Vp1 ai o-v&g-extn5

5 Extension Name Vocabulary 1. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in bold. 1. We rented this house for years and then we … . a. sold it b. bought it 2. It was a hectic day, so I … . a. had time to call everyone b. didn’t manage to finish everything 3. The customer in the restaurant wanted to … . a. pay the bill b. serve the meal 4. They released the animals … . a. back into the forest b. from their environment 5. My dog is tame so … . a. don’t touch it b. don’t be afraid 6. We feel very cosy in here … . a. so we want to leave b. despite the bad weather outside 2. Complete the passage with suitable words and phrases below. endangered • conservation • hunting • breed • short of • better off • fee • in captivity • fad • claim • hunt For the last 20 years, it has been illegal to 1. ……………………… whales. However, some countries are trying to overturn that decision. Countries supporting whaling say that there’s no need to ban whaling because whales 2. ……………………… all the time. In Norway, whalers fish in order to sell the meat, while Iceland and Japan 3. ……………………… they do so for scientific reasons. Organisations that work for the 4. ……………………… of whales say that the oceans will soon be 5. ……………………… these giants, which are already 6. ……………………… . 3. Write a sentence that follows the first sentence. Use the words below. in captivity • short of • better off 1. The Italian restaurant is nicer than the Chinese one. .................................................................... 2. Could you give me some cash? .................................................................... 3. Animals should live freely. .................................................................... 4. Form words with a suitable prefix below that mean the same as the definitions provided. Use a dictionary to help you. dis- • un- • inter- • in- • im- • mis- • under- • over- • ir- • re- • ex- 1. act with other people = …………………………… 2. connect again = …………………………… 3. former girlfriend = …………………………… 4. pay too much = …………………………… 5. not developed enough = …………………………… 6. judge wrongly = …………………………… 7. not agree = …………………………… 1



Transcript of Vp1 ai o-v&g-extn5

Page 1: Vp1 ai o-v&g-extn5

5 Extension Name


1. Choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. We rented this house for years and then we … .

a. sold it b. bought it

2. It was a hectic day, so I … .

a. had time to call everyone b. didn’t manage to finish everything

3. The customer in the restaurant wanted to … .

a. pay the bill b. serve the meal

4. They released the animals … .

a. back into the forest b. from their environment

5. My dog is tame so … .

a. don’t touch it b. don’t be afraid

6. We feel very cosy in here … .

a. so we want to leave b. despite the bad weather outside

2. Complete the passage with suitable words and phrases below.

endangered • conservation • hunting • breed • short of • better off • fee • in captivity • fad • claim • hunt

For the last 20 years, it has been illegal to 1. ……………………… whales. However, some countries are trying to overturn

that decision. Countries supporting whaling say that there’s no need to ban whaling because whales 2. ……………………… all the time. In Norway, whalers fish in order to sell the meat, while Iceland and Japan 3. ……………………… they do so for scientific reasons. Organisations that work for the 4. ……………………… of whales

say that the oceans will soon be 5. ……………………… these giants, which are already 6. ……………………… .

3. Write a sentence that follows the first sentence. Use the words below.

in captivity • short of • better off

1. The Italian restaurant is nicer than the Chinese one.


2. Could you give me some cash?


3. Animals should live freely.


4. Form words with a suitable prefix below that mean the same as the definitions provided. Use a dictionary to help you.

dis- • un- • inter- • in- • im- • mis- • under- • over- • ir- • re- • ex-

1. act with other people = ……………………………

2. connect again = ……………………………

3. former girlfriend = ……………………………

4. pay too much = ……………………………

5. not developed enough = ……………………………

6. judge wrongly = ……………………………

7. not agree = ……………………………

8. not comfortable = ……………………………

9. not sensitive = ……………………………

10. not responsible = ……………………………

11. not mature = ……………………………


Page 2: Vp1 ai o-v&g-extn5

5 Extension Name

5. Match the animal idioms in I to their definitions in II.


1. not enough room to swing a cat ..... a. suspect something

2. straight from the horse’s mouth ..... b. not to hurry

3. ants in your pants ..... c. tell a secret

4. smell a rat ..... d. very crowded

5. hold your horses ..... e. very different from everyone / everything else

6. a fish out of water ..... f. from the original source

7. let the cat out of the bag ..... g. not relaxed

6. Complete the sentences with an idiom from Exercise 5.

1. Somebody told Jon about the iPod we bought him. Who …………………………… ?

2. I’m not going to that judo class again. I felt like …………………………… .

3. I heard it …………………………… . The manager himself told me.

4. I was invited to a party but nobody’s here. I …………………………… .

5. …………………………… ! The play doesn’t start for another hour.


Page 3: Vp1 ai o-v&g-extn5

5 Extension Name


1. Match I to II to make sentences. Use the relative pronouns below. There may be more than one correct answer.

who • when • where • that • which • whose


1. I wore the sweater ………………………… ...... a. the plane crashed, he was in Paris.

2. The Beatles were a group ………………………… ...... b. jumps off a cliff is mad.

3. On the day ………………………… ...... c. my cousin bought me in New York.

4. I don’t remember the name of the lake ………………………… ...... d. you can do to help.

5. Anyone ………………………… ...... e. we rented a boat.

6. There’s nothing ………………………… ...... f. songs changed modern music.

2. Complete the passage with suitable relative pronouns.

When I was 15 years old, I looked for a summer job. My older brother, 1. ……………………… I greatly admire, had got

his first job at 15 and I was determined to do the same. First, I went to the local shops, 2. ……………………… I was

certain I would find a job. However, I was mistaken. A shop manager 3. ……………………… I knew suggested I come

back the following summer, 4. ……………………… I’d have a better chance. I had no better luck in the restaurants 5. ……………………… I tried. No one was interested in a waiter 6. ……………………… only experience was setting the

table at home. Then my luck changed. Our neighbour, 7. ……………………… was going on holiday, needed someone

to walk his dog and I got the job.

3. Rewrite the sentences using a relative pronoun and a relative clause. Make any necessary changes. There may be more than one correct answer.

1. The Colosseum is in Rome. I took my brother there.


2. We invited a lot of people to the wedding. They were family or friends.


3. Sam took his driving test yesterday. He passed it.


4. My favourite director is Woody Allen. His films are very realistic.


4. Rewrite the sentences with non-defining relative clauses. Use the information in brackets, a suitable relative pronoun and any necessary commas. Answers may vary.

1. Mr Denham is my neighbour. (his house was damaged in the earthquake)


2. My new girfriend is great. (I’ve lost her phone number)


3. The flight to Berlin costs €50. (it’s three hours long)


4. Quentin told me about this new shop. (he often buys second-hand books)


5. The old house on the hill has finally been sold. (its grounds are haunted)



Page 4: Vp1 ai o-v&g-extn5

5 Extension Name

5. Correct the sentences below with a suitable relative pronoun. Add commas and take out extra words where necessary.

1. Dena that drives a sports car is taking part in a racing competition.


2. Playing the piano is an activity that it demands talent and skill.


3. People that they are shy with strangers shouldn’t go to parties.


4. The year that the Berlin Wall came down then will always be remembered.


5. Denise who her uncle is our doctor has just got into university.


6. This is the platform that you can catch the train to London there.
