WA TT A IN Pr; - University of...

..'1,,-- , - 1 TT! TT '" ' ' "' fei'; ""Xi'.Jil HAWAIIAN Pr; " I . I i s. uShson ' bishop & ooTJc, UI .i.ttnAM SmAU. minim i i nniilrnniiV 11 iff. iinviM UMtiyipill JIIUiVFiyill. BN(lLNIlHU Aft) HUKVUYOK, IMUW,.I In 18. 1 Bm BANKERS. 1 IU PJJttblsltHU KVHKY AFTERNOON With W. IV -- t, !..,,,. 'I CJ tilt SUNDAY At Ollhw a( !" arka. 1 (12, ,iiV TUB HAWAIIAN STAR NKW5I-A- . T7H I'lWIHOXAt. fHW.V.VIOT W' M association, Lid. Ku.vm fr - - km w""'nu",1A ,M, S. & CO, t P. Year li. Avtt. . .- -- ISM MWTOMn.U,' II. I. I, f 2,ilr.Vlt'T;L Oumi.ih.Ien UandMnta .n.l ln.ii.rtm . -- 1MB Wm, of Omurt.1 Murtmnndise. W . - itxiawrivr. tiouxt.L C AtiVRHTWtin "Tt , ,, , ... ,,.,.,, nv. .nttmnwiomi Hotet fe?" .8" If ' aw. - .swards. ;.!.... aVi. .'. . ., s NMH Mr I WHIM It nl retrnlor nilfrlWm( t otiMr.M tit His Mo.tktn nmw. IWeaM lmmnit Innwtlan ull wlvril-IUB- WHM In ikllvtnd at the llurii.ewi tlS bWow 1 P. m. jiiriiliiiii.MiH)Ai. iu:ciiiiii. Itir lloeriii't Hnrt'y, I'ulllUllFll lAi'rv 3Iimm1ii. f 1 K" K I 1 I S3 : CS II n I k'iljiM Rita r.o nr. 3 "KhE TB.o-- ffi 2; m: 8 'uni a nil MM t wn.on o n hi: 2 TO 2 a . W1(.W td'o.oj 70 a, s- - l .""1111 limn but not far latitude. Title 8hii Hint SllMltl. ?! El 3T 5 Day, 5 ii.ni. a.in.a.iu. a.111, Mon .... fi.4U n.46 0.17 1 Thus.... 7.15 6J),11.30 B. U 5.45 C.18 jut) ' n.m Wed .... K.41 7.20 a.2oi o.:m r ii w, Tliur.... tl.tl) 1U- - 0 .! 1JPJ 3.41 0M Vtl 11.10 u ml 6.3.1, 4. (I .1.121 c.la: -t Hat ii.in (I.S)I fi.SI 5.42 (l.ili inn. I.UJI 0. 0 A.4I1 0.11) 3. U First ijiurtcr ut Die moon on this 12lli, nt Kli. 1riii'ilj1VlilftlB nionsnt Hi., 29m.,3l8. p.m. of Honolulu tinip. nlik'li la tliohamuna 12li.,0in., Us. of Uri'onwlch time. - For eery 1 feet of ilKlahce of tlio (from the (JubIdiii House) allow one hecoml fur tniiiumlsslon ot ouml, or fi BeconUs to a ntiil uto mile. OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.'S TABLE. Vrom ami AfteV Juno it. TltAl.NH TO EWA MILL. n. II. A. Ii. A.M. r.M. r.M. lave Honolulu... ..8:45 1:41 415 6:10 Jjraye IVurl City.. ...11.30 2.20 6:10 ArrlveKiya-MIll.- , ...11:57 2:57 5:U0 C:22 TO HONOLULU, C. n. II. A. A.M. A.M. l'.M. I'.M. Leave Kwa .Mill 0:21 10:41 3:4:1 5:42 Iieavo l'eatl City. 0.M 11:15 4:15 6:10 Arrive Honolulu 7;!M 11:55 4A1 0:45 A Faturilay's only. C Hunday's excepted. It Uaily II Saturday's excepted i oicuKi.v siaii. si:uvicj:, SteanwUlps will leavo for and arrive from Ban Francisco on the folloivins dates, ti the clobo ol lb'Jl : AnuivE at IIVlulo Leave Honolulu koii r.lOM BAN I 'CIhUO BANHtANCIHCOllll on Vancouvkh. VancoUveii. Onorlfcout On or jIIjoiU Mariposa Apr 12 Monovial... .Anr 5 China -- Apr 17 Australia.. Apr 2H Australia Apr 21 Wurrlmoo.. May 1 Arunu At"?3 Alameda... May 3 Mol.owal May 10 tiaelic...... ......uay ii Australia May 10 Australia.., May 21) Warrluioo May 23 Arawa May 31 Gaelic Junu. Maripo.a... Mav 81 Alameda... June 7 Austialla.. umj 2J Australia June HI Mouowal... ....Juuu &i Arawa Juno SI Warrlmoo July 1 Mariposa lu y6 Cllvof Itlodo Heliilo July 6 Jauclro July 10 Australia July 14 Australia July 21 Warriuioo July 23 Alameda. juiyai Monowai auk 2 Araw-- ..Julv3l Australia Auu 11 Australia,.. Aug 18 Arawa Aub 21 Uelglc ....Ain; 21 Alameda Aub 30 .Mariposa. . .AUS23 rM.l.i.. Ki.nt X Warrlmoo.. Bopt I AustraUall."... Hept Australia... ....Irept 15 Vi'arrlmoo Peut2 Mouowal. ... ....bel C20 Jdariposa Arawa.. ucl l uceanic. ....Oct 2 Australia Oct 3 Australia. ...,()ct 0 City of Teklll Oct!) Arawa ....Oft 23 Alameda Oct IS Mouuuat . Oct 25 Warrlmoo. Pov 1 Australia.. Australia.. ....Nov 10 ,.Nov M Mariposa... ....wov la AIanieda".--,-l.Ni- 22 rem ....Nov 10 Warrlmoo Nov 23 Arawa Deo 1 Oceanic Ueu 1 Australia ...... Deo B Australia Dec 1 Mouowal Deo Mariposa Dec 20 China Dec 31 Arawa Dec 23 lN'l.-- i Australia .Dec 21 WarrEmoo Jar. 1 18U5. (iaelic Feb HI China Ian 22 l'eru Mar2J Oceanic Fehiu Uaelic....- - Apr2u China April 2 H; MAY & CO. Wholesale and Retail GROCERS 1)8 Fort Street. Both Telephones 22. P. O. Box 470 Metropolitan Meat Co. 81 KING STREET, Wholesale '& Retail Butchers AND Navy J. WALLER, Manager, Club Stables Co. S. P. GRAHAM, Manager. Livery, Feed, and Sale Staples. I'ort Street, Between Hotel anil licretaula, Both Tisr.iir-HONiJ- No, 477, CONNECTED WITH HACK STAND Cor, Kins and Bethel Sts. BOTH TELEPHONES NO. 113 IWi IM lit .... . . 1PTT TT A W A A "IN 11UN0LULU BrSr GllhNliAUM Contractors. P, JI.llttlitMlnltiTot Pmetim AUbIm. J. A. Kit MlnlHiT it tlm latorttir. 8. M. ttnniun, MlnlMcr of t1iinn W. 0. Bmlth, Attothi'V'lleiieral. AiivimiitT CllUM'll- - W',0, Wliler. thallwl.lnii M (liivrrumolitot tlm llanalian Irlaluln. Cecil llrown, K. II. lenney, John Nott, a Hullo, John Kna. Vf. P. Allni. Jamea F. Morgan, llonrr Walerhouse, Kd.Suhr, A. Vounit, J. 1'. Meiidonca, LI. II. timllli, .iohn Kmmeluth. C. T. Hoilgers, Secretary Executive and Ad visory Councils. BttniCMK Uiit'liT. Hun. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice. Hon. It. F. Hlckerlnn, First Awoclalc Justice. Ion. W, K. Irear, frcoiul Assoclale Justlui. Henry Hmlih, Chief Olerk. Owrto I.uca, First Deputy Clerk. U. K. IVterson, Keeond Deputy Oiei k. J, Waller Junes, Ktenourapher. CmcuiT Junora. First Circuit! U.K. Cooper, W. A. Whiting, Oahu. Second Circuit : Maui, A. N. Kepolkal. 'Ihlrdand FourlliClrculls:llawall H.L.AubUii. Fifth Circuit: Kauai, J. Hardy. Oillces ami Court-roo- in uoverumeiit llulldlng, Kline Hireet. BlttliiR In Honolulu i First Monday In February, May, August and November. IlBIMUTMKNT DC FOHEION APFAlllS. Ufllce In (lovernment llulldlng. King Street. Ills Kxcelleney Francis M. Hatch, Minister of Foreign Alfairs. lleo. C. l'otler. Chief Clerk. V. Horace Wright, Clerk. Lionel Hart, Clerk. DnPAUTMENT OP THR INTEIIIOII. Offlce In novcrnment llulldlng, King His Kxcelleney J. A. King, Minister of the Interior Uhief Clerk, John A. Hasslngcr. Assistant Clerks, James II. Bojd, M. K. Keohokalole, James Aholo, Hteplien Maha uiu, George C. Itoss, Kdwurd H. Ho) d. Cuiers or IIuiieaus, Depahthknt or iNTEIIIOll. Hurvejor.lleneral, W. I). Alexander. Supt. l'ublio Works, W. K. Howell. Hupt. Water Workt, Andrew llrown. Inspector Klectrlo Liichta, John Cassidy. Kegistrar of Com eyances, T. G. Thrum. Koad Hupervlsor, Honolulu, W, it. Chief Knglncer Fire Dept., J. II, Hunt. Hupt, Insane Asylum. Dr. A. McWaync. liUllEAU Or AniltCULTUUE. President Ills Kxcelleney J. A. King, Minister of the interior. Momhers'. W. G. Irwin, A. Jaegor, A. Her- bert and John Kna. Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officio Secretary of the Hoard. Joseph Marsden. Dkpaiitment or Finance. Minister of Finance, His Kxcelleney H, M. Damon. AudltuMleneral, George f. Itoss. Iteglstrar of Accounts, W. G. Ashley. Collcctor.General of Customs, J. 11. Castle. Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan tihaw. Deputy Assessor, W, C. Wcedon. l'ostmasterGeneral, J. ,11. Oat. Customs Huheau. Olllte, Custom House, Ksplanade, Fort tit. Collector-Genera- l, J. II. Castle. Deputy.Colleclor, F, 11. McStocker. Harbor Master, Captain A, Fuller, Port tiurvej or, M. N. Zanders, blorekeeper, Geo. C, titratemejer. Dlpaktment or Attounev-Gemeiia- u Office In Government llulldlng. King St. Attoriuey.General, W. O.Hmltli. Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, G, K. Wilder, Clerk, J. M. Kea. Marshal. K. (1. Hitchcock. Clerk to .Marshal, II. M. Dow, Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Urow n. Jailor Oahu I'rlson, Jamea A. Low, Prison Physician, Dr. C. II. Cooper. UOAltU or iMMiailATION. Offlce, Department of Interior, Government llulldlng, KingHtreet. President, ills Kxcelleney, J, A, King. Members of the liuard of Immigration: J. II. Atliertou, Jas. II. Castle, A. 8. Clegborn, James G. Spencer, Mark 1'. Hoblnson. Secretary, Wray Taylor. lloA.in or Health. Offlce In grounds of Goveniment Building, corner of Mllllanl and Queen Streets, Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Miner, Dr. Andrews, J. T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Kna, Theodore F. Lansing and Attorney-Gener- Bmltli. 1'resident, Hon. W. O, Smith. Secretary, Chas. Wilcox. Executive Officer, CIS. lteynolus. Agent Hoard of Health, J, D, McVeigh, Inspector and Manager of Garbage Service, UJ.U ITerre. Inspector, U. W, C. Jones. Port Physician, Dr. G. P. Andrews. Dispensary, Dr. I'enry W, Howard. Leper Settlement, Dr.lt. K. Oliver. lloAim or Education, ufllce, Government Building, King Street. President, Hon. C, It. lllshop. Secretary, W, James Smith, inspector or Schools, A,T. Atkinson, llOAllO OB CltQWN LAHU COMHUWONEllS. J, A. King, Minister of the Interior: W. O, Smith, Attorney.iieneralaud O, I'. Iaukea. Olllce In Judiciary llulldlng. DlsTiucT Couar, I'ollie Station llulldlng, Merchant Street, A, G. M. Itobertson, Magistrate. Jamea Thompson, Clerk, PosTorricE Huiieau, Postmaster-Genera- l, J. Mort Oat, Secretary, W. O. Atwater, Suu't Postal Saviugs (lank, E. II. Wcxlcliouse. Money Order Department, F, I). Oat. General Delivery, I..T. Kenako. Iteglstry Department II. L. Desha, Clerks: J, D, Holt, it. A. Dexter, H,U Keku mano, F, II. Angus, 1. II. Kul, Henry Kala, John Hiram, K. Karlta, M. rigaereda. M W.SOIIMT & SONS. IMl'OUTIiHH AND COMMISSION MKltOIIANTS. Tort Htii-et- , lloiiululu. J. AIjKUKI) 3IAG00N. ATTOHNKY ami COUNSliLUlt-AT-LA- Olllce, 42 gti-ec- Honolulu, It I. J. M. MONSARRAT. ATTOHNKY AT LAW AND KOTAHY l'UllLIO. Cartwrielit lllock, Jlerehnnt Ht., Honolulu. F. M. WAKEFIELD. ATTOilNKY nn.1 COUNKELOH-AT-LAW- . Temi'oiiaiiv nmu With O. W.Afdifoid, Jlerchant St., Honolulu, II. I. 31. PHILLIPS & CO. Wholesale Imixjrt-er- and Jubbein of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, Corner Fort anil QufenHts., Honolulu. 7tf 31. II. LOHEIM, SIQN and OKNAMKNTAL l'AINTKH. 11KLL TKLKI'IIONK 167. E2TA1I Orilera l'romiitly Attctuleil to. r.2tr I. O. llox 317. Telephone 210. LEWIS & GO. IMl'OItTEHS. N.ivul Supplies, AVholcsalo anil Kctuil Dealers in Qrocerles, Provisions, etc. Ill I'ortfct., Honolulu, II. I, P. O'SULLIYAN. jcARPKNTUR and BUILDER, JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Shop on Hetliel Street, between King anil Hotel streets. 2ft.tr, KOUT, tKWRRS. C. M. COOKK. F, , LOWMKY LEWERS & COOKE, LUMHEK, BUILDIJUS" I IAUDWAUU, DOOUS, SASH, HLINDS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, WALL PAl'KH, MATTINO, COKKUCATKI) IKON, LIME, CKMKNT, KTC. C. . lill'LEY. ARTHUR REYNOLDS, OrncE New Safe Deioslt llulldlng. Honolulu, II. I. Plans, Specifications and Superintendence given for every description of llulldlng. Old liulldlugs successfully remodeled and eniargen. iiesigns ror interior I'ecoration. MaoMor Mechanical Drawlmr. Traeimr and Illueprlnthig. sT"I)rawings fur Hooks or Newspaper Illus- tration This Space is Reserved for the Eauital)le Life Assurance Society of liie United States. BRUCE & A, J. CARTWRIGHT, General Managers for the Jfatvaiian Islands, 273-t- f THE NEW JEWELRY STORE, soa FORT STREET, Is prepared to munufucture anything in its line. Souvenir Spoons a Specialty. Also on hand a Fino Mock of In.jiorted Jewelry everything in the latest designs, , , , , l". o. liox, Mut. TeL 2H7. Island OitiiEits Fromptly Attended to, E. A. JACOBSON Hawaiian Wine Co. I'RANK HROWN, Mor. 88 nud 80 Merchant Bt,, Honolulu, 11. 1. IS1.AM0I, 1)K.V HANU15 ON THE BUNK Of CALtFOBNlA. SM FRANCISCO. Al TIIKIB AUfcT. IH New York, Clilceo, Bo.lon, P.rli, , ME8SBS. I M, ROTHCHILO 4 SONS, lORCfll, ITtANKlYlHT-ON-TllIVMAlN- , TJ t'Mlim Nntlomil Itstik of CTileailo. TV tmurwrx'tal Danklng Co of Byi! lionaon Tbr ConwMvial IlnHhing Cn. of ,tlyiitt tsvdiwT Tlw Itunk of Km 35s).Iiil4 AkIhh1, ihI ll tHM In Cnfliiti ohtflffi. I)iuieili.i oii'l WrilliiRtwi. TJie iUlik rf IWU.h CmumUa, I'ortiHiMl, Qr Tlw Aeon utwl MmWr. lnlatxls. Ji Stoi klrnlrn, BwedMi. JV T1i.r!hBiiaMl Mnnlr irf' ludm. AijMtnsllA and cniiiw. T Ilougkoug, YotuilMtusi, .la"iii And Ira is' ueto (lenwul llniiklnst lltmlvecm. CASTXrE & GOOIU3, LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Aleuts. AOBNTH K01t vi;ir uxauixn itirrr.iL Life Insurance Co. OK IJOSTON. ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OK 1IAHTFOH1), CONN ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, KOUNDIJIJ 1NOS. Capital, - - $6,000,000 Assets, - - $9,000,000 Havlntf lft-- aiipolntril agcnucif the uIjovo Cuinpitny we are now irmly tri et1ct Ji.ur-ant- e at the lowt nt rales ot iiri'inium, II. W, hCIIMIDT & PONS. THE HAWAIIAN Safe Dejosii I mim COMPANY. Hub superior facilities for huyiiiK unil selling Sloclis anil Itoml. ami is in a uodltion to handle largo blocks of stocks, paying casli for name; or will sell upon Commission. I'.u'ii I'liiiilatloii hloeU can ho disposed of by us in largo .or small lets at fair prices. Null) IH'itosll IEovl'h of vaiioiif sizes for the safo keeping of all sorts of valuables, rented at reusonalilo rates. Silver AVnro and Vuliiulili; ArllcleN taken on storage for a long or short period. Apply forjpartlculurs THE HAWAIIAN 8AFB DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT CO, 10S Fout Stiikkt, Honolulu, 187-t- f J. T. Queen Street Stores, I'ULI. LINKS OF Hardvare, Crockery, Saddlery AND FANCY GOODS of all descriptions. Fort Street Store No. 16. IN ADDITION TO Till? I, AUG It AS SORTMENT 01' DRY AND FANCY GOODS HAVE JU8T RECEIVED India Linen nud Persian Lawns, Embroidery, in 0 vard pieces ltoninn and Guipuro bmuroidcry, Oriental, 1'lattu, and other luces, in white, cream and bluck, Chiffon Lace, all colors, l.Vin. Laco Net, cream and black. Btriped and Check Dimity, Wide Japaneso Crepe, whlto ami enlr'd Whito, Cream and llluck Buruii Bilk, "iVhito nnd Cream Billc Crepe, Navy nnd C. earn Surge, Suez and Tenuis Flannel, Tlio Jenness-MIIIe- r "Eii.iiol8o" wulst Prima Donna and I, D, Corsets, Ladles' Black IIoso. Old Rona Coi'lee I'OK SALIt AT J. T. WATERHOUSE'S Queen Street Stores, TIlUftfcUAV UVWIMJ S CO,, 11 01M.,1IMM,I.I, At.KNTH fuK llKWAMMI AtfHittlltMMl fix Iki.naraa 8MT t5n . tlunoma Co., Wtl- - Klfc" Mm (.. Wklh w ihnr (... t- -t tin IHsHMIIW JOHcn Ilmln lUmrli. ri.nl 11 itw Hmi lnaltcn MM.. CI ma. . Uw of lMtt.i l'nelirU A genu, B.Ui llonnl at UtKlerwrhm Agwn Phlliwleli! Hort nf VaAm wriloni. I.ikT H OffUfM : I', t Jl'TKM 11 HsKllIlt Usto H HoraRTmjK . ...Ymmjt E F ,taMj. Trww. and ftrcv. Oou trp. Ali. AwMm' t . 3d Oookf . . . II. Vitnni'H . Dirartom t. L. 1 4HrKft .... WILDER & CO. (KsliWuliei in , j7.) Estate i fi, WILDER -i- - W, C, WILDER. luiTihiBRS AHV DRALhlf. IN Lumber and Coal Building Materials SUCH AS ;D00RS, SASH, BLINDS, 'Builders' Hardware, I'lilnls, Oil, (ilass. WALL PAPER, ETC. Cor. Foil and Queen Streets, HONOLULU, IL I. Do You Use Any of the Following Articles ? If you do, call 011 us and examine same, and we know quality and prices will suit you. ;P?.ints and .Oil.--u- y the bark "Nautilus" we have added to our large slock,s in this line. Good weather will soon set in and you will wdnt to paint your house, and when you do, use pure paints, not some cheap article that will "peel" or "chalk" off in a few months. Ilubbiicks White lead Zinc, and Pale Boiled Oil, have stood the test in these islands for years, and the quality y is as good as when it was first introduced. We get these Paints and Oils direct from Ilttbbuck & Son, and thus know that they are genuine. We also keep Hubbttck's Green, Yellow, Hlack, Oxide and Mast Color in 251b kegs. Cartridges. if you use a shot gtm we can give you your choice of black or nitro powder cartridges, all carefully loaded. We have a few shells loaded with "Walsrodc" powder, a very strong powder that has been adopted for warfare by three great nations (not including the P. G.) It is said to be the most reliable of all smokeless powders and very safe in any well made gun. The charges are in bulk one third of any other powder, and is "guaranteed good for five years in any climate damp or dry," If you are interested in the tutmcr otts Rifle Matches or enjoy largest practice either with Rifle or Revolv er use U.M.C., cartridges for best results; 50 out of a possible 50 can be made with this brand, provided the rifle, and the man arc in good order. We have all sizes of U.M. C, cartridges from 22 to 56 cal. IJvcrything we have mentioned is to be had for the asking (and a little hard coin) at the old stand on the corner of I'ort and King streets. E. 0. Hall & Son, LlMITKD, T. B. MURRAY, Carriage and Wagon MANUFACTURER. Repaii'ing, Painting, Trimming, Nkatly Donu. All work gurrsnli'til ot the hrst, (live 1110 1 trial and bo eonvlnceit. No, 44 Klnu Stroot. Mutual TeU'ldioue WS. . P, 0. llox M AIRIL it, Racific rasstHHdry! artRM AMAi.v4Mi!uati turn ul- - I KW, TAVAY tM 3H:t-VLrV- UTS AX CUOKB, m l i for pt-- w om hMt4. llMffluk Siean !fcc Mill. nllUNt Nle .or I. J. A. llOPI'. 1 , I'rop'r, fHrtwl, llnnolnhi. illhe iCentrat Market. Alvrsr. am Anna ihw r ir(. tUMMj, VmI H4 Pvsritrv. We mte Im nn a jflllv iit. m . mal mk t uwts.. 96. W. km ihe ism. Ur Cmami Mmwt mvu ,srf tMsa. WiwTtHtoo ft Gahub. Hath Trtwitmw m, FINE JOB WOE. THE "STAR'S" ELECTRIC PRINTING WORKS, MclNERNY DLOCK, is prepared to do all kinds of mtistio Hook, Job and News- paper printing at fair prices, (Mammoth .Posters n Specialty. Hooks, I'un.plilels, Legnl Pujiers, Hand Dills, Dodgers, Letter and 111)1 Head. Hiisluiws and Visiting Curds, Tickets, Programs, etc. . . PLATFORM Of tho A.merican Un- - ion Party. Kit the promotion of th" lifst inter- - esiH of all Hie iojih)o( tlio lauullau IkI ands and for tho orgitulat. n of u party having only this object in lew, the fol lo'vlng Is wlojiteil as a ilech ration of the pr iiclplus upon which ilu organization '.o Is) known us tho "Ann ricun Union Party" is to lx) ertulilidn I, und tiiion th.s nlutform we invito Un- of awry friend of gooil g )ve nnieiit. JHt. HKI'IIIlBIWrATIVK U IVKItNMKMT The Amerieun Union l irl'is iinaller- - tih y oiiiMed to any form ol niounreiileul government in tho Iluwa Ian Islands, Hii'l ileiiares Its lull al eg ante in I lie I'rovMonuI (jovcriiiucii , e idorslng tho roHial lor a conNllt.itnmi coi.veutlou ookiiig to the extension of iKinulur ren- - refeututioii in tho (ioer'iiu 'lit. til. I'oi.mcAL IJ.sio. Wo declaru oili' leading priucliiles to Im the iktoiii- - pii.iiiiiieiu 01 a tHjiiucni 11 311 win) inu Urlled states ol Aiueric.i ui .1 the main tei'itiuo of u stublu and I101 est govern-liien- t. Kd. Ptim.ic Lands V 0 favor such as will proniolo tho of all public land , including these heieloforo knov 11 as "crown Ian Is." bv suuill holders, ai ii foster the ileelopinent ol varied int ustries, be- - neung 11 10 no 01 vital uuj jrtunco nini "many acres" should Im for "many inn 1. i ill, Citizkss' HiuiiTs Wu .lecluru Ihut ull citizens uro fi.uui lieloro tho law, and wu are oppowd to luo.ioisjlies or privileged classes, favoring participa- tion In the government bj every loyal citi- zen and declaru (or 11 liberal suffrage law that will, tl ret of all, guarantee u vote to every man who rendered satisfactory tervieu 111 llie military or h,iicu uepuri. meats o( the Provisional Government. ftth. Immkiiiation' Tim evils of Asi atic immigration are so apparent Unit wu declaru in favor of its prohibition by isisitivu and prudent methods, declaring 11. favor of such American, Portuguese or other l'tiroicuu Immigration us shall supply the necessary lubor and furnish the country with pcrman settlers, , nth. Pciilic Wmikk Wu favor thu immediate establishment of u compre- hensive system of public Improvements tliut sliull nu 01 permanent value to tl.u country anil afford needed employment to thu lulsiring classes, but we declare against imporlution of lulsir and ma- terial of any kind whatsoever for use on public works which can btt obtained in thu home market, anil materials which must lie obtained from abroad should bu obtained through local dealers In ojieu coiniietition, 7lli. Puiii.10 OmcKs Wo hold that no iicrson should occupy uny position ol tnikt or prollt under tho (ioeriiuient who is not loyal to thu same. mn, riusoN iAiioii wu o.osu 1110 eniiloyiuent of prison lalior in any mccnumcui pursuits. Oil. v lii,r,u Wn ., of thu tax system whereby ull jiroisirty, iniproved and tiulmprou-d- , shall bo taxed on 1111 equitable lusii. 10r.Ii. Laiioh Wu declaru that In thu Con dilution and ill legislu ion there-aft- thu rigid" of thu wagt-e- n 'tier should Im- - fully considered. 11 li, KniTATlo.M Wu fav r tlio en- largement of thu scope o( hu ol system to thu end that u university ci ai ho may bu available tt tl u youth of tbuiountrv. 12 li, '1 Ki.ixiiiA.ie Li.:- - -- Wu favor thu establishment of an inu -- Island us well us u foreign cable sys'em Tl.u organization comm!''u 11 uro: .Fi'st district J. A, Mugsin, J. II, Fisher, 0, 11. Luther, Been id Chits, L. Carter. Mr, J. A, C'issdy, J. 8, Martin. Third Julius Ase'io Dr. Kmcr- - soti, Jas, Nott, Jr. Fouilli--J- . Wuller Joins, Dr. Cooper, W. P. O'J'rien. Flflii J. A, Uny, J. Lecker, J. L. Curler, At I irge Sluesrs. A. W, Kt (ch, 0. T. It sl ters, tl, W. Bmllli, J. V . Pratt, A. V. Peters. L. C. Abies. It 1. exnected Unit all . of the winds , of tliotity will Isj ,...1 1. iHWMiM'B timV THt OCMT o AI IMnM h. -ii-- ISMftO MS H- -. Par MM--. M rtNSM4 lr It I. , ,.. ktaount n ,11 ) um-- br flnMii m t l!4f tir. .rft W.nin Tat HMrt mtm rstsst-tnl- stwltow pinluM mi IMIHI . .,(, l hsMtjprWhw-l- i tnttr- - rt, I Ii" , ii Un tiKi.inl 4aUtm. tlM Ai m, 'a om t takc-- i tar j tMWh I"", tl, n half Ust MunutK fmvrr n at fi wkuaiw -- viUtMl t.i art M Ukh, I iro-w- u kiMr tiith fftu ud IjHT Mrt I Ike uMvrnus-li--n mh srbo A fK K.l ' ll ucrwt I i.m attwt it. K'ubtr i ra tJt awM ilawaof, but W U .,U 1 will tm- - lwH-)tf- l LiM-- IMMt 4vtsd fl- - m .Hnsl.-i- i or Antw.ru ' i cm-- nsiln-v- l IM other mmmmtm, h fcoOMrf sud KacUud. u HHtti m4 Mi ut aw m CoiSCkM4 n jjrtrlii unn iilwl.Wii ml. inn, tJ isd I.fflw)M it U 't wort H'kiU to tmv.1 ub-- mm in limioim. A mm iiiatsr M jmn t tme m ill row ft-- .. prolMMf OUar than Ifcat, if 1 oaro man. far craMure rom- - forta. Vt wn an t. isussuoiv am tw nvadv bum wnlHmlste by mntlmr. I Luuw of a pin-t- y ot fix 7011, g hh front Harvard wtx took stamilW issMfja in thu rVrtia for tacw Him, trip, 'flu r jyM flld utw row ut Uvrth In one of the I ig risnns, look turn at waah-jiiicl- till ilkbaa and liiul otof f,iu. The whott tl p imI not have eisrt oacii ni'Hi, than l& for 11 two iiiontsw' ttWuor .V woman Uo iia. aarrd Hit) can, it aba ninls imotucr wwuan of like miwl il furw, take u rutlinrextuaive trip abroad or traveling "stuuiul cabin" ut u round triprxpviifceof Tll. Jwivjiig as inuoli more fur slitHi, exjH'nw. tKXHl ealiili U wr fettlr dean, ounifottuljla and mtiuotabla, with plenty of food uml tllKtlve if iot wa).difemitUl service. Mont American, will, liowe er, prefer to travel flrt cabiu iu cliraiwr Mat tatlier than take nauuiini either 111 the seoond cabin or .tevrage Tl ab.urd Kurosan illstlnetious of "clatM" area good Jokofornkhort time. Inuweik ami in the close ouiiilwnionthlp of sliin iKiani iney imoiiiu iiiiwiiiumili.. J lie iitahary oust of first iblli lauum toLlteriujul ami return 1. not 1m than 1100 and may Im muih luoie, to which luhl nearly 10 ht cent for fees, A K't liuiuy dollars may bu huitsl, howeter. by taking outward nisi homeward uuawig bydiflir-rutlinise- . Thus, if tin, trip i a short one. sail to Liverpool or (jlasguw, return from Antwerp or Amsterdam. If the trip is longer Mul luetiiifi.hwltzerlauil ami Italv. sail lo LIverjHsd or (ilasgow (the latter If Soolluud Is to be visited); lelurn from Na pies or iieuoa, Vnrlety of interest as ell an economy Is ecurud by this plsi. The cost of the imwuigu from Union or Havre is soiueH hat greater than from LlverMsj, but the economy lu time and turn I ashore mora than makes thu difference. An economically urruuged tour ashore will suvo time and money hy betngim dln-c- t as possible. Itnllway travillng. always third class, will uxt alwut 'i cenU n mile ami may Iw ritkoUMl up Is fore .tuning Willi a reasouaole upproaeli to accuracy, I f Kj.its of luti-re-t do not lie near the Hue of route, omit the ,l, There are otiii-rs- . is giwl. Tin. tvonouiKal trnveler who has goiiHfroui (ilasgiw to Ys lutiurgb hy th Trowu-hs- , uim Ahtxtsfoi 1 ami Melrose, stopjul lu Blinkespeun- ix nitry hihI sxvn Oxford, is ready to prota to Iondon, ith whatever cathislrul tovvm huya iiupH-ni- I to lie in tils path say bur) am nnd York and from Jxmilon dire I a thu continent, not to i, From Imdoi to Italy by Xevshnveu, Dieppe, Pails, Geneva, Lucerne, Venice, Home, .NapJ.-s- , 4 a route reasonably dliect. It omits the X therlands nnd the Itlilne, width on glit. in 1 to lie omitted, Tliey can Is; incliidl hj n detour from I'urls, lu which cao.Lll wrland Isi haitsen nnd .ut ch, In either case In nnv caso tlie Jotnii y's widest jioltits should Isi til. seniortof arrival nnd denar- - ture If ks hie Of a trip not including Italy the port .f return may Is, Havre or ltotu-rdnm- . In this case one iwssouth bv tho Iiw Countre and the Ilhliie, return ing nortli to rn is, or vice versa. 1 ooil ami Itslt ng are luinli cheatwr on the contiiiri t t inn in Knglnnd. tin the averogo an ener. Ma traveler can get along mceiy m peri 'ft omroit, Out not lu ' style,' for U.M it day. Two, sharing meals and rooms, can maki It on tXW) n dny, or even less wltli extro no economy. In Paris 11 dlnucr, "lllllr In quantity ami really not so very l In quality, can bo bought for t!5 cents, 1: lu icli for V) cents, loilgliig and tnakfii-- l 1 thu Latin quarter, the mid most convenient part of the city, for fron !S cents to f) cents. Out of a ll.SOallowni.ciioiiu can save a quarter or so a nay to usu 011 mo roan, wncru living Is more expensive, as in Scotland, Uciilli iMwuige, Willi fees, by chenn lines. (llOor iipwnnli S.Wm miles of railroad fare t 2 cents a mile. dOdays'llvlugutll.CO a nay, r."i; lncliitiituls, wliutever you like to make them; guldelxwks. In which one should never economize, (15; reerve fund, tM, These urn the chief essentials of a spleudld continental trlji, Incluillng .1 hit of Bcothind, Kngh.ud, I'nrts. the Ithlne. Switzerland (on foot) and a bit of Italy without thu Imw Countries, or thu Ixjw Countries without Italy, going hy Ulosgow and returning from Naples or Amsterdam. Altogetber Kn should cover everything. Such a trip Involves In mountain regions, patronizing cheap ho- tels, which iuu often thu most homelike, and u total Indt'iH-nil- i uce of hacks, width is achieved hy carrying one's Isdongfiigs In a slugla light grin mid striking out Isildiy for lodgings In et fry town by I he aid of the guiueoooK's sireet map. jobn lj, iluiton lu New York Recorder. A Hugr.lloa. He I was a for when I married you, Bhe Well, ilou V )ou think It is about time for you to et overitf We'vu Urn married IS ycarS;- - Life. The fplilemlo of liberty Is spreading, ICviry man win) g, es to K,iro carries thu Infection with litu , nud every stranger ho visits us becomes uoculatcd. Tho Scotch . sl believes thid should slim hy uccldi nt On p I vr new .hues thsy are wuru they wdl nurvly lead her lute trouble. ifCCipB!iiigllMia 1 Mil u am vyfea am, mmut Of nu wmm i w wtMiav. mpsrtal tjM''iaasnr Kim ton, Aa it Ttw ara a - ar nt mk whs hsv.. ik, ranMtf i as fco i,uM la- - able In aoasas. s4 at any Has htai,.-- r rata for taa ialM r lssMBaajr arueir tti.n alasoat . tUt inamawr bo have fataart Bsa ti nwwai a( thw rB, gr J, 1 Kasac. who Is veil iwjr a. aaa I laost rouueasfal ajM aMiuaaaiM af BiaaaboaMU la Wall atrnat la Hem f, Otf, baa ham maoi Umtm aakad to ovar bis own atnoaiurr aaoo any waioti be elHav and t naas bis own walrh iil.l rlimrrujlfn. Ban) A Mr Km' otnettmn babmnd tdatcatai rm ureelsii a. Bmch as .Ionian in a atari i'J. it 1. raa. (n an bal If he caaajaai lor svah rvlte in iiruport bi to Bta earuifM a-i- br Kin.ld rtsHv, un .Insosit aa lott sum for an mrtir Irutu ,ii toaH), ords In Wiig. li Tb. mil) ixfiihi aioe.. Ilnwaarlv laya of bis povertt, svbi-l- i - mad.- bks ItVi ma, a ueapaBr srrli.r, Uai Mr W lila 4tortuiaiou to write waa . Jss aWDBHsr of IS?; just atar aa bad hi sd at bay aa army of Wail atetctaaaau! tnts, bavian Mtataiood lbs inarkrt siacie La soaa tor an entire day, barked b aakl bsaa hi. Calif onsta Mca4a aeat to Mat. ad Uwrrby a nqi.it ionaiily prrveutad ai rh a panic aa tal. aountir aaa ant aaoa exoot-uicpoiuri- iu 1W and 1W. Tue strain upon bt. nervou. myu a af tbi). tuaintainiuii lis. nusrfcet aOtUM tlse ooaiUued aaaauli of Mgbteoaa1 iaei trs aad speculator, wu ao great Usat a s alter Mr Ketw whs atriekaa wil.i an iUneas wbieh UiraaUml to davatop tual issralysls of t he brain II. waa mnov C lo 1oiic linsuel, aa ,n aa it waa psano e to lift him from bia Issd, aud thrre. at." sag difficulty and tbrouiblbeofiura of tin Ust, Saui War.1. Mr. Kaane cooaeausl to 4i iatc au Inter lew for )HiMioation Mr. Want labortsl with biai lor more tiiau two hours before tho graat isfivrHlir uoitMaitail. At that time Mr Waul was intartatniag hi. nvpbew, 1 Marion Crawford, and bad beII so liigbly pi earns! with u story which Mr. Craw ford told him of an ttspertenoa In India that he adriaad the ouiui luan to write It out and that he would aw tbat It found a publisher, and thus It was tbat the story which made Marion Crawford fa- mous, "Mr. Isaacs," oaine lo bewriltoad prlnttsl alwl Crawford's career determined, Mr. KWne wa grautly iutaraatad lu Mr, Ward's narration Ui hhn of tbla tale, wbieh had not then been printed, and he told Mr. Ward some of tbe uu--l California exjKv rieuustof his which qulu, mar-velo- u. m did theator of Mr. Isaacs, anil it was then that Mr. Ward .aid to himi "Mr Keene, If you were not a ureal specu- lator, you might become a treat norriku" Mr. Keeue llnally reoelveil the repre- sentative of on of lb New York lumtfia-s-r- He lay iqwn his U.I, w liieli was In 11 quiet room of one of the Long Branch ho- tels. The room was very simply furnished, and It seemed lmxssib!e to beliete that iuu man wlio lay tneru content apjsirciilly with the ui in oat humble surrouudiufo) of this IU by Vi room was able, if Im chose, to buy the hotel ami a gissl deal of the ad- jacent property without materially u"nct ing his jx.klsKik. He begun slowly to dictate. It stewed ns though he weighed every word. He changui 11 wool in order to pu In its place anotlier which would more clesrlf exprtss Ids inclining. When a iteMt. or u puragrapu bad been written down. Mr. Kli ne would ask to have it issul over, c v when this was done he repeated it ssvi nl tlini-s- , hi patience and care being q tu as great s characterized Ituskln or It Lowtll when they wvra engaged la proe couiMKitlon. Tluu for live hours this great Iluam Vr lay there composing and dictating L ,U article. 'Die mental strain was exhaust ivj liotli utsmMr. Wnni.whowns present,!, id ujion the new spnjier rejiorter. tjuce dur. i tho interview a telegram was brought to Mr. Keeno from the hotel nJIIce. He onej al It, rend It and tossed It Ukiii tliu table w th no mora concern than though it bud . a most trivial matter to him. This article upmansl the follow ing i!tr iu print. It was the sensational publ) a lion of the month. It was retiuhllsh'sl tltlicrln wholuoriu part In great uuti- - neroi newspapers. Jt commanded utttu. Hon not only from financiers, to wh. m every word uttcrul by Mr. Ktena then aid kincmiisjii llnanclnl matters was rtcei jil wltli absorbing Interest, but it also mad.. 11 deep luipresalou tiiou llterury men 011 of thu singular purity of its Hngllth aim inu lutiuity ana lellctty of its style. '1 lie editor ol mc iiaw r in which the aiil- - cle appeared would gladly Imvo sent Vr. Ketno a check for J..V) forit. but theimat il.ianclerdld iiotaud would not write, fur pay. lie caimil a fortunu while ho v ut dictating that article, for tho telegmn which be ritclMilnnnouiicciltliaL a sudd n appreciation that day lua Hue of struts held by .Mr. Jtevne was so grc.it that if an choau to sell his prollts would bu Jl 60,009. Itetil has only recently bcvii temptiil to write, and for his writings Lo bus received a prlcu quite as large as thu hamlsouiu sum once paid Mr. Gladstone by un American publisher for a magazine ar- ticle. Governor McKinlvy wu offered 1,000 fora 1,000 word article; Governor Husscll of Massachusetts n sum almost as large, hut for a little longer article. fVcrttary Carlisle, If hu could llnd time to write, could materially Incrcaso his income by so doing, and there Is not one of thu more prominent politicians and fiiinuclers who could not more than match the earnings ot some of the greatest of the litterateurs, pro- vided only they were willing to accept of- fers which liuie been miule to them. It I noticed, howevir, that the timidity or w lilcli uil to prevail among men of affairs about writing for the puhllu-prin- ts Is wry rapidly passing away. Vs. J. LmvAmifl. haw a hnaka I lv .si He. Off. A few days ago Mr. James M. Ncn), a Georgia farmer, ascended thu town hall tower at Buudersville with a friend to try a new telcacoiu. Wheu Mr. Neal drew u focus 011 Ills plantation, which Is live miles north of Buuderavllle, he remarked to his friend, Colonel Fleming, that he was satis-lie- d with the telescope. He theu shifted It to his iiti,re. lie observed a great com- motion among his cow., and usjii adjust- ing the focus to a nicety ha noticed that a tremendous ruttliwiake was thu' cause of I the trouble. He quickly handed th. let- - rscosj to Colonel Fleming, descended the Iron steps, mounted Ids horse, and iu 11 shoit whllureuckcd his place, where hu found two of Ids cows I) ing dmd from thu eifectsuf; thu tvrtMml' bite. I Iu found the snako auU. killed It. It hud 14 rattles am) a button,!. ,J Tlio Dili). st Collrctur of All. Philadelphia sisauase a collector of luirsmhoes, liostou ft gatherer of bricks. New Orleans a collector of sugar samples, IiUlsville a gatherer of sample dusks of whisky, but Nebraska s them alL Bin Iwasts of a nun who tukes locks of hair shaved from the heads ot noted cilminals which he labels and Indexes with great care. Kate Field'. Washington. Alsiut CO.OoO people nro added to tbu IKipiilatlou of London every , whllaV the outcome of tlioso moving from the cTtW I unuiwinitlvely very small. Assumlug the working ugu to Ik !W toW years of ugu and counting only tiiuT workers, iiO iersons llu nu thu Ub0r"0f every l(W workers. "v " Jsf. jrV vifaljA'i'ir titm'TMi "''''araTaTaTajBBBfJiH x3 . i

Transcript of WA TT A IN Pr; - University of...

Page 1: WA TT A IN Pr; - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/20659/1/1894041201.pdf · I'ort Street, Between Hotel anil licretaula, Both Tisr.iir-HONiJ-No,

..'1,,--, - 1

TT! TT'" ' ' "'fei'; ""Xi'.Jil HAWAIIANPr; "


I i s. uShson' bishop & ooTJc,

UI .i.ttnAM SmAU. minim i i nniilrnniiV 1 1

iff. iinviM UMtiyipill JIIUiVFiyill. BN(lLNIlHU Aft) HUKVUYOK, IMUW,.I In 18. 1Bm BANKERS. 1IU PJJttblsltHU KVHKY AFTERNOON With W. IV -- t, !..,,,.'I CJ tilt SUNDAY At Ollhw a( !" arka. 1


association, Lid. Ku.vmfr - -km

w""'nu",1A ,M, S. & CO,

t P. Year li. Avtt. . .- -- ISM MWTOMn.U,' II. I.

I, f 2,ilr.Vlt'T;L Oumi.ih.Ien UandMnta .n.l ln.ii.rtm. -- 1MBWm, of Omurt.1 Murtmnndise.W . - itxiawrivr. tiouxt.LC AtiVRHTWtin "Tt , ,, , ... ,,.,.,, nv. .nttmnwiomi Hotet


If '

aw. -



aVi. .'. . ., s

NMH Mr I WHIM It nl retrnlor nilfrlWm(t otiMr.M tit His Mo.tktn nmw.

IWeaM lmmnit Innwtlan ull wlvril-IUB-

WHM In ikllvtnd at the llurii.ewitlS bWow 1 P. m.

jiiriiliiiii.MiH)Ai. iu:ciiiiii.

Itir lloeriii't Hnrt'y, I'ulllUllFlllAi'rv 3Iimm1ii.

f 1 K" K I 1 I S3:

CS II n Ik'iljiM Ritar.o nr. 3

"KhE TB.o-- ffi 2; m: 8

'uni a nil MM t wn.on o n hi: 2TO 2 a

. W1(.W td'o.oj 70 a, s- - l

.""1111limn but not far latitude.

Title 8hii Hint SllMltl.

?! El3T 5


ii.ni. a.in.a.iu. a.111,

Mon .... fi.4U n.46 0.17 1

Thus.... 7.15 6J),11.30 B. U 5.45 C.18 jut)' n.mWed .... K.41 7.20 a.2oi o.:m r ii w,Tliur.... tl.tl) 1U- - 0 .! 1JPJ 3.41 0MVtl 11.10 u ml 6.3.1, 4. (I .1.121 c.la: -t


(I.S)I fi.SI 5.42 (l.ili

inn. I.UJI 0. 0 A.4I1 0.11) 3. U

First ijiurtcr ut Die moon on this 12lli, nt Kli.

1riii'ilj1VlilftlB nionsnt Hi., 29m.,3l8. p.m. ofHonolulu tinip. nlik'li la tliohamuna 12li.,0in.,Us. of Uri'onwlch time. -

For eery 1 feet of ilKlahce of tlio(from the (JubIdiii House) allow one

hecoml fur tniiiumlsslon ot ouml, or fi BeconUsto a ntiil uto mile.


TABLE.Vrom ami AfteV Juno it.



A.M. r.M. r.M.lave Honolulu... ..8:45 1:41 415 6:10

Jjraye IVurl City.. ...11.30 2.20 6:10ArrlveKiya-MIll.- , ...11:57 2:57 5:U0 C:22


A.M. A.M. l'.M. I'.M.

Leave Kwa .Mill 0:21 10:41 3:4:1 5:42

Iieavo l'eatl City. 0.M 11:15 4:15 6:10

Arrive Honolulu 7;!M 11:55 4A1 0:45

A Faturilay's only. C Hunday's excepted.It Uaily II Saturday's excepted

i oicuKi.v siaii. si:uvicj:,SteanwUlps will leavo for and arrive from

Ban Francisco on the folloivins dates, ti theclobo ol lb'Jl :

AnuivE at IIVlulo Leave Honolulu koiir.lOM BAN I 'CIhUO BANHtANCIHCOllll

on Vancouvkh. VancoUveii.

Onorlfcout On or jIIjoiU

Mariposa Apr 12 Monovial... .Anr 5

China -- Apr 17 Australia.. Apr 2H

Australia Apr 21 Wurrlmoo.. May 1

Arunu At"?3 Alameda... May 3Mol.owal May 10 tiaelic...... ......uay iiAustralia May 10 Australia.., May 21)

Warrluioo May 23 Arawa May 31

Gaelic Junu. Maripo.a... Mav 81

Alameda... June 7 Austialla.. umj 2JAustralia June HI Mouowal... ....Juuu &i

Arawa Juno SI Warrlmoo July 1

Mariposa lu y6 Cllvof ItlodoHeliilo July 6 Jauclro July 10Australia July 14 Australia July 21Warriuioo July 23 Alameda. juiyaiMonowai auk 2 Araw-- ..Julv3lAustralia Auu 11 Australia,.. Aug 18

Arawa Aub 21 Uelglc ....Ain; 21

Alameda Aub 30 .Mariposa. . .AUS23rM.l.i.. Ki.nt X Warrlmoo.. Bopt IAustraUall."... Hept Australia... ....Irept 15

Vi'arrlmoo Peut2 Mouowal. ... ....bel C20Jdariposa Arawa.. ucl luceanic. ....Oct 2 Australia Oct 3Australia. ...,()ct 0 City of Teklll Oct!)Arawa ....Oft 23 Alameda Oct ISMouuuat . Oct 25 Warrlmoo. Pov 1

Australia.. Australia.. ....Nov 10,.Nov M Mariposa... ....wov la

AIanieda".--,-l.Ni- 22 rem ....Nov 10

Warrlmoo Nov 23 Arawa Deo 1

Oceanic Ueu 1 Australia ...... Deo B

Australia Dec 1 Mouowal DeoMariposa Dec 20 China Dec 31

Arawa Dec 23 lN'l.--i

Australia .Dec 21 WarrEmoo Jar. 1

18U5. (iaelic Feb HI

China Ian 22 l'eru Mar2JOceanic Fehiu Uaelic....- - Apr2uChina April 2

H; MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS1)8 Fort Street.

Both Telephones 22. P. O. Box 470

Metropolitan Meat Co.81 KING STREET,

Wholesale '& Retail Butchers


NavyJ. WALLER, Manager,

Club Stables Co.S. P. GRAHAM, Manager.

Livery, Feed, and Sale Staples.

I'ort Street, Between Hotel

anil licretaula,


Cor, Kins and Bethel Sts.


IWi IM lit .... . .






P, JI.llttlitMlnltiTot Pmetim AUbIm.J. A. Kit MlnlHiT it tlm latorttir.8. M. ttnniun, MlnlMcr of t1iinnW. 0. Bmlth, Attothi'V'lleiieral.

AiivimiitT CllUM'll- -

W',0, Wliler. thallwl.lniiM (liivrrumolitot tlm llanalian Irlaluln.

Cecil llrown, K. II. lenney,John Nott, a Hullo,

John Kna. Vf. P. Allni.Jamea F. Morgan, llonrr Walerhouse,Kd.Suhr, A. Vounit,

J. 1'. Meiidonca, LI. II. timllli,.iohn Kmmeluth.C. T. Hoilgers, Secretary Executive and Ad

visory Councils.

BttniCMK Uiit'liT.

Hun. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice.Hon. It. F. Hlckerlnn, First Awoclalc Justice.Ion. W, K. Irear, frcoiul Assoclale Justlui.

Henry Hmlih, Chief Olerk.Owrto I.uca, First Deputy Clerk.U. K. IVterson, Keeond Deputy Oiei k.J, Waller Junes, Ktenourapher.

CmcuiT Junora.First Circuit! U.K. Cooper, W. A. Whiting,

Oahu.Second Circuit : Maui, A. N. Kepolkal.'Ihlrdand FourlliClrculls:llawall H.L.AubUii.Fifth Circuit: Kauai, J. Hardy.

Oillces ami Court-roo- in uoverumeiitllulldlng, Kline Hireet. BlttliiR In Honolulu i

First Monday In February, May, August andNovember.


Ufllce In (lovernment llulldlng. King Street.Ills Kxcelleney Francis M. Hatch, Minister of

Foreign Alfairs.lleo. C. l'otler. Chief Clerk.V. Horace Wright, Clerk.

Lionel Hart, Clerk.


Offlce In novcrnment llulldlng, KingHis Kxcelleney J. A. King, Minister of the

InteriorUhief Clerk, John A. Hasslngcr.Assistant Clerks, James II. Bojd, M. K.

Keohokalole, James Aholo, Hteplien Mahauiu, George C. Itoss, Kdwurd H. Ho) d.

Cuiers or IIuiieaus, Depahthknt oriNTEIIIOll.

Hurvejor.lleneral, W. I). Alexander.Supt. l'ublio Works, W. K. Howell.Hupt. Water Workt, Andrew llrown.Inspector Klectrlo Liichta, John Cassidy.Kegistrar of Com eyances, T. G. Thrum.Koad Hupervlsor, Honolulu, W, it.

Chief Knglncer Fire Dept., J. II, Hunt.Hupt, Insane Asylum. Dr. A. McWaync.


President Ills Kxcelleney J. A.King, Minister of the interior.

Momhers'. W. G. Irwin, A. Jaegor, A. Her-

bert and John Kna.

Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officioSecretary of the Hoard. Joseph Marsden.

Dkpaiitment or Finance.

Minister of Finance, His Kxcelleney H, M.Damon.

AudltuMleneral, George f. Itoss.Iteglstrar of Accounts, W. G. Ashley.Collcctor.General of Customs, J. 11. Castle.Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan tihaw.Deputy Assessor, W, C. Wcedon.l'ostmasterGeneral, J. ,11. Oat.

Customs Huheau.

Olllte, Custom House, Ksplanade, Fort tit.Collector-Genera- l, J. II. Castle.Deputy.Colleclor, F, 11. McStocker.Harbor Master, Captain A, Fuller,Port tiurvej or, M. N. Zanders,blorekeeper, Geo. C, titratemejer.

Dlpaktment or Attounev-Gemeiia- u

Office In Government llulldlng. King St.Attoriuey.General, W. O.Hmltli.Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, G, K. Wilder,Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal. K. (1. Hitchcock.Clerk to .Marshal, II. M. Dow,Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Urow n.Jailor Oahu I'rlson, Jamea A. Low,Prison Physician, Dr. C. II. Cooper.

UOAltU or iMMiailATION.

Offlce, Department of Interior, Governmentllulldlng, KingHtreet.

President, ills Kxcelleney, J, A, King.Members of the liuard of Immigration:

J. II. Atliertou, Jas. II. Castle, A. 8.Clegborn, James G. Spencer, Mark 1'.Hoblnson.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

lloA.in or Health.Offlce In grounds of Goveniment Building,

corner of Mllllanl and Queen Streets,Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Miner, Dr. Andrews,

J. T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Kna, TheodoreF. Lansing and Attorney-Gener- Bmltli.1'resident, Hon. W. O, Smith.Secretary, Chas. Wilcox.

Executive Officer, CIS. lteynolus.Agent Hoard of Health, J, D, McVeigh,Inspector and Manager of Garbage Service,

UJ.U ITerre.Inspector, U. W, C. Jones.Port Physician, Dr. G. P. Andrews.Dispensary, Dr. I'enry W, Howard.Leper Settlement, Dr.lt. K. Oliver.

lloAim or Education,ufllce, Government Building, King Street.

President, Hon. C, It. lllshop.Secretary, W, James Smith,inspector or Schools, A,T. Atkinson,


J, A. King, Minister of the Interior: W. O,Smith, Attorney.iieneralaud O, I'. Iaukea.Olllce In Judiciary llulldlng.

DlsTiucT Couar,I'ollie Station llulldlng, Merchant Street,A, G. M. Itobertson, Magistrate.Jamea Thompson, Clerk,

PosTorricE Huiieau,Postmaster-Genera- l, J. Mort Oat,Secretary, W. O. Atwater,Suu't Postal Saviugs (lank, E. II. Wcxlcliouse.Money Order Department, F, I). Oat.General Delivery, I..T. Kenako.Iteglstry Department II. L. Desha,Clerks: J, D, Holt, it. A. Dexter, H,U Keku

mano, F, II. Angus, 1. II. Kul, Henry Kala,John Hiram, K. Karlta, M. rigaereda.



Tort Htii-et- , lloiiululu.


Olllce, 42 gti-ec-

Honolulu, It I.




Cartwrielit lllock, Jlerehnnt Ht., Honolulu.


Temi'oiiaiiv nmuWith O. W.Afdifoid, Jlerchant St.,

Honolulu, II. I.


Wholesale Imixjrt-er- and Jubbein of


Corner Fort anil QufenHts., Honolulu.7tf



E2TA1I Orilera l'romiitly Attctuleil to.r.2tr

I. O. llox 317. Telephone 210.


N.ivul Supplies, AVholcsalo anil KctuilDealers in Qrocerles, Provisions, etc.

Ill I'ortfct., Honolulu, II. I,



JOBBING A SPECIALTY.Shop on Hetliel Street, between King

anil Hotel streets. 2ft.tr,









OrncE New Safe Deioslt llulldlng.Honolulu, II. I.

Plans, Specifications and Superintendencegiven for every description of llulldlng.

Old liulldlugs successfully remodeled andeniargen.

iiesigns ror interior I'ecoration.MaoMor Mechanical Drawlmr. Traeimr and

Illueprlnthig.sT"I)rawings fur Hooks or Newspaper Illus-


This Spaceis

Reservedfor the

Eauital)le Life Assurance Society

of liie United States.


General Managers for the Jfatvaiian

Islands,273-t- f




Is prepared to munufucture anythingin its line.

Souvenir Spoons a Specialty.

Also on hand a Fino Mock ofIn.jiorted Jewelry everythingin the latest designs, , , , ,

l". o. liox, Mut. TeL2H7.

Island OitiiEits Fromptly Attended to,


Hawaiian Wine Co.

I'RANK HROWN, Mor.88 nud 80 Merchant Bt,, Honolulu, 11. 1.





New York, Clilceo, Bo.lon, P.rli, ,



TJ t'Mlim Nntlomil Itstik of CTileailo.TV tmurwrx'tal Danklng Co of Byi!

lionaonTbr ConwMvial IlnHhing Cn. of ,tlyiitt

tsvdiwT Tlw Itunk of Km 35s).Iiil4AkIhh1, ihI ll tHM In Cnfliitiohtflffi. I)iuieili.i oii'l WrilliiRtwi.

TJie iUlik rf IWU.h CmumUa, I'ortiHiMl, QrTlw Aeon utwl MmWr. lnlatxls. JiStoi klrnlrn, BwedMi. JVT1i.r!hBiiaMl Mnnlr irf' ludm. AijMtnsllA and

cniiiw. TIlougkoug, YotuilMtusi, .la"iii And Ira is'ueto (lenwul llniiklnst lltmlvecm.


Insurance Aleuts.


vi;ir uxauixn itirrr.iL

Life Insurance Co.OK IJOSTON.






KOUNDIJIJ 1NOS.Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $9,000,000

Havlntf lft-- aiipolntril agcnucif the uIjovoCuinpitny we are now irmly tri et1ct Ji.ur-ant- e

at the lowt nt rales ot iiri'inium,II. W, hCIIMIDT & PONS.


Safe Dejosii I mimCOMPANY.

Hub superior facilities for huyiiiK unilselling Sloclis anil Itoml. ami is ina uodltion to handle largo blocks ofstocks, paying casli for name; or willsell upon Commission.

I'.u'ii I'liiiilatloii hloeU can ho

disposed of by us in largo .or small letsat fair prices.

Null) IH'itosll IEovl'h of vaiioiifsizes for the safo keeping of all sorts ofvaluables, rented at reusonalilo rates.

Silver AVnro and Vuliiulili;ArllcleN taken on storage for a long

or short period.Apply forjpartlculurs


10S Fout Stiikkt, Honolulu,187-t- f

J. T.Queen Street Stores,


Hardvare, Crockery, Saddlery


FANCY GOODSof all descriptions.

Fort Street StoreNo. 16.





India Linen nud Persian Lawns,Embroidery, in 0 vard pieces

ltoninn and Guipuro bmuroidcry,Oriental, 1'lattu, and other luces, in

white, cream and bluck,Chiffon Lace, all colors,l.Vin. Laco Net, cream and black.

Btriped and Check Dimity,Wide Japaneso Crepe, whlto ami enlr'd

Whito, Cream and llluck Buruii Bilk,

"iVhito nnd Cream Billc Crepe,

Navy nnd C. earn Surge,

Suez and Tenuis Flannel,Tlio Jenness-MIIIe- r "Eii.iiol8o" wulstPrima Donna and I, D, Corsets,Ladles' Black IIoso.

Old Rona Coi'leeI'OK SALIt AT

J. T. WATERHOUSE'SQueen Street Stores,


S CO,, 1101M.,1IMM,I.I,

At.KNTH fuKllKWAMMI AtfHittlltMMl fix Iki.naraa

8MT t5n . tlunoma Co., Wtl- -

Klfc" Mm (.. Wklh w ihnr (...t- -t tin IHsHMIIW JOHcnIlmln lUmrli.

ri.nl 11 itw Hmi lnaltcn MM..CI ma. . Uw of lMtt.i

l'nelirUA genu, B.Ui llonnl at UtKlerwrhmAgwn Phlliwleli! Hort nf VaAm


I.ikT H OffUfM :

I', t Jl'TKM 11 HsKllIltUsto H HoraRTmjK . ...YmmjtE F ,taMj. Trww. and ftrcv.Oou trp. Ali. AwMm't . 3d Oookf . . .II. Vitnni'H . Dirartomt. L. 1 4HrKft ....

WILDER & CO.(KsliWuliei in , j7.)

Estate i fi, WILDER -i- - W, C, WILDER.

luiTihiBRS AHV DRALhlf. IN

Lumber and Coal

Building MaterialsSUCH AS


'Builders' Hardware,I'lilnls, Oil, (ilass.


Cor. Foil and Queen Streets,


Do You UseAny of theFollowingArticles ?

If you do, call 011 usand examine same,

and we know qualityand prices will suit you.

;P?.ints and .Oil.--u- y thebark "Nautilus" we have added toour large slock,s in this line. Goodweather will soon set in and youwill wdnt to paint your house, andwhen you do, use pure paints, notsome cheap article that will "peel"or "chalk" off in a few months.Ilubbiicks White lead Zinc, andPale Boiled Oil, have stood the testin these islands for years, and thequality y is as good as whenit was first introduced. We getthese Paints and Oils direct fromIlttbbuck & Son, and thus knowthat they are genuine. We alsokeep Hubbttck's Green, Yellow,Hlack, Oxide and Mast Color in251b kegs.

Cartridges. if you use a

shot gtm we can give you yourchoice of black or nitro powdercartridges, all carefully loaded. Wehave a few shells loaded with"Walsrodc" powder, a very strongpowder that has been adopted forwarfare by three great nations (notincluding the P. G.) It is said tobe the most reliable of all smokelesspowders and very safe in any wellmade gun. The charges are inbulk one third of any other powder,and is "guaranteed good for fiveyears in any climate damp or dry,"If you are interested in the tutmcrotts Rifle Matches or enjoy largestpractice either with Rifle or Revolver use U.M.C., cartridges for bestresults; 50 out of a possible 50 canbe made with this brand, providedthe rifle, and the man arc in goodorder. We have all sizes of U.M.

C, cartridges from 22 to 56 cal.IJvcrything we have mentioned

is to be had for the asking (and alittle hard coin) at the old stand onthe corner of I'ort and King streets.

E. 0. Hall & Son,


T. B. MURRAY,Carriage and Wagon



Trimming,Nkatly Donu.

All work gurrsnli'til ot the hrst, (live 1110 1

trial and bo eonvlnceit.

No, 44 Klnu Stroot.Mutual TeU'ldioue WS. . P, 0. llox M


Racific rasstHHdry!artRM AMAi.v4Mi!uati turn ul--



for pt--w om hMt4.

llMffluk Siean !fcc Mill.

nllUNt Nle .or I.

J. A. llOPI'. 1 , I'rop'r,fHrtwl, llnnolnhi.

illhe iCentrat Market.Alvrsr. am Anna ihw r ir(. tUMMj, VmIH4 Pvsritrv. We mte Im nn a jflllviit. m . mal mk t uwts.. 96. W. km iheism. Ur Cmami Mmwt mvu ,srf tMsa.

WiwTtHtoo ft Gahub.

Hath Trtwitmw m,





MclNERNY DLOCK,is prepared to do all kinds ofmtistio Hook, Job and News-paper printing at fair prices,


Hooks, I'un.plilels, Legnl Pujiers,Hand Dills, Dodgers, Letter and111)1 Head. Hiisluiws and VisitingCurds, Tickets, Programs, etc. . .


Of tho A.merican Un- -

ion Party.

Kit the promotion of th" lifst inter- -esiH of all Hie iojih)o( tlio lauullau IkI

ands and for tho orgitulat. n of u partyhaving only this object in lew, the follo'vlng Is wlojiteil as a ilech ration of thepr iiclplus upon which ilu organization'.o Is) known us tho "Ann ricun UnionParty" is to lx) ertulilidn I, und tiiionth.s nlutform we invito Un-

of awry friend of gooil g )ve nnieiit.JHt. HKI'IIIlBIWrATIVK U IVKItNMKMT

The Amerieun Union l irl'is iinaller- -tih y oiiiMed to any form ol niounreiileulgovernment in tho Iluwa Ian Islands,Hii'l ileiiares Its lull al eg ante in I lieI'rovMonuI (jovcriiiucii , e idorslng thoroHial lor a conNllt.itnmi coi.veutlou

ookiiig to the extension of iKinulur ren- -refeututioii in tho (ioer'iiu 'lit.

til. I'oi.mcAL IJ.sio. Wo declaruoili' leading priucliiles to Im the iktoiii- -pii.iiiiiieiu 01 a tHjiiucni 11 311 win) inuUrlled states ol Aiueric.i ui .1 the maintei'itiuo of u stublu and I101 est govern-liien- t.

Kd. Ptim.ic Lands V 0 favor suchas will proniolo tho

of all public land , includingthese heieloforo knov 11 as "crownIan Is." bv suuill holders, ai ii foster theileelopinent ol varied int ustries, be- -neung 11 10 no 01 vital uuj jrtunco nini"many acres" should Im for "manyinn 1.

i ill, Citizkss' HiuiiTs Wu .lecluruIhut ull citizens uro fi.uui lieloro tholaw, and wu are oppowd to luo.ioisjliesor privileged classes, favoring participa-tion In the government bj every loyal citi-zen and declaru (or 11 liberal suffrage lawthat will, tl ret of all, guarantee u voteto every man who rendered satisfactorytervieu 111 llie military or h,iicu uepuri.meats o( the Provisional Government.

ftth. Immkiiiation' Tim evils of Asiatic immigration are so apparent Unitwu declaru in favor of its prohibition byisisitivu and prudent methods, declaring11. favor of such American, Portugueseor other l'tiroicuu Immigration usshall supply the necessary lubor andfurnish the country with pcrmansettlers, ,

nth. Pciilic Wmikk Wu favor thuimmediate establishment of u compre-hensive system of public Improvementstliut sliull nu 01 permanent value to tl.ucountry anil afford needed employmentto thu lulsiring classes, but we declareagainst imporlution of lulsir and ma-terial of any kind whatsoever for use onpublic works which can btt obtained inthu home market, anil materials whichmust lie obtained from abroad should buobtained through local dealers In ojieucoiniietition,

7lli. Puiii.10 OmcKs Wo hold thatno iicrson should occupy uny position oltnikt or prollt under tho (ioeriiuientwho is not loyal to thu same.

mn, riusoN iAiioii wu o.osu 1110

eniiloyiuent of prison lalior in anymccnumcui pursuits.

Oil. v lii,r,u Wn .,

of thu tax system whereby ull jiroisirty,iniproved and tiulmprou-d- , shall botaxed on 1111 equitable lusii.

10r.Ii. Laiioh Wu declaru that In thuCon dilution and ill legislu ion there-aft-

thu rigid" of thu wagt-e- n 'tier shouldIm- - fully considered.

11 li, KniTATlo.M Wu fav r tlio en-

largement of thu scope o( hu ol

system to thu end that u universityci ai ho may bu available tt tl u youth oftbuiountrv.

12 li, '1 Ki.ixiiiA.ie Li.:- - -- Wu favorthu establishment of an inu -- Island uswell us u foreign cable sys'em

Tl.u organization comm!''u 11 uro:.Fi'st district J. A, Mugsin, J. II,

Fisher, 0, 11. Luther, Been id Chits,L. Carter. Mr, J. A, C'issdy, J. 8,Martin. Third Julius Ase'io Dr. Kmcr- -soti, Jas, Nott, Jr. Fouilli--J- . WullerJoins, Dr. Cooper, W. P. O'J'rien. Flflii

J. A, Uny, J. Lecker, J. L. Curler,At I irge Sluesrs. A. W, Kt (ch, 0. T.It sl ters, tl, W. Bmllli, J. V . Pratt, A.V. Peters. L. C. Abies. It 1. exnectedUnit all

.of the winds, of tliotity will Isj

,...1 1.


IMnM h. -ii-- ISMftO MSH- -. Par MM--. M

rtNSM4 lrIt I. , ,..

ktaount n ,11 ) um-- br flnMii m tl!4f tir. .rft W.nin Tat HMrt mtmrstsst-tnl- stwltow pinluM miIMIHI . .,(, l hsMtjprWhw-l- i tnttr- -rt, I Ii" , ii Un tiKi.inl 4aUtm. tlM

Ai m, 'a om t takc-- i tar j

tMWh I"", tl, n half Ust MunutKfmvrr n at fi wkuaiw --viUtMl t.i art

M Ukh, I iro-w- u kiMr tiith fftu udIjHT Mrt I Ike uMvrnus-li--n mh srbo

A fK K.l ' ll ucrwt I i.m attwt it. K'ubtri ra tJt awM ilawaof, but

W U .,U 1 will tm- - lwH-)tf- l LiM--

IMMt 4vtsd fl-- m .Hnsl.-i- i or Antw.ru '

i cm-- nsiln-v- l IM othermmmmtm, h fcoOMrf sud KacUud. uHHtti m4 Mi ut aw m CoiSCkM4n jjrtrlii unn iilwl.Wii ml. inn, tJ isdI.fflw)M it U 't wort H'kiU to tmv.1 ub--

mm in limioim. A mm iiiatsr Mjmn t tme m ill row ft--.. prolMMf OUarthan Ifcat, if 1 oaro man. far craMure rom- -

forta.Vt wn an t. isussuoiv am tw nvadv bum

wnlHmlste by mntlmr. I Luuw of a pin-t-y

ot fix 7011, g hh front Harvard wtx tookstamilW issMfja in thu rVrtia for tacwHim, trip, 'flu r jyM flld utw row ut UvrthIn one of the I ig risnns, look turn at waah-jiiicl-

till ilkbaa and liiul otof f,iu.The whott tl p imI not have eisrt oaciini'Hi, than l& for 11 two iiiontsw' ttWuor

.V woman Uo iia. aarrd Hit) can, it abaninls imotucr wwuan of like miwl ilfurw, take u rutlinrextuaive trip abroador traveling "stuuiul cabin" ut u roundtriprxpviifceof Tll. Jwivjiig as inuoli morefur slitHi, exjH'nw. tKXHl ealiili U wrfettlr dean, ounifottuljla and mtiuotabla,with plenty of food uml tllKtlve if iotwa).difemitUl service. Mont American,will, liowe er, prefer to travel flrt cabiu iu

cliraiwr Mat tatlier than take nauuiinieither 111 the seoond cabin or .tevrage Tlab.urd Kurosan illstlnetious of "clatM"area good Jokofornkhort time. Inuweikami in the close ouiiilwnionthlp of sliiniKiani iney imoiiiu iiiiwiiiumili..

J lie iitahary oust of first iblli lauumtoLlteriujul ami return 1. not 1m than1100 and may Im muih luoie, to which luhlnearly 10 ht cent for fees, A K't liuiuydollars may bu huitsl, howeter. by takingoutward nisi homeward uuawig bydiflir-rutlinise- .

Thus, if tin, trip i a short one.sail to Liverpool or (jlasguw, return fromAntwerp or Amsterdam. If the trip islonger Mul luetiiifi.hwltzerlauil ami Italv.sail lo LIverjHsd or (ilasgow (the latter IfSoolluud Is to be visited); lelurn from Napies or iieuoa, Vnrlety of interest as ellan economy Is ecurud by this plsi. Thecost of the imwuigu from Union or Havre issoiueH hat greater than from LlverMsj, butthe economy lu time and turn I ashoremora than makes thu difference.

An economically urruuged tour ashorewill suvo time and money hy betngim dln-c- tas possible. Itnllway travillng. alwaysthird class, will uxt alwut 'i cenU n mileami may Iw ritkoUMl up Is fore .tuningWilli a reasouaole upproaeli to accuracy, I fKj.its of luti-re-t do not lie near the Hue of

route, omit the ,l, There are otiii-rs- . is giwl.Tin. tvonouiKal trnveler who has goiiHfroui(ilasgiw to Ys lutiurgb hy th Trowu-hs- ,

uim Ahtxtsfoi 1 ami Melrose, stopjul luBlinkespeun- ix nitry hihI sxvn Oxford, isready to prota to Iondon, ith whatevercathislrul tovvm huya iiupH-ni- I to lie in tilspath say bur) am nnd York and fromJxmilon dire I a thu continent, not to i,

From Imdoi to Italy by Xevshnveu,Dieppe, Pails, Geneva, Lucerne, Venice,Home, .NapJ.-s- , 4 a route reasonably dliect.It omits the X therlands nnd the Itlilne,width on glit. in 1 to lie omitted, Tliey canIs; incliidl hj n detour from I'urls, luwhich cao.Lll wrland Isihaitsen nnd .ut ch, In either case In nnvcaso tlie Jotnii y's widest jioltitsshould Isi til. seniortof arrival nnd denar- -

ture If ks hie Of a trip not includingItaly the port .f return may Is, Havre orltotu-rdnm- . In this case one iwssouth bvtho Iiw Countre and the Ilhliie, returning nortli to rn is, or vice versa.

1 ooil ami Itslt ng are luinli cheatwr onthe contiiiri t t inn in Knglnnd. tin theaverogo an ener. Ma traveler can get alongmceiy m peri 'ft omroit, Out not lu ' style,'for U.M it day. Two, sharing meals androoms, can maki It on tXW) n dny, or evenless wltli extro no economy. In Paris 11

dlnucr, "lllllr In quantity ami really notso very l In quality, can bo boughtfor t!5 cents, 1: lu icli for V) cents, loilgliigand tnakfii-- l 1 thu Latin quarter, the

mid most convenient part ofthe city, for fron !S cents to f) cents. Outof a ll.SOallowni.ciioiiu can save a quarteror so a nay to usu 011 mo roan, wncru livingIs more expensive, as in Scotland,

Uciilli iMwuige, Willi fees, by chenn lines.(llOor iipwnnli S.Wm miles of railroad faret 2 cents a mile. dOdays'llvlugutll.CO

a nay, r."i; lncliitiituls, wliutever you liketo make them; guldelxwks. In which oneshould never economize, (15; reerve fund,tM, These urn the chief essentials of aspleudld continental trlji, Incluillng .1 hitof Bcothind, Kngh.ud, I'nrts. the Ithlne.Switzerland (on foot) and a bit of Italywithout thu Imw Countries, or thu IxjwCountries without Italy, going hy Ulosgowand returning from Naples or Amsterdam.Altogetber Kn should cover everything.

Such a trip Involves Inmountain regions, patronizing cheap ho-tels, which iuu often thu most homelike,and u total Indt'iH-nil- i uce of hacks, widthis achieved hy carrying one's Isdongfiigs Ina slugla light grin mid striking out Isildiyfor lodgings In et fry town by I he aid of theguiueoooK's sireet map. jobn lj, iluitonlu New York Recorder.

A Hugr.lloa.

He I was a for when I married you,Bhe Well, ilou V )ou think It is about

time for you to et overitf We'vu Urnmarried IS ycarS;- - Life.

The fplilemlo of liberty Is spreading,ICviry man win) g, es to K,iro carries thuInfection with litu , nud every stranger hovisits us becomes uoculatcd.

Tho Scotch . sl believes thid should slimhy uccldi nt On p I vr new .hues thsyare wuru they wdl nurvly lead her lutetrouble.

ifCCipB!iiigllMia 1

Mil u

am vyfea am, mmut Of nuwmm iw wtMiav.

mpsrtal tjM''iaasnrKim ton, Aa it Ttw ara a -

ar nt mk whs hsv.. ik, ranMtf i asfco i,uM la- - able In aoasas. s4 at

any Has htai,.-- r rata for taa ialMr lssMBaajr arueir tti.n alasoat . tUt

inamawr bo have fataart Bsati nwwai a( thw rB, gr J, 1

Kasac. who Is veil iwjr a. aaa Ilaost rouueasfal ajM aMiuaaaiM afBiaaaboaMU la Wall atrnat la Hem f,Otf, baa ham maoi Umtm aakad toovar bis own atnoaiurr aaoo anywaioti be elHav and t naas bis ownwalrh iil.l rlimrrujlfn. Ban) A MrKm' otnettmn babmnd tdatcatai rmureelsii a. Bmch as .Ionian in a atari i'J.it 1. raa. (n an bal If he caaajaai lor svah

rvlte in iiruport bi to Bta earuifM a-i-

br Kin.ld rtsHv, un .Insosit aa lottsum for an mrtir Irutu ,ii toaH), ordsIn Wiig. li

Tb. mil) ixfiihi aioe.. Ilnwaarlv layaof bis povertt, svbi-l- i - mad.- bks ItVi ma,a ueapaBr srrli.r, Uai Mr Wlila 4tortuiaiou to write waa . JssaWDBHsr of IS?; just atar aa bad hi sd atbay aa army of Wail atetctaaaau! tnts,bavian Mtataiood lbs inarkrt siacie La soaator an entire day, barked b aakl bsaahi. Calif onsta Mca4a aeat to Mat. adUwrrby anqi.it ionaiily prrveutad ai rh apanic aa tal. aountir aaa ant aaoa exoot-uicpoiuri-

iu 1W and 1W.Tue strain upon bt. nervou. myu a af

tbi). tuaintainiuii lis. nusrfcet aOtUM tlseooaiUued aaaauli of Mgbteoaa1 iaei trsaad speculator, wu ao great Usat a s

alter Mr Ketw whs atriekaa wil.i aniUneas wbieh UiraaUml to davatop tualissralysls of t he brain II. waa mnov C lo1oiic linsuel, aa ,n aa it waa psano e tolift him from bia Issd, aud thrre. at." sagdifficulty and tbrouiblbeofiura of tin Ust,Saui War.1. Mr. Kaane cooaeausl to 4i iatcau Inter lew for )HiMioation Mr. Wantlabortsl with biai lor more tiiau two hoursbefore tho graat isfivrHlir uoitMaitail.

At that time Mr Waul was intartatniaghi. nvpbew, 1 Marion Crawford, and badbeII so liigbly pi earns! with u story whichMr. Craw ford told him of an ttspertenoa InIndia that he adriaad the ouiui luan towrite It out and that he would aw tbat Itfound a publisher, and thus It was tbat thestory which made Marion Crawford fa-mous, "Mr. Isaacs," oaine lo bewriltoadprlnttsl alwl Crawford's career determined,

Mr. KWne wa grautly iutaraatad lu Mr,Ward's narration Ui hhn of tbla tale, wbiehhad not then been printed, and he told Mr.Ward some of tbe uu--l California exjKvrieuustof his which qulu, mar-velo- u.

m did theator of Mr. Isaacs, anilit was then that Mr. Ward .aid to himi"Mr Keene, If you were not a ureal specu-lator, you might become a treat norriku"

Mr. Keeue llnally reoelveil the repre-sentative of on of lb New York lumtfia-s-r-

He lay iqwn his U.I, w liieli was In 11

quiet room of one of the Long Branch ho-tels. The room was very simply furnished,and It seemed lmxssib!e to beliete thatiuu man wlio lay tneru content apjsirciillywith the ui in oat humble surrouudiufo) ofthis IU by Vi room was able, if Im chose, tobuy the hotel ami a gissl deal of the ad-jacent property without materially u"ncting his jx.klsKik.

He begun slowly to dictate. It stewedns though he weighed every word. He

changui 11 wool in order to pu Inits place anotlier which would more clesrlfexprtss Ids inclining. When a iteMt. oru puragrapu bad been written down. Mr.Kli ne would ask to have it issul over, c vwhen this was done he repeated it ssvi nltlini-s- , hi patience and care being q tuas great s characterized Ituskln or It

Lowtll when they wvra engaged laproe couiMKitlon.

Tluu for live hours this great Iluam Vrlay there composing and dictating L ,Uarticle. 'Die mental strain was exhaust ivjliotli utsmMr. Wnni.whowns present,!, idujion the new spnjier rejiorter. tjuce dur. itho interview a telegram was brought toMr. Keeno from the hotel nJIIce. He onej alIt, rend It and tossed It Ukiii tliu table w thno mora concern than though it bud .

a most trivial matter to him.This article upmansl the follow ing i!tr

iu print. It was the sensational publ) alion of the month. It was retiuhllsh'sltltlicrln wholuoriu part In great uuti- -

neroi newspapers. Jt commanded utttu.Hon not only from financiers, to wh. mevery word uttcrul by Mr. Ktena then aidkincmiisjii llnanclnl matters was rtcei jilwltli absorbing Interest, but it also mad.. 11

deep luipresalou tiiou llterury men 011of thu singular purity of its Hngllth

aim inu lutiuity ana lellctty of its style.'1 lie editor ol mc iiaw r in which the aiil- -

cle appeared would gladly Imvo sent Vr.Ketno a check for J..V) forit. but theimatil.ianclerdld iiotaud would not write, furpay. lie caimil a fortunu while ho v utdictating that article, for tho telegmnwhich be ritclMilnnnouiicciltliaL a sudd nappreciation that day lua Hue of strutsheld by .Mr. Jtevne was so grc.it that if anchoau to sell his prollts would bu Jl 60,009.

Itetil has only recently bcviitemptiil to write, and for his writings Lobus received a prlcu quite as large as thuhamlsouiu sum once paid Mr. Gladstone byun American publisher for a magazine ar-ticle. Governor McKinlvy wu offered 1,000

fora 1,000 word article; Governor Husscllof Massachusetts n sum almost as large,hut for a little longer article. fVcrttaryCarlisle, If hu could llnd time to write,could materially Incrcaso his income by sodoing, and there Is not one of thu moreprominent politicians and fiiinuclers whocould not more than match the earnings otsome of the greatest of the litterateurs, pro-vided only they were willing to accept of-

fers which liuie been miule to them. It I

noticed, howevir, that the timidity orw lilcli uil to prevail among men

of affairs about writing for the puhllu-prin- ts

Is wry rapidly passing away.Vs. J. LmvAmifl.

haw a hnaka I lv .si He. Off.A few days ago Mr. James M. Ncn), a

Georgia farmer, ascended thu town halltower at Buudersville with a friend to try anew telcacoiu. Wheu Mr. Neal drew ufocus 011 Ills plantation, which Is live milesnorth of Buuderavllle, he remarked to hisfriend, Colonel Fleming, that he was satis-lie- d

with the telescope. He theu shifted Itto his iiti,re. lie observed a great com-motion among his cow., and usjii adjust-ing the focus to a nicety ha noticed that atremendous ruttliwiake was thu' cause of

I the trouble. He quickly handed th. let- -

rscosj to Colonel Fleming, descended theIron steps, mounted Ids horse, and iu 11 shoitwhllureuckcd his place, where hu found twoof Ids cows I) ing dmd from thu eifectsuf;thu tvrtMml' bite. I Iu found the snako auU.killed It. It hud 14 rattles am) a button,!. ,J

Tlio Dili). st Collrctur of All.Philadelphia sisauase a collector of

luirsmhoes, liostou ft gatherer of bricks.New Orleans a collector of sugar samples,IiUlsville a gatherer of sample dusks ofwhisky, but Nebraska s them alL BinIwasts of a nun who tukes locks of hairshaved from the heads ot noted cilminalswhich he labels and Indexes with greatcare. Kate Field'. Washington.

Alsiut CO.OoO people nro added to tbuIKipiilatlou of London every , whllaVthe outcome of tlioso moving from the cTtWI unuiwinitlvely very small.

Assumlug the working ugu to Ik !W toWyears of ugu and counting only tiiuTworkers, iiO iersons llu nu thu Ub0r"0fevery l(W workers. "v "

Jsf. jrV vifaljA'i'ir titm'TMi"''''araTaTaTajBBBfJiH

x3 .


Page 2: WA TT A IN Pr; - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/20659/1/1894041201.pdf · I'ort Street, Between Hotel anil licretaula, Both Tisr.iir-HONiJ-No,


iMlMiM nM panHMHtn pawn mm"

m i n mil WfcflagWER!MM MMtMM. M Mm yiwWm, Mot


wmmmr mmmm.

Mm liM MWm IMHilMUil

Baaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa. I MjMJBk alaBBBBV

at. MM tfl MM

i - - . .


MiiflkM "(MWy WmmPww

wmm' ' to taw MawaaiMi

AJpawit Ium autWn- - to 4u witn Um

uf uaval aval mm at faiari

MOMtMt tram Mr. Wttia it aat uuwniiiaaajrl ' to aad to

rMJl'iii inrtaiain laai aeMjflat ixymr in Huowaiu m aa) Umm

Paaaa awuld nalit' lor pmmmaiaf011, atiraara ami aatarainiail uuui li

jaa( altar Uh Mtaraata of Uu- - CiuhmJ




to4ar Aawaral


waaliaiii auouatiloaiy uI to tlx- - cxMuMioimatiuc of a rallwi

SOL rfut. wliiclj baa warn aiaolaawj. umvi., Kuwauui 01 ; fiaioam

ill. baa Uwo iu Waabmatmi. Tin1 (MtuiiUiaM Um ruaturaiiim at Um- -

arlw tn a Manor 01 jumcuumi,I a MrlUMi wirteitofjtu- - 111 Um- - na--

vraii Xataua : Mr Uavitw ia a tluxouaiiinMatabalaMi. Hu atiuuaUiUM air vujPpRy w(ili Ureal Bntaiu, aud kr uu


rrurrariit liar falbfii tuajaatf a4W Jaua.r

i ia to bar tlw daiMawd UimhhiijUaalami bar aotrrebxat) and Ummi iMttmwA U the Uriuali IrXi'Mi, wbiciiV liamadUtaly aurua tbr atrawt fruui

fw ualacr ui wntuii lu- - Uuw raauitw.Haarr apply lir yrnituUon on

afaliajr tbat bar lift-- ia in dauavr.iwaaaouuai'. uu rtritui Miuiatar. will MapaniiiCMawaliiaa bar a a (tfuaeu atul jfiva Wrthe pHMactUMi abr daaire.

It at uudiulU-ii- t in vuuiMivtUMi tvillitMa aebruu- - thai Mr. Javs iuia viaitrdwaaaiiutuii. aud w baa trolW' mIvmi

jMatbia of tbr ililriiUuu ol Har Majaat'to Uta l'raaairiit junl BWcratary ofM4. II tbr irojrctod )iUui niutuUI U'aariM out it would lai'- - tbr L'iiUmIflan Uuvrruiuaut in a liiulily

NjiliMi. Tlw IVaanlaia lwJaplarail tlir Vutn ww ovrrtbrown iyiim mid of tlw Uuitai Ktataw fora in hii

uiiiawful mannar. Utim,ui llaaaii, )' u' American

UmUd btataa to s oriiraat' rr mt aiul to "rlvlit tlo- - Kraatwronif wbx:b ab aulfarad, Itut Imm notihMHi ao, and uttrr waitiUK for raaaon-Mai- r

UnM tbr Coran luw uivan up ulllavja of aaltoner from tin (Jovrrn-inan- t

In arourliiK lir rwloratlon. filw)flani ot bo hlaiuwl. therefore, uppil- -

HjK to nngiaiHi'1 Unfttal HUtUa will have no riL--

to taatoat awl nooxeuaa for oliluiilm

miliar condition lierecriie thin tiovarnment

jjlhit the poliuy of KiiIhii1 will liHum of rrrablant Cluie-kix- J

8lw will act lirat awl talk alioutItdf arwanl. A recullt etlftorkil In thrIiii;om 7'wi b leavinlwl We ua Iihv-Ii-

liiucli l;m'' finer.r aavn Mr. Clavalaw! baa ijaeriiw

.froii liia "high pinnaclr of virtue" to aMm oarc'lal Uuw. afmply to aruiirrJVil Harltor for the United HUilm.

1'f.iHL IIAMbOH JMMX.W iWiuKiiTon. March Hi. In addition

tfl lu formal ordera. and a loiter of inllitrt'duclion to MinMrr Willi. Admiral,WaUr ia chaixnl with the mlaalon ofilolerinlimi the moat favorable localityof KiouinJ nwiile of IVarl IlaiUir uUiillwl btataa naval coaling aUtion,nila.wl for ilixrka and neceaaary ahojf(r thu nmtn um of the navy, nnd of

,oiiUrlnB into liKotlatioiw for theproarty. lie Iiim had

(H(nfarncr with thr J'reanlent, a welllot uiiii linnlinui and e

dvpaitaiivver. (nelloni

to Mliuukalaiii'i! iu

objectwith rihe become

with Unitedthat he ia praeth-all- withoutiimiiiition to mtabllali the proKdatntlon.

Uefore leaving the Admiral heimpacted to lie haek In Wii.hlnijtoii In

oourto of two or thrto montlm. HemiM he bad no idea that hohave to CO to liehrlni; Kia.tlu-i- to ho around tothe K)lnt where the Amcrli-a- veam-- lon patrol would need nw

of an A dm I ml' llagkhlii any motethan thy year,

Xaval olllirm were hlirhly whenDie obj't ol Admiral Wilker'a iniwionjaaiaine didlniu-- l many of themlloMim that the occuimtloii of l',.urlliarlwr wo a alight Men tonard annexa-tion of Inland)..0incrvatlv think although the

iMiooiiwjmum oi tne naval vlatiou vfrlu-all- yamount to a of the

Inlaid, it ia ible AdmiralWalker, even aliould he ecure a trai't ,(land, may not erect a ilualuff orJnf it4aloii of in thename of the United ritatea, It 1

ol out that thl Ooverument ha foroverul year reined a lot of land iu

Honolulu and hu thereJroui iMto of coal for themo of our naval vinwlu. Honolulu ,

therefore, already a Uiillul h'lati coal-Itt-

ataliou, and, the removali tlmt .latlon to I'eurl Harlor. a fewlulle ill.lunt on the Inland, mighthave tome lgnlfh'aiico attaclieil to It,

chauije might ulno he lonil'lereilfmeol mereuxiM-illeiicy- ,

If Admiral Walker iioweiadoii ofiioliiu ut Ihu mouth of rear)y8h a would naturally he rivpilred for

W'u'"ii u'" iiuieiuiiug ii. men mermtriictlou placed hi action

;4f dpuld only menu that the Unlledu.jnleninil lo iirofeci, If not oyentiiully

.annox iiawun,

PAVIW lirX'KMCatf fXI.K,WgiiN0TO.v. March SO. Theodore H.

Diivl'i. wlio nlili red InHonolulu i on hi wnv to

avKliKhvlid, today vltlleil thu Ktatn Hetiart- -,'inent with Ihu Intention of neuurlitg aninterview wan necieiary witn

tuiilfah hi Hawaii, hut Hcoillar' (Iretham wan to civuJ)avl.i any limn to day,

Jt 1 know n, of that Davit I

of I'rjni'ea Knlulanlnnif;uun her lie I'rl licet,

nlo lie iociillt.-i- , vUHi'il Ihlcownliy IiiM rpilng nml wii hi elved at

lluuto thu anilMr. CluiTlainl.'"Duvle talked rutly freely to nnw



atMfaa mmm

m flit aaar attui mnl I.Ma iff M4r Mama a . MHl la RmrM.JMM Hit Ifliyi'U Mlri.lHH ! tw

aHfr mhi laaral (tru,, itV.warv wwt- - iMiMMM w liviiHlMJr af MH I!--

twtiwn, hat Uatvr nh mwMr'i lrmthe ant thai baevn aarti' aw nHNvr,tiM' ihiwH maMa a" lajw i

mwi (lay Maw U

oiraaMHii'et airaoi iwiibibiimiiVMM MM iutt IWVHWIWIM

ntMlM I

huilnii Clowtittunlimii Imm ttMi M wfcM vrianUwini ! t4 ll ! MMwl

ritr fara Ik kun 4mmi ; al ii

14m-- hmtur mm Ur VMkiiuuiaMf'Ljn aUi m Mnaiitfp Mlsat




aoMaawr oMrut uf milMlniymm Um- - IVuviMuiial liavuriiMMt.

'Tkw lYovMMMial ii

l a tin' il amiv at aUni il-di-

Mid (lMt ( mliuiii iMMi MX-H-

WMMtt, VKTI Ue AliM-U'lf-. Mm a

1MB unM)MrtiMi Uavr Imh MtaartvdMto Mr naalr? mihv Uf iwviMuliMi

""SSi f"! of Um-- Imini f aVPratrMMMU Utitatiiiw I mat b faWM1M wr MH arMoli ( iMnafMOMI '




...... WdMowr,

JiuulrAwKf alalll aaw- - ... . INT BanLTT t. m

IWWWI ami IVI- - raa.l alUi.TV Tlr wan IMr liaarU.TTZT tr onr buiMlred. km, blithe bar f"1 dMant

Iimh to bail aratbout tbr mHiartit4iatMraJ dbiai i tba

tan a mimwm in lba ThatUa preacut aMitudr uf tlw- - kmmIUh-aniamil'

wbidi air auaraiiterd tob) hmni wIh kwiiufal

aud otfared it tau Um- - fMtt at IbtUaa-aba- puufiir to Ua l liltrd MMMav

"Ho oar can undarataod tlw Mrferaiaju of tliat raiaia at UowoluiuTbr ariu)', abich baa kuan barablcd abailiU an tut at and liaroU-- d Ui tbr I'ruriaiooul UoraruMimt. ubKMai)' ( UotuatUM nud broJiro downPoMWHiia wbo iMiue to tbia ouunmttmr Uw raiotoUon. uUraUd by tlxaalary orrd , wbicii U 10 par MMMitli

aail board tor rc-l-i auldicr. All I lawaiuMM liarr ft it. becaUM tintwoubl not to Wrr oil Aiuariuai'taMtara in cuw tbr)' warr laiwUtl. Ita lir pair auit aiw4r tbat tbr iiuliin.or arixi a awall roortlufi of tlmtii,iu favor of rftiwr or tin- -

tbr waMiit (JovrfllHlrot.Mr. "I do Mot briirvr




. .

uaruiaueut rriaiblK'.

I'roviaiooal jic. amiUiaaiMblMi iloiita.

woo Ml iw- -,

aMaV a voter intltr dirrrtiixi of public attain, ainl tlir)








aaot tbat. Until.of tlw lil of

ooubl wily iMirrjlHt- - abilr j 0.--Tlirf

allalia in Honolulu limypwobtti how llwir Imvo "f""? Ilalllity tlio

ImpOMwl upon.'' mvo a iiaiuraake in tlio llne- -t

l'rain i" my: Imlikmliip unIavic, Oh- - KlltHi illaa liver rincr tin- - lien tlmt

ltalUMI Ol J lAWNII III lllllf,HlllwiUi III iinmtli oia-n-. lit-- want to

ami that knoa what u lliat KonietliliiKiwtoratioi. only jut bi.lo iucMMintrJIy tol ''""',

prornb.) iu lor the monarchy


"Thiinil-er- i











aud auwinat I'roviaiooal o'ovarnniantmiu- - jamou

wbiapar in Mr, IMviaa' aar tbat no oneknoa wiiai iovrrmiirn t in goinif toib aliout it, it ia none oflUviw' anyway, he miht taketbr hint ami elonj hi mouth for repair.

aTOKV AMO0T LIMVOKAlaNI.Xaw Yonk, March 31, Information

that I.iliuokafani, of Hawaii,now favor annerulion to thu 1,'nltn.l

the thatfrom an



annuity IL1X),(XX) ban In theof Mbitc Oupartment for rov-er- a!

day.Mounter Willi, in vonfiilunlial lellum

toKi-crrtar- (irraham, lian fully advlreilthe that a turn iu theaffair of Hawaii Induced rn

to look to the United h'bile forimiucdiatc ami milwtantlal aMiiluuce ofa lei iimary nature


i'lii liiucli more ofMime highly inlertntlnK nature, ha

been clodr guarded by the ofthe Ktate I)eiirtmi-nt- ,

Tlii Information not olllclal, in nmrlct hciim). It liak lccome known,however, that the w1Iii-- inthe preuiiiU'M been

by I'rualilunt Cleveland v

and that the inlwilon oftaiy Herhert, and with iiniiniial Admiral Walker to Honolulu j In

lion to which havo grown outIlia action are, of courito, auhjict " uxprewied ileire

ithoaiilainiurnt apI rntlllcatfou of thl matterthe i'rldent, but hU recoKiilzoil famlh-- The of I appar-,nrit- y

the Mihieet anil the lull con- - ent. ha convinced that iierjlldence reoedfn hUjud(uieiitareui'h i'1'ief hojie lie rJlale,




nutv not therncr

did Jatelated


the Hawaiian The morethat


enterthe projierty

kent Morcdfon

minh a



from and




lliuV'hllii hy





Mie na iiiiuny uiiaiidoneii tne idea thatthl Administration will take further

u-- t to eciire her reatoratlon. Thathe ha relied tixiti Kug-lan- d

u, further her ambition there nodoiiht, but whutcver that country'motive may it ha, o fur, not takenany active tep to put Queen in

again, or otherwise to further herambition.

A 11 III I, l' YLVpt.Ky.w Yokk, March 2:j. The HeraUVt

corni'iideiit telegraphwhen Itrar-Admir- Walker

ruciflc of.i(r..r

down to one vckm-1- . OHKinilirectimr Commuuder Thomai

Nelwjn of the Adam, now ut Honolulu,to leave ktatlon Immeillalely uponilia receipt of order um procied lol'uget Hound. Then he will oncxi and other kuptillc aud make

lo join the fleetwhen ll north on May to iiro-tec- t

the seal.Walker therefore

have only the I'hlladclphu In ,uvicinity of Hawaii. 'Ihl fact,

together witli the foul condition ofPhiladelphia' bottom, which makeher return to the Unlled Htnte impi

an earlyijale.hu loiuw-- a rvvlvol of the talk of the Now Yoik being

to Honolulu, Thl vinlto ktoii ut on her

from Klo. o cable dlipalch may lito upon her arrival at thatdirecting her to go around the

Horn and rcirtWalker, who. by the tiuui of her ar-rival, will li fn command the I'aeilioktatlon,

al Irwin, when relieved byWalker, return to

Ihu United Hlale liv the Adam, hutwill take panoagu on mail earner toHan l''rani!co, Ujiou hi unival Iherohu will rejiort fmiueillalely lo Ihu

lleforu that time, liimever,III) will havu Ihuu on retiredtimi,

"timm" hcoiik niiovmi,Uisikix, .March 211, Commenting thl

morning upon the iinproai'hlng deimrt- -urn lo Honolulu of Admiral Walker ofIhu American Navy lo uMtalilinh u navalktiillou thu 77mcfiays

"Thl to mark a precipitatefrom Ihu pinnacle of virtue on

which I'ritldeiit luveluml took hia time ago, Jt caty to

uiuli thu that wouldai.'Ciiio to the tJniii Hiale Navy from)ctluu of audi iidvalitiiguouplace a IVarl Ti i.lvJlUiid

juijiiir moil lu und wild wiuio wry woJ iuj ulno mcry fmm to Ik tun

flBBaW;fflttMaM waMWMiai ... ' jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmWmWm

M MMa III WW NNOT A It ana. Ti JlfiTaBiTTav.rt Ha I himumimm





aympHtl.laa KcarnaKi-iwar- i

1 XINIUi; U 'M I.U Ull I Ilia? I i-- r-i-l-- int


mvNi" Mi MMHi'tuiwni lmv HIIm PiMiimiifl viih iirt'lMiiliii'. A Ml rwi i.. In. ri ofa-i- i Uou- - awMUtM-int- f

i livMmt'tM..n-,.- 1'n.UMH t VvvlaMt MM MihIiw Him IVimMyrt IMr mm hi frfctM

iffilrtrKtta 4ANERI0 UNION PHnJ'B0.BKT

!' ' ' MMMMU m4p. MH mwlHfMMM Um mm iMMUr It mmii h

ihm-iim- w 4Mir kn Ml mh. 'hicJ tlawM mm

...,- 4mi iMjpM tint .n''- -' mmmjm1 1 ! whmw

..i mMM lniiclM Maw biiih tUtt-- r p him y mm un .trntMnA

Hit H IM laion a

HtaMA Fatal. A aura. April it

lliiMM Uayd HMIaaaili Rata. UajaMawaaawaa. froa Hmwiin Marali IM.im atanai w

purt. a tuwad Imtt to-rt- ar In Ik' ataru rf ,1 - -

'am'ti.. pMnanwr bat Mbrumumi Ir.

' whkh???Tmr".." !nlr.r. WbUo. al-t-


Tan- -

mutu-- r






h d

















mira w nni mhi nir

narlr nlrlilainaar aHaturtl tin' .4IIU,tdawmaiiui Km aaaw to In-- ' tlv W.- - abut ilui

mvrmm hi Wat aoIJMrl. AccxUiiiK to lirat lafxHta niuv pin.

wm fouml oWaKHl. Ihu il miwaatWM tlibt tbr daMOliii af tbrirtotbr loan ol brr atorn abaftUauliw luddrr fmiiw alan ImiIIvdaioaawl. It mmUo tlmt tli'eKhw wh IrakioKon Jlllcll JJtli. ulwnUm? Wlldftotter wo MKbtetl. Tliinwiu.aboot iiiiltai from Km Axon, forarbb'b ib.iid i!fMiliIril t(nnr winMakniK vary tolv iimlrr the--

awouiit raiivuMi alio coiilil pn(ii.Tlir ibiiioixr to tlw atrainxlilp

im to li- - on Mmcli 31,wiwfiaw,ui mciiHia out iroin (Simtli

linnaotne uuntiicr wlirti In

bititoilr 4 46 win. noilli (.nilloiiKHuile II dnt. wrat. TIioukIi tlirIJiiia v.n IrNkin Iwr atratii iiiiim

tlw caruo nml iimlU from Miller- -

tbr aUo tlwU,w "aKr

(cr iliiwn

to i'iiiti'i;it'.tii: nn: iu:.t its.wn:.

do UOt l"rinnii l l',natrii a"If Unftnl Walra Dial auir.

raalur tbr of 3Ir.--wooul oiikikly tliat

w"Tbr Han lulMIn T. tbat Im-- nttriK-ttil- .

II. llntili Imrrit imiaaaiible to save the

HNjUaiauil tbr L niiinl If 7"W ia ami awliWr. Tbr iiit fea 'r,?'1 "M Mar







tlwami that All.



Adminnitralionban the


















tliu t




"liort I


i Jflnl











lir- -

u recked


t '11.1 a..ull.. ...uuAlll...l

- -- -


I 4 r

Hi" llllMllj IRIMIHJll III uiovrlimit whieli, if favorul by Conrew, willprretiiale tbr twiiii' Kuaraagu and ijivotlu- - nary a uplendiil adilitjon in theahajie of a iKittltwhip that oxceliiny-thlu- i!

the World Man yet produced.Herbert recommend the

conalria-tfo- of another battlcvliip, butthe Xaval I'ommittei! declined to au-thorize it. will be no necewilyfor thin Coiinre to make an appropria-tion for the vewcl, an it tako fullya year to deit;nii and maketirejiaralioiiii for coimtrurtiiii; nul-I-i alar,'i- - craft.

Morn-- work could lie appropriatedby the nct ('onrea. .Should the Com-mitt-

decline to authorize cui-l- i s iiro-viil-

it in the intention of of themovement to have It introduced in thenaval appropriation hill when It coiiichlip in the llotive an an amendment em- -bodying idea.

Tin- -



l. (IA.1IA l!II;.MIS

I'lirlUKlK-t- e (liitt'riiini-ii- t Al,il finI'l'tiiiUnliiti to l.:iii,.

IIUKX01 AVIUM, April 2. Thu I'ortugueno varhhlm AlfonHo, AIhuiiieri(iiand Mlndello, ut till ort, aboard ofwhich aro Admiral da and the

hmurgeiit refugee from Hio, mein it dreadful condition, caitit- -

lug much nickiii'ia and great uneiuiiiieHof mind among the men who haveao long contlneil.

Admiral da (Jama ha telegraphed tothe rortugueiw Ooverument bin tlmiikhfor tue protection it ha giten him andId companion, and reuucHthig it to

permlHiiou for them to landhere.


Itrmill ol Hi C'niirl-.llurlli- of Cum.of Hi

WA8HINUT0.V, April I. The ofthe cotirt-murti- In the case of Commander lieyermaii, commanding the

charge of the tation hi im-- Kearmirge, wa that liu wan guiltynieoiiue counuunii win io narroweu rn.it In 1.,.. ir.of....- - urrii



ent Ullahla


tilaeed the




mUfl L.













tilKin the reef, und inelllcieiiev In Hmperformance of hi duly. Ho

to ho mitpciidcd from duty fortwo year on wailing order, hut toretain hi in rent number in the list ofconimandera for long 'oifd faithful

All thu incmlwr of the courtrecommend! d clemency in reviewingthe authority.

Tin: ritiM.i: or vai,i:s- - iiamii:ii

lluiitflnif Ii, 3Imliir Train at

IINPOX, April 4. Nothing but thuvigiluuce of the nghieer prevented ufutal accident to the I'rlnce of Wale atthe Muraeille atutiou, Tiie I'riucetopped too long at the buffet, and u the

train ularled ho clung to thu ofthe aaloon currlagu. The Ktalloii.makteruw the danger aud klgualed the eiigl-nee-

who atoptw-- the train. The l'rincoarrived nifely fn I'arl,

ilti:t,IIA3I'h (.(.AMI,

llrinl llrllulu I'liiully l'iiiirril li,illlliin. ul Hu, Unlli-i- l Hliili,.

Wabiii.miton, March 00. (Irehamannounced ut a Cabinet meetingtliu practical aiiccew of tliu Americaneulileiitiun in thu HchrlngSca (jueon,thu llrltish fJoveruiuent having finallygiven nalUfactory abhurauce that theilecUmn nf thu I'aria tribunal would hulegiilUed hy n ktatutory enactment,

Cleveland has vetoe tliu rielgnoriigi'hill, whlcli proiided for thu coinage oftllver lo thu nnmiint of thu illfrurt'licubetween tliu lulrhislo value of the silver

In circulation and their legalvalue,

It reimrleil that Oreat Britain l.nuhecured Corn I. land oil' thu Atlanticmouth of tliu Nicaragua ninal.


HW irtaUvttIMm. art-- r aw intajnltaii-l- i

fk rtalln riMMl a(MMt tn fr.nii af

Mi . A

ItMUtMWlMUHV It lllaiMI li

arait.Map ikm arw





Milla MmW

i. in a(fain la


rniu-- l HtalrLuiiiix

bMjTwSmImmm mmt af

MMl ill!afMr


4taaMH a4atSaFa9 mTmWAIami t mMaatM-- I

Mat Matltlalim a.

UMal Tat

vim tfitNata).


fMM Mi


iim. 11 lawnMbmb.

Um-- ItaW iffe aJitnan Tbranna lValh

UMMNAlMOak IM IKK I'KITKII TtaWuniaufliN. llari M. TIh- - iollaa

Ina UtlH-aM- ful YHvl'rvnidi-tittflrviH- imm tiw iiHHlnlf mm ot Um ii iiir ill tl.' liasterii States and



t.i tin- - family of

Ha Carnal avHaa, Mjhv

Kamii.i or Ixmiu KiaaMtti :

bat ah bnaor U mmt um aaajr af naalawua tniMM by W1I1. afMai, alatva MM.

In obrdlanar tar Magna of la UaiaHcUrb- - tendar roa raaiaM iina'TiilMi firUa-- haa vuu. In eoniiaaa Hllb tb wbnli

M, hav uatalmil In lb itaxtti of thinUlairiuH trait ami lovwr IHwly.I"1'l iT tbr failed Ktatw IU lawiiu-- wit m IK..I Tbr umraaMl attarttori

OowttTT1. ' ai iu











T Tl

kr liaaann "tillTtiallidl dtlaail ofItniiriw t

acrra-Jt- i aUMiu. n iuukw... iiaaMlllMnrtr kHlKiI 'I.)' tatbrliwwra,.riwrll(' rN

vrouM km to win. u,O













tbr tmor uf UMMtltlltlifllHl liliflrtl lii naUM-

our muw IwlvHwInuii fiilllifiil onto tlirnl.

I Imi tb boirtr to ltftlti, nitb grant 1'pat. owr tilMUI4itA. ll. HTKVBltwi.s,of IIm Unllail MU.


A rin llulililnj; to Miuri' tin- - .tliulltli-iiirn- tof hiicar rrrmliiiiit.

Wahiiimiton, .Mamli 26. A plan forthe nbolMhinent of auirnr Iwuiitlen.without naithi),' fur the repeal of the

Niuptotl. hlie to Iirvc cxH-r-i Tarill lull Ih-i- iiiforinully ilinoiiwcilrttvni






i.i.nenI I O - "'














a a







inrnilinrHof tlie llien mayopHM.il lionninw in miii tin-- iis well e

mi my in particular, it Ii.ik little kitchenmiuitiwiimI to of the WajK afterMmins (kmimitirii n repeal lately fumeHllienilinriit bo ai it liiler he n

nml ,m1 S.tOVeS ovy"s abill. Tii coiiiiuitieu Iiuk tuki'ii no nr late nrc toldlion on the nor in likeli by oarties thatlo for the liriwnt. a it Indicate

r tliat tlir Tariff bill might fail.Warnerof New York, whokeeiired

pannage of thuaiiiendmetit to thehill placing raw anil refined Migar

on the free naya: "We get ridof the sugar oneway orun-olhe-

If they aie contained iu theinnir hill a it comes hack fioni tin- -

neiiate we willhill, or a rriHta






iigar Ikunami



list, will

LLhe t,; over

other if that given of lire." The ofend oiiickerit. used cookino- - is

plan, but the mmllmetit agaiiitiiountieri i Mroiig Unit plan will

be formulated na noon na theoHer. Nothing I likely to

bo done, however, until the Semitepaie on the ougar schedule."

si:i.i:u nv

llrnzll I uoir Willi I lie Akii-llii- e

Huenos Aviti24(Argenlin.-i)- , M.irchSof the war ulilp of President I'eix-ot- o

landed body of marine on Satur-day last in l he Argentine pint of lloini-guei-

who forcibly rreciieil llrazilianmerchant vemel which had been bei.tdby cuatums ortlcerB on

of ArgentinuUovernment ha demanded ImmediateriMtittltion of the vetsel and ninplo

from llruzil.Meanwhile her lorces atatIonil nt

in the of KntreHoi, about ICO mile north of IliienoHAyre, been ordered lo concentrateon the llrazilian frontier near SantoTome under r ilunel Sarmiento.

Medo ha succoeilud iu rain-ing- a

loan of 2,1X10000 franca forInsurgent l'rovininal

I'ortttgiiewi man-of-w- Ilindelloarrived nil" inhinil tlilsiifter-iioo- ii

from liio with the rebelSalilanha da (laina 213 of

hi fugithu her.They will hu landed the inland to-morrow' pa ten days in

D.i Gaunt in Htiirering from woundreceived iu the hint attack upon

which he hud hi left armbroken and hot through the neck,lie 1 coiiliricd to the Captain' berth,unable to peak, and U iiiixiotiHto pro-ceed toKurope for medical treatment.

Ti:i.i:oiiAriiK; noti:s.Dr. Ilrnwn-Scipjar- is dead,(ieorgo Ticknor Curtis is dead,

Hehring Sea fleet will be ready-Apri- l

Ut.Monlerey is at target practice oir

SantaThe Pojid'h health baa been improved

by therevolution

.Spanish Honduras.Iird and the

Yohe, have married.

is expected In


Smallpox Is epidemic in NewYork mid

All is tranquil at andhas been there.

The Keamago ha been blownProvidence

A gieat strike has begun in the cokelegions of Peimnylvania.

Major Henri 1,0 the Britishspy, is dead,

growing sentiment in favorof army reduction iu Kuropo.

The Peiuviun is now inthe humls of

Bismarck at his birthday fetes.The Southern nnd Western fruit crop

has been ruined by deep snows.An government

for Hamou talked of in Berlin.The dynutulto cruiser Vesuvius has

been altered into turpudo boat."(Ion Coney's Commonwealth Army

chlng through Pennsylvania,Thero wire over

thu body of at UudiiCoghlun has left Kubiio !0y.

fridge and returned to his firstThe Czar nnd ICnlser havo been In-

vited to meet nt the court of Denmark,There was in thu

Middle West the hitter part of March,Tlio commi rctal treatyregarded as pledge of lasting peace,Much sensational testimony has been

given on both Bides thu Ureckenrldgocuee,

Rf In the iH)nh- -

imc Ma iMrWendi ovr-tai- n

invMMnenl had bcmito 41 ier cwil per pmn;

tn lad thnt lieha' imm the "gttHind Hour'tin- - picacni (Ihiiiriida bit milutii n(h. Compare tht cost tilliv nil' in lnunii with n bolter

irainaniitiiifyou unit it aoarcr litre. Uit mthru- - micli ns wouldwai ram a man nt 43

cent in veal m ent while t tieNew Yorker looks oIcomhiIwhen he in pincintf hisiiKMiev nt 4 cent and leelsI roltj- - jrKd when gets three j Mali

lcr cent, there no leiibonptMiple here slmulil not be

is well sntitilied with n ten pertent profit on their money as thevare the hasl with intich

one. 'J"o those who findit dillictilt to live on the pro-;eo.d- s

ol such investments weextend an to examinethe yoods we offer at prices thatshould meet the approval ofpeople ol limited means. We

for the past fewline of coal and wood

stoves at extremely low prices.Some lionsekecpersjirefor to use

for to eithercoal or wood ; first on accountol in the cost as wellas on account ol the case with

nmoiiK a the stove beto guiem! lighted as becau ol the

I heal there is in theiin'iiii.iTH the light is extinguished.

bounty 'f have(ittiieliiil tot

JiulleMl w,t" nndimpioveuieiits. Wc

iiKeiion. u tisinir them thevwould








to ipiarantlue.











Ilitsso-Alistrla- n


Mwrtwi da)-bet-a







Kerosene cooking




arc convenient and easy tohandle. These stoves have allthe fixtures for cooking, the sameas arc in ordinary ironstoves and are absolutely treeIrom soot or For neU1I1C Kie1i In irot r, iniinl


rider will a'ttnel,;! 'F'ickly and avoid "hangingKomi) hill, a hot amount oiliccompliHliIng the. the in a meal in

o nreadily





acharge The


n town Htnte




Janeiro,Ailmiinl and





wuter cure.Another


Klo, biwinessresumed



There u

General Caceres.





a blizzard










significant and we sell the stovesal a very low price.

Now comes the 'season lorgetting the lawn in shape for thesitnimcr campaign!; Lawn Mow-ers, Garden and 1 ledge Shearsand Hose arc necessary and wc

prepared to furnish them atvery low figures. Onr GardenHose is much sought after be-

cause the quality is the bestobtainable. Gold Seal standsfirst in quality and price but theAi. Superior is such a close sec-ond mialitv that most oeonleprefer it because of the differ-ence in price. Wc have alsowire bound hose which goes toyou at a price that makes otherstore keepers blush. We aim togive you good value for yourmoney in cverytiiing parttcularly hose, and if you want toaua years to tne Hie ol yournose we advise you to buy aReel, because it's dragging hoseover sanded walks that wears itout; with a reel there is nonecessity for it, you wheel itaround just as you would a babycarriage.

We have the very best makeof Lawn Mowers cither ordjnarvor "High Grass." If your lawnhas been neglected you willwant the latter because it willcut grass of various heights.Sheep shears for cuttinir aroundtrees, walks or plants, almostgiven away.

With the early spring and whenthe "Dinkey birds sing in theboughs ol the Damafula tree,"the property owners contemplates tne improvement a coator two of paint would make onhis dwelling. We believs wehave the best and cheapest paintsever sold in Honolulu: cheat)because they arc low in priccaswen as occausc ol tlieir spreading capacity. Ten gallons willcover an ordinary house. Twocoats and labor may be had forthe whistling. In the army olunemployed in Honolulu theremust be men who can hand e abrush well enough to paint theoutside of a house, the hardestpart of painting is the mixing ofme colors, out in llendrv'sHeady Mixed that already

All fJermany nnltrtl to do honor to done for yon


Is inur











j postal cam request willbring a color card to you anilyou can make a selection from itas well as if you were at thestore,THE HAWAIIAN HARD- -


307 Fort Street.

J'n fell mrmU-- r Jol theIImhh' drpirtnin nl



The Cnrtial Cummiilite loriMa lawwl han MHUed ukir I hePtifowlnjr plan ol Making Mom- -

imihmm lor tue t tret Ion t hand:iMh UiMrict will ncieci 11 can- -

Tkia will be a total trf eiarht.llHtftawitR in the convent hm arttrrfolKHied to JaHh; after 1 egift-traiH-

chaw thepiiriHii intmuerol iMNHineea will be pUccd in theneta uy vote ot tne iwrlv memhers under n plnn of the CentrnlCommilee.

The City memlers will nein-hl- e

nud fix iikiii the one enndi-dnl- e

nt the following meetingplacet on Friday evening, theijh.

First District, at GovcrmnaiilNui-scry- .

Seoond Dlitricl. nt Amte.vn-tio- n

Hall.Third District, nl the Drill

Shed.Fourth District, nl Amurictin


School.District, at Reform

J. A. KIJN'N'ItDY.Chniruinii.

TllHO. 1. SltVKKIS,Secretary.

Voters iu the outside Districtswill meet nt the call of their ClubOfficers some cveninp; this week.


:ilK-i- t.




On THURSDAY, MAY 10th,nt 10 o'clock a. in, ut the Kesidenco of

II. K. OLA UK, Esq., on Jiidd street,I will tell at Public Auction (onaccount of intending departure)the HoiiM'liold Furniture,


Elegant Parlor Furniture,






Etc, Etc.

Parlies desirous of purchasing any ofthe furniture previous to the Sale, canobtain prices on application to


.117- -1 w



The "Josson" brand ofCement has the largest salein the United States, owingto its enormous strength. Itis very finely ground, onlya residue of 3 to 4 per cent,existing when it has passedthrough a sieve of 900 mesh-es to the square inch.

For sale atALLEN &. ROBINSON'S.

Kolo Agents for the Hawaiian





NOTICE TO TOURISTS.I will, iu connection with the

WAILUKU HOTEL,furnish Carriages. Siuldlti Ilnrs,.s nml Hnti!Kara to tourUtu who iuuywii.ii to visit thef;rumlu!t sight und largest crater known

CHATKIl 11 AI.KAKAliA, orHouse of the Sun. It living thirty mllusla circumference, two thousand feet deep,ten IhoUMiiul feet uliove thu seu, and ofeasy aecdss, for tlie low price of fX) each,Hhlch Includes currlaiu fiire from citherfctuimer, Jlaaluea Hay or Kuhului buy andreturn to either of suid luiidlngs, horses toCruter und Hotel fine, ull of which is not toexceed four days time,

1'. H. Any tourists who niny wish to visitpicturesque lao Valley, the Yoscmllo of thelsluuiW, will be. furnished with saddle horsesut tuu most reasonable prices.


HYMAN BROS.Importers of uad Wluilvsulo Dealers in



08 Queon Street Honolulu.

VII Cullforal iSt., Han rrjuiclseo. Cab

I. O. O. F.

II AIIMONV I.tllinU No. 8, 1,(M).FMKK1SIn Harmony Hall. Way's liloek, Kline Siren,every Monday, ut 7:20 v. u. yislthig brother!urn cordially Ini Iteil lo attend,

AM1EHT hUOAH, C, V, HEItltlOK,:oulB Oriipd, Secretary,


batt HawitiM m tfm aaVaa) Miltfiatft m lh Nai ti ftaiM, Suit

aaS feaHa Halaii m nt) am arknAll Wl Car Ml MfHtr I mnlit.

An rtraaat amtaw ntfm-- f ritarMl a ataa t iam Milw. ahnt Siiin

Mat aHaai. M M Skaao flawnl India Stni m

anat nalamn, Irraal SSm, huh SNa. LaaOi

At JUlr MaM a Va.





A ftnr

4 I

ofIPaaBBBBBBaaMBBBaav aamaaaaaf


Al ft 1aM will rftw 44

ftaUaHBM I Maaaaaaaa J" I km t aaaamifeiI I PaBBPMaja f PParMBal wm

Tina nitwln ii r- - UiCiimwllr mr Jta. Maiaw t Haw Ymk ft- - nml nrcuf lira Vatr lallrat, and wW ta nffarni Hi;ifa9a

tn Milt tlir time

For theVolcanoNature's Grandest Wonder.

The Popular and Scenic feomte


-I-S 11




Kitted with Klectric lights and Bells. Courteous and Attentive Service

The Kinau Leaves Honolulu Every 10 Days


Arriving at Thursday and Sunday Mornings.

From Hilo to the Volcano--3- o Miles

Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages,Over Sri.r.NDin

way through











Road, running ofa Dense Forest a alone

worth the trip.


For Further CallCorner Fort and Queen

The World's






TII15- -

Macadamizud mostTropical ride






Greatest Typewriter

Under Competition awarded Contract Supply

United States War Department

for 1894,









T Al


Page 3: WA TT A IN Pr; - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/20659/1/1894041201.pdf · I'ort Street, Between Hotel anil licretaula, Both Tisr.iir-HONiJ-No,

MlWmtt U rMstth ) ImmMi rfTiiilnl t in iii.IiI mi ThinMM bM


weti ov evenmH forUM- - dinniMHkMi to

MMHItr (Mlto

IMMM ft ttrM on imported MfarmmmmU: of in fovarUMMHUi turt. ij


aa mum wsjrl on )4il( u( th pbrMtt- -tb kmmiry, n1 the ImUncmiwwim wry luiglit future.


IVUMUin of thv llimolulii Sharii- -WMMn Mtfmlnd Urge! tract l oo ofOmmfaMT It, Ktrnt Iteglmnt, N.W. C.It WM twl Ut try lila skill, hii.I with a

i nmIn Uhi out?.


at strum- - Uilln ma third

Of unutM' tl' pineapple Mnglstrntevwtfd tl W show. The fair has moiiicHtml flay mid there uro ninny linn nt- -

trMlNMsaiititho giouuil. lint volounoIHtMomnui, an 1 the Hawaiian village arcseMAtl to nothing ollered amusementmJ1i. Vtt Khlwell hH)l,u minililuaHlitly of Admiral Walker nml hisiiIiIhb it tiavttlllMt ooiiip.inlons.


A hi'liwItliiliMl (; 111 VI lilcti 1'HII fill III IT

ricure.Han lllkiio, April 4. H. I'oole, n

former resident or tins oily, returnedsoino dujs ngofiom Denver to nlilnil'evidence of his wife's infidelity on whichto Mini' mi notion lor invoice.sence was unknown until Into Inst night,when ho uiiiiearcd at Jlonlrosclodging;- - house, brole into a room, nmlfoiiiul his wile with J, T. Weldon, npartner in u planing mill on Imliiistreet.

I'oole-- nl once Ixgnn shooting, twineintent on iK'Htl uclluii of Wflilon.Tilt' latlir cscaeil in Ilia inuli'icli.tlii cto mi iiiljact'iil IoiIkiiik-Iioiih- '. wiiip inhiltcd into the miiUt of a theaterliaitvin fcearcli of a Kile reliiKe. Mm.I'ooli! wan wounded ulihtly in t lierlRlit (trill by n llyiiiK hullet, hut lifterhuviuir tliu wound (Ireneed Bworu to ucomplaint cliarglnK hir hunhaud withnn iiknati It with n iiemiiv whhiioii.

1'oo1lkiivi hiuiHelf li)ito tlie police, huttlie cliarui'ii against iiini were (linilHeiithin iiftuinoon on motion ol tliu jUibli ictAttonov. iln). l'oolu havini; lieeii provailed upon hv her nttoiiey to nhamlontliu inoiteculioii. The truiilileH of thocoiiplo lntvo heon ii matter of commentPeru, in AngelcH, ban i iaiicinco nunllonolulii for yeaiH iiaht. t'oolcwill at once npply for a divorce, andnult of clotlieH left by Weldon ut theJUiMtiObu will he mi imiioraiit exhibit intliu enw,

llir Ad


ills pie




In Honolulu Mrs. l'oolu was knowna Jim. Middletou

MJWN IS A Mirhlli:!.!..

There will ho no ineetini; of theI'ourtlrDihtrict Club

The mall carried nwny by the barkentlnu wan 82 letteiB and BUG

jiaper.The widow of tho late Consul Gen

end McKinley died utSan Kraneisco onthe. j:id of .March.

lie mire to rrylntcr.

Kallinkinl. (w), was convicted inDistrict Court of selling "swipes" andlined $100 and costs.

Tho .Sharpshooters hold their regularmeeting hl at tho

same hour and place.

It is announced that the men of theChampion will give an entertainment atthe Opera Hoiiee Saturday night. .

' Uvghlratiun trill dune April lint.

At tho caucus meeting thoThird District will slate several namesfor the constitutional convention.

'r-- . .

A meeting of the Sailors' Home trustees is called for the Chamber of Commerce hall at 10 Saturday forenoon.

Jn order lo vole you muxl reg inter.


One of the hul.v girls returned by the.Maripo.a. She was ill when the shipsailed, hut recovered on tho voyuge,

The handsome little paper The Feastof Nations, which is now on Bale, camefrom the clcctricjob department of theStaii.

Sec that your name is on the lleyMer.

Messrs Iiruce A A. J. Cartwright havedissolved partnership, the former as.

burning all the liabilities and continuingtliu business.

Tho Dailey DramaticCompany, late ofthe National Theatre, San Francisco,arrived by tho Slaripom 1111 an engagement here.

The Hoard of lleijhlration nit in theold iAylslativc Hall.

Ilattio Hoopii, a native girl,. had n

wrist dressed at the hospital yesterday,she hail injured tho member by pushingher list through a pane uf glass.

George W. Smith has refused to runin the Third District for the Constltutional Convention. A. G, SI. Robertson is mentioned for the nomination.

Coal oil stoves, lawn mowers, hedgeshears, garden hoso and ready mixedmixed paints form tho text of the Hawaiiun Hurdwuro Company's weeklysei mon in another column.





Jloiuv for JleolstratioH are front 10ii, in. to 'j p. nt. dally, except Amutay,

The bill for thu relief of the officersami crew of tho Hawaiian steamerArctic has passed thu Senate. If it be-

comes a law- - Captain Tripp and theother beneficiaries will divide about




II. Mori Ison, thu boy accused ofstealing $100 from a Chinaman at thoHawaiian hotel got off with sixtydays In jail. Ho entered a plea ofguilty to the changed charge of larcenyin the fourth degree.

It U reported that tho Macfarl.ino-Albl- lwedding has been postponed "to

await thu arrival of Miss A Urn's guar,iliau from London." Another rumor Is

that Colonel Sfucfarlanu is trying tolease tliu California hotel which is gnini;chenp lit $3.W) per month with a hagn-lell- o

of jlO.OOO extra fur wines instock,

A .Nlcar:u.'ii;i official has shot



il s? SV

I WT II1! (




AtanlfOl lilllmtit- ItMtiiHtoit


tfciMint liiltsVMl.

Smith. ltmuilHlh,Hiwlonon. ItnllwTmtH)r, Stihr, Ihm

m 1 nit

Mtl MMI Ml IM1 HtMtliMI f (It

liMH Vine- -

MlHtelM Itutih,HImI 111 Won, Mhwt.

Allen, VhIiIioiisMchrbii, Noll,'

A tnomtw tiHitdwi iruni th Uiintrwon read by MinMer Smith.

It ii frum XnlMpam ami wtkr tor Dminlliliptilnpit of r Kriwral mt hIWoh nlthat plv. ThtHv are MH aiMlun- - Utthe lwo,UMt. Cuniplaiiil r madelUnl byliavinc tho Inmiey imlvrotRre at "Jleywranrh" the great imijoiity of the K(Hlkvlion ia very much iiioonvenii'iiitil. Tlilnchaniie Iihk Uwn rcooiiimewteil by theIt 1 It I.I. I ...limni iti iivmiiii jivimii in iiiv1'lnuiKV C'llll 111 1 4'., m I... .nr. leiiiiey. inim ine niiep fiudihi ..n .

14,.. . il,L,unl l.....tl,... ..... Illf IWIMI II in luiliinn.lJIIIIIIII l"3 'Jll II lllT" iiiiiii III Kll, -wnlixl n hill. It provide for two photo.limpliH, for the deill of W) a limd

r inoiiiii i iy 'iiipiii)(im i an in inewiwni ( I'blnw until the Binoiiiit to aeimlie'n criilit reaehua tj(l, Thi-Hii- ni Is toU' nwil in lyiui; return patwayo for thecontract Islmnf. Tliln hill wan recom- -

inendeil by Jlonnr". W ilder nml 11 Ite.I he ooinmittou minority, .lolm Minnie-Itit- h

nml U. II. (Smith, consent to theiliipoitiitiuii of neeilvd Held halidaunder iiroiier rttiictiiiiin. They disu- -

Kiee with the ninjority on the point ofexempthiK "douiintioH."

.Mr. i illicit reau it nolo irom tuc international Sclintr.cn Club. It was a pro.tot npiinnt grunting the friiuclilnc- - tolaaneM'.

Another tMitition rend by Mr. Hatch.It was from the llanallan Kvnngelical Ah--vociatiou of Oalut anil reiuonetriiteHnguiii)t Hundiiy conccrlc, at the miiiiotune HUggc'ttng tlint target practice onMindiiv ih of doubtful nccepeity.

In milking hl regular financial rejiorlJliulKter Damon fa id account for thebiennial period ending with last monthwould uo cioM.il at noon taturuav.

Tho Judiciary Conimllteo (ormnllyprefeuted tho bill which will' jicrniit.Sunday hand conrertH at Thomun pqunro.Jlr. iiterhou.u wanted to refer the actto tho conMitiitiomil eotivontiou. Mr..Nlorgau moved that tho bill take Hhinitial course.

Jlr. I). 11. Smith called for a recitrrec-tio- u

of the petition of physicians nmldruggHtH on the matter of tariff onalcohol. J lie iiocuincut was Droughtfrom the archives and referred to tliuMhcollancoiiH Committee, to which thoname of 1). It. Smith was added.

Thonpi ropriation bill wua now takenup. lliu pension or Jlrs. KamakinaSliiieoiiii will not ho allowed until therei: further investigation of reports onher conduct. Tho Presidents salarywas pa bus 1, the settlements of tliuQueen Dowager mid others were un-challenged. Minister .Smith read lettersfrom Chief Justice Jiidd and Henry.Smith objecting to tho reduction or thehitter's salary from $380 to $'ll umouth. It was urged that the chiefcleik's duties were those of a sp'cialittami wero ntttndeil wltn great rcsM)iisl-bllit- y.

Mr. Damon said this Government paidhigher salaries than he could learn ofelsewhere. The clerks had a premiumof 23 per cent, llusiness houses had beencompelled to reduce salaries. The gov-ernment must adjust itself to tho times.Jlr. Allen sain no agreed that economyshould

In sliould bomoleste.1. Allen A

salary Sir. ho mm pruvumeuWunno

from of I'resent Is. . , , , 1... , n.tin.n

of "T. , .liidiciary had unite an income fromTho Attorney-Gener- it did notamount to Air. j.mmeiuui ot- -jected to discrimination.

Attorney-Gener- Smith, in reply toSir. Ihnuieluth's hint that reductionshould ho uniform and general, claimedthat such plan wasfavored classilicatiou sub-mitted by Kxecutivo Council.

Sir. Allen's motion waB lost and thoHilary will $225.

Tlie ot cieri; ior mofirst is reduced to

1500.Sir Slorcan moved that the District

at Ewa ho allowed 4KW0 for bantwoyears insteau $i.'uu. wasin flow of fact that proposednaval station will make the place mucli

important, Sir. Ena moved todefer for further Lost.Ollico placed at


Current account,ApriH, Dl... t2M,S31l 41

IIECEIITS.Interior Department CO

CUbtOlUB U.Dlii 1U

Fines, etc 8,ItetenuoKtimipH 41)7 W

. V. Consul ....I'hlnesH paKsiiorts.... 3no 00

Mailiet . IllPoslomce 1,010 IX)

.... 1 UUS 15Uo eminent reallzu. WTines 1,341 VIllllu receipts.. CO

Hale of Uo eminentbonis ijswuu

Postal Ilauk D.aO UO

Total Troisury balance

of 1'or- -Airairs.


Judiciary Deimrlm't.IJeiwrlincnt

Department:lluieuu (funey....lluruiiu Iniiiilurulinn.jlureuu of. Public


MX! 41

M of)


works uu i.iof Health 0.'.70 77

s JsKlnutice Depurtiuent:rialarles, JuclUentals,

etc..1 .04 1 00

Attorney. (lencraPsDepartment -'

llureau of Public In- -strucilon 3,001 65

(Inner al Kxienbe6Provisionaleminent 4.1W 80

Itoiul Tax to HimclalDeim-- it

i?chiH)l Tax to Speciall)eKWlt 144 00

I'ainienti under hec- -tlonS 5,63'J 17

1', Savhuri Hanknltbilruwals 1,500 00

account lul..,.

Outstanding Bonis.. WW O)Treaury Notes 40.UU0 iW

Due Postal SlvlnirHank anil I', M. 11.Notes es2,S.WS7



tills duto ofwithdraw nl inutur-lii- lf

hi April, 'uny anil June,


rrovlslonnl(fovuruineut todutu

(This uinount ioersidlvpeni)s,liicluil- -lint



iiriatoil lust


MEMO, CASH TltEASimrnil iiuisianuinz is.. ,110

Ainerira.l at llluefields, ami UltTO in "Sn "rerV'tourgent liivd uf wnrshin there, rtiletiuiullouuitind.

0041,117.' U



20,704 04

l,iai,4'.9 B7

YiMi om!im ..... flaVR9.JP

uSm raSfl MJit ft



Hill .11 IN II .MIIIMI.MJ.


Int'tiny IIIhIi Aiirn I lit IVrllmlniiryt'Mtil tor livt tin).

a intMlng liwt nViiiHK tin JosUy(.'lull approvwl thn pit llmiiuiry pro-Krii-

for the June II riiws, The run-iiln- s

lacen are nil ilnsheH. At iretMiti ...


llioyele raco.Hunning llnlf inlte for Island bred

horse). Sumo, ficu for nil. Mill) forUlnnil Inoit horwa, tSonio, fu-- fornil. Mllo ami a half, Island bredhorses. Same, free for nil. Three-ipuul-

dash, Island ponies fourtreithands mid under.

Tint ting nml paoinr Tliree-mlnul-

clam, best two in three, for Islandbred horse. Open to Island hiedhomos, bast two in threo. Kreo for all,beat three in live. Two-fort- oIhm,free for nil, host In three, I'aeeisto roud cnrlH.


OhIIi unit Clllr'iilili Itiillni; Will Ciininll Hie Clilmi.

Minister Willis was busy withwhcn n Sta ii repicsentntlve

called nt the United Hlales legation thismorning. In reply to n question Mr.Willis said he had no advices from the.State Department on the uuestion oforiginal citizenship and tho 1 rovisionalGovernment oath here. Heexpects nn answer on tho next steamer.Mr. Willis mentioned tho 17th ns thedate for nriival of dispatches from

This will be the China, oneweek from next Tuesday. There willthen remain four days for regietratiou.Minister Willis said ho would makepublic the Information so as itcanio to hand.

now in Tin: vu.i.Adi:.

Dliir Aim AttHi'ks 11 Wulillin Willi allalrliut.

There camo near being ii tragedy inthe Hawaiian villagu at tho MidwinterFair on April fltli. Apu the diver acci-

dentally broke a calabash belonging toI'aau (w.) The latter claimed $55, onthe plea that the vessel .an heir-loom. Apu refused to settle at all.

resorted to Aimplayed back, but weakened. Fearinghohe was to bo prayed to death he attackedthe woman witli hatchet. Is inii nervous condition.


Won 3lakcM HiivHieu Kllort tillliiiooir.

Kiiiii Wuu last ninht renewedho practiced, hut ho held Unit attouuit ot Ho tried to

this particular c crksh not " ii,iintSir. made a motion '? "w out ins ntostines. guard

that tho bo kept at $250, w oeen piaceu over nunDamon said the olllco was more im- - Kum 1)olie,vcs tl,at a" 800'1

isjrtant tho point bond than tho na term of four yearsmiil,l ii twil lior Lttiitniini, will m

Assessorsnip. nr. Jiorgan asi;eu u ; r ;

was a fact that tho chief clerk Vtl" ". V "fees



a impracticable, liethu scheme


besalary ine urst

circuit from $2000

Slagistrate thooi inis

the tho


f UiSO.


$ 2.717


Km-- as f 5

rish 0


lions 7

Water t





II o v














ceri 1 no

11 J












I'aau Kaliunaisiii.

a I'aau





uiieiy unu seining uiu wuuiu ousinesslikua true Oriental, ho chooses tho

Kum Wun s chances of recovery arogood provided lie submits to treatment.

xi;i,i:ii;.i-iii(- j nuti:s.Speaker Crisp has ilecliued an ap

pointment as Senator to succeed Colquitt.

Slorgau lias no doubt that the newChineso treaty will bo ratified theSenate.

It is rumored that the Vatican hasput HenryGeorgo's land doctrines under

SI. de l'uternotro. the French Ambassador to tho United States, has marriedSuss Klverson of Philadelphia.

The Shah of Persia has agreed to pay$35,000 and expenses to a German oculist who is to treat him nt Teheran.

Governor Tillman of North Carolinacalled ttoops to enforce

liquor laws. Two counties are undermaiiiai taw.







has out thu new

President Cleveland has declined toI join With England and Italy in asking

llrazil to withdraw her demand uponPortugal for tliu surrender of Da Gama.

Iienuhtican victories have been therule in thu spring elections in all thocities of the Northern States. In Chicago the Republicans elected 23 Aldermen and tliu Democrats 11.

A hallor'a (irletunce.A slight, rather uged man with his

7,5(0 00 j (.r arm bandaged paced up and down8 iMi.oil 05 Slerchant stieet from 8 to 10 yesterday

morning. He was waiting to see theUnited States Consul and tell a story.Thu man said he had been knockeddown und kicked by tho mate of thuLewers. As sailor ho had receivedthis treatment before. What he objected to was the belief that his pay was

I to be stopped wmio nu was on tne itlsaunity list.

(ireut llrltulu 1'urreU l'ut.Minister Damon has a lettLr from tho

General Post Office. London relating tothe proposed parcels post between theIslands mid Great Britain, via CanadaThe English official says: "Theio willapparently ho little difficulty in managing the profioseil service unu as soon nsinformation is received respecting l.

I hopo to be in a position to addressI ii a further letter on tnu suojeci.

I'lirttieueso In 1'ulltlrs.7,431)17 A caucus of the Portuguese voters of

ml iim seconii aim inim instricis was neiu... i i.. a. ..!..!., .. .1... t i i ...

nauii an laai iiiuui ui ino .iiiiv-- i ivaii ,v.iuou nun



I T l 111 l tun Iloinlnei--2M,044 M for teatH t10 constitutional conveii- -

tiun. Tho names agreed ujkiii wero ,

A. Gonsalves and SI. G. Silvu. Thcru istalk of u mass meeting ol rortuguesu attliu Drill Mien next euiiiuay.

Will Casii Appeuleil,A fow days Judge Whiting decided

that a certain document olfcied forprobate ns thu will of U. Sltinuolc wasgenuine und that an apportionment ofproiierty sliould bo made in accordancewith its provisions. Elizabeth Harveyappeals to tho Huiirenie Court, thoformal entrance notice having U-e-

S5,04I M ma ,ju

A lllvoreo t'usn 1)11,

Alice Lillian Hutchinson has suedlvdson Lewis Hutchinson, the dentist,for divorce, The petition chargs crueltreatment mid It is alienedthat the defendant mis fallen to provideproperty tor 111s wne unu ciuni uuringan extended visit abroad,


t w lit

KwKiiMi'fl0km. "W Ml

IW hark H. p. KiiIih MiM tof Itrslulu Apr", 4h. tit tmrti AMrn tWrXfH M. Ilia aobonm r MaM ( OrlcMt(JMtratiil; March ftM.h ami 'he arfenMOlfja (Makahotial March fth.

TV bark Itatlhla arrivrd al Man laii- -ctm-- o March SIm Iruni Itntiotiilu, lbMMrkatiUnr " X t aath-- , Man h Nth, liraMraaaUnr tho. ('. lWklns (btHti Ma--hdaona) Jlarrh nOth, the aiiieattar JM. WaalWivak lmm llllnt lliireii I

awl Um mV Nantllm Mnrrti gftl


1'rom IlanawaulH, wr twr Iwnlaul,April it Ja Mor and It deck.

1'rom Sn tSranchico. r atmr Marlma, Apnl IS MraT V Ames, Mis I

a. Mlaa A 11 Itanauor llil llctiue4t,






j nelnlilmr

M ..1 1' IWI. llell. 8 Itlli.n Mutual tflephonelS.MnillMiii Colo mid wife, ( has Connors.

Kllalhiy wife. V It MlFisher wife. Sirs Gorman The D.Mt.Y Weiiki.y ,tah

ehilil, Jlliw .Iix-- i iilitnc ( it (liinn, sale nl James Martin's Variety.Ino '1 J .85 WniHiiuiiniio bit est. lido,Miss t.ishmnn, Mrs 1'. Hd n) uliscriptiiin iiihv Iw onle-w- l. dw-l- d

l.loyd. Miss (lenovluviHchiiii.nn, Kn.iw. D l. s. Soioson nml wife. I.teut. A htniinton, Geo Tsbhts i mid prcventUe. ForII Inylor nml wife, n urd Vinton. Jlrs ' asln by nil drumtlsts.SSWhIcIi, Mlwt Welch. Miss J Welch.

.Inim (I A T Wdll.l'rol Wnterhoiido, I' L Woosler. Missi0'Slay Wiilerhouse, S S Wood,Jlia A

1'rom Kauai perstmr Sliknhnl.i,1U Consul J K Fiirloy.



TllUltSDAV, Ajiril 12.iii.i...i.. ft r i.. huhnl will

Si. " Union Cnrt right.Stmr Iunlaui. l'iceman. from lianamaiilii.

OSS Mariposa, Hoywnrd, from SanFrancisco.

Stmr James Slakee, Ilnglund, fromKapaa.

III .itriiiii:s.Thursday, April 12.

Schr Mahlmnhi fur Waialua.Ktmr Mkelike, Wcislmrth, for

Stair Iwalanl. Freeman, forOSS Slarinosa. ward, for the


ItO.ir.GTIill Itr.I'AUTItltKS.

Am sell Lowers. Goodman.lor onn rraucisco, imirsilay noon.








Slikalmla. for tlinernineiit I'm3 Evemno,

senr a iioiiihic-- delegateUiysun April I

i.Mi-(ii- ami cunskim:i:.s.

12x pkiis ale. 140 ukesIt S, 4 pkgs cigarettes. 287 pkgsgroceries, I naval stores, U pkgsu. i.,n ni ..i...


eonwnt. business


iipoles. Onkcs books. 112 pkus TlUI'tl,dryoil, 2

pkgs bags, pkga ilrugK, iikgshats, 120 pkgs pkgs 111011and !!20

1112 hagsleid uo, ucct uaiinmnnlu mill.

James 2K(1 lugs supar,O llrower Co, ucct Kealia

Kx Slikaliala sks sugar,Co, acct Wnlmea nlantatlon: !H2(1

Uags sugar, Hack fold Co, acctplantation: 1(100 bai:s sucar. IrwinCo, acct


Inceil on tin, lvre I.ltt l,y tho Unite, I

RluleM heiillte.The Tariff Committee of the United

States has bananas mid pinethe freu list. This a

vision of the utmost benefit andance thu Islands. Sir. Hatch, Slinis- -tcrof l'lnance, received thoby mail

Kllliiillniiii Nuln.Two lejiers lately away from the

settlement. They wero found andbrought back. Dr. reports thaiopium is being Slolokai. Avisit will made the settlement nextweek by Hoard and anumber of

The 1,'JOO ,n)is.from Consul Irwin his

mission secure 1,201) Japs for theplanters was received tliu .MariposaHe that settled yet.A inner ruixirl expected lrom Mr,Irwin hv the China.


worth noting.so well worth the


tho very latestwhich Kino linos, aro nowshowing, , . .

the nrtlotio line.




ii, UK.

a im


am. Yaw aWnantThk AVMMun U"t WlHtaf.

AiMian allTllr.

v. (i. ivi m. tmmmr.M-lf- .


Tltr uf aita amyday fiotti in I, awl Taaaft- - awl MMuiljav awHiiig from lo 9.

tJarlHtiii to tt-t- a fortliO Owvautkm imutrygHlar. lo not ilaao. ami hwuIt ADur law! ma aa tUit

our W ntau IHHtm rlA Co. Iwve n iMr

yllleo and sales roomlAjrl nml ritwii. stnra foriiiurtf il,.l.nM 1I..1I

I' W nml wifi-- .arrj.if

W Mini Dotnnd,SI and and and la

iBM.ii'iit). A. Storo,Howard. M llHrriaon, Kidurll, where

Lyons,Naliliery, Mrs

Mortimer T Htlinp- - & ThroatH urntive

Ai1ltilr.il Wnlker.








of of

Thn pnrtiiemlilii heretofore exMIngtween thn umli-- r iiomniiriira A. .1. uiririzht, lcn ill

o.... iniituol ThoV Sr" ."--



Mimes UubilitluH tho firm.

.TJO-l- w




Sli g.Sleeting the .Sharj).

will be held this evening,April mill,

the usual time and place. I'er order,W. T.




Union Clubs tho Kirkt UUtrk--t

Honolulu hereby notified meet theStmr Clianev. ICauai Nursery, King street,

Friday, in. iiav 7:S0 o'clock, for the par- -

Am llartlett. Tor oleetlng forIsland, .Saturday, tho Constitutional Convention.

Slarinosa 15

It) pkgs

3I!)-ti- l.




pkgs 7rt .illamtiarsgoods, 10!l pkgs hardware, pkgs51 pkgs shrubbery, pkgs bicycles, ULlll), MlllCI'l-2(- W

21potatoes, tobacco,

tons in transit.Lxlwalani feugar, Hack-- i Sl'KCIALSIKKriNGOFTIIECLUU

Kx& plantntion.

',172 Shaefer&

& Koloa

Slakuweh plantation.


placedapples is pro


smuegled tobe tothe of Healthphysicians.

A cablegramto

wired nothing was



Is NothinK Is



of publications

, ,







r. suvBBte.


ll wOtmatltHtiotiat


ItKIIMItMl,Httlllster iwtvwt




11 on









all of

A. J.

arpshootcrs'Tho'"l!egiilnr of

shooters'l'litii-Milnx- iat



of ofore to nt

onp nt

K kiki of toI.


11 Ol15


5(3 u UUIJ.







M will take plicu ut the Drill Shed onTHURSDAY EVENLNO aftflO, for thoimrposu of selecting one or moro noini- -

neesfor Um Constitutional Convention.to bo voted for on triilay at thu sauioHour nun place, ami m act on tne report,of the Special Committee on Nomina-tions appointed by the Exocutito Committee.

A full attendance Is desired both on'rhuisd.iy and Friday evenings.

Ily order or tlinl.xecutlvouomuiillco.JAMES NOTT, Jr.,

Guoitoi: SIanson, President.Secretary. ;tiu it.

NoticeTo Mombors of tho Second Dlo- -

Distrlct Club, AmericanUnion Party.

WAS DKC1DKD AT THK KKOU-la- rmeeting that only such ineiiihi re

as uro registered shall be allowed to votoror nominees at tho meeting format pur-pose on the oveningof l'ICIDAY, Aprilllfth, Ib'-ll-.

Hring your certificates of registrationwith vou.

Thu 2d District Club will meet nt thoAnnexation Hall on FKIDAY EVEN-ING) April 13,for thepurpot-eo- makingnominations lor ueiegate to loiihuiutional Convention.

CHAltliKS L. CAIlTElt,Tiiuo. P. Skvi:uik, l'resident.

Secretary. IHU at.

To Let or For Sale !


Street, containing tnolvo rooms,

kitchen ami bath room; alo Tui CottagesIn tho yard of one and two rooms nml out

houses, etc.,

Apply ut this olllce. ;il4-l-


THE l'UEMIBKS on tho Corner of KINOand ALAI'AI BTHKKTH, laU-l- oocupiod

by Dr. O. 1'. Andrews.Tb yard husafronUiKUof 'M) foct oil lCIng

ktreetuud IsIMOfeet deeli. 'ihu houset his eight rooms, two halls, also 11 largeklklicn, puntry, china closet, Path room,etc etc., besides ull that nrunecessary.


For luirtlculars upjily U

315 tf. Chas- - M. Cooke.

vi:s.si:i.s in rimi'.NAVAl, VKSSEI,

U S 8 Adsini, Kelson, Ban Francisco.U S H l'hihiilelnlilu. ll.irVer. (jillao.II I J SI erulv.-- r Takuihlho, Nniimra, Yok.II li 11 h (.luiiupion, i.usiai'o iioouu, cmiir.g,


Ain scur i n norueii, uiseu, ruwcaiioAm sh Occlilciitnl, Slorae. (Vjiiiot, II O,Am bLtu V II Dhnoiid, Mo Donald, HAm rt II Ivolloir. . (IrAv's


Am schr King Uyius, t'hrUtiuu-ain- , N'w'e'fctl,If wishes to artone grntlfy , t MornuiK Star, (larhuul. South BoosIstiu taste, beautify thu homo Am Golden Shorn, Hlrkholni, Nocaktloor make 11 suitable present. I '.mK'!1I,,'y,"Qn U .Tl l)n,Kri Ke'tletho opportunity Is here ahim.1i Uuiinn'cinuillnu, NieUm, B Flilforded , Am schr lloliert liners, (lisahiinu.H F,

Am schr Transit. Jonronhn. B F.


Cull enrly and sco wliat is going on in Am bk W F Wita-iiiaii- , I'ulersou, NowciutloAm bk AlU-rt- , llrllllths, B F,


Am schr J W Colemnii, B F (K'uli).Am sch l.lzzle, Vance, B F (Kul.uhii)Am sch Ocoania Vance, Amleison (Kah.)Am schr Slary E Foster. KeUli..Aiabktu John Ilaliloy, Snephenl.BF (KaliAm limn u r urockor, n r iinioj

rui i ninrn ukeot on nio it K. a.IttlO fnrCn IiAKK'H AiltertUlnit

! ami t1 Merihiint s KxchHiik'e. Haniincisco, usi., nrre couirucu ior amer-"Kian 00 uiaue ior 11. II


!p1ll liHSlUlIt.

f MfcMalMHMa lkCllOK H8THA ut.OATR

to H had that, ta to at th lltkor Jiintt man I urn m w at ha ltd,ym h iw ikM to ft it aj-- .

aunt la aistl tmi unoA ha and nals.T Iss Imh) at tha



COMPANY.(Our. Qnwn aixt Xii:mi ii sis.)

or rliiR up tl4ioHia No I II.

1'i'oiiipl llollvoi'.v,1'. S, Wo only want th ownemof

winners in get their l"e d ,rom us.


Cummins Illock. Fort St., II- niilulu II.I.




All the Year Round


505 FONT STltEET.Both Telephontt, 130, 2ft.V If

JAS. F. MORGAN.No, 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker.

Special attention given to the

handling of

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds.



ii ivi oiiid ntaji vt uii rui i nil wit iiiusl ijuilil to J. II. Schimck hyApril Slltli. All bills

not settled by that dnto will l sold to Ilie

hightvt hlilder.WJ2w. FRANK (1ERTZ.


Central Meat Tarket,NUlIANU KTK 'El

Chi ikens, Turkeys, Duel s I nd l'igeonsat snori uoii.-c- .

llotli Tel. 101. Milt. Tel. 4 A, liesldence,an-l- ni







Ai'Kit, lrtii.0

A 8PF.CIAD TltAIN 111 loivoHonolulu nt 7:15 p.m. Iteturn-fu-

will arrive in Honoluluabout 10:15 p.m.

Tickets, R0UT?.dP.75c.

Tickets will 1st on snlont the Dcnot Imme- -

uiaieiy ooioro ine ue;iuriure 01 mo inim.Parties or Clubs iloslrinir to have a special

'ur reserved euuilobobv notif vine tho nuner- -lutciiilent lieforo Friday ntfip.ui. and thopurcuasing 01 ni leui 00 iicKeis.

OEO. P. DENISON,31l-ti- KiiH)riiitciideiit,



On Wednesday, April 18,At 10 o'clock, a. in., at the residence

of A, J. OAltTWItiaHT, Ksrj, comer ofKaumoku and I.uiinlllo stieets, I willsell at l'liblic Auction tho


And elTects, l'urticulan. ii future adveitUements.


317-l- w


The carrier-hoy- s of tho I'tah uro notauthorized to collect 11101 ey or signreceipts, except on the written authorityof the llusiness Sianairi-r- , From midafter this date no receipt 'or subscriptions or otherwise will I a I 3ld good tinlets issued direct from ho businessolllco,

OF.O. MA WON,'.'81-t- f Iliisines i Manager,

4. m jMrittftfi).tiM. m t i pm nm mm'M

at ait Hai Hat Nat M Mar at '


PahMr Warto mm '

jMCIIOIiAHllaa'rr n all kthila of anap.tr "mjif ap a mmiAt.

Ulfltwatf wli lYt.-r- MM fnrTaNow.IM lllki 1 . . I'. l. Hot, ll.M-t- f

Critep; on SaloonaUUlarx lailloe,


John Wiaknd Brewing Co,


Pale Lager BeerPor Australia.

PltKSlI lvoicr. OF CALtl'OK.MA OVSTHllh.

Oyster Coc tfaiis a SpecialtyL. II. Ditit. Prop'r.



NATIONSTo be held at the


Friday Evening andSaturday Afternoonand Evening.

The nations to be representedare: Hawaii, America, Great Hrit-ai-

Germany, Portugal, France,Sweden and Norway, MexicoSpain, Greece, China, JapanIndia,


Saturday Afternoon, - 25 cents,ICach livening-- , adults, 50 cents,

do children under 15, 25 cents,

Doors open n 7i!0 in.; grand march8 o'clock. I Saturday atternoou the

Ikizaar will ho open two fiveDlfcMd.



is used



in onoitiiu.Theyknow

a Good Soap.

It is

the Best.


MltlM tTh Huard M itatMratloa tor ih

fcnw iitotlwi iMtrMa tkanliU ha la atoinaaiii ai thr aM liayta-lal- at

hall ta Iha Jdfeiar tojMl. vary mUy 4mv, tmm its. m. in t . m aa4 TaWuay a 4atnnUx pvnatnf tmn fttota. at., i w

tin- - nm. 4 mviriag anrilaattoM i

rufi.iratlori anl wlmtatourltoi tha hnllrl hjr law. All parar afifilyt! raflatralina will ha raMirad to ar -

-aarMc.- - in U or aartl I.



from top. m.


i,, itiai li i a tk " - ithe NationalKMaMI or Um-- Marabal,tin- - can-- may he.

wHI etoaa umApril 21 l.

i HAH. T. ROBOIIM, kl. t).,Aipro-wl- - titwlmaa.

I. A. 11W,

Iiitarkw OMea,March 14, ta.


All sidewalks, etc., Biaat be wtwn!,kept clean and la-- true Iruw rabbit .,otc, oiherwiae it will Ix aWa b U vIhnwl Ihyartwent at Uw mmaai M tL

Ily onler o tMSIinlatretleIiil()iior.W. II. CUSIJIIKOh,

IUmi) Snrriaor, Ilsoofttln.

As our Phiio Tuner and Repairer Imnow ariived, we nru prurMl to takeorders for which will beexuculnlin ine very ei manner sssllje. aswithout ijueathm we have (inthu person of Sir. O. H. Harrison) thomost skillful und Mulshed artist illhis trade who has ever visited theIsluuds.


3T All work guaranteed. Telephone us your orders ut once. JZ


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308-t- f





Slachinery of Every Description Slado

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IKiHard Times Mean Close Prices lo


If you arc in need of any New orSccoud-Han- d FURNITUKH, RUGS,.STOVP.S, Sl'.WING SIACH1NHS, Ktc,call at thet T TFURNITURE L COMMISSION HOUSE,

Clifford litacUmanA Boston Boy's Eyoslcht

Savod-Porha- ps His LifoBy Hood's Barsnparlllv IIIoxxl PoU

soned by Canker.Itd lha followlns from a grateful mothersMr Uttlo tor had Bcarlct Ferer when 1 years

old, and It loft him very weak and lth bloodpaUoord wild caiiLrr, Ills eyes Dccamoto Inflamed thatliU sutTcrlags were unease, saidfor seven week! Iw

Could Not Opon His Eyoo.I took him twice during that time tolas F.70and Kar Infirmary oa Cnarlca street, but th trremedies fallod to do him tho faintest (hadi irot (ood. I commenced giving bun lloo. 'sPir.if'rlll and It soon cured him. I hrnever doubted that It sated hU i(Sii, c :aif not hi. Terr Ufa. Vou may tun this t

in anr way you chooso. lamajutjsready to sound tho pralso of

Hood's Sarsaparlllabecauso of tha wonderful good It did my sen."Aiimk K. Iliackuix, 288a Wulilnaton st,Boston, Mass. Get HOOD 8.

HOOD'S PILL8 are hand pa-l- . and ar JJt.fctlacotutolUoa,pAiwrUuaudapt)uaut. ,

llobrou NoHiiiun tV; Co.

iVlinlpsalo akpiiIs.

BEATER SALOON.Fott Stieet. Opposite Wilder & Co,

II. J. NOI.TIv, I'rop'r.Flrst-Cla- u I.uacliM lervwl w ith Pen, Cclfw

Bo,la Water, llluser Alo or Milk.

tSSmokert' RequUitu a ttpccUllyOt m from 3 n.111, till 10 p. lu.

Page 4: WA TT A IN Pr; - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/20659/1/1894041201.pdf · I'ort Street, Between Hotel anil licretaula, Both Tisr.iir-HONiJ-No,


urn Cim, tmt M

ft&tonX atarVlnllK S rZnUr"I only anld;iaa.1 evcntoK."

lh KrRyiniul answer, CKiliiug

ttwM Umri Un- - Ihfral Hull

rCMira a Ih IraMrttartlArti tu M

I late In th. mhI rtwIr.dy Mr.

taHh Mr Hurt 'rwi fcvortN on I mart! Me wm tacttlM

it a rale, mm win tm was m Md-ta-

In wm aiH to lie dwHiirtti'.Amnmm the mate MNvUrn he WM

lit niuiMi m "a tuiinv mwwJi. tint gnat." Thi- - fetntahis not- -

IhonRbt htm nnlntt-natUiR- .

tiK'ir number a a tall, pnntyWho hart iradimliy tiietMil the

Manor of hi rfwrrtjamt in wbnas coni-Mk-

he had even femi ami to aniilo.They famine very ml frtonM ao

aMch ao indeed m to draw low nponfee jriMe) tad.r 'n head Tattoos BMeWualImMtm cm thf fully of twowtafing

mra who were itobodtee. Hut aCiv, of couiw, did not hoar the1leeaaret, and ax Mlse Ida Lennox wan aMat willed young ponton, their frtend-ait- o

t tillered no iaterraptiun.TWre waa n certain Mr. Bonrerts on

boarf' an tatremely handaoni widow,la w ioni Cm'W. for some unknowntea . had mmiiml a violent dieiike.Hip i r an well a Jvindnomc,but t a of n iaiwioiiat amiaunc-'ha- t uncertain touiiier whichlaat, lOWcviT. in virtue of her manyoonnt Tbalancing good qualities, wmaaivt uliy condoned.

One evening at dinner Irt. Ikmveriowaa expatiating to thoe nearont to lwron thi value and antiquity of n verylaikliMia nml lutuitrifiil riiitf Will ill I klifl

wore, andwhich aheha.1 plcJ.e.1 up in ator through Italy. W.e Bfflru.e.1 it to

Z7 " "rr ' ", . ..............-,- .., w ......velona delicacy and set nil louml ntregular intervals with lnrge diiummdaof eiijiiUite brilliancy, liwiile weretwo capital letters. N. C, each letterformwl of tiny mil iiearli?ank into thegold. , Sirs. Bouvcrie, who was of aromantic turn, waa of opinion that Ithad lm an ancient betrothal rini;.Tlwro wns a half eUaccd date inxide,which the wIiIow'h riwlit hand ncigh-bor,aial-

connuniptive louhiiic clerj?y-nia-

waa in vain tryiiiK to decipherthrough a Muall iiiiiKnityiiiK glasn.Presently a lady opposite lKgeil to boalloweil to examine the ling, and fromher It was panwd from hand to handprettytwell up and down the length ofthe table.

Bit. Ktrange to say. it did not comoback to its owner. It had apparentlydisappeared. Kvery one declared itknd.uaed wifely out of his or herhands.. Where wai it then If Thorowas a great coiiiinotiuii, ot course;

row. and a thoiough toarchwas jVade, on and under tho tublo andfrom ono cud to tho other of tho longbillooj.

HJlie ring, however, was not f.

lis owner had by this timoleooii)'e somewhat oxcited, and u ratherdiMigreeablo sceno ensued. In point offact, Sirs. Bouverio inslnuutcd thatsumo ono had appropriated her ring.Upon .this, some of tho nialo passengersangrily suggested that, if SIrs.Bouverioenterhulncd buapicions of that nature,all present had better turn out theirpockets. To this proposition there wasa general assent.

All resumed their boats, and therowas a hurried disentombing of keys,letters, poket handkerchiefs, etc., butno ring.

Carw, to tho suqiriso of all, (piietlyrefused to exhibit tho contents of hispockets.

"But merely as n matter of form,Jlr. C.irew, " expostulated tho captain.

The young man, however, repeatedhis refusal courteously, but moio in-

flexibly, if anything, than before.Thi ro was an awkward silence.Thi n Sirs. Bouverio forgot herself.

'"May I ask, tir," felio said, nddreps-in- g

C, row in an excited tone, "whyyou refuso to do as all your fellow

i havo done?""Yen may, madam," was tho brief

and h mghty answer."M Ml, bir, and why not?""B causo I havo u very special reason

for nit doing so, " ho answered in acarefully repressed voice,

"And that reason?""I fear I must declino to give it,"

ha answered quietly, but with an om-

inous :lash in his gray eyes."Tfcen you are aware of the imputa-

tion Vonr refubal casts upon your char-acter.?" inquired tho lady scornfully.

"That is a matter of tho utmost in-

difference to ine, " was tho icy answer.But'tho kpeaker'shand, as it lay upon

tho table, opened and shut in a quick,nervous fashion which bhowed that hovas less unmoved than ho looked.

.wVSrenpon JItn. Bouverio waxedmoro and more indiscreet, and all butaccused Carew of having tho ring inhis possesion.

"31is. Bouverio, Mrs. Bouverie, "tho captain, "this is leally

not qatto fair."Hotm Carew, who had been growing

whiter every moment, roso from hiseeat.

"I regret that yon should havo suchan opinion of mo as your words imply,Mrs. Kouveric," ho Baid in n queer, un-

certain voice. "May I suggest thatyou drop tho (subject for tho prcbent ?

My temper is not all that it might be,and iAshould bo borry to be guilty ofdiscoarjesy to n lady."

Thaif lib left tho saloon and went ondeck.

Attr this day, however, Carew ei

a gradual but marked differencein his fellow passengors' demeanor to-

ward him. Hia greetings wero receivedcoldlyV'thoMgh with scrupulous polite-ness. Groups began to melt insensiblyaway at his approach, or his advent wasa signal for a dead silence.

If this general boycotting affectedtho object of it, ho did not show it, butsimply withdrew into himself uud

avoided other people as deliberately oailiey nroided him. To only ono persondid ho mako an advances, and he onlyuiado tkem once. It was in this way:

Early ono morning lie was standinglooking moodily to leeward, when hosuddenly becamo aware that Miss Len-nox bad como on deck and was leaningagainst one of the dixiru of tho coveredstairway. Their oyes met, Sho blush-ed deeply, made a half hesitating move-ment oi her head which might havomeant n morning salutation or mightpot uud turned away. But Carowtook tf jis toward her,

"Ono moment, Miss Lennox," holaid in nu odd voice, "Will you tellmo wh r you have uvoided mo so persis-tently luring tho last fow daya If"

" Av ddtd you V sho stammered awk-wardly enough, "Oh I, ycallj notatall. I ut but"

Care.v smiled slowly, but his lipsworo j ale, "I beg your pardon, " hasaid q lietly. Then ho lifted his cup

nd wi.lkrd.iiwiiy.

ajajajajajajaaa (pftatlMm wajaj HRHMl MiMtteMaattp laiaT etaajt tlawW wa)

Cera the yaffc overtaawa, laH aa mwmdow an with pamr.

Afw thla Mttle op., rw waa.If aawildr. io fotrai'tai'd than am.IMt th.taptat treated htw With otMparatl" nwwiality. Rat m a

Wiad on he. ton. Ni ama lew Mad.ftr one fotituaia Whea ha

newed t 'arew the Matt Ir baajd.The yonnn man eirt him ahull at awe.

1 don't ar In dtaeaaa the thinafoil can Ivlteve what yoat laaiiaa naim to l lti ve. or ynaawH wt it alow.It la nothltiR to me."

Captain North aaiwajal MaaawntdetTand walked off. Carew laagtwd. II V

laaah wa ahort, taowatt. aad Utter.If thla raafavted ramat hnw bad been

anybody in partiralat It la Jnaiil1cthey might not have bam ao bard uotihim. Ont h he waa idmply Ocorifi'Cnrew. with nothing lieyood an averagegood looking faceaJal wJl aet p Hgnreto rcioiumend him, mm M. taoreover.hia clothe had a look of baring aeenbettor daya anl were by mo moan' oithe latent cut. lie waa clearty nut an

to lie regretted.At dinner that night Carew found

himaelf neat a email, gray ulatl yonngwoman, with a pale, aertona face and aatnouth, hirdliko heail of dark brownhair. She had also, aa tie aheautlynoted, exqniaitely abaieil hand. Hehail never entered into convraatio)iwith ilie little woman; indeed lie Iwdliardly been aware of her exiatenoe

hearing the captain addreM heronce or twice a JiIum Neville.

An lie took hi neat lnide her tonight,however, ahe aniil in low, clear voice,"Good evening, Mr. t'nrew."

It wan ao many daya ninco any of thelit in nt

the girlup nt

him with n little smile.Then he noticed that her teeth were

very pretty and her eyes very antlsfac-tor- y

indeed. Before In- had timo tospeak, sho went on: "Tho captain saysthat before many days wo shall bo intho Inly of Biscay. I havo not crosedit sincu I was n little child, I aupposoit will be frightfully rough?'

"1 think it is more than likely." hoanswered, gazing steadily at his plate,

Whereupon they drifted into u snb- -

dned, friendly convewition which lasted till tho end of tho meal. Carow was

t not a particularly soft hearted fellowbut it touched him strangely this nnlooked for partisanship. It gave hima queer, unwonted lump in his tlnoatami made him feel womanish, whichannoyed him.

Next morning ho saw the girl iu grayon deck, hho was standing quite btill,watching tho screaming kea birds thatflew anil dipped astern. Her pale, seri-ous little face already seemed to himlike the face of a friend. As ho passedher with a slight liow sho turned, heldout her hand and bade him a cheerygood morning, supplementing it bysome trilling remark regarding thoweather. Ho stopped, answered herand stood beside her for a miliuto ortwo. Then ho flung away his cigarand leaned his nnu on the railing.

His companion scanned his facoswiftly and covertly. Sho thought holooked dispirited, and sho felt for him,for sho was a tender heni ted littlewoman.

They talked on indifferent subjectsuntil luncheon and repeated tho processbetween that ineal and dinner and alsoin tho evening. And so it catno to passthat Carow began to look upon thissmall, gray clad creature as his onefriend in all his present world. Holearned n great deal about her from herhalf unconscious confidences amongother things that her Christian namewas Joyce, and that sho was an ornhuu,and that sho had known trouble. Butsho learned littloor nothing about him.

Tho Cobra touched nt Corunna, whereono or two Englishmen ciinio on boaid.Then camo tho rcdoubtablo bay of Bis-cay.

On tho night they left Commm therowas a glorious moon, under tho rnys ofwhich Mfss Neville and Caruw werowalking up and down on deck.

Tho steamer was rolling a great deal,and ho had ottered her his arm, whichsho had accepted, Sho treated him ina frank, unembarrassed fashion, almostas a sister might havo done and he?Well, men are susceptible, you know,and 1 am bound to say his feelings toher wero not altogether those of abrother.

When they had taken a few turn's insilence, sho said suddenly, "Mr. Carow,wo seem to have become such goodfriends by this timo that I should likoto say. something to yon which other-wis- o

I should not presume to say."Sho looked up at him as sho spoke,

and ho looked down at her."You know yon may say anything

you pleaso to me," hesaid, with a curi-ous lingering tenderness in hisvoice.

"You won't think it a liberty, willyou?" sho went on.

"I shall assuredly not think it a lib-erty," was tho brief answer. Cer-tainly her eyes woro very lovely. Theythrilled him through and through.

"I want, to ask you, then," sliosaidsomewhat nervously, " why you allowthose jieoplo to liclievo what they believe nbout you r"

Sho felt him winco slightly.Thero was a silence. Tho monotonous

throbbing o tho engines amidshipsmingled with floating scraps of halfheard talk and laughter.

Then Carew said iu a hard, bittervoice: "Unfortunately I am not respon-sible for their lieliefs, Miss Nevillo.Besides, what they believo of mo maybo true. 1 am pardon mo an utterstranger to you: you havo no reason tobelievo iu my innocence."

"I do believo in your innocence,though," sho murmured, an excitedthrill running through her voice.

"May I ask why?" 1IU spoko clear-ly, but she felt his arm tremble underher hand.

For one swift moment sho looked upat him, and her eyes wero full of tears.But he did not see them, for he wasgazing straight before him.

"Why?" sho repeated, with n curl-on- s

sobbing little laugh. "Because Iknow I"A minute later she was gone, and ho

was watching the last flutter of hergowu disappearing in tho direction ofthe stairway,

Late that night Carew sat iu hiscabin, leaning his elliows on his knees,and staring earnestly at something hoheld between his Angers, something thattwinkled and sparkled as tho light oftho electrio lamp fell upon it. It wasa broad gold gipsy ring, richly chased,nnd set at intervals with largo dia-monds. InsiJo were two Itouian let-ters formed of tiny seed pearls.

1'or two daya nftcr that it blow apretty fair gale, It rained it t'ood deal,too, at intervals! and such of (ho

IS yvJLS vJojently. seasick in

WJateka aa aataat4 raeaV'i of the etatrwa?

wiward flia rvMrtaa af the amiaaf day.lie aaw Mta feVTrta. wwa laMi Ht I

Mraafled far, aad wm Hlafj In !

taaSior IIn white and III.aa taM her ao ahe ity kMajhed

" Da ma rata In com iw aaaaaM. ' It daaan't rata now, i

will teawRnnd era yna doa't fall

Hha cumrntpd, batpitching ao heavily that after a fewtnma MIm Ni villa aat4 aba wimM rather ait duan

Ho Carew provided her with r atari- -'

tcri'tl neat, broafltrt a warm tag to wrap '

alxmt her feel aad axated biaaaaU baatdeher It wan now alnoet dark. A fewstar ahone here and thtr1 the etatlttyaky.

The wind ebrleawd wad whittleddrearily. The deck WM maertod. 1'orquite a long Utna 1Mb ware eili-nl- .

Thui Carew Mid la n )lf whlaper :

You are tretahllHg. Yon are notafraid of the etnnn, are yon ? It la Noth-

ing for the lay. I aemre yon.'"Ni' 1 am not afraid."

Yon feel quite cafe hara with ?"be went on, alnklng hia voice lower yat.

"Yea, she mawael aomewliattremulously.

After a immin- - he laid hia hand imlwra a it reeted on her knwe ami aaldiu an odd, deliberate kind of way :

"Will you let me take care of yati ill- -

waya? 1 mean a my wife. I lwvegrown to line you very dearly, and Ithink I oonld make you happy."

For ptjrliapB H minute there was utteralienee.

Then Carew withdrew his hand, any- -

ing liatttly and in an indefinablychanged voice: "Ah! you do not cat ofor me. Perhaps it is as well, and per-haps I had no right to ask you to do so.I forgot for a moment that I am a manundur a cloud -- a cloud that in all prob-ability will never lie lifted, for I tellyou honestly I havo no moans of righting myself. I'orgct what I have said."The words and tone wero hardly lover-like, but there was a slight. nlmot im-perceptible quiver in the deep voice.

A small hand stole softly into his."I do care for you, "said a happy lit-

tle voice, "and I would take your wordagainst all the world."

Another pause. Carew did not evenpress the hand ho held. Then he saidharshly: "But suppose I cannot giveyou my woid? Suppose I tell you thatI am what our fellow passengers thinkI am?"

"I should not believo yon," was thoconfident answer.

"But if I tell you that you must believe me r His faco as ho looked downwas very pale and woio an oxpuwion '

sho could liardly fathom.Sho uttered a half siippiscd little

cry, but sho did not take her baudaway only nestled it farther into his.

Ho graspul it almost painfully; thenlet it go.

"Foolish, trusting little woman," hesaid in ii strange voice. "Jlustlgivoyou proof that your trust is mis-placed?"

lie held out his other hand to her.Iu its palm lay tho ring. Even in thedim light sho recognized it at once.

Thero was a curioui, breathless pause,during which Carew never took hiseyes from tho girl's face,

'Well?" ho quietly said at last. Hofelt her little iingeis close tightly onhis.

"I can't help it," sho said brokenly."I love you I Iovo yon."

"And will you be my wife?"She could not see' his face, but his

voice shook."Yes," sho whispered, hiding her

faco in both her hands.But tho hands weie gently drawn.

In the hciiiidarkuess she felt his armcome aliout her, uud his mustachebrush her lips.

"Darling," ho murmured passionate-ly, "you ahull never regret it Iswear," mid in his eyes glittered some-thing that looked like tears.

Next morning one of tho Englishmenwho had come on boaid at Corunna.and who had been ill ever since, ap-

peared on deck. As it happened, thefirst person ho saw was Carow.

They greeted each other cordially,nnd after tho fashion of old friends.This Englishman, by tho way, was awell known statesman, and a very goodfellow besides.

In the smoking room that nftcroonnsomo ono kindly put him on his guardas to Carow and supplied the details.

"I thought I would mention it, youknow," appended tho man who hadspoken. "I saw yon speaking to himawhilo ago."

"Thank you," was tho dry answer."I'vo known George Carow for a good'many yeais. I' think 1 havo a prettygood idea of his idiosyncrasies, and Idon't think annexing other peoplo'sproperty is ono of them. liy tho way,you may not havo heard that ho hascome into tho title and is now LordEvanilale. 1 though I'd mention it,you know," he added with a somowhatgrim smile.

In tho silenco that followed, thespeaker lit u fresh cigar, roso and wentout.

I blush io havo to relato that duringtho remainder of that day a good manyof tho Cobra's passengrs became y

imbued witli the conviction ofCarew's or rather Lord Evandalo'sinnocenco and evidenced as much. Howtheir overtures wero received perhaps Ineed not say.

Joyce Novillo was a littlo shy withher lover when bho knew. But in thecourso of n starlit walk on deck hemado that all right. She, it seemed,had had the idea that ho was ratherobscure and hard up than otherwise,at which confession ho was a gooddeal touched.

I think it was on tho evening beforetho Cobra got into Southampton thattho head steward mado u startling dis-covery, ilrs. Bouverio's ring wasfound iu n distant corner of the saloon,whero it had licen clfit'tually concealedby an upstanding corner of tho carpet.

Captuin North publicly restored thering to its owner that night at dinner,Thero was u very uncomfortable silencefor n few moments. Uvery one had unawkward kind of feeling that somesort of apology should bo mude to thehaughty looking young man who wasot prcbent helping Miss Nevillo to clar-et. And every ono had un equally awk-ward conviction that uny upology orany explanation whatsoever would lwworso than impossible,

Tho subject of (heir thoughts, how-ove- r,

forestalled anything of tho kind,There was something rather fine iu hisappearance just then, as ho leunedbackin his chair and throw a keen glance(list up and then down tho table,

"As Mrs. Bouverio is now, I hopo,satisfied that I did not steal her ring,"he said In n cold, clear voice that pen-etrated to .syery.coruerof tho long ta- -

' ham, "I M1

2 1

raat at fim did. I tsaaaM1a the at rm- - mi m itw Mr. Mnareria, aad M 1

Haa ta my faatat m MM laaairliia I nataraUy MaM

aiMabca t Mn tdaat aty. Taa are iH at llhafty taMi if mm nmn iia he

Hka. he "Aaa- -

an ibeleft

The km Which arcoMTWaMttNjkftioa apoha vojninea.

libera wm a pawae of iatanw n- -

Uaiialiianili then it 1bt4 oi oivMetlaad wonetefia exriaaMtiata). in theaiidet of wtrtcJi Lord RrflMdata run aadwent ont ai daeli.

The riaga wee idettUeal, with ateucflptiiw la iate the ltrMink vwr K.

'. i in the other, C. X.Mr. Bouverio looked orBakad nnd un-

happy, for of all Malaga ahe ilaarlvloved a lord. There waa wtwptag aadgnashing of tret, ton, in the neArin ofthe Linoek. Montreal Star.

A Uuiht Thine Aliout (MtusI.Hotne yeara ago when ibe BritUii

t loops were fighting againet the forceof the Mahdt in thr rkiudan opportu-nity wm afforded to many of the

arcmupanyitut the expeditionto atndy the habit of the camel. Moatof the traiiHKrtation of theaoldlera' Iwk-gag-

wua done by tbean ebi)w of thedoet rt. aa they are calll, Hial at liij:Mautun of thn newapaiier ineHaiKUt a p"itlou of their leiwire trying Ui haiiiaowething new about tltaM etrmigecreat nn.

One of them, who waa an iaveti rstesmoker, discovered that the camel i agraat lover of tobacc-o- . Lt any onesmoke a pipe orcigarin the oaineHoin-pound- ,

raid he. and the camel will !

the smoker alxmt, place his u -- n

oloe to the buining toliaecn, inhnle thefutnea with a piolmigcd Miill. swall w

the smoke, then tluowing his head i p,

with mouth agape and oyes upturn' 1.

showing the bloodshot whitis. Billginnt u sigh of ectasy that would innketlio fortune of n low comedian in a l' vo

vwiie. llarjier's Young People.


riiere ! Only Onn tVuy lo itft tlir I'ullllsui'llt .if thn Ltlxur.

Tobacco consists of tuo leaves nnd stalkof n plant charged with an arouiii purify-iu-

sustninlng, exhilarating awl frursatto the human being. I.lkutUe aroniauf arose, thU aiuma should In lubnliil hi theform of cool viqior by the human nose Thetliewer, like the cab liore, uiits the leavesSlid stalk, lie Umh IIih tolmrco nt the rmlittemperature, but iu the wrong form, andputs it into his mouth.

The snuffer reduces the Ivaves ami stalkst) powder and puts It Into Mi nose lie

' tsea the tobacco at the right temiienii '.re"tn 11 '"to thc rl1't place. Jrat cm

verty it into a wrong lorni. 1 cui.irimoker gets I lie tobacco into the rightform, bat puts It at a wrong temperatureInto n wrong place. The cigarette smokerblends the filthy rags ami other niiitrrlaUcut (it which paper is made ultb tbe to-bacco. The pipe smoker puts his tobaccointo a leceptncle which Is used for un in-definite time. Is very iliflleult to clean nndtend to produce cancer of the tongue midlips.

Moreover, in nil form of smoking thetobacco becomes saturated with the smoker's breath. This seems to m nlmost pol- -

lonotis. It U this which cause the lowerhalf of a hnlf smoked cigar, it left on a ta-ble for a feu hours, lo ticcoine indescrib-ably rank. It is tills which lunkiis thesmoke of tobacco In n foul pipe noxiousand the smokeot tobacco not pressed downto the bottom of a clean bowl nauseous,even to the smoker himself.

Nature proteits ngnlnst this abuse of herbeauty. She tweaks the incipient snuffer'snose. She weakens the cigar smoker'sheart and sometimes thieatenn him withparalysis. She inflicts cancer of tho IIihand tongue upon the plpusmoker. Achildn ho sucks a foul plposhe sometime! strikesdead. What is the lesson she Is trying totcnclif What Is the right mode of usingher delightful glftf

ObUously to reduce It in vapor, to cooltho vupor and to apply tho pure colli vaporto the uosi. For this end a combination oftho hookuh and odorizer Is all that is need-ed. If you staml on the grating of nsuullmanufactory, how delicious Is the odnrlSuch would bu tho contents of a tobaccoscent bottle, equally cxbilurating to bothsexes, n disinfectant, a restorative and aperfume iu unci Gentleman's Magazine.

Ami-rtcau- lu Kurujie.On tho crowded Munich railway plotfprm

a soft southern v. ice was saying; "Honey,don't set down there right in the way;they'll tromp on you." A small girl roseup, clasping to her bosom a cigar box withn peiforoteil cover. There was somethingcurious about this box, because hurriedtravelers uho came too near It started sud-denly away and regarded the littlo partyof three, an old lruly and two children, withundisguised horror. After some spucoofstruggling with thointricuclesof that badlyspelled ami poorly pronounced Englishwhich dwellers beyond the ithltie choose tocall their German tunguc. It was delightfulto hear thencccutsnf one's native land, andan excuse was seized upon lo make the oldlady's acquaintance.

She was from Georgia and knew no othertongue than her own, She was 05 years ofage and was traveling for the first time iuEuiope with her two small grandchildren.Sho had experienced no difllculty whatever,and, Indeed, without u won! of Germanmannged to secure for herself on this occa-

sion the best carriage, and get her luggageattended to lie fore anyonoelso by mercillntof gentle, sweet voiced persistence TheTeutonic oflleials merely shrugged help-lessly and obeyed when she said: "No,.yo"don't take that bag jo' hear nml Set itriglitilowutherelikel tell yo',"all intonesas soft as rose leaves.

Another traveler nt this moment shiedviolently away from tho littlo girl's box,from which the serpent like heads wero be-

ing thrust, and this attracted tho old lady'sattention, causing her to nk gentlyi

"Honey, ain't those turkles of yo'rs hun-gry I"

"Yes, grandmaw, I reckon they are,"said the child. "They ain't been fed sincewe left Flawrence," And the train car-ried tho Georgians and the hungry turtlesaway, Cor. llurper's ISazur.

Tlie Qutrntloli of fjouil Kjfk.Native I'atagoniaus, like other savage

people, have very keen eyes for certainthings things which their modes of lifehare made It Indlfjienualde t lint I hey shouldnotice. In other words, they mo special-ists, uud as a matterot course they excel iutheir own particular line. Hut It does notfollow that they have better eyes than lirepossessed by men of civilized countries.

Set one of them to find u reversed "a" iuthe middle of a printed page, says Mr, Hud-son, and the tears would run down hisbrown cheeks, and ho would glye up thesearch with aching eyeballs. Hut thoproofreader can find the reverse-i- letter in afew moments and never strain his eyes intho least. Youth's Companion,

How If Collected it."If you think you've got such a dead sura

thing on that claim ugalast me, why don'tyou sua me for lt" tuked the won with thedouble chin.

"I could sue you and' collect It eaillyenough, and you know it," replied the manwith tho buhy eyebrows, "and I would havedone it long ago but for the reason that itwould have brought your other creditorsdown on yuu like a thousand of brick, Idon't want to break you,"

"I I'll pay It this afternoon, every ceut,"said the other, rubbing hU jaw thoughtful-ly, ''But that won't go with the next manthat tries to work It on me, by Georgel"Chicago Tribune,




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