twel ^ h ybar TWIN PALLS. IDAHO, tHURSDAY, AUQU8 T 24, 1916 NUMBER 3S W IN fA U S COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY BRUTAl MURDER O f WEll-KNOWN RANCHMAN ^ AND ARREST O f MERE CHILDREN FOR CRIME raUNGSTERSTEl SHOCKSTOIlY OFTHEKIUING PEKNYWELL BOYS, WEU. KNOWN IN TWIN FAUiS, hake QONFESStON AS THEY APPEARED AFTER THEIR RECORD- BREAKINd FLIGHT FROM SCENE OF MURDER Pathotle FeatuKi of T«rr(blo Ocotir- i^nea Maks Crime Ona of Mott Unlquo'in the Hlftory of /V ^ aS k LA Noor •ARENTS OF BOVS' NOON TRAIN THUR8 Taday*t naon triiJn brought • heartbrtken, aobUnfl woman • and a aympattilzing man, who . alist'Ud. ruahed' to a rooming • house, excused .t)iemaetvea from • regliterfng until later, and hur> ,> rled up to the courthouse. Th«y y were J. A. Pennywell anif wife,' • mother and ctepfather ,of the < ,• Lovelace bo'ya, .who stand. self> • confessed murderers. At the Jail «'the couple wera dented admit-< • alon to the bo/a’ cell, and were . referred to -their ' attorneys, • Guthrie S Bowen. - There, between aobt. the • woman told how the had been her retur* trip to Twin • Falla, had known nothlna of her ' 4 aont’ trouble .until ahe reached' • Burley, near here- 8h» asserted < • In her talk to The New* re- ' • porter that her boyir were not • • bad boys,'only mischievous. The • ■intly intend to atay < ') the,end. V . couple evidently i: with the boys to t bj LliU “"UWh coufes- sion and the verdict of the cor- on6r*s jury, the murder of FrofeSsor F. Thomas Hamill, Harold and I>^n Lovelace, brother only 12 aujDu years old, respectiTely, are held In the conafy jail hei% awaiting-'trial. They dre r a ^ ^ forlorn, do- Kort^, homeless lads/imd their ’ plight and. the awful crime they committed have stirred tlie com- munity os it probaijly has never before been sti’rred. The boys bad boon mlBSlng slnco Tuesday *bf last week and Mrs. Tol- non. with whom they wero staying J a tho TlelaJty o f Antolopo apriogs. some mllos south ot this citr. bad wrlttea the prohatloa officer, V. H. Ormsby. of tbe fact. Oq Sunday aftonioon Marshal . BajuHler of Bohl phoaed Mr. Orxnaby that tbe ' two childroa had beon bocd four miles \vest of Buhl by W. J> Cranor, who formerly llv6d In Roger- BOD, oad who knew tho boys and know of their diaafcpoaraoco. air. OriuBby oaked Mr. BaymlUor to get tho boya and kc«p them locked up unUl bo could roach them. When "Mr. Ormsby reached Bohl, bo want at onco to seo tho boys. Ho found In tholr poasosalon Mr. HamlU’a pocketbook aifQ somo half dozen gnna thoy bad atolon from raoehora nlooR tho way. Tho boys told him ,they had left Hamlll’s horse and light Tvagoa out to tho countiy whore ihoy wore when Marshal BaymUlcr took them In chafge. Tho borae waa found to bo almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro, In which It had-J}ftcomo oatanglcd whlto Ucd to the fence tho provlous night. Makea Full Confession "What did you striko-Mr. HamUl with?" asked Mr. Ormaby of tho elder boy. •■I didn't strike him." tho boy an- swerod. . “Then what did kill him? "Ho was shoL” I ’TMd you Bhoot him?" •*No. I didn’t. Lynn did." According to tholr atory. thoy wont to HamiH's house Saadar"^Qi^'>l<’^o his gnn and a numbcx; of other thlnca. When Mr. Hamlll returned Monda>- orenlng he found the contoota of hla house la chaos, and a strange dog In IL Ho wont, Tuesday momlog. to tho home of Mrs. Louise Stqith. a mile and a half away, wher* ho found the two ' boys. . Admit Owmino Dog ASSOCIATION IS FORMEOTOFIGHT COUNTY DIVISION EXECUTIVE. COMMITTEE , TOTAXEOHABaE AT ONCE These Baek of Movement Pick Ticket But Olaclilm> ^N tlcal Motive* in the Selection of ' ” Names Thoy told Mr. Hamlll tho dog- was theirs and finally confessed that thoy had stolen his gun. after breaking Into hlB-house. Ho took the hoys to tllfi . cahlii and made tihom replace somo ot tho things, waroed them never to do such things again or hi would have to report them to tho sheriff. Ho started ~hack with them- to» Salih's • and as thoy walked along behind him thoy Ueclded to slip away from him and return to his cabin. . .They wero loading up their pror/- slons whoa they saw Hamtll return- 'iB/r fro a Smith**, Barricading them- s«lTDa to.hU boaso, they'put their guns through a window and aa be apDn>ached ordered him to stay hack. Apparently reaUdng the danger from thd UTMpoaalble boy*, who were ariD«d with deadly weapons which' they -were pointing at him. he par- Xered -with them, fifa tracks, whfeh (OQOt&UMd 9 a STC) Harald llevelaee, aged .12 yeara Lynn Lovaface, a g e d 'll years OBetter^nawai.aa^thft P«nnyvnll-«hl|(lren. .. V -v —Photo by-Flower. PROMINENT W &N MONEY IS PLENTIFUL GALLED BY DEATH BUT PRICES ARE HIGH MRS. L. E. SALLADAY PASSES AWAY IN SEATTLE, WASH. NEW YOR^K MENUS EXHIBIYe O IN SUPPORT OF STATEMENT Was Prominent In Chu^h and Social Clrctea—Came to Twin Fails In Pioneer Day*—-Funeral Servlcei Today C. E. Booth, Local Business. Man, Says People Are So Prosperous They SUy. Up All NlQht to Spend Their C a^ Puncral sorvlcoB for Mro. ’Bcsole Strokcs-Salladay wcro hold at n o'clock this nfllomoon la the Proobyicrian church and wore conducted by tho Ilov. Dr. J. F, Shophord. Tho church was filled with tho many friends of the family, and members of the Ma- BOhVc ond EAatcm Star lodges attend- ed in a body. The floral trlbiitCB wcro many and' beautiful. Aficr an lllnesa of nearly two yoara' duration. Mrn. Salladny paasod away Sunday, August 20, la Seattle, Waah., at tho age of .3G yoara, G nonttia and 13 days: Besides her husband, Bho loavcfl to mourn her passing one child, Ruth. 1C yoara of age. her mother. In Spokaoo, alto a Bister and brother. Tholr other child. Harold, died hero about Boven years ago at tho ago of years. BcbbIo Strokes and L. R Sallada>- ■frero united In morrlago In Hoalyn. Wash.. September 19, 1898. and came to Twin Fallo In February of 190C, when Twin Falla waa but two years ^d. Mrs. Salladoy waa a member of tho PcesbytorJan church of this city, having united with tho Presbyterian church In Net Perce IS-yenra ago, afterward transforrlnf; her member- ship to tho local church. Sho was also a prominent menibei^ of the'local chapter of the Castem Star. Inter- ment was In Twin F^Ils.comeiery. be- side tho grave ol her llttlo jrn. The. sympathy of tho community Is- ex tended to the sorrowing ooc.v Plenty of money and high prices for everything about' describes condl- tioutf throughout the East, according to C. G. Dooth. who. accompanIcd-> by Mrs. Booth, spent some throe weeks In and around Now York City, return- Ing to twin Falla early thla week. Mr. Dooth brought back as souve- nlra several menus from leading ho- tols. which boar abundant, evidence aa to tho truth of hts statement. To llvo iQ tho ordinary way In Now York at nCny^ono of a hundred or more hotels and restaurants figures about $20 per (Continued on page twelve.) _At a meeting held on Monday o r this week by Republicans of tbe Anti-Coiinty Division asfio- ciatlon, recently formed for the purpose of proventinp the divi- sion of Ttt'in Falls county, plans were laid for the waging of a vigorous campaign, and an executive committee was select- ed to take active charge of the anti-county division movement. It is Rtotod tliat tlie Anti-CowH- ty Division afisociation now numbers more than 200 men in varhouR parts of tho county and tepresen,ting various int«*rests. The executlvo committee to take aollTO charge of tho campaign Is com- posed of J. Af. ftfaxwoll, W. J. Youob, Xj. L- Brockenrldge, A. J. <Poavoy. C. B. Booth. W. 0. Taylor. QeorKo Her- riott, Stuart Taylor, all of Twin Falls; Ed* S. Couee, J. H. Seaver, of CastJaford; B. W. Di^rla. Frank I>. Brown, of Filer; Elvis Laycock. of Hanson; W. F. Brockon. of Kimber- ly. and F. C. Omvos, of Flier. .The candidates aelectod. claimed by the association to best roprosont tlio sentiment against division, whose can- dldaolcs aro supported by tho assocla- Uop, aro: - Arthur L. Swim, for stato senator,, and W. F. Mlkcaoll of tho Salmon tract, Norman Barker of Flier precinct and J. R. Hinton ot Hanson proclnct for mombera of the leglsla- turo. Every effort will be made, it Is stated by tho association, to com- bino tho vote on theso candidates and thus SQcure their nomination in tho iatorosls 6t tl>o integrity of Twjn Falls county. The* purpose of tho preBont movement and organltatlon, as stated by members of tho execn- tivo committee, is a« follows: Members Explain Position ihl has two candldat«s. J; H. ____ir for the atato sonato and. Fred Nlhart for the legislature, both'ot whom represent tho county dlvlalon- iBta. There Is no contest in tho Dem- ocratic primarlOB for tho state senate and loglslaturo. It la aoccaaary.'tboro- fore. In ordoa to make tho defeat of county division cortain that cdndl- dates bo nominated on tho Republican ticket who aro knownHo ootlvoiy and coasclQotlousIy oppose this moromoQt. It was tho beat judgment of tho aaso* elation, composed, of over 200 mem- bers. that tho Swlm-Mlkesell-Barker- Hinton ticket bo nominated. The m^emont is declared to bo.without political al^lflcance In any respect and there Is no rofloctlon made upon candidates not Indorsed by tho asso- ciation. It .was tho opinion, however, of men all over tho .county that this ticket could best defeat county divl* alon. and It waa for that reason that tho commlttoo and the association are urging tho nomination of theao mon. In thp event that this ticket In noml. nated. it ia bcMoVod there will then bo no danger of county dlvlalon, as all tho candidates on tho Democratic legislativo ticket aro known to bo ap- posed to county dlvlaton- Poraonnel of Jlcket 'Arthur. L. Swim has lived in Twin Falls for a number of years, la well known throughout tho state, and all March of Slxty-Elght Mllee It Made— nterestlng Mountain Region 1^ Traveraed—Pitch Camp at Fort Hiiacbuca RAISES RECORD CROP I Returnt Obtained on.f The white clover crop.raised • among the trees on the Idaho > Orchard Land Company'* hold- . >Ing* waa hulled tfut last waek • and yielded from 8 to 11 buth- • e ll' per acre for the ground • actually abeded.. This, at present prices, means I return of $120 to *160 par • acre, and at the price realized >by growera last tprlng would . >mean* a return of from $250 to ^ >1326 per acre. A IDAHO HEGIMENT HASGOODREGORO ON W MARCH BijHL. AND TWIN PALLS BOYS SHOW OEEAT ENBUBANOE S])cclnl to Tho Now., FdB T XiTTACiruCA, Ariz.— Tltc‘ six-d«y nmrch <»f the Secfmd I<luho infantry Xrom Fort Ste- phen liittU* lit Kogiilcis t<y this place, a distance of 68 miles^ was finished early Tuesday aft- ‘Hioon, July 15, when shelter tents wore pitched f(n> 12 days' Htay at rifJc-target practice. Thti regiment on' the march dlS‘ played onduntaco romarkablo In (Continued on page two.)- who had been In training less tb CO days. Not a man dropped out the hlko from either the Twin ,Fa or Duhl compj^nles. and tho am' lonco at the comploUon ot the mat discharged only a half dozea troopers for whom tho rigors ot the ox'perleuco had boon .too much. Take Interesting Route Tho ontlre' distance travcirsed Is through a mountainous regtoit..., Alti« tude here I* About 5000 feat., or about IBOO it9t hlghfi^,.than at Negales. Roads, for tbe moat part, are I>oor. Tho last day's march waa-made over rocky hills along a dimly-deflned trail. Tho best timo wo* mads Sunday, over a good road between the nlte.of Fort Crittoaden and the settlement of Elgin, a. distance ot 12 miles, covered In fivo hours. Rnln has fallen'erory day since the maroh began; and. twico the troops; wore drenched—^nce during ' a atop for noon meal carried to haversacks and again white they waited on camp site for th<s arrival of the wagon train bearing shelter tents and bedding. No 111 effecU resulted. Exhaust'Restaurant Stocks Twico camp was pitched near small towns—once at Paugonla and, two days later, at Elgin.. At elthor place tho slock In trade ot restaurants and canned fruits. Jollies, codkies, etc,, of tho stores Was quickly oxbausted. Men stood In long lines for their turn to purchaso some delicacy to add na- vor to the army ration. A^doalor in cq^ectloncry followed the rogimont. ciCfrylng his stock In aa automobile and replenished It each' night. Entrance of the roglmen^JQlo Fort Huachuca was headed by t ^ band. A stop of two hours was mado at the barracks for lunch and to pormU tho men to'inspect the surroundings. ^ fte r many delays and false prophecloH, tflie Oregon. Short . L|ne Bailronjl company is actu- ally building a now freight depot ensfc of the old structure. , The new building is uot a vis- ionary or probable qiiestion, but iin actual fact. There is a force of men upon the grounds LaduBtyiously working their best; there are plies of lumber stacked iip in every available . space, and tHerO: are carloads of rails for tho n w tracka ' The aow frelghthouso will be much larger than/ tho old one and will have a ground moasuroment'ot 400 foot, In- cluding tbo ond platferms. It wlU be located Just oaat of the old ono and will havo a large transfer platform for rehaadtlng freight wben nocos- - sary. This platform will have 2000 foot of tracks ' running along 'each flldo and It will greatly focllUate ship* iT)Qnts when it la completed. Secretary MeMlllah oC tho Commer* ' clat club has been watching the com- pany's appropriations and has bQon uiglng tho railroad that it build this Important structure, which tho growth of tho town demands. Tbo now frolghthouse wilt bo com', ploted before winter and tbo old stsac' turo will bo tom down when tho qew BUHL TOWNSITE IS BOUGHT OTJTEIGHT One of tho big lsp*d deals consum mated during tho r u t week was tho purehaao by tho investors' Corpora- tion,.Twin Palls, of the iinplatted land In and around Buhl, formorty owned, by tho Buhl Townsito company. Tho latter has always held* this unplatted portion oft tbo 'market, but tho new owner* will prococd Immediately with tho sale of tho samo small tracts. There aro 44B acroa Included In the deal and tho pric& paid waa IlSO por acr«. eoaalderod a {!nre for land to close In. The otyer^of the new company are: Asher^B. pr**- Jdent; Goorge Z>- Aiken. a«<f-etary, and J. tf. HaxweB. trvasorer. Other members of the company are Zjeonanl 8 m«h, B. A. MBner and H. P. AUaa. NEWANDLARGEf FREIGHT DEPOT AT TWfN FALLS AFTER MANY PAYS, WORK IS AOTUALLY STABTED New Building to Be 400 Feet Long, Including Platform* and 2000 Feet of New Track* ELECTION OF NEW SCHOOL TRUSTEES TO FILL EXPIRED TERMS OF 0. E. ■ BRYANT, DR. H. W. WILSON . Will B* Held September Fffth at th« HlBh School Biiildrn»-rV. H. Decker SuggcaUd .for - Vacancy Taking place on the same day aa tbo primaries, tho annual oloctlon ot Independent School District No^ 1 wm be held, on Tuesday, September C, for ' tho purpose of choosing two trustees to All tho pliices of Dr. H. W. Wilson and Q. E. Bryant, whose terms ha're expired. No nominations have t>een made, hot the name of V. H. Docker has ./been auggostcd as ar'running mate for Ur* Bryant, and to fill tbo pIn,co left ra- cant, by the departure ot Dr. Wilson tor tho front. Mr. Deokor has not to: notuiced his candidacy for tho office.. hut It Is probably that bis friends 'will insist upon bis ac«optonco. PEETTY WEDDINO , ' AT PITOAIKN HOME A pretty homi^ wedding. cbaraQte^ izcd by both beauty aad simplicity. 'VOX that which took place yesterday afternoon at A o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IL R. Pitcairn, when tholr daughtor. Mist Helen, became tbo bride of Professor John Kostalek of Moscow. At tbo appointed time tbe young couplo. unattended, took tholr places, and tho words of the Impres- bIvo doublo ring ceromooy /^ere spokon by tho Rer. Dr.-'Porkcr of.tho Methodist church. Asldo from tho Im- mediate family ot tbo bride, tbo guests Includod four girl friends ot tho bride, members of hor sorority. Tbe bride wore a most becoming dress of whlto Ocorgotto crepe, trimmed in silk Ar- menian lace and pearls, and carried bandaonn> shower bouquot of whlto roBoa. Immediately after tho cere- snony, a dcIlcIouB fouf-courao dinner was served by Miss Katherine Pitcairn and Miss Marguerite Allen. The ta- . bio was attmcilvo In pink and wblto. with a beautiful basket ot pink and whlto sweet peas as a cooterplece. Tbe rooms wcro decorated >n .autumn flowers and ferns. Mr. and Mrs. Kostalok loft on tho evening train for Moscow, whero they will make' their homo. The romaneo which culminated Ip tho wedding yes- terday. began In tbo stato university at.Moacow. whore tho bride has been a Bttident for the past four yedrs. and ' where Mr. Kostalok Is Instructor In tho ch^cmlBtn- department. Both hare A hojt 'of'Tricnds. who extend the 'best ot good wishes. A uto company ■WILL NOT LOSE In tbo suit filed this wee1c.'tl7. Crimea & Seaton agatott tho Johnson' Auto Sales company for the sum of 11310, which the plaintiffs claim- is due as a reffolt of their fatOteeet of a contract for the eonstractios oC tbo brick building now oeoopted b r .tho defendants, the latter-is eroteetedl by a bend" for |<000 forniahed by Kruger ft Brews, the orlgtnal ooo- tractors ter the batldiac.- The am brtogiag suit suhcoatneUd the bfMe /


Page 1: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,

t w e l ^ h y b a r TWIN PALLS. IDAHO, tHURSDAY, AUQU8 T 24, 1916 NUMBER 3S




■h a k e QONFESStON


Pathotle F eatuK i of T«rr(blo Ocotir- i^nea Maks Crime Ona of Mott

Unlquo'in the H lftory of

/ V ^ aS kL A Noor


Taday*t naon triiJn brought• heartbrtken , aobUnfl woman• and a aympattilzing man, who . alist'U d. ruahed' to a rooming• house, excused .t)iemaetvea from• regliterfng until later, and hur>,> rled up to the courthouse. Th«y y were J . A. Pennywell anif w ife ,'• m other and ctepfather ,o f the < ,• Lovelace bo'ya, .who stand. self>• confessed murderers. At the Jail « 'the couple wera dented adm it-<• alon to the bo/a’ cell, and were . referred to -their ' attorneys,• Guthrie S Bowen. -

There, between aobt. the• woman told how th e had been

her retur* trip to Twin• Falla, had known nothlna of her ' 4 aont’ trouble .until ahe reached '• Burley, near here- 8h» asserted <• In her talk to The New* re- '• porter th a t her boyir were not •• bad boys,'only mischievous. The

• ■ intly intend to atay <' ) the,end.

V . couple evidently i: w ith the boys to t

bj LliU“"UWh coufes- sion and the verdict of the cor- on6r*s jury, the murder of FrofeSsor F. Thomas Hamill, Harold and I> ^n Lovelace, b ro th e r only 12 au jD u years old, respectiTely, are held In the conafy jail hei% awaiting-'trial. They dre r a ^ ^ forlorn, do- Kort^, homeless lads/imd their

’ plight and. the awful crime they committed have stirred tlie com­munity os it probaijly has never before been sti’rred.

The boys bad boon mlBSlng slnco Tuesday *bf last week and Mrs. Tol- n o n . with whom they wero staying Ja tho TlelaJty o f Antolopo apriogs. some mllos south ot this c itr. bad w rlttea the prohatloa officer, V. H. Ormsby. of tbe fact.

Oq Sunday aftonioon Marshal . B ajuH ler of Bohl phoaed Mr. Orxnaby

th a t tb e ' two childroa had beon bocd four miles \vest of Buhl by W. J> Cranor, who formerly llv6d In Roger- BOD, oad who knew tho boys and know of th e ir diaafcpoaraoco. air. OriuBby oaked Mr. BaymlUor to get tho boya and kc«p them locked up unUl bo could roach them.

When "Mr. Ormsby reached Bohl, bo want a t onco to seo tho boys. Ho found In tholr poasosalon Mr. HamlU’a pocketbook aifQ somo half dozen gnna thoy bad atolon from raoehora nlooR tho way. Tho boys told him ,they had left Hamlll’s horse and light Tvagoa out to tho countiy whore ihoy wore when Marshal BaymUlcr took them In chafge. Tho borae waa found to bo alm ost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cu t from barbed wJro, In which It had-J}ftcomo oatanglcd whlto Ucd to the fence tho provlous night.

Makea Full Confession"W hat did you striko-M r. HamUl

with?" asked Mr. Ormaby of tho elder boy.

•■I didn 't strike him." tho boy an- swerod. .

“Then what did kill him?"Ho was shoL”

I ’TMd you B h o o t him?"•*No. I didn’t. Lynn did."According to tholr atory. thoy wont

to HamiH's house Saadar"^Qi^'>l<’ o h is gnn and a numbcx; of other thlnca. When Mr. Hamlll returned Monda>- orenlng he found the contoota of hla house la chaos, and a strange dog In IL Ho wont, Tuesday momlog. to tho home of Mrs. Louise Stqith. a mile and a half away, wher* ho found the two

' boys. .Admit Owmino Dog



AT ONCEThese Baek of Movement Pick Ticket

But Olaclilm> ^ N tlc a l Motive* in the Selection of

' ” Names

Thoy told Mr. Hamlll tho dog- was theirs and finally confessed that thoy had stolen his gun. af te r breaking Into hlB-house. Ho took the hoys to tllfi . cahlii and made tihom replace somo o t tho things, waroed them never to do such things again o r h i would have to report them to tho sheriff. Ho s tarted ~hack with them- to» S a lih 's

• and as thoy walked along behind him thoy Ueclded to slip away from him

■ and return to his cabin.. .They wero loading up their pror/- slons whoa they saw Hamtll return-

'iB/r f r o a Smith**, Barricading them- s«lTDa to .h U boaso, th e y 'p u t their guns through a window and aa be apDn>ached ordered him to stay hack. A pparently reaU dng the danger from thd UTMpoaalble boy*, who were ariD«d with deadly weapons which' they -were pointing a t him. he par- Xered -with them , f ifa tracks, whfeh

(OQOt&UMd 9 a STC)

Harald llevelaee, aged .12 yeara Lynn Lovaface, a g e d 'l l years OBetter^nawai.aa^thft P«nnyvnll-«hl|(lren. .. V - v

—Photo by-Flower.




Was Prominent In C hu^h and Social Clrctea—Came to Twin Fails In

Pioneer Day*—-Funeral Servlcei Today

C. E. Booth, Local Business. Man, Says People Are So Prosperous

They SUy. Up All NlQht to Spend T heir C a ^

Puncral sorvlcoB for Mro. ’Bcsole Strokcs-Salladay wcro hold a t n o'clock this nfllomoon la the Proobyicrian church and wore conducted by tho Ilov. Dr. J. F, Shophord. Tho church was filled with tho many friends of the family, and members of the Ma- BOhVc ond EAatcm S tar lodges a tten d ­ed in a body. The flo ra l trlbiitCB wcro many an d ' b eau tifu l.

Aficr an lllnesa of nearly two yoara' duration. Mrn. Salladny paasod away Sunday, August 20, la Seattle, Waah., a t tho age of .3G yoara, G nonttia and 13 days: Besides her husband, Bho loavcfl to mourn her passing one child, Ruth. 1C yoara of age. her mother. In Spokaoo, alto a B ister and brother. Tholr other child. Harold, died hero about B oven years ago a t tho ago of

years.BcbbIo Strokes and L. R Sallada>-

■frero united In morrlago In Hoalyn. Wash.. September 19, 1898. and came to Twin Fallo In February of 190C, when Twin Falla waa bu t two years ^ d . Mrs. Salladoy waa a member of tho PcesbytorJan church of th is city, having united with tho Presbyterian church In N et Perce IS -yenra ago, afterward transforrlnf; her member­ship to tho local church. Sho was also a prominent menibei^ of th e 'lo ca l chapter of the C astem Star. Inter­ment was In Twin F^Ils.comeiery. be­side tho grave ol her llttlo j rn . The. sympathy of tho community Is- ex tended to the sorrowing ooc.v

Plenty of money and high prices for everything about' describes condl- tioutf throughout the East, according to C. G. Dooth. who. accompanIcd-> by Mrs. Booth, spent some throe weeks In and around Now York City, return- Ing to tw in Falla early thla week.

Mr. Dooth brought back as souve- nlra several menus from leading ho- tols. which boar abundant, evidence aa to tho truth of hts statem ent. To llvo iQ tho ordinary way In Now York at

nCny^ono of a hundred or more hotels and restaurants figures about $20 per

(Continued on page twelve.)

_At a meeting held on Mondayo r this week by Republicans of tbe Anti-Coiinty Division asfio- ciatlon, recently formed for the purpose of proventinp the divi­sion of Ttt'in Falls county, plans were laid for the waging of a vigorous campaign, and an executive committee was select­ed to take active charge of the anti-county division movement. I t is Rtotod tliat tlie Anti-CowH- ty Division afisociation now numbers more than 200 men in varhouR parts of tho county and tepresen,ting various int«*rests.

The executlvo committee to take aollTO charge of tho campaign Is com­posed of J. Af. ftfaxwoll, W. J. Youob, Xj. L- Brockenrldge, A. J . <Poavoy. C. B. Booth. W. 0 . Taylor. QeorKo Her- riott, S tuart Taylor, all of Twin Falls; Ed* S. Couee, J. H. Seaver, of CastJaford; B. W. Di^rla. F rank I>. Brown, of Filer; Elvis Laycock. of Hanson; W. F. Brockon. of Kimber­ly. and F. C. Omvos, of Flier..T he candidates aelectod. claimed by

the association to best roprosont tlio sentiment against division, whose can- dldaolcs aro supported by tho assocla- Uop, aro: - Arthur L. Swim, for stato senator,, and W. F. Mlkcaoll of tho Salmon tract, Norman Barker of F lier precinct and J. R. Hinton ot Hanson proclnct for mombera of the leglsla- turo. Every effort will be made, it Is stated by tho association, to com- bino tho vote on theso candidates and thus SQcure their nomination in tho iatorosls 6 t tl>o integrity of Twjn Falls county. The* purpose of tho preBont movement and organltatlon, as stated by members of tho execn- tivo committee, is a« follows:

Members Explain Position ihl has two candldat«s. J; H.

____i r for the atato sonato and. FredNlhart for the legislature, b o th 'o t whom represent tho county dlvlalon- iBta. There Is no contest in tho Dem­ocratic primarlOB for tho state senate and loglslaturo. It la aoccaaary.'tboro- fore. In ordoa to make tho defeat of county division cortain that cdndl- dates bo nominated on tho Republican ticket who aro knownHo ootlvoiy and coasclQotlousIy oppose this moromoQt. I t was tho beat judgment of tho aaso* elation, composed, of over 200 mem­bers. tha t tho Swlm-Mlkesell-Barker- Hinton ticket bo nominated. The m ^em ont is declared to bo.w ithout political al^ lflcance In any respect and there Is no rofloctlon made upon candidates not Indorsed by tho asso­ciation. I t .was tho opinion, however, of men all over tho .county th a t this ticket could best defeat county divl* alon. and It waa for tha t reason that tho commlttoo and the association are urging tho nomination of theao mon. In thp event that this ticket In noml. nated. i t ia bcMoVod there will then bo no danger of county dlvlalon, as all tho candidates on tho Democratic legislativo ticket aro known to bo ap­posed to county dlvlaton-

Poraonnel of J lck e t'Arthur. L. Swim has lived in Twin

Falls for a number of years, la well known throughout tho state, and all

March of Slxty-Elght Mllee I t Made— nterestlng Mountain Region 1

Traveraed—Pitch Camp at Fort Hiiacbuca


I Returnt Obtained on.f

The white clover crop.raised• among the trees on the Idaho> Orchard Land Company'* hold- .> Ing* waa hulled tfut last waek• and yielded from 8 to 11 buth-• e l l ' per acre for the ground• actually abeded..

This, a t present prices, meansI return of $12 0 to *160 par

• acre, and a t the price realized> by growera last tprlng would .> mean* a return of from $250 to ^ >1326 p er acre. A




S])cclnl to Tho Now.,FdBT XiTTACiruCA, Ariz.—

Tltc‘ six-d«y nmrch <»f the Secfmd I<luho infantry Xrom Fort Ste­phen liittU* lit Kogiilcis t<y this place, a distance of 68 miles^ was finished early Tuesday aft- ‘Hioon, July 15, when shelter

tents wore pitched f(n> 12 days' H tay a t rifJc-target practice.

Thti regiment on' the march dlS‘ played onduntaco romarkablo In

(Continued on page two.)-

who had been In training less tb CO days. Not a man dropped out the hlko from either the Twin ,Fa or Duhl compj^nles. and tho am' lonco a t the comploUon o t the mat discharged only a half dozea troopers for whom tho rigors o t the ox'perleuco had boon .too much.

Take Interesting RouteTho ontlre' distance travcirsed Is

through a mountainous regtoit..., Alti« tude here I* About 5000 feat., o r about IBOO i t 9 t hlghfi^,.than a t Negales. Roads, for tbe moat part, a re I>oor. Tho last day's march waa-made over rocky hills along a dimly-deflned trail. Tho best timo wo* m ads Sunday, over a good road between the nlte.of Fort Crittoaden and the settlem ent of Elgin, a. distance o t 12 miles, covered In fivo hours.

Rnln has fallen 'erory day since the maroh began; and. twico the troops; wore drenched— nce during ' a atop for noon meal carried to haversacks and again white they waited on camp site for th<s arrival of the wagon train bearing shelter ten ts and bedding. No 111 effecU resulted.

Exhaust'R estaurant StocksTwico camp was pitched near small

towns—once a t Paugon la and, two days later, a t Elgin.. At elthor place tho slock In trade ot restaurants and canned fruits. Jollies, codkies, etc,, of tho stores Was quickly oxbausted. Men stood In long lines for their turn to purchaso some delicacy to add na- vor to the army ration. A^doalor in cq^ectloncry followed the rogimont. ciCfrylng his stock In aa automobile and replenished It each' night.

Entrance of the roglmen^JQlo Fort Huachuca was headed by t ^ band. A stop of two hours was mado at the barracks for lunch and to pormU tho men to 'inspect the surroundings.

^ f t e r many delays and false prophecloH, tflie Oregon. Short . L|ne Bailronjl company is actu­ally building a now freight depot ensfc of the old structure. , The new building is uot a vis­ionary or probable qiiestion, but iin actual fact. There is a force of men upon the grounds LaduBtyiously working their best; there are plies of lumber stacked iip in every available . space, and tHerO: are carloads of rails for tho n w tracka '

The aow frelghthouso will be much larger than/ tho old one and will have a ground moasuroment'ot 400 foot, In­cluding tbo ond platferms. I t wlU be located Just oaat of the old ono and will havo a large transfer platform fo r rehaadtlng freight wben nocos- - sary. This platform will have 2000 foot of tracks ' running along 'ea ch

flldo and It will greatly focllUate ship* iT)Qnts when i t la completed.

Secretary MeMlllah oC tho Commer* ' clat club has been watching the com­pany's appropriations and has bQon uiglng tho railroad tha t it build this Important structure, which tho growth of tho town demands.

Tbo now frolghthouse wilt bo com', ploted before w inter and tbo old stsac' tu ro will bo tom down when tho qew


One of tho big lsp*d deals consum mated during tho r u t week was tho purehaao by tho investors' Corpora­tion,.Twin Palls, of the iinplatted land In and around Buhl, formorty owned, by tho Buhl Townsito company. Tho latter has always held* this unplatted portion oft tbo 'market, bu t tho new owner* will prococd Immediately with tho sale of tho samo small tracts.

There aro 44B acroa Included In the deal and tho pric& paid waa IlSO por acr«. eoaalderod a { !n re for land to close In. The o ty e r ^ o f the new company are : Asher^B. pr**-Jdent; Goorge Z>- Aiken. a«<f-etary, and J . t f . HaxweB. trvasorer. O ther members of the company are Zjeonanl 8 m«h, B. A. MBner and H . P . AUaa.




New Building to Be 400 F eet Long, Including Platform* and 2000

Feet of New Track*



Will B* Held September Fffth a t th« HlBh School Biiildrn»-rV. H.

Decker SuggcaUd .for - • Vacancy

Taking place on the sam e day aa tbo primaries, tho annual oloctlon ot Independent School District No 1 wm be held, on Tuesday, September C, for ' tho purpose of choosing two trustees to All tho pliices of Dr. H. W . Wilson and Q. E. Bryant, whose term s ha're expired.

No nominations have t>een made, hot the name of V. H. Docker has ./been auggostcd as ar'running m ate for Ur* Bryant, and to fill tbo pIn,co left ra- c a n t, by the departure ot Dr. Wilson to r tho front. Mr. Deokor has not to : notuiced his candidacy for tho office.. hut It Is probably tha t bis friends 'will insist upon bis ac«optonco.


A pretty homi^ wedding. cbaraQte^ izcd by both beauty aad simplicity. 'VOX that which took place yesterday afternoon a t A o'clock a t th e home of Mr. and Mrs. IL R. Pitcairn, when tholr daughtor. M ist Helen, became tbo bride of Professor John Kostalek of Moscow. At tbo appointed time tbe young couplo. unattended, took tholr places, and tho words of the Impres- bIvo doublo ring ceromooy /^ e re spokon by tho R er. Dr.-'Porkcr of.tho Methodist church. Asldo from tho Im­mediate family ot tbo bride, tbo guests Includod four girl friends o t tho bride, members of hor sorority. Tbe bride wore a most becoming dress of whlto Ocorgotto crepe, trimmed in silk Ar­m enian lace and pearls, and carried

bandaonn> shower bouquot of whlto roBoa. Immediately after tho cere-

snony, a dcIlcIouB fouf-courao dinner was served by Miss Katherine Pitcairn and Miss M arguerite Allen. The ta- . bio was attm cilvo In pink and wblto. with a beautiful basket o t pink and whlto sweet peas as a cooterplece. Tbe rooms wcro decorated >n .autumn flowers and ferns.

Mr. and Mrs. Kostalok loft on tho evening train for Moscow, whero they will make' th e ir homo. T he romaneo which culminated Ip tho wedding yes­terday. began In tbo sta to university at.Moacow. whore tho bride has been a B ttid e n t for the past four yedrs. and ' w here Mr. Kostalok Is Instructor In tho ch^cmlBtn- departm ent. Both h are A h o jt 'of'T ricnds. who extend the'bes t o t good wishes.

A u t o c o m p a n y■WILL NOT LOSE

In tbo suit filed th is wee1c.'tl7. Crimea & Seaton ag a to tt tho Johnson ' Auto Sales company for th e sum of 11310, which th e plaintiffs claim- is due as a reffolt o f th e ir fa tO teeet of a contract for the eonstractios oC tbo brick building now oeoopted b r .tho defendants, the la tte r- is ero teeted l by a bend" for |< 0 0 0 forniahed by Kruger ft B rew s, th e orlgtnal ooo- tractors te r the batldiac.- T he am brtogiag su it suhcoatneU d the bfMe / ■

Page 2: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,

TWIlil F A L U N m :_ T W I N fA LLSi'IPAHO , THUR8DAY. A U O ..^ 1»ie




’ Cover Tvwnty*two Hundred and Thirty Mite* In Twonty-two pay*—

Traveled Every Day—No Trouble

T. J. Woods of this city has just returned from an nato trip which, if^thc party had been

. able to carry a movie camera on the hack 'of their machine, would have made the so-call^ “ fairylands of Switzerland!^ })ale into insignificance. For the party c o v e r t that most pic­turesque of all beautiful re­gions, the Pttdfic Northwest, which, with, its beautiful bits of scenery,, is attractive enough-to make all mankind wish to..see America first, if they only knew. V--.

Amons t&o cities which Mr. Woods And party, composed o t hlm telf, wife and daughter Marjorie. Mr. and Mrs- W . R Nlzon and son Dob, Tisit«d were Bolso, Pendlotos, The Dalles, Portland, (^ebolle. Aberdeen. Olym­pia. SeatUo and Spokane..

T he firs t event of Jmportonco was Choir, dtp In the pcoan a t Pacific beach. This w ^ followed by visits to Seattle, a long, mountain climb OTor SnoQoalmlo pass to Enionsbur?, thence to Spokano, a hot, dusty” r)do o t 236 mlfes. Loon lako was vlsUod, which

. Is an Idea] resort, for boatlns Aod bathing, and which the p a ^ thor* OQghly. enJoy«d.

A perfect highway, amooth as a floor, carried them Into Lewiston. Ida* ho. which la tte r city Is hpproached by & drop down a g reat h ill flT^ miles In length. Lewiston l ie s ‘In a bean- tlful orchard valley and Is fringed on th e soQth with a grain belt th a t .h a s no superiors. Tho roughest piece of road encountered was betweea Grange* Tllle and W hlteblrd, taking ten honrs to make 62 miles. T he road runs through narrow canyons, where a slip wonld have m eant Instan t death.

Better roads were encountered from New Meadows, Idaho, which contln- .aed to Payette lakes.

Twenty^w o-daya in all w ere con- ■tuned in th is trip , and the dlatance traversed was 2230 miles. T he party did not have one bad day and bad no serious ca r trouble. T he beat road encountered was th e Columbia high­way into Portland, w hich- road, ,2fl zdlles In' length, cost 11.300,000 to con stm cL . .

FOR EXCHANGB>Wbb p rlatln^ for money. Om* work is like yoar money —th e besL Twin FlaUs Newa.


-'{Continued from 'pago o n e .) 'hl& Intoroste are lo the Twtn Falls section. His standing In t£e comma- n!ty is above reproach in oyoET re­spect. and he would be a credit to Twin Falts county If electcd to the state senate.

‘*W. F. MlkesoU represents the Sal> man river sentim ent and Is one of the best-known farm ers In the county. His ability Is 'vnQuestloned and ho Is a ooD sclon tlouB . high-minded cltisen.

'■J. R. Hinton 9f th e cast end la well known ttirouRhout tho county and state. Ho Is well Informed on all mot- ters. strongly opposed to county divi­sion and would ho a n ' Invaluable as BOt In tho state legislature.

"Norman Barker of F ile r • preclnci Is opposed to connty division, highly qualified as a s ta te legislator and wouia bo a forceful m ember of the lower house. Ho Is a foung man oi splendid education and splendidly fitted In every way to represent Twin Falls county, ^t Is boUeved th a t this ticket best represents tho sentlmenr throughout the county .-

"If J. H. Barker and Fred N lhart of Buhl aro nominated, there Is dan gcr of their election; and>lf they are elccted. they will do >air within their power to slice off the west end as a sepon te county, with Buhl a s tho county seat.

Mean* Increased Taxation •‘■This would be disastrous, would In­

crease taxes enormously, resulting In the reduction of property valaes. It Is a- well-known fact that. Iho division of tho 'county Is deslred^by-'Bnhl In­terests and th a t th e jr-^ ill resort to the most vigorous efforts to carry, out their tiUa.”

The commltteo will urge all voters a t the prim aries to support th e ticket as selected by the association.


■ “W hat made Casey strike out?" 4s the long favored auestlon answered In the Triangle-Do Wolf Hopper pic­ture, “Casey a t tho Bat,” to ho shown a t tho O ^beum theatre on Monday night only.

Mr. Hopper sw ears th a t he really made a home run in tho filming of the picture. The director aoys, how­ever, that while he really ran all around, the bases. It was In th e fol­lowing manner: Homo plate to first on Monday, firs t to socond *on .Tues­day. etc.

Ofnclal, Visits Malad,—Dr. W. Sullivan was- called to Malad on do* partment Business th is week.

S tr ik e O u t?You have heard of the mighty battle between Mudville and Frogtown

FOE BASEBALL SUPREMACY Of the terrible struggle to win thechcrished Pennant. And you know th a t the Mighty Casey struck out


DE WOLF HOPPERTakes the part of the Mighty Casey in this Triangle PJay. The story is a splendid comedy drama and follows closely the immortal poem—

cm HT1 liiiA 5-Part Triangle Fine Arts Prodnction.







BER USupei^ntendent Hal G. Blue Has

Many Plans fo r Coming Year-^ BulidlnQS Have All Been

The school year of 1916-1917 will open Monday, September 11. '\^ i le the commencement of the year’s work depends par­ticularly on the completion of the new Washington building, plans are going forward .in the belief thdt everything will be in readiness by the above date.

The work on tho new .hulldlng Is progrossing very rapidly an d 'u n le ss some unforesoen dlfflculUes present themselves, tho building irllt be ready for occupancy two weeks from n ex t Monday.. I t was felt unwise to s tart school beforo tho completion of the new building, because this would ne­cessitate a reorganization of the en­tire system shortly after the begin' nlng of tho year's work.

I>urinR tho sum mer vocation the board of .education made some splendid Improvements In the build­ings. The Blckel school has been kolsomlned and painted throughout This work has made a decided Im-

In the building, isthe typo of Improvement th a t Is par- tlcQlarly noUceoblo when ' one steps into the bullldng. All of the outside woodwork of the Lincoln building has been painted. The roof and dome 'of tho high school building w ere painted and tho walls and celling of the high school cafeteria have been kalso- mined. These improvements In­volved an oxpendlturo of more than 11000. The Janitors ore .a t work now scrubbing and cleaning Ihe buildings throughout and in a few days evcryi thing will be In readiness,

New Boundaries A great deal of difficulty lias boon

exporlen6ed In locating tho boundary limits of the new d istrict for tho Washington school.. I t Is impossible to give the element of permanency to tho boundary lines until, after tho schools open, when i t will 'be possible to note th e enrollm ent involved In each building.

TH E SHAMROCK CLUB The Shamrock club m et with tho

president. Mrs. J . L. Dallas, Thursday afternoon: A short husli^ess session was followed by an excelleot pro8F<un. A delicious lunch Was. served b f the hoatess and the club adjourned to m eet August 31 with Mrs. Dean.


How a man of wealth may bo robbed and lose his identity In the. heart" o t a great city Is'sraphldally shown In the Jesse L. L u k 7 prodncUon ot *‘A G utter Magdalene," which will be seen a t the Idaho theatre on Monday and Tuesday, A u ^ s t 28 and 29, with dlstlngulshod actress, Panalo Ward, Jn tho title role. In this photodrama. a man comes trom the- West, faJJs Into tho clutches of crooks. Is s U i^ d , robbed and loft unconscious in the gutter, is husUod Into Jail and all op­portunity of Identifying himself lost. Miss w ard Is surrounded by a cast of unusual excellonce. including Qucb prominent artis ts as Jack Dean, BUly Elmer, Jam es NolU, Qortrudo Kellar and Robert Bradbury. I t Is a Para­mount program release.

In all of her previous Lasky pro­ductions,' Blanche Sweet has had hus­bands th rust upon her. She has been pursued by hundreds o t admirers, and had many a t her feet, but In her forth­coming production, "Tho Thousand Dollar Husband," which will bo seen a t the Idaho Theatre on A u ^ s t 25 and 2G; she buys a husband, and, strange as it may seem, the pux- chased does not welcome the sale. In th is, production Miss Sweet is first seen as a Swedish maid of a ll work in a college boarding house. She is madly In lovo with one of tho stu ­dents and when she suddenly hocomes wcaltby'&nd tho young man faces ruin, she offers to pay his debts i f he will m arry her. How tho wealthy bride o t tho loveless moirlage is se t'upon by a band of crooks, and how 'she eventu- ally saved and wins th e love ot her husband goos to make one of the most unusual photjodramas over presented. The Jesso L. Lasky company has sur^ rounded Miss Sweet with -a cast of unusual excellence. Including Theo­dore Roberts, Tom Fonnac, Jane Wolff, Horace B. Carpenter, LucUe La Vamoy and others. It is a Paramount program release.

•Doblh’s Millinery Buyer BaclcHome

Miss Blanche Hill has Just returned from tho wholesale millinery markets atad gives us this Interesting glimpse of what tho season holds in store for th a t very Interesting p a ti of mlladi's wardrobe, tho h a t

She s tates th a t almost any color combination -Is pcrmissiblo, with tho following shades predpmlnatlng— black, navy, purple, Bordeaux, nigger brown, m yrtle and metaL

For droBs bats velvet Is tho popular m aterial, either used alone oc.ln com­bination with other materials. Trim­ming m aterials cover a v l ^ range and include fancy fe a th e r^flo w ers , ornaments, ribbons and silks. In shapes tho opportunity is. offered for tho customer to choose th a t which is most becoming. There are large sail­ors. mushrooms from small to large, high back rolls. In all rfUes, short baeks with high poke fronts, closo- flttlng turbans of many shapes.

Miss HUl says she ,has bought the new est things to be found and will be ablo to show the ladles of Twin Falls the very latest modes In mil­linery for any occaslon.~Adv. •

jlom e-the Original “Safety Firsf’

"HOME" Is defined as one’s own dwelllnR placo: tho abiding placo of tho affections; a place of refuge

_ o n d ^ s t ; where a thing or a person Is usually found.■ Tho Idea of PERMANENCS thus expressed is impoflslblo In a rented building whoso occupancy Is subject to the whim of th e 'o w n er. This lack of permanenoo loosens the ties of sentiment, wook- ons the belief in tho refuge of home. Inculcates the thought of nnrest and transientness, and takes away tho prim al meaning of HOME>—the protection ot the young o t the family.

To own one's HOME In su rn permanence and in- < ■tilts in the young mind th a t Idea of refuge and protrfcUon so vital lo morals.

Possession and ownership of the dwelling lasaros a more tree ability to secure living conditions which

u tend to liea lth . Necessary changes can bo made Zf without having to m eet the whims o r desires of V another person—the owner. The reQUlroments of

: '" -^ -tho owner's famUy alone a » considered.■ Home Bplldlng Is our Profession. T here's a lot

about It tha t you should know before yon buQd. It’s our duty asd pleasure to give you this informa­tion writhot obligation.


OppeeMs O. S. I - Depot


TiT?TT>AV a n d SATITEDAT—AUGTJST 25 A iro 25 JESSE L.'LASKY Presents—

B le ^ n c h e S w e e t'> The Supremo Star of t te Silent Drama, in

“ The Thousand Dollar i s h a n d ”By James Young from the story of

Margaret Turnbull A genuine romance wherein a strong story is woven out of changing th ^ d s of humor.and pathos. Superb ^ tin g and a happy choice of types combine to make this i^oto- play unusually attractive. 'TTF.T.F.ARTnn THROUGH PARAMOUNT ’ PICTURES


MONDAY AND TUESDAY—AUGUST 28 AND 29 The Peerless Character A c t r ^

F a n n i e W a r d -in ‘ .

“ ABy W illard Mack

In this photoplay the spectator’s interest is quickly roused and most ably sustained throughout I t abounds in situa­tions of great intensity, which gain in effect by being prob­able, and logical.


There is just one class of citizen for whom the hot weather of mid-summer-heis no-terrors.

Tliis is die class composed of users of

RangesT he class is growing every day but. there

are still a few vacancies.

Take out a membership—easy terms.^ For, p a r tic u l^ see





r ■Monthly Payments


Page 3: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,

fw jw F A i t i AUQ. M , I I H '


8car« O nesided, B ut V liito rt Mad* a Game F Ish t to• Wi n


Chacka (Qenttnued)TRAVELER'S CHECK:—

A form ot-.clieck losuod by bonks for iho convonloat and safo vay of cnn-ylag funds a t homo and abroad. Tbose aro purcbasod from tho bonk In any denomination.

■ and may bo casbod a t tholr-^aco value In tho money of the country wboro paid, and only nood your elsnaturo In thO' proBonce of tho one paying? your algnaturo must

. agroo with your countor algnaturo made upon tbo face of tho chock when you purchaaod Jt. These checks orb acooptod by banks, hotel and Bhopkobpors, a t any time Including Sundays or holidays, thua saving you time and much Inconvonlenco.

This bank la a depotiury ro r 8 c ^ l Savlngi

Thia Inititutlon acancti for Stability, Courtaay an'd

' Sdrvlca.^




Member, of City C hurch., join In' Qatherlns^U nuaualiy Intareating

Address la Glven—Lanjo- ' Attenijanca

•Despite tbo fact that but short notice, was |?iven tbnt a union meeting? was to be held Sunday ovening, the new Idaho theatre was crowded, with people on thatjiigh t, who listened atten­tively to one of the most inter- eatinpc addresBes on prohibition tbat has been delivered here. L. W. Wells, state superintendent of the Anti-Saloon leajjue, was tlie speaker.

The Rov. O. T. Anderson, acting pas* to r of tho Baptist church, opened the mooting .and appointed Rev. Dr. Shep* herd loader of thQ singing. Ho then Introduced J. W. Beauchamp, chairman of th<5 Antl'Saloon league In this vicin­ity, who then Introduced the speaker of the evening.

Mr. Wells did not deal much in gen­eralities, but conflnet}. himself to those conditions and facts dealing oBpeclally with the Twin Falls country and Southern Idaho. Ho brought, to tho knowledge of hla audience many facts regarding bootlegldng and i th e r con* ditiohs In this part of the state that were unknown to tho people generally.

"Tou will probably notice, as election tlmo draws nearer, tha t the nufiiber of bootleggers will increase. Do not bo Burprlsed nor alarmed a t this con-

.dltlon. I shall explain why this will l»robabIy happen.. .The wet forces aye spending hnndrods ot thousands of dollars In this campaign, and one of tho ways .through which they do much effective work 1* In. sending bootleg* cers into ‘dry’ territories to dlscdur* ago tho ‘dry’ forces. Aa thoSe districts where the la tte r forces ore not well organized they find thoir most profit able fields ot labor-

Lota of Money Available ••Just njcontly they sent a man

to Salt Lake and gave him as a territory In which to work parts of Utah. Idaho and other north- western states. They started him out with a fund of $100,000, to be spent In the fight against tbo 'dry' forces. H e Is now sending* out toos of literature, with which he la Hooding these territories, and ho la Increasing his forces of boot- leggora. Do not think tho men

. who aro selling boose over hero a t Twin Falls aro doing so at

■ their own. Initiative. They are paid a good salary, have the hoozo - n/m lshed them free, and all they get from the aale of tho boozo'ls actually ‘velvet money* to them."

: p b e p a e e d o n ^COUNTY D m s i o l

D. W. Davis Will Not Pasa Snap Judgment—Gubeniatorlal Candh

date Confera With Leaders

”I am not' prepared to say a t this tlmo. w h a t-^ y attitude will bo on the subject of county division In Twin Falls county," Said D. W. Davis, Re* publican candldato for tho nomination of Bovomor, during a v la lt.to Twin Falls lost 'week. •

*'I havo not looked Into tho case at oil and do a o t expect to during tho compolgn. I do not consider th a t I havo any righ t whatever to pass upon tbo question without a close s tu d j^ f tbo facts, and this would bo p v ^ a* tare. In my Judgment, until some ac* tion Ib taken- within tho county which would bring up tho auostlon in the regular way."

Referring to- political conditions over the state , Mr. Davis stoted-thdt his efforts aro meeting with splendid success and tha t bo lias every confi­dence in his bolnfi^.tho somlnoe o t tho party. . . .

Ho addressed a sottlers' m eeting a t HolllBtor, driving back to Twin Falls,' where' he spent som e hours >> ronow' Ing acquaintance ahd conferring with local leaders In tho Interests of his



Truman Boyd Leavea for Salt Lake for Month's Training In School

'o f the Soldier

Mr. Wells urged those, present to keep cQjiBtaatly in mind the Impor­tance of the amendment to be voted upon a t the election this fall. Largo adTerttsementa bearing this amond^ ment aro to be placed Mon upon bill­boards hero and eUewbeft, in order to keep the Importance of this measure in the minds of the TOtlng people, that they may give It the proper consid* eratlon when they vote this fall

During his talk he warned the lliten* ora tb a t 'th e re are many voters in Idaho who do not understand that the actloa of the legislatore most be ra ti­fied by a vote of the people, <nd steps will be taken to aw akca the citizenship between this * time and

. elecUon date. ■*. The following officers of Che leagne we^e elected: W. Beauchamp, president: H. E. Powers, Tlce-pre*i- dent: B. L. Ashton, secrotair, and Ur^

. ,baa Tracy, ireasnrer.

______ rLeaving the la tte r part of tho week

for Salt iJiko City, Truman Boyd, son of Dr. end Mrs, T. O. Boyd, will Join ono of tho largest citizons’ training camps In tho country.

Modeled af te r .the. P lattsburg camp In Now York, the Salt Lake camp will bo located a t Fort Douglas, will bo the ohly one In tbo Intormountain country, and, next to Utah. Idaho Is expected to furnish tho greotost num­ber of volunteers.

T h e r o ^ ll l bo 'one month of drilt and trommg In camp life, conducted by regnlor army officers, tbo enlisted men having regular army equipm ent At tho brcoking .op of the camp, Tni- man wlU en te r tho University of UMih, where he Is taking the two years* pro- poratory conrso for medicine. .


The ^amo Sunday a t the Twin Falla ball .park was not w ithout t^ llle ra , ^nd Ihose who w ere-fortunote'enough to see' it had p lraty to keep them from ^ t t l n g lonely.^ For. although tho Twin Falls nine had tho Sho­shones over a barrel afte r the fUtb Inning, there was always the chance to lose, and Twin Falls a t times bad their hearts.Iin their mouths, fearing Shoshone m ight take them to a oloan .Ing.

Dut when the gaMo «ras over the score stood 12 to * In favor of Twin Falls. A fter the firs t few Innings, during which Shoshone made their scores, Twin Falls settled down to Bteodyj heady work, and blngle after blnglo sen t them even with their opponents and then fa r Into tho lead. Pitcher Chrlstlon practically won the game, supported ably by tho re s t of the team.

There 'frore few sensational pis and, aside from the. unustiol ^ m ] of-m en h it by the ShOB'bOD&^lich there were no serious accidents. Ono player, Whitxol, was h it on tho bridge of th o 'n o se by a baU, which struck him when his sight was obscured by the sun, and took him out of tbo 'game. Mis injury Is not sorious, how­ever, and ho wilt bo all right In a few'days.

The..,blcacbor8 wore full for tbo game and the grondstand was about two-thirds full. From now on tho schedulff o f games Is on unusually good ono and will doubtless draw fine crowds.

Following Is the score by Innings for tho game:

S h o B h o n e, Playcm— AB. Tl. *H. PO. A. B. t r e e , lb , 2b.. B ^ 1 2 8 "O 0\c h e ll , 3b__ G O 0 2 3 0Ihlbman, ss .„ . 3 2 1 0 1 2

G a r \ r , 3b, p - 2 1 0 2 1. 1Klofrtr, cf....... a , 0 1 0 0 0PlenkoV c, lb.. 3 O' 1 10 1 0 C arto rl If...,


Georoa E. Crum Republican Candh date for .Qovemor, Believe* In

Businesslike Management

Robinson, rf, o 4 Darling; p, rf.... 4 1 0 2 0

Tvrin Falla • Players— •, AB. R. H. PO.

Robinson, If, 3b 5 0 2 0 0 0Anderson, c— C 0 14 0 0D. Gravds ,2b.. 3 0 0 0 2 1C. Gravosl r,.lf.. 3 . 1 1 0 0Doran, lb _____ C 2. 0 8 0 aWhiUel, Bs___ 2 1 1 , 1 0 0ButKr, rf.____ 3 0 0 0Watson, 3b, ss 4 4 3 0. 1 u■Walters, cf.___ B* 3 3 0 0 0Christian, p..... 4 1, 1 •0 ■ 1 1

That tho govomthe^t o t tbo atoto of Idaho stands In need, ot radical .alterations along several linos Is tho belief of George B. Crum. Republican candldato 'for governor, who In a re­cent newspaper Interview expressed himself 08 follows: .

"To properly organize the business of tho state os efficiently and econom­ically os private business would bring immediate relief and be of lasting bone* fit to tho people. Con adyone give a valid reason why the. s tate should maintain duplicate educational doport- monts. nomely, s ta te superintendent of public inslnictlon ond commls* slonor of education. I t has boon doing tha t very thing for four yoare. No pri­vate concern would do thot. Wliy. then, should tho state? One depart­ment Is sufficient; The other should bo ollmLnated and save the taxpayers tho exponso.^f duplication.

“Is the game . departm ent being handled as it would be If I t ,wpro o private concern? A glanco at ^ h e r departments and commissions of the stato would reveal tho somo condition. If the business of tho s ta te ot Idoho wore handled "by a private -concern, would It retain all tho departmonta ond commlsslonH tho state now hoa? I t would jiot, unless they wero of real service and benefit to jho people.

“I cannot distinguish any difference In p rindple In private u ad pujbllc boslness, ond there should bo none In tbo method of transaction- Tbo great need of Idaho today la to transact tho business of tho state as ocoDomlcally ond offlciently os private buslnesa. To accomplish that would bo achieve­ment worth while and of pormanent benefit to all tho pcoplo^of tho stote."

DO YOU KNOWthat tbo Pacific Wall Paper and Kal- somlno Cleahers cleoti old work llko now? Ask your nelghborB, or glvo us a coll. Demonstration free. Tel. 291*W. Mr. Gordon— Adv.

. Secretory of state, rdpubllcon pri­mary ticket, vote for Chancoy Wallaco. —Adv.

Totals ______3C 12 11 • 27 • 4Sccrre by Innings

R. H. E.:S h o sh o n e__ SClQOOOOO-=4 S 4Twin Palls.__0 0 2 3 6 2 0 0 11 2

Summary Two-baao hits—Robinson, Pierce.

Base on bolls—Of fH art 4. Christian 1, Darling 3, Connor 1. Struck .out— By Christian 12, Darling 7, G am er 2. Hit by liltchod b o ll-B y Gornor IpUm- pire—WhltzoL

GREATER TIRE MILEAGE Frequent use of our Sunday, and

week-end ra tes will add m an y W le s to tho life of your autQ tires. It makes a nlco change; too. Ask about onr chdap excursions. Agent, O. 8 .R. R. Co.«^AdT. .

B u r la p S a c k s4 A special salesmaji for

burlap is located in Twin Falls, Idaho, and will take orders here and anywhere in the s ta t^ for barlap ■goods, 3uch as grain, pota­to, wool a. d alfalfa-bags.

I wjll gladl;^ call, show sainpl^ and qnot^ prices. Prefer to sell only local dealers in car lots^ Buy early. . ‘

Ont o^ town orders giv­en prompt* and careful a t­tention.


H. W. Hochbaum, stato-county agent leader. Is visiting tho T w ia Falls dis- tricC this being h ^ regular trip. He has been ‘I n the o ther sections of tbo state and is a t this tlmo planning the fall and w inter work. Ho seomed well satisfied with conditions and Is pleased with the progress of the wopc of the various county agents throughout the stato.

Don't. W aste Another Day.When you are worried by backadia;By lameness and orinary diao^

dsrs—Don’t experim ent with an sn tiiad

medicine.• Do aa Twin FaUa people a i» dolas.

Use Doan’s Kidney Pills.Read this Kimbwly raaldant'a « -

-perirace:R, Tews, farmer, Kimberly, Xdake,

says: **I had lam enesa.ln my back, brooghton by OTer-work. Doan*a Kid- Bey Pill* *cted on my ayatem almost a t once. A fter I took tham. I had tree use of m y baek and It w aj lost as strong aa ever. one atmintBg their babk coo ldn t do batter thaa f i r e Doan’s Kidney Pllla a tali^trlaL**• Price 50c, a t all daalew. Don’t simply ask' fo r a kidney r e m e d r - s t t Doan's Kidney PlUa—th a same that Mr. Tews bad. Foster-MUbtun Oo. Prooa.. Buffalrt N. T

FOR SALB—Jo8 prinUng. Try us oo a rash order. Serrlca and gnalltv are maktnc The Kewa Job department


Is the way a well-known Filer business 'man express­ed the action of his Max-

^ w e l l on his return from a trip to Salt L ^ e City.

From Filer to Salt Lake City in one day was the

record; and better th an twenty miles to the gcJlon'

. of gasolene.

The Maxwell is the Car of Economy

Johnson Auto SalesQCo.TWIN PALLS, IDAHO


FALL TERM B EaiN S TUESDAY, SEPT. 5 'Many students havo already onro'llod. Others aro enrolling eTory

day. Call, w^rite o r tolopbono and let us explain to you tbe many splendid opportunities a course In Link’s Buslnoss Collogo will bring to you. •

' POSITIONS GUARANTEED TO GRADUATESTho demand fcir young men bookkeepora and stenographers cannot

bo 'buppllod. Bccauso of tbo Improved business conditions sind the scarcity of young men, wo are unable to supply thQ demand for com-' potent young women. *Recontly a young' lady accepted a position a t ' an Initial salary j)f |C0 a month, another a t |70; and w ith in 'tho last ■woek wo have had^a.dozen callh wo could not fill."

Tbo dotnand upon us is Increasing and wo m ust have a t least four hundred young men and women begin their course with us September Dth In order to supply tho demand.


W. H . GOPPEDGE, M anagerPhone 1056J . 1016 Idaho S treet Solas, Idaho '

All t h e richC H t m e n in to w n k n e w w h e n y o u n g t h a t by R av ing a l i t t l e e a c h p a y d a y i t w ouM 8om e d a y b e a .b ig s u m .

The maA who is saTin^ gains the admiration and the interest of his ^jnployer. His employer wants him for a partner lind will help him to buy an interest in the busi- ne.sH,

P ut your money in the bank and be. ready for such an opportunity. ^

' BANK WITH ITS- We pay 4 per cent laterast on Savlags Aooou its . ,

F irM N a tio n a l B a n kSwin 3ellM, Sdaho

CRO ZIER T ra n s fe r Co.Handle baBO«fl« •!> trains

We crate, pack and etore houae* . hold geoda • -


i h d e p e n d k h tPAINT SHOP

2S3 Second A re. B. TeL 709^. Flratxlaaa Palntlna and Paper Hanging. New line Wall Paper.

M o n e yM o n e y

M oneyOsilBlted Ammut ta Laaa M .

dtypra»eftyalle« lalsmtrstB

Np Ctniiilftloi Gbiro«i'

LINDSEY & SMITHr a f a i u u r a . i i M .

Page 4: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,

' ' P A U .4 • ' TWIN F A L U MEWa.- TVflH F A I^ a , .IO |»H O >;TH U I»PA Y /A U O >M ,.lllt


AUG. 24 1916

T W IN ^F A L L S N E W SA Republlcaa Newspaper Printed a t tbe Goanty 8«at

of Twin Palls County

PublUhed Thurtdayg by t ieTwin F alls New<s PubllshingfCom pany

Twin Idaho.

Subacrlptlqn Rate*:One year, in advance-------------------------Six nonths, in advance - ^ ............Canada, ono year......................... .............Forolgn, ono year, .................. ...•..... ..


F jW crimes of recent years have been surrounded by so ranch of grim horror as is that of the mnrder of Professor

Hamill. iPsycbologists will find a Jfmitfnl field in ^he story^of the t^ o little ,waifs who, accordinp to their own statements, killed him.

Twin Falls courity jail has perhaps never housed two more pathetic • figures than the two Lovelace children. Apparently in thought, gesture and action each is but a child, with

. a chil^^s irresponsibflity and a c h ild k n o w l- edjjQ of right and wrong. Yet each is familiar with the handling, of guns, each onderstands the veirb to kill. The killing idea would, seem to be firmly implanted in each childish mind, yet both arc little more than babies. ,

Possibly an analysis of the parentj^e and onvironraent of the two will shed intwestmg light upon the development of their yrathful minds. Possibly when the count is al£in, the real crilhin&Iity can be'traced to c a n « apart altogether from the children theraselyes.' Per- ' haps society a t largo will have to bear a part of the burden for the death of Professor Hamill. .

And in the iheantime'there can bo no sadder sight .than that of these two wretched little human animals standing today npon the threshold of a new world, without in the least understanding w’hat it means to them—nnless it be (the spectacle of a man, In ,^ 1 1 the joy and beauty of man’s" inheritance, struck down in the full blush, of manhood, unnecessarily, wantonly and horribly.


Mr . AILSHIE fails to bettei' his posi­tion. A s k ^ specifii^ally as to just exactly who or v h a t constltote t te in­

terests to which he refers as m ^ in g ready

to Spring a t thp throat of Idaho via the heg;- islature and the Governor’s chair,-ie replies with further glittering genemlitieST • Aside altogether from the incident of the views of Ailsiiie, it would be interesting to hear from any source as to the personel of these “ interests.” The word itself has, been worn threadbare^ C hafes are bandiM back and forth and finally o f t side or the other is forced into a corner. Then “ the.interests” are cited as the real object of the attack, and

. ^ I 'i s quiet again. I t Is all e.TceedisgIy -silly, but it would bo interesting to find one man in all Idaho willing to got down to cases, so to speak. '

A t that, Mr. Ailshie'g remarks- were not one particle less to the point than those of Captain E. G. Davis, who some two weeks a ^ spun a yam with a wealth of infinite d e ta i^ about) a deputy in the State Game 'V^arden’s office who spent a number of days in promot-

ing a prize fight a t the State's expense. Pos- ' sftjiy the story Is true;-in fact, itisquitelikely

that it is, bnt if reform is the point aimed at, would it be any less likely of accomplishment. be,causo of a proper assembling of facts, in­cluding' the name of the principal actort


W ILSON has a fobman worthy of his best steel in the coming campaign. From present indications, Mr. Hughes

does not propose to do any fancy maneuvering on the. political battleground. His weapons are Cold logic, incisive diction and indisputable facts, from whic^tK^ greatest “ word mixer” in the world can not escape unscathed..■ The American people are well able, to dis­

tinguish between fancy rhetoric and nnpol- lished common sense, and i t will not take .them long to discover tha t Wilson is on tite d<‘- fenaive, with nothing jii the world to save him

. e:?cept the thin and fragile Mmor of eloca- tionory a r t


Th e undoubted success of the m\y>icjpal bathing beach- a t Bulfi has^ brought ^ e attention-of many Falls peo­

ple to the need of a similar 5 0 0 I in this city. .While i t is too la te ,to do imything for this season, i t is not too early'to begin ^vihg the.

matter ponsideration, mid preparing definite' plans for next sumn:wr. •

e C R O S S W O M E N • M E ET T O SE W FO R



All Will Be Filled TonlQht .rVjr3i». Ucefui Articlea for Boys In

Cam])—Work Waa - Delayed

A n u m b erj# women <>f tho uewly-organi«d Be«l Cross ro ciety met Tuesday nftorno6n at the home of Mrs. P. W. Mr- Roberta to fin>«€3ftflUting tho 105 kits w hidr the?" started two weeks «go « a meeting in the Parish bouse.

Tho kJtB were flnlntaed by tbo women Vt'odDCflday and they arc planning to meet n^nln Thifraday cvcnlnR to fUl them. A fter nomo dlBCUsalon. tho women docldod to place I n ^ c b . k l t ono bath to«c). one woahclotta. a pack* 0^0 of gnni. a paper of nursery pina. a ^ rltln ;; tablet, envelopes and a Iqad p«ncll. They bad planned to send, tooth 'jxjwdcr and a few brnahea for any vbt> m ight b a re lost theirs, bot' thcfr fund was c iha«fted before they, roacbod the tooth-powder Item In the flat. They bad planaod al«o to e«Qd two bath towels to each boy. bQt found

, they were naablo to do so. and by cIliQlnatlnf; oao each a satlnjr of |17 was made, which enabled them to

Mach resro t was exprc^ed by the members of tho Rod Cross society

- o re r the delay experienced In ftettlns tho Jdtj off to the boys. This" delay was occasioned by dltflcnlty In Mctnv ixig the durer«st Item* necessary to tho maklBs or tbe Uta.

I t was sQ«satted a t tho meetlnc


Farniec. Bill P arkhurtt, Republican 'Candidate fo r 6U te An'iltor,

Csmpalgnlns Hera

Toesday th a t a le tte r b« plae«d Id each . Id t to cheer the boys'acd fonn a UtUe

direrxioa la (ha way o t a s s r ^ l f e for them . TWa plan will be carried out If th e woman find time to fpeod- Zo WTttln* th« lottars. Baifh woman wotiid h a ra to w rite so r« r« >Iett«n;

lM »r b i th*-BOQth a a a tter t wffl :: t e a a d a to a n d wem* caanad tn l ta

aod janiM to* tho beyli aad probahly ' a aapply o f Twin FaHa hooay.

N^oililtArKR TIRB. MiLCAOEriraoMAt «a« of oor Sonday ___

w a fc^ e d -rata*: w in a«d many milaa te th a lU a o tT o a ra a te t t ra a . U m akaa

. « .sloa «te8«a, to a iUk. ahoat o v d M 0 9 w eandooa. A fast. O. 8 ; 'U

M L B . O a —.AdV.

■W. 8 . Parkhurat, Republican condl- date for Btato auditor, spent a day o r two In town this week In tho In- torcBts.of h lr ' candidacy.' Ho reporCs th e outlook as oxcollcnt, basing .fiis tIcw b on tho roB^lts of his own .;anTas8 and upon tho aow spapcr

o ther reporta which rcach<-.hlm. In conversation yesterday bo made

th e following atatczaost:"1 ought to bo 'well quollflod for

th is office or any other Job which rc- QulroB a knowledgro of Idaho and her rclsourcOB. l' am a practical farmer

4 - - V

V?. 8 . PARKHTJR8Tand I have been o re r the whole a u ta a t rartona times d n ils r th e past year o r so. I believe my record wtH bear aa -« « c when 1 say that m r Idaa o t a deOalta policy can he >nmiD«d,np In th e one sentence—a square deal for -wpr a^B." , .

Those .who lci{oic'Ur- Parkhurat card h ^ aa'«ze*ptionaUy w»U ooaU* fled ta r the poslUon of a ta ta aadltor, and his frlaoda h a w Utde doubt aa to tha ootcome oc althar prlm iry o r «lae. Uon,


Prlnta. SKxSH. U ;4e; S^xSH and 4xt. C«. f1o«>

« r Toco Bflop, T w m Pafla. Maho.—A dr,


Idaho Palla, Id a fo ,‘sep t, 4-5-6-7-8, 1918

Thousands o t cowbpws, cowgirls, In* dlans. hlgti'dlTlng horsGB and bad oncB. Biggest of Its kind In the world, and It'belongs to Idaho.—^Adr.


|t On TueBday o t this wook,*.4. through the ogoncy of tho Boylo « company, I. R. Dorrow of Dor- <. row Sroa. Seed company, s lo p e d •; out tho first apuda to Jeovo^Twln <• F a ll i thla reason. . .• . Mr. Dorrow was paid a record .• prtco of 11.15 P « hundred, tbo •• best prlco offered a t digging• timo fo r ;naay yoais. Tbo t«*• bers w ere clean and smooth and » comparo favorably with any ot , tho Texas product which may bo• on tho tnorket ^ th is time.

? -l- H - t- •l- H -4- *M-f l -l' -H ' M- ■1- 1-H - -l- i- H - ;i M(88 B. WOLFE

>' ' 9. » ,Tr.T.iTii*Tr-Ttrf-nf- rTI* i i“ 1 i * A * i *• “

Candidate fo r County Superintendent of School*. Republican Ticket

To Whom I t May C oacera :' I havo known Sflss Crltomart Wolfo for tbo las t cloven years, and sho.haa taught thrco yoaiB in thn Twin Sta.lls schools. Whilo I w v • :insinbcr of tho School 9 '.'f* ro 'f tho Twin Falls city echoolB eho wds oco of our tcachors and was always up to* tbo times in her methods. From a very close aequalot- once with Miss Wolfe, and her meth­ods ot teaching, I would unhosltatu logly say th a t sbo would make one ot tbo best School ' Supfirlntcndents tha t Twin Falls County has o re r had.

She la well qnallfled to l^old the poBition ot Snporlatendent, 'a s sho holds a . l i f e diploma In’tho S tate of Idaho. ‘

Adv.— ' C. X>. THOMAS.

Wienyoii Want SomelhiiiK Particnlaiy Nice-r-

Y oa can always upon K C not to. The double rai$e makes

doutly certain—nothing U left to "luck.*' If the batter is a M t thin. K C will raise it Egbt a ^ (eatheiy and it wiU be all the belter. Jami^ the stove or tuping ^'e pan around makes 0 0 difFer- ence—K C sm ialro ih e raise tmtil baked.

___1 When there's a bididay or wedding cake■ 10 bake, or refreshment for reception or parly

to provide> take no'chances—

l / a e K C

Wednesday ' ) aA u g u s t j U

Seat Sale Sfiow Day a t Skeds-Wiley Dnig Store


Twin Tails

ELECTION NOTICE Tho a n a u ^ election o t Indopoiidont

School D istrict No. 1 will bo held at tho high school building. In Twin Falls on tho fifth day of September, 1910, to r tho oloctlon of two trustees to take tho place of H. W. WlUon and O. S. Bryant, whoso term s expire.' Polls j^'lll open a t ono o'clock and

close a t five o’clock P. M.Adv.— 0. R BRYANT, Clerk.













12 oilWOALOSU CKAMPIOM 1 «ioePs ■


THEOHLYBABTS E E ! ELEPHANTBred and Born in Captivitj



BORN IN DENVER, A PRIL 1 5 . 1 91<------------------- E T Z B T .



D o o ra O p e n a n H o u r E a r l ie r


P. P. BRACKEN President

DR. C. R. SCOTT Vice FresldsDt


CAPITAL $ 50,000Inlered PaU m TlmaOfpnlU

L e t u s jp a K e ;ou r

F a r m L o a n

AOVb RTISED LETTERSle tu ra raaaln la* no.

H. N.; Champlia.

Hobson, R. No. J ; Hanna, Mr. Bar* Hopple, P . B.; Jooei. Mr. L. C.:Mr. Qoorto A .r KnJfhtan. O w K lrta. Mra. a U 2 « »d Laashlln. E lm ar; Moore, Mr. VW" McEwln*. Mra.; McBHdo. B fa i* ; ' 'V , P..W .; Eaale7» T. C.: Book. V

’erooJea; ftoberta, Mr. J. W.

FOR S A L B -^ob pHntln*. W ' OQ a r a a h o r d a r . B e r r lc a a n d .^

aaW a* T&# Noira job tM una. Twin TtUB

Page 5: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,




Pathetic F e a tu m of Terrible Oocui r«nc« Make Crime One of Mott

Unique In the HIvtery of the We*t

. i :

(CooUnuQd from pago odo.)trere found by close'sevchlag, sbo' tb a t ho toolo short atops, prol moTlDg cautlouBly toward thorn. - to ld . ttaom ho was bnngrr. dad th older boy agreed to take him soiai thing to oat. 'While Lynn, tbo yoonr* hoy. waa to keep HamlU covered v tho gun, which waa .Hamlll'fl, a 3i W incbester repeater, ftradod w{tb s< Doaed. buIlQta. Harold, tho older, Toneed cautioaslr and as be'oxteni

' th e food HamlU aeUod him. Ly th e younger boy, stood wftbta «1* o t him. with the gun pointed fowaj him. Stooping low behUid tho'oldi boy, Harold, whom ho graaped by *’ Bboulders, HamlU told I,.yna to dJ tbo guru -------Calla to BOy to Shoot'•Shoot blnW" ordered Harold.

I don 't wAQtVo shoot him," repi tho vQunggr-l^ . _‘‘8hoot him!" manded tho didSTbo^e^alo, end not bijg enough to bold tbe gun to aboulder, pulled tho trigger. The hi Io.t /passed through« Harold’s h sleeve, grazing the skin and s.. Hamill In th o 'rlg b t oyo- Accordlni to tbo statem ent ol tho boys. HamlT foil upon Harold, who, with HamlU* life blodd dyeing hla clothlnr crawled out from imdor Uie dead

• finished packing their • supplies -drove away with the dead i horse, wagon, provisions, pocketbool and tho rifle with which they h'oi sbot him.

eherlff Kendall's StoryTho story of their Jourooy is told

moro-graphically by tbo orflcors who trailed them. “Had any man told me." •aald Sheriff Kendall,.^tbat two smaU boys with a horse llgbt wagon had ever taken such a trip, I would' have called him tbo biggest llax in th e stato of Idahb. No sano man would ever attem pt or think It pos- Blble to make such a trip. .Wo know w h a t,it was, for wo were over every atop of tbo bard p a r t Milos and mllea wo went unUpwo lost our bear. iDgs, and somo. of the time wo did not know In which direction wo '^oro going. Onr oyes wore on the -wagon

'■The boys had iS l^ lie main road soon after leaving. EomlU's place and cu t a c rtss the ravr sagebrosh. They drove down Into two- canyons which

• w ere somo 400 loot deep oadi; They went righ t down the side, without road or trail. One canyon sido was so steej> it muitt have bad an anglo-'ot about 46 dogroes. I wouldn't w ant to ride horseback down It or oven lead a horse, for fear ho would tall upon mo. Their wagon bad tipped over. Now, If a man bad such an tfccldcnt. no would try to right the wagon by main force. Tbo boys, of course, were AOt big enough to do such a thing, but to show you tho almost incon- cotTablo ingenuity of tbo little fellowtf, r i l tell you what they did. They took tho ropo they had with them, which was Hamill'a clothesline, tied ono rind to a lower wheel, brought it up over a big rock and Ued It to tho borso'a homoss and mado iho borso righ t tho wagon. drove on.

Make CnlyVHer Stop*"Tho boys ’wenti for m iles 'and

miles, about 27. over this kind of a trail, then doubled back, and wo lost th e ir trail finally w horejt waa oblit- eratcd by many othMr tfacks after they found a road. Later, we found whore they had stopped along tho way, built fires and eaten some of

- tho ciumed goods tbey had taken from Hamlll’s cabin. Altogether. I think I am safo in saying, they traveled some 120 miles'. They wero clad only In shoes, burst out with ihclr toes sticking through, ragged, patched over*

■ alls, shlrU In a similar condWon, ragged coats and battored bats. Thoy

• had no stockings. The nights have been very chilly recently and tbo lUtlo lads, w ithout bedding and sleeping tn tho sagebniBh, must have nearly froitm.

••They stopped a t Ilogorson ana m an fixed the harness for them, xhlch was not straight on tho b o rso r but when wo stopped there to Inquire la ter wo could find no one who had Boen tbo vohlclo. Of conrso. all this time wo wero not looking for the boys. 'B u t after following tha t ter­rible trail, wo thought perhaps we were on tho trail of an insane man. Wo wore trailing tbe wagoa and horse and did not know who tho driver was. Wo finally lost tho trail entirely.”

Tried to Sell GunsIn the meantime the hors had passed

n ea r o l lf s te r and gOB<l o n to Buhl. rro tfi there tbey went on to Ows1e;n

ferry, where thoy expected to cross Snako river on their .way to

QEO. W. LEWia IP rim ary Candidate on the Republican ■ Ticket.

AiTltlns ot Iha to n r. ,money, so c q a ld jo t cross. Thoy tried to sell somo of tholf arsM al, bnt no ono woQld buy. They tried to sell t to horse, but everyone who was accostca

ingly told- thj> boys -they ought' to take their father's horse and wagon

back before tho sheriff caught thorn.Prbm Owsley's ferry thoy tarned

Iftick- toward Buhl, and as- they stopped a t the roadride. ab w t four m fles tho other side of Bnbl. they wore' recognised and erenta/UIy takon Into, custody. ^

They do not seem-to oaormity of tbelr crime or that they hav® 'com m itted any r« « 5 **.11. When BherlttInto t n . ta t l tn b «t O u .co n rtlo M e » U MoniUlr m om lnt lh«T Uni[b»a^>»4 lu d • Morions. time, Dko chfldrea—

o ter th« body of Mr.

aboQ t. 2 o'clock T u o ^ y ofti until about 3 o’clock Thursday after­noon, when It was discovered by* Mr. Vance, who stopped to ask Mr. Hamll]If ho had scon anything of some stray Bheep. .

Victim Highly .Reaoected .Tho toatlmony of tho nolcbbors who

knew M r .Hatnlll slew ed him to t o n m an o t high cbara«6r,ond a-aplendia citizen. Ho was m arried Christmas tlmo luid le tte rs from his wife, who has boon visiting with h er people in Oakes, N. I>., teetlfled to thoIr devo­tion to each othor. I»rofes8or Hamill was a Mason and a number of tele­grams were recolred bora from Masoos in Carson, Nev..' andyfrom LIgonior, Po.. whore hla fa ther l)\es. He taught m anual training In Carson during tho B c b o o l year, where he was also vice- principal, and was spending hl& sum­m ers on his homestead, some 17 miles south of. HoMrson.-' H o; had a nice piacb, ono o f th e best and m ost pros­perous looking In tha t section, and was preparing it. apparently, for the sum mer homo of himself and his bride. In bis pocketbook. which the bo/s had, was found his return ticket -to Carson. Ho oxpeclcd t o re turn there witMn the next week o r two.

XBb forlorn nppoaranco of tho lads, who now llo In jail aw aiting tbelr, trial on tbo charge of murder, has aroused .great pity throughout tho community.

Children Stole Freely Their mothor, Mrs. Pennywell. left

them is charge of thoir Btepfatber hbout a month ago and It Is thought sbo Is somewhere in th e state, possl- •bly in Boise.' About two weeks ago theJr stepfa ther loft them In charge o t Mrs. Tolman, la tho“ Antelope Sprlngs-TJommunlty, and loft, pro- sum ably/for somo place In Colorado. N eJtifc /haB yet been located. Tbo boys oumU having been doing petty stealing for tho past three years. Mrs. Tolman. unable to control them, final. ly told them she would b a re to report them to tho sheriff If they did not quit stealing.

Their m other has been^twlco mar­ried slnco sho m arried their father, Eugene Lovelace, bu t whether he Is dead or alive tbe boys do not know. Her second husband - was Deemas TrSpp of LowtBtOD. SbQ m arried Pen­ny well In La Onmdo. .Ore., somo two or th ree years ago. Tho boys state tha t their stepfather did oiot llko to have them steal, that ho always pun­ished them when ho kno^ thoy hod been stealing and made thorn return the stolen things whon bo discovered any, but tha t otberwJao bo was good to them- They attended school in Twin Falls last year and were known as tho Pennywell boys.

Leoal Polnta obscure Tho tender ago of tho children

makes tho handling of tho m atter a m ost difficult one. Tho daio has not yet boon sot for their preliminary trial In tho probate court, aa Judges and lawyers aro making a careful study of tbo legal points covorlng such ra re cases.

In the meantime tho boys, appear to bo as bappy and carotroo as any other children of their ago, apparently not realltlng In any degree the enor­m ity of tho crime they havo com­mitted. They play about tho Juvenile ward a t the county jail In perfect contentm ent .Tuesday Sheriff Ken­dall and rrobatlon .Officer Ormsby purchased complete bead-to-foot out­fits of clothing for the boys, who showed much delight whon thoy ex­changed tbelr tattered garments for tho new clothing.

Tuesday the officers -received * re­ply from tho boys’ grandfather. In Oregon, In response to a query they sent him. in which ho sU ted that he knew absolutely nothing of the where­abouts of th e boys' mothor. They also learned th a t 'th e boys’ stepfather, Pennywell. h ad gone to UoBttfka to search for wfirk, and th a t when he left ho rode to Rogerson v lth MT- Hamill. who. soon afte r Ponnywell's departure, waa murdered by the t t e ^

Tried to Ford Snake River A n o tter iB th* s tn B t* B

Candidate for Sheriff, Republican Primary

OLIVER P. DUVALLAn n o 6 n c e m e n t

I will be a candidate for the office of Probate Judgo on tho Republican tick et subject to primary election. (Adv.) O.-P. DUVALL.

t -H - M * 1


bollevo I am thoroughly conversant with the needs of tho county.. If elect­ed. I promise to devote my best ef­forts to tho work In hand nod to this end I earnestly solicit your vote and support



—Photo by F Jow bo . ALAN P. SENIOR

l^aiof Twin -Falls. Candidate for the ‘ Nomination of County Commls-

' aloner on Republican Ticket .ANNOUNCEMENT

I wish to announce my candidacy for the nomlnatldn for commissioner ot Twin Palls county, subject to the action of tho Republican primary, to be hera-on S ep t 6, 191C.


Congressman McCracken, C a n d id ^ for Renomlnatlon. He Has Been a

Faithful Servant of the People

Caadldata fo r Sheriff on th e Reputv llean T lcka^ Subject to the

PriiM ry. •

FRED E. DRAKE Filer, Republican Candidate, prim aries

v-I desire' to announce my candidacy for coronef on .the Repnbllcan- t ic k e t My oxperiohco renders mo well equipped for tho position, and if elect­ed I expect to ^v o my best attention to the duties of. tbe position. •


A. P. TRUESOALE Of Twin Fal/s^ Prlm»ry Candidate on

the Republican Ticket To the Voters o t Twin Falls Cunty:

I am a candldato for sheriff on the Ropobllcan tick et and I am pledged to any ring or political boss. I am free' to till that otflco and. en- foroo the laws which come under that office under promise to no ono Is aaj* ahaptt-or form. I am a firm believer o t th* «atoreement of the prohibition ' ra. and U 1 should bo nominated _ delected, wlll.cnforco the Uw upon a ll offenders, regardless of friend or to«. political o r social standing. £very one m ost obey the law. ■

t rw p«etfally soUdt yoor support A dT .» A. P. TROBSDALE.

L. L FOLSOMRepublican C andidate forSTATE AUDITOR


I am a candidate tor assessor on the Republican ticket a t the primariea. September 5th. W ith my past expert- enoe In assessing-and equalising proj>- erty values throughont tho county, 1 feel myself competent and quallfled for the position, and If nominated and elMted. I will perform th e datlea o t aseessor to the beat ot-m y knowled»e and abUlty.

I eam esly solicit your support Very rospoctfully.


—Photo by Flower.,. P rimary Candidate for the Republk Nomination of.County Cor


■H " i r n 1 1 'I

I !

L O G A NP i a t i o T u n e r

. T * Ia p h o i i« 5 6 0

Q H I C H E ^ , . b y ‘riower... C«aAd«t« for tb* R^tii>nean NomIr

m tlen of ReprM enutIv*

w i » g ro g A N Q ft-jteh p rlath i c _ ^ a c M T .' 0 « r work la Mks j a e r m m t f

Page 6: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,



O H A S a E

E. B .,.W »ltam i-'H a«’ Mad© F«mo ■ H i l a r y Known Throughout th»

We»t—Doo™ FintvOpened 'In Nov«mb«r, 1905

W i t h the papers all ready f< s ig n a tu r e , i t is probable t h a t bi fore the end of the week, thi Perrine hotel will be leased ' the new ' h o ld in g company E . B, 'W ill ia ip s , the pioneer h< tel m an / I f the deal is closed, Mr. ■W illiamB will faike cbaru<

• September 1 and will immedi­ately proccedsvith the remodel­ing of certain parts of the build- ing, preparatorj' to reopeninf the dining room. Tlie manar* ment of the hotel will not, for

, while a t least, interfere wi'th| Mr. 'WilIiamBf connection with the Idaho theatre.

E. B. WlUlamB camo through the Twla Fail*, country fJrat In 187&, by ■tugo.froin K«11oq to BofBe. oa MSi

' t i n t trip w«8t The id!qob 'In the' Holley country wore big producora at th a t time and tho yoons oaatcmor Io< ca ted -la Ketehnn. then & prosperouB

' znlnlos town. TwoIto yoors of the' time spent In Kotchum Mr. Williams wiu.-poatQiaster.

The opening of tho Twin Falls proj­ect brought tho Wllllama family to Twin Falla. Mr. Williams oponod thoi flrat drug atore, aelllng latcr to C. " Bedford, la order to prove up ob^m farm land owned by him near town.

Daring the two ycara fononrlag U r. Wllllama w a^reproaentatlve-for the^ atate land board, and At the sam e Umo bo osBlated In openlngHho Perrine, the fnraltare for which woa unpaclced ear. ly In Novembor. 1905. With tho ex­ception of eight months. Mr. Wllllcuna baa been connected with the m on^e* m ent of the hotel coDtinUDoaly since th a t time, nearly 11 years ago.

Iflver Trouble.*7 am bothered wIth''Uver trottblo

abont twice a year,” wrltea Joo Ding- man. W obo^r City, Iowa. "I have palna In 'tny aide and back and an awfol aorenoBB In m y atomacK r| ■heard of Cbambertata'*- Tablets u d tried them. By thaittm e I bad tiied b a it a bottle of them I waa feeling tine and had so algna of pain.** Ob> talaable ^erywber*.—Adv.


Republican T icket, P rim a ry . Septem- b« r 6. 1916

ABTHUB X. SWIM opposes oounty division. Advocates set- tletaent of Salmon river cbntro- versy on baaiis favorable to set­tlers.—Adv.


037-acetylene weldlns. A T e.W g«t TeL7».

CITY P H A R M A C Y -^^W e do derelopfnc and printing; order* aolicltod.'


Thureday, Friday; Saturday and Saturday Matinee

ia li PeleAnd His Trained Bear.


Princess Blue Fealher

CtTBA DBCHON A BoauUful Act. BntlUed “The

Lonely Outpost of a Dying Race"

Tho P rinccu, a descendant of the groat Axtec King, and the only' woman doing th 6 ge&nlne W ar. Doll and Tom Tom Daoces.


Hearts anii SparksA Triangle Keystone Gloom


Geld and GlitterD um a.

He Got Stung- Comedy.

PropamB of P le a ^ g Variety.. Always Tour M'oney'a W orth.


easey at tlie BatI “An adaptation tro m 'th e famona

.SaaabaU Poem—a 6^wrt Trlon- gto ^ I n a A ft» ProdectSon. ta*>

D fe ^ o lf ’ Hopper-A O o ^ n ^ .D naa> ot

Bonv—To Mr. and Mrs. Percy D. Kingsbury, Auguat 24, a daughter.

Born.—A aon, to Mr. and Mra. Bo^ nlo Holman, a t Rock Crook, Saturday, August 19.

Mr. and M n. A. H. U ttlo and daugh­ters, Orma and Lola, of Sioux City, Iowa, oro vlaltlng. here, tho gueatfl of Mra. LltUe'a brother, C. D. Grlgga.

J .'w . Bvana of Green River, Wyo., apent an hour o r:tw o In Twin Falla with bia brother>!n<law, W .. A. Mln- tic k . U r. Shrans is en ro n t^ to V a le , Ore., »Ia auto. ^ •

Mlaa H arriet PettUohn, wbo haa spent the ■ummer in Twin FiaUs and with her parents, U r. and U rs. D. B. PettUohn, a t Kimberly, left th is week for Daveoport, Wash., where she ■Will resume her position as teacher.

PERSONALS At a fo o tin g of several former llll* nola resldenta, hold a t tho Commer>j clal club rooms Wednesday evening, an Illinois association won formed. S. H. Kaylor was olectod. president and H arry S. Cowling aocreiary.

It waa decided to bold a basket picnic Thursday nodb, September 23. In tho city pork In Twin n a ia . with an invitation to alt former Illinois roaldenta to attend- Those th a t re­sided In Illinois one year are eligible to become members of the aaaoda^ tlOD. I t is hoped tha t all residing in TvlQ Falla county and tha t formerly lived In Illinola will attend this plc>

^ l o and get acquainted. The secro- > ,ry will have a reglater and would like th e nanioa of all m icoisani..


Candidate for the nomination of coun­ty treasurer and tax collector en the RepuMlean ticket.


2 l 4 i 4 e t ^ e W— •

. —Photo by. Flowen • S .P . A T H E im N •

'h w Condidirta en the • Repobllcan Ttoket O^Foeed t» Ceuaty W s l e e


c u t Down Salmon. Acreage-^Nearly 14,000 acres o t land will be automatic­ally cu t off from the ocreage of the Salmon Rlvor project through the or­der of the s ta te land board, .mode last week, providing for tho cancellation of filings where no Improvements or proofs have been mado.

Cure fo r Cholera Morbus ‘'When our little boy, now seven

yeain old, was a baby he .was cured of cholera morbus b r Chomberlaln’a Colic, Choleni and D^atrhoea Remedy,"

Ijerltes UraT Sidney Slmmlns, F air Haven, N. T . ' ‘'Since then o ther mem* bers of my family have used th is vnl* uable medicine fo r collo and bowel troubles with good satlsfaotoo, and 1 gladly endorse i t as a remedy o t ox* ceptlonai merlL” Obtainable every­where.—Adv.

of the Johnson Auto Sales . . matte a trip to Boise Sunday, to de­liver a Hudson Super-Six, sold by a snbagent there.

Boy a t Joslyn'e.—Tho atork brought, a bouncing baby boy to the home of I I. E .' JoBlyn Sunday afternoon.

SWEELEY A SW EELEYr-Attomeys ' a t Law. Proctioe in All Courts.

Twin Falls, Idaho.


S P A G H E T T I36 Rre^ Book frte


T€ th e L adies o f\

I T is with a great deal of piide and satisfaction that we are ^ l e to announce the new fall goods—dre^es, suits, groats and all lines that are fast nearing comple-

tioh. Mr. Booths trip east was most ^tisfactory and the results are being shown in added attractions arriving eac|j day. You will be able to select your dresses, coats and suits from the best makers of Am erica and at reasonable p ric« on the present market. O ur reputation for the latest styles will be^maintained> O ur stock has Been se­lected with great care. Serge dresses and silk dresses are ^ e a d y here—more coats t h ^ were ever in our store before and the prettiest suits in years are arrivihg now. New silks and dress goods are ready for your inspection and millineiy and shoes are certainly interesting. G im e in and see the new things. • i

B o o th M e rc Co.

» , H. H A V S-^A U ornw U I«w , M lf c C ity NaUonal Bank Bnlldins. Boise,Idaho. : ____________ ________

lUQH F. SMITH—A ttorney a t Law. General and Land Office practice. 130 Shoshone S treet, T w in Falls, Idaho.

j . H. WISE—Lawyer. Fully organlied ' OoUectlon Department. OfficejS,.

rooms 6 and 7 over Twin Faila Bank . 0c T ru s t Co., Twin Falls, Idaho.

E. M. WOLFE—Lawyer. Rooms S and 6, over Idah)» (Department Store, and 6 , over Idaho D epartm ent Store, Twin Falls, Idaho.

tlce in all courts. Room 14 F irst National Bank BIdg., Tw in Falls, Idaho. Otfioo phone SO; Res., S59-w.

NORTH AND STEPHAN—Attorneys a t law. o m e e . Bank * T m at Bldg.. Twin Falls, Idaho. Phone i t .

OROSSIMAN A ^MES—Funeral direc­tors and Uottued embalmers. All calls responded to prpmpUy day or D ith t Lady assistan t. Large mod- «m ohapeL P rivate am bulasee. B rliee Bldg^ 126>130 Second St.^ B- Phone: Office 110; Res. o r li02. Twin Falls, Idaho.

THE CROSBY CO.—Charles J . Crosby. Lady attendant. Funeral Director, Graduate and Licensed Bmbalmer. Colls promptly attended, day or night. P rivate ambulance. Phonos 103, 385-black. 119 Second iavenuo west.


DR. EMMA C. CROSSLAND—Osteo­path. UcCormlck Bldg. Phone 13&-. Residence 222 Sixth avenue e a s t Phone 232. '

DentistsDR. D. BROWN-LEWERS, liCOntlato

of Pennaylvanla. Varney Building, Twin Falls. Phone 109.

M. L. AND ALICE C. HAVILAND— Cblropmctors. Rooms 8 and 9 Me* Comtek Block. Phono CfiO.

DRS. ATHERTON A. ATHERTON— Practitioner* of Chiropractic and sanitarium treatm ents. Chronic dis-

10 296. Offlco e a s t

cases a apecla iy r-^h o n e 220 Fourlh.BWBtte e a a t

AccountantJ . H. RADCLIFFE—E xpert aocount-

Ant, auultor and ayatematlaer. Room i Power Building; Twin Falla, Idaho.


• TWIN PALLS LODGE No. 23, L 0 .0 . P.

InaUtuted 1905. U eeta every Thurs­day evening a t 7:30. Vlslting'brolhera always welcome. A. A. Carlson, N. 0-; O. D. Lyda. V. O.; a J . Crosby. Roc. Sec.; & a. HcAnley, F in . Sec.:I. E. Flniley. T reas.; tm atees, S. u. McAnley, H arry Dlnkelackor, 0 . W . ' Daugherty.

Twin Falls Homestead No. 1114e . OF A. Y.

Meets second and fourth SVldaxs of each m onth a t U oose balL VUitlns archers are welcome.

H. L. LOCKLIN. Forem an.B. N. RSNDAHL^-Correspondent.


Meets aecond and fOorth Thnrsdaya In Moose hall. Phone 3S9-J.

H. C. SCRANTON, ConsuL _______ PAUL SM T H . Clerk.



_ C o d ers and UetropoUtaa European Plan. R ataa | I to |S 40 per

~ Bboehoaa 0cDay. U a ta ATit. isad E

Page 7: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,

I L oca l B rie fsH ere From North D ak o U ^T . W.

' Orlflsxu& o r FOBMnden, N. Dn is Tie* lUug hlB daughter, Mrs. E ..J . PlflJSh, <!f Twin PallB.

. Morris Buy* C tiw A . T, Mtfitis. who ll7e» on Twin Falla, rural route No. 1, haa roecntly parchosod a -Saxon Six

■ tourtng car.

Caller From Burloy>~0. Gano, clU* • *en of Burley, was a. caller a t the

county Beat of Twin Palls county, haV. Ing come on buskcss.

Deputy Back o ? J A .- -W . Q. Thomp­son. accompanied by hla family, is back from a l<May vacatlfin trip, which bo spent In Central Idaho.

Autoed to Hagerman.>-B. J. Flncb, county clerk, and family took on auto drlvo to Hftgorman Sunday. They re­port haying had a very cnjoyoWo time.

E. J . FJeUted a t F a lr^ u p c r la tc n d - . ,ont E . J. Pjclstod was called to Rex- . burs, Idaho, this wook, where ho acted

as Judge a t the fa ir tbcro. Ho was a Judse of livestock.

. ItJInol* Ataoelatlop Meeting.—An as*■ BocIatJon of people from'^illinols m et at

the office o f tbo Commercial club Wefinesday night. Plans for future celebrations were made.'

Smith Opens Realty O fflce.-^oorge" U. Smith of the Twin B ^ ls trac t has bpeoed a ^ l ostato office a t 223 Sho- Bhono s tn d t south- He will make a

■ specialty of aelllng forma and Irrigated Iand«.-

-■ King’* Daushtera Buiy.-.Thi»4aqg»« Daughters circle will ^ y o s a x A ti

.toad Bale Saturday. August 26 a t CIob* book store. Proceeds |are to be «aed for charitable purposes. Everybody help the girls. -

Two LicenBea August 1 7 ^ A mar* rlage license was lasued to FVank Va* der of Hagerman and Katie A. Smith of Portland, Ore. The somo day Jam es Qellathy u id W. T ate of Kim­berly, were given a license.

False Cheek Artists.—A number of bogus checks wero circulated by strangers in Twin Foils tbo past week and as usual fousd victims. Tho ao o w o n supposed to bo in. Twin Spring; but no clue as to jb e lr whcrca>oui was found. - _

TWIN If a l l s N B W t: t w i n f a l l s ,

V # ''^ H 0 'r o G R A P H 6 t h a t W ill

^ d e l ig h t you— t h a t ’s j u s t t h e k in d w e a rc m a k in g e v e ry day— t h e t i me .

T h e B isb e e St u d io

Nine to R upert—Twin Falls’ ylc* torlous boll team will play against the Rupert baseball nine Sunday a t that place,^

Offlcla'i'a Brief VTstt^D epaty Pure E^ood Commissioner Elrod i ^ e ' a brief visit to Twin F ^ s this week on official business.

^ T o Hear Prqtest**—There vUl' be a called meeting of the city councU on teonday evening, AuguBfaS, ^ h e a r protests OQ the Senlor-Elm^Park' S w e r

cteoiltffir------..-.-•••.-....-i-.-.v.N .....J

Tennis Tournament On.—A tennis tournament of those interested in that' sport in Boulhem Idoho-ls being held here this week. It will be concluded next Sunday.

Qarbett Bound Over.—Willlam M. Oarbett, • aocuBOd of tho illegal sole of llQUor, was ^ v e n o preliminary hearing this week and bound over to tho district court.

Telephone Officials V isit—A party of telepbono officials wero In Twin Falls the early part o f tho week. They wore:. W. P. Colad, Denver: Waldo Cockrell and Phil Breer. Salt Loke: J. A. Kincaid, Pocatello, and B. V. Miller, also of Pocatello. They were on company business.

Band Copcert Sunday.—A delightful concert was given by tho city band Sunday afternoon in the park. Tho date was changed from Thursday night on account of tho extremely chilly weather. • Hereafter It is probable that band coacerts wilt bo hold Sunday. '

New Ford Chshges.—Four carloads of Fords arc due In Twin F oIIb about tho first o f September, *\>hlch.win have, according to Qeorge Easley, man­ager of tbo W estern Auto Co.. several now features. Among other things, tho 1917 model wilt have a standard streamline body, which will change its appeoranco entirely. »

Have Wonderful Outing.—W. J. Young and family and 0 . H. Laromor and daughter Zolma returned tho lat­te r part of tho week from a 10-daya* outing up In tho Wood River country, near Galena summit. Three days were spent near Worm SprlnsB. They re­port a Bplondld trip and a generally delightful outing.

No Council Meetlna.—Monday eve­ning, August 21, was tho timo for a regular m eeting of the city council, but os thero was only one lone coun­cilman in tho city a t th a t time. It was Impossible to bold tho meeting.

Leaves California for Idaho.—Thos. Baldwin, until recently a resident of Pomona. Cal., has boTight the old Bethuno place and moved to the Twin Falls trac t with his family, thcf proflont he Will moQco blR^oomo In town unUl ho can erect a lff ia^ on toe land which ho has purchased. Morris Kirkpatrick, his nephew, will also make his homo- hero. .

■I sunlalnaand III- Uog Ike syM >»• nn


Dr.HoberiA.Parro«, Expert Optometrist


Mechanical Engineer Arrlvea.-^!. E. 'Ekigwiorth and family have arrived from Ogdon. H e has accepted o po* sitlon as mochanlcal engineer with tbo B\igar company here<

' Sweeley a t Caldwell.—M. J . Swoe- ley addressed « party of picnickers a t Larson's grove, near Caldwell, on Wednesday. He wiU also visit Boise before rotuTBilng to Twin Falla.

Off for O uU ng^W . O. Smith took his family out to tho E. P. Hanson ranch for a sum mer outing Sunday. W; O. returned to work Monday, but the family will remain for a week,

Cogwell'*'' B rother V ls lts^P ercy Cogswell and family of Nebtaska mado a b rie f T lsU -to their broUior, Prank Cogswell, of FUer. The visitors drov« from Alliance, Neb.. In a Ford car.

Catches Large T ro u t—W ater Com­missioner Porter reports th a t tho flsh wore biting freely a t the Magic dam Sunday. Ho succeeded in-hooking a five-pound trout thero with a fly, us­ing a worth for bftlt.

Oakley Visitor*.—Tho following Oak­ley visitors wero In Twin Falls •this week, attPBctod hero by the tennis m eet which took placo Sunday. Mon- day, Tuesday and Wodnoaday. C. A. Bauer and wlfo, Lang Howard. C. C. Wilbur. R- C .'Davidson and wife ahd B- P. Howells and family.

Visits Former Home.—Mrs. George Bonder of O ntario .' Oro., 1b visiting her molher, Mrs. Mabol Horvoy., 3frs. Bender Is accompanied by her six- wccks-old daughter and tbo two will probably remain for several week& Mrs. Harvey returned from Ontario with her daughter, afte r a visit there of some weeks; •

Death of In fa n t-C . V. Smith was bom September 13, 191C. in Konsos. and died early las t Thursday mom* ing. aged 11 months and 4 days. Ho was the only child of A rthur I. and Ella M. Smith. Services were held In the JlethodUt church Friday after* noon a t 3:30, conducted by Bov. S. S. .Schcr of the Brethren church.

HosplUl Case Continued.—Monday. August 21. waa tho day .set for the h ct^ng of tbo case wherein tho coun­ty commissioners' righ t to erect a gen­eral hospital has been questioned. On account o f a coroner’s InQuost being ^ e ld a t tho same time, tho hospital question was continued until Septem­ber 4. ■

Pioneer Visit* Twin Falls.—E. L. Emery, general sales agent for the .Union Pacific Coal company. In Idaho, visited tw in Falls tbJs we<Skr Emery is an old-tM er la IdahbrhaM ag come here over 30 years ago. Ho repoitk that coal B a le s are much heavier than l u t year ond says th t the whole state of Idaho is enjoying > » extensive prosperity. _ ______

Second Trip to Idaho.—J. T . B^»ans vltlied Idaho In June, but liked ^ place so weU that be retnm e^. Be baa called CalUomla his home, but vlsbed to local* some reU U res upon U>e Twin fW la tract, so U here » tth « view of buylag farms for them. He thinkm that-Idaho la a s good a state as

aod speaks highly of the of s« tU en tha t have settled the

Twin FKHs cebntry.

Marrletf—On Wedheaday aftemo6n Miss Helen C. M o m y and L a m n

From Iltis Gomolele LioeYour Victrola-~tKe instrument you want for your home—is here.W e have all the different styles and we are glad to demonstrate them and

help you to select the Vic^tola that is exactly suited to your home. ■ ,Let us tell you about our plan of easy terms, vvhich enables you to get

your Victrola right now. - rJ W hat’s the use of waiting another day? Come in and get a Victrola for

your hom e today. - \

L O G A N M U S I C C O .126 2nd E a s t T w in Fsklls, Id ah o

Bcobout of Edon wore united in mar* riago byStho Rov. Dr., Shepherd, In tho presoQco of a number of. tholr friends, who accompanied them from Bdoh. They will mako tholr home upon a r&nch near Edon.

Greeta Old F r i e n d s ^ . E. Lay. for­merly monagor .of th e-T w in Falls brunch of tho Gem State ^Lumber company, but now district manager for. the somo firm, with headquarters at. Nampa, was hero tho first of the week,; looking a lte r tho business interests of the company. Mr. Lay was accom-' poni<^ by hlB wife and - children and spent several ddy& visiting with old friends hero.

Party S e u Weatom Life.—Harley Hooker this week took a party .of Missouri people to tbo Ferrine-ranch and showed them the CliHer tra c t of property. The vlaitors departed wUI pidasod with w hat they had seen of Idaho and oxpoct to return sOon. Among tho party wore Dr. and Mrs. Amsmlth. A. H. Miller. J . E. Schaomr, T. W. W egener and P. D, Wegoner.

Surprise f^lss Amos.—Thirty-four of the prominent members of tho younger social se t mot a t the PUtnam homo last evening and wont in a body to tbo Flower homo, where they took Miss Vova Amos completely by sur­prise. as planned by her mother. Mrs. W. A. Flower. After' o social half hour, tho young pedplo wont to tbo ElkB’ club; where they enjoyed danc*| Ing until 11 o’clock. Prom tho Elks’ club they returned to tho Flower home and were served with dollclous*xe* freshments.

Make Good Time.—Ilelum lng Sun­day from Trude, Idalio. Wilbur 8. Hill and wife, and M rs. T. A. Heed and son mode tho trip down from Idaho Falls, 189 miloj. in ten hours' driving time. Good fishing was en­countered In tUl directions from tholr comp, which mas 2G miles from tho Yellowstoao park. The party did not go through tlio pork, but (ho cor was taken up to Ycllowstono for somo re­pair work.

Conduct Big Sale*.—Tho firm of Luo & Vanousdeln, auctioneers, report two big sales which they are to con­duct next month. On Wednesday. September 6, they will conduct a big sale for D. B. Kerlin. one and a quar­te r miles west and one and a half miles south of tho west ond of Sho­shone street, a t which horses, catUo. hogs, sheep, farfn Implement sand household goods will bo sold. A sim­ilar sale will be conducted by them, for Orson Strong September 8 a t the natotorium h t A rtesian CIU*.

EnterU lns for Guest—Miss Clara Broso entertained a number of friends Tuesday aftenioon os a courtesy to her house guest, Mrs. H. W. Bond .of Welsor. The Invitation to each guest boro the roqoest tha t sho bring hor tatting, with which work much of tho afternoon was spent. A fter delicious refreshments had been partaken of. tho gucsU spent somo timo (fi stroll­ing a t will over tho pretty and Inter­esting grounds surronndlng tho h r - pltable Brose home, near Rock Crei Present wero Meadames H. W. Bond. .M J i . Walker, Nephl Larson. C. J. Domrose, Missec Helen and Florence Larson- *

tpch of Christ The Church of Christ h as 'r ra ted the

bid M bnnoa chnrch building |utd will hold services each BondVy a t 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. All ar« vMcome.

BaptistServices held a t the Idaho theatre.

^ T . Q. T . Anderson u the preacher A f l ^ t 11 a. m , ’m p a re d a sa a ."

AT BOOTH’SThis week will see the last great cut prices on Sum m er Goods at this store. W e will offer them at the greatest discounts w e have ever placed on these qualities. 25c eind 35c goods

A T 1 0 c YD.H igh g rade fabrics a t 25c., This is to be the end of these sum m er fabrics. To close them out QUICK w e offer them at wonderful reductions.

Booth Merc. Co.*nrho Power of the Chnrch In

___ ling the Ideals of Young People.”Everyone Js most cordially Invited to attend all of these services.

ChristianComer second stree t and Foortb

avenue east. Minister, W alter B. Harman, 203 Addison avenoa oast. Hours of worship, morning; 11 o'clock, evening 8'. Homing^ sermon th a ii t . ‘•Redproclty in C hrlstlanltj." B?«ntBs sem oQ theme, 'T h e W ithered Baa4.** Bible school a t 10 o’clock a. m .; a great school, with classes for all ages and grades. The pobUe la always welcome.

M sthodlst E p lM pal Sunday school a t 10 a. a . PnbUe

V o n ^ p ' a t 11 a. m. and 8 p . m.

Rev. C. E- Deal of R n p ert Idaho, irtU crcach a t both servlees.- R er. Btr. D eal Is a s trong preacher. I t wQl be a tre a t to bear him. ‘ Bpworth Leagne a t* 7 p. m. P rayer m eeting Wednesday evening a t 8 o’o l o ^ The Woman's Homo M tsstenary aocM y wm have chajYO of the prayer meet­ing. C. L. Bent, m inlstet.

F irst Church of Christ Scientist 230 Third avenne east. Sunday

sarrlces 11 a .,m . and 8:16 p. nt. Sub* ]ect o f BlUo letKm to r AJigaat H . ' ‘Christ Jesoa.” fu ad ay achool a t 10 a. m. W edaasday eren lng n a e tlnga. devoted mainly to taatlmoalea o{ h^al* Ins In C h iisttaa S desee . 'b f t n a t 8:16. A m d ta g room, w hare Chiis* tian S denoa Uteratnra may be tm 4 and obtained, ia located In tbo efcarch

and open between the boora of S:80 and 4:30 every afternoon except Son* day and holidays. .

First P nsby ta rlaa , Sabbath ae b o ^ an* CbrlatSan Stt>

deavor m eetings a t tbfcvsttal b oars ..' : At u a . m. th e paMor. Or. J . F . Sb4p> ; herd, w m p re a i^ snWMt» *Traabjs. . ' terlan DoetrtiMs.'’ elaettott. .In the ovenhtg tba t a t ^ v lU . b a . •K^omradahlp sa d BOM Lrng t e t T leea w ilb th e Jan pH aosan a t 6 m . ) " A t.7:4S, e lo a tv t t a Qhrt«t!aa Bft- ’4e«*er meettnc. v ff l Va tb« f i n t foar abort la e ta M o » m a Antdeat W orid"W M i««k” n k ja o t VetMnam.**' d ra im Otm'. ‘ wttkr.‘T b a F n a a ld a a irf tfta K aaM tM anQ of HsTlcamawna - AB. cM n A j are welcema. -

Page 8: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,

■ n : ' . ’ . ..■■ ' .. M WAHO,.THURSDAY, AUq.' y4, 1»)» -_^.vV . r ■ .


UR L. SWIM, of 1 > in Falls- C • ’ ■ • . '

tate Representatives:.HINTON, o t Hansen

£,SKLrLr, of Salmon T ractNORMAN BARKER, of Filer

This is not a political m6vement~it is a taxpayers’ movement, backed by voters a W i O v e r the County—Democrats as well as Republicans.' Buhl will combine Demo­cratic and Republican votes on their division candidates, J. H. Barker and Fred Nihart. We must combine our vote on the abpve ticket to def eat the division scheme.


S l e w s o f t h e C o u n t y


Bertha Nortoa A c c e p t Toachlng~ Poaitlon In Hawmllan ltland»—

To V lilt Standford

ROCK CQBOE.—A lotUtr from Htss Borlha Norton, who U tbIUo s with H iss Claro Holoolm a t Soasdo. Oro. stAtca tb a t tho y o w s ladloa «xf«ct

- to loavo iB a tow days for the Lolaad SUnford unlvoratty. which Wfls Rol- cblm will attend dortos tho comtns winter. After a fow dav i spent witk trioads tbero, UIsb Nortoa will aail for HDnololu. whero she will toaeli for the next two yoops.

Ulsa Norton U tho daaghtor of M n. A. D, N ortoa of Twin Fall*, who U DOW TUlilns (d Pasadona, CaL Bho graduated from Stanfard . unlyerslty two yoara ago.

. Mr. and M rs;' Robert Broae. UUs Clara Broso. llobort Broso, Mr. and airs. Hoary Oloson and U r. and Mrs. Alfred Putzler c a a e borne from Salt Lake Ttiuraday. Tfcoy Intended to ro torn Taesday. b a t altered their pJaas to Inclndo a day a t Ogden. They report a very pleasant time.

Mrs. John P. Haosea. assisted by h er daughter, Ur*. H. W. Bond, of W clser. entertained th e R. C. lo club Ft^day aftoraooB. A spoclal feataro of tho retroahmonta, serred afte r the bnslness mooting, waa a l a r ^ birth­day cake, decorated wltk tho proQor ntunbor of tiny red tapers, In hot»or of the birthday of Ura. Hansen's son- in-law, George D, Crockett, b a t an un­foreseen clrcBnutance prerented Ur. Crockett being present a t tho meeting. M rs. Hansen baa not entirely reeor* ered from her fall of threo wooks agr>. bu t U -now able to moTo aboot the bouse with Tory little ^alstooce.-

Mil* K ate L an o s. who baa spent th e past two months a t tho bomo ot h e r brother. Pan), a t Daytos. Idaho, and . Ura. L>«na TrlCx o t Twin Falls

' came, out -Tueadaj:. brealng to pack M lm la rse n 's household goods, pre­paratory to moTlDg to Twin Fans, w here she bas ©mpJoyaent Miss

, Lapsaa petnmod to Twin Falls J« d ay . SBOrnlng. but Mrs. T tlts remained to

aaalst Mrs- Monte Atkla lo r a tew days. Mr.rMd Ura. Atkin took b w to ^ bome. Monday aiom las.

U r. and Lools JUrreQ o t Roc- .«r»on are vpendlng » tew days a t t t e l r Twieb:h«je, Ttaltlng w ttb Mrs.

.H tO T U ^ u ra . Thomas

vW altw ;B rO M ..aod ' a x Domrosei — ahoppl ac t o Twin

C tb o k ^ tPM t - b u tasM in Twin

B« ^ bM >pM t the •* Tw ia M i l , I t e

and .Buhl, on t 1 withtbe coming election prim aries, camo homo Monday, so 111 th a t ho Is con- ffned to hlB bod m ost o t the time.

George Crockett and I*. M. Yon Saton Jaro the owners of now oars, ro- celved th is week. Mr. Van Eaton has an Ororlasd and Mr. Crocbott n 1917 Buick six.

Mr. and Mrs. L. P . Larsen and Mr. aad Mrs. A. P . Murray and son Dolph spent Sonday oftom oon-at Artesian^

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. yon Eaton and children spool Sunday with friends a t Hollister.

M att Sooter spent Sandi^y a t tho borne o t his brother, Milton. Tlslling with his «ced ao ih o r, who Is getting Tory feeble. The old. lady Is Tory nearly 90 years of age.

Roland S trieker and slaUr, Mrs. Wil­liam Haines, wore shopping in Hanson FrldVf.

I am again projSarod to clerk yoai- sale and purchase your paper, onJ am In position to quote you ra tes that I am certain vrlll app<^ to yoc ottractlTO.

I hftTO a plan fo r th e arTnngem ont o f te rm s tha t a p p ea ls to tho T arlous p u rc h a se rs a s b e in g m ore eq u itab le than those form orly in Togue In this com m unity , and th a t w ill, a t th e samo lime, saTo m oney for th e mon bo ld ing tho sole.

If you are coDtcmplaUDg holding _ ^ 0. lot me submit my proposluon to you.

1 haTo m oney-arallable for real es­tate loans, and a t attrac tlre rates.

a A. ROBINSON. Rooms 1 and 2 Bank and T n ts t Com­

pany- Building.—Adr.

MONEY• $18.50 REPAYS $1000I t tmld m onthly fo r 6 year*. Shorten the tim e and increase the monthly payment, o r length­en the t t ^ and make' payaanta. See o i t i r loans, eUy o r farm.



Rev. |_ B. Franck of th e Episcopal Church Preaches to H ansen '

. People Sunday Nlflht

HANSEN.—Tho people o t ' Hanson enjoyed a Sunday oTcnlng churcb sorr- Ico las t Sunday night, when R o t. L. B. FTtock, <rbo Is pastor of th e Twin Falls Episcopal church, conducted a Borrlee. Special musfc w as fumlshod by a number ot Twin ^ I s people, In- cUiding soTOral nombora by a mixed quartet, a Tocal solo and tw o 'cello solos. The church was fltled by a large and apprecia tlre audience, who expressed themsolTes aa very gnvtetul to th e Twin Falls people wbo gare th e ir time and .talent to m ake tho senr ice helpful and entertaining, and it U boped we will have th e M easure of hearing them ag a in .'

Miss Rose Dale and M iss Emily Ryan arrlrod In Hanson on Saturday to spend serera i days Tlalting with Mrs. E. T. ProTOst, who- is a sister ot Miss Dale. T he yonng lad les are from Topeka, Kan., a n d 'a re on their way home, af te r ta ld n ^ a long to u r ot th e W e st They b a re rlaltod Arlxona, Now Mexico and California, alto a trip through Yellowstone park. They will atop in Salt Lake City and Denver

1 their way homo.The Lyon Players appeared in tho3w theatre in Hansen on Thursday,

Friday and Saturday of lo s t week and wore greeted with largo crowds, with tho exception of tho f irs t night, when tho storm kept many away. They gare cxccUcnt shows, which pleased their audlcncos and w ere a fitting dedica­tion of the now house. On Friday night a big dance was given in the ball and was attended by a very large crowd. Good music was furnished by tho Kimberly orebestm and as the floor was in . fine shape th e crowd en­joyed itself to- the ntmosL Hubbard. Antery and Smith are tho proprietors of the ball. Thc)^ have had curtains and scenery painted fo r t£ e sU ge and will use tho building for road shows, moving picture shows and dances.

The Ladies' Aid • society m ot last Thursday afternoon in th e basement of tho churcb. There was a large a t ­tendance a t tho meeting. I t was an- noonced a t ' tb ls gathering th a t an aluminum demonstration would be given a t the next m eetlc^, w hich will b eon the. 21st o f this m onth. '

C. W. Coiner and bis b ro th er W alter returned Saturday from SU rer City. Iowa, their old borne, w here they were called by the Illness and subseonent deatli o t thetr father, who sc/fered a stroke of paralysis which ended his life.

U r. and MA. George B. 'Bnsb are protfd parents of a seven and o n ^

half ponad girl, bom b u t Tbarsday .momins, the 17th. Both m other and daughter are doing very nicely.

Grover U athem s, who h as ____elected to the position of principal of the- fiju sen sehools 2or th e coming r a t r , was In Bansea to r a law ^ay s la s t week looking a lte r aia tta r* r«la> -tlT* to th a opening school herei^nsxt

month. - U lss B ertha King,, another ol the new teachers, is also here.

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Vaodcrpool Jeft on Saturday to make a trip with their, car up into tho Wood River country. There were aovcral other Hansen and Kimberly people making tho irip with tho Vandorpools. They expect td bo gone a . week or ten days.


Children Will Be Dismissed During F air Week—Historical Pageant

Planned fo r Program

FILER.—^The school board has do- cldod th a t school .will open hero on Septombor 4. This is about a week carllor<4 han school opened last year. Tho change is nccessitateM by the fact that' tho toocbers' inatltuto is to be held a t an earlier date. I t Is also de­sired to have school well under way by tho time tho county fa ir opens. Tho school will have an im portant p a rt in this affair and tho board has thought i t wise to dismiss school alto­gether during the throe days th a t the dates would conflict. An historical pageant is being planned for tho school, wUch will bo given on chil­dren’s day of the fair. The achool garden, canning, pig, and com clubs are also to play an im portant part in tho fair’s program, and these clubs are ossentlally an adjunct of the school.

The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P otter ~narrowly escapcd serious In­jury la s t Friday, when be fell In front of a machine driven by B. H. Snyder, a local businosa man. All brakes wore applied Immodiately, hut tho boy was dragged about flvo foot and, fortu­nately. fell between tho front wheels. W hen picked up by Mr. Snyder, he was found to be onlnjured, except fori the wound o t a nail which tho boy' had stepped on earlier In the ^ay.

A special tourists’ car, direct tro'm Control Nebraska, and laden with bomescckera Intent 4ipon locating upon the High Lino Seed Farm s ot Clover, was attached to tbo Thursday afternoon passenger tra in .. Six auto­mobiles convoyed tho p a r t ^ t o their destination, amid tho w orst wind and dost storm, of tho sommer. This is the second c a r lo a d ^ N ebraskans com­ing to th e Clover project within the Jait year, which lodlcates th a t tho settlers a re satisfied.

On Sunday afternoon, a t ijie home of C- A. Vlnlng, north of town, oc­curred the. unexpected death of How­ard. the 4-yoar-old son of Mr. and Mr*. Vlnlng. re s ldenu of CaaUetord. A po«i4nortem examination disposed the fact th a t death resulted from endo cardltea, a compUcailon of tonsoUtis- The fsneral was heTd Xrom the Meth­odist E p ^ p a l church a t 10 o’clock Tu««da7 <'motBlng, w ith se rT ica s by Rev. S . B. Crabtree. Interm ent was made in ^ L 0 . O. F. cemetery, a yooBgar son o t the bereared p«r«oU U ea.at the point o t death as a r e n l t of a fractured skull .n s ta tn e d la a tan from % b a n door.*

■*. t • . t . . , »_». ■ i 4 4 4 ” i i V “ * i 4 * 4 1“


Candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Republican

T icke t Primaries Sept. 5.REALM POLITICS

^uontly injure tbo schools. Tbls pol- > ley bas required patience, but tho wis­dom o t It ia reflected In th e etaadard Of tbo schools under her suporrislon. In thd present campsdgn Miss Rodfleld a t tho timo of h er announcoment of candidacy was tho recipient o t a high­ly compJimoatary testlmonfaJ from Miss McCoy, state superintendent, and la te r when other candldacloa devel­oped, Mias McCoy was aubjoctod to unfair criticism on th e ground tha t her pctlon would infer she was at- tompUng to dictate who her successor should bo. Those who know Miss Mc­Coy rcalUed she bad no such purpooe but instead was gorom ed by the idea of aiding Che educational work of the ’ state by indorsing one whom she posi­tively knew to bo competent and who was deson-lng as well from every o tto r .kndpom t. Tho prom gand i ot critlcfsm, however, contiuned with tho resu lt tha t the rencUon has now de­veloped by people generally through­out tho s tate realizing th a t tho oppo- oitioa hoped to succeed only through th is method, and not by any ju st crit- ol.m a sa ta .t M l.. RodlloM. The la^

tor’s friends In all secUons of the s u to are now rallying to h er support, with a rcsu t that reports, as sU ted above, seem to leave no doubt of her suc­cess.—Adv.

Miss Rcdfleld’s Candidacy Assured of Succcas


(Lewiston Tribune, Aug. 18. laiC., Reports from over the stato relat^jjj

to tho candidacy of Mias Ethel Rod- ffoJd for state snpcrlatcndcnt o fp u b - He Instractlon are of a gratifying na­ture to her many friends rcgardlcns or political affiliations. Mlsa Red- field has mndo a dlnilflcd campaign throuF;hout, and as a result unfair crIt Iclsms tha t were made early In tbo campaign have rcactcd to her advan taKc. There now seems little doubt that she wijj rccclro the aomfnatfon by a larKO majority In the primaries and by a similarly larRc vote bo cicctcd in November, th u s ' aasurlng ‘bat the state for another three years wJJJ have the benefits of nn ablo su­pervision of tho public schools such as has prevailed during tho incum- bcncy of Miss Berolco McCoy. Miss McCoy during her public service clearly showed that It was possible to keep , the office or stnto superin­tendent 6ut of politics, h e r Tnarked mdepcndenco 4n that regard being re- n « te d to a great advantage tbrongh-

t® system, n n tUK*® lypo Of woman

and, although a sUunch RopobUcan: has as many loyal friends among tho pem ocntu and ProgressKcs as appl“ s

reer, which has been one of marked sucMss, and which can unhesitatingly be i n d w ^ as fitting h er for the WnalbUlUes of s u t e .chool “ J p S IniOTdent, she bas followed the i d S

V* thoughtable for petty Infl^euees th a t too fro-


ST A T Ea u d it o r .


All Mixnt carrted ln rtock,-

rJ ^ l!'*Repair ohep near po^oflle*

Page 9: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,


TWIN rA LLS N 9W «t TWIN P A U A IDAHO^ T H U m A Y , AU9. fl«> I t l l


; ' ■ MOTBBS'^E^* Now CandldMto for

th« R epublt^ri' Nomination foi> the^OfflCB of decr«tiry ,

o f •eutci '

Years before tlioro was any Twin Foils country, befoi^ the project known as the Twin FiUls tract had found a place in U he. mental activities of a single one of the men who-after- ward put up tho money to bring i t to a state of actuality, a resi-

. dent of Boise by tho name of Erv Johnson, gathered about him a little coterie of men and put np the money for the neces­sary' enrveys and other prelim- intuy work in connection with the irrigation of this particular section of Southern Idaho.

Theso mon located^ tbolr dam and caoolB and worked oat every lost do- tell o f th e ir project. They invited tho attention or eastern capital and they worked tho propbsltfon' to a point where Buceeea was almost wltbto resoh^f T bcs ^am e tho lailoro of tbo B ariss B rothers' bank and the almost dotat collapse of tbo entire financial fabric, as fa r as the promotion of irri­gation projects.WBQ concerned. Mr.' Johnson Quit. But tho orfginol maps and blnoprlnts made under bis direc­tion wero used years lotor'as tbo basis of. th e negotiatlonB which resulted in the final flnanolns of the project by the Buhl and Kimberly Interests.

Haa Wide AcqualnUnce Enr. Johnson spent a day ,or two In

Twin Falls th is week In the Interests of his candidacy for secretery of state. He Is one of tho best-known Ropub- Keans Jn Idaho and his olrclo o f ac- Qualntances Is no t alono confined to the ranks of tho Republicans. H o has served two term s in tbo state leglsla*: turo. and few mon in the s tate are more convorsaat with the varied re­sources oM dabo and tho roqulromonts for tholr proper adm lotsbitJon.

In tho enrly.days, Mr. Johnson was ■^or years tho proprietor of tbo old

Overland hotel In Bolao, which busi­ness eamo to ao ond with tho tearinB down of tho biflldlns to make room for a more pretentious structut«, some tea years ago.

■ F o r the past two years'bo has been secretary of tbo Elks* club and man­ager of th e club real estate and other' property.


Thfrty y«rfat?e« of Wsho Sonffsters blscusM d by Youno Sons of

Country Club Members


• July n th , w ic ..Boai^-\mot In regular session, all

members pcesoncTho minutes wero road and ap­

proved.' Moved by Seaver, second Kennedy, tha t tho w ater bo transferred from tho 8E KB 2-10-17 to tho EVi of tho

of tho NB, of 28-10.13, subject to a proper/fe^lcaso from 'tbo owner, R. H. 'Patton,-of all claims for damages from soepago and ssch other condi­tions as rodulred by this board. Car­ried unanimously.

Moved by Seaver, second Taylor, th a t w ater be transforrod from NW 8W of 2 W 4 to the NW NB of 31- 10-19, s}ibJoct to tho usual conditions. Carried unanimously.

&Ioved by *Taylor, second Kennedy, th a t w ater bo transferred from SB KW of 2-10-17 to the 8B NB of 20-11-18, subjoct to .a proper release of all'claims for damages «from seepage and the o ther usual conditions. Carried unanL- mouaJy.^ ^ o v e d by Seaver, second Taylpr. th a t th is company sell T. P. Warriei' for thb sum of $200.00 a portion of tho company's land a t the syphon ds tho same fs described Jn tho doed of rec­ord, said land having no w ater-right anil tbo transfer to bo .subject to a reservation to r spillway purposes in Rock Creek canyon, and tho president and secretary aro hereby authorltod to sign said doed on behalf of this com­pany. Carried unanimously. Where­upon recess was held till tomorr6w morainff.

July 12th, 1010.''Board m et pursuant to recess, all

tnombers p resen t' A. M. Bowen, attorney for tho com­

pany. reported thot In the case or the Twin Falls Canal company against Chas. N, F oster o t als., hotdg tho suit involving tho w ater decree ot Snako river, tho Twin Falls North Side Land ft 'Water Co., and tho North Sldo Ca­nal Co.. by tholr attomoys, have filed a petition asking th a t certain doscrtp- tlons of lands in tho decree to which w ater righ ts allowed such North Sldo companies and described as follows: “Commencing a t a ' point whero tbo west line of S eo .'3, Tp. 10 S., 11. 18 B.. B. M., rm u ln s thehco north to the northwest com er of section 27,' In said township; thenco oast to n E com er See. 25, Tp. 0 S., R. 2« B„ B. M.; thenco 8. to tho SB com er o t Sec. 3C, In said township and range; thenoo east to the NB Corner of Sec.-4, Tp. 1 0 .S., n . 21 B., B. M.; thenco south along soctlon Unes 'to tbo north bank of Snal^o river. Including within the' flbovo orea all tbo lands included in lists six, being A Corey Act segrega- lion l is t filed In tho U. S. land office nt Hailey, Idaho, and comprising tho lands known ns tbo first segrogatlon undbr tbc canal system of the Twin Falls North Sldo Land & W ater Co.. bo correctcd to read as follows; •'Com- menctng a t a point wbcro tho west

Under tho .direction and guidance ot Mrs. Carry Harper White, th# yotmg sons of members of tho Coun­try Women's club have spent on In-,

, to restlag Bumaor in studying tho line of Sec. 3, Tp. 10 S., R. 18 E.. B. habits and llfo o t Idaho birds. Al-lM., Intersects with Snake River, run- ready notes havo been made os 80 'n ln g thcnco north to the NW comor varieties of the sonBslera, and It lo.|of Sec. 27, Tp. 9 S., R. 18 B., B. M.: oxpoctod' tha t boforo nchool begins thcnco east to tho NB com or of Sec.th a t this cu m b er will be nearly Uonbled. . • ■

Thursday Mrs. White and lujr boys started on a camping trip to Shoshone

3D. Tp. 5 S.. n . 20 E., B. .M.; thcnco south to tho SB com er ot Sec. 3C, Tp. 9 S., R> 20 B.. B. M.; thence east to the NE com er of Sec. 4, Tp. 10 S.

' basin, w hero.tboy will remain dorlngjR . 21, E. B. M.; thence south a]Dng tho week end. Tho boys will go In section linos to th o -n o rth bank of autos, w h ich 'have been donated for I Snako river; theaco In a general west- tho trli). and thoy look forward to .a ) criy direction along tho north bank ‘of splondld time. Snoko river to tho placo of beginning,

Mrs. a E. M cljiln 'h a s been do-'nil of said lands Doing now in Mini- voting h e r timo to helping tbo lltUo doka county, and*, formerly In'Lincolngirls, up to tho age of C. who for* morly w ent with their mothers to tho club mootings on Thursday after- ooons, b at since thoes mootings bnro boon dlneontJnucd fo r the summor timo -i^ould havo been heavy on their

county. Idaho.*W hereupon, It was moved by Barker,

second Taylor, tha t tbo aUomey for ' ■ ■ :e<r to oppcarthis company bo authorlzei

and t(J p I, It deem------ ----------------- ------- -------- - ....... .. ed. proper by him, such corrections,hands had not Mrs.' McLain taken I however, no t to any way atfect or them In charge. Sho has glvcb’>thom’ modify any rights o r priorities of this a klndorgarton courso one afttfmooa company. Carried tmanlmously.each woek, which tho little tots have enjoyed Immeosojy.

Mrs. F rank Boone has taken charge of the girls from tho ages of G to 10 years and has taught them to do'

Moved by Seaver, sccond Barker, that tbo w ater bo tm asferred from

NW, 24-9-14, to SB SB. Sec. 17, and the NE NE. See. 20, all In Tp. 11 S.. R. 20 E , B. M., In consideration'

.llttlo household duties lhat*wlll later] gf to this.company of tbo landotvprovo of groat help. Sfrs. R. T, from which tho w ater Is to bo trans-,

’3r«8tor-haa h ^ tho girls from tho forred and otherwise subject to the Mges o f .10. t o ^ and has given th«“ lo s t^ t l o n s in cooking and sewing.


Dr. W. A. Sullivan Is back from a trip which Inoladod Wolser, Plymouth, Caldwell and Boise, and reports that the hog cholera situation looks bettor a t th is time than he had expected. His trip was to ascertain If tho farm­ers of tha t Ticinlty are In condition to s ta r t a hog cholera organlxatlon. and h e fooad consliderable Interest among theov bn the subjoct.

Thero was much troo tle las t fall In th is d istrict from hog cholera, but there Is little tnmble a t present. It fs p ro ^ b le th a t a t a l a ts r date the Kovemment will establish a hoK eholsm orgai^Uatlen .la tha t district. Coadltlons, howerer, a re fine a t the present tteM la this region.

th e’^ h tn g ’foTlDiart‘ Aboat two y e a n ago I had a serere

a ttack of diarrhoea which lasted over « week." w rites W. C. Jones, Bnford. N. D. *I became ao weak tha t 1 coo-'d a o i siaad aprlght. A druggist reepm- a e a d e d Chamberlala's CcUe. Cholera

: u d D iaitboea Remedy. The first dose relieved m e aad wlthht two.days I was aa-well a s ever.*' U aay drcgslsts reo- eaim ead th is remedy because they

uaual conditions. Carried unanimously.Moved by Barker, second Seaver.

tha t the treasurer* Is hereby author­ized to pay to tho T.wln Falls Land & W atlir Company tho sum of 2333.91. being ono-half o f tho total amount collected on w ater leanea tram 1910 to 391C, Incluslvo, according to tbo terms o t tho agreement of Deceraber 30lh. 1910. Carried unanimously.

W hereupon recess w as taken till July 21st. 1916. a t 9 a. m.

July 21st, 1918.Board m et pursuant to recess, all

members present.W hereupon it was moved by Seaver.

seconti Barker.- th a t whereas, le Is nec­essary for th is company to borrow the sum of F ifty Thousand Dollars (|M ,- '000.00) in ordsr to pay certain debts and obllgatloDS of the company, and to provide funds - for operation and current expenses, therefore be It B ^ solved. T hat th is compaoy borrow from J . K. Mullen, o t Denver, Colo­rado. the snm o t IPO.000.000 to be used tor.the purposes aforesaid, aad, on the following ten as. vis: Loaa to n a for a period of two years, with the privi­lege oa the p a r t o t th is o o m ^ y ot paying sam e a f te r one year ia aa o o a ts a t no t leas' than $10,000.00 The ra te of In terest to be six aad one^alf.per

per aannm. Interest payable seaU-annoally; aad the president or

directed to mako said loan aad to exe­cute tho in terest bearing negotiable notes of. th is company aeoordltigly. Upon the motion being POt by th e president.' the to ll was called by the secretary, with tho followiag resolts, to-wlt: Ayes-.-8eavor, Kennody,Bark'er. Brown, Taylor.'., Nays—None. W here­upon the president declared th is reso­lution duly carried.

There, being no fu rth e r business, the meeting adjourned.

O- TAYLOR, . Secretary. P . D. DROWN. President;


Miss Catherine T . Bryden Visits Twin Falls Jn In terest of Candldaoy

fo r S ta te Office

On a tour ot tho s ta te in the la* terest of h e r candJdaoy f o r . the- Re­publican nomination tor s ta te ^ e r i a - tendent o t pnbllo Instructlon^rMlss Catherine T . Bryden of Moscow sp ra t Friday in Twin Falls.

fiflss Bryden talks forcefolly regard­ing tho .duties ot tbo office and ad­visable reform s which inlght be made In tho s ta te school system. She v.n* derstands thoroughly tho m ral school problems and-stands for the unification of Idaho’e school system./*^

TH E 1MAIL SERVICEMall going ea st closes....... C:80a.m.Mall going Tvest closes— . ll :4 5 a .a a . Mai]' going east closes.^—. 5:45p.m .Mail going west ploses------ 3:S0p.m .Mall to H ollister closes__ _ 12:00 m.

General Delivery—Open week days a. mu' to G p. m . I'fot open Soadays.

tobacco e n j o ^ e n t

, a s you nev er th d ilg h t could be is y o u r s to co m m an d q u ic k a s you buy som e P rin c e A lbert an d fire-up a •pipe or a h o m e - o ^ e c ig a re tte ! ''

P r in c e ’A lb e r t g iv es /you every tobacco sa t- -is&ction ,-your sdaoke- appetite ever h an k e red for. T h a t ’s b e c a u se it’s m ad e by a pa ten ted process th a t cu ts Qut bite an d parch! P rin c e A lliert has. alw ays been sold w ith o u t coupons or. p re m nin is. W e prefer to give quality I

th e national joy ampkehM a flavor as different as it is delightfiiL You jihver (aated the Bko o t i t ! And that isn’t strange, either.

/■ B ar Princ* Albert w ciy-

Ce&aeco U m U fo toppy r*d bagt. Set tidy rmf rut*. lOcf AoAMom* pom d and haU.povnd tin Aomf- d o n -a n ^ -th a t corhingfia* pom d cry»taU^a*M AOim> dor with »pot\g*-moUtnn*r top that'kntp* th» to6aecpin$vehel4P*rtHm - at im y tt

I artron a dgorI pipe 'B if they vee Prince

Men who think they can’t smoke a i rette can atnoke and wiJl amoke i Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A a out certainly ,^ave a big surprise and a lot of eajgynxart coming their way as soon as they invest in a siqip^y.: Prince Albert tobacco will td l its'own .stoiy IR. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO C O , W iu to^S dsn i. N. C

H ere’s


T his typewriter is not an unknown machinc I o f unknown make. I t is the

O E M IN G T O V rx x » k J 1 o rs. X

the very latest addition to thegrcat Remington family of typewriters. A new and s m a l l e r Remington—-built for the.needs o f the professional man and the home.

A t the end o f lo days, ifyou decide not to keep it, send it back— no obligation involved. Ifyou decide to keep it, the price is $5 0 . • Send us 1 0 monthly pay­ments of?^ each and the machinc. is yours.JuSt the machine*you 'have always needed, _ . - .

I v . r -K etn inC lon ly p c w r i t c r C o m p a n y ,made by tn e m ost <iiK0ft>0r4voi)'ce lebrated t y p e - 3^7 nroadnay, New I'uffc.

w n tc r m ak c p in • the world, and sold Ut)nd«ntooJtl..ifI fn..yn-nrfnll.ein4fhW,

;at suit you. ntont!,ly prmtntjli fs

t o w f t b re ll i^ le . O b ta laab ie 'v ie fr-p re s ld en t a a d se c re ta ry o f th is everyw h«re.—4 4 T . ’ c o rp o ra tio n ,a re h e reb y aa th o rised ^aad

M oney!have a quantify of- both compaQj and private

money to take care of loan^ of any sixe both for farm and city pjopert^.

We will make loans a t the lowest rate with the. beet "prlvUegee of repaymlnt in instaUmeBts; monthly pajment

city loans a spedalty.

Irrigated Lainds Co.T w in F a lls , ' Id ah o

A soft drlak—an achiereffleDt of aiastertQl aad soleatlfle bre.wlBS, Palatable sad wholesome. I t Is fast beeotalBC the aMeptMl r e - .

freshrooat of tJbe latermoaataln west.'HaTO a few bottled sea t home today—tes t Its tas te aa< cM llty

a t lelsare. • . s








Sanger Realty & Investment Co.

r fyou tcmt printing done, s jr oK m m niJuoa it.dona ritht. The jre iM printing defirtm m that muMmery, ojigfwUnt • ; iotMt/ooM, and o/ 'afcOl aad eaperfnm %;A' " "

Page 10: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,

'0 'i rA a e : to ,- s : :" ■“!■■’;

•,v. '. ■■.. .-■r • ;.. • \ • •••..

TWIN;:FAI.L8 NKW*: TWIN F A U ^ - THUfi8pAY,-AU0. 24, IBte .

QUICK s a l e o f f a r m LANDd Ifl DISTRICT

5tranoer« and Homo'^ilan Buy LindH ere-C oW «r« Twin Fall* to

Other Sflctton# of Country

• Throo recont ualca of farm prop­erty Indicate bow tho Twin Falls country Is vlowod a t homo and abroad. Talks with tho buyers dlscloso the faith wltlj which they regard this eoc- Hon. . .

Tho 80 acres o t land tormcrly bo- lODglng to Mrs. Clift waa purchMod by Loo Morolaad o t CroatoQ. lowtu Moreland diacouraod very froflly con- com ioc tho land from wbonco he had como and s t a t ^ th a t hie faith In tho Twin Falls roglOQ w»a founded upon a careful surrey ot tbo surroandlng country. Comiuirins It' with Iowa, ho woa dcllghtod to cotno hero. Ho Rtatcd ihflt thcro baa co t bcon a drop of rain la tha t part ot lown sInco.July 4 and already the com. crop la about rulno^. Moreland Is glad to be In a region whoro (^ u U i, Iff pmcllcally unknown.

Tlirqp Olson, who bouRht tho J* F. Bralton 120 acres, Is an old-timo ros--

, Idem of this trac t and has other plecea oC land. H6 U tho owner of. a 160 pleco of RrotunI near Buhl which ha« jieldcd him handsome rotnroa. Hr, shows th a t bb has anllmltod faith In Jdhao by grabblog moro land and Id very zaucb pioaaed with bU new buy.

C. B. Showers of Orient, Iowo, who bouBht the Jamos Al«ts HO-acre tract, northwest of town. Is another fanner who Is glad to chango bis holdings from Jowa to Idaho. Ho. too, xtollff stories of drynoas and the aJm o^ut* te r destroying'of the com crop (Sote.

No groatoi* tribu te con "^D^pald to Idaho tb aa to havb* tannera cotao hero ;m t s tates like Iowa, which has al* ways ranked V lth t h e . world’s boat grain prodaoors. And It Is Indeed gratifying 'fco^'go-over a tfoet with straosepi who baTQ seen llttio Idaho land and watch tholr- exprasalons of .wondcrmottt an& ^ U tic a t lo n as they see what Idaho’s suoahlno aod nois- to re wlU do la Uio Uao ot croi^.'pro' ductlon. . *


)yhere Years Me^Q Mpney

Farm maclnncfy wears out soofi enough even witii

. tjic l)csts,9f.carc. You don’t . carc to rcjplacc it anj^ soon-’ cr than is absolutely nccM* saiy, for it represents a bjg outlay of money.

The one best way to get ail thp go6doutofyourras- chincs is to provide plenty, of shelter for them. The first cost of a suiuble shed is a small item and tJie sav­ing is worth while.

Whether you need a new shed or just an addition, build now and add years to the life of your equipment

The qwcker you get your, shed started, the .quicker it will start s a v in g you money.

W om tn'a Fe^rajUon of Rural Club* lridor»a Fair Propoaltlon a t

Board of Directors* Maetlrijj

Tho Womoa'a Fbdoratlon o t Roral• Cluba met Saturday afieraooa In the

city park In monthly mooting and dla- cuEscd -mattera which aro of lidport to them oad to tho e^mtausUy a t largo. T heir treaai^ror’a report shows tha t th e ir ahare of th e Chuatauqua enter- talnzocnt waa |192J4 and tfaolr balance la tho treasury dlscloeea th e tACt that

• each member ha« a per .capita balance oC 117.05.

They, debated the odvisablUty of liaodllag th e woolen’s re s t room a t the fa ir la September, b tu decided io roler th e n a t te r to th e . womea'a d obs tu Maroa, wUeli la aeare> to .Filer than they.

Tho ruriU clubs, howerer. will aid in the better babloa coateat. which will be bold IR the F iler achoolhouso dar­ing tho fair. T he aUe aad m o ^ - tude of this vcrr); will require the aaalstaoco oC e r e r r doctor tn the com-

' munlty to help Judge tho lafcata' floe points, and I t will keep obont every trained nurse- obtaloablo v e r/ busy looking ofter the detolla, of the con- teat.

The produce aalos In tho room con * ducted by the women h a re been aome-

w hat lighter dnrla^ August, but this la thought to bo doe to tho ^fact that many o t the cfty housewlres hare

■ aroldcd ihaklag b i^ n g trlpa downtown OQ aecouot o t the boat. T he women havo planned on a dellrory acrrlc©. whereby a t a IltUo added coat custo­mers may onSor by telephone and hare dellrery aerrlce.' Tho next meeUag of the delogatea to tho rural club fodoratloa will fail on tho iGth ot September, aad i t Is prob­able that, la addltioa to the regular delegatca which nsoaUy attend, the prosldenta o t tbo rarlous clubs will bo InvUed to come aad discuss Im­portant m atters which a r e ' to bo brought up.


J. J . Thiel Will t.earo 8<»ptamber RrvC to Teach In Unlverelty of N»-

* a t Lincoln

Mr. and Mrs. J. J . Thiel will loaro for Lincoln. Nob., September I. where Mr. Then has .the aa ila toat professor ship of modem languajtes, and will teach Gcrmatt In the UnWersUy of Nebraska, says tho Bohl Herald. Ur. Thell Is d U ^a tng o t bis household good*, farmloB machlaory and Uto- atock. and will either solttor lease his farm before leering here.

Professor Thell has had coasldor- able experteace teaching la colleues and o n lT c rs l t io a . He held a slmllsr position to tho oao he will occupy la Nebraska onirerslty two years ago In th e U alrerslty of Dtab. Mr. Thell waa one of the 20 members of the U tah naireralty faculty th a t resigned beeaate e t w hat they bollered to be the uaw arraated dismissal of a certain m ember of tho t e a c h l a g staff. Ur Thell waa formorly a meiat>er of the faculty la the <«ilogo a t Wlafleld. Ran.

Always la th e m arket cor baled aUaUa hay. Hlghaet cash prloe a t all time*. Jeh a JTlake. phone 709-W. —AflT.

H. L. AUSTIN, M anager TwIb FWla, Idol^b


Heavywelabt Champion of the World will'Appe’a r a t Beth Perform-

ancee of Big Clrcua

In terest la tho 'Sells-Floto circus Buffalo BUI W ild W oat. “champloo shows of tbe world," which comes here August 80, will bo accentuated by tbe fact that. In addition to tho big circtii will be Jesa W illard, '’hoarywelgb champion o t tho world,’* and Frank Ootcb, "champion w restler of the worId."> aa apeclal featuros.

Jess WiUord. tbo conaueror of the e rstw h llo . champion. Jac k Johnsos will appear a t a ll performances. Ha was a cowboy before be was an afl plroat for tlstlo honors, aad th a t won dorful 81-looh reach with, which ho la credited bas. I t la declared, ^ a -fro- quently utilised to throw a w ll^ sl

W ith th e Cov«boye'W illard la 'd a expert rider, aad hla

t i n t ea traaoe l a the 8ell»>Floto aroaa wUrb^'fD'tibwboy caatnm e a t th e head of-tho Buffalo Bin W ild W est cowboys. L ater be will lUnstrato how he aeaf Jack Johasoa to tho count, and also the punches used la hts la te s t flgb' a t Madison Sqoare Oardon. when he

on tho decision over F ran k Moran Prank Gotch bas boea regarded as

tho title holder of "wresUlag cham plon" since about 1907, and he claims to bo as faat and as effec tlre aa e re r and will g iro a g rea t exhibition, dem onstratlng his g reat "too hold." with which he baa conquered a ll contest ants.

Tho clrcos lUolf will be more than up to the usual standard, fo r an all cbamploa proeranl la glroa.

At 10:30 clrcua m orning wlH be the gala s tree t pageant, la which all the fealuroB of (he clrcna will be aeea excepting, of course. W illard and Gotch. who appear only In the p e r formances.

E7E EXPEBTS HOLDm s T AinnTAi. m e e t

Optometrists in D istrict 4 ot-Idaho. which Ineludos 'Twlo Falla, held their first aonoal m eeting here and elected lb* following ottlcera on JM day last: Dr. R. A. parro t of Tw ia Ftflla. pres­ident; Dr. O tta E. Paulaco. Burley, vice-president; Dr. C. E . Alien of Twin Falls, secretary-treaaurer; Dr. J. T. Brans, TwIa Falla, trustee.

The meeting began with a baa<iDet a t the Itegersoa, aad th e optom etrists conducted their seasloa nntll long Into tho a lsh t. U waa their flia t gathering and. from th e rlew polat of tho particlpaata. waa a moat oathu- slastlc mootlag.

*rhe s ta te board of optom etry held an examlaatlon Friday of applicants who wlahod to practice 'There were three and one o t them passed th e ozomloatloa. One of the disappointed candidates serred notice th a t he would apply a^aJo. T be anccesaful applicant. Dr. Trirobell. will practice optometry a t Buhl. There w ere two of the ez- a m lD ln g board present. Dm. & S. Owens aad M. D. Fleming, both ot Boise. Dr. Scott of Coeur d'Alene ras absent.


.Monday next will ace Twin Falls Inradcd by a peacetal army o t aebool tcacbcra, comlag from fire Idaho countlffi. Twia Ftolla baa rlaea to the occasloa aad th e seasloa of the teachers ^wlll be a memomble oae.

In. addltioa to the social ^ e t y there will be the r e ^ l a r m eetiags ot tho iM tltttte dttrtag th e day, which will furnish those wbo teach .the yoang a feast o f Instm ctloa and food for thought.


KANSAS c r r y s t o c k y a r d s .— The capaolty o f 'tb e ca ttle m arket ex­panded m aterially this week and re- ceipta two thousand bead' losa than Inst week made a combination that raised prlcos2S to CO cento. Cows were oa exception, holding barely s tead/. Feodor buyew took suitable ca ttle ot a ll weights, GOOO m ore,cattle to the couatry this week than last, which 'cut Into tho number acceaslble to killers.

Beef SteersCom-fed steers took the foil od-

vance, selling up to |10.7€, all tbo choice finished steers |10.25 and up­wards. Pasture stoera sold up to $9.60 fdr some IGOO-lb. weights, good to ohoico wintered steers |8 to |9 . me­dium class ateers wflghtog 1000 to 1150' Ib s.'a t I7.2G to |7.76, light grass steers }G.2C to 97. Caoaer steers 16.60 to^O , quaranUne, cattle Included. Re­ceipts ot quarantine cuttle-bavo been ■very light thla week. SB cars In flvo days. CowB failed to got the support accorded ateers, a few coro-ted cows a t 17 to 17.60, most of tbe pretty good cows 15-50 to 98. medium cowa around 16, caaners $4.60, bulls |S.60 to 16.25, veals up to >11.

Stockers and FeedersBuyers from the East were plentiful,

and they paid higher prices for ovory- thing from medium grade up. Low- .grade stock m et a slow sale, tho west­ern ontlet being narrowed by contln- Ijed dry weather. One lo t of near prime steers sold tq an Illinois man a t J9.70, aad plenty of' good, fleshy foodera sold a t 9S to 98.60, straight feedoffs $7 to . 17.76. bulk of the stock steers a t 96.50 to 97. Tbe outlook fa-

yW s a good demand right along t^ m aoV on.

' HogsCompetition haa been-keen for tbe

offerings,. and the- m arket closes the week In a stronger i>osIt!on than a week ago. Order buyers paid 910.60 for light hogs yesterday aad 910.45 to r medium weights, but 910.40 Is tbo top today, bulk of sales 9r.09 to 910.35, hoary hose up to 910.25. receipts 3D00 head. Cbolco Com-fed hogs brlng a strong premium. PtLckera seetn to need largo numbers of hogs to fill coQtrocts DOW, and tho m arket appehrs safe for tho present, but old heads rother look for tho big-buyers to knock tho props Irom under the market when their necessities become less u rg e n t

Sheep and CambtStronger prices have been paid since

th e firs t ot tho week, the m arket closing today a t the best point, some Colorado lamba welghtag 74 lbs. aelUag a t 911.20. Natives sold a t 910.76 today and tho lamb market Is about 50 ceaU higher tbo last three days. Ewes sold around 97, wetbora |7.C0,| breeding ewes 97.50 to 19.26, feeding ewes 95 to 96.50, feeding lambs 98.60 to 910. Recolpta.aro 3GOO today, 28.000 tbls week, end are expected to m n heavier right along now.

Money to loan on im prored farms. Loweat Interest and best prepayment prirlleges. Irrlcated Lands Company


r -» *_»_*/rt-f-tnt ,- f rT.rTr-Ti rTaTraTTrTi i •

B E o ^ n m N a d s o mSLOW m AUOtfST

Trouble on Border Has Not Increaaed Ennstmento In the

, Army

JE 68E A. HEN8LEVRepublican Candidate fo r County Su­

perintendent of Schoola, Subject to the Primary, Sept. 5 -

I am A candidate to r tho office of county superintendent of schools on the Republican ticket, subject to tho vote of the party a t tho primary elcctloHv September 6.

As to qualifications and experieace, I nittsadod Sprlagtiold, Mo., normal Bcliool four years, took grudnate work i n ' Columbia university one year and taught school for fifteen ycora, six of which wore supervlBion work. The past two •years I havo taught in the Hanson higb school, whez^o 1 was superintendent of schools- Have been--'resident and teacher In Twin Falla county eight years, and bellove tbo office ot county superintendent Is ono requiring the effort of a man to adm inister thp affairs o t tbo office.

I hope to succeed on my reputa­tion fo r ability and.Integrity, iilncerely boHevlng th a t I can Ml this highly Im­portant office with credit to tho coun­ty of Twin Falls and to myself.. Your favomble consideration will be grate­fully received.


NOT ENOUGH CHILDRENever rccdve the proper balance of lootl to suffidcatly nourlab both body and brain during^ tbe growing period when nature’s demand* are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many pale faces, leaa bodies, frequent oolds, and lack of amblUon.

For a ll sach chlldrea we say - with -jm litak ab le eamestneas: They need Scott's Smulslon, and need it now. It posKBKS io coDccntmted form the very food elem ents to enrich th d r blood. It

a to strenRth; it makestheA stardy and strong. No alcohol.

- K.J.


H a v i n g in c r e a s e d o n r •warelioTiBe a n d o lo v a to r f a c i l i t i e s , w e a r e a b l e to a c ­c e p t. a l im ite d aiii^oiitit o f w h e a t a n d

s e e d f o r s to ra g e . A c l i a n e w il l b e m a d e f o r h a o d l iD g a n d i n s a n m c e , a n d a w o ^ o a s e r e c e ip t i s s u e d , w h ic h b e u s e d a s c o l la t ­e r a l , i f d e s i re d .







There is a local army recm ltlng sta­tion In , Twin' Falls.. but th is vicinity saems to be too proaperotn to have tum labed much znaterial for Sam 's llghtera, eapocWly of late, alptfe tbo mlllUa left, althonph this army foom ltlng olllco la lUso enllBllng re- cruita for the'various westom mllltlaa.

July 1 tho government changed Its regular army recruiting laws, and In­stead of oallstlng for seven years, aa formerly, the recru it ontera tbo regu­lar ormy tor Just ono year If bo pre­fers. This has proven an added stim­ulus In many places,, but-Twin Falls aoems too prosperous, and across the stree t tho city employment agency la alao crying for men to accept good Jobs, there tfelng moro Jobs than men Just a t p resen t


of T»rfn F.ltli ,'^ ijeu ltonLand* la Cut Down Five

P er Ceot

J. W. Baaucbamp, assessor f; Twin Falls county, ia home from - txipjto J30l8e, where be was called t attend tbo meotlog of the atati> boar of equallution. This meeting is ai annual affair and during the session of this bWy the yearly voluotlons o proi5^rty aro made.

Tho board lowered tho Twin Fslli valuation o t la s t Vear on farm landi about 6 per c e n t which, based upot the valuation' o t 1916, will mako i sweeping reduction of about f427, 434.60.

Tbo valuation which tho s ta te boar^ placed upon o ther classes of propert) was about tbe same as laa t year, ex coptlng on milk cows and eommoo aheop. Milk cowa w ere lowered -2C per cent and comtqon sheep wore raised from 93.92 to 94.26 p er head.

Announces Candidacy forQoverifor

O. W . DAVIS, Am erican F a lls

r ^

O n t h i s P r o d i u m P ^ o i ^ s K u b b e r T i r e

tVb>uf«rfal n«tf rafrfrar tAot 0 MTS- ^ d o to n a t n w U y am f i n * MmI

The illustration above is a ecctlon from a • 'Prodium Proccss T ire that ran 9,467 miles on a hrav’y car. N ote the thickncss of tread still remaining.

Prodium Process Rubber (th e new tire tread tto ck 'u sed cxclufivcly o n Republic tires) is practically chip proof and cut proof. TTiousands of mile* ofscrvice leave iu surface in perfect condition. R o tijn j of fabric and resultant blow outs are reduced to a minimum. T'hinfc of w hat tbit means in tire bills.

G e t a sample strip of Prodium Process Rubber. T ry to break it. Its wonderful tensile strength is but one of the rea­sons why Prodium Process tires (jive such excellent service.

R E P U B U C PROCE^ T I R E SStAgGaR i>,PLAIN. a n d ‘w m *t r e« s

M aJt In A t Stutuh Block T n ad

AARON M O TO R CA R CO.Twin Falls, Idaho

D istrib u to rs for S o u th ern Idaho Aooiclos ah-ClIY (MBAOE. Buhh BUHlEV auTO CO., Bnler.


at lo-west rates, with, 1-year W I L B U R S . H I L Loptionat prepayntient clause 1 3 7 S H O S H O N E 8 T R E S T N O K T H

Real Estate Listings Want«d

Page 11: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,

: H O n O B

A P r t i m SIefitiQa ' v m be U d d Septembet -at the regular p<4Ung place In each precinct a s proTlded by the Coaaty Oommlsstooers. .

polls -will , be opened a t 10 A. M. and cloMd a t 8 P ; M. o t the same day.

The foUowins is a l is t of the can­didates th a t a re IflgoIIjr • ontlUed to be voted for a t Prim ary:r e p r e s e n t a t iv e s tN CONGRESS R ^ubltcan; •

B. B. BUlott, Bonners Ferry. Idaho. Burton L .'F rench . Moscow, Idaho. Robert u . McCmcken. Boise, Idaho. Addison T. Smith, W in Falls, .Ida.

DomoersWo:Marlon J. K err,'S t.' Anthony. Idaho. John V. Stanlftjr, Bonnors F 'o ^ , Ida.


Qoorge B. Crum, Lewiston, Idaho.D. W. Davis, American Falla, Idaho. Captain B. O. Davis, Boise, Idaho. Herman H. Taylor, Sandpoint, Ida.

Democratic:MOBOS Alexander, Boise, Idaho.,• LIEUTENANT OOVERNpR

R«publle«n:B. M. Holt, CaldweU, Idaho.U V. Patch. Payette, Idaho.

Demecratid:Jas. H. Frasier, Coear d’Alono, Ida.

. B m est i;. Parker, Cottonwood, Ida.SECRETARY OF STATE

R'epubHean:George R. Barker, Sandpoint, Idaho. E rv Jolmsoa, Boise, Idaho.Chancey Wallace^ Ncrperce, Idaho.

Democratic: ,WllUam T. Dougherty, Blc&fleld,


/COUNTY ^ E S S O R ; Republican:

John F. H anseh/Roi^'creU c, Idaho. •George W. 'Wfllcox, Twin Ralls, Ida.

Oemborstlc:W. ,H. KaHs, T ^ ^ Falls, Idaho. .

CORONERRepublican: >

a A Bmes, Twin Falls, Idaho. . P . B. Drake. T nor, Idaho. '

Demecratte:Chos. J. Crosby. Twin Falla, Idaho.


J . M. Burkett. Twin JYilJs. Idaba Oemecratlc: ” ' • ■

James'A - Bybeo. Twin Falls, Idaho. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY

RepubKcJin:Frank L. Stephan. Twin Falls, Ida.

Democratic:-J . B. Davlea, Twin Falla, Idaho. Cbostet' G. A Dlrtlblss, Buhl, Idabo. Gny h. Kinney, Twin Falls, Idobp.


’ In the Probate. Court, a t Twin JW ls Coonty,'Idaho. '

In th e M atter o t the E state, o t Charles Feilx W ahrer, Deceased.—lf<>- tice to Creditors,

Notlpe Is h e re in given to all o t the crM itors o t the decedent. Charles Felix W ahrer o t- th e above sam ed, th a t all persons having claims agaiQst him are required to exhibit them w ith the necessary voachers to. Bdwln V, Borg, the administrator of sold estate , a t the office of Sweeiey and Sweeley, attorneys, in the F iin t National Bank baiiding, ct,T w ln ; ^ s . Idaho, within ten months afte r tbo firs t publication hc^eot-

BDWIN V. BBRG,: Administrator o r the E sta te of Charles

Felix W ahrer, Decoasod. ' - - '

i COT PEI won R B tnam oi^ C L A S S I F I E D ■m n m w r . .

Joeeph Hansen. ’ Dayton. Idaho. STATE''AUDITOR

Republican:Uelyin J . Barrow. Kinfl&HlIl, Idaho. Ii .L. Folsom, Boise, Idaho'.Qeorgo W. Lewis, Boise, Idaho.W. S.. Parkhurst. Richfield, Idaho.

Damocratle:Clarence Van Deusen, Boise, Idaho.


Joba W. SoglesoQ. Boise, Idaho. Frod B. Fisk, P arm ^ Idaho.

OeiiMUiratlo:Solomon .P. .W orthington, OaUey,


Republican: ^Carlton Fox, Wallace, Idaho.C. Doaglass Smith. Pocatello. Idoho.

' Charles A Sunderlln. Burley. Idaho.Marlin J . Sweeley, Twin Falls, Ida.

Democratic:T. A W alters, Caldwell, Idaho;


Republican:Catherine T . Bryd'on. Moscow. Ida. .Ethel B. R e^eld .'L ow Iston , Idaho.


Robert N. Bolt, Ustick,' Idaho-. DemocrStlc:

Thomas D. Fry, Silver City, Idaho. JUSTICE-OF THE SUPREME

COURT Non.p«rW**n; . '

Robert N. Duno.” Coeur d’Alene, Ida, John C. Rice, Caldwell, Idaho.

' Isaac N. Sullivan, Hallcy, Idaho.STATE SENATOR.

Republlcfn:Samuel P. Atherton, Buhl, Idaho. Arthur L. Swim, Twin Palls, Idaho. J. H. Barker, 'Buhl, Idaho.

D em ocratic: • •-W. P. Alworth. Filer, Idaho.


Norman Darker, Filer, Idaho.P. S. Bell. Twin Palls, Idaho.

- R. J . Day. Murtaugb, Idaho.John R. Slnton. Hanson. Idaho.

• W. F. MlkcflclL Twin Palis, Idaho.Fred Nihart, Buhl,-Idaho.

Democratic: wJas. A -F lU B eralJ /F ller. Idaho. Judge Lawronce 'Hansen,, Hansen,

Idaho.H. M- Sims, Twin Palls, Idaho.


First. Dlfltrlct—T. E. Moore. Filer, Idaho.

Second District—Alan P. Senior, Twin Falls. Idaho. H.. C. Von Auadeln. Twin Falls.

Idaho.B. B. Williams. Twin Falls, Idaho.

Third District—B. T. Nowbry. Kimberly. Idaho.

Demecratle: ^F irst D is tr ic t-

Second Dlatrict—O; E. Carlson. Twin Palls, Idaho.

Third District—D. p . Alboe. Rock Creek. Idaho.J . M. Steelsnilth, Kimberly, Idaho.


J . A Galllher, Twin Falls. Idaho. Fred 8. Hale. Twin Tails, Idaho.P. O. Herrimon, Twin Falls. Idaho. A. P . Truftsdale. Twin Falla, Idaba

Dsmotratlc:' Charles L. Green. Twin Falls. Idaho.

F. M. Kendall. Twin-Palls. Idaho. COUNTY TREASURER

Republican:Oeo. B. Schwelger. Twin Falls, Ida.

' Den>oeratle: 'H. Coggins. Twin Falla, Idaho.


O.- P . Duvall, Twin Falls. Idaho. Horace E. Powers. Twin Palls. Ida.

D«A»ocr*tlc:Arthur W. Ostrom. Twin Palls. Ida.


, Jesse A Twin Falls, Id a b aBrittomart Wolfe, Twin Falls, Ida.

Damecratlo:'Bertha Noel, Twin Fails. Id ah a

Stato of Idaho, County of TwinFalls, 88.^r, a J. Ftacb, Auditor of Twin t^ lls

County, State of Idaho, do hereby c e r tify that the obovo Is n full, truo and complete Hat of the names of all per­sons, together with-tho poatofflce ad-: dresa and party designation of each (except that the porty designation of pen o n s nominated for judicial posi­tions is omitted* who are ontltled to be voted for a t the Primary Election to bo hold in Twin Falls County SepL B, 191C, for Congressional. State. Ju­dicial and County Offices for which each is a- candidate, as appears from tho Certificate of the SocreU ur of S ta te and tho nominations an(i,accepr tances on fllo in the offlco of County Auditor.

In wiuiess whereof, i^ a v e hiu«unto aet my bond and affixed m y official seal this. 18th.day of AugusL 191C.

(Seal) B. J. FINCH. Auditor-By i; E. FiNNCT, Deputy.

’ > • SUMMONS'In the D istrict Court of th e Fourth

Judicial Dlstlrct of tho S tate o t Idsko. In and for tho County of Twin Falls.

R. H. Coshun. plaintiff, vs. Russel, I. Clark and Mrs. Russel 1. Clark, hla wife. Althea Riddle, Tw ln.Falla Land & 'W ater Co.. a corporation, and Twin Falls Canal Co.. a corporation, defend­ants.—Summona.

Tho SUto of Idaho aends igreetinss


County.'Stato of Idaho.In tho m atter o t'tho estate o t Mary

C. Garber, deceased. Order to show causo why order of sole of real estate should .not be made.

J. S. Flory,' the administrator of the eaUto of Mary C. Garber, deceased, having filed his petition herein pray­ing for an order of salo of all of the roal estate of sold docodent, to r tbo purposes therein set forth.

I t Is therefore ordered by tho said Court, that all poroons interested In tho CBtnte of said deceased appear bo- foro tho said Probate Court ou Wednesday, th e 13th day o r Soptem- b e r .^ lC , a t 10 o’clock In tho foro- no o p o f said day, a t the conrtroom.of 81 Probato Court, la the County of Twin F ills, to show causo why an order should no t be- granted to the sold adm inistrator to sell so much of tho real estate o t tho said deceased as ahall be necoasary.

A nd ' that a copy of th is order' be published a t least once a woek for not lass 4han-four successive weeks lb tho Twin FsUs Nowst a newspaper printed and pabllsbed In sold Twin Palls County. Idaho, and tb a t said publication be compIetedM.at least five days prior to said IS th .day of Sep­tember, 19IC.\

ARTHUR W. OSTROM, (Seal, Judgo of Probate.

Dated August 12, 191C.

W a t c h f u lW a i t i n g





SEED.W .UPDECRAFF. Tw in F alls C . T. SM IIH , ■ - ' B un io r T . A. BEVINOTON, - H olllalBr

A stn ls

Bolse-Payette Lumber Go.r y '

to Russel L Clark, and Mrs. RussU I. Clark, his wife, Althea Biddle^ Tw in Falls Land 6 W ater Co., a corporation, und Twin Falla Canal Co. ,a corpora* tlon, tbe defendants above named.

Tou and each of you aro hereby sum ­moned and reQuirod to appear in «a action brought againat you by the said plalnUff In tho said Dlatrict CJourt. and to answ er the com plaint o t the above-named plalnUff, filed therein, within twenty days (e z d o s lre o t the day of service), after the service on you of this summons,'!! served within this Judicial District, o r if served else* whero, within forty days.

T h e said ac tio n ‘fs b p o n ^ t to pror euro-a decree o t foreclosure foreclos­ing any right, title o r interests ibAt any of you m ay claim , e ither legal, equitable, o r otherwise, upon tbe fol­lowing described lands fs Twin fUUa County and Stato of Idaho, to-wit: Northeast Q uarter of the Southwest Quarter (NEV4 of SWVi), o f Section Thirteen <13), Township" Tllne (») South, Range Fourteen (14^- e ., “


FOR SALEtTntiiTrtiiTiiTiiTi •t"T1” r W V

MY MODERN HOME 10610th Xvo. E., c&n bo bou( a t actual cosL

MY Ofi(£ BEST BUY This Is an ideal location for

tho W ashington and high schools.

GEO. H. DARROW ' Phono 8 or S47

FOR SALB-E-M-P Studeboker, B- pasaengor, Just overhauled, $300; or will tmdo for ■ Ford. Inquire Rex Barber Shop.

FOR SALE—Pino wool owos. Z IS miles north of Curry. C. B. Harvey &

uencyM., under and by v irtue of d_________certificate No. 862 for tho taxes a s ­sessed ogalnst said property for the year 1013, together with all penalties and interest. Said oortlflcataw as pur­chased by plaintiff from tho said Coun­ty of Twin FaUs on tho 2Srd day W February, 1013, a s well a s fo r delin­quency certificate No. 1497. for the taxes assessed against said property for tho year 1914, as well a s tho penal­ties and interast, and also delinquency certificate No. 1440, for taxes osseasod. ogalnst said property fo r the year lOlC, all of which cortiflcatea are now owned by tho plaintiff herein; said action is .brought in accordance with the provisions of Sections 337, 138, 139, 140, 141. 342, 143, 344 of Session Laws of the S tate of Idaho for tho year 1918. , ^

And you aro hereby sotlflod th a t if^aII __J _____ -

FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Rhode Island Hod hens; fa m ily eow; horse; buggy and harness: a bargain. Phone 344.

WANTED—Strong young man to r heavy warehouse work. Address Q, caro News.

FOR SALB—New 1!-rMm ehack. 28B F ifth avo. w est Call Sunday.

r o n SALE—Bargain, If taken. .. once, lOO^L and fourroom honse, 3rd avenue north, close in. P . O. Boi Twin Palls.

70E SALSFOR SALE—A t bomestoad 9 rico,

ICO p er aero, 80 acres alfalfa and c lo ter land; 7S acres Irrigable; Im­provements cost 11000; Bear ginslng range. Cause of. saoritlce, oiOcnesV' Time S per cent Interest. W. 21. Gil-

,POa 8ALB O H E A P-^oJij S-rOL bouse, nice shade troos. 21-3 Uoeks

HOLSTEINS FOR SA LB-60 grade and regJstorod heifers, ranglag Is ago trom three years old to calves. Tht^o ca ttle are Kansas bred oad are free trom tho diseases tb a t are so preva­lent among oaslem dairy herds, Don’t write, but ooao and aoo them, a s they will surely please you. Stmpsoa and Ballou, Dodge City, Kanaas.

FOR SALB-^Toung mare. Wiil take hay In trade. Raral carrier No. ^

FOR - SALB— Typewriters- m akes, |20.00 s>. Boyd Taller.

WB HAVE a used 191« Maxwell to r sale a t a good price. Johnson Auto Sales Co. -V

FOR SALB—Ten tried Grade Duroo sows, bred for September and Octo­ber fonvw ; also 7S April and May Shoals, thrifty. M. A Parro tt, 312 miles northw os^of Hollister. -

GOOD GARAGE location, th ree lots, on. paved streot. block 110. com er 3rd avo. west and 2nd s t . west, >2200. Terms to suit. Ralph D. Roberts.. Og­don, Utah. . ■

FOB SALB—Underwood typewriter, good as new. Will sell a t ft bargain. Call o r address L. C.. caro of News.

DAVIS & PBE8BLER Real E sU te Company , has choice Improved farm lands for w lo a t |80 per aero and up. See us before you buy. Eden, Idaho.

yon fall to appear and answ er said complaint a s above roqalred. the said plaintiff will apply for th e relief asked for In his com plaint.. retorcnce^io which is hereby had.

A ttest my -band and aeal o t the Dla- trtct Court o f tbe Fburth Judicial Dis­trict, In .and for tbo County of Twin Falls.

Dated this tho 9th day of Angust. 191C. •

(Seal.) E, J . FINCH, Clerk.By B. CLAtrD STEWART. J)oputy

CTerk.B. V. LARSON. Attorney for the

Plaintiff; Offlco and Residence. Twin Falla. Idaho.


Twin Falls Branch No.lBC—Eastbonnd. daily— 7:00a.m . No. S3—Westbonnd. dally-12:10p.m . No. 166—Westbound, da lly_4:05p.m . N a 84—Bastbound. dally— e:ESp.m.'

Rogeraon Branch .No. 77—Dsparls 11:30 p. m. dally ex­

cept Sunday.No. 76—Arrives 4:30 p. m. daily • r-

c(«pt Sunday.


Week Days Laava Leave

O. S. L, Depot Shoshone Falls7:30a.m u . 8 :0 0 a .m .1:00 p .m . 1:48 p .m .3:45 p.m . ' 8:00 p .m .

Sundays.»:M a.’ ia. ’ 1 0 ;M a.m .l:00p .m u 1 :4 6 p .m .8:10 p .m . 6:30 p .m .

Special ra ts of 25 cents round trip win b e ' made each Satarday on alt trips.SepL 13, IftlG. In effect u s tn farther

Dodee. .R. R. SPA?yORD. Secy.

ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTIO NNotice 1b hereby given tha t fin T u p »-

day. (ho 5th clay of Septombor, ISlC, tho annual school yilcctlon la and for Indepondent School D istrict No. Six. of Twin Palis County. S tate of Idaho, win bo held a t tho schoolhousc In Bald dlBtr/ct for tho purpose of elec^ InK two trust»C8.

Polls will bo open 'fro m one nntU five o'clock P. M.

J. W..BOTJTON. Adv.— Clerk of Ind. 8. D. No. ’Six.

N^TIICE TO CREDITORS In the Probato Court of Twin Falls

County. S ta te of Idaho..In tho M atter of tho Eatato of Will-

bert McCroary. Dcccnaed.—Notlco to Crodltors.

Notice 1b hereby Blvcn by .the under­signed. exocatrix of tbo oataio of Wlllljert McCreary. deceased, to' tho creditors of and all persons having claims against tho said deceased, to exhibit them with tho necessary voachers within tea m onths Cram tbe first publication of th is notlco to tho sold executrix a t the office of Guthrie ^ Bowen, Twin EUls, Idaho, Ulo same 'being tho place fo r tho tra: ' ' " ’“of the business o f said es ta te In tho City and County* of Twin Falls.

MART FRANCES McCRBART, Executrix of the E state of Wlllbort


Estate of Edward P. Bolton, de­ceased.

Notice Is hereby gives by tho un- dorslgned, adm inistrator of the estate of Edward P. Holton, deceased, to the' creditors o t and all persons bavins claims against the said decoased, to exhibit them w ith th e necessary, vouchers within ten months after tbe first.publication of th is notice to the said adm inistrator a t tho office of Guthrie and Bowon. attorneys » t law, Twin Falls, Idaho, the sam e being the place for the transaction o t the busi­ness of Said estate in th e city and county o t Twin FaUs.

Dated August 11, 191G.(Signed); LOOTS SCHWARZ. ,

Adm lalstrator of tho E sta te of Ed­ward P. Holton. Deceased.

GUTHRIE & BOWEN. Attorneys for Administrator.

CARD OF THANKS 'W e wish to express our .thanks to

th e many friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy and aid during tbe illness and death of o o r beloved son. ..


. FOR SALE?—A cozr a o d e rs bnnga' low. Juet completed. In best residence section o t tbo city;- term s. Address X. O.. care of News.

PIANO FOR SALB—Wo will MOept any reasonablo offer for a new, s tric t­ly high-grade piano which we have a t Twin Palls. Unusually liberal te to a raspocslblo' party. I f Interested In a Taro bargain, write Tbe Denver Musto CSSDPsny a t Denver, Colorado,, a t once for i>aitloularB.

FQR . SA L E -O ne u d acres Just outside of th e oorporatioa; new house, 90 bearing tra it trees, handy to sobool, one bloek trom ear UoQ. Will sell obeap to r ossb, o r will take -good automobile ee port pay. and sive some tim e on ifsold w ithin 80 days. Inq tire W. News ottiee.

70E SE H T

FOR RENTx^Xwy suites for Ught housekeeping; c o m p le te furnished. T he Oxford. 438 Main avenne north.

WANTEDWANTED— A hoasoliooper,. oa

ranch; must bo clean.and g ^ oook. Will havo caro of throe children. Phone 665;R2. Box 9>, Route 2.

WANTED—Board and room In pri­vate family by young conplo with 4v year-old daughter, d iidae SeptembecT' October nud Novomher. Address B. L., caro of Nows.

WANTEI>~-By ox^tleacod maj), job running englae or elover huiler. Addreas W. caro Claodo Williams, FUer, Idaho. .

W A N T E I^A few mbre thain h a lt o t a n votes east foe assoesearXat th e re* pabnean primary eleetloii, 'September 6. Tonrs Is wanted. John F. Hansen. Rock Crook.

WANTED—To hoy. 40 e r 80 acres, on south side .traol. a t a price n o t to exceed 1160. Addres P. C. L.. oare News.

FOR S A L B ^l |16 poetoard rack^ $8: 2 96 postcard racks (hanging).1 small soda fotmtain, |S9; 1 Urge wall soda fountain, $300; 1 34-tL show oaso (3 section); 930; brass candy pana, 20c each. Varney, the Live Candy Man,- 139 Main West. Twin Falls.


A . POUR or flvo-rooni^houBO, close In, b e i^ n ln g ab o u t Oc­to b e r 1, fo r 'th e winter. Address B. I*, caro News.

WANTED^JVan, and wife to worlc on a ranch o t 80 ooreo, 60 acros In alfalfa, balaooe to pskstolre and grain; man preferred who has % few head e t m ilk oows and uifderstiteds care ot hoes, i t m ilt o t s n M aebool Ad­dress Box 483. Twin IW ls.

WANTED—WUl pay cash te r th rM o r four used ears; light ones pre- f e r r ^ W hite's AntonmbOs Bxchang<b

LOST AND F o m n ) >STRAYS TAXBN tTP^Tw o h o n es,

a 'ro a n and a blaek, abo«t two years old, branded JB oa ri«b t hind les, a R. DetwSer. Bollsteiv Id a h a

Z<OST—A suit ease, ea M d a y «vs»> ing, between Main stzesv Twin F til t . and Flier, Idaho. . F lader may keep th e money and a ssltab le rew ard will be paid tor the r is tv a o t snltoase and o ther contents- Phone Tw te lU U N of 28 or phone F iler Bxoha^se No. IB.


In the D istrict Court o f th e Fourth Judicial D istrict o t tho Stat^ o t Idaho, In and for th e County of Twin Falls

Thomas Swoeney, plaintiff, ts. P rank I* Holt. W . D. Gariock and Mrs. W . D. Oarlock, his wife, and Harry Mohler, and Mrs. H arry •M ohler^hla wife. dctondants.—Summons.

Stato of Idaho sends greetings to F rank L- Holt. W.' D. Garlock and M rs. W. D. Oarlock, his wife, and H arry Moblor and Mrs. H arry Mohler, h is wife, tho abovornamod defendants. -•T on'aro hereby notified th a t o com­plaint has been, filed against you.In tbo D istrict Court of tbo Fourth Judi- d a l District o t the Stato of Idaho,' in and for the County of Twin Falls, by th e aboTo named plaintiff, and you are hereby dirocted to appoor and answer tbo said complaint within twenty days af te r tbo eervlco of th is summons. If served-..within ^ I s Judicial District, and within forty days if served olso- w here.'' The said octlon Is broogbt to quiet tIUe to tho NWy* of • iho SWV4. o t Section 8, Township 10. South. Range 18 B.. B. M , Twin Falls County. Idaho. .ftniQ o obtain a decree debar­ring you and each of you from claim ­ing any interost o r righ t in and to said lands, by reason of any claims or pro- tended clalma.- And you are further notified that

unless you oppear and answ er as boro- inbefore directed, and within the spti- clfied time, the plalnUff will apply tor tho rollef demanded In bis sold com- plalnL

W itness my hand and seal of sold D istrict Court this tho 9th day of Au­gust. 1916.

(Seal.) B. J . FINCH, Cleric.By S.'CLA U D STEWART. Deputy

Clerk.E. V. LARSON, Attorney for tho P lain­

tiff; Residence and Office^ Twin FUls, Idaho. »

ALIAS SUMMONS , In tho Probate C ourt T ^ ln Palls

County, Stato o t Id ah a—D. W . PratL Plaintiff. V8. Henry Sorenson. Defend- a n t-A lla s Summons.

Tbe S u te of Idaho sends greeting to the above named defendant:

Ton are hereby summoned to appear In the above entitled court, to be held a t the conrtbouse to tho City and County o t Twin Falls, Idaho, in the above entitled cause, a t 10 o’clock a. m. upon the 21st day o t September. A D. 1916. and answer p lain tiffs com­plaint oa file In said OourL o r plain- Uft will take Judgment against you for the sum o t 9200. iHth in terest Qtereon a t 8 per cent per annum trom March 16. 1916, and fo r 950 and a attorney fee, together with cosU of sulL said indebtedness being on ao-. count o t the purchase by you of a eer- tain team of horses trom plaintiff about M arch IS. IBU.

W itness my band and th e seal of aald court th is 26th day o t July. A. D. 1916,

(Signed):(Beal) ARTHUR W . OSTROM.

Probate Judge.H. C. HAZEL, Attorney for Plaintiff;

R id i n g in Twin Fadls. I d a ^ '

THE PA C inO CLEANERS clean old ■wan paper and kaTsomtne like R ates very reasonable. Give us Tel. 291-W. Mr. Gordoo.


Notice U \^ re b y given th a t oa Bat- urday. SepL 2, 1819, fOtiiBiMwIng a t 2 o’clock p. m. on ^ a . j i a ^ th e u i- derslgned will mH a t as^Sesi iat a point on tho rigbtof-w ay « t the Ore­gon Short' Lino Railroad company, the city of Twin Falls, Twin SU ls connty. Idaho, a t a point approxS- m ately 1425 foot from the F r e l ^ t De­pot o t tho said Orogon Short Line Railroad company In said elty, to -the highest bidder for oosh, lor the p a ^ poso of realizing saffleiant fonds to pay and satisfy i t s ' lien for trelght charges. ■ demurrage and storage, ex- peuBO of unloading and othor -ex- p e i^ a as provided for by tho taws ot thoffstate of Idaho .relative tbereto, tho following dosorlbod property, to- wit;

Approximately 1606 C04b. steel rails, 33 feet and shorter; 8060’ angle bars; 24 kegs of track bolts.’ 3-4 la. by 3 1-2 In.; about 184 keg s 'o f track spikes, 6 1-2 In. by 9-19 ta. All o t the above described property being stored on the right-of-way of . the said Oro­gon Short Line Railroad oompany a t Twin Palls, Idaho, and being now la tbe possession of said company.

Tho said property was received by the said Orogon.Short Line Railroad company and connecting carriers tn Novemlwr, 1912, from the Illinois Steel company, a corporation, coo- signed order of the Illinois Steel Co.. notify Twin Falla Railway Co.. a cor­poration. ot-'Tw ln Falls. Idaho, and was carried and transported daring said m onth and year by the said Oro­gon Short L lae Railroad company and connecting carriers to Twin Falls, Idaho, a to n sa ld ; and In the carriage, demurrage, s to r ^ e and unloading ot said property, tbe undersigned Oregon Short Lino Railroad company has law. fully performed fo r and l» behalf of tbo owner o r owners of said property tho tollovring services and lawtnlly m akes .the following c b a i ^ :Freight charges as per pub­

lished tariff* ___________ 9 6,410.04Demurrage charges and stor>

age as per published' tar^ iffs ______ :______________11,731.00

Unloading charges and serv­ices a t T ^ ln FaUf, Idaho- 290JI

and o ther expenaes necessarily rezh dered In selling the said property.■ T he to tal amount o t all sums due to th e undersigned by Tfiason of the above serrlces and ehsrges. exeJoslre of the services rendved in selling said property la 918,831.90, no p art of which baa been -p^d . although the whole thereof has been due to r more than four m onths prior hereto and the p r o p e r haa remained undellver- ed to r more than tour months. S ^ la ordered.








N tm C B I s h M il^ g tfen th a t applications FROM NOW A P PIJ. CANTS fol* ]»ermit8 td t r u e «at> tie, horses and she«l) irtth ln the MINmOKA NATIONAI^ FOREST during tho season o f 1919 m ustrbe tUod in my otflOe a t Ohliioy, Idaho, on or beforo September 80, 1910. Full Information in regard to the filing **ot appHcatloiis and blank forms to be usedC In 'm aking appli' catibns*wlll be tomisboB upon ro oo es t This applies to NEW AP­PLICANTS ONLT.'- Thoee holding- permits in 1036 will bo sen t appli­cations a t a la ter date.

W. M. CAMPBELL, Bupervisor.

NOTICE FOR PUBLlCATlpjfi (FtaM ^ f . ) •

I. Mrs. B tbei XL htieoio^s, of Twin Falls, Idaho, aBBigndo..or M. J. Bills, who was tho asslgnpo of.OIark Al Blch. who made entry No. 3Sf6. under the - provisions of an ac t of tbo legislature of tho State o t Idaho, commonly . known as tbe “Caroy Act,** approved March 2nd. 1889,..which embracea . . SBU NW% o t sectlOQ 8t. o f townahlp 10 S.. of range 19 S ., do hereby give notice .of 'my intention to make ilnal proof to esUMIsb m y claim to tho land above described, and th a t I expect to prove that 1 have resided on. reclaimed and coltlTatod said land as roQulrod by : law, before Maurice • Gubeen. ropresentatlve] e t «the S tate Land Board, a t T w U i l ^ s , Idaho, on 8th o t September, 191^ by two o t tbe following witnesaee: .

John McDonnell. J^m<N. Claor. Joha Irono, p ra ak Beaty.. aH 'o r Twin Falls. , Idaho.

MRS, ETHEL H . MBAlk)W8.Eatryman.

NOTICE.' FOR PUBL'ICATION - (Pinal P ro o t)

I. F rank J . Koenan. ief.^Bohl. Idaho, aaslgaee of EL F . Blsaannette. who made entry No SJtSS. BsMter tb e pro­visions of an ac t o f the legislature of the S tate o t Idaho, cotamonly known as the -Carey Aot.** s^prbved M atch 2nd. 1889, which embraces SWVi SWH of section S2, of township 8 south, o f range 14 & . B. BL. do hereby g lfe aotiee o t my Intention to make final' proot tothe land above described, and th a t I e tp e c t to prove th a t 1 have resided on. reclaimed and cultivated su 'd land a s required by l%ir, before Maortce ‘ Gobeea. reprw enU tlve o f s u t a . Land Board, a t Hollister, I d a ^ on 16th of Beptamber. 1919, by two o t th e fol­lowing witneases:

W . B . MoiTlsaa. Geo, W . RawUnspn. W . a s t a a r t A G. Bcrivasr. aU o r



HARRY A. BALL ^4 . Day S tand M a jM ^ n a r m a « y ^ 4* /p h o M 138 +i . N lg h tp k o M U t

Page 12: W IN fAUS COUNTY STIRRQ) TO ITS DEPTHS BY …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-WEEKLY-TIMES... · almost tixbauetcd and with ono foot badly cut from barbed wJro,


D E A l . I S C L O S E D n r M A N - N B B S A T IS P A O T O B Y T O

B O T H P A B T l E a ,•

Pre«byt«Hant Will Beatn Work s t One# on Fine Now Hou»o of

' . Wor»htj>—To Qlvo Popfo*- , *ion In 30 D tyi

Negotiations that have been pending between the Baptist- an<l^Pre8byterian societies hero for the past month op two wore

■ clos^ Monday, just before 9| o^clock, when the Baptists pur- cliaeed tho Proabyterian cliurch for the sum of ^,500.

Tbo m atter w u U koa ap atto r tbe moniliig BcrviccB ot U)o Sun*day M d put to a rpto, with the nndor- standing that tho declalon was to be ftaal. BOT- O. T. Andoreon, nctlns p u to r , was olooted ohalrman o t the mootiog nnd tho buslneaa was carried through In perfect bannonj; After questloas and oxpIaneUons from six o r eight o t tho membera. the m atter was put to a final Tote. which reaolt- ed unaatmoQBlr la tavor o t th e pur* ohoso of tho. PresbytorloQ ebnrch.

The Baptlsis have been holding their morning and eronlng preaching serv* Icoa In the oew Idaho theatre. While the thoati^ pnQred to 2>o a comfort- able. ^ le iu an t boUdlng In which to meet, tho .cbnrch was badly handi­capped Io the n a tte r o f a place In which to bold S tm dar. eohool and

. o ther m o o tin g They will bavo poB- s c s s l^ of tbe theatre on Sunday mom*

• Ings and ovenlngs for t h e ,n e x t ,30 days.

Will D(^ar Active eulldlng At the moetiog Spoday a alnWiig

fund was ftartod for tho ballding of the splendid >(0.000 eboroh which tbe Baptists ore planning to build on their lots a t tbe corner o t Shos&one and Sixth avenue. -They agreed , th a t It would bp fa r m ore'advisable to wait another year or. two M d erect a church' o t a also and *tyl© wWch will undoubtedly bo in keeping w ith tbe demands o t th e growing ^ g re g a U o n than to e rec t one a t the present time, T^hlch would probably be;; ontgrown In two year** time.- A num ber pledged $100 each to bo paid Into tho sinking tnnd each \ e a r , with • .a pledge ot large' suou to be paid as soon as tbe building Is atarted. One m an pledged per year to r the (and and

' 11000 to he paid as soon as th e build* tng I r started. General sktisfaotlon and enthasla sm w ero'expressed over the oQtcoiqe o t the m atter. > *

The Prert>yterlans have s tarted to work npoQ their plans to r a handsome new ehurdk. which they will erect apoa th e lots recently purchased pf F. F . Vartiey. Immediately oast o t tho

• Justam ero Inn. This la considered ontf of ihe m ost ideal sites obtainable

' to r a churdu "Hie sum of >2000 was paid tor the two lota.' The building to be erected will prob*

ably be of Boise atone and the plans are for a beantlful, modem stractui«J The work, la to pushed with all po*- ilb le speed. •,

Bishop R. J . Cooka to Preach Here Next Sunday

' "The people ot Twin Falls and vicin­ity are to have an unusual privilege. Bishop R. J . Oooke, one of the great­es t oratora oiLthe American platform today, will preach a t th e Methodist church on Sunday evening.

Bishop Cooke bas recently been pointed to take charge of tho Ini mountain aectloo aad thla la hla t l ts t vlBlt to this part of tbe country.

As editor, ■ • • ■id e s t Bishop Cooke has-m ade a<blg repntaUon and he will undoubtedly

■.till the church to orerflowlng.

Corns Gome Off Liko Banana Peel

W onder^ Simple «Oeta-It* V m Tftilsto Bemore A17 Com EtiU;;**WouIdB’t I t i&r irgat m r * r v e

b«en colnff aloosr fo r r« a ra . w itb on« ({•■p«rat« corn a f te r ftiiotb«r. t i r lo ir t o s e t r id o t them wiib • bItbs ttu £

Sold Ini Twin Falls aad recommeBd- I worid** bert com remedy ------T Drag C o. City Ptajw

BOid IB iw m• d as the worid*!

: k r a m u -w u «7 i

OR. C. A. EME8 pepubllcen Candidate fo r Nomlqiatlen

a s Coroner of Twin Falle CountyDr. C. A. Btoes, Twin Falls, can'

didato on tb e Republican tlckot for th e nem lnatlon o t coroner. Is £ mem* b er of the undertaking tlrm o t Gross­m an & Bmes. H e .h a s been a resi­dent o t Twin Falla since 190S and owns copslderable p r o p o ^ In th e city and county. *

I>r. km es' record shows unussal qualifications to r th is .position.. He graduated In medicine and for IS yesi^ w as ac tlv d y engaged In' Uie practice o t iBodtclne and Burgery. Ho la also a regJatorod pharm acist Furthermore, he Is a 'g ra d tu te o t the MasBacbU' s e tts College o t Embalmtng, o t Bos' ton. la which Institution bo was- for some tim e engaged as Instmotor. -He wae also a licensed embalmer In the s to tes o t Rhode Island. New fo r k and Idaho. During h is active practice In m odldno be was elocted to tbo pffice o t coroner In Jasper county. Missouri, and was re-elected a t tho oxplmtlon of tlfe first term , thus filling the of­fice to u r yeare.—Adv.

MONEY IS PLENTIFUL' (Continued from page one.)

day to r m eals alone for two. Rooips' aro in proportion. ^

T he stroeta o t U anhottan are equal­ly busy daring cqch hour' of tho day and n ig h t T he stores, o f coarse, close a t nights, hu t new spaper editions are issued a t all houra. one or two thoa- to rs open the f irs t perfom jance a t midnight, and restourants and cafes never close a t all.

"PrIcep In every line, have simply gone sky-high.” ^ I d Mr. Booth. **My ;tn p being alm ost ontlroly lo r boslness ' purposes, I na tura lly paid a goo'd deal o t attention to business and financial conditions. A s ta r a s ndy own Uae o t business is concerned. I 'b o u g h t tree ly and .o t th e best class o t goods, bttt the 'quotations alm oft floored me, aod It la Impossible to form the a llgh te tt Idea as to w hat th e tutare will' bring fo rth la the w a y 'o t ralnes-

Stylea Hl0h1y Attractive . "Tho styles a r e -m o re attractive

than ever. There can bo no question b u t w hat these goods wlU prove pleas­ing, but the old basis of valnes Is in tb e discard, and th a t is an there Is about I t

"Money Is easy ‘In ovory line o t bnslaeea and th e o u t ^ k Is healthy la a financial' way. Politically, tbe e n tire , country seem s to beHughes, a feeling which Is; n o t <__tlned to any one .class, but Is general tn every w a lk 'o t Ute. Preparedness Is one o t the features o t th e campaign and tho Mexican sitoatlon comes in for warm discussion. But oven In New Tork City I found a' mao o r two willing aad anxious to talk about Twin Falls and the posslbUltles of the W e st from both a commercial and an agrl- cultnral standpoin t''

Asked as to fu ture possibilities as to prlCQs In his own line o t b v ln e ss . H r. Booth decllned>to commlt^mn^elf, oa the ground th a t no. human .being was In a position to speak' detlnltoly on w hat might happen under the pres­en t abnormal condition o t world m ar­kets; '

FOR ‘sa l e ;—Pure-bred ew es: 90 owes, all good mouths; 46 ewe lathbs, all pure-bred Cotswold. Address 7 -' S.. care of News.

C lv e ^ o u r C hild 's EYES Ibo b e n e lll 0 ! roy o x p erien ce .- As a n OPTOMETRIST I ren iie r re lia b le a id .


Baak& Trust BMe . Twia h dk

Advantageous early purchases liave placed iiiy our hands thousands upon .thousands o( dollars* worlh of early Fall and Winter Merchandise at conslslent reasonable prices, which if we had to buy or duplicate now would have to he done at prohibitive prices.

We mterid that our Patrons"shaH receive the benefits of (hese advanlageous purchases a i like prices, and to that end we are now advertising and offering





A C o m p r e h e n s iv e S h o w in g o i M en’s a n d Y o u n g J H ^ ’s $ 1 2 . 5 0 , $ 1 5 . 0 0 , $ I 7 . 0 0 , - $ I 8 . 0 0 , $ 2 0 . 0 0 , $<All Seriges, W orsteds, Cassimeres, of fast dys, splendid maierlals^aid'yoiir usual exceptleial malie

Boys’ Two-Pants Knicker SuitsEarly shipmenl lor early school seiecllon, featpriig splendid se/ges and worsteds, at ^

$ 4 i 0 0 , $ 5 . 0 0 , $ 5 . 5 0 , $ 6 . 0 0 , to $ 8 . 5 0

/ o n e - p r i c e c l o t h i e r s



Cards Scut Out by Kokomo Firm to Locate O ldest'Car Brings Dark Horse Into the ContestA dark horao haa como Into tho racc

In tho Haynes Automobile company’s old car contest, and the Haynes com­pany haa two oia .suttIc# ot ISO! to Occldo botwooa before making tho award. Tho newcomer among the old cars <bclones to Jam es & Howard of a Jeffe rso n v ille ,In d .. ablpbulldlng firm. Mr. Howo$jl.£ame to tho Ha>'ncs factory in 1897 and piirchaKd the car from Elwood Haynes. _

The Howard ca r .was tho first auto­mobile In JcffcrsonVllIc, and aleo prc> coded the advent of any motor car tn Louisville, Ky„ •which Is Just across the Ohio river from Jeffersonville. I t Is 'one of the old suitpy models, with tho motor In tho rear of tho ear, a water tank on e ither side and the gasoline tank in the dash. Motive power Is supplied b j a Haynes two- crllnder opposed m otor,’ that the Haynes company originated «ad brought out In the last moatha o t UM . The car Is equipped w ith a carboretor tha t ESwood Hayses de­signed and apark plugs which a t tha t

tim e' were made In the Haypeii fac- tory. "'V

The JcffcrsonvlUc Haynes ca r and the old Haynes car located a t Douna Brook, N. J., differ only in ono major item. The former la driven by gears direct from the tranBmlsaloa to the axle, whlto the Bound Drook mac:Is chain artren. It Is also dii gulshcd by the use ot wooden plugs for covering the oil holes, in tho la ter machines tho lubricants wore supplied by grease cups, but ^ Ihts survivor of the days of flve-c;ent koa' ollne tho oiling .places are protected against foreign m atter by T-shaped pieces of wood. According to the state­m ent of Its owner, the original wooden plugs are still on tbo car.

Mr. Howard made his trip to the lac- tory to purchase the car In 1697. Ho has had th e old automobile In hts pos­session since that time, jil was run continually since then, but l u serrlces have lately given way to .a 'm ore mod­em automobile.—Adv.

S PEC IA L FEA TU R E CO RSETS Including reducing, surgical and

m atem lty corsets, bust and abdomen reducers. Also a full line ot front and' back laced co n e ts a t moderate prices. Manufactured by M. * K. Cprset Co.. Jackson. Mich. Repre­sented by Mra. Cora W. Crouse, 125 F ourth avenue north. * .Twin ' Falls, Id a h a Phone 316-Mi—Adr.

VARNEY’STriangle Sundaes

William S .'H art Sundae

A dm ission 20c~-Show n E z c l u s l T e l y H ere

VARNEY’S 139 Main W est Plione 366

W arberg T ransfer 6 Storage Co. • sm t.