
Mm^vtfi VcmuLVI-. 18,127. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JULY 2. I896.-8IXTEEH PA6ES. FRICE THREE (ENTS. HOBART yi8IT8 M'KINLEY. A CONFEREVE BETWEEN THE CANDI- DATES IX CANTON. ¦iaCH DBUOKTBD W1TH TM> OTmOfi PKRBOtf- AIJTY.MAJOR M HiNU.v ADDRUSU D«L- ¦OATIONfl OF QIJUWWORKERI AN!) CHRISTIAN BNDKAVORERg. Cs»m^r. OhtO, July 1- Thli haa been one of MaJjOf MoKinley'p buateal flay*. Unnvt .\. Ho- bart, the RepubHcan oandldate for Vlce-Prealdewt, nrr.vri In Caaton. Siajor McKlnley m«M Mr. H ibafl a: tha ratlr.^ad atatlon, and the greettng betwaea thetn «u eatremely eordkU. it waa the ftrat Hm< they Imd i«t rlnca tha Bt Louhi C n- rentton, and thelr prevloua meetlnga had been of the moal ^p'.i-ii ebjaracter. They drove to- pether to Major McKlnley"a houae. A young man with a catnena tOOh I s; a;sh>t at Ihe ts\>> <-an- dMatca as they vralked frona the oarrtage to th- ¦mmj After tneeting Mrn. M Khnley Mr. Hobart and M.i.1 >r McKlnley retJred fot a prlvate emfer- afKfe A ln-ry delegatlon from Medlna Oounty ealled on Qottfnor McKlnley at n< nn. He made ¦ ahort t^?ch, looal in Hi eharacter, and Introduced Mr. Hobart, who n-as greeted wM eheera. Mr. Ho¬ baii Hd n >: iis^;s-= campalgn kwuea, but thaaked t|i« people gracefully fot th.-ir cordhtl greetlna e- i then ahook hanjs with every one of the virit- ir,« deiegatea. Mr bart k*ft Canton at 12 80, having pr^nt jgrt two boura In the rity. !!>> had expected to be here untll 4 o'clock, hut found tbal ba and Major McKlnley c >uld d aJI the talklng they do in ¦ mucb ghorter timo. Major Mc¬ Klnley drove Mr. 11 »bart to the tatl n. Thelr Intarvtew waa aatlafaotory on both eidea, and eaoh oandldate expreaaed hlmaetf haghly pleaaed wHh the petvonallty and vlewa "f the cther. Mr. Hobart thlnka the attuatlon In tlu- Eaat fncouraglng fn m th« Republlcan polnt of vi<w. !!.. bellevea the aound-monej Deinocnata are oomlng In large numtw ri to the Re] ul »n party, and predlcta that barmony artll be achle\'«d in Xew-York. and thal the dingree- ..- u-hich eslat among Republlcana In that Btafc wlll iti nowiae harna the Nattonal Ucket Hc l? partJcularty langulne aboui New-Jeraey nn<l decOarea that it wi'l pive a blg Republlean plnrallty In November. A gPEECH TO OLASSWORKERS Th!-* afternoon 600 glaaaworkera caroe from Maaalllon. Many of them were Demoerata, hut aonounoed thal thej arould vote for McKlnley. In reap nae to a ipec b i>y thelr apokeaman Major McKlnley tald: I thank vou moat cordlally ?or your Kr^t'.nps and eoi irratulatlonf So hli .. haa n ove tne more derfly or t. more profo mdly than to have theae expreaaioni ol approbatlon from the v> rkli cme: of the I'nlti Si itea. i «¦« ahoul I have oui irort i at h me, no oui work at h .::¦. employ our p*oi employ them at Americaii wagei (Loud cheer ng .. And truat that the depreaMon whlrh h,-.= F*ttU-l i.pon th- induMrirs at thla ) ¦ rr\ u! m the near I U .'.' be removed. d that ve mav ail at no very dlatant day Ret »ack to that hai.pv tinr- ao well descrlbed by your apoh J am pla.i to know that the ataaaworkeri are In favor of a proteotlve tariff, for I recall. my fellow- cttl/er.s that throuirh protectlon we have aecured the flrat rank not only In manufacturlng generally, but in thl manufacture of rlaaa bem ith our own flai and we make aa good glaaa, empwylng <.. r Ur men m our own ahopa, aa can be made any- vhere la the world. (Applauae.) I.thank >ou tor the romi.llment and courteav of thla call. and 1 ippreclate more than I can ftnd w.;^ »¦' '. ;^fj the generoui aentlments expreaaed In >°"r*{." by youi ¦¦> II wlll give me great p^aure to meel emch and -very one of you and pa] to you my i^-rsonal reapecta (Applatuas.) VJSIT OF CHRISTIAN' ENDKAVORKR8. The most pieture^que oocurrenca of the day woj> the vlsit of :'..»»<)0 dalegateg to the Btate qhrlatlau Endamvor Oonyantlon, now In aaaalon hVe. Short'y after 4 o'clock this nrmy nier\ and woroen marched to the McKlnley bouae In twe pr.-a: battallona Ah many aa could flnd ¦tandlng room ln the gpadoui grounda crowded lr. and formed a dense maaa Thoae ln the rear fljj..i theatreet on both ildea ol the houaa, which siands on a corner, for the diatance of half a bb"k in elther dlrectloa It waa an Impreaalve acene. When Major McKlnley appeared he waa greeted with eheera and the Chautauqua aalute. }!, B] ke as foll iWil Mr Bomberger and Ladlea and Gentlenjen of the Chrlatlan Endeavor Soclety of l ie Bl it. ol OW arvea me aln -;. pleasure to ..-.¦ '. :." \ I thank yo all '¦'' the rourti bj and ». rmth Jcur greetlng. The people ol Canl lad to bave v .j among th« ... u -;" ' reel free to bld > »u hea i t\' »b'e welcome Free Qovernments have unl i.- >t- /.-. ..¦ elr ....:¦¦.¦.,'¦ htgner How. r, ¦ ; ive iW! atepa to ¦.... pronsouon ol moraJltj arl t'v-r- dlffualon of knowledge among theu :ltl [n the l-'nlted Bta-tei thla I ta been ate idlij the alm of our local and fcUa! govi rnments. an ;. -v. advan ement of thla great work o gooa pe i>" wtthout reapect to "" denomlnational con- '; - .. they have hid an aei \ ;1X': ." i''\' Jn everj r!1 ible, bn ad an K ¦¦¦¦ rpua eff' rl 1 j dlea and gentlemea *;'"¦";*'. I. ¦'¦'.'1 c mmend (o >xur obaervatwn and for your ej mpl* thal lofti and n..t>:e policy, that truly patrlotlc dea'otlon o tnoraltty and the upllftina ol manklnu h eonep uoualv dtetlngulahed the foundera ol thli in'.ft.r.' o untry. l.<- ua eherlah Um Inatltutloni- ol civ a:.>. rellgioua ;:¦.. rty whleh * lerneai and eontlnue them ln all thelr vli .trengtl <: the generatlona y«-t to ¦¦¦ reapi i -h-«'- Inatll itlona a deepi ¦¦ laiv. | ttoaar attentlon to Ihe requirenuntu o eltlzereftilp, a wlder Ineulcatlon of h< splrri arg- !-.r : r <-a:-ar."i' and ffo>.d v. 111 t" ail. and a m ¦'¦¦ n- .tant and -ir:«-t endeavoi f"r th<- enllghK ol a:; our people, cann .: but be In keeplng wlth tii» ; .. » of Aln Ighty Ood To thla great av j and . all arho may engage ln thia r.ob> work to all ¦*¦¦¦ are ao enr<ta>l everj'- ¦¦¦. ere, I devoutly wlah the fulleat meaaure of huo- ceaa af. i j.a^i'ir.^.^s. After the Pi*>e"h 8,000 people ahooh handa \vi»h Major McKlnley, and ati >wared flowera upon hia vlfe arid mother, who aat rx-ar by, Before de- partirK th<> delegatea aang "Amerlca " an 1 3,000 voices joined in the National anthem. Visiiviiis FROM Sl LOUIfl The Chrlstian Endeavor hoata had not de- parted hpfor^ cariiagea drove tii> contalnlng Rkhard C. K^rens and a party of Bl Louta men of promlnence In bttalneaa and flnancial clrclea. ? TO INFORM MR HOBART. THE B0TIFICAT1O.N COMaOTTEB WILL VISIT HIM ON JII.V 7. Ir.dia.napo: - Ju.'y i Chariea W Falrbanka, Cbalnaaa of tha Repuoilcan Vlce-Prealdentlal Notl ficatior, CbaamlttM, announcea th.-.- the committee wUJ BMet m tha Flfth Avenue rtotel, New-York Clty, a- § I'clock M J !' '.' go k) Alr Uobari'a homa In PaHeraon on JuJy 7. ? ¦¦'¦'.¦. HOBART MR HANXA'3 GUE8T. «E | ;ne.s IN CLSVEUANT AXD T1IF.N BTARTfl i>>Ii THE BA8T. C' u I, Ohlo, July l -Oarrel A Hobart, Re- publlcan nomlnee for Vlce-Prealdent, arrtved here fro::. Canton at t:»0 o'clock thla afi rnooi and *->^ irlven . .\i. \ ji mna. Hi dlnwl wlth .Mr Hanna'a famlly, and atarted Ht 7:90 o *or U i* ATTACHMEST AGAISST BCBEELE. Deputy Bbcrifl Butler terday recetved an at- taehmenl foi PM ag ilnat W alti r T. 8 h< .. . ' .. n tha 1 ./ Ing In '.. i >r of Carl May- koff, on an aaalgned clalra of :wo notea whl h he «.¦'.¦¦ on July l and Xovembei 10, Jefferaon II. a:,; j. Napoleon Lerj foi ' an offlce at M H '.'. I!llam-a 1 atti .. >btalned <-.'. ¦¦.. ground that could not be found ai hla om .... houae The atta hment » i* aerved ai Ihe Ms-r ct-Att ll .;. i .;... ..; b" ¦¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ him foi aervicea In th<- Flemlng a BUCKED THE BRAZIL DOWS. Datrott, Mlch., J;;:y l Tba gAatoer BraafJ, eoal- ladei'. bound up, araaaunk In th< Dotrol Rivar, aeaw Aaaaeratburg, la ¦ pecutku naanner thla mornlng >-»sar th« m .... n and OatfleM al docka a ie mat e tanie. Martna, bound ... v. ia '¦'" :'-:- M ¦ faat rat<r of ape* d 1 M u .. ln p the Uraxii ;:, ,. arater from under the hvtter":, oaustng hei lo atrlke ie K-ki "' Sr""' '' '.'¦¦ .¦.!,.. ng large holea la hi jae Urmall niiwi almoat Inatantli inU aank In twent> mm m arater, Aftea H-rhterlng pa ol hei oargo J/OTr TTIE liAINE8 LA W W0RK8 TROUBLE TOR MANT DEALERfl CAU8EO BT DBLAT IX OBTTING CERTIFICATEg. COMMISSIOKER RILLIARD WILL IKVEITIOAT1 "RAINEfl 1..WV lli rTBLS" AXl PROTKCT RCW 'Oi.s AM> CHURCHE8- FIRBT CLAIN OF A LIQUOR- DEALER FOR REBATI PREgENTED. Although tho offli'fH of Qaorgaj llllii.-ml, the SperHl l>.-;>:ity Conunlaetooer of Exdae ln thts clty, d.d not ClOM untll mi lnlght on Tueaday r.itfht. thry were orowd>»1 with MlSlOUfl ItqUOT 4. ftlen ;.ci!n ystrrday mornlng, Boma of the Mquor-dealera thought H m ¦Ull Uiim to make appilcation for ta\ certlflcatea to be practlcally renewola of th<"> unexprred Hcenaea of el > ir, and they were ln truuble when they found thal lln> dav for r<mw.i's puscd. They were toM i.::tt they would have to ke«p thdr pU m .' buatneaa doaed untll thelr cotM obtaln t.-ix certlfl- .-.r.ts on appHcatlona np from new plaooe, after ob- talnlng the eonaenti of two-tfelrda of the ownera of dwelllng-houaea (ritbln 'i(*> faet of therr aaloona. Other Uquor-deaJera had noad* appHcatlona an.1 rnd pald tfieir money, i>ut had not recdved the tax certlfl atea. Thoy heM r<i-<.ip;<» from Mr. HtNtard'i caahler, i»:' the pollce ln some pnrt* of the cRy ap- parently had fmJl<*d to imderatand the arrangemant whloh had i>"<-n mada for the temporary recognltlon of the raaMer'a recdpta, and ihe llquor roen Bald they had bean ordarad to doae Uialr placea of bu«l- imm bacauu they dld n t have tha tai certlflcatea. Aj moon a* poaafbta Mr. miiianl eommunleated witli Chl. f of Pollca Conlra and aaked hlm to prevant tha moleatatlon of the llauoi mcn arho beH receipta, Mr Hllltard aald he waa algning the tax certtflcatjs aa n i .'. .1- but the Wv>rk would take s.-v- eral daj i longer It !»i expactfd tha4 thera wlll be a nurnbef of nrw tppll<>atloni for tas eertlfloatai l>y nr-n hav* not K-n able ( ralaa tba money thua far. or by men who ara roaklng ready to open "Rainea law hotela" ln piocea near Rohoola nil ehurebaa. Mr. Hilltard haa daclarad taia Imemlon to Invertlgata with cara a:; applloatlona mada by men wbo declara ,i. ,; v Br pn | totfl of new h'rtflp ln t!ie Hty. Hladecrarad Intantlon la to pr 'XV e chwc ¦choola ;;- far aa bla power will j^o. Money pal n r.-.v ;,;.¦ -r ma may poaajtbly hxreaae tha aum r.v<-<\ .¦¦¦ theliquortM ln thla dty U R.C«»0op The -um .'. ut $4,731,382 59 >. rday, and ta (or* into the Hty tn aaury Th< Btate geti .I of th< money, bul haa to p ly ' .. e"i Oomm!«wioi <'r antl aaa the demand of H F«Xl o No 19 Ul.ty-at.. for »«« on « ofTlioena datlng fr«m Ootober 21. The rebata dua nch lSSo^SSSjerg la expactad to amourrt to orer ^Ni^aocurata Infonnatlon eould he ^^T*^?^ ,,av aa io the numiber f t1.; aa «ia ln tha ^«"Vm^wW?iiwW be tlH amjojgj ,, ,Vi, each prednct to mike the rounda of the So^ba^ew'lW55'pn*Vi.:y- im-il h^rahopa. ? VO BBVT-DOWy 7V VBWBEDFOKD. TBfl WIX MKN rEEL MORH HOPKITTX THA* THOM IN FAIX IUVKR Kaar-BadfonL Maaa.. July L-I1 5s faWy <~rtair, that tha Naw-Badford mlll men do not !«hare tta dlamaJ »*ow of tha altuatlon that li takao by Uia r-u RlTcr naanofactoram Tba markat may n* M ¦II tbaa thay oouM arlah, but tbara will »* na gaei- ..-.,: ihut-down m tha nr>nth« of July and Auguat. ¦>.. »ubt th«>r« wlll l>e «.im» curtaMmawt and mora or toaa maohlnary arill be Ite. but tha <*a« a i v c aporaAion arlU enttraly olooa tta fael rtai Boma of tba mlll mao cama torathar to-day at tta i.:u-, of tha ManufaotUTara' Aaaoeiation ln tho Maa>nic B h and dlacuaaad tha outJook. Tha propoatti. n of tha Arkwrlfhl C?lub aeemad to meat with -..h o] rtely no favor. Not a mJll man cou>l be found to oxpro^s htmaeif ln favoi of any movem ml ln tha matter of curtail- ment Xaarly all aald thal there would be aome ¦,.: rtentng of the output, but It arll] be aec rmpllabed by (.:..;;¦::.;: machirjery ;s oocoalon detnanda. Wllllani 1>. Howland, a promlnenl manufaoturer, ¦aM that h^- eould not apeak arlth authority, but ¦.] ahould iWi k that th prtrit-clot* n mlght Ri>,'.'i an agreement to doae, bul outi thoae corpoTatlona I ahould thlnk II a*ould be ex- c< ..'.'.: gly dlfB tull ;.< unlte irera on ..:.¦ ,¦:..¦ ,i ... m K>klng tow doam. ¦:: j tnaj be Idli qul e Ikely arII] be, but n il many u.;!..-. i ihlnk, .v >nw to a full Btop. T.'i:s m<n*enieni eomei from all Rlver, and : that caty ah uld not thlnk ony agree- m< ;.t la )!k< ly to be mada." Fall Rlver, Maaa., Julj 1. -Tha manufacturera who go to Boaton to-morrow t. repreaent Fall itlv'-r at tha meetlng of tha Arkwrlght Club wlll carry with tham aasuranca that tr.o miillon iplnd3ei ur more 1:. thll dty ara ready to atop when' agrt-om^nts ahall be mada. To-nlght tl. !a ont treaa- urei a-ho boidi out with any ih w o -. ibbornnese. M. C. D. Borden, owner of tha i> Worka Milla, waa ln the clti all lay, I it he gi va no hlnt ;.» to the courae he liftendi to purauo. Whatever he doe* will not afftct the curtallment icheme now, for thal i-: on. Plana for ¦huttlni lown have al- ready I en arranged bj tba Flint, ulnen rt'an hace, Robeaon an oi .. mllla, u Il v uld not be aurp ialng if aome of the tnll.a to allow thelr operattvea a pro.onged Fourth of July. _ FIRB IXBURAXCE COMPAXt UCEX8ED. A'hany, .'"ly 1. Jaanaa F. Plarce, Buperlntendenl <ff Inauranca, to-<lay authorlaed tbe Vlctorla r^ini Inauranoa Company, «' Naw-York Clty, to begm I,,,;:.. ln thla Btata The company haa a <\i;>;tal of 1300,000. Tha ofBoera are H--::ri il. Hall, preal- dent, and Bdwtard K. u>mdall, lecretary, botb of New-Tork. Among tha dln rtora are Leonard J. Buabv Treadwell levelan I, Charlea M Ei laa, Ben- Uraham, Wllllam W. Henahaw. VVIHtam M. Hoa'gland A. d lot, Wllllam H. Power, Oa- v..i.i 8anu>raoi and Wllllam H. Wallaca. ? CAPTAIN WIBORQ'S BENTENCE AFFXRMED. Pblladelphla July ] Tba m nd ta of thajunlted Btatea Buprema C mr! ln the caae of J, li. 8. M'lborg, ,. .-. eapUIn of tha ateamer Horaa, who waa coti v.,t,-,i |n tha L'nlted Btatea Dlatrld Oourt heta ln Mareh on tha charge or engaglng ln a Cuban 11 btKorlng exp dltl m and m otertc l to alxn montha" Impriaonment and OOO nna, v... n -.. noon by Mr. Unc dn, darb of the rlcl ,. ,.. -I-,,,. gupreme Cotirt afllnncd Lh< ta .;' v::', iru mual in n u t hlm II a II ¦¦¦ Mve dayaand begl eno A i ,,,,. v , ; ¦¦ a p n lon for .lefendant waa rccSnUj prn nted to Pr«lden4 Clevelatwl ? JROQl 018 ElEi T l URAXD 8ACBEM. ,. ,, , ,|, ; _The IroquoleConfederacy gal n . ... the iwanda terday and e>cted a gran<> aa em the v. cancj cauii bj the dea ol <J< ra H r,rk..r , n New»Vork I'ltj laal Vub ia( Tl rxerdi aere o| ed by the i i.f lhe aachemi and hl ol th. varloua dani '; ,h« foundl lloui K«rai tha m. f ,'.., :,: Pxrker. Then Thomaa Jefl ;udry ,-. oaenoJ« BaJhlm ol'J wonn n "<¦/,'., ;. ,.. ..: . \( clan, aa aai .!:...-.»¦¦.«¦..,. ...- I.-I..«« - (}« ... ral Pai ker. $ COMU18810SER8 TO TEXXE88EE. July , (jovernot Morton haa app Irrted £\5Swin. men to n^n-an. ik. iUM « ¦«- , .. ebraUon, U> ba held ln N,,!,v.i..-. nexl year. beglnnlng o. Mair l: Joba MrCreen-. al Jama. MoOean 4 Oa. Naw- y k Ooarge F. K uia, of Tlffany A, Co J*ew-Torlt; ,\ , i,, prealdenl of Bhe Me¦¦..-...i.t-' Eb 1 " . i J nnfaon, of "The Brool. yn ?ha^' !;.:;' W. Iruff. Purk C.niml , ¦'. Jamea, ... H. ft . «. New-York. T,,E FOURTH AT MAUCH r i\ SK o.on Jnoko.;.... fv:.:^1:;'.- r .;::.' 1> JKS bi. at IJO J- YOL UNTEER8 It ESTBAINED. TWIN MINE RESCUfl PARTY FORBIDDEN TO TAKE DANGEROUI RI8K& OFFICIAU DUCREDIT THI RKpnrtTS of rap- FIKOg TUlttnSUIHQ Asn nMBBRIKO OOINO ON. ' [HT TELKORAPH TO THE TRIBVNE.l "tt'llkesbarrt, Penn., July 1 .A number of the Newton Coai Company'a offivtnis piaoe no rre- d"noe ln the rcj>ort thr.t rappblga were h<*ard from the entomb>-d mlr"rs laat nlgtlt The men on the 11 o'clock shift, howwer, oitorat* thelr stat"ment, and aay they h'-ard th" rapplnKS and could dlatlnguhah betareen them nnd the ordl- nary nolaea of th" mine, puch as th" chlpplnp of coal from the plllars and the crarkhm and apllnterlng of the timbers under the lmnvnse welgtot bearlng on thrm. Th<-re ls, of courae, a food deal of uneertainty. The offlolals pay the nrni's Im.ipinatlons w*>re lnflnm"d, as Waa n.ntural nnder the rlrrumsdance?. and that they maatook the eraokine; of the t1mb"rs for tha rappings. It »fms to b" the altn of th" ofBctalf not to oneourae:" hope In th" bt"asta <>f tha hundreds of rr-ln!ives who are waitlng for mws. Thls K doubtleaa, a wise eours". as th" <dian""s are 100 to 1 that the men will never be so*m allve. Th" h"avy fall about 11 o'clock laat n'.Rht vraa evid.-ntly ln the abamloned worfclngl beyond the place wh"re the men are entomb-d, arhtch extf-nds a dis'tanee of over half a mile to the pillar whlch aeparatee the mine from tho Clear Sprinjr colllery. The volunterra. who were on thHr aray doam th- tlope laat nijrht arhen they were driv"n hack by the dar.K"r.»us disturb- anee. have been ready ai; day to make th" n.t- tempt, but the mine lnspeotor. Mr. McDonald, r"fiises to arlve them the p-rivileer*. aa he aaya It ls certaln death for them to do so. Buperlntendent I. Morgan, of the Eehlgh Val- ley Oompany, waa in general cbarge of thinrra outatde rhe mdne dnrin* the rl«rht. Oeneml Manager Law arrhred at the shaft a?rain nt 7 o'clock th* mornlng, and took rharpe outtfle for the day. On the shlft whlch went down the mine at 7 o'clock thli mornlng were ten men from th'- Lerilgtl nnd Wi'k.s-harre m!n"S. undf-r th" lf-adernhip of Ri cse M<>r?ati, of Wllkeatoarra, brother of Morgan. They were plcked mn nnd they atrengthened thg aahlft mater!ally. Th" houra of the m .minir wore on apparently wkh no rhaoge in tha altuatlon. foitc'i" the carpeiifpri were bugy gawlng pr ;¦-. whlch were aenl down the shaft in catioad krta nt Intervala of ten or flftcen mlnutea At about 12 o'clock HTirj' McMllkU), who waa in chanro of tha morninsr shtft, oamu out of th" mine. The rock waa atlll i*-ing reanored from tha al aj*. alowly, but siirr-ly, four men a: a :ime belng at work at the face. When th" flremen came out th" advance gang waa n<--ar th" end of the stone wall, on th-> slt" of th<- Flope, ivhl.-h ls about 17." fe.-t tr>'-.n th" hold ot the plope. Thlnirs 1n oth*>r parts of the mlno wre qul^t, and no epecaal pressur- on the ptll ura and ptvps was manifest. The work of tlmh^rlna; ls k"pt op, h .we\-"r. and everythlns; posfibl" b-ing: don" to puard apainst dan«;"r. The mornlne; Fhlft can^e otit of the mine. w 4 o'clock thls nffiT- n.vm, a>-oompvini.>l by th*-1r leadera, Henry T. McMUlan and He<sf Morgan. Tne latter araa in charpe of the Bhlft of men whlch has b»en work- Ing at tha toce of th" il >)#. Ha *«>-.¦' pinee 7 o'clock thls mornitiR pntfrne^ has been made twenty-flVO f<-et ln?o the Btope, a-nd throe gati of tlmber hav« b.en ptacad in r^-'ltl"1'1- The end of the atone wail haa just i^ tn pass.-d. Th-re are no plsns of further '.sqiieezInK-' ln any i^rt of the worklngs. and the lndleatlons for .-!!! w..rk dvrtng the nUM are good. y laal th- bore-hole through th" pillar 5"pa- i tlng th" Clear Sprinps worUlnps from thoS" of th- Twln Colllery has been Rniahed. Threa at- tempta were made, and th" third one proved auc- reafful !,"-ttlnsr through th" pillar nt a diatance ,,f nlnety fe*t nt about 1" o'clock thls mornlng. No water waa found, but gaa issnK-d from the hole it: large quantltlea. At 12 o'clock <:<--n^ral Manaa-r Cake, of th" Clear Kprlntrs Company, held a conferenee at the Twln offlee arlth Oen- eral Manager Law and the other ottlr-ials there, when it waa de Ided not to attempt to tnnn"l through th" [¦iih»r. This d-elslon was arrlved .t becauae th" diatance between th" p llar an 1 th.- place where the entombed men are auppoaed . ,. \g j),--t a.1-- pr.-.-.t as it ls from th" place when th" reacuera are now at a.k in th" Twln mtne whlle th" terrltory Invaded by the r-ave ts believed to be even greateron tii" weat alde than on the eaat alde Bo far as can be learned. the plllars ln th" Clear Sorlnps through whlch the hole was bored an- not ahowlng any evldenee of belng affected by th" aqueeaea. They alao snp- poae th. f.ill haa blocked thla way. The people li iwever, ar* crltldalng them geverely for tt-is declalon, end aay they ahould go on until ti,"\ determlne deflnltely wh"ther or not progr.'=s ls blocked there. To-night th.- work"rs eame tipon two ears in th" alope whlch were badly cruihed. Ttvy were removed. The Board or Trade to-day laaued an appeal to the pountry at large for ald in the dty'i tenible affllctlon. -#- Ifl?. 8TERXBERQER <>i'TS TBE CBiLDREV. JUBT1CB TTU-AX BBFl'SEB TO COKFIRM T\\r. Kr.V- Y.u\-v:s REPORT OlYIIfa THEM TO THE MOTHER Juetloe Tmax. In th" Buprane Oourt. y"st"rday ., down aa p km in Bfhleh ha refuaea to n ,;.¦ raporl »f tha referee e.i-..r\K :h" cuetody of the two iternberger ehlldren, Robert and MarkN flve and aevea yeara oM rea.*i-.-..:>¦. ; the m *ht r. Blrdla Bternbenier, hut holdi thal they ahould go Into .¦¦>¦¦ cuatody of tha fal ¦¦ The Bternbergera were rnarrled In :"s. Th» h>;^- band, Lo ila Bternberger, «.ih al th" *im-- a weall ly broker, but ha faJled ln UW. Mrs. Bternberger w;.s MlM Bl .. M rather la ala ¦ wea thy man 'l t»t year the wlfe began to keep « dmry In whlch fh( .¦,,.] ,",..ry dlatarteful acl of her hua K thua, it 1- alleged, under the adalce of Joaeph ,., ,.,. ,., lawyer Onca abe found a hatrpin ln hla room, and aaked whether it waa ¦ ground /,,,. gep&ratlon, ;...: ihe waa told it w..^ not. Bhe .1 ahortly afterward, and It la all< .. ,. .. followed by d itectlvea nlght and day, .... Mra. Btei iberger took her chl ,i,. irll ei to her fatheT*a houae, and her n ., ,.. ..¦, ia ao aotlon to ob aln pi .alon of th.Th-ve carefull) rea the leetli ,:.'.¦. ri "and lurton that the .,].,:,,.. ,t- the :. ii an !. an . are noi ifBclem to Juetlfy Chc wlfa ItJ leavlng hlni a* dl TBE TRIAl VOR MVRDER BY AR80X. T».. work of g< ttlng ¦ hirj . try Adolph Her Hopl for m lei b) araon wai r. imeil jeaterday .', ,.. iraman, ln the Crlmlnal Branch of e defendant la charged arlth ;. th( .:; 1 lilaxl< Jaegi r, foi year I, .-», U1. fatall) buri .. Inoendlary n Ma) », !k'd. Herac konf rtth oalialng th. flre. v, n couri adjourned eleven Jurora had n .e. ... d, aa llon ,.,....,.,. Ambroae C. PMppa, agent. So. W Weat W ¦.. Rellj rei red, t ,- ,-¦ n B id; F K I'r hlnga im. '.¦'\"VV ¦".:"«;- Fort) fourth-« Morrta l.. BittU.»an ': ."". *" ^: ". '-:! UOCKBFBUER AT CBICAQO VSiVBRHtrT. rMoaco July I -'"hn " ftotskafeller, th. fouader of the L'nlveralt) of C'hloago and the k- " Mm ., iu eodowment fund. arrlved yeatarday n;,;n,lnir tr*m New-Yorh to pay hta nrat ri ,,,. great Inatitutloo. Thera will bt a cornei m .... ,, ;,., reaatlng and nwrrymaklng Mr. P^h'-r-.,. * '"¦ I're ol Harpar. ai wl.. ' latloc he kled to eoma h-rv. and ;. ti," it.i.n l>a«ua ( lub waa ,.fCyrua II McConnlck. Ha will i t .rn to New-Y«rfc uji FrMay. WELCOMING MR TELLER COLORADO OOBfl WILD WITH EXTHU- BIA8M vrtn IIIM. A TRIUMFHAL FBOOREM from OHARJk to DK\ VFR. WHERB a f;nr:.\T pkmonsthatio.v |g rtHVEJt IN 1US HONOR. Penver, CoL, July L -BenatOT Henry M. TelW eould have irouaed ihe W<st to no greater demon- ttratlona of approval had ba been a aovaraign nt *n emptrc or a preaMenl <>f ¦ republle. All ust nlgbt hli progreaa weat from Omaba along tha line of the rnlon Padfle waa markad l.y noi?> demonatratlona at ev.ry Itopping p.-lnt ln Nehraska. Banda of nraafc met hitn, orowda cheered and deosended ¦ apeech, and at many placea tba Banator waa fair'.y dragged from tha train and competled to mount upon boxea wbare he eould ba aeen as he tbankcd tba peopla To-day waa apent'quletly with Ueu- tenant-Qovernoi Bruah. Maanwblla the wort of deoorntlng the dty of Den- rar with flaga, TeHer bannera ar.d bunttng went on raptdly Excuraton tralna brought aevereJ thoo- .and peopla, CentraJC?Ry. tha bome o* Benatnr Tallar, eap. Hally aendlng down a great delegatlon. At 1:30 p. m. Recdver Tnrmbeira car, atteehed to a apeclal excural n train, laft the Unlon Btatton, baarlng the Rcceptkm Commlttee, «-hi<-h proceeded to Qreeley and took Banator TaHer under eacort .iovn.or M~- Intyre, Mayor McMurray, I. K. Btrrena, C. S. Tbomaa, Irvlng Howbret, Alva A.Linns, T. II Pat- teraon. J. R «!rant ar.d other promtnent Hrlzens of nli pollt1<ril parties were Included ln thls pnr:y. The tr.iiri arrtved at the [Tnton Btatfon ahortJy be- for»- s o'dock. Tha etreeta at that hour along tha Hi e or- mardi were denaely packad t.y crowda of en- .., laatlc peopla, and Sen itor Tdler'a progreaa at the head of the i irade waa eaatly marked by the r.ars of ebaaracorntng with fl up Bevantaenth-at, and then ejong a devtooa Hi.e of merch, finally paaarag ln re- vtew batbra tha grandatand erected ln front of the Browu P. laca HotaL Th-- parade waa a great affalr. Many banda were ln the proeeaakm. OUpln County cltlaana had tha pla e of honor Juet behln Benator Tell< r*a carrlaga. Tha Oolorado Natlonal Ouard, the aeveral cadet companlea and tha artlllery mada up the mllltary part or tha parade. Old ploneera caroe next, women marchtng with men, then a great llne of dvlc, aoclal, polltlcal, benevolent and trada aocletlea foKowed. The varloua blcyda cluba were ln llne. and were a feature of the proeeaalon. I»uring the progreaa of tha parade nreworke were «et off all over the dty, and the «tre-n reaounded with the noise. of cheerlns and of exploalvea. Anivrng at the ROtet, Senntnr T<*ller met the entlre Ooiora lo delegatlon, whlch atood by hls alde at St. Loula, and. accompanlad by theee, the women of tha party and tha Reoaptlon Commlttee. he prooeedad to the !..¦ lewtng atand. Kla ..p;>' iranee thi re was the algnal for a mlghty and pro^onged ahoui of weieoma fr un tha great erowd whlch fllled the itreeta a btock ln iive dtrectlona from tha revtewmg atand. Oovernor Sfelntyre mada a brtaf addreee of aret- ooma on behalf of the Btate, ar.d tf.-nator THle.r replled: Oovernor Mclntyre aald ln part: ln the nama and behalf of all the people of the Srate of Co '<r* lo, I welcome you hotne. Among tha flrel to aee the evll and leorn the remedy of the^e dlaj l.-rted tlm. :. you hav. atood forth, avan amM anoera and bhter abuae, tha unrtlm-hini? dwunplon of aound flnanda! prindplee. The peopla of your Btata obaerva wltn .. ;. rdonabla and exoeercng great pdde that mtltl >ns of aarnaat men throughout ihe Natlon, men wh »:n tha jc-at Lln^oln oallad tiie plaln p»->[>!e, have been watoblng you. Banator Tallar reptted: Mv Frl-nrta: I r<M.;.ze how dlffleult It la to upeak to fOU all at BUC* n tlm*. I cannot attempt now ro aay much to you, imt on aome other orcaaion I mny have the prlvllega of addreaatng you at length. I c\in .>n!v fay t...t no wordi of rniae can i-xpr«-aa to t... people of thla great Btata n»y thanka for thla magnlfl ent publlc expi aalon ol your approval o. m] eouraa. No man ;inywhere evar had a u-tt^r graatlng. ln acknowledgfng thla l do not taka It ..* u. recognltlon of my u-.»rk alona, but I reallxa that it is ,iii behalf of a cauae wtrlon you belleva ,n. ThN demonatratlon siK-nlhes an approval of my rourae, t»lt It .si-i-tl.-^ a .'....;-.atlo:i to oon- .'vi'- nghtlng :'¦ ¦ thi lauoe untll we ahnil trlu and aecure a proper mon« tary ayatem for thla givat Natlon of oura, arnlch we ao deariy iva. B :,. ,> l have been your^entatlve, for neariy twentv yeara now, it haa been my purpoaa alwaya honeatly and conalatently to repreaent .ut l advance the aentlment that \ >u entertam. I want to aaaure you now when i prove falee to my truat or feel that I no longer volce the aentlment of the pe ple of the Btate, then > iu may aelect one wt»o wlU I am more than repald for all my hard la. and toll of the paal yeai f aervlce by thts tnag- niflcent demonatratlon. When the opportunlty aball preaent Itaell l hope to F|.<;ik to you face to faca ar.d take ea.-h of you by the hand. Th» erow-.l roared for rnor.-. and the Senator. 11ft- Ing hlmaelf to hi» full helght, amtli tnd aald ln ¦ rlnging volce: 1 onh ahall aay a worl or two more. I bdlave n rw rhat <i. the frtenda of tiiis cauae have to oo la to ..¦ : together and then th re wlll be enough peo- ¦ m tl la Satlon to domlnate and control the country, and then we ahall pla .>¦ tl;'.- Xatlon upon a .-,!.¦ ayatem that w Amertoan ln every polnt, and we ahal thla wlthoui aaklng the conaent ot waltlng the approval of Oreal Brltaln or aiiy other rn natlon. The Republlcana of thla BUte b«- lleve the L'nlted Statea la Wg en q i, Ita peopu wl« ,.,,,, ratabllah an Independent ataWe monetary ¦yatem. v>r th ^ let nii the peopla of Colorado unlte aa on.. man reg irdlea* of party llnea, and we thall ln tune unlte the people of im< nn-nt country and ahall ac- ccinpllah the conaummatton of our earneat hope, a true honeat Amerlcan ayatem of flnanoa. Again I than'k you Q.I nlght. With another roar of applau«e the imm>nw erowd alowly moved away, whlfe cheera and Teller yelui reaounded aboul the .;tr ew for an hour or more. ? FOR 8PEEDIXQ FOREIQX MAIL8. ARRIVINO LETTERfl vvn.T. BOON BB BORTED AT QVARAKTIXI AM> DI8PATCMBD DIRBCT Tl THEIR DBBTINATI. IRB. A'.thoiKh not yet perfected, arrangamenta ara b | made by the poaUl authorltlea ln thla dty a new t fac llute tha dlapatcb to thdr deatlnattona of fordgn malla arrlvlng at thla port Hltherto II haa been tha cuatom to paaa all naalla arrlvlng at th'.a port fr m fordgn eountrlee througb the N- A-Yoik Poatofllca before dtatributlng them to the rallroad companlea. ln thls way the malla have been deiayed ln tranalt to the cltlea to whlch th-v were dlrected for aeveral houra Actlng on .. latlonr from certaln quartera, Poatmas- t, ¦.-.;. a i n .. i luaea thal hav« ..-.:¦. aa ¦¦ ol tlme, and aJaj th. ¦¦¦ y ,.,,.,..., ..,..,-. ¦ contlnuance of th« ddaya to wni ¦>, -'. malla are w aubje. ted Thi -. .... thal wlll m. ^t llkely be adopt* 1 to haaten t'¦¦. dellvery ln future la that malla brought bv neamrtili fl »m otb r rountrlea ei»ll be dta- trlbuted at <ju.iran-.n-. ar.d then dlapatched to ]),. r dmlnatloM vlth >ut thi neceaalty <>. flrat New.Tork Poatotfl Under the - i,.:.! regulatkme. i reaael arrlvlng at an> n dlatrid ln the Lnlted :.:,.. , |i noi !¦. rmltte maJ.ntn \ \ '¦¦' ,K mtll all the tett. ra ird are I. ...¦ r. . ?... n. ireal poatofTlce. When the new arrange- ,.. .:,i otllclal wll be on nd at Quarantlne to uperti tei the :-. rtlng ol duCand lud ai are ln ae| ,wined for pilnta along th- llnea if the varl rallw " -".'.' !" !h" '",.' r ¦;...,, .; of the ateamahlp eompenl - have . '. ... K|ve the eme rll the aaalatan ¦; that .;; ...... ,. ., Thej have alao Intlma «1 theli .. « to put Ilf en e to m Mp% j,t Quarantlne t r the purpoee of .',u- th. mplla to rhe itatl ..:j from whlch they ''T; :" ;¦.",-'',i;-''.i-nt of Fordgn Malla, when aaan l-v by ,i Ti Ibune re| rter, aal he waa i ot v. m ¦. !. tlon to glve out an) fu r; :,:. i, waa prjpo ed to pu ,. n for the reaaon thal they had noi :. ,..',,,,..'.,..) I!- l-l. however. that the new ar- ,.. 1 ..- .. I prol ably no ln force on about Augual I. I B08PI1 \l. PATIEXT8 DEATB. HlH BOM BAT8 IT W l* HABTENED Bt INCOK8ID RRATE TREATMERT. .. i> r, a ... la lnv< ng i complatM that the leath of Cali b Ford, ln Uellei ue H tal n Jun : ilnopportun. tramafer w-Y< rk 11 -i ital. >..-. ...... ;..¦:,¦!. .. ai Fn I. rl. k it. Bwart. of _N-., _,,, 11 lylng thal h f u*t. r. Th anaa II .-,, ,,¦ .. Cea v :k Hoapltal for . k- p'i ilng the | rmance of anoperatlon. Mr. lana al tha i ,t hla father * n unllk ly to reeover thev ¦n aenl to Bellerue The patlent waa taken .,, :, ... place pn Bundajr of laat week at noon, on u \ : \ ;. :t day, vWie ba aai ln .i weak eondltlon He dled there on th< followlng Tueeday, and Mr. tjwari »a\« Ma familj iloctor declarea l. s waa a toi ad ¦¦ al ¦.. lai a mo.ith wi 'm Tha depoaltlona ol the nurae, noua.irceon an.l ,,.,..,,... ,n m ih- Ford matter atata that Ford « ','. m ..,¦> becauae ha -v u ln .i deen nt-t eondltlon, and thut ne would not Bubmit to th- ordlnary nile« r poaltl ii and raat, obedienci to whlch were h^«v lutely neeaaanry. ROBBBD OF GOLD AXD DIAM0ND8. AN ARREST ON SFSPICION THE VAM'ABI.ES TAKEN from A BTATEROOM. Joseph Oarda, twenty-one y-ars old. waa «a> reated last nlpht at No. 17 Irvlng Place. and taken to th" Waa* Twentieth-ft. potl e BtatJOB, 00 Ftisplclon of having robbad Dnnlel Earrea, a COtonabteO, who has Ilved for some tlme at th" II >t»I Martln. Oar-ia ls a Spanlard. I-ar- rea was arnut to rcturn t.) hls nxtlve coun:ry by the rtenmer Flimnoa. Ha had .*1,«*)0 In gold and $4,000 WOrth ol diamonda ln his p,.c^sston when he w"nt to his atavteroom on the trcaacl. He was aoootnpanJed by Oaaicta. The two men had been mueh ln e.ioh other'a r-om- pany for th" last faw daya taarraa i"ft the stat"room to go I>ack to th" lv»t"l on aome husl- n"ss. when h" aeparaited from hls companl n. In his absence th" doof of the waa opened, and the money and diamonds. stolen. It ls lKdleved that a false key was used, and aa ¦uapfckM polnt"d to Oar. la. "he was placed und'-r arreat -«,- SIXTY DBOWSBD IN THE BBD SFA. THE FACKET BOAT RAHMAKTEH BRSAJCI HKH SHAFT AND 13 WRBCKED ITPOH A REEF. Suakim. July l..The Red s**r packet Rahmantoh, bound from Buaklm for Suez, hrok" h"r shaft y"s- terday nnd drlfted apoa a reef, whert ?h" foun- dered. Blxty p^rfons were drownad. Th'; moat of th"m were ;r"*-ks -.-«- OABLB ROAD ACCWEXTS. A WOMAN KXOfKKP DOWN BT A CAR IV THIRD- AVE.-A BICTCUST 7IIROWX FROM Hlfi WHEtX. Adelhen Herarlg, flfty-on" yeara old. of No tli Eaat Blghty-aevantb-at., ii off a Thlrd-ava oaMe- car, north bound. at Flfty-etghth-et, at ^sn o'd ick lnst nltfhf. and v.-as lnj'ir"d about th" left l"K and rlgrrt nnki". He was attended by a prii-at" phyakHaa and w<-nt home. At 1" o'clock laat night, Ann'.e Fay. flfty ypcirs old. of No. 68 Lealngton-ave., whlle cros-in*; Third-ave. a- Flfty-fourth-ac, was kn....k.d down by a ee.ble- oar and recalved Injurtea on the left slde of tha bod'y. Bhe reruaed medtcaJ abtendanca and aaent home. Oraat Carrton, coior"d. thlrty-seven years old. of No. 1.777 Ksrhth-ave was rMIng a Mcyc'.e at E'.Rhty- reond-s:. and rn.iiraVis-.iw. y"ster lay mornlnp. n-hon h" waa knook< d down by a Hrra. iwav .¦atve-car. His rix'r: leg waa broken, :¦". he waa alao badly i-ruis'd about th" body. An ambubance waa aum- moned and he w;us removed to !'. waevaM H 'spit&l. ? AN ATTA<H\IEST FOR SM0.0W. BEAL F.STATK OWNKO RY ST!I.S<">N HUTCHIKS, IN WASlIINfiTriN-, nrVOLVPBO IN" LFOAL PR<~>CESS. Washinjrtor.. July 1. -Attachmentt on a JudKm"nt for more than |M0,0M, with int"re»t and eosts, have been aerved on the real eataM ir. thla eity ov.-n"d by Btllaon Hutcbina This ls the culmination of a suit w-hi«-h haa oceupled the attenttoa of the Kstriet Buprerne Oourt and the I'nlted SUtea Supreme Oourt for more than a quart«r of a rertury. The plalntiff was A-i«rustln J. AmMer. and th" d"fend- ar.ts were Rodney M. W'hlpple and ThomVa 3. Iiickerson. Th" slory to the effrc.r th.-w Au«rnstin J. Ambl"r Invented a furnace for ame'.tir.ff Iron by the use of geroaene, nnd that alleced unlawfu! u*e of the pat- enta th- reon was niad" by the d"fendants nhmed. A oompany was orrra"lz^l h"re for th- PWPOM of puttlnff the furnace on the mark"t. K was as*erted. and corducted ln a manner that r"sultfd ln |OM to Mr. Ambler. He cr.t"red suit and reoovere-1 j\idior."nt, and on Aprll 4 laat Mr. Ambler ttied a petition askinpr that Mr. Hutchirs be nam.-d as OM of th" partln of the suit. a.x he wfts eoanactad wh.h the local company that handlrd the fumac-s ANnit six years ago a Judgrnent for pio,H4 waa ¦ecured Mr. Ambler has repcatedly endeavoredto recover on tli" JulB-m"nt, but wdthout auceeea The hvteet atep waa attachlng Mr. Hutc-h'ns's pr^perty. The latter, it is underatood, aailed for Buroaai a few days atnee. -a. A FIGHT WITH 8TRJKIVQ QUARRYMBN. TROOPS ASKED FnR TO PRBBERVB THB PF.XCK AT WE8T TIEW, OHIO. Wcst Vlew, Ohlo, July 1..Thla dttle ham'et, on th" B!g Four Rallroad, threa and a b»If mllea from Berea, la the acene of the wll I tat eacttement, caueed by the strike of the quarrymen employed by the Cleveland .;t »ne Campany. Bhortly after o'clock thla mornlng the atrlkera aaaembled In forca and atarted for the quarrlea, where men who had tak"n tu.-lr placea were Bt work, After the atrlkera had nred Sa 3 Mlll, ln rea, they turned weat to th" Btg i\^r tracka, whlch Indicated that they wara bound for Weat Vlew. Deputy BherHt Hol.lday and r.s apedal offlcen were eompeied to ko around by waj of Olmatead Falla. They were fotowad by the Bherlff and ocw of the offlctaa of the company. Truy arrlved at tha «Tee4 Vlew quarrlea befora the ¦itnk.-ra and were prepared for them. x, Th" atrlkera approaohed the Bherlfl atood by the a!de of a tt nce and warned them back A number of them eealed th" r<-aee and got roto a hand-to-ban 1 acM «i.h thedeputlea. One atrlkar draw apiatol. &S»S3xs^a#^ "1J!edraaaed imo h* wo, la by thelr eompaakMia. TN. iWul- of the man »-ho Sea al tr» qiiaurUa .h ,r w u lohn V. Cholakl. II" haa a rarolly ln 0 ,t he waaah. t ln the back. Criumbua July I. 8herl« l-""k. of f-evekwid, has .Aed oovernor Buahnell 'or four eompaatea of , ... troopl to aubdue the Hotlog quarryinan a: v> »->t Vlew. _, A UEDAL FOR A\ ACT OF BRAVEBT. WaaWngton, July i MarUn B. Icfcelboar. prto- Hoal of the Boya* Hlgh Bchool at Raadtng. Pann.. , ,,,. ,,..,.;,. tn< lal of honor for a UnguUr act \ng9 to tht Clvll War. Mr. iehelbi m waa . .,:...i Company O, Mth Pewuylvaina Infantry, ...i whlle m aori ai * Mlra Run. Va., on November v \ta h>- \-oluntartly extingulahed the burrdng fuae -,V ', ;:,". wh'ch had been Jhrown Into the llnea of v«VSment by a r nfede/ate battery. JVlth rara -'..f-V. of rr'.r.d Mr. Bch««bner emptied th* eoffee !'.' ¦'',..',. .' on the fuae The m* lal waa KStrf "F<ir "..,": dlsti;,<,!sh.,l gallan-ry la actl m." ICEBER08 f.V TBE XORTBERS 8BA8. Waahengton, July I The HydtograpMc Offloa haa ...l |ta Brat report of * .<¦-- tnaklng a paaaaga h the Btrall of Be!!e [ele thla eeaaon. The in the Brlth* au im nlp Btart, whlch paaai l through June N, bt .:il for yueb-o and Moatn t. Th" Captaln reporta that ha met tli" Brat loebarg in lutlt ide '¦-'u norUi, longltude U:M weat, but owtag to tha f">f he uld noi aee how many there arera \\;i- n the weather cleared the .-hip waa among \»tks ,,f V;(.-j. om 10 ZSO feet hiK.i Ha iMnka !:.. mual have paaa .! MO or MO of them. In th" ¦, f o ,p. Norm ui waa clear, but the North Chatinel of Belle [ete Btrall was blocked t#ly wi;h large berga, ? CRIMISAI CBARQE8 FOLLOW l FAILURE. Ljrnn, Maaa., July 1..Albert I.. McKlnney and [naac T. P. Bdmanda, treaaurer and prealdeat, re- ,,:¦ of tha Mouiton Leavther Company, of Lynn, were arreated to-day chargi 1 wlth tha am- beszlemenl of 17,000 from the J. H. Moora Company, cif Boeton. Tti arreal to,tk place ir: Bceton, but both men were broughl to Lynn, a?..i the prellm- Inary hearlng will tak. place here Tha Moora inj waa a heavj credHor <>f tha Maultoa i.« ither Company, wbloh aaalgned aboul May l, aml it allegea that it furnlahed the Inaolvent conoern pritb ,i -t of gooda whlch «. re never accounta I for m the other hand. th" arr"s:^.i men and the'.r frtenda aaeert that tha arreata are ln the natura t a peraecutlon, ind thal wtrHe tha Mouiton Leathar Comi mj may oare tiu- Moora Company money.noth- Ing crhntnal can be -'how::. T.Te m-n bava fur¬ nlahed aecurlty In the aum of $i",'M) each for ;ht-:r appearance oa Tburadaj saomlng. a A WBERLUAX'B l/.'i/ BBOKKN. Morrla LebOWltOh, Of Oraoga, N J. WiMla wheel- i:i;r yeaierday afterwaoa akreugh Houatoa-at,, r.ear Eaaex-ol :n*l pg awM a IRtla ahlld who run ¦ front of hlni. H>- f»'il from hla blcycle, breaklntt hls nrm, an I was tak-u to BeMeTUe Hoaattal In an ambulaace. H»- twawty-ww >vara old, and an upholatt-rer by txada. FIRST 8KIRMISH IX CHICAGO, SILVER MEN PRESEXT THEIR DEMAXDi TO THE ARRAXOEMEXT3 fOyMITTEE. THEY ARK rRTORMBD THAT THI rCIX RATRMM COMMITTKH IS TRB FfRAL ARHITKR.AO TIVITT AT BtMRTALUC>- QCAKTEM DfecrggnrO AM >- OATION Of thi: TVnO- THIKU8 r; r.K. Chlrago. July 1- The r.^.nn .|»-!cnee to day «f the advan-e guard .' tl lilreT toroat :j;-.n thg outpoata of the Deutocrattc NatlocaU f^mmitte^ as plante.l by Its Kiib-rommitt^e, -,vaa vario'teiy viewed i»y the partl ipanta afl n tha former r.r.d retlr-1 t.» lt* own camp, Accordlttg to I'halrman Harrtty, the vttttlng ie], ggtion corap ?..¦'. f .4' a> ators Turpfe, Danlel and .1 m % anl Ckrvern ra Btone an.l Aitg.ll atmply "feneed for p'l"!*," and, aceordtag to Oovernor AKgetd and Beaantaf Danlel, th» fendng waa aerdrelj rattufaotory to the Hilver sl le. At lmst one of thelr C 'il-'iguen, bowaver, was Indtned to regard tha eutooma aa a draw, w::h th<- Indtcatloaa favorabla to tha silver men g-tting th" w- r>; Of It WheU flr.-il o..nrlu^l -rir* :ir-' trled w:fh th- Hajl Com- mitt...> next Monday. Tha purpone of the rtatt of the «!iv.T delegatton t.. the Satl mal Bub a m* nHtee, aa was aald ln reoterday'a dkapatcRaR araa to pn.«."rit the rfewa of tha leaderu "f tha erhfte m'-tal majortty c neernlng the ¦eleetJoa of temporary chaarman, tha dlapoaltlon of o nte#ta and the rollcall on tha t >mporary oiBBiilnMiuii PRJESRNTINa THB BILVER CABI Penntor Jonea led ln the praaenUtkHi gf tha Btlrer caae, and araa followed by H-nator Turptn and Oovernor Altffjdd. When they had condjttdad Chatrraaa H:;rrlty, who ha.i prevtouaty eonaulted with hla aaaa* datea ar.d found fhem to l-e of one mr. 1. ex- plalned that tha aub eomrnlttta was i».s e*sed of no Inberent power to aettle the gueedona at Uarue. refarred tha delegatlon to the racori of the prattmlnary procaedlnga of tha rab .. .n- mlttee and the Natl Conunltte * Of MM and 18M, and pointed OUt thal It UUg the ex- clualva provlnca of the fall Kattonal Coranttttai to pa»s provlaJonally upoa conteattng dalaaga* tlona ln niaking up the preUmlnary roll of thag Conventlon. As to the matter of temporary rhalrman. It waa one alao altogether wlthln the control ar. l dtacretlon of the Kattonal C mmtttee, but he was wining to pr->mi!«e that notulag aVthttg ahould be done untll the delegatlon had an op- portuntty of eonferrlng with tha fall bady <>n Monday. For the praaant ba and bta aaaoekuati wttbout prajndlea to eithet alde, were r».wer- lees tO a.-t. With thla crumb >f OOmfort tha deiiegati.m was cotnpeJled to ba oantent. Aa it withdrew, Qovtrnor Altgeld expwsed t.ha oplnlon that. fttdglng fr-.m the reeeptloa "¦'- rorded to It, th.'ie waa every MKWB t«> hopa that an amkaMa arrangcineat wonld he ranahai when the dglaajatl m had an opportualty ot out- lining its poaltlon to the MntJonal Oontmlttaa, Outslde of thla aptooda the day waa not pro- durttve of any atriking d-velop-nentf. Th-re were few new arrlvals. whlle th* a |FM » gti.irda aJraady <>n th» ground buali l thamaalvai with preparatlotis for he geCOmmodatSon »f the rank and flle that wlll begln to pour ln to-morrOW. AUIOBUFI BCHBMI IN DAMORR, The BtgaataCtta Paaaocratki WatJanal Conven¬ tlon dlepena-.Hl with lts mornlng and afternoon aesstonu pandlRf a rep rt fr <ni the cvirnnilrtea appolnted to walt upon Chalnnan Harrlty and hi» a3->or-lates. hi't lts fiuartera were the princl- pal centre of attmetlon and were eroardod by loral and visitins: allrerttaa throoffhonl the day. The actlon of the niinois delagatlon ln detennin- ing to lead tha attack for th.- abroajatloa of tha two-thlfds rula was a frultful tople of d'.*ei.»- aion. an.l durlng the day it developed that Oov¬ ernor Altgeld'a achetne wai ln dangar from an unexpa.l aourca. and that Mlcblgan rathcff than ininoi.s mlght become tha ptvotal Btota anl w-ieid tha balance of power ln the Conventlon. Two delegatea from tha Vth I>istrt.-t of that Btate Wllllam F. M.-i<:iight and Oaorft P. Hununer, both actlva froe ailverltea w ra among th-- rlaltora to headquartera, and eonferred at lengtb with membera of th« Executlva Coan* mittee. The pituation ln the vVolverlna Stata Ih that, while fourteen out of th" twanty-ati deie. gat>-< aiv allverlteM, the delegatlon ln Inatrnctag for gold and bound t<> tha' standard by th . untt rula. it |g propoaed, nowever, to predpttata a fight on tha enforcemenl ..f that rula ln a Uance of any actlon on tha two-thlrda Is^ue. PLAXI OF THE UICHIOAM MKN ln the event .>( tha untt rula halag d.'vlared invali.l. rhera arouM ba no ne. aatty for th- s.ub- stitution of a majortty rota for the tw .-thirla rota, for tha allver rotea of the Wolvarlna state WOUld glveto that Hld>. ttta aac f*iry n .mlnatlng majortty and na or two to sp.ire. TMs waa ihe .ugwaatlon .-xpi ,:<r>l by the .\n higan dette/atagt but it waa no; rerelved with eapaetalcuthawJaank <;,>\erri.>r ARgt 11 and hls Neutenanta h i ! aln*ady enii?te,i the bu'k of tha blenetaUki tupport f.»r th.- gboUtlon of tba two-thlrda mie. and tt waa heid by moat <«f thoae appn i ned by tha Mtohf* g.i.i. men that the [illnola ach tna an faatar and ,i .vurer uay f pladng fllver D mlneao upon ..> allver iilit'.rm than any other attack .i\"t\ th» tlme^honored unll rule. Parl of th.- plan «>f tha M. hlgan allver men ls t.> g. u-.'or.- - Commlt¬ tee n Credentlaia and :i-« the unaeatlng of tha entlre gold wlng <( 'he st.r.- delegatea, among wh .rn la Eiii<"tt <; Btevena n, law partnar f ex- Becretary i.»n M. Dtcklnaon. on tha ground that the Bl it.- Conventh n was j ked and a frr« ex- preaalon of o; lnl >:i aupj .> aaed, O l.WEXTION ARRANOnflRPIft Baeratary Bhearln reported to the aub-ccm- mlttea to-day bla allotment of tirkets f.»r tha preoa, but the reautt wlll n .t ba mada kn-.-vn untll to-morrow .! lat.-r. S-Vrgiant-at-Arr.-m Ifnrtln, when araited up n by tha <. .mmitte.. ap¬ polnted at yeaterday'a caucua of the liuhala del- egatlon, to demand a Idltlonal appolntmenta and ticketa, malntained th- atand that ba h.ii pr^- vloualy tik^n. and aatd wltn emphaala that n«>t p Chlcago ti hi would be p!a«vd ln rharga of % d. >r. .-u ¦..¦ .¦.!» ! ln convlnclr.g the r..m- mtttee that porltlan waa ¦ rtght >na, and it will ao report when tha >ai;cus reaeaemblea on Bunday mornlng TitM VICR-PRRRIDRXTI '.'I.UIT Vlca-Praaadanl Btevenaun'i pr tenca unl^r tha roof of the r.iim»-r Houaa for a few boura on bta aray to hu hume ln Btoomlngton fatled to i-reat« avan a flutter of int.;-...-t H.f alk rs wata nu.ner- oua,' but thelr tnanatona wara mora ?>*.-*.vl\ than i uti ai, an i th... Vlce-Preatdent Mmaalf -l.-.-imed to dtocuaa tha situati n or the >.:ilng conventlon avan a:i abatra t t.. inl f rh>w. lt waa n-w Mceable, h .wever, that m. «t of hl« ^allera wer« Identlfted with tha gold-atandai I etetneat >>f tha Ilhtnola Deoiocra y, and thla led to the oir.-ula- tion of a rumor that l? the ARgeld-BlmetgvHie eie- ment Inr4ated upon namlng the temporary .-hair- nun. .Mr. Btevenaon mlght ba oftarad t then aa a compromlae, bas.-.! ui».:i tha fnot that aa a !.¦; reaentatlvc IllinoJa Dem loral ba eould aoaroaty wrth g) i .--.-. ant ig .nlzed by tha dclagntlegj of tn'o Btate, As a mattar .' faet, howevar, the rumor waa mora tfbadow tiian aubatanoa. Xo hi ii .-. ntlng i y haa prraented Itaelf l > th.- 5ui>- eotnnrMtee, and this part) arttl mnka n.. repre- s-r.:'ns ..:i the aubjaot to the fuM C .::ir:i:ttee, BLACKBURM AWD DUBOlaV foNKKR. I'nlted Btalaa ^enator lUa-klnun la the oriljr dele.g:tte to attenl the Conventlon prellmlnariea who ie an active Praatdantlal eaadldata. Htain- t..T.-8t« are indng looked afttr by hla frlend. "Phll" Thorapaon. Jr .?.' New-York. The S. na- tor daetkaaa t.> d any t.ilking f.»r pubiu-atlon. but reodvad acorea of vlalt ara to-dajr. H.a ixial- on tha queatlon of dtapanalng with th« two- thlnls rule ).- tnat there u no u*e trylag ti Miav nend tgV tlma-hon irad rule untll the ntre^alty for Buen aotlon praaanaa itaelf durtng the bai- lotlng By appolntmani Banator DgbotgL of the boit- ing Rapubllcan eonttngent, i-aMed on Henator UUckburn at hla apartmenta and had a oonfar*

Transcript of^vtfi...

Page 1:^vtfi VcmuLVI-. N° 18,127. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JULY 2. I896.-8IXTEEH PA6ES. FRICE THREE







CHRISTIAN BNDKAVORERg.Cs»m^r. OhtO, July 1- Thli haa been one of

MaJjOf MoKinley'p buateal flay*. Unnvt .\. Ho-bart, the RepubHcan oandldate for Vlce-Prealdewt,nrr.vri In Caaton. Siajor McKlnley m«M Mr.H ibafl a: tha ratlr.^ad atatlon, and the greettngbetwaea thetn «u eatremely eordkU. it waa the

ftrat Hm< they Imd i«t rlnca tha Bt Louhi C n-

rentton, and thelr prevloua meetlnga had beenof the moal ^p'.i-ii ebjaracter. They drove to-

pether to Major McKlnley"a houae. A young man

with a catnena tOOh I s; a;sh>t at Ihe ts\>> <-an-

dMatca as they vralked frona the oarrtage to th-

¦mmj After tneeting Mrn. M Khnley Mr. Hobartand M.i.1 >r McKlnley retJred fot a prlvate emfer-

afKfeA ln-ry delegatlon from Medlna Oounty ealled

on Qottfnor McKlnley at n< nn. He made ¦ ahort

t^?ch, looal in Hi eharacter, and Introduced Mr.

Hobart, who n-as greeted wM eheera. Mr. Ho¬baii Hd n >: iis^;s-= campalgn kwuea, but thaakedt|i« people gracefully fot th.-ir cordhtl greetlnae- i then ahook hanjs with every one of the virit-ir,« deiegatea.Mr H« bart k*ft Canton at 12 80, having pr^nt

jgrt two boura In the rity. !!>> had expected to

be here untll 4 o'clock, hut found tbal ba and

Major McKlnley c >uld d aJI the talklng theydo in ¦ mucb ghorter timo. Major Mc¬

Klnley drove Mr. 11 »bart to the tatl n. ThelrIntarvtew waa aatlafaotory on both eidea, andeaoh oandldate expreaaed hlmaetf n» haghlypleaaed wHh the petvonallty and vlewa "f the

cther. Mr. Hobart thlnka the attuatlon In tlu-

Eaat fncouraglng fn m th« Republlcan polnt ofvi<w. !!.. bellevea the aound-monej Deinocnataare oomlng In large numtw ri to the Re] ul »n

party, and predlcta that barmony artll beachle\'«d in Xew-York. and thal the dingree-

..- u-hich eslat among Republlcana In thatBtafc wlll iti nowiae harna the Nattonal UcketHc l? partJcularty langulne aboui New-Jeraeynn<l decOarea that it wi'l pive a blg Republleanplnrallty In November.

A gPEECH TO OLASSWORKERSTh!-* afternoon 600 glaaaworkera caroe from

Maaalllon. Many of them were Demoerata, hut

aonounoed thal thej arould vote for McKlnley.In reap nae to a ipec b i>y thelr apokeamanMajor McKlnley tald:

I thank vou moat cordlally ?or your Kr^t'.nps andeoi irratulatlonf So hli .. haa n ove tne more

derfly or t. more profo mdly than to

have theae expreaaioni ol approbatlon from thev> rkli cme: of the I'nlti Si itea. i«¦« ahoul I have oui irort i at h me, no oui

work at h .::¦. employ our p*oiemploy them at Americaii wagei (Loud cheer ng

.. And truat that the depreaMonwhlrh h,-.= F*ttU-l i.pon th- induMrirs at thla ) ¦

rr\ u! m the near I U .'.' be removed. d thatve mav ail at no very dlatant day Ret »ack to thathai.pv tinr- ao well descrlbed by your apohJ am pla.i to know that the ataaaworkeri are Infavor of a proteotlve tariff, for I recall. my fellow-cttl/er.s that throuirh protectlon we have aecuredthe flrat rank not only In manufacturlng generally,but in thl manufacture of rlaaa bem ith our own

flai and we make aa good glaaa, empwylng <.. r

Ur men m our own ahopa, aa can be made any-vhere la the world. (Applauae.) I.thank >ou tor

the romi.llment and courteav of thla call. and 1

ippreclate more than I can ftnd w.;^ »¦' '. ;^fjthe generoui aentlments expreaaed In >°"r*{."by youi ¦¦> II wlll give me great p^aureto meel emch and -very one of you and pa] to

you my i^-rsonal reapecta (Applatuas.)VJSIT OF CHRISTIAN' ENDKAVORKR8.

The most pieture^que oocurrenca of the daywoj> the vlsit of :'..»»<)0 dalegateg to the Btate

qhrlatlau Endamvor Oonyantlon, now In aaaalonhVe. Short'y after 4 o'clock this nrmy 0« nier\

and woroen marched to the McKlnley bouae In

twe pr.-a: battallona Ah many aa could flnd

¦tandlng room ln the gpadoui grounda crowdedlr. and formed a dense maaa Thoae ln the rear

fljj..i theatreet on both ildea ol the houaa, whichsiands on a corner, for the diatance of half a

bb"k in elther dlrectloa It waa an Impreaalveacene. When Major McKlnley appeared he waa

greeted with eheera and the Chautauqua aalute.}!, B] ke as foll iWil

Mr Bomberger and Ladlea and Gentlenjen of the

Chrlatlan Endeavor Soclety of l ie Bl it. ol OWarvea me aln -;. pleasure to ..-.¦ '. :." \I thank yo all '¦'' the rourti bj and ». rmth

Jcur greetlng. The people ol Canl lad to

bave v .j among th« ... u -;" *« 'reel free to bld > »u hea i

t\' »b'e welcome Free Qovernments have unli.- >t- /.-. ..¦ elr ....:¦¦.¦.,'¦ htgner How. r,¦ ; ive iW! atepa to ¦.... pronsouon ol moraJltjarl t'v-r- dlffualon of knowledge among theu :ltl

[n the l-'nlted Bta-tei thla I ta been ate idlijthe alm of our local and fcUa! govi rnments. an

;. -v. advan ement of thla great work o gooa pei>" wtthout reapect to " " denomlnational con-

'; - .. they have hid an aei \ ;1X': ." i''\'Jn everj r!1 ible, bn ad an K ¦¦¦¦ rpua eff' rl 1j dlea and gentlemea *;'"¦";*'. I. ¦'¦'.'1 c mmend(o >xur obaervatwn and for your ej mpl* thal loftiand n..t>:e policy, that truly patrlotlc dea'otlon o

tnoraltty and the upllftina ol manklnu h

eonep uoualv dtetlngulahed the foundera ol thliin'.ft.r.' o untry. l.<- ua eherlah Um Inatltutloni- olciv a:.>. rellgioua ;:¦.. rty whleh* lerneai and eontlnue them ln all thelr vli.trengtl <: the generatlona y«-t to ¦¦¦

reapi .¦ i -h-«'- Inatll itlona a deepi ¦¦

laiv. | ttoaar attentlon to Ihe requirenuntu o

eltlzereftilp, a wlder Ineulcatlon of h< splrri arg-!-.r : r <-a:-ar."i' and ffo>.d v. 111 t" ail. and a m ¦'¦¦ n-.tant and -ir:«-t endeavoi f"r th<- enllghKol a:; our people, cann .: but be In keeplng wlth tii»; .. » of Aln Ighty Ood To thla great av

j and . all arho may engage ln thiar.ob> work to all ¦*¦¦¦ are ao enr<ta>l everj'-¦¦¦. ere, I devoutly wlah the fulleat meaaure of huo-ceaa af. i j.a^i'ir.^.^s.After the Pi*>e"h 8,000 people ahooh handa \vi»h

Major McKlnley, and ati >wared flowera upon hiavlfe arid mother, who aat rx-ar by, Before de-partirK th<> delegatea aang "Amerlca " an 1 3,000voices joined in the National anthem.

Visiiviiis FROM Sl LOUIflThe Chrlstian Endeavor hoata had not de-

parted hpfor^ cariiagea drove tii> contalnlngRkhard C. K^rens and a party of Bl Louta menof promlnence In bttalneaa and flnancial clrclea.



Ir.dia.napo: - Ju.'y i Chariea W Falrbanka,Cbalnaaa of tha Repuoilcan Vlce-Prealdentlal Notlficatior, CbaamlttM, announcea th.-.- the committeewUJ BMet m tha Flfth Avenue rtotel, New-YorkClty, a- § I'clock M .¦ J '¦ !' '.'

go k) Alr Uobari'a homa In PaHeraon on JuJy 7.?



C' u I, Ohlo, July l -Oarrel A Hobart, Re-publlcan nomlnee for Vlce-Prealdent, arrtved herefro::. Canton at t:»0 o'clock thla afi rnooi and *->^

irlven . .\i. \ ji mna. Hi dlnwlwlth .Mr Hanna'a famlly, and atarted Ht 7:90 o*or U

i* ATTACHMEST AGAISST BCBEELE.Deputy Bbcrifl Butler terday recetved an at-

taehmenl foi PM ag ilnat W alti r T. 8 h< .. .' .. n tha 1 ./ Ing In '.. i >r of Carl May-koff, on an aaalgned clalra of :wo notea whl h he«.¦'.¦¦ on July l and Xovembei 10, JefferaonII. a:,; j. Napoleon Lerj foi ' an offlce atM H '.'. I!llam-a 1 atti .. >btalned<-.'. ¦¦.. ground that h« could not be found ai hlaom .... houae The atta hment » i* aerved ai IheMs-r ct-Att ll .;. i .;... ..;b"

¦¦ ¦¦¦ :¦ ¦ him foi aervicea In th<- Flemlnga

BUCKED THE BRAZIL DOWS.Datrott, Mlch., J;;:y l Tba gAatoer BraafJ, eoal-

ladei'. bound up, araaaunk In th< Dotrol Rivar, aeawAaaaeratburg, la ¦ pecutku naanner thla mornlng>-»sar th« m .... n and OatfleM al docka a ie mate tanie. Martna, bound ... v. ia '¦'" :'-:-M ¦ faat rat<r of ape* d 1 M u .. ln pJ» the Uraxii ;:, ,. arater from under the":, oaustng hei lo atrlke ie K-ki "'

Sr""' '' '.'¦¦ .¦.!,.. ng large holea la hijae Urmall niiwi almoat Inatantli inU aank In twent>mm m arater, Aftea H-rhterlng pa ol hei oargo





Although tho offli'fH of Qaorgaj llllii.-ml, the SperHll>.-;>:ity Conunlaetooer of Exdae ln thts clty, d.d notClOM untll mi lnlght on Tueaday r.itfht. thry wereorowd>»1 with MlSlOUfl ItqUOT 4. ftlen ;.ci!n ystrrdaymornlng, Boma of the Mquor-dealera thought H m¦Ull Uiim to make appilcation for ta\ certlflcatea tobe practlcally renewola of th<"> unexprred Hcenaea of

el > ir, and they were ln truuble when they foundthal lln> dav for r<mw.i's puscd. They were

toM i.::tt they would have to ke«p thdr pU m .'

buatneaa doaed untll thelr cotM obtaln t.-ix certlfl-.-.r.ts on appHcatlona np from new plaooe, after ob-talnlng the eonaenti of two-tfelrda of the ownera ofdwelllng-houaea (ritbln 'i(*> faet of therr aaloona.Other Uquor-deaJera had noad* appHcatlona an.1

rnd pald tfieir money, i>ut had not recdved the tax

certlfl atea. Thoy heM r<i-<.ip;<» from Mr. HtNtard'icaahler, i»:' the pollce ln some pnrt* of the cRy ap-parently had fmJl<*d to imderatand the arrangemantwhloh had i>"<-n mada for the temporary recognltlonof the raaMer'a recdpta, and ihe llquor roen Baldthey had bean ordarad to doae Uialr placea of bu«l-imm bacauu they dld n t have tha tai certlflcatea.Aj moon a* poaafbta Mr. miiianl eommunleated witli

Chl. f of Pollca Conlra and aaked hlm to prevant thamoleatatlon of the llauoi mcn arho beH receipta,Mr Hllltard aald he waa algning the tax certtflcatjsaa n i .'. .1- but the Wv>rk would take s.-v-

eral daj i longerIt !»i expactfd tha4 thera wlll be a nurnbef of nrw

tppll<>atloni for tas eertlfloatai l>y nr-n hav*

not K-n able ( ralaa tba money thua far. or bymen who ara roaklng ready to open "Rainea lawhotela" ln piocea near Rohoola nil ehurebaa. Mr.

Hilltard haa daclarad taia Imemlon to Invertlgatawith cara a:; applloatlona mada by men wbo declara,i. ,; .¦ v Br pn | totfl of new h'rtflp ln t!ie Hty.Hladecrarad Intantlon la to pr 'XV e chwc¦choola ;;- far aa bla power will j^o. Money pal n

r.-.v ;,;.¦ -r ma may poaajtbly hxreaae tha aum

r.v<-<\ .¦¦¦ theliquortM ln thla dty U R.C«»0op The-um .'. ut $4,731,382 59 >. rday, and ta(or* into the Hty tn aaury Th< Btate geti

.I of th< money, bul haa to p ly ' .. e"i

Oomm!«wioi <'r antl aaa the demand of HF«Xl o No 19 Ul.ty-at.. for »«« on «

ofTlioena datlng fr«m Ootober 21. The rebata duanch lSSo^SSSjerg la expactad to amourrt to orer

^Ni^aocurata Infonnatlon eould he ^^T*^?^,,av aa io the numiber f t1.; aa «ia ln tha

^«"Vm^wW?iiwW be tlH amjojgj,, ,Vi, each prednct to mike the rounda of the

So^ba^ew'lW55'pn*Vi.:y- im-il h^rahopa.? -¦




Kaar-BadfonL Maaa.. July L-I1 5s faWy <~rtair,

that tha Naw-Badford mlll men do not !«hare tta

dlamaJ »*ow of tha altuatlon that li takao by Uia

r-u RlTcr naanofactoram Tba markat may n* M

¦II tbaa thay oouM arlah, but tbara will »* na gaei-..-.,: ihut-down m tha nr>nth« of July and Auguat.¦>.. »ubt th«>r« wlll l>e «.im» curtaMmawt and

mora or toaa maohlnary arill be Ite. but tha <*a« a i

v c aporaAion arlU enttraly olooa tta fael rtai

Boma of tba mlll mao cama torathar to-day at tta

i.:u-, of tha ManufaotUTara' Aaaoeiation ln tho

Maa>nic B h and dlacuaaad tha outJook. Tha

propoatti. n of tha Arkwrlfhl C?lub aeemad to meatwith -..h o] rtely no favor.Not a mJll man cou>l be found to oxpro^s htmaeif

ln favoi of any movem ml ln tha matter of curtail-ment Xaarly all aald thal there would be aome

¦,.: rtentng of the output, but It arll] be aec rmpllabedby (.:..;;¦::.;: machirjery ;s oocoalon detnanda.Wllllani 1>. Howland, a promlnenl manufaoturer,

¦aM that h^- eould not apeak arlth authority, but¦.] ahould iWi k that th prtrit-clot* n

mlght Ri>,'.'i an agreement to doae, bul outithoae corpoTatlona I ahould thlnk II a*ould be ex-

c< ..'.'.: gly dlfB tull ;.< unlte irera on..:.¦ ,¦:..¦ ,i ... m K>klng tow doam.

¦:: j tnaj be Idli qul e Ikely arII]be, but n il many u.;!..-. i ihlnk, .v >nw to a fullBtop. T.'i:s m<n*enieni eomei from all Rlver, and

: that caty ah uld not thlnk ony agree-m< ;.t la )!k< ly to be mada."Fall Rlver, Maaa., Julj 1. -Tha manufacturera who

go to Boaton to-morrow t. repreaent Fall itlv'-r attha meetlng of tha Arkwrlght Club wlll carry with

tham aasuranca that tr.o miillon iplnd3ei ur more1:. thll dty ara ready to atop when' agrt-om^ntsahall be mada. To-nlght tl. !a ont treaa-urei a-ho boidi out with any ih w o -. ibbornnese.M. C. D. Borden, owner of tha i> Worka Milla,waa ln the clti all lay, I it he gi va no hlnt ;.» tothe courae he liftendi to purauo. Whatever he doe*will not afftct the curtallment icheme now, for thal

i-: on. Plana for ¦huttlni lown have al-ready I en arranged bj tba Flint, ulnen rt'an

hace, Robeaon an oi .. mllla, u Ilv uld not be aurp ialng if aome of the tnll.ato allow thelr operattvea a pro.onged Fourth ofJuly.


FIRB IXBURAXCE COMPAXt UCEX8ED.A'hany, .'"ly 1. Jaanaa F. Plarce, Buperlntendenl

<ff Inauranca, to-<lay authorlaed tbe Vlctorla r^ini

Inauranoa Company, «' Naw-York Clty, to begmI,,,;:.. ln thla Btata The company haa a <\i;>;talof 1300,000. Tha ofBoera are H--::ri il. Hall, preal-dent, and Bdwtard K. u>mdall, lecretary, botb ofNew-Tork. Among tha dln rtora are Leonard J.Buabv Treadwell levelan I, Charlea M Ei laa, Ben-

Uraham, Wllllam W. Henahaw. VVIHtam M.Hoa'gland A. d lot, Wllllam H. Power, Oa-v..i.i 8anu>raoi and Wllllam H. Wallaca.


CAPTAIN WIBORQ'S BENTENCE AFFXRMED.Pblladelphla July ] Tba m nd ta of thajunlted

Btatea Buprema C mr! ln the caae of J, li. 8. M'lborg,,. .-. eapUIn of tha ateamer Horaa, who waa coti

v.,t,-,i |n tha L'nlted Btatea Dlatrld Oourt heta lnMareh on tha charge or engaglng ln a Cuban 11

btKorlng exp dltl m and m otertc l to alxn

montha" Impriaonment and OOO nna, v... n

-.. noon by Mr. Unc dn, darb of the t» rlcl,. ,.. -I-,,,. gupreme Cotirt afllnncd Lh< ta

.;' v::', iru mual .¦ in n u t hlm II a II ¦¦¦

Mve dayaand begl eno A i

,,,,. v , ; ¦¦ a p n lon for .lefendantwaa rccSnUj prn nted to Pr«lden4 Clevelatwl


JROQl 018 ElEi T l URAXD 8ACBEM.,. ,, , ,|, ; _The IroquoleConfederacy gal n

. ... the iwandaterday and e>cted a gran<> aa em

the v. cancj cauii bj the dea ol <J< ra

H r,rk..r , n New»Vork I'ltj laal

Vub ia( Tl rxerdi aere o| ed by the i

i.f lhe aachemi and hl ol th. varloua dani

'; ,h« foundl lloui K«rai tha m.

f ,'.., :,: Pxrker. Then Thomaa Jefl ;udry,-. oaenoJ« BaJhlm

ol'J wonn n "<¦/,'., ;. ,.. ..: . \( clan, aa aai

.!:...-.»¦¦.«¦..,. ...- I.-I..«« -

(}« ... ral Pai ker. $

COMU18810SER8 TO TEXXE88EE.July , (jovernot Morton haa app Irrted

£\5Swin. men to n^n-an. ik. iUM « ¦«-

, .. ebraUon, U> ba held ln

N,,!,v.i..-. nexl year. beglnnlng o. Mair l: Joba

MrCreen-. al Jama. MoOean 4 Oa. Naw-

y k Ooarge F. K uia, of Tlffany A, Co J*ew-Torlt;,\ , i,, prealdenl of Bhe Me¦¦..-...i.t-' Eb1 "

. i J nnfaon, of "The Brool. yn?ha^' !;.:;' W. Iruff. Purk C.niml

, ¦'. Jamea, ... H. ft . «.



o.on Jnoko.;.... fv:.:^1:;'.- r .;::.' 1> JKSbi. at IJO J-





' [HT TELKORAPH TO THE TRIBVNE.l"tt'llkesbarrt, Penn., July 1 .A number of the

Newton Coai Company'a offivtnis piaoe no rre-

d"noe ln the rcj>ort thr.t rappblga were h<*ardfrom the entomb>-d mlr"rs laat nlgtlt The men

on the 11 o'clock shift, howwer, oitorat* thelrstat"ment, and aay they h'-ard th" rapplnKS andcould dlatlnguhah betareen them nnd the ordl-nary nolaea of th" mine, puch as th" chlpplnp ofcoal from the plllars and the crarkhm and

apllnterlng of the timbers under the lmnvnse

welgtot bearlng on thrm. Th<-re ls, of courae, a

food deal of uneertainty. The offlolals pay thenrni's Im.ipinatlons w*>re lnflnm"d, as Waan.ntural nnder the rlrrumsdance?. and that theymaatook the eraokine; of the t1mb"rs for tharappings. It »fms to b" the altn of th" ofBctalfnot to oneourae:" hope In th" bt"asta <>f thahundreds of rr-ln!ives who are waitlng for mws.

Thls K doubtleaa, a wise eours". as th" <dian""sare 100 to 1 that the men will never be so*m

allve.Th" h"avy fall about 11 o'clock laat n'.Rht vraa

evid.-ntly ln the abamloned worfclngl beyondthe place wh"re the men are entomb-d, arhtchextf-nds a dis'tanee of over half a mile to the

pillar whlch aeparatee the mine from tho ClearSprinjr colllery. The volunterra. who were on

thHr aray doam th- tlope laat nijrht arhen theywere driv"n hack by the dar.K"r.»us disturb-

anee. have been ready ai; day to make th" n.t-

tempt, but the mine lnspeotor. Mr. McDonald,r"fiises to arlve them the p-rivileer*. aa he aaya It

ls certaln death for them to do so.

Buperlntendent I. Morgan, of the Eehlgh Val-

ley Oompany, waa in general cbarge of thinrraoutatde rhe mdne dnrin* the rl«rht. OenemlManager Law arrhred at the shaft a?rain nt 7

o'clock th* mornlng, and took rharpe outtfle

for the day. On the shlft whlch went down the

mine at 7 o'clock thli mornlng were ten men

from th'- Lerilgtl nnd Wi'k.s-harre m!n"S. undf-r

th" lf-adernhip of Ri cse M<>r?ati, of Wllkeatoarra,brother of Morgan. They were

plcked mn nnd they atrengthened thg aahlftmater!ally. Th" houra of the m .minir wore on

apparently wkh no rhaoge in tha altuatlon.foitc'i" the carpeiifpri were bugy gawlng pr ;¦-.

whlch were aenl down the shaft in catioad krtant Intervala of ten or flftcen mlnutea At about12 o'clock HTirj' McMllkU), who waa in chanro

of tha morninsr shtft, oamu out of th" mine. The

rock waa atlll i*-ing reanored from tha al aj*.

alowly, but siirr-ly, four men a: a :ime belng at

work at the face. When th" flremen came out

th" advance gang waa n<--ar th" end of the stone

wall, on th-> slt" of th<- Flope, ivhl.-h ls about

17." fe.-t tr>'-.n th" hold ot the plope.Thlnirs 1n oth*>r parts of the mlno wre qul^t,

and no epecaal pressur- on the ptll ura and ptvps

was manifest. The work of tlmh^rlna; ls k"ptop, h .we\-"r. and everythlns; posfibl" i« b-ing:don" to puard apainst dan«;"r. The mornlne; Fhlft

can^e otit of the mine. w 4 o'clock thls nffiT-

n.vm, a>-oompvini.>l by th*-1r leadera, Henry T.

McMUlan and He<sf Morgan. Tne latter araa in

charpe of the Bhlft of men whlch has b»en work-

Ing at tha toce of th" il >)#. Ha *«>-.¦' pinee

7 o'clock thls mornitiR pntfrne^ has been made

twenty-flVO f<-et ln?o the Btope, a-nd throe gatiof tlmber hav« b.en ptacad in r^-'ltl"1'1- The endof the atone wail haa just i^ tn pass.-d. Th-reare no plsns of further '.sqiieezInK-' ln anyi^rt of the worklngs. and the lndleatlons for

.-!!! w..rk dvrtng the nUM are good.y laal th- bore-hole through th" pillar 5"pa-

i tlng th" Clear Sprinps worUlnps from thoS" ofth- Twln Colllery has been Rniahed. Threa at-tempta were made, and th" third one proved auc-

reafful !,"-ttlnsr through th" pillar nt a diatance,,f nlnety fe*t nt about 1" o'clock thls mornlng.No water waa found, but gaa issnK-d from the

hole it: large quantltlea. At 12 o'clock <:<--n^ralManaa-r Cake, of th" Clear Kprlntrs Company,held a conferenee at the Twln offlee arlth Oen-eral Manager Law and the other ottlr-ials there,when it waa de Ided not to attempt to tnnn"lthrough th" [¦iih»r. This d-elslon was arrlved.t becauae th" diatance between th" p llar an 1th.- place where the entombed men are auppoaed. ,. \g j),--t a.1-- pr.-.-.t as it ls from th" placewhen th" reacuera are now at a.k in th" Twlnmtne whlle th" terrltory Invaded by the r-ave tsbelieved to be even greateron tii" weat alde than

on the eaat alde Bo far as can be learned. theplllars ln th" Clear Sorlnps through whlch thehole was bored an- not ahowlng any evldenee ofbelng affected by th" aqueeaea. They alao snp-

poae th. f.ill haa blocked thla way. Thepeople li iwever, ar* crltldalng them geverely fortt-is declalon, end aay they ahould go on until

ti,"\ determlne deflnltely wh"ther or not progr.'=sls blocked there.To-night th.- work"rs eame tipon two ears in

th" alope whlch were badly cruihed. Ttvy were

removed. The Board or Trade to-day laaued an

appeal to the pountry at large for ald in the dty'itenible affllctlon.






Juetloe Tmax. In th" Buprane Oourt. y"st"rday., down aa p km in Bfhleh ha refuaea to

n ,;.¦ raporl »f tha referee e.i-..r\K :h" cuetodyof the two iternberger ehlldren, Robert and MarkNflve and aevea yeara oM rea.*i-.-..:>¦. ; the m *ht r.

Blrdla Bternbenier, hut holdi thal they ahould goInto .¦¦>¦¦ cuatody of tha fal ¦¦

The Bternbergera were rnarrled In :"s. Th» h>;^-

band, Lo ila Bternberger, «.ih al th" *im-- a weall lybroker, but ha faJled ln UW. Mrs. Bternberger w;.s

MlM Bl .. M rather la ala ¦ wea thy man

'l t»t year the wlfe began to keep « dmry In whlchfh( .¦,,.] ,",..ry dlatarteful acl of her hua

K thua, it 1- alleged, under the adalce of Joaeph,., ,.,. ,., lawyer Onca abe found a hatrpin

ln hla room, and aaked whether it waa ¦ ground/,,,. gep&ratlon, ;...: ihe waa told it w..^ not. Bhe

.1 ahortly afterward, and It la all<.. ,. .. followed by d itectlvea nlght and day,

.... Mra. Btei iberger took her

chl ,i,. irll ei to her fatheT*a houae, and her

n ., ,.. ..¦, ia ao aotlon to ob aln pi .alon of

th.Th-ve carefull) rea the leetli ,:.'.¦.ri i« "and lurton that the

.,].,:,,.. ,t- the :. ii an !. an.

are noi ifBclem to JuetlfyChc wlfa ItJ leavlng hlni a* dl

TBE TRIAl VOR MVRDER BY AR80X.T».. work of g< ttlng ¦ hirj . try Adolph Her

Hopl for m lei b) araon wai r. imeil jeaterday.', ,.. iraman, ln the Crlmlnal Branch of

e defendant la charged arlth;. th( :¦ .:; 1 lilaxl< Jaegi r, foi year I,

.-», U1. fatall) buri .. Inoendlaryn Ma) », !k'd. Herac konf

rtth oalialng th. flre.v, n couri adjourned eleven Jurora had n

.e. ... d, aa llon,.,....,.,. Ambroae C. PMppa, agent. So. W Weat

W ¦.. Rellj rei red, t

,- ,-¦ n B id; F K I'r hlnga im.'.¦'\"VV ¦".:"«;- Fort) fourth-« Morrta l..

BittU.»an ': ."". *" ^: ". '-:!

UOCKBFBUER AT CBICAQO VSiVBRHtrT.rMoaco July I -'"hn " ftotskafeller, th. fouader

of the L'nlveralt) of C'hloago and the k-"

Mm ., iu eodowment fund. arrlved yeatardayn;,;n,lnir tr*m New-Yorh to pay hta nrat ri

,,,. great Inatitutloo. Thera will bt a cornei m

.... ,, ;,., reaatlng and nwrrymaklng Mr.P^h'-r-.,. * '"¦ I're ol Harpar. ai wl..'

latloc he l« kled to eoma h-rv. and;. ti," it.i.n l>a«ua ( lub waa

,.fCyrua II McConnlck. Ha willi t .rn to New-Y«rfc uji FrMay.


BIA8M vrtn IIIM.


VFR. WHERB a f;nr:.\T pkmonsthatio.v


Penver, CoL, July L -BenatOT Henry M. TelWeould have irouaed ihe W<st to no greater demon-ttratlona of approval had ba been a aovaraign nt *n

emptrc or a preaMenl <>f ¦ republle. All ust nlgbthli progreaa weat from Omaba along tha line of the

rnlon Padfle waa markad l.y noi?> demonatratlonaat ev.ry Itopping p.-lnt ln Nehraska. Banda ofnraafc met hitn, orowda cheered and deosended ¦

apeech, and at many placea tba Banator waa fair'.ydragged from tha train and competled to mountupon boxea wbare he eould ba aeen as he tbankcdtba peopla To-day waa apent'quletly with Ueu-tenant-Qovernoi Bruah.Maanwblla the wort of deoorntlng the dty of Den-

rar with flaga, TeHer bannera ar.d bunttng went on

raptdly Excuraton tralna brought l« aevereJ thoo-.and peopla, CentraJC?Ry. tha bome o* Benatnr Tallar,eap. Hally aendlng down a great delegatlon. At 1:30

p. m. Recdver Tnrmbeira car, atteehed to a apeclalexcural n train, laft the Unlon Btatton, baarlng the

Rcceptkm Commlttee, «-hi<-h proceeded to Qreeleyand took Banator TaHer under eacort .iovn.or M~-

Intyre, Mayor McMurray, I. K. Btrrena, C. S.

Tbomaa, Irvlng Howbret, Alva A.Linns, T. II Pat-

teraon. J. R «!rant ar.d other promtnent Hrlzens ofnli pollt1<ril parties were Included ln thls pnr:y.The tr.iiri arrtved at the [Tnton Btatfon ahortJy be-

for»- s o'dock. Tha etreeta at that hour along thaHi e or- mardi were denaely packad t.y crowda of en-

.., laatlc peopla, and Sen itor Tdler'a progreaa at the

head of the i irade waa eaatly marked by the r.ars

of ebaaracorntng with fl up Bevantaenth-at, and then

ejong a devtooa Hi.e of merch, finally paaarag ln re-

vtew batbra tha grandatand erected ln front of the

Browu P. laca HotaLTh-- parade waa a great affalr. Many banda were

ln the proeeaakm. OUpln County cltlaana had tha

pla e of honor Juet behln Benator Tell< r*a carrlaga.Tha Oolorado Natlonal Ouard, the aeveral cadet

companlea and tha artlllery mada up the mllltarypart or tha parade. Old ploneera caroe next, women

marchtng with men, then a great llne of dvlc, aoclal,polltlcal, benevolent and trada aocletlea foKowed.The varloua blcyda cluba were ln llne. and were a

feature of the proeeaalon. I»uring the progreaa oftha parade nreworke were «et off all over the dty,and the «tre-n reaounded with the noise. of cheerlnsand of exploalvea.Anivrng at the ROtet, Senntnr T<*ller met the entlre

Ooiora lo delegatlon, whlch atood by hls alde at St.

Loula, and. accompanlad by theee, the women of thaparty and tha Reoaptlon Commlttee. he prooeedad to

the !..¦ lewtng atand. Kla ..p;>' iranee thi re was the

algnal for a mlghty and pro^onged ahoui of weieomafr un tha great erowd whlch fllled the itreeta a

btock ln iive dtrectlona from tha revtewmg atand.Oovernor Sfelntyre mada a brtaf addreee of aret-ooma on behalf of the Btate, ar.d tf.-nator THle.r

replled:Oovernor Mclntyre aald ln part:ln the nama and behalf of all the people of the

Srate of Co '<r* lo, I welcome you hotne. Among thaflrel to aee the evll and leorn the remedy of the^edlaj l.-rted tlm. :. you hav. atood forth, avan amManoera and bhter abuae, tha unrtlm-hini? dwunplonof aound flnanda! prindplee. The peopla of yourBtata obaerva wltn .. ;. rdonabla and exoeercnggreat pdde that mtltl >ns of aarnaat men throughoutihe Natlon, men wh »:n tha jc-at Lln^oln oallad tiieplaln p»->[>!e, have been watoblng you.Banator Tallar reptted:Mv Frl-nrta: I r<M.;.ze how dlffleult It la to upeak

to fOU all at BUC* n tlm*. I cannot attempt now ro

aay much to you, imt on aome other orcaaion I mnyhave the prlvllega of addreaatng you at length. Ic\in .>n!v fay t...t no wordi of rniae can i-xpr«-aa tot... people of thla great Btata n»y thanka for thlamagnlfl ent publlc expi aalon ol your approval o.

m] eouraa. No man ;inywhere evar had a u-tt^r

graatlng. ln acknowledgfng thla l do not taka It ..*u. recognltlon of my u-.»rk alona, but I reallxa thatit is ,iii behalf of a cauae wtrlon you belleva ,n.

ThN demonatratlon siK-nlhes an approval of myrourae, t»lt It .si-i-tl.-^ a .'....;-.atlo:i to oon-

.'vi'- nghtlng :'¦ ¦ thi lauoe untll we ahnil trluand aecure a proper mon« tary ayatem for thla givatNatlon of oura, arnlch we ao deariy iva.

B :,. ,> l have been your^entatlve, for neariytwentv yeara now, it haa been my purpoaa alwayahoneatly and conalatently to repreaent .ut l advancethe aentlment that \ >u entertam. I want to aaaureyou now when i prove falee to my truat orfeel that I no longer volce the aentlment of the

pe ple of the Btate, then > iu may aelect one wt»owlU I am more than repald for all my hard la.and toll of the paal yeai f aervlce by thts tnag-niflcent demonatratlon. When the opportunlty aballpreaent Itaell l hope to F|.<;ik to you face to facaar.d take ea.-h of you by the hand.Th» erow-.l roared for rnor.-. and the Senator. 11ft-

Ing hlmaelf to hi» full helght, amtli tnd aald ln ¦

rlnging volce:1 onh ahall aay a worl or two more. I bdlave

n rw rhat <i. the frtenda of tiiis cauae have to oo lato ..¦ : together and then th re wlll be enough peo-¦ m tl la Satlon to domlnate and control thecountry, and then we ahall pla .>¦ tl;'.- Xatlon upon a

.-,!.¦ ayatem that w Amertoan ln every polnt,and we ahal thla wlthoui aaklng the conaent ot

waltlng the approval of Oreal Brltaln or aiiy otherrn natlon. The Republlcana of thla BUte b«-

lleve the L'nlted Statea la Wg en q i, Ita peopu wl«,.,,,, ratabllah an Independent ataWe monetary¦yatem.v>r th ^ let nii the peopla of Colorado unlte aa on..

man reg irdlea* of party llnea, and we thall ln tune

unlte the people of im< nn-nt country and ahall ac-ccinpllah the conaummatton of our earneat hope, atrue honeat Amerlcan ayatem of flnanoa. Again Ithan'k you Q.I nlght.With another roar of applau«e the imm>nw erowd

alowly moved away, whlfe cheera and Teller yeluireaounded aboul the .;tr ew for an hour or more.






A'.thoiKh not yet perfected, arrangamenta ara

b | made by the poaUl authorltlea ln thla dtya new t fac llute tha dlapatcb to thdr

deatlnattona of fordgn malla arrlvlng at thla portHltherto II haa been tha cuatom to paaa all naallaarrlvlng at th'.a port fr m fordgn eountrlee througbthe N- A-Yoik Poatofllca before dtatributlng them

to the rallroad companlea. ln thls way the mallahave been deiayed ln tranalt to the cltlea to whlchth-v were dlrected for aeveral houra Actlng on.. latlonr from certaln quartera, Poatmas-t, ¦.-.;. a i n .. i luaea thalhav« ..-.:¦. aa ¦¦ ol tlme, and aJaj th. ¦¦¦ y,.,,.,..., ..,..,-. ¦ contlnuance of th« ddaya towni ¦>, -'. malla are w aubje. tedThi -. .... thal wlll m. ^t llkely be adopt* 1 to

haaten t'¦¦. dellvery ln future la that malla broughtbv neamrtili fl »m otb r rountrlea ei»ll be dta-trlbuted at <ju.iran-.n-. ar.d then dlapatched to

]),. r dmlnatloM vlth >ut thi neceaalty <>. flratNew.Tork Poatotfl Under the

- i,.:.! regulatkme. i reaael arrlvlng at an>n dlatrid ln the Lnlted

:.:,.. , |i noi !¦. rmltte maJ.ntn "¦ \ \ '¦¦' ,K

mtll all the tett. ra ird are I. ...¦ r.. ?... n. ireal poatofTlce. When the new arrange-

,.. .:,i otllclal wll be on

nd at Quarantlne to uperti tei the :-. rtlng ol

duCand lud ai are ln ae|,wined for pilnta along th- llnea if the varlrallw " -".'.' !" !h" '",.' r

¦;...,, .; of the ateamahlp eompenl - have. '. ... K|ve the eme rll the aaalatan ¦; that.;; ...... ,. ., Thej have alao Intlma «1 theli

.. « to put Ilf en e to m

Mp% j,t Quarantlne t r the purpoee of.',u- th. mplla to rhe itatl ..:j from whlch they

''T; :" ;¦.",-'',i;-''.i-nt of Fordgn Malla, when aaanl-v by ,i Ti Ibune re| rter, aal he waa i ot

v. m ¦. !. tlon to glve out an) fu r;:,:. i, waa prjpo ed to pu

,. n for the reaaon thal they had noi :.

,..',,,,..'.,..) I!- l-l. however. that the new ar-

,..1 ..- .. I prol ably no ln force on about

Augual I.



RRATE TREATMERT... i> r, a ... la lnv< ng i complatM

that the leath of Cali b Ford, ln Uellei ue H taln Jun : ilnopportun. tramafer

w-Y< rk 11 -i ital. >..-....... ;..¦:,¦!. .. ai Fn I. rl. k it. Bwart. of

_N-., _,,, 11 lylng thal h f u*t. r. Th anaa

II .-,, ,,¦ .. Cea v :k Hoapltal for. k- p'i ilng the | rmance of anoperatlon. Mr.

lana al thai ,t hla father * n unllk ly to reeover thev

¦n aenl to Bellerue The patlent waa taken.,, :, ... place pn Bundajr of laat week at noon, on

u \ : \ ;. :t day, vWie ba aai ln .i weak eondltlonHe dled there on th< followlng Tueeday, and Mr.tjwari »a\« Ma familj iloctor declarea l. s

waa a toi '¦ ad ¦¦ al ¦.. lai a mo.ith wi'm '¦

Tha depoaltlona ol the nurae, noua.irceon an.l,,.,..,,... ,n m ih- Ford matter atata that Ford« ','. m ..,¦> >¦ becauae ha -v u ln .i deen nt-t eondltlon,and thut ne would not Bubmit to th- ordlnary nile«

r poaltl ii and raat, obedienci to whlch were h^«v

lutely neeaaanry.



TAKEN from A BTATEROOM.Joseph Oarda, twenty-one y-ars old. waa «a>

reated last nlpht at No. 17 Irvlng Place. and

taken to th" Waa* Twentieth-ft. potl e BtatJOB,00 Ftisplclon of having robbad Dnnlel Earrea,a COtonabteO, who has Ilved for some tlme at

th" II >t»I Martln. Oar-ia ls a Spanlard. I-ar-

rea was arnut to rcturn t.) hls nxtlve coun:ry

by the rtenmer Flimnoa. Ha had .*1,«*)0 In

gold and $4,000 WOrth ol diamonda ln his

p,.c^sston when he w"nt to his atavteroom on the

trcaacl. He was aoootnpanJed by Oaaicta. The

two men had been mueh ln e.ioh other'a r-om-

pany for th" last faw daya taarraa i"ft thestat"room to go I>ack to th" lv»t"l on aome husl-n"ss. when h" aeparaited from hls companl n.

In his absence th" doof of the waa

opened, and the money and diamonds. stolen. Itls lKdleved that a false key was used, and aa

¦uapfckM polnt"d to Oar. la. "he was placed und'-rarreat





Suakim. July l..The Red s**r packet Rahmantoh,bound from Buaklm for Suez, hrok" h"r shaft y"s-

terday nnd drlfted apoa a reef, whert ?h" foun-dered. Blxty p^rfons were drownad. Th'; moat ofth"m were ;r"*-ks





Hlfi WHEtX.

Adelhen Herarlg, flfty-on" yeara old. of No tliEaat Blghty-aevantb-at., (¦ ii off a Thlrd-ava oaMe-car, north bound. at Flfty-etghth-et, at ^sn o'd icklnst nltfhf. and v.-as lnj'ir"d about th" left l"K and

rlgrrt nnki". He was attended by a prii-at" phyakHaaand w<-nt home.At 1" o'clock laat night, Ann'.e Fay. flfty ypcirs old.

of No. 68 Lealngton-ave., whlle cros-in*; Third-ave.a- Flfty-fourth-ac, was kn....k.d down by a ee.ble-oar and recalved Injurtea on the left slde of thabod'y. Bhe reruaed medtcaJ abtendanca and aaenthome.Oraat Carrton, coior"d. thlrty-seven years old. of

No. 1.777 Ksrhth-ave was rMIng a Mcyc'.e at E'.Rhty-reond-s:. and rn.iiraVis-.iw. y"ster lay mornlnp.n-hon h" waa knook< d down by a Hrra. iwav .¦atve-car.His rix'r: leg waa broken, :¦". he waa alao badlyi-ruis'd about th" body. An ambubance waa aum-moned and he w;us removed to !'. waevaM H 'spit&l.






Washinjrtor.. July 1. -Attachmentt on a JudKm"ntfor more than |M0,0M, with int"re»t and eosts, have

been aerved on the real eataM ir. thla eity ov.-n"d byBtllaon Hutcbina This ls the culmination of a suit

w-hi«-h haa oceupled the attenttoa of the Kstriet

Buprerne Oourt and the I'nlted SUtea SupremeOourt for more than a quart«r of a rertury. The

plalntiff was A-i«rustln J. AmMer. and th" d"fend-ar.ts were Rodney M. W'hlpple and ThomVa 3.

Iiickerson.Th" slory l» to the effrc.r th.-w Au«rnstin J. Ambl"r

Invented a furnace for ame'.tir.ff Iron by the use of

geroaene, nnd that alleced unlawfu! u*e of the pat-enta th- reon was niad" by the d"fendants nhmed.A oompany was orrra"lz^l h"re for th- PWPOM of

puttlnff the furnace on the mark"t. K was as*erted.and corducted ln a manner that r"sultfd ln

|OM to Mr. Ambler. He cr.t"red suit and reoovere-1j\idior."nt, and on Aprll 4 laat Mr. Ambler ttied a

petition askinpr that Mr. Hutchirs be nam.-d as OM

of th" partln of the suit. a.x he wfts eoanactad wh.hthe local company that handlrd the fumac-sANnit six years ago a Judgrnent for pio,H4 waa

¦ecured Mr. Ambler has repcatedly endeavoredtorecover on tli" JulB-m"nt, but wdthout auceeea Thehvteet atep waa attachlng Mr. Hutc-h'ns's pr^perty.The latter, it is underatood, aailed for Buroaai a fewdays atnee.





Wcst Vlew, Ohlo, July 1..Thla dttle ham'et, on th"

B!g Four Rallroad, threa and a b»If mllea fromBerea, la the acene of the wll I tat eacttement, caueedby the strike of the quarrymen employed by the

Cleveland .;t »ne Campany. Bhortly after i» o'clockthla mornlng the atrlkera aaaembled In forca andatarted for the quarrlea, where men who had tak"n

tu.-lr placea were Bt work, After the atrlkera hadnred Sa 3 Mlll, ln B« rea, they turned weat to th"

Btg i\^r tracka, whlch Indicated that they wara

bound for Weat Vlew. Deputy BherHt Hol.lday andr.s apedal offlcen were eompeied to ko around bywaj of Olmatead Falla. They were fotowad by the

Bherlff and ocw of the offlctaa of the company. Truyarrlved at tha «Tee4 Vlew quarrlea befora the

¦itnk.-ra and were prepared for them.x, Th" atrlkera approaohed the Bherlfl atood by

the a!de of a tt nce and warned them back A numberof them eealed th" r<-aee and got roto a hand-to-ban 1

acM «i.h thedeputlea. One atrlkar draw apiatol.

&S»S3xs^a#^"1J!edraaaed imo h* wo, la by thelr eompaakMia.TN. iWul- of the man »-ho Sea al tr» qiiaurUa.h ,r w u lohn V. Cholakl. II" haa a rarolly ln

0 ,t he waaah. t ln the back.Criumbua July I. 8herl« l-""k. of f-evekwid, has

.Aed oovernor Buahnell 'or four eompaatea of, ... troopl to aubdue the Hotlog quarryinan a:

v> »->t Vlew._,

A UEDAL FOR A\ ACT OF BRAVEBT.WaaWngton, July i MarUn B. Icfcelboar. prto-

Hoal of the Boya* Hlgh Bchool at Raadtng. Pann.., ,,,. ,,..,.;,. tn< lal of honor for a UnguUr act

\ng9 to tht Clvll War. Mr. iehelbim waa .

.,:...i Company O, Mth Pewuylvaina Infantry,...i whlle m aori ai * Mlra Run. Va., on Novemberv \ta h>- \-oluntartly extingulahed the burrdng fuae-,V ', ;:,". wh'ch had been Jhrown Into the llnea ofv«VSment by a r nfede/ate battery. JVlth rara

-'..f-V. of rr'.r.d Mr. Bch««bner emptied th* eoffee!'.' ¦'',..',. .' on the fuae The m* lal waa

KStrf "F<ir "..,": dlsti;,<,!sh.,l gallan-ry la

actl m."

ICEBER08 f.V TBE XORTBERS 8BA8.Waahengton, July I The HydtograpMc Offloa haa

...l |ta Brat report of * .<¦-- tnaklng a paaaagah the Btrall of Be!!e [ele thla eeaaon. The

in the Brlth* au im nlp Btart, whlch paaai l

through June N, bt .:il for yueb-o and Moatn t.

Th" Captaln reporta that ha met tli" Brat loebarg in

lutlt ide '¦-'u norUi, longltude U:M weat, but owtagto tha f">f he uld noi aee how many there arera

\\;i- n the weather cleared the .-hip waa among \»tks,,f V;(.-j. om 10 ZSO feet hiK.i Ha iMnka!:.. mual have paaa .! MO or MO of them. In th"

¦, f o ,p. Norm ui waa clear, butthe North Chatinel of Belle [ete Btrall was blocked

t#ly wi;h large berga,?

CRIMISAI CBARQE8 FOLLOW l FAILURE.Ljrnn, Maaa., July 1..Albert I.. McKlnney and

[naac T. P. Bdmanda, treaaurer and prealdeat, re-

,,:¦ of tha Mouiton Leavther Company, ofLynn, were arreated to-day chargi 1 wlth tha am-beszlemenl of 17,000 from the J. H. Moora Company,cif Boeton. Tti arreal to,tk place ir: Bceton, butboth men were broughl to Lynn, a?..i the prellm-Inary hearlng will tak. place here Tha Moora

inj waa a heavj credHor <>f tha Maultoai.« ither Company, wbloh aaalgned aboul May l, amlit allegea that it furnlahed the Inaolvent conoernpritb ,i -t of gooda whlch «. re never accounta I form the other hand. th" arr"s:^.i men and the'.rfrtenda aaeert that tha arreata are ln the natura ta peraecutlon, ind thal wtrHe tha Mouiton LeatharComi mj may oare tiu- Moora Company money.noth-Ing crhntnal can be -'how::. T.Te m-n bava fur¬nlahed aecurlty In the aum of $i",'M) each for ;ht-:rappearance oa Tburadaj saomlng.


A WBERLUAX'B l/.'i/ BBOKKN.Morrla LebOWltOh, Of Oraoga, N J. WiMla wheel-

i:i;r yeaierday afterwaoa akreugh Houatoa-at,, r.ear

Eaaex-ol :n*l pg awM a IRtla ahlld who run ¦front of hlni. H>- f»'il from hla blcycle, breaklntthls nrm, an I was tak-u to BeMeTUe Hoaattal In anambulaace. H»- l» twawty-ww >vara old, and anupholatt-rer by txada.





QCAKTEM DfecrggnrO AM >-

OATION Of thi: TVnO-

THIKU8 r; r.K.

Chlrago. July 1-The r.^.nn .|»-!cnee to day «fthe advan-e guard .' tl .¦ lilreT toroat :j;-.n thgoutpoata of the Deutocrattc NatlocaU f^mmitte^as plante.l by Its Kiib-rommitt^e, -,vaa vario'teiyviewed i»y the partl ipanta afl n tha former r.r.dretlr-1 t.» lt* own camp, Accordlttg to I'halrman

Harrtty, the vttttlng ie], ggtion corap ?..¦'. f .4' a>ators Turpfe, Danlel and .1 m % anl Ckrvern ra

Btone an.l Aitg.ll atmply "feneed for p'l"!*,"and, aceordtag to Oovernor AKgetd and BeaantafDanlel, th» fendng waa aerdrelj rattufaotory tothe Hilver sl le. At lmst one of thelr C 'il-'iguen,bowaver, was Indtned to regard tha eutooma aa

a draw, w::h th<- Indtcatloaa favorabla to thasilver men g-tting th" w- r>; Of It WheU flr.-ilo..nrlu^l -rir* :ir-' trled w:fh th- Hajl Com-mitt...> next Monday. Tha purpone of the rtattof the «!iv.T delegatton t.. the Satl mal Bub a m*

nHtee, aa was aald ln reoterday'a dkapatcRaRaraa to pn.«."rit the rfewa of tha leaderu "f thaerhfte m'-tal majortty c neernlng the ¦eleetJoa oftemporary chaarman, tha dlapoaltlon of o nte#taand the rollcall on tha t >mporary oiBBiilnMiuii

PRJESRNTINa THB BILVER CABIPenntor Jonea led ln the praaenUtkHi gf tha

Btlrer caae, and araa followed by H-nator Turptnand Oovernor Altffjdd.When they had condjttdad Chatrraaa H:;rrlty,

who ha.i prevtouaty eonaulted with hla aaaa*

datea ar.d found fhem to l-e of one mr. 1. ex-

plalned that tha aub eomrnlttta was i».s e*sedof no Inberent power to aettle the gueedona atUarue. H« refarred tha delegatlon to the racoriof the prattmlnary procaedlnga of tha rab .. .n-

mlttee and the Natl Conunltte * Of MMand 18M, and pointed OUt thal It UUg the ex-

clualva provlnca of the fall Kattonal Coranttttaito pa»s provlaJonally upoa conteattng dalaaga*tlona ln niaking up the preUmlnary roll of thag

Conventlon.As to the matter of temporary rhalrman. It

waa one alao altogether wlthln the control ar. ldtacretlon of the Kattonal C mmtttee, but he

was wining to pr->mi!«e that notulag aVthttgahould be done untll the delegatlon had an op-

portuntty of eonferrlng with tha fall bady <>n

Monday. For the praaant ba and bta aaaoekuatiwttbout prajndlea to eithet alde, were r».wer-

lees tO a.-t. With thla crumb >f OOmfort tha

deiiegati.m was cotnpeJled to ba oantent. Aa it

withdrew, Qovtrnor Altgeld expwsed t.ha

oplnlon that. fttdglng fr-.m the reeeptloa "¦'-

rorded to It, th.'ie waa every MKWB t«> hopathat an amkaMa arrangcineat wonld he ranahaiwhen the dglaajatl m had an opportualty ot out-

lining its poaltlon to the MntJonal Oontmlttaa,Outslde of thla aptooda the day waa not pro-

durttve of any atriking d-velop-nentf. Th-re

were few new arrlvals. whlle th* a |FM » gti.irdaaJraady <>n th» ground buali l thamaalvai with

preparatlotis for he geCOmmodatSon »f the rankand flle that wlll begln to pour ln to-morrOW.

AUIOBUFI BCHBMI IN DAMORR,The BtgaataCtta Paaaocratki WatJanal Conven¬

tlon dlepena-.Hl with lts mornlng and afternoonaesstonu pandlRf a rep rt fr <ni the cvirnnilrtea

appolnted to walt upon Chalnnan Harrlty andhi» a3->or-lates. hi't lts fiuartera were the princl-pal centre of attmetlon and were eroardod byloral and visitins: allrerttaa throoffhonl the day.The actlon of the niinois delagatlon ln detennin-

ing to lead tha attack for th.- abroajatloa of thatwo-thlfds rula was a frultful tople of d'.*ei.»-aion. an.l durlng the day it developed that Oov¬ernor Altgeld'a achetne wai ln dangar from an

unexpa.l aourca. and that Mlcblgan rathcffthan ininoi.s mlght become tha ptvotal Btota anlw-ieid tha balance of power ln the Conventlon.Two delegatea from tha Vth I>istrt.-t of thatBtate Wllllam F. M.-i<:iight and Oaorft P.Hununer, both actlva froe ailverltea w ra amongth-- rlaltora to headquartera, and eonferred atlengtb with membera of th« Executlva Coan*mittee. The pituation ln the vVolverlna StataIh that, while fourteen out of th" twanty-ati deie.gat>-< aiv allverlteM, the delegatlon ln Inatrnctagfor gold and bound t<> tha' standard by th . unttrula. it |g propoaed, nowever, to predpttata afight on tha enforcemenl ..f that rula ln a Uanceof any actlon on tha two-thlrda Is^ue.

PLAXI OF THE UICHIOAM MKNln the event .>( tha untt rula halag d.'vlared

invali.l. rhera arouM ba no ne. aatty for th- s.ub-stitution of a majortty rota for the tw .-thirlarota, for tha allver rotea of the Wolvarlna stateWOUld glveto that Hld>. ttta aac f*iry n .mlnatlngmajortty and na or two to sp.ire. TMs waa ihe.ugwaatlon .-xpi ,:<r>l by the .\n higan dette/atagtbut it waa no; rerelved with eapaetalcuthawJaank<;,>\erri.>r ARgt 11 and hls Neutenanta h i ! aln*adyenii?te,i the bu'k of tha blenetaUki tupport f.»rth.- gboUtlon of tba two-thlrda mie. and tt waaheid by moat <«f thoae appn i ned by tha Mtohf*g.i.i. men that the [illnola ach tna an faatarand ,i .vurer uay f pladng fllver D mlneao upon..> allver iilit'.rm than any other attack .i\"t\ th»tlme^honored unll rule. Parl of th.- plan «>f thaM. hlgan allver men ls t.> g. u-.'or.- - Commlt¬tee n Credentlaia and :i-« the unaeatlng of thaentlre gold wlng <( 'he st.r.- delegatea, amongwh .rn la Eiii<"tt <; Btevena n, law partnar f ex-Becretary i.»n M. Dtcklnaon. on tha ground thatthe Bl it.- Conventh n was j ked and a frr« ex-preaalon of o; lnl >:i aupj .> aaed,

O l.WEXTION ARRANOnflRPIftBaeratary Bhearln reported to the aub-ccm-

mlttea to-day bla allotment of tirkets f.»r thapreoa, but the reautt wlll n .t ba mada kn-.-vnuntll to-morrow .! lat.-r. S-Vrgiant-at-Arr.-mIfnrtln, when araited up n by tha <. .mmitte.. ap¬polnted at yeaterday'a caucua of the liuhala del-egatlon, to demand a Idltlonal appolntmenta andticketa, malntained th- atand that ba h.ii pr^-vloualy tik^n. and aatd wltn emphaala that n«>tp Chlcago ti hi would be p!a«vd ln rharga of %d. >r. M» .-u ¦..¦ .¦.!» ! ln convlnclr.g the r..m-mtttee that porltlan waa ¦ rtght >na, and itwill ao report when tha >ai;cus reaeaemblea onBunday mornlng

TitM VICR-PRRRIDRXTI '.'I.UITVlca-Praaadanl Btevenaun'i pr tenca unl^r tha

roof of the r.iim»-r Houaa for a few boura on btaaray to hu hume ln Btoomlngton fatled to i-reat«avan a flutter of int.;-...-t H.f alk rs wata nu.ner-

oua,' but thelr tnanatona wara mora ?>*.-*.vl\ thani uti ai, an i th... Vlce-Preatdent Mmaalf -l.-.-imedto dtocuaa tha situati n or the >.:ilng conventlonavan a:i abatra t t.. inl f rh>w. lt waa n-wMceable, h .wever, that m. «t of hl« ^allera wer«Identlfted with tha gold-atandai I etetneat >>f thaIlhtnola Deoiocra y, and thla led to the oir.-ula-tion of a rumor that l? the ARgeld-BlmetgvHie eie-ment Inr4ated upon namlng the temporary .-hair-nun. .Mr. Btevenaon mlght ba oftarad t then aaa compromlae, bas.-.! ui».:i tha fnot that aa a!.¦; reaentatlvc IllinoJa Dem loral ba eould aoaroatywrth g) i .--.-. ant ig .nlzed by tha dclagntlegjof tn'o Btate, As a mattar .' faet, howevar, therumor waa mora tfbadow tiian aubatanoa. Xohi ii .-. ntlng i y haa prraented Itaelf l > th.- 5ui>-eotnnrMtee, and this part) arttl mnka n.. repre-s-r.:'ns ..:i the aubjaot to the fuM C .::ir:i:ttee,

BLACKBURM AWD DUBOlaV foNKKR.I'nlted Btalaa ^enator lUa-klnun la the oriljr

dele.g:tte to attenl the Conventlon prellmlnarieawho ie an active Praatdantlal eaadldata. Htain-t..T.-8t« are indng looked afttr by hla frlend."Phll" Thorapaon. Jr .?.' New-York. The S. na-tor daetkaaa t.> d any t.ilking f.»r pubiu-atlon.but reodvad acorea of vlalt ara to-dajr. H.a on tha queatlon of dtapanalng with th« two-thlnls rule ).- tnat there u no u*e trylag ti Miavnend tgV tlma-hon irad rule untll the ntre^altyfor Buen aotlon praaanaa itaelf durtng the bai-lotlngBy appolntmani Banator DgbotgL of the boit-ing Rapubllcan eonttngent, i-aMed on Henator

UUckburn at hla apartmenta and had a oonfar*