WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important...

Break the Walls … Improve your surgical skills Palermo 14 th - 15 th December 2018 Nh Hotel International Meeting Women Abdominal WALLS 2018 Laparoscopic Live Surgery

Transcript of WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important...

Page 1: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Break the Walls … Improve your surgical skills

Palermo 14th - 15th December 2018 Nh Hotel



Women Abdominal

WALLS 2018

Laparoscopic Live Surgery

Page 2: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Once again the integrated course “WALLS 2018” will present the most innovative

issues in abdominal pelvic surgery. Oncological, Deep pelvic, Benign and

Neurosurgical topics will be discussed through an innovative format that mixes live

surgery and panel expert discussions.

Even more, comprehensive multi-disciplinary round tables will be focused on

future therapies for advanced oncological abdominal disease such as ovarian cancer

and peritoneal carcinomatosis.

Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and

international surgeons, will substitute classical lectures providing a great opportunity

to see “real life surgical procedures”. Both Minimal Invasive and Laparotomic

Surgery will be faced up covering topics as: Ovarian Cancer, Cervical Cancer,

Deep Pelvic Endometriosis, Neurosurgery for Chronical Pelvic Pain and Advanced

Endoscopic Surgery for Benign Disease.

The possibility to discuss step by step the whole path of treatments will give a

complete interaction between teachers and participants providing them with a series

of comprehensive and immediately applicable knowledges.

Women Abdominal Laparoscopic Live Surgery

Onorary Presidents A. Perino, G. Scambia

President V. Chiantera

Scientific Secretary A. Abbate, C. Cicero, M. Dessole, I. Pitruzzella, F.M. Re, G. Sozzi

Surgeons V. Chiantera, S. Domingo, A. Ercoli, S. Gueli Alletti, B. Holthaus, Z. Muallem, E. Vizza

WALLS 2018

Page 3: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Biagio Agostara Palermo

Luigi Alio Palermo

Pier Luigi Benedetti Panici Rome

Stefano Bettocchi Bari

Livio Blasi Palermo

Nicolò Borsellino Palermo

Alfredo Butera Agrigento

Giuseppe Canzone T. Imerese

Vito Chiantera Palermo

Nicola Colacurci Naples

Gaspare Cucinella Palermo

Maria Rosa D'Anna Palermo

Salvatore Dessole Sassari

Santiago Domingo Valencia

Alfredo Ercoli Messina

Giuseppe Ettore Catania

Maria Rita Falco Agrigento

Stefania Fiengo Naples

Francesca Finazzo Palermo

Massimo Franchi Verona

Valerio Gallotta Rome

Vittorio Gebbia Palermo

Stefano Gentileschi Rome

Laura Giambanco Trapani

Desiderio Gueli Alletti Palermo

Salvatore Gueli Alletti Rome

Bernd Holthaus Damme (DEU)

Vito Iannone Castelvetrano

Salvatore Incandela Sciacca

Francesco La Mantia Palermo

Giuseppe Lo Dico Palermo

Antonio Maiorana Palermo

Floriana Mascilini Rome

Nicola Milazzo Palermo

Zelal Muallem Berlin

Marco Petrillo Sassari

Gianni Polizzi Palermo

Marc Possover Zurich

Antonio Russo Palermo

Vanda Salutari Rome

Domenico Santangelo Sciacca

Antonino Savarino Canicattì

Giovanni Scambia Rome

Giuseppe Scibilia Catania

Paolo Scollo Catania

Sara Tardino Cefalù

Renato Venezia Palermo

Francesco Verderame Palermo

Enrico Vizza Rome

Filippo Zerilli Trapani

Laparoscopic Live Surgery


Page 4: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

8.00 Registration of participants

8.30 Authorities welcome addresses

9.00 LECTIO MAGISTRALIS Is Minimally Invasive Surgery, in Cervical Cancer Already Death?

Chair: S. Dessole

Speaker: V. Gallotta


Presentation of surgical cases, Live Ultrasound & Live Surgery


Ultra-radical Cytoreduction for Advanced Ovarian Cancer • Radical

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy • Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis • Laparoscopic

Para-aortic Lymphadenectomy • Laparoscopic Assisted Neuro Navigation •

Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy • Laparoscopic Myomectomy • Colposacropexy

for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Surgeons V. Chiantera, S. Domingo, A. Ercoli, S. Gueli Alletti, B. Holthaus

Z. Muallem, E. Vizza


S. Fiengo, F. Finazzo, F. Mascilini

Session Chair

G. Alio, S. Betocchi, M. D’Anna, M.R. Falco, G. Lo Dico, P. Scollo


V. Iannone, N. Milazzo, G. Polizzi, S. Tardino

13.00 Lunch Break


Women Abdominal Laparoscopic Live Surgery

WALLS 2018

14th December 2018

Page 5: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers



Locally Advance and Recurrent Cervical could Surgery overcome Radiotherapy?

Chair: M. Franchi

Speaker: P.L. Benedetti Panici


Presentation of surgical cases, Live Ultrasound & Live Surgery


Ultra-radical Cytoreduction for Advanced Ovarian Cancer • Radical

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy • Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis • Laparoscopic

Para-aortic Lymphadenectomy • Laparoscopic Assisted Neuro Navigation •

Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy • Laparoscopic Myomectomy • Colposacropexy

for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Surgeons V. Chiantera, S. Domingo, A. Ercoli, S. Gueli Alletti, B. Holthaus

Z. Muallem, E. Vizza


S. Fiengo, F. Finazzo, F. Mascilini

Session Chair

G. Cucinella, G. Ettore, L. Giambanco, A. Maiorana, R. Venezia


V. Iannone, N. Milazzo, G. Polizzi, S. Tardino

18.30 Interactive discussion of surgical techniques with video projection

19.00 End 1st day

Palermo, 14th - 15th December 2018 Nh Hotel

Page 6: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

8.30 LECTIO MAGISTRALIS Therapeutic algorithm for management of patients with ovarian cancer

Chair: N. Colacurci

Speaker: G. Scambia

9.00 Round Table and discussion on clinical cases:

The future of Ovarian Cancer from Molecular Pathways

to Tailored Cytoreductive Surgery President: G. Scambia

Chair: M. Petrillo, V. Salutari

Participants: B. Agostara, L. Blasi, N. Borsellino, A. Butera, V. Gebbia,

A. Russo, D. Santangelo, A. Savarino, F. Verderame

10.00 Coffee Break

10.30 LECTIO MAGISTRALIS Chronic Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Surgery and Neuropelveology, is the future Now?

Chair: S. Dessole

Speaker: M. Possover

11.00 Evaluation test for ECM

Women Abdominal Laparoscopic Live Surgery

WALLS 2018

15th December 2018


Page 7: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Palermo, 14th - 15th December 2018 Nh Hotel

Breaking the Walls … the future is now (POST CONGRESS COURSE - No CME accredited)

Chair: D. Gueli Alletti, G. Canzone, S. Incandela, F. La Mantia, G. Scibilia

11.30 LECTIO MAGISTRALIS Ovarian tissue transplantation and fertility sparing treatment in ganecology oncology

Speaker: E. Vizza

12.00 LECTIO MAGISTRALIS Lymphatic bypass, surgical management and prevention of post operative


Speaker: S. Gentileschi

12.30 LECTIO MAGISTRALIS Uterus transplantation: the future is now

Speaker: P. Scollo

13.00 Lunch


Page 8: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Women Abdominal Laparoscopic Live Surgery

WALLS 2018


Page 9: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Palermo, 14th - 15th December 2018 Nh Hotel


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Congress Venue

NH Hotel Foro Italico Umberto I, 22/B - Palermo

Live Surgery from Oncological Department, A.R.N.A.S. Civico di Cristina Benfratelli Piazza Leotta, 4 - Palermo


ID 243786 Assigned Credit 7,7 The Event is accreditated for 150 partecipants: • Surgeon: anatomical pathology, Anesthesia and Rianimation, Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Oncology, Radiotherapy, Radiology, Urology

• Nurse

• Obstetrician

Registration Fee • Surgeons € 200,00 (VAT included) • Graduated Students from University of Palermo Free • Students of Medical University Free • MDs and Nurses of: - A.R.N.A.S. Civico “Di Cristina Benfratelli” Free - Policlinico Universitario “P. Giaccone” of Palermo Free • Obstetricians Free

Registration is mandatory and includes: • Scientific works • Certificate of attendance • Congress Kit • Lunch

How to register In order to register to the congress, please fill the form on the Organizing Secretariat website www.bibagroup.it

Provider and Organizing Secretariat

Branch Office: Milan - Nuoro - Verona Head Office: Via Emilia, 38 - 90144 Palermo Pbx +39.091.527416 - Fax +39.091.527062 E-mail: [email protected] • www.bibagroup.it

WALLS 2018


Page 11: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Women Abdominal Laparoscopic Live Surgery

WALLS 2018


Page 12: WALLS 2018 - Fimmg Palermo...Several sessions of live surgeries, performed by the most important national and ... for Uterine Prolapse • Sentinel Node Mapping for Gynecological Cancers

Provider and Organizing Secretariat

Branch Office: Milano - Nuoro - Verona Head Office: Via Emilia, 38 - 90144 Palermo Pbx +39.091.527416 - Fax +39.091.527062 E-mail: [email protected] • www.bibagroup.it