VWOC FEB edition



VWOC magazine featuring forum members and their cars

Transcript of VWOC FEB edition

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The Man… The Myth… The Legend…

VWOC: Dj, I'd like to start with some basic questions, where are you from? How Old are you? What do you do for a living?

DJWHIPLASH2001: I'm 22, from a small town near Winston Salem, NC. I have a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, and work as an embedded systems developer. Basically, I take a concept and turn it into a finished product - everything from circuit design, assembly, programming, testing, and setting up for production. I specialize in putting Linux on really small things.

VWOC: So when you were a kid, what was your favorite toy?

DJWHIPLASH2001: Used to love to play with swords. I have many with dings in the blades from where my friends and I used to genuinely fight with them. Couple scars too lol.

VWOC: If you were a Star Trek® [or Star Wars® ] character, which one would you be?

DJWHIPLASH2001: If I were a Star Trek character, I'd be whatever one dies because Star Trek sucks. Star Wars on the other hand... What an interesting question. I guess I'd have to say Han Solo, cause hey, dude's a pimp.

VWOC: We've heard rumors that you're some kind of genius with computers and micro-cameras, so what's the real story behind the rumors?

DJWHIPLASH2001: That's basically true lol. I make an IP microcamera that's very small, can be hidden basically anywhere, and streams over the web. We sell them for high-end security jobs. I'm also responsible for half of the cameras in Washington, DC. Be careful.

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VWOC: Cribs always checks out the star's Fridge, what would we find in yours?

DJWHIPLASH2001: Everclear, tequila, pizza, leftovers from months ago, and a few bottles of wine.

VWOC: If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. with whom would it be?

DJWHIPLASH2001: I'd be... tough question. I saved this one for last so I could put some more thought into it, but it's really got me hung up. I'd have a few options: 1) Marty McFly. Not for anything in particular, just to be able to travel through time. I've always wondered how awesome it would be to go back in the past and show Henry Ford what cars are like now. It sounds dumb, but I'd find that to be fascinating. 2) Leon Phelps, Ladies Man 3) An F1 driver. What an excellent lifestyle - you get paid a whole lot of money to drive the worlds fastest racecars around some of the nicest places in the world. 4) Michael Cera in the movie 'Juno', cause he got Ellen Page knocked up and I find her to be one of the most attractive girls in the world.

VWOC: Can you give us one good reason someone should become a member of VWOC?

DJWHIPLASH2001: To enjoy my company. Particularly the VIP area - I can be a bit more un-capped in the flashchat and VIP section. That's where the fun happens.

VWOC: If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you and why?

DJWHIPLASH2001: Samuel L. Jackson. My nickname for my car is actually Samuel L. Jackson. Why? Cause it's black and it's the baddest mother f***er ever.

VWOC: If you had only six months left to live, what would you do with the time?

DJWHIPLASH2001: If I knew I only had 6 months to go, I'd spend some time with some loved ones. I wouldn't make it to the 6 month mark - I'd go out and have so much fun and likely end up dying before that point. There's no sense in being cautious in life only to arrive safely at death.

VWOC: If you won $20 million in the lottery, what would you do with the money?

DJWHIPLASH2001: First thing I'd do is pay my parent's house off for them. I'd give some money to my closest relatives - I'd buy a modest house. But then, honestly, nobody

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would know. I wouldn't live extravagantly, I wouldn't change a lot in my life. I'd still want my job - just perhaps with a lot more vacation time. Like having a cheat code for a game, but still trying to play it honestly. They say money doesn't buy happiness - and it doesn't. But it's really a pretty important part of life. Lack of money can cause grief moreso than money can cause happiness. I'd be glad that it would be one less source of possible grief. I'd have fun, don't get me wrong. The people that say money can't buy happiness have evidently never ridden on a jet ski. There are very few inspirational stories that I enjoy. This, however, is one of them. A boat docked in a tiny Mexican village. An American tourist complimented the Mexican fisherman on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took him to catch them. "Not very long," answered the Mexican. "But then, why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?" asked the American. The Mexican explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs and those of his family. The American asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?" "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, and take a siesta with my wife. In the evenings, I go into the village to see my friends, have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs. I have a full life." The American interrupted, "I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you! You should start by fishing longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat." "And after that?" asked the Mexican. "With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers. Instead of selling your fish to a

middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant. You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct your huge new enterprise." "How long would that take?" asked the Mexican. "Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years," replied the American. "And after that?" "Afterwards? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting," answered the American, laughing. "When your business gets really big, you can start buying and selling stocks and make millions!" "Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the Mexican. "After that you'll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children, catch a few fish, take a siesta with your wife and spend your evenings drinking and enjoying your friends." And the moral of this story is: Know where you're going in life... you may already be there.

VWOC: If we assembled 3 of your friends in a room and asked them about you, what would they say about you that you would say is not true?

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DJWHIPLASH2001: Depends on how close of a friend they are. Here's what most of my friends would say about me:

• Drunkard: check

• Never a dull moment around me: double check

• Gnome: check Most would also think I'm a womanizer... It's true, I can run a little game and usually get whatever I want. But I wouldn't want that to describe me. Very few people have seen the soft side of DJ - but it's there, I promise.

VWOC: In one sentence, what do you actually do all day in your job?

DJWHIPLASH2001: Fifteen thousand posts.

VWOC: What was your favorite "Volkswagen" adventure? What Happened?

DJWHIPLASH2001: Well, I've had a lot. I would say the most fun I've had wasn't even meant to be a Volkswagen adventure. I went out to the Tail of the Dragon in mid-October last year with a cool chick, we were just gonna go out for a nice fun weekend in the mountains. It turned out to be a whole lot more fun for quite a few reasons.

1) The girl turned out to be way cooler than I thought

2) The Dragon was way way way more incredible than I could have imagined

3) Just so happened to be the week the R32s showed up.

So as I'm pulling up to the hotel, a supercharged R basically locks up his brakes to pull in to the hotel to talk to me. There were about a dozen of them there that weekend. I ended up meeting up with them a few times on the Dragon. Got a couple videos of my Dragon adventures as well. (Note that the speed limit was followed at all times and, although the camera angle may fool you, I never crossed any yellow line) Chasing the Rs Solo run (Note the 1.2Gs at the end) Overall the weekend was a BLAST and that's why I really want everyone to come out to Spring Thaw. The weekend of Thaw is also when all of the Rs from the east coast will be attending.

VWOC: I've had friends do stupid stuff , what's the stupidest or funniest thing one of your friends ever did?

DJWHIPLASH2001: I was in a fraternity in college - been through it all. I've woken up on the roof of the house, built walls in front of peoples doors with actual bricks and mortar, and wrestled a knife out of the hand of a guy that tried to use it. The stories I could share here are endless... Get me drunk and ask me this question again.

VWOC: What's your signature drink?

DJWHIPLASH2001: Sweet tarts. Amazing mixed drink using everclear. 2 liter of Sunkist, half a bottle of everclear, and 2 Kool-Aid packets (cherry and grape). Mix, chill, enjoy.

VWOC: What's with the GTI to GOLF metamorphosis? Is this going to be some type of Q-Ship?

DJWHIPLASH2001: It's not that I'm making my car any less GTI or any more Golf.

It's a unique look with a lot of customization going in to it. It looks nasty with the huge FMIC behind the fully shaved Rabbit front. It's becoming show car status - and I like it.

VWOC: What's the fav thing about your car?


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VWOC: Where would you go and what would you do on your perfect weekend?

DJWHIPLASH2001: Perfect weekend... I really wanna say will be at the Dragon with all my friends. Second choice would be Amsterdam with Snoop Dogg.

VWOC: We've got to ask, What possessed you to shave your chest hair into images, logos and other memorable icons?

DJWHIPLASH2001: Well, that's another drunken college story. I got hammered one night and decided to be artistic - I shaved my fraternity's initials into my chest hair. From

there, it just escalated - around Christmas time you can find me sporting a Christmas tree with "XMAS" written above it. It's just something fun to do - chest hair isn't very useful otherwise.

VWOC: Where would someone find you on a Saturday night?

DJWHIPLASH2001: My mother always asks the same question. It's hard to say - definitely drunk, perhaps at a bar, at Drew's, at my mechanic's place, in a ditch, on a roof, at a girls house, wherever. I go wherever the wind takes me. And by wind, I mean booze.


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“My Favorite Mod…”

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“Tail Of The Dragon”

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VW.Com Volkswagen’s official website

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cupkakecupkakecupkakecupkake....luverluverluverluver ---- Pink, Pink, Pink, Pink, it was love at first sightit was love at first sightit was love at first sightit was love at first sight

Model: Rabbit Engine: 2.5 Transmission: Manual Modifications: Nothing engine wise, Vinyl on hood, GTI front bumper, Halo headlights, smoked side markers and taillights, Pink and black emblems, shaved badges, Eibach springs, Pink interior trim, cupkake.luver vinyl...thats pretty much it. Anything Special about your car: Its unique...and thats what makes me love it.

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VWOC: What is your real first name. cupkake.luver My real first name is Jennifer...which I absolutely hate. Not unique in any form. Haha. I'm pretty much set on ignoring the fact that I am a Jennifer. VWOC: Where are you from? cupkake.luver Everyone knows this I'm sure. I'm from Germany. Grew up there and have been living here for the last 6 years. I miss Christmas time though. =(....Und ja, Ich sprech Deutsch. VWOC: What's your favorite roadtrip in your area? cupkake.luver Oh....the causeway. It's a strip in Clearwater. . Over the bridge where we met up and take pics of the cars and just cruise and chill...maybe some racing here and there =D VWOC: What is your favorite thing about your car? cupkake.luver Favorite thing....Hmmmmm....I must say that even though the car isn't very fast, it is ALOT of fun to drive. Especially around corners. =) VWOC: What is your car's name. If it doesn't have one, what would you name it? cupkake.luver Sheronda. Lol. It's...out of the ordinary and makes people question how

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weird I am.

VWOC: What VW Dealer did you buy your car from? Dealer name, City and State please. cupkake.luver I actually bought mine from Carmax. The car was originally in NC and I got it trasnferred here. Without even looking at a Rabbit ever. I found it on the site and was in love with it. It got here in 3 days and I went to pick it up. Carmax in Orlando, FL. VWOC: Do you service your car at that dealer or what dealer do you use if you don't? cupkake.luver I do my own oil changes. Too much of a hassle to drive an hour to take it to a dealer that takes 9384572098347 years to change the oil as I sit in the dealership and look at the R32 in the show room wishing it was sitting in my garage. Lol. If I do have to take my car to the dealer, I've taken it to VW and Mercedes of Lakeland. Their services are awful. So I now take my car to David Maus VW in Orlando. The people there are great. VWOC: What was your best McGuyver moment with your car? cupkake.luver Damn. None yet. VWOC: If you were a Volkswagen, which Volkswagen would you be and why? cupkake.luver At first I was thinking the CC. Then I realized, I don't want luxury. I want sport. So I would have to say R32. All wheel drive, leather, sunroof.... And the open road. All the fun I would have driving around. Yes, it may be heavy, but have you driven one?!

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VWOC: What color of Volkswagen would you be? cupkake.luver Candy white. I absolutely LOVE the color of my car. Wouldn't trade it for nothing. VWOC: What is your favorite food? cupkake.luver Does ice cream count?! Yummy yummy in my TUMMY!

VWOC: What is your favorite drink? cupkake.luver Soda=Pepsi In general= PUBLIX raspberry sweet tea! VWOC: What are your three favorite movies? cupkake.luver Notebook (I'm a girl what do you expect?) .... The hangover. haha. hilarious movie. .... andddddd.... well. . . I'm not gonna lie, paranormal activity gave me the creeps. VWOC: What is the coolest thing you've seen for a car in the last year? Mods, electronics, etc. cupkake.luver Hood scope...NOT. I'm not sure. I'm very open minded. I don't like the whole TV in the seat thing. But I do like the fact that our DUBS look awesome slammed. VWOC: If you were a VW Salesperson, what three things would you say to someone thinking about buying a car like yours? cupkake.luver Gas mileage is awesome. Car is fun and compact. Manual is the best thing in the world. (No offense to anyone that drives an auto) VWOC: What 3 things do you wish you knew before you purchased your VW? cupkake.luver That the stupid vents would make all sorts of noises which causes you to ball up your fist and want to deck your center console. That buying a damn turbo kit was gonna cost you an arm and a leg. And that you need all sorts of crazy special tools to get anything done on the car. VWOC: If you could have a super power, what would it be and how would you use it?

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cupkake.luver I would totally want to become invisible when I wanted. Get to spy on people and just mess around. Randomly move things and make squirrel noises while their sleeping. Haha. Would be awesome. VWOC: If you won 10 million in a lottery, what is the first 3 things you would buy? cupkake.luver Cars, (<<< counts as one thing lol.) Parts to build the cars, anddddddd.... I'd give money to help research the cure for cancer. VWOC: What is one thing everyone should know about you? cupkake.luver I'm Jen. haha. I LOVE racing, drag, road, autox, anything car related. I'm not your typical girl, yes I get my nails done and dye my hair, but I'm not scared to get down and dirty and work on a car. I'd rather be at the track then at the mall. I would rather sit in the garage with the boys, drinking beers and talking car stuff, then go to the outlets with the girls and talk about how expensive a Gucci purse is. =D. What can I say, It's in my blood. VWOC: Tell us a little about your car and why it's special to you. cupkake.luver My car is me. Obviously no one else is going to do what I did. I love it. In every way. Although you are slow my dear Sheronda, you make me smile when I open the door to my garage and see you sitting there. =D VWOC: Anything Special about your car: cupkake.luver Its unique...and thats what makes me love it. VWOC: How does a german chick end up in Florida? cupkake.luver Well, long story short. My mom knew a little bit of English. She had got married to my step dad who is in the military. They fought like crazy so my mom decided to take a break. Instead of moving down the street or the next town over, she decided...lets try America. We lived in Gainesville, FL for a couple years. They got back together and he was stationed in Virginia. We dropped everything we had and moved up there....just to turn around and move right back to FL 5 months later. And yea...I'm the furthest away from the beach. haha. I didn't really choose the location. But I must say...when beach time rolls around, the mileage goes up on the bunny. =D VWOC: Tell us about your obsession with pink. cupkake.luver Obsession with pink... well haha this story is silly. When i was younger and the power rangers were cool, all the girls liked the pink one. I wanted to be different and said I liked the yellow one (which i absolutely hated deep inside) after a while I actually started liking yellow and hating pink cause I didn't want to be like every other female....Anyway when I moved to the states I realized, pink is a girl color. Its what most girls like. I may be manly when it comes to things BUT, I can love pink and still make it classy. Sooooo, my love for pink was back. haha. I wanted to make my car unique in every way possible.... and that's what I did. Now would I do my hair pink?.....No. VWOC: What is your favorite pink thing? cupkake.luver Pink Lily's

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VWOC: What would you paint pink if you could? (this can be anything from a mountain to a plane to one of the seven wonders of the world.) cupkake.luver Hmmm... the Statue of David. Simple yet so meaningful that everyone would freak out. Sorry America! VWOC: Being a "Pink" expert, How do you think Valentine's day and Pink relate to each other? cupkake.luver Well. Woman love love. That's why we throw up squirrel fingers and make squeakily noises when V Day approaches. Men aren't as mushy gushy as we are. Pink is a female color mainly. So, in conclusion, Pink and Valentine's Day is related. VWOC: Do you belong to a secret Pink Society? If you do, what's their secret hand shake? cupkake.luver Haha. Secret Pink Society?! Honestly no....but now that you mention it.... I haz teh idea in muh head! Secret handshake would be something along the lines of throwing up random fingers and doing a booty shake. =D VWOC: Do you prefer pastel pink or Hot Pink? cupkake.luver Depends on what on. If I painted a room it be pastel. Hot pink is more for the younger crowd. Although, I'd rather have a hot pink shirt then a pastel one. Makes you look washed out. ANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDD I'd rather have hot pink font then pastel. VWOC: What VW would you love to see in pink? cupkake.luver None. I love pink but it makes me sick to my stomach when I see a pink car. Pink is a over bearing color. I like the pink accents I have on my car cuz its not outrageous. You have to be different but not outside your mind. cupkake.luver Story on how I got my car: I've had everything from a Mustang, 300zx, VR4, Corolla and Honda's. I was driving a 1992 Mazda 626 for about a year. I used to beat the hell out of the car cause I really didn't care about it. One day, completely randomly, I decided to put my car on craigslist, just to see if anyone in their right mind would buy it. Not even 10 mins after I posted, a lady calls me and says she wants to come by and look at it. She actually shows up that night. I was still living with my mom at the time who was like "Who the F*** is at the door?!" lol. I told her someone to look at the car. Lets just say my mom was not smiling as much

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as I was. ... So the lady takes the car, drives it around the block, and comes back and says " I want it". I looked at my mom who I know wanted to throw me into a shredding machine, and said "So?" . We talked for a min and of course she kept saying no. I reminded her that I was born first and that she was suppose to love me. After a while she agreed. We ended up selling the car for $2500. $1000 more than what I paid a year before. After that day I went online looking for a car. My mom kept saying to get a KIA cause its safe. I wanted to throw up on her computer so she would stop looking at them. I originally wanted a TC. (Thank you Volkswagen for saving me from that decision.) I then happened to stumble across my rabbit. Which I did...throw up the squirrel finger for. I even screamed in Chinese for a little. My mom said it was a safe car and its German so its the best in the world. I didn't care. It was a hatchback that wasn't a KIA. So i paid the transfer fee, since it was in NC. It got here in 3 days. I literally called my mom in those 3 days while I was at work, more than her minutes would allow. She turned her phone off and locked herself in her room so I'd quit bugging her. The weekend came and we went to Carmax. I took one look at the car and was like "Yeeeeeeeesssssssss!!!!" Then the guy at the dealership showed me the trunk feature and I was SOLD. I took it for a test drive and I think I made the Rep pee a little. Took my baby home, named her Sheronda, got her windows tinted, found ROC, and started Modding.

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Well, Mardi Gras Season is upon us and what better way

to start celebrating than getting a member topless.

You and your dirty little mind was hoping it was anyone other than

Briano1234, weren't you?

BRIANO1234 Stock 1.8L 8V engine. 010 Automatic Transmission Strictly Stock, as I think Stock Rocks on older cars. VWOC: What is your real first name. Briano1234: Brian VWOC: Where are you from? Briano1234: All Over the U.S. currently living in the Atlanta Area. VWOC: What's your favorite roadtrip in your area? Briano1234: Bug-A-Paluza Vw Show Chattanooga, Tn.

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VWOC: What is your favorite thing about your car? Briano1234: It goes from 0 to topless in 2 seconds. VWOC: What is your car's name. If it doesn't have one, what would you name it? Briano1234: Papa Smurf. VWOC: What VW Dealer did you buy your car from? Dealer name, City and State please. Briano1234: I am the 3rd Owner. VWOC: Do you service your car at that dealer or what dealer do you use if you don't? Briano1234: I do all my own Maintenance VWOC: What was your best McGuyver moment with your car? Briano1234: Repairing a Broken Radiator hose @ 2:00am with Walmart Plumbing Parts. VWOC: If you were a Volkswagen, which Volkswagen would you be and why? Briano1234: A Cabriolet, I like driving Topless/ VWOC: What color of Volkswagen would you be? Briano1234: Blue, no Green, wait,, I have both. VWOC: What is your favorite food? Briano1234: Corned Beef and Cabbage. VWOC: What is your favorite drink? Briano1234: Guiness VWOC: What are your three favorite movies? Briano1234: Any John Wayne, Patton, Quigley Down Under. VWOC: What is the coolest thing you've seen for a car in the last year? Mods, electronics, etc. Briano1234: Mirrors that moved when you backed up. VWOC: If you were a VW Salesperson, what three things would you say to someone thinking about buying a car like yours? Briano1234:

1. Ownership has it's privileges. 2. It's Fast, Fun, and Contagious 3. With Maintenance it will go 300K easily

VWOC: What 3 things do you wish you knew before you purchased your VW? Briano1234:

1. Who the previous owners Mech was so I could castrate him. 2. It isn't a Karmann Edition. 3. It is addictive.

VWOC: If you could have a super power, what would it be and how would you use it? Briano1234: Faster than the speed of light, get next weeks lottery numbers. VWOC: If you won 10 million in a lottery, what is the first 3 things you would buy? Briano1234:

1. New paint on the Cabby,

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2. New Seats, 3. New Carpet.

Then the wife would get the rest. VWOC: What is one thing everyone should know about you? Briano1234: American by Birth, Irish by Distraction VWOC: Tell us a little about your car and why it's special to you? Briano1234:

I was a forgotten and abused little cabby I had no one to talk to, and no one to play with. I was alone sitting in corner of a garage, ripped top, dented door, blown head gasket, and “pink” side molding. I felt horrible, and I showed it. I really wanted a new family that would love me. One spring day, my owners took me out and gave me a bath they even waxed me and washed out under the hood. They took pictures of me, they fixed the holes in my top with Alabama Chrome Wonder Tape (you call it duct tape). I thought that my luck had started to change, but then they covered me in a Stinky Old Tarp. There I sat. I thought it was better to be sitting in the garage all alone dripping my oil on the floor, and crying in my gas, I wanted a Family……………..I was meant to be driven. One afternoon, the tarp was removed, and there was a “typical long haired rednecked family” driving a worn out caravan looking at me. He opened the hood to check my fluid levels I thought “How embarrassing a stranger looking at my fluids.” he started the engine. I sputtered at first, all alone coughing……. He pulled on my throttle cable, and I reved…….This little boy, got in the driver’s seat, and I thought that my life had turned to crap. He looked all around, and checked out my gauges…. This man exchanged some green stuff and took a couple of papers and I was driven out of oblivion….. I was tooling down the road……not for long. He stopped at a gas station, and filled me up with the good stuff….. I was happy…. I was driven away from that place on a beautiful interstate, we drove past Talladega Raceway, and I thought that I could compete with the best of them if I felt a little better. I had a full tank and I was stretching my tires…………..I drove….. The Arrival: We drove for what seemed an eternity to me, and on side streets and when I turned the corner and pulled in the driveway, I wasn’t alone any more….

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He pulled me under a tree, and took some pictures.

He drove me into a garage, and started to work on me, I refused at first, causing him to smack knuckles, and cuss a bit, but he started to fix all that was wrong on me. How wrong I was on my first impression, he wasn’t a “Redneck” he was a loving owner, one that I had been waiting for…..I enjoyed all the attention… I wasn’t embarrassed at sharing my internals with him.

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He replaced my broken head gasket, I wasn’t congested any more. A new timing belt, oil pump, struts, catalytic converter, muffler, water pump, plugs, wires, cap, rotor and lot’s more. I was glowing…

One afternoon he started to strip my top off, I felt a slight chill I was scared.........

He fussed and cussed, then fussed and cussed some more until finally, I thought this was the end I was being dis-assembled, as he started to remove my top frame….. I dripped a little oil on the floor of his garage. Suddenly, a new frame appeared, and he was bolting it on….. Wait, could I be wrong? A new pad and a top skin were put on. He took my seals and replaced foam, and aligned them… I didn’t leak any more.

Along the way he replaced my door with a organ donor, he had to trim it a wee bit but he painted it to match.

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I didn’t even mind getting a well deserved bath.


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I don’t know who was dirtier me before or him after.

I was feeling special; really special…I was truly being loved again for the first time in a long time. He took me to places, and drove me all over, I have visited Savannah, St. Louis, and once he took me to Chattanooga to meet other cabbies……I had a blast.

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Epilogue: Never judge a owner by first impressions, you could be wrong. Along the way, my new owner replaces parts that are broken, or will break, and I keep him happy by never stranding him. I enjoy my life, and I am driven daily now 50 to 60 miles a day.

The Beginning….

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ARE YOU MARKED? VWOC members are finding themselves hiding in the shadows, changing their normal daily routines, and becoming mildly paranoid. Why? Because they've elected to become MARKED. No guns in this game, only Cameras, Iphones, Droids and the occasional Blackberry are the weapons of choice. Despite a small software glitch preventing me from issuing medals and points, the VWOC Photo Assassin Game is going great. Members opt in to be killers (no one really gets killed here) and Marks. Contracts are put out on everything from cars to sales managers to even VW Dealer Principals. Then there's Contracts on cars. Passats, GTIs, Classic Bugs, etc. are marked to be photographed for a price. Chasing after a car or person not your speed? No problem, you can also earn points and medals by taking pics of your own car in certain settings. Le0n and Nitro are leading the pack so far, neck and neck. Of course someone could catch DJ strolling by a Honda and be right on top easily. Here's a few fulfilled contracts so far.

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To fufill this contract, you have to go to a sponsor's website to get the clue.

Here Nitro bags some big game by showing the site's name in the photo.

Finally, you get to take out those ricers with the stupid wings.

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Three finger Passat...

ThrowdownPerformance.com Rules! Contract: Red, New Beetle Convertible with proof of shot being ThrowdownPerformance.com Rules in the photo.

Catch more of the action on VolkswagenOwnersClub.com Or just go to VWOC.net for short.

Page 33: VWOC FEB edition

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