Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include...

Wandering Tattler Volume 62, Number 5 President’s Message by Bruce Aird Iʼve never been a big fan of the New Yearʼs resolution concept. It seems to me a promise made to yourself is the easiest kind to break, so itʼs rarely going to work. Thus, the only thing weirder than me endorsing the idea of resolutions is that Iʼm audaciously going to suggest one for you! To make it even odder, Iʼm making this suggestion to you in February, though if it helps, remember that Iʼm writing this early in January! So without further ado, your resolution for 2013 should be to get more involved with Sea & Sage Audubon. Why should you do that? Because itʼs a great organization, comprised of wonderful people doing incredibly worthwhile things that need doing or are just plain fun or both. Remember, this is a 100% volunteer-run organization. Everything we do (with a few marvelous exceptions, and you know who you are!) is powered by volunteers. We cannot run these programs without them, and we never have enough of them. We need more naturalists and docents for our Education programs. We need more volunteers to keep Audubon House open virtually every day of the year. We always need folks to help us census birds at the marsh, at Upper Newport Bay, at PIF counts, CBCs and the Orange County Spring Count. If events are your thing, you could assist with the Pancake Breakfast, the Summer BBQ or the Annual Dinner. We have an Exhibits program that takes us to a dozen different venues every year, and we would love to have more people to manage that booth. We want more folks involved with the Conservation Committee and all its various programs. You could help run the chapter Facebook page, work on the Science Committee or even hold a position on our Board of Directors. You may wonder whether or not youʼre qualified – itʼs a fair question. My guess is you already are, but if youʼre not confident, start small. Take one of Sylviaʼs classes, attend a few field trips, and when the moment is right, ask a few questions. We are your Audubon chapter, but we can represent you much better if you take a more active role with us. So go ahead, make this a resolution for 2013, a little bit late. In case youʼre wondering, my resolution for this year is to help make it easy for you to keep yours. General Meeting February 15 th - Friday evening - 7:30 pm Photographers, Sue and Clair deBeauvoir will present our February program North American birds they have photographed during recent U.S. trips. Concentration on California, Oregon, Texas, Florida and the Northeast will provide the initial selections. Several unusual favorites, like the Harpy Eagle, will be added along with a few mammals, including a black wolf seen in Yellowstone NP this fall. Clair, a retired educator, and Susan, a retired court reporter, have made bird photography their retirement avocation. They have been long-time members of the Bolsa Chica Land Trust and were instrumental in starting the now popular Bolsa Chica calendar. Their images and efforts have helped the effort to save the Bolsa Chica Mesa. Their photographs have been published in books and magazines and they are charter members in the North American Nature Photography Association founded by Roger Tory Peterson. Much of their time now is spent traveling and photographing birds across the United States and selected international countries. And whenever they are "in town," they attend Sylvia Gallagher's classes. We hope you will join us for this special program which will be held in the Duck Club, at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. The doors open at 7:00 for refreshments and fellowship, and the meeting and program will begin at 7:30 pm. (See page 11 for directions to our regular meeting place.) Remember, you must access Riparian View from Campus Drive, not from Michelson. Bring a flashlight to light your way back to your car after the meeting since the parking lot is not well lit in the evenings. Audubon House will be open from 6:30 to 7:15 for those who arrive early. Pat & Dick Cabe, Program Co-chairs

Transcript of Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include...

Page 1: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Wandering Tattler

Volume 62, Number 5

President’s Message by Bruce Aird Iʼve never been a big fan of the New Yearʼs resolution concept. It seems to me a promise made to yourself is the easiest kind to break, so itʼs rarely going to work. Thus, the only thing weirder than me endorsing the idea of resolutions is that Iʼm audaciously going to suggest one for you! To make it even odder, Iʼm making this suggestion to you in February, though if it helps, remember that Iʼm writing this early in January! So without further ado, your resolution for 2013 should be to get more involved with Sea & Sage Audubon. Why should you do that? Because itʼs a great organization, comprised of wonderful people doing incredibly worthwhile things that need doing or are just plain fun or both. Remember, this is a 100% volunteer-run organization. Everything we do (with a few marvelous exceptions, and you know who you are!) is powered by volunteers. We cannot run these programs without them, and we never have enough of them. We need more naturalists and docents for our Education programs. We need more volunteers to keep Audubon House open virtually every day of the year. We always need folks to help us census birds at the marsh, at Upper Newport Bay, at PIF counts, CBCs and the Orange County Spring Count. If events are your thing, you could assist with the Pancake Breakfast, the Summer BBQ or the Annual Dinner. We have an Exhibits program that takes us to a dozen different venues every year, and we would love to have more people to manage that booth. We want more folks involved with the Conservation Committee and all its various programs. You could help run the chapter Facebook page, work on the Science Committee or even hold a position on our Board of Directors. You may wonder whether or not youʼre qualified – itʼs a fair question. My guess is you already are, but if youʼre not confident, start small. Take one of Sylviaʼs classes, attend a few field trips, and when the moment is right, ask a few questions. We are your Audubon chapter, but we can represent you much better if you take a more active role with us. So go ahead, make this a resolution for 2013, a little bit late. In case youʼre wondering, my resolution for this year is to help make it easy for you to keep yours.

General Meeting February 15th - Friday evening - 7:30 pm

Photographers, Sue and Clair deBeauvoir will present our February program North American birds they have photographed during recent U.S. trips. Concentration on California, Oregon, Texas, Florida and the Northeast will provide the initial selections. Several unusual favorites, like the Harpy Eagle, will be added along with a few mammals, including a black wolf seen in Yellowstone NP this fall. Clair, a retired educator, and Susan, a retired court reporter, have made bird photography their retirement avocation. They have been long-time members of the Bolsa Chica Land Trust and were instrumental in starting the now popular Bolsa Chica calendar. Their images and efforts have helped the effort to save the Bolsa Chica Mesa. Their photographs have been published in books and magazines and they are charter members in the North American Nature Photography Association founded by Roger Tory Peterson. Much of their time now is spent traveling and photographing birds across the United States and selected international countries. And whenever they are "in town," they attend Sylvia Gallagher's classes. We hope you will join us for this special program which will be held in the Duck Club, at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. The doors open at 7:00 for refreshments and fellowship, and the meeting and program will begin at 7:30 pm. (See page 11 for directions to our regular meeting place.) Remember, you must access Riparian View from Campus Drive, not from Michelson. Bring a flashlight to light your way back to your car after the meeting since the parking lot is not well lit in the evenings. Audubon House will be open from 6:30 to 7:15 for those who arrive early. Pat & Dick Cabe, Program Co-chairs

Page 2: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Conservation News Susan Sheakley Our Conservation Committee meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Blue House. Conservation Lectures are at 7:30 PM on the 4th Tuesday in the Learning Center. Additional Conservation information is on our webpage.

4th Tues. Conservation Lecture Tuesday, February 26th – 7:30 pm

presented by Christine Tischer, SJWS Nestbox Program Manager

Did you know that Orange County was down to less than a handful of breeding pairs of Tree Swallows just two decades ago?

The Tree Swallow is a neotropical migrant bird whose breeding range includes the majority of North America. It migrates 100s of miles to overwinter in the southern United States, Mexico, and Central America and returns to the breeding grounds in late January, early February. Orange County is at the southernmost extent of the Tree Swallowʼs breeding range. This species was on the decline in

OC due to a shortage of natural cavities and competition for nest sites by European Starlings and House Sparrows.

Thanks to Sea and Sageʼs Nestbox Program that began in 1999, the diligence of dedicated volunteers, and the adaptability of this species, Orange County now supports a booming breeding population of Tree Swallows. Tree Swallows flying in and out of nestboxes along the trails of the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary are a common sight from March to July each year. Come join Nestbox Program Manager, Christine Tischer to learn about the Programʼs meager beginnings, a summary of the Programʼs first 13 years in operation, and the uniqueness of the Orange County breeding population of Tree Swallows. You will also hear about the exciting direction towards international research that this program is getting ready to undertake and how you can become involved!

Christine is a terrestrial wildlife biologist for Ecorp Consulting, an environmental consulting firm in Santa Ana. Sheʼs been in the consulting industry for 15 years and regularly conducts habitat assessments, focused surveys for threatened and endangered wildlife species, biological monitoring, and environmental document preparation. In the spring and summer, Christine busies herself managing the Nestbox Program, monitoring her own bluebird trail, and banding chicks as a Sea and Sage Audubon volunteer and as part of the California Bluebird Recovery Program. On any given week during the breeding season she can be

found in the Irvine area banding Tree Swallows and bluebirds, typically with her two kids in tow. Ms. Tischer holds a B.S. in Animal Science from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.

Please join us for this interesting presentation about Sea and Sage's Tree Swallow Nestbox Program. Who knows, you may be inspired to pitch in and lend a hand as the program enters its 14th season!

Chapter News Chapter Volunteers Party Every year, we have a special party in the form of an Open House to honor our wonderful Chapter Volunteers. This year, our party will be held on Saturday afternoon, February 16th. Those of you who volunteered to help with a chapter activity in 2012 will be receiving an invitation. We do hope you will be able to attend! Contact Nancy Kenyon for more info on this event.

eBird Workshop

Our Annual Dinner speaker, Brian Sullivan, will be conducting an eBird Workshop on Saturday morning, March 16, after the Annual Dinner. We will information on the workshop and how to sign up for it in the next Tattler. Please mark that date on your calendar if you want to learn more about eBird & how to enter or access data in it.

Page 3: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Wandering Tattler 3 February 2013

Sea & Sage Annual Dinner Friday, March 15th at Mile Square Park Banquet Center

Our Guest Speaker – Brian Sullivan Program “What We Have Learned From eBird”

Our Annual Dinner this year will again be held at the Mile Square Park Banquet Center on Friday evening, March 15th. Our guest speaker, Brian Sullivan, is the eBird Project Leader at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Photo Editor for Birds of North America Online and ABAʼs North American Birds, and co-author of the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

The eveningʼs program will include the presentation of our chapterʼs Fern Zimmerman Conservation Award and Letters of Commendation and our ever popular Silent Auction. The Mile Square Park Banquet Center is located at the south end of Mile Square Park, at the intersection of Warner & Ward. Free parking is available. Below is the schedule for the evening:

No Host Bar: 6:00 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. Program: 8:00 p.m., sharp! Location: Mile Square Park Banquet Center Tickets: $45 for all reservations received before March 1st $50 for reservations received on or after March 1st Entrees: Chicken or Vegetarian

MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY. Seating will be assigned in the order the reservations are received. If you wish to sit with friends, make sure they send in their reservations on the same date you do. To reserve a seat, make your check payable to: Sea & Sage Audubon; include the name of each person for whom a reservation is made. If you wish group seating, please indicate that on the reservation form; each table will seat 10 people. Mail your check and the reservation form to: Annual Dinner, c/o Nancy Kenyon, 32 Almond Tree Ln., Irvine CA 92612. A message confirming your reservation will be sent back to you along with directions and a map. Be sure to include your email address and phone number on the reservation form. All reservations must be received by 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 11th.

2013 Annual Dinner Reservation Form

Name ________________________________________________Entree_________________________

Name________________________________________________ Entree_________________________ With whom do you wish to sit? ____________________________________________________________ Email address for confirmation & map Phone (in case we need to contact you quickly) _____________________________________ Entrees: [C] Chicken [V] Vegetarian. Detailed information about the menu will be available later. All dinners will include a salad, fresh vegetables, freshly baked rolls, coffee, tea, or decaf, and dessert. Mail your reservations to: Annual Dinner, c/o Nancy Kenyon, 32 Almond Tree Ln., Irvine CA 92612

Page 4: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Thank you so much! Sea and Sage depends on your financial contributions to support our conservation and education programs. Your donations help make us a strong chapter. The following is a list of Annual Direct Mail Appeal Donors whose donations were received prior to February 8, 2013.

Wandering Tattler 4 February 2013

Page 5: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Chapter News & Donors For more information about Sea & Sage activities, check our Schedule of Chapter Activities on our chapter website (www.seaandsageaudubon.org). It lists the dates of meetings, field trips, special events such as the Annual Dinner, Summer BBQ, Pancake Breakfast, Summer Nature Day Camp, Spring Brunches, Summer Bat Walks, Natural History Walks, Owl Prowls, etc.

Donations continued —

Audubon House Volunteers We would like to thank the following people for helping to staff Audubon House in January and February: Pat & Dick Cabe, Barbara Chidester, Deana Collins, Carolyn Cooper, Joanne Cull, Tom Drouet, Fresia Escalona, Judy Fritts, Lynne Hayes, Pat Heilig, Cindi Herrera, Sarah Jayne, Steve Jelnick, Lois Jones, Nancy Kenyon, Laurette Kyle, Donna Malloy, Joan McCauley, Bobbie Miller, Eunice Morita, Shirley Price, Betty Purdy, Roberta Ray, Barbara Reber, Shirley Reynolds, Susan Sheakley, Bev Spring, Betty Swift, Diana Van Horn, Beryl Vogel, Pat Wells. Audubon House is open daily from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Our Volunteers greet visitors, answer the phone, sell merchandise, answer questions about birds, check out binoculars, etc. If you are interested in helping at Audubon House, please call Judy Fritts at 949-551-4513.

News from our Book Store Our bookstore inside Audubon House is open daily from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. It is also open 45 minutes before our monthly meetings. New arrivals this month include: birding guides (various states);

(children's). Back in stock:

(children's). Peterson woodpecker note cards. February specials: (reg $20/sale $10);

(reg $18/sale$10)

Bloom-Hays Ecological Research Grant Pete Bloom and Loren Hays are both well-known within the chapter for their passion to protect birds and open spaces. The Weir Canyon Fund (championed by Pete Bloom in the 1980s) and the Loren Hays Memorial Fund have been combined to create a funding for ecological research projects. The objective of the Bloom-Hays Ecological Research Grant is to advance ecological research, particularly research related to avian species and the natural communities upon which they depend, by providing funds or supplies to support research activities benefitting native species and habitats in Southern California. Graduate students, undergraduates, and high schoolers are invited to apply for research grants varying from $250 to $2,500. The grant application and instructions can be found on the Sea and Sage website under Conservation. Application packages must be received by email no later than March 15, 2013.

Raptor ID Workshops There are still a few spaces left in both of Bill Clarkʼs Raptor ID workshops. If you want to learn how to distinguish Merlins from Kestrels, Buteos from Accipiters, or are just interested in learning more about our California raptors, this is your chance! The Intro Workshop will be March 1-3 while the Advanced Workshop will be March 8-10. For more information or to pick up an enrollment form, we have copies at Audubon House and on our website at www.seaandsageaudubon.org .

Starr Ranch Adult Bird Research Camps

Sat., March 30th – Sun., March 31st Audubon Californiaʼs 4000-acre Starr Ranch Sanctuary invites you to attend our Spring Adult Bird Camp. Whether youʼre an amateur birder, or a professional trying to expand your resume, this is an opportunity to learn new tips and techniques to enhance your birding skills and discover how you can contribute to current research as a citizen scientist. On Sunday, participants will gain hands-on experience with various research technologies and survey techniques used by biologists. The workshop will be led by current Starr Ranch ornithologist, Jennifer Wilcox. Sign up for one or both days; workshop limited to 15. Cost: $50/day (Extra $5 if tent-camping) BYO lunch; morning coffee & bagels provided. See our chapter website for full information at: www.seaandsageaudubon.org/Classes/birdclasses.htm

Contact Jennifer Wilcox at 949-858-0309 or by email at: [email protected]

Page 6: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Chapter News & Announcements For more information about Sea & Sage activities, check our Calendar of Chapter Activities on our website (www.seaandsageaudubon.org). It lists the dates of Meetings, Field Trips, Special Events such as the Annual Dinner, Summer BBQ, Pancake Breakfast, Summer Nature Day Camp, Summer Bat Walks, Christmas Bird Counts, Great Backyard Bird Count, Orange County Spring Count, etc.

Silent Auction – You can Help!

Cheryl Thomas is coordinating this yearʼs Silent Auction at the Annual Dinner in March. She has put in a lot of time and effort to make this event a success and she needs your help by donating unique items that will appeal to a wide variety of people. She is looking for items such as: 6 Lessons (instrumental music or voice, basket weaving, arts & crafts, sports oriented, yoga, ukulele, photography, computer instruction, how to use eBird, etc.

6 Sporting Opportunities (horseback riding, kayaking, scuba diving, sailing, rock climbing, hiking, etc.)

6 Special Trips (an owling trip, a day of birding Orange County with an expert, a guided trip to a natural history museum, a day trip to birding hotspots in Southern CA, etc.) 6 Gently used or new items you cannot use (such as the mountain bike your kids bought you, the GPS youʼve never used, the brand new wheel barrow for which you have no yard, quality wildlife photos or paintings, framed) 6 Activities (picnics, dinners, evenings out, theatre, opera or symphony tickets, field trips, etc.) 6 Services (housekeeping, babysitting, dog walking, pet care while youʼre away, a massage session, etc.) 6 Something different (Do you make jewelry? Knit caps or sweaters? Birding hats or vests? Doll Houses? Baskets? Bird Houses or Bird Baths? Record music? Have a vacation cottage? Create special planted pots of herbs, native plants, flowers, succulents, or vegetables?

Caspers Wilderness Park Needs Volunteers Caspers Park Foundation is looking for friendly, nature-loving people to help them at the park. Opportunities to experience wildlife are greater here than at any other Orange County Park. Meet with friendly, like-minded people and learn something new! Volunteer opportunities include: Staffing the Nature Center, Leading Interpretive Walks, Scout and School Groups, Weed Warriors, Trail Maintenance, and Wilderness Access. Contact: [email protected] if you are interested.

Don Thomas

Longtime conservation advocate and naturalist, Don Thomas, passed away, January 16, 2013. He will be missed dearly as he was a passionate defender of wildlife and enthusiastically shared his knowledge and wisdom of nature with countless visitors to our parks and sanctuaries. He gave back to our community by volunteering with several organizations who work to protect and preserve Orange Countyʼs natural resources. He was a founding member of the Caspers Park Preservation Foundation (serving for over 30 years including for a term as President); a Volunteer Park Ranger and Treasurer for Orange County Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks; a Volunteer Naturalist for Sea and Sage Audubon. OC Parks recognized him with an Excellent in Volunteerism Award in 2008, stating, “His long-term commitment to Orange County and OC Parks is greatly appreciated, and his outstanding volunteer endeavors on behalf of Caspers Wilderness Park are worthy of our highest recognition.” We thank Don Thomas for all he has done to enrich our lives, especially his work to preserve those special places where wildlife will flourish forever. Our thoughts and prayers go to his family, especially Scott and Cheryl Thomas.

Great Backyard Bird Count Friday, Feb. 15 to Monday, Feb. 18

The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) is an annual 4 day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of winter bird populations. Participants are asked to count birds for as little as 15 minutes (or as long as they wish) on one or more days of the event and report their sightings online at www.birdcount.org . Anyone can take part in the Great Backyard Bird Count, from beginning bird watchers, to experts, and you can now participate from anywhere in the world! The 16th annual GBBC will be held Friday, February 15, through Monday, February 18, 2013. Please visit the official website at www.birdcount.org for more information and be sure to check out the latest educational and promotional resources . Itʼs free, fun, and easy. Each checklist submitted during the GBBC helps researchers at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society learn more about how birds are doing, and how to protect them and the environment we share.

Page 7: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Marsh Education News Trude Hurd, Project Director of Marsh Education For more information about our Education Program, please visit our chapter website at http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/Education/Education.html


Yes, and HELP is exactly what we need to continue bringing the 4th and 5th grade school children to our Outdoor Adventures Science Discovery Programs here at the Marsh. Gone are the days when the various school districts could afford the bus to get their children to and from our school programs here at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. Now, itʼs up to all of us! The cost for each bus full of children is approximately $400.

Here’s how you can help: Please send us your check today, payable to “School Bus Fund”, for all $400.00 or any part thereof. Any amount is acceptable; please mail your check to: School Bus Fund, Sea & Sage Audubon, 5 Riparian View, Irvine CA 92612. We will immediately use your gift to fund the next participating school that cannot come without bus monies. Our school children are depending on all of us to help! Our San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary is depending upon this next generation of Orange County citizens to learn about and help protect our wetlands habitat in the future. We canʼt do it without you! With our sincere thanks!

Save These 2013 Camp Dates!

(*includes an overnight)

Camp registration is now open. For more information, pick up a camp brochure at Audubon House or visit our chapter webpage. Call Grace or Bev to answer questions about the camp program, or to determine availability before mailing in registration form.

Grace McElhiney (714) 969-9617 Bev Spring (714) 505-9980

Important Dates to be Announced Soon Dates for our Summer Bat Walks & Spring Brunches will be announced soon. However, reservations for these events will not open until March 1st. Watch the Chapter Webpage and the March Tattler for full information. Both of these activities are very popular and fill up quickly. To insure that you will be able to participate, make your reservations as soon as registration opens!

Southeast Arizona Trip Sat, July 13 – Tues, July 23, 2013

John Dunn, Leader This trip is run by the highly reputable WINGS Birding

Tour Company. Unlike other WINGS trips, this one is only for Sea & Sage, not the general public. It will be coordinated through Sea & Sage and Jon Dunn will be our trip leader. Maximum group size 7; minimum 5.

SE Arizona invariably ranks high among favorite North American bird watching destinations. Our birding trip takes place in the SE Arizona highlands above 4,000 ft where the days are cooler, the surroundings greener, and life in general is vibrant. Trip Itinerary: (full trip info on chapter webpage) Day 1: Meet in Tucson at 6 pm & spend the night there. Day 2: Santa Catalina Mts in morning, Madera Canyon in afternoon, possible night birding. night in Tucson Day 3: Return to Madera Canyon, grasslands & scrub, hummingbirds gathering spots, Montosa Canyon. Night near Nogales. Day 4: California Gulch (wild & beautiful canyon with water) for Montezuma Quail & Varied Bunting & hopefuly Five-striped Sparrow., on to Patagonia, possible night birding. Night near Nogales. Day 5: flexible morning, possibly Lake Patagonia, on to Sonoita & grasslands. Night at Casa de San Pedro. Days 6-7: Huachuca Mts, Sawmill & Garden Canyons, Huachuca Cyn, Miller Canyon, Ash & Ramsey Canyons for Elegant Trogan, Spotted Owls, Greater Pewee, 12-14 sp, of hummingbirds! Day 8: Drive Geronimo Trail from Douglas to animas – remote area/spectacular scenery Day 9: Chiricahuas & Cave Creek, Mexican Chickadee, Crissal & Benire’s Thrasher, possibly Scaled Quail, night birding for owls. Night in Portal. Day 10: Pinery Canyon, ponds at Wilcox for migrant shorebirds, perhaps St. David for Mississippi Kites. Night in Tucson. Day 11: trip ends in Tucson Full trip info on chapter webpage. Deadline for signups is May 1st. Questions? contact Nancy Kenyon

Page 8: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Monthly & Bi-Monthly Trips Nancy Kenyon, Field Trip Chair


Monthly Wildlife Walk at the SJWS 1st Sat: Feb. 2 - 9:00 to 10:30 am Weʼll be exploring the birds, plants, and creatures of the marsh on this wildlife walk at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. Watch winter at the marsh. Meet in front of Audubon House at 9:00 am for a 1½ hour nature walk. (See directions to the SJWS on page 11.) Leaders: Audubon Naturalists Bi-Monthly: Santiago Oaks Bird Walk Alternate 1st Sun: Feb. 3 - 7:30 am to 11:00 Join Linette Lina for a winter bird walk at Santiago Oaks Reg. Park at 7:30 am. The mix of oak riparian and coastal sage scrub habitats make Santiago Oaks one of the best places in Orange County to find a variety of songbirds. Directions: Take the 55 Fwy to Katella Ave in Orange. Exit and drive east on Katella 3.2 miles to Windes Dr. Turn left on Windes Dr. and follow the signs to the park. Be prepared to pay the $5 entrance fee if you donʼt have a county parks pass. Meet in the upper end of parking lot. Leader: Linette Lina Bi-Monthly: Caspers Wilderness Park Alternate 1st Wed: Feb. 6 - 8:00 am to 11 Join Mike Clayton on a bird walk at Caspers Wilderness Park. The park is home to an abundant number of native species of birds and mammals. The walk may meander through old grove Sycamores, Coast Live Oak, Riparian, or Coastal Sage Scrub habitats. Come prepared for a morning of exploring. Where? Caspers Wilderness Park, 33401 Ortega Hwy (#74), San Juan Capistrano. Directions: Take the I-5 Fwy south to Ortega Hwy and turn left (toward the mts.). Drive 7.6 miles to Caspers Park which will be on your left. Be prepared to pay the $3 entrance fee if you donʼt have a county parks pass. Meet in the Old Corral day use area. Leader: Mike Clayton

Monthly: Bird Walks at the SJWS 2nd Sun: Feb. 10 - 8:00 am to 12 Join Chris Obaditch for a monthly bird walk around the ponds of the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine at 8:00 am. This is a good time to watch for unusual winter vagrants. The walk, which is open to interested birders of all ages, will meet by the front porch of Audubon House.

Children under the age of 11 must be accompanied by an adult. (See directions to the SJWS on page 11.) Leader: Chris Obaditch Bi-Monthly: Carbon Canyon Bird WalkAlternate 3rd Sun: Feb. 17 – 7:30 am to 11:30 Discover the local birds of our canyons and foothills at Carbon Canyon Regional Park. Offering different habitats, this park provides a glimpse of some birds that are uncommon throughout most of the county. Where? Carbon Canyon Reg. Park, 4442 Carbon Canyon Road, Brea. Directions: From the 57 fwy, exit Lambert. Go east on Lambert to Carbon Canyon; park will be on the right. Upon entry to the park, turn left and park in the 1st parking area on the right, in front of the pond and the childrenʼs playground. Be prepared to pay the $5 entrance fee if you donʼt have a county parks pass. Leader: Garett Lepper

Monthly: Upper Newport Bay by pontoon boat 3rd Wed: Feb. 20 & March 20 - 8:15 am to 11 ® Join us for the rare chance of birding the Upper Newport Bay from the deck of a pontoon boat. Spotting birds from the water offers one a different perspective and the birds seem to view us differently also. Trip duration is 2 1/2 hrs. Trip is limited to 15 persons and there is a $10 trip fee payable in cash on the morning of the outing. Advance reservations are necessary; contact Nancy Kenyon to reserve a spot on the boat. ([email protected]; 949-786-3160) Directions will be provided to those with reservations. Leader: Nancy Kenyon

Monthly: Upper Newport Bay Bird Walk

Last Sunday: Feb. 24 – 8:00 am to 11 Join Mark Kincheloe for a monthly bird walk in Upper Newport Bay to check out the seasonal shorebirds, ducks, grebes, herons & egrets, etc. that frequent the bay. Bring binoculars, a field guide, and a scope if you have one. Directions: We will meet in the Big Canyon parking lot in Newport Beach. This is easily reached from Jamboree. Take San Joaquin Hills Road west toward the bay where it intersects with Back Bay Drive. Turn right on Back Bay Drive & follow it to the Big Canyon parking lot on your left. Leader: Mark Kincheloe

Page 9: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

February Field Trips Nancy Kenyon, Field Trip Chair


San Luis Obispo county north coast & Carrizo Plain weekend trip ® Sat. & Sun., Feb. 2-3 - 7:00 am Our field trip will begin at 7:00 on Sat. in Morro Bay. We will spend much of the day exploring areas along the north coast of SLO county. On Sunday, we will drive from Morro Bay to the Carrizo Plain about 1 ½ hours drive. See Dec, Tattler and/or Chapter webpage for full trip info. Limit: 15 persons; the fee is $25. (2 spots left!) Make check payable to Sea & Sage Audubon and mail to: Carrizo Plain Trip, c/o Nancy Kenyon, 32 Almond Tree Ln, Irvine CA 92612. Be sure to include your phone number & e-mail address, or a stamped, legal sized envelope for trip information. Rain before the trip cancels the trip; Carrizo Plain roads are dirt and impassible when muddy!

San Jacinto Wildlife Area Saturday, Feb. 9th - 8:00 am Donʼt miss this field trip to the San Jacinto Wildlife Area (SJWA) in Riverside County! The SJWA consists of a series of ponds which support an abundance of waterfowl and shorebirds. In addition to the ponds, there are grasslands which support foraging Golden Eagles and a variety of other raptors and songbirds. Directions to the SJWA: (17050 Davis Road, Lakeview. Telephone: (951) 928-0580) From Orange County, take the #55 Fwy. to the #91 Fwy. towards Riverside; in Riverside, #91 turns eastbound into #215 south/#60 east. Take the #215 south/#60 east towards Moreno Valley. Immediately before Moreno Valley, #215 SOUTH and #60 EAST diverge. From #215, exit on Ramona Expressway and go east past Lake Perris to Lakeview, then north on Davis Rd. 2.3 miles to the SJWA. Bring: binocs, a scope if you have one, warm layered clothes, water and your lunch. Restrooms are available. The trip may involve a lot of walking. Rain before the trip could make the dirt roads impassible. If in doubt, contact Nancy Kenyon. Leader: John McKeever

Batiquitos Lagoon Trip Saturday – Feb. 23 - 8:00 am Batiquitos Lagoon is located on the coast of northern San Diego county, just north of Encinitas. The lagoon is bordered by the ocean on the west, steep hills on the south, gentle slopes to the north, and San Marcos Creek on the eastern end. There is a small nature center and an excellent trail system at the lagoon. 165+ species have been reported there. Our field trip will be led by Steve Brad, a former Sea & Sage member who now lives

in the area and birds Batiquitos frequently. Directions: From Orange County, drive south on the I-5 to Carlsbad and exit on Poinsettia Lane. Drive east and turn right (south) on Batiquitos Drive (the 2nd stoplight past the freeway). Drive down the hill toward the lagoon and then right on Gabbiano Lane. Drive to the end and park; we will meet there. Steve says it is a great place to bird by ear.

Owl Prowls at Starr Ranch ® 6:30 - 8:30 pmFri. evening, March 8 ® Fri. evening, March 22 ® Sat. evening, March 9® Sat. evening, March 23 ® The Owl Prowl is a short nighttime excursion into Starr Ranch Sanctuary in search of owls. Our evening will begin with an orientation by means of the live owl cam. Pete DeSimone who has been manager of Starr Ranch since the mid 1980ʼs and knows all about the owls and hawks which inhabit Bell Canyon, will talk with us about Barn Owls and answer our questions regarding owl behavior. We will then board the big open bed truck for a short ride down the canyon to search for some owls. At each stop, Pete will play some recordings of owl calls while we listen carefully for owl responses and watch for any sight of them. Advance reservations needed; trip size limited. Trip fee: $20. Make check payable to Sea and Sage Audubon and mail to: Owl Prowl, c/o Nancy Kenyon, 32 Almond Tree Ln, Irvine CA 92612. Include your email address & phone number, or a stamped self-address envelope for trip confirmation & additional info. Check webpage for space availability; trips fill quickly! Leader: Pete DeSimone

Heise Park & Anza Borrego weekend ® Sat/Sun, March 23/24 - 8:00 am The Heise Park day trip will highlight desert and mountain birds as well as migrating vireos, warblers, flycatchers. The Anza Borrego day trip will focus on desert species only. You can sign up for one or both days. See webpage for additional trip information. Hikes are moderate to strenuous. Reservations are needed; trip size is limited. Trip fee is $10 per day payable to Sea & Sage Audubon: Heise Park FT, c/o Nancy Kenyon, 32 Almond Tree Ln, Irvine CA 92612. Include phone number & email address or stamped legal- sized envelope for trip info & confirmation. Leaders: Dick & Pat Cabe Check chapter webpage for trip information on: • Eastern Sierra weekend trip – April 13 & 14 • Southern Utah 3 day trip – May 3,4,5 • Southern Sierra weekend trip – May 17 – 20 • Mammoth Lakes weekend trip – June 29 & 30 • Southeastern Arizona trip – July 13-23 (see page 7) • Summer Pelagic Trip – Sat, July 13

Page 10: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

San Juan Capistrano CBC Report – 12/15/12 The San Juan Capistrano CBC covers the southern end of Orange County. It is divided into the following sections: Laguna Niguel Regional Park, San Clemente, Starr Ranch Sanctuary & Caspers Wilderness Park, Pelagic Areas along the coast, Saddleback College & vicinity, Upper San Juan Creek, Aliso-Wood Canyons & Zigerot/Cosco area, Richard & Donna OʼNeill Land Conservancy, San Clemente hillsides, and Dana Point & Doheny State Park. The count was organized by Darrell Wilson and the data was compiled by Jennifer Wilcox. Full information on this count will be posted on our Sea & Sage website in the form of a spreadsheet showing count data for each area.

Total Total Total Total Red-throated Loon 4 Red-shouldered Hawk 24 Greater Roadrunner 7 Wrentit 125 Pied-billed Grebe 12 Red-tailed Hawk 76 Barn Owl 5 Northern Mockingbird 51 Horned Grebe 2 American Kestrel 29 Great Horned Owl 7 California Thrasher 59 Eared Grebe 8 Merlin 1 Burrowing Owl 1 American Pipit 104 Western Grebe 118 Peregrine Falcon 3 Common Poorwill 1 Cedar Waxwing 172 Clarkʼs Grebe 2 California Quail 107 White-throated Swift 9 Phainopepla 5 American White Pelican 14 Virginia Rail 2 Annaʼs Hummingbird 223 Loggerhead Shrike 3 Brown Pelican 83 Sora 3 Costaʼs Hummingbird 1 European Starling 378 Double-crested Cormorant 66 Common Gallinule 17 Allenʼs Hummingbird 78 Huttonʼs Vireo 6 Great Blue Heron 8 American Coot 946 Belted Kingfisher 8 Orange-crowned Warbler 37 Great Egret 6 Black-bellied Plover 10 Acorn Woodpecker 100 Nashville Warbler 2 Snowy Egret 17 Killdeer 69 Red-naped Sapsucker 2 Yellow-rumped Warbler 1291Green Heron 5 Black Oystercatcher 2 Red-breasted Sapsucker 1 Townsendʼs Warbler 9 Black-crowned Night-Heron 19 Black-necked Stilt 15 Nuttallʼs Woodpecker 76 Common Yellowthroat 120 White-faced Ibis 6 Greater Yellowlegs 1 Downy Woodpecker 3 Wilsonʼs Warbler 3 Snow Goose 1 Willet 15 Northern Flicker 67 Spotted Towhee 61 Rossʼs Goose 5 Spotted Sandpiper 8 Pacific-slope Flycatcher 1 California Towhee 179 Canada Goose 78 Lesser Yellowlegs 2 Black Phoebe 158 Rufous-crowned Sparrow 11 Cackling Goose 1 Whimbrel 3 Say’s Phoebe 40 Chipping Sparrow 20 Mallard 85 Marbled Godwit 1 Cassinʼs Kingbird 47 Lark Sparrow 54 Northern Pintail 6 Sanderling 18 Western Scrub-Jay 86 Savannah Sparrow 12 Blue-winged Teal 3 Least Sandpiper 71 American Crow 8560 Fox Sparrow 1 Green-winged Teal 2 Bonaparteʼs Gull 15 Common Raven 102 Song Sparrow 171 Cinnamon Teal 15 Heermannʼs Gull 213 Mountain Chickadee 5 Lincolnʼs Sparrow 7 Northern Shoveler 4 Mew Gull 2 Oak Titmouse 61 Golden-crowned Sparrow 21 Gadwall 15 Ring-billed Gull 182 Bushtit 712 White-crowned Sparrow 583 American Wigeon 26 California Gull 2712 Red-breasted Nuthatch 11 White-throated Sparrow 1

Lesser Scaup 15 Herring Gull 35 White-breasted Nuthatch 4 Dark-eyed Junco 36 Surf Scoter 15 Western Gull 1822 Cactus Wren 3 Red-winged Blackbird 45 Bufflehead 4 Glaucous-winged Gull 5 Rock Wren 2 Western Meadowlark 88 Hooded Merganser 2 Caspian Tern 3 Bewick’s Wren 38 Brewerʼs Blackbird 70 Red-breasted Merganser 4 Royal Tern 8 House Wren 18 Great-tailed Grackle 17 Ruddy Ruck 221 Forster’s Tern 46 Golden-crowned Kinglet 1 House Finch 522

Turkey Vulture 99 Parasitic Jaeger 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet 102 Lesser Goldfinch 177 Osprey 3 Common Murre 10 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 17 American Goldfinch 8 White-tailed Kite 7 Rhinocerous Auklet 9 California Gnatcatcher 11 House Sparrow 21 Northern Harrier 4 Rock Pigeon 227 Western Bluebird 26 Nutmeg Mannikin 96 Sharp-shinned Hawk 6 Eurasian-collared Dove 3 Hermit Thrush 18 Cooperʼs Hawk 14 Mourning Dove 153 American Robin 204

Special thanks to the following CBC participants who did such a great job helping us with the count : Bob Allen, Lisa Allen, Tammie Allen, Tom Benson, Nelli Bilinkis, Pat Bourgeois, Jim Bourgeois, Samuel Bressler, Tom Eastman, Lorie Caldwell, Paul Carlton, Jeff Caplan, Brad Dawson, Dan D’urso, Tom Eastman, Diane Etchison, John Fallon, Tom Ford-Hutchinson, Yuri Foreman, Sachiko Fukuman, Bob Gley, Debbie Gley, Sharow Harrow, Amber Heredia, Emily Igarashi, Lynne Jeffries, Holly Saki Joslin, Kim Kayano, Mark Kincheloe, Marie Kissel, Paul Klahr, Patty Knight, Ginny Kuhl, Roger Kuhl, Vic Leipzig, Carol Leone, Merri Levy, Kim Lopina, Louise Lopina, Robert Lopina, Eva Lydick, Tim Maas, Donna Malloy, Gary Meredith, Susan Merrill, Cyrus Moqtaderi, Dwight Mudrey, Gordon Owens, Cesar Paniamogan, Dan Polley, Tjie Poo, Charlie Robinson, Jenine Robinson, Stephanie Rubio, Sue Schaar, Rich Schilk, Melissa Schlothan, Robert Scrimger, Mark Silverstein, Steve Sosensky, Jim Stacy, Paul Strauss, Megan Taylor, Jill Tilton, John Tilton, Christina VanOosten, Jim Wantz, Laura Wantz, Phyllis Watson, Joel Weintraub, David Wilbur, Jennifer Wilcox, Darrell Wilson, Stan Woodward, Charlie Robinson, Jenine Robinson, Doug Willick

Page 11: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Directions and Membership Directions to Audubon House, Chapter Meetings, and the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary, Audubon Membership Form, Tattler subscriptions & delivery, and Remember Us in Your Will or Trust

Wandering Tattler February 2013

Tattler Subscriptions

Non-Audubon members or members from other Audubon chapters who wish to subscribe to our chapter newsletter, may do so for $12.50 per year. Make check payable to “Sea & Sage Audubon” and mail to: Tattler Subscriptions, 32 Almond Tree Ln, Irvine CA 92612

Go Paperless! Sign up to receive your newsletter via email — get your issues faster, help save natural resources, reduce waste, and help our chapter save money! You can read it online or print out the pages you need to refer to more frequently. It is in pdf format and will look and print exactly like the original ones. Photos will be in color. Send an e-mail to [email protected] to start your paper-free Tattler delivery today! (offer good only for chapter members in good standing)

Remember Us in Your

Will or Trust

Please remember to include “Sea and Sage Audubon Society” by name (tax ID#23-7003681) in your will or trust.

Directions to Audubon House, our Chapter

Meetings & the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

Our entrance is now from Campus Dr., not Michelson

From the San Diego Fwy (405): Exit on Jamboree, south toward Newport Beach. At the 1st signal, Michelson, turn left. Continue on Michelson (past the old entrance to the SJWS) to the 5th signal which is Harvard and turn right. Drive to University & turn right. Drive to Campus Drive & turn right. Stay in the far right lane and immediately turn right onto Riparian View which will enter the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. The entrance road is marked by a green sign. If you miss the turn and reach Carlson, turn right and go around the block again to Harvard. The sanctuary is open every day from dawn until dusk.

Audubon House Open daily: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm


Your Membership Payment

If you are signing up as a new Audubon member, be sure and use the membership form below that has the code C9ZC150Z in the lower right hand corner. This tells National Audubon who to credit for your recruitment. Sea & Sage gets 100% of a new memberʼs dues, even if you sign up for more than one year. If you are feeling generous at renewal time and you want Sea & Sage to benefit, you should send your renewal fee to National Audubon and a separate check to Sea & Sage for your donation to the chapter. If you have any questions, please contact Membership Chair, Chuck George, at [email protected] Temporarily Away or Moving?

Please notify Membership Chair, Chuck George, of your new address if you are temporarily, or permanently, moving from your current address. If you do not want to continue receiving the Tattler at your new address, let him know. This will save us from paying return postage fees.

Audubon Membership Application Membership: we invite you to become a member of the National Audubon Society and the Sea & Sage Audubon chapter. To join: Please pay by check only; do not send cash. Make your check payable to: NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY, complete this form, and mail it along with your payment to: Sea & Sage Audubon, PO Box 5447, Irvine CA 92616. National Audubon Society Membership: Check one [√] [ ] NEW MEMBERSHIP: $20 - Individual or Family members [ ] RENEWAL: $35 - Regular Membership [ ] NEW MEMBERSHIP: $15 - Senior (62+ yrs) or Student [ ] RENEWAL: $15 - Senior or Student Members receive: AUDUBON magazine as well as the WANDERING TATTLER newsletter.

Chapter Code

Name Address City, State, Zip Phone E-mail


Page 12: Wandering Tattler · the forthcoming Crossley ID Guide on Raptors. His research interests include migration, conservation, and field identification, especially of seabirds and raptors.

Chapter Mission Statement: Sea and Sage Audubon is a leader in creating an understanding of nature in Orange County, through conservation, research and environmental education programs for children and adults. This is accomplished with classes, field activities, publications and volunteer opportunities.

12 Wandering Tattler February 2013


Executive Committee: President ........................... Bruce Aird ................... 949-458-1520 Vice President ................... Vic Leipzig .................. 714-848-5394 Secretary .......................... Linda Davis ................. 949-643-3789 Treasurer .......................... Bart Beckman ............. 714-633-3419 Director 2013 .................... Star Howard ................ 949-770-3177 Director 2013 .................... Amber Oneal Heredia . 714-812-2430 Director 2014 .................... Cheryl Egger ............... 714-842-9232 Director 2014 .................... Bobbie Miller ............... 714-960-5724 Director 2015 .................... Steve Kaye ................. 714-528-1300 Director 2015 .................... Shirley Reynolds ......... 949-429-2161 Past President .................. Jay Miller ..................... 949-707-1287 Committee Chairpersons: Audubon House ..................... Susan Sheakley .......... 949-552-5974 Audubon House Volunteers ........ Judy Fritts ................... 949-551-4513 Bird Information ................ Sylvia Gallagher ......... 714-962-8990 Christmas Bird Counts ...... Steve Alter .................. 714-669-9482 Conservation Co-Chair ..... Susan Sheakley .......... 949-552-5974 Conservation Co-Chair ..... Vic Leipzig .................. 714-848-5394 Counsel ............................. Rick Derevan .............. 714-427-7016 Development ..................... Cheryl Thomas ........... 949-294-2275 Education .......................... Carolyn Noble ............. 714-731-9091 Exhibits ............................. Mary Joseph ............... 714-848-8362 Facebook .......................... Chuck George ............. 714-319-6166 Field Trips ......................... Nancy Kenyon ............ 949-786-3160 Finance ............................. Hal Sheakley ............... 949-552-5974 Membership ...................... Chuck George ............. 714-319-6166 Newsletter Editor .............. Nancy Kenyon ............ 949-786-3160 Orange County Spring Count .... Al Baumann ................ 949-859-5081 Partners in Flight ............... Janet Baumann .......... 949-859-5081 Programs .......................... Pat & Dick Cabe ......... 949-960-1683 Science ............................. Amber Oneal Heredia . 714-812-2430 SJWS Liaison ................... Chris Obaditch ............ 949-640-7234 Starr Ranch/Envir. Liaison Pete DeSimone .......... 949-858-0309 Webmaster ....................... Nancy Kenyon ............ 949-786-3160 Webpage: http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org

STAFF Marsh Education Project Director Trude Hurd ................ 949-261-7964 Education Assistant ......................... Deborah Brin ............. 949-261-7964 Administrative Aide ............. Rebecca Craft ............ 949-261-7963 Sales Manager ................... Debby Thyssen .......... 949-261-7963 Audubon House .......... .............................. 949-261-7963

CALENDAR OF CHAPTER ACTIVITIES February 2013 02 Sat Wildlife Walk at the SJWS ............................. 9:00 am 2/3 S/S SLO North & Carrizo Plain weekend trip ....... 7:00 am 03 Sun Santiago Oaks bi-monthly bird walk .............. 7:30 am 05 Tues Conservation Com. Meeting .......................... 6:30 pm 06 Wed Caspers Park bird walk .................................. 8:00 am 09 Sat San Jacinto Wildlife Area field trip ................. 8:00 am 10 Sun SJWS monthly bird walk ................................ 8:00 am 12 Tues Board Meeting . ............................................. 7:30 pm 15 Fri GENERAL MEETING .................................... 7:30 pm 16 Sat Open House for Chapter Volunteers ............. 3:00 pm 20 Wed UNB by pontoon boat .................................... 8:15 am 23 Sat Batiquitos Lagoon field trip ............................ 8:00 am 24 Sun UNB monthly bird walk .................................. 8:00 am 26 Tues 4th Tuesday Conservation Lecture ................. 7:30 pm March 2013 1-3 Fr-Su Bill Clark’s Introductory Raptor ID class ........ 7:15 pm 02 Fri Wildlife Walk at the SJWS ............................. 9:00 am 03 Sun Irvine Park bi-monthly bird walk ..................... 7:30 am 06 Wed Riley Park bi-monthly bird walk ..................... 8:00 am 8-10 Fr-Su Bill Clark’s Advanced Raptor ID class .......... 7:15 pm 8/9 Fr/Sa Owl Prowls at Starr Ranch ............................ 6:30 pm 10 Sun SJWS monthly bird walk ................................ 8:00 am 15 Fri ANNUAL DINNER ........................................ 6:00 pm 16 Sat eBird Workshop ....................... time to be announced 17 Sun Laguna Niguel RP bi-monthly bird walk ......... 8:00 am 20 Wed UNB by pontoon boat .................................... 8:15 am 22/23 Fr/Sa Owl Prowls at Starr Ranch ............................ 6:30 pm 23 Sat Heise Park field trip ....................................... 8:00 am 24 Sun Anza-Borrego field trip ................................... 8:00 am 31 Sun UNB monthly bird walk .................................. 8:00 am

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Osprey photo by Trude Hurd