Walking Together In Unity by Evang. Effiong Tom

Walking Together In Unity Ephesians 4:1-3 By Bro. Effiong Tom 13-Dec-2015 CHURCH OF CHRIST, SANGOTEDO

Transcript of Walking Together In Unity by Evang. Effiong Tom

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Walking Together In Unity

Ephesians 4:1-3

By Bro. Effiong Tom13-Dec-2015


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For three chapters, Paul has dealt with “doctrine” in which he has described both: Our spiritual “possessions ” in Christ (1) Our spiritual “position” in Christ (2,3)

In the remaining three chapters of this epistle, Paul will focus on “duty”, i.e., responsibilities that are ours because of the blessings we enjoy as described in the previous chapters

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Of the blessings described, one upon which Paul elaborated is the “unity” that we have in Christ by virtue of His work on the cross... He has reconciled both Jew and Gentile to

God in “one body” - Ep 2:14-16

Now, Gentiles can be fellow heirs, of the “same body” - Ep 3:6

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It should not be surprising, then, that the first duty that Paul exhorts us to fulfill is “to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” - Eph 4:3 Christ “attained” this unity by His work on

the cross

Our task is to “maintain” it

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Beginning, then, with a charge to “walk worthy of the calling with which you were called” (Eph 4:1), Paul describes how to have a “worthy walk”, and that is by displaying...]

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A. LOWLINESS... This word means:

The having a humble opinion of one’s self

A deep sense of one’s (moral) littleness

Modesty, humility, lowliness of mind

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This virtue is necessary in order to properly value others around you - cf. Phi 2:3-4

Without this virtue, members in the body begin trying to be the “head” of the body, a role reserved only for Christ

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B. GENTLENESS... This word can be translated as gentleness,

mildness, meekness

It is not a quality of weakness, but of power under control

Moses was a meek man (Num 12:3), but capable of great strength and boldness

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Jesus was “meek and lowly in heart” (Mt 11:29), but we see where He drove the money changers out of the temple

Thus it is being gentle, even when there is the potential for being harsh, but gentleness is more conducive for maintaining unity

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C. LONG-SUFFERING... The idea here is one of patience,

forbearance, longsuffering, slowness in avenging wrongs

When the body consists of members who are not perfect, and often sin against each other, maintaining unity is not possible unless they are willing to endure each other’s imperfections

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BEARINGWITHONEANOTHERINLOVE... Similar to longsuffering, “bearing” means to

sustain, to bear, to endure

What makes such “longsuffering” and “forbearance” possible is another virtue: “love”

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As Paul wrote in his chapter on love: “love suffers long...is not provoked” - 1 Co 13:4-5

Indeed, the virtue of love is the “tie” that binds all these virtues together - cf. Co 3:12-14

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ENDEAVOR... Displaying these virtues does not come

naturally nor easy, nor does maintaining unity

Thus the need for much effort, as Paul uses a word which means “to exert one’s self, endeavor, give diligence”

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Only by giving diligence to display ALL these virtues, can we hope to “keep (maintain) the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ep 4:3). But just as important as having the right “attitudes”, is understanding and holding to...]

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