W. L. Dive

10 THE FARMER: AUGUST 22, 1911 FINANCIAL W. L. DOUGLAS ass Night Dive Off Tomlinson Bridge 3, & 4 shoes MEN WHO WEAR W. L. DOUGLAS I Unknown Man Leans to SHOES MAKE NO EXPERIMENT THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 3Q YEARS The workmanship which has madeW.L. Douglas shoes famous the world over is maintained in every pair. All the latest shapes, indudms Short ' 'fc ML y : mi eat mpmmm Death in Harbor After Discarding All His . Clothes . . aJ'JS'.l'gJ,JW aMHMMHHQMwauMiMia n it mm imimmi i n i mn MirnniMft i mid! SQUIRES' SUGAR CURED BACON. .15c. per. lb SMOKED SHOULDERS 11c per lb )) New Haven, Aug. 22 Stripping off every bit of clothing: an unknown man uvtinnu M.GrS' HOCKS.- -. 8c nar lb CORNED PIGS' FEET 4cf per lb dived off the Tbmllnson bridge at Belle dock, this morning', shortly after mid Vamps which make the foot look smaller, also the Conservative Styles which have made W. L. Douglas shoes a house- hold word everywhere. If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefuBy W.L.Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they are war- ranted to hold their shape, fit better and night, and was carried away by the tide and probably drowned before men who heard nis cries 01 "neip ' coma come to his assistance. H. J. Ken-ne- y of the Belle dock freight house CORNED SPARE RIBS 8c per lb & CORNED PIGS' SNOUTS.--.- 7c per lb tj CORNED PIGS' EARS 6c per lb J ; Free Demonstration All the Veek was the first to hear the man s cries, Capital and Surplus, $1,100,000 but before he could launch a boat he had lost sight of the man's glistening b3 W whiite body and after a faint disap pearing cry lost track of him alto mil van xxuumju 5 uocoa, iiypnosa deny jfowaer ana gether. There was nothing in the T ?UFl, ONE PAIR of my BOYS' 82.00 or CAUTlQN 1,10 a11" v W. Tm. Douglas 82.50 SHOES will positively outwear name and price stamped on bottom TWO PAIRS of ordinary boys shoes If you cannot obtain w. L. Douglas shoes hi your town, write for catalog. Shoes sent direct from factory to wearer, all oharges prepaid. W. It. DOUGLAS, 152 Spark St. , Brockton, Mass. IV. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., 1068 MAIN STREET man's clothing, which was found com plete on the bridge fender, to throw any light on his identity. The circumstances of the case point New Haven Road Will Wage War For fsrlv.fiTn TMr m have been Bridgeport to a deliberate suicide, as it is hardly conducting business at the same old Pi! UrM k Branch thought that any man would have thought of going swimming at such a location, corner of Main and Jonn Streets, Bridgeport, Conn., and our PrlTate Bank has been established there continuously. We have received place and at such an hour. The only clue to the man's identity was given by a saloonkeeper, whose name was said last night to be Carl Gerkin, who On The Tramps Public Market Building East Main St. ) claims that he saw a young man Claiming .that the activity of the au ' and paid out on demand without no- tice millions of dollars of money de- posited with us and we continue to receive money subject to depositor's check at eight, on which vre aUw ! three ner cent, ner annum, credited wearing the hat that was found on the bridge in his saloon that night. He thorities in Massachusetts is driving mendicants and tramps by the hun- dreds into this State, officials of the your appetite calls for something particularly, nice and sweet. and fresh call on didn't know his name or identity. Kenney was sitting in the office of the freight house when he heard the Jew Haven road initend to take up with Chief Egan of the State police !to each account monthly. We solicit 'the accounts of Individuals, business men. firms and corporations, and " .who want a bank. account where they cry: "Help! Help! Help!" He rushed State and Bank Sts. Telephone Noa. 404, 405, 40G SUMMER MILLINERY WE OFFER A LARGE AND CHOICE SFXECTICW OF TRIMMED MILLINERY FOR SUMMER WEAR out of the door and could see the a plan to make it so unpleasant for tramps, particularly those who ride freight trains, that they will have to naked body of a man in the water. At 'can deposit money, cnecKs or ow, (and leave It for one day.one week, one that time he seemed to be swimming move further than Connecticut to se along all right but was being carried month or one year, and draw jnwreo. ft fAii timn it is loft , vritn us. cure a haven. A" real war against out by the tide. ' We ffive' to the business our,' careful "Hold on a minute," Kenney called train riders has been started by off- icers of the New Haven road at the WIS MMKET FRESH CAUGH1V LITTLE BLUES SOFT SHELt-CRAB- S LOBSTERS CLAMS FISH ETC. ' MEATS AND VEGETABLES ' j personal -- attention as tne oiueoi. order of General Manager Higgins, 989 BROAD STREET out and dashed down for a boat. Sev- eral others had heard the cries and they pushed out to the man's assist- ance. A life boat was also being low W. E. Halligan, Jot private bankers m.inis siaic. T; L. WATSON & CO. and the general manager's instructions will be carried out by the special agents' department. ered from the Richard Peck which was lying at Belle dock preparatory In Massachusetts there was recently appointed to the district police of to its night trip to New York. For People's Savings Bank that State a man named M. J. Barrett a ' tame the swimmer was visible and whose only work ts to look after men his cries could be heard, but he was carried out of sight and suddenly his dicants and tramps. He is said to be Marble Building ' 924-92- 6! MAIN STREET with the detectives of the cries ceased as though he had gone iNew Haven road in the Bay State in under. ,'. cleaning up gangs of tramps who in The passengers on the Richard Peck HAYES FISH CO. 629 WATER STREET TEL. 412 were startled by the man's cries com June 20, 1911. fest railroad property and steal rides on trains and in the last week or ten days Mr. Barrett, aided- - by the rail ing right under the stern of the ship. There were quite a few persons in the road cops, has cleaned uo - large neighborhood at? the time of the man's The Trustees of this Bank have this I dJdeclared a semi-annu- al dividend, ifor tha six months ending June SO, 1911. at the rate of FOUR per cent. batches of train riders. One. crowd Jump. xv' ;,' L taken at Springfield, for instance, a J 'per annum on ai accuuuis, SETTLES FOR $65. few days ago numbered 26 and every one of them was sent to the Spring field jail. Case of Selling: Beer From Wagon in July l. i EDWARD W. MARSH, Treasurer. ' TttmcmAtA made on or before August Wall Papers, Room Mouldings, Painting and Decorating The State police officers and the I7hen Vou Gomo fo Plan Vour Summer Vacation You'll need the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad's summer resort book. It con- tains a list of two thousand summer hotels and board- ing cottages,and tells their location and capacity and rate per day and per week. Ask for the Manual of Summer Resorts The easily accessible and. most popular resorts of Southern New England are mentioned In this book places where you can enjoy m most delightful vacation at very moderate cost. Write today fd a copy Address Advertising Bureau, Room 537, South Station, Boston The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co. Hamden Adjusted. , Makers of Picture Frames, Paints, Oils. Varnishes. Brashes, eta railroad sleuths are making it hot for tramps and this coupled with the fact 2d, win draw Interest from August 1st New Haven, Aug. 22 Joseph Finora, 777-78- 3 EAST MAIN STREET JOSEPH P. COUGHLIN CO. that fall is coming has driven the knights of the road into this State on of 48 Daisy street, who was arrested "Phone 2805-- 3 by Constable Sturtze In Hamden for their way, to warmer climes. They are selling: liquor from his wagon, settled not anxious to start south quite so .' First Class Round Trip to Bermuda his case out of court for $65. Finora PARK CITY CARPET CLEANING COMPANY early, however, and have been pes drove the wagon load of beer to the tering the oolice in all of the small Carpets Cleaned and Returned tbe Same Day. town line and sent his bartender, vin-cen- zo Rug-geri- out to sell it. The lat up-Sta- te towns and practically all "Carpets Made Over" over Connecticut. Then, too, the rail OFFICE 121 ANN D. DRISCOLXj. Mrr- - ter was not arrested. TELEPHONE 1320-- 5 road people . are interested because many of the' station burglaries and MAY LOSE HERITAGE. WW 3: thefts of railroad property committed BLUE RIBBON GARAGE recently are attributed to (these mum Cripple Gets Property By Court De 283 Fairfield Avemw i This price includes meals 1 1 Li. 1 J.T n -- rrt .. lA' It is said that the road will ask cree Only to Face $1,000 Back Taxes Yale Planned to Pay. Chief Egan of the State police to as- sign one of his men to special tramp work and. with the help of such an officer the railroad people believe they New , Haven, Aug. 22 Representing George Hancock, a cripple living in Node Nymphs In could rid the State of tramps who not I ana .Derm doui way a. -- a. l,50Qi jDile' Ocean iYoyae on a iiiagriificent ocean liner. ! For further particulars ap- - piy to Chicago, Attorney George Crawford only bother railroaders but everybody appeared before the special tax com else. ' THE PEOPLE'S DAIRY 130 State Street mission last night to ask that the taxes which have accumulated on the 28? Buttor 28 FRESH FROM THE CHURN Tel. GEO. A. ROBERTSON 589 ENGINEERS CAN property at 81 Howe street for overi , Rye Astonished Good Townsfolk ten years be abated. The case has a number of unusual features, and in DO NOTHING ABOUT volves an alleged agreement with Tale university, as the result of which the THEIR DISCHARGE taxes were allowed to run. for year Rye, X. T., Aug. 22 Those art crit after year. The university told Mrs. ics who, whenever they contemplate Emma Lee, the former owner, to let New Haven Road Does Not the late Mons. Bouguereau's picture of the taxes go, thinking that the prop erty would come to them at her death. the satyr and the nymphs rail at the A decision of the court that Yale had Continental Housefurnishing CV DON'T FAIL TO GET ONE OP OUR BOOKLETS Wben In New Haven we would be pleased to have you call at our show rooms. 789 CHAPEL STREET Telephone 2263 selfishness of the artist in never hav no claim on the property, completely Fear Action by Railroad Men, It Declares ing communicated to his' fellow men the name of the village near which nullified the agreement and when the property went to Hancock It brought they might find the pool will enjoy iS Loewith, & Co. X 116 BAISET .'- - ..' Telephone 99 JAMES STAPIES & CO. Bankers and Brokers 189 State Street "t.. Bridgeport, Com. FIRE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS REAL ESTATE Bought and Sold on Commission Loans Made on Approved v. - aty Real Estate V SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS We re- ceive deposits subject to check and al- low interest on balances of $500 and 'over. We will act as Trustees and 'Administrators of Estates. - with it the bills for these tax ar hereafter the profound sympathy or horse as capably as any barkeeper In the world could have done it. MORE HARBOR PIRATES. Lookout Being Maintained in Effort to Stop Boat Tillering. New Haven, Aug. 22 Xo one ha yet been apprehended for the series of robberies which have been perpe- trated on owners of yachts in the vi- cinity of the Xew Haven Yacht elab. although the police are scourinar the Sound on the lookout. Fred C. X!son of the Xational Cash Register com pany, reported to the Grand avenue police station that his yacht bad bn broken into and silverware and pro- visions to the value of fiZO'- - taken. NO DEMANDS PLANNED. Grand Chief of Engineers In New Haven For Another Purpo-- e. Xew Haven, Aug. 22 It was statM last night that the presence of Grand Chief Warren S. Stone of Cleveland, head of the Brotherhood of Locomo- tive Engineers in this city was nt made with the purpose of demanding the reinstatement of engineers recent- ly discharged by the Xew Haven rosd, Mr. Stone left last night for Boston. H. W. Cadle, another grand officer, who is still In this city, stated that there were no demands to be made on the road in his visit but simply an effort to look into the cases and see in what respects the men had been found wanting in their duties if any. rears. Rye. who either overslept this morning The back taxes amount to about or for some other reason failed to see something which even in a busy place $1,000 and as there is a big mortgage on the property and the legal fight like Rye hardly can be expected to fiTfcfUTrVf ?? PA V 239 FAIRFIELD AVE. JVlnllM it' Jrb 11 , 4 Doors Above Broad St by which Hancock gained the prop happen again while this generation erty from Tale cost a considerable survives. amount of money, if the city forces For the dim days of earliest Greece High Class Furniture, Draperies and Novelties, .re-upho- l- ithe complete payment he will get lit were recalled nere eany yesieraay tle or nothing. . Attorney Crawford mornlne bv two young women, wno, sxermg ana rennisning iurniture , Shades and Curtains in great variety stated that the man is a cripple and wearing only flowing linen robes and unable to work and that he is deserv- - too boots. I rode into town on curvet AH kinds of bedding made to order and made over. The only store off lni I ing of aid from the city. The prop ting horses and .assuaged thirsts at a Telephone 732-- 3 erty in Vjuestion was originally left by kind In New England. tavern, hard by tne raiiroaa station. F. T STAPLES r. L. HOL2E3 Amos G. Beman, of this city, and it Gentlemen who were there to see re was over the interpretation of his will that the fight occurred' between Han port one of them as having been plump and the other plumper. It is declared also that uncertainty as to New Haven, Aug-- . 22. That the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad company is not worrying over what action the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineeers might take in regard to the discharge of thirty-nin- e of its members since the wreck of the Federal Express train at Bridgeport, some weeks ago, for it feels sure that the men can do nothing, is the infor- mation that came from an official of the company who is familiar with all the facts in the case. He -- declared that the coming to New Ha- ven of W. S. Stone, head of the na- tional organization, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, will not both- er the road, in the least, for, accord- ing to this man, "There isn't an or- ganization of any kind that can do anything in such a case. When an engineer is discharged for running past a signal, that ends it. Neither the Brotherhood nor anything else can do anything that will cause the company any uneasiness." On the New Haven road there s in vogue what is called the Brown de- merit system. Trainmen are not' dis- charged nor suspended until they have received one hundred demerits, and forty-ftv- e is the greatest number that can be given at any one time. Of course if a man is guilty of a fla n trir sm av tod that satisfy cock and .Tale. how much or how little they wore vU. viriLliN m Oualitv and Price HELD FOR MURDER. when they first appeared became cer M tainty when they pulled up at tne Arthur Jackson Bound Over to Mid tavern door and one of them sprang off her horse and the other feu off, dlesex County Superior Court. SOUNDS LIKE WINSTED. No matter what yon pay for cigars at I. D. Smith's yon are cer- tain of getting greater value than elsewhere. Goods are always fresh, as stock is moved quickly. Biggest line In the city and prices the most reasonable. Box trade a specialty. Fine line of Pipes Cigar .Holders, Tobaccos In Tins and all Smokers' Accessories. Who the young women are remains in doubt, although there are those in Durham, Aug. 22 Charged with Rve now who are guessing, shrewd Lightning Did Great Stunts With 3. H. Barrow of Mansfield Center. murder in the first degree Arthur .Tnrlfsnri flftv VM.rs old was flrrnitmerl ly. One had fluffy blond hair like in tno. tnwn ha.1 Kefnra ThoHpo nt V.A I SDUn SUnngnt It was ia.mn uuwn D D SMITH pPP- - Pli's Theatre, Fairfield Ave. HI TH S B 'IFOR. SALE , TWO-FA3HL- Y. Atlantic St. Black Rock Ave. Barnum Ave. Bunnell St. 'Carleton Ave. Capitol Ave. Colorado Ave. v - . : .Denver Ave. Iranistan Avenue. THREE-FAMIL- Y. Connecticut Ave. Denver Ave. Dewey St. Fairfield Ave. Hancock Ave. Madison Ave. Pembroke St. ;4 State St. West Avenue; Peace J. Franklin Bailey, yesterday back and tne otner was a prunetie w. aftomnnn anil hilrl frr trial at tViA I trie DTOnouncea type, ua.li iitve ljitt ?ontomW torm nf tho Surwci-i- n mir I raven's wing, eyes liKe let, ana so on nfMio.ov nnimiT fn. v. ovnn:n. Tt is assumed that some sort of and killiner of Archer Walker in thin wager in some country house between town on the farm of H. M. Bailey on I Rye and Harrison must have been the Auo-na- t 12 ' movingr force that supplied tne eariy A :Tap1renn wjis nrruifrhf hero fr-n- tha I watchers With' this Spectacle Of girlish Mansfield Center, Aug. 22 JoTh Hawley Barrow is suffering from a severely burned leg, as a result of thm lightning's freak during the storm of last Friday. Barrow was sitting' In the kitchen of his home, near the stove, when the lightning entered the home and struck him, burning' a hl in his hip pocket, passing down the leg and then out of the house, in It exdt, upsetting a' tub of water and splitting a huge chopping block. In Barrow's hip pocket were a small mon- key wrench and a jackknlfe, and the lightning melted the end of the wrench and the metal of the knife. Haddam Jail, where he has been con- - fun or reproduced a cnapier-iro- me fined since his arrest, and on being Innocent age. Incidentelly those sta- tisticians of equestrianism who have described the cross seat since its first put to plea entered a plea of not guil- ty. The state put on five witnesses, introduction to this country were jus H. M. Bailey, on whose farm both men were employed, and where the tified in their contention that Xature never intended the feminine knee for shooting occurred; Medical Examiner grant vialation of a rule, such as the running past of a signal, endangering the lives' of patrons of the road, he is discharged immediately, but for or- dinary infractions of rules he is mere- ly charged with demerits, the num- ber depending upon the circumstan- ces. On other roads, the New York Central for one, men are suspended for infractions of rules, the number of days off depending upon the cir- cumstances. The Brown demerit system hasn't been given a great deal of considera- tion during the recent discharge of engineers, conductors, brakemen and flagmen. Those who have been judg- ed guilty of offenses which formerly brought forth demerits were discharg- ed summarily. contact with a saddle flap. This from E. A. Martin, F. L. Atwell of Durham. the fact that the girl who fell off at at whose store the shells he used in Inquire of SMALL BOX DROWNED. the shoterun with which Arr-he- r was I the saloon door displayed in falling a killed were purchased; Sheriff BerfG. pair of wratnrui reo saoaie gaiis. ne Thmopson and Diogenes Arrigoni. I was the plumper one, - IVtOElRXJEIrNI'S the beer that's better than the rest the beer that particular people insist on. Case of two dozen, - delivered ..: rr. $1.25 S3HTH'S PHILADELPHIA CREAM ALE, case two dozen $1.20 - LIEBMAX'S BROOKLYN BEER, case two dozen fil.00 SPECIAL DOMESTIC "WINES, all kinds, quart bottles........ 35o Gus BROCH & SON 347 FAIRFIELD AVENUE TELEPHONE 1389 AUTOMOBILE ROW brother of Representative Frank ,Ar South Manchester, Aug. 22 Alexan- der Gabby, 14 years old, was- - drowned in Union pond here yesterday while bathing. The body has been WORE LIXEX DUSTERS. It was while certain debaters of the BURR & KNAPP 023 MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT. CONN. rigonl, who was instrumental in .cap- turing Jackson. " commuting ' fraternity were selecting The testimony was practically the topics for argument from the morning papers that the two women on horse same as that given Derore the cor- oner. Xo defense was offered and at back appeared. All discussion stop BANK EMBEZZLER MTTR RELEASED FROM PRISON AND HAS GONE WEST. the conclusion of the testimony of the state's witnesses probable cause was found and Jackson bound over. State ped at once and everybody quoted that antique saw concerning the feli- city of the early bird. Doings In Local Fraternal Bodies Senator Thomas J. Spellacy appeared Meantime two horsewomen rode up. as counsel for Jackson, while Attorney (Special from United Press.) Xew , Haven, Aug. 22. Robert D. Muir, former treasurer of the Peo Each exhibited a flash of white knee above a patent leather top boot, and mm Gustaf B. Carlson of Middletown rep- resented the town. Interest in the case throughout this section Is intense. ple's Bank & Trust Company In Chapel street, this city, who wa sen above that the long skirts of linen dusters that were tenacious from long tenced to from one to five years m riding and indicated contour irresisti state prison for embezzling fund.? bly. At the "V" necks or tne riding coats instead of hunting stocks the from the bank at the January term of the superior court, a year ago, has riders showed (round, firm throats only. It was observed that the plump OIL! er one had two throats. This observa If been released from Wethersneld and has gone west to commence life again. It is understood that his release was not opposed by the bank by which he had formerly been employed. FORE tion was verified later when she par- took of two highballs to her compan- ion's one. SAMUEL HARRIS LODGE, I. O. O. F. At last night's meeting of Samuel H. Harris lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the degree committee, which is laying plans for the winter's work, made the suggestion that the lodge hold a general, "get together" and social session next Monday night. The plan was adopted and refresh- ments will be prepared. It is desired to get as many members out as pos- sible in order to properly arrange plans 'for the coming season. The anniversary committee of the lodge is perfecting plans for the celebration of the 35th anniversary, which occurs October 26. The lodge will hire the State armory for the occasion. First, having sprang and rolled off ESPERANTO CONGRESS their horses as aforesaid, they ad OPENS AT ANTWERP. dressed themselves to the front door TTo IR.sinif Antwern. Aug. 22. The 7th Inter of an ice cream parlor. Learning that nothing stronger than sweet soda national EsDeranto Congress was for $10 aM Upwards Housekeepers and Workingmen We "want no advantages, care very little about security, promise satisfaction and guarantee a square, deal. -- T.j OUR PLAN Ask us what you want to know. Convince us of your ability and honest intention to live up to your agreement.and we will satisfy you that you will be given a square deal under all conditions." , .. r- - That's all theses is W it. Wf No fuss, annoyance, red tape or de- lay. Just plain, every day hon- esty from you and to you. Satis- faction on both sides and a pleas, ant and perfectly . understood agreement Call, 'Phone or Write Ts American Loan Asso. 4 oo noT.nirv TTTf.Yi kv water was sold there tney repaired mally opened here, today, under the Any engine is oiled a number of times daily, and "rests" half of 24 hours. Your watch runs day and night continu- ously; but when was it oiled? The delicate pivots may be grinding away on dry jewels. Can you afford to run your watch through neglect? Better bring it to me be- fore the injury goes 17 FT. X 43 FT. patronage of King Aioeru me l.son delegates representing 35 nations were immediately to a saloon. There they informed the intelligent barkeeper that they wanted highballs and they welcomed by M. Davignon, minist-- r 4 eot them. They conveyed the same of foreign affairs. Dr. Zammenhoff, the inventor of Esperanto, was re- ceived with especial honors. Th-- - Spanish consul presented him with MORXIXG STAR LODGE, '8. OF B. At the meeting of Morning Star lodge, Xo. 1, Shepherds of Berthlehem, last night, one application for mem- bership was received and one acted upon. The lodge is making arrange- ments to hold a roll call and celebrate its anniversary on Oct. 16. 177 FAIRFIELD AVE. For particulars call at office of EVENING FARMER information to the same-perso- sev- eral times after that and each time were served with alacrity. Ultimately before riding away they expressed themselves as having enjoy- ed their morning's ride greatly and were helped to mount their horses by the barkeeper. He, worthy man, was compelled to return to his station to wait upon a committee of citizens that the cross ot tne oraer oi isaneua on behalf of King Alfonso, of Spain. Th departments of state, war and com- merce of the United States were rep resented respectively by Edwin C. Reed, secretary of the Esperanto As Ef. BUEG.HLEB sociation of America. Dr. H. W, Yea- - Jj Over Caesar Miscii New Store mens and E. G. Coakeley. Fifty Ant- - had crowded in, but as the two women If an oven is too hot, the tem- perature may be lowered by opening the lid of the range a trifle. rode awav. the plump one kept the werp policemen are versed in Eper- - The Reliable Jeweler 48 FAIRFIELD AVE.,Near Middle St plumper., one from falling off her anto. . t

Transcript of W. L. Dive

Page 1: W. L. Dive

10 THE FARMER: AUGUST 22, 1911


Tomlinson Bridge3, & 4 shoesMEN WHO WEAR W. L. DOUGLASI



The workmanship which has madeW.L.Douglas shoes famous the world over ismaintained in every pair.

All the latest shapes, indudms Short



ML y : mi eat mpmmmDeath in Harbor AfterDiscarding All His

. Clothes

. . aJ'JS'.l'gJ,JW

aMHMMHHQMwauMiMia n it mm imimmi i n i mn MirnniMft imid!SQUIRES' SUGAR CURED BACON. .15c. per. lbSMOKED SHOULDERS 11c per lb ))New Haven, Aug. 22 Stripping off

every bit of clothing: an unknown man uvtinnu M.GrS' HOCKS.--. 8c nar lbCORNED PIGS' FEET 4cf per lbdived off the Tbmllnson bridge at Belle

dock, this morning', shortly after mid

Vamps which make the foot look smaller,also the Conservative Styles whichhave made W. L. Douglas shoes a house-hold word everywhere.

If I could take you into mylarge factoriesat Brockton, Mass., and show you howcarefuByW.L.Douglas shoes are made, youwould then understand why they are war-ranted to hold their shape, fit better and

night, and was carried away by thetide and probably drowned before menwho heard nis cries 01 "neip ' comacome to his assistance. H. J. Ken-ne- y

of the Belle dock freight house

CORNED SPARE RIBS 8c per lb &CORNED PIGS' SNOUTS.--.- 7c per lb tjCORNED PIGS' EARS 6c per lb J

;Free Demonstration All the Veek

was the first to hear the man s cries,Capital and Surplus, $1,100,000 but before he could launch a boat hehad lost sight of the man's glisteningb3 Wwhiite body and after a faint disappearing cry lost track of him alto mil van xxuumju 5 uocoa, iiypnosa deny jfowaer anagether. There was nothing in the

T ?UFl, ONE PAIR of my BOYS' 82.00 orCAUTlQN 1,10 a11" v W. Tm. Douglas 82.50 SHOES will positively outwearname and price stamped on bottom TWO PAIRS of ordinary boys shoesIf you cannot obtain w. L. Douglas shoes hi your town, write for catalog. Shoes sent directfrom factory to wearer, all oharges prepaid. W. It. DOUGLAS, 152 Spark St. , Brockton, Mass.IV. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., 1068 MAIN STREET

man's clothing, which was found complete on the bridge fender, to throwany light on his identity.

The circumstances of the case pointNew Haven Road

Will Wage WarFor fsrlv.fiTn TMr m have been Bridgeportto a deliberate suicide, as it is hardly

conducting business at the same old Pi! UrM k Branchthought that any man would havethought of going swimming at such alocation, corner of Main and Jonn

Streets, Bridgeport, Conn., and ourPrlTate Bank has been establishedthere continuously. We have received

place and at such an hour. The onlyclue to the man's identity was givenby a saloonkeeper, whose name wassaid last night to be Carl Gerkin, who

On The Tramps Public Market Building East Main St. )claims that he saw a young manClaiming .that the activity of the au

' and paid out on demand without no-tice millions of dollars of money de-posited with us and we continue toreceive money subject to depositor'scheck at eight, on which vre aUw

! three ner cent, ner annum, credited

wearing the hat that was found onthe bridge in his saloon that night. Hethorities in Massachusetts is driving

mendicants and tramps by the hun-dreds into this State, officials of the

your appetite calls for something particularly, niceand sweet. and fresh call on

didn't know his name or identity.Kenney was sitting in the office of

the freight house when he heard theJew Haven road initend to take upwith Chief Egan of the State police

!to each account monthly. We solicit'the accounts of Individuals, businessmen. firms and corporations, and "

.who want a bank. account where theycry: "Help! Help! Help!" He rushed

State and Bank Sts. Telephone Noa. 404, 405, 40G



out of the door and could see thea plan to make it so unpleasant fortramps, particularly those who ridefreight trains, that they will have to

naked body of a man in the water. At'can deposit money, cnecKs or ow,(and leave It for one day.one week, one that time he seemed to be swimmingmove further than Connecticut to se along all right but was being carriedmonth or one year, and draw jnwreo.

ft fAii timn it is loft , vritn us. cure a haven. A" real war against out by the tide.' We ffive' to the business our,' careful "Hold on a minute," Kenney calledtrain riders has been started by off-

icers of the New Haven road at the




' j personal --attention as tne oiueoi.order of General Manager Higgins, 989 BROAD STREET

out and dashed down for a boat. Sev-eral others had heard the cries andthey pushed out to the man's assist-ance. A life boat was also being low

W. E. Halligan,Jot private bankers m.inis siaic.

T; L. WATSON & CO.and the general manager's instructionswill be carried out by the specialagents' department. ered from the Richard Peck which

was lying at Belle dock preparatoryIn Massachusetts there was recentlyappointed to the district police of to its night trip to New York. ForPeople's Savings Bank that State a man named M. J. Barrett a ' tame the swimmer was visible andwhose only work ts to look after men his cries could be heard, but he was

carried out of sight and suddenly hisdicants and tramps. He is said to beMarble Building' 924-92- 6! MAIN STREET with the detectives of the cries ceased as though he had gone

iNew Haven road in the Bay State in under. ,'.cleaning up gangs of tramps who in The passengers on the Richard PeckHAYES FISH CO.629 WATER STREET TEL. 412

were startled by the man's cries comJune 20, 1911. fest railroad property and steal rideson trains and in the last week or tendays Mr. Barrett, aided- - by the rail ing right under the stern of the ship.

There were quite a few persons in theroad cops, has cleaned uo - large neighborhood at? the time of the man'sThe Trustees of this Bank have this

I dJdeclared a semi-annu- al dividend,ifor tha six months ending June SO,

1911. at the rate of FOUR per cent. batches of train riders. One. crowd Jump. xv' ;,'Ltaken at Springfield, for instance, a J'per annum on ai accuuuis, SETTLES FOR $65.few days ago numbered 26 and everyone of them was sent to the Springfield jail. Case of Selling: Beer From Wagon in

July l.i EDWARD W. MARSH, Treasurer.' TttmcmAtA made on or before August

Wall Papers, Room Mouldings, Painting and DecoratingThe State police officers and the

I7hen Vou Gomo fo Plan VourSummer Vacation

You'll need the New York, New Haven andHartford Railroad's summer resort book. It con-tains a list of two thousand summer hotels and board-ing cottages,and tells their location and capacity andrate per day and per week. Ask for the

Manual of Summer ResortsThe easily accessible and.most popular resorts of Southern New

England are mentioned In this book places where you can enjoy mmost delightful vacation at very moderate cost.

Write today fd a copyAddress Advertising Bureau, Room 537, South Station, Boston

The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co.

Hamden Adjusted. ,Makers of Picture Frames, Paints, Oils. Varnishes. Brashes, etarailroad sleuths are making it hot fortramps and this coupled with the fact2d, win draw Interest from August 1stNew Haven, Aug. 22 Joseph Finora,777-78- 3 EAST MAIN STREETJOSEPH P. COUGHLIN CO.that fall is coming has driven the

knights of the road into this State on of 48 Daisy street, who was arrested"Phone 2805-- 3by Constable Sturtze In Hamden fortheir way, to warmer climes. They are selling: liquor from his wagon, settlednot anxious to start south quite so


First Class RoundTrip to Bermuda

his case out of court for $65. FinoraPARK CITY CARPET CLEANING COMPANYearly, however, and have been pes drove the wagon load of beer to thetering the oolice in all of the small Carpets Cleaned and Returned tbe Same Day. town line and sent his bartender, vin-cen- zo

Rug-geri- out to sell it. The latup-Sta- te towns and practically all "Carpets Made Over"over Connecticut. Then, too, the rail OFFICE 121 ANN D. DRISCOLXj. Mrr-- ter was not arrested.TELEPHONE 1320-- 5road people . are interested becausemany of the' station burglaries and MAY LOSE HERITAGE.WW 3: thefts of railroad property committed BLUE RIBBON GARAGErecently are attributed to (these mum Cripple Gets Property By Court De

283 Fairfield Avemwi This price includes meals1 1 Li. 1 J.T n --rrt .. lA'

It is said that the road will ask cree Only to Face $1,000 BackTaxes Yale Planned to Pay.Chief Egan of the State police to as-

sign one of his men to special trampwork and. with the help of such anofficer the railroad people believe they New , Haven, Aug. 22 Representing

George Hancock, a cripple living in Node Nymphs Incould rid the State of tramps who not

I ana .Derm doui way a. --a.l,50Qi jDile' Ocean iYoyae ona iiiagriificent ocean liner.

! For further particulars ap--

piy to

Chicago, Attorney George Crawfordonly bother railroaders but everybody appeared before the special tax comelse. '


DAIRY130 State Street

mission last night to ask that thetaxes which have accumulated on the



ENGINEERS CAN property at 81 Howe street for overi , Rye Astonished

Good Townsfolkten years be abated. The case has anumber of unusual features, and inDO NOTHING ABOUT volves an alleged agreement with Taleuniversity, as the result of which theTHEIR DISCHARGE taxes were allowed to run. for year Rye, X. T., Aug. 22 Those art critafter year. The university told Mrs.

ics who, whenever they contemplateEmma Lee, the former owner, to letNew Haven Road Does Not the late Mons. Bouguereau's picture ofthe taxes go, thinking that the property would come to them at her death. the satyr and the nymphs rail at theA decision of the court that Yale had

Continental Housefurnishing CVDON'T FAIL TO GET ONE OP OUR BOOKLETS

Wben In New Haven we would be pleasedto have you call at our show rooms.

789 CHAPEL STREET Telephone 2263

selfishness of the artist in never havno claim on the property, completely

Fear Action by RailroadMen, It Declares

ing communicated to his' fellow menthe name of the village near whichnullified the agreement and when the

property went to Hancock It brought they might find the pool will enjoy

iS Loewith, & Co.X 116 BAISET

.'-- ..' Telephone 99

JAMES STAPIES & CO.Bankers and Brokers

189 State Street "t.. Bridgeport, Com.


Bought and Sold on CommissionLoans Made on Approvedv. - aty Real Estate V


ceive deposits subject to check and al-low interest on balances of $500 and'over. We will act as Trustees and'Administrators of Estates. -

with it the bills for these tax ar hereafter the profound sympathy or

horse as capably as any barkeeper Inthe world could have done it.

MORE HARBOR PIRATES.Lookout Being Maintained in Effort

to Stop Boat Tillering.New Haven, Aug. 22 Xo one hayet been apprehended for the series

of robberies which have been perpe-trated on owners of yachts in the vi-cinity of the Xew Haven Yacht elab.although the police are scourinar theSound on the lookout. Fred C. X!sonof the Xational Cash Register company, reported to the Grand avenuepolice station that his yacht bad bnbroken into and silverware and pro-visions to the value of fiZO'- - taken.


Grand Chief of Engineers In NewHaven For Another Purpo-- e.

Xew Haven, Aug. 22 It was statMlast night that the presence of GrandChief Warren S. Stone of Cleveland,head of the Brotherhood of Locomo-tive Engineers in this city was ntmade with the purpose of demandingthe reinstatement of engineers recent-ly discharged by the Xew Haven rosd,Mr. Stone left last night for Boston.H. W. Cadle, another grand officer,who is still In this city, stated thatthere were no demands to be made onthe road in his visit but simply aneffort to look into the cases and seein what respects the men had beenfound wanting in their duties if any.

rears. Rye. who either overslept this morningThe back taxes amount to about or for some other reason failed to see

something which even in a busy place$1,000 and as there is a big mortgageon the property and the legal fight like Rye hardly can be expected tofiTfcfUTrVf ?? PA V 239 FAIRFIELD AVE.

JVlnllM it' Jrb 11 , 4 Doors Above Broad St by which Hancock gained the prop happen again while this generationerty from Tale cost a considerable survives.amount of money, if the city forces For the dim days of earliest GreeceHigh Class Furniture, Draperies and Novelties, .re-upho- l-ithe complete payment he will get lit were recalled nere eany yesieraaytle or nothing. . Attorney Crawford mornlne bv two young women, wno,sxermg ana rennisning iurniture ,

Shades and Curtains in great variety stated that the man is a cripple and wearing only flowing linen robes andunable to work and that he is deserv- - too boots. I rode into town on curvet

AH kinds of bedding made to order and made over. The only store off lni I ing of aid from the city. The prop ting horses and .assuaged thirsts at aTelephone 732-- 3 erty in Vjuestion was originally left bykind In New England. tavern, hard by tne raiiroaa station.F. T STAPLESr. L. HOL2E3 Amos G. Beman, of this city, and it Gentlemen who were there to see re

was over the interpretation of his willthat the fight occurred' between Han

port one of them as having beenplump and the other plumper. It isdeclared also that uncertainty as to

New Haven, Aug-- . 22. That theNew York, New Haven & HartfordRailroad company is not worryingover what action the Brotherhood ofLocomotive Engineeers might take inregard to the discharge of thirty-nin- eof its members since the wreck of theFederal Express train at Bridgeport,some weeks ago, for it feels sure thatthe men can do nothing, is the infor-mation that came from an officialof the company who is familiar withall the facts in the case. He -- declared

that the coming to New Ha-ven of W. S. Stone, head of the na-tional organization, Brotherhood ofLocomotive Engineers, will not both-er the road, in the least, for, accord-ing to this man, "There isn't an or-ganization of any kind that can doanything in such a case. When anengineer is discharged for runningpast a signal, that ends it. Neitherthe Brotherhood nor anything elsecan do anything that will cause thecompany any uneasiness."

On the New Haven road there sin vogue what is called the Brown de-merit system. Trainmen are not' dis-charged nor suspended until they havereceived one hundred demerits, andforty-ftv- e is the greatest number thatcan be given at any one time. Ofcourse if a man is guilty of a fla

n trir sm av tod that satisfy cock and .Tale.how much or how little they worevU. viriLliN m Oualitv and Price HELD FOR MURDER. when they first appeared became cer

M tainty when they pulled up at tneArthur Jackson Bound Over to Mid tavern door and one of them sprang

off her horse and the other feu off,dlesex County Superior Court. SOUNDS LIKE WINSTED.

No matter what yon pay for cigars at I. D. Smith's yon are cer-tain of getting greater value than elsewhere. Goods are always fresh,as stock is moved quickly. Biggest line In the city and prices the mostreasonable. Box trade a specialty. Fine line of Pipes Cigar .Holders,Tobaccos In Tins and all Smokers' Accessories.

Who the young women are remainsin doubt, although there are those inDurham, Aug. 22 Charged withRve now who are guessing, shrewd Lightning Did Great Stunts With 3.

H. Barrow of Mansfield Center.murder in the first degree Arthur.Tnrlfsnri flftv VM.rs old was flrrnitmerl ly. One had fluffy blond hair likein tno. tnwn ha.1 Kefnra ThoHpo nt V.A I SDUn SUnngnt It was ia.mn uuwn

D D SMITH pPP- - Pli's Theatre, Fairfield Ave.



Atlantic St. Black Rock Ave.

Barnum Ave. Bunnell St.'Carleton Ave. Capitol Ave.Colorado Ave. v - . : .Denver Ave.

Iranistan Avenue.THREE-FAMIL- Y.

Connecticut Ave. Denver Ave.Dewey St. Fairfield Ave.Hancock Ave. Madison Ave.Pembroke St. ;4 State St.

West Avenue;

Peace J. Franklin Bailey, yesterday back and tne otner was a prunetie w.

aftomnnn anil hilrl frr trial at tViA I trie DTOnouncea type, ua.li iitve ljitt?ontomW torm nf tho Surwci-i-n mir I raven's wing, eyes liKe let, ana so on

nfMio.ov nnimiT fn. v. ovnn:n. Tt is assumed that some sort ofand killiner of Archer Walker in thin wager in some country house betweentown on the farm of H. M. Bailey on I Rye and Harrison must have been theAuo-na- t 12 ' movingr force that supplied tne eariy

A :Tap1renn wjis nrruifrhf hero fr-n- tha I watchers With' this Spectacle Of girlish

Mansfield Center, Aug. 22 JoThHawley Barrow is suffering from aseverely burned leg, as a result of thmlightning's freak during the storm oflast Friday. Barrow was sitting' Inthe kitchen of his home, near thestove, when the lightning entered thehome and struck him, burning' a hlin his hip pocket, passing down theleg and then out of the house, in Itexdt, upsetting a' tub of water andsplitting a huge chopping block. InBarrow's hip pocket were a small mon-key wrench and a jackknlfe, and thelightning melted the end of the wrenchand the metal of the knife.

Haddam Jail, where he has been con- - fun or reproduced a cnapier-iro- mefined since his arrest, and on being Innocent age. Incidentelly those sta-

tisticians of equestrianism who havedescribed the cross seat since its first

put to plea entered a plea of not guil-ty. The state put on five witnesses,

introduction to this country were jusH. M. Bailey, on whose farm bothmen were employed, and where the tified in their contention that Xature

never intended the feminine knee forshooting occurred; Medical Examiner

grant vialation of a rule, such as therunning past of a signal, endangeringthe lives' of patrons of the road, heis discharged immediately, but for or-dinary infractions of rules he is mere-ly charged with demerits, the num-ber depending upon the circumstan-ces. On other roads, the New YorkCentral for one, men are suspendedfor infractions of rules, the numberof days off depending upon the cir-cumstances.

The Brown demerit system hasn'tbeen given a great deal of considera-tion during the recent discharge ofengineers, conductors, brakemen andflagmen. Those who have been judg-ed guilty of offenses which formerlybrought forth demerits were discharg-ed summarily.

contact with a saddle flap. This fromE. A. Martin, F. L. Atwell of Durham.the fact that the girl who fell off atat whose store the shells he used inInquire of SMALL BOX DROWNED.the shoterun with which Arr-he- r was I the saloon door displayed in falling a

killed were purchased; Sheriff BerfG. pair of wratnrui reo saoaie gaiis. neThmopson and Diogenes Arrigoni. I was the plumper one,

- IVtOElRXJEIrNI'Sthe beer that's better than the rest the beer thatparticular people insist on. Case of two dozen,

- delivered ..: rr. $1.25S3HTH'S PHILADELPHIA CREAM ALE, case two dozen $1.20

- LIEBMAX'S BROOKLYN BEER, case two dozen fil.00

SPECIALDOMESTIC "WINES, all kinds, quart bottles........ 35o



brother of Representative Frank ,ArSouth Manchester, Aug. 22 Alexan-

der Gabby, 14 years old, was- - drownedin Union pond here yesterday whilebathing. The body has been

WORE LIXEX DUSTERS.It was while certain debaters of the



rigonl, who was instrumental in .cap-turing Jackson. "

commuting ' fraternity were selectingThe testimony was practically the topics for argument from the morning

papers that the two women on horsesame as that given Derore the cor-oner. Xo defense was offered and at back appeared. All discussion stop BANK EMBEZZLER MTTR


the conclusion of the testimony of thestate's witnesses probable cause wasfound and Jackson bound over. State

ped at once and everybody quotedthat antique saw concerning the feli-city of the early bird.

Doings In Local

Fraternal BodiesSenator Thomas J. Spellacy appeared Meantime two horsewomen rode up.as counsel for Jackson, while Attorney

(Special from United Press.)Xew , Haven, Aug. 22. Robert D.

Muir, former treasurer of the PeoEach exhibited a flash of white kneeabove a patent leather top boot, andmm Gustaf B. Carlson of Middletown rep-

resented the town.Interest in the case throughout this

section Is intense.

ple's Bank & Trust Company InChapel street, this city, who wa senabove that the long skirts of linen

dusters that were tenacious from longtenced to from one to five years mriding and indicated contour irresististate prison for embezzling fund.?bly. At the "V" necks or tne riding

coats instead of hunting stocks the from the bank at the January termof the superior court, a year ago, hasriders showed (round, firm throats

only. It was observed that the plumpOIL! er one had two throats. This observaIfbeen released from Wethersneld andhas gone west to commence life again.It is understood that his release wasnot opposed by the bank by whichhe had formerly been employed.FORE tion was verified later when she par-

took of two highballs to her compan-ion's one.

SAMUEL HARRIS LODGE, I. O. O. F.At last night's meeting of Samuel

H. Harris lodge, Independent Order ofOdd Fellows, the degree committee,which is laying plans for the winter'swork, made the suggestion that thelodge hold a general, "get together"and social session next Monday night.The plan was adopted and refresh-ments will be prepared. It is desiredto get as many members out as pos-sible in order to properly arrangeplans 'for the coming season. Theanniversary committee of the lodge isperfecting plans for the celebration ofthe 35th anniversary, which occursOctober 26. The lodge will hire theState armory for the occasion.

First, having sprang and rolled off ESPERANTO CONGRESStheir horses as aforesaid, they ad OPENS AT ANTWERP.dressed themselves to the front doorTTo IR.sinif Antwern. Aug. 22. The 7th Interof an ice cream parlor. Learningthat nothing stronger than sweet soda national EsDeranto Congress was for

$10 aM UpwardsHousekeepers and Workingmen

We "want no advantages, carevery little about security, promisesatisfaction and guarantee asquare, deal. -- T.j

OUR PLANAsk us what you want to know.Convince us of your ability andhonest intention to live up to youragreement.and we will satisfy youthat you will be given a squaredeal under all conditions." , ..

r- - That's all theses is W it. Wf Nofuss, annoyance, red tape or de-lay. Just plain, every day hon-esty from you and to you. Satis-faction on both sides and a pleas,ant and perfectly . understoodagreement

Call, 'Phone or Write Ts

American Loan Asso.4 oo noT.nirv TTTf.Yi kv

water was sold there tney repaired mally opened here, today, under the

Any engine is oiled anumber of times daily,and "rests" half of 24hours. Your watch runsday and night continu-ously; but when was itoiled? The delicatepivots may be grindingaway on dry jewels. Canyou afford to run yourwatch through neglect?Better bring it to me be-

fore the injury goes

17 FT. X 43 FT. patronage of King Aioeru me l.sondelegates representing 35 nations were

immediately to a saloon. There theyinformed the intelligent barkeeperthat they wanted highballs and they welcomed by M. Davignon, minist-- r

4 eot them. They conveyed the same of foreign affairs. Dr. Zammenhoff,the inventor of Esperanto, was re-ceived with especial honors. Th-- -

Spanish consul presented him with

MORXIXG STAR LODGE, '8. OF B.At the meeting of Morning Star

lodge, Xo. 1, Shepherds of Berthlehem,last night, one application for mem-bership was received and one actedupon. The lodge is making arrange-ments to hold a roll call and celebrateits anniversary on Oct. 16.

177 FAIRFIELD AVE.For particulars call at office of


information to the same-perso- sev-eral times after that and each timewere served with alacrity.

Ultimately before riding away theyexpressed themselves as having enjoy-ed their morning's ride greatly andwere helped to mount their horses bythe barkeeper. He, worthy man, wascompelled to return to his station towait upon a committee of citizens that

the cross ot tne oraer oi isaneua onbehalf of King Alfonso, of Spain. Thdepartments of state, war and com-merce of the United States were represented respectively by Edwin C.Reed, secretary of the Esperanto AsEf. BUEG.HLEB sociation of America. Dr. H. W, Yea- -Jj Over Caesar Miscii New Store mens and E. G. Coakeley. Fifty Ant--had crowded in, but as the two womenIf an oven is too hot, the tem-

perature may be lowered by openingthe lid of the range a trifle.

rode awav. the plump one kept the werp policemen are versed in Eper- -The Reliable Jeweler48 FAIRFIELD AVE.,Near Middle St plumper., one from falling off her anto. . t