Vwhom.com shopping cart


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Transcript of Vwhom.com shopping cart

Page 1: Vwhom.com shopping cart


Let us Introduce Ourselves!

Everything you need to open your own online store.

We a re fun lov in g , s e r io us in t e r -n e t se rv i ces p rov ide r s , i f the re i s any se rv i ce you re qu i re on the “ne t ” , a ny th ing …! We go t you cov ered …. . . doma ins , ho s t i ng , v i r tua l ded i ca te d s e rv -e r s , we bs i te bu i ld e r s , on l ine ma rke t ing too l s , e - comm er ce , s to rag e & m essa g in g to o l s . . . p lus m uch , m uch mo re !

Your Convenience Specialist

Contact us at

[email protected]

or on the web at: www. vwhom.com

Quick Shopping Cart makes it easy for anyone to

start their own online store, but it also has a rich

collection of advanced features that allow you to

enhance, manage and promote your store.

You don't need technical skills to build

a successful Web store. Quick Shop-

ping Cart makes it easy to create an

eye-catching store that accepts credit

cards, integrates with Google® and

eBay® and offers multiple shipping

options – all with no set-up fees!



20-Product Catalog

1 GB Disk Space

150 GB Bandwidth

Deluxe $44.99/mo

100-Product Catalog

10 GB Disk Space

500 GB Bandwidth



Unlimited Product


50 GB Disk Space

1,000 GB Bandwidth

Page 2: Vwhom.com shopping cart

We are with you every step of the way >>>

VWHOM.COM Online File Folder Benefits

Imperdiet doming id quod mazim placer

at facer minim veni am ut wisi enim ad

minimeniam, quis erat nostr uexerci

tation ullamcorper nostru exerci tation.

All Plans Include

1,500+ quick-start design and

color combinations

Fast and easy setup

No set-up or per-sale fees

Accept credit cards, PayPal

Express® or phone orders

UPS®, USPS®, and FedEx®

shipping with real-time rates

Add your products to eBay

and Google Product Search

FREE hosting with guaranteed

99.9% network uptime!

FREE 24/7 Support

Easy, flexible Web store design

Simple catalog set up

Multiple payment & shipping op-


Coupons, up-sells & featured prod-


Market your online store

Manage your orders & customer

Hosting & security

Integrate your store

VWHOM.COM Online File Folder

Easy, flexible Web store design

Select from over 1,500 design and color

combinations, 14 Category page styles and

11 Product Detail page styles. Personalize

with your logo, brand and product images.

Make changes easily with click-&-type edit-

ing. Easily customize your navigation to

integrate your store with your main Web-


Simple catalog set up

Navigate quickly and easily with a step-by-

step Store Setup wizard. Specify product

details, including SKU, description, pricing,

options and inventory tracking. Add and

manage product images, including enlarge-

ments. Deluxe and Premium plans support

up to five images per product.

Configure your product search options.

Create nested categories to help your cus-

tomers browse through your catalog.

Multiple payment & shipping options

Accept all major credit cards through

FrontStream Payments®, Intuit® Merchant

Service Account, Authorize.net®, Innovative

Merchant Solutions®, PayPal Express

Checkout, PayPal Website Payments Pro,

PayPay Website Payments Standard.

Pay no setup or percentage-of-sales fees.2

Get real-time U.S. and international shipping

rate quotes from UPS, FedEx and the USPS –

or create your own custom shipping rate

table. Use built-in shipping and tax calcula-


Coupons, up-sells & featured products

Showcase featured products in your sidebar

navigation. Specify multiple products for a

rotating display. Create product cross-sells

and up-sells that suggest related products

(ie: "You may also like..."). Create coupon

codes for an amount-off, percent-off or free

shipping. Coupons can also require a mini-

mum purchase amount.

Create product bundles with special dis-


Market your online store

Increase the visibility of your online store

with search engine-friendly page URLs.

Track the response of your marketing cam-

paigns with auto-generated links that in-

clude your promotional code. Easily add

your products to Google® Product Search

and eBay®.

Manage your orders & customer

See new orders, inventory status and mem-

ber activity at a glance. Search and filter

orders and export information to a Mi-

crosoft® Excel file.

Capture credit card payments, enter ship-

ping and tracking information and print

shipping labels.

Receive email notification for orders. Track

product inventory and set minimum thresh-


Hosting & security

FREE hosting with guaranteed 99.9% net-

work uptime. 24/7 phone and online sup-


SSL Certificate enabled to securely process

credit cards. PCI compliance verified by

independent auditor. Fraud Module

Offer easy and secure customer login and


Microsoft Excel: Import and export data with

ease. And many more features……..