W recks Last Repressive Clause By Momeiatous Action*...

WeatherForecast Generally fair tonlght'aiod Biinday; ~ _ nium^ y e s U ^y 51; minimum , a ^ . TODAY’S ' --'-N&W-S- ■• TODAY -W * VIM^ -NO.-m-5-CKNTS.- :/ -^ ‘Bir-Ifripttcd-Ooxintic3,1ir-Idilbq ; . ' ......... * ----- --SraSn^^t S 1 TW IX-f-nllljS, lUAHOrK.VrUliDAVT Sl.l)!L'Il-7r-J!'-|ll. - ................. M™»rr at. ' - oKi'-friAi, iT.i'N TVM ;«'si’AfT;ii 'l i e ;; Slli TO RH lN E L A tlff l E m i N l . “Civil War’’ Facei Alameda As,Students Strike Wrecks Last Repressive Clause By Momeiatous Action* O - Broad Plan fot European^ Peace " By United Press A'battalion of aome 300 Germftn-nHti-nircraft nrttllerymcn'' Bfolie^-aoroBB-tt Rhine-bridee into-German-Coloene-todny and ered ifrogram calciilntcd to consolidate peace as it has nol been since before_the_|;r(uic^Pru3sian wftr of 1870. - . - -,.Fr.cnckfcabItict_lcaders-cincelled-aome-amiy Uave6r--oalled- confronted Europe wiVh of almost incalculable possi- bilities... As they marched along the road, ovcr tho bridge and through he ancient city their studded field boots stamped into oblivion he last repressive cla'uses.QfJhe Versailles treaty—tliQse that *ult ot t*o bloody roadside battleB with puraulng: deputies. In another room, m e of tho deputies, Georgo Colllns. lBy-<sytnr - • ‘ : AU-cady dead ore Warden Eugene - - Reilly, long-tlrae nemeslfl of South Dakota out1pwfl|T’hli'R4y."*'l»ulc robber who. tried to eacape-wlth f Carrier and his brother, Harold; and-Burten -Meisel— an-tonocenf passerby. Dakota Break J V '. ClduilTlCarrier’a.mnd 1j nr rtplivpry mnp>>lvM .In tor’s room of the penitentiary, pre- ^ ’^pUtttcd-tbo-blt^lest-hrenk In • ; ~ boutiiTJakuLa atalB'prtoOB~WH -------Claude-<wel “w m»-hobo«a';^B \brollier, a Jong-lem conylot., bought two revolvera from them. The sight of hls:brother. ltt_ ^ : penitentiary vUlUng room, decided him. He thniBt one o? the wvoJvera • , ftfHaroki. Harold leapeu to hla feet; "Let* go,’.'.he crlcd., _• . '’"S^aBked to Join ta the brea^ - ■'The first thing we thought of . . WM to-get more guna," Claude e** ' ' tufokoy. arid Jammed the )nuzzlea ■■'■onhelr^u^tttt~W*-tackrtttraa8f facing aure death if he dlaobcycd. waa forced to unlock tho priwn arsenal. The men eaeh M lw d a rifle, a ptotol, and oa much am- ____ .Then, ihp: Wei .of ft. atruck them. Thoy aelieff^i ina- -— chine-Run,-and-fotood-Strnaa-Jfl , (Continued on Page 2, Column 0) on the niuhlclphi aftlcea, “civli war” threatened Alararda, C'olir., todav in a flare>np caused by ousting of M’lllluin G. Pudoii, city -aohool superintendent,-and »y -th e subnequent strike o( iK-houl pupils. Above, part of tbe thoutands of youthful pickets at the various scbools. H ie attidents and their pHrVnts Joined in a nuMS* if§E. Jdo.r March 7 (UFi— Dally air service from Bolse^o Poca- ■teilo. with Burley and Twin Palls as Intermediate atopa, will soon %e-ln operation If-tho Idaho publlc-utilltica commlaafan- approves an .applica'tlon filed today by, the newly-orgahlzcd' Capital Airirnes, Inc. ‘ A n application for permission -<io- operate waa filed w ith, the. ItOSMM MairlageTto- Lady-Asbley Is ;OHmarof-lkoTnanerThsr~ Oauied 2/Dlvoroei PARIS, Marih 7 (lM!i — The much-pubUclBaU. long enduring ro> mance of DouglOA Fairbanks and I Lady Sylvia Aahlcy, BrltUh noblo' f woman, oulmlnaleJ In nmrrlnge to- I day In the town hall of the Eighth - Parlr>dl»tHct. 'ATnorlcfltt' Ambas- sador Josae T . Strouaa among _ the guests, Bureau, TftrmlnJ EmBTgenoy fts The marriagff cuihiinated a’ «• _ _ot years' Btandlny that rc’ ; The hureaM of enh t on exp) acress wife In Londdn, naming i Valrbonka os' corespondent. -Mary PIcHfOrd divorced ‘ Falrbahljs iu I yr.r u liu bran iom lor tl» pul 'in m \ g j p-im tn c B t r - B . ^ ty J;y"*;' -iinriAs'u an^uwttty'ihfl'BvwIng i -mme>-<«vl»<ona>tUn. oo.i blU ily . ' u??diS ‘ wssVrfhoomJrS! *Emeri«noy flone _ r o r two days ffnlrhai a njwrt llHa year,-Mr. Douglass ............................ : emorgenoy ineaaure, and slnoa tills emerginoy no' longor-«*tit»-jt , la deemed advisable 16 discontinue ' the Issuing of a statement In . hopper populAtion and tho time of '•xpfoted movement ot the lefifhop •- -perfnm the desrrt.*-........................ the marriage hw e postponed until documentary tiw y—AiMeys -divorce 9 brought ............. ............ The ceremony was perform^ by onils.offjoejind read tlif m arris^ ................... Vilh6M'WM vnii Btatei Consul Robert Mi elr pHrent . meeting as the lateflt;mQVD.)n.& lively.political tilt centering abou --------------------- - Roebke and hto rwrguulted school board. A t rlgbt, For Twin Falls. Burlev ; alrllve'wou'ld i ir; freight Cftl0r4tberi>i Thomas . Bolae. M icehJi. ^e ' eastboiind ship would i -leiK^i Boise at B a. m„ 'Twin Falls at-8i<0, Burley at-O-and; leave' Pocatello at _Burley_Bt.li30. Tw l:<0, and arrive In Boise o T 2I21T p. m . The fchcdule Is designed to: make connection with tho jouthbflund.Nallon4l.PflrkB.Airi_ , -way plane , al^JCocftkllo-_andt. _ '.bO&.CaSt n»«1 n/ftath/innil Ttnl>m l Alrllco Pjan_es ‘In BolSC— ---------- - ------- Muhfilpal.arrporU In eaeh of the four cltk-a. will bo used for the company's six - passenger Lockheed Orion ship. No hight flying Is contemplated ut preiiont. Officials of the company nat- . .on th e application ............. -jp-Uareh-44Hiti-10-«T' m„. before tne' commission. Members of tbe new com- pany point, out tha need for cinro' the line wlll'mako^'poi” Bible connections which atc.aow_ H m p^ble- because the citleri are, not tstatcd on main lines 'o( tho nnlroatifl. Pu^gcr rates are to he ,ilVa_centfl. penjuUe—wltli the followliy farci listed on the Palls to Burley, ll.liS; Burley to , Pocatello, <3.20: Boise to Pocatello, ■ J0.50; Burloy to Boise, )0.20| Twin Katls to Po> catollo, (I.SO.'A ten per pent roductlon is llslcd for roimiU trlp’ ffcrM, U fltliyLEAGUE Alatneda’s City HallF^tUnder Armed Patrols PubHo' ‘kcki ----- ^Dtjh!-Msm»-PrBiii' )f.Bo&rd. .. AIAMBDA, Ca|lr;, Marrk 1 itU9.^WUl^hi Q. IN ui U a, whoM Jit i^txT'ewi' city'political' fse> KarFvarreh, an orMhiaation launched earlylhU y «^.. .IPlUr yh»« * ”S i liitliii *iiiinu"f Twltf tfini deotton.' ' . ,. "*11M Mard U to meet nextThura* dUtrlot aUorKjv ndumilon ha4.acted U^ga)l)‘. *^AT:;xim5xr^^ oltltans who j Ing'school studenU' rja •pa-Ttor' Thomaa, L .... - .......... ^ lUly AccepU New meyer.'Buhl; Ollver Johnaon,-Vur- -^mniite-Suicide MOBOOW,!-M»kS i ‘’T nUDrJIHO m ^ w M U W 1|\\| 's«iit'#ftv0raM''iawi ^3!%:worU'Atv'wld'4^*’ - started Wednesday' .j^-ialudwVa'-etflka. aUrted W W ln w ^ ’ after dismissal vt o( aduMlion pST ............. .. I "hlghiy'fliiol^rtatt •n m em b ei^f the,Tn'nty:ana:'alr ftrce~egnerai~stitrT!?".riTiT-yCTf:‘ '''''''' sidered calling an •iirsent League of Nations council meeting ' to Consider Germany’s'violation of the Rhineland clauses.* Even as they met, Hitler wa.s annoiincing: at a special reiobstag' meeting the terms of the mcmorarfdtnn he -iHinded the envoys, and was p ly in g f.or real peace and justice, ____ ily yesterday 'Tbey offered Briliah lijaaors fc"vpnlca tliat ‘i. ^ ...... ........................... .. Gernmny again ihe idea of nn air pact among, western Eurb- pean powers by whicli they wouJd send air forces to the aid of any of their number that was attacked. " ’ In Rome Premier Benito Mussolini accepted in principle a ______________ __________________ ____________________________ _______ ___Qf ^^^tio^E plofi for poaocablc 3cttlcmcpt of lil3 w^j' on' guaranteeing-the French.Belgian-German frouljers ceased to Ethiopia and thus left Italy within the framework of the n a ., , , . ■ j u 1 ^ succeeding days must make momentous de- But the memoraodum coatamed also a broad, soberly-consid- cisi m , MLDJim Takes^-Bold Step LoCarllO Aeeord Ended byr •s^nt5ti5ffrt5ou«etrwii ^ Meet Next Week . By WAI.L:\CE CAUnOI.l. raVA. Moroh 7 (I’.Hi—AdoU HiUeT^demTncl .. ~ mui.- clatisea of tbe-•VerBallles xeaty anJ "his abrogation of the Jocomo pact ntup£fted.thfcXeague of Nattons toda y / ______ ________ The Icagu^ Fa the guardian of. bo'tb tho VersaUles and the Lo- carno treaties. No less surprising to league o(- nclfl«”TvaB-^ltlcr'---------------- mder conditions,............... ........ I See MuKWllnra Hand AUliougUi Germany ho'vl been ... peoted to donounco the Versalllus clauae that dcmllltnrlw*<t tho nWnWkTia."no one had ttmuRht she •wonW-act-jio-<iuleKly>-Many-^b»>- u«cd:.ihaL-rr«n}i9r.BftnR<' sollnl of Italy liad porsuaJ< or to sLrlko whllp the loag— — making a aunreme effort, to end tho Itnly-Ethloplnn crlsH^ LcOKue officials exneclill France to appeal ul once to tttp lonuue cuuiicll .bscause. article..eight of the lAKurno treaty provides that it dm- he denounced only by n two-lhli'dit ninjorlly o( tho cpunull flnd.-0iily when.this liC,iciip. ot N“* Huns enaui'cq JU(/li:litnt prolecllon to high.contracting punies." -T h o league council is ««iH)ole4 to meet nexfweek to consitfer o«r- luun^a actkm liiiF p aVrikt.Wtoa V\oV>Tl^;>May Ext«nd -to -Jen»i^- NinW YORK. March / BtrlKlng, skynbram wages and a ^a-Wur . . igiiay but threuteiird to extend their walkout aoross state lines to clltfoh victory.' i rickets grew more bfl)hger*nt hofoWtno' ntg' mIdtOTm- hotels In* volved in the strike and along Park avenue and swank Central Park w ^ - Pqlleo.amalfid .eight lutfliday. flia'total of In yVhler fa of tlMStmd- M lnt«maUon< ,,.«atrlks (n BrooH' \MMUKha KAnday K owTiart 'flurm d« ByPRmERIOK ff. pB O^EE - X _ ilftiiililJiri/.cd Hliiii^'liiitd srmie todiiv nnd thprgliy 1f>ri» in shrptlal tile last rei)rp.'ish-o clauses of the'VitwiIUos ir.enty. Cuiiiciiirully he announced Ihnt ltip Locarno irruty which Kiiarnntcp* llic* frontirs nf (icrniany, frnnef. ami Itelglnm ~ .................. ■V(Ti^l-bT'Pniprmn'*nrfreri FRANCE CANCELS into uniuscd confen'hrrs. lUtlr'r srnt troops Into (he drmltlinr-> Izrd RhlnHnhd Mnn t» smash th rftn u l repressive r.Uiiisfl of tho ym alllM trruly. 1I« slmul- (uni-ousi>- uffrred to rrliihi Ihr iMiRiiA Hi NuIIoms and |>ropo<ml a broud pragrnni for Rurnpeuii pwiw. MiHUiry Orsture FolIows~()tt Hoels .of Hitler Action Scrapping Treaty Hill in lliiii final ilt'finnce of lIic, « »il(T~\v7ii'-Alllosr“ lU llc r offcrojl a ll, (ti>riMHii\'H ncigh- hnrs n protfniin-he said-'wou'td . briii({-a-r»'al-UiiiiuK neactvRwU:— S : Cik'lidlihm:to iinlioliH. ’ ‘ - Thru -.hn-: nillo[l-rih-Werlfffr~ f(ir n uc»v n-iulisHjg lo he hehl . .Mtirch ‘J!l, hi> t'iiHi ho niiRht Ret'' ENDIRHO PAniS, M arch 7 li'.l!. Francs loda>< td asR W t-eague of .,Nations to'apply (I- nanolal and eoonomio penal- Hitler made his momentous de«. ' laratlons, which •must mark Ihe <ip<-nlng of a new chapter In Eu^ I post.wor history. In .• wcmr.- spoech at a special rolchatag xneet-........ iMg, called lo heor hiin. It W tt'a ' ' T spuech .U iat.jn atc^ aoy in J)U - ullvcjr voiced career. LVOlca-l ,, The French dealslon said that sanctions asked would include ■lures ot a military ctiir< • hyafcci rdshlpsT ltA l.riI IIICIN/BN .. .. iiRingwvMtM PrNO I'AIIIS, March 7 (Cn — Kronch Loglon National Adjutant Says Atntirloa'Mtut'8iay-Oat~of^ rorol^ W ars ______ ________ _ _ cancelled today while France or BOIBB. Idaho, March 7 Jllin-K-nl***! her rtslstance to Qer- F ra n irC Samuel, noiiim^^^ atUiin H ntnyriiiiimienir r ant oftlbii American Uglon, ad- ......................... * dreaslRg-'^he-nlnth^ annual -ehlld welCnrti oonferoAoe o( tho Legion w rff-w i f nigti.trm'gPdtiiB-^tntitffT ing of war profits as a means of preserving dmoo. Reviews Hardihlp. He -revnroenjnsioya hard* ships, spoke'O^lts rigbU r " powers,-and-aHhf * - ^ T n c K wer*.;.,.. s-T^SSS opolls, national houdquerlerttot the " Uglon, and was the pr^olpal ^ speaker on'tho program, ' The world seems preparlnf iiart. It was tha first FKnoh mill lary gesture of defense following The world seems preparing for war, Snmuel pointed out. Amo: ho said, must stay out of it ur m UomI ^ S '" fniy to J W arra |»f Oommnnlsla ... n, China, also w Bngllsh at Canto,n, China, - -lU o( eruTtouTs UfinfIif,-rfflhlHer 01 war, and with Cenorat Maurice Oame- lln„ chief of staff of g>e French After anrolrMitodjHuloil at^t^ .-idyto...^ a-Now that aei equal t s r a r w i t h . ----------- , nations, rearmed and free. In, Uaaaua '. , ------------ r;iSa5K,a»c iga ot .tte e». wctortM -«ga-» 'ium ilon wa iUltmoV do not make good eltlNna," ha said ....... ' ■ nerra Bti«s rronoh j a nandtfK AftWl

Transcript of W recks Last Repressive Clause By Momeiatous Action*...

Weather ForecastGenerally fair tonlght'aiod Biinday; ~

_ nium^ y e s U ^ y 51; minimum , a ^

. TODAY’S '--'-N&W-S- ■•


-W * VIM -N O.-m -5-CKN TS.-:/ -^ ‘Bir-Ifripttcd-Ooxintic3,1ir-Idilbq ; . ' ......... * -----

- - S r a S n ^ ^ t S 1 T W I X - f -n l l l jS , lU A H O rK .V rU liD A V T S l.l)!L 'Il-7 r-J!'-| ll. - ................. M ™»rr at. ' - oKi'-friAi, iT .i'N T V M ;« 's i’AfT;ii ' l i e ; ;

S l l i

T O R H l N E L A t l f f

l E m i N l . “C ivil W ar’’ Facei A lam eda As,Students S trike W re ck s L ast R epressive C lause B y M om eiatous A ction* O -

B roa d Plan f o t European^ P e a c e" • By United Press

A'battalion of aome 300 Germftn-nHti-nircraft nrttllerymcn'' Bfolie -aoroBB-tt Rhine-bridee into-German-Coloene-todny and

ered ifrogram calciilntcd to consolidate peace as it has nol been since before_the_|;r(uic^Pru3sian wftr of 1870. - . --,.Fr.cnckfcabItict_lcaders-cincelled-aome-amiy Uave6r--oalled-

confronted Europe wiVh of almost incalculable possi­bilities...

As they marched along the road, ovcr tho bridge and through he ancient city their studded field boots stamped into oblivion he last repressive cla'uses.QfJhe Versailles treaty—tliQse that

*ult ot t * o bloody roadside battleB with puraulng: deputies.

In another room, m e of tho• deputies, Georgo Colllns. lBy-<sytnr -• ‘ : AU-cady dead ore Warden Eugene - - Reilly, long-tlrae nemeslfl of South ■ Dakota out1pwfl|T’hli'R4y."*'l»ulc

robber who. tried to eacape-wlth f Carrier and his brother, Harold;

and-Burten -Meisel— an-tonocenf ■ passerby.

Dakota Break J V ' . ClduilTlCarrier’a.mnd 1j — nr rtplivpry mnp>>lvM .In

tor’s room of the penitentiary, pre- ^ ’^ p U tttc d -tb o -b lt^ le s t-hrenk In • ; ~ boutiiTJakuLa atalB'prtoOB~WH

-------Claude-<wel “w m»-hobo«a';^B

\brollier, a Jong-lem conylot.,• bought two revolvera from them.• The sight o f hls:brother. l t t _ ^ :

penitentiary vUlUng room, decided• him. He thniBt one o? the wvoJvera •,


Harold leapeu to hla feet; "Let*• go,’.'.he crlcd., _• .

' ’ "S ^a B k e d to Join ta the b r e a ^ -■'The first thing we thought of

. . WM to-get more guna," Claude e**

' ' tufokoy. arid Jammed the )nuzzlea ■■ '■ on helr^u^ tttt~ W *-tackrtttraa8f

facing aure death if he dlaobcycd.• waa forced to unlock tho priwn arsenal. The men eaeh M lw d a rifle, a ptotol, and oa much am-

____ .Then, ihp: Wei .of ft.atruck them. Thoy aelieff^i in a -

-— chine-Run,-and-fotood-Strnaa-Jfl, (Continued on Page 2, Column 0)

on the niuhlclphi aftlcea, “civli war” threatened Alararda, C'olir., todav in a flare>np caused by ousting of M’lllluin G. Pudoii, city

-aohool superintendent,-and »y -th e subnequent strike o( iK-houl pupils. Above, part of tbe thoutands of youthful pickets at the various scbools. H ie attidents and their pHrVnts Joined in a nuMS*

if§E. Jdo.r March 7 (UFi— Dally air service from Bolse^o Poca- ■teilo. with Burley and Twin Palls as Intermediate atopa, will soon % e-ln operation If-tho Idaho publlc-utilltica commlaafan- approves an .applica'tlon filed today by, the newly-orgahlzcd' Capital Airirnes, Inc.

‘ A n application for permission -<io- operate waa filed w ith, the.


MairlageTto- Lady-Asbley Is ;OHmarof-lkoTnanerThsr~

Oauied 2/Dlvoroei

PAR IS, Marih 7 (lM!i — The much-pubUclBaU. long enduring ro> mance of DouglOA Fairbanks and

I Lady Sylvia Aahlcy, BrltUh noblo' f woman, oulmlnaleJ In nmrrlnge to- I day In the town hall of the Eighth - Parlr>dl»tHct. 'ATnorlcfltt' Ambas­

sador Josae T . Strouaa among _ the guests,

■ Bureau , T ftrm lnJ EmBTgenoy fts The marriagff cuihiinated a’ «• _ _ot years' Btandlny that rc’

; The hureaM of enh

t on exp)

acress wife In Londdn, namingi Valrbonka os' corespondent. -Mary

PIcHfOrd divorced ‘ Falrbahljs iu

I yr.r u liu bran iom lor tl» pu l ' in m \ g j p-im t n c B t r - B

. ■ ty J;y"*;'-iin riA s 'u a n ^u w ttty 'ih f l'B vw In g i

— -mme>-<«vl»<ona>tUn. oo .i blU i l y .

' u ? ? d i S ‘wssVrfhoom JrS!

*Emeri«noy flone

_ r o r two days ffnlrhai

a n jw rt llHa year,-M r. Douglass

............................:emorgenoy ineaaure, and slnoa

— tills emerginoy no' longor-«*tit»-jt , la deemed advisable 16 discontinue

' the Issuing of a statement In

. hopper populAtion and tho time of '•xpfoted movement ot the lefifhop

•- -p erfn m the desrrt.*-........................

the marriage hw e postponed until documentary

tiw y —A iM eys -divorce 9 brought ............. ............

The ceremony was perform ^ by

onils.offjoejin d read tlif m a rr is^

................... Vilh6M 'W M vniiB tatei Consul Robert Mi

elr pHrent .meeting as the lateflt;mQVD.)n.& lively.political tilt centering abou --------------------- - Roebke and hto rwrguulted school board. A t rlgbt,

For Twin Falls. Burlev

; alrllve'wou'ld i ir; freight Cftl0r4tberi>i

Thomas . Bolae. ■

M i c e h J i .

^ e ' eastboiind ship would i -leiK^i Boise at B a. m„ 'Twin Falls at-8i<0, Burley at-O-and;

leave' Pocatello at _B u rle y_B t.li3 0. Tw

l:<0, and arrive In Boise o T 2I21T p. m. •

The fchcdule Is designed to: make connection with tho

jouthbflund.Nallon4l.PflrkB.Airi_ , -w a y plane , al^JCocftkllo-_andt. _'.bO&.CaSt n»«1 n/ftath/innil Ttnl>ml

Alrllco Pjan_es ‘In BolSC— ---------- -------- Muhfilpal.arrporU In eaeh of

the four cltk-a. will bo used for the company's six - passenger Lockheed Orion ship. No hight flying Is contemplated ut preiiont.

Officials of the company nat-

. .on th e application............. -jp-Uareh-44H iti-10-«T'

m„. before tne' commission.Members of tbe new com­

pany point, out tha need for

cinro' the line w lll'm ako^'poi” Bible connections which atc.aow _

H m p ^ b le - because the citleri are, not tstatcd on main lines 'o( tho nnlroatifl.

P u ^ g c r rates are to he ,ilV a_cen tfl. penjuUe—wltli the

followliy fa rc i listed on the

Palls to Burley, ll .liS ; Burley t o , Pocatello, <3.20: Boise to Pocatello, ■ J0.50; Burloy to Boise, )0.20| Twin Katls to Po> catollo, (I.SO .'A ten per pent roductlon is llslcd for roimiU trlp’ ffcrM,

UfltliyLEAGUE Alatneda’s City H a llF ^ tU n d er A rm ed Patrols

PubHo' ‘ k c k i----- ^Dtjh!-Msm»-PrBiii'

)f.B o& rd .

. . AIA M BD A , Ca|lr;, M arrk 1 itU9.^WUl^hi Q. INuiUa, whoM

J i t

i^txT'ewi' city'political' fse>

K arF v arreh ,

an orMhiaation launched earlylhUy«^.. .IPlUr yh »« *

”S i l i i t l i i i *iiiinu"f Twltf t f in i deotton.' ' . , .

"*11M Mard U to meet nextThura*

dUtrlot a U o rK jv

ndumilon ha4.acted U^ga)l)‘.

*^ A T:;x im 5xr^^

oltltans who j Ing'school studenU'

r j a•pa-Ttor'

Thomaa, L . . . . - .......... ^

lUly AccepU New

meyer.'Buhl; Ollver Johnaon,-Vur-

-^mniite-SuicideMOBOOW,!-M»kSi ‘’T nUDrJIHO

m ^ w M U W 1|\\|



- started Wednesday'— .j^-ialudwVa'-etflka. aUrted W W l n w ^ ’ after dismissal vt

o( aduMlion p S T............. ..

I "hlghiy'fliiol^rtatt

•n m em bei^f the,Tn'nty:ana:'alr ftrce~egnerai~stitrT!?".riTiT-yCTf:‘ '''''''' sidered calling an •iirsent League of Nations council meeting ' to Consider Germany’s'violation of the Rhineland clauses.*

Even as they met, Hitler wa.s annoiincing: at a special reiobstag' meeting the terms of the mcmorarfdtnn he -iHinded the envoys,and was p ly in g f.or real peace and justice, ____

ily yesterday 'Tbey offeredBriliah lijaaors fc"vpnlca tliat ‘i. ...... .............................Gernmny again ihe idea of nn air pact among, western Eurb- pean powers by whicli they wouJd send air forces to the aid of any of their number that was attacked. " ’

In Rome Premier Benito Mussolini accepted in principle a______________ __________________ ____________________________ _______ ___Qf ^ ^tio ^E plofi f or poaocablc 3c tt lcm cpt of lil3 w j' on'guaranteeing-the French.Belgian-German frouljers ceased to Ethiopia and thus left Italy within the framework of the n a .,

, , . ■ j u 1 ^ succeeding days must make momentous de-But the memoraodum coatamed also a broad, soberly-consid- cisi

m ,

MLDJimTakes^-Bold Step L o C a r l l O

A eeord Ended byr

•s^nt5ti5ffrt5ou«etrw ii Meet Next Week

. By WAI.L:\CE CAUnOI.l. raVA. Moroh 7 (I’.Hi— AdoU

HiUeT^demTncl .. ~m ui.- clatisea of tbe-•VerBallles xeaty a n J "his abrogation of the Jocom o pact ntup£fted.thfcXeagueof N attons toda y / ______ ________

The Icagu^ Fa the guardian of. bo'tb tho VersaUles and the Lo­carno treaties.

No less surprising to league o(- nclfl«”TvaB-^ltlcr'----------------mder conditions,............... ........

I See MuKWllnra Hand AUliougUi Germany ho'vl been . . .

peoted to donounco the Versalllus clauae t h a t dcmllltnrlw*<t tho nWnWkTia. "no one had ttmuRht she•wonW-act-jio-<iuleKly>-Many-^b»>-u«cd:.ihaL-rr«n}i9r.BftnR<' sollnl of Ita ly liad porsuaJ< or to sLrlko whllp the loag— —

making a aunreme effort, to end tho Itnly-Ethloplnn crlsH^

LcOKue officials exneclill France to appeal ul once to tttp lonuue cuuiicll .bscause. article..eigh t of the lAKurno treaty provides that i t dm- he denounced only by n two-lhli'dit ninjorlly o( tho cpunull flnd.-0iily when.this liC,iciip. ot N“* Huns enaui'cq JU(/li:litnt prolecllon to high.contracting punies." - T h o league council is ««iH)ole4 to meet nexfw eek to consitfer o « r - luun^a actkm

l i i i F paVrikt.Wtoa V\oV>Tl ;>May

— E x t«n d - t o - J e n » i ^ -

NinW YO R K. March / BtrlKlng, skynbram

wages and a ^a-W ur . . igiiay but threuteiird to extend their walkout aoross state lines to clltfoh victory.' i

rickets grew more bfl)hger*nt hofoWtno' ntg' mIdtOTm- hotels In* volved in the strike and along Park avenue and swank CentralP ark w ^ - Pqlleo .am alfid .eight

lutfliday. flia'total of In

y V h le rfa of tlMStmd- M lnt«maUon<

, ,.« a tr lk s (n BrooH' \MMUKha KAnday

K owTiart 'f lu rm d «

B y P R m E R I O K ff. p B O ^ E E • - X

_ ilftiiililJiri/.cd Hliiii 'liiitd srmie todiiv nnd thprgliy 1f>ri» in shrptlal tile last rei)rp.'ish-o clauses of the'VitwiIUos ir.enty. •

Cuiiiciiirully he announced Ihnt ltip Locarno irruty which Kiiarnntcp* llic* frontirs nf (icrniany, frnnef. ami Itelglnm ~

.................. ■ ■ ■ ■ V (T i^ l-b T 'P n ip rm n '*n rfre ri

FRANCE CANCELSinto uniuscd confen'hrrs. lUtlr'r srnt troops Into (he drmltlinr-> Izrd RhlnHnhd Mnn t» smash th r f tn u l repressive r.Uiiisfl of tho y m alllM trruly. 1I« slmul- (uni-ousi>- uffrred to rrliihi Ihr iMiRiiA Hi NuIIoms and |>ropo<ml a broud pragrnni for Rurnpeuii pwiw.

MiHUiry Orsture FolIows~()tt Hoels .of Hitler Action

Scrapping Treaty

Hill in lliiii final ilt'finnce of lIic, « »il(T~\v7ii'-Alllosr“ lU llcr offcrojl all, (ti>riMHii\'H ncigh- hnrs n protfniin-he said-'wou'td

. briii({-a-r»'al-UiiiiuK neactvRwU:—

S: Cik'lidlihm:to iinlioliH. ’‘ - Thru -.hn-: nillo[l-rih-W erlfffr~ f(ir n uc»v n-iulisHjg lo he hehl

. .Mtirch ‘J!l, hi> t'iiHi ho niiRht Ret''

ENDIRHOPA niS, M a r c h 7 li'.l!. —

Francs loda>< td asR Wt-eague of .,Nations to'apply (I- nanolal and eoonomio penal-

Hitler made his momentous de«. ' laratlons, which •must m ark Ihe <ip<-nlng of a new chapter In E u ^

• I post.wor history. In .• w cm r.-

spoech at a special rolchatag xneet-........iMg, called lo heor hiin. I t W t t 'a ' ' T spuech .U i a t . jn a t c ^ aoy in J )U - ullvcjr voiced career.


, , „ The French dealslon said that sanctions asked would include

■lures ot a military ctiir<• h y afcc i

rd sh lp sT

l tA l.r i I IIICIN/BN . . . . i i R in g w v M tM PrN OI'A IIIS, March 7 (Cn — Kronch

Loglon National Adjutant Says Atntirloa'Mtut'8iay-Oat~of^

rorol^ W a rs______ ________ _ _cancelled today while France o r

BO IBB. Idaho, March 7 J llin -K -n l** * ! her rtslstance to Qer- F r a n ir C Samuel, noiiim ^ atUiin H n tn yriiiiim ien ir rant o ftlb ii American Uglon, ad- ......................... *dreaslRg-'^he-nlnth^ annual -ehlld welCnrti oonferoAoe o( tho Legion w rff-w ifnigti.trm'gPdtiiB- tntitffT ing of w ar profits as a means of preserving dmoo.

Reviews Hardihlp.He -revnroen jnsioya hard*

ships, spoke'O^lts rigbU r " powers,-and-aHhf * -

^ T n c K wer*.;.,..

s -T ^ S S Sopolls, national houdquerlerttot the " U g lo n , and was the pr^olpal speaker on'tho program, '

The world seems preparlnf

iiart. It was tha first FKnoh mill lary gesture of defense following

The world seems preparing for

war, Snmuel pointed out. Amo: ho said, must stay out of it ur m Uo m I S ' " fn iy to J

W arra |»f Oommnnlsla

...n, China, also w

Bngllsh at Canto,n, China, - - lU o(

eruTtouTs UfinfIif,-rfflhlHer 01 war, and with Cenorat Maurice Oame- lln„ chief of staff of g>e French

After anrolrM itodjHuloil a t^ t^

.-idyto...^ a-Now that aei

equal t s r a r w i t h .----------- ,nations, rearmed and free.

In, Uaaaua ' . ,------------

r ;iS a 5 K ,a » ciga ot .tte e». wctortM -«ga-»

'i u m i l o n w a iUltmoV do not make good eltlNna," ha said

....... ’ ■ ' ■

n e rra Bti«s rronoh j

a n a n d tf K AftWl

— .... . . J * i :e .Two--

Sparks From J?lie^ W ar_

■ —CUnnaa guoltfcr Wrecks t ia a l B«preision -Treaty ClauM

' ■ by Bold Action

■ "■(C^aUnu^. from P a r* OnoV aw»* hlo ofTrr hd.l rca^hr.l every cBMCfHrry In Europp.

caWnrt-JrntTmTt Ca nW T mfmbern of thp p-ncral lo

tho rttimtion mi<) trilk«! ot CBllinR an cmcrvn'cy mcclini:;

u4.f the IfARUc cminctt for Tdcs.Uiy-j

ADDIS AB'X'ftA', JjiiJrcK 7 ‘11')' Hcdry" ciou'^finnlifl • uicl Im - jx-wJlnc yfttn /orMlftllfd the pojwmiity of nn I’tntian air nurt on the Ethiopian capiUl Xv^uy. I>cK|'ito till* wiAfturhncr, itio

•rlswrii crnOniiftf frw ln bJj-;Ali'JtitBhl the ctriuniDfr of vef-

uurM hucl'p<»ur«(l fnun lh« cap- i»r.r

VEEHAiiM'i i i n

Growers fb m iM tv n -E eoU w of Connty Vot« on Two


— MiTnTik-lKre’ M '2c3a p. m. to-' liny w cie nm nbw * of Idnlio V ejj-

■<’tiib)c Oroaciw, ln»„ rwtitlli>K In ihnt piirt of TV In'V allB cotintyAnloU) nearby. Mnny carn ^ i ....... , .............................. ........ ..........,

ftU Ih eir ^h- ar -r«vln TMIn. t * namo tVeoeifl thru- rnohl p rr-- ' ..................................ftlriDJi Clrenl c-.iai'm

rUtiim*' llaK Mra. )}.' J . Wall* has' r ^ iir a ^

from a »Ix-wmU« vIbII wtOv h«- avrtw ain KantaaanU Okl<^>og>a.

vteiu.......- .......... —Paraoni, aUto au Mor,

^ wrt» a Twin KnlUr bu«ino«rTtMt<* ^-i^lyirtMday- wnl .Jaat -«v«niagw .■nimtv ® •

C a t« CnUfomlam rtnbrrt. lo tli«* beard of .lirccto ra j Mr.- an«t Mr«. MnrcwB Wnre have

The ftd-Blon in being conth>cl«»iWt /«r Cnlifornta wher* th ty wUl

Ai-rpptefl in principle — rven Jf, bounii witli n-ner\aUonh.- a lenpie offer to nrKotirtle a prnceful K«t-

U , s. AloofASH?NGTONrMjirch'T” -The U nltfd SUlr.s gov-

rrnnicol. It v.‘a>i salil lo<liuv-lii Official (jimrtrrB, pl.ms' to 're ­main alrlctJy..aloof .Irom any. Kitropcan cont»vvcr»y ithuU-

lalton ill thcf aniL o c c u p -RhlotiaiiU.__

ii'.otintnm to ihc .■Kjiithwwit near Ci’nnel, former acal o f the j{o'r«T»ni<nt im.ler R»'iix.Tor Mein.Uk.'* “ '

KM’rait, i nO fo))»va-flimllar insa Buhl aiM) tA Gooiimg. At ttic latter place W. J . pblhig«rTCaa ■ ft fliry' '-j - uuV—at -BuU

-ftD rvfS — A-BABA; Mfit-fh-plai

d vilin'n* Will'Iwd w jakro. ln"^lhe vicinity '-f Koroni, :i povenirtKnl communique J'al<l lociav. Vlllacra were w t afire by (lie b<>mblnt:3. TChifh pIno# thrmichouj the jwuit wceV:

I to the b«arrl.I Pr«jent-<Hreclora frww-lhe <a*t- • cm part of T tn n t->llii- coanty, ;whom 11 was- rxp w ln l woulil^be ircetfclHl. arc E . N . Peltytrovc, iHaBsi-n. pvcwnt, u xl S. J . P «t-I klnr-I-mrtauirh:--------------- '------------- -—! iCompl^c report of- Ihc aetiv'

CRnrilr.J- *K w enitfs now appear lo be iiooumlMe f lc b u n . :

"Germany has no lntefri*i:

maite at Ihr acwiHnRlu Carl .DeLonp. rM-cuUve, wbo

ftrlKht rate m a ltr r r - wmiMbt_i,bi'»-Jh£Lf!yK»i_c«iBhbLaAioP.

«D wuiopia.:i»n.>v»,,adxfl?l‘Hi -- — -------'°for* d^lcat^!*” '"B?t i?!tmpallon ot tb« F»^h-,| P t o W o f - i k o e i ^ "4-

‘ .--r— W C T Irt lt^ . Ita w ar--------a n U »ht»-l* fl U»cir,ln»We - i - - : - ^

lonvatio fmmawork for dollcatc, “ Ut ratmpaiion __ .— - - - - aaaious daya 10 comc. Ruwilaa f^Utary patt c<an^ia

ilo c«*n»ldw tba Gwmaik mluaUor OlplomaU Confer Haatlly w w w jw rjw p f>t 11,

A ll over Europe atalMmen ro'ctino matter how aevcre Iht-y may — ~ lo taHtT TVCT -Ihc -aHi

H&rriigv Lictnn*

^ O M aatl telegrafihv wires aadj , --- ------------------------------------ ..- c a k le a llaahwt cHpkimatlc »IU- X I T U V i f X i l R O A n

palcbea. Diplomatic courtiers were 1 l i H I K A 1 1 - K . U A U s l ’a r t e d on a race throujrb

' Buropc by IralD, molor car and afa-pteae.

tb«. m ateria l-fo e a -»iir peace, for a new effort lo end the ■ ■ »nale». fenra and hatea that


Baily, both Hanem.

^ a r a Unce the WorlU war — or for roonlhfl or j;ear» w Uckcrtnjr. ' •


rrpionwr -Arri.’.y rt ie — * W c b M - emifii Is Ihr P. * F .-n ee0 .i t7.«K) f«r a ' l

A fl«r he iuituJcJ the dlplomallala of the Locnroo powcru coplen of jncmoranda,. and gave other en­voys copies through the f o r r l^

•T*ln Falla chapter, No. 3ft Orrter o f the Rtiatcni .Jiar. wUl ronvene in re ju la r »e»awn T u e * dn y-W t-e -p ." a t - lb « UOMBiC Temple. A program conimehvH

^ ^ mtinC th<r 29th nnnlvw»ar>- o f the lO ^ r . nn<) Mm, L. R. M u iw , th e buaiaeaa

ihepecl-lF'.l.r. » -JauBhtcr y « t€ K ley .a l Ibe .....................- •

(C obllnw dlnira Pa*6 O i e l ~ ' take them to the warden'a-offiea. Reilly hail no chblec. With (be

i-fun-nt ■'hln-hanh,-hiir out of the offlee' t « illis whlclj Claude Carrlw

hart left outaide.Apparently Sims* was left In*


AcTM led for Kntistrvut DonalH E . Wanier has M t f «r

SftiuIi*ad»co..^Jj«-«_b*.,ha*: b«#a aecopleil for crllalment In tba w;5it~aTt^IcVy,~^ftttfry• FT, -F o r t Scotl.

ddffMW*'XimcbeMiJudge .1. M. Snank wRa Riicwt

speaKer today at a luncheon m c«l

•ouiMt- tba alarm, for aa ,th« coo- vi«l8 rraebetf'the car, tbe.wail-oi' prtaoB.BiMiia rang ovaV-UH priaon

liein.' nndRoaABIocfceA

- T iu ■ ooBvtct-^<ay— had— covaraJ bOEely two-mllefl when-<ieputi«a started-In pursuit. Then thercon- viota made their mlsUka. They turned from "

Hoclntlon. TTie jfioup dinaiMwJ the with

T o AM'lmpi'ovemenln . ApplicaUoft-nfr. A.buUdlB s.jKr-m lt lo lmpwve » dwe!*'------------*7T»rB)octr4r8onth-Pat...

- fctth^qfftafrOf-thacU y j l erteb j-H w -th v -«e a » . 23« AtetandCT

Tho nddUlOA' will coaf'aa enUmatcil $200.

IM 'C ro M Mertiair CaBadT w ia F*318 chapter, Americaa,

awL'/Cros^ wiJl meet Tuesday, at 7;S0 p. « . *1 the city cle iVr-ofi tiec. The .buahKsa season; wl»> b* (tev«let)'to first aid sUttona. Rep- ieeentatlves of all oervie«- clubs have been asked lo »U«>4.

moln-raaa.- . A t tha intarswUoD. they fouad a iw tb v -«oiC-oocuplM by -Uaiart aad M lM .Frsda Hooch. OaoAUne tM T ttn rH tia ti" caanpootircBeutii wocreaartldirtiaa-tbelr ewD, they abaMooed ttartrmacMnet • 'n»— 0a«8Ml down M .

«fe, f«ro«d tbem to iear» tlM ircar. A »tb e y p re ja o ^ to go «B, U » |in4 de^Mty aquad- car raareil'arm ad a c u m . CMlina ^ e d i . « » wlth » h l f h -p D w ^

alwt a th id t-,. -_ ^ . .Flni^en M te . O M :

A buUet pierced Clauda durie r'a braider. O m oMhe brotbarsitUTQ^ > »th e ntartitoagun OB tha 'squail


UM'onH’tlvv litchUJH.' thehii« la iitoul worn out.

If the R F C wanta- the rompnny’B ^ h s It mfty

• ^ n u c - W ^ ' liertres to i*eml a I T« M i. Mid Mr*. Kvncal Egan, man eut lo Innmit thfr la-m lloiKimbcrly, a aun last nighl -tL l ie

- .ralt llDO. E i i l Snyder, presl'lcnt:(ho»pita>..! r -m t lc r - t i r o v c -t o - l i i » - i < t lc h -t h a t ■|»ir»uWi;>y-.aUuna.^- ..............------------ --------- ----------

stag meeting in the Kroll ofx*n»tio It. ' , -bouse, iiflecl In place of the old; I'ltihUimt Sii.vcici-. h i m ? i ' l f ' ; ! felcbstag building whose bun'iing[i,roiij:ht the road Into beirip...................................................... — ------ .......................................................

District (kiart


Department to MeetDnuiui and- U te ra tu « *(epart-

mcnt o f the Tw n tle th Century club will meet TXiewlay nftemaon Rt-lbe-bome162 Fllmore street. Mrs.Scott wUI talk on-Ireland and Mrs.

Pcavcy will be In cbiu-R«

m cp t him from normal coiialUii-|i>,i r nnd Fuyctti-, O.'- M'd .nnd- , TlMAipMin.- receiver for *

President Hermann CoerinE call-.fiyjcj dlwritCKTftt'"" ‘ f"' — the itichst^^g to onlrr, T • - - ■ ■ scsfffra

. nvemoratrd and Wilhelm Gust-1 Leaving duiies at his hsudw nrr|^loff, N aii leader in Swltzcrland.'storc to hi* partner. Snyder bought;.

. w a» mcmorallzcd aa having becnJihe ralh^ad.-on. bthaJf of. etocKvi^ T^pentarer

■ p.. firm— the larEtaCjunlt.dtalcis! ‘Tln bTo7rn'"in«rXToXn-ri'ti. ttic uou-e ,


>T(llfltriet*court to »er\-e a a-t6 -If- I year term In lhc ptalc penitentiary I for foi'gery, awd thorciHXin 1 ^ 'lb e 'sentence c o m m u t e d t t f 't h w

Low Hiirh Prccip. ‘monlha in tho county Joll. He _ -2 - represehlefl By W. Ix Dunn, ap-


U?n wm coMld^r I m ^ ^ " ‘^imlnals. Tho Cincinnati N «rlh *m ;r^ „ Angeloi ..... 82w h ? c h ^ X S i l “ T ' i - l ‘ he «.m e point I . lapp*^ by a m 1 I« C i t y .........M

' " S ' " ” f,. iu .l W n . p l . , »

Uiflimg <I*I1I-I#1a of II loco-.TW IN F A U J5 .-‘'I niiitlve aixl a coUxiAe. T lir i<>»d|\villlnli>n.' , .. .30Juia two tinploj'i-a. Ralplj Taylor, Y<rlhw«ltmc 2(J

r.-!1\-nrse frtrtttle w.ll-BIju.' "a JK i'in -i - ' r— .

^ __ n r t «»hi>.tr»<i 14 yearn of .age.whosa custody bhe aecka. The cou­ple married at Goodlag. Aug. 27, IIQO. The plaintiff-alleges


Guns Woar tverywhere

tiiuinteiiHnce o(, . . . . luiiil Ilun.lil llc.wr«, ".livltii.

- n iaiAru _uiill lliiil llii’ .pcnnlriiiUnt" ftud inKmifi'enitli wi'iit llin .inh a i-rl«ls ii/Ut iiiiwrs llit train out for,ttic wai' Bitc/1 na vinllril iniiiiklii'l iin dully l un. bat nnt: of ’t*;>yli)r'n only once In n thi>«w«nd yi'ain.” uliitirs I" to !(•»■ onl to " 'c whnt hn«

nermany, im ie r ».ud, nn* Mid »u.ii)u-m<l lt> llawts when wlilte by (lie Ihiki' , war po-'uvvulur. llllrHl .Ifbl of VeranllleN, j '•Ov.-i.liic," llho •'l<n.'"iu..l

"Till' itifhi-nt Kiiriipran rr1"l»." k i.lhllvi- U m*i <'I> H'f 1‘ »'------hr /iftid,’‘Is iliir to Ihr Klnhng im* If Hnrolil ilwMi't j;cl butk by

. M'nwin wllh whifh Ihf vllnl In- iiiiiiii, and duewi'l t«-lcj)li 1<irnstfi of propli'S woiv iKiiorctl. IJv latni lU'iiHi'. kIvIiik bl«WMllil liiic III*- t:.'ltm-n ......pie iirniule ii.nitlon, he is ovn.iuiliiirn rioMl.thlc ililirnoiin llilil H l» hr ItlfphnliiA lii.wivrr, lif

____uuuuijiurlublc>.lu .................

Adkint Child Dies Following Sickne»ft

R o U rt Gluiu Ailkins, kitinll aan 'of. Mr. aiKl Mrn Xobrri A. Ad-

lilMh. lllHl tollj.V >11111) |liKUh>l>lllft,111 tlir laiiilly liomr; 27CI Vtin Dtl-

Jvft6 3(Jlil..Apr».» In i wrcaUIng.'.■bflUl? >oysl" rwm fall*. In Kim kd. IM ,

a fUnVin Aa-

MuLinhiiman trmtment,.Mid.« donmenl. Hhe aaka means for sup­port of herwelf and chiUren. O, C. Tliill,' Tw ln 'Fa iw rla" attomejr.

T*-r>ebsU-B*(At«Estate of the late George lladan-

rMtll, who died Feb. KO, hav been filed for prubale iMre by Mra, An-

HwlanreMt; hls~wltkiw. PMO-' which laeludis aTaneh mnith*

met' of l>Fre, Is evHriiftOil lo-havk h value of jfOOO: Tn a.rdllioa lolhe pHllloner there Is on# other hair.

a HiiIlM^k, an ailApted daiigb; . . . . Klm t«t)y. 8. t ; HBmllUm, Tw in Palls, la sUomey for th<U|>pllCUIlt, I

Wmt 'B^U le RoyaVS A L T M K B C IT Y , March ?

lii't tv.'.-ii*ri'»iHffl nriir the v lt iJ ' wlifVi' iKeVuiJJnl'*i^"tit of pi’Opliv

• Wa/Mt of Ei|>IO(lon

HiiniiiTil- par«'nts l»e la mtr^-lvcd..I,.. |( liv I'lif ninlcr, Miir^ Aliro Adkins.

I,.; The iHHty iralB a t the White of mfiUiiiiiy iH'iiilliiK fim iinl iirtanKe*

I tufikl. w m .b e -in -T arm

llK-irnlly, irpnlrh lo ,live liiivv l**"'‘t *tttlnn up till- liiur-. ilH lli'iu'i' III!' IV A- I"

= ^ ^ = p i 4 r e ^ » ' l w T a r t ;

^ a r ^ l h e tracks, you whlp- T>eranappess’

Togs.Oangmty. /asMan tMates and

l.flapperaKTou r oM xTan’<hur« Mard the

' tnHK----------’ --------------------------------F f t w m w oW 'iue»«B hwae he*s

n the main higlnhiy 1M6 l^-ThejMouaA-it-chohed

•wdrlftJt Tbey wheeled

d««d. ADotber

............................-•“ t u rof'the M elsctmachbM.'6e-

ftn-e they len, tba brothers tumad thoir guns for an instant on Uelscl aaer'-ross- -T O iie h r-^ rts ri -w a » wermd«l'.fatally. Miss Roacb waa shot in tbe haod. '

Tba brotbem cllmbod Into their car, Imvihg'Ray deatir amrMelsel and Reilly dying at the roo ' 'TlK'v carewted over the Icy ways K r ttro re llc i c * sbolJi wits the a ^u U M .

Then the driver, of thff Carrier . — c a r-lo f t“ con tn5l.--TlM -m & cW »»plunged Into a snowbnnk; The brotherg leaped out, blaslttg a t’tha


fni- thu pMt M y<tr«, a-ffP- IP- yalsfday at his home where

has been seriously iHi sinee 'edneady^ foltowlpg a> heart at>

Uiie'* ctaiV Bun,_ __________ _ shrot^

re«d -the T o w ^ n d plan. , ,

H « has-crutches,-

G ^ e his 'other tootbr m n e t o u ^ M . . .::?SP.Tif«-toup»-fro» 1U|-

IKtb be'lt- m ik s'

KeUl be eoinint ar«UB4- tbaHMUBtBjB,,Wnep l Mfty. bu^ a

actnient of such- lawr, mcnts to laws; aa nuiy. be nccea-

& S ; " ......... ' ■

S. To encourage and prom teltar ' fi of, aoi]-c<(«tte»‘Or-ptri>-

lic omclals wbo are i » wltti J b « D.unidpat' owiwnkip of. water. Ilgbt aodipower itotfc-

^cipal owoersUp to . cM i e a.to obtain.aecusatb lirffanns-

tion on tbe-gmit-beoellUHtrtbwM) {inai»[ally.Htd4>Ui«rwisa,.t^-M V- ^c (p a l owBCTShip of tbM* utl^ '

Mbtcoa Ckib: S ^ ip nUeMLbjt.MeBaBeti;

d o b met^nm wdar at> tMo heise-eH nra.. Ena IBvrtreonbo w swered rt^l o«»>wttb g an )w -1ri»l». The club song w n soiif,- - B » w?li .,.ti«t)nr-waar C o r«7 .W a l(^ r ..« )d - M m - «a lOaas fadlMra. Floratee GOMBi contut awards.

Refreshn^snt*- were aervedMby„ the hostess, asiristed liy Itoa Maiy ^ --------------- Oueeta- were Vrm: Jo “

Mra. Howard Re«d-apd-ltra.- Mai>' itha WebsUr. The neat-'^ieM ar will be heki at the' home of **■

-| o o ra -W ftl(e re -«m tW E i t i A m aged lor J JO P. M: “ “ »c.«j.ug.i

L o c a l M & M a p r ie s :C a lif« iT iia .6 1 1 ' #

Burl-M l* W. CL Holten. TWO- 1 M » ^ M itt RQtb Chtfki Murtlngfi

Hoooriag J : B. Wood, ....:floo4i Vatoran......

QO O DIN O . March-7 (Bpediu)— Fu n«a liie «le e a -.w lll .be_held lo- m o n w ’ at 2:8ff;p. m. for J.

here early yeeterduy' following six weeks' Illness.

a Spanlab war veteran

America’s first mode)<airway — between , WasUngtotf, D. C;, .oiMiJOytoj- e'A-WM

Goodtog. for i J . yeiuj, liiv ing made his home here for'tlnrpast 20 )«aiB . 9e. was-alao proprietor o r ‘'Rad'a'' popcorn stand; .

H « ia-anrviyed-by. Wa'wtfe and two attp-chiJdren, Audrey. Lau and

Fred Foss 'fiaddlery, 329 Secoad avenue aoiRb.— Mr.-Toa^ warbora Cec.-3*ria*Tj In Manaaba, W U. He oame her* la 1PM to eataUisb tbs bualae* he bad msiatalned ever staOB. Ms waa- a member 'Of .the kioal. Blhs

■ i K ’A su'iHlveiI by’l iI i 'w If« r> ^ ^K iiiJiryn-FO ur 'tiireo •ona, i

Hollywood, Calif., and-one da^tfh- Grace F osb,- IvoDfr Beaeb,

Calif. n « alM leavti 4 brother, Henry Foss, Chicago,

Pending the arrival of Miss Fosa and Ltoyd'Foss from CW ifbm Uthi hody reata at the White mortuary.

■ Germany Is iclllnff a large nptu- bcr of oommertlBl alrplanrs In thetnm- j>nat • -■• •• ----- 1 ..................

Salt LJike, WHS the vklor. i ic ilc- fentrd Krnil McKcnde, 106, Balt Ijlkr, nfler fmir other stnrters had limn rlimlnitlrd; (Inrdan Arquette,

fltaU.illcs show schedvled air IlnqH employ five men on the |:rmjnil for every pilot flying.

Rfilpii Moijfy, lOO, Ogileii; Gi'orge Hitinell, 173. O k l a h o m a CUy,

niuhe A-.^ llAby, clock S la rU a!inr«w Dchby Sampson. lSB| iI.ika ih'i-H bigger lutd‘boMrr hriiii |tl' An||i‘leH. «mr« in n lime limit

large atoekyards'coocem .kre ex* pumr to' atfitMM o c fim' annual

of the Twin FaHa County

nui>-Tu«ateK-4t-sraaratatad-lhlaaitemo^liy Jluvey. S> HgU. cc n*.

Pa - S?-G<w|»iattrwin presfBt by-Iawa for consideralioD

■me asaociaUon was hicorpor . last je a r aad at this nieetlnf^ dl- rectora are ,(o b«'name<l.

I t is ‘Slated that last year thep 0 011 n K. oii> nlZRt>OA..fivBOueiMflM.OOO-worth of business. U

Ipped 67 eats of sbeep. hamUeil ^ head of jipgs, 11 cara of t(le, M.OOQ pounila of wool, Bhd

aasistcil’.mem W a lo purchasing S,000 yearling ewes for breeding purpoaeK

diMMbdt** today. Issued by. a

oBlyt T n iB 'A U a .c ity . asd.coun-. ty lN r ta ...................................

of the coming of >Hdaumiaf4'. N ig Jtrs t-J Ire a m . outaUndlr^ ■ movie-performance, here Man b -I#: -. : rO trla iir-this offitr,

— eoncemlng the sefisa- t k i ^ baaketbaU gamer.

^\aM- IU W t .W .a 3 1 i « i - W y t o ^ . eww^to-cmretf-'ntTr^

BMond' Y eu

_ L A a ^ M IB .-W y Q .. Marth. 7 , ':Li

.Jto,jtfi«ottiflnt.lialf bud iound w y - , ,

. Snitiw leading b y a 19 to 17 Roi t ^ . I C B U k ; J « « t rwwl Wataon. b p j - -

ImwW * g |r<« sJau<«lWiH*<JrtDft.boaors with 12 pom',e

«Soong- agaloT led the v ;y .

O B A M G E TO M E E T W3Mm gtI.y,_March 7

vK-iulj^u uilll'tjald :*.«— ngnlaT'' meeting Monday erraini: (n. tbs parloA of the KimbeivyM Christian church. A ll Grange m m i-a

T m m m m b a l l

A « S l 3 S APi6)RS

L48ZTIMMiDMtai, L 0H

P K V IP p y P A Y . I T O 11 r . M.

T O l i f t l t B O W

/III I'KiiUifilnii,"11 M 'iiripiiKtlble In ■iiiOi

—rnnntl-rrrr^twry n» pttmpe 1» fnnin- tain II i/yi/trin <if' iiiiri|nnl ri^liln. 'nua.w lll vrsalc lilllrn ica* nii nuc tiiiiid Mini n j.'jrh ii'-l'i i,f uriiiliiy

lilr. wlileh "llll i*i-ri»l*ts.IR piii'lird bi'iw nu llie i »Hh. ^ - 1;N€IJQ M II-K 'H -

' S .iln r fln r .'J fa rd li T. in n n ... ....................................................... ■ ^ _____________ I D A H O E V E N I N G ^ I M E S . T W I N F A L L S . I D A H O ______________________________________ - P a g * T b « * - J j

; K f e A f FALLS. O AKLEY Cl.ASH IN TO U R N A M M T F IK M ^Page HirM

Hornets Take Hectic Victof^Cfver RupertIn M ornm g^-lirill^

Down Pirates by 22-21; Bruins Subdue Wendell

P otTournament

The Three Gentlemen in the Third Row

peiM'IFW iM H

The Tourney | S h o s h o i l G S Q u i l l t e t

P la v s G le n n s F e f r yGlancfi-

LoiiKpat Biicccsaful shhls=in -«ntPttrtr'the"cnd^nlghffl ((ttmcs were m ^ o ty Rcefl of the game Uielr overflnxlovwiftss

Legal Battle Still Faces N. Y.Board After Cnrncra Win .

- -.- .-Q y fj Oastanaga-......... '

Gorrlngc, Oakley, and Ernie Ct'aii*»?r, H urlcj"rThcyToroTiifide-froni

>y-oul--liv-th9--Rftcks-«on)«wl4i'« man Gorriaga aad

coat them a-num ber or fouls M l n e w YORK, Mnrcl) well M -th« low of-9tel!ftrof/eMlvel-^Vlilli. Primo Cnrjicra_i!fcam> o/

_ i r —hack— ttic ' ■ hcrmgvT lBtil title, the New York slate at!ilcli(fensivo player, Kay McMuriay.'

■ T w ill F a ils niui O nkloy hiph'sc.liool'tin5lcotlii(ll triim s \vitl - -h ir t lp ifn ii t - to ii ie h r to r th c - l ' .tH O chninpioiisliipvtrf tlio l1n ss A

(ii'li 'ic l tournam ont.Tlu*']l(tnitM'< won l l i f i r v n y -in tfi f iir finnls ItT-'v irfiir o f a '

l(V(-tie''2‘2'to‘ 21 vitrloi'y this wwuiu^ <'Vvv tUe VivnlPi(•1‘ U iiiicrt’ a f te r th e iinbonteu liiul Iniiiiu.'Oil AVoiulcll.4 ' r i 6 'I t ; . - - .......----------- -------------- ---------------------------- ---- -- ■■ ■

----------V tcirtiy fo v ttip lh tti<vfiiiTil(? iliis o\'ciiiiift \viit i>lvf- (:i..-n')i II. V . J iiiio s ’_.(niiiitct the rlmmuionsliiiK 11' CtMnili .M,

:iiino y’s" leaiii HUCi'«*P(t» in iipscH iiip Tw in R ills , im :iiUlili()n:ir'

T il•ilPbc' iiCL'CSSnry Moucla.v u iiftt.

■ lituiai- piiuom itrr louin lil|^— IT w}te»l»lecl-fi)r-!»-p;-Hi— In-llie|l«y.-t0to-3i;-in-lhe'ffnal-g«m e-?9fll|-rooat;

------------- - -1 HOIIOOI.S.'

I f j-ou thought, as w e.ilid for a while, that liut night’s crowd wnii the higgcsl 'ever lo iiack ' the Twin Falla gym. you were allghlly' in error. A t -least one of the ‘State, tourmiment: sca<.- slons hero last year execedcd lose nighl'.'! throng, and several

.-spHsions - In twc - f i rs t - -dlflCi'lel toumcy.'4lagcU.Jicr9-iUlcr—thc- gym was built were also larger.

.qciiprnl.aiflnngcr fillf.Sm ltli en-. lightened ua on those polnur.—

I But there'll be a mighty I crfAvd-tonight, or we mtas our

gue.<u. So gel there early bqU

SC O RES'tO D A YT'vin Kall.H, 4,',. \Vpn.|,.li 1 OaJUoy -J'J, ;;l.

FRIDAY SCORES p.upnt vft. a..->.iiiij;Uurl.;y :iO, KImb.’rIy \v.-iKi.'ii Huhi i!i. Twin Knlls 2.'i, Ortkih' 1"-

W e offer “Ibe Maxim allen'- c fr 'L to the_n»w tJeotherJun*fil {ana alttlng Just A little to our

■rIgliinV e’ CO OMn’flen -w h eth er' th^y xvere from Oakley, Burley or Rnpert. B ut \n do knmr tb fy '

.belonged .to . tha old acboot ol blood and thunder nnd Ihev have

I t took seven mlhutca 20 aecondal

dolphin Crew Elim inates Eden by 40. to 21".j as Ferrym en Down Minidoka Five j— ------- — ——in-30-20-En€ounter------------—------

...iramisaloii faced a stormy K-gnl imttlc today as nn nncrmath of laat--nlght‘fi ^Ight- In -which -Cnr­ncra acorcU a flvti-roimd technical knockout over IsUlora Gaslaun^a of Spain,. . .

Gftstanaga, fa't an d ‘out of coii- diUou', wan d f tUc mercy of U\e

vkward, Italian cxccpt for a few •l«f—flufrlwtr—Cftrnw

gash over Gaatiii


.............. , ............... ,• -■ • • IU11CUUIII.-U sinoouiiy ugoiclips- of- w est' £>na schools.i Bobcats, traditional rivals

I f ’ the Brulna. triumph tonlghl.Jpert swept Tnto Tts fast’cat'V sM —t trophies,in the final two quiirters to throt-

Key Riegel stuota you read about . . hut got out of It veo' nl«e*

ly, with n6thlng more thaii an cmbarraastM’ prln; In the Trojan-

awtinl of the toumameBl . . . .........................•w be madft lmm^lately

general tourney maria'ger. Jthc Bucaneers throughout .thciWlnegar. missed a fre«. toa.s for Hot Battla . first half. IbuHI. Whereupon Doa - absent-

Oakley's win over Ed Lacy'sl Rupert led, 0 - f at (he clo ie of mlndedly picked up, the ball and RuporL five provided one of thOjthe ’f irst quarter and lengthened’ look a very nice shot at the bas-

'hottest con tests,in 'the 1986 m ect,;thl9 to 16 to 10 at halftlmc. T etc 'kel, He made a slight mistake, i t j time dorlDg Uie-ganie was craven cut loo.te with a burst'ofjw aa Buhl’a goal he. was shooting

...................... .........................................................— — ................. ..................... - " "11 player

b tfo rt cither Burley- could scoi'e a field gon] in their 5’rWay afternoon fracas. The first half ended Q to ,2. favor of Burley, the low est-flrat'half-seore of-tho tournament. Both teams had picn*’ ^ . p r ^ ts but only-two-conacct--

Dale Wakem k evidently the official tfurtiament Iratmo-r. We niiir him leading a small dog

(be gym-through Ibe main hull. We've a in n learned that the .canine hod lo«t his toi

„ - - _________ a i ' anrotme t6 atgp i i p ........... .. ............. ........... ...than two or three points, [the Pirate- drive by severailguarcllng him. In fact, the Indians• Diiring the final minute Ru-;notches In the third'stanza, Bur-|were chccrlhg the ' s h o t b u t it ■, The moat spectacular pliy of

fr l had several• chances to knot ley battled ilesperatcly la .tlieliliJn 'l go In,. |ihe OakleyTwIn KalLs game was". ‘ ' I ini

In tlie fourth-rouncT, and-Referee Arthur Donovan Hlopped the bout.■afn-r r ir flgCTTiagof iik iitth rouuHiwhen the Spaniard Indicated he was ready lo quit, A crowd of 8;S3t paid $1R,!)90 lo see the hoiit; In-JIadUon .Square- Garden.. Ca>-«' nera welged 26811, Gastanagii, ■

-208:i^ .• ..- .,- .^ 1 . - : - .......... - - . IBuoys PHmo’* Hopes:

SCORING LEADERS lU'vd Gorrlnge, Oaklev. HJ. Huy Turner. Twin I-'alla, a2. ES.1 Lincoln; Twin FulU, i;n. Kills Amlrr^ws. T«-in Fnlb , ;; Dick Atkins, Uulil, '2G.Dave Keuton, Hurley. 25, .lunior Cniv.'ii, RiiL>y'<i Knviv Crivsjpv. :i.Kill Sthiffinriti. Twin K»IU,

l«iied-*^—A-ri t-Hnniy OJiklM"; 20,:ht ovo: Jlm ' win,-gar,■ Huhli '

• :\'h- llhlHMlMrStln. jsliip Iiuslo Uy ,.|iir,iit.,

- (— »-! t rim — l-Virn—

lit :iilv:iirrTT^'ini

iii7.-r!;V n .n :l.- iu is F

HI to

, 1 .

IHI, Ifi ,

Although the 'v ictory failed to Onklcy impres.i the crowd, which Iwoed Rupert Cariiera for rough lad les. It buoy-, ed the Ambling Alp’s-hopes of fjghnng. J"miS-j,--PradiiPclc^oL

sum niel'mieTSarflcn,

' K.rk Ku^li, Hup.• ThiJiIow Smltli, Oukl-v

Warr.Ti Writib.'rg W.'i mil pHir. -UViicI.-II. ir,„

...-lUliili-M«>rtw, Buhl,-l-«. - TEAM SCORING LEADERS

: - .......- ...........— rts , Qpp,pt3,;Twin-.Fftll«................

TTfH lip-.

( I ) . rPMtPr; »n<m?gnrtiier {10)-= luid <ir;ty (•:). guiirdH. SnI.Mli. l .ili..,,,: |).-.Vll.',u Srurn, ; <iib ■

iui;h—It. Ibitrn (131 -nn.l IVrUli.H-'’Claw (»),

unable to get Louis, la striving des erate to produce an opponent s< Braddock can fulfill theli' ’ con tract with him.

Efforts of Solly King to fo/c


.O Will’s

Kuurdii ’ Hul> tltU*, K.IVI, WUKe.

M'Mula.v. tJlfiiiu l-'orry nUo liad to spunKdon biittlcil ShoHlioni' on c-von :il the la,!*! minute t<i remain In the

tiiriiia.Jiv tli^ l,lfHl.-i|Uiirt««r .i»f-Uie,j6tiJU!iiiu;.in capturing ita £7-2fi;,wln- •“‘ -npcnlnc- nftrrilnjf p:iTm- infliTVT'hif-mvr-^hi^hrtUfr:—The—Wood ri\’er '

jih .' DoljiMln otil/il oliml>.'il '.ihirnc! rilU-hcMiT.s w.t.- loading a.s the lin Iho Hi'fond pi.'rlo'l Ici cliiilk ii|> giini.- lu'urvd l l ' end, but Clinking* la :;-l to'l.T margin iiud l.'iiiilli.'ii.-.l bcunls pair .if lung field goala re- Uimt edg,' in the liiir.l riii.l f.mrtli v.'.-n.-l ih.-i.ilvnnuig-. B.-Uevtie had■ Hliiti7.ns. . _______________________ -UmI ul tlip hiilf Hn.l ihe thlnl guar--

Tliomajon High


“ CITHlun

l<i 1,-n.l Shoshc t.'d nlii.' I

• atvlnniotr. fia.I \ lmm,'i- oli;lit

. B it n.i

rr.\— K. Morgan

wv ...... ..........— - o-'-.iuuiiu- out comaiiT oc**.K-irdy, Oakley's ;cenU r. foule_d;.dC8plte_B9me,BpectacUlar,work by. Tlic_aame__thing c out. -but. XJhl missed both free Enile Croner. -. •scale,', o<;(:urs pretty.Ntiols. The Hornets look the ball- Craven and Kirk' Rush marked;when the boys do a jump in the Off the Wat:l{board-THid ‘ in' .hreak-'up W p 6iht#-cach to top the vVc- wrong direction.- So far. however,

.in.? down thu floor, McGloy, Ru -iiors. Paul MeClovand Hank Uhl none of the mlxups have proved „_|)oa .fouletTTCay/ McMurray whoigcorod. seven.cach: Crancr.,lcd „ t h c . w h a t ' s - a . l i t l l o varielynow

converted the throw to mftlie a Burley offensive with eight p o i n t s . I n c n ,'• Uiree-polnt difference with IcMl Lineups and'scoring: • „ — — • '

than 20 seconds to go. Undaunt- nuoert — McCiov <7) and Ston Barrett, nUo of Wen-■-en.nhV PIiate5 came ba“c k - a i i a - a f - - c « v e i r - t - ( l M r . - i t r 1k r t''u « -tts-R e ln g -th e '

tv-T several attempta a t the hoop, center; Brockle (4) and Rush I snwliefit gent performing tn the V t i l tossed in tt field goal to, ( l O ) , ouards. Substitutions: I. p w en t louriiumenl. l i e s plnl

r-B n

off the twut bccauae o f his chiirgol ____________that both-flghteis wore maimgi-.ii . .by ^ u is .Soifsi. caused the f a x - ‘ o iiicin nati L eads G rapefrtiit

Llnoupx iiixl HcoiiiiK:Shoshone — Bettla <2 i and

Gray (6i; . forward*; OUrfee (I).

In: (lliikliiRlH-urd ( I J ) . ceii- Sfliiuin C!) and Sumner Kuurdx. .Substitutions: Al>

minor of OalUcy._ A fter a .Hliort drlhlilCHjTsUon into the dcallngH Soi;r«i frequently along thu side court lie attempted j had with Gastnnaga, King claims ................ push shot that wa.i deflected Ju.^tllhaf Di«lmo J . Rlzzi. Guatan/if-'-

Loop by Downing Phillies Exhibition Game

ciipugh b y Elll.s--An<rrcw.'j r y the ball foi-ward tim cl perfect-1.^ . ......... _____ I \... ___

, .Uutch •

bring the, m mwithin one point as the. gun end*

- e J the battle. . '1^ ' Suability to convert their free

center; Schow, guard.Burley — Lynch (2) and

Craner . ( 8), forwards: KeatonIf the Cheering getfl any more

vociferous. Timer Earl Williams and Scorekee{>or Charley Bond


_made only three foul toasea: AceaUurrl f2 l. ouar )f 'i\. Oakley maue eighl out; Score bv ouarter.i:

□f T5, '. tRupert'''•. •>-Ro<>d— Gorrlngc scorcd w eight'Q urW

points to lead' Oakley. Kirk ttpah,!- wlth six, topped-the Pirates.

.■ 1-aSoresl, King holda a con- M l.U II, FI:i

ly tojxLr^Uleyed by Smith n g a in .ltm r ; on Ga.ttnnaga'fl -scrvlco.-i Tlip Clnelhnali Iqr a perfecl cripple shot. ’ i« 'hicFi run.s until May. I93.S. but tfic Grnpofwiil It-ajjiie t.uliiy with

------- ^ - jcan 't get the cpmmlssion. to rec-^i pcrfuct record of one victory andTlie combinations ot McCloyiognlze itP in.i d.-reiitH an n re.suU of ye.ster-

and Ciuven?'Rupeit; anJ Llacnin! .......■ ............. ........ ■ Idav’.-t-lO-T trUiniph o;’''r l)u‘ PlilM.and Laubenhelm of 'Twin Falls but»ti*dlng pairs In bringing thCi - - - —<^f»n^lvf oourt-'T h ^ 're all fine ha'll handlers. The peculiar feature. If you jioticed. Is [ th at the.Rupert pair .'.re both play­ing regular forward , positions.

w m m lulpliid . jjo r k'URU,'_

Thomason ( I t ) , guards. Subsli- : tutions: Cl.irK. (41. OJnieli,' Stewart.

Eder* ----- Lattimer (2 ) -'-andS t e l n m e t l (9). forward*: Hogue,-center; Bedenhamer (3) and Ellsworth (2), guardj. Sub» stitutioni: Bremer, Roice; W.il-

Score bv »)inrt('rs:.'ihi.ihotii- .(< I,'-, 7 f. -KK-ii-n . . s 5 r. :i - 2 )

vu .^ l*. ( ,'n arru «a (10) und I-.,, (.•mirnwi:. ( I ) . T o r w u r d a ; B r .n n (* ) . »riit.T-, Cruiehley

. ( : : ) . . and K 1I>I.1« (li), guunlit... SiiiliNtaiitions; .Mdore, Hooker.

■ Shnshlll.' atrong AID; Mini.i'.ku.cl

.rtlionlion.* liw;<y p»int,

had to .>itave d f f- aiil rally f> d.-fonl 'lha anipicins. Z>i lo 20. 'The •r led 23-9 nt Ih e -h a if--

•Albion gnt under-

, Lineups and ic o rln ^Oakloy — Gorrlnge (B) and

K . ' McMurray (5 ), forwards? Hardy (2 ), center; Martin (4)

“ a n trB e ll-d Jro in ir iJ irS u b ftin F - tlons: W;.MoMMrray .(2 ), for-

'tfTTBUii^. . - McC

Cravan, forwardti

TiDjani U M ttJu h l .

,ia r e In prftty close proximity, Tlte Ipistol aljo,dld a neat Job o f scar- ling thn Junior high schaolmdiin -who-aat-pf •

guards, Substltutlonst Wilton

On the last gam e-of ye.sterday -averaged a good ihrce-lnch Jump afternoon's program, Wcnd.;ll per-lmore than we did on cvtry ahot. fom «ti w e. second of ,iUi gtanl-\ — killing feata by. eliminating a fa -J— Many .A-coacb-»ucv^yed -Kirk yored Buhl outfit, 25 to 21. The Rush,, of Rupert, and promptly Trojana played cool, reaourccful pointed out to sundry of their owii ball ,in the pinches, mahaged J to cbargaa; ■ "That's how you .go roll up a small but corafDrUble pUces wheii you follow Ihe bail

..................... ....... ........... ... ■ ■ iff Uie bacK-board;'A^d Ml " 'marglQ In -the final quarter, aud then-playetHo-prftleet-iUfr-leadr—

Wendell led, S) to S,- a t the end of the first period. Buhl In the HOOOd - . . .

_^-Tttdn FalU had too M wei.’ aggregation for Wen^ell’a Tivjsina

.l<»p!te the Wendell upseU .^ r c d. , . pi' ..•inn«]y__ii[ja(Tnit Hiirlny at}d.^-Bulil.--The -Brulna-W anked -the

Tw jun crflw; 9 to 0, in tho> first , 'quarter, and shifted their attack

"tnt<r high gear In tJje 'second to - , rull..iip tt 24 to' 4 advahUge,

Lincoln compiled IB pol to i>urk the Bru|n-drtve,.WIlh Bill Hr^ilffman Bcnring 10 and Elmer I..uibdiTieim eight. B ill Parr, with

" ------ - Tivln*If'ulla — Hobirfnuut. ( 10)

itad Aiidn«VN (4)> fonvardsi

flash, of IhQ power It seemeil un- : able to unleash during the tourna* ‘ ment, and ol(mb«d up to within ono

point, 10-11, at halfllmc,, Wendell spurtvd.agBlii ill tlio Ih lnl cnrito tp chalk, up ^ 23-17 niargin,

------- Alklns-HIgh

We've je lk d and i;he«red for all the teams and p|ayera ,bm nary »• w ord-for-our eateemed nttnK'.lans. 8o hnre*a a M r hand to the ^nTl9>v( h lfb 9<'h9o fJ» ii4s and tbelr leaders lh a t are help*

......... .........‘"K ‘0 and colvr to

led ttv> Trojana.Lineups and scoring:- .W end ell.- Weinberg (7.) ^nd

Cornellson (4), forwards] Re- t]ua .(6; , center; Parr (fl) and Hawhs -(l)i •guards, -Bubstitu-

the most sptrlted, gamn tho tournument M h from

standpoint of playing and audleiice reaction, Oakley tried desperately'

tiy-iuiiiiiiy cheering for her. She uu.* there to give ihe boys en- couhigMnent'«nd she did It nob-

v*'b5inent If we had o aon In the gum'e, and we belleye she had.

— 0«neraUM*nagcc..dmllh.-15y_tbCway, makes- a highly ofliclcnt uaher. He apotted a vacant spot, asked the, fans in that vicinity approximately how many aoats

s vacant. "Four,'; aald tho fans. .t*titThc-cam e-tvety-gallan tly

with four young ladies. Ocod*looK Ing young ladles, too.

"N o^TtTheV oach 'nreib lblfsa any halr*pulllng or flngemuni

' n rat two d ajn, but our w te for . the quM eat,m entor of \b*iu nil . goea to Dean Davidson of Wen*

dcai. U « .« o W t.M y

lH>ya «re waUopliig your boys.” But don't let that -grin fool >-ou. Ilia Trojan yoiingaters i>erforiu* (>d t«Vi> very ('omiH tent Jobs of Rlaut^kUlIng uguliMt Itnlil and' H«rt<‘y

. 'Pucciiiilll hit. Si Johnson for hnm- •.IT.-.. ScaiSL'ila anil W alkor'If.l the

.Rc'lH \vi{h thn-.‘ hil-i oach. The piii.l attendiinco w.as 783.

n Ihc third qiiurl. • arid u rly

R~6 0 K ie s rit^ HAMD

..................... . Gi-fty had nineI i”" l Ouri'ce «'ii;Ut points lo load^«mI . Shosliom:. Eiigi-lking. -wllh eight;

TTyrt wren. werr-awa—

Cardinal j/Iaoager M^es. Plans Without Counting oh Deau ,...........- -

I LAKKLAND, Flu.,,M arch 7 iiM‘. fn-c throws. Albli - All Detroit’s rookie-playorK points, exactly h a lf-1

jwcn* In camp tod.-»v. Douald R o n s , - f o u l shots. Only 1 jihlrd liaHeman: an.l HiibVrt Bato.H, wi'n- mado by both ton

iv»d last night. Al- out the game. , .pitcher who K. Morgan ^pndc 14 polntstiA the

iR gun m ui«* ' ' ^HAVANA, Culm, Murdi 7 (IM' ...............— M p ager Frankie. Frisch «ald, but Is unable to thro»v.to d ay 'h e was maWng Ws p1i»tia, . - __.w Ilhout_couutlng_on_D lzry,-aud.- ‘ s a v S ' HE’S CURED Paul Dean as members of his, W INTER HAVEN, Fla.. March: pitching .fltaff. Htt has named Le* 7 ( i ',i!i_ a .le f Eucl Moore, who was roy Parnialce, ,obtained from lh e ;u „ „ ,„ , i „ t «eas.)n'Glaqts last winter, as his No. Ijbocaum* of a sore arm. . believes, pitcher. The Car.ls yesterday beat,u ,„ i ^la ailment Is cui-e.l and that the-AImydarCT-,clnb.--5;4.--wlthn,^^^^, ^i,. m -yftffes ir ils «-ason:'Pepper Ifarlln a _homes featuring, Manager Jim my Wilson has .dl- n three-i-un rally In the ninth. ;vuicd the squad Into two teams

- BROwl^rVLAy iSund'a?"'"‘*‘*" lr«t gameWE.ST P a l m BKACH. Fiu,,^ ______

March 7 il'.l!i—Rtigcnt' Hornsby, ............. THE S(*OT - ' 'has called the flrs^ practice g(imc, ' CLEARWATHU. ,l-'la., March 7 ai.-nns


. .J^lx^hoaCTr^Uno^tm-imi-Bel^Ilu {,1 ). forH-urds: Durfee

fi.-m gcialH. Berrlochoa (B) undTIiniiuiHnn' (0), guards. Substi­tutions: Htvwurt (S>, P an lels fh ir lr ’ --AI>ani.—

.s through-

Lineups and scoring;Glenn»“ Ferry C/M organ'

(2) and n . Morgan (14), for* ward<: Cllnklngbeard (2 ), cen* ter ; Selmah (6) and Sumner (6 ) . -guards. jSubstltutlons; Al­len ( f ) . RobertMp. Lowery,____

Albion — Amende (9)

m j pngleklng (O irfbrw urds;; (iiblioiia (3), ocnterr Baiungurt- 1 t\t.t {Z) and Uray, guards, fiulx : _»tltiitlon»;-A'eHTOa'n-tAj;.agarm. I ; l»rAt1uy.I Bellevue liad started the ellmi* nations by ousting Hagerman. 48 to 93, after rallying to overcome a first quarter Hagerman ,advanU

...... —- ...... - I - — o— A 1 r.u . ii'iu., aiarcn 1for 11^51, Louis flrowiis Sunday,;,i;n._B„.|dy Ha»«eil. first bane* Several -regulal-s. Including Out* ijought bv Hrooltlyn fromtleldcra-SQltcn. am l.W cat and J n .j[ ? “" N e S I n t e . - n a t l o n a V iS tlClil’TH, OUCPs.Htm L!irx._iirv-<<H<?..

CALLS U E B .RPENSACOLA, Kla March 7 ty , 0. e„n,e thi.n.gh,"!• - - Manager lijll Terry await* ■'

Chandler, center; .Best, guard.Buhl — HopKlni (?) and At-

( t in s '<11 ), forwards; Wlnegar (3 ); center; Morse (2) and Ballou, guards.' Substitutions;


Trophies Sfolen From Tenhis A ce

...... today" •hionmhilly apapealed to pollcc ItL gel luck niit tftntTtrfn)e(it-t«pwefl-tflic“ en by burglars who ran. sacked his apartment of ap« proxlmatsiy ID.QOi)'worth of •v*tuablM.“— '----- — 7"

mn>iai'TiT<-ff a v r r a 'd iii^-

after reluming from a v a t a ( I « n f e « r t .


miuTi(<u''Liiiie''l8tfii Twin F a lli jP la y i foriTon oey

i - : - - O w i » U t l o n - I l U i : : i

'.1 a reply to hl.i leh-gram 10' lank .Lelber, New York

liol.iout, to come to (!arni>!?uHi- l,'[i‘:jiulary ,llffe?ei.c": tla at Tucsov.^clSu-.tfBC tiiafiJli lU, oI . Ariioija . team, Terry n hioiU'il .hlH Hwollcii kueo Improved

.Ituday. .uftur. truuUiuiiit . lu Mcui' phh

HT, PK TK itsiJU iw , loV, Mnrch'O^ for B o u th cm D ivinion’a

I . M ..tder • contract, leaving Outflctrtnr . W n W llfflo nHal Lee the only holdout. Berger' finally accented tho terms aub-

Engelking (9), forwards; New­man ( l ) , center; Baumgartner (61 and Oray (e),-guardk-dub* stltotloni: DeAtley (1), Qlb- ^ri«, %<an,

by quarlL-rs:i'Vrry . 10 <■ 6 lO-.HO

................T -1 4 ' t l - 2 0 | n .- „ - - ------- M ln Tno Friday iDecli

. . S“W mo Sho-| Kdi-n 'defiiluU-for-440,000.-iwll*v««ah«.-4ilHU-«h<.nc «|Minlel-tuin on the «t««m-to nit.*mrth-||1d

prlcc.i>jil?l for hitn put him on the .ipfpiu two. alii.ng foes and retn lnlarlK llM piled up u'biK early lead I k.iow 1 W ve to 'm uU ():il«>l«ndlnt asnhe only t.nllefM ted 'U «lenhim Vled with 18 j«im^^^

says H as-outfit at tho clcise of tije second j Ellsworth scored 18, Rowland , , ■ ' I Bates hail eight and Clawaon and

‘^ ''• 'ferk ln s HlK for Murtaugh,

ho Wood river c . . . ...............11. HIgli for Hagerman was Bar-i()g rw ith -i5-p o in ts:-' : ------------

Glenns Ferry knocked Decio out of the running 37 to-JM, * f le r hold­ing the edge from the .S ta rt,' 0 . Morgan lopped the Feriym en w llh _

Voiiberg htJir'sevcn' to ' pace .


quercd ICden, 37 tu 2ft, In tho last I __1‘Vi.lay night gsme after hnvlngj Spa-urchlns, curious animals <rf sul>ilue.l Albion by a« lo 2(1 earlier the deep. Bomellmes-walk on Iho. Ill Ui«-day,,.......... ...................... --itIp a -o M h e tr-tee th ,---------------------------

Tlw lS<leii Hint AlUlow tcttwvn a lso , tilln on th<- Hr|.lay pi-i>gram,j

"Frrry w otea palrr-<TJiihh» 1- a,n.l-Hhi)tiliono constltuleit the J

mirvlvnrs by tho close nf last nlghl'a pliiy. Elim inated. Friday

Declo, Hagerman, llell,ei

.scores Ilf frsterday'

_ .a T A N F O R D .U N lV anaiTY , I Calif.,-March-T- (JJ-Pi-atanforil- and

BUst, with durley ali««d S-0 kt tho ‘ ' and • to 3 fti-Ui* b a » . S u t

____ er both outflU lU rtw i hit-, ^ y iU n g th< hoop, tha SqboAU cllok-

1 tha aoorinr with 13 polnU. Brnle “ - w o t .w w M up aln,

t tilt hU alrlcfs la tho Mcond

te-aubdua whal.teoked Hke a ao<Ml* in c upnsinar.

(UCi— OgdsQ Blghtb ward ani: aatt-I*ke-<Jttr-«g^iteCTth- tuakethall teams will meet toi tor tha-«h«mi>ionahlp «f~th«’ tor Day.fiAUtls ail>olii

threatens to fine him.

m m mbattled on exactly' even ■oOiinx 4 term s; In the lecoud fiDd third } iwrloda.--- Tti<~Brtitoi p l y ^ oopwt^y

tU h iM v eir with bita IU)d ' « « l ' und A'frea throw w bllt reitiioU nf

.-OaKto^iaft.lOMillld'Boatfr^V.'.'U nBO liiO lltikf „ -

' l,ea Mnoolii, «o« fuard, ollmbed among lha top Of Uia

afe..::..:.'Itoeii" Oomngo l' M d Hiiiltti,' with four

Fewira(Bua'rda, L......... ........ .

"oinu'fi Wirr (a)rouani.' K lr n U lV - . i l •w jw M ka (3)

- U. MoMurray, atar Oakley for«

MoCloy (7), forwards) Hardy (8) . c«n<tr) Rush (•) and UbI

guard,aaadlng — Robartkon ( 1 1 )

. a n ilJ ] . . w aburrorM irdii. prm u .

Pr««tor '(3 ) i forward) Vaught. «MnUfKK^AU^Uird. :-

Scora by quarttra: ,

■H ' j-Sija

OoM lnU> BcutbwMVtnt'Xdilio '• riaili by_V^blriy 'OVer'

4040 ■

Tha O f dan team adviinead to;thi finals by « one-aldM,T43«10 vlo- tdry over Salt U k a . Oily Thlrc

n . — ■■ ;a i - . i . **!!?••orawn ■ (#) " ‘■po W lfd Ittg ad a Ihnllinif MConO' --------ooniabaok. dBreatlng I/ltan

aefcn lh runnerup la il yoan.BDta^ . . — rThu tinlf “Ir ir * Y'111) l lnigiB, MarchtralHng .........i ; 7- f r Nampa - and .W «l

Twin e'a lu play* St. John, Aria., ' * 'In th a oonaolallon final tonlfht.

H-ftrtay’a y*wnts| | * . ..t ’O U A M nO N tlH ir: j^ Q u i r l


Jngton In a post-aeaaon play-off - flfidsAJUuliilfinnlna-tha-wiiuiftr-At ntiw IM d'Paalflc coast conference

.t f ‘ ln^Tha''MUl'hom divi , slon UtlB battle w u avldeneod In . Uift_anuQun£emuiLDf.Al.-MMtfira.

Btanford graduate. mAflkger, who said thji^t^nejthe^ yubltc nor atu'

game,'Stanford, rated as a superior

Bearing team ' agplnst tf, fl, o.'a batter • floor and Iwll-handltng game; )ipparfliitty~waa tn'tii|rfui'iil For tho oontaat. The Card Uneup

' Nhosbdnn SO, /UkMiM ITerry 17, Ueola 30. Bellevue 4H. Ilagernuin, 8JI, (llenns Kerry 27, lielleviie 1(1,

• "TwwTitira' B w gn t r MuT UPiT rtgpi pod the leiuling tournament aoorera sfter the firat two days: Tlte Ilat

K, Jlatea, Murtaugh, 86, ,-Bodenhamen-BMen,-«0,-------------------P. CanrAmende, Albion,. 88.

-OllnK)ngbeard,-Olenna Brown, Uellavut, 30.

Peiry, 89.

nigbtaant^ 8», U g a n W a l h lT.■ » ! S

n«4M 111 * »«.viv mguafd noalUona. - _ ;.:;^ -H ijiW tt-W in .Cfawo,-.

lawaon.a . Morgan, Glenns Ferry, 3t.It. Morga^n, Qlaona Ferry, 31,Summary of Friday gam ^ ;Bhoahone 1 ^ throiiahotJf In

TSnaitiK Bden lla fliitB o tb ack by 87-38, Top aoorer wall Oodenham- aivJOdart, with 10 polqU W »Uln» of-wdan-wrtleetad-wght; Thoma' 16d ahOahonqVUh erglii lx>ln^,'l Oarrloohoa.and Dur=**CBQh.

Welaar were to mset ji

the tilt dropping out ol the tour* t ' iiey and the winiiar rorttln i Poiaa

lantariTurner (4), ....... - ....................(13) - an d ' laubanhalm , ouardi

oak iiy ~ Qorrlno* (4 i nn •' MoMurray (!)•■

z rr ii^ .r jra n i= 3 ,--------------------------------■llnhley .;.........,.(B fl ' • H—17 a

Pirates Bllmmata B u r l» e - Httiw-t'a HirateatliTntnntetf O T fi t

Hupiih#|iurfa Gooding waa ellralnated in the

K'!? “ ■ ..... ..........gam e. rfldav wlitn ihe outfit awept to \


,T h i . l , .quarter bot Rupert ravoraod mat* Wash. f t r i y a too^ a 10.10 ^

Manavu 40, Milford 80,' ' DUmond, U . .Klalnor*. 97.

Plarnqiirfr7 i>. m.— l<ogan • Bsveptli v*.

Third, .8 p, in,i-Tvi>lni r a l l i ' vi, SI.

N am pa-W liKr d in n e r Upa ovar I til* unbaa^n Dolae Sravei to- t n ig lik ,-Iba-nm a taama. w U L m «l i for itw .a a u ^ .t l t lo Monday night. 1 (> the Brava* Win tonight, lh a tm « l i th a ln , - ■ . ,

Bola* dbwnad Nai

game, al- .............iTib teams tn»«t again to* KUaworlb,

Wash. dV, Ore. t ta ta 30, iThe average life of a ilng lejiu

Nampa • Triday

____________i-ney being ‘ piayad to Parma, J

. . . another northwMt «Washington State ollnchvd ........rtlaca. by defeating Unlverelty ot Oregon, 44 to 80, ^ le Cougara ' ' tUroughout. . . ,

mlniilea to allmlnaU k - .........to 86, . Tha vktora lad by sT>V

Ta/bhera 53, Pt, a t the oy ^ o t t>wt Umo n d it now elp> and^^the,* rij|ht to ,

fnlla *> Iwlduoss rrmille. ■ tournament Inter


E u ssca tp rraN k a t s b

S h o t s

the Third Row

IV ^ T U e d aBd « l w » — X , -U«y-

J fM n a treslrarM iiim .' Jan* aii*' a^kaadaaBw^aaag

:<jnllili;L_£.THIOPIA^-WOULD -CAUL •! 4 iu til t 'i M OLEHILLS, ANYWAY

Id a h o S ia t< ‘ H itI LCriiui_til' ih ti liuiii

lirilK-fils.llUV v o i v i l l i i ' i v . : i i i i i n - n

n j l ' JfaiSTi-prId u liu S ii; 'u r i:<jiu|ntiiy ii \o(i TO llu- prii-i- agr«'('im-m. ir' i<r Maicd,

---------- — if r r r J r iT T f o u — lirn-'lrt

i-HlK ill l l i r »’" l SliolB. Inc.,

- w i'li llip KM'.ill i i„ aKswcr'to y : l l . o f l l i c I n ' - m y t o

a l > n , Uy | U r

- f} ir

irq u fiy 'as 'to ■ naii'iii' the contract :nl of (he contents ol

iKlc-lxuikct, let mi; cmimt'r- niy jivcjiciit rqiiitimrnt. U ,*),nc\v 5-y<l,, «Tiimp tr»cl<fl, - ) . t i Inick clrivfra. 0 jicIpiTH.

t a * «a r«; Iba t

C H A rTE R 111 -P’ R O B -U i* - iU rft^ I - ■*■ Occ»ole;j»B*_waUhoa the f##»l

, w ' tower* ol cll7, ihelr tipsthey werg

dlmmM.k; tOR. It was eocbontlDK. unrcAl, thia utlllOK nwajr Into tba unkaono..

Her Tooranale' bad aeon ter oD - on tfie ci'ulso. Altce bad aaW r'TbU ^ ..n o ta iru U e ^ g o L jlin lt>.«-raek.. 'Hesn-a4«*ii<ur«;'''W)ieB— m -*eh

Lack lo'iowi) a wreh from lodajr you’ll ailll ba wKhout a job.”

Jano (ifld acarcelr lUtcncd to ber "I vuticlot nlio'll bo 00 boardl" ab* hni} aald, cooJiirlnR n ^In’ lict Tlrld

"ImVcliiBllon llie romnnllo porsoon ibla «

’• tllV pl'<is|ii'i-ls fill- iWM-r Ix 'llv v llia ti llii

—w ill 1m: }»tuuly.

Ih c Jlfixillrli. S l l l M J - '\ iiiiiit. Ilia l .u u u -u u U ca l.

th<; (la in a p - fn ii ii tliis-IM ciil.v o f fly riH .stin

- aci'c.Ti c iii! nii- iir i:

. a i i M T w i l l I t f I m ' m I i « a v i i i l a l . l o

l i u i i i i i l ' . :;{ii.o?iiif 'n in n f

— M. T..lBiM ) Fold

WE m ig h t — BUT W E M OST'

c , I Now. atandInK on tht promeoadaf.H' fiiH'* decli. waichlDRUi8Blnnttwln-Kr«w

propeller* chu’rnlnn op Iho waicm behind Iho elilp. ahe ilRhed. “del'

- b-uiiy: -6TdT !T n rp nffHgr .Bho aBlil lnwfinny. Knr Jnne tind i practical bent Id her iDinelnoUr t ia tu ra ._______________________

< » n f i i f t n i ( l y c x p v l ' ' ' ! i c ) i . p < - r a i t ' ; i l l i

' h K ' i ' c ' i s « a n s f a > I i o n i n i i a \ i i i ; ^ - ( I k - ■ I r a C l u n n i o i M ; < . l T i u i ; T h e n c \ L h i c p ' j i to d a v .

ili‘lMl)s- o f ' 111.* r-on (liaL \vli1''h .hfaiT '''.

rs \'• - K a l y W i»t<-i-./srmt:_L

. L r c ' u t l . , - '

I(51T I l i o l f ii< II Itil.-f rail

l ( u i t i ■ l n . i . l l i i s

- n'.iKhtn't you? - - Hiiils talk on jtns-

,• the.£Uualkiu-ln...a. nut-


r i ’ i u . i c r o u i . ’ j j i j ' / n ' i : i { s

'r l i . ‘' l :v r 'n r n g ~ ’iTiiiy t n j t i| lijfB » n !

”r -_ iM ir “ 'flie jiiu -t w iilc i 'x r jia fu n n lo t!i<' ,u su a l siaii«lani>- fo r MU'h <li-i»;u'nni-nls, In it a fi'W ■Hurt, •tiirfly ||»; vn lrs

canyon .wiisn’t 5uch «n immense, iHHk. Accortlln}: tw tnlcs of Drfstx nonilB, ^iinnhlne Dnii Bennie the Goof, vvcrything from Paul Bui»* '»i>-to tt-hfrd-<rf-utn«wtnir»-Werc

the 'Consti'utUnK tif "out

a ? t‘ : V(.'« iii» iiiiiu ii'a lioiiK ,m iist 1)(> s ip iir .l . ih i)ii}:li il iw nnl. »<'i;

„gB K n rye-U iuC auU iQ iS ^ i i i i i i i ! i i l l iO iT 'L J JL :iipUi:lfli2- i:ca u cs t- lH : -Irtji'i-K Klionlfl tn* h i i r f — m il u v rr 5 0 0 w ord s, am i

3 ft»> ill* is jn 'cffi-iilili': a i l a i l i s on in<li\itlnals ca iin o l• )h! } i r i i i l i ' t l : 'm i l l n ;i^ l•l• w ill inall>'i'H o f ) 'i'lif;io iis rnii- _ 4 ,-ovt*m ^ M -ll»al.li«liw |.------------------------------------- ^ -----------------------

I.r lltT K dll M tlijfi'lN o f ;m i> 'r a l ,in (o n ‘sf. a n - n o lii-iln l iiii<l• ■W 'Ii’o iiim I. T ln 'y w ill Ik- i-rliii-a«'il o n ly ........ ....... tii|)aiii>'il I'v

w ifri 'r ii’iil )miila(l'i:.' F i i i r c 111'' F o n in i , a fU T a ll . Ilir•’ohli'iin , th 'T i' in' >10 r n <1 lo ll ii' ii>>>; il iiia^v, li<‘ im t,'

>il'ovi«tiM;,' ll ir MIII|»||- n i l f s a n - <ili‘-i'r»i'<l.

I In jii^r ;h.w<MI lltf> InvPiiTO]' •is.wiili f*MV 1

,f l.)ia vltM i.'or li.fM It.-

K K V K K l': H X A M l'l .h :

)> ra lli nl 111!' liaiiiNI. fu r n-lti1^auil-i'i

>( ii /.ii-inH Kijiiad wtih ilr.iiIIK xllv •li’onUoi

fa rm w ap o n , k illi iiR a Iun>»-

•ri’d liy a liio loi'i* '! nil ih jii) '-

. t b n i H . ' o '«)■<> NiMUNlK-d inlii hfcK M >irr‘ii''»'Kiinn,

• • - O i r i ) n f i t f l t ' i ' i n n o i i s 1 1 1 / - P o v l i i L r f J u i ' l N h i m ; l a u n k i l « J u n i i ( r l i f r M ' n l t ' i i r o , l i n t n m i i ' l i a x i - i - i i i ' l i n l l h i < ; > i v v i ' i - U ^ o f l l i k <

Itiir , at 111)- xaiiii' lliiit-, oni> imiKl. ailiiiif llii‘ K o v ir U Itiiv t4tH<r(inl l it r k>-v lo IIh- wIioIi- (M 'ulilfni o f •hunki-it uH<t «-Hi<

J rm t lr iv iiiK — U niLjM , l la i l IIk; ofrcHMi^it nr < l i ' , M * r v i » u l i i j i v y i i » - i n i l l y ,

Ttwrc t" Ilf) KiTiiUT tiiif/i'r haniinl 1h«n liit ftml vun,

fud ''* ' lli«'y linld m rT rar of Ilu'•'oitNpipn-iH'cH of Iln 'Irtii'lN ,

Ciit^ walkPd up (lis dcck and saw lliai pcoplo ncre being a&slgned

deckclmlra, Tbey walbod Uack and (orllu JOUOR eouplca and old cod

- ple*rTnlici«nB"tbr-bo»t"plncoe"ift. bDiiV In Ihe auh. 8om« atood Id IlDfl. A wblte-balred dDwasflr with a sour, Ircrnolo Totca vas boTlnp' qu«e;a“Job~ofnnaihii'her8r'Bhp was querulooa and fuaaj. •

The deck aieward waa ready to;lte bar Dame^on the plarfturd

“Your name, please, m adflm or"'' Tlie dowaier lapped bim on a les « ltb bcr cane. “Too Imparll neat |oang-raMalt“ alift aiilii, htr T(HM-h>ab-pt{eM-flnd-etfrl)l<-»ro-

JJfluaniu^ lald-i

Hot .Shooting' Guy:"Uonny tlw Goof’, «.iy« he ma«Je

Snnki;_rivit.W nyoPj,Tliat uln't bo.

One briRlit mprnln/r thoiiHniKis of yi-nra uko, I v,n« out for n stroll nnd wfta nhniil to return w hcm l hentcl n very iiiiKry iiisa* Inp, Tarnlnp: nroiimf I haw li very- ..C -m TnfA TBC llfg-l'rH irnBgrywllli him for fflvlnK tnc the rn«p- hn-ry. I jiickcrl him up, nwiini; hlR) niiiiiiKl any lu’iul n taw timcH

. r 1.-I K". T Niu«l liriv.- Ihrown II furtlior mill hlf;lit.-r thiiii I cx-

licclcil; nnywiiy. h f. cnrni; <l'>w» >vltn (nrlfJi: .for.ci- "iicl wft« Imr- (r«| tlvfj* In th<“ irrwmrt. Thi“ npot ■» new Himkp liver ennyoii, imnicil iftrr thin cprtnJn Mnakp. •

— Brom O. Seltier

liiuiK of I'ArliiBurw- 1ni»lnrf>a mi ll airlvril^ in tb ( II. with orilera,(or « lot ol inarhlnerjr to ii»r In n«^lii|^ cjthliirla.

1 -rmitflfritnlrriHnntI th t it 'b f t t r r If theme fcllnwH hnrl comn fro'm Knuiro.

— Emmy.

supposed to aiADd lo line n llb tbe olliora. DdI Jane fnfo him ber best ainlle, and be aald, HYoi, Ma'amr Jano jttorlod t llillo Id that (saL

teomed to melt owaj. Foopit weni to (ho bar, or downatalra to Iheir onliliifl lo iinpnrli ibelr tlilnsa. She waa.almost.alaiia.-------------;— ..

l)U T ,(ben ahe saw him atandlnR : * ^ -b j the rail, not 20 flat aw nr

ifw oa Itaa laoncd 7OU0S mao

YOU im oU fTivr i tT . J Z '

ri'Ctntly bomflrtetT an official ci

..•M..vn nlilitlllUIIKll lo any If hr'rnrnf i

iictM, mill <liii>ht>l

‘I'tn- ni-kl IImii’ a p n n lia in llc i' p«i 111' mi,;li1.1ii- nduM 'd (o t',o K (iiird oil 'ita|ialiiiiiii>»'l<.

o a l ItiM hud lull-, l'o flll'l'h i.| l'‘ o f llTl!

h a i l ) 'ii\ lov , ll(<' Ki'i'ill >'''i<all^l n lin cli o f )>liy^lolo;fy, ili'iiil, lull lilH jililloKOi'iliy

on, ~ 'Niiid il ii' n nliH 'iil ra \ ln v nl om - linn-

'if M'i.iii'a r fl i 'h i Miiii nil •fiiiitf.’'

' . T h a i |)il< h anittii i;vrinin'H iiliilil> In i i n r o l d 'i l n ' h -i i

IIm'M’ h ii'i'i'lh iiri; laid h a ir lb>- I......■■ Jbnvi'H n ju v n M ;’ "

, iK t i iw lb ’i *iintm >;4iuL.iiM „ll

iip-d ihi- lllld Iiirm

h loryinth li!

ill i l i '- . i ’in l ■■■•Mitirj' liMi'ly )ioititii|; lim y h>> i'

■ : ‘ • r i l l ' a i ' h l i ' M - i h I In.- vIk IiI I<»

i>ii':)<h'l'i'd liii|io l

Im h.niiHl '«i|t.in iia liii 'i '. an d iih

I- .......................... .

i-.\|iloi'iiloi'y iiilii'da fill' ('Ill'll ^ctii'ln 'w i'i'vi'il a / i u n iil t it in . T li i 'iii ^\lll htv nllii-|i' 'I’avlovh iih Ih i'ro liavr hr iJu jH , Ni 'U 'Iiiiih am i riiHlrin'H.

New V o j-k i'i'.J iilh 'd f^n' ^ l l 'a lll ll ' a lia llil iih In )lt|>iiu-. 'i'll li^iny iii'iijilc , h liir i' |n'ohlhl Inii^ l}</iiiii- do m - i-it.'ld iinli'hN nilM 'il in d l l ' Im lh h ih .

I’ol Hlirillrr:llo IIIIIM. llilx wrnliKT

»l>ra>K fiivi'i'. lint It’niiKinlhn iinlll I Ki't my

w t .'v r iiiipN 7|«KMi;, .TOOl

r'iii,](i!y im inir •tji. . . . nllii lit ti lilii.'li )<rll>l<fnl

H O W M A N Y " T U X E « " DO Y O U T H IN K V^L HAVi.1

.aiuiUi.---------:------------ ;—

mill >1 nv nllnt til<'tii((>in, ......

I f , a r i f l ' lllUlniU t> r f

. IKKl'wl. lllfrik lit- n U ill i ll i l.

Nil/.i hull nil (III- rilin, K‘l‘ itlHMlIf} tn-l-ll lllio llli'l -an I'laMk l l» l l \ vmiim I tin i

" M u d in i j.d i, }i.- >'liA|dln

Wlnli wnif n lux ridrnpi' III tlin liluliil wl

Tlilnli »|||U fun VI>|| •'i'oiii|iivrii>: with tiifit i »r Niiw Yiilk’n funliliiii whil niiy lliul ci.lurr.l illi

I.' lupl.lly K'llNltii In i All vii'i'it lo <lii ivniilil V<

II li'iriili.iixi in iiilviHii'o niM i-iirn Ihl' ntinili’ nf imiip til' tK..rvra,

— Pathinn

KAMOUft LA«1 4.INK. Well, M U U r’ htep#

lliliiuk Irnui iliiimeki. niiywiiyl" TH L liliN 'll I:M A N i n '

T H U -T H IR D ftOW

lUdr, and tipped bis nngon to bla cap. He looked at Jane, «bo wa» atandlnt eloie by, and Vaeuel7 smiled.' '

-byed out B drekchalr close by. •'■ni take that one,” atie aald. “Jaao Wwtoii.la the bame."-

Sbe ablwred. u it lb« deck wvn. loo cold (or bar .now.

'.YQim.JJ'M*_i:n)_MJlCl wfjmnn: loOB P fil H f-.tor atnuig

toe. » j66“ wBDt'io w yiJH* tbere'a a 'preit]' roanr cirt atami

. Ja»_lbors_bj_i

lo rasL ' 1 dnn'l waof to »m an; body. 1 doo'c want to talk IHonl waat U> llsleo. I don’i wnur sn.« Ttiiim-nrbrppBBl 1 w n n w ic i


rare. “Wllen I <raa a (tr l-w e n folnt heart nc?cr won fair mnirt «n.“ She «eni away, .carkiiue »i her wUtlclfiD. like ao cld-barnyani-f a w l -— - • — ---------- ---- -

The TOUDi man gilnB«d. appri' ^tlAtlTely.'Ha sot np and at^maHicii

‘l_Jiiae._CT>n»tiy thle » m e ^ l_wKtL_J" lW flrm anJarliy of youth.

TflOBlng lOf puBMIHn s r Y cfu liT And aha bado't o ^ r oxptcled to fee him aenlnl Now bs, too, « u tooUng back at the soariog, c r^ e latcd-io.wcr« oLllinltyl^bleh_were. rapidly dlsappearlnx from rlew,-

Jane remembered the oews storyffld ot the'Danlsb'____

dine priQce TialtlDg In Amerloa, and bcr eager mind built such t fdle for tbla Tooo'g mab;course be waa' ao AtnorlcaA. '.'Sivell tu b r be had said to ter casually yesterday Id tta atreee;. - iU n ,wutett— »«H t-on-H D -ber-nlD dH ie- Uirufid.A&d.JfioktiLjiLJiu^jt.

bad bad of bcr yesterday. .But now sbo realised.that people, oo tbejilg

' Dot lodulge lD «aay „ _ -Of straosera. It

seemQd~tomBke~berloneIlerr-----------The man edged (oirprd Jane novi

on- »hw m lj- - pnt tut-ho -tttntfit t^l«. o1)?Tbus nora the dowager who sal Imtriersedln'rura'abaa'ruriMVeB at blm ttrousb a lorgnoUe sBlBedaodimr. - I t I , out,, sbe a&l distinctly to the e< at ber aide: *-See''-«hB nodded at the bold, young'nu)ii— “l..told yoa we aboold never b*Te cone od tbts


bestowed on ber yesterday lo .New Yorli. It was not the rode look of a byalander Id the'strtcL lie aeemed to amlle. and 'tbeo turned

ognlKd berl A email boy Id » m l ibat made

blm look like « lUtle if lM r^ c tnfl

them. He was a manly llttle’ebap wKb kti insoleut snob nose; The yoDng.jnaD at'tlie rail turned and boamad down on blm. *Tbe Oral itlibJfillovi:L'liA.Bik«LcQiuuaely^

Tlie llUla boy frowned, and kepi nn walking.' “No.* the elfVenlbJ" lie anccrcd....... . . . ; __ ___________ ______ : .

'p>ll3 young man blushed sharply. ^ “Friendly llttio cussl" be tald.

nalf aloQd. and Jane imllod. When .ibe amllcd.-lbe young man's ayes

e'be rocog- 0 gilnipae br

T T i p J stood 01 hpr side Iqrklnt ‘| -f^ d o w D -a r tln eddylBg fn^m; «'■

I iirown as a rl*er naod. He epi-lr

'Tomorrow the waler will b* iRfcen-wbao we era*. lli*.<»na Stream." be eald. '"We're almo*'

|oUt-ottslitht.- -Tt»'-aKyi}lM 'ot -|b»'- |clty-«iN»-«rand.''^n'l in'-

Tbroueb ell of tbeie msnenrfrt Jane bad luilKd lo bcrscll 8hi- looked up qiiX-kly and atndied bir face, and It slrurk her with a torrr- that bewildered tier: (be bnri (allnn for biml* Here he was. i|i«nklnir to bcr. and she ilked> ererrtlitiiv

-gooiTioBnrttrr wrtnkles alwut bis eyes, bts sml> hla shyness, and wbat was opnnr ently bla sunny dlspostllon.

'It Is srapd. I nerer reallsod It. . . - ........... - ............TnrS-arrfi-

t£',! Iboli, and lurned away, am couldn't b« too familiar witb

J tLaensed the elToct bar c

-Ttae-yonoB-?ikiDg-atoppod. He oyed tbs dowager ttopefnlly. Bat wbeD 1>9 got no response be was embarraued and sal down In* tbs deckchair neareat blm. plcklng-op

' Jue 'a beart' sank a ^ ln . OUe b ln couragel la aoolbar mlnnte be mlgbt be lostt

watched tbe old wanfan. Despite ber tagging jawa and QaenilOBs manner sbe seemed to b« merely a kindly old woman. He slralgb('

.............................................. » _ i» ;

tb*mark. .' “ fCs warmer out here on

oecon." he sold. “Now York

Sbe alared at him for a tnomenl. but, arlalDg, boamod down amiably OD blm, "It'a QDlte ntca,~Uiank youl" aba aald..lben.lUrucd to go.


bad on blm. and Jeanod clneer to(bo rail. ______ ______

"When yon Hfo In O-placa. too. long, you tall (o see (be nice thlne> aboue-1t"-*he-fft1nn(efred.-----------------

_ gave blm her face again “ Ytra donX“ l know.— Youfe in -ayr (bat-baa looked oTer griiot dis

irobably ibe wMlern plalne eyes are'clearas orya

Ton aee, I bad a cbance iq atudy you yealerday In I4ew York I saw.you standing In fronl of Ibf ateamship window— ** .______ . •

B.v Paul Mallon

SAl'EGI.UltD .Sn'AT^titTTOT^ — • n ip-fpinn^r

iirr^jfurrift-nif coitjfrcjiHiomii IfsdPrw low 1b to provide I'reiddent Kar><<'- ,'i-lfH rnriirniltnii n-fonn ■illli wtut mi»>* liQ more or Ii-»j4 irrloiwlv rallt^l “nafejniard*."

,*.lr. i;!.Gsrvclt failed to n«-iit|.'T !n> of Ki lilfl messiiRtr, lua,if-4n»irh***- Ih-.^y-iire .|iiH,-eaa(iryr-OtM

ui»ln:uit bousi! lender aoKgesteil a Ha l .5H)f».00(I «.«-mplion before M.uml of tlio ridiUng. clerk's vr.Un iLitt tHcd dOT -n. - An cqooHy. priimi- Tjcrt-stT.itiir yjimcd ont'ttifttTTTTrlv- '• ivnrt-sncli iidilitlonal exempt JTtJp,-radvtaW,r, .,,Tbnrn- ,g lt ll lift ...^ .ih;iiiy morc'-df tlie^o before iiml Ihs ccrpDrntTi phaso of thC’ MIl -n c led .

1^ -Tti:? proof nf tbo pudding ^vlll !■( ia^UUirtlUltmK nnd-wling IU«.j';f and not In-(ku-rerlpo which Trii Wlilto IJ0U.-H! submitted. The ;> ;J

:c c l util not he tho tax, but i:i n ' f x e m y U o n s .1-hnt mntti-r Is bplnj;: r jr o

«f-u 'Ith a Hnioothncs* and ccl<riiy \f'bkb, au;(t;csta mulmU .con i-,-it, if not pi;a-ni-{Qi-.|'cnicni;

Nol^o—Oiciu nro two nccrptril

Whlto U o ia v - su);gestlon w U It whlcli the Icadem are not per«i>i;- aJly In sympiithy. One la (o fijJit ' It, fuiiJ Ibe other Is to smolhrr it u'tUi-atfunUon, U sii dcnlfa. TKo tott«r mo(hod h. ui~ tva.iH IcsH painful In u caniiiuicn ycoi-.

i t

Mr. noosi-vclt's smile ■w.'ns ;>» wide 08 a watermelon ririd whtn Jm . . senl'hfs tsx message to conprcw In fact, one of tho rcoaons v.Jiy be (tld not ko tnrtoTcad It hnfij-nr - ' Ifl.-supptiacd to be Ibal lie coul.1 r.nt tniat-hlmself to keep from 3au>,-)i-

— TheiTmennlrtb-waBwtdcspi'f.'-.iT;------- •Some.of tbc New Deal tax rcfoni

fell out of their ch;,. ■

Thfr reason for all the mcrrim» nt 05-thbi:Hero waa U r. Roosevelt. v.hi>

t rl«^ la a t year to tax bigness, iir <l

» N>a.i'm . from .CallforBla.— 1'»»

been skiing np tt U k o Placid.”Sbe said, v o h l* -h i* Id « -b «rrJa »-

uperlenetd' sudden panie aitBln That one ««Bteoc«, bseo ski Jog-qp-at Lalia PJacId.” wam rt toplaM blm mile* apait from' b « Wbeo be (oand ont aha « u eoly • IIIIU typist Id tbs caD^d'Di ot tb<......................................... - . - '

.tax, botBo ........-. whaf doca he rfn.

■DunitsjnlBe-hfs old blghcM-ti:* Idea oa a needed revenue cdrrcc- Uonr and: rtilp It back up to c< n- g ^ i «fcftlwoat-ft^rouHneraugcfe—

her. He wat probably a lumbei king or a rancher's sod.

Conplee passed Ibem now. arm In arm. promenading od the dcck

the tbiog to do."— ,-Wby n o ir she said. '*Dul don't

.aak.nemy DAae. . Ycii.boTSQ’t Juit plokcd me up. bate youl"

-They bolb laughed and, arm in arm. betsn-to-promeoada. '

(To Ue ContiDUfd)...............

H 1 S T O R Y of Twin .Falls City & County

l/o u t________ • BjrOKve Roberto Barton

E X C U S E .. 'CongresB and Wall alrcpt ni

bnvc , been a Ifttto conrii? obout Mr.'Roosovcit’fl purpo ■ j f nnj^tax expert, could

irougrnr-W Bat^lic y g i ' saw waa this:

Mr. nooMyeit took a forcementjlcfptt to .fllart .iviu Bcvi-rnl rich people are esciiiJ Inf; blgh surtax rates by linv In t their corporations accunm lute undlTldetr profft4. K v n v on» la-aeafnat that. Vlce-Prir^t- lieot Uomer, who la not exocny

brain truster, cumpaipirfl -

1 While t rentlie that mothew itunnul always .coll the doctor when Aomeonu in the fami'"

1ft YSAK8 AOOOnlrymHia'fl Noia. i

n Aomeonu in the family^s IU, has carac •rttirtcaa I fear I ahalt-nave to turn Ilia > ;trur*niK'«ianib\W Sg o r « r l I aem N"r:liblKInK o Import I ■ " •

Not so lonir ago an < uiy who took I

* wrote: '-ni put my chlldi-enyear'* reconl of lO.M^ jxHiiida of up ufakut your* May day, and 1 iiillk aMl 4M FPUMtii ut iiuttwlal, nover h M n doctor In ray house,' Rlurilsg ta* test at Mv» ytanraacit j ----------- .— — -flv(v muBlke. Tha record makmi her the new chumnkin of the state «»v*r all eow#- In her elaswr -wWth htalntNs five jrenrs nr older.

nhe 1» endowed with the bent "ipieMwr" In the werM, or cniMrmi Sira blesMd with ur ally KOO<r lii'aUb.' Or' else they recovered from ......................

rearrvolr pro|tot has been ifkHleii

I.VS. . .inrnt. Word of Ibe mlenslim hnn

they may have had becMuse dlitf* noois wnre M l neceaaary and cen>

HUWlilK vra- *"r c a w natnfwrftnt waa rrqulreil..' .WaUlvi^ympion

t> rU ln ly tivvry mother _____lo .IrpfiKl on herself. She Itnowa t»ar-w jirti-TW M iy'«'M ftW ijM ' ■ relniii u meal, he must

n- nt w r fc ' im i nirf^.,iii( n,..;rrHS Is amit to bu n

lurgt ly line li> llMlr i-f Corlfl. Tho ika for deferrtnx

. . Iiitem l i-alvptp <><-nlv 'rHo

ilvi'rl III Ih* r»leii»|un la I2DU.U00.

i 4 k l i i 4 l d ju L J i m j u ooH n-stn, liut If bo i

pri'ularo and so rn, the rxpori- eiicvd one Itiiuws that hers is Uecml ot her__________

mean liusea thlBga of

r> ^ la r f i i ">'niiiin nalurf. The iwme wllliG ra n g e n t W e n d e ll ft'vf.ntih- cnhis, - cmigh*

a > n | « /-» thniutn tbut rt'fiisn l<> Imiir i G A r f t D l lS f t U r o u p Wlttl i-arly huuiu Irsatuwnt.

WICNUMI.!.. Mfireh 7 iKp.uUI) Ilnwcvtr. Uioifl In on lliInK tiiat — A t tlie grangt meetlPT'ftiOHlayli bellevt ttec#-not com rtiM B rtlm

• .......... pvMi'Bt l « hear w iilt-iu K l-a re oaUgory. 'niia la(wibv. And tl>ls Is ^ .w rfc c lly

. Hwi-ll Unu.4if yetir for « ld ' " a hhMwetiv<»fo-vUltinir.

WikllB I alwnyit h a le 'tn -f ln y

, Ill'll ImftK^iary Im i la i i i^I liirtiarr’n Vhiilr, ill- r,<in, IIiIh ttine I frri onnatrntnid

"(iiuiiKerf)," liy Ihn.io suy iny pli-ce, Wlfllo mimo cai ■ - ^ in Kn‘ -• • "

Iks |iit<Krain prvinnlcil hy .10 • rr# of HI1i» Uran)(u.

TtM ahartrr-w a» ilraprd-fnrlU'pin'ieil member. wlUi ujijmijirl.

T»m^ri*Kr3ui. wlih Mrs. Hatli llJISf.,

■ eluih'il ... , ......... _ ... ................. . .........'OilliiK, Mrs. Kiiiilli; Vlo-'ituliea will uni along nicely wllli

liit.nnlii, Prof. OlHh. with MIm An-!hoino trealntenl awl Johnny nviy iinlK-l lliitarniim nt Ui«' pJaiiii;|l« bark at tiulionl l»w «l«y aft«ir >iihiH, Mm I'lihlr.liti trani|Kit aoKi, loiiionuw, slllt und all ho inlght- Dorarv liulliir, iiiinomhanUid hyiii't, T h n » la an IihIImii' by the Mra. UW>i( paiiloinliip, Mrn. ilu ffi nnme tiT MiwtiKmis IhnI neanr piann nnit tMinp tliirt, Mra, Flan anit hna b*(>n in(rKr(\ np. ; ic la an «k- K W, Hayri'i ramllii*. W, H, Ayaniilpert shot wlUi hin arrow, ami U frtnno anlo, Mrs ' J lra ji prx»pnfa*'ls funny how-tie Invr* to hit bt*- lliiti of thn Iravi'lliii,'Kovoi liy Mi. hind lllo via; In Hint vuliif Jlaualau, iiiiuitfii' uf lUlaa Uraiigu.iuliuM. au iil4>«4i tu tiia bruUi.

ir mi'mlu'm took tno <thHita-!a(ilin' Id jnrr«>ly u hli(tinr that hr .lid «ln rrnnina wnro volfililn.llsn 'l niiy loo fnr awny,Inti- tMiiir ■•funliiiinnin w<iro|wuriil(iK li> Ini’P an ryr |Ht<'

:l, • •poaalble ll«Hif.i**,

i s

Uarnh a. Bad.Montti.........A baby can't tall iia when h

•arachi-. litit he will cry' »n - head or hunoh bin nhonl*

- frtaiis' ha W i ^ S c l C %Tfi I f tba owUwr U reasanably

ha« tootbiuba of the ear (did you aver hav« o m T ) and It Isn't well by mOmiaf, «r:re«ura fuc^uently, r « m akt a t a ir wttti aoma<«a wlw knowa. E a rly traatmenl may rout the enemy fosnplelajy, Jjite

' ice ina;v Mean tba hMpllal..........U l operatlan, Haa-

\ be op.and a pretty \

on at ongt.

eara coverad thaou|>i ItaM ti. pa*UmlM>y-lf -lka<. . been ceverat» all wUtar. I t la loo

V to let tiioo eprout. Bm that '( f -a Jr -a b w : •W -W th r-^ rtp ir

............ heada. —

. J nu uiluu ivlicrc.lLcJUA.Iiij SjiiihUiii^ c ijn lfn i)l«l

_ £fMtraUpn-.aill-,.lir. bcld_. -Miiy 7-10 wnH the fii'st cap- itnl of iilalio lurritflry, )iuh

'm ill ill tliii worM,. in 10 niili'H fi'iiia tlio Lit|»wiii Iu - dlnii virarrvuti'on «H tA b> llMhcil ill IHr.f), Atal 12 luiictt ir u u ! . i l it i '& v i iiil iii ( >nin>iioa, whii-li w)U'4)o dffrt-

-icntetl M A itn to im rl» d iir- •'Inff'-itic-wlPlii'MioTir'Tn®—

thla la aomatliInK we eontaol. 'Paaab eblMren how te blow Boarn n n t ^ . Ilard' biowln^ foroea xcnadaden maciia ii|k the

Ice, liio.)

PhilathM M«tron» P U a Event

Hm 4intir'vnterluln the women Ihe ulairvh at the annual Haalcr limutienn nt Ibe nburah Murah 13, The f<ili4)wlii|( nuniiaaltiiK cuiniiill* lee w v alM named by Ihn fireiil-

Mra. Itencer, > 'Tnp annual fii«iii<in or nrricfiA

will, bn bold at the itoit rrgulnr »|n(f fti AprMi...................

Jniiri'naiiiK llio beat andrr liiilli K watiii- dorn not rnlna Uio lrni.

p^rnturft <if the wnfrr. ----------',

Y o u M a y N o t K n ow That—

Garden T atkt Heard* A t Club Gatltovinif

Mrn, I, T . Cierd was bi

nrllrki by Mrs, HUiilay \

nrlluin nn thh ‘‘Cart st F « n i « lin k

Ujwb iltsiirned to correct tlie altiuitlan,.but all havo boen )ii- aKcctlve.

Wpon that technical ilff^i t, M r. Rooacvelt built a new (imI blMter idea. He pi'opoacKl- to pruff the lo^hoie with a whn)e aaw~Byalant-«6 ooitwralfr-lAM-N-- It* wBuW force all oorporatloi.a • t*. dlatiibuta all their earnlnf^i

lUS out of the 0tobkhol(I< n «JM>' reeehre-the namlnffs. - 1« ts'fssentlally the aainn fun- .............................. ^ a .b lK a c u .u j

nt*tn"tti8"fiviiti fill'lltax philosophy. Tiu.t

1» as l a i ^ a peg as baa rv<-r Inww aflend for. a minor li>.)x

^«IMM__ _____i r M B hardly an'overilKb^ tbua .

V f . HMoevelt neglected to go ln l» TmnU' bneflts of luoh u tim.I M hbi advlaera wbi) know

MeMdi and who favdr tlieiii, uut- I M tlw n aomothlnc like tbia; -•71ir-*n>ntni|- of- oorponliniii - '*iMiiM>be movod from Wall short

era la rala^ nioiicy 1. plant r»|>iiii* „tbjita-owM fc«J-

nrles,- etc.'Tkus It would deoenlrallxe > »i

trur at bujrineJM, would p>il JimMJMKrton fta exRlin slur:

mora out . J _ Anyuiio iiaa ,

nta irloa sr.atnoka U annnoarf ;IM fmm4 oil iiat wbrib, H u l , IPS aw orvea aa wall aa m rnint*


Rnlnrdny, Wftrcli -7, 1938.

. S O C I E T Y . . V

M i fH o n IO-J« «. nv

P A S M T O e E

^ c n i iWIN'NER BVfaVT

' ‘ lIO K'UlU A V yJkilSRSA RV "• • 'K fr o n ir M r l ;- ^ .--J.'Talitdh*

liTtainod this week a t n wwldlng<<lnncr compUmenUiry lo 3(r. and Mm, SUiilfey LarWn on their w«l. Oiij^aiittiwrsaryrDiiiner' wauscrv- r<l a t th e Park hotel anrt the tn ilc

centvred with a mlnUUuro

, The Amnmn cloiw of the Bap- .ll3t churcb wUl meet Monday .at 8 p, m, ftl Uic hpme.or .Mra. iL - H. nftllonKiT, <Q0 Fifth avenue

E«v-. L .D 7 Smlth-WiU-PrweBt Lecture Sunday at Ohorch

-of Nftunne

[mwTFi itfT^au-ageii-tftft tbw y t- y p- m. BUih6Wi'' 'nnii' <-x.-.'nHvrt-tlurTJtl)IcrB rK .“AlMrlttriupcT-{7ij?<njn'^-------Inltiodmt., ............... - .....-.'......a.p. RcBiilBr mcctinjr rf -Supl: L. A.-Thomaz of Kimberly-'

n :M a. m.. Mflrntiig womhip,|,.uxlllary orcitnirMion. ilevoUonal scrricc.' Good inu-i ______

•'Whnt Moanpst Thoii, O Sleep­er?" win be the mjbjeet for a Bpe-

■ i'brt b y .R f i* L. ,p/ BmiUi . . .The tveliltijr waa aount nt JiridL'c' evening's meeting of Ibe'Church of the Nararene Sunday at

---pmk iatt-w M tfr coter-8chefne7 - -i -ri,., apunt nt tiridKC

. Haycn and LsrUln.

O E ^W JJB M S_______

•oytM .svi(f>iu»n> u( Ainorictt noia|*>'>y K' '^-i »umiuu«<ra Mwa t the Oilit Ffilnn-n hall ptanii wpro Therf will algo b»- apfp.lnJ m iu lartc £oc a pot-luclt dJnacr to bcjanrt jrtORlne. ' •'im aclc £oc a pot-luclt ............. .. ,._ .. _

served nl the next seaoton to ob-' Mr. Smith »aia the Bubiecl of _ aerve tho 41 Xt i.nnlvofMry.-nt_ti>«-Lh«>— hwlnrtt-tr-^WWrnfifiVpn'

organization. Mrs. U yrtic Bu&h, to A man heedleu of God and -tw ae lf. - prc ild cd -a t—tho-mwtlntr.-thit;-. - who-fcFund-tnniBolf In -th e

.Tbc.&nnuaL pot-luck auppc£-Qf.!RcfreshmoaU.w «ro-a«rv«d-by^M^:mldtt.nf a atorm on a r t ip which the Mountain View ctiib noa ar- Margaret Sima and her commtt-lwaa about to rtnk,' ranged Thursday evening at UjcUc*. L l ConUnulnir •Community church- parlors by] * * * ' aermon-Iecl

' T

Schools Announces " Penod”A wuniH

cast over KTFI.G p. m., Young I’eoplc'a meet-

;lng’. A friendly devotional aer\’4ce :#or—lhe-^jroune?rpeopie.—-M orton ;ThPmpson, ,»pcakcr. . . .

7:30 p. m.. E\’angel1?(lc with prayer for the «lck.

KlMli'feltLY, Mnich 7

the faa tor . A ”llv'e and r o « ‘'rful

TneMlay and Thufsil.iy

'------L'**lTEO-BKCTHKr.N IN "i'HIU ST

Cornrr of Third ftn<l Thiid ftVoniK* nlKl.

" r i . i l " twltiir ttwrnKM for the fuur ti.vwcLl;ii' jii:rli)a ur. tin

•huol y.iir. arr iiimcjiincr.l froni


m.', sumiky RchiioYX£^iin-ice *'^’’‘ ' ^ ” T>rr. m]pcrintrn<lrB}

JHc’" F ix

« « »J| (••••Jlk, s|Mrfi. Edith Wiwu.

Bethel-Tropic Btb!c lichwl, ni,,__Bvangelixi

; ! . i i .

^'"“'"■•'Paiinfr, J.icli Schmi.lt, tislioni.' : 'MuUlnji. I^.is .Slyt.V. Nrnr^-n.vl' -IxiiiRhrrtJ'; Knph»TTr.nrrsT- Vlr;:lnlii

----------------n'iernW FB'ortnc'CttnrfonhcJrfaJiT^t-LoCAI.'COTnPnr'»1ICB. Kollowlng the 7 o’clock aUp-|u>fiTKD IN M/UifUAOB "WTiat abojit today, a r e 'v e in/iito. • WWV..I. — !•-1 ia<%niu/M>c< t n iu ti luonv. anj in n}H>r-::<^pi’op ™ -.w ag i:p reM nlatl:i Miwa^buidha^Tifcaoott^wi-Tru-‘j»t*nn4^-H fev^tba waa ot—Uh>4 Numlxtra Included a violin solo, mcui'Rathbuii. both of Twin FuHs.ibeen troubled, do the rtonn clouda

cpUmtjon «r come to the claaeea of the Biblethe m tnlsicr^^ ool. Bring Bible and note took. f id c t P R P eav T F n i& u

------------------- S6tufday.-'2 p. 1H„ C hiirtrcn-B i- ^ rchurch. In charse of Mrs. Elvcrai . .

"ColJun Popples,•"Dy Wayne Gord-jWere uhltetl iri niarriagb yMlcrday;hririg low oveV tlia wbrlil? WHl the , nccomponied by hla m other; nflcmoon a t the honie of n«v. L.l'New D eaf ship of etate ride *• - ----------— —— ----- -------------------------- --- ---------------------- ------ L'nUMh|Bturm.' KTISI-Xbout Comii>v»> vutai ovu.o> v.~v..ii uic .-iiiiiin, ptuiuir oi uie i.nurcn|m«iiii; o iii ii «ogut i.»m inuni.i

_nnd " I 'n Take You Home Again, of the Naaarene, .with Mr. 8m lthittna‘TmflCl«m,’ 'w h rir a b o u n h cKathleen," by Howard Manning,Ircadlng th« o accompanied by ‘Mrs. Manning.' the couple wc - ............. lUpcllU • - ' • ^


- Tilt.couple were Mrn. Martha Un-i '‘Then, too, there is old ahiji

ItiAru-’QiMi nn/L M»n--MaMh»ni. VVnhl -'Zlon. Khe aa^A In Ihp stnrm <«4Hi .... ................ .(------------------^ * . ----------- jftU-Uio-;<wah»-<.ft-bwkr*t--*»l«-p-?-Ull; 6S,4i..-'Ihou-haja-^loaJtlU IN KER ARRANGBD ' Can she make the hi'ftvtn ot res t" “ .............. ..; AT UOTRS> FO Il FltlCND ii ! Remember Johan w.i.t -whaled’

Mr. and Mrs. B . R. Tillery were so this world ha« been •whiUwi.'uning a t an informal!Are we about ready to pr.vluLte

J r t tnr^nmp-wa a • w on by 'im s. M. E . Garclnet.

Thia w c ^ ’a regular meeting c«. the -club was held at the homo ...............of Mrs. Sam Gamble nnil roll ce.llj hosts taKt ............................................... ............... .............. ........^was nnmvercd with "My Favorite I ainhcr party a t Ihe-Park hotel fonfr«im thi'.i hard t-chool Song.f Mrs. Te<l ScoU wuh eletit-i *ri,.nds fronx'Twin Falls and Buhl.;for moi’ ? 'w haling'?'’cd .vle.c_i'rcaiden5 uml M v8.._M ^k:bvcrs wcrii laW io r ,{;iKht....Thc] ........ -------------------------- —lory Fisher a new member TherevenJng was spent a t enrds at H i g h ' W a y

FlTlyn •J.T.'i.-on. Yvi.n;.c T.ri,.|' Dale SrlK.lh. I'iU’l W M kii? l.|.. them.

C hrhi; Sdm ilM . Surnwy, M jroh 8 1

with thy servantfl, O Lord, accord-L. [’ ‘•‘'S J l " ; Ing unto thy wcrd. Thy liflndn.®'"f*,i;“ *'

•• bloHed me.'’ l .have tiiailc me and lasblof

•'The Reality nf Christ," pastoi’. m. YounK fn!h’s lio'ir

, Gerald WuHh. o, Wur, ■Why I!.; l{-'ll(r

by Mrs. Mertie Souders and In-lments. eluded an 'Ita lian rcr.dlfig by M rs.: * «ebott. Mrs. Leonard-HtlilngtoiiisHO W EB '(a V E N and Mrs. e : K, Bauer were guests, [ 'ro H pN01( MRS. JJA TES

E m p l o y W P A M e n

Amonirrhe citations romprlning the. U!saon-Seinion la the follow- , , I ,' ,InK from tho JJ.olc; .‘ 'And Godi‘““'!,- ' J-'8UU1. U-l m .iiake man in o u r l '^ .^ ‘‘‘' '“ '= ,imaKe;-aflPr onr-likrnK«:-T;crC<Hlt\,-^-^ I'' /Kuiwlrty, Tj».,

■r tfil mi>n in his own iinKge. i n ;» '" ’'« ”"«'y .socle y, in .cl.ur.h , '■ • .Smdv, i 'Tlie .-K»T' it.-r,Tr


;j;'i.^rfTufrnT«tfti,he him; r.iale and fcinalr crcatcil he them” (C.enc.iin 1: M. 27 , Mcr

L P C Ii-lfrcshments were served by the • honor Thursday hostc.sa, .tahower arranged .

The next meeting will be hrUi'Rogers. Guests were Mis. Claude. . . . . w__ I........................-TVirttr

Thui!••lub of the t'ollece of l<lu nialn HU(litori\im d

. freetwili (.rtccJng txli_

EJnima Ktoflt. to bring apron

•IRIMIGRATION M - -. . x m a . a x u p y t o w g

Papers o h ‘•Immlgmtlon and De­portation” were tend by Mrs. 13. A. Lantion, Mrs. J . R. Douglass aB«r-M Vs.-P.-W .-MoRoberts-ttt meptlng of tho Past Matrons at the home ot Mr& H. C. D|ckcrson

and Mrs. 0 . C. 'Kingsbury aeaistant hoatessEa. Roll call

with InteresUng factfr-

evrnin.?’ nt .ft'»ponsorcd by the Burley highway| L. D. Smith, pastor :bv Mrs E L .’'istrlct with two large projectfl' 0;4.'> a. iii., Siiniiny sthool— P'' '

> . . ' _ . ' . ' now operating nt full force andjclaMra for all, Mrs. 0.«car Chrij- ^ welcome lo.Jiii .n ivic--. .(

‘iferooval"of'’'the Voc^'^^Bhirtr'onj ^ wcirfbip an.l 9*^ ASCENSION']

i Eighth gradi- lAf'in.l nmi; --IFrrmk -Ktahf.'i'fr'NcWir TIi

l’'iflh grade: i;eori;< O iitu:, C : ol Sandcnan."

Cojio ne;-ry. -,_jvBr,|. ju^'el Jum-:.,■ U,;r.:i

Oli.dyH Mei-'iwen.Kill, i.’liarteK l.’rljan, AVilli.s W.c'i'

I'l-rrv Doclii.s. l./ila Miiv i:,.J:.y C.=;;i-!l. llrUii jji j'l. j , lij-lt, s:iirlf-y M.I.-

la Riles,’'Mrs, McrrlU Ayree. Mrs. ,__________ _ ______ 1. m,. Morninirgrade, prcpai'atory toiflermon: subject, "Wc

illng program this the Deaf .and DumB. "

- B y H b -

rking With' EPISCOPAL

s ' j f 2 r . v sRocers, Elva addi-. 3 to 4 p..m., Thi' Sunshine Gos-

about immigration. A S t i ’atrick'i ttogme-featnrcri ^thr- r a t r e -* - - -

— uKdTi6corati6nfli.......- — “

ttdded to -the crcw In an jttem p t Eimch of E\ 'crlnstlngs."Spccjol ]to alleviate the present Tcllcf music progtifm.

H o n o r S t u d e n ts a t iPi^Wem within Burley where no| 6:30 p. m.. Young People's i------- iprojeola-are-belng-sponsore<l-aut-inp-nnd-junior-#crvfce. -------

D e e p C re e k G i v e n |**clent to absorb such labor. I 7:30 p. m.. Evening service, .^er-: ' ' Anoiher 50 men are employed onimon-lecture on the times In which!

tonor ronToVThrp^stj^ Milner|siceperV;, 1-he S la ttlr girls

»rt-o f“ n ^ m « f“'‘''* p. m . Wednesday evening


MM. AlMTf' MurpnV WMi rss last evening lo members of the S c rlb b lm club a{-bcr-liam c^..’rbc

ment wav^Snowbound" and

Alice Sm ock and Mrs. OUve . . Cook. Mi-B. .Martin read articles to be tiBctJ in the volume now

_lKluiL«.anu'H 5fi-?PrXw «liera:p^ cct. Sales were reportctrby Mra. Cook, Mrs. Wilson and Mra. Mar- Un.

Kefreshm ents- w ei'o -M m d -bythe hoatenaes, Mra. Murphy ami Mra. Agnes Lyons. Mrs. Dorlnc GocrtBcn was a guest of the. club.


HOU» M EETINQMombers ot the Briilgadieis club

Lusk. The traveling award was won by Mias Vivian ' Foamater. QuoBt or the Club WBfl Mrs. J qa Ay » . Refreahmenla

tSma" WM o^r»«i to Oocor«

.lub :j 'T>u l>ii,bic M.!d-v win,

Ij. Mr.-> Wi.y .. „ .... . of th r club. : h:Kh ;-oore, price.MilU r. the consoU.tlon.

>.ln». Jjiwrenii- 'Van Hir< two days of LUr: t.tcJc relntives In Knit \.:\>: Cii rctumW the Ins! uf t)ii- wc-

nil.-'.- i'(,i'H'' . !<i,- ''n—■ ' , ( • • ' ■’ -1r 1»V ),• .‘i, ,-,y

...<• Ac-, lu. \:a 't .XT..‘m . . .u.lll

:l .11!..Sj.Hn.n-

i;l H:-r. !• « •x:if .ind1.-C tiii!J:u;.. llv «i:rd ,M. ljiUD.H,

i.-.i->'11 II. I'l lOiJ Ein„.

•‘"'i.i’rA 'i . -.Uiei L. H;.:-rv BniiiK,

i r . , , J ™ « . W » « t , L ydli —


Dunean, J i R . Lewis. Mary Ellen

Brandon, Bobby Dana, Charles Ro-i a. Martin Novak. M ax Duggan, j irothy Whaley,-Mae Kusy, Alvin I dvUy, Velma Hyder, E lla Dana, I

Rao Wright, Ruth Von .Llndem.- Ceo-Beajfe.':-----------------------------------------------

Cor. FlftJi avenue esst ijnd ■' ; '■ Third, fitreet.

Mrs, Franfccfl Ludineton, poBlor. Sunday school 0:15. Lesson Teachea NeighborllnesH."

S u n < l^ -m ^ l»g -u :«n b l{ Subject, "Rea't and Unrert

Cru^der meeting li:30 young- people.

So^thca£tcm Idaho"oTder'‘Bo^ ^ ^ e r of the O. P. SRng,;.s ,,i i i .. ....... ..................................... teiH store in Buhl. Mr. Slokes will ' " "

K T F I PRO G RAM Splendid program planned. VIhU- Ing ladlca iiuai’lc t will »pon«ui: Uie proghim.

Mid-week . soi-vire* Tm-sday

Perfect ntte t tOj MONDAY, MARCH 9Nelma Fadx, Alice Tilley, Lola|Von l i w l e m .^ w ie h L _ B ^ Q n . ! , E^dle Duchin and his Erm a Couch, Robert Kusy.-Berton----------ch'esrfS ’ 'Baughm an," Mary Ellen Doptbi, Miuc Dugsan, Bernice Brandtm, l^ bby Dona, . Cbarlea .DopiU, CJiarles Kollmeyer, Anto-S«lvUy, Dorothy Whaley, Vesta; Doramus,

itherlne Tilley, Alvin Setfvity, • - -hamp. Virginia Waeh.

liartlp, Velma Hy«ter,

L r i " . ' ; S ' E : i \ , H o m e e e r e m o i iyc8llng_apcakcr..,I>ua'L./ali.to..hfar' .M'U'Ch. .7.. liiptclal)him. He I.1S0 teHclies the Uibloi.Onc of-.the ino.it cliaiming

;15 Maater’a Hawaiiunn ..0 :30 Victor navtlly oicbchtrn S:49 Combinations with Mills----- urptncrfl -------7 :00 Brunswick Salon, orchestra 7 :15 Ray* Nobl6 uml hIs:o»'-

-----------eheotra—7:S0 Worldv^W. tranara.no news

a^ alrtckj^ optta. B ln Dana, Lydia; ~ A ll-alar revue, Harry Rich- Kuoera; BmottJloltWMl, J f j in e Til- maater of cw m onlesley. Ulllon S^W ty. .Dean Co*. s T s t M

10 A. tn. Sunday aoliool.'Tepioi Ul'i(,..J9iicar—N'oli|-rrm unlttd fMw

llgion seeks lo bring opirltual' re*

Sodium llfbtln^ equipment has liUloUMC c a «: road between

ma oMi F t Uw le, Waah. Thia la - lh a -to is e e t-h lg b w a y . In UiA Vnited 'StatM Uiua illuminated. .-

D U R A B L E T U B PROOttP A -rraR N 0T>8

7r#*iW uUf'aK«Tnm yjiy{:« «n m — M r rn K H 'Ir b r tn fla t troBT

------------ ■ . «be who w ean

nev itsM SM i. aa amuUjk U e n fM o O ilt lx jta - lB iu c tM tt M lat ..................................... It/TonalnfU, hitctU touttent I I ........

^Wumph Indeed far

Rl*4v«» iAetherbednner eoulil. ptil Marian Uarttn•TkAM ytutbful ............ ...........-

..................... .“ K

______________ _ . - ..JOke, K l t a S l t'’0« lf u - ^ n H i t " t a i lh for.now t m■ w M >n. . ot

8:00 ROBO Rooketeera fltaO'Olrls of Uui GOkleu Weat 8 :45 Lantbert Murphy 8:aa Hm«a evenlftg market aun

11:00 BlgniDK off


rr'»Tl /Ha|f»«n‘> ________________.. 11 a. m. Morning worsliip, Rev. T. C, BmTrec, an M. D, C, mlaslmi- ary. from Nigeria will bring llie goapel meawge.

«:30j>, m .Jfoung PeopW nwet- In»: DoroThy ’Weaver In 'oKurge.' '

7<B0 |k m. Bve41n|r wonihi^7iS0 p. m, VVedneMlay. MM>we«k

m a a t ^ lor^KByer. amt atuily of

. TiM'p. nTirriday. Young people will meet for choir practice.

11:00^ PVnaw a' btw kfaal M h 0 :10 "W hy. tho iW aM n d Plan

n i l ; ColUiiM," Dr. Walter V. flpahr, iftm . York uai. Torrtty

« ia » F U n am» bama flaahoa < :4& 'G «aarai-B iM ln t-q u o tation3:09-M(M «lar i<>«Mtl>pala,. Hav.

U> H . 2 h 'TU B ‘Worldwide

Rl)^h Iatieett

R«v. Wallar H. HMTnaa, JiJ,., D.X minister, '

lU *. 107 S m n U avenue >eairt.~ Pb 0 M -««0---------- ---------

7 :M Meyer Dcviv and bia civ

7140 Tbfl RemlollenaiOO and bia ’ or.

R :in Bonifa by Judy Rt^era

OtlB K lb f^ lUWWIana


I tM ««r«ld o a:o5' riamiUM- «rte 3ilO Dud D liania aw l ca ra w '

.BoQMmb aiM V w n lu Ttataa m wa flaaBea ai«a,VDMr.i34-oiin&---------------------------

confci-cncc wblcli this year 1« upon. ' sored by Burley high school, A prlP3r4-nnU-3;-------------------- '

n i e Invitation came to C. H. Bond from. George E, Denman,

11 store in.Buhl. Mr, Slokcs will e e o o n 'io 0[yerW«mU) TnriclV"'' r Pn-aton. -Mr.-Johnson -roi

W E N D E L LTlcy-Bi

t God Cannot AnUvci*.'

and Uie uisluci v*i.Liiiive. ijuiiini , , . . .u,R. w „jr. . r n , ^

■recfit.ctl J r - ’- ’" "jed by an adult leader

Bersijlp will be enterltilii- lomc« of nurley.

Jack SnyUir l!ii

Dessert hrUlf-vi ■k with Mr*. .F .' and Mrs. Clnunc< Eoyd

Jeiome visitors m-c''i*IIv. .■ " LM rK ^(.;< ('ip e

dull cliias In Sunday school.’

M B N N O N ITE lU ir a i R E N IN ____ U lK U iTW. Bni'beHkt, paelor.

T.Vvcllnc'of 'iWrf-FalK* visitnl f i iemtj here prw . . iltje fiisl „r tlic week.

.\Jisa -.Ekla Barry. niU*i.HiHry!. .Mciobtr» ul the Kcbokftli 1<»1(5>‘ f»>m India nml (liiliT of H airy 'inel Momlay evening in lefiilhr liuiry. was the 'speuhcr nl the licsfiiuii..i^uhl—Rotary—luDuheMi—Tliuriubv:..— A^unil>u--of..oaj-i><.>toiw-nu>m- noon. MlSH Bnrry tiUited on her h^r.i altciulnl t'lTe I. O. O, F. woik in India. A . \V, Ja<<tiiilni.'mn HiiK U'l ilnihdtiy e\<i)ini; in

dings of the month wna Bolc'niiilMd nl the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. .W. ♦ “ Miller Wednesday afternoon when it their daughler. Minx 'utiii.,' ‘L ' nml Klvin N n lu

■ z: I S


•Vowa werti exchanged before — impTovlaed (xllar of huckleberry greena and nweet peas. About theroom Weni'exdulBltc nmingemcrt*

t peaa m paatel hu«s. From tho top of tbe.arcb above the attarWhiah waa covered with maiden ^ I r fern- and sweet peaa hung pcatet -weddhw bella from -altvn-, riWwrti

n itsv <mtM-nikN-PIpar, aww. <‘l Loro You Truly."

, TtM wwMIng pM ty tooir tbeir plaeea to the muale of Wafner'a w e ^ B T 'r a * re b -p i»y a d -b 2> -W « (

J0:4fi a. m. Momliw «Mrabip.aBd The BlBlater wW apoak

lipoibUe theme "Bleaaadi A r* thetba rinc on. a wblle molr« t U M « pinow. ______ ^ . .

"The Mercy »*al"> by

rcojple'e' mk'

____ Bubjol; “A "Btudy In U>eyarahiea or Jawia.”

jwr^c^OTore'd d family. A (eHowawp p iw e r ana pnilBo aervlM thaf-you wtn-enjoy.

A oonllal Invitation it exlemle*)

HVi B D W A K ira Q A T N O U O '

9 n m tt i w ttor.

J^a . m, MoraM« woraWp, LoyM.

H n l O A v a . in M » lM i i ! L j .___ _' a iM p. in, Y bo^ J N ^ ' I . ^ u ( i>

^ IJ-p T iS rU( , ■ \;.-:7fM'p. ill, ■ni<UK'.<>6nrt|l|L___rmon. Orem ' 111 .A

tha Twin

Ijnard reni<nf«t.' There in n toll »ta- Ikin In Iho Lnwreneh c*«h store,

Mr. nnd Mra. J4ffin Caldwell and fnmily have movetl to a farm w isl of Amstenlam. • • ............

L I S T R O N O B PUPILS llU H b , March 7< (Hpeulal)— The

f»>Jl«ri»r on the8uperk>r:»)K»l tai»vr r * « for the paar aW weaKa pert<Mi

BtxtB (nicUi:Jageto? ’ fourtn griMJai Genevieve

| l : W ¥ : H E R E i w H : ; m H E i D E ^ ^

\ U E m m A B L R : !FoJkiwln* (ha ceremony relreah- •otHr-waro « c n « l to tbe 40 M B ttrTflr-brW efl -ealie' formwl w ooDterplaee tor .the table. Tln^

BoU). M n and Ura,. Nub i

Doniep act of Buhl; jr^RfWlnc. a W«d«llBt{. tr)n to

. district.

C i i i f R T n 9 ~ Sc fio ^ X

R v Klnjf, QMol J iM W lW , Caryl i

’3ft FOrrt-i)eLuxc Tudor " S a f t F ' '33 Pord Tudor. 8000 miles SiiTS '3S Fonl DcLuxc Coupe ....SWO •30 Ford Pordorr tnink-.v..::WM‘ ’W T d ril DeLuxo'CoupeZZnSO-•34 Kord Tudor S ed a n ........W2S-’ja j- o r d . Coupe................... ,.,R3«k:’S3 Cbcvrolot Coupe .........l...S3iO’3 0 ,Chevrolet Coupe............S198•.......... »i-olet Hp.Ihi. ■ S??n•3J'Ford. Tudor Sedan ....... S250•33 Ford- Pickup .•..............S4T3'—■ .I^ ^ T u ilo r Bediin..

■33 Ford V-8 Truck 107.....ISOflS:,’31 Por.1 Truck, DW ......... .« 2 5 ,’ai' «wi'ittack,nr.7T)w-~RfF■32 Pord 4-Cyl. wrruck, new

\Ve<.hAve a plan that l a ; meeting the approval of Veterans, for Immediate )lM ry.&f.ajiew or.uae<l.ciir^

Oaati.or Urma there's n • ^>eal for you a t

’ Your FO RD Dealers,

L UNION MOTOR C O M P A N Y - VMM ronn dmiu ■


l e U O H H S I U B I I X 4-P O O R SE D A N


--------$275.00-------....... i W C M M t O t W - t t t D A M - ..........

Il«w M in i

z i a s f eM it e a a v K a u T O o u n

H i iif ,i4 m n > i u n iM

UM'oaamtoUi TituoK.


t im b s . t w i n v a iis t d a h o

: jrAKHTfOKMUI-♦b VoTtt n w BaBMO. Gb»v« i -

ir i«nt Urms. Write Box IM C C/o■ H tfw . I M . I - ,

^ A F S K I M B R T H F O B B S H T40 ACH BS F O R S A L E \

a i w l h lawl, deep soil, & half mli« of good


•Mfce* cI«Mt. F u m c « b e a L * !^ ] {Good Buys in Farms4U»N *. j t A n d T o t t O t t G e t - ----- “ ^--

“ ■ f "1ft acre*

A d « m * ;S s T e l« p e 8 > a t home, ■B&MtlfM; 4 5 - t o - ^ we«kly.-Exp.

Dignlfled work. - Stamp

W A M 7 S D : QirUi to mait circu- ) « n . K a k « *12:w wfdcly. W* fur- with a u m ta . No N q iiln *.M t inrtec> wpply. McNeU Com- fM T~ Bwt <!♦. Brlatatr Vlrgtala.


FORTW ra==G»5ffTI8?<rTI«clfK

Auto W ln d ^ h ) and Door'niuM.n » o i j» u Top 4 i a * « e a r ^ ' T S ~

Heavy .Timber®, Brid*«i PJank, -«ct»e h-U im bcr..W ootHayir>L\imber Tar(l.-«JH»rtfSwi«ai»«Co;-------

-0AJUM>l ?SUaEI_ » g » „ c i^ n - l» u 3 V '- ,weir, f a n ^ ! orchard; P i__y«50.8tt‘ialth Fagerat Jjoan o T ^ S W W / 4 ^ . I n R f O ir ^ - - » acrca ifiu te rly d J s tr h ^

- < M c - b e r t -on tha tract. A » J(M d 4m p m U, bo

-roek or ««e4t: mpdem gtrt»>, lMm» g i ? « f ban», ; ,* k e 5 5 t5 r ^ e p ' KaO M d c£rt«ra, MltMrf bus. e m ef ttei better hanie* offend far rtwrt tteie « ] y at S3M.Mp e r. « « K ith poaaesBkm. .89 a c m veU located In Bubl

. dislrict — Good soU, no^‘

S S iS iS T m a S il UJBAL^raiiipep acre wltlv tcm a. Hba Federal Loan of H900.00 at *Vt and you can get posse** aiqo,.G iM 8 0,acres near Eden—■ ChKwt liiipfu»pm e«ta, pw d welh fin* locaUoB. Only teo

‘■ '^ r tX ^ T JS g lS T K m m — - Z -

-M I S 0 S L L A N K 6 U 8

F O R S AT.E^Apple wtJod. Take — wh*to-ttMS-or-w«-puH:Bturape-for

Me and l&c. Ra«cbo E l Trio. Pb.

.'Cuatom 'kflltajf. curing and a m o k ^-m e a U k rP ho no-W .-hJdc- p^d e n t Packing P la n t '

Ooar ranseft' ^ I^ tr lc ronce« coal - •fcivct, clreuUtor* and other bduae* IM d tumlsbinss. Uoon's, Ptione 5, I

Auto- Door .Glass. Wlndahlelda ■ Id AVlndufcTGlaaa. i^o charKff'^or aetiinp' g laSlTSrlac .in jtour Uab

— •«^-dl'lce-you^•car ln .'P j«tec»‘ »a a lth ._ ,^ )B on your fuel

F O R S A Lb - a carload of ' j .______i m e o ta. b » lk ^ »y -w t o t -y o u need,

M o i^Jnek what'you have left'W a------------............... ..............• mmoay X ..........

K i M t i , Floor and Llnolean Var- tMh- i r y t In two houn. Wa alM

j _______jK a lH .ta rffC- rtoctt or WaH Pa»acl■ .aMl Ufwleuaa Rugs. Why p

Tw in FaHiL

“ la w ia l raB w .'lia«« temift' Quick SarvlM.

SA N G sat-jom Ea—RealEatata^ Loaaa

123-Mala R Pboac 427

r D i F e c t o r y

...fiatlm at«t_el*il»..Ci*tt M ..a B klad» of Job prksa»0 at " Idabo EvuilBr'TlM*

tada writ; -Cru» A 3 ru iQ r ;n rta tB ftrc o r Phoni csa. m S tc o a d -S t . - E a - '

B v a it OU^ PflBmaseoU U M U -Ktoflj^^B eiuty - Shap, - 386

aixtlk Avenue Baqt F te n e 13U.

M ov«d.ft«m -3M .SUtb Ava. East tO-rooM ever Ro*y Theater. **er-

■ • K W .-P b a iw

W « wish to extHH^ «u » bMrtfel: thaWtt to all who' a» Wnilly as slated; for.the worda •( aympath’ and beiiuUful'floral' offerlncn ex toadad-at the deatt of our-betevcd buahuid, jmd father.

MRS. \yM.' GEORGE, ' ' i m . W . R. G Q O R G E ,'

' U R S . R AT'.IC IN G ,'> URS. A. H . T (1 » 0 N S .

— Ad*.

NOTICE FO R FUBUCATION Notice.la hcrebygtvm that at

* M.,"on the l « h day of

PAHnora — Dsecuuanro!■ « . K l : Shatter. PhoM tS K -r .

Page & »¥ € & _

age; tap flO.46; 16Q-250_____to W0.40; 250-300 lbs, M.70-tl0.I5-

Cattle: 300; calvcs lOO; com­b e d with Friday last W M k'-all C H I C A G O , March 7 - « ; _____ _grades rtcera an a yrarJlngn wil<1 ;^VhPat ftUurca JiuppcL ntm yst Z.Am'TliNUi RolliJig SOI hlffhpi' moat o f week but a bunhol on the 'board of Americun 5nit,>r'barely sleady «n late Uownlum l^ '^ y a* short eovcrinf,' cn- Amrricnn Tdoibetter frradca b u t. a tm rc to 251KhI ^ I ' the pit on <;ermnn’H r«--'Atn>Tkgiil-mil» Wimi JLl J.H __” l--.—— TTlim fMAK A.W II ., •■■- ■■------------- :------- ----------------- ‘---ccnu ni^ntk' i n luwer |n-a<le. trcmo top 412.00; beat lln^i Ht«prs J11.70; lonp yeorllnirs Jll.0 5 ; heif­er yearlings 5D.23; fo<t licircr mar- k e t-M cents hiKhcr-on all frnwleH: larifely Jl.OO higher than low time last week; .cows stronf: to 25 cpnuihigher: buija weak to 25 ccnta low- _ ................. .. ..........

and TcaJers 00 cenlv lower oi\i>'«*dy muddied; {Sumpean smiatton Koflne» ____ T ___ - .J ____ , "

-JttU U

R15iV« { r « t—puttli>-<l- to -in iy -T 'i i '


or llie "tottamo pact. i Aiinc^mia (>pi>*‘r 4 .. . • . the Gcrmiin iniiiliu ,C M * hi» T k was up l> i A in io u r ...................... ' ' ««4 kup*»aon..ot the lyilnHunil.-ceBis, wbUc lh« n«w cro;>a Jiel(l'At.'!iiM)n. Top.-Uii * .‘Winft. K*! 7fr T x i r ^ n « t iRniM o f 1 to n . i wnlfl a'^bUflh«l.;Allnmk' llrflDmK „ • 'jVjbi «>""< ' ‘n oci^xcCom .rose ^ .t o nais Kiiln.-tl-A«teuni - M otom ................. - 31% w^th .jpUnB ranjiing- 5..-^

to ^ cent and r ic apurttti ‘,1, lo :BalUm orc A eUio...^............... Volatile Wrlglii AetO'1 '* eonlB. iBoD.ll* Av.*l;.,n ■ S ,^hi«h Wt a new hi »h at 0<-Copp'r

Further unaettling of ilie al- B^.thlHiem'Steeh Ofc- ’» « « whirled up.Artv miMhllMl; RiirnnMn. ■imnrin«-u...t.._ * 2A\i ljlMdtlaC -itg~~ '•■ ■■

light Uinda; average coals atr(Tai^''‘**‘Kht uneHMnraA-lntr> thn bear,Bore during WMk approximntcty J 8 . 7 0 a i n t wna wMfccted In


S h * * p : - 3,000'- compared -wH!r Friday last wefck: klHlng cliJow* ai-oujid SO ccn U - hijfher; tei'ril

' " “ wwhlehj.bfcame accelcr.-:ChL, MU..-SI. ra u i-A 'p a t b£Iin*d-na the ei«se n*'arc«l. Ch rysler -• n iw r

in t h r c f l0.t CTTar" — I ------- , —«-)uJh\ve»t winter belt.-pxpoit <k'-:Oommvrcial' Solv.Tiiis . »

. - extreme top $10.13: woak'a bulk choice fed , we«tem larobs J9.50-J10.00; lato bulk J9.7f>!«• >l»T,wr; • rhfiVir«<Ml shorn- year-' —l in n » , K i i - b . « w . lbulk natives $4.50 to S5 SO i Open Dlgh

- [ \Vb«st:O M A H A L U 'E S -rO C K ......1C«

OMAHA. Neb,,. March 7 c r .l— ~ ......5 ? '“{U SD A )~H ogs—1000; fairly

., sfcaf*-- ------------ •tive, sfe'ady-lOc lower; top to' shTp-Iw, ,* ' pern *10.00; 173-360 lbs. >P .40-|j,fi '10.00; <«m ^red week ago rteady->e.^ '2ac-hi||to-— _________- _______

cattle— 200; calves 00; for the 27v M v 97r. m ilweek; fed steers and yearlings Z5- : j „ 4 .... '"71-" 28 '’" r " i t3«c higher: stockei-s and feeders ......21r< 27i- 27R;.strong; bulk fed steers ajid yM r-1 '^ 21 :,.- ' ' * ^ *

»7,00.9.00; top on_toad-lots'M ,!; ;, ' '

PS-'S. 10')SKS f->

-»7«S, 80

.00«4 «1- • COSfc (tl .60^ <1-1.1.

E ast. Phone 622-W.

S H O E B S P A m N e ~

in tyvice ^ ......

.shoes. Economy prieeK Twin Kails.(w«*. r.mum .StBUhono. Waawim*i-and-feed«rs.

vettters »9.00; atock-'igf-ut, " 'tr s .M :M .7 .75 ;-fleahy! Bw t4Y r ‘ -

D uFim f^e Keniwtii-ii.' ...KBHlnutn. ICtyjnlf.... ■■■.M w lrlc Aulo .UU* . Kl*-ctric I'nw fr * tJp h t .tii'iicral .K l* 'c tiii ;......

....... .Gi-nersl M'Htom . ............lX<Kjilyc,ni T jre ................inlern«li«iuil H*ivrM<‘r liilvmiilioimi Tv )>liu>i»-..JohBH Manvillo ,...'......Kennocott Copp«>r.............

- . . r r i iK


. .

At •81uo nty 32 50 ..

- Tnmin-.«-ni.i)i <-,yniT;'.T€n '■3;<7F.rMsf'_ »oi»a...-tonipAred— witli—

nhaces- last Saturday. Cui Ij ►».)»* wero 310,000 aharcs Comparer) wiv)j 267,000 KharpH liwi SaturdBy.

l- lMM(intpr.m<'ry Wstxl:,.. ,Naah Moturx •.............N.ltionnl Irtiiry P m iw Kntkinal- Z>ial>»pis . New York Crnl»*l...

S T W B D I> IN C A N N O U fIC E M E N TS ;‘»“ ' ‘‘ la’"!*" *9=J5-9,75;nVC o Z ! i f 4 i S & n ^ ™ w i ^ or:''o8ing top *9,75; yearlings ellgi-tough. J1.02. - - * .Sni.-w«y Klorr-

“^i'nrfofM; —M any cotrect styles t « ; ‘>*e W.25-OJOO; top ewes $5.C0; Com: No. 4 ml3cc.^572^c; Dlstlltrr*i .. ----- .2 • :n ..K .. 1-—I— rn iK . . . . f _ .-r -rr . . . . . . • nr„y.,.r^i.

E N G B A V I N 68 h e e ^ '8 0 0 r for the week: kill­

ing closs*s-25c, niOstly 50c hii'hci- CXsHtviLAlN.•aJ»trDng.l5c-lilgbtpr.i-clcai)|g4— c m e -A f S O r M a ^ r h -T . . .

............................. ................. No. 2 led *1.0«; No. 3 reil'l^eynoUln Tclmcco I»

J . C. reniiry Co..'. . ,Kurc- Oil___ :...„•................nadio (.'orp . : • •na<lko-KeHJi-r^rph»«»H**-T-. ....... ( -T... 1...__• .k

c sta te or Idaho, i ; i . The name o f the-person hoW-

2. The postofflce address of such pcrsoii is Route V a. 2. Twin F a l ls , ' County of Twin Falls, State of 4 Idaho.

J ha I

chMae fpom. Gall atU h « EJvenhig iflcahy feeding lambs up-to iu .l3,.

- - « E N V B K - L IV E S T O C K — r 'DENVEH, Colo,, March 7 (IU!I-

CaUle: Itrt); noininaJlV .eleady; beef steers S7 to J9,78; cows and heifers *4 to »g.25; c tlves J5

Irrigation and -domestic p-Ji^wses. Said w orks-of diversion wlU

—Twin Falla, Buricy'sectk>n Rui^ sets cash to growers bulk per cwt.

-• " -89cr • "

t t IV V;C1»VB «%> lu, ■t u m n - 'u a - M iw *4 tc'

J 8 ; bUlUl t4 ,3 0 - to '15.50,Hoga: 2000; nominally weak;

top *10.20: bulk S0.75 toj*10.2<l:

miJwd 8S»a -56c; No,-4-j-etlow SVH- RocWipUM ijc ; No, f) yellow 55-Wi.\c; No. Shell- L'nion Oil4~whlt*-fcOc: N o .-a White B8v;c;.-«'mmonB *.>0

miple 47-52e. .Socoiiy V.-aui©atST-No. 2 while 31>j,L‘: No. 3 Southern l- .ic iiie ,. .

whito 27-30C; No, 4 white 2O1-:,- .Slrjidi.iil BranOs......•mple 22-25HC. Slanriahl Oil of Cft'if. ■=85155:— --------- --------.'■^str.n.iai-.i 011 or N;

t^rari)o iHmlnril'y cii>* ,t\n

A i f B r k e t s a t a G l a n c e

J S a LBj- fn itcd Prc«»

r ;_ -.a ilv «* -iuavUUMiiv- BhiirpH fllr.otig,

Ufliuftt; Foreign oml ' ' e^pinTOt M»ueA lower.

C'Urb al»cks easier. j‘i'iUe*go stocka Irregularly

__________ ______ __ — ......- ............... _ . -;;A-V i::V -» .':rriU .- S . -l ' s - 76c to sac, mogtly .E S -S C rtJB r'ITR C W y o u r : p L O 'fo r iSth ^ B le t lo n , and t b c ' ^ ' ® - ^

whk!h-»BltfworkB» « df conductor Ao'theplace of totendaJ w e, In acwrd-

aH:ta, lO-cubig-jset-pfT-W TOirtr- e. Thfl amount of lands for J,

R K E T C E N T ^. _ .iLS ,M a rc h 7 (U S D A l

■ P ^ t ^.ianrk«llng^-«nter-reportB

~ ' :»IvalauaO-Cok).,-a- Mlcb., U Minn., »

-- - . . . - Ing'iop and bulk,

eiut> .!»>•. ««nl : T m r A T . ' . | | '

S a l e o f U s e d

^ _ E L E C

■ A P P H A N C E S

? 1 2 " *

' S t S 7 m

■ B m T E i tefe T r o if e r a

•lsM in»r‘~a THkTtilwrMtT

aSupplim llc h t Demand slow; Mar- S11.S0 earlyi * iMt for. Idaho Ruaset Burbanks ; «U w ly with alifhtly better feeMngL p ream ng an K O a L i t t f l s k ^ ^

Rua«et» U . 8, No. I ’s aarly P r i r -------- -------- ---- ----------

Inaily steady.Cattle: for five days, 2,120; com-

pared last F r i , fed siMra nost- ly sUady to s t ^ ^ ; (w tUr gr«de


W to fy .w : . r Uiiliin Carbide &— ShM jw -W Q Os-about-sleftli^fftt-fr--------■■--------------------------------------- •+n-Um<m-; Pacificlarohs.JO to *9,65; springer lamb»;f: H U i T T E R . E G G S i United-'Aircraft.*9 to *10j.ev.es *4 lo *0.50. L I .^United ,Corp..

— ■■■ * * If S. n p e .....S, ptco»,.con

alern rU ^ o n ., '.X .,!

W .

S A N . F R A N C IS C O :.L i v e s t o c kiU. s. npe

----------------- SAN FRANCISCO DAIRV |U. S, ptco»,.comf.T * S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ “ g ^ flA N -i^ R A N ei8 eo ;-M g n a r7 -i ia rrrW ^7 «U;>-H «gs5 for f l ^ d a y s 3 , - ^ .B 4 ,tte r-0 2 score 29c; 91 «ore,W e*li ,000| .c o B p a ^ . IM L F r i . buUhi a0c;_»0-»ow »-3Ih»;^*-«»»*,-3*o.--.-W cBlidlera fully » c lower;_packing/sowai -E g * » -L a r g » lD»4c; nie<liumlWhite;'

Cheese—-Fancy flats IGc:

R B A L J S S T A ^ r p R . B A t B ’

Uult#.iM 'B .

•WctlV n ^ c r o

Wednetday, Mareh 4 , ..i.easfc..'C . F . Tbieme to^J.

Rowley, NWUl S B U , le-lO -W ., „Dcetf: - a ■ . Matthews Co' E , iY -" :

j j ^ r i J w r w - r B i k T T r ^ m t ^

Deedi H. E . \VimiRaon to R, I Wilkinson, » l, pt. 8W U . 38-b-14,'D eed; R. E . Adams lo 0 , Hrsn-

*10, NB\4, 27-10-18.'

' t-ito -fte*-qnid it3H: c * f* -4 M »H a te -«* i-----------------------------

Cincinnati — Arrivals: 1 IdaNo; i M ch., a 'N . Dak., 1 Wyo, r plies moderate. Demand for stock moderate. Market firm.- Ida- ha Russets U. S. No. I 's t l .W - J2 . • . ■ ,

F o r t W orth—Arrivals; 2.C«ki...2 idaha, 2 M lu .- Buppllea catlur Ugkt. Demand moderaU.' M arktl jllg htly ftrenger. Idaho Russels U. SI No. I 'a washed |a,15.

Kansas City— Arrivals: 0 OoIa ,

_______ L O SJIN G G L E S___LO S ANGCUCS, March 7 li'ri—

BGttCTT— m M -3261-i)lTnie-7I?Sle ■ rfllc ,-undergrade-aicr •

mged.W estern chease: daisies lOo.

liplots Id, k>nKhurnn IGi^c, - wicb prlnlJi 17Hc.

" d — i a i i r a s r f e i i r i:et;.btiU «-flnn;.-tw o-loads-lop-jU * good 1,010,1b. N«v, fed sl««TB a l *7.50: kullt mcd;::::to--go«d uhder 1,100 lb, sir • — —medi 1,107 lu, ^mih. «■: irw j,4oo 1b. O re,. 96.M ; thrire loads med. lo . good helfeni >0.25 to *d.S9; 40m. to m ^ . bsef cows f f M tft tt-BOr-bUlk^lhllls i q t t 1^15,70?

P A i i iv—eHJGAGO.-Mareh-7--'l'.H»— Hggft —Marked- w eaW ;--m ekpt»' l»72b

-rr- ivsh — ■■w eaW ;--m ekpt»' l»72b

to i p v ^ -fira lsrfia 'ic; r 39c;' current k-f 'pipts,

• few ifl.: Calves: for ilv e daj-sraJQ:, pared last Prl,, little; otwnge;

m ,j’$3S, L o t:7 , 8»f. 1

... .O TIIBR .ySB D ^ U A P JQ S— Priced from

* 5 ® ®

t e aDech: H. G. Hollister Id V.

Im c« ,^ jO ,^ U t 7^.BIW. 2, OoktenRule J

1 Fla., 0 Idlho, 17 Minn,, 22 tl«b..9 N . Dak..' 1 W > a BuppUcfl mod- ^r«le.-Deinaiii*-ipood.--l**rket-flrm;Idaho Russeta U . S. No. I's 2 cars *1.67. U, 8. No, 2's 3 cam *1.86;4 cars *l.aO.

Denver — Arrivals: n O>lo., 7 Tdftho, I Dlah. Huppllea liberal,PftBuuMUngderatf. Market siea.ly.No carlot 'n U « r«9orteil.

*N. ji«W„ t Nebr. SupuUrA mod- -------- ’ - • r 1erate. Demand fair; market slendj

a0-20',4c; »<lrtles 19c; cheCha Btitter—Market firm] receipts

10.07S tubs; ex tra firsts 90\-31c; C X iM B l^ '^ J l r a U 30-afrHor«pe< cinta 9 1 ! i i- !n u c ; niantlnrtin 3lc cenirsllMd 80><,c. ' .

Chc«*e—Tiiins ia<4-lS>kc; dnla- », IRJ^^ie^o; longhoros lft»i-

TIM E tA B tE ;

IN VPSKTWBNTl-'un.l, Inv........... . *20.«7- «r.KuikI. 'l*riu!l, A, »0.94C./i'p- Ti-u«l . . . . » .MQilar. Inc. t . ' . ....................... *1.72M n r j - l n n r I ............ -IQOBS

nvNimllO l.C 2% I ‘i l . ,..*,101,23 »16li»ft KI-MC 3 r e t . ' . .... * 1 0 » « 6

M IN IN G HTOCkHMin. CJty.-Oiippci-.--------»3.13-*B.»BPark City Cwni-ei*.-■• • , x W> Bl» HIlvrrlKlng (v .-itii.... 'maJfcH iu T s liiiira T n --.............................Tlnllc Hlandnr.J . . . >* 10-*6.8ft

rVKS .ungr<^>

........................Ovemteifht butobeni, 3tO to

SnDLER-WEGENBRrO,-----------Pb o M »1 0 ~

Del'll:. D, II. Metaler to H . P aiiyiter, W 3 0 0 ,rp l .BW.UIJW**

.J3Md:JR.-A..Met«lei>-to «ains,-«l, pt. llW i4 i)W li. SS*M i.

fs iU A n d TrA id v a li;. 1 T<V>ho, 2 for*, BvppHfff- mo4«Hite. Demand slMT. Markerdul) on y . 8- No. i> ; firm on U . B. No. 2'a. Idaho Rua- seU U. B. No, I's *1.00. -toB -AnjtelM -^'Arrtvala; IB Oolo.,

quoted arovnd 110.20 lo *I0.M, ac flOt'tilug : to -ikMt .. repreoen^v Mies’ packnge' 710 lb; •yen.VllngW ^


1-riB.vW)«TIJ%NU IJV r.STO C K ,

POnTf.AND, Ore., March 7 (ll!i(tsDAT--ir64ifrw<s«H'»-n)raiS2ao.‘


• ' ■

, WeaUMwntfw w B T l^ ie i iv r f - .10:00/ b. bi Na- 009,- Icttvw— .-_ rr n r i-« r p : m. I SpuUibound r

HOSTOh*. Mflrehl'7 m fe^liaJea of dumcatio WMla in B i jfcl

, liglil during ifin past cordirtg th today’s report U. H. ,i(Kri<i»Hinip, dpi>iu,ln\*nt.

» 6 9 ? »


. iM Ul. IMP..

o g x

M^and trailer,

■ - f e - ' V ” ”! !

-Hovirl UuMln Imjxivledifnlji ^

I M 7l,ln,11'80.

:> O tl..flA L lU au eh u ey .B ^ U . .t t :

. ™MliLTHr?PD.BaiLL? A.IVUl^ Ad will fW l the buyer for you,

l 'od bui'k 'e S S 5 « ^ T ®l(I.10<tO.SO| c u tte iy ,kbida d«wn t^ £ Mi<H)i-)ow-MiU«rrMt4h«tittflr:-.fi 92.70 to I3.M , shells down (0 |t.20, J Bom. to inad, end ed I r - .......... * * '

..A IL2 D -X .U : i llo il/ .^ y*»“w., (|-Odo| (

0^ Itafto* cotton r — ‘


} i l (h c it p rIo« p«ld K ifV Q U rm kJeotrto b n x iW ....... ....... " Ivrheyii ' .. ................... -

YM M an«rtdn;*»'' --- .'.---------— Dead: -O,- W. HainlUaA to A. Pecka, BWMDBH

li k ; 0 . IToriner to D. B.

JlsBTy »prlog«r cowi, for'**1«. — D o a p r r ^ t t mU« Hi B , v t i lb b trU


A rM v ^ a 01 trticH 1741 « ) i^ - (

___ i - S i i « w

-OMJiiuor Fund*n F u lU • pfOt-


r ; " ' - r - - - V . ’“ T t t W k B W ‘3 Q I'.

. . atronct few k>a^ M to 00 ...

i i u » ,....... hiii-.n W,p9, flom. to mad.

itrn dy : 9A head m o ' ib. - it tk n (n»Di:i««d kit. M .8O1 bulk iteara lino iMlfera' «9.M to |0. l 0, inoliid* M 2 e tn i. a t top; nveral lo«da • 5| -p«rt load! n in i.-k ln d i >0.70

, "{rouhlesome" person' lit Uenylng r-r UiB bBu IIu bad to ciul himb^ia^our-ptctui'es-a-yoBi'-Bt^Uie aet-

clftiffled. Jn.-bla jsu it-lo c abro- gallon of.hia. c6nUact

. Quotet W ^ n e r r ., Jack-' W in w r,- -

Jr^a^dio-prodnctigTTTaitef, as anylng' ' U r ■ • h «y e - evetytntng~JSlT'V?BBr !

y iA m y: hmthiir; woHlrtn^tr-— '<. prove o four^plcture flchcdule.” r— Camwy prttvK>U8ly^m~TMctgr6a-H ; W artiff told him that both ho an<‘

d e n fb f the -atudlb, would approve a «our-plclure contract.

— T"-' The - "hnrd-toltcd" star claims :■ .■■thnt.-ftve plcturca a .j ’cnr hurt-lil

A grbUp oX^he p u ir that.did not get the ronK*' ^ who Are appeorlnjir in the cost tomorrotv at the local OriSteum . . .In perabn, "T thn stage. Hurold Uoyd In hla late*t n«id funnjeit comedy, ^-The

H kx-^ n a ii^ T iJtb eB h o m rT m en rren tiy n n th -t^ ^ ----------

Action D ram atic ,■ -or more cowboy plcturea. waa Jurt ;..._a villain Id the. cycfl of A'lrginla v :,.l !e d [y ,-h U fotlnei* secretary, who ' today had aasault And battery

chargcs {lied bgainat the scrcwn


U ■ J i l a wife, beat her last N o v .-W a t . the actor’* b t f lc e .S h e clalmec

■«— aho hTn tgn»-imflnervoijB ahock. jklisa Healy la aeek* aag-JtWOO-fOK-the-fiMeKefl-beal- - Jng,

Tie^resenlaU vea o£ five county crganlM tlona In community aanl-

^ary work attended a dinner given fr-': a t ' .Wray's cafe la st evening utj' * ' m pieag of- tba - Tw In gatli.

t orgnnJzatlon, headed by H.

.. Ktciaaiurd'alK '^vw rTniW tc :^~M>rrielal#aDd-representallve9^)Mhe

^ ““ • ■lc-heaJat-«ervJe*^-------I included Mayor Dun- Johm top. Twin FaUa;

. V. Weaver, c ^ K y phyal- - clan: Mayor Hj A. DeRcal^ Buhl; '• M. L . Yeamaiu, Buhl, > and Cart

' Mrvtce. Maater of cereroonica waa U l ^ ^ d - R ^ a m y . ------ ' •

The project here, which > a i for I t j purpoae th e ‘ ImpWvement tof M ilitary coodlUona, foliowlng laat

' (all's typhoid fever outbreak, la aatl«fao^rily.-4U-w as milar clean-up cam- 9elng cafrled f&maril cat atatcs.

tlonera drew from the . ___information for wiiich it appeared he did not desire publicity.' Some pcraona belicye .qucstlona ■I'jlantnil" by— th»— W h it»-^< Because he is farallfar_wlth _thg news of the day, any man In the White House should have a fairly iamptehenalvR ldca -o f-th»-m a jo r line of questlonnlg iiwoiy to di». veiop at any specific press con­ference. Mr. Ro9seve]t might “crtun"^ ! llttle^ ln^^y^rcparatlon for

it ia coming.H « -W a » .f le a d y -

, Such cxamluBtlon eeppicd like-............... laeralHseFVl

6*f ihe, senate' foreign roialLons terday <or. Mra.

Zero coJd wave* fail ta make 75-seas-old John Welch of CU* cago R o d »y _ ^ » ne w -«ro .id ca it a ^ u | djewjpg. l

^ a s Bubscrlbia to nudist concepts-fbr 80'yeon, he claims to have -m ikcd-at^teast r 'm lle everx- morniffg clad* only In trunks and shoes.' regordlcas of weather. And here ^e takes a snew bath with the themiometcr-ahowtag'-neafly-im nfe-tCTnpentnirtK'r---------------

. at W per day for teamatera $30.20-p e r-w e e k-fo r oleiju,

3 lae basis of a 48-hour week. They a r« also aaklag long term

le^es wltfai full control over the prpducts sold In tho station.

. Ma>; Stay Oosed OfflblaU of tho gasoline diatribe

uling companies said that tho nar-tw TTiargiTr-of-proflt-_______ __price cutting among atatton opera- ' a themselves and deblared flUl:

ten rejected os

1930 Tontine, CoBct with truiik on. A Tine 'car for only—


1935 Stiidelinker Six Conpef -nm—5«s—t|iBn-9-,000-niiie9j- lirts liydrhuliclbrakes, looks

Ifldefloltet;'.'Those stations j%mainlng open ------------ .

j new. ilere is.a real liiiy. if tlicre eypr waa one. Priced, to move .(inlckly^

JnpeiDDse .‘ foreign policy' Benate-floor.-.The chairman is a re-

of the New Deal

. . . - - . - '7 ^ 'a L .- - .RUes were mnductc'd by Rev.-M - U :- 2ogcl. pastor-of tho Lutheran Immanuel church, ^— M ustC-W W provIdcd • I jy - ir r s :

S A N B R tm o , C a lif.,'M a rib '7

ing the call to the .harrier for thoadmlnlatriit1o n -o r-h e “ i r ‘ TiQtr de­pending whether you take a nar­row or a broad view of the scp- iw.v oiyw~4U4ivij .iuau^utai ^ufjuiwiij, arattou of"pow era between tH Branon, C. H. Eldred, W. A . Poe.'tfeature event of th e 'ra c e pro- -------------- ite,.brn.nchPi nf . » — ...v.-u ----------. . m .j—

Gertrude Bechcr, who sang two I1 .3 __ ____ __________ ______numbers. PAUbeartrs %ycrc H a rry ‘slx-fnrlong . Inaugural -bapdicap,

P lan Dunning Rites"B Q IS fii. M a c c t i - 7 - . ( S p ^ ) . ^ . ncrai s«^c_ea. arrangedlu re ^ o r Dow Dunning, ^ 8, proml-

g ( u y f l M .> .n *P<ytw

M I 1 .E S J .'

cal, and the latL......... .Playing for the lost times today is

er O reat-Llfe .-'^lth-Joc Mot^ rlso n ..^a u I..K e lly and Rosalind Keith. Jocluded In the program Is the.last chapter of "Phantom Em - ilrof*. and the first chapter of^a new aerial “Thd'Aaventuros of Rex and Rlnty," with Rex, tho king of wild horses, and Rlnty, the wonder dog. '

‘ I f s Bert Wheeler and Dora-

and W'oolsey's 1at«st - cMDedy drama, “The Baimnakers," di­rected by Frttd GuloL Rain

• »|onw.HtornfH and laugh ,stom>s- are Bald ( 0. Hiveep through the new Vfihlrle, opening at Uncle Joe- K's R o iy lomororw. Ken May. ju rd in “l le lr To Trouble" and

In- .. fTh>i ffra rlng -W n t.» chaptBf Beffliir.«iwl->LliMi^

emment. If . the speech bad from the White Hous<i oc the state department It would have been' wofiai’sliaklng-hdwar'Ittdeod.-'Mr. Roosevolt's opinion on-the senti­ments tir propriety-of thnt-specch would he Important news to fof- elgo offlcesThronghm it^e world and to editors Sittcmptlng to keep their readers informed of world events. The President saw a Pitt-

J . Requa.Falla cemctcry.

Mrs. Herman

r lz n Io scp h ^ -JiS w E fr iia s-r


^ froni Sait Lake C lly oflcp a-lnisl.---------ness trip. •

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Banner have purchaaccl a.farm In the View

'. community and (irc moving tc^ L ti ia lr nsw-h<»me wwri.'v. -------

' Ml'S. Sarah Unuor linn Iwen cnll- •d to Orqntsvlllu, lltiili, by the «ri'l()UB Jllni'sa of her nmll\er,‘ Mrs. Surah Buwvrs i-nlortnUieil At a quilling followed by auppi-r ul

Mr. ami Mrs, Ceor((<' niilii^r terlaine<I iit (llnntir flmuluy. Oivcra

— ^ rv fro •«'(! for 14 gursta. Out of ■!^*-town~Kucila were-Air. u n m t r r . „:,..,43soil-V otbarH -an d -M lu Miudiie

and Kayo Vonlx-ig. Doi U),Mra, Frank riiou jijOMi'nte<l Uie

OouTi Decrees Sdoil of — OimeirMtiit“P *r Added— ;


Tninitcrlj)t of llio dcclHlcm of tho Tdnho Bupremfe coiiVf awai'dlnpf 'to M{-8. nniilali B. McDonald dltloniil $100,000 from litf forniftr hnabnnd,- Jnincs MCD(inillJ;v»('Ioii If llio inte .TnmM“7«CD0nBlrI, Blnmliiril Oil Co, iniigniitfl, liun l)crn rectlvcd here by Clinpnian

Buhl C." ErG rbup to B e H b«t St Meeting

w h ich '.^ aran tees senators and Teprcaentatlves that "fo r any speech or debate In either bouse they shall not be questioned la a ^ , a r .p la c a .'.’ I n -other-words

T < n«?r'PiitBQ iir speech without recourse to the

Ulclan's sterotyped " I do not . . . e to commept." He would rend tho-Tiicorprrronrtite-csaiinmron and profesa Inability to express any ophtlan on tlie ueiiator's

!tlDg a t Tanforan track this ternooH. • ’

u ,i Fair weather was In prospect )ii,tand tiie- track-w as-saW TtEaE itas

' fastest 'since It -was, built

_ __ ^ _____ —Fbrm playera-favored Tldk'-Onrporters'regularly forrsuch a -b a r - carrying 117 iwilnds andjfl-* ' - ' rage « f. inquiry os Ujey may of- 5 to 2 favorite tofer. Foreign offices aboard ui ' " ...............formly contact with the nrfthrough prem or p ro p a g a n d a '^ • ----------- . ... ...................... ............flees, perm itting' the responsible tance, which Is not particularly to departm ent head to meet-Trlth re- HWng. ' .y ^ ters ln»gularly. tf

papers and of foreign news-Broom and Fo rt Springs.agencies attend both Wl|ite House • ' — . . --------------and state department press con- S ir Thomas Llpton once auc- ferences a t will.-At the latter theyltloned a r — "'* «’ “« «"u slc-6 ocaMonBl q uestlon sirB i-thg tT am o urn

clety iVicelliiK 'nirAdity u(l s;r.>Ira.-Dora I'lohott uuaM co. Neill*

“TlJartnw*, niirley, nf the 'ti’llof so- > clnt^ slnko Ixmrd vlslirtl tlir, meet-

. i’liP TfliKlnrfcxit lilvlsloti of Ihr • f Scnms hew R-m m inR ut, Uw ..ne-Tjf Junior rncc Mondnyovo- ng.

lull wun rrnilprcil voa- lerdny in'nMaifl'in nn opinion wrlt-.tnlijT.TWMW.' F/lwlu V ,-wllh ihWe olher Ji»*tle<*« concur* rlUK, .Iiinllce JnmvH Allslile <tlil ikot iiirllclimlo <in nccniiiit nf iliu fiiiit — - j i nn, Jfln m :r . AJUiirii,.waf_____ ittd wHIi n'lMlinn II. l.niig'vW ,as.«uu »sei fur UcDoniiM.

Mnbonilil liuji arreR(ty piiid O ifpiitiiuirr iBoo,u(H) or n »4oiMiiratropcrly nPtlU'inotil, Ttwi niipcnl A'lis on It Juclginriil froMi tlio fourth wHctnl lilB lrkl rourl _wliH-lr Oil*- iilsHi'd WcDoiinld'i riinucst"'for nodiricntlou of llio divorce drcrte,

ICndeavor c<^nfurcnce will be held tti llulil Mticcli,iiOv-2 LL«uiaa-v(Kh Uifl'BuMl P •uel y orlJUl and Clirts- linn churches a« lioata, Tho yourtg jteoplc will come from surrounding

I towns HInce It will be ncccssary ,lo fllny /jvor niKht Ihu lociil C, K, Kroups are sollcillng pl;.re» nml hhK tho. nxiDL'nillon of the Mulil people wlio imvc I'ortms nv 'jjblu, Tliry jutiy ciill rlther llev. O, Oordnn nolcmiwiil^f. o£ nov. Bay

Uuv. lir, W alter U Meypr, fie .1 leri'ctiiry of thu Or((ion ui’lon, i,i xpcrti'il to bo hero 114 a. »p\'Cl«l

S u p e e -J k n to S c rv ic aN V i ' i i n - n o w j i M n h ' i ’ i i l y c i j u l p p r i l H i m i ' i ' t . ' " i i r i M c r yHci-vii'ii ............ul, II' .voii wiiul 11 n .iii|ili'l.' mill I'l'fii’ii’iil

ir p 7 ^ R rt‘*.M7l7'V*ttM;— -------------- ---- -------- -------— ......... *

- A lU Point Lubrication• Wh lirivp II ni'W m-t of lnljrlnilSiH n|ul|Miniit that

rnnhlns us to give your rni' Iho jnojiri liiml of . lubrluatloii. . '

*'*CdiTniple te Auto R epair Shop

I ^ P r e M u r e W n iK e r .

No Job It too titg Ur too small for liiis coi|iplu(o repair drparlinfnl. .

bbhbbbiiessqHBW* '» * t S j r -----------* ...........................R ITA H :


New nnd hotter built lo uphold tho roimtation of Olivor, A atyle and

'' «izo for every farm.

'i')in>UKli h er flolorfiil 'intorvlowni ttlin room mti .ilifl IiIkIi iKlvontiii’dN tliiit livliiK wiiiiumi I’n fn iin tcr In ploiioorliiK i^ow cartioi'N aiuV

TIidiiNutiilH Unit liiHiiiratlnn fo r new c ffo rl ]ii tliosn vlviii, (irnw ii'frdili'lil'o (irtldles w hioli'ipriU liK>it tlifl ninlillldiiH, Hlrnvslcii an il hihiccqhi'ii th a t

- aVo im ihiug ffm lh h m -h i^ to rj* ,.............. —

Mountain States Imp. Go. Idaho Evfening Times