vv.ory If ULLGTI Evening Paper Published The. Only Eight ... · not nBk for anything." itocess to...

lUHHHllJJIliF ' vv sV 'W Tvr,'" ; " .vvv v , .ory n. ij..ji .. i.j.1 K . .Am-..'2- z . o&w esiuva using meuiiiw. 7 ?w nsv r s '&. t ! The. Only Eight Tage m yJ'Vi m . If you Don't Read the DulleUn ULLGTI . Evening Paper Published I x .yow uont fjct AL.L. me jcws g t on the Hawaiian Islands. Reaches ALL the Veople. . , s--, .Vol. 1. No. 30G. THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Sunday at 609 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. SUUSCUIPTION HATES. Per Month, nnywhero in the Ha- waiian Islands ! 7A Per Year. 8 WJ Por Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Moxico 10 00 Por Year, postpaid, other Foreign Countries 13 00 1'ayablo Invnrlablv In Advance Tolephono 250. P. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. 10, FORT ST. Notice. HAVING PURCHASED THE business o tho No. 10 Fort Street Storo from tbo ostnto o tho lata J. T. Watorhouse, I will continue the Bnmo business under ray own name. Thanking tbo pntrons for their patronage uuring tho twenty-fiv- e years of my mauagomout of tho business, I nsk for a continuance of the same liberal patronage A full line of Dry Goods nncl Fancy Goods will bo kept con- stantly on hand at lowest prices. HAVE Jl'ST RWElVhl "Ex Irmgard " An assortment of Victoria Liuvns, Doyleys, Cool- ing Cloths and Linen Tablo Damask and Lin- en Napkins, Linen and Turk- ish Towels, Curtain Loops, Silk Boltings, etc., etc. E. W. JORDAN. Just -:- - Arrived A NEW OF THE- - P. D. Corsets We beg to call special attention to the . D. LINEN AND THE- - J D. Summer Corsets Of which wo carry All Sizes in Stock. B. F. Ehlers & Co. FORT STREET. The LlawaiianNcws Co.3L'd Morohunt Stroot, Honolulu. Stationers, Music . . and News Dealers. E2T Carry tho Lorgest Assortment in those lines of nuy lioubo on tho Islands. No Lowor Prices. Just Iteceivod n cousignmont of Vosg & Sons, Scliillcr & Smitli and Barues PIAJSTOS ! 3' Special attention called to tho d to thoso who want a good Piano at a niodcrato prico. Wo sell Pianos on tho installment plait. We pinuunicliiro ltubbor Maitipa. r, Ishnd ordors solicited. Qivo ns a trial uud wo guarantee satisfaction. ymf-iw.y- ri COLDS, COUGHS, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Will relievo tho most dis 2k tressing cough, soothe tho inflamed membrane, loosen tho phlegm, and Indued refreshing sleep. For tho euro of Croup,' Whooping Cough, Soro Throat, nnd nil tho pul-monn- troubles to which tlio young aro io liable, thero is no other remedy so effect- ive as AYER'S ' -- Shmy Pectoral A Record of usarly 60 years Gold f.lcJals at t!.c World's C!ilcl Expositions. imiw Uit's C'lii-rr- I'pclnrnt, It l'rotnltii in .mi Hi hi i i ml U blown In tin- - t'liifi ill t'.u li liultlu. T.iko no clic.il IlllllUll.m. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. 8olo Agents for tho Itcpublio ot Hawaii. Something Interesting ! Imports of Champagne In- to the United States, fllOM JAN. 1st to JUNE Ist, 1895. Cases. Gl H Mumm & Co.'o exlru dry 80,831 Pommory & Greno 11,798 Moet & Ohandon 9,C08 Heidsieok & Co., (dry Monopolo) 7.601 Louis Iloederor 3,438 Ruinnrt 8,130 Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1.785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 BouoheSec 992 Delbeck&Co 728 St. Mnrcoi.ux 334 Krug& Oo 270 Ohas. Hoidsiook 355 Various 5,419 Total 81,859 COMPILED FROM CUSTOM HOUSE RECORDS. Macfarlano & Co., Solo AgontB for G. H. Mumm & Co. for tbo Hawaiian Islands. 124-t- f GOAL rrrarggg? For Family Use! Just llocolved, ex "O. 0, Funk," a cargo of Uif ellington, Depai'fcui'B Bag, tio&I Which 1b offered iu quantities to suit, 2240 lbs. to the Ton. DELIVERY FREE. WILDEBTCO., L'D. HUSTAGE & CO. DKALLRS IN WOOD AND COAL Also White and Black Sand at tho very lowest market rates. Telphono No. 414. Just twonty-pioce- s of those famous wnshablo dross silks form- erly sold nt 35 cents aro now going at 30 conts to close out, and you had bettor hurry as twenty pieces is positively all wo havo in stock. Iwakami, Hotel stroot, next 'to Ordway it Fortor's. ilONOLULTL H. I., SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1896. LEGISLATURE IN SESSION. Tlin KENTE WINDS UP ITS SIT-TIM- S IS MO .IIINUTKI. ninlnlcr Itnmoii to Introduce n Hill Admitting Urnpo U'lnca Duty l'roo llnuve Proceeding. Yesterday afternoon's session of tho Senate was devoted to further consideration of tho Loan Appropriation Bill. Senator Baldwin's amendment appropriating S3000 for n road from Kula to Kihoi passed. Attorney General Smith's amendment to insert $30,000 for n filtering plant for tho Nuuanu rosorvoirs was lost. Sonntor Lyman obtained ah additional appropriation of $10,-00- 0 for a road from Ililo to Kau-man- a in spite of tho protest of Senator Brown that tho island of Hawaii was getting nearly half tho outire amount to bo raised by tho snlo of bonds. Senator McCandloss, amend- ment providing for a further issue of bonds at tho same rato of in- terest, without discount or com- missions, in an amount sufficient to refund tho present indebted- ness, was lost. Senator Baldwin's motion thnt tho oxponso of placing tho loan should not exceed 23,400 carried. This, with tho amounts voted for tho differont public improve- ments, makes tho total amount of bonds to bo issued an oven $800, 000. Senator McCandless presented a report on tho powder magazino, recommonding a change of loca- tion ns soon as possible and an appropriated for a suitable build- ing elsewhere; also that tho Min- ister of tho Interior issue regula- tions iu regard to the mannor of storing, tho kind of shoes that shall bo Morn by thoso entering tho building, and other things that aro right and proper for tho Bafoty of lives and property, and boo to it that thoy aro carried out. Sonator Lyman's bill to widen and improve tho Btroots of Hilo passed second reading. Tho Sonato concurred in tho Houso nmondmont to tho Firo Limit Law, allowing wooden ceil- ings, nnd adjourned. Sixty-Eight- h Day, May 15th. the senate. After tho usual proliminarics at this morning's session Sonator Brown from tho committee on Passed Bills in ado a roport of bills presented to the President. Sonator Bice reported printed copies of Senate Bill 43, which woro distributed. Tho proposed amendment to Article G3 of tho Constitution passed its third reading on a call of tho ayos and nays. Minister Damon gave notico of his intention to introduce a bill amending tho present law rela- ting to tho importation of grapo wines. It is understood tho Act will provide for the admission of all!winos,tho product of tho grapo, of less than 18 por cent alcoholic strength frea of duty for iivo years. The bill relating to tho Post-oflic- q department passed tho third reading. y Senato Bill 43, providing for taking water from tho "Wailuku river for tho uso of tho Hilo Electric Light Company, was read a second time by titlo and cd to tho Committee on Public Lands. Sonator Lyman asked to bo ex- cused from acting on tho bill as ho was directly intoiostod thoroin. Tho ProBidont appointed Senator llico to act in his placo. At 10:20 tho Souato adjouruod. Seventieth Day, May IGtii. house or jiepeesentatives. Every mombor was in his soat this morning, excepting Bop. Mc-Bryd- o. Bop. iVichards reported Houso Bill 45 and Sonato Bill 37 as hav- ing been handed to tho President for his considerationr Tho Senato reported Sonato Bills 35 and 41 as piiBil; tho joint resolution relative to the great aeal adopted; House Bills 21, promotion of fencing; 84 and 44, criminal jiuisdiction. of Dis- trict Magistrates as concurred in nnd roferrod lo the committee on Passed Bills. j Bep. Bond tendered tho roport of tho committee on the resolution favoring nnnoxatioji. Tho rosolu-tio- u is amended somewhat wind- ing up with tho following phraso: ltt.' i 1,'tfint tho logislatuio con tiuues to bo in favor of annexation to tho United States of America, and that ibucIi is tho sentiment of tho voters of tho Hawaiian Isl- ands. ' . Minister Coiper gave notico of intontion lo present nn act which raisea the rank of surgeon of tho stniT ot the commanding officer to that of major, and appoints a sur- geon to each battalion with tho rank of captain Minister Coopor asked that thobill bo road for tho first tirao. ' Bop. Winston objected to tho crowding in of tho bills by tho Ministry jiiBt nt present, for read- ing under suspensions of rules, ns it consumed valuablo titno. Bop. Bobertson asked Minister Coopor if tho Legislature was to have extra time grantod them. Tho Minister said bo understood not. Bep. Bobertson presented the roport of tho Judiciary Committee on Houso Bill No 33, tho nmond- mont to tho law of Eminent Do- - inam. JLlio Uommittoo approves tho bill. Tho Senate amoudmont of Houso Bill No. 21, promoting fencing, wns concurred m. Senate Bill No. 35 was read by title and referred to tho Commit- tee on Public Lauds. Minister Cooper's bill, present- ed earlier in tho day, was read for tho first and second times. Sonnto Bill 41 enmo up for dis- cussion, but wns roferrod to tho Fiuauco Committee House Bill 33 wns taken up nnd read for tho second timo. This bill grants tho government tho right to condemn property for use ns cemeteries, hospitals, roads, harbor improvements, etc. Bop. Bond wanted to kuow where th provision was for re- compensing tho losor of tho prop-ort- y Minister Coopor snid that pro- vision was in tho present laws. Bop. Bond: "I know of a pioco in liohalu, Hawaii, which was not paid for." Ministor Coopor: "Then it must havo been bocauso the owner did not nBk for anything." itocess to l:JU p. m. This niter-noo- n tho liconBO bill will bo tnkon up for tho final reading. w 1'ollcn Court Itemi. Judgo do In Vorgno had very little to do this morning,thoro be- ing only two drunkon roistorors to deal with. Ono of them paid $2 fino and tho othor thought ho could mako more money by work- ing it out. Sweot Emolia becatno Boured on tho world nt largo this morn- ing nnd vented her Bpleon in curs- ing loudly. As this is against tho law Emolia is now roduciug her temperature in tho cooler. A seaman from tho Adams is also lodged iu the dungeon for attempted desertion. nan Meeting Onllod. A mass mooting has boon called by thoUniao Portuguoza for Mon day, May 18th, at 7:30 p. m. on Union Scpiaro at whioh ovory tnx- - nnvfir in invirnd to hn nroHOnt. Prominent citizens will nddross tho mooting upon important issues now boforo tho Legislature. Por- tuguese spoeches will bo interpret ed tor tuo uonent oi inoso in at- tendance. (Try that now brand of flour called "Whito Boso. 81.26 per barrel at tho "Washington Feed Co., Fort stroot, below Queen. JrJLrf AAl imm rt.TWiiJijrV.iiiiiwtfiltfiitteTiii ' " JiM iiikii, iM(wMKJMBsmir M&&&U ivv DANIEL LOGAN'S LETTER SOJIE Ni;VSV ITEMS I'HO.II nn; tlltOWING TOWN OP HILO. Itcller 'mil .llori- - Fruitinit ninll I'mii. niiiiilcallnii Necdeit-Tl- ic Hilo Ton ii IIhII Project, Etc. Hilo, Mny 13th. Yesterday tho bark Santiago arrived, 10 days from San Fran- cisco, and wns towed in by tho gallant little harbor tug. She brought a gonornl cargo nnd tho following passengers: Mrs. Geo. Deacon nnd Bister, Mrs. Smith nnd Mrs. Brewer. Hero is nn item old for Hilo but not hitherto rolnted in Hono- lulu. Somo time ago u subscrip- tion list wns circulated hero for funds to erect a public hall. Tho sum of wns realized, but as Spreekels built n hall that could be routed at a reasonable liguro, tho project was by common con- sent abandoned. As thero would, bo difficulty in roturniug tho money to tho subscribers, somo of tho promoters cast about for somo othor public object on which to expond it. Tho choice fell on tho furnishing of tho volunteer liro engine company's hall. Besides its mnin public character, this placo is availablo for concert re- hearsals, etc. A meeting of sub- scribers to tho fund was called, winch decided to apply tho money to tho object just stated. Hero thero was a hitch. ShorilT Hitch- cock hold $350 of the mouoy, nnd "gonial Jack" "Wilson the remain- ing $117. Tho Shoriir positively and irrevocably refused to give up tho money in his hands for any othor purpose than tho original ono, thnt of building a public hall for tho town of Hilo. Of courso Uio Bulletin has nothing to sny in the mnttor, but it is ono about which thoro is occasional talk in Hilo. All the town is agog over tho hourly oxpocted foreign mail by the steamer Hawaii. Surely the time is nonr when this rapidly ad- vancing town, together with tho populous rural districts of this island, must havo an express steamer for mailB, pnssongors and light freight, commnnicntiiif; somi-week- ly botli wayB with Honolulu. An inter-islan- d cablo is also n needed boon thnt should not havo to wait upon tho slow-draggin- g project of telegraphic communica- tion with tho world beyond. Hilo is enjoying beautiful woathor by day, with refreshing rains by night. Tomorrow evening tho Social Club will presout to tho public a woll-rohears- farce, entitled, "Tho Economical Boomorang." Mr. Sohoon, the clerk of the hotol, is iu it, nnd ho hns this vory min-ut- o despoiled my room of a framed motto to help out tho decorations. Thoro aro seven Volcano pas- sengers on tho Hall, so it is tele- phoned today. I am Borry for them if thoy como to boo Moku-awoow- eo in action, but Peter Loo promises a matineo in Kilauea at any hour. Tho bark Annio Johnson is ex- pected tomorrow and thoro aro few disappointed expectations in Ililo, outside of tho many hopes doferred that makoth tho heart sick in tho matter of due public improvements. But when tho worm turns in earnest, tho powers that bo will hoar from Hilo with no uncortnin sound. Hilo is coming along, howovor, faster porhaps tnau its own resi- dents fully realize. Sinco 1 waB hero six years ago it has secured officieut wntor works, oloctric light and power service, and a steam .lire ougiuo brigade, it lias no sidownlkB, howovor, and its most crying noeds of a wharf and a oroauwator aro yoi 10 oo supplied. Tho want of propor inter- nal communications on this tho largest island, as well as tho most productive, on tho group is simply dibgracoful. Ton days of nn intorvnl in regular mail inter jutmmtmM&iiiir&t Pjucs 5 Cents. course between hero and tho rich Hamakun district is too much en- tirely. Tho people of Hilo do well to be angry with tho central powers of this country, and thoso of the other pnrts of this island would commit their own interests by making common cause with this, tho chief town of the island, iu agitation for tho redress of grievances. Siuco thoso lines were begun the mail has nrrived. I am not going to sot up my individual opinion, scientifically, against that of Mr. Dodgo, but, aftor com- paring notes with both Mr. Bald- win and Dr. Friedlaendor, I must stick to my cstimato of at least 500 feet ns tho height of tho fire fountains of Mokuaweoweo. Also, I wish to amond my original cstimnto of tho area of tho field of firo in tho crater. Instead of ono squaro mile, I would now placo it ns nearer four square miles. Sinco my first hur- - rieu description l Havo got ligurcs from Mr. Baldwin, which ho got by scnlo, whoroby I want to chnnge my estimate and that without com- mitting him in nny wny, ns I only U30 his information ns a basis ot calculation. As to tho height of the louutains 1 givo our renders tho data nnd leave them to judgo for themselves. Wo stood about a milo away, at an elevation of 400 feet above thoir base, tho alti-tud- o of their ejecta often cut a lino half way up tho faco of the opposito cliff, admitted to bo at least 800 feet high. If this does not mako such altitude 500 feet, then I am dono sizing up volca- noes. D. L. m wm IN THE IIIRHEIl COUIITS, Tlio CoU'nn ;no I.lltcly to go to the Jury Till Afternoon. Ill the estate and guardianship of W. C. Markhara, Bruco Cart-wrigh- t, administrator of tho estate of the' father, has paid into Court the sum of $1515.50 for transfor-onc- o to S. K. Kano, recoutly ap- pointed, guardian of W. C. Mnrk-hn- m, a minor. Marshal Brown has paid into Court tho sum of $974.15, not pro-- v. coeds of tho sale of the schooner Henrietta. Judgo Carter and a jury aro still engaged in tho Cowan-Pattor-so- u case. It is likely tho case will go to tho jury this nfternoon. Kinney it Ballon for tho prosecu- tion nnd G. A. Davis for tho de-fous- o. In tho case of Adolph Kuust, convicted of distilling liquor, Judgo Perry hnB Buspoudod sen-ten- co for tho timo boing. Judge Perry was occupied with tho divorce calondnr this morn- ing. In Judgo Perry's court Lily Nott was grantod a docroo of divorco from James Nott on tho ground of non-suppor- t; Ah Foolr. from L. Kealoha Kawai w, for infidelity and Mary N. Ako from. Lewis Sigenor for desertion. In the divorco suit of Knnani w, vs; Win. Hakalanu, tho libol is dismissed. Chief Justico Judd and Justices Whiting and Frear, sitting in. banc, have found E. Holokunihi, District Magistrate of Wniluku, Maui, guilty of accepting a bribe of $24 from Chinoso offenders charged with gambling, and agree- ing to find thorn not guilty on no-cou- nt of paymont of such bribe, and havo dismissed him from office - " . AVIii'ii Otlmr I'iiII Hood'K Sarsaparilla builds up tho weakonod shuttered system by given vigorous action lo tho digestive orgmiu creating an niH.tito and liiriiing tho blood. It is pivpiurod by lUUMVfll lUUlUUUIt IHJHHUHHfH vuo grCulOHl OUT-- ativo powers and hus tho most wouderfal rjeoril of actual cures of any tucdiciuo. Try it. Hood's 1ilu cures nuusoa, kick headache, indigestiou, biliousness, fcold by all drug-Bin'-"- Mtm In olden times barley was used as a most porfoot strength givor. Tho vory best bnrloy mado into tlio vory host malt is used by tho Soattlo Browing Oo. in their Dunous Seattle boor, on tap at tho Criterion. TH . 4 V t iM 1 K

Transcript of vv.ory If ULLGTI Evening Paper Published The. Only Eight ... · not nBk for anything." itocess to...

  • lUHHHllJJIliF ' vv sV 'WTvr,'" ; " .vvv v ,.oryn. ij..ji .. i.j.1 K . .Am-..'2- z .o&w esiuva using meuiiiw. 7 ?w nsv r s '&. t ! The. Only Eight Tagem yJ'Vi m .Ifyou Don't Read the DulleUn ULLGTI. Evening Paper PublishedI x .yow uont fjct AL.L. me jcws g t on the Hawaiian Islands.

    Reaches ALL the Veople..



    .Vol. 1. No. 30G.


    Published every day except Sunday at609 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.


    Per Month, nnywhero in the Ha-waiian Islands ! 7A

    Per Year. 8 WJPor Year, postpaid to America,

    Canada, or Moxico 10 00Por Year, postpaid, other Foreign

    Countries 13 001'ayablo Invnrlablv In Advance

    Tolephono 250. P. O. Box 89.

    B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

    10, FORT ST.


    HAVING PURCHASED THEbusiness o tho No. 10 Fort StreetStoro from tbo ostnto o tho lataJ. T. Watorhouse, I will continuethe Bnmo business under ray ownname.

    Thanking tbo pntrons for theirpatronage uuring tho twenty-fiv- eyears of my mauagomout of thobusiness, I nsk for a continuanceof the same liberal patronage

    A full line of Dry Goods nnclFancy Goods will bo kept con-stantly on hand at lowest prices.

    HAVE Jl'ST RWElVhl

    "Ex Irmgard "An assortment of

    Victoria Liuvns, Doyleys, Cool-ing Cloths and

    Linen Tablo Damask and Lin-en Napkins, Linen and Turk-ish Towels, Curtain Loops,Silk Boltings, etc., etc.

    E. W. JORDAN.

    Just -:- - ArrivedA NEW

    OF THE- -

    P. D. CorsetsWe beg to call special attention to the

    . D. LINEN

    AND THE- -

    J D.Summer Corsets

    Of which wo carry All Sizes in Stock.

    B. F. Ehlers & Co.FORT STREET.

    The LlawaiianNcws Co.3L'dMorohunt Stroot, Honolulu.

    Stationers, Music .. and News Dealers.

    E2T Carry tho Lorgest Assortment inthose lines of nuy lioubo on tho Islands. NoLowor Prices.

    Just Iteceivod n cousignmont of

    Vosg & Sons, Scliillcr & Smitli and Barues

    PIAJSTOS !3' Special attention called to tho dto thoso who want a good Piano at

    a niodcrato prico. Wo sell Pianos on thoinstallment plait.

    We pinuunicliiro ltubbor Maitipa.

    r, Ishnd ordors solicited. Qivo ns atrial uud wo guarantee satisfaction.

    ymf-iw.y- ri



    Ayer's Cherry PectoralWill relievo tho most dis

    2k tressing cough, soothetho inflamed membrane,loosen tho phlegm, andIndued refreshing sleep.For tho euro of Croup,'Whooping Cough, SoroThroat, nnd nil tho pul-monn-

    troubles to whichtlio young aro io liable,

    thero is no other remedy so effect-ive as

    AYER'S ' --

    Shmy PectoralA Record of usarly 60 years

    Gold f.lcJals at t!.c World's C!ilcl Expositions.

    imiw Uit's C'lii-rr- I'pclnrnt,It l'rotnltii in .mi Hi hi i i ml U blownIn tin- - t'liifi ill t'.u li liultlu. T.iko no clic.ilIlllllUll.m.

    Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.8olo Agents for tho Itcpublio ot Hawaii.

    Something Interesting !

    Imports of Champagne In-to the United States,

    fllOM JAN. 1st to JUNE Ist, 1895.Cases.

    Gl H Mumm & Co.'o exlrudry 80,831

    Pommory & Greno 11,798Moet & Ohandon 9,C08Heidsieok & Co., (dry

    Monopolo) 7.601Louis Iloederor 3,438Ruinnrt 8,130Perrier Jouot 3.286Irroy&Co 1.785Vvo. Clicquot 2,378BouoheSec 992Delbeck&Co 728St. Mnrcoi.ux 334Krug& Oo 270Ohas. Hoidsiook 355Various 5,419

    Total 81,859


    Macfarlano & Co.,Solo AgontB for G. H. Mumm & Co.

    for tbo Hawaiian Islands.124-t-f

    GOAL rrrarggg?For Family Use!

    Just llocolved, ex "O. 0, Funk," a cargo of

    Uifellington, Depai'fcui'B Bag, tio&I

    Which 1b offered iu quantities to suit,

    2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.




    Also White and Black Sandat tho very lowest marketrates. Telphono No. 414.

    Just twonty-pioce- s of thosefamous wnshablo dross silks form-erly sold nt 35 cents aro now goingat 30 conts to close out, and youhad bettor hurry as twenty piecesis positively all wo havo in stock.Iwakami, Hotel stroot, next 'toOrdway it Fortor's.

    ilONOLULTL H. I., SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1896.



    ninlnlcr Itnmoii to Introduce n HillAdmitting Urnpo U'lnca Duty l'roo

    llnuve Proceeding.

    Yesterday afternoon's sessionof tho Senate was devoted tofurther consideration of tho LoanAppropriation Bill.

    Senator Baldwin's amendmentappropriating S3000 for n roadfrom Kula to Kihoi passed.

    Attorney General Smith'samendment to insert $30,000 for nfiltering plant for tho Nuuanurosorvoirs was lost.

    Sonntor Lyman obtained ahadditional appropriation of $10,-00- 0

    for a road from Ililo to Kau-man- ain spite of tho protest of

    Senator Brown that tho island ofHawaii was getting nearly halftho outire amount to bo raised bytho snlo of bonds.

    Senator McCandloss, amend-ment providing for a further issueof bonds at tho same rato of in-terest, without discount or com-missions, in an amount sufficientto refund tho present indebted-ness, was lost.

    Senator Baldwin's motion thnttho oxponso of placing tholoan should not exceed 23,400carried.

    This, with tho amounts votedfor tho differont public improve-ments, makes tho total amount ofbonds to bo issued an oven $800,000.

    Senator McCandless presenteda report on tho powder magazino,recommonding a change of loca-tion ns soon as possible and anappropriated for a suitable build-ing elsewhere; also that tho Min-ister of tho Interior issue regula-tions iu regard to the mannor ofstoring, tho kind of shoes thatshall bo Morn by thoso enteringtho building, and other thingsthat aro right and proper for thoBafoty of lives and property, andboo to it that thoy aro carried out.

    Sonator Lyman's bill to widenand improve tho Btroots of Hilopassed second reading.

    Tho Sonato concurred in thoHouso nmondmont to tho FiroLimit Law, allowing wooden ceil-ings, nnd adjourned.

    Sixty-Eight- h Day, May 15th.

    the senate.After tho usual proliminarics at

    this morning's session SonatorBrown from tho committee onPassed Bills in ado a roport ofbills presented to the President.

    Sonator Bice reported printedcopies of Senate Bill 43, whichworo distributed.

    Tho proposed amendment toArticle G3 of tho Constitutionpassed its third reading on a callof tho ayos and nays.

    Minister Damon gave notico ofhis intention to introduce a billamending tho present law rela-ting to tho importation of grapowines. It is understood tho Actwill provide for the admission ofall!winos,tho product of tho grapo,of less than 18 por cent alcoholicstrength frea of duty for iivoyears.

    The bill relating to tho Post-oflic- qdepartment passed tho third

    reading. ySenato Bill 43, providing for

    taking water from tho "Wailukuriver for tho uso of tho HiloElectric Light Company, was reada second time by titlo and cd

    to tho Committee on PublicLands.

    Sonator Lyman asked to bo ex-cused from acting on tho bill asho was directly intoiostod thoroin.Tho ProBidont appointed Senatorllico to act in his placo.

    At 10:20 tho Souato adjouruod.

    Seventieth Day, May IGtii.

    house or jiepeesentatives.Every mombor was in his soat

    this morning, excepting Bop. Mc-Bryd- o.

    Bop. iVichards reported HousoBill 45 and Sonato Bill 37 as hav-ing been handed to tho Presidentfor his considerationr

    Tho Senato reported SonatoBills 35 and 41 as piiBil; thojoint resolution relative to thegreat aeal adopted; House Bills21, promotion of fencing; 84 and44, criminal jiuisdiction. of Dis-trict Magistrates as concurred innnd roferrod lo the committee onPassed Bills. j

    Bep. Bond tendered tho roportof tho committee on the resolutionfavoring nnnoxatioji. Tho rosolu-tio- u

    is amended somewhat wind-ing up with tho following phraso:ltt.' i 1,'tfint tho logislatuio contiuues to bo in favor of annexationto tho United States of America,and that ibucIi is tho sentiment oftho voters of tho Hawaiian Isl-ands. ' .

    Minister Coiper gave notico ofintontion lo present nn act whichraisea the rank of surgeon of thostniT ot the commanding officer tothat of major, and appoints a sur-geon to each battalion with thorank of captain Minister Cooporasked that thobill bo road for thofirst tirao. '

    Bop. Winston objected to thocrowding in of tho bills by thoMinistry jiiBt nt present, for read-ing under suspensions of rules, nsit consumed valuablo titno.

    Bop. Bobertson asked MinisterCoopor if tho Legislature was tohave extra time grantod them.Tho Minister said bo understoodnot.

    Bep. Bobertson presented theroport of tho Judiciary Committeeon Houso Bill No 33, tho nmond-mont to tho law of Eminent Do- -inam. JLlio Uommittoo approvestho bill.

    Tho Senate amoudmont ofHouso Bill No. 21, promotingfencing, wns concurred m.

    Senate Bill No. 35 was read bytitle and referred to tho Commit-tee on Public Lauds.

    Minister Cooper's bill, present-ed earlier in tho day, was read fortho first and second times.

    Sonnto Bill 41 enmo up for dis-cussion, but wns roferrod to thoFiuauco Committee

    House Bill 33 wns taken up nndread for tho second timo. Thisbill grants tho government thoright to condemn property foruse ns cemeteries, hospitals, roads,harbor improvements, etc.

    Bop. Bond wanted to kuowwhere th provision was for re-compensing tho losor of tho prop-ort- y

    Minister Coopor snid that pro-vision was in tho present laws.

    Bop. Bond: "I know of a piocoin liohalu, Hawaii, which was notpaid for."

    Ministor Coopor: "Then it musthavo been bocauso the owner didnot nBk for anything."

    itocess to l:JU p. m. This niter-noo- ntho liconBO bill will bo tnkon

    up for tho final reading.w

    1'ollcn Court Itemi.Judgo do In Vorgno had very

    little to do this morning,thoro be-ing only two drunkon roistororsto deal with. Ono of them paid$2 fino and tho othor thought hocould mako more money by work-ing it out.

    Sweot Emolia becatno Bouredon tho world nt largo this morn-ing nnd vented her Bpleon in curs-ing loudly. As this is against tholaw Emolia is now roduciug hertemperature in tho cooler.

    A seaman from tho Adams isalso lodged iu the dungeon forattempted desertion.

    nan Meeting Onllod.A mass mooting has boon called

    by thoUniao Portuguoza for Monday, May 18th, at 7:30 p. m. onUnion Scpiaro at whioh ovory tnx- -nnvfir in invirnd to hn nroHOnt.Prominent citizens will nddrosstho mooting upon important issuesnow boforo tho Legislature. Por-tuguese spoeches will bo interpreted tor tuo uonent oi inoso in at-tendance.

    (Try that now brand of flourcalled "Whito Boso. 81.26 perbarrel at tho "Washington FeedCo., Fort stroot, below Queen.

    JrJLrf AAl imm rt.TWiiJijrV.iiiiiwtfiltfiitteTiii ' " JiM iiikii, iM(wMKJMBsmir M&&&U ivv



    Itcller 'mil .llori-- Fruitinit ninll I'mii.niiiiilcallnii Necdeit-Tl- ic Hilo

    Ton ii IIhII Project, Etc.

    Hilo, Mny 13th.Yesterday tho bark Santiago

    arrived, 10 days from San Fran-cisco, and wns towed in by thogallant little harbor tug. Shebrought a gonornl cargo nnd thofollowing passengers: Mrs. Geo.Deacon nnd Bister, Mrs. Smith nndMrs. Brewer.

    Hero is nn item old for Hilobut not hitherto rolnted in Hono-lulu. Somo time ago u subscrip-tion list wns circulated hero forfunds to erect a public hall. Thosum of wns realized, but asSpreekels built n hall that couldbe routed at a reasonable liguro,tho project was by common con-sent abandoned. As thero would,bo difficulty in roturniug thomoney to tho subscribers, somo oftho promoters cast about for somoothor public object on which toexpond it. Tho choice fell on thofurnishing of tho volunteer liroengine company's hall. Besidesits mnin public character, thisplaco is availablo for concert re-hearsals, etc. A meeting of sub-scribers to tho fund was called,winch decided to apply tho moneyto tho object just stated. Herothero was a hitch. ShorilT Hitch-cock hold $350 of the mouoy, nnd"gonial Jack" "Wilson the remain-ing $117. Tho Shoriir positivelyand irrevocably refused to give uptho money in his hands for anyothor purpose than tho originalono, thnt of building a public hallfor tho town of Hilo. Ofcourso Uio Bulletin has nothingto sny in the mnttor, but it is onoabout which thoro is occasionaltalk in Hilo.

    All the town is agog over thohourly oxpocted foreign mail bythe steamer Hawaii. Surely thetime is nonr when this rapidly ad-vancing town, together with thopopulous rural districts of thisisland, must havo an expresssteamer for mailB, pnssongors andlight freight, commnnicntiiif; somi-week- ly

    botli wayB with Honolulu.An inter-islan- d cablo is also nneeded boon thnt should not havoto wait upon tho slow-draggin- gproject of telegraphic communica-tion with tho world beyond.

    Hilo is enjoying beautifulwoathor by day, with refreshingrains by night.

    Tomorrow evening tho SocialClub will presout to tho public awoll-rohears- farce, entitled,"Tho Economical Boomorang."Mr. Sohoon, the clerk of the hotol,is iu it, nnd ho hns this vory min-ut- o

    despoiled my room of a framedmotto to help out tho decorations.

    Thoro aro seven Volcano pas-sengers on tho Hall, so it is tele-phoned today. I am Borry forthem if thoy como to boo Moku-awoow- eo

    in action, but Peter Loopromises a matineo in Kilauea atany hour.

    Tho bark Annio Johnson is ex-pected tomorrow and thoro arofew disappointed expectations inIlilo, outside of tho many hopesdoferred that makoth tho heartsick in tho matter of due publicimprovements. But when thoworm turns in earnest, tho powersthat bo will hoar from Hilo withno uncortnin sound.

    Hilo is coming along, howovor,faster porhaps tnau its own resi-dents fully realize. Sinco 1 waBhero six years ago it has securedofficieut wntor works, oloctric lightand power service, and a steam.lire ougiuo brigade, it lias nosidownlkB, howovor, and its mostcrying noeds of a wharf and aoroauwator aro yoi 10 oo supplied.

    Tho want of propor inter-nal communications on thistho largest island, as well as thomost productive, on tho group issimply dibgracoful. Ton days ofnn intorvnl in regular mail inter


    Pjucs 5 Cents.

    course between hero and tho richHamakun district is too much en-tirely. Tho people of Hilo dowell to be angry with tho centralpowers of this country, and thosoof the other pnrts of this islandwould commit their own interestsby making common cause withthis, tho chief town of the island,iu agitation for tho redress ofgrievances.

    Siuco thoso lines were begunthe mail has nrrived. I am notgoing to sot up my individualopinion, scientifically, againstthat of Mr. Dodgo, but, aftor com-paring notes with both Mr. Bald-win and Dr. Friedlaendor, I muststick to my cstimato of at least500 feet ns tho height of tho firefountains of Mokuaweoweo. Also,I wish to amond my originalcstimnto of tho area of tho field offiro in tho crater. Insteadof ono squaro mile, I wouldnow placo it ns nearer foursquare miles. Sinco my first hur- -rieu description l Havo got ligurcsfrom Mr. Baldwin, which ho gotby scnlo, whoroby I want to chnngemy estimate and that without com-mitting him in nny wny, ns I onlyU30 his information ns a basis otcalculation. As to tho height ofthe louutains 1 givo our renderstho data nnd leave them to judgofor themselves. Wo stood abouta milo away, at an elevation of400 feet above thoir base, tho alti-tud- o

    of their ejecta often cut alino half way up tho faco of theopposito cliff, admitted to bo atleast 800 feet high. If this doesnot mako such altitude 500 feet,then I am dono sizing up volca-noes. D. L.

    m w m


    Tlio CoU'nn ;no I.lltcly to go to theJury Till Afternoon.

    Ill the estate and guardianshipof W. C. Markhara, Bruco Cart-wrigh- t,

    administrator of tho estateof the' father, has paid into Courtthe sum of $1515.50 for transfor-onc- o

    to S. K. Kano, recoutly ap-pointed, guardian of W. C. Mnrk-hn- m,

    a minor.Marshal Brown has paid into

    Court tho sum of $974.15, not pro-- v.coeds of tho sale of the schoonerHenrietta.

    Judgo Carter and a jury arostill engaged in tho Cowan-Pattor-so- u

    case. It is likely tho casewill go to tho jury this nfternoon.Kinney it Ballon for tho prosecu-tion nnd G. A. Davis for tho de-fous- o.

    In tho case of Adolph Kuust,convicted of distilling liquor,Judgo Perry hnB Buspoudod sen-ten- co

    for tho timo boing.Judge Perry was occupied with

    tho divorce calondnr this morn-ing.

    In Judgo Perry's court LilyNott was grantod a docroo ofdivorco from James Nott on thoground of non-suppor- t; Ah Foolr.from L. Kealoha Kawai w, forinfidelity and Mary N. Ako from.Lewis Sigenor for desertion.

    In the divorco suit of Knnaniw, vs; Win. Hakalanu, tho libol isdismissed.

    Chief Justico Judd and JusticesWhiting and Frear, sitting in.banc, have found E. Holokunihi,District Magistrate of Wniluku,Maui, guilty of accepting a bribeof $24 from Chinoso offenderscharged with gambling, and agree-ing to find thorn not guilty on no-cou- nt

    of paymont of such bribe,and havo dismissed him fromoffice - " .

    AVIii'ii Otlmr I'iiIIHood'K Sarsaparilla builds up tho weakonodshuttered system by given vigorous action lotho digestive orgmiu creating an niH.tito andliiriiing tho blood. It is pivpiurod bylUUMVfll lUUlUUUIt IHJHHUHHfH vuo grCulOHl OUT--ativo powers and hus tho most wouderfalrjeoril of actual cures of any tucdiciuo.Try it.

    Hood's 1ilu cures nuusoa, kick headache,indigestiou, biliousness, fcold by all drug-Bin'-"-


    In olden times barley was usedas a most porfoot strength givor.Tho vory best bnrloy mado intotlio vory host malt is used by thoSoattlo Browing Oo. in theirDunous Seattle boor, on tap at thoCriterion.








  • IP

    3 t,




    M- -




    S ir


    I"jfct tt


    AKMALS Ol' BIAKAl'.U,A-lir.TH-NKA.


    (By Anno M. Proscott.)

    Wo cannot cut tin European noreven "un Amoricaiu" out of Mongo-lian cloth bo it of ovor bo fino tex-ture Boft and pliablo. It is when,in our conceit and e,wo undortako to accomplish thatrecreation that wo find a misfit,only, on our bauds, li wo cansucceed, God helping us, and woknow wo cnii, in making a good,Bound, practical everyday Chris-tian of a Mongolian let us bo con-tent that ho remain a Mongolian-Christia- n

    and leave tho rest to hiBCreator and loving Saviour."Tnko a little wine, it is good andTrill make you strong," said ayoung Chinese woman to us ingood English, les, that oldernation o tho farthest east knowsivell that a littlo puro wine at nlime (not "on a time") will makethem Btrong and "gladden thoheart;' and that a good deal willwake them drunken andprovo theirruin, for thoy learned that muchat least even from Coufucius,boforothoy had been "taught of God."We cannot undortako to vouchlor tho entire Chinese Empire, butire will for this villago and six milesoutsido of it. Wo liave yet to sooono Chinaman evon, half intoxicat-ed. Notwithstanding, overy man,woman and child of them all willsot rofuso a cup of wine on oc-casion taking it as thoy takeiheir tea not, however, like thocelebrated Dr. Johnson of Gold-smith's, Charles and Mary Lamb's,RassolaB', Garrick'SjOhestorfiold's,Vicar of Wakefield's, MadameD'Arblay's and of all the othersof that crowd of nobodies' timewho drank sixteon cups of tea at asitting; but, just a shallow tinycup now and again no more.

    Wo saw a Chinaman give a cupof wino to his four-years'-o- ld son,obviously as an ovoryday troat.Ho glanced at us, n8 much as tosay: "Don't bo alarmed; thoroinubt over bo fools in, this world,but thoy will not bo in tho major-ity while wo, tho Light of Asia,are in oxistence." Do you fancythat boy will turn up a drunkardor squander his father's hard-earne- d

    money in timo to come?.Xot much. Beg your pardon,reader, you know whattho old lady said:, "Shewas sorry it was wicked toswear; it was such an ornamentto speech." And wo aro somo-Hmo- s

    sad that oven good slang istabu. But that law which says"No" is as inflexible as brass, andyou break it at your peril. ButLow strong, how forciblo, often,that new language which is beingconstantly coined and put uponHie market ! And no one, how-ever wise, has been able to dis-cover the mint or destroy tho dies.A new slang expression, having,often, its root in tho classics,jumps out of its bed one linomorning in London, just as "Cov-en- t

    garden" is opening its' doorsat, 2 a. in., and before midday it isa "chestnut" worn threadbare.Such is lifo. London lifo! Wohavo nothing in English more tothe point than: "She's a 'brick'and don't you forget it." ,

    Wo havo had tho Guton ofFeasts EaBtor-da- y; and our

    Marriago of Cana in Galileo;"and that is exactly what we start-ed in this morning to toll you allRbout. But this pen of ours, aitout stub, a pretty good and will-ing jade on tho whole, but with atongue and toinpor all her own;and before wo aro conscious, ofton,(while wo aro sailing on Dream-land seas for a minute or two)turns up into some English hinoor down into some Irish bog liko asnot aud you are kept waiting.

    Now then: Early on Wednes-day morning, April tho oighth,A. D. 1890, tho altar and thoohancol of little "St. Paul's,"Mokapala-by- - tho-se- North Koha-la- ,

    Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, wasClouded with lilies, stripedor rather streaked, with crimson,and leaves of iua y shades ofgreen, red and yellow. A thickmat, also, of red leaves borderedwith the green was laid for thoroyalparty. Tliero was in that chancelrobed in linon fair and white thotbieo, ("nil good things go in

    But how can wo'dopict for youthat wedding party. First thorowas a youth and a maiden,"Philip and On Lau," from thofirst class of St. Paul's school.They woro tho primo factors inthat littlo eastern caravansary,moving slowly up tho nayo to

    ff 'V


    Iwakami, RobinsonHOTEL STREET.


    is 't?5

    V .?t p ''

    o K I iv 8 V yS

    . I $ J? yy'

    Cotton Crepes, 14 yards, from 35c up I (j JiVf()i i I S0 ll" 'S1l0 llU 'dn 0V sIAV1JllS IIIS

    y y si ' & K

    ' $ m VI iI 0


    "3 ' iaI

    YOU HAD ...oJjj 1 1 JcjJx JdL LJ JxJx Y

    If you noed any






    more of those


    k &,

    that wo offered you during our sale for

    SS L "TJ&JE&JD ZWo havo gone through our reserve stock and found just twenty pieces no more, no less and to

    closo theso out we will place these ' I WTTTlTsj TY "PTTTiOTTlR on sale at

    j- j- This offer cannot be duplicated by any ono in town, so you had better hurry.

    fnrtiiiiir Tiifii- 'ifjiifi-lti- f' lillilrilifii in






    the Banctuary tho "Holy of Ho-lies." Wo cannot begin to des-cribe tho Wondrous apparel ofthat wondrous bride. It was alltoo barbaric and gorgeous for ourpen to paint in detail. But wonoticed that tho fan as well astho ring way an important con-sideration in tho eoromony 1 Andthorb were littlo yellow bolls (allis not gold that glitters, you know)at thohom of her "fu." Tho boysand girls of their class stood withthem; and everybody was bluetho joyous color, somewhere. Thoday was perfect (tho bride'sweather) and tho gathering im-mense considering tho popula-tion. There woro moro than onohundred children, including twodozon and thrno bnbies, and inall tho Oriental colors, orango,rod and blue taking tho precedence,piled with embroidery, brilliant:and not a cry-bab- of them all tobo heard all wont merry as thomarriage boll 1

    ltico was tuoro by tho bushol,for tho coppers and chopstickscame too; for did you think fora singlo minute there was no sec-ond feast, no nftor glow,outsido thoso church walls ?Humpl Chili-poppe- rs and mous-tard- o

    French! Itice thoro was,after tho wifo; thoro wore cosies ofhot tea no end, chicken andchicken, cockerel, fowl, pullet androoster, all style; sweet cakes andsugar cako, bride cako, anchovvsandwiches, and frozen "lloating- -lslands" annexed to sponco cako.yellow as gold; preserved pears,and littlo pickles by way of des-sert; wino ilowed liko water, ofcourse, "beBt wino" too. Everyman, woman, and every pulinginfant in tho back ground drankof it, when they wished. It was awedding feast indeed, and nomakeshift. Tho Emperor of Chinawas toasted; tho health of HorMajeBty, Queon of Great Britainand Ireland aud Empress of India, wns drank in a bumpor, andtuo glass was broken. Tho President of tho United States was thenlooked to. The absent Hawaiiangirl tho Princosp, was not for-gotten. Then came tho churchbishop, priest, and deacon ingoodly array. Tho livelong Bum-m- or

    day was given up to play, andtuo precincts run or with lollitv andgoodchoor,uor ended til 1 the sottingof tho Bun. In a sinalo half houraftor all was still on tho place andtho banquet-hal-l deserted, thohand of tho same old man, (and asteady hand!) one of tho wardens,who gavo away that brido of thomorning, rang tho bell again forchurch! Evensong was sung bytho sarno deacon aud the samelay-read- er assisting tho eveninghymn was played tho solemngrace pronounced; tho "Amons"given. "With Theo began, withThee shall ond this day." Whatbetter sermon do you want, myfriond, what moro earnost homilythan has boon read in your ears"A Chinese-Christia- n Wedding"


    The lioixl (lunlltlOMFoflsessed by Hood's Snrsnparilln nro almostbeyond mcutlou. Beat of ull, it purifies thoblood, thus Btrengtheuiuij tho ueres. Itregulates tho digebtivu orpins, Inviporntestho kidnoys and liver, tones nnd builds uptho entiro Bya tern. It euros dyspepiiu,scrofula, catarrh and rheumatism. Itomeni- -ber. Hood a Cures.

    Hood's Tills act easily, yet promptly ondeffectively on tho liver and bowels. 25 o.

    A. J. Derby, D.D.S., Dentaloffice Cottago No. 100, Alakoastreet, telephone No. 615. Officehours 9 a.m. to 4 r.M.

    Try that now brand of flourcalled White Boso. $4.25 porbarrel at tho Washington FoodCo., Fort street, below Quoon.

    City Carriage Co.. J. S. And.rado, manager. It you want ahack with good horso and caro-f- ul

    driver ring up l'olophono 113,corner of Fort and Merchantstreets- - Hack at all hours.

    Sterling, tho painter, is prepared to quote prices on roofpainting. Hd uses a composition ofcoal tar and cement. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu,

    Prove your good tasto by hav-ing your walls well covered withpictures. Thoy noed not bo ex-pensive. Well chosen subjectsBimply framed will answor ovorypurpose Seo King BroB. aboutit.

    SiugorB lead tho world. Over13,000,000 made aud Bold. High-est awardsjat tho AVorld's Colum-bian Exposition for excollonco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, groat speed, ad-justability, durability, ease oflearning and convenience of ar-rangement. B. Borgorsen, agent,King and Bethel Btreets.



  • U -


    PAUAiir msitoi' ii.vi.l.

    Dedicatory i:xrrctci to Talio I'lucoNext Tliurntlnjr Evening.

    Tlio now building nt Ofihu Col-lcg- oknown ns tlio Pnunhi Bishop

    Hall will bo formally dedicated onThursday noxt. Tlio public gen-erally is invited to attend the ex-orcises, of which the following istho program :

    1. Organ Proludo.2. Invocation by Rov. Mr.

    Hyde.3. Song by College Gleo Club.4. riuaucial Statomeut by tho

    Acting Treasurer, Hon. 1'. C.Jones.

    C. Selection by College Or-chestra.

    C. Address by Presidout Dole.7. Song by Collego Gleo Club.8. Presentation of Keys of tho

    Hall by Hon. W. It. Castle.9. Acceptance by Presidont

    Hosraor.10. Benediction by Rev. Hirum

    Bingham.11. Organ Postludo.



    Tlio rinnta In IIoiiIiIch to bo I'lnyodorr iiiis Anvmoon.

    Yesterday games in tho somi-fiu- alseries resulted in tho victory

    of Dillingham and Coney over H.G. Wilder and Hitchcock with nscore of G-- 2 GO and Woods andWodohouso over llydo and Nor-ton with a seoro of G-- 4, 1-- G2.

    The linnlrt for the championshipin doubles foi 189G will bo playedoff on tin grounds of tho Borota-ni- a

    Tonnis Club at 4:30 p. m. thisafternoon.

    At l.iiiiun Nquiirr.

    Tho Hawaiian band will give thoUBual concort at Emma squarethis afternoon at 1:30, with thofollowing program :March Tlio llmmlcrer SouaaOverture Kubcnhl FlotowCornet I'olkn Dear and Truo WclcUcrSelection Faust GounodWaits The Met ly Wnr 8traiusI'olka Spangles Fiius t

    ' Hawaii 1'onol

    1H Til lit No.

    Like everything olso beor canbo umilo in vAi'ioua vn.yB. Soinobrewers aro constantly figuringon how cheap thoy can brow. Ofcourso they sell thoir product at avery low figure, but is it puro?Is it healthy? Soattlo beor isbrowed from tho very best hopsthat aro grown. A visit to thoCriterion Saloon whore thisbeverugo is on tap will convinceyou.

    Honolulu's warm climato isconducive of thirst to a greaterdegree than thi't of a colder zono.The avorago business man lososalso, to a degree, tho amount ofenergy and nervous forco commonenough in tho hracing air ofAmerican cities. These two phasesof our climato make it morenecessary than olsowhoro to stim-ulate tho system with an invigor-an- t.

    No more healthful or purerstimulus, or ono moro dolightfulto tho palate, can bo found, thanPabst Milwaukoo boor. It is adelicious drink and is constantlyon draught at tho Cosmopolitan,Pacific and tho Royal.

    Strango as it may seom, mostvarieties of jellyfish havo truoorgans of hoaring.

    City Market18S3.

    Joseph. Tinker; - - Frapi

    Beef, gr?& MuttonPork, sSLs Veal,

    . Of tho Finest Varieties.

    ainkcrs of tho Celebrated 1'ork Siuisugo.Nuuanu streot, opp. Chaplain lane.

    Tolc? phono 280.



    and FEED STUPESper Barkenthio S. G. Wilder

    AT THE

    City Feed Store,Punchbowl and Ilerotnnia.

    L. H.DEE.

    might foil where one dose of Tainfilter would succeed, ir you haveu cough or cold or any other wintercomplaint, try Paiu Killer at once.It never fails to give instant relief,fenny Davis & Son, Proridence, R. I.


    Will cure a cold before It settlesor niter it settles. The rightlime to take it is when you

    lcci uic com coming onsPrepared only l

    Perry Davis & Son,,jrroviauicCfCju

    BRUISEScom? w.uio"'- - nny previous warn-ing. The bctt v.ay ii chvsys tobe prepared. ' Keep n bottle ofX'crryuai4 i'AISRIm.i a by you.

    It relieves nt once.It Is also u euro euro for Crumps, CcllQ anil

    and all Interpol pain.

    Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

    136-t- f Agents for tho Hawaiian Wands.




    TrucksWe ubo tho greatest care in

    moving all kinds of goods andat Moderate Phioes.

    King Street, near Fort.Telephone 86.

    J. J. SorxiVAK, J. HUCKLKY,President, Sco'v.

    Fasliion StaWes Co.,L'fl.Honolulu, H. I.

    Sni.MV.N .fc Buckley, Mnn'R'n,.

    FINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGESin tho City, with Compotont and Cnro-f- ul


    Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of .Fort nnd Hotel Streets.

    Tolkmioke:Ilnw'n Hotel Stables, 82.Pantheon Stnbles, 81,Fnshion Stnbles. 118.


    EXPRESSKino and Ncuano Streets.

    Telephone 24.G.gjtT" Comment in unneccssay.


    BAGGAGE delivered and chook-e-dto any Steamer. Furnituro

    and Pinnos carefully moved atSeasonable Rates.

    SatisfactionFcrt and Queen Sts.

    Day Tel. 912, Eesidonoe Tel. 643.

    Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car lino and on TA--

    LAMA KOAD near FertilizingPlant.

    These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

    Desirnblo Acre Tracts near tho city andothor Properties tor enlo.

    B11UCJ3, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots nnd Lauds,

    nOU Fort Street, near Kinfj.TELErno.NE 007. P. O. Box 1)21.


    CLOSING- - OUT SALE.Entire Stock to be Closed Out Rggardless of Cost


    Japanese Silks, Crockery, Neckties,Hats, Crepe Dress Goads, Shirts, Etc,

    K. FUEUYA,Hotel Street, ltobluson Hlock. Next door to Ordwny & Porter.


    noxt to Lucas' Mill

    Ships' Blacksmithinrj,Carriage Building

    and Repairing

    Drays, Carts andWagon Building




    Fitted up with all tlio ModernAppliances for

    Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

    of Every Description.

    Blacksmithing and Horso Shoeing.


    1Teleplxon.e 52HONOLULU

    Carriage Manufactory128 & 180 FORT STliEET.

    Carriage BuilderAND ItEl'AIItKIi.

    BhohniifcinAll Its Branclios.

    W. W. WRIOHT, Proprietor.(Successor to O. AVcdt)

    TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47, ... , Nuuanu street.Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-

    men's Shoes.Boots and Shoes to order. I ubo tho beat

    material. Goods warranted ton car well. 143- -

    FOOK ON & CO.,Nuuanu Streot.

    JuBt opened now supply of First-clas- s Shoesjust received.

    Ladios' & Gonts' Shoos Mado to OrderFrom American and French Leathers.

    European Restaurant.S09, Hotel streot.

    CHOCK SING, Manager.First-clas- s meals nt regular rates. Fowl

    served on Thursdays and Sundays,Board by week $4.50.

    JCSJT" For best quality of MnnillaGigars,Cigaroltcs and Tobacco como to Hop Siug'tinoxt door. 147-t- f

    PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tbo Bay ITorso Saloon

    Corner Betbel and Hotel Streets, Honolulu.

    bpeoial eatino iiousr.:Private Booms for Ladies nnd Qontlomou.

    Open from 5 a. m. to 1 in morning.Price of Tiokots, $4.50. Singlo Meal, 25o.

    New Hestanrant,BetLol street nbovo Post Ofilco.

    NICK AND CLEAN.Ohickon on TuosdayH, Thursdays nnd

    Saturdays. Ico Cream on Sundays. FinoSulads with diunor ouch day.

    Meals, 25c' 22Tiokets,-1.50- .

    AST'OK HOUSE,(All CHOCK, I'ropr.)

    Meals 25 Cents. gJNN.D. .Private Room for Ladies.

    OonNEit rlOTEfi and Union Sts.

    YEJE oh:o:nq,HESTAUnANT.

    Menls nt All Hours. Open from 5 n. m. to1 o'clook nt night, baturdny, opon nilm gut. 'Ji hckois lor ju. iivorytuinRClean HOTEL 8TKEKT,214 Upposito I'nutncon Saloon,

    The . . .

    Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

    Has a largo assortment of

    Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

    Constantly on hand.Estimates givon for house wir-

    ing and Electrical plants.Marino Wiring a specialty.

    THEO. HOFFMANN",32'td Manngor.

    R. C. A. PETERSON,

    Custom House Broker,

    USTotary -- :- Public,Genera Business Agent.

    Collections corefnlly attended to.

    ITOfflco with II. E. Walker, Cum-miu- sBlock, Jlorchnnt street. 2:t8-t- f

    David Dayton.

    I have some cli-ents who wanthouses to live in.

    David Dayton.I0l-t- f Merchant street.



    320 MERCHANT STREETOld Bulletin Building.

    Collections Promptly At-tended to.

    Money Delivered the Day of Collection.

    W. H. RICKARD,General Business Agent"Will nttoncl to Convoynncing in

    all its Brunches, Collectingand nil Business Mnttors

    of trust.

    All Business entrusted to himwill recoivo Prompt nnd CarefulAttontion. Oflico:

    Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii,

    A New Abstract Office.

    As a result of 15 yonr's oxpori-onc- oin the Abstract Business, I

    am prepared to mako Abstracts ofTitle m n most thorough, accurateand eomploto mannor, and onshort notice

    F. W. Makinnev.In W. O. Smith's Oflico, 818

    Fort Street. 215-t- f

    J amos Ij. Holt,Geneual Business Agent, Ac-

    countant AND COLLKOTOK.

    OFricr.i No. 11 Kanhnmnnu Street. Telophone No. 630. Prompt attontion

    guaranteed. 217 tf



    u410 Hotel street, nenr Nuuanu.

    ImportersOf All Kinds of Provistona,


    Chinese Tea andGanger,

    GROCERIES, -:- - RICE,All kinds of Canned Fruit, Cigars,nnd n lorgo assortment of goods toonumerous to mention nt tho very

    LOWEST PRICES.201.2m


    FOlt SAI.F, AT

    KAMTAPS,Opposlto Pantheon Dnrlxir Shop, nt Lowest

    Prices. Try my

    Flor Fino, La Pcrlu Del Oricntc,La Pucrala Del Sol and

    La Empcralriz.Tho Smoker's Favorites.

    Sin.gr Lee Co.,602 KING STREET.

    FEESH :- -: FRUITSUy every California steamer.

    Importers of nil kinds of Groceries Fruits.Canned Goods, Cljrars and Tobacco,

    nt Loweiit Price.Frcsli VcRchiblcs Always on Jlnml.

    SING WO,Corner KImr and llelhcl streets,

    Dealer in Cigars and TobaccosBest brands of Manilla Cigarsand flnest Cigarettes. . .

    At lowest prices. 431- -

    AH PING,Dealer in Chinese Tea, Cigare,

    Pennnt Oil, Sngor, Soap,Candles, etc., nt lowestmarket pnea. ....

    Corner Nuuanu and I'auahl streets. 143- -

    HOP HING & COMPANY,Wholesale Dealers In

    Ctilneso Silk, Tea, and Matting,

    Liquors nnd Manila Cigars, EngllMt andAmerican Groceries.

    403 Hotel street. - - - - Telephone 147.

    QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers and Healers In

    General Merchandise,145-t- f Corner King nnd Mnunnkea Sts

    HO YEN KEE & CO.,Plumbers


    Water Pipes, laid and repaired,nnd plumbing neatly executed.

    14- 2- No 41, Nuuanu street

    FOR . . .


    At lowest prices, go toWING TAI LUNQ.

    14- 1- 831 Nuuanu street.

    LAJl SI3STG KEE- -riiVKinnu.

    ALL KINDS OFTlNWAltE, CKOCKERT,etc., at tbo very lowest prices. King streetmaknl and Kwa of Maunakca.


    All kinds of tinwnro, crockery,oto, at lowest pricos

    141 Nnnnnn nnd note! etroeti

    LIN SING KEE,Plumber & Tinsmith

    Doxlcr In Tin nnd Agnto Ware.

    All binds of I'lumblni; dono In a Satlafuctorj.Maimer at Low eat Kates.

    1'. O. Dox 274, 212 4C3 Hotel St


    STERER : AND : DEALER : IN ... .

    Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contractor nnd Builder.

    No. SO, Nuuitnu street,lias on hand CofllnB, Camphor Trunks,

    MattinR, Vardroles. Desks, Mntrejses.eto.fjtf Call in and inspect goods.

    Orient Planing Mill,VING FAT & CO.,

    CONTKACTOK3 AND HUII.DEHS,Kurnlturu of all kinds raado and repaired

    DulUUiiL' houoes nnd ranking rlco mllli a spcclalty. V. O. Uox 102, vomer King aud lletheletrtcts, 143

    ' 3 H!PQ Hats! -:- - Mats! M


    ftjade To Order Aqg $tjlrLadies and Gents.

    New Styles F.very MONDAY nnd SAT-URDAY.

    Best Straw Hats,From 25c. Up--

    T. MXJRATA.No. ."2o Nunnnu Street. ?32-t- fW. W. Ahana

    Mnket C'othiiiff ti MUDKlt of thevery best tn. term .s and in tlio verylatest style. . , ,

    A. a?crfect Fit


    Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


    W. W. IHANA.

    To Whom It

    Wlay Concern.

    This is to cortifv tlmt f! AL-i-litis made several suits of clotheslor mo nntl tlio workmnnship hasboon of tho best. I tnkn nlpnanriu recommonding him nnd his ,nunc.


    TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Fit Guaranteed. Fine DuckSuit, $5 up; Fine Tweed Touts, Si.SOup;..ino Suit, 18 up. Clothes cleaned nnd

    200 KING STREET.P.O. Box 141;

    Chock Chee & Co., Merchant Tallort,Clothes Clconed nntl Ropaitcd.

    No. 322 Nunuuu Street.215'ly 1'. 0. Box 233.

    DYEING !If you want your Clothes Dyed nnd ina.lo

    to look now, call around ut

    CHOCK LOOK'S,Merchant :- -: Tailor.

    43 Nuuann street, V O ltox 153.

    C T. AKANANo. 324, Nuuanu streot.

    V MERCHANT TAILOR, VFine 8ultlngs made to order nt loweet prlcta,145 Clothes cleaued nnd repaired.

    "W. .A.hiu. fe Co.,320 Nuunnu Stroot.


    Fino Suitings from Bost American and.cngusn uiotu.

    Clothos Clennod nnd Ilepaired.

    CHIN WO & CO.Young Ah In, Jlgr.

    Corner Ueretnnla and Nuuanu sts., JlonolnlcniOE l'ljANTEHS-Alwa- ys have for sale Uwbest quality of rice. Our rlcu marked W OC

    D uuitillivtjll 111 UU AI,geuts oriiia ipllowlng rlco plantation.:Palama, Unlaw a. Jtoanalun. Wnlklkl, Wnlptou

    Kolawao Kawalhapa aud Waloll, Oahu, WIluiialel, Knual.14 Tel 218. POBoxJMi

    YEE.ON CO.,817 Nuuanu St. P. O, Box 143,

    Watchmakers and Aianufactur-in- gJewelers.

    Repairing ol Watches ana Jewelry. ALLWOIIK OUAUANTEED.Importers of Watches and Clocks ol FIntatH'J Urades,

    L. AIILO,No. 403, ...... Nmtnnu street.

    lias just rcceiyodn now lino ofDKY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS'

    SHOIAND OENlillAL MEBOILW.Agent for the following rlco plnntntionsi-nlp- io,Wnlawa, Wnimnla, WnlnlsaL

    Mv rim from lfnnni.. i . -L A aud is guaranteed Al. "P.O. Box 114, .

    -i--. .T-- m-.- w .IsrfJTi.;. fit Mt,&l&t, iV. - ' W ) l

    Telephono BJfl,







  • hi



    "V ' "?) 1


    5!? Euenir? Bulletin,

    DANIEL LOGAN. Editor.

    SATURDAY, MAY 1G, 189G.


    In the Seimto tho other day thenow Qunrantiuo Law was intro-duco- il

    at half past ouo on tho afternoon of ouo day and passed ontho third reading the followingmorning at half past ton. This ishasty legislation with n vengeance,and it was simply impossible fortho members to give tho bill thatconaidointion which itb import-ance demanded. The pxcubo giv-en for rushing tho billthrough was that it was almostidentical with tho United Statesquarantiuo law. That may betrue, but timo was not even takento couaidei whilher lh3 conditionsunder which tho bill was passedin tho United States woro identical with thoso obtaining hero. Buttho bill is passed and thoro is nouso in crying ovor spilled milk.It is permissible, howovor, to protest against such unduo hasto inthe future.

    It is apparent that attemptswill be mado to rush billsthrough in thoso tho closing daysof tho session. Indeed tho Executive has already commenced tohurry the House of Represontalives into considoriug bills whichthoy havo not yet reached. 13utthat bod does not seom to bomuch worried in tho mattor andpursuos tho ovon tonor ofits way regardless of thphints of tho Executive. Eventhe statement of MinisterCooper thta morning flint the Executive did not intend to grant thoLegislature tho oxtra thirty daysallowed by tho Constitution didnot ppein to affect its members.Nor should it, for as long as thoHouse holdR back tho main appro-priation, liconso and other impor-tant bills it can forco tho Execu-tive to givo them un extra thirtydays to finish up in, especially asthe claim is mado that if theExecutivo had boon readywith its reports and bills in theearly portion of tho session as tholaw provides thoro would havobeen no necessity for tho extrathirty days. Let us havo no morehasty legislation that we may liveto repent in sack-clot- h and ashesfor tho next two years or longor.

    In tho coming Republican Na-tional Convention which meets inSt. Louis on Juno 1G, it is intend-ed to connect the various Statodelegations with tho speaker'sdesk by telephone, so that thochairman may know tho uamo ofevery man who is recognized, andthus bo able to announce his uamoto tho convention. Tho detail ofthe plan proposed does not differfrom tho systora of room-to-roo- mtelephone in vogue in tho largerhotels. Thoro will bo a coutraloQico back of tho speakor's stand,and from thoro an operator willconnect tho various delegationswith tho chairman or with eachother, as tho enso may bo. Thearrangements for giving tho newsto the outsido world by tolegraphwill bo the finost and most com-plete ovor attempted nt a nationalconvention.

    Tho following result of a recentreferendum ballot in Adolaido,South Australia, on some ques-tions of public policy, will bo ofinterest: Aro you in favor of thecontinuanco of the present systemof education iu Stato schools?

    Yes, 34,446; no, 12,995. Aro youin favor of tho introduction ofSoriptuial instruction in Statoschools during school hours?Yes, 13,S85; no, '2G,109. Aro youin favor or tho payment of a capi-tation grant to denominationalschools for secular results? Yes,98G7; no, 31,014.

    The Most Bcautiul Women . . .. . . Also the Homeliest


    Atk Your Giocer For Jt.


    AcctlMen Custom OlllclnU of OIUte- -luti and

    Honolulu, May 1G, 189G.Editoii Bulletin Allow mo

    to call tho attoution of tho publicthrough tho columns of your val-uable paper, to tho manner inwhich wo Asiatics aro being treat-ed by tho Custom House officials.The policy of the Government, ifI am correct, is to treat as muchas possible, every ono alike, irro-gard- s

    to color or race. So far, sogood. I am afraid it has been soin tiio manor oi ouiwnra appear-ance only. It puts me in mind oftho story of tho wolf dressed in anass's skin.

    Formerly, thcro woro no res-trictions iu regard to our goingon board a Bteamer to bid ourcountrymen "good - bye," otc.Things havo chauged, however,and irom sometime ago, when asteamer was bound for China andJnpnu, the gnt-'- s were closed andAsiatics were not allowed to go inoxcopt when thoy had permitsfrom tho Custom House. Theseworo then freely givon to thosowho applied, but as timo rolledon, thoy becamo difficult to pro-cure Only thoso who had busi-ness to transact, otc, had tho priv-ilege of obtaining them.

    iridoy morning of April 24th,when tho Rio Janeiro was bookedto sail at 10 o'clock, a few as usualapplied for permits. To their sur-pris- o

    nono was givon. Whenasked tho reason, tho answor wasthat too much bribery had boongoing on latoly. Even prominentmorchants woro barred out.

    How can thoro bo any bribery,if tho officials rofuso to nccopt anysuch offers? If they aro nottrustworthy, why not employ thosothat aro? If there aro any dis-honest merchants, why not got tho"law" after them. Someone askedwhy other nationalities wero al-lowed froo access. Tho reply wasthat it was not so. Only peoploon business woro nllowed to outer.In order to ascertain this, thoenquirer wont to the gate and sawmen, women and children goingin and out at their own sweetwill. The majority of thorn weromordly sightseers. "Wo who hadfriends, nay, parents, brothorsand sisters on board woro forcedto keep away.

    Suppose for instance there hadbeen somo bribery at tho Oceanicdock when tho Australia was inport. Do you think tho Customauthorities would close tho gateson tho day of sailing of thatpopular liner and not allow anyono in except on business? Why,a riot would onsuo right then andthoro. What is tho difference withus? Havo we not tho sumo feel-ing? Is not tho Australia to thowliito pooplo ns tho China steameris to us?

    It seems that tho loncer wo on- -duro and keep quiet, tho more woaro being oppressod and

    It is truo that through thofault of somo of ub, that strictmeasures woro adopted. But is itbecause a few had been dishonestthat all of us must suffer the con-sequences and bo treated alike? "

    I lully realize that to handlesuck a big lot of peoplo at once isno easy task, but nro thero notbetter methods that tho present?Tho olhcials, no doubt, havo thoright to use what measures theydoom advisablo, but I think thoyaro using too extreme and bar-- vbarons ones.

    If this was a heathen country,it would bo useless to say any-thing, but siuco 1 consider this tobo fully civilized, with tho major-ity of its inhabitants Christians,I think that Christian methodsought to bo employed. Thoro isa talk of abrogating tho prosontpassport law, claiming it to bobarbarous and that no other en-lightened nations uso it. Thoabove luw is nowhere compared totho barbarous measures we arobeing subjected to. We do notpropose to run tho governmont,nor do wo wish to interfere inany way. All wo want is"Justico",that is, to accord us full civilrights as defined in its Constitu-tion.

    A Law Amdino CiimstiaxAsiatic. .

    Singors load tho world. Ovor13,000,000 mado and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, groat Bpoed, ad-justability, durability, oaso oflearning aud convenience of

    B. Borgorseu, agent,King and Bothel streets.

    Jimely Jopi5




    In a Coast newspaper de-

    voted to the bicycle businesswe read that dealers in bicy-cles are authority for the state-ment that the business aspectof the bicycle trade has mate-rially changed during the pastyear. Instead of the mainbusiness consisting in dealingwith men's wheels, quite thecontrary is true. Dealers arenow doing their utmost toattract the eyes of the women.All of which shows that theladies are taking very kindlyto bicycle riding all over theworld. And it is the samehere, the demand for ladies'

    wheels is continually increas-ing. We have received fiveof the TRIBUNE LADIES'WHEELS on this steamer andhave more on the way. Thesewheels are of this year's make,direct from the factory, no backnumbers, and have all the latestimprovements.

    We have also a number ofTribune racers and gent's road- - '

    sters, and a number of "Zim- - jmy" wheels. This is an en-- 1tirely new machine, namedafter the great rider, Zimmer-man- n,

    and we shall be pleased

    to explain its merits to in- -'tending purchasers.

    But we started in to say afew words on CUTLERY, ofwhich we received an im-mense assortment on the Aus- -'tralia, which is now unpackedand on exhibition. In tablecutlery we have an immensevariety in new and elegant !patterns and all sizes. In pock-et cutlery we have a numberof new designs. Knives tocut lead pencils and knives totrim your finger nails with, andknives to cut down your ex-penses with. We have prun-ing knives which are just thething for the members of theLegislature to use in cuttingdown the appropriation bills,and some suitable for the Ad-vertiser man to do his "cheese-paring" with. In fact wehave all kinds of knives, largeand small, light or heavy, butall of them of the best qualityand manufacture.

    We have carving kniveswith ivory, buckhorn or bonehandles, butcher knives, skin-ning knives, knives with cork-screws in them for campingout or staying at home. Infact we have all sorts of knivessuitable for all sorts and 'con-ditions of people.

    Hawaiian Hardware Co.LIMITED,

    Opposite Sproclcols' Bank,

    NO. 307 FORT STREET.


    Wouldn't you consider aman capable of doing tho mostintricate work, capable of doingtho simple work alsn?

    Would you consider a mancapable only 'of doing tho sim-ple work, quite ns capable forthat work, as the more skillfulone?

    We havo been getting ALLyour intricate and difficultwork during the years past,now let us have ALL yourwork which requires less skill;then note after it leaves ourhands how much better itlooks see if it docs not givoyou better satisfaction.

    Your watch is one of yourbest friends; it merits the treat-ment you accord your friends.

    We givo it such treatment.It is our business. Ten yearsof satisfactory work havegiven us the reputation for thobest; and yet wo nro doingbetter work to day than ever.

    Wo aro working just as hardto keep that reputation as wooverdid to gain it. Wo arenot content to rest easy, andlet the reputation do all thowork; the quality will never bolessened.

    Do you know that your oldkey winder can be converted toa stem winder, and that it canbe dono so it will wind assmooth ns melted butter? Wohavo converted a number ofthem .and can convert yours.

    H. P. Wichman

    ProcessST0VE iza2223v

    Simple, Safe, No Smoke, NoOdor.


    A very handsome stovo, profuselynlckled, beautifully Japanned and ornn-merit-

    aud strongly built. Baking, Cooking mid. if necessary, washing enu bo doiioat tho samo timo.

    The Dialsshow wliothor tho burners nro closed.This not only ensures simplicity, butis also nn



    beciMiso tho burners cannot bo open,cd further than necessary.

    Tha oen ilamo is stronger thancither top flanio, therefore bakingcan bo dono to perfection in a shorttimo.

    Castle & Cooke,(Xjiaaauited...)

    283-t- f Agents.

    For Lease.

    TO LEASE TO A GOOD TENANT FOlt Aterm of yeais, a Fluo Residence containingUltooms, on Vineynid bheot, ou a fluo lotplauttd with fruit trees, bearing. Apply to

    304 If E. S. UUNUA.



    SsJ jf


    "We can supply you with anything you want in

    our lino from the cheapest to tho finost Shoes

    made. You have seen our "Bull bf(j ''" Noono has picked him yet. Wo air lighting fortrade. You are buying Shoes. Wo aro selling

    them. You shall have as good terms as any

    othor customer. . . . . ...The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,

    Big- - Slioe Store.

    KW.DIMOND'STho report of three physi-

    cians connected with tho Boardof Health on the condition ofthe water which tho people ofHonolulu drink is valuable, iffor no other reason, that itgives ono timo to select theright company to insure one'slife with, and to niako neces-sary arrangements for cemeterylot and undertaker.

    If the citizen who preferslife to uncertainties, tho incon-venience and bother of treat-ing Bright's disease or fevermoy be easily avoided by aninvestment in tho proper sortof filter. Wo have one madoof natural stone, tho water be-ing filtered through a cylin-drical disc. This disc is easilyremoved for cleansing and ma'be mndo perfectly clean by amoment's brushing.

    The filter has not beennamed yet, but another, iden-tical in shape and manufactureis called tlie Success. Ours isjust as good without a nameand ensts a dollar less lousee, tho name amounts tosomething. Wq havo also astock of tho Gurney improvedrefrigerators and ice boxes,some of which have watertanks and taps, in which filter-ed water may bo kept (fool.

    Von Holt Building.

    Auction Sales by Jus. F. Morgan.


    For Sale.I nm directed to sell at Public Auction on

    Wednesday, May 27, '96,nt 13 o'clock noon of said day at ray salesrooms on Queen street, In Honolulu (unlesssoouer disposed of at private sale) the follow-ing described property, namely:

    A tract oflaud of about !,!JU0 acres In feosimple sltunto at Kolo and Olclomonim 1 InSouth Kona, Island of Hawaii, about eightmllis lij a good road from Iloohnia, one ltliu largest Ullages In Kona. There Is an ex-cellent landing on tho land Itself lromwheietho tolIVc aud other produce could be shippedand a good site for a mill near the landing.Fifty acres of land are In colleo. Koughly es-timated thcro Is about seven hundred acres ofsplendid cotfuo land lying all on onu block onboth sides of the (iovcnuiient Konrt, Lighthundred acres l)lng aboe and to the Kastofthe secn hundred acres above mentioned Isalso excellent laud and although at a higheraltltudo Is no doubt also well adapted forcoffee culture. Tho lower land below thocolfee belt U suitable fur pineapples and sisal.There Is a drjlng hoiue, store and work-rooms, a Gordon's I'ulper, laborers' quartersand water tanks at the plantation, and thelaud Is partly walled. There has never beenan blight on this land, although colfcowasplanted a great many j cars ago. Old residentsof Koua like the lato I). II. Nahlnu, J. W.Kualmoku and others huve testified to thisfact. There is a sea fishery appurtenant toOlelomoanal,

    Terms cash or part of tho purchase pricocan remain on mortgage ateluht per cent perannum. Deeds and stumps at the expenso otpurchaser.

    A map of the property cjin bq seen and fur-ther particulars obtained at my sales rooms.

    J. P. MOEGAN,HU-t- d Auctioneer.




    U H m u s f - afs;2J3iHy





    F'ovt. lti'cet.TVelth i&ixiual YIeeting

    -- or Tim- -


    Jockey - Club

    IHrfSra.azg'TSMtli'.-lgiff- l

    June lltii, 1896.


    Haccs to Couimoui'o at 10 a. in. Sharp.

    1 BIOYCLL ilACE. Prize:Gold Medal, valued at $20.

    RACE. Prize:Gold Medal, valued nt S30.

    PURSE, 6200.Running race; A milo dash.Free for till.

    1 MERCHANTS' PURSE.Trotting and Pmung to har-ness. J3ost 2 in 3, 2:d5 class.Purse S150.

    S. S. CO'S OUP,S1G0 ADDED. RuuningRaco;!l inilo diibh. Hnwaiinu Rred.

    OSITA CHALLENGECUP, $200 ADDED. Run-- ,uiug Raco; 1 milo dash.

    7 KAPIOLANI PARK PURSE.Trotting and Pacing to har-ness, best 2 in 3, 2:35 class.$200.

    8 HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUBPURSE, g milo dash forHawaiian breds, $150.

    CUP. 1 miledash for Hawaiian brod, $150.

    OIAL RACE. MaidonRnco; trotting and pacing toharness. Hawaiian bred 1year olds or uudor. Purse $100.


    dnsh; free for all. $150 added.All entries are to bo made with

    the Secretary before 2 o'clockMonday, Juno 8th, 1890. En-trnn- co

    fees to bo 10 per cent, ofpurse, unless othorwiso specified.

    All Races to bo run or trottedunder tho rules of the HawaiianJockey Club.

    All horses aro oxpectod to start,unless withdrawn by 9 o'olock a.m. on Juno 10th, 189G.

    General admission 50 cents 'Grand Stand (oxtra)

    50 conts and $1Carriages (inside of course)

    each $2.50Quarter stretch badges $5

    Per ordor Committee,S. G. WILDER,

    Secretary Hawaiian Jockey Club.



  • '

    .,"w 4V i'?-- ?

    EVENING BULLETIN, MAY 10, 1890.MW tftl


    Tho (Jownn case will likely goto tho jury this afternoon.

    "How ia your thumb?" is a verycommon expression now-a-day- s.

    Mrs. L. K. Mitchell, widow oftho lato John Mitchell, died yes-tord-

    at Monnalua.Tho band will play at Emma

    square this aftornoon. Tho pro-gram appears on another page.

    Iwakami advertises beautifulwashablo dress silks at 30 cents ayard. Only twenty pieces loft.

    Inspector General of SchoolsII. S. Townsond returned fromMolokai on tho Mokolii this morn-ing.

    Efforts are being mado to haveGcuoral Hiirtwoll address tho nextopen meeting of tho AmericanLeague.

    A. J. Dorby, D.D.S., Dontnloffice Cottugo No. 100, Ahikoastreet, ttilophono i o. 615. Oflicohours 9 A m. to 4 p.m.

    In a change of adv. in this issuetho Ilobrou Drug Company callattention to tho manifold virtuesof Dr. Webster's Eyo Water.

    Tho Y. M. O. A. praise servicetomorrow evening at 0:30 will boled by Clifton Tracy. Subject:"Why Should I Not bo a Chris-tian."

    H. M. Whitnoy, editor of thoPlanters' Monthly, has gouotoHawaii for tho purpose of visitingand writing up the Olaa coffeedistrict.

    Look out for counterfeit Amer-ican silver dollars. A Bulletincollector got two shoved on himyesterday and dodged a third thismorning.

    Tho most popular beer in Ho-nolulu, such is tho verdict on allsidos when it to come to SeattleBeer on tap and in bottles at thoCriterion. ,

    Tho Hawaiian Coffeo and TeaCompany will hold its annualmooting on Wednesday, May 20th,at 2 p. m., at tho office of F. A.Sohaefor & Co.

    At tho 7:30 p. m. sorvico of thoCentral Union church tomorrow

    .liov. Mi', llirnio will spoalr on"The Christian Endeavor Societyand tho Church."

    llev. Mr. Peck will speak on"Nicodemus" at tho moimug sor- -vico of tho Methodist church to- -

    . morrow. In tho evoning hissubject will bo "Elisha."

    Mrs. E. Wallace, Mrs. J. G.Itothwoll, Mrs. A. It. Laws, Mrs.E. W. Holdworth and Mr. andMrs. 0. S. Kynnorsloy all loft ontho Warrimoo yesterday.

    Tomorrow boing AscensionSunday, there will bo specialmusical attractions at tho 9:45 a.pi. services of tho Second Congre-gation of St. Andrew's Cathedral.

    Rev. H. W. Pock will preachthe memorial sermon boforo thoGeo. W. DeLong Post, G. A. 11.on Suuday evening, May 24th, intho Methodist Episcopal Church.

    Registration under tho now actup to 1 p. m. today was as follows.Hawaiian 173, Chinese 88, Japa-nese 30, Portuguese 5, scattering4, and other Europeans and Am-ericans 222, making a total of 522.

    ry Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parraoleowish to express their gratitudeto all those who so kindly minis-tered to them in their lato bereave-ment, and for tho many tokens ofsympathy and estoom so lavishlyboBtowed.

    Those in ohargo of tho registra-tion business should provide asmall quantity of alcohol bywhioh those registering might boenabled to quickly and thoroughlywash off tho objoctionablo inkstains on tho thumb.

    W. W. Dimond has a new ad.in this issue in which ho calls at-tention to tho uncertainties of lifecaused by drinking unfilteredwater from Honolulu reservoirs,and incidentally to tho morits attho filters ho carries in slock.

    Canada, tho largest British pos-session of tho crown, has an aroa,including its lakes and rivers, of3,450,000 square miles. ThoUnited States has an aroa of

    square miles; so tholatter territory compared with thoformer has 51,409 more squaremiles.


    Makes Belter Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

    Ask Your Grocer Fur It.




    is a reliable specific for soroor inflamed oyos.

    This eye-wat- er does morethan clcanso; it dostroys thopoison and soothes tho oyo.

    By doing all this it controlstho inflammation. Prico 25conts per bottle. Bookletgiving full directions witheach bottle.





    Monday Evening, May 18,At7:30o'clook,

    Called by tho . . .

    . . . lllQ p0rXJRdE2i



    Prominont Citizens will addressthe meeting upon tho most

    important questions nowbefore tho Legislature

    SpeechesWILL BE

    Interpreted.TEH ORDER 01 THE



    I Va. Ills'1 i& rli Y'r .ri

    VST My Ilaok does not tip in this man-no- r,no matter how weighty the load.


    Hack. No. 14BS TELEPHONE 176 fl

    Stadi Bethel and Kinpf streots.

    Hawaiian Coffee and TeaCompany.

    Annual Meeting.

    THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THEHawaiian Coffeo und Tea Company will bohold on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at

    o'clook, May 20th, at tho oflico of F. A.Sohaofor fc Co., to hoar tho report of thoManager, and for tho o'.cctlon of ofllcers.300-- 3t W. W. HALL, Secretary.

    To Let or Lease.THE RESIDENCE OF MRS. A. LONG.

    ono inilo from postoQlce. Largo houso withfnrnituro. Four bed rooms, parlor. Iarcodining room, nantrv. kitchon. bath rooms.hot and cold water, with patent closets,servant houses, stables, horuo paddock,gardeu and trees, A charming location.

    Apply to J ALFRED MAGOON.tf Merchant st next roBtollicOi

    Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.

    Auction Sales by Jas. F. Morgan.


    Clearance Sale!lly order of MESSRS. T. H. DAVIES

    Ll, I wilt hold a Credit Sale nt mySalesroom. Queen street,

    I On THURSDAY? May 2 1st,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. II..

    Of goods comprising:

    Household Furniture,Lmnpp, Mats, Crockery and Glnsswaro,

    Sauco Pans, Kettles, Ung, Tvriue,

    Enameled Ware,Fence Wire, Rone, IHBkots,

    ETC., ETC., ETC

    Liberal Torms at Sulo I

    JAS. F. MORGAN,305-fi- t Auctioneer.

    The Armess Wonder,

    Marian Moreires,Born Without Arms.

    This Liltlo Portnguoso Lady EATS,WRITES, SEWS, and performs manyother fcata entirely with hor toes.

    Exhibitions daily .commencing on TUES-DAY AFTERNOON, April 28th. Openfrom 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m., nnd 7 to0 p. m.

    4i!0 uunnn Street, above Hotel.

    Admission, 25c. Children, 10c.280-t- f

    Tjje Yokohama jjjpecie Banl


    Sulwotlbod Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Cupital Yon 1.500,000Rfcsorvo Fund You 4,130,000


    BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, Now York,

    San Francisco, Shouguai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

    Transacts n Gouar.il Banking amiBusiness.

    Agonoy Yokohama Spotio Bank 'New Renablic smiting, Honoluln, II. L

    00 EN ViGTOBlA'S-:- - BIRTHDAY -:- -

    Joint Celebration by Sons of St. Georconrwl Mondial, rn.lctl. ('I..1.

    Under tho patronago of HorBritannio Moj-esty- 'sCommissioner and tho British Vico-Gons-

    in aid of Tub Brit.-s- BenkvolbstSociktv, nt Indepoudouco Pork, Wednes-day evoning, May 27th, nt 7:30 o'clock.Social and Danco, Gentleman and Ladios SI.

    Tickets at Golden lltilo Bazaar, Thrum's,Hollistor's, Hawaiian News Co., Elito IcoCream Pnrlors, and of members of thoCommittee 299-t- d

    Notice to the Public.

    All parties who have purchasedtho Standard Dictionary or thoColumbian Historical Novels fromB. E. Fosa aro horoby notifiod notto pay any money to tho said 13.It. Foss. ns ho is liotnutlinriznrl tnsell tho above books or to collectfor tho samo.

    S. W. LEDERER,Honolulu, May 15, 1890. 305-l- w

    Our iuiincnso

    Our assortment Whito

    Our Linen Damask for

    Our stock



    Have You Seen

    Have You SeenHave You SeenTEMPLE FASHION,

    . . ROADSTER1BOO, Twenty-Tw- o Peund.i

    When You Buy aWheel

    Buy ono with n Reputa-tion ono that won't breakdown whon you'ro tonmiles from homo. Don'tlean to "fads;" they aronot substantial. ThoSterlinq has been on thomarket fivo years. ThoSterlinq costs $110. Ifyou want to know moroabout it, send for our ArtCataloguo, mailed frco toany address, and you willbuy

    f (iSkvm IJO iMTHi &&

    "BViLT L?IK1: A WATCH"

    Terras: $10.00 down, balanco$2.50 a week or a liberal discountfor cash.

    t, Nichols CoAGENTS.

    Take an Outing


    Trains will Icavo at 9:15 a. sr.and 1:45 i. M., arriving in Hono-lulu ut 3:11 und 5:55 v. H.

    ROUND TRIP TICKETS:1st Class Sd Class

    Pearl City $ 75 $ 50Ewa Plantation... 1 00 75Wninnrio . 1 50 1 25

    G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner,

    Can Furnish tho bastFactory Reference.

    Ofllce, Fort strcot, oppositoCathollo School,

    Telcphono 231, 412 nud 100.

    3"" Orders promptly attended to.

    stock of Lawns ? i

    Striped and Checked Jluslius?

    Have Ion SeenOur stock of Ladies' Shirt Waists?

    Have You Seen


    tahlo covers and toweling?

    of IUhbona, nil widths and shade'



    iiVAlMttftlirt' r'" ' . juSL im,ifom


    The R. & G. Summer Corset !The R, &,G. Nursing Corset!

    A Full Lino o Sizes now on hand.

    The !P, Ln Short Corset!The Only Comfortable Hiding Corset.

    Ferris' "Good Sense Corset Waists!Try them, you will like them.

    Ferris' Good Sense Children's Corset Waists!Perfect lit for nil nges best for health and comfort; tnpe fastened

    buttons that will not pull oil'; cord edge button holes will not wearout; ring buckle on hip to socuro hose Bupportors.

    B A full lino can bo found at

    N. S. SACHS'520 ITorfc Street.Revolution : in : Prices!

    GREAT BARGAIN AND SPECIAL SALE.Comraesclng MQNDA.Y MQIttUNG Wo Offer Gcocis at a Slaughter


    SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS and VELVETEENS.BROCADE SILKS aro tho rage in the Stntes. Wo can bent their

    prices.RIBBONS, LACES, GLOVES and SUNSHADES, novor offered

    at such prices.IN HATS, wo can suit you: for the Bench or Tearl City; for town

    or for travel, at tho smallest outlay. 10c. to 2,')c.FEATHERS In Plumes and Tips a largo assortment.FLOWERS nnd FRUlTS--a great variety.HOSIERY, in all colors and sizes; for small children or largo men.

    Ladies and girls will also find a supply.LADIES' COSTUMES-Somoth- ing special.QUILTS and SHEETINGS. TOWELS, 50c. half dozen. A splen-

    did article.EMBROIDERIES, EDGINGS and INSERTIONS, nil widths.FLANNELETTES, now pattorns, 15 yards S1.00.And n very largo vnrioty of Goods in other lines.

    IKS-- All goods in tho Salo marked iu plain figures. g;8



    The : Secretary : Disk : Plow.AomcuLTUitAii CoLleqe, Miss., Jan. 29, 189G.

    Bit. 0. W. DAn.vEY, Washington, D. O.Deau Sih: Yours of recont dnte in regard to tbe"Socrotary" plow has

    beon on my desk somo days, but I dolayod sending a roply in orderthat I might sond somo photos which go with this.

    Deero & Company sent ono of tho plows, tho first ono which wnscom- -Cloted, to this station, and wo gavo it n vory thorough tost inTho ground on whioh it was used was a field which hadnovor boon plowod moro than six inches deop, and whioh hud boon inrod clover for throo years, With throe good mulos wo woro nblo toplow ten inchos deop without ninking tho work too hard for the team,and by working slowly a part of tho ground was plowed to a dopth offourteen inches. Tho plow certainly does better work tlmn I haveovor seon done with any other implomont. S. M. Thaoy, Director.Mr. Tracy, in a letter to Deere fe Company, says:

    I havo novor soen ground loft in as good condition nftor tho plowing,tho furrows boing thrown so as to nulvorizo tho soil moro thoroughlythan can bo done by an ordinary plow, and all trasli nnd woeds werecomplotoly turned undor.

    ISC On oxhibition nt tho Oflico of tho -

    Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.It Isn't Your

    Foot's Fault.If it cries out to your nerves from a prisonhouso of leather. Ill-fitti- shoes wouldspoil tho temper of a Saint. But when youbuy tho MalNERNY Shoe, you get 5.00worth of comfort with every S3. 50 pair ofshoes. Thoy aro made to fit feet madefrom best calf-ski- n. -


    Mclnerny's Shoe Store.405 FORT STREET, .... Honolulu.


    Telephone 53. 8 RS5T P. O. Box 222.

    Oahu Lumber Building Co.,King Street, near Oaliu ltailway ,t Laud Co. 'a Depot.

    Lumber Merchants, Contractors and Builders.IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

    Doors, Sasli, Blinds, Paints, Oil,Builders' Hardware, Etc., Etc.



    '!""V, ,

    ' M



  • !;r

    to rM


    1IAI LUCK Fouuns Hint.

    A Wurww Ulrl Whine AdventVrltisa MWiwter.

    A AVnrsaw ludy rocontly en-gaged a quiot, rospoctablo-lookiu- g

    girl o 1G to look aftor heroightoon-montlis-ol- d baby. Assoon ns bo saw the nurso thochild rai frichtenocl into convulsions; tho girl was asked to gointo anothor room, where thomnstor of tho houso was enter-taining half a dozen guests.

    On her entering tho room astandard lamp on tho tablo blazedup to tho coiling, threo largo oilpaintings fell down from tho walland a large barometer How acrosstho room and was smashed. Thogirl was uot alarmed and admit-ted that such accidents happoncdfrequently v hen sho was present.Sho is a pale, Blight girl, whosuffers from insomnia. l)r. Ocho-rowic- z,

    the psychologist, is in-vestigating tho case. New YorkSun.

    A Mixture orXntloiinlltfeK.

    San Diego has some claims tocosmopolitanism. A mining en-gineer sailed from that port ro-contly in a Chinese junk com-manded by a Dutch captain to ox-ami- no

    a Moxican mine for an Eng-lish company, and on tho trip thoIrish cook drank up all tho Scotchwhisky, tho African deckhand wasnearly drowned by falling over-board, whilo a Portuguese sailorsupplied tho party with fresh fish.

    Los Angeles Times.

    On any occasion when a presentis in order, thoro is nothing tooqual a picture for tho purpose.King Bros, lmvo them ill all sortsof styles and prices.

    If your pictures are hung withbrass viro, take them down be-fore they fall and put on tho proper kind, which you can got atKing Bros., Hotol St.

    Mechanic.?' Home, corner Hotelaud Nuuanu strpets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 25and 60 conts per night $1, and$1.25 por week.

    This is tho season when malaria,bilious attacks and kindred trou-bles are common to humanity onthose islands. In ordor to rotaiutho vigor and enorgy instilled intotho system by tho frosty morningsof last winter, which wo did nothave, keep your system in ordorby imbibing freely of Hock Beer,dispensed over the bar of thoCriterion saloon. Tho SeattleBock is a boverngo which willmake hair grow on your breastaud pile up your muscle untilyou can lift a cart horse.

    Henry Davis & Oo.

    lias reeehed the usual consign-ment of

    Standard . .. . Groceries

    Xi well ns Homo Delicacies by tlio"Australia."

    FOI! POI!Van Doom & Co., Fort Street

    Kext Lucas' Pinning Mil , will havefresh every ilny


    KALIIII POI FACTORY,Which will be Fold to frtmilios in large or

    small quantities. No Contain- -i.ils I'cumsiieli.

    W. L. WILCOX,311tf. Proprietor Kalihi Toi Factory.

    Store open evenings.

    VOELLER & CO.,

    GROCERSltcad Lit of Specialties:

    Pain dr Fjiu Gras, ilnchovlaa,Mushrocnia, Marurarst, Llmnurger,

    Youit America Cheese.And a Full Lli.o of Grocorioj of Evory


    TELISIHONIS eso.Waring Ulock, licretania street, Honolulu.

    H. iyiiY $ co.f"Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

    98 Fort Streot, HonoluluTelephone!-- 2iJ P.O. Box 170

    jp - jiiii'ipjiipiiiiai,w''itiin- - J u i

    it. X CheuvrontLeonard, Mo.


    In Agony15 Years With Salt RhoumHood's Sarsaparllla Cavo a Porfoct

    euro."C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mum

    "IIooJ'i SArsapartlla Ij an excellent modlclns.I had eczema In my left leg for fifteen yeari.Tart of the time my leg was one mass of scabs,mid Rbout every Mtok corruption would gatherunder the skill and the scabs would slough oil.

    Tho Itching and Burningsensation made me sutler Indcscrlbabto agonies.I spent a great deal of money for different rem-eilli-

    hut did not get relief. About a year ago,leading physicians advised me to take Hood'sbars iparlllu. I did so aud have taken five Lot--

    Haed's51 Curesties. Now all the sores, scabs and pain havevanished and I am enjoying perfect health. Ithink Hood's Sarsaparllla Is second to none andgladly recommend It to hII sufTerlng humanity."M. L. CllF.uviioNT, Leonard, Missouri.

    Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly andrfii'lcut y.on .iiu liter aud bowels. 25c.

    Ho"bron Drug Co., L'd,Sole Agents for tho Republic: of Ilnwnii.

    Brown & KubeyDEAL IN

    . . "Watches,Clocks,Jewelry, . .

    Silver PlatedVare!

    Anil nil kinds of . . .

    sKjSiSEss58" Cutlery.

    Ir-C- otel Street.C. LEHMANISr,No. 117 iiellitl ht., between King uiul Hoto

    Clothing Ahide to OrderIN TUB LATEST STVLE.

    Satibfactiou Guaranteed for Good Fit.

    Only White Laiioii Employed.

    Iteinliiiir mid Cleaning n Specialty.







    500 PAIROF- -


    J. P. RODRIGUES,Fort Street, opposlto llackfcld's.

    I WILL




    Tc Make You

    i f fU A SUITLIKE



    A Now Lot of Nice Goods JustRecoivccl. Cleaning and Re-pairing. 215-t- f

    Telephone Gil. P. O. Box 298.

    Goopeuafee SystemTO THE PUBLIC.

    Do you want us to keepyour clothing and dressescleaned and pressed for you ?We will take all the responsi-bility. All that is required ofyou is to telephono us to callat your houso and get thogoods. We will clean, pressand repair them and returnthem to you in con-dition. How much does itcost? Only ono Dollar permonth.

    The Hotol Street Tailors.




    first-cla- s

    Hartford F.ire Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.Assets, SO.229,213.09. Income, $7,000,103.08.

    London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, (U. S.'Branch), Liverpool, England.

    Assots, ?2,700,870. ""Iticouio, 1,830,000.

    Talaiiue Insurance Company, (U. S. 'Branch), Manches-ter, England.

    ABset", $2,830,230.28. Incomo, S3.O15.0S1.0O.

    Jfi? Insures First-clas- s Jlercantilo and MiunifnctminR Itisfrs and Dwelling Pro-perty in tho above wolMtuowu Companies on tho most favorablo terms.

    T. :m:. DDo-wset- t,213'tf Mkuchant Bthelt.

    CLUB STABLES,3Tort Street- - Tel. 7V



    A specinlty.-- WE HAVE THE--


    F v "w


    F I i

    r 1

    Mtlfi 11 1

    - - - --:- - -:- - -:- -

    TIih bi it of attention givon to niiinn'-- , I. ft with us. Cuiofnl driver, rt",, ootfuntteuilniitM, piomptuchs. Hi.oLn, Snrries, lliukes. lingi.'ios.l'hautous, Wagonettes.

    ClJlfS Bl'IlECKELB. WM. G. IltWIK.

    bankers.HONOLULU H. I.

    San Francltco AyciittTiiv. Nevada Bank opBAN f IIANCI8CO.


    San FnANCisco Thu Nevada Hank of SanFrancltco.

    London The Union Hank of London, Ltd.New Yohk American Exchange National

    Hank.Chicago Merchant National Hank.I'Aius Comptolr National d'Etcompt uc

    Paris.IlEitLlN Drcfdner Bank.HONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA IlOIlfikollg &

    8linnirlial Unnklnir Corporation.New Zealand and AusTHALiA Hank of New

    Zealand.Victohia and Vancouveii Bank of Mont-

    real.Transact a General Banking and Erchange Business

    Term and Ordinary Depolsts ltceelvedLoans mndo on Appmcd Security. Com-mercial and Travelers Credits Itiucd. Billsof Exchange bought and sold.Collections Piiomitly Accounted Foil

    P. O. JONES. E. A. JOKE3

    The Hawaiian


    Investment Co.HAVE FOR SALE

    A Fow Slinrcs of

    Pain SiifrJir Stock,Hawaiian Sugar Co. Stock.


    Hawaiian Government ami 1stMortgage Sugar Planta-

    tion UoimIh.t3ff For particulars npply to

    Tho Hawaiian Safe Deposit &lnvcsimcni; tiompany,

    40H Fort Htroot ... Ilunolnln--Established 1853- -


    Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

    Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-able in all the principal citiesof tho world.

    Castle & Cookf(Limited)

    IIVX1?0 ItTER-W- ,HardwareandCommissionMerchants,

    GeneraMerchandis dAgriculturalImplementsandPlantationSupplies.

    Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

    Wm. Q. Irwin, - President and MnnngerGlaus Sprcckols, - - - Vico-Presido-ntW. M. Qiffiird, - Seorotury and TreasurorTheo. O. Porter, - - - Auditor

    Sugar FactorsAND

    Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THE




    Queen street, Honolulu, U.I.

    AGENTS FORHawaiian Acriculturnl Company, Otiomea SucarCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WallukuSugar Company, Walhee Sugar Comjiany, MakccSugar Coni.iny, HalcaUala Knncli Company,

    Kam.li. I'lamiTs' Line San KranclscoPackets, Chaa. llrcwer Hi Co.'s Line or llostonrackcU.Agents liostou Iloanl of Uiulcrrt filers.Agents IMiiUilelpliIa Hoard of Umleru rllcrs.


    P 0 Jones, rrouiilont; Ooorgo II Itobortson,llaungor E V HiHliop, Tu'iwuror mid Soo.retnry; Col. W F Allon, Auditor! Oil Cooke,II WnterUoiiBo, A W Cnrtcr, Dlroctora.

    lM-t- f

    To Let or Lease.TI1K 'lESlin-NOnO- JIllS. A, LONO,

    ono mile from poiitnftlce. Lnrgo hoiiRe withfurniture. Four bed loouiri, parlor, largodining room, pantry, Uitcliuu. bath rooms,hot nnd cold water, with patent closets,sorvaut houses, htalles, hothO paddooli,gardou aud hccH. A chartning locution,

    Apply to J ALK1M I) M.UIOON.tf MeruhuutBt,, nuxt

    '- -

    Fine Cigars



    Who import from tho best factories in . Havana, Mexico,Manila and tho United States.

    A FULL,

    Pipes, Tobacco and Smokers'Articles.


    Importers of

    While Brothers' Cement

    Corntyated Iron Roofing,

    Galvanized Water Pipe

    Faints and Oils.


    Roche Harbor Lime,G. & G. Fine Flour,

    Hay, Grain, and Groceries,

    Hardware and Cutlery,Eta., Etc.,

    HENRY OTEHRINGA Coitiputiy,


    --J $IPlumbinp: and Gas-fittin- g

    Sanitary "Work a SpecialtyMJtF" Jobblnc promptly attended to.'i'elepupno 7!15. 235-t- f

    John NotfvJ--Importers and Dealers in.

    Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES, AGATEWARE.

    DIMOMD BLOCK.139-t- f King Streot.


    My $10.00 Hath Tubs, lined with bestquality, No. 10 tino, 0 In. Pipe, Uhnin andl'lutfi with wood ilm nil complete Otherdealers are dumfouudod, nnd resort to allmaimer of Tricks aud Kxmthcs.

    li not deceived, these HatU Tuba havebeen Hold (or $14 until' I reduced tho price,

    I am proparod to do nil work In my lineand guaiauU-- butlstuctiou! KuttuiatCH (urnishud.

    If yon wnut a good Job cheap (or Cash,ring up Telephono 811, and I am yourman.

    JAB. NOTT Ju,Tiuiiiiith t IMuujbor





    Cor. Fort and Merchant St.


    Etc., Etc., Eto.

    Beaver SaH. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

    The Best Lunch in Town

    Tea and GoffesAT ADD noURS.


    rwigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.

    Eagle -:- - House(Jno. MoLkan, Prop.)

    Nuuanu Ao., between lierctnula ami Schoostreets.

    ROOM AND BOARD:Por Day, S1.50Por "Week 9.50

    Rooms to let without board if preferred:

    IZf Dancing every Saturday with Kawaihau Qlco Club iu attendance.

    TELEPHONE 7Q7. ,"


    Por Dny .77777! S 2.00Per Week 12.00

    Tho Best ot Attondunco, tho Best Hitun-tio-nnnd tho Finest Monls in this City

    F". HOKNJ5 i CiTi, -1-- JJ JL& 2m IBREAD, PJES and CAKES

    Of all kinds.

    ft?" Tho flnost iraportod confectionerylO.Vtf Hotel htrcot, uoor Forti

    Tho Elite Ice Cream Parlors

    210 Headquarters (or Island Curios,

    S, KIMTJRA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

    Wines.Liquor au.l rruvUlaue, BaKl a specialty,

    Au,kn SxitCCT, Ti.i.ei'iionjj 703,

    LtiAutoA,vf mi.. - , .inm A:A AE.. riifn ' $t w ,'Jifc. , Wftiii ) , ft. ... j.iUKIii ' ..... V ..' . s ,A..

  • r

    iWwqjwci 7fttt"ttv( jvrjy io, 1896.fcWIWTlPWWIllWlHWM'iIW iifPIMiiBWHi IIW

    --r' cuimon snitvicKt.

    Where Ilouolulti Pcoplo May Wor-ulil- pTomorrow.

    Cestuai. Union Ciiimcn Corner Renin-ni- nnml Ricliurtls streets. DouglM P. Ulr

    nie. minister. Services for Sunday, May17th, 1890! 0:53 4. in., Sunday school nudIMble class; 11 a.m. public worship and serwon; 3:30 p.m., Junior Christian Eudeavor;0:30 p. m., YI'SOE prayer meeting; 7:30pm. public- worship and sermon, "TheChristian Endeavor Society and theChurch." Sunday schools: Japanese inLyceum at 10 a, m.; l'ortnmicbo on Millerstreet And Hotel Btrcet mission at 2:30 p m;prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30.A cordiul welcome for ull at overy serviuo.

    St. ANnr.En'aCATitFuitAi Thosonices ofthe Second Congregation of St Andrew's Ca-thedral tomorrow ((iuuday)will bo as follows:At 0:45 uiu, morning prayer with sermon:To Douni, Schilling in F; Hymns 147 And215; Anthem, "Tho Sun Shall Co No Morathe Lipht Ry Day," by Woodward; at 0:30p ni, ovunsong with beimou; llymus 301,301nnd 23.

    CimisTiAN Ciicntii On Alnkcn, nenrKing street. T. D. Qurvin, pnstor. SundayBchool at 0:45 m., preaching at 11 n. m.,mibjccti "Oiiristiauity tho Only Panaceafor tho Ucnliug of Our Raco." MissionSunday school on Smith street at 3.00 pm;Young Feoiilo's meeting at G:.'i0 p m.,Bong service led by Prof, Coolc from 730 to7:00 p hi; sermon at 8 p m. subject, "ByTheir Fruits Yo Shall Know Thorn, sa isTrue of Itoligiou as of Men." Prayer meet-ing on Wednesday at 7:30 p in; Woman'sprayor meeting, Friday at 3 p m.yFinsT Methodist Episcopal Church.

    ""Coruorof Reretania and Miller Btrcets.Rov. II. W. Pcok, poitor. Sunday,May 17th, 1890. At 10: n m., Sundayschool, Mr O B Itlploy, superintendent; 11n m, sermon by pastor, topio.

    a Bible charac-ter sketch; 7:30 p m, Wednesday, prayorservice; 8:S0 p m, Wednesday, special meet-ing of Senior Epworth League; 3:30 p m,Fnday, Junior Epworth League. All seatsfreo and a cordial welcome to all.

    Salvation Aumv. Services at Hotel andNuaanu strcetH;Kuco Drill at 7 Am; mootingon U S 8 Adams, 10.30 am; holiness meet-ing, Ham; junior war, 2 pm; freo Andeasy. 3 p m; 7.30 p m, subject, "That Boyanil tho Doctor." Captain Minton.

    Kawaiahao Chuiiuh. llov 1 II Parkor,pastor. Sunday school at 10 a ni; morningtopic, "Is Thero No Difference?" Evouiugtopic, "Heaven Is Within You.''

    Rkoiioanizkd Chuuch of Josns Christ ofLitter Day Saints. Mililaui Hall, roar ofOpera House. Services will bo held onSunday as follows : 10 a in, Biblo class;11.15 am, nnd0:30p m, preaching.

    Y. M. C. A Sunday, 11 a m, service atOahu Jail; 3 p in, boys inciting in Associa-tion Hall, i'raiso Borvico, Sunday evening,May 17, at 0:10 p in, at Y M O A hall, sub-joc- t.

    "Why should I not bo a Christian."Sorvico led by Mr Clitton Traov. A wol-c- o

    mo for all.Roman Catholic Catheural Services

    will bo as follows: 0 and 7 am, Low Masswith Holy Communion; 0 a m, Muss withEnglish instruction; 10:30 a m, High Masswith native Hirmon; 2 p m, Rosary andnativo instruction; 4 pm, native instruc-tion and Benediction; Weekdays, Low Massat 0 and 7 a m.

    Tho most popular boor in Ho-nolul-such is tho verdict ou all

    sides when it to como to SenttloBoor on tap aud in bottles at thoCriterion.

    In olden times barley was usedbb a most perfect strength giver.Tho very best barley made intotho very best malt is used by thoSoattlo Browing Co. in thoirfamous Seattle boer, on tap at theCriterion.

    Jewelry !

    Our Stock of Spring Goodsis acknowledged by every-body to be the finest on theHonolulu market, and con-sists of everything Usefuland Ornamental. Our pricesare moderate. Jewelry inspec designs manufactur-ed to order on short notice.

    JACOBSEN &PFEIFFER.P. O. Box 287 Fort Streot.


    outfeitfi? V Spoons !A Novel and Unique Design. Also, n

    Handsome Eol of Hawaiian CuriosAT

    H, G. BIART'S.' Fino WAtoh Ropnlrinc execntod in

    n skilful maimer. All kinds of Jewelrycarefully Jlopiilroil anil

    Commissioner of Deedsrun Tim

    State of California,Ilavlnir been appointed and commUsloneil

    a C'oiumlsstuiitrot lkeiU foi tho Statu of Cablfomlu, I am prvpand

    To nilnilnUter and cei tlfy lutlu,To take and certify deposition and afllila.

    Vlts.To tule ami certify tho ncknovtledgmunt or

    proof of power of attori.ey, mortgage,transfer, gruuW, deed or other liMlrumunU. nr record.

    A. V. GEAR,Telephone "50, CO'J King Street.

    HiillHlliaTI 1B8M I EBffiMMM

    Ohocoiiitu EinaUlou is forjsalo by tho

    H0LLISTER DRUG CO,130-l- f Agonts for tho Hawaiian Islands.

    Scottish Union and Na-tional Insurance Co.

    UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIVEDTHE appointment of Ant for the Ha-waiian Islands of the aboo Company,which is ono of tho strongest financially intho world, aud is preparod to take risks attho regular rates.

    Capital - $30,000,000.Total ASSotS, $4 1,372. 606.


    BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,Genoral Managor of

    Tho Equitable Life Assurance Society

    Of the United States for tho HawaiianIslands.

    Ovrw, Merchant stroot, Honolulu.



    Assets, - - - $10,000,000.

    H. W. Schmidt & Sons,Agonts for tho Hawaiian Islands.

    Dr. W. L. Moore

    SvLXgreorL- -Hllo, Hawaii.

    Bpeclal attention nl en to diseases of thecyo and car.

    Ofuco hours glg'f;Waiannenuo Ave. noar Court Ho'uso. iC3-t- f

    :-- Dr. Russel, -- :Office, Masonic Building.

    Hours: -- : 9--11 am, 3--5 pm. : Telephone 484.

    Residence, Telephone CTO.ltVj-l-

    Geo. H. HuddyD.D.S.

    DENTIST.Fort Street, opp. Catholic Mission.

    Hours from 0 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

    DENTIST.Hotel Stroot, Ailington Cottage


    TELEPHONE 923.Office: Corner of Fort and Beretania


    Office Hours: 9 to 11 a. in., 1 to 4 p.m.Sundays, 0 to 10 a. in.

    I. MORI, M. D.,Office, Fort Stroot, noar Borotnnia.

    Residences, Arlington Uotol.Hours: 7 to 8:30 u m; 4 to 8:30 p in; Sat-urday aud Sunday, 1 to 5 p m. Tel. 030.

