W. PAGE, Play,...class Workmen at the trade.. Wt: mean business. All work guaran. teed and done with...

rV ft raj i i TIN Vol. A7". No. 701 HONOLULU, H. r., WEDNESDAY EVENING, APKTL 30, 1884. GO OENT8 8UB80RIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. Tub Daily Bullktin is minted nnd published uvcry evening and circulated Uuoughout tliu town by carricis, and forwarded to the other Island1 by every oppoitunity. Subscription. ' 50 cents per Month. (Jiias. R HU0Ktisii, Editor. All business communications to be ad. dressed, Manager Dail Bulletin, Post Otllre Box No. II. Telephone 250. . Onico lticon Mtvepfc Opposite Weal's Carriage factory. .T. G. Ot.r.vion, Manager W. H. PAGE, iiniiAHiMi KJlBBfAhB MAMHBlP'FfYBV N03. 12S mid 130 FORT'STREET (opposite Pantheon Stables) v HONOLULU, IT. 1. Carriage Manufacturer, to Wheelwright and General Blacksmith. The Manufactory contain', a complete Carriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Paint Shop, and Trimming Shop. to FAMILY CARRIAGES, EXPRESSES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, OMNIBUSSES, DRAYS AND TRUCKS, BREAKING CARTS, PLANTATION WAGONS, HAND CARTS, &C., &C. Made to Older on most favorable terms and all work guaranteed. The Closest Attention jrJven to re- pair worlc of all KiiulH. Ilaviug been in business on the Island for a number of yeais employing none but the most Skillful of Mechanics, and using only Al Material, 1 can strictly guarantee all woric leaving my Manu- factory. Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget the place. 128 and 130 FORT STREET. opposith dodo's stables. W.. H. Page, 504 Om PROPRIETOR. City Shoeing amp. 110 Fort Stkekt, Opposite Dodd's Stable. YOU WANT yoilr lioise shod, and IP have no time to bring him to the City Staii SIod, EingTJp No. 34. And' your horse will be sent for bhod, and returned on short notice. Messrs. Mc. Donald and Ryaj who superintend the work arc practical mechanics of years of experience, and can be recom- mended as reliable ineu, as woll as Fiist class Workmen at the trade. . Wt: mean business. All work guaran. teed and done with promptness. S. I. Shaw, S10 ly Pnol'iumou FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from 5 to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, bolts, etc., all in good order; can be run by Hteam or horso power, just the article for a plantation. ALSO, HAY, OATS, CORN, Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and Ground, Mixed Feed, etc. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST C9 LAINE Co., 34 Fort at. Tourists Retreat. Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii- - NOW OPEN far Travelers, where-Firs-t IB class accomodation can bo had , al all Times. The climate of- - Honuapo is recommended for invalids. HORSES AND GUIDES Provided for tho Volcano. B5fFor Terms, etc., See CARDS at Hotels and Streets. wbmitjiieS) P731y Piopiietor. Knll lrogrummeH ! DESIGNS, just received from N'EW ' Frauclsco. at Tub Daily Bol-ukti- h Office B. F. EHLERS fe Co., .DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Uovolties in Fancy Goods . :m GRAND OPENING ' WTJJta 1312 CONTINUE! TUTS WEEK. all the Latest m Hats and Bonnets, Trimmings, Flowers, &c, At & Mu SELLSS5 AO. Smith, to take Acknowledgments with Smith mid Thuiston, Attorneys at Law, No. 38 Merchant street. 012 ly WILLIAM AULD, 1o take Ackuowledgmenta Contracts ioi Labor for the District of Kona, Island of Onhu, at tho office of the Honolulu Wntci "Works, foot of Nuu-an- u street. 189 .1 JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agont to take Acknowledgments Contiacts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. C. akana, iChincsc and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the abovt languages made with accuiacy and dig patch, and on reasonable teims. 209 S. TREGLOAN & atwater, TAILORS, 201 FORT ST. P1HR. GERTZ, Jte- - J No. 80 Foi I street, Houolui, Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes ami slippers. "jlTAX ECKART, Watchmaker and Jeweler, ' C3i3 No. 00 Fort Sticct. FRITZ WILHELM, CARPENTER & BUILDER, Shop on King street, In rear of New-Od- d Fellow's Hall King street. Telephone 112. 529 Cm . CARPENTER & BUILDER, No. Di King St., near tne isruigc. All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerators, Bath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repaired at moderate charges. 305 ly Telephone No. 323. TL?D. O. BOWS, XLl HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Paper. Hanqeh, etc., No. 107 King Street, - Honolulu. S25 Telephone, 114. ly & PHILLIPS, BROWN Plunibeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. 3T House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 H0LLISTER Si CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, G9 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., (507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b WIILIAM MILLER Ofctto i aietinaSLlses: A.nd Upliotatcrer, No. 03 Hotel sheet,. Opposite International Hotel, Canes and Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS Brackets', Cornices, Curtain Poles, .vc, made ot tho latest designs. LUCAS, Contractor -- AlM and Builder," Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work iinlsh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. AH Kinds ot sawing aim I'J'in-m- g, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and woik guaranteed. Orders from the other solicited A 1 1NE LOT OF Matting of all Grades BOTH WHITE AND COLORED For Sale at 483 A. 8. OLEGIIORN & CO & FREETH, LAWRENCE CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates f umiuhed for Avorks of construction. Civil Engineering & Surveying Offico, cor, llalekauwilii and Kilnuea sts., next door to Widcniann's brick warehouse. 800 P. O. Box, 101, ly Received by every stoamor FH" -- 01?- 1 X. -- OF- FORT STREET Including Styles Feathers, TIME CLEARANCE SALE ing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c. Ad an inducement, all purchasers of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, or otherwise, to the amount of Twenty Dollars, will receive, as a Gift, Handsome fickle Silver Watch AND PRETTY GM CHAIN. The watch is known as the " AVaterhury," and is an excellent time-keepe- r. gjgr Prices will remain the same, the reduction will he in the "Watch and Chain. S3 "Remember, this is a Clearance Sale for 44 days only 1 Corner Nmiaim and Queen Sts. 535 6m " A. GrARTENBERGr, Proprietor. 0 BENSON, SMITH & 'CO.. Practical Druggists, 1 13 & 115 FORT STREET. HONOLULU, Depot for Boericke Schreck's Heads' Books 04 Fort Street. P. J. J. Ritete's Perfumes Honolulu. Headings Labels Repoils' Plantation Books Posteis Rtpoits Cards Reoc'ts Statements is. ' COMMON SENSE NURSING BOTTLES. 532 . UNION FEED COMPANY Corner of Queen Edinburg Streets. rj:clei)!ioiio A' to inform friends and tho public that arc conlinu. BEG business at tho above stand, and madccomplote arrangements lor a supply of Fresh Goods the very Best Quality which wo will for sale THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. We hopes, by giving our attention to please the .public, to merit ti of tliefr A large of Wheat Hay, Wholo California Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, now on Ordeis solicited and guaranteed, or no pay asked. 405 lUmilllfllNJORTRlNWOil lylllUJ iUJUJJUXLXl nviiiiii.iui v.i.iv- - - - - - Queen Street, Bill Briefs Ball Piogr.uns of Lading Business Caids Work Certificates Glroulais Conceit Progr'ni" Di aft Dollvcry Hooks Enveloped Hand Bills Invoices Loiter Law Note Headings Pamphlets Show Shipping Visiting Cauls ray.Bills AND TJIE and SSo' their generally they have continuous of offer AT bes.t part palionage. stock and Oat and ground Barloy, and &c., hand. satisfaction JVA Bills Book 10 mm&$MWflFzZ3iRk BSSfSimK O. HIEDttMi. LL & rJTO THE V NO. 10 y, FORT STREET, We prcseut ourselves before the public with the motto of tl EjLvc mul let live " We rail the attention of Honolulu Business Men and lnler-Islan- d Residents to tho fact that we arc doing a General Collection and Purchasing Business, and pro- pose to moke our services useful to tho citizens of this and neighboring islands. Wo arc roady to fill all Ordors at Lowest Cash Price on roasonablo Commissions. We include all Classes or Goods, Play, Grain, and General Merchandise, Or any article of Household Furniture. Residents of the Other Islands who may he in need of any Article however smnll, or desire information as to piices of any class of Goods by mid tossing us, will he promptly furnished with the uecessaiy information. We solicit all Gen-era- l Business, and by strict attention hope to secuie the patronage of the public. Q5F GIVE US zV TRIAL; you will find us Prompt and Reasonable. Address all Orders to G. Riedcll & Co., P. 0. Box 303. 040 9m Honolulu. Commission Merchants. O BREWER (Limited) Ss COMPANY, GKNEltAL MEllCAXTITJi AND . Commission Acirnis. LIST 01' OFFICERS : C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager O. Oahtku Treasurer & Secretary dikkctoks: Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Caiiteu 338 ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. R. Macfarlane. to Q. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER. CHANTS and Sugar Factors, at Fire-P- i oof Building, -- 02 Queen street, iionoiuiu. ti. l. agents for The Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Hecia Sugar Plantation, Onhu, S. Iluelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawnii, Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlces, Wakon & Co's Sugar Machin cry, UlasKow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 J. LYONS, , L. J. LEVEY. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission McrchanUk Beaver Block, Queen st., - -- Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at. tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 GRINBAUM Se CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Merchants, 124 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. Claus Srrcckcls. Wm, G. Irwin. jn G.t Irwin & Company, T V Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 CLEGHORN & OO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in .General Meichan-dise- , Queenftmd Kaahumanu sts., Ilono. lulu. ' MA. GONSALVES Si CO., No. 57 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroideiy, 289 &c, &c, &,c. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Meichandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 & CO., BROWN Wholesale Wine and Spirit Meichants, No. 14 Merchant St., Honolulu. 330 T. LENEHAN & CO., 1 . Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle. J. B. Athcrton. & COOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Mci'jhandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 TTING "WO TAI & CO., TV Importeis and General Dealers in English, American and Chinese Pio-vision- s. Plantation Tens and General Supplies. Also, Whito & Colored Con. tiact Matting, all qualities and prices. ' No. 21 Nuuanu stieel. opposite Mr. 0. Afong's. 523 (liu ING WO CHAN 8s O.O., . Ininoiters and General Dcalcis In English, American and Chinese Pro. viHlons, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white nnd coloied cqn-tra- ct matting, all qualities and prices. bSTNo. 22 Nuuanu Stiect, opposite Mr. Afong's. ol IM WM. McUANIMKSH, No. (i Queen strtut Fish Market, DcaU r In choicest Keel", Venl, Mutton, VIhIi, S.e &.v. Family and Shipplug Older rarefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at bhoit notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 310 ly 0. WOOD. COMPANY, SnRONT. k Purclasii Apiils, Professionals. DR. THAOHEB, DENTIST, Still tanCIs at the head of his professou. Restoration and Contour work n speciality. Using colored gold or any other" materia known to the profession as the case requires. From thisdate prices reduced 25 to CO per cent, guaranteeing satisfaction and doing first-clas- s work 25 per cent lower ban ariyothei dentist in, Honolulu. 508 GROSSMAN, DENTIST, Has opened his office in Hotel st., next the Y. M. C. A. buildinc, where he is ..prepared to perform Anil operations in uuiiLiouy. om uui. ,R. EMERSON, Kestuence anu consultation rooms No. 2 Kukul St., corner of Fort. Telephone No. 140. 59 2ra THOMPSON, . ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery, Office ovei Ledcrer's O. P. M. Bazaar, W. corner Merchant and Fort sti eets, entrance on Merchant street. Honolulu, II. 1. OdO 3m b ALFRED S. HAKTWELL, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office- -. over the Bank of Bishop & Co. 'oS'Z 3m b Honolulu. JM. DAVIDSON, A'lTORNEY AT LAW, 504 No. 115 Kaahumanu street. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' And Notary Public, Office with the Attorney General, Aliio lani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly AUSTIN "WHITING, Attornov and Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments ol instruments. Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. 2u.. OHNRUSSEE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, on Merchant street, (next door to Dr. Stangenwald.) 405 ly O B. DOLE, O Lawyer and Notary Public, 11 No. 15 Kaahumanu M. HATCH FRANCIS Attorney at Law, 23 15 Kaahumanu st KICHARD F. BIGKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attorner and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for the Ibland ot Onhu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st Honolulu. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate m any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotih ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st, (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 100 A O. BERQER, KAAHUMANU STHKKT General Agent foi The N. Y. Life" Insurance Compuuy, The City of,London Flic In. Uo(limit'il Macneale & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gab Fixtures of Mitchell, Vauce & Co. 238 Robert Leu era, l). M. CooUo. L EWERS & COOKE, (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers nnd Dealers iu Lumber and all kinds ol Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 TTTlLDER & CO.. Y V Dealers In Luinbor, Paluts, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 RpjTsaa G. II. ROBERTSON, , Drayman best teams: In town. Teiepnono I". ii&. m M. HAGAN, DR. OFFICE 132 FORT STREET, m 502 Tclophono No. 331. t&j0;J&!ty iMUKltetpS.- - t.fe&--J n .1 - 3

Transcript of W. PAGE, Play,...class Workmen at the trade.. Wt: mean business. All work guaran. teed and done with...

Page 1: W. PAGE, Play,...class Workmen at the trade.. Wt: mean business. All work guaran. teed and done with promptness. S. I. Shaw, S10 ly Pnol'iumou FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill



raj i iTINVol. A7". No. 701 HONOLULU, H. r., WEDNESDAY EVENING, APKTL 30, 1884. GO OENT8



Tub Daily Bullktin is minted nndpublished uvcry evening and circulatedUuoughout tliu town by carricis, andforwarded to the other Island1 by everyoppoitunity.Subscription. '

50 cents per Month.

(Jiias. R HU0Ktisii, Editor.All business communications to be ad.

dressed, Manager Dail Bulletin, PostOtllre Box No. II. Telephone 250.. Onico lticon Mtvepfc

Opposite Weal's Carriage factory..T. G. Ot.r.vion, Manager



N03. 12S mid 130 FORT'STREET

(opposite Pantheon Stables)


Carriage Manufacturer,to

Wheelwright andGeneral Blacksmith.

The Manufactory contain', a completeCarriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, PaintShop, and Trimming Shop. to








Made to Older on most favorable termsand all work guaranteed.The Closest Attention jrJven to re-

pair worlc of all KiiulH.Ilaviug been in business on the Island

for a number of yeais employing nonebut the most Skillful of Mechanics, andusing only Al Material, 1 can strictlyguarantee all woric leaving my Manu-

factory.Give me a call before purchasing

elsewhere.Don't forget the place.

128 and 130 FORT STREET.opposith dodo's stables.

W.. H. Page,504 Om PROPRIETOR.

City Shoeing amp.

110 Fort Stkekt,Opposite Dodd's Stable.

YOU WANT yoilr lioise shod, andIP have no time to bring him to the

City Staii SIod,

EingTJp No. 34.

And' your horse will be sent for bhod,and returned on short notice. Messrs.Mc. Donald and Ryaj who superintendthe work arc practical mechanics ofyears of experience, and can be recom-mended as reliable ineu, as woll as Fiistclass Workmen at the trade.

. Wt: mean business. All work guaran.teed and done with promptness.

S. I. Shaw,S10 ly Pnol'iumou

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, bolts, etc., all in good

order; can be run by Hteam or horsopower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.


Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii- -

NOW OPEN far Travelers, where-Firs-t

IB class accomodation can bo had, al all Times. The climate of-- Honuapo

is recommended for invalids.

HORSES AND GUIDESProvided for tho Volcano.

B5fFor Terms, etc., See CARDS atHotels and Streets. wbmitjiieS)P731y Piopiietor.

Knll lrogrummeH !

DESIGNS, just received fromN'EW' Frauclsco. at Tub Daily Bol-ukti- h


B. F. EHLERS fe Co.,

.DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Uovolties in Fancy Goods

. :m



all the Latest m Hats and Bonnets,Trimmings, Flowers, &c,


AO. Smith,to take Acknowledgments

with Smith mid Thuiston, Attorneys atLaw, No. 38 Merchant street. 012 ly

WILLIAM AULD,1o take Ackuowledgmenta

Contracts ioi Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Onhu, at tho office ofthe Honolulu Wntci "Works, foot of Nuu-an- u

street. 189 .1

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agont to take Acknowledgments

Contiacts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

C. akana,iChincsc and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of the abovtlanguages made with accuiacy and digpatch, and on reasonable teims. 209


201 FORT ST.

P1HR. GERTZ,Jte- -J No. 80 Foi I street, Houolui,

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes ami slippers.


Watchmaker and Jeweler,'

C3i3 No. 00 Fort Sticct.


Shop on King street, In rear of New-Od- d

Fellow's Hall King street.Telephone 112. 529 Cm

. CARPENTER & BUILDER,No. Di King St., near tne isruigc.

All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerators,Bath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repairedat moderate charges. 305 ly

Telephone No. 323.


Paper. Hanqeh, etc.,No. 107 King Street, - Honolulu.

S25 Telephone, 114. ly

& PHILLIPS,BROWN Plunibeis, Gas Fittersand Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. 3T House and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

G9 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,(507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b


Ofctto i aietinaSLlses:

A.nd Upliotatcrer,No. 03 Hotel sheet,.

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets', Cornices, Curtain Poles, .vc,

made ot tho latest designs.

LUCAS,Contractor -- AlM

and Builder,"Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work iinlsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. AH Kinds ot sawing aim I'J'in-m- g,

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and woik

guaranteed. Orders from the othersolicited


Matting of all GradesBOTH WHITE AND COLORED

For Sale at483 A. 8. OLEGIIORN & CO

& FREETH,LAWRENCE CONTRACTORS.Plans and Estimates fumiuhed for Avorksof construction. Civil Engineering &Surveying Offico, cor, llalekauwilii andKilnuea sts., next door to Widcniann'sbrick warehouse.800 P. O. Box, 101, ly

Received by every stoamor


-- 01?-



-- OF-


Including StylesFeathers,


ing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks,Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c.

Ad an inducement, all purchasers of Clothing, FurnishingGoods, or otherwise, to the amount of Twenty

Dollars, will receive, as a Gift,

Handsome fickle Silver WatchAND PRETTY GM CHAIN.

The watch is known as the " AVaterhury," and is anexcellent time-keepe- r.

gjgr Prices will remain the same, the reduction will hein the "Watch and Chain.

S3 "Remember, this is a Clearance Sale for 44 days only 1

Corner Nmiaim and Queen Sts.535 6m


A. GrARTENBERGr, Proprietor.0

BENSON, SMITH & 'CO..Practical Druggists,


Depot for Boericke Schreck's



04 Fort Street.



Ritete's Perfumes





Plantation Books








UNION FEED COMPANYCorner of Queen Edinburg Streets.

rj:clei)!ioiio A'to inform friends and tho public that arc conlinu.

BEG business at tho above stand, and madccomplote arrangements lora supply of

Fresh Goods the very Best Qualitywhich wo will for sale

THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.We hopes, by giving our attention to please the .public, to merit ti oftliefr A large of

Wheat Hay, WholoCalifornia Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings,

now on Ordeis solicited and guaranteed, or no pay asked.405

lUmilllfllNJORTRlNWOillylllUJ iUJUJJUXLXl nviiiiii.iui v.i.iv- -

- - - -Queen Street,



Ball Piogr.uns

of Lading

Business Caids




Conceit Progr'ni"

Di aft

Dollvcry Hooks


Hand Bills




Note Headings




Visiting Cauls




their generally theyhave



ATbes.t part

palionage. stockand Oat and ground Barloy,

and &c.,

hand. satisfaction





O. HIEDttMi.




We prcseut ourselves before the public with the motto oftl EjLvc mul let live "

We rail the attention of Honolulu Business Men and lnler-Islan- d Residents totho fact that we arc doing a General Collection and Purchasing Business, and pro-pose to moke our services useful to tho citizens of this and neighboring islands.

Wo arc roady to fill all Ordors at Lowest Cash Price on roasonablo Commissions.

We include all Classes or Goods,

Play, Grain, and General Merchandise,Or any article of Household Furniture.

Residents of the Other Islands who may he in need of any Article howeversmnll, or desire information as to piices of any class of Goods by mid tossing us,will he promptly furnished with the uecessaiy information. We solicit all Gen-era- l

Business, and by strict attention hope to secuie the patronage of the public.Q5F GIVE US zV TRIAL; you will find us Prompt and Reasonable. Address

all Orders toG. Riedcll & Co.,

P. 0. Box 303. 040 9m Honolulu.

Commission Merchants.

O BREWER(Limited)


GKNEltAL MEllCAXTITJi AND .Commission Acirnis.


C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerO. Oahtku Treasurer & Secretary

dikkctoks:Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Caiiteu

338 ly

Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. R. Macfarlane.to



Sugar Factors, atFire-P- i oof Building, - - 02 Queen street,

iionoiuiu. ti. l.agents for

The Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Hecia Sugar Plantation, Onhu, S.Iluelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawnii,

Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-able Tramway Works, Leeds,

Mirrlces, Wakon & Co's Sugar Machincry, UlasKow,

Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.185


LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission McrchanUkBeaver Block, Queen st., - - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at.tended to.

Sole Agents for American and Euro-pean merchandise. 318

GRINBAUM Se CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Merchants,

124 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

Claus Srrcckcls. Wm, G. Irwin.jn G.t Irwin & Company,

T V Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

CLEGHORN & OO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in .General Meichan-dise- ,

Queenftmd Kaahumanu sts., Ilono.lulu. '

MA. GONSALVES Si CO.,No. 57 Hotel Sticct, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroideiy,

289 &c, &c, &,c.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Meichandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

& CO.,BROWN Wholesale Wine and SpiritMeichants, No. 14 Merchant St.,

Honolulu. 330

T. LENEHAN & CO.,1. Importers and CommissionMerchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle. J. B. Athcrton.& COOKE,CASTLE Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Mci'jhandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

TTING "WO TAI & CO.,TV Importeis and General Dealers

in English, American and Chinese Pio-vision- s.

Plantation Tens and GeneralSupplies. Also, Whito & Colored Con.tiact Matting, all qualities and prices.

' No. 21 Nuuanu stieel. opposite Mr. 0.Afong's. 523 (liu

ING WO CHAN 8s O.O., .Ininoiters and General Dcalcis

In English, American and Chinese Pro.viHlons, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white nnd coloied cqn-tra- ct

matting, all qualities and prices.bSTNo. 22 Nuuanu Stiect, opposite

Mr. Afong's. olIM

WM. McUANIMKSH,No. (i Queen strtut Fish Market,

DcaU r In choicestKeel", Venl, Mutton, VIhIi, S.e &.v.

Family and Shipplug Older rarefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at bhoit notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 310 ly

0. WOOD.


k Purclasii Apiils,



Still tanCIs at the head of his professou.Restoration and Contour

work n speciality. Using coloredgold or any other" materia known tothe profession as the case requires.From thisdate prices reduced 25 to CO

per cent, guaranteeing satisfaction anddoing first-clas- s work 25 per cent lowerban ariyothei dentist in, Honolulu.



Has opened his office in Hotel st., nextthe Y. M. C. A. buildinc, where he is

..prepared to perform Anil operations inuuiiLiouy. om uui.

,R. EMERSON,Kestuence anu consultation rooms

No. 2 Kukul St., corner of Fort.Telephone No. 140. 59 2ra

THOMPSON,. ATTORNEY AT LAWand Solicitor in Chancery,

Office ovei Ledcrer's O. P. M. Bazaar,W. corner Merchant and Fort sti eets,

entrance on Merchant street. Honolulu,II. 1. OdO 3m b


Office- -. over the Bank of Bishop & Co.'oS'Z 3m b Honolulu.


504 No. 115 Kaahumanu street.


' And Notary Public,Office with the Attorney General, Aliiolani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly

AUSTIN "WHITING,Attornov and Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments olinstruments.

Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. 2u..


Office, on Merchant street, (next doorto Dr. Stangenwald.) 405 ly

O B. DOLE,O Lawyer and Notary Public,11 No. 15 Kaahumanu

M. HATCHFRANCIS Attorney at Law,23 15 Kaahumanu st

KICHARD F. BIGKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attorner and Counsellor at Law-Notar- y

Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for theIbland ot Onhu. No. 8 Kaahumanu stHonolulu. 1


and Notary Public. Real Estate m anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotihted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st, (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100



General Agent foi

The N. Y. Life" Insurance Compuuy,

The City of,London Flic In. Uo(limit'il

Macneale & Urban Safes,

Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine

Gab Fixtures of Mitchell, Vauce & Co.238

Robert Leu era, l). M. CooUo.

LEWERS & COOKE,(successors to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers nnd Dealers iu Lumber and allkinds ol Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

TTTlLDER & CO..Y V Dealers In Luinbor, Paluts,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

RpjTsaa G. II. ROBERTSON,, Drayman best teams:

In town. Teiepnono I". ii&. m

M. HAGAN,DR. OFFICE 132 FORT STREET,m 502 Tclophono No. 331.

t&j0;J&!tyiMUKltetpS.- - t.fe&--J




Page 2: W. PAGE, Play,...class Workmen at the trade.. Wt: mean business. All work guaran. teed and done with promptness. S. I. Shaw, S10 ly Pnol'iumou FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill





BANKINGNOTICE.UNDERSIGNED have formalTHE ix copartnership under Iho Arm

name ot " 3PKECKELS & Co." for thepurpose of carrying on a general bunk,itignmt exchange business at Honolulu,and such other places In the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable-(Signed- )


" P. P. LOW.Honolulu, .Ian. 14th, 1881.

Retelling to the above ui beg .to in.form the business public Unit we arcprepared to make loans, discount approv-ed notes, and purchase exchange at thebest current rates. Our arrangementsfor selling exchange on the principalpoints in the United States, Europe,China, Japan and Australia are beingmade, and when perfected, due noticewill bo given. We shall also be preparedto receive deposits on open account,make collections, and conduct a generalbanklnir and excltauue business.(JlOamb (signed) Sl'REOKELS & Co.

BISHOP & Co., BANKEKS,Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Draw Exchange on therSnulc of California. S. J"

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONG.

Messrs. N. M.Rothschild &Son, London.The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

Loudon,The Commercial Dank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney.The Bank of New Zealand: Auckland,

Christchurch, and Wellington.The Bank fof lkitlsh Columbia, Vic

torin, B. C. and Portland, Or.AND

Transact a Genoial Banking BuMnes.(iGU ly b

llw sffliuh EBLUiiucPledged to neither Beet nor Party.Bat established for the banofit of nil.



Meeting Hose Co. No. 1, at 7:30.Oahu Lodic, No. 1 K. of P. 7:30.Bethel Prayer feeting, at 7 :30.i'ort bt. Church. Praver Mcetinj

at 7:30.St. Andrew's Cathedral, usual

services, 7:30.


Legislature, 10.


We are pleased to learn that our

unpalatable articles on the above

subject, and the two letters of our

correspondent "No Sophist," have

been the means of driving the un-

pleasant truth, with which they deal,

forcibly into the minds of the com-

munity.If our statements seem to be ex-

aggerated let anr one ask the retaildealers of Honolulu what has beentheir experience of business since thecommencement of the present year.In three out of four instances he will

receive the same answer, "businesshas been fearfully dull." Most ofthe wholesale houses will acknowl-

edge the same. There was a slightrevival of trade at the commence-

ment of the present quarter, but itlasted only for a week or ten days.The revival can be accounted for bythe fact that there was three monthscredit to be obtained the, pernicious

of three, instead of one,month's credit being unfortunatelyin vogue.

t How much of the property nowmortgaged in the Kingdom wouldrealize the amount of its mortgages?It would not pay the mortgagees to

realize, consequently extensions aregranted and foreclosures are notpressed. How many wholesale orretail business men in Honolulu, orplanters in the Kingdom, are pre-

pared to face retrenchment in theirmode of living or in their workingexpenses, which they know aiid feelto be necessary ' We have heard only

' of one gentleman, a business man in

'. this city, who has acknowledged (he

gloomy aspect of affairs and who hasi had the courage to face it and who

fr is actiug up to. .

his opinion......It mustsi be done, and the sooner the better it

i will be for everybody, when Ave

recognize that our future prospectsare not coiilciiv 1c roue.

One assignment, at least, has beenmacle privately, and others Can bemade without the knowledge of thepublic in general. If a man's busi-

ness is not financially sound he will

meet with more sympathy by a public;

acknowledgment than by renewed,and ultimately useless, attempts atconcealment. Rents have been too

high, which is always an unhealthysign, but thy arc gradually

and will continue to de-

crease till the small salaried man mayhapp to obtain a house wjthouthaving to pay for it nearly twenty-flv- o

per cent, of his income.


Willi the present issue of the Pui.um, Mr. Charles R. Bueklnml severshis connection with lite paper, ofwhich he has been the editor foreight months. lie hopes that, dur-

ing his sojourn in the HawaiianKingdom, he has made some friendswho' will occasionally give him akindly thought during his absence,

lie has probably 'aroused sonic un-

friendly sentiments towards himself,but those who may have felt annoyedat any time should remember that itis the duty of a journalist 1o throwaside his private feelings for what he

'may consider the public good, liedesires to thank the Honolulu publicgenerally for the unvarying courtesythat has been extended to him, in

his ofllcial capacity ; and trusts thathe may soon have the pleasure of re-

visiting Honolulu.


The following list shows some ofthe increased appropriations, in thevarious Governmental Departments,which have been asked for by theMinister of Finance for the presentfiscal period :

JumciAitv.First Associate Justice 1,000.00Second Associate Justice 1,000.00Police Justice, Honolulu :5,G00.00

Circuit Judge, llilo tOO.OO

District Justice, Liliue 200.00Expenses of Supreme Court. . 1,000.00"Expenses 3rd Judicial Circuit. 200.00

Expenses 4th Judicial Circuit. 400.00Stationery & Incident'ls Courts fiOO.OO


Under Sect ctary $1,000.00Copyist 2.400.00Ofllce Expenses of Foreign Agt 1,000.00Incidentals ,000.00

King's Guard 1 ,090.50Band. Flag, Salutes 4,G35.00

Museum. .' 2.000.00Books for Library 2.000.00


nini-- nf Rnvnrtini' nf Oiiliu.. ft 1.50(1.00

Kilcrk of Governor of Maui. . . 200.00Assistants in Post-ofli- ec 11,700.00Postmasters . ."i.OOO.OO

Mail Carriej-- s 7,000.00

Incidentals Ppst-olli- cc 0,500.00Clerk to SuptPub Works(ucw) 2.400.00Incidents and Traveling Ex-

penses Engineer & Supt.Public Work. 500.00

Supt. Water Work 1 .800.00Clerk of Supt. "Water Works. . 400.00

2nd Clerk to SuperintendentWater Works ( new ) 1,S00.00

Improv'ut of Pub Grounds &e 3.000.00New Wharves and Repairs.

. Honolulu 40.000.00Janitor of Aliiolani Hale. 2.400.00


Clerk Finance Office 3,000.00Deputy Collector 1 ,000.00

2nd Entry Clerk 2.400.00Collector, llilo 400.00

Keeper Kerosene Warehouse. 720.00

Surveyor and Guard, llilo... 000.00AVshfcmt Guard's 3,000.00

Incidentals Custom House. . . . 2,000.00Tax Assessors 2.000.00Tax Collector 2,000.00Interest on National, Debt 85,000.00Incidentals Finance. Dept 2.000.00Dog Tags 400.00

lsoAitD or hkaltii.Leper Settlement JjSlO',000.00

Repair- - & care of Quarantine 2,500.00


Industrial. Refomu'ry School. $ 2,500.00Building & Repair of Selrool

Houses 5,000.00Taking Census 7,000.00Meseiiger5-&OfllclalAs'st4iiH'- S00.00


Deputy Attorney Gen. (new). 0,000.00Clerk . 1 .000.00Clerk of Marshal 1 ,200.002nd Clerk of Marshal (100.00

Sheriff of Maui 1 ,000.00Sheriff of I lawaii 1,000.00Sheriff of Kauai 2.000.00Clerk Sheriff of Maul .200.00Clerk Sheriff of Hawaii 200.00Clerk Sheriff of Kauai ( new ) 1 ,000.00Police of Kauai 4,000.00Police of Oahu 1(1.500.00

Coroners' Imjuopts 800.00

THE LEHiLATlEWkdnksday, April 80th, 1881.

The House met at 10 o'clock.After prayer by the Chaplain ', theminutes of the proceeding day wereread and adopted.

Hon. J. Kamakcle, presented apetition with 131 signatures, prayingthat the Government give each poorfamily two acres of land, also a peti-

tion with 130 signatures praying thatthe King give two acres of the CrownLands to people who have no homes!Laid on table.

IIdn, L. W. Kunenlii, a petitionfrom Wailuk'u with 52 signatures.That tm appropriation be made for abridge at Waihee.

Hon. J. Gailnor, a petition thatthe- Government build u Hospital forlepers in the district of liana, Maui.

Referred to Sanitary Committee.Hon. A. Kauha, a petition that

$80,000 be appropriated for improve-

ments to tiie Pali Road. Referredto Committee on Public Lands andImprovements.

Hon. ,1. M. Knuwila, a petitionpraying that a dispensary, lie established in the district of Puna. ThePresident then called for reports ofCommittees.

lion. C. W. I'ilipo, of the Com-

mittee on Printing, reported that thelist of standing Committees had beenprinted. Copies wore distributed tothe members.

His Excellency the Minister ofForeign Affairs, presented his reportas President of the Board of Educa-

tion. Referred to Committee on

Printing.Hon. J. Kcau, submitted a resolu-

tion to amend Sections 265, 2GG and2G1 of the Civil Code, relating tothe Police Department. Also a reso-

lution that an item of 8,000 be in-

serted in the Appropriation Bill forextending Hotel street. Referred toCommittee on Public Lands and Improvements.

Hon. G. B. Palohau, an Act toamend Section 1 Chapter f of theSession Laws of 1878.

Hon. D. II. Hitchcock, introduceda resolution that the Secretary fur-

nish a detailed account of the cx--e

penses of the Session of 1882. Aftersome discussion, a vote was called,and the resolution was referred tothe Finance Committee.

Hon. W. O. Smith, read for thefirst time the bills of which he hadgiven notice on the proceeding day.They were passed to their secondreading.

His Excellency the Minister ofFinance, brought up the Appropria-tion Bill for its iirst reading, andasked for a suspension of the rulesto allow the bill to be read by itstitle. Carried and the bill finallypassed its first leading.

Hon. D. II. Hitchcock, introduceda lesolution that when bills pass totheir second reading, they be printed,and copies distributed among themembers. Quite a lengthy dispus-sio- n

took place over this resolution,which was indefinitely postponed.

Hon. J. Iv. Kaunamano, movedthat the Committee appointed at theSession of J882 to revise the Laws,be requested to present their report.

After an explanation from theMinister of Financc the HonorableMember withdrew

Hon. J. W. Kalua. read a motionto amend Rule 50 relating to Stand-

ing Committees. Motion lost. .

At 12 o'clock the House took a

recess until 2 o'clock.TlIIS'AFrKltNOOX.

On reassembling of the House,Hon. J. Kamakcle, gave notice thatwill introduce a resolution to amendSection 780 Civil Code of 1802.

Hon. J. Kcau, introduced a reso-

lution that 2,500 be inserted inthe Appropriation Bill for improvingthe. road leading from King street tothe Insane Asylum. Referred to.the Committee Public Lands.

Hon. J. L. Kaulukou, moved thatu sum of $10,000 be inserted in theAppropriation Bill .for extendingSchool street, as far as the InsaneAsylum. Referred to Committeeon Public Lands.

Hon. E. K. Lilikalani, gave noticeto introduce an Act to regulatethe sale of opium licences iu thedistrict of Honolulu.

Hon. J. L. Kaulukou moved thatthe Appropriation Bill be the specialorder of the day on Mondays andWednesdays for the period of onemonth from Monday, May 5th.

Hon. E. K. Lilikalani gave noticeof an Act to provide for the renewalof the Reciprocity Treaty for another7 years.

Hon. J. L. Kaulukou introduced aresolution that the Committee onPrinting be instructed to advertisefor tenders for all the printing re-

quired to be done during the ses-

sion.Hon. G. W. Pilipo, Chairman of

the Committee on Planting, saidthere was no need of a resolution, asthe committee were going to call fortenders.

Hon, E. K. Lilikalani gave noticeof his intention to introduce an Actto amend. the law relating to intoxi-cating drinks.

Hon. J. Nawalii, moved that,whereas the Minister of Finance hasintroduced $725,000 of Hawaiiancurrency in the Kingdom, the said

Minister docs hereby give the datethat the money became Hawaiiancurrency. Laid on table.

Hon. C. Brown, will introducean Act for the registration and idou-- )

i lication of male Chinese residents"n the Hawaiian Islands.

Hon. E. K. Lilikalnui, gave noticeto introduce an Act relating to Chi-

nese laborers whoso times have ex-

pired and are wandering about asvagrants, that they shall cither reengage for service or be returned toChina.

lion. L. Aholo, moved the orderof the day.

Hon. J. W. Kalua, moved theHouse adjourn until 10 o'clock to- -




This 3HJ v e 11 i 11 gat 7:30

Business, in connection with the AnnualParade. 701 It

AT1ELI.C1R00ISOn Thursday and Friday.

5Iny 1st and (2nd, at y'rUO i.w.1st, Lecture Will be pi von on "GOD'S


the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.2nd, Lecture Continuation of the

subject till Christ's Sad, coming and Hisgiving up the kingdom so that God mavhe all in all, 1 Cor. XV.

Illustrated by a Chart of the age pastand future till Eternity. ."Distinguishthe periods and the Scriptures will har-monize."

All are welcomed by the servant forf'hrists sake,701 2t 1LVTTON TUKKEIl.

"WANTED.SITUATION AS COACHMANA by a steady man, in a private

family, who understands horses well,Address G. M. M. Office of this paper.

701 If

Givl Wanted.AVHO CAN ASSIST in the caioONE a Child and willing lo make her

self useful about the 1ioum can obtaina good home and fair wages by applyingimmediately to M. Green Fort streetnear School' or at the ofliee of M. Phillips& Co. 701 lw

WANTED.A SITUATION, by an elder v woman,

as NURSE, or HOUSEKEEPER.Address M. C. ollice of this paper.

700 IK

Treffloan & Atwater.

Have Just Received a Choice Lot of

English. Tweeds

mrsah.Pout & Hotkt, Sts. 030 3m

LOST.BPmVEEN the house of Mr. Kololii,,

Walk, and Mr. Pfl ti-

ger's stables, on Qncon Street, a GOLDNECKLACE and GOLD BREAST PIN.on the evening of April 21th. A liberalreward will be given to the finder, onreturning the same to J. T. Wntorhouo'f.3tore, Queen street.099 2t ' RAMOND DE REYES.

Corner of Nuuunu and Marino Stnets

Tobacco and Cigars ol thp finest brands onhand,

Reading jRooms,containing all the latest Eastern papeis

by every mail.

iciqi xierNisof all kinds and all flavor.".

00! lm W. II. PLAOK, Proprietor.

1ASL NOTICE.rpjIE MAIL by theX S. S. Alameda.

"Will close at the Post Office,

At 1 p.m. ThursdayMay 1st, 1881.

LATE LETTER BAG " will hoA"kept open till 3:30., p.m. to receiveInto letters, on which an additional leuof Five Contfe each letter mu'--t be paid.

LETTERS for REGISTRATION willbo received till 0 o'clock on Tuesdaymorning.

J I. 31. WHITNEY, P.M.G.Post Office, Honolulu, Ani 11 U8th, 1BB1,

$35 JtEWAIiD.WILL RE PAID, on conviction of

Person or Persona w ho feloni-ousl- y

cnteicd my Jinnee at YYniklki,between 0th and ltftu Instant, and stole"a nuuntity of clothing and householdolVects therofrom.,000 lw b JOHN II. PATY.



Or iluHlOYuL 78 King St. S78King3t.

-- HAVK-




lo. 58 tan Street,

Next door to W. G. Irwin &. Co.

Thanking the Public for their liberal

patronage during the past seventeen

yean!, they will do their best to retain

the same at their new store.

057 .lm

.I.3I.OAT& CO.. SAIOIAKERS.Loft in A. F. Cookci New Fiie-Proo- f

Buildiii", foot of Nuuani! Street.Honolulu, 11.1.

Flags of all descriptions made andlepaircd. ' ly b

Prussian ai!ona!

Insurance Goiiip'yESTABLISHED 1845,

Capital 9.000,000 Reichsmarks.

TIIE undersigned, having .been apagent, of the above Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, is'prepared toaccept risks, against File, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms,

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in


670 ly b at "Wilder Ss Go's.

JUST RECEIVEDA new'and full Line of Australian

Saddles & Bridles,051 lm b A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.

WoSfe & EdwardsGrocery and reed Store,

Corner King and Nmianu streets.Fresh Groceries and Piovisions received

by every Steamer.P. 0. Box 130, Telephone 349.

501 Cm

Administrators' Noticeto Creditors

BEEN APPOINTED thisHAVINGAdministrators, with Willannexed, of tho Estate of Simon K.ICniti, deceased, by tho Supreme Court,wo heroby notify all creditors of thosaid Estate to rile their claims, dulyveiilied, with us within six monthsfrom this date; if not fo filed, they willbe foiever barred,


Administrators with the Will annexedof the Estate of Simon If. Ifnai, Into de-fended.

Honolulu, April 213,1881. 007 1m

Dividend Notice. .

il DIVIDEND of ).1() per shaie; tostock holders in the Grovo Ranch

Plantation, will be payable tomorrow,Tuesday, Apt II 22nd, at the office of theundersigned.

JOHN II. PATY,Secretary.

Honolulu, April 21bt 183J. GDI? lw b


A DIVIDEND of Three Dolhus pershare IS NOW PAYABLE

to the shareholders of the Hawaiian Oar.rln go Manufaetuicrs Company, Limited,at Ihoir office No. 70Qucen Stieet.

K. G. SCIIUMA.N,'i8?JLvr. Secretary & Treasurer.


X or any way out of order, call on AT, I1AKER, at Capt. J. O. Clunoy's stab-

le-, coiner of Queen iV; funohbowl sts.E5?"Breiillng horses to saddle 6r cijr

ijago a meclalty. 420 ly

Furnished Rooms.7OR GENTLEMEN ONLY, Apply. to MRS. TURNER, 82 King Sti ect,

nearly opposito tho Windsor Restaurant,090 ly b

U. M. CltOWLUY. It. UAbTtlS

(Opposllc Whitman & Wright.)



duit .Received Superb Covet ine' andTriinmlnu: for

Lounges.Parlor Sets, etc., olc.

Cheaper Than Ever ! ! !

tEgpOall and see our Goods and your willbuy direct from tho Makers, as we are

tho only

Practical Upholstererin Business in Honolulu and defy Con-

tradiction on. this point.

Eieimiviiifr, Btccot'erhit' amiItcBtuflhtg;

A Speciality,Tllfc

'"BOSTON" nml " CIIAIjIiKXttK "

SPRING BED,Not, tol)c fSrinssctt

Crowley &.Co.1391 dm 78 King Street.

Planters & Oftan

For Sale

soFile Large Yoom

Apply lo .P. I. DowNctt,or E. A. JSrakair,

688 if Queen Street.

The California Pro.ducesuid. 1'rovMioii Co.

respectfully notify the Public that theyliave established themselves at

73 Hotel Street Honolulu,in part of the premises occupied by

Sresovioli Gray & Co.Wlieie can be found a complete

stock ofIProcliice, and Griocexies,which will he sold at lowest market

ratesSPov Oasli.

Telephone, No. 274. P. 0. Box, 120.Address all orders and communicationsC76 3m Z. K. MYERS Manager.

Eastern Fine Sngrav Kckh,In Shooks or Set up, also

Eastern Pine Barrels forMolasses.

Hoops Iron ,, lin., 2 x 2 x U,2 x

For Sale by 4080 3m b J.JI. BRUNS, Senior.


FOR SALE, in order to retire fromthe Photograph Business, my GalleryThe largest and best on the island Inperfect running order, with first classinstruments, doing n good business,situated in the best business location iuthe City of Honolulu. Rooms large andconvenient, with one good N. K. Sky.light and side light. About 4000 payingregistered Negatives, very rare, and noteasy to be got. Celebrated Views of nilparts of tho Hawaiians in alltheir ancient costumes; also tho onlyComplete Views of the Volcano andLava flows. With a lease of three andhalf years, lent very low and a goodsupply of water. Will sell for fivethousand dollars part to be paid iu cashand a part with n. good secuiity Bestchance ever offered as there is but oneGallery beside-thi- on the whole Groupof Islands For full particulars

Apply, to J. E. WISEMAN,General Bu&iness Agent,

or A. MONTANO,Corner Fort and King Streets, Honolulu.

092 lm

FOR SALE.FOUR FINE BUILDINGLOTS at Punahoii, Honolulu,lvlnir between tlin nrnmlananr

II I. TA Tlllrf., . - w --Jam. i. x. jjjiungiinm aim Messrs, Ura.ham and Foster. Two of these lots haveeach a frontage of 100 feet on BerctaniaStreet and a depth of fiOO feet, and twohave each a frontage of 102. 7 feet onBingham Street and a depth of 275 feet.These four lots adjoin each other andwill be sold cither separately or as awhole.

Apply to J. M. MONSARRAT,"37 tf No. 27 Merchant Street. '

. TO LET.npiIAT DESIRABLE and neatly lo.

cated Store and Premises LincolnBlock King Street. This Fjro ProofJJrlck Building recently finished is oneot tho finest in the city of nonolulu.Gas P pes and Pntent Water Closets nndoverythmg pertaining to modern lm.ptovoments throughout the building.Uio upper part of premises will be fittedup to suit Tenant either as a Ware houbeor for Household purposes. A Privateentrance also in the rear fopremhes.

Apply to J. E. WISEMAM,waiw Gonoral Business Agent.

Page 3: W. PAGE, Play,...class Workmen at the trade.. Wt: mean business. All work guaran. teed and done with promptness. S. I. Shaw, S10 ly Pnol'iumou FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill








ttregimuuj gMwilHHilHl.umTiii.i nMinaii.iiuiiiiuii.iiKUnWAiHa&uitilxswuiAJaSaSUimU!



All) lino from noon nf to-da- y. April HO

li m.Sun Sots W 20.Sun Rises 17 20.Moon Sets 11 !1S.

High Tide (lnvgc) 20.High Tide (small) 21 40.


Hucord Irom noon of ywUrrdiiyi

UScai?ovcl. Tliermoinotor ISuln.I Hi nh I wii II 2ii I nti I I8ii li to lsliI no.il :io.o7 II 7S mo ;s o.ioWind, X.N.K.,lnlk; Hlsy, fall-- ; Mmi, heavy


ooEAMic sTsTcoT


Alameda. . ..Leave-- ; Honolulu. May. lot.Mariposa. . . .Leave llwnolulii, May lfith



City of Sydney On May 17

kou san ruNt'tseo.Stmr Australia May ll

TELEPHONIC.Dlainoiul Head, April "0. S p.m.

Light N.N.E. wind.Bark Hope off port.Bark, unknown, supposed to be

English, off Dhnond Head.Schr Marion' off Dhnond Head. Y.


April 30- -'Bktnc Eureka from San FranciscoStmr Jas Makeo from KauaiSchr Mary Foster from "Waianae


'Schr Wailclc for MalikoSchr Rainbow for Koolau


S.S. Alameda for San Francisco


From Kauai and AVaianac per JasMakee, April 30 Mr. Capcff, F NShaw and 25 deck.

From San Francisco per Eureka,April 30 Mrs AG Dulkcy, CliasDalkey; H Dalkoy, G Moroff.


The bktnc Eureka, Capt. J. Lee, 25

days from San Francisco, arrived thismorning with 1 boat for the Eclipse. BoatOhio, 2170 sks of Hour. 4S5sksof barley,2G2sks of oats, 7215 sks of bran, 195

bales of hay, 150 doors, 227 pes of pinetimber, 5S.OO0 bricks, 2000 r.w. posth, 2

cows, 800 bdls of shingles, 2 calves, 4heifers, etc. She had a S. E. gale first4 days out, then a series of head windsaud calms; took N. E. trades yesterdayoff the south end of Molokai. TheEureka is consigned to Ilackfeld & Co.

She is discharging near the P. M. S. S.wharf.

Stmr Jas Makee brought 2000 bags of

sugar. She sails on Friday at 15 p.m.

The Dora Blnhm is loading at the P.M. S. S. wharf. She received a quantityof sugar from the Makeo this morning.

Schr Mary Foster brought lo00 bagsof bugar from Waianae.


Rooms to let, at No. 3 Kukuistreet. 700

Hon. J. Kamakele wants to turnthe lepers loose.

His Majesty has given $250 to

the Oahu College fund.

'Inn purchase of decorations is

omitted from the estimates.

$3,000 is asked for to complete

the light-hou- se on Barber's Point.

An increase of $3,(500 is asked for

in the salary of Mr. Justice Bickerton.

Artists Materials, newest and

latest goods, at King Bros. 090 31.

The Judges of the Supreme Court

appeared, this morning, in theirgowns.

Professor Kaulukou, L. L. D.,would sound well when the university

is established.

CoNTRimmoNS for the Library

fair should bo sent to Mrs. McGrew

without further delay.- '-

His Excellency the Minister of the

Interior is atilll seriously ill and

unable to leave his house.

Founoinccs to let, well lighted

and ventilated over the I. X. L.

store, corner Nuuanu and QueenG91 tfstreets.

A special meeting of Pacific IIoso

Co. No. 1 will be held this evening tp

make final arrangements for the

parade on Friday.IF '

Hon. L. W. Knnealii 1ms struck

tho first blow at the Mounted Police

by petitioning that no further appro-

priation bo made for them. ,

IT, H.ll7 PuiNCEsa Liliuokalani

will hold a reception after-

noon, from three to five o'clock.

Tho band will be in attendance.

A nuhsh girl is wanted.

Ax elderly woman wants a situa-


Tin: trustee! of the HonoluluLibrary meet evening.

Tin1 ease against the Kapiokm

adventurers was commenced at half-pa- st

Gone this afternoon.

Hon. J. Kainakelc sustains his

reputation for being the l'ust on thelloor of the Legislature with peti-

tions and grievances.

Tin: sureties of Mr. Preston DavisH

had the pleasure of paying fi(K) this

morning, as that gentleman did not,

appear before Mr. Justice Bickcrlon.G

A couiM.r. of bullock carts andteams were allowed to meander, atwill tjiis morning, up and across A

Queen street without any drivers.

Tin: size of the now bank blockcan be readily imagined now thatthe giouud is being cleared. Thefoundation work was commenced thismorning.

Mk. Ilatton Turner lectures in the,1

M. C. A. hall and onFriday evenings. The lectures will

illustrated by a "chart of theages past and future till eternity."

Tin: largo lava! which was pur-

chased from Hon. C. R. Bishop bythe Agricultural Society is beingtaken down prior to removal to itsnew resting place.

.- --.

Unusually heavy weather has beenexperienced in Koolau for the lasteight weeks. The local "oldest in-


pronouncs it as of unpre-

cedented duration at this season ofthe year.

.Tin: appointment of Hon. E. K.

Lilikalani, on the Sanitary Committee,an excellent one. He knows that

the water of Honolulu must not betaken internally without adulteration.It may be fit for washing, but not todrink.

Wur.N the present Minister of theInterior was appointed, the organannounced that his masterpiece wouldbe the improvement of the pali road.Times have changed since then andno appropriation is even asked forthe work.

Tin: Alameda will not sail tillthree o'oloek afternoonin consequence of the very low tideat noon. She has on board 2,250tons of freight, including 3,500hunches of bananas. The mail willnot close till one o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lloyd of SanFrancisco, who have been staying atthe Hawaiia'n Hotel, and who

have made many friends in Hono-

lulu, during their enjoyable thoughbrief visit, leave by the Alameda to-


Tin: receipts from the dog tax for188'1-wcr- e less than in 1882,consequently the Minister of Financewants an extra appropriation of $d00for dog tags, that he may bo able tocollect the canines. Notwithstandingthe large expected increase in thedog families, Mr. Minister has no

annronriation for whistles to callthem in to register.

Tin: band boys surpassed them-

selves last evening at the hotel con-

cert. The best part of the programmewas performed in the billiard roomwhere the boys very kindly enter-

tained many strangers and patronsof the house with songs in Hawaiian,English and German, and it is diffi-

cult to say which gave the most

satisfaction. His Excellency thoGovernor was warmly complimented

about his children.


This Day.

Martin, drunk, forfeited his bailSC.

Kawelio, same offence, fined 85

and costs SI.Kapu and Kauki, affray. ' A nol.

pros, was entered in the case of

Kapu ; Kauki was lined. S5 and costs

81.Preston Davis, selling liquor with-

out a license, forfeited bail of S5C0

which was paid by the sureties Kni- -

kala and Ii.irnnlm. larceuv of fish. A nol,

proa, was entered.Dougherty, gross cheat, reman-

ded to 3rd May. ,

Ah Liu, deserting her husband,

found not guilty and discharged.


,Tho following passengers arcbooked to sail by the.S. H. Alameda:Mrs T C Lowery, W M Greenwood?Mr and Mrs Jlymnn njirsc and child.Mrs M J Alexander, Mrs Sears and2 children, J II Walker. WPToler,Mrs W C Wilder and son, WUreig,

F Holmes, W J Brodie, Miss DLewis, Mrs P Lewis, Q A Chaseaud wife, Geo. Dornin and daughter,Master Lewis, Mrs Bruce Cartwrightand child, Rev AV P Alexander wifeand son, Miss Hatlic McKcy. MrsAdelaide Anger and daughter, Chas.

Loyd and wife, A D Wilder. S K

Fuller. Mrs L B Conn, Miss A WParis. Mr Failey and servant, Mrs

Levey, Mrs J G Ilayselden 3

children and servant, II J Levey,Mrs Monnicr. Paul d' Arbarede,

WKuckland, Gilpt Shuldham wifeand servant, Mrs A Scott and 2

clfildren. Mrs Jas McCord and 2

daughters. Mrs 1) W Harrier anddaughter, Mr Woolminglon, A C

Crane, F M Lewis, Mr and MrsDenis Noonan, T Adams Jr., C

Sherman and wife. W Morosco, C

Morosco, II Morosco, E N Jewell,Sherman, Miss St Clair, T. K.

Lucas, M. "Wadly.


The Honolulu Stock Exchangeheld its regular session this morn-

ing.Bid. As'd

Ilaw'n Agr. Co 100Wainianafo Sugar Co 100Kolo.i Sucnr Co 1G00Grove Ranch Plant. Co 2fi0Waianae Co 130Star Mill Co 400ilalawa Sugar Co ;.... 100Paia Plant. Co 100 125

Biowcr&Co 120Inter Island S. N. Co 1G0E. O. Hall & Son (Limited)... 110 115Hnwn. Agr. Co. Bonds 7 p.c 102

II. Rieinenschncidcr,Secretary.


Nearly all the i ecent Premiers ofEngland have enjoyed the advantage atof having had wives of great devotionand considerable ability, to whosetender care and sympathy in theirambition they have been largely in-

debted. The devotion of the Coun-tess of Russell, who is still living, atand the Countess of Beaconsfield,has something of romance. Mrs. 4Gladstone, who is nearly the sameage as the Premier, accompanies herhusband, as did Lady Beaconsheld,everywhere; and frequently remainsin the ladies' gallery to the close ofthe night's sitting. Lord Palmestonmore than perhaps any other firstMinister, however, was indebted forhis positionaud mantenancc to hiswife, who was physically and men-

tally a remarkable woman. Uppto herdeath in 18G9, at 85, four years afterher husband, she could read Avithoutglasses and talk with all the lire andenergy of a young woman of 20. Hereyes were of bright blue, and in spiteof a very evident wig she was a hand-some old lady. She had sonic pe-

culiarities, always shook hands withher left hand, and pronounced gold"gould," and china "checny."New York Sun.

To Let,AT1CELY FURNISHED UOOJtrt Apply at 53 Emma Street. li97 If

To Let.SIDE of that beautiful OhlcoONE now opcupicd entire by .J. E.

Wiseman in the Campbell Block, Merchant btrcct, with select ofllce Furniture,

Apply to .r.E. WISEMAN.011 If General Business Agent.

WANTED.A WOMAN to act ag Family Gov

xjL ernes- - in a ictircd place in the J

country, who could also teacu a MilanSchool ofNativcsandPortugucsu childrenin English, part ot the day. A goodhome and ica'onahlo wages gimiaulced.A'ldri"n Mrs.R. Rycroft,.at tho residencent' M. I'. Robinson Nuuanu Valley.


Choice Havana Cigars. ,

.l irT linHJIUVinf.HT rC hiii;jiniiii.'i"' ".Aii.m.ujij just leccived dbret fromHAVANA forsnlo by

LYONS & LEVEY,098 Iw Beaver Block.

Furniture for Sale.PMALL comfortable 5 roDin Cot-

tage on King htrcot, adio'ning T.R Rawlins' residence, near Lililia ST.,

to rent, $2Q mouth, furniture through-out for sale A good homo for a smallfamily. Apply at once to

.1. E.WISEMAN,099 1 w C cnoral Business Agent.


nonnln n mi t tint. HflVfllltiilHT

money on Diafl.No. JM8 and dated I'cb-ruur- y

7Ui, 1881, dmwn on Messrs. G. W.Macfarlnne & Co, in our favor, by .1. II.Sopor, manager of Ooknln Sugar Co.,

for the Amount of $160.097 lw CUUKGLUB&CO.

Notice of Komoval.W. 1L PLACE, of the KUKKKA

IIOUSE,7Itiunakea Street, licgstointormhis friends and tho public generally, thathe will remove to thoso ocutuil premls.e,ut the corner of Marino and Nuuanu Sts,on tho 15th hist,, and will open tho smmo

with ti new stock of Cig.. Cigarettes,Tobacco, Pipes, etc., nil of tho finestIn anils. Further notice or Hie openingwill be given. m t(l

Oceanic Steamship Oonip'y,$Bi Till: MAGNIFICENT

nssZsiSsds&ui'ir '"1!1 i

MARIPOSA & ALAMEDA,Will liuw Iloinlulu Mini Sun

Kiuncheo on Hie

lot and 15th of Each Month.l'AsstiNUEits may have their names

booked in advance by applying at theolllcc of the agents.

Passengers by this line arc hereby no-tified that they will be allowed 2fi0 lbsof baggage free by Hie Overland Hall-way, when traveling East.

Excursion Tickets tor Round Trip, $125,good to return by any of the Company'Steamers within 'ubiety days. ,

iUr.itcii,NiiHi: intended for Miipuienlby this line will be ireeived free orcharge in the Company's New Ware-house and receipts issued for same.

Insuiiaxck on merchandise, whilst inthe warehouse, will bo at owner's lisk.

Wm. G. lnwix & Co.,Agents, O. S. S. Co.

'WMLi-DEli'- S. S. CO.

Limited.gjjEStoStoamor Kinau,5&SS' King, Commander,Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at

4 p.m., touching at Lahnina, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mabukona, Ka-waiha- e,

Laupahoehoe and Hilo.Returning, will touch at all the

alovc ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sutmday aftcinoon.

Steam Navigation Company'sIiIN J3 OF JSTEA5HERS.

The Planter,uati:s, - . . Commander,

Will run lcguhuly for Komi and Kau :

Leaves Honolulu at 1 iar. onFriday, April 4 Tuesday, May 27Tuesday, 15 Friday, June 0Friday, " 25 Tuesday, " 17Tuesday, May 0 Friday, " 27Friday, " 10

Ahiuves at Honolulu at 5 p.m.Friday, April 11 Tuesday, June 3Tuesday, " 22 Friday, " 13Friday, rny 2 Tuesday, " 24Tuesday, " l'. Friday,' July 4Fiiduy, " 23

The Iwalanicasikuon1, - - - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every Tuesday5 p.m., for NawHiwili, Koloa, Elcclc,

and Waimcn, Kauai. Returning, leavesNawHiwili every Saturday evening.

The James Makee,puekmax, - - - Commander

Loaves Honolulu every Thursday

3 p.m. for iCapnn and Kilauca. Re-

turning, leaves Kauai every Tuesday at'p'lu., and touching at Wainac, both


' The C. It. Bishop,. Commander.d.wis, - - -

Loaves Honolulu cvory Tuesday

at 1p.m. for Kuknihaclc, Ilonokaa andPaauhau. Returning arrives at Honoluluevery Sunday morning.


The Clipper Schooner

JENNIE WALKEE,Ncsson, - - - Master,

Will run regularly between Honolulu,and Hilo. For freight or passage applyto the Captain on board, or to tho

Pacific Navigation Co.,011 Jim Cor. Nuuanu fc Queen sts.


M Schooner Ehnkaiwill run i cgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Reluming on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or toPacific Navigation Co.,

181 Agents.ijixs-.- '


II. Cavenagh, n' if Propnolor.

MEALS errXZs MKAliSCook'dtoord'r At all bonis.

Oysters, Colory, Salmon, and PruitReceivedby every htcaiucr. 001


VS Uarrcls, ITi-ch- Ii

ColumMa Salmon5 A. S, OLEGHORN & CO.



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel at. Telephone. 74.

.sifrfiTi HONOLUliU IRON WORKS,gbSteam engines, Migar mills, boil.on, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-

ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular uttoution paidto ship's black smithing. Job work oxe.outed at short notice. 1

Notice.GoviuiNon's Ori'ioK, UonO'

i.iimi. Sunt. 21. 1583.Is hereby given that no dentsNOTICE on uolialf of the Ila-waii-

band will he recognized or paidimleBSoidercd Ijylho undersigned.

.Ino. O. Dominih,Governor ot Oahn.


Best Manila Cigars051 lm b A. 8. OLEGIIOHN & Co.


Cami)l)oli'K Ncvv liloelc, jVlorflmni Strcci,Telephone, 1.2. P. O. Box, 'Mr,.

X IO A. ,u JK! W T V rJ? 3E A. CJ E3 TV T,Employment Agont, Custom House Broker,

Tiro and Life Insurance Agent,and General Business Agont

The only General Business Agent in the Hawaiian Islands.080 ly Orders of livery Kind and Nature Solicited from the Various Islands.

P.O. Box 207.

No. ? and 69 Hotel Street,

MJust Received per Alameda

A Full Assortment of

mi Fw Groceries and ProvisionsHichards V ltobbins' Canned Goods

Boned Chicken, Honed Turkey, aud Potted MenR

Celebrated Starr and Oupee Hams.

om.etiling- - Ne !

New England Self-Raisi- ng Buckwheat, Flour!in ,! lb. packages GIVE IT A TRIAL.

Ooodn Mold Low. niul Delivered Vree of Clint-ic-e io all pnrtH ofelty.


Hardware, Agricultural Implements,Dillingham Steel Plows, Fence Wire, Staples,

Kerosene Oil, House Furnishing Goods, LampGoods,

SILVER PLATED WARE, tea., &c, &c. G52


Parlor Sets,Bedroom Sets,

Odd Chads,Dining Tallies,

Centre Tables,Mattresses,




i & I.J3m b

and 81







Esplanade, Hopper's.204








Lambrequins, Cornices and Picture FramesDKSCHIl'TION 'IO30HDKIt.

Street, Honolulu,Prompt Attention.

Carriage Manufactory,


WHITMAN & WRIGHT,(Ustt r. .T. UO.3

All for wiieol-vehlcle-s description promptness

Fitst-ohib- i employed thea- - FINE CAllIilAGE WOKK SPECIALTY, -- a

Nothing or loo for OMNIBU6SES, I'LANTA.WAGONS, & CARTS, or

Horse Shoeing: DepartmentIs the, Mipcrvisiou practical mechanic

use soaking walds or All guaranteed.BSrOhargea . WHITMAN WRIGHT,

; 75.

AM Fill 4UNDERSIGNED LeaveTHEthat they I ave opened a Black

No. King Streetbelow Mnuniikeawhwelhij :ue

Makound Repair kinds ofWagnnt. the ShotieM

ReasonableB. Shoeing depailinent

not under tho Supervihion of hiiedmil we ine uurseivch.

guaranteo to give Satibfaetion,



(Successor C. P.

for callage pioiuplly at.to, at lowest tor


Wlitti ninckin (luantilus to at prioos.

0(1 i ly


Full AssortmentOK

American GroceriesA.S. CLEGHORN As CO.

No. 210.


i Pianos,Organs.


E Flutes,


77 81

King1 St.t


i .77

GENERALHorse- Shoeing a apecialtyA first-cla- ss being specially engaged

for that work.Ship and Wagon work

attended to.Shop on op.

TO BUTCHERS, GEAZ1ERSall whom it may concorn.

rysrpir The havingffijbjljtjllniado addllloiiH,SySW8nncl In his

is prepared to give

The Gash Valuefor quantity of

rXAJL.:LOW,Anil will furnish samelice of cost one who may desire.

Works.Ollloo in Brick

King street, Lelco, ly


05 107 Fort H.US?" Island Orders will receive and Careful (10(5


75, 77

o J3.)orders of every tilled and

dispatch. Mcchtinics all year round.A

too hot heavy us. TRAM CARS,TION MULE OX made to order, altered repaired.

Ourunder of a man a second to none. Wo

have no for lot workmoderate. &

408 ly 77 and 81 King Street.

BEGinform the Public and their

Priendssmith and wagon ouop


to all ran iageand mi Noticeand terms.

S, Our Ilorsit

men, no won;Our mottogive us a call.081

to Ward.)

All orderstended tho rates. AUosale;


utul Huiulsuit, lowest













for thoto any





' fe





Page 4: W. PAGE, Play,...class Workmen at the trade.. Wt: mean business. All work guaran. teed and done with promptness. S. I. Shaw, S10 ly Pnol'iumou FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill





Not once in n generationdo the people in this part ofthe world see such ;i displayof ice on the trees as (heyhave seen during1 Saturday,Sunday and to-d- ay the 8th,9th and 10th of March 1881.Other "ice storms," socalled,have made as glittering dis-

plays, but none has beenmarked by a heavier aceumu--lation oi' ice, or by a suchcontinuous duration of thespectacle. Commonly, whena frozen rain bends the trees,the first beams of the sunhave loosened the load, andthe day after the night oi' freez-ing has been marked by acontinual , and universal rat-tling, caused by the dropping-ice-.

The situation is differ-ent this time. The ice hasremained during the greaterpart of three days. Atmospheric conditions happened tobe just right to producealmost the heaviest possibleamount of icy mail, by re-

peated rains, and by a con-

tinuous temperature 2 degto 8 cleg, below the freezing-point- ,

throughout Fridaynight, Saturday, Sunday, andpart of to-da- y. 1 1 is the long-continuanc-

as well as theweight, of this icy show thatmakes it remarkable. Theload of ice, and its enormousweight, was shown alike in themore than octuple size of theicy covering- - of each littletwig, compared with the twigitself, and in the breaking offt)f huge limbs, a foot thick,which, unable to bear the ac-

cumulated weight, werebroken like pipe-stem- s, andcame crashing down as ifdriven by a hurricane. Thelength and breadth of thisvt"rn- - onoot'inlji nnnnnt lin no.curately stated; but it isknown that it covered Connec- -

X ticut, Rhode Island, and a( i. j. i i. f vr v.:ipart) ;a leusb, tu jlsov jluiiv

state, as well as a belt throughthe Southern part of Massa-chusetts. Probably the areaof ice-cover- ed country wasnot less than 20,000 squaremiles.

The scene was very beauti-ful. It was like a world offairy-lan- d. Everywhere thetrees were bending under theirweight, making in somestreets long vistas of boweryfrost-work-arch-es of pure ice.The sun came out, this morn-ing, lighting up the landscapein all directions with- - crowdedmasses of glittering genlte.Topaz, sapphire, ruby,emerald, diamond all werethere, and needing only theproper angle between thespectator, the gems and thesun, to bring out the prismaticeffect in dazzling perfection.Out in the woodlands, in therural places, the bendingbirches made as beautifulsights as any. In suburbanlocalities the elm and the larchmade the finest shows. Thespruces, pines, and arbor vitastrees did not show up so well.Some of the maples weresplendidly clad, and highlyeffective but nothing, on thewhole, equaled the larchesand the elms. They were inmany instances as beautiful,and as unlike anythingearthly, as the landscapesseen in dreams. Nor wastlie sunlit effect in all respectstheir best. In the veiled lightof the two preceding days,and particularly on Sunday,as the day" began to fail, the'scene, in its ihalf-mis- ty butpure and lovely silvery-gra-y,

its icy uniformity, its grace-ful masses of drooping boughsand branches, had a certaindistinctive beauty which notall the prismatic splendors ofthe next day's sun couldreally transcend,

The damage has been enor

mous. TSTot only have thetelegraph and telephonecompanies been put to heavy 1

expense to repair their brokenlines, but the injury to treeshas been serious and general.Maify ornamental shade treesare ruined. Great elms havelost some of their main limbs,maples have broken down,and many lawns and privategrounds have suffered a gooddeal of damage. But thepresence of this extraordinaryvisitation was magnificent, asa mere spectacle, and as suchit will not be forgotten.Hartford Daily Times.

Gray hairs are the onlyobject of respect that cannotexcite envy. Bacon.

Under all earth runs water,if we dig deep enough ; underall life runs grief.

A man's hobby rides him an-ea- t dea oLtener than herides it, Furncss

in this world a man must beeither, anvil or hammer.Longfellow.

Men are women's play-things ; women are the devil's.

Victor Hugo.

Book BinderyAliVIN H. RASEMANNWMios to notify the public Hint he

Mas Opened a Book Bindery

In the GAZETTE BUILDING, and isnow prcpiucd to do all kinds of

Book-Bindin- g;


Paper-Rulin- g.

Magazines, Pamphlets, Catalogues,Reports Etc., Etc., Etc.,

Bound to order in Sheep. Calfskin, Mo.rocco, Leather or Boards.

t3rBy strict attention to businet-- s

and moderate charge, I trust to merit aiair snare ot tiie public patronage. UUViim

.OATJr. &Co.Dealer in all kinds of

STATIONERY,The Latecst Foreign Papers always onhand at the Gazette Block. MerchantStreet. ly b

Quarterly AccountsHerchsmtw & Storekeepers

L TAKE NOTICE that the un--

dcrsigned is prepared to arrangeBooks and Collect Quarterly Accountswith carefulness and promptness.

J. E. WISEMAN,General Business Agent.

Campbell' New Block, Mci chant Street.080 lm


English Groceries240 A. S. OLEGTIORN & CO.

A Goodpasture for Horses,$ NEAR TOWN.

Inquire toA. A. MONTANO

577 Cm

Selling Off!


P. A. DBASIs oilciiiig for hale at VERY LOW11ATKS, his stock of Madeira Goods,mich as Willow Chairs, Wicker Work,

Crochet Worketc., etc., to jnuko room for

New Goods to Arrive


Call eaily and secure tho Best Bargains

I A, IMus,Dry Goods Store, King Street,

095 lv Next Castlo & Cooke's.

Water Notice.Oillco Sup't Waterworks.

Honolulu, July 8, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified that their Water Rates

are payable semi-annuall- in ndvanco,at the oillco of tho Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu streot,upon the 1st day of January and July ofeach year. CHAS. B. WILSON,

Sun't Water WorksJ S. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior, 804

B. t. CAnTIill. B. 1'. GIIA1IAM


Fire Wood,Goal and Feed.

JL-JLs-fcy siil Oats,IT JR 3212 3321LjXVJ2K,Y

to all parts or the city.

Remember, 82 King street,578 53TAnd Telephone No. 187.

STo. 96, King Street,

Telephone,. No, 130

BOUGHT out the businessHAVING 11. Wilkinson, the undersigned is pieparcd to envry on a generalEsprcss Business; and hopes by pinmpt.ness and dispatch to merit afairshaieof the public patronage.

II. Emmcrson.018 :(m


W--.IflW lUlylllUUl 1J AlU

Col lm b A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.

Horses Clipped.4$ IN the Best Style, and

m V at the shortest notice.Apply

Bulletin Orricr..vMA&. 058 3m


j mCjI lm b A. S. CLEGH0RN& Co.

GEO. E" SHERMAN.No. 42 King Street.

Trees, and Saddles of all kinds madci-- )

oider and repairing Harness, etc., donuin short notice. All orders promptly attended to. C93 ly


And Sheef Iron Worker. Tanksand Coolers made to order. Particularattention paid to Repair Work. Oidcisleft at It. Moore's Machine Shop, Kingstreet, will be piomptly attended to.t G04


Business DirectoryAuctioneer.

E. P. Adams, Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen st

Bindery.Alvin II. Rascmann.... Gazette Building

ItmiUcrH.Bishop & Co , Merchant stSpreokcls it Co., Fort te Queen sts

Itutohcr,W. McCandless, Fish Market

Itoot unit Shoes.Chr. Geitz, Fort stIX L Stoie, Nuuanu st

Clothing.Gartcnberg 1 X L. Store Nuuanu st

Cabinet 3IaUers.W. Miller . .Hotel stCrowley & Co., King stLycan & Co., Fort st

Carrlnjro SInltrvx.Rcwcaslle & Sagar King stWhitman & Wright, King stW. II. Page,-- - Fort stHawaiian Carriage Co., Queen st

Cigar anil Toliuceo,Hart, Bios. Old Corner, . . . s. .Queen stNoltes Beaver Saloon,. . . -. Fort st

Ciller,Fisher's Champagne Cider Liliha st

Canity Factory anil Raltcry.F. Horn, .' ...Hotel st

CarpcnturM ami ltiillilcrH.F. Wilhclm, King stII. Mead, King stG. Lucas, : .Fort st

Wry anil Fancy OooiIh.Louvre of Brussels, King st.T. T. Watciliouse, Queen stJ. T. Waterhouse, King stJ. T. Waterhouse, Fort stI X L. Store Nuuanu stB. F. Ehlcis & Co Fort stA.M. Mollis Fort stM. A. Gonsal ves & Co Hotel st

Benson, Smith & Co., Fort stHollister & Co., Nuuanu stHollister & Co., Fort st

DcntiHtN.Dr. Thachcr .' Fort st,M. Grossman, Hotel st

Irayase anil Cartage.S. M. Carter & Co., King stFrank Hustace Queen stG. Robinson, Queen stE. Emmcrson, ,.-,- . King st

FliriilMlicil ItorniH.Mrs. Tinner King st

Fire InHiirance AgeiitH.II. lUeiucnsclincidcr,. .at Wilder & Co's.C. O. Bergcr, Merchant st

Gent's Furnishing GooiIm.Louvre of Brussels,, King stEhlers & Co., Fort stA. M. Mellis,.. FovtstM. Mclnerny, Fort stI X L. Store Nuuanu'stGonsal vc3 & Co., Hotel st

GrocericN anil VrovlfcloiiH.California Produce Co .Hotel stA. S, Cleghorn & Co , . . . . Queen stKennedy & Co Hotel stWolfe & Edwards,. , .Fort & Nuuanu stsO Hustace,., , .King st

Horxe Hhoelng HIioiih.S. I. Shaw, Fort stWilson Bros., Fort stBo wcnstlc & Sagar King st

Hay and Feed Ktoren.S. M. Carter & Co., KingstUnion Feed Co., Queen stLaiae & Co, ................. .V Fort st

llnriiOH MakerG. E. Sherman, King st

JInrrtiinrr."Dillingham fc Co., Fort hiJ. T. Waterhousc,... Queen si

Importer & Com. SlcrchuittM.G. AV. Macfarhino A Co Fort stRicdell & Co., Fori siC. Browcr & Co., . . . . Queen siLyons & Lovey, Queen stM. S. Giinbaum & Co, Queen stW. G. Irwin & Co Fort stA. S Clcghom & Co., Queen st.1. T. Watciliousc, Queen stF. T. Leneltan & Co., Nuuamt stCastle & Cooke, King stWing Wo Tnl & Co Nuuanu stWing Wo Chan & Co., Nuuanu siC. O. Eery Mcichant stllymun Bios.,., .Merchant st

. liliUor Asrnts.A. C Siiillh Merchant stAV. Auld,. Waler Works OillcoI. A. llassiiiucr, ...Inlcrior Olllci

AV. C. Akann King stS. M. Curler, KiS st

liiitnlicr Dealer.Lowers & Cooke, Fort siWilder & Co., Fort st

.11 Winery and SlreHs Plaiting.Mrs. A. M. Mollis Fort st

3InchlnlNt.AV. .J. Biypon, Iving si

3Icdival.Dr. rcmcison Kukul si

Xiswh Dealer).J. M. Oat .li. & Co., Merchant st

Fltunbei'M and I'alnfer.s.E. C. Howe King stBrown & Phillip-- , King stJ. Nott, Kaahumanu stMax: Kolun, .....' Foitst

Ph ol ogranli irn.AVilliains As Co Foit stA. A. MonUino, Foit st

Tuning & 'niusical GiiNtrimioiitH.Lycan A: Co., Foil st

ItCMtaiirnutH.Ilarl, Bros. Old Coiner, Queen stNoltes Beaver Saloon, Fort stAVindsor Restaurant, King stCasino,' Kapiolani Pail;Tourist's Retreat,. Ilonuapo, Kan, Hawaii

Heal list ate Agents..1. E.. Wiseman, Merchant stRiedell it Co., Foi t'st

Solicitor.M . Thompson Fort stA. S. Hartwell, over Bank.) . M . Da idton Kaahumanu stA. Rosa, Gov't BuildingAV. A. AVhitinj-- , . ICaahumanu stJ. Russell, ". ..Mei chant ste. J. Loie, ivHuuumami siF. M. Hatch, Kaahumaun stR. F. Bickerton, Merchant stCecil Brown, ... .Merchant stJ. M. Monsanat, Meiclmnt st

ivoaj) Factory.T. W. Rawlins, King st, Leleo

Stationers..1 M. Oat.Jr. & Co.,.. Merchant st

Sail ruTnIcer.J. M- - Oai & Co., Queen st

Wliil Chandlery.Pierce & Co., Queen st

Tinsmiths.J. Nott, Kaahumanu st

Tailor.Trcgloan As Atwatcr, Fort st

Travel.Inter-Islan- d S. N. Co., EsplanadeAVildcr's S. S. Co., Fort As Queen stsO. S. S. Co., Foit & Queen stPacific Navigation Co Queen st

Wood and Coal Ic,aler,Frank Hustace, Queen stS. M. Carter & Co., King st

Wines and Spirits,G. AV. Macfarlaue & Co.,. Kaahumanu stF. T. Lcnehan & Go ; Nuuanu stBrown & Co., Merchant st

Watch Makers.Max Eekart Fort stAVenncr &Co FolI st


Offer for Sale the Cargo of the




Ox Carts',Light Express AVagon-- ,

Ex Top Carriages.

Cumberland Coal,Com. Wood Chairs,


Fine Molab&es Shooks,Rosin, Soap,

Ice Chests, Nos, 2, U. and fi,Hoe Handles, ,Lobsteis, llbtns; Beans,31btiis

Spriico Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.

Axlu Grease,Fail-bank'- s Scales, N03. 7,?,10& 11

Leather Belting,Centrifugal Lining, 14 inch;

Comp. Nails, ljtf, l.H inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Rales Excelsior,

Manila Coidasju, .Usovted:Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanized Fence Staples,


Sisal Rope, Assoitcd,Ash Plank,

Dump Bariows,Ames' SIioycIs,

Y. METAL SHEATHING10, 18, 20, 2, 2--1 and 20 oz. ;

Hair Mattresses I

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed0 Wire, Refined Iron,

ANNEALED' FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Screws and AVashers.

033 1)

.&$ JSK1 JW,

ECSALjoTicE.iTlieTeii Owl Counter!HPIIE Untie signed Piopilotor of tho



desires to infoiiu ills pulious and the pulilie gencially Ibal not withstanding thnrecent DISASTROUS FIRE, has elected


On 11 much more Extensive Scale Ahicliis now in FulIj Ovkuaiion, and whichwill be in complete working older by 1111

Early Aulval of new Machinery andTools; and Is now again picpaied to



and will always have on hand his dell,lions Fiesh Made





CREAM CANDIES of gi eal Viu lety OKT


Gum Drops, and Gum FruitBon Bons

Of all dcsciiptions. All those HomeMade Fresh and Pure Confections, I tellat HO cents PER POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf the Finest Flavor, hi all sizes always

011 hand and ornamented in themost artistic style.

always fresh, as also

Home Made Mince Meatfor sulc at CO cents per pound.

AVill leceive per Consuelo the balance,of my new machinery of the newest de-sig-

for manufacturing all descriptionsof plaiijj Candies; thanking the publicfor pre tons libeial patronage and

a continuance oi same.

Very respectfully,F. HORN,

Piactical Confectioner andPasfy Cook.Tin: oij btakd. 71 Hotel street

P. O. Box No. 75; Telephone No. 74

.572 ly

r 4, Saloon

The Bost Lunch in Town,r

Tea and Ooffee at All HoursThe finest Brands of Cigais and

Tobacco, always on hand.



IS OPEET EVERY DAY.E2f The only sea-sid- lesort in the

Kingdom. II. J. NOLTE,Proprietor.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

Haiit Bros., : : Proprietors.

M E ALSServed up in first-cla- ss style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, &c. Also,

JCeeci Xx"ixiks I75


IIO is in our employ, has hadseveral years experience in Piano

Factories in Germany and America ; heis a sober, reliable man, and wc

Guarantee all of his work.All kinds of Musical Instruments re-

paired and put in perfect order.

537 JLvcan & Co.


tfOIlT STKKET,Have on hand Now Foreign and

Home Made Jowelry,

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And Ornaments of all kinds

Silver and Gold PlateElegant Tea Setsin Solid Silver

Suitable for Presentation.NATIVE JEWELRY A SPECIALTY

Repairing and mending in nilits branches.



JOHN NOTT,Tin, Copper and Bheet Iron Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof .all kindfl.

Plumbers' utook and. metals,

IIouso Furnishing Goods,77 . Chandeliers, Lamps, &o,


Has just been leplenishel withTST31W GOODS

Reeeivp.l by the Miutpo-iU- . hi additionto the

TEN CENT STOCK,There Is a very large and varied asfotU

monl of

fBrt "Valuable Woorts,Such as

Towels, Baskols,Tabic Napkins, Hat Racks,llanilkorclilofs. Jowelry,Stockings, Toys,Carriage Whips, Vases,Riding Whips. Albums,Tin Ware, Plcluro Frames,Glass Ware, Crockery Ware,

&c, &c.

4000 CopieB of Sheet Music,IIing;loy', Cig;uis,

Manufactured in Honolulu by whitemen.Stove Polish and Axle Grease wholosale

and retail atThe Ton Cent Store,

085 8111 b 1 or Street.

Just ReceivedFrom China

An Elegant Assortment ol

Silks & Satins !


AH Minds of Colors & ShadesSpecially Suitable

For the Present Season

Gaimcnts of any design, cither for Ladyor Gentleman, made in the highest style

of Art, and at the Lowest price?.

King Lun Cliong & Co.,

G88 2m No. 78 Nuuanu Stieet.

in Tiir.

Yes, and wc sell

As Lov a Hie 3L.o-ves- t I

nad don't anybody forget it.We sell New Bedford Rope, and any

retailer knows how it will hold out innet weight. .

We also have the mo:-- t varied assort,ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house this side of the RockyMountains, such as

Hemp and Manila Cordago.all sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawsers, Wire Rope,Cotton and Hemp J)uck and Twine,Galvanized Marino Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents forPerry Davis' Fain Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which we will sell at the

lowest Rates.300 ly A. W. Peirce & Co.




BEVERAGE,According to tho highest and best medi- -

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 18 Liliha StS

P. O. Box, 870. Telephone, 284.US?A11 oiders rccoivc prompt attention.


JPIxotog-raplie"- ,

Have Secured the Services of


One of the Best ArtistsF10111 San Francisco, Hh Coloring is

Unequalled.Views of tho Volcano,

Also on Hand, Come and See Them.C31 tf


Beg to intimate to his friends and thepublic generally, that he is now pre.pared to execute oiders tyr

Plain and DecorativePainting & Paporlianging- -

in tho best and newest style's.

1 JTOrCI" STREET,Opposito GymnnsUjin.

P, O Box, No. 411. 401 ly
