W1 module 2

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Transcript of W1 module 2

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WORLD 1From the Big Bang to Conscious Humans

MODULE 2Discovering Evolutionary Patterns in

Physical and Biological Systems

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What insights can we gain from the understanding of the evolutionary process and pattern for our

next stage of transformation?

What is life? What are its mainevolutionary principles?

Did consciousness evolve simultaneously with the brain or is consciousness an integral part of the

fabric of the Universe? What’s primary?

Focus Questions

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LEARNING UNIT 1The Creative Universe We Call Home

LEARNING UNIT 2The Implications of Relativity, Quantum Physics and Field Theories for our Understanding of Reality

LEARNING UNIT 3Understanding the Evolutionary Principles of Life

LEARNING UNIT 4Understanding the Evolution of the Brain, Cognition, and of Consciousness

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LEARNING UNIT 1The Creative Universe We Call Home

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Source: https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~ejchaisson/cosmic_evolution/

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Source: https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~ejchaisson/cosmic_evolution/

4 ½ Billion Years Ago

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Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prokaryote

3 ½ Billion Years Ago

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Source: http://www.onelife.com/evolve/cellev.html

2 ½ Billion Years Ago

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Several Million Years Ago

Chauvet Cave, France

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_evolution

Human Evolution

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LEARNING UNIT 2The Implications of Relativity, Quantum Physics, and Field Theories for our Understanding of Reality

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Source: http://www.thethoughts.co.uk/thoughts/nonlinear-time/

"The time we call spring blossoms directly as an existence called flowers. The flowers, in turn, express the time called spring. This is not existence within time; existence itself is time.”

"Time-being" here means that time itself is being ... and all being is time.Time is not separate from you, and as you are present, time does not go away.Do not think that time merely flies away. Do not see flying away as the only function of time. If time merely flies away, you would be separated from time.

~ Dogen

Linear Time (Clock Time)Non-linear Time (Now-Time)

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Source: http://ion.uwinnipeg.ca/~vincent/4500.6-001/Cosmology/spacetime_curvature.htm

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_relativity

Spacetime Curvature

Same curvature

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Mechanistic versus Quantum Understanding of an Atom

Classical Physics Quantum Physics

In the classic view, each electron orbits around the nucleus and has a definite position.

In the quantum view, each electron is in many places at once, spread out like a cloud

Different configurations of electron-waves in a hydrogen atom. The darker the area in the plot, the more likely it is that an electron will be there.

Note: the above drawings are not appropriately scaled. If the atom were the size of a football field, the nucleus would be no larger than a housefly. Atoms consist mainly of empty space!

Source: http://www.physics.uiowa.edu/~umallik/adventure/quantumwave.html




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Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

The longer the wavelength of light used to observe the particle the greater the uncertainty in its position but the greater the certainty of its velocity.

The shorter the wavelength of light used to observe the particle the greater the certainty in its position but the greater the uncertainty of its velocity.

Higher frequency wavelengths of light disturb the velocity of the particle more than do lower frequencies.


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Implications of the Uncertainty PrincipleIn the Words of Heisenberg

I believe that the existence of the classical "path" can be pregnantly formulated as follows: The "path" comes into existence only when we observe it.

-Heisenberg, uncertainty principle paper, 1927

In the sharp formulation of the law of causality-- "if we know the present exactly, we can calculate the future"-it is not the conclusion that is wrong but the premise.

-Heisenberg, in uncertainty principle paper, 1927

Heisenberg declared, because one cannot know the precise position and momentum of a particle at a given instant, so its future cannot be determined.

For Heisenberg, the world is built as a mathematical and not as a material structure

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Implicate and Explicate OrderEntanglement and Nonlocality

Young’s two-slit experiment


Explicate(material reality)

Bohm’s Implicate and Explicate Order




Source: http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/21st_century_science/lectures/lec13.html

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Sheldrake’s Morphic Fields

Simple experiments with mobile phone:• Can you tell who’s calling• Can you tell when someone is

listening to the same music as you?

• Can you tell when you are being stared at?

N’Kisi, an African grey parrot, is the most accomplished language-using animal in the world.He also seems able to read his owners mind.

Do some dogs really know when their owners are coming home?

List of experiments from Sheldrake’s website: http://www.sheldrake.org

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Laszlo’s Akashic Field

“All we experience in our lifetime—all our perceptions, feelings, and through processes—have cerebral functions associated with them. These functions have waveform equivalents, since our brain, like other things in space and time, creates information-carrying vortices—it “makes waves.” The waves propagate in the vacuum and interfere with the waves created by the bodies and brains of other people, giving rise to complex holograms. Generations after generations of humans have left their holographic traces in the A-field.”

~Ervin Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field

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Gaia HypothesisEarth as a self-organizing living system

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“Our overall approach has thus brought together questions of the nature of the cosmos, of matter in general, of life, and of consciousness. All of these have been considered to be projections of a common ground. This we may call the ground of all that is, at least in so far as this may be sensed and known by us, in our present phase of unfoldment of consciousness. Although we have no detailed perception or knowledge of this ground it is still in a certain sense enfolded in our consciousness, in the ways in which we have outlined, as well perhaps in other ways that are yet to be discovered.”

~ David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate


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LEARNING UNIT 3Understanding the Evolutionary Principles of Life

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Four closely related genera of green algae, showing a progression from unicellular to colonial and multicellular organization

Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK28332/


Source: http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/13-cells.htm

Cellular divisionReproductionCollaborationCooperation

Division of laborSpecialization


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Self-Organization and Emergence

A slime mold showing a creeping mass of yellowish protoplasm called a plasmodium.

Slime Mold

The yellowish plasmodia of these slime molds have crawled out of their Petri dishes and nearly escaped from their container. The slime molds were fed oats in a nutrient agar.

Source: http://waynesword.palomar.edu/slime1.htm

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Cooperation, Mutualism and Symbiosis, Commensalism and Parasitism

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutualism_(biology)

Source: http://engineering.curiouscatblog.net/2008/04/10/mutualism-inter-species-cooperation/

The shrimp builds and maintains a burrow while the shrimp goby alerts the shrimp of danger.

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Autopoiesis: A Definition of Life

Autopoiesis means Self-Creation: from Greek words auto (self-) and poiesis (creation, production)

“Drawing Hands” by M.C. Escher

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LEARNING UNIT 4Understanding the Evolution of the Brain, Cognition, and of Consciousness

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The Brain


Limbic System(EMOTIONS)

Reptilian Brain (Brain Stem)(INSTINCT/SELF-PROTECTION)

Stimuli Five Senses

FEELINGS(Body / Senses)

Primitive Emotional ResponseAGGRESSIONFEAR





Manages and counter-acts


ghtsDevelopment of


Social narrativesPolitical systems


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“…self-conscious man and his historical, theological, political and economic culture throughout time were created as a consequence of the inescapable development of the evolution of his own intelligence and, consequently, of his behavior. However, as he develops into a “new species of man” the Homo Sapiens Sapiens now conscious of his self-consciousness, finds himself equipped with the faculties and tools of perception needed to realize not only the astonishing fact of his existence but also to recognize the limits his freedom and insecurity have reached—which include transcending and modifying nature itself. If he aspires to survive, man will have to make an extensive revision and reformulating of the validity of the complex structure of the civilization he has inherited.”

~ Francisco de Paula León Olea, The Awakening of Mankind

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Awakening our Conscious Potential

Source: http://www.kheper.net/topics/evolution_of_consciousness/index.html

The Spiral of Evolution, showing successive stages in the development of consciousness, according to Spiral Dynamics and Integral Philosophy (here only human consciousness is shown, but the spiral could be extended up or down indefinitely)

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“…western science is changing very rapidly now, toward an understanding of nature as alive, self-organizing, intelligent, conscious or sentient and participatory at all levels from subatomic particles and molecules to entire living planets, galaxies and the whole Cosmos, from local human consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness.”

~ Elisabet Sahtouris, Living Systems in Evolution