WALTHAM FOREST ELECTIONS - 3rd MAY 2018 VOTE CONSERVATIVE · We will not spend another penny on...

WALTHAM FOREST ELECTIONS - 3rd MAY 2018 VOTE CONSERVATIVE Because our Labour Council needs a strong Opposition Nick Halebi, Andy Hemsted & Kay Isa are standing up for all the residents of CHINGFORD GREEN Promoted by John Moss on behalf of Nick Halebi, Andy Hemsted and Kay Isa, all of 64a Station Road London E4 7BA. Printed by Cheap Print Limited of 53 Middlesex Road PO4 8EF We would like to keep in touch with you about our work locally, campaigns and elections. Please tick the relevant boxes to confirm how you we may contact you. Post e-mail home phone mobile The information you provide will be used for these purposes only and will only be used by the Conservative Party, its candidates , representatives and associations. We will not give or sell your information to anybody else and you may withdraw your consent at any time by e-mailing [email protected]. Your MP, Iain Duncan Smith, with local traders and shoppers celebrate our win over 15 minutes free parking. NOW WE WANT 30! FIGHTING LABOUR’S NEW TAX ON DRIVING The Labour Mayor of London wants to charge you £12.50 to drive across the A406. Our Labour Council wants to charge you to drive anywhere in our Borough. Despite falling emissions over the last ten years, Labour politicians in London, including Waltham Forest’s Labour Councillors, are behind plans to charge you £12.50 every day you drive your car. This will hit older people who will be charged to drive to Whipps Cross, and people in low paid jobs who can’t afford to change their vehicles. There’s also no “residents’ exemption” so all non-exempt vehicles will be charged. London Conservatives oppose these plans. The cost of installing cameras is almost £1bn and the Mayor’s office have confirmed this will actually make pollution worse near the North Circular Road through Chingford and Highams Park. Conservatives would tackle pollution by changing the MAKE SURE YOUR VOTE COUNTS Register to vote www.gov.uk/register-to-vote Get a Postal Vote www.yourvotematters.co.uk WANT TO GET INVOLVED? Yes! - I will deliver your leaflets Yes! - I will put up a poster Yes! - I will campaign with you Yes! - I will make a donation Yes! - I want to vote by post Enter your e-mail or phone number below and send this form to us at: C&WG Conservatives FREEPOST LON11015 LONDON E4 7BR bus fleet to zero-emission, installing more rapid charging points for electric vehicles and planting trees and building walls of moss along the worst affected routes. REJECT LABOUR’S NEW TAX ON DRIVING VOTE CONSERVATIVE ON MAY 3rd North Chingford clearly isn’t a priority for our Labour Council. In 2016 they proposed scrapping the 15 minutes free parking in Station Road, threatening to make everybody shopping there pay to park. Your Conservative Councillors, residents, shop-keepers and businesses all fought together to stop this. Over 6,000 people signed our petition - and Labour caved in. Chingford isn’t the same as Walthamstow or Leyton. Yet Labour Councillors think they 15 MINS FREE PARKING SAVED Let’s get it extended to 30 minutes can impose the same policies here that have failed elsewhere. Without a strong, Conservative opposition, these changes would just happen. You’d park your car and the first you would know would be the parking ticket on your windscreen. Chingford is different and needs different solutions. That’s why Conservative Councillors are fighting for the 30 minutes free parking, both on-street and in Council car parks. CONSERVATIVE COUNCILLORS WILL ALWAYS PUT CHINGFORD FIRST CHECK IF YOU WILL BE CAUGHT BY LABOUR’S NEW TAX http://tiny.cc/checkmyvehicle

Transcript of WALTHAM FOREST ELECTIONS - 3rd MAY 2018 VOTE CONSERVATIVE · We will not spend another penny on...


VOTE CONSERVATIVE Because our Labour Council needs a strong Opposition

Nick Halebi, Andy Hemsted & Kay Isa are standing up for all the residents of


Promoted by John Moss on behalf of Nick Halebi, Andy Hemsted and Kay Isa, all of 64a Station Road London E4 7BA. Printed by Cheap Print Limited of 53 Middlesex Road PO4 8EF

We would like to keep in touch with you about our work locally, campaigns and elections. Please tick the relevant boxes to confirm how you we may contact you. Post e-mail home phone mobile

The information you provide will be used for these purposes only and will only be used by the Conservative Party, its candidates , representatives and associations. We will not give or sell your information to anybody

else and you may withdraw your consent at any time by e-mailing [email protected].

Your MP, Iain Duncan Smith, with local traders and

shoppers celebrate our win over 15 minutes free

parking. NOW WE WANT 30!



The Labour Mayor of London wants to charge you

£12.50 to drive across the A406. Our Labour

Council wants to charge you to drive anywhere in

our Borough.

Despite falling emissions over the last ten years,

Labour politicians in London, including Waltham

Forest’s Labour Councillors, are behind plans to

charge you £12.50 every day you drive your car.

This will hit older people who will be charged to drive

to Whipps Cross, and people in low paid jobs who

can’t afford to change their vehicles. There’s also no

“residents’ exemption” so all non-exempt vehicles will

be charged.

London Conservatives oppose these plans. The cost

of installing cameras is almost £1bn and the Mayor’s

office have confirmed this will actually make

pollution worse near the North Circular Road through

Chingford and Highams Park.

Conservatives would tackle pollution by changing the


Register to vote


Get a Postal Vote


WANT TO GET INVOLVED? Yes! - I will deliver your leaflets

Yes! - I will put up a poster

Yes! - I will campaign with you

Yes! - I will make a donation

Yes! - I want to vote by post

Enter your e-mail or phone number below

and send this form to us at:

C&WG Conservatives


bus fleet to zero-emission, installing more

rapid charging points for electric vehicles and

planting trees and building walls of moss

along the worst affected routes.



North Chingford clearly isn’t a priority for

our Labour Council.

In 2016 they proposed scrapping the 15

minutes free parking in Station Road,

threatening to make everybody shopping

there pay to park.

Your Conservative Councillors, residents,

shop-keepers and businesses all fought

together to stop this. Over 6,000 people

signed our petition - and Labour caved in.

Chingford isn’t the same as Walthamstow

or Leyton. Yet Labour Councillors think they

15 MINS FREE PARKING SAVED Let’s get it extended to 30 minutes

can impose the same policies here that

have failed elsewhere.

Without a strong, Conservative opposition,

these changes would just happen. You’d park

your car and the first you would know would

be the parking ticket on your windscreen.

Chingford is different and needs different

solutions. That’s why Conservative Councillors

are fighting for the 30 minutes free parking,

both on-street and in Council car parks.






LABOUR’S NEW TAX http://tiny.cc/checkmyvehicle


@CWGCA.org.uk 020 8524 4434 [email protected]


WE OPPOSE LABOUR’S NEW TAXES ON DRIVING Labour want to charge you £12.50 to drive anywhere in Waltham Forest. We want to see pol-

lution tackled with cleaner buses, more electric vehicle charging points, air-cleaning technol-

ogy, more trees and fewer diesel vehicles.

WE WANT 30 MINUTES FREE PARKING FOR OUR TOWN CENTRES We got you 15 Minutes Free Parking and saved it when Labour tried to take it away. Now we

want to see it extended to 30 minutes, on-street and in Council car parks. This will boost

trade in our local shops and support local businesses.

WE WILL REPAIR ALL OUR ROADS AND PAVEMENTS Within two years we will re-surface or properly repair every road and pavement that needs it.

We will not spend another penny on Mini-Holland projects until this is done.

WE WILL BUILD GENUINELY AFFORDABLE HOMES We will hold developers to their promises and deliver homes to rent and buy at genuinely

affordable prices and rents.

CONSERVATIVES OFFER COUNCIL TAX FREEZE Waltham Forest Labour just put your Council Tax up by 5%


NICK HALEBI Nick has served been one of your Chingford Green Councillors since 2014. He has

lived in Chingford Green for over 22 years and Chingford Green is his home. He will

fight against plans for inappropriate development and to get our Council to invest

money into Chingford Green for upgrading of pavements and roads.

ANDY HEMSTED Andy has lived in Chingford his whole life, and is proud to have served as a

Chingford Green Councillor since 2007. He wants to see more progress in making

North Chingford an even better place to live, work and shop and won’t let our

Council take away the Assembly Hall or our Library.

KAY ISA Kay has lived in Waltham Forest for 40 years, and has always cared about her

neighbourhood and her neighbours. She will work to make sure our roads are

safe, campaign for 30 minutes free parking in Station Road and push to make

sure adult social care is first class - making sure that the people in Chingford

Green get the services they are entitled to.


Protecting our Civic Buildings

Conservative Councillors were shocked at

the rumours the

Council want to sell

off the Assembly Hall

and Library for the

development of flats.

Over the years Labour

Councillors have sold

many civic buildings

in Chingford and

spent the money in Walthamstow and


Conservative Councillors will fight to save

our community facilities in Chingford

Getting Your Roads & Pavements Repaired

Your Conservative Councillors spend a lot

of time working to get roads repaired and

resurfaced. We have had

some success, with

Connaught Avenue and

Kimberley Road recently

resurfaced. But we have

to fight all the time to

stop all the money being

spent in Walthamstow

and Leyton.

Improving our Natural Environment

Just off Sewardstone Road, near Yardley

Lane, the Hawkwood

Nature Reserve is a

hidden gem, right on the

edge of Chingford.

Your Conservative

Councillors are proud to

have awarded the

reserve money over the

last few years to protect

and improve access and boost local flora

and fauna.

Making Places in Chingford Green

With £40,000 pound on offer to improve

part of our public realm,

many of you mentioned

the unused toilet block

and alley next to the

library. This has been a

blot on our landscape

for some time.

We pleased to say that

this area is now going to

be developed as a public space we will all

want to use anytime of the year.

As they say, “Watch this space”!

Conservative Councillors working hard for

our High Street

Over the years, we

have fought hard to

make sure our Labour

Council to get the

planters in Station

Road maintained and

the flowers replaced

as and when they are

needed. We want to make sure people

walking along Station Road can enjoy the

experience, and having plants, rather than

rubbish is part of that experience.

We did it again last year and we hope you

will enjoy them as they come in to bloom

this spring.


Conservative Councillors found savings in the budget which

would have spared you 60% of this increase, without affecting

front-line services. Labour Councillors voted it through anyway.

Our plans would have saved money by;

housing more people in long-term rental homes rather

than expensive bed and breakfast accommodation

using the fees collected from Landlord Licensing, rather

than hoarding this in reserves

reducing publicity spending by £150,000

reducing the spending on expensive consultants, and

budgeting better so very large contingencies were not



Labour are wasting!