W Portfolio - January 2017 - v16

My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink My name is Wilbert. Hi! I would like you to get to know me a little bit more. Just like everybody else, I have dreams and values. This portfolio will show you some of those! I consider myself as someone curious to new perspectives, disciplines, life lessons and more. This document will hopefully prove that. Wilbert

Transcript of W Portfolio - January 2017 - v16

My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink

My name is Wilbert.

Hi!I would like you to get to know me a little bit more. Just like everybody else, I have dreams and values. This portfolio will show you some of those!

I consider myself as someone curious to new perspectives, disciplines, life lessons and more. This document will hopefully prove that.


My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink


Right on this very moment there are endless opportunities to learn, experience and embrace new things. My biggest fear is being so blindsided to not see those opportunities every single day!

The year 2016 has brought me plenty of new experiences. To name some for you:

I read a total of twelve books.I watched a total of 41 TED Talks.I became a Certified Advanced Open Water diver. I organized three events as co-founder of Businessclub Eigenaardig.I co-created four concepts for different companies.I spent two weeks alone on an island in the middle of the atlantic. Starting every day with the mindset to be curious improved my life by a ton. And I got to really experience who I am with all my flaws and dreams!

My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink

Road to Mastery: Consulting

Today I am an apprentice. I am still standing outside of the field, learning the basics of consultancy.

A combination of spending six months studying Inter-disciplinary Consultancy, hard work and a first job in the field will hopefully help me grow to the level of Creative-Active. The level where I will practice, practice and practice to gain insights in how things are connected and gain a deep understanding of Consultancy.

I am not one to set long-term goals, I am one to have clear values.

Those values are to always be open to new learning opportunities, to always be a driven team player and to serve others with honest and sincere advice.Starting today I will work to reach the third level, Mastery. Mastery in the field of consultancy, a degree of knowledge, experience, and focus that is so deep that I can now see the whole picture with complete clarity.

As Robert Greene has said in one of his books, it generally takes 10.000 hours to master something. There is a long way to go, and I am thrilled to start this journey.

level 3Mastery

level 2Creative-Active

Level 1Apprenticeship

My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink

Characteristics of a Consultant

The first step of becoming a consultant is, in my opinion, to figure out which characteristics are important. Based on a combination of vacancies I came up with a list, as shown on the right.

I do strongly believe I can improve on each characteristic. I have taken specific actions to start improving on these, if more explanation is requested, just ask!

This competence visualization is a result of some online tests; Competence Indicator - Intermediair, Consultanttype - Test.


Problem Solving

Result Oriented







I am an innovative Utopian.This type of consultant is recognized by its integrity and originality. My advice is honest and sincere. The utopian excites no punches. I dare to be myself and strongly feel others should do the same.

My supporting archetype is the Creator.I create order out of chaos. Innovative, smart solutions are my offer to you. As a creator, I strive towards perfectionism.

- QSN Consultancy Test, January 2017

My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink

I must admit, If you are expecting me to be the best salesman or the smoothest talker you have ever met .. Well, give me some time.

Nevertheless I am confident both characteristics are elements I can improve on. Currently I am working on my voice and communicative skills with a vocal coach to improve my speech in front of large crowds. Articulation, tone and intonation are some subjects I am improving on.

Don’t get me wrong, I am sure able to speak in front of a crowd and persuade you in following my strategy. But there is room for improvement!



Result Oriented


I can’t deny I sometimes have the tendency to dwell in certain subjects for a longer amount of time, without a direct result or outcome.

To improve this, along with my Entrepreneurial abil-ity, me and a good friend volunteered to consult a local pub on their concept, strategy and focus.

This way, I have an opportunity to improve my char-acteristics and in the same time, the newly opened pub has more manpower to conquer the world!

We are facilitating an open dialogue to speed up the process of experimenting with new strategies. This creates fast results, giving better insights in the best practices of the pub. Which is the essential first step into building a succesfull brand.

My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink

Teamwork Entrepreneurial Ability

To become a consultant, one must be co-operative and work well with others. In no way I will claim to be the perfect team player.

However .. during the last four years I did haveexperience with working in teams.In three years of my study I had the opportunity to do projects for many different companies such as Rabobank, SAP, ProRail and Impact Nomads.

MVO Nederland was the client for an Excellence Project. With a team of students we executed a research for new cradle-to-cradle outfits for the healthcare sector. This project gave me a great boost of experience.

So decent experience with teamwork: Check!

My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink

“brengt ondernemende studenten samen”

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Entrepreneurial Ability

To express my Entrepreneurial Ability I would like to present to you: Eigenaardig!

Eigenaardig is a Businessclub I founded with a friend. The intention was to bring starting entrepreneurs on the university together.

With a team we are creating diverse events to assist our entrepreneurial students on their journey of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

For more indept information on Eigenaardig, please visit our facebookpage:


My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink

Experience Overseas

I had the great opportunity to do my internship on the beautiful island of St. Martin, in the Carib-bean. During the five months I was there I worked in a local distribution company focussing on marketing, branding and a research on the strategy of the company, Divico Distributors.

An island with two nationalities, combined with several languages and cultures surely brought me a lot of learning experiences. Day-to-day work with French, Spanish, American and local people sure made it a great internship.

I had to question every single bit of knowledge I brought with me from Holland, basically everything works different so far from home!

My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink My personal portfolio, Wilbert van den Brink

I am thrilled to start my road to mastery.

If you have any guidance, experience or inspirationthat you can offer me, call me!

06 - 36 117 226Wilbert van den Brink

[email protected]://nl.linkedin.com/in/wilbertvdbrink