WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand...



There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition is someone or something that opposes you and all your efforts to succeed.

Transcript of WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand...

Page 1: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 2: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.


Part I

Page 3: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition is someone or something that opposes you and all your efforts to succeed.

Page 4: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

What will happen when you get that group all together that can look (see) All the way back and know what it is?


Page 5: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

In a more meaningful way, for “US” to communicate is by means of “Thought”! Before the Lord Spoke the “Spoken Word,” He had a Perfect Thought that He wanted to express, He Expressed that Thought in the Perfection of “US” !

Page 6: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

JOHN 3:6-7

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Page 7: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

JOHN 3:8

8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

Page 8: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

MATTHEW 10:19-20

19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.

20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spiritof your Father which speaketh in you.

Page 9: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

It has been a long awaited time in coming . . . But we truly have arrived to the place where no one previously in History has approached as a group that was Ordained to arrive to this specific place where we are standing in this Day.

Page 10: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

My Angel came by me very quickly and said, “Most men fail right here because they are afraid to walk into the unknown. Don’t back away now, you’ve just stepped into ground where the children needed to be for years.”

Page 11: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.


Page 12: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.


211 And so then here he come out like that, and he had his hat in his hand. He looked at me and he just started crying. And I run up to him, throwed my arms around him. He put his arms around me, said, "Billy, she's going." He said, "I'm sorry. I've done all I could do, I've had specialists and everything."

Page 13: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

I said, "Sam, surely she's not going !” Said, "Yeah, she's going.” And he said, "Don't go in there, Bill.” And I said, "I got to go in, Sam."

Page 14: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

I walked in the room. And the nurse was sitting there, and she was crying 'cause she and Hope was schoolmates together. And so I looked over, and she started crying, put her hand up. And started walking over.

Page 15: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

214 And I looked over, and shook her. There she was, she had went down from about a hundred and twenty pounds, to about sixty. And I shook her. And if I live to be a hundred years old, I'll never forget what happened.

Page 16: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

She turned over, and those great big pretty eyes looked up at me. She smiled. She said, "Why did you call me back, Billy ?” "What are you talking about?"

Page 17: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

217 She said, "Heaven." She said, "Look," she said, "I was being escorted Home by some peoples, men or women or something. They was dressed in white." And she said, "I was at ease and peace." Said, "Big pretty birds flying from tree to tree." She said, "Don't think I'm beside myself."

Page 18: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

She said, "Billy, I'm going to tell you our mistake.” She said, "Sit down." I didn't; I knelt down, took her hand. She said, "You know where our mistake is?” And I said, "Yes, sweetheart, I do.”

Page 19: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

218 She said, "We should have never listened to Mama. Them people were right.” And I said, "I know it.”219 She said, "Promise me this, that you'll go to those people," said, "because they're right." And she said, "Raise my children like that."

Page 20: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

My Angel came by me very quickly and said, “Most men fail right here because they are afraid to walk into the unknown. Don’t back away now, you’ve just stepped into ground where the children needed to be for years.”

Page 21: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

When a persons mind can’t find rest, and be still, it becomes a field where demons are created. Angels become Holy Angels in that field of fire.

Page 22: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

Bro. Branham said, “There is no rest for the wicked.”

Bro. Don said, “There’s no rest for the wicked, and the righteous don’t need any.”

Page 23: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

The whole point of the matter of rest is that only Jesus Christ can give you that Rest! Outside of that you will be most miserable. You may not know this, but you can exhaust your natural life through the Stress of not entering the Lord’s Rest.

Page 24: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

William Branham and those two angels kept saying, “You’ve got to move on. Don’t get caught here. In this field is where good men die.”

Page 25: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

My angel was moving around them talking and it was hard to understand them but I could hear the talk. He said, “Let him rest, his body can’t take it, no man’s body can take this place of decision for very long. I will get him through.”

Page 26: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

My angel said, “I will not leave or forsake you but I will lead you and guide you; Listen well son because you standing in a field of Great Victory and Sad Defeats.”

Page 27: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

We all (Ministers & Pastors) have a Ministry. Some of you don’t understand some of the messages that Bro. Don or some of your Pastors speak.

Page 28: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

Yet people as myself along with, Bros. Jerry Allen, Jhim Flack, Jerry Almazon, Dave Arntz, Seth Armah, Stephen Hall, Ryan Edmonds, Geof Elijah and others to numerous to mention. We speak by the Spirit of Revelation to the Assembly.

Page 29: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

What was taking place? Bro. Mita once said, “Bro. Rob, I know you don’t see it right now, but I want you to know that you do have a Ministry!”

Page 30: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

When the Lord Revealed these Divine Mystery Truths, I stood right here in this church. I stayed right in line with the Holy Ghost, or the Leadership, which just happened to be in flesh.

Page 31: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.


Page 32: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

JOHN 3:6-7

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

Page 33: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

JOHN 3:8

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

Page 34: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

ST. JOHN 3:9-10

9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?

10 Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?

Page 35: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

JOHN 3:11

11 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

Page 36: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.

Gold and Silver, $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100Pennies, Nickles, Dimes, Quarters it doesn't matter what state that you came into this truth. Some will not fully understand until they hear me speak what God has showed me or any of the previously Brother’s that were mentioned above.

Page 37: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.



Page 38: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 39: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 40: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 41: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 42: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 43: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 44: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 45: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 46: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 47: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 48: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 49: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 50: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 51: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 52: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 53: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 54: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 55: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 56: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 57: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 58: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.
Page 59: WALKING INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Summary) Part I There will always be opposition, I want you to understand that, (you should understand that already), Opposition.