.Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The...


Transcript of .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The...

Page 1: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and

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Female Troubles Unknown to the IndianSquaw. Their Freeness from such Com-plaints—The Cause of the Remarkable Phy-siques of t Tieir Offspring The WholeSecret—Tie Use of Prairie Plant.

CAUSE.—The womb is the seat of all “Female Weakness.” It becomesinflamed, thickens and grows heavy with congested blood or serum. The un-natural weight of the swollen organ forces it forward and downward throughthe vagina or opening passage, and in severe cases, were it not for the aidan artificial supporter, the womb would protrude from the body. This resultsin inflammation, ulcers, tumors, and often cancers form, the whole system be-comes disorganized, and the victim suffers untold agony.

SYMPTOMS.—The enlarged womb pressing against the spinal nerve,causes headache, general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity.The swollen, sodden womb bears down on the bladder, causing inflammationand frequent and painful urination. Other symptoms are leucorrhea, desireto weep, so-called “liver spots 5,” dark rings about the eyes, bearing-downpains, and soreness in the lower part of the abdomen.

CURE.—There is but one way to cure “ Female Weakness.” The remedymust be applied directly to the seat of the trouble. All the medicine in theworld, if taken internally, will not bring relief. The safest, surest, bestremedy for this malady was discovered hundreds of years ago by the Kicka-poo Indians. They called it by a name which means in English, PkaikiePlant. It is made entirely of herbs. Is absolutely harmless, and is the sameto-day as it was when used by the Indians centuries ago.

ACTION.—Pkaikie Plant rapidly reduces the womb to its normalsize by absorbing the serum. It allays all inflammation, heals ulcers, andeven cures ovarian tumors.

DCXU’T STOP—With only a few trials because you begin to feel better.Don’t expect to cure a disease of a year’s standing in a week. A fair trial willpositively effect a wonderful cure in such troubles as Flooding, Menstruation,Change-of-Life Troubles, Inflammation, Ulceration, Congestion and Falling ofthe Womb, Leucorrhea, Dropsy of the Womb, Anteversion, Tumors, OvarianCongestion and Inflammation, Cancers (early stages), and makes child-birtheasy.

KICKAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN.For Sale by all Druggists, or sent by mail for $l.OO.

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NATURAL ROOTS AND HERBS.Two to Four Doses will be Sufficient.






The late distinguished Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said thatany child could be permanently cured of any ill if only taken in time.

It is surely so of Worms, which some authority says kill morechildren than teething. Whether it be the thread or tapeworm; itspresence is very irritating, and its effect upon the child’s spirits andgeneral health very noticeable. Mothers should not wait nor takechances. Get

KICKAPOO INDIAN WORM KILLERand drive them out of the system,,

Price 25 cents a Package.FOB SHE BY ILL DRUGGISTS, '

Page 4: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and


Kickapoo Indian Paper Doll Camp

The entire outfit, just as pictured above, with Buffalo Bill in the saddle.The Indian Dolls are all dressed in Indian costumes.

The Indian Doll Camp will be sent to any reader of this book uporreceipt of three 2 cent stamps.ADDREBB


WE PUBLISH THE FOLLOWING BOOKS,which we will send to any address on receipt of stamps for mailing:“Life and Scenes Among tlie Kickapoo Indians, 5 ’ En-

tirely new edition, contains 100 pages, beautifully illustrated;on receipt of five cents in postage stamps.

“ Kickapoo Indian Dream Book,” contains 32 pages, illus-trated; one two-cent stamp.

“Kickapoo Indian Doctor,” 32 pages, with full informationon treating diseases with roots and herbs after the Indianfashion; on receipt of one two-cent stamp.

“ The Indian,” 20 pages, size of Puck, lithographic cover; onreceipt of one two-cent stamp.

We will mail all Of these very interesting publications onreceipt of stamps to mail the same. Address,KICKAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE CO.,

• •••...

New Haven, Conn.

Page 5: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and



Landing of Columbus, October 13, 1492.


The Hebrew Text, according: to Moreri, gives it as * » > 4003Usher, generally adopted by the English,

> ,* * , 4004

The Septuagint, according to Riccioli, . » « v a * * 5634The Vulgate, according to Riccioli, . . < x * x * 4184Petavius, in Stranchius, » 3983The Benedictines in the Art of Verifying Dates, i x 4936

DATE OF THE DELUGE. B.C.Hebrew and Vulgate give the date ds « * * * * «’ ■ * 1656The Samaritan Pentateuch, , « > * * * « * ' * x


1307The Greeks, . ...xxx«xxx«*i* 2262

Copyright, 1897, by Klckapoo Indian MedicineCo,

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The Kickapoo Indian RemediesHave acquired a wide-spread fame and have

done more to help suffering humanity than anyother medicines. This is not surprising when it isremembered that the Indians are not only themost healthy, but probably the oldest race in theworld ; and their natural and practical knowledgeof medicine is the result of progressive study, andsteady experience, which has been acquired,increased, and handed down from generation togeneration. They have been born in nature'sbosom and reared in nature’s lap ; hence the mys-teries of all nature is an open boojj to them. Theylive up to nature’s laws and partake of nature’sremedies, and this gives them the healthy lungs,superb muscular power, strong constitution, lux-uriant hair and sound white teeth for which theyare noted. No one has ever seen a deformed or abald-headed Indian. No form of epidemic disease

has ever developed among them ; nor do they suffer from rheumatism, dyspep-sia, neuralgia, liver complaint, kidney disease, or any of the thousand and oneills with which the rest of mankind are afflicted. They live longer than anyother race, and as a rule die only from old age. Their women are healthy,strong, straight as reeds, with supple, graceful limbs, bright eyes, abundanthair and skin as clear and smooth as polished bronze. The Indians are alsobright, and quick of perception, and of all the tribes, none are more intelloc-ual than the Kickapoos, and they have discovered superior medical qualitiesin certain barks, roots, herb's, gums and leaves, never ascertained or appliedbefore. No metallic or mineral substances ever enter into the composition oftheir remedies, and the peculiar compounding of their medicines is knownonly to themselves. These Kickapoo doctors now manufacture Eight SpecialEemedies :

Kickapoo Indian Sagwa,Kickapoo Indian Oil,Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure,Kickapoo Indian Pills,

Kickapoo Indian Prairie Plant,Kickapoo Indian Salve,Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer,Kickapoo Soap,

all made from the medicinalproperties of herbs, roots, harks, flowers, leaves,etc. Although simple in their nature they are ■wonderful and efficacious ineffecting cures, in all cases where recommended.

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The First Time of Everything. 5

Miscellaneous First Events.First Violin made 1440.First Playing Cards 1391.First Muskets invented 1521.First Engraving on wood 1418.First Spectacles invented 1285.First Pawnbroker in Italy 1458.First opening of Suez Canal ISG9.First Gold Coined in Europe 1320.First Modern Needles used in 1545.First Cardinal wore the red hat 1343.First Crusade to the Holy Land 10%First Bells on Christian churches 400.First Hackney Carriages in Paris 1050.First Clocks used by the Venetians872.First Grapes cultivated in Flanders 1276.

. First Omnibuses originated in Paris 1827.First Scales invented by Phidou, L.C. 809.First Streets Lighted by night, Paris, 1526.First Stamped Paper Tax by the Dutch 1024.First Dice invented by Palamedes, B.C. 1224.First Dynamite invented by A. Nobel 1603.First GladiatorialCombatsat Rome B.C. 490.First Thermometer invented by Galiso 1598First Barometer invented by Torricelli 1013.First Bayonets made, Bayonne, France 1671.First Looking-glasses made in Venice 1310.First Hermit was Paul of Thebes, in Egypt

260.First Armor (scale) was worn by Hengist449.First Discovery of Creosote by Reichonbach

1830.First use of Aconite asa medicine by Storck

1762.First mention of Ipecac by a Spanish writer

1648.First Piano-fortes invented in Dresden

1717.First Wail Paper manufactured in Holland

1555.First Chariot was produced at Athens B. C.

1486.First Diving Bell used in Europe was in

1509.First Gold Discovery in Australia April 13,

1851.First Leathern Gloves invented in France

790.First Balloon ascended from Lrons, France

1783.First Gunpowder invented by Schwarz


Sources of Disease.We at e prompted to make known a

few facts concerning the variousforms of diseases which are increas-ing throughout the world, because oftire dreadiul, wide-spread and fatalhavoc they are creating. From whatsources do they spring ? It is wellknown, that the two most importantorgans in the human body are thestomach and liver ; they are the all-powerful factors in determining theconditions of health or disease. Thesystem looks to the stomach fornourishment, where, in conjunctionwith the bowels, the process calleddigestion takes place. The stomachis the most sensitive organ of thebody, ns it is controlled by the brainand nervous system. Overwork ofthe mental powers draws the nervousinfluence from the stomach and di-gestion is retarded. The liver, it iswell said, controls the health or hap-piness of man. When diseased andnot doing its proper wr ork, the diges-tion of food, the heart movements,the vitality of the blood, the action ofthe brain and the whole nervous sys-tem are deranged, and unless re-lieved, sickness and death must fol-low. Therefore, if good health is tobe enjoyed, the liver and stomachmust perform their proper work ; aswe have plainly stated, that nineteen-twentieths of all diseases of the hu-man body arise from disorder of thesetwo organs. The list of these com-plications is a heavy one and includesall kinds of bilious disorders, dyspep-sia, headaches, constipation, femaleweakness, various bodily pains, neu-ralgia, rheumatism, kidney difficul-ties, colic, bilious diarrhoea, heartdisease, nervousness, fevers of alltypes, malaria, fever and ague, andeven the yellow fever in the South.

If the stomach is sound and theliver healthy, all these sufferingscould be avoided. A universallyhealthy condition has never yet beenattained, and never will be. To theend of time disease of some shapewill exist and claim its victims fromyear to year.

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6 The First Time of Everything.

First Chloroform discovered by Soubeirun1831.

First Meerschaum Pipe made in Hungary1723.First Egyptian Pottery made B. C. 2000years.First Fire Engine invented by Ctesibus, B.

C. 250.First Cotton Paper was used for Papal

Bulls 900.First Recorded Hindu drama “Rape of

Sitka” 500.First Ship [arrived at Rhodes from Egypt

B. C. 483.First Maps originated by Anaximander,

B. C. 600.First Eclipse on record is that of the Moon,

B. C. 720.First Almanac printed by George Von Far-

back 1460.First Automobile (horseless) carriage, Paris,

France 1892.First Ship sailed around the world (Mag-

ellan) 1519.First Hats introduced in Paris by a Swiss

artist 1404.First Circus wasbuilt by TarquiniusPriscus

about B. C. 600.First Bank established in Italy by the Lom-

bard Jews 803.First Sun Dial set up in Rome by Papyrus

Curson, B. C. 301.First Bread made from wheattaught to the

Chinese, B. C. 1998.First Book written according to Chronolo-

gists, was in Job'stime.First Diamond was cut by Louis De Bur-

geun of Bruges 1456.First Pantomime Dancing durihg the time of

the RomansB. C. 22.First Plays with a plot written by Livius

Andronicus B. C. 240.First Organs used in the churches of the

GreekEmpire A. D. 65.First Organization Order of Jesuits founded

by Ignatius Loyola 1540.First Air Pump made by Otto Yon Guen-

riche of Magdeburg 1650.First Forks made in Italy towards the end

of the Fifteenth Century.First Suspension Bridge made of chains

built in China 2000 years ago.First Dahlia was introduced into Europe

from Mexico by Humboldt 1789.First Wooden Bellows were invented by

Hans Lobsinger, a German 1550.First successful experiment in innoculation

for hydrophobia by Pasteur 1885.First demonstration of the principle of the

screw propeller byBernoulli 1752,

Dyspepsia.It is safe to say that 99 per cent, of

the startling suicides with which ournewspapers are filled every day arocaused by this dread disease!

Suicide is a thing unknown amongthe people of so-called savage races.Dyspepsia is found only where civili-zation exists!

We are fast developing into a race ofdyspeptics. And it is an alarmingfact that suicide is on the increase IIs not this a subject for thought?

Dyspepsia is a disease that comeson gradually. The first symptoms arebelching of wind and feelingof weightin the stomach after meals, lumps inthe throat like apple cores, tonguebadly coated, with bad taste in themouth; unnatural formation of gas inthe bowels; hot, dry mouth; parchedlips; premature decay of teeth; con-stipation, with piles and headache.If these symptoms are not properlytreated they soon develop into a morepainful and dangerous form. Thedisease becomes chronic. The feel-ing of heaviness in the stomach isfollowed by sharp, intermittent pains;ulcers form, and the pain is relievedonly by vomiting; constijration isfollowed by diarrhoea of undigestedexcretions; the mouth not only be-comes dry and feverish, but cankerappears; the skin is sallow, with un-sightly eruptions; sharp pain in leftbreast; pressure on the heart; caus-ing palpitation at the least excite-ment; the eyes are weak and lustre-less; the headaches increase and arefollowed by prostration; the depres-sion of spirit is so fearful, the mentalstrain so great, the mind becomesdiseased ; the poor victim grows mor-bid; his life is unbearable,"and, in amoment of mental aberration, manya sufferer has doubtless taken hisown life. Or, chronic dyspepsia maydevelop into that dread disease,cancer! The very sound of thatword strikes terror to the stoutestheart.

The causes of dyspepsia are various.Irreguler mode of living, excessiveuse of stimulants, careless disregard

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The rifjc Time of h-verything.

THOMAS A. EDISON.Originator of nearly One Thousand


of diet, grief, anxiety, overwork—infact, everything which weakens thestomach may produce it; or it maybesympathetic in its nature, as in livertroubles, congested womb or ovariesin woman.

You now know the symptoms andcause of dyspepsia; we will proceedto tell you why Kickapoo IndianSagwa will cure it, Sagwa producesin increased activity of the digestiveorgans; it keeps the bowels free andregular; it strikes to the root of alldiseases by purging and cleansing theblood, regulating all its secretionsand excretions, painly showing thatit is the naturalremedy for dyspepsia;and the unparalleled success IndianSagwa has mot with in the most.ex-treme cases of this tormenting dis-ease justifies us in urging all who areafflicted with this disease to giveIndian Sagwa a trial.

Loss of Appetite.This is a symptom of dyspepsia, but

may uot manifest itself until someweeks, or even months, after the dis-ease .has developed. Sooner or later,however, the appetite diminishes oris lost ; the sufferer prows thin ; theeyes sunken ; the complexion sallow;the voice feeble, and the spiritdepressed. At short intervals theappetite may become unusually greatand the mind cheerful, only to bereversed by a return of indigestion.If the dyspeptic eats the usual amountas in health, it is followed by hoursof distressing pain, and often vomit-ing. The stomach loses all desire forfood ; the patient becomes fastidiousand bard to please. Kickapoo IndianSagwa is without question the finestcorrective for this state of things. Itgives tone to the stomach, stimulatesthe gastric juice and restores theappetite.

SICK TEN YEARS.Fayette City, Missouri.

I wish to tell you what the Kicka-poo Indian Sagwa lias done for me.I was sick for ten years and I triedall the doctors in the neighborhoodand found no relief. I often felt thatdeath would be a welcome messengerfor me. I was a mere skeleton untileight years ago this summer whenyour Indian Show came to the townof Scotland and I purchased a bottleof Sagwa and took it according todirections. In a few days I felt bet-ter, and when I bad taken anotherbottle I felt well, and have taken nomedicine since that time. I am inperfect health and weigh 164 poundsand I feel that I owe my life to Kick-apoo Indian Sagwa.

Mbs. G. G. Wabeick.

Kickapoo Indian Remedies forsale by all druggists everywhere.Keep them handy.

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The First Time of Everything,8First Engraving on copper by a goldsmith

of Florence, Italy, Finiguerra 1460.First Recorded Instance of Smoking is that

of Cains of whom weread in Virgil.First Public Library openedby the Consul

I. C. Acinius Pollio, born B. C. 76.First Practical Electric Railway constructed

at Berlin by Dr. Werner Siemens 1879.First Mariners’ Compass constructed by

Hoang-ti, Chinese emperor, B. C. 2634.First Tragedy performed on a wagon at

Athens by Thespis of Icaria B. C. 536.First Stage and Dresses introduced in thear

trical representation by iEschylus, B. C. 486.First Artificial Limb on record, iron hand

of the GermanKnight, Gotz Von Berlichingen1513.

First Rifle capable of firing eighty shots aminute invented by Captain Cel, Rome, Italy1897,

First use of Hops for an intoxicating bever-age and medicine by the Egyptians 2000 yearsB. C.

First Meteorological establishment inEurope erected by the astronomer AdronicusB. G. 159.

First Hospital forInvalids erected at Con-stantinople by Comnenus about theend of LieEleventh Century.

First Miscellaneous Newspaper Advertise-ments appeared in aDutch black-letter news-paper Nov. 21, 1626.

First Saw Mills were erected in Germany ona small river called the Ruer or Boer aboutthe Fourth Century.

First Regular Drama acted in Europe, the“Sophoriesba ” of Trissius, performed atRomein thepresence of Pope Leo X. 1515.

First Theatrical Exhibitors were Susarionand Dolan; they performed the first comedyat Athens in a wagon on four wheels, forwhich they were rewarded with a basket offigs and a cask of wine, B. C. 562.

CAN EAT ANYTHING.Newport, Rhode Island.

I have been suffering for the lastfive years with indigestion and spentmany a hundred dollars and triedmany different doctors and could notget cured. I tried one bottle of theKickapoo Indian Sagwa and now Ican eat anything without being dis-tressed.

Elmer E. Tucker,Foreman Bowen’s Coal Yard.

Liver Complaint.The liver is the largest organ in the

body, and has many important func-tions. The chief of these is to secretethe bile from the blood of the spleen,intestines and stomach. When itfails to do this there is trouble atonce, and, among the many diseasesliable to this organ may produce con-gestion or enlargement of the liver,abscess of the liver, fatty liver, andwhat is commonly known as gin-drinkers’ liver, etc. In all these casesthe liver is morbid and sluggish, to-gether with various other symptoms,such as furred tongue, with bad tastein the mouth ; a dull, heavy pain inthe head ; sickness at the stomach ;

rising in the throat of a sour fluid,which is of a somewhat pungent char-acter ; the eyes and skin become agreenish yellow color ; there is diz-ziness of the head and spots beforethe eyes ; pain in theright side underthe shoulder-blade, with hackingcough ; the breathing is oppressed,the pulse quick and irregular ; theurine is high-colored, sedimentaryand scanty ; there is more or lessdropsy of the abdomen and lower ex-tremities, with cold hands and feet;the kidneys, forced to do doublework because of the sluggish actionof the liver, cause pain in the backand heat in urination ; the nerves areaffected ; the sufferer becomes cross,fretful and everything goes wrong.As previously stated, the liver has be-come clogged with bile, and, insteadof passing off in its natural channels,has worked its way into the blood ;

and bile in the blood is poison. Thismakes it plain that full doses of In-dian Sagwa must be taken to givefree action to the stomach and bow-els, stimulate the torpid liver to ahealthy activity, and force the troub-lesome and dangerous bile which haslodged in the blood back into thechannel nature has provided. Weemphatically state that Kickapoo In-dian Sagwa can do all this, andthousands of our patients caa say ithas done it.

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The First Time of Everything.

PROF. SAMUEL F. B. MORSE.Inventor of the Telegraph,

First formal message sent, Washington, D.C.,

May 24, 1844.

Kidney Disease.In speaking of kidney disease,

which includes all urinary difficulties,diabetes, Bright’s disease, etc., it isnecessary to remember that amongthe worn-out materials that the sys-tem has no further use for is a lax-geamount of water and various saltswhich nature passes off in two ways.When the kidneys are healthy a largeproportion passes through these or-gans to the bladder, and thence out ofthe system and the remainder passesoff as perspiration through the poresof the skin. The skin and kidneys intheir action assist each other. Whenthe kidneys are overworked, andthe skin is out of order, as from cold,these saline waters remain in the sys-tem, and become solid, thus formingwhat is called uric acid, which is apoison. And we all know what to ex-

pect from poisons. Ailments fromthis cause are so common as to bealarming; and all the more so as kid-ney disease may long exist withoutknowing it. If you have dull painsinthe loins, and over the region of thekidneys, shooting along the spine,sharp pains on suddenly rising from astoopingposition, scanty flow of urinecontaining greasy froth, albumen,tube-casts, and, as in Bright’s disease,sometimes tinged with blood; dropsy,pallor of countenance, heart trouble,fever, preceded by rigor; flatulence ofstomach and constipation—in fact, ifyou have any strange disorder thatdoctors can not permanently heal,Alienyou have some form of kidney dis-ease, and we advise you to take IndianSagwa, It is wonderful to note thepeculiar penetrating power Sagwahasin all such cases. It permeatesthrough the entire system, not sim-ply purifying the blood by dissolvingthe’hardened deposits in the kidneys,but actually cleansing every portionof the body and literally ridding it ofthe very germs of disease, thus prov-ing that for Bright’s disease and allkidney disorders the best and themost natural remedy is Kickapoo In-dian Sagwa.

A GLORIOUS MEDICINE.Montrose, Missouri.

For years I was a terrible suffererof Liver and Kidney complaint, com-bined with dyspepsia. Hearing ofKickapoo Indian Sagwa I procuredthe remedy, and after taking threebottles consider myself completelycured and I feel like a new man. Itis a glorious medicine and deservesthe warmest confidence of the peopleeverywhere.

Rev. T. Wasler.

All druggists keep Kickapoo In-dian Remedies because they are byfar the most successful and best sell-ing medicines known, and for theplain reason that they cure more peo-ple and everybody knows it.

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10 The First Time cl Everything.


American First Events.Delaware settled 1627.Pilgrims Landed 1620.Kodak introduced 1888.Charleston settled 1670.Erie Canal opened 1825.Savannah founded 1732.New Jersey settled 1624.First Overland Mail 1848.First Bankrupt Act 1800.Rhode Island settled 1636.Pennsylvania settled 1681.Settlement of Boston 1630.New Orleans founded 1717.First Sleeping Car 1836-37.Yale College founded 1700.North Carolina settled 1650.Pacific Railway opened 1869.New Hampshire settled 1623.Settlement of Maryland 1634.First settlement in Ohio 1788,

Female Diseases.The most healthy race on God’s

beautiful earth are the Indians. Theybelieve in nature—the sun, exercise,roots and herbs. The Indian squawknows nothing of those distressingcomplaints peculiar to their “ palesisters,” while it is universally ad-mitted that their increase is alarmingin the present generation,-andare fastunfitting woman for the higher dutyof continuing the race. Owing to theconsiderations of a delicate natureinvolved in these diseases, they havetoo long been shut out from worksintended for public distribution.But the sufferings of women and theinterest of humanity require us todescribe these troubles just as theyare, and make known the fact thatthey can be cured. We will give thesymptoms of the different forms of

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The First Time of Everything,female diseases in a plain, simple way,so that all may undei’stand. Thesesymptoms include distressing heatflushes and constant headache; press-ing on top of the head ; hysteria;extreme nervousness, with flutteringaction of the heart ; weakness andpain in the kidneys, with generalsense of heat, aching and dragging-down feeling in lower part of thebowels; this pain often extends tothe groins axxd thighs, with gi'eattenderness of the abdomen, and pain-ful pressure in the region of thebladder ; scalding pain in urination ;

coldness of the feet, numbness of thelimbs ; irregular and painful men-struation ; dyspepsia and obstinateconstipation ; piles ; prolapsus, orfalling of the womb, etc.

Women love to look well, and whocan blame them? Beauty is thfeirdower. Yet it is not a wonder that somany of them drag on wearily fromday to day, their hollow cheeks, sun-ken eyes surrounded by dark circles,slow step and want of strength, show-ing only too painly weakness in thegenerative organs, when we considertheir natural delicacy, which shrinksfrom treatment by instruments andviolent lotions. These lotions treatonly the effects, and it is useless toattempt the cure of female diseasesuntil the cause is removed, which canonly be done as nature intended itshould be, by invigorating and regen-erating theliner oi’ganism through thegeneral health. To be naturally re-stored! That is' the sweetest musicto a great majority of women, who,from the very nature of their ills andailments, suffer indescribable misery.To all the sufferei’s nature’s ownrestorer Kickapoo Indian PrairiePlant comes like a God-seud. Readwhat we have to say on the secondpage of the cover of this book. Theprice of Prairie Plant is SI.OO a bottle.Druggists have it or we will mail theremedy on receipt of price. Send two-cent stamp for book on Female Com-plaints. Address Kickapoo IndianCompany, New Haven, Cone,

Constipation., It is hardly necessary to assert thatthis complaint is one of the mostcommon to which mankind is liable.It is an exciting cause of a long trainof troubles, very often present indyspepsia. It is this sluggish condi-tion of the bowels which aggravates,if it does not px-oduce, indigestion.Thei’e is a great difference ixx personsin regard to the frequency of themovement of the bowels in perfecthealth, some being subject to a dailymovement, others oftener than this,while some may not perform theoffice for two or three days, yet eachmay have good health. KickapooIndian Sagwa is the most satisfactorymedicine for constipation. It stimu-lates and cleanses the bowels at thesame time.

Heartburn.This is a symptom of dyspepsia,

and a very troublesome one. It isoccasioned by a gnawingpain at thepit of the stomaclx, accompanied withacid, hot and sour emotions. Theremay also be faintness and oppression,of the stomach, with wind and awatery discharge from the mouth.Kickapoo Indian Sagwa acts likemagic for all such cases.

SHE IS SO THANKFUL,Horth Paris, Maine.

I will write you as I am takingyour medicine, and am so thankfulthat I have found something that isIxelping me. I am using KickapooIndian Peaikie Plant for femaleweakness since last August and havefound a great relief, and I can’t saytoo much for it. I thought it myduty to write because I was so thank-ful to get help. Every young ladyshould use Prairie Plant tlxat istroubled with female weakness.

Miss Mabel Rubxek,P. O. Box 25.

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12 The First Time of Everything.

First Quakers in America 1656.Settlement of Connecticut 1033.First Pullman Palace Cars 1864.National Banks established 1863.Washington chosen capital 1792.First American gold coined 1792.Federal Constitution adopted 1789.First settlement in Kentucky 1773.Fifteenth Amendment passed 1869.New York taken by the Dutch 1673.Phonograph invented by Edison 1877.First daily weather charts issued 1872.First Marine Insurance in America 1721.William Penn purchased Delaware 1682.Declaration of Independence July4, 1770.First Almanac published in the U. S. 1C39First permanent settlement in Maine IG2B.Alaska acquired from Russia, June 20, 1806.West Point Military Academy founded 1802:First Ericsson Monitor foughtMarch 9,1862.First Paper Mill in the United States 1794.First Nail Cutting Machine, New York 1714.First Stereotyping in the United States 1813.Edison’s Mimeograph patented August 8,

1876.First Slaves brought to Jamestown,Virginia

1619.Ann Hutchinson preached in Massachusetts

1635.Natural Gas discovered near Pittsburgh

1878.Kerosene was first used for illuminating

1826.First American Cardinal appointedSept, 30.

1875.First CableRailway opened, San Francisco

1873.Elias Howe, Jr., patented sewing machine

1846.First Practical Steamboat by Robert Fulton

1807.First Elevated Street Railway, New York

1877-78.Colony of New York restored to the Eng-

lish 1674.First Telegraph Message sent on the Atlantic

Cable 1858.First VolunteerFire Company in the United

States 1736.Battle ofLexington, first blood of the Revo-

lution 1775.First Life Insurance in America in Philadel-

phia 1812.First Electrocution in the state of New

York 1890.First American Theatre Built, in Phila-

delphia 1759.

Rheumatism.Rheumatism being caused by acid

or poisonous matter in the blood, isessentially a blood disease, and mustbe treated as such- The large veinsand arteries of the body becomesmaller as they near the turningpoints. These points are the jointsof the limbs, fingers, toes, and ankles.When the liver becomes feeble andailing, and the kidneys and bowels donot expel this acid from the blood inthe proper manner, the acid remainsin the blood and is carried to thesmall veins of the joints, where, theblood current being slower, this acidlodges, resulting jn the aches andpains which are called rheumatism.It visits all cold, damp climates, andis a merciless foe to male and female,rich and poor; few there are whohave ever battled with it in either itsacute or chronic state who care to en-gage in a similiar contest. In acuterheumatism the symptoms includesevere pains in the joints and mus-cles, with swelling and great tender-ness of the parts affected, and agoniz-ing pain at the least movement.These pains are much increased atnig!it, and are manifested throughthe whole system by loss of strength,shivering, beat, thirst, restlessness,sleeplessness, a white, furred tongue,hard, quick pulse, and the skin iscovered with a clammy sweat, insteadof being dry as in fever. These painsmay attack one joint, or extend toall, and have a tendency to shiftfrom one part of the body to theother, but wherever they are, theKickapoo Indian Sagwa will findthem, and by the peculiar virtues ofits herbs, gums, barks, etc., will neu-tralize the acid, poisonous conditionof the blood, and at the same time in-vigorate the tissues of the importantorgans of the body, so that the properevacuations of impurities may hemade in the natural way through thekidneys agd bowels.

Kickapoo Indian Remedies sold bydruggists everywhere. It is neitherwise nor safe to be without them.

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The First Time of Everything. 13

COL. SAMUEL COLT.Inventor of first practical Repeating Fire

Arms, Patented in England, Franceand United States 1835.

Melancholy.The unfortunate person who has

passed through all the stages of thisdeplorable affliction, until he feelsthat life is not worth living, is indeedan object of pity. How sad to hearthe poor victim finding' fault evenwith his nearest and dearest; to seehim peevish, irritable, melancholy,haunted by a dread of impending evil;perchance death itself. What happi-ness can there be for such an one.This is the curse of the dyspeptic,and as sure as relief is not offereddeath is inevitable! But there is aremedy. In this case as many others,Kickapoo Indian Sagwa comes as aharbinger of peace to both patientand friends; and if a persistent treat-ment is followed—strict attention todiet and full doses of Sagwa taken—

this dread disease soon succumbs.

Malaria.How many people complain of not

feeling well, without knowing “ whatin the world ails them.” They haveheadache, pains in the back, jointsorlimbs; bad breath and coated tongue;bad taste in the mouth, poor appetite,feeling of dullness; creepy, chillysensations; drowsiness by day andunrefreshing sleep at night. Thesesymptoms indicate malaria, and ma-laria is a poison which may comefrom low, wet, marshy lands, or mayarise in the poisonons gas from anydecaying vegetable matter; the lastcause being why it appears in seem-ingly healthly localities. To the mul-titudes who suffer from this diseasewe would say that Kickapoo IndianSagwa soon rids the system of everyvestige of malarial poison, and is thebest known specific for malaria in allits forms.


Nashville, Tennessee.

I have been a sufferer from Rheu-matism for the last forty years, andafter trying various remedies I wasinduced to try Kickapoo IndianSagwa, Kickapoo Indian Oil andKickapoo Indian Pills. I havetaken one and one-half bottles ofSagwa and four bottles of IndianOil and one of Pills. Before I com-menced taking Kickapoo IndianRemedies I could not get my hand upto my head. Now I can use my armfreely, something I have not beenable to do since last Fall. I am noweighty years old.

Mbs. Louisa Mabby,1208 Heiman Street.

All Kickapoo Indian Remedies arefor sale by all druggists everywhere,and exceed in sale ail other medi-cines. The cures and sales annuallyrun into the millions.

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The First Time of Everything.14

FIRST AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE.Or. Oliver Evan’s “Oructor Amphioblis,” Philadelphia, 1840. Constructed to run

on land and water.

First Theatrical Company formed in Phila-delphia 1748.

First Glass Factory' built in the UnitedStates 1780.

I Second War with Great Britain begun 1812ended 1815.

Homeopathy introduced into the UnitedStates 1825.

George Washington appointed Commanderin Chief 1775.

Great PSeal of the United States adoptedJune 20 1782.

■’ Prof, A. Bell’s Articulating Telephone pro-duced 1877.

First Power Carpet Loom, E. B. Bigelow,Boston 1839.

First Express Company originated by W,F. Harden 1887.

First Recorded Theatrical' Performance inNew York 1750.Breech Loading Guns invented by John N.Hall, Mass., 1813.Miss Amelia Bloomer wore the first bloom-ers July 23, 1851.First President of United States, George

Washington 1789.First Percussion Arms Used in the UnitedStates Army 1880,

Fever and Ague.This is also called Intermittent

Fever. The first warning a patienthas of the approach of this disease isa severe chilling sensation. Heshakes all over with a feeling of in-tense cold; the teeth chatter; theface, hands and skin become pale;the body appears shrunken; the skinis rough and wrinkled, and is com-monly known as “ goose skin.” Af-ter an interval of half an hour or so,warmth returns and the system be-comes flushed with heat. This isfolloAved by thirst, headache, drytongue and restless feeling. In aboutan hour a profuse sweat follows. Itis really divided into three stages,cold, hot and sweating; and this iswhat distinguishes it from otherforms of fever. It is caused by mala-ria'in the blood, thus it goes withoutsaying that Kickapoo Indian SagwaWill prove the best remedy.

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The First Time «-f Everything, 15

Spring Medicine.The reason why every one needs to

take medicine in the spring is obvi-ous from the fact that all naturechanges at this season. Plants, treesand shrubs put forth new leaves ; overhill and dale fresh blades of grassspring up ; the rabbit changes color;the horse sheds his coat—in fact, thevegetable and animal kingdoms seemchanging to new life. This also isthe season when good housewivesfind it expedient to clean and clear upthe dust and rubbish that has accu-mulated in our habitations. Allthese changes are necessary in thespring, and is it not more importantthat human beings should makethemselves ready for these changingconditions by cleaning up the humanhouse, thus insuring it against whatare called spring and summer dis-eases ?

The reason why every one shouldtake Kickapoo Indian Sagwa as aspring tonic is because it is composedof the most highly curative of theroots, herbs, barks, etc., to be foundin nature’s garden, and these specificsare gathered and compounded bynature’s own children, the Indians,who, having studied the secrets ofnature from time immemorial, haveacquired a superier knowledge of allthat growT s under the sun. Thesefacts easily prove why Sagwa cleansout and builds up the human body,expelling impurities of the blood,creating an appetite and healthydigestion, putting the whole systemin trim, the functions in workingorder, renewing vitality and givingstrength to resist the heat and ills ofsummer.

Kickapoo Indian Sagwa curesdisorders of the very worstkind, suchas require perseverance to deal with—-ulcers, scrofula, obstructions, biliousdisorders, piles, etc., and almost anyobstinate disease gives way by itsfree use.

Sour Stomach.This is another symptom of dyspep-

sia, and is indicated by fermentationin the stomach and bowels, fromwhich rise acid fumes. There is alsomuch belching of wind and generaluneasiness. The digestive functionsmust be corrected and the bowelskept free, and Kickapoo Indian Sag-w x is famous for all such cases.

BOLD BUFFALO BILL.Col. Wm, F. Cody, (Buffalo Bill)

speaks in high terms of KickapooIndian Remedies. Note what liesays in his own words concerning thewonderful results to be obtained bythe famous Kickapoo Indian Sagwr a :

—“ I have known of its virtue for along time, and on the frontier thisand the other Kickapoo Indian Rem-edies are considered indispensable.I had occasion to use Kickapoo In-dian Sagwa for malaria and chillwith the best of results, it is far supe-rior to quinine. I have also usedSagwa and Kickapoo Indian Oil forrheumatism and wr as speedily cured.You may use my name and say thatfor what they claim to do the Kicka-poo Indian Remedies have no equal.”

VERY MUCH PLEASED.West Cummington, Massachusetts.

I have been taking your KickapooIndian Sagwa and am very muchpleased with the results. I think thatit is the right medicine for the Springof the year.

Yours RespectfullyA. C. Thayer.

Send your address and one two-centstamp to the Kickapoo Indian Medi-cine Company, New Haven, Conn.,and receive by return mail a copy ofthe “Kickapoo Doctor.” A copy ofit in the house is just as good as a“ resident physician.”

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16 The First Time of Everything.

JOHN FITCH’S STEAITBOAT.Patented in several States 1788.

New York ClipperFounded by Frank Queen1853.

Harvard First College established in theUnited States 1638.

First production of “ The Black Crook ”

September 12, 1866.First Horse Railroad in theUnited States at

Quincy, Mass. 1827.First Gun of Civil War, attack on Fort

Sumter April 13, 1861.Automatic Air Brakes invented by George

Westinghouse 1869.United States Naval Academy opened at

Annapolis Md. 1845.First Newspaper printed in the United

States Boston, 1690.Charles Goodyear secured patents for vul-

canizing.rubber 1844.First Matches manufactured by machinery,Roxbury, Mass. 1850.Pennsylvania Hospital, first established in

the United States 1751.First cut 'used' in a newspaper advertise-

ment in New York 1787.First Gold discovered in California, Jan. 19,1848by Jas. W. Marshall.American flag first used at Cambridge by

Washington, Jan. 1, 1776.Oliver Evans of Philadelphia patented the

first steam carriage 1787, (state patent),

Neuralgia.Neuralgic pains are the result of a

morbid condition or irritation of aparticular nerve, and generally attackthe brain and abdomen; in the lattercase they are often attended with dis-order of the digestive organs, andwhen that disorder is corrected andthe cause removed, they are lessenedor cured. In neuralgia there is noswelling of the part, but a darting,writhing pain, which can only be de-scribed as excruciating. It is fre-quently chronic or of long duration,and is becoming very prevalentin thiscountry on account of climate change.The quickest remedy known is In-dian Oil, and must be applied freely.Tonics must be taken, and none standhigher for neuralgic pains than Kick-apoo Indian Sagwa,

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The First Time of Everything. 17

General Debility.This is a disease more commonly

neglected than any other; for thereason, that the sufferer is able to beup and about most of the time, yetno complaint is harder to bear, ormore deseiwes our sympathy. Thepatient is prostrated in body andmind ; and seems to grow old whileyet young. At times the appetite isgood, and again fails altogether ;

there is an irresistible gnawing in thepit of the stomach, the skin is dry,and the body lean ; the eyes are clear,but still have a lifeless look; thenose is pinched, there is a generallack of energy and want of ambitionto work, read, or even think; thebody is racked with strange achesand pains, which shift from place toplace ; the mind is filled with ner-vous fears, aud apprehensions of trou-ble ; the poor soul starts at the leastnoise, or will suddenly burst intotears ; nothing pleases the personsthus afflicted ; they are restless andovercome by a gloom impossible toshake off. What is to effect a cure ?

Don't take so-called “nerve medi-cines ;” they are narcotics, and gu'e"worse than the disease. What youneed, is the strengthening, healing,soothing qualities of roots, herbs andbarks, which are found in KickapooIndian Sagwa, and which will toneup the liver and stomach, and bringback the appetite, and cause thepure red blood to flow briskly throughyour veins once more ; thus bringinghealth and happiness, in the place ofmisery and woe.

Sleeplessness.Indian Sagwa for sleeplessness has

acquired widespread fame. AndWhy ? That is easily answered : Itshealing qualities clear up the wholesystem ; under its influence, thestomach and liver become healthyand vigorous, and the tired brain issoothed ; and the martyr to indiges-tion once more enjoys his rest.

Impure Blood.The vital fluid which circulates

through the body, giving it nourish-ment and strength, is of the highestimportance. There cannot be ahealthy condition of the body if theblood is impure. The germs of scrof-ula, salt rheum, and many otherdiseases, which sooner or later un-dermine the health, all arise from im-pure blood. To insure good health,this state of things must be changed;the blood must be cleansed from allimpurities, and allowed free and un-obstructed circulation through bothveins and arteries. Kickapoo IndianSagwa is the acknowledged BloodRenovator. Its equal cannot befound in all the science of medicineand chemistry. In all cases of blooddisease, Sagwa works like magic.


, Illinois.

Mr. C. Bauer, 438 Noble Street, suf-fered with blood poison since 1870.He was partially cured seven yearsago, but the disease reappeared fivemonths ago worse than ever. Hedoctored with the best physicians inthis city without avail. I inducedhim to try a bottle of KickapooIndian Sagwa, which he did. Afterusing one bottle he felt relieved.He is using his fourth bottle now andis cured entirely and says that Sagwais a God-send to people suffering ashe did.

J. A. Okonski,Pharmacy cor. Noble and Cornelia Streets.

Kickapoo Indian Remedies arean insurance against pain and sick-ness. It is as advisable to insureyour health as it is to insure yourlife. After reading this it is a dutyyou owe to yourself aud your family,if you have one, to go to the nearestdrug-store and provide yourself withthe health-giving aud pain-destroyingKickapoo Indian Remedies.

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The First Tima of Everything.

First Newspaper Advertising Agent beganbusiness in America 1846.

First Practical Typewriter invented by 0.L. Sholes, Wisconsin 1863.

Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the freedomof the slaves, Jan, 1, 1863.

The First Cunard Steamship left Bostonfor Liverpool Feb. 3, 1844.

First Public Schools in America establishedinNew England about 1642.

First Telephone Exchange opened at NewHaven, Conn., Jan. 28, 1878.

First Silk Manufactured in the UnitedStates, Mansfield, Conn. 1829.

First Practical Reaper built and inventedby Cyrus H. McCormick 1831.

First Museum established in America byMr. Bowen, Boston, June 1791.

De Salle named the country both sides ofthe Mississippi, Louisiana, 1683.

First Discovery of Gold on Klondike byGeorge Cormack, August 1896.

First Temperance Society in this country,Saratoga Co., N. Y., March 1808.

Blanchard’s Wood-turning Machine (forturning irregular forms) invented 1815.

Earle Reynolds exploited the Pneumatic-Tired Bicycle Skate, New York 1897.

First Cotton raised in Virginia 1621. Firstexported from the United States 1747.

First experiments in fish culture by artifi-cial propagation, South Carolina 1804.

First successful demonstration SextuplexTelegraphy by Thomas B. Dixon, 1897.

“The United States,” the first AmericanSteamer built for the Atlantic trade 1847.

Wire Ropes introduced in constructing sus-pension bridges, John A. Roebling 1845.

First Power Printing Press produced inAmerica byDaniel Treadwell,Boston 1822.First Passenger Street Railway opened inthe World, Fourth Avenue, New York 1832.First American Play on record “ Prince of

Parthia”by ThomasGodfrey of Philadelphia.The Church of San Miguel first in the United

States erected at Santa Fe, New Mexico 1543.First Book printed in the New England col-

onies, “Bay Psalm Book,” Cambridge, Mass.1640.

First Automatic Self-binding Harvesterbuilt by Sylvanus D. Locke and Walter A.Wood 1873.

First Practical Type Setting Machines in-vented by Win. Mitchell and operated by JohnF. Trow, New York 1853.

First recorded performance of the dramaof “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” National Theatre,New York, August 23, 18.‘2.

First regular organized band of NegroMinstrels gave first performance at ChathamTheatre. New York, Feb. 1843.

Scrofula.In olden times of superstition this

disease, was believed to be cured bythe patient being touched by theroyal hand of the king. It was fromthis that the disease took the nameof “ king’s evil.” A terrible evil itis; and yet more terrible is the factthat in the veins of the majority ofpeople this disease exists. It may bohereditary or acquired, varies greatlyin degree, and manifests itself inwidely different forms. Scrofula is amore formidable foe than either con-sumption or cancer, because it com-bines the worst features of both. Itmay be the origin of pulmonary con-sumption or cancerous growth. Itattacks the glands, producing lumpsand swellings; attacks the bones andjoints, causing inflammation andchronic abscesses; it appears in theform of sores on the arms, neck, legsand feet; the eyes or ears maybecomeulcerated, and it often causes habit-ual swelling, and catarrh of the tis-sues of the nose. All cutaneous erup-tions and ailments, commonly called“humors,” are caused by this deadlytaint, which signifies that the bloodis laden with foul and putrid matters;and this is the reason why KickapooIndian Sagvva is a remedy that Inis noequal for this loathesome disease.Sagwa has been called the “ King ofall Medicines for the Blood,” andjustly, too, as it has proved beyondquestion its power to cure scrofula-—•a power that the king alone was sup-posed to have in the long ago.

It seems strange that so many brightyoung lives should be wrecked andruined by secret enemies. How manyparents have seen the color go out ofthe cheeks of some petted householdidol, and then with restless sleep,gritting teeth, and even spasms, havenot been able to tell what was thematter, Alas ! the poor little intes-tines had fastened to them thosehorrible parasites which are so de-structive to the child’s health. Kick-apoo Indian Worm Killer will savethe bright young lives.

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The First Time of" Everything. 19

THE GATLING GUN.Invented by Dr. Richard J. Gatling,

Indianapolis, Indiana, 1861.

La Grippe,That dread visitor, “ La Grippe,”

is coming back. Last year the death-rate from this fearful disease wasalarming; how will it be this year?You can escape. How? If yourblood is circulating briskly throughyour veins, the chances are in yourfavor. With pure blood no one needfear diseases. The famous KickapooIndian Sagwa is blood-making, blo.od-cleansiug, wdiich means strength, andhealth. General good health meansfreedom from specific forms of dis-ease. The Kickapoo Indian Oil alsoproved wonderfully effectual in thou-sands of cases of “La Grippe” lastwinter.

If you live in a remote locality andno druggist or general dealer is athand, we shall be pleased to supplyyou with the Kickapoo Indian Rem-edies direct from these headquarters.We will also be only too glad to giveany information or advice in ourpower, and cordially invite corre-spondence. Address all communica-tions: Kickapoo Indian MedicineCo., New Haven, Ct.


Duxbury, Massachusetts.

With great pleasure I give this tes-timonial for the good that the Kick-apoo Remedies have done in myfamily. 1 bought a box of the Kick-apoo Indian Worm Killer and Igave my little two year old child oneand a half of the lozenges and shepassed lots of worms. husbandis using the Kickapoo IndianSagava for a blood trouble and he isbenefited wonderfully by it. Thereis no mistake, the Kickapoo IndianMedicines are wonderful remedies.I have all of them in my house and Iwouldn’t be without them.

Mes. Kate Higgins.


North Gray, Maine.I wish to give my testimony with

the many others that have been bene-fited by your medicines. The Kick-apoo Indian Sagwa has cured me ofrheumatism, chills and fever, pilesand chronic diarrhoea. The Kick-apoo Indian Cough Cube, curedme of a bad cough, I have taken theKickapoo Indian Medicines forseveral years and do not wash to bewithout them. I hope some one elsemay be benefited through ray testi-mony.

Daniel A. Doughtey.

Giddiness, a symptom of fever, dys-pepsia, fainting, epilepsy, hysterics,sickness at the stomach, and otheraffections. Sometimesowing to a ful-ness of blood, or a rush of blood to thehead. In all such cases use KickapooIndian Sagava. It is infinitely thebest and simplest remedy. It is alsoadvisable to bathe the head freelyfrom temple to temple with Kicka-poo IndianOil. This in conjunctionAvith Kickapoo Indian Sagava willbe a sure cure.

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The First Time of Everything.

First patent granted by the United Statesto Samuel Hopkins of Vermont, July 31, J790,fur making pot and pearl ashes.

First American Locomotive built by PeterCooper, Baltimore, Md , and first to carrypassengers in tins country 1830.

First public ’performance in a regulartheatre of a play by an American citizen,“Contrast ” by Royal Tyler, April 13, 178?.

Levi J. North, the American Equestrian, atAstley’s, London, England, turned the firstsomersault ever accomplished while standingupon the back of a horse.

Asked and Answered.The question may he asked if such

a perfection of health be enjoyed bythe Indians, and such a course ofmedical treatment pursued by them,why not by the people of this coun-try? Reason and common sense alikesuggest that the closer an individualfollows the guidance of nature inhealth, the more promptly will naturecome to the rescue in disease, andthe more effectual the remedies pro-vided for its cure.

To be born, to live, to die withoutsickness is nature. To be diseasedis unnatural, and can only occur whennature’s laws have been violated.

Every mail brings us many flatter-ing letters, a small proportion ofwhich we print, while the great massof testimonials never see the light ofpublication. It is an immense satis-faction for us to know that all theKickapoo Indian Remedies are doingtheir duty and curing thousands. Ifthey did not fulfil our promises weshould lose heart and lose money.No business enterprise can prosperbased on falsehood, the truth wins.Every recommendation we publish isa genuine, bona,tide voluntary offer-ing which will be found on file in thisoffice. These proofs substantiateevery statement made in behalf ofthe great established herbal medi-cines. Read them carefully, digestthem thoroughly, no cafldid readercan fail to he convinced. Scepticismdeparts where truth abides.

A WOMAN’S EXPERIENCE.Nashville, Tennessee.

This is to certify that I have beena sufferer from rheumatism for thepast two years, and have tried num-erous remedies without relief. Hear-ing of the Kickapoo Indian Sagwa,I purchased two bottles and usedmost all of it and am much improvedin health. I can now go up and downstairs with ease, something unknownbefore. I also used Kickapoo Ja-dian Oil and Kickapoo IxdiaxPills, and testify to the merits ofboth. Hoping that others may profitby this testimonial, 1 am, respectfullyyours,

Miss Lou Lasteil1028 Scovel Street.


Maquoketa, lotoa.

I can say that the KickapooIndian Cough Cuke has done won-ders for my wife and self. We keepa bottle in the house all the whileand wouldn’t be without it.

Yours truly,Kim Robinson,

Bforse-shoer, Olive St. near Del-monico Hotel.


Lake Mahopac, N. Y.For nine years I have suffered the

tortures of a tape worm, two or threedoctors tried to remove it but alwaysfailed to get the head. A few hoursafter taking your Kickapoo IndianTape Worm Secret the monstercame away head and all—tweny-seven feet long, and I now feel like anew person, and more like myself than1 have for years.

Respectfully yours,Mrs. Mary Miller.

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The First Time of Everything. 21

FAD OF THE CENTURY.First Pneumatic Tire, Patented by R. W

Thompson, 1845; adapted to thebicycle by an Irish Veteri-

nary Surgeon namedDunlap, 1889.

Nervousness.This disease is most usually a

symptom of dyspepsia, and affordsanother illustration of the intimaterelationship existing between thestomach and brain, and, when com-bined with loss of sleep, appetite andbodily strength, unless relieved, mustend in insanity. It is only a healthybody that can produce a healthymind. Kickapoo Indian Sagwa neverfails to effect a cure of this torment-ing disease.

BLESSED BABY BOY.Chicago, Illinois,

My baby boy was three weeks oldwhen his face was completely disfig-ured with eczema. I tried every-thing advised by doctors and friendsbut it was not until he was six monthsold that a cure was made by the useof one bottle of Kickapoo IndianSagwa and Kickapoo Indian Oil.

Gratefully Yours,Mrs. Charles Wkxei.berg,

Feruwood Hotel.


Wauwega, Wisconsin.

This is to Certify that the KickapooIndian Salve cured me of itchingpiles of 30 years standing, which Icontracted during the war. I was inCo. B. 14th Wisconsin Infantry, andI will cheerfully answer any ques-tion in regard to my case. «

Albert Smith.


Derby, Connecticut.

Kickapoo Indian Oil is the besttiling in the world for burns.

Miss Katie Fitzgerald.53 Cannon St.

Kickapoo Indian CoughCure.

This is the great Indian VegetableRemedy for coughs, colds, croup, sorethroat, influenza, etc.

It contains all the medical virtuesof herbs in a concentrated form, com-bined with some of the best demul-cents and expectorants known to theIndians, thus forming a pleasant andagreeable syrup. Thousands of suf-ferers from these complaints haverecommended it.

Kickapoo Soap.A high-class, pure, medicated soap

for the toilet and bath, an aid tobeauty, incomparable for the nurseryand makes the skin soft and delicate.Best shaving soap manufactured.Good for use in minor eruptions andskin diseases, an excellent,cleanser ofthe hair and scalp. Only 10 cents acake.

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22 The First Time of Everything.

THE GLOBE THEATREAs it appeared in the Reign of Elizabeth.

English First Events.First Auction ITOO.First Poet Laureate 1251.First Patent granted 1574.First Case of Cholera 1832.First Padlocks invented 1540First Clarionets invented 1690.First Anchors were forged 578.First Chimneys introduced 1200.First Alderman in London 1242.First Electro Plating about 1800.First Cannon used in battle 1535.First Hats worn in England 1510.First Cider made in England 1284.First Casts taken from faces 1466.First Invention of Windmills 1299.First knives made in England 1563.Pin-making begun in England 1543.First Coal dug near Newcastle 1234.First Coffee brought to England 1641.First Justice of Peace appointed 1076.First English newspaper printed 1588.Queen Victoria crowned June 28,1838.First Farce performed October 25, 1688.The business of shoeblackingbegun 1750.First Steel Pens invented 1803 by a Mr. Wise.

Kickapoo Indian WormKiller.

An infallible remedy for all kindsof worms contained in the humanbody, viz: Tape worms, the longround worm, etc. This medicine isentirely harmless, being made, as allotherKickapoo Remedies are, of vege-tables. It is pleasant to take, beingprepared as a confection, in the shapeof a lozenge. Children cry for it,although worms are not always con-fined to the little ones. Adults areoften afflicted with worms, withouthaving a suspicion of the fact.

Kickapoo Indian SalveIs the most comforting and soothingdressing for old and indolent soresever discovered, it being made of thehealing medicinal properties of roots,herbs, barks, etc. No family shouldbe without a box of this Salve in thehouse.

Page 25: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and

The First Time of Everything 1. 23

JUSTICE AND MERCY.The Barncm & Bailey, Greatest Show on

Earth, Department of Publicity, Louis E.Cooke, Genl. Agt.New York, April 25, 1896.

Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co.New Haven, Conn.

Gentlemen :—Last season we hada bill poster on one of our advertis-ing cars, No. d, to be explicit, wdioivas either quite ill or shamming ahdI was not quite sure which as it -washis first season with the “GreatestShow on Earth.” He might be tiredor chronically weary, and I deter-mined to ascertain the facts, and iffound constitutionally lazy I wasbound in justice to Mr. Bailey to givehim his walking papers. Upon in-quiry I found that the young manhad come highly recommended fromhis hist employer, who vouched forhis being “a worker.” Upon furtherinvestigation I learned that he had putin a good part of the last six monthsin the South, and I diagnosed his casewithout consulting any higher medi-cal authority. An M. D. would haveheld a finger on his pulse and mur-mured, “Liver, malaria, etc.” All Isaid was “ Kickapoo Indian Sagwa”and trotted one of the boys off to thenearest drugstore for the medicine.That same young fellow to-day isputting up more sheets of paper thanany man on the car, and I may sayretains his position all on account ofKickapoo Indian Sagwa.

Yery truly yours,Louis E. Cooke,

General Agent, Barnum & BaileyShow.

$4.00 WELL INVESTED.To Whom It May Concern:—I,

Alonzo Zimmers, do hereby state thatI have been a sufferer from constantheadache accompanied by melan-choly, disordered stomach and all itshorrible followings to such an extentthat I had given up all hope of evergetting any relief, having tried all thedoctors in my neighborhood withoutbenefit. Hearing of the Kickapoo

Indian Remedies I decided to givethem a trial so purchased tour dollarsworth of the Kickapoo IndianSaowa and Indian Oil against theso-called good advice of my friendsand must truthfully state that Ireceived almost instant relief and inone week considered myself on thefirst train to recovery and at the pres-ent writing I consider myself a "wellman after years of untold suffering.I would not take $lOO.OO for the rem-edies if I could not replace them andwould advise all who are sufferingfrom stomach'troubles to give thesemedicines a trial and they will notregret it.

Yours for health,Alonzo Zimmeks,

Middleburg, Schoharie Co., N. Y.

HIS HEART IS RIGHT.Stony Fork, Pennsylvania.

I have taken Kickapoo IndianSagwa for the heart trouble. Itaffords me relief and givqs me goodappetite.

A. J. Putnam.

WOMAN WELL WISHER.West Elizabeth, Pennsylvania.

Gentlemen:—Last winter I re-ceived a fall which injured my sideand I found up relief until I triedyour Kickapoo Indian Sagwa andKickapoo Indian Oil and can posi-tively say that they do all you recom-mend them to do.

Yours truly,Mrs. John Phillips.

REASON FOR JOY.Nashville, Tennessee.

I have been suffering a great dealwith Stomach Troubles and have beenhighly benefited by the KickapooIndian Sagwa, and will take pleas-ure in recommending it to all thosewho are suffering as I was.

Respectfully yours,Miss Saloma Buchli,

1303 North Market Street.

Page 26: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and

The First Time of Everything.24

First Appeal Case in reign of Stephen 1154.First Photographs produced in England

1802.First Railroad the Darlington and Stockton

1825.First Jury instituted by Alfred the Great

879.First English Printer William Caxton about

1416.First Candles used (splintersof wood fatted)

1300.First Pavement laid in Smithfleld Market

1614.First Establishment of Habeas Corpus May

28,1679.First Femaleappeared on the stage Decem-

ber 8,1660.First Coach seen in England in reign of

Mary 1553.First Safety Lamp invented by Humphrey

Davy 1815.Potassium discovered by Sir Humphrey

Davy 1807.First Playbill “ Humorous Lieutenant ”

April 8,1663.First Pavement of Wood suggested by Mr.

Finlayson 1825.First Fire Company in England, “The

Phoenix” 1082.First Discovery of the Circulation of Blood

by Harvey 1628.First Six Horses used in a Coach by Duke

of Buckingham 1618.First Actual Steam Engine invented by

Captain Lavery 1698.First Watertight Seamless Fire Hose made

at Bethnal Green 1720.First Sunday-school established by Robert

Eaikes, Gloucester 1780.First Advetisementpublished in an English

newspaper January 1652.First Horses used on the stage in “Blue

Beard ”February 19, 1811.First Book printed in England by William

Caxton, Game of Chess 1491.First preachingof Christianity in Britain by

Augustine and others about 600.First Discovery of lodine by Courtois, first

employed in a London Hospital 1821.First known English Comedy, “Ralph

Roister Doister,” written by Nicholas Udell, aschoolmaster.

First Pneumatic Tire patented by R. W.Thompson 1845, adapted to the bicycle by aniIrish veterinary surgeon named Dunlap iSB9.

Kickapoo Indian OilIs a sovereign cure for rheumatismand all painful diseases. Innumer-able cases have been promptly curedby the free use of this Oil when theordinary methods recommended bymedical men have proved entirelyuseless or injurious.

Kickapoo Indian Pills.When you take a dose of Kickapoo

Indian Pills, you can rest assured thatyou are not administering a “ deadshot ” of arsenic, mercury or danger-ous mineral drugs, nothing only amild, gentle vegetable cathartic somuch needed to rectify constipation,sick headache, or nervousness.

When you go' to the druggist forKickapoo Indian remedies, insist ongetting what you ask for, not some-thing “ just as good,” or some deador unsalable stock which the shop-keeper wants to palm off on you.Don't befooledl

Discoveries.Cortez entered Mexico 1519.New Zealand discovered 1642,Magellan discovered Patagonia 1519,Pizarro’s first expedition to Peru 1525.Pacific Ocean discovered by Balboa 1513Florida settled by French Protestants 1562.Iceland discovered by a Norwegian pirate

America discovered by the Northmen A. D.985.

Hudson River discovered by Henry Hudson1609.

Christopher Columbusdiscovered Venezuelaand Guiana 1498.

John Cabot discovered the American Con-tinent June 24,1497.

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A Book for the Sick Room, with ValuableSuggestions for the Treatment

and Cure of Diseases.Four beautiful col-

ored plates.In all emergencies it is intelligence that tells and

gains the mastery. This is especially so in sickness,which often comes suddenly. To know the rightthing to do is half the battle. Many a life is lost forwant of the right application at the proper time of asimple remedy.

It is the special object of this book to give information and guidance andsuggestion that will be found of great service and value in time of need; todescribe symptoms, so that in any family the proper and best remedy may beapplied; and to give such full information about administering medicines, andthe care and treatment of the sick, that every man may in an emergency behis own doctor, and every woman of a household ready to act intelligently asa nurse.

Send us one two-cent postage stamp to pay the postage, and you willget the valuable book by return mail free of charge. Address,


CAUTIONGiving to the great success and the

thousands of cures made by the GenuineKICKAPOO INDIAN REMEDIES,parties without 'principle or honor haveput up spurious imitations, and say theyare the same as ours or just as good.Don’t he misled; have the genuine ornothing. Each bottle has a CautionStamp, and if it is broken it has beentampered with. Our signatures are oneach bottle or 'package of the genuine.

Yours, Ac.,

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The adventures of a United States Government Scout. The sameRemedy that effected his cure now used throughout

the Civilized World.Some years ago, Mr. Chas. Bigelow, now one of the proprietors

of the famous Kickapoo Indian Remedies, was acting as a govern-ment scout in the Indian territory. He was known at that time as“ Texas Charlie,” and while on one of his expeditions was taken

sick with a severe fever, and for a fewdays lay at death’s door. During hissickness he was cared for by an IndianChief and his family, in whose lodge helay, so weak that ho could hardly raisehis eyelidu. An Indian doctor visitedhim, and gave him that now most famousof Indian remedies, Indian Sagwa, andby its use he was snatched from the jawsof death and restored to Stealth, owinghis life to the wonderful efficacy andcurative power of this medicine. Hethen endeavored to persuade the Indiansto give him the secret of its ingredients.This at first they refused to do, but aftermuch persuasion and many discussions

they at last partially yielded to his request, and the Chief of theTribe sent East with Mr. Bigelow five of his most renowned medi-cine men, together with an ample supply of the roots, jierbs, barks,gums, etc., used in the manufacture of their medicines. What startedthus in a small way has ever since increased, and to-day there ismanufactured from similar materials gathered by the Indians them-selves, their famous remedies, which have done so much to alleviatesuffering of every description.

Page 29: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and



IIDIM SAGHMIs a compound of the virtues of Roots, Herbs,Barks, Gums and Leaves. Its elements are


It is the Purest, Safest, Most Effectual Medicine known to the public.By its searching and cleansing qualities it drives out the—-

foul corruptions which contaminate the blood and cause derangementand decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions,

promotes energy and strength, restores and . preserves health andinfuses new life and vigor throughout the whole system.

No sufferer from any disease which arises from impurity of the bloodmeed despair who will give Indian Sagiva a fair trial.

The Sciences of Medicine and Chemistry have never produced so valu-able a remedy, nor one so potent to cure all diseases arising

from an impure blood. SAG IVA will cure Constipation, LiverComplaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite,

Scrofula, Rheumatism, Chills and Fever, or any Disease arising■ from an Impure Blood or Derangement of the Stomach,

Liver or Kidneys.

Price, $ I .OC per bottle; 6 bottles for 55.00.JbOlC SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS,

Page 30: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and



GOLD NO TERRORS.All its Dangers are Easily Overcome by the Use of KICKAPOO


Deep-Seated. Hacking Cough,A Cold in the Head,

A Passing Cough.Hoarseness.

Sore Throat.Tonsilitis.


Cold is probably man’s greatest enemy. Thewild Indian himself feared it more than the savageanimal, whose fur he used as a protection. Buteven the Indian suffered from exposure from thebleak winters, the awful blizzards, and the ele-ments of snow and hail and rain. Had he notknown of some natural remedy, there would befew Indians left; but he found it in what is knownas KICKAPOO INDIAN COUGH CURE, whichis to-day the greatest known preventive and curefor:


Pa Grippe.Bronchitis.



The letters telling of what this remedy has done would fill a volumein themselves. It is itself its best recommendation.

Price, <s© cent§ per Battle • 5 Bottles forPar Sale by All Druggists.

Page 31: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and



PILLS.Are purely vegetable and hence have no injurious effect, do not

rack the system, and can be taken safely with the assurance that onlygood results will follow. Cure Headache, Constipation and Ner-vousness. Are (jood for Complexion. A great after-dinner Hill.

Constipation means the retention of effete, vile matterin the system. It means the turning of the temple ofGod into a foul, stopped sewer. The bowels cannothold it all and begin at once to absorb it into the system.Every bit of it is deadly poison. The blood carries itto the kidneys, the liver, the lungs, the womb—all overthe body. There the matter is lodged, and dangerousdiseases engendered. The practical question now is,<( What are constipated people to do?”

take mmm snoian pills.It relieves as nothing else does—so mildly, gently,quickly, permanently. A To drastic purging and scour-ing and pain, but as easily and pleasantly as one fallsasleep.


will bring about a wonderful change in the complexion.Price 25 Cents.


Page 32: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and


Made from Healing Herbs and BarksThe purest tallow, the most healing herbs, the cleverest manipulation,


the very best salve that money can buy. It is famous for Wounds,Old-Sores, Fever Blisters, Indolent Ulcers and Cancers. A particularlyeffective weapon against Piles, that most distressing disorder of which

but few people are free.KICKAPOO INDIAN BUFFALO SALVE

is a boon to animals as well as man. "fry it on your horse whenever hehas sores or galls. It has no equal.

It is a perfect Cure-all in skin diseasesfor the various forms of Tetter—dry,scaly, moist, or itchy; for Erysipelas,recent, or chronic; Pimples or Blotcheson the face, Scald Head, Barber’s Itch,and all annoying, unsightly Eruptionsof the skin; also painful soft Corns andItchingPiles. -------


Page 33: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and




It has no equalIts action upon the Nerves is really astonishing;.

It stops pain as if by Magic.It is truly a Doctor in your house.


For Toothache, Headache, Earache, Sore Throat, Chil-blains, Burns, Freezes, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Neural-

gia and Rheumatic Pains, Colic, Cholera Morbus,Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps in the Stomach

or Limbs, and all Sudden or Acute Pains,External or Internal.


Price, 2b Cents per Bottle.FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.

Page 34: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and



Nothing so pure, so sweet, so wholesome as KickapOO Soap,greatest of skin purifying and beautifying soaps. It prevents chaf-ing, redness and roughness of the skin, soothes inflammation, al-lays irritation, and when followed by gentle applications of Kicka-poo Indian Salve, the great skin cure, speedily cures all forms ofskin and scalp diseases.

Kickapoo Soap is the Only Preventive of Pimples.

Because the only preventive of clogging, inflammation and irritationof the pores, the CAUSE of pimples, blackheads, blotches, rough,red, oily skin, baby blemishes and falling hair.

Kickapoo Soap, besides being a delicious and refreshing ad-junct to the toilet, will keep the skin white, soft and free from un-sightly eruptions. It will allay all irritations and stop torturousitchings. By its use better results can be obtained when the Kicka-

poo Indian Remedies are being taken internally, as it will keep thepores of the skin open, and, owing to its highly medicated proper-ties, counteract the poisons that are being expelled from the systemby the medicine.

It is also invaluable in the treatment of sores, wounds, etc.,which should be thoroughly cleansed with such a soap, prepared asit is especially, before the application of the Kickapoo IndianSalve.

10 Cents a Cake.For Sale by all Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt ofprice.

KICKAPOO mm MEDICINE GO., New Haven, Genn.

Page 35: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and

I bn Cash $Z/XJxJ* ? Prises 1FOR USERS OF


“Kickapoo ..

Indian ..

ISagwa ..

is theBestBloodPurifier.”


To the person who writes tils sentence

“Kiclcapoo Indian Sagtvais the Best Blood Purifier”

ithe greatest number of times on an ordinaryPostal Card, size 31-2 x 5 (neatness andlegibility considered), we offer the fallowing• Piizes :

TO THE FIRST, - $30.00.To the Second, - $l5. To the next ten, each, $3

“ Third, - $5O. “ “ twenty *• S2.“ next five, each, $3. “ “ fifty “ $l.

The Competition wiU close March 15. 1898, at 12'0’cioc!c noon, and thePrizes wili oe awarded as soon as possible thereafter.

DIRECTIONS.Send in your postal cards attached to a wrapper from one of the

Kickapoo Indian Remedies. A list of Winners will be sent if \on senda 2-cent stamp. No letters answered. The Winners will be notifiedand Prizes forwarded as soon as the Judges make their award.

Address all communications for prizes to


Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co.,NEW HAVEN, CONN.

Page 36: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and

Between Cough and CoffinStands KICKAPOO

INDIAN Every Coughleads to a Coffinif not Cured. <£*COUGH

CUREMore fatal maladies begin with a “little cough” than with any

other minor affection. Throttle the cough or it will throttle you. Stopit or you will he stopped by it. Stop it the quickest way, the surestway and the cheapest way; Take a few doses of Kickapoo IndianCough Cure. No cough can get by this medicine. It is a genuinecure.

The Great Half-Price Offer,Nothing can limit the power to cure, of Kickapoo Cough Cure. Only

one thing can limit its sale—price. That price shall be no limit—it hasbeen cut in half. 25 CENTS NO W BUYS THE 50-CENTBOTTLE.



Blood is the Life/*“The Blood is the life.” That's Scripture. Unhealthy blood

means unhealthy life. That’s sense. The diseases that assail the greatorgans of the body —the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs—all begin withimpure blood. You can enjoy sound health, by using that powerfulpurifier of the blood —


If you wish to test the Kickapoo Indian Sagwa before buying- it, send your fullpostoihce address to The Kickapoo Indian ’ ledicineCompany, New Haven, Conn.,and mention this book. VV'e will then inaij you a sample bottle free, as well ascirculars, giving full directions for its use. livery reader of this book can dependupon the genuineness of this, lih-r-.d offer, and all sul.mms from Stomach, Liver orKidney troubles should take advantage of it at once.

All sell the Kickapoo Indian Remedies. (ovee>

Page 37: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and

the mmmo®spppTape-Worm Secret Remedy.


itself is white, very long and full of joints. It is generallybred either in the stomach or small intestines, and its exist-ence is frequently due to indigestion or a weak stomach. Its.effects, if not expelled, are very violent, and in time it eats thevery life out of the sufferer. The difficulty has been with the

»many remedies that have been forced onto the public, that they are either too-dangerous for the patient to take, or they only partially expel the worm. Thesearching properties of this Remedy are such that the worm is expelled—-head, body and all. Though the market is flooded with remedies which areall extolled for their expelling power, and for killing the worm, yet no diseasehas so frequently baffled the physician’s skill. Here steps in the unculturedson of the forest, and with nature’s remedy sweeps away this frightful disease.Since its introduction, letters and testimonials have poured into the head-quarters, speaking in such terms of the Remedy that the success in the Eastis now fully established. So subtle is this Remedy in its action that there areno disagreeable after-effects which requii'e the use of strong purgatives, andby paying attention to the instructions which accompany each bottle a curewill be surely effected.

NOTICE.—The Kickapoo Indian Tape-Worm Secret Remedy canonly be obtained direct from the Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., New Haven,Conn., U. S. A. Those desirous of, obtaining it, with full instructions andparticulars, must address their mail there, inclosing ssX)oqsiiH^li i'n Post-Office;Money-Order or Registered Letter, as this remedy cannot be purchased else-where, and there is no remedy in the world equal to it.

Page 38: .Vt«J>«wA 11 V · causes headache,general nervous disorder, despondency and often insanity. The swollen,sodden womb bears downon thebladder, causinginflammation and frequent and


Medical Advice Without Cost

There are so many people suffering throughout the country, that find itnecessary to take our Kickapoo Indian Remedies and who have beenbenefited hy their use, that we feel it our duty to be in a position to advisethem the l est manner to take these wonderful medicines, and especially toin commend which lemedies should he taken to more quickly elicet <ures.For this purpose we have established a corps of physicians at our headquar-ters in New Haven, who vviil gladly answer all questions that may he asked ofthem. If you are ailing, no matter the cause, write us describing your symp-toms, and one of our doetois will advise you and prescribe for you free ofcost By adopting this method you may save yourself many weary days ofsickness You will have advice that will enable you to start at once on theroad to rood health and you will, like thousands of others, live to see the daywhen yon will praise the famous Kickapoo Indian Eemedie'’ that accom-plish such marvelous results. Remember that our doctors prescribe entirelyTho Kickapoo In Han Medicines. All these remedies while remaikahiyefficient and qui k in their action, are positively harmless, as they contain nopoisonous iii' i'.a! cuts of any description, being made to-day from herbs,harks loots and < nms of the forest in identically the same manner that theyhave i ecu made 1 y the Indians for centurh s. All communications to our■doctors wi!l he considired as strictly confidential. We especially invite allwomen who are sufferers, to communicate with us for advice. KickapooIndian Remedies can be bought of all druggists everywhere.

Address, Physicians’ Department,