Walker Davis Account Planner Portfolio

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Examples of my work from the Miami Ad School Account Planning Bootcamp in San Francisco December 2011.

Transcript of Walker Davis Account Planner Portfolio

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Personal Storywww.BeerEveryDay.com: Drinking Characters Daily...

Miami Ad School Account Planning StoriesEA Origins: PC Gamers Who Act Like Bruce Wayne...

YouTube: The Woman Who Became A Mother...

Online Dating Service: The Romance You!ve Always Known...

Professional StoryResume: Just Like Entourage, only more glamorous. Sure...

What is the story behind the banjo playing astronaut?

Is he the Richard Branson of musicians, who took a bet from his poker buddies that he wouldn!t be the

Could he be the misguided but sympathetic son of physicist parents? I!ll prove you wrong mom and dad, you can hear music in the vacuum of outer space!

Astronauts are dedicated explorers of the unknown. Banjo!s are found in bluegrass bands, whose songs are inspired by the stories of people!s everyday lives. This adventuring storyteller very well could be an account planner in search of a good strategy.

account planner. The process of writing a story is interchangeable with creating strategy for a brand;

I am a conceptual thinker and so the following strategies are written stories presented with a visual twist.

Roommate: David BrooksWalker Davis


Design a website chronicling my experience drinking a different beer every day for a year and beyond.

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professionally and I decided action was necessary.

I wanted to test myself daily by exploring a topic I knew very little about: Craft Beer.

The URL is:www.beereveryday.com

“Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger in the documentary !PUMPING IRON."

Blog Name:

I started reading other beer blogs and realized what made Craft Beer so unique were the people making the beer.

Craft Brewers are incredibly entrepreneurial

Every professional brewer was once a home brewer who wanted more from beer than what was offered and took action to create beers that were different. Brewers are independent spirits and rogues who push the boundaries of beer norms.

What separates the Craft Beer drinkers from the average beer drinker?

They are passionate about what they drink and want quality beers that are innovative, with

In the beginning, I didn!t exactly know how the posts should be written, but I did know the audience would initially be friends

drinking a few select beers they knew through either advertising or experience. And there!s nothing wrong with knowing what you like, but this audience is unaware of the numerous choices available.

Some people are perfectly content with traveling across the U.S., but if they hear stories from friends describing how

amazing Europe is, they might be inspired to explore new territory. I similarly hoped to change my friends! mindset about craft beer.

Could I take the blog beyond a personal creative exercise and inspire people to expand their beer drinking horizons?

People enjoy consuming craft beer because each product is unique.

Every craft beer has a distinct personality.

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In the last 20 years, the number of breweries grew from 286 to 1,753 but because of distribution issues, the majority of craft breweries rely on the support of local and state communities. !Owning" a geograhic location is an extremely selling important concept for both Craft Beer and larger beer conglomerates.

What seperates the two groups is Craft Beer"s

would go against the very spirit of craft brewing.

So how should I write my entries?

If I simply rated each beer, no one would read the blog because it would not only be boring, but people wouldn"t care because I don"t have a beer pedigree. Who are you? You"re no expert!

But what I could do is spread the passion and spirit of local beer communities to a larger online audience, by not just reviewing beer, but making each post relatable and entertaining.

To help people start drinking, I created a page listing 50 great Craft Beers available in stores.

Because the quality of craft beer is so high, I also created a page forBeer And Food Pairing.


RESULTS:After linking the site to Twitter and Facebook in January 2011, my pageviews jumped dramatically from several hundred to over 2,000 a month, including a high of 2,722 in June. In 15 months the total pageviews

are 26,677 with almost 50 Facebook friends, half of whom are outside of my friend network.

My strategy for the year was to not make BeerEveryDay.com simply a beer blog, but

a place to explore new characters daily.



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Karl, AJ, Nic and Jamie joined us and my coworker Tiffany surprised the group by bringing a cake! She went above and beyond, and the night suddenly turned into a festivus for the rest of us. I was momentarily overwhelmed with the support but then I started drinking. The best part of making a home brew is enjoying it.

King Moonracer!s Revenge: Walker!s First Home BrewJanuary 6, 2011

King Moonracer!s Revenge - an odd name for a Christmas Ale, right? Well I wanted to set the title apart from other Christmas beers, so what!s the least Christmasy theme there could be? REVENGE. I researched the story of Rudolph. Unfortunately, that red-nosed outcast didn!t irritate anyone when he was put on the sleigh team, but I discovered a unique character with an awesome name, King Moonracer.

When Rudolph runs away from the North Pole, he escapes to

ruled by King Moonracer. This

Half Lion and he!s king of the abused children. He should be king of the world! While he has a good heart and cares about the tykes, Santa gets all the credit for being jolly and spreading joy around the world.

But nobody remembers King Moonracer. So I decided to create a story with this character. So as my legend goes, King Moonracer secretly makes great damn beer, but Santa doesn!t get any of it. Booyah! Revenge is his.


King Moonracer!s Revenge is a golden pale ale brewed with cloves at the end that provides the much needed Christmas spice. Jamie says that she would buy this in a bar and the rest agree. It!s the best compliment I could receive.

There!s only a few bottles left and I!m going to have a hard time not drinking them as soon as possible. I!m so happy it turned out well. To those who came over to celebrate with me, thank you. King Moonracer is a hit! Next year I will further develop the recipe and brew another

I bestow a TRANSFORMERS rating.

The brew turned out better than I expected

I!m thrilled to share it with my close friends.


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The AssignmentCreate a campaign to launch a digital download service for PC Games called Origin that will not cannibalize the existing disk-based business.


Copywriter: Gordon GroutArt Director: Lia Khayami

Account Planning Partner: Marta Prosperi

RESEARCH FINDINGS:PC Gamers generally play to experience the rush, adventure, challenge or escape games provide.

PC Gamers who also play on their moble reported feeling even more immersed in the overall gaming experience than those who only played at home and the effect of gaming was still felt after they powered down the device.

WHAT IS THE SITUATION?EA owns Origin, but since the online store will carry games from EA as well as from other studios, the Origin brand is seperate from EA.

WHO ARE WE TALKING TO?PC Gamers are male, ages 12 to 34, who play large scale games at home.

We also want to target PC Gamers who play casual games on their mobile.

STRATEGIC POSITIONING:The competitive strength Origin has over Steam is the ability to buy PC Games as well as mobile games.

We want to establish Origin as the download service for the !ultimate gamer," PC Gamers who continue playing on their mobile.

WHY ARE WE ADVERTISING?Origin is in beta testing and has no existing brand archaeology. It"s a blank slate for consumers. However, there is already an established online download service, Steam, which has a 70% share of the digital distribution market for video games.

For Origin, the situation is comparable to Amazon entering the music download market against iTunes.

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CONCLUSION: The powerful effect of gaming combined with the ability to play anywhere allows Ultimate Gamers to truly make gaming a way of life. However, at some point they have to leave the game behind and go to work, spend time with their family and live the real world.

OPPORTUNITY:Ultimate Gamers are like Bruce Wayne, who uses the Batcave to transform into Batman, where can go virtually anywhere and break any law. When he re-enters the Batcave, the experience of being Batman inspires Bruce in the real world.







INSIGHT:Ultimate Gamers live in two different realities everyday.



How can we communicate that Origin is like the Batcave?

Origin bridges the gap between your gamer self and reality.

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Origin: Life is worth playing.

The executions target consumers in the real world to remind our audience of the transformative power Origin!s games create in their daily life.

The AssignmentDevelop a campaign to increase YouTube usage and loyalty in Young Facebook Friendly Moms.

Copywriter: Gordon GroutArt Director: Lia Khayami

Account Planning Partner: Marta Prosperi


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WHAT IS THE SITUATION?Moms visit YouTube 61% of the time through links, either through Facebook or sent via email.

These are typically funny and entertaining viral videos. Mom!s visit YouTube to watch a few videos and log off.

WHY ARE WE ADVERTISING?Moms are unaware of YouTube!s variety of channels and informative content.

We want to promote YouTube usage and loyalty by increasing the number of channel subscriptions.

WHO ARE WE TALKING TO?We!re talking to Caucasian Women ages 25-34 who are married with children 1-5 years old. Between the time spent at work and family they!re socially starved and 80% actively use at least one social network. It!s where they brag, announce, compliment and discuss. Social networks are how they stay current.

RESEARCH FINDINGS:After talking with several mothers and spending a whole day with a work from home mom, we saw how complex their lives became after having a child. Before the child, she had developed needs as a woman.









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But as a mother, she also takes on the responsibility of the child.

A mom splits her time between her personal needs and the child!s.

CONCLUSION: Motherhood is a new territory and they don!t have all the answers; so they reach out to the internet for help.


to be a mother.









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primary competitors in the video streaming category.

They are the competition when Moms want entertainment, but most Moms spend time online seeking advice and solutions. Blogs are the real competition.

Blogs have pertinent information as well as the advantage of having a personality, which connects with socially starved Moms. The disadvantage with personal blogs and branded sites are they contain advice on

Throughout their day, Moms need solutions for multiple problems and browsing takes time. Time is a luxury Moms are rarely afforded, which is why our focus groups favorite site is Amazon. It!s a time saver, a one stop shopping resource.

YouTube!s content partners, the men and women who create videos and build channels, are characters with both personality and expert knowledge whose success hinges on directly engaging with their audience, creating an interaction where Young Facebook Friendly Moms can be part of a community.

spectrum of topics. Also, watching videos allows Moms to learn at their own pace.

YouTube isn!t just a place for entertaining videos, but with the multitude of content partners and channels, a one stop platform where personality meets functionality, helping Mom!s live more manageable lives.

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CHALLENGE: How can we convince Moms that YouTube is a one stop time saving platform for their personal and motherly needs?

PROMISE: YouTube is Mother!s little helper.

OPPORTUNITY:We recognize that Moms are Women too. They not only want advice on how to raise a child, but information to stay current on the latest food and fashion.

TAGLINE:Ask a friend. Ask YouTube.

CREATIVE:Page Takeovers and Banner Ads on YouTube, Blogs and Facebook link Mom!s back to YouTubeso they can subscribe to channels. The copy speaks to their needs as a Mom and as well as a Woman.

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ONLINE DATINGThe AssignmentUse qualitative research to create a name and launch a new online dating site for people born in the 1980!s.

Copywriter: Gordon GroutArt Director: Lia Khayami

Account Planning Partner: Marta Prosperi

WHAT IS THE SITUATION?A new online dating service is using a proven personality-based matching system that promises the customer will meet someone special in 6 months.


and consider romantic relationships important are more likely to pay for a service. They are romantics who believe in developing love that lasts.

COMPETITION:eHarmony and Match.com are the two leaders in the pay dating service industry. They understand the state of current economy and are currently promoting their proven success rates to illustrate their site is the best value for the customer!s money.

Our site has no track record and no unique site features that provide an advantage over its competitors.

FOCUS GROUPS:Those who had not used an online service knew it would be convenient, but thought the process was impersonal, similar to browsing a catalogue.

Those currently using online dating

that would spark a connection.

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OPPORTUNITY:How can we create messaging that tapped into the emotional connection underlying the search for love online that our competitors, who are using numbers to prove future success, were not?

PROMISE:We make the romance you have always known to exist, a reality.

WHY SHOULD THEY BELIEVE IT?We are connecting them to a deeper, more ingrained narrative woven into the fabric of their lives.

Our online dating service uses an advanced personality based matching system to connect you with the truth you!ve always known and the person you!ve waited for.

INSIGHT:It is not just about getting

of relationship. It is about meeting someone special, the person you have always believed to exist but have not yet discovered.

NAMING THE SITE:When we were talking about a name for the service, we realized that every couple has different answer, a story, to the same question; how did you two meet?

CREATIVE:Our campaign targeted the audience in the real world to drive them online.

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Walker Davis EXPERIENCE Lakeshore Entertainment January 2010 – September 2011 Assistant to Gary Lucchesi, President

• Developed screenplays and coordinated the casting and production of four feature films: LINCOLN LAWYER, ONE FOR THE MONEY, UNDERWORLD AWAKENING and GONE

• Evaluated pitches for potential film and television projects from writers • Analyzed screenplays and novels for potential development • Assisted in packaging projects for studio buyers • Managed workflow between marketing, production and international sales within

Lakeshore • Researched up-and-coming writers and directors for future films ALIENS IN THE ATTIC Production August 2008 – November 2009

Assistant to the Director, John Schultz • Coordinated between editorial, VFX and marketing during post production • Developed the screenplay for added VFX voiceovers • Provided creative feedback on the film during various cuts • Supplied administrative and personal support for Mr. Schultz International Creative Management (ICM) August 2006 – July 2008

Assistant to Ed Limato, Co-Chairman and President • Managed the daily business 12 clients including Denzel Washington, Steve Martin,

Richard Gere and Mel Gibson • Coordinated workflow and potential projects between 15 feature film agents and

the president • Advised agents and producers on how to pitch projects to clients • Organized and supervised personal and professional events including

screenings, cocktail parties and ICM’s 500 person 2006 Oscar party • Maintained organization in a fast pace and high-pressure work environment

EDUCATION Miami Ad School

Account Planning Bootcamp San Francisco CA Oct. 2011 – Dec. 2011 • Created strategy and developed executions with a AD/CW team for 7 clients in

the gaming, online, non-profit, and food industries • Conducted quantitative and qualitative research Pepperdine University Malibu, CA 2002 - 2006 2002 – 2006 • B.S. in International Business • Member of Sigma Chi Pepperdine Chapter Executive Board • Completed Sigma Chi Horizons Leadership Program Junior Year

PERSONAL Creator of the website BeerEveryDay.com August 2010 – September 2011

• Successfully chronicled experiences drinking a different beer daily for 400 days • Created a story around each beer to inspire readers to try a new brand • Increased the audience from 300 pageviews to over 2,000 in 6 months

735 Geary #101B San Francisco, CA 94109 (310) 850 3543 [email protected]