^vuUki >e. L*i> - Internet Archive

^ \ ^ ^vuUki >e. L*i>

Transcript of ^vuUki >e. L*i> - Internet Archive

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^vuUki >e. L*i>

cjLmXiS'L *)1 oLil aJP Aj^^Jll (jvj!^iti-1 Jj^P I y JuA*JI bt\jp jjl

-CjLUAI y^-JbllaJ l I IjUb y ^P/li<_Jpj £*^>1^11 AjLLA

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l> J^aJ I ^j->- 1 &jyAi j

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I I AX-U-*^ dJJjj tAut^JaJ! AJLd*lti ^y?jSi\ <j[ t*

. LeModele) I ,L j\ * (Analogue) j*]*Jl iuUl j\

ji jaI^LJ 1 ax-L,ia1 a>%^- LJ I ^J»-j jtb a*jI^*jLI^ 1

|*l 1

* Lk vL»- ^jA a**.^>«JI I Lmvw' "VI^p lj * l.^.< lx- o^lx* m«


lj ULI


A«.-aJ>*J | A j^vJ I tiii -b AAA>i

j! t^il^il Jl^^L djjli j*£\j i l yj oli%JI <jl

: Beaujeu-Gomier ^jLi-yry. <>-ASV JyL" \£ cJJ\ j ^Syi

* Li Ij—iaL 1 l Lu O La 1<^.*>^I I ^ JJuJ A**<-xJ l pj L<j^Ajl I ^jA_yiJ IS' ))


(T\<A**[p J£J Aftil^* C^~aI

I I jfi* .J»-jj jjl ^ oyblLU ^^LXvj L*^4 ^J*ic o^dp^7 jy

a,ll lj

tf- o^Lp I <jl ^Jp (jj I aU-JII Jp ^p I

U.LU; Ml ^je ^iJJ .i ^la» j \ |»Ua» jrwd.7 j ! * cIau j I t^ j i« J^XX j I < ^/viay

<J^AjLI A*JAad" j t^ ^jA *^>- jbj « Ai ^laull ^ L*v £-0^*jJ li « A ^ixJ lj i <jv

jjli A*jl^*dJ oL JkJl t^jdx- JU «Laj 1 L^U^^La A*j**j L^X^yLj CjL




^jP C->tJ I UjljXaLl ^ Aa ^.l lj> JJbdl JP Lmaj ,j I 1

IxJ|.^JuJI 0^x11 ^ cjjJLI aJu^mj (aJuLj^ i) jljil

j*+aa ‘j*~\ J! C/^ ij* ^JL>bJ O^fUf (j

Jj>i*aJ I o* £L"^

^ [j‘ I ^ ^j ^rXd I JL^I I aIaAj |*yL Jj I

tjl ^3 ^ ojjbUiU Iq««« *«J>wU a*L)>

^7jy»xJ 1

(Regmer) a^l.^) jlx



^f* 4 *:“**?j ci!

Beaujeu-Gomier, La Geographic: Methodeset Perspectives. P 102 (T)

Beauheu-Garmer, J: La Geographic-methodeset perspetives 1971 P.85, (t)

. ( o


- > o i -

• (a~~JI j\ j*kII) ^Ull _ T

j j lc^ ‘ Ifci £-^" i^ijsf' cs^ Vy^VI jrilcJli

jt A^**t ->j

tA**JaJI ^yL (Haggett c**-pbb) <*+.*+j L* -t^lJiJI ^yi ^Jlc (j\»-

Jr^J I ^IfJI Ul .<^*LiU A* wj».Jy aJL>-<Jj eybllaJI l^*Aj *Ju1jLI Aii-til

I |OuWj" ^J| V^L—J VI jl iiajLLI *AaJ?Lij^oU C^wj


(1)oAll c* is>l

cAV ‘^yi 6*b* -b^i Cr* ^yJI j b» oj^LrM-l <-aio£j

* * (

J ^ ‘ ^ OJ^L (3^ jl ‘(V^V bi jrWAiJ J I t<j3^U lj o^kkjkl I Jlui*

. bjU*. I *X*Atb

6^-^UaU J*-b>oJI j»yL Jjl jl^isLI^Ja^o ((^j^xJI ^iisS))

ft^AliaJI J*l*£ u>M * b^jj bj iLfrUdll OljrUdl JA jail* |»U* ^ iilji\ 4JIycaL!

aLI^. aSj ^ja aSTUI ^Jxu*o V *lfrbL-Aj*- « <jl


** JJjSfi u^L* J!

t/JI A^Uall ^-3; A*bl Jp-jj io^UWI LfU ojSbo ^1 ^>L*JI cjaJujg ^ jIpI !j| VI

* Wbb“

-Lj^ a^^jjII i^LkU U,VI ^LjJI jrt-j JJuhJI -LUa-

•<3^VI ^’LaJL mP JS^ aL^j <lfrLsj S^Uill j l$-U * 1^a>La.>.

°L«a:Ilj L^u AjLidl <JjxJ I^UJI l-aL£ OAj ojbj of <^UI gJa^u JJjup^

oL^UIl ia->J i aJjU- ... (v’IjJI ^ ^b-Vlj

**jC$ o^UaJI *iA j ^?LJ| Jji Jjjv* 4 ^^J| cJ-l iyblb UJli-i lilj

l^kly ^3-u a*j**j L^jLiiS,

l ^j£s V oUVJIj ij^A j «j^UjJLI ^aU? ^

f^y^y* j \r~?) I

^bJU j S^lkll JJl^ J>U- VI

Hagget, R: Systems Analysis in Geography. Oxtord, 1980 P. 152. (1)

- Noo -

I I jv' « itll I Igiy ls^ ^( ^4^ I ji ) \JpJ^\j * l£jM-I *lll ^ C-J-l

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jp> j-+> ^p l-**)U..>-I ^/wjlJ I aJSAI£^|y

I Ju < i^yl-JI

iiJiiJl Ij Jl5L*l i^jyu ,jl JU ^ jJJ.x5 .jJljAj La O^'^UxJI ^1*-^- 1^1

i^J^LaJLI ^w*aJi

\r* Ju^/ pj .

.. £-Jjj jlia^! * aI^J j 1<AajIj> jlix*l tMj^jJI

,jl ^X ^yJI Ajs>jS/l OlS'jJJ L/1*| Oj-Xj^jl «,j*L*Sll olj^i J"^- ^jA i>JI

(iJJJl5 * ^J

1^j^l\ Jjtll* L/1*| jl ^JJ*»A <^JaJ^>- jl C**ij -XS> Ojfiv

Ju J ^Uil ja>‘UI ol:> ^b«JI ^ dilj japj ••* * l£^4-^

. AjIjJ-l oybUkl I a-AA

t_j (j I ^ Ij 1 C*>> LJ t ^Ja*.<w> 1? L«*ww* O t*j IaI ij J*w«mJ |^I tl*-^>'

t UJ I i^> Li I A-u?U, t L^J*o L5^^ ^ I *>Am»*^j j * AA.U.^1 1 Lw*J I J 1 J |

. L$x*j ^JJj>vJ I

(3ji I 1>J I (jv lJJ tJ I ,31^ (j^ <AJ^ * **** IA I uy |y*J I o Ij

I bJ jjju^ «x5 bJI l* -X*A<L i

^-'-^ ’



(V)^I j\ oybUaJI ,L oUlj

^jP *;^jP _jA Ja>*^All °u ^jjl (Le Paysage) jlyJ-l o'-* Ap

Ul La. L»lyj~\ ^oaLJIj ^rS^' L>.jll ^ -X. *^/ Ij i^ftLiLI ^oaUxJl

* * ft . # «

j I iu Ij ij


sj>- JI ^ I ^>“ji j I t ftUl Ij ^LJl Ij jyp^u^l

15" a*.**J? Jj*& I I W" ^

. Aj yj^]\ I, ,»L^iX.J>JlL AilUl API 1^*0

4j*y&l Ij aJ aaJ3! I j*& lx*J I J3P j I *5ji, I ^JJl>iju a!>-^1


ojjt ^ ^ I^*4“ ^ ^*4**

JI Aw/U^'VIt

JI ciX^Ao Ijuj I 3 j .U15U

J^'^l I i aJj 1 Ia


p J I 4^u U^< I AP J5 JJL>&Xj |>)t Aj Ij ‘ Aj Ij * A^JaJ I

— ^jLa*3 I j»Qi ^4 **1 lc® o^)UJ I t j1p^^->%II o«xa ^?Lp jUxp^I

Doltus,0 : L’ analyse Geographique (que sais-je ?) No 1456, Pans 1971,P 59. (V)

- \oT. -

>lSvII id I ^jL-J tdlS Jp t-J/jj ‘jl$S J| O^-4


(A)^l£* Jl u^4

Cr4 La i Amenagement de I’espace

y l^-i- > <—aLs^ < 4j_i


i. ^AI


1? Jl 0*^UL Jd^vd I A»loP |

caJ> j AS^Jil I A-J 1jX»LI

jjt IiJaJ I bJJb uLmAi ,j 1 £ I^xpxJJ Ju "V I JJj 1 1^» U* "^^Pj L^Aj La.>-}

Cr4 ^j?r ^ LS^ ‘<yL*jJlj ^‘ism Ujltl Ji-b Jp

ti^i !*•» J| Ci»»-LJl tiU-Xjj .^LJIj .



!!)L-.»*lj ^jJ I

L* I j L«j£ pj * ^i*

I A%>*i*

I I ^ \S A<.<.<.d? i A-J JiX 1 jjt IiJaJ I

. A*J JiX I jjb IjiaJ I .L i/3 t ^ A*wXjwwo ^JJ


i,—>lii')bJI <.—amXSsJ ! Jl (jJJ I cJaw* "VIJi ^J*XI Ja >.u J-L>d I *x*jj

.^yNiIl c^SJdl Ji jl>LI UL lu, .U\jJL\ ^Ulji ^l>JI ca; ajUI

. JJ->vJI £t>Lj 3-v^ <3* -^LJJ uj(3^ I ^r^li*i! <jv ^—a-JUI <oIpL

: iiJu^d! SJUJlI.r

t L_^Jp oLjlill *l^> J » L^JlJbij j -LjI^mLI dybUaj I aJx>*v

)L* Juj

I ‘OL^-wJlIj (^>L-y«'VI Li>w o li^^wd \j oli^S^JI JUiLI lxJiw

j»«AP C^,.>»LJ I -Ljij .(3j—J>, '^l ^kljJaJ


£jA Ia^/v*j 1^13%

^'j d^jbUaJI till

OLiaA4 1 03


3 * *J^Aj Jt^aj j o I b Jl>* Lj I (-^lL^jAnj <U->-')ilwi?

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>« t ^1 oybUaj I ^,-^LiP jjv C->lS'!A*JI ^j£^ ^ * ^jP1


l»UJI o^LiJI JI tjA C^UI l/3^. -Xii tcr3UJI Jpj

. a^Im-sJII fjftlI

^“^T" Jp 4 a »


1^.> ^JJI

4^-^J-l aL>.JLI Jp yo <J 1 J J

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iOljUil -UPj *OL‘LJI (J^pj *Alk»-')m ay>j t J I J ASjJI A^L>- tA*-o I aLs-JIj

aJ aL^? "Vj c-k->J I U J5" !j t o^AUill XJjVI LxJ I j

u[ u[ *L^X^*l t.-^LXL aIau^'VIj ajLJI JjIaXIj lajJXI ^

Labasse, J: Lorganisation de Tespace, Pans 1966, P.23. (A)

- NOV -

&jfb daJ I L*P AS did I A**d? <—A-d^J I «AP L**j ^jJ I AA» df I O li bd1 ^Jd^-

.^dd 1 1^ ^UU<»Ji I (m3 La.O»->^ b ^c-^-wiO b-dp Iy*m*Aj Lfc 1

^>« * bj^ I


+> t bjb.^d I



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A^*j^ I^j -O/ ^d ^ AS did I (J-IL t dli* Lb <j\> AS did 1 <—


A .dfxJ I ^ | d J id* I

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. L^Jbl A>-jJ^I J^>-^ «Lfr»»*A 1 A>-jJ jl j^Jbl-X^I ^J^"J Cr4

A4jdU! ^lid-l (jA*j ^ajL ^ * * ;bU ^Jp a**Lp <Sj^ ^ (-il/*4 ^ dIj-O l-^4s

oly*** ^Jp^d I obOyi}\ jj*» Ad>.j ^jA l« bJlp a^U- aISL^v* Ad- Id,

l* Idle. a*j ISsl 1 o Is did I ojjt Ala^db*j .lLb* Ad^d*£ l^L? isbj ^yt c^i (4

• \r*J by* (i 0^5 Cf ' <J1

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0 lifc ^*£3 Lid 1 1-4 Id l-Cj _ Aj Joy>^ I aL>>


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jSjc3\ dr4 •‘^X4 a15L^U Ja,..M^i

Ajjd? ^dai-u^ji ((^ Iy% I Jj[^ Al U - Aii it £*dajj 1 C^.d*;3 _ AX4Ji^

. JU»j l-X^b O'Vlp^^l u-fl.l*^ d^

• * c

aJ a< I ^.iwx d 1 ^ ^ d^U 1 ^jJ ^jd^d ! Idw l-4.xiP^



^Sdu A»-*3,4^ d ^ 1 **4s *d^ 1 <«—A-d^J 1 ybj « aJ 1 ^ <—S*dU

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(Jldij^l j^*j \jjbj ,^£ Iyj AdJls^ old|

d^-ldlj^^P Ijl ^vAj ASj (AL*l-d ^dd I

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udt I 4 ^L«*^/l o-d-i>- o^b

- >0A -

jl«JjjUi-l Lk gj .^y UJI <JI Jpj}\

. LLU I yblykll ^/aj*j

-LpL^? -UPj ‘ (o


jy*-* ) ao1c< ol_ybU? Caj oli^it 4>-ly LilyJ-l

dlljj ,^/uaJl \j*k alyls' ^jjyJI ^j| L>Jjj iiyp[jj xiL^iaj oU%JI ftjjb ^yp *L-J?yaJI

Ij. O 1^/yiL* <jV 49 *)bJ I ^yP ^/V^»U 4^P L j a I J


^yP aj l*P LJ I ^A>

«-*!*)! -^b^ 1

(j ur4 U^r9 jA*^" ol_A*dL

. <i J* <y^ </^ ^!^!l c^b ” -

jy*-* (j U^3-4' J I dJb.3 cJ^9

ljA**-4 d-^ J I jA**-! bl? O I_A*dl JL>-1 j jij

4~&i ^L" jm-a)I J^a^J .<Jyi.| OlyUU jl jr^L* j ^Lii jl ojlj 4iu^_ <jryw

•k—^./4 tjl^—«*JI JAPj I (j£ji«JI JS-jJlj ijlL^S/l

... o br*Ab v-j b*9 b

(Christaller) ^Jb— <jjJI ^j^JI oL^yJI Jp ^‘j4jil ^ ^ oL-JjLI aLu*»

b; **?£ I AikdLb o^l y4 v?“yf ^*x>. ^jJlj

^liA*JI(i £Ty*-J *^“b U&- £$ Ol.JjJJ LUu OblyU ^JLP iilj



° U*

( ) -o = r




. a^jJlI ^ cjb lykl ^Jlp = O

. -LojJi! ,j lSw< jJP —

cf W p* .UilyJ.' =^IJ-' (^)

Christaller, W: Rapports lonctionnels entre Les agalome rations urbianes et Les

campagnes, Comptes Rendus Cong. Geog. Amesterdam, 1936, T. 11. P. 137.

- \o\ -

. l$iS” Aalidl,j



c- — O

. l$iS iikdl j jlSLJI jjp = ^

Jjuu»j > l^da*L>wL 'Uwl L A^iXt A-jjLil iij** Lijjl Ijli

l3*^4 -3 jjP NNA* |»UJ iLL«JI

UA»* • x NT

( ) - N'T =f

T • AT • • •

iiVH =r

f. 9 9 *

«iojdl J^y yJI A^bjrll J»lil Jui VonThunen yy oy Ul

J*>U. I oU l>-UPj t-U^lSiu


jA <jy JiJ I cjLJ t(3

I j -uLJ I t Ij ^ I ]£j* cAi 4* I

q; ^11 (jj (j^bj^l oU-ib^

(O + 6 ) - l$=j

* C^' =J

* 3y^ ^ iia*1—J

^ Cr^—


• j ^b*y i oUiJ = 6

* (3.J-JI J1 Cr4 ^

:jy*jLI j i^lyi^M ^1 yy oy alLJI J^lyJl tJ*j

. Sj^LaJi a^an pU isjLA»-^/i <jcLa^^u ^yyi 0 *


:y YA ^ :^iy' (jr^*

Johnson, H . B . Anote on Thunen’s Annals ol The Association ol American Geographers

1962. PP 123-214.

- NV -

iiuii jui>- ? a jui j) cijSn ^U1


^' ^ r 4 T ‘


( ' T):^l vLii-ij >v^-' :U ‘ L>* Jfr1 (Jr-11

aH . a



c-^ 1




-J - — O — - 3 - — J - — O — - <3 -

(i) (f) (T) (M (i) (f) (X) (X)

H r 0 * A * 0* X- Xi •


r19 i 0* A • i • X* Xi- X- • X

'VXX X 0 * A • IP r- Xi- X- •

XA XT 0 • A * n i- XI* X- • X


T rNo Xo 0 A X- 0 • X i • Y * *

XT XA 0 A n XI- X--

X XX 0 * A * Xi- X- •

Bm 0 * A * EM Xi* X- •

0 * A X- Xi • X- •

H 0 * A- X • • Xi- X- -

Ul .£j^)l J>m.a i


ot-JlS^ q «^ » « Y y“ Jl ?* iiU-It{j*^

J^Li* ^ diljj ‘ •-A>-j!I ^iW" iS*?t

N :^JaJ-I <Sy^ Cr*• Y


* Y Orxlii-I £*“

:JUIT r iiLil Ji* C JI 0j^_ v 1-^: VY ^J0 jlyii-l C^JI O^)

Grotewold A., (Von Ihunen in retrospect.) Economic Geography, Vol. 35 (1959). pp.


- -

£yJljS>5Lf If

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££; i>; -vJ-l ^4* ‘i^LJI jJ^-l^il ajjb

JjL-JI Sj^lj (^e- 4~»»mi l^l .j^UJIj ^jJ-l .^UJIj

J! ‘(^ o' (*i < Jj4^' J! ^1 iP>" ^ j J|W ‘^i JS-


t-i’jil 1-iL t£-UI j*Ualll yi J»- <JI J^^JI 1(^1 J*- oLfc^J I l^l ? AaJj-l

«j*yi (JjUL»j iCo^UJI tali .^UIjcII oU^UI Ij J^I^aJLI

^^yi uli ^|


.if:UiII jAljiftll £*- AA*Ja7 fjjil Jjjlill Vy4(J[

j\ ^Up p^H *\fr\ tlr4 ^ «^yi cjL^Sj Ip ^waJ

. US' UIjl^I


l C-^-LJI J-aj iJujl>- ^ja JLJ

• J* CAjh

JS' jUc-^l oyu l-ui aJ'>^ v*U» JL^ ^ jS\ c^UI o!

Cr4 -*** jLii-l JjUf ik^^UI J^U»

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a5*)IU jl 4d>djv cjUaj IaJUP ti>.j^lall o^LU ^ tLfc*

• AlU^t cij ^>i

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J*j^*JI £wf* * ,L*>- {j I A*-Lp (^1 4 A*^aJlI £^** (^**^ J 0^ ^Jp S’**"-?

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t * « »

l* aJlfe y\ <LLJp jl j*I-X*j I Jp |>» ... UrtSL$^*-*il Jjljjl Jw

C^yJ y c/“(*Lij C*^LJJ JjAXj -X®j .yiS'ljl l-^P


£wf* pJ Al^ J^j * ^ I -XJi»j -XA I jjt IIJaJ I ,j I Jp J-Xj L 4

. i&JI

W*! l£^ Elimination jLxx,**^/! aaj Jaj ^paj JlJI jLa.>*I ^ aajLJ! aajM o!

. aj*P Jl JLj^/lj Ai^Oa* C*AJ_ (jJJI u^yi\ Jl

(^ ^H jj—


j^]?)) J3 I (JjA*^ 0* (3(1jh'LI aL .»...mdl ^^j>-^/l JjJaJI l/*-?

Jp ala^Jl! aJ|JUa*I aajJ? (Methode des variations concomitantes)

^yijj .(*jjL>fcJi #.!^>- L ^IJaJI Ax«J? ^ Ljup a^?L»- 1


^/sJybU? Ca* aj'^Ip jy**^

Jl L 4 jJt i/3 * JSw*j Jp ^aJ I (OI

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^^wdl ^j|AA>fc» I IJS* aJ Jll (J^a* iLUJI a*-J?JJ


(jJUj (JLv* < ^ - a®'}Ip


pA®j * ^4‘*'* l ‘ l J"L>*> ^ AhJLJ I

^Jjy* ^Lmaj I j I 4 ayv ^J L^3'V3 1

A*^wi jlj^j ; (J^Aj 0^ fl,*J I J 1 ajLj^L ^liy/bLlaJ I j ^A**> LaJLiP

^ ^LaaJ! ^jy^jbliaJ 1 (^a>>


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. jryLLJI oJlill j 1^ 4 ^>^l aybUaJI

U^" OV A® ')Lt>

jP' OLw^J I Jl I aJ LnAj^-'V I A4j JaJ I ^]La^

Oljl/jJL 4^rjalJaJI ^4 aybU? J^J aJLfcLAsil aJL a 1 1 oljl_<;5LII A3yt« ^

. A* JxJ I ^ LJ I AAj Ua^« j I -Xi* Ljj 4 J -Jj>1 1

yLJ A*3^Jl I A* Jill I

A®%J I I Lm^S" !j 4 I^UJ LiLj l^Jo jj ^JflU *>*j «.Lju A* jA*J I a’jLi I AAj ^1? ^j Lfc tiUJ&

(J^JI Jl<^l ^»x*j aj-L*) AaLaJ I J»*a1I ay> oy a®^LI I a^Ijj tillj JL« .o^jaU? ov

aILJ-I a-L J .aaL^ (jl^L* J ( oyp- LaI I J|<aII lj-L«) ^iaJ Ij

^-XP jl ^ISLaLI J^J 1 ^^->dl <jw Ao Li Ij ap L*a] 1 J (jJuLII ^ap l^l-x^l

- N^r -


( 'r)^jji ^ jp aijdijfijjJijJrtJU’

1 >L& £jy I ^£*X« C«>L11 tjC 1? 1 ^jL

1 £jy ijlill tb*J

o> «IL*, .Uuil JuJI ^l^ I

1^ ^w*A*J I A«»*«J 3


(j IS” * I t

I j\ ok^J I o[ : Jji L*b.>^ .kj Jkf oL-^ji! I <—ak^ jjp ^Ia^JJ ^>1

^ J! J! j' ‘

<=j-WI j^kJI j »>* <>; A. I y1

* AjA>- ^y» oLw^^aJI Jfr Ij olajkJL! a-ilp*^/ *aj!juJ!

: Aj^JkJ! - 0

Aj^k JSw Jp kJbJI iiytJJ aj^^ll ApL-aII <JI cl^UI -yb AAjLJI JjJ^JLI <jl

lj>U . 6Aj>wmJlIj a IXlj As-^lll aL'IjI! O^/IXIj yb[jkll Jp

lk>- ^jA aS'UI |V klj ^ c^LmJ I Iaj ^aj j ]*' i I bjjb L jjbl^kll ^jA

* AJ | Aj j-k ->ks~l j I iL^JLjUJ ji (JbA^> ^jA I pJu Aj


kJ i

^*Jl ^a ol ^kJ I I jj I tik* .aLLJI j»l jL^iMgw L»

. IIjJbUal I ^jA jJip I

iAP ^jP UU^< * A*^jjJU ^ a ^** *-* Aj Awkl>t*J I A** jJ I jjti i Aj jLa«^ *^/

1 lAjjyik!



k LauJ! ^ \jA p ayjPjA o I ^lyuLI 0 ^

^r^kdl l/4 -/V^

I ^jp ^ c.d.bjP aAA jjl ^ j-La *^/j .aaU^JII jJUJI ^Lhj i

^ I »*—


^k*J Ij l^-»4 l^JlU l^-^5" ^ *^/i A»*P V Ij A« » « *k 1 1 I jj I A^4 ^ (^-,



(u)iJ^^Ir>U ^ I Jic

Aj ^k ^kLw (jLw^/l xj (AiXi_j

»jAI <u*A*JI ol^kJI <j*j

oU. S/I oy_iLaxi'^l ^ jAj . Johann Heinrich Von Thtinen oy by J^.s* jU^-»

. Mi ^ .i^JI J:L-jJL UlyJ-l j c^JI j^L. :I>JI Jf. (\T)

. VT y, .jl>LI ^Jl ;j!i c>^ (U)

- > 1 i -



aJlj <y* ^>U1I ^JIp -xij oj*^\ (iI^sIp ^-IM

\JS -0 V ^ji J . £$JlljU* 3lpj jU-£s/ I A-tf» * dll J J ayjl

I J4 j_j*l lj t I l^i* ^X>MAi

— JaJI <—LJISsj ajLj c-» «<*’ — <—iJISsj Ojlj ^jP c3^^* d>A*j

^LjlSsJ £4 l*.M*f>P L-^Uj AP ljJ I ^^^IjS/l O^ <SyiJ .L i/ZAju+A O^

jiy L dil-tf l-i*<j yjtJ ‘ J> £*o' 4 J^'

|^>- * iiJU I iU-JI

^jP LijJX>- J^->- I *-xi \y*


I I) JaJ I Jj L*j

* (J* 1 ^*v* J i» I c~> IS"

* . <

J>y& I )) :Aj jia> -UJ JaJ 1 <—1aJ ISsj ^j’ lj fAP Lu<aJ I ^_yC LaL. I OL Jad I j*A I y*)

J Jjl>- dij I

jjJiJ I AjIaj J 4*jjla; ^ 11 1 I ^jbj ((Alfred Weber

3LaL>U* * LoL*/?"* I 3l*l^*^PL*aJ I J a^jJI i

^ O^ A jiaJ ' &-XA

u,Ljl$v : J^ytl l J| Ajl^ll! J .Aj-+**i

-I ^*-*^laJ 1 »—ijJal I



^/l ^jA yt& J

ol y*J Ja****j t Jp j^X Aj j^sa C~yj Jij .ipluaJI £Xj* S l)’4 ^' L5^ <J^


OjLw 111 - jIJLI jjkbjC l^*»j4 ^ ia*Jy « -UP LajIj4 03J (J^ (.^ I oIp luoJ I

ol j jIjII ^Jaj ,j4 jJAaJ I ojjJ I ol j oUuAI jij^^ *j Sf dll j _ ^^*^1 *—*> 1

utJlfsJly 1

Ur*-v oliLwul oL«ljLl e-fl-wlSsj(j 1 a!x>*3^* ^4 ‘y+^ I

jljll j**y-*)) #1^1 li Uj^lay 0y^ . A* l—»-JL i 6-XA ol>UXil ^ (Ji


(>o)iJ^I a)^UII v^>. iOUuIl JI oUlil V-' L^'

((Material index

*\j^\ ojj=

r ^OjvUll ojj

V L^Jrl' jA)J I -U -X>* y* -X>* Ij AP !-L<4? jj 1 j |* ^jj jJJ I -U -Xjkj dll j Jp 3llU »-->

: JbJ I Lj-iJ^i.*,</3l<j -X>*lj 0 I4 L5LI ^4 jjLiial

: o* ^ ^ :jl>ll d~JI (>0)

Fnednch, C. J. Altred Webers Theory ot the Location ot industnes Chicago, 1928, p.


- U 0 -

y ^ + pU- ^ X

j*}\ Cs* c)*

r ^

*j*UL I Laj \j* <y Ly jS I ap Ll*a1 I c*» IS" * I j Iji I <Lw j i ioyJ I o j> I3 (JlSj

* jy jL^*-l<i Ir*"

^Li-All cJlS' iu^ill emails

£*“^1 j -4><yliS/l ^pLa^'VI jlyaLl yJL Li

oLjJaJI (Jjl y A^^kl yuJj .(jism jLalsI i^ljJu yVI y ^Jbl Jui

^ o* £*y j aLLUj JajJI Xy J\ £ub

-l-w? o Jjj Jij) .aaJzJJJ Aj^JiJI orv APlyJl j*U»j Ayjjdl a^ULI ^waJ

* (AiAj^^JI aU^II £ AUyji

jh* \J* J^„ (J>i oLjfc AJ>Lxi^l LilyuLl jLaf j Jtp^j

J^Lr^ 4-^LII jyjl (jtlu 0^ aLpDI j>jjJLI JjL: y]| «hetter))

p— • IfA CaLL- A-^ljj JjLi yJI JjLiII jaJ'UI a * djjLyl!

* C*i ••• j£/» Oy J^LaLI jjy'kll<j *a*LJI jIjuuj »<jl5LJi

L^> Lla.».< o^>- y pL- Lilyi-I (jt)) :«Darby y^L)) £* JyL* I

\(jLyi-VljIJ 3jiU <jLII ‘L^iyi lUjj- y yj jLli-^U

• «Jj>-Ij ^I ,j

Aa..-..Uj jvLc- Lil^ii-I ,jl)> :*llyL aJifc «i_^«b-»))



• • j|/»4-l :j(i- £_y-0 (^)

. n^.j,ui r^i <W)

- Ul -

VI f\JA f>\

1 - Beaujeu-Gamier. J: LaGeographie: Methodeset Perspectives. Pans 1971.

2 - Doltus. O: L’espace Geographique (coll. Que sais je ? No 1390) Pans 1973.

3 - Hagget. R. Systems Analysis in Geography. Oxlord, 1980.

4 - Labasse. J: L’Organisation de L’Espace. Pans 1966.

: *90*11 I |**l


I y I t y * cr? 1 o t ^^ 0 ^ y? — N

. f>m/_*\ru s^uji < vusaj i.ui iuii

:<Cj.aJLI LjIjasLI y-jj _ Y

• fwr jJji .i^di

- r



ft *

,jj>a ' I 4jL.c*jJ ^/l .4_mJL« Ij .uhaL. _ ^1^ijLI 1

• ^yL^ — ^

. rYm/_*Nru^ r

>)i_, vb%j*N ^V • j|ju«; t^Lc- (jv^»- Jjlj^JljUt _ 0

. |»N^AN/_aN 1 • Y ,3^Uj .jly S/l _ Li IyuLI iLJi JU^_j ^yy ^ _ "l

oUyJall 5JIST, . 5s^II J;L.ylL LilyuLl j c^JI ^L. : lyUI J* ju* - V

. rWo ijUl . c-jfll - c-jflL

- uv -


Available written geographical works are expressive of the diverse and com-

plex methods through which geographic data can be treated. Albeit this appa-

rent diversity, one can identify several stages which charactrize these methods

with the purpose of attaining the goals. These stages are:

1 - Observation stage:

Characteristic of this stage is observation which is assumed to play a special

role in providing the researcher with the basic data pertinent to the geographi-

cal environement. Emphasis is laid on the diversity of geographical

phenomena, spatial variations and spatial patterns. It is vital in observation to

geographic discription and specifically impiles keen and perfect evaluation of a

certain phenomenon and ths use of the very proper means that suits the nature

of that phenomenon.

2 - Simulation stage:

Simulation is used in reference to the understanding of phenomena in its

theoretical context which is created by the human imagination. Modes of

expression include: maps, air photos, diagrams, etc. Current geographical lit-

erature, however, employ the term «model» in reference to such a situation.

The best type of these models is the one which starves to reduce the rate of

«bias» or deviation from reality to the minimum possible level.

3 - Hypothesization and Explanation Stage :

On grounds of stage 1 and 2 this stage seeks the proper reasoning of

phenomena and attempts setting the suitable hypothesis that will explain its

existence and its interrelation with the aim of foretelling or forecasting its

future on scientific basis.

4 - The experimental Stage:

Proof or disproof of the above set hypothesis, oriented towards the under-

standing of the geographic system and its interrelation, is the main goal of this

stage. If it is proved that there is congruence or coincidence between what is

real and what is hypothesized, then a law can be concluded. Characteristic to

laws is its susceptiblity to generalization for typical phenomena at different

places and times. Law also implies order.

5 - Stage of theory:

As a resultant of the above four stages a theory will be propounded. The best

of theories are those which apply to the maximum number of typical situations.

- 52 -

Once the theory withstood all criticism, and proved sucessful in-explaining all

relations of phenomena, then it can be decreed as a scientific law.

However, a geographer is assumed to be a far sighted and of great logical and

literal capacities through which he can express his geographic knowledge in a

fine and perfect style.