I, tbl(iWn^-

n trTJoiTpirtriurfil, me wnrl'i Bi't'iiiiiJ UIIfull of j iy and lhe birdajEnng ao Bwettly.

" 'Oli. Annie,, wliy don't « lover como awonln'yoii? II'H no sweet to^be loved, nn'yonl i t no much prettier than me, Jl'a so mrangeHull a lover doemi't flud } n» nut. ' aniiLJ, notliearin''Z kil'fl slip, mi' enllrHy unaware ofhie presence until A.iinii;'o blushes caiiBcd meto turn about lo Hull my lover llflle-iiin' to mysilly words.

1 To hidi my liinslics I run il'iwn Ihiihlll Intothe garden, nu' (ralhercd u handful of dnnmekun' oiiiiiiimrni rn«c5, Ilidn hurried back, In myvanliy, tlunkin' 'Zi'Ri'l would count the limelung until I wns Jwilli lilin. As 1 walkedslowly up the hill 1 nnw in Annie's bluo.eyi^a

,ncw liylit. 'Twag like the expression of onewild, him Ruined Imr lieaiL'ii dealrc. Thoagh all

Whlpple with a cup o^ suup, nr^-^Ztkcl, gn-yon' pule,lm' drtteiif similar to a tramp, comehi.

"Straight up lo my twdsidc Iffi csmo, h"ld-in' nut hta thiri' trelnblin* hand, oayin' in atimid way -..

•"Penelopyl""Jeal then Ibo ilrangKRt feclm'cume ovef

me, all llio blllcr. sad past of me waschnngttdInto pence nn1 hnppinrpa. S«y» he, 'Aupie'sbeen gone yeom, my children are all Rone,'ccriLlwo, an' I'VB comu a hnmtlesa Irnmp loheg your pnnlou for—fi-r'—hut it's no use try-in1 in lell~]esrlrnw h onnie aboui, "in Icss'n

jnskd[tin- full bitlcrneiis o bcln'jilK d, nn', aiIlhougM, \yithoiit jiiat" cnilBc upon my" pnTTTroubles don't conifi singly, £n' it Deemed lo

me ua^ii I ft'lt ihnt life warn't wortli livin'i.an'fiod hnd forgotten me, but I'<^ lived to

Baa^nrenttan^IUin^-"At 80 I found myself alone in the world ,

fattier;1 moilicr, brothers tfh' ft »l«teM>!r lay in

evi-iyda o r rintr-»hrnic-h1on«ijfrri«n'-MiL uln.>[niade w»» graceful. I

uB I lookltlle pains w jUwny own atllre, Ihlnkln' morn

of my work. I wiis homely an' l-"know It.


J. S. HOOEKB, Agent,




MERCHANT MILLERS,wlsn Ihcir maiiv patmne^A

V r T E A Kand alt who kivs nnfer nted onr Boar

by ntlnir In yonr lamlllei ourprlme flour msns-X- V ^ T p ^ t B f ^ f g p r f i i l r t y t a f - ^ — — - ^ ^

*M0DJBJCM0MfyES^J^^^S/firnifflntinnory11 «c«ens « t^ Trenton^ H. # . ,

'oo of tho.kloa in tho State.*1***»*'i * Full Boiler Gronud.

anQliiotiire'oriJoiir. ,All OUT Hoar U mma« from solootfta wbbn mna

§Eyjg^^ r^sfifiSssiil

wishes to thank Jiis friend.B_for_th.eir past ..favors andliopes for

"""Ta'contiriuahce of the same. I ha-ve

Fnil Line of Pry Goods,AS-WBLI. A8

lhe oliuroliynrH ynu^oan s « aernst "tho way.B u t ! hnd Ibis farm nn' my ona ambition wnslo make It the envy .of my nbighbori an1 toshow "em ihnt 'Zekol linrtn't quite orbsUed mowhen he deserled rne for Annie Bonn. Pulli.er WBB the' last QBiLto go. For Ovet^iHear-he.•at helpless. Jest where I placed Ills cheer, ni-lns e loiikln'^Iinppy, though I could see thnlhe longed IQ^be free from hliuendnge. Onoconsolation waa left to him, he Oould talk, ai-(this faeOlties Blemid to be OlWMr nn^sharperj_h«« whan lin w»a n BtmnpjBitaritive m a n ^ ^!^UHM8''erlmantltfned-aBkeU» nnmo lo_jfle^uVoBeo^atterlhp wMrtln', an* lhBtwnj-tba|week berori he wont to the belter oquntry, ~S:neighbor catno over to buy a buahel of myebojeo seed potatoes for planlin', and told usof the trouble 'Zehei'i folk! were hevin' withlIckneMan' poverty. When we were* alonefather looked pleaain'ly at me and mid, vejrltf£ryT-~~--~ ~~~~^--~— —— ———

^ 'If we—foriive—not—bow—iball—we—DppiloSbissforglveofi.L - L _ _ _ _ ^ ,

"1 kne^ that I Wai eherialiln' wicked fe»lTIn'ik my beiri, but 1{! jeanSd to me 'iekejBD» Annie didn't dettr?e sympathy or pardonfrom us, Toniee, mo'fn, Annii, Bonn wasraydesrcit frleod. I'd allui ibired ny M .

•Bfttrwitb her, glrr fisgioiv never dreaialiii.|she WM ibeB plirjnlpy trtteherx W wii to hi

"hrrrf mi~))niir*ZelieI wml me wrr"Mis' Whlpplo was so shocked to flnd

thought, n highway robht-r or an escopfd lunn-lie Ritllu" oy me, holdlng_niy_hand, Ihat^sliolet the bowl of sup fnTl ou the stone hearth an'ECrcnmed for Joslali, licrJniib.in', wjii) w u onhis wny to town nu1 had brought her to mygate. J'jsiah camt) rnnnlo' in nn recognized'Zckel nn' had a jjni'id laugU nt Miu' VVhipple'omistake.

MIn n week I wmfti slrnng as ever an' busymakin' 'Ztkel a new milt of blue jean, as wemeant lo bo married luforo Tlmnkiiglflii'.F.illu said Unit 1 wns a silly tiling Intake himafter be'J jilted me, an' thill l»evd c imc backHficra-home, but we were tooTiappy to mindPiltmry gossip.

'-'Our bridal-lour was A-Vrnlh o t w to :lhe

^vent-over Hip old lipmr;—=1!P*wre-«M-goo«r»»-'— » - •I've no chance to tell 'em of my sorrow nnt amisspent life, nu' now llwy'll ntiver know,'

"laid he, nn' I trjrfa' lo comfort htm. Whispered:'One day tusn 'W know-^when the rnists nro

roduce,taken in at^Mrteetvpwei, in,l.trade.nntt t ry my gnnriw aTid pTJCRft

the means V nyy lo«in'Jnlth In evejy hnman_

55IJI»;I giiw uie cfinir.init.un: i imnK inen_an"thare yicldi'd to Anniu'a fascinntlon, ni henevereame to oiiMininns nfffrflHalTSriSf\ILOMiwi'Ok, wiliiiiiila word of WHrnlo', yiyerdlhnf'ZL-kifl an'Annie were irinrrnd. ,

"Ti.ifl Hs-kcrs came ,tn ire me, an' in mylilllOrni'Si I rijoliod when 1 snw Ihnt 'Zekelwns not fnrglvL'n by them. 'Nollber he nor4iis-fiirriBl-pHi*nted-wife-s!iBtr'etiteroaT-d0orTBlic, lhe JiEobel, bus caused him to net thevillnin, now let herjienr with bll weakness,'.WiriLlilLfalliBt'ajloJdjL .„ . ^ M '

"A few weeks after lhe weddin*,"iifler iuB.iiriv"liefTleer 'Zekel ah' Annie at,leinnted- lo

l i e friendly with mej but I poornid totouolrtrwrroutfHttlclitd hands. Afier Ihat 1 grew|^yn4eafcf^iMdggj^io-yCTrt-tolTetl^rj-Hit

'Zekel's home was ft cheerless one and thai allAnnie's preltinlH was gtine,1. OAe by doe theIlarker glrli married! movln'westward wllbtheir husbands. The mother went to sleep oneafternoon an' arose~lo anolUBr' world, themorigngo on the homeWeadL^WM foweloaed,an11 b"rougBilKie"Kthirllarker, i'lfln' himmy owD lather's vucaut place beside the oldhjarlhilpne. • : . " ' ,.

'•Thnpm*BfteiiB-ye>rj-Tildnie^n»Bd •Retailnn1 Annie gently, and P»%IB aald •twaia pun.Isbrnent sent on Aarjle »n' him for their trench-try. The poor ereoluru had rio room to pros-per, havln' nothio' to commence houaekeepin'Mb^iBSgonaaSoSlfaoeiri'ESnmOrwd^r:put a root wif one's head. Their home waa

clearoiljiway, nnTwe tlmll Know ns we, areknown.' '-"1-dotj't think tha^arld hol.U «nv

TOUJJIB ilian 'Zehol an' me. I've-. i i k W himforuitturan1 wnrge, hfs4 wrtkne^^wHI^ riiabetter qnnlllies, jest because I haveallni lovedhim. An' 'Zekel's daughteri * yMiii^ girlwith a look of Annie about her, - <l» eotolri* tn

-brlgbtei»Tup41«-oid.plice^find in me i t ender , |otlB*molhtri»

"I oan't say, mo'm., bow 'twould liev endedjfjZjkel bad come back rich, no' wenrto' pur-ple Bo' One linen, eafryin*' hTT'ttciia Jilgft aTrBOSt euqcessful men dn, an'Jn-'d found ron ^ttrpng an1 weJIT"Winunelrt bearu are atrajgtTesiels, beyQnAUromtderaUmdJa!.Qttbe-»f»cal

rJltM with a lOTrTraVTOBteBtrttSBeriptkBaipab e f o i f l . — • • / . . v > . . - " W ^ i i . . ; - k . " * ' « • • • ' . . s •

"Zekel'a eaijli1 mt,"n5irtlH Mman'tne to*ba;n lotlln'on tnkln'the early spplei to tho

n1, even feelln' 1)HtBr (t0wsfd~I can't tell In words hoc dearly I loved Anniean' traited In her, Shjfral the dnngtMw Of apaaper furnnir, wlioai*aa tn.a delnpmated*oabin upon the edge of onr farmj- y %tbeB'pilijeajllLBanJkJP' - t r l e d _ t f j i l ^ h # ^ 'was very handy at bonnet IrimTDikln', *ud eictjfUjdJr

••Zeliel Harker, my lover, wns the pride orhlo family, an" flnn wan lm

Mm.s dotlo' folka mote'o WM good'for

Oid Mr. tnd-MIM -Barker W tht glrlawouWfithemrtohii,dplpl famj Unrk. ind •>l»» »«fn't nmMv (anil dt illimln" an1

a^enbtn In a swamp; 'Zekol wnB a poor mann-

y r pIn'talkm'instld o' (idpln* gather

^ lo^t l iobrllo!_8un without a lunch, ^ialtel** potstrobg an'needs good care, which, ibe,,ib«llbev, if-PeM*>py QfMpo^stketJSbm*iziurown mind.1"

A Liberty Pole—KoscloaioS S I'JoBkwr?einbr>

ger.au' Annie Waa not ncell,nnf their childrenran wild for JMQV of pwper «ra in'^altio^tion.

"Ope fnornln" after, Mr. barker had beenwith me a TprtDif^n D B caone,t^i tha toom after

b < l k 4 l T t h l | taf' 'P'Pen-


j»afdi » i h o B g y n ^ i l l ^

' 1Mmim^^^^M

told that be

t£ """'

P 'He doeant

V h H H

to cam« .bout the g' heft of Jhte


Page 2: WANTED. SHIRTS · Vol. xliv. No. 5. HfgMitow^^ —])R.A. DAW.ES, SURGEON DENTIST. a mmrttnVHtnra^tif looorrnptibl* Own T««th. Jiaioe uxt-dooctn-raalilonap, JSTRtn ttToati _

• - ' * \—Jt-'


ilwv I oolanoi i*««nM »Ho».


•- Blgbtitewa, IT. J.


— Tb»- /ollowlnrpupilrwore not one* abtontdotlDf"Ibo month njd|ng April Sftli

PepUTTer l.-JOriclc~Fry«t. Bor_« Smith,hot wgll,

rlanaMiller, O/abelloFryir, Wm. Brown

Bept. No. *.—Buifle Anrlcrton, Mary Hsr-llAlid, Ella SailthrLiicy Cox, Mary Wail, EraKelley. Bennie 8lrko_l, Wm^Qnig. EH Fryor.

Depl. KB. 8,'—Migglc CiiTe~May Donnrll.ADDIS Shotwoll, Ellcb Lewli, May Mount,Mary J. Mycr*, Ororge Craig, E irneil Sklll-man, -Cbarle* Welter, Mornatiickel, Jo*ephC

dltmiwcd by-

GeneralJE Biird Orubb, Commander of the.New"JerteyrWpfiFtniiFnSraBd Army of lhaRepublic, has returned from bis extended tripto the South.


K warrBe~fEat cxatrd • good deal ofanime-

tli* FredAntun, it Hew BYuniwIck. Two tl«leditor* had eiubfahed ibsnuelvri there, andboth were turning out "cop}" and ttodlDg llto (be compiling room*, while the foremanwat unrfrcldml a d o which to accept arid -'set

_^ipJ",_Tha_4»nabto-aro»eo»eiJhe remoial otpr, I, P, P,IT|», who Im* been editor of theFrrdnnlno for (ouf monlln. The dlpetori

'Were not mllttfl«d-wiih hi* management of liteSbpaper, »pd tajuetied Dnrli to resign, offering

hlo) two weeks'inlary In ndtance. Dnvti re-fined to no. He intd that ho had a contractto act for a year a* editor of'lhe psp*r(. andthat be wa> going to tnye onl ilia rest of histime add demand 1I14 pny. Ttie director! ac ~cw-Ilngly Btimmnrilv riiiunlntd him artd-ap.pointed Howard I). Tlndell to sneered him.

Tuetday innmlng Tlmli Hjipp«ml_aiid pro-poied lo tike the vilitorlnl clink. DBTFS wnathere atu-nd of biin mid r*f«J«l to go. He solIn-Iho editorial chnir, refused Tindi-ll admll-lancericniic cilttorml rnome, and calmly pro

dial lo wrlle li'» tdlliirl'ul on municipal re.

-fnim TihTlfll-firtiililljIifil titmw-lf-Tiowp»|filf>

nmlgfflutntnry. Em.1i avnt Ms 'matter upBtilrn,'«"O.rll cl»lDlv'l_llie. filhl lo be^jilieyeri, ouchwlahed-Id fii*4«» t)ii' ri-ptytiin' copy nnd Ihc_eniptnyefi of Hie ifflcu didn't know whom Ifobry. The direct--n weic acnl for In h»t lined:nm^lliry gn*c Irntriiillom to Ignore DUTIIL - j ^

97, Rcbccca-Fryfr97rBlntK-heDey-97, Ml»-nio~ Howlnnrl fl7,—Mny Mi Kennn-_B7, Jneie

-Trnry 97, M*il- nib Bniilh 90 0«'>r(;« Brown96,-ElliiBililllrO9, Maiy JIuvtIiind 90, Bnrilc"Anilerfon So, Wiilii-r liowyer Oft, MufJTVVull94. Lillle Iluwvrr 94, Florence flchnen 98,Julin Lmley 03, Annli Oghorn 91, Ell Fijer

m. CmtiTOO. Win. Hammond DO. rHIIU finey 1 1101*11, IHc iifcw l u l t n r . r n i B t n i i-atiuctloni were nbtyoil, and nftir n lime Dnvln

id mintlawyer. Tlie rcauli may be an Injuctlon to re•train Tindcll from ntllng an editor, or a eu|il<y DUTU for his luluty for th>; rumalntngelgliTmonlb* ot his ti.r.n. — '


A reHi'llitlon lin» 1ilTirnd"ptPuJi.riLT EdllofraJLMuiJiillt'n 10 tlie rffect ihm

"lisrcnflcr all noITiSi'l) of *iblbiirnn»,~li cl urci>,cinrerm, fnlri\ fetllviil*, plcnlcc, BOIIBIF,dancvt,—itippui—iiud oilier unletininrocuikwhich lime fur ilulr i i l^ct the ruining ulminey, abd alin rnriln nf thank*, • •hltunry arilc l u itnd society n»n|iill"iic, muel ho pidd h i

- in tiffiiry jt fH rtintir- Fi w^reiiilcra of cori-ful-businrn liabiln wlll-hi-l Unit anything hut IItrue some ( f J'litlce an l a (ftilre for slmpl)wliut la due, and Hit emirlng nf wlmt huplii-fn well carnal, hn« prompted this mmr,though It may will be a new thing In their iX-poilencia with tinir l"Cal Dewipnper*. Not nfew IndiThlilulB reaide in nur mldit whn do lullhr-»tr«re-to aiK Tur—theinwl»ei-Hf-thc

lions Hi'T roui_EpnyjjilDinners dcnigni d to In nt-flt them flnmicliilly.\e\y lUrtelly, H-hin they would mine thrlr

* Imndi In nptiuilplimi nl If a hill BUS tmilcnilf r Iht wnrk. Tiny ntk Ihc cnrryliig lo n

-of nh-irnil'Trei, lliroinjli n piiper-waltt r thi-y eoiiB-nol lraii«nHt-to-n-tlnglu-i4K

illf Idutl through the mails without paying fur.It wonld (cern to be qilte time tiiut enmrinoTeniinl wne made lo throw I'fflluT tmpotl-tiona tlmt cmtoiri Ims fnre<d upon good nnlurp, and to linve II iitidt-ntooil-iliHt whllu ih>droppinu of n iltkei to a fifth ri«tc entertainnn-ht nmy lipiiein-e'ilie mnnogi-r'a ennBcleuci-,af> ndi-qunte pny for a l * o dollnr nollru nnd n(iTi'-dollur review, which is i ipcclpd to lnud»ll IliUukei Into mi-rlm. It will n«t at Ihetnmelime \nv curreul fur breud,— Wifrickk Advcrtittr. ^ °

51ANASQUAN NarE8.The piople of I'llut Fhnmint and Mima

fqnau are In jijntiniliiry almut the wngonbridge airnta lh« rivtr near the Uiiion. Tin

tlgy |a In nfvil nfjmtli jtJiiibjlMLclmed. in lmrul_whlk.

tho work Is linden way, and the Freeliohler--h»*c pnL i g ilnir |irrporail.nn«_ iiiilll II ilnuwhen lo doae tho Irrlduu will (tUe the erenicrllnC(in»rt1n)C8."lt ia hardly Hi'Mighi raft- In rinkIi th iIi another leas™, Mil they d<> not like to haviIt etiwad during the busy SIUSITWIILMI it U

- * Cnpt^JuhirM. Brown,-itho us*-bt?n-qultt.III, IIIIB entirely recovered, nnd lisa u kei nweather eye open for any new road pn ji-clnthat may be prorxwd.

Rer. B D. Hliilltla holding regular serviceson Sunday sfteraiioni in the P.ilnt PleiiauniM. P tbureli.

The new yucht which Capl. 8. BurtleyPeince1«bnlidirnrfiirRe». Jr Whtmion Bmlih,P. P . la «ld to lie Ilieflnut in model, materlal and wnrknmnslilp eteflurnt<roui"aT"]triiia

g.»4t*ciU'tn. nmM-or-ihu tvHimg Kie flrnt of July by old piilr>>na

Q'tx 800 -1 ad t m cauithi < u Mnndny at—«i»e lutthrf i h * lnrj»E

ILirlio^LMy, vn% itru ufc-

W y cmduL, Ho w«a coinmtiljd t,»pfUon, noil noon ntlrrwurd* wna d tcovetod

ftiiUI'T.i, H|I7I UJK eiukgtit in I InJfasLUunk. n_f.-w

fn.ru ibe In-

;#>^«iHP8'-,')« Were plated uu

AnV Fotter,Kilte A'yres, Lloyd Co!r, Alfred Ralph, An-

Ulei,TI»tllr Buremorc,

Jncnhr, Wm. MrOnnn.Dipt No. 6.—Maud McKcnna, "Annio

Blake, Ella 8l!»en>, Acck BIITOM, dun-leaKedvr, Spencer Silver?, Frank Dlllen, EddloThompson, Lnren Fryer, Horace Ayrc», Ir.Ying_.Le.wip. Raymond H&YlIantf. JjlvlpgfitODMount, Cbark-i Jlounl, Wm. Harden, FunnleCox, Laura Jucoby,


The following pupil* altnlnid a rnpk in n tllaliuni anil deportment indicated by the fig-ure* ait against their name*.

Dept. No. 1.—Liizic Pcmbrnok 00, Dorn_Siiilth 99, Furctt tJwi-U 98, Bcrtlu Thulium 07,Grade Fiycr 97, Nittle Dnnnell D7, tinnihUorden 96, Badle AvreiflO, Mmid COPOTITOB,Cora Triicj 06, Lllllo Hh'HwcIl 98, Rerlhn

Dulrym|.lt 04, Muggle Ilurilm 03, Oia-bcllt Fryer OS, Lnuio Uhamberlln 00.

Drpl, No. 3.—Eva Kelley 100, Ednn Con-over 09, Mny Pickering 00. Mnrllia King 08,Lucy-Cox 97; Jennk- Unle 08, Hurry Holmes

The youngest child of George Burr, of Dov-er,, on Wednesday morning fell out of theS( cond-siory window and down the outsideoelliif-wny, thedoorsof whlclfImppotwd t(obeop'en at the time. It Is thought that no boneswfriTbroken,~iInil the Ilillc one is apparentlydoing well.

—The—128th- iinniTcrfttry-of the—foimding-of-(lie Presbyterian church at Metuchen, Middle.81.x county, vi-na celebrated on Sundiiy. Thelittle church Is now the only one of the kindexisting, where the Revolutionary suhliere of

.Ueorgc.Wuiihington mid -Sir-Henry Clinton inHim mel-fur worship.; rA--«Mnou in commem-nrjitlfin oLllie cliorcli's-htstory wns-preitchi-d-hy-the pastor, Ihe Hev, J. ,0. Mason.

E :lni

i'pt. No, 8.—Eugene Jac^jy 09, AmiiiirluDonuell98,R'iy Hut 08, May Mourn 08, 8u-

DM»l«»n 97, M^y Donnell 07, May Duinfi-OTr-Alnrria Sickel 90, Nolllt Pour 00, PhelieKlker 00, Oliver Bilvr-rc 90. M.iry Wilson 05.Erjie»l Blilllinun 98,—liuelln H«riiOT 45,-MnrvJ. Myore 04, Qninl.'n Cole 94. Ahuti-Bliottrtll08, Jiilln Zt-rwll:lt fla, IIi'rl»<TrL'if!)ml)8. »<»iii'-Ttfl^e HiuiltBt>3T1iViiller WuoU 1)1, IIn'sltTWIi-Bnn'ni, AHH fT ~

Buy* 18, i;lrls 50;1iny8'iiveriigc rank OtJ,Klrlh' UTI rngi' mull D5J

JLTEMS OF INTEItE-sT.John C Hopi-nell Hie ino.«l ihfl unlinl nnd

Htnltlilufit man In Flcminglnn, illt'il on Siln-

Oiittlffli Jung, nn inmnti' (if iho nlinn kin 8it Snukc Hill, Ims fallen heir (<• S3 000 InHie duilli of Ills wife nllh nliom hu Imd a< <Imd for eevirul yciira

WilliuinH. Iiiclinrdr, prnpiltlorof III. Huhnrda (Iimte al Ashury Pnrk, died nn 8nnilu\

pnrnlyfls of the limni. In htir-WTi nty-fmitlliyeiir.—Hu-»«» one-of-the-piontir hotel—pmprktori of Hit limn. '•

A few dnyp ago RIIP'CI Hur'cr, n tcnjpir.old aon nf Ilnwnnl UUIIIIT. of JjuinhtTI rille,

to nn iisb pit mill fiii'tiilned iuj'iiies whichcaused bis dentil ou Tnesilny.

A man residing nenr"BI'>oni»l)iiry, namedDTCTiiiiil, w'nTi'ii PliflTiptfiiiru n few days ngoffirlng to hi t not ICBS | linn $20 I hut tic c.ulij

.CJILJIO.fried ei>B8_iiislde_fif halfanJiour, Jle_claims lo lia^e enlen 102 esRa lufil Eusletmorning. He lias hud no inkc'ra.yi-1.

A colored deiftnntc, known as D<immy,was struck liy a tniin on Mmidiiy on the NewJeraey nud New Turk nmd, west of Chi TryHill Station, Bergen county, and mutanllyklllffi. He WHB driving n team of nxpu ncrnssthu track nt t l ie lnue of the ucrideiit. Tile•ixen were loth killed uud the wag n Bhntter-

tl to fpln.lcrp.

By-lh<* ex-plfwton nf n -kr-rrWenH-hinip Mri;.F"ld, her two poiis nnd daughter were burned

-JN'rvr rTTih aiuilay •iiiKhl.1" Thin-lrllrrri rr-wtrc tn-lieihiil-ttic-rhnernnfrfln1 tt^mes lAnjntrHie t«d cl'illuiiK, whiili WHS cnnouinfdT The

burned iliut they diiil tiefiiK- dnylireak." TheJii.ll i.lllIT .-l.il,I , . r , . ,.11 rl,tl.t_

The nuirrbiuent Mi."B Linda Hull*, whn IFHIIIKMI to lie nulj 14 yearn of ll^e, In Wlllmul^••liIciitairgTTimd 2l,~VTtC onii'id u BI ifn'mnIiT"CiSnili'n, Tli7T~( i-reiii"ny wa^~p"eiTorinedby Rev. J. J. Sleeper, who Stutes that thebride ciitue to him elm' In n long while gown,over whtcli the wore » fur-linilil i Innk. K'lll-

_knhurg_uu44lie girl fl^nid tiflldiniliB lujhi-1ffeel that she mm 18 yi lira of w . The IH~I(1;Vpiirenta arc very liiillyniint »t Hi-v. Mr. Bleiper for performing such « niHiihigc. Til' v "illtake atepa to-lnverthe innrrnigc annulli d.

William J. J<>hnii|<iti, a •tiKkntun living«ourn~or" w~ciriii"i7K^'wr»"TifinTrmTrniti'tt

~tiy a TTCFOIIR stullion tiimday. lit* mis feedni);the lintte. whcrririielzerl hi* hpnd liitwtcn \\tteeth and took • fl nn enr And inogi ot the wslpJiihnAlon-nnly nut—IOOAII to find—hl ^IIOIIIIIIT

crushed In the JHWR of the aavnge bciint AfMt-bflnj; howlltly-liiceratprrr lii--|jnnj>iurd !•"throw hlmaeli nut of reach of tl-g hnrui-, uhcnDe Iny until found hy kis wife.

He T. E'lgar lj Ilermahrp, lute pnfllnr nf )hiPreabjlerlan Cliurcli In the SIIIIIJJU nf While1'laina. N. Y-, ahot liluiiilf while in the pulpit

•of the Cliurch tiilndiiy, - Mr. HiTimWCf'i ttn-ignallon wna apki-d for Hime months ago incouatqueiice of Ibe dtoolmfuciion arlalPK be-i^ceqJiiqi^elf and fl.-ck nier lila anlnry. Ulflwife lath* d«iii(liti-r of ex I'ri-KliJi'nt WIHIIIM"D . D., LL,. D., of Yuie Colli<Ka. Mr. llur.

III lhaWIIJTH pjaiii rt ill. ni

Jarnit A. Brmlley Ia aliout to erect at theImlli ImiiBf (iroiip »t I he fintjit' A l h m x i n

aiXe, decp_en u^li for awiimninic. At unv enda large aireara Hf'«eit( waw-r will conmnijllv

NEW JBB8EV NEWS.A camp of the Sons of Veterans woa tnna.

tcrcd in at tiammoDtoD on Saturday night.- Tbe-cbaig«jfBlDat Principal Hojt of JeraeyCity, for maltrMtroeut of • JCbolar, baa been

ladles of the Woman's Christian Tem-perance Union of Burlington hare aaked May-(VSIIpatli to keep young glrla from loiteringft the railroad slatloD until after midnight.

Hugh MullholtflDd, a lad oged 14 ycrir^ ofLong Branch, "wna badly Injurca mm,! 'iface, throat and arms on Monday night. Heplaced a lighted cigarette in a bottle filled withgunpowder nnd an explosion followed.—Wesley Jnlinypt -nl M«R«tqoni _abolit fourrnnnlha ago fell from tbe ltaritan bridge on theNow York and Long Branch Railroad whichreaulted In iDfl.immnlion of tbe heart andbrkmand caused his dvatb on Sunday.

Mr. St. George Kempaon, an old newspaperman. of Perth Ambny, has purcba8edJ.be JfoWJcr»ey Standard, publl«lied nt Red Bank.Tho prleo paid for the plant is said lo havebeen $7000. It w|M now be published in Ihonteresl of the Democratic pnrty.



-Hnvfng-sold out the Dry-Goods Stock and)removed to

No. 12 East State St.,


si hu for si'Vi ml yi IITB bus been In the employof Mia Alexander Shreve, was arrested Mon-duy nnd looked up on a charge of—attempted

a Musical Instrument, to call atSNBDEKER'S MUSIC-WAREROQM, NO.

10 -West-State Street, (Masonic-3S))ple,y_Trenio'ii, R. i^ZancLseethe celeb'rftted Maeoii "&"HamlinOrgans and Pianos Prices"r$22to ¥900.00. Pianos and Organs

ilcliinnn, who ia about 45 years ofage, altmipted, it IB. eukl, to assault Mrs.Shrevo on Bnndny night, but she drew a rc-

j him in buy until ilBSiatancu arrived, when IJclv1i8-tirltcn-4nl»-emtody.—Ht-S supposed to hiive been insune fnom dtluk.

Obiidiiili Stilnvell nmi with a tragic denlhnt Miiniii Pleasant- on Saturduy nfternuon.Mf. Stillwell, a reiudentjjf^Iitt^nTran, nged 92^yenrs, onllrd at Uif lcruker"Tlt'Oinpson's esiab

irmnit nt-Mntnw»n to purahnne-a-coflhifiind-ordered the suine to bp dellvericl al bis home,

le left Ilie iiudi'rtidu-r'e and entered'an eiitlnuiidOi'n" trnr|~|fnrlo77K~oT~aomc nystert. TJu" tlienmade IIIH wiiy lowuid the truck of the O> ntrnl[£ nlrnnd "1 N w Jeisey jwnt III ihe 5 34 trainciiniu tcmliii; iiloni; KtllKvull crossed—the

kwyrTl with hi"rrird over rhc rail, an (hi cn^ufe renclied HiFpot. HL nns ini-iiiiilTy killed. It is thoughtiy niinv p raiiu llmi Ins death was premedl-

A rmvument hill been inntiguratpd al An-bury Purlt hy 0 . K Hull PoBt, N I 41, G AR , and Hit' n.inid orTrudi-, having for its oh-

cl fbe LTCLIIIIII "fTi sliiliit; nf~t1i?"n,ile WnrU itfernor, J,»L|—Purlter. Al n preirTnltiuryinietlng of delegates from tbeso bndies tin1

n of rnl'iiitf n meellne of (Hizens at anoirlv dny wnp dim nnsi d, with Ihe view of per'••(.line n pjstLii) uf_P'ip1ilut'_siil"cnplioiia by_•vliich tin; inns1*! s would he enabled to contri'

_Tej5 Cent Munic^jmd alLgeneraVCatalogue"

bule to the obb-ct. The Grand Army I'nsliis_laUen the iuitinliVR liy npiioinling commit-'!', "Wilh power lo-iict: Uomrnde E. G. Ilnr-

flson, Gliitirmnn,- Pnsv—Gnmmander R, M.WorlhinKliin, Punt Cimmnnder and PoMuin-'-TTFAirred II Toll nnd Or II" S."~Kminonth,~Jomride C. Van II >rn imd Commander Jan.II. Bird. Inviuilonft will be extended to theprominent men throughout Ilia Blule, and toall the surviviiu war Governors.

S CONSUMPTION CUKE.This is Ueyond qieailon the motl Biicceesful

Cough Mcdhine we liaveeverBnlrl, a few dope?Invurlutily cnfi; I bo. worst cimcil of Cinleh.Croup and BrouchiliA. while- its wfuldertnlpueecep in the cure of-Consumption' ia wjihoui

ll I In the limlory qf me lirini-. binceIIB first discovery it liastieen sold on a

II*U V " " I "iry it. Pncr 10 c nl». 50 cents nnd ®1 00, Ify mi Liinua nrt pore, Clieit <»r Birk liinir, ust

P.in>n»-Ptniiterr—Btjhr-by D H-Ouirniii^hiilii, L)iii^^int.

W. D H.iyl & Co , Wholeaiile iinil RetailDIUC K I - |8 nf Jtome, Ua., (iiiy; We Imvu liicn••llhrj; Rr-Kind's Ntw—PifcoTrryj-EltrtnrBtltei* -nnd Btteklen's-Arnlca-Kirlve-fortwnyeuii 11 ive never handled rcmcdii s thai tellus will, or glue xiieh unlvtrsnl ent l»f net ion.There hn»e hem nome woDdiifuleil by theiD meillilues in ihhtrlty. 8u»irnlciisiaiir pninoiiuced Consumption nave beenenllielj riueil hy use i-f n few bottled of Dr.King1* New- BiKovny, taken in connectionwith EILIITIO Bittern. Wo unarirtitce-thrni-idwiiys Kuld hy 1). H Ciinnin)>hiim. 1


illQIITj'nyWN, In i\fe Htnta o! Hew Jcmay, ' "At tho O1OK« ^f^milftf^ii. April a 0 i h | tHRff —

JjnnBjiniLOv«rdrjift« .U S. Rulidi to nmnraolrouUllon, •Ofb«r Stwkii, Buntfj! and Mdrigitgvf,Due from Appriivoil Roxrvii Agents,Den from other N«Uon«l Bapki,Dan from Stnlo Dnnk« and Bickeri,H l E«t 7 l t l £ L k i


S7^00_DU_" 4,199 8039 3,12 (A7 t i l l 793,158 39

l iM6

PremlumB pald^Ohecki •oil other Omh Item*,Bill* of other Bnflki,Friaiiaiu.1 pip»r ourreney, nlek— nnnts,

, 7 02 937 50

891 991 S03 00

L e » l Ttjndor Notes,Kcdmsptlgn Fund with U. 3 Treasnri

(5 pvr oent of iitroqtfttion),


1,BBS 0013,050 00


lltal Stock paid In,7 •»<dlvidad Proni«,IIODII Binki notsi outstanding, 33,790 00

Dlvldonda unpaid, , 332 00Inditldnnl Dunositi nilbjwt to oheok, MTOaibl.t s CbeokujaUtanding,Ddr'toolhsr National Binkii,Duo to Buto Bankn onJ Bankon,

NEW SPRING STYLESIn illllinery nl

The LOWEST PHICES.Bpeclsl inducements In Halp, Bonnets, Flow-

ers, Fenllier8,-.Hibboni, Laces,— Trlm,__met! and Untrimmeil—Spccinl

Attention lo


I\o. 12 E. Stale St., Trenton.

— nprl2-2m

WANTED.AH readers of this advertise-

uf ulLui g66ffitfa"K5Vs at lowestprices. All guaranteed to be aarepresented and fully warranted,

payments'Violins, Guitars, Panjos; Strings,latest Hieet Music, Octavo and

free by mail. -




Best Bread and Rolls~ in townr

Ne riiifUltrn Milk Hiflcnlis freMi rfnlty.

_ NOTICE. -• S T A T E Of KNOOH Ul iY, D E « E A S K D . "

JS'ulIco \t liiroby plven thin nn order, (luted theIwoniy-alxth iln-y or Mnrrh A . II. one thounondstulil liunriroil ami rljclity eight, linn hoim inmto byIlin --urrofiitoiil Ihn Count) nf Mnrcor. upun thoiilipllcntlun ol tlio nubmii-llitrii. Etocutorji vl HnoohJii'V. Into o f i | , 0 Oounly nl' -Mercer, decenreil, (II-rootinK thft crctlltorn »t Fiiht deeedcDt to urlntc intlwlr ilnliu, iluoinmlB nncl elnlms nKalnm tho rstntoul PIII-I iiorcdrnt. oniici OOIIL i irdhrmatlon, to themlifcrUii-r*, Klthlo hliiu months Iriuii the date oruntil onli?r,-or itfitj- will be lur«vor burred.from nnyiicliun thcruloro UKiilnft (tin rnld executors.

.IIIHN V. D. HEUKJVtAN,EL. i lEl l K. ])KY.

IDr 29-2 mog • : . £xecntors .

JST'Ol-ICK!.r-otleo Kli«riilijr_£lt«n Hint un order, i lnttd the

Twonty.llilrd i,\\ ul Muroli A . I ) un« thomnndolithl hundred nml c IKIIIV cluht, IIIIB b

1 pllcutinn ill tlm FUI»I rltureii iinviB, ima ot tim i;nuiiti or

cer. npon theitorH or TesKA11% deoemieti.

, iniilmi* unil alnlms iLirjilBiit th«

(rtiilujil milil dtou.lnni, nnilcr imttrnr iiinrmntlun,10 Ihf! »uljM?rlrier«, wltliln nlnu innnilm Irnin Hieiiuti) ul said onU.r, (>cU>^ m i l bo.lofaror, purrodfrUUl Hm_Ii£illin llmrrliiriT Hirnlnut iWn ••iljl nyer.^.wrs

~ " n M DATIS; ~P t r i B I , VOORHEtS,

rar -t-'Jmos JiiFoutorii

E S T A T E OF THOMAS E. OUWARtt , UEO'D.Nmlco Is Irurrb} Klvi.n t h i t nn order, dated <ho

t ^ n t h . i - , v u U a < i i l l A ^ f a t ] l l h Hiiroil mill ili,li[j.clKt)l lina hton mnild Ki . .roiintu ul Il,u IJouniy ol Aterour, upnn ths n|l cur, u p n the upl

OorUujfuliKtltnir, A'lntlnlBtnitororTIioiiiiii B.I'owunt, l iueortho CJnunty ofMeroer, deaonfleri,•Ilifi Him tho creilltiirt nl rulcl decedent to brlnir Intlmlr ilviiM., deiniiniKnnd olalina aualinc Hip et.tnto ol pnlit .loceilunc, UDder OILLII or Anirmntlon, to

•"• ' " t h * * * -

or ailil «nler, or they will l,o lorovor bnrn"il fmmuny miUim^iiwlore-inmln>t-th« mil AilinmlatnF

apr )«


3m —

"YOQ WANT THE BESTnil lor Oatnl%no nml Information or*Iio

And SCHOOL or .SiionTiiAT.n, Magonlo-TempleTrenttin, N. J.

Itd*4ctmart thorough work and helpw morevpunsun lo wotl jjotWom thu n-anyothbr. Aildrces

t*pon SeptS A.J.H1DER,Jtygi-iy




prrlmrtte.-Tj»rK« bottl»ror VBMrlDKrrU»B.

J. a..Ml{HKia, Olandatn, If. J.For tale at Cnnnlnlrliani'j ruiiLltulL'' tn-ii|j_Htni!M.



WE PROPOSE to do our share in Bupplying thegrea,t demand ; and with ENLARGED QUARTERS,and

AN IMMENSE STOCK OF GLOTHING,We invite every one of this great army of consum-

ers to LOOK AND BUY.

Do you want your CLOTHgljJG MADE TO TOUR

MEASURE? We invite you to our Stores, Nos. 39

and 43 East State Street, to view our display of Piece

GOO^B, in every variety, for

CUSTOM—W0RI__ _ rou want-READY-MAPE CLOTHING for yourself or^for your boys ? We invite you to our salesrooms, Nos.39, 41 and 43 (SECOND FLOORS), to look over OUR

!t, Thnmday, April ISth.


Right "in the midst of the ima^T

est Spring's business ire have"evor

.kn.Qwncome these wnapproaclia-

We bargains, and we th'inklt o«r

first duty upon receipt of goodsHo*

leTyou Know about them:—

THIS TIME AT. THE HosnmrUNDERWHAR DEPABTMENT. Some-body's loss ypur gain. Eine lislefinished ladies' - Derby -RitVests, 37 Jc. Are they cheap ?The best answer is the crowds atthe Counter. Two pairs fast Black•hose for 25c; split soles, black orwhite feetr- Ladles' black bril-liant Lisle Thread Hose, 39c.

Xadies' Gauze Vests'at 25c; youJia3ce-bought-them- at £0c.,- but—never at less. You may indulgeyour fancy in tbe hosiery line to-its-extreme limits hy. an inspect;tion of the new Spring Silk Lisle_Hose. To tell you about them istoo long a7fitor_y7 w.7j__want youropinion-;—eorne look thenroveiT~prices, 1.49, 1.79 to 2.49.

.OWN-MAKE of Dress^Suite-(Latest-Styles)r busi-ness Suits, Sack Suits, Spring Overcoats, &c, and ourHandsome Designs in Youths' and


-Is—stocked up with the best designs we can procure,and will please you." We nTeaii to keep'pace withthe rapid growth of the city and provide for .the

heeds of the public •

39 .and 43 East State Street.


HiivinK npeni:il wlint is genonilly npknnwlcdgeil to lip the LARGEST, HANDSOMESTAND MOST CONVENIENT STORE.In'il'n!_S.!«ic of New Jurory, I now ItiTJto the CttizcnB ofHighlslowu to Tlsit me mill in9pect-|i)y trAJitlE i>nJ SPLENDID STOCK of

4fe SUMMER CLOTHINGfor Men, Youths, Boys and Children.

All these noods nre. cnrefully ntli-ctcd from the best Custom-made Stocks In the Country nod— ..will bc.mildut.Pri£i'81liaiJD.EF.Y_ALL. and ANY Competition.


from I bo besOIiioufiictiirers.

AH G-uxlfl enuruiitijoil-tii lie aa represeuled nod Striolly Onc-Pfloe!r—PleBBe cull nud-coD-yiuco yourBOlf.


No. 134= Ea^t Street, - - - Trenton, N. J.

npr IB-IT CDT THIS OUT —If jnn hny n Milt, will pay your fare.


I have now in ttock Parlor Suits in Mohair Plush, Silk Plu8h, Embossed Kush and Hair XJIotE." ~ ^~.

WainutTTMTatiogahyTXJak, Ash and MagreDhamber Suits.

Marble, Plus*, Cherry, and-Wood Top Centre Tables'.,

.Patent Rockere, F^incy Chairs jmd Cane Seat_

new etock^bf lattest patternaJll- OftrpfttW;

L Being tbe most complete line cf lloui-e I'urnii-hing Goods in thistr t i h i h ill ft i ' * ~ ^ ^ 'HPf>tron n.t priwa whiph will m

I, Joieph II. JohoH,' CMtilar of thonoBt«r-lninlr-(io lotoainlj U M I tbnt tha

thora kutimenl I* trotTJften tMppeua Ihst on bright, irauiT dityrtbr

- _ and Friday. April Ifftii pad 2

\ lUvMlw Mky jfir II of



FLANNEL, 5 9 C ; well made, and agarment. Catch

Kem whire"y*otT~canT Here to- 'y, gone to-merrow. Such goods

Bcll-themselves. " "Another still.better, worth, as you will findibryourself upon an examination,-1.25. - -You' get them with the-others at*83c.

ALL WoOL_CnALLis. ArestSarce ? Ssk your merchant.Nine instances out of ten "you'll"not find a yard of desirable allwool- ChalliB— A year ago wewere caught just in the same fix.Not so this time. Early contractsand the goods in Rtnrk to-day ia.all--tHoir, jjratty-^rooeBal effectsand airy showiness ; no rings,dots and batjk numbers, but newdesigns, new colorings and freshand brighLas _the_sineH_

reprcrient; price, "50c. to 60c;others, with cotton warp, 17c.rDon't miss a ciress-of-the Challis

In addition to an alreadygreat stock of ladies' and misses'Coats, Wraps _ and^_Jackets, wehave just added new features inthe shape of about 50 children'sand misses' Berlin Coats, withfull skirts, with or without capes,hoods belts, &c. These garmentsare manutactured^from foreignTweeds, Kerseys, Cheviot

________-j_-._-__ Stripes andChecks, on Ecru, -Beige~~TJr6wn,

price, 3.97 toOl00 . Still the:for ytnnmTr"yefc'

the inducements are held out iorthe - -early-' _weeki»- bargains--in-ln.rii<>a* ,7n/ lfflfai fmnfl1 Wraps , See^*them to-day

IN PARASOLS has anything beenmissed as to style, workmanship,&c ? We think not. Then the.prices ; these ~we leave *to you.We say you can not find" theirequals.


in 29 different shades, at 99c. tolT5t)rTndiarSilk8722 inches wideat 97c; and so goes the silk-goodsstory, and that's, why it's thebusiest place in the-store -to day.

A case of shrunken Dress Cloth

early in the season at1.26, now >99c;, And don't-for-get the^Black DreseGoods at 591.and/60reente—-t store acqua&nV

Page 3: WANTED. SHIRTS · Vol. xliv. No. 5. HfgMitow^^ —])R.A. DAW.ES, SURGEON DENTIST. a mmrttnVHtnra^tif looorrnptibl* Own T««th. Jiaioe uxt-dooctn-raalilonap, JSTRtn ttToati _

. B. APPLEftET. BnlTO» 1«B Po iLIIIU

per AxLirainTi l l A.J.VHII100.

LOCAL.-ttemsRer. Mr. Mftlman preached In tbo Prcsby-

bytenan church last Sunday.T; B. Applrgol will snpftly the Manal.

Dr. Henry B Rue, of Hobokcn, and hisnewly wedded wife, were in towo-on Sunday.

The regular meeting of the Y. W. C. T U.T%ym-hr tipM nn next Moffilay~eTiniiDjr. J£"

are Invlcd. ••

Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Mny 22dnnd 23d, nre announced us the dales for thelestival and baxanr ID the Baptist Church. *

Mr. Charles GiUersarv of retaluma, Cal ,^cnjls payjne.tiJL.for lhc GAZKT?"K,-and says:"This is my 20lh year." Who can beat that?

It Is cheering to rend the encouraging finan-

cial Btatiment—of the First National Bunk of

Xlighlstov/o. It mearn business and plenty of


The piainllve notes of a whip-poor-will werelirard irT our suburbs on Friday ni?ht. fcS>dirty* a bird certainly diaervesa locul men-lion

Uev Win Plllenner gave an able cxposl-

Jtjor^of the doclrincsjindjolny of lhc Mclho-

.disl Cliureli tn his sermon on MetliodiHm last

Sunday evening

Htv H. Trail, pastor of Jhe" AllcnlownJlnpli£t_Church, dpJucrt~flrnjvdm"fcBH-on CnTT&rnan wnik before the Enckavor Sncitly of theBupiiel (JliurUi_ to night. __

Some of our local gunners are ft little cross

-IMCUUSC we fntled lo lell them llmt tli<" new" £Hiue Inw did riot Inke effect 1111I1I Jirry—4th -

till them all ahout il next year.

Fied Schoen'H fine settei-Gyp is in disgrace"" J»r nipping"Vf J~T!II1?B"flbriw yTsierrtay.

C"le Ilin-iitencd to kiTTthc (J"K, nnd J*'uid tnlkTof t-f udmg Gyp over lo Pafileur Tt is reporti d Unit the dojj wan mil mini, bul Juniili was

The report. having giniud circulation that— Di.—IjlayuLS illMHLhiW 'jiejiseriously ill; we

A large number from here witnessed Prince-

Peddle Institute and PcnniDgtdtrii base ballteams will play 8alnrd»y at the latter place.

RasS DsTisOtt*«_n«w-mJ»^~HIs sloro T»«ow^y(l With lliebMt goods-ln the-niarlteh—

Mr, Thorrns Apph-gei, Br., is decidedlybetter.

HOT Thomns Tynck, the new pnstor of IhePresbyleriaD Church, has,-will)'his family,taken possession of Ihe-partanage. —

GREAT FIRE AT JAMESBURG.—On SumJay—hren hcirry onloimrot-smoke- fwas seen In lbs dlnctlon of JamMUnrg. Re-ports from the flrb were anxiously awmiedmid weTO readilyI^llivedaa follows: - -

~1. Downs & Finch's fsclory burned dowm

ABANDONED.On Monday night Conductor E.

and Bngincmnn Aar( n DC. AyreB

foundation than a lempoiary_ diHahjlll} -from

(overwork, fro»n which h° has entirely rtcov-


Tijej <loTny Hi il~ tlie~lop of Bavidge'a new'

lhc boys who crowded aiound the place flfl

_ fioijn aa_ii_heciime. kiiowu_thaL_Uii;_prM c «f.ori 11m puffs hart bien reduced to JDL. fent See


The hough-apple wood sent by Principal*tt*i exatr

td by Prof. Limner who gfves a full dcscrip-"tlorrof ihe ravages OMIIB "unrecognized cne-

my." Specimens of the living worm or insectare desired. Only empty egg-ensea were fouudin this wood.

A number of Hightstown'a pleasure-lovingyoung people enjoyed a combinstlon of themoiinlmht and a Btraw-rlds oe Saturday evgo_lug. Keporti of Ihs trip arc meagre, but thegeneral impression seems to be that if tin hornsarid fast horses have anythng lo do with a£0od lime, the young people had It.

We are sorry that ft presa of other mntter't P Q|l| reppr*rflf-tllft flnpnml

meeting which was held last nighty We_may patronized _aa_U sliuuld—haveslate, however, that llceuses were granted loLnniz, Bch«lhlc, Tabler, and Wright & Hol-oomb, at 4150 for hotels and $125 for saloons.Theterro'clnck—ordinance was repeakd. Afull report Will be given next week.

One of the moat interesting articles in theMaJ Century is by Rev. Wm. Pillenger, pus-tor of the Hishlelnwn 51. J? Church. Hisstanding fi« on aiilhiir can be Judged from thisfuel, and [Iiglitelown may feel honored in heIng for the Orel time represented in the col-umns of Ihe luiding literary mnguzinc ofAmerica.

The steamer was taken nut on Monday, andai no fire Was visible, wus put to Ihe rullier Ig-nolilu-work of Inyliig UieiluslJin nur principalstieets, But it (ltd that wOlK wi 11. nndiproTed that, even if we don't have tiny conQa-

UEatinnS. It la a handy Ihingjri ImVBjirmindThe steamer 11 a beailly. but il is no dudi!jind is capable of doini; duty as a sued H|JI InTtlIi r when then.- is nothing lmportAiil to be

nnd Mr JT Edwin JlnunI, both of tlu8~j)lnci\

WLru MoiUulJu. uiatriiuuu.aUUui^Ti.'«ulcnC(t ol"~tlle bndi's parent" The cerenf'iny was "per"

run over thePemberlon and Hl^htstowo Rnil-road. On Tucday that part of The row] be^twjen Lcwia!own and HiRliletown was nban-

led; ami no" I rulnrlniTe-^un-OTcr It^ttioxceptauclrcxtras M trjHylfa*c been nccensnnto complete the transportation (if the mails oifreight on hnntl before the order was issued

Tho Peqibcrtpn BDd Hlghtetowa Ruilrruns from Pemberton,' a et«tlon on tho Phlladelpbia and Long Branch road; to Ilightotown,Tbc part~abifndolie"il is i39J miles" long " l'hprincipal elalioqs.nlong Hie lino are Wrights-town and Coohalown, in Burlington countyNew Egypt and Imluystown, in Ocelin countyCrenm Ridnc, Imlayetown and Sbnron, InMonmomh.' It w»3 incorporated by 111Legislature, March 24ih, 1864. The CJipilnslock was f000,000, with thu'"liberty lo in"crtuBO it to $1,000,000. The capiiul slockpaid in was $342,150. the bonded debt $1GO,000 and tbo flouting debt $38,541. The costof building the rond and Its equipments ivai

•$588V69rs;r-lr was leiiBinno-Trndtd Railro«d and Caiinl Con>panlt'» of New Jersey Woperated by tho Pennsylvania Railrond. Th

2. BnCkelew'B large barn, used as a' Btore-home by Downa & Finch, lotaPy destroyed.

8. 4000 dozen Bhlrla were stored In the born.Total loss. Insured.

4. Tho barn which Was burned waanot used-by-Downs & i'iuehvbut \fas-a-Hmall boildlngback near the woods.

5. No building was burned. Tho fire "*fts•in the woods and a mile from any building.

And-Jl proves »hat U»q \«St_ropnrt igJL

New Goods!



atoek nnd t per cent, upon the company'!bonds, payable semi-nnnually upon the Ifdnya-uf. January and- July-in. eaoh year.- The

-opot^iiig of the road wns generally-1 rrgnrded-flinn lmportnnt event. Ir promlAPrt ihe rapid dc


r'dcllctlj)n ncji pfrUhrliig^ibeh any p i i J

nnd lilr'dcllctlj) Uhrliig^ibe uirly"hot regarded with any puriicJulur concern." ThePi.nnBylvat)lii_IJMilrnad link h\l(| u( iL whcu_it-leased the United HuHroTrrlar~Bf NTTiv Jersey"While other hrsncli-sof the syiUm developed,ihe Pemberlon road gradually fltc^ined. 'I heroad bed bin hecn nt-uring out.^^Tttsafeljcontinue opernlioni it would linve to b « ^ ienillj npnned II_COBII aliout Ji31,729 10 pay

iv nha tnx of $3,1C1 80 p K n MTin- Piiinsylvnnln rond mntle up llsnfulnd UnitirlruTTan"?Ieplninl~ori"its~hnnriH nmi miiBt tin -Miaslon-Band,* by~wiroiITlliei"nffa~ir~wiis gottit:

of it Hint 11 offered the rond for Bnle on easycondiliotiB. An effort was mnde lo Becnre'FfTJOTOOO wnrili of snivelipuona nnd liol(T~liieToad. B'ime twenty proiiiinenTriieii went'towork, but were soon di8coumned, and those

an-a»swpcoplu cannot^pcratB It, n lol of furmc-r»-c*nnot "

II is estimated that there nre not 125 eq'larcmiles at Innd in New Joraey lli.it arc BO, vnluable for agricultural pursuits. The b'nslnesldone along the roiid IB coinpu)ed as nboul$350,000a year. It is such an exctpiionnl

of a railroad that, It is not dellnitely knowiwhat will be done by the iL-si.lenlH. Thefarmers must liavo an outlet forlheir produce,truck and tin- 4.000 qnnrta of-niilk-a-finy they"inve been sending lO Plllllililplllg

not-II has

IF we I'—Thai

frrlglit was curled to BordnUown and Trenton and that passengers dro»i-_iln re to makeconnections. The passenger truffle from themore populous part of Ihe rond—namely, Kt«%ypt—will be- by f,fsg< to Heniown, whererailroad connection can he mndc-forNew Yorkand Philadelphia, bul from Cream Kulge,HiirnirsUmii, Iinlnyslonn nnd Slinrnn trftconnection most convenunl will be al Highlolown

Ai »o prnvisionslmii been made for mini ser-vice Hupcrinlc'ndi n[ B mnaiil ha1) been, sinci1

Monday, sendinC a Fpcclal over 'he rond withPostal Cleik l'iiylor and hlb minis rI ln» putaConductor Sulnhlii nnd hiscnw nt Pt-mlieilonevery uighl, while inJ.haduyiimi they run Ihoshort lima beiween Jiuncpbmc and-B"rdi'ii-

—farmed by Rev O. F. Bachei1, D' TJViii Hie"pn oencc (if a lurge number of friends Theyoung couple have taken tip their abode in litedwelling formoily occupied byHthocn, Hiehaiher. Il Is understood thnr Mr MouTit intends 10 cany on a vegetable mnrlut,

TliK Ork ntiils fund rather badly m their-opening guin« on Saturday afternoon, wbenthey were dufi-aled by lbs !LInr<'ln=, of Trcnton, with a score of 10 to 5, The game wasnot very Interesting, and wns full of errors

art) by no.meane discnumged, however^ as ttS f T O T r T anffured severnl hnd

idefpnu before winning n grtme Inut

find they have every confidence In Munagtr-A-ndersnn'H-pnwiT liTbTTng the tunui om vfllh

flying colors.

1 A. Lincoln Kirk, Ihe celebrated impcreoqa.lor and humorisl, wtll glvirllia unique andoriginal clncnilonary entortnlnment entitled,'Tho Sublime and Ihe Ludicrou«,' Iijiho Y H.

. C. A..butl, on Wedoesduy egeiiiriff, MHy ftili,onder lhc auspices of Iho Y. W. C. T. U. ilr.Klrlt cotnea highly recommended by iho pressof Newtoqv.pfllTfderer, Oxford, Lnmbertvllle,and oibtrnilite* where Us* has' reoemly-np.

~ pcarert," "ATftnuBdorpSJfl tfinig Children uolieriile al,0. oT

I'imn, Conductor Jemison iind IJ iginemutJames West wilb tin If crew have been run

'fiing TreTghtriTrirt-Tvill BeTun x\nhaidly looka ua if the-re would be work for the

A~8~3r~Hlgmafuw i v uTilcBsthe mixed truln toij iulh Airilniyj"Wllli Ihu inid day [lammgur trains, Uights-

-loTra-dots not wanTTO-line' nny of llnriiiiliond--men- -The truck fnrWien-oivftie-F-.-* H -aresull kept on the roll?, but without iheir gangs,Mr. Win I1" Loll line iiem offered u scclio'iat Uordemown, but as he did not wish toniovi-, Mr. Snowden makes him ntsistnnt toForeman Polhciims hire Mr. L H Paikitins heen iiiint<fi.iri.d 10 the main line, and MrSimon C. Yiiung hna been Appointed Super_visor at Jamcsbnrg. —

II does not seem prolmlilc Ihnt thp peoplsalong this branch mil lo without a railroadloi^p Their properly Ims Increased Iu valueand rbelr liiJBTnTirfnlcteBlTliiiwneair foBterby Die rand, und Ihe'y now see how valuable4t-|W8-byen-to-theoi.* The <vlmle troirble-ftrisrB

•A^nrlou* and Inleresttng iOlmbitnpt.W t he

y thriioeb (be water, ibcii1 longHind l*g*»Vbi^rwlllr',* fringe oLbfullet move'


t i i

*!*to«l. Ilin

TBTm 0-Inch nf-enppii_rr—When tht P.-R R"-tnnk ilie~rnmi nud-fjimrnniien liis sloi-k,~"niSpcoplo ocngetl to reaiird II will) local intircal.It v»»« then luukod at as'a "foreign enrpom.I ion" to he grin led ill and sighted at alD luiea.When the rond wns built it was otherwiseThen such men as Wan, N. 8. Rue nod blbersnobly look large rt«kn Jor ihe nuke of Imving arasd-^Tlie same spirit shown iu. lhi.«o-Uii«ryenre would have made It a flnanclid^ocess or saved it at the last. If the build-ing of Ihe mad nearly iloubled lbs value oftho prnptTtY.-tlic inking away fit Hio To»dmust decrcaBUthat valuoTnortTlTijjnone IFalf.l'he people sliow ilielr Kick of luugment when

lj h j runft It wonl_pay>u^"~"^bey_arejhe qn«u_jwijil«F*^^y«t=kMCdB^d«nfc=<^tsjntai==ro«itin the Increase of values, and rtTBSTe theseT«lurt ILwIIIJ (rty*:tHB-nrtD h«w tli« ro*d robevi'o al a loss to ihem directly. 1 uisy are be-gfitulng in tee (lit* now, and MTeral achenujalor orgaaljwilau lutm-toia-^rooutcd.---—-_...

#Ul»««Ibc Imirnj'piiwsr iT|d slMkinsJfor t,heIlKlinu. B'CiyUpdy waatedto. ' ' ^ * ~by with (ha ir«lilhii'ir,"ai,d

GYP JUNIOR '(cw_ncx«ons

. . . . -4HUo -cantata ol'Gyp Junior," which was glvei in the Pres-

byterian Chapel on Friday evening, who didnot regret that Ihe entertainment was not euJoyed by 11 larger audience. The chapel wn"C-ll filled, but the entertainment was scthoroughly-good as to deserve ns large an audience ai mnrc~l'Xtcn8ive notice and a largeiroom could have given il The oporctla isbright little composition \wth n simple plotbul muny pretty features and some very prcllysongfl The pirts were all taken by youiijpeoplu—most of them very young—and wiilin naturnliioBs and -grace which v, as really sur-prising All of the little ones entered Into thspirit of the plicp, while ponie of the priuclpal perfonneis displayed talents not often seein such youthful amateurs. Mm Eva Ki Iley_waa_Lhe Oyp Junior and-r-endU-e.d her partwith a remarkably good voice arid unHsuallygraceful and natural acting Miss Madge Al-len did admirably in the character of ttrannyUypr— 'two promtncnt—pnrtB wtreTSken "by"Misfes Lilhe Biid Florence Sthoon, the formciespeciiilly pleasing tho audience by a pretty

j o l o Messra. Addie Hunt and Willie." .Kryer'created a good deal of amusementus I wo bold

-bnd tramps Thp- opertttn Ibniiighout wrmirmrltnhly ffond and It wnnhl hp nn i-xn-llcnt

idea to give thine>outhful pcifunncisn chance

loreptatso coniplitfn success Litlle Uot

•trrw1Ilclrsllc"iippeiJTed asTTVery-liTlle baByAfter lhc entcilaliinient the youui; people

enjnyidii "(inzy sixialile, ' til" novelty ofwhich iiflordul tin m much amusement Weme Kind to Iciirri Unit the pioeud1*- from the

home made enndy and ire cre-nni and tin- linesTor eotlugn7e'lutTe'f~wiTh the right end

-spoon; neltedjuifiii amount for the

Don't full In intend Ilie big m ' l y lo .morrow


Gentle nnd kind, with cnlf by hi-r fide. Apply to J,"'1)T"VTiM""l*eTtru'-'iwei-ii Mi(;lil8tow4inud Criiubiiry Siailon, along ilie railroad.- 2i

flSCOO.OO on B.HIII and

this office.nie plucc to gel >..ui carpi

Why? Bvcnuiie he bus n lurgi* pluck to selectfrom. Will iiintcli ihftvi on 11.mr 8'> you cmexnminc (lie o,iiiiliiy and know J.ist whnl oyery"yaftl in. riiivo llu-.m cut, tnko them linineiind put down Ihe suiiie day.qiialily guaranteed: ' '

No one dellvi-ra goods mbre prompilv ormore cheerfully to cusloincrs than J, V. IJav

BIULOH'S CATAlTllH K10.MKUY.Sliiloli's ('iiiiirrb lt-inedy, ii lnnrvoloiis euro

for Cntiirrh, Diplitheiin, Cioki r iMmilli, nniHead-Ache. VVilh eii.eli hoil!<• ih'cre ii nn ingenion« Nasnl Injeelor for the more micceBHhitrenlment of tli.sr complaints without cxlrnchnrge. Price HO C.-IILB.ninglinm, Druggist.

Sold by D. II. Citn-

TThe Jlolne-C/ufcctionery-imd Ice <3.rriit\iKoonip, on Main St., opp, Uniycrsulisl churchpnrsonage, lias ji|sl opened with a line assort,ment of choice nnd fresli Ilindc candies. *2i

-Farmrrs Tnken o t n a i d li-fift i l i n r

Nol.rct ri I'rii

~J V Davison has'/.I'll flil" T'lftfH

this teusiiD. L'MIU to your iutncels.

= ANSWER THliTQUEhTION ^y ninny fHmplo-Wiu*oc iiromiil .ua

seerii to prefer to suiter niid bu marie iJiJlt!aL,i[uliui:BUQii ,Q!!iU!UpnlriirK JIUZWKLoss of Appt-tlle, Ooniine Up or the Food,Yellow Skin, when for 75 cents we will sellthem Shjloli'a System' VitnliKer, guaranteed loenre them. Sofd by Cnnninghani.

\VALL PAFEIt^WESTi ieirs Goffl WnllPaper for 20 and 20 cenls apiene. Embossednt 85o. per piece. op 19 8t

Good HHlr Cloth Parlor Salt at Voorhces1

Tor $33 GO. Why? BecauBo be c(»n afford tosell them for that prfec.

^KiRtit lari-e-caseft of Diy Qonds recelTcd byJ. 'V DhVison, from Saturday morning or lastweek to Wednesday morning of this week.

^ GItEATLY*EXClTED.red~t^r«t~a"1e~w ortTTc citizens ot niglileFivn n Iiavc

recently become greatly excited over Ihe as-tounding facie, that several of their friends

J0m3aircw^«««needbynrelrpi^cbTr?sas inciirnl)lo and beyond all Wipe—suffering•with tlmttlreaded iiwimlHi CouHUinpllon—Imvebeen complelelyouredbvDr. King's New Dis:covery for Consumption, the only remedy thatdoes positively euro nil throat and lung (tiseas-ea. Cough*,: Oiild»:- Aalhmit-and-BronGliitlfl;Trial bollle free, at Cunningham's I)rng Store,large bottles $1. *i

Why? Silk Plush Suit for $50.00 atBeeauBcr we can afford to suit them

for that price.

" WALL PAPEK.^-WEAR sells gold wallpaper for 30 and 26 cenu apiece.' ' Embossedat 86c-per:pieoor"—'""—:

Good Carpel Lnwngei at Voorhees', »B.0O.

"Best Chamber Suit yea ever saw, at Voor-


BHiiADFine Com/hctidtoerp; Tee Cream,

-JfrutU, .Etc., -

Opp. the ChiiJ»hei,rmOHT8T0W*.




AH styles in Collars.. l<lew Shade Gloves.

New Goods arriving every day, all at the yery lowest price

Gall and eee ihem.





^ ^ j ^

The store is not filled with "Common Trash-' -er-^fReriinant,H,'?

o l * ff««'«t in BlL,lt. SILK GOODS*

ooous. Now DLAOK


The.Millinery_Dcpartment does not need any mention.

QUALITIES F A 7 OP! PBICBSlie enure business. Clothing and Men a Furntsliinc dnod*. Is now conducted personally

ntlnylor Opi-ia ITouse, 111 Trenlon, by RICHAHI) A DONJSIELLY.JXli£

__And quidity_w4is-lhu first.oonsideinlion

Then the main r of pi ices cam.', and we nre satisfied with n much closer margin than mostmeicliiinls could nfTnid lo lukc

^ We expi-ct to se-H more goods ilinn we ever did before, aud will guarantee every assertlor

If yon should buy a suit of clothes here and become dissatisfied with it, bring it back am:have it exr hanged, or ask for your rnnniy. and il will be handed to you ehierfull>

Oir All-w.>ol Hulls fw men, nt $0 and 37. are eond, honest things, most pioplc woul.tiny lliem m *10 I hi- $11 C 1. vi.us are SI'S Bulls in most IIOIIHIS The Black All-w.iolWorsitflH. nt W10, 313 and 1,15, .lie the lesult of vLry careful efforts to get Hie beBt vnlu.a thenioiity could possibly buy *

The H ys' nnd Cluldreii's Dcpnilmi'nl hm been onlarg.-d, and n renlly good mmfrom 4 to In 12. run lit hml for $1 50 Wo nlso shmv the huesl novolticB. some ns hiiHi nl *1(>lint we nre prtpared 10 8ui|irine you in Ihe ini-dimn grades, at $3, $4 and SO—not oneitvle- alencli price, but iu noine cases a dozen

N thine can pr( vent us dmnii ilic greatf al Spring trado ever seen in our house, for 1 tic Goodsiin- grcnt. iiud tin- pruts are email. - -

Come in iiud Bee liu.w LBslly_"ic enn save you a few dollars.



Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Plated Wares, JewSryTspeotaolfiB, French.and American-Olooks and Bronzes, Brio-a-Srao-aii


-Every "X"ouii|j-

Every MaldonLady


-OWMnn11 =—


Erory School

us the article that qtigftep thg c


_ In the subject <Tf~TJme at the

present day. We must all J£at,

" Xive, Sleep an<3* Die on TlmeT

Who is better adapted to give

with their Tin^e Keepers. COOK &

asi the GKKAtBBT TIMBKBBPBHS and the.. .1 1 J -


J. V.A t

comes again before the public thanking tfieiiftiii™^,tinned liberal patronage, and with renewed promisesto please all who have helped or who may In future

Just now we are giving particular dttetatiorf to'G O O D S - We '* " " "" """ " 'we" -"oeir4,»L _ . „__._.,.and the pnpularjiew shadea that are now being introduced, Also" fit -BlaclMioodtt, «ii¥(ijC'prtccis-«iT^ -»7iH bear comparison with those ofany, market, and the quality-of our-fpodpj ' * *" ""tune.

Special mention—75 pieces printed India Linen at 9 cents peryard. These are very choice and Cheap. An elegant line of Frenchand Domestic £atines at popular prices.

About 40 different styles of Dress Ginghams in jViU pieces at8, 10, and 12i cente per yard. " ~ ~r

Beautiful new styles in Parasols, Fans, Gloves, &c.A full line of Ladies' and Gentlemen's summer Under-wedr,Agent fer Chase & Sanbony Boston Coffee. Also, we «©1J the

Darby Corn, and the best of everything in Groceries.Call and see us.

Very respectfully,

N4X) IT J!"

- wih®Ibao jaa^ii: fcaon ir©(B©5v©il

ith fiuah=f*oedfl=as_ajN3 foun^onlyjn-the- best city

Iiavo.jiiHt l>otm opened. No end to tlu* styles In WOOL-uiul -OlfcEAM GOODS Jutit opened. —


It is-alwayw busy.; New things are added every day.


READY-MADE CLOTHING,Spring and Summer styles now in.' Plains, FlaidS, Checks and

Stripes, m Sacks, CutawayB^ and Prince Alberts ^Knee-Suit»^for Children. SCOTCH MIXTUHE8 in Plaids and Stripe* amongth I u m for thin ftPnpnn ftFWTLElttEN'S DRES8 SPITINQ3in Blflck, Brown and Checks. We defy competition in quantity,qualijy_or_price. _ Don't go to theccjty_and_pjiy morefor the same

i— -Buy at_home_jmd save-ymoiMey , . Suits always^exchangcd

at lwnestprices—and we mean 4D maintain it.

LADIES' -DRESfr GOOD DEPARTMENT.When the Beason opens—we areWer ready with all the newest

shades. It matters not, be it BLACt SILK, SATIN <?* RH&BA-HA, or m CLOTH, HENRIETTA, CAJgELS HAIR, or any of thenew gooffs, we_have_thgjn, and moat a|way-a-at lees price than-cerpetitors

MOURNING GOODS always a specialty. - — - - - ,=^L^P Jciaity_Jn REMNANTS ot GINGHAMS and PRINTS.Why? Because same quality and B^yje-'oau J>eBpjd^lees thanlQng

"vautuifi3 tu

Ladles', Misses' amt OklUvems*^ MADE WELL, TBIMMBIHWEATtY.

- 80IE AGENTS FOB'THF OENITEMEEr KID^ GLOVE, 4The N eT«r Nx>veUy "Friimning, for:

Hosiery and Gloved

AH widthe_in MQSLINS and all kinds ofvery low prices. 'We keep Ladies* and- Genta'lineSLIPPERS,Jit lower prices than most Bhoe d

^£oleagentajtorthet*GordrSSti&l" CarpetNew shapes in CROCKERY. Big

house-keepers. - . \< " i\' \See your drees aa otrfers see it—by

Page 4: WANTED. SHIRTS · Vol. xliv. No. 5. HfgMitow^^ —])R.A. DAW.ES, SURGEON DENTIST. a mmrttnVHtnra^tif looorrnptibl* Own T««th. Jiaioe uxt-dooctn-raalilonap, JSTRtn ttToati _

mmmmm;mm^S^^:"^si .•;.; y.; -^Su^vlJiiii:^;iiiPlillH^iilliiPIW

Stir-: • ; ^

V .

gj»i'iS^Srl>-i*W mmam-.s,"':'/,W":,t

[ I f WW1! :

mit* f

P; With tull delight

»J, l i ^ ; Ai^ip^Tt,

till! sud MamlM than »nd get prlott farpm


Weald lit platted to t i n fen gill »Bi snauemj .took or :



Hightsiown Gazette


*IT tv--HrrT= i ( ^ . 4 5 ^ ^


t l o n a AND BSAt. "I, fr.N«*M».

WhootFlehf,biit.jsr W « N « . . . . . . . . .MM

BaokwbtntFIonr,Cora Mail,- " ,'•" iltttoY


• < 1 10.'« . . . . . . . . . . 3 00

" ORAIN.WBont,por IRjrs, <<BBekwhait •Corn, "

B a t t e r , poi-poand . . . . . , , . , SB Oil

Ltfi, r *r • , 10"


Steck Piano 1 Palace Organ


Borne dust mjrtoe* made gray,

' But the third time 1 puUbem on,

Ont morning i n ' K l r i 'I duBCod. out ID tbo mowing land,


Toilet Sets and Tea Sets

jU^ttaraihJha«M!j(jarti.J.=.-eflWmht41it fern, anrt>hi'.re tbo flflgi

«-~-Wewblgb«Jliiia mOne4»undl took,

A, KfloriioBe Ten Bet of Pure WhUoIGrapiwW I M , 48 Piece!, i8 ,M per wt.

Plenty of little Odd Pltoel that uaio to beBeen to be apprecitUert.



An.l ooTired with tlit brook side ol»y,I l i w iflf jpreeloui iliuosi

nAHCHW,At TsM A.M., and ii4i. A lorry elgbt i .Witliinjlie liglit

No niore the?

, I could not make tuein (TU«B,W»I rint, 'OMib lUtiUftoy sky,

A l i b>rt lh i l0 , what wwe nil

_ Went iobulDg uoinu again,

Hlpce'cblldlinod'i pride, inni'iuDiiinr morn,. ' Thfiie iblnlDg ibmii brougbt low,

" "All, froBkhenf nmrir gHHOiiiigluiiigi, -z i ffs&£u ttcyofjtgnl J

iy.-u..'.... Notf old tad j fm,Aiouelprlie,

-j- W i i f t l i y j P j I j f L , : : , _ ,Tuota frlendi, thon plesjurei, tbat will

« , „ , • „ . , : - • « « * — : • • • • . • . • • • • • .

Tlio test of enmmon worn ,L

ADVERTISING MEDIUMR i ^ j i j g 1 » glowad, I knew the rwrft

. . - . - . , -„ BTOOi.—^GoBiioriB BT E. E. Axsimioii,


ThoSTEOK PIANO, awarded flri!tini!a.l»ndi1iploma,»t tbo iDtenmtloniil •iblUUsB.FBllaat

inaatllrglMB by loimnit ^ ^ . ^ . i L ' v ^ ^ A i ^tflrt'A'W'llholinl, Wajner, U i i t , TlnadOHTftQiBM


iiriijh.flffMJ.tonedlnitranionl,^BilfBedfoJ- Ohnrtine*,- sohoolniidPBMO™^ H * I B«BBi,w»rdBd B»»fmeilale »nd dlnlomm, and ie raf ppmendad bf tbo beat onjanlsts, both Amerlom and foreign. Will,Trbcmleilred.lurnljhFlanoiotailfeteiitBiiHteriiat themoatreaionablcratei. ^ „ ; ._ s_

Hoi Frai, HAT AND flTBAW,

OOBSIOTIB ST J. A, TATLOB.TlinotbTlI«y p t r t o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • " $12 00

Eye Btraw, " ; , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . 8 00

Pennsylvania RailroadTIME-TABLE,

On and attar Snnday.'HoT. 18th.Traina Ltavi Sightitown gtFoUowg]

tlOttnil l M t . B . Midd n i i t B


HiaHTSTOWH., —w—*•«

fliiBSBll 7!W P, M,,Tl» BBf dqBtpWB, BnrllnKtOBBBd UaffldBB, 1-M A, M, and 7I1B P, M,,TlB W B .bertnn and MnoBt HollT

Instruction p von on the Piano or Organ at Papir«Besi4ence,'brat the Residence c Daniel D.Norton,

•wiief«Bi*y*«isaB » S H i t Oritrl Bttek Plunoand H i Palace Organ. Osll npos Maddni i




-AUfflfeaBd B;WA.M.aBj

. BMind »:H. II

LKATE P«IIADBI,»HI A—Fran Mark* i i trtet For

BBtowBi and 8i4p A.M.andl l d E r t 1

HnrilnstDTaBdBordBBtowBi a 8i4p A.M6110p.JCLTiBMoont, HollyaBd-Eeartertoiu

L.KA.TI1 TBIHTOH—T:45 A . M, , I'M, nnd 4:01 and«!« P. M.

The Largest, Best and Cheapest stock. ©rWALL

FAJPE j t h


'sj Main Mreet, Higbtstdwn,iIy and Weekly Papers, Statipnery,





The Sparkle ol tlie Stream

"WHAT IT 18 ?

rttTO*BrBbIf.«dit«ii weekly, diTOtaa to Shool.;, Anisniitt, Wittiirai Hlitory, yiih OaltarB. tha

&l IB-


OHIT Vlnt-ClHI Uoods In



ietd%*pert and AdveBtareaaa 'inreranrtftra. — ' ."

•WHO WRITE FOB IT ?—km«ti"B-lti huBilredfror Oorriipondenti a?i Bn.• Incss Man, Lawyeri, Formeri, PnypIplBiiii TOBr.Istt,OlergTBiBB, Army uad Na^j omcers, Natnr-alliti.


WHO BEAD IT ?r !• Tor map, but attrybodywhole family retili It.

The panar (• lor map, but everybody la Internet-.Id "it". M i whale family re»iU it.



rjgH^BlnD^Mf iTii a "Spottlli'^bnt a '-Bmnn1i"journal, .

BRIGUT AND.UNIQUE I'ftaij $4 per ^esf,in sdynneB^ l e s t for «

j ni-namftmtfli atifi





- AflglGNMEMiS Of MOBgtf^OB,



tr<B>HETi PBPKOTAl », tAIIH,». &c ,r wiih .many email Gems of Art, ill (ending to benutifj your homes, and will mnka

••. . pleasing fifti, ,

uku, fu

Fofflit and Stream FnbllihtnK OomnaBf,•n-tf gg patit Bott, New York

is toW-iu a letter taiBinll oftco, . t . ... _...inBton, i t , OUWfo, anttCTono M, 1W7,

Ho writes:i '" Yeuf: MmBaj hon done irondorfnl • « •

,^IM for IBB. For the pa»t ftfe J n n IhaTO been troublod with rhcumatio pslnu..


Ptest PrtmiiimJUgp HowiJ••'! »I«t7HB,OWBRB, .



Bouib Behrt, Wlnrd, Symciiiic, mi. other one.•••. » l t l P l i J

•hln to nttqnd,

Treatise 00 lllon,! pnd Skin DI«eai«iiT B f e C

uoop HisuL'ra IN BVBRY OASE^rnrtWrdi wlihlewjle P lp t r dmler at

rtlR,' terni, 'wr l ie i i l i»Vhe W S I M .ld ( b t iTd

Lt Choppen, Cider Eorewi, f nmpBBd alt klfldt of







ItLa huge depot of Plush and Leather Fancy Goods—Pocket Books,,


MiiJ m®&Machinery Furnished & Ilepairec




CaM Oasei, P o r t f e l i o s r E p f , ^ a a p jand Fountam Pena, Pioiograph, Albums^ Brai l

ioomniB WITH A eoBPLMB M M o»

Ink gtaods and all the small Stationery Artiolesr Ohristmas Cardiand Novelties.,- Diaries for 1888,

Special Biscounts to Sunday Schools.: BRE4BL.EY -del STOLL,, 28 and 30 East State Street, Trenton, K. J.





A Speotacla or Eye-glasiLfitifcft


lii-ing nnU llpliol«t«i*(iis.imltB0WBfnr8

; HBjl Hid for





Botwoon Mnptlstand Unlvariallltaanrebei,

Main Street, Hightstown.. nprl-JS _

s w w ^ ™ * * , . - . , . - , EXIQDMONfl,00HMIIMHNTS, ' EXE0D1I0H8,

FlIXat All

,,siffi<.e filled- with





3fbad Street, Opp. Gourt Home,

"Trenton, N. j .

pit. ISSS,

ryou wiS& to tave it thoi^" ' " l" 1, at -an honert

1847 logeri Broi' Best Maks.;184:[



_ _ 1, JBAWUFAOTtJBB* Or : , •

•i' wmmMwioLimilE AMD RITA11.._





r» JJOOKB,_ _ T E BOOM,-KOfirBWKtf™;=

Total Amis, Jjin, IMi, • • »6,886,g«JiLiliiJ.aAJinndi. - - a j iMM

lueqrcs ngnlnst li*S by JPirt niid_Iat loweit pnnlblt rales. *



V "TrentonVNi J .


A.T1HB kwsoktiii&m or

BL= I , gfRTffft

MWM**WBBt, Hlffhtmown, N.J.

CO Aii^

ndea^togiyfientij^aatn>'and: spareJnopAirii tolifi thit^tpbt, • •

Made Clothing!


rtah at Oonncll Rldttt, Bttek Moontaln. HOIMJ*

-A^goiii -«BH''? f°^tllA ji'tnll Trmla ooninqtjyonhanJ.

Thoie wlib)ngrMi']Pii«ti««« tn eUhor' largt orBT i n anhtra imill qaintldoi, w W nnd It to tfcalf tnterento


nJ-r-jTtfini.;^ tvitryv

^A II K<n"Hi'EPl**mtb<i tout In th»«nr l4 . .nn .



m >M-Miiif r i J ' - ^ : T ' -


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Si, % fe?;, iyV v V ^ >ftf,^;s