VOLUME XXXVII. LAURENS, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAy SEPTEMBER 7,1921.NUMBER 8 [[[NTH INFANiRY TO ARRIV[ FRIDAY Hiking from Columbia to Fort Thomas, CAMPING SITE NOT YET KNOWN IEleveithUnited States Infaintry fit Jilke from Camp Jackson to New Post. at Fort. Thomanas, y., Expected to Arrive Here Friday morninlg. Tie Eleventh United States Infan- .try, with about sixteen hundred men and two hundred head of mules and horses, on its hike from Camp Jack- son to Fort Thomas, Ky., is expect- ed to arrive in the vicinity of Lau- tens Friday morning about 10 o'clock. As far as could be learned, no official notice of the. regiment's arrival had been received by tle city authorities or the chamber of commerce yester- 'day and the location of the camp -could not ibe learned. The regiment camped at Newberry 'Tuesday night, spending .the day in New'berry today. It is expected to leave Newberry Thursday niorning t and canp at Kinards that night. It mYill leave Kinards early Friday morn- ing, marching in the coolest part of the (lay, and reach here about ten o'clock. It is expected to remain here until Saturday morning, when it will take l) the march to Owings, where it -will camp that night. It will ropend Sunday at Mauldin and reach Green- ville Monday for a rest of a (lay or two. 'From there it will proceed to Asheville and thence to Knoxville and 'Fort Thomas. The march of the Eleventh infan- try is one of the longest on record in tite history of the American army and t according to the present schedule the regiment will not reach Fort Thomas, which :is across the river front Cini- .cinnatl, Ohio, until the twentleth of -October, making a total marching time of about seven nweeks from Jack- son to Thomas. Commanded by 'Colonel Frank Hal- stead tile Ef.leventh is one of the' old- egp ,reginents in' the armty. Colonel (j.Ialstead is very well known in South Carolina. He was in command of tle Three Glundred Twnty-tlrst Infantry. regintent, station and trained at Oamp Jackson and at Camp Sevier, prior to being sent overseas -with the t Eighty-first "Wildcat" division in 1918. Colonel (i-alstead saw actlye service with the Wildcats in tle Vos- ges mountains and in the second 1phase of tle Mouse-Argonne light, 'when the Eighty-fl rst division attacked on tile ninth of November, 1918, to the north of Verdun. 'The Eleventh has a very enviable history. Until the recept reduction in the army the regiment was pai't of the Fifth regular division and has been stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga., anto at Camp Jackson. The fifth divisloi has been ordered on the inactive list and the Eleventh regiment will be 411- yldedl betwveen .three posts of thte 01(1 i'egular gat'rison. Uindler Its presenit oprders Onto battalion nyill go to .Fe' Thomtas, anothter' to Fort Ilenjamint IHarrison, at Jndlanalpoli, Ind., 4nd another' to Columbus B~arracks, Ohio. 'lte posts to whilh Ithe r'egimtent is as- signed are very, desirable qiuartetrs. Dating 'back to the Civil wvar, thte colors of the Eleventht Infantry beat' streamters -indicatintg its battles, the llurat beingj the 'Peninsular, March 17- Alg. 3, 186'2; Manassas, Aug. 7-Sept. '2,'' 1862; Anttidtam, Sept. 3-16, 1862; FredeleIksbur'g, Nov. 9-iD'ec. 15, 1862; Chantcellorsviile, A'prii 27-May 6, 18113; Giettysbturg, June 29-July 3, 1i893; Wildlerness, May 4-7, 1864; 'Spottsylvanla Cou rt H ouse, May 8- 21, 1864; Cold I iarbgr, May 22-.! unet 3, 18641; Peterabtirg,- .Junte 4-Novemn- hor 5, 186.1; Battle of fktines Mill, Va., June 27, 1862; flattle of Marvin 11111, Va., .Jule 30, 1862. Indlian wars:' liattle ,,witht Indians June'16, 1872, Johnson'B Mall statIon, "Texas; -engagements 'with IndIans, July 14-19-23, '1872, Colorado andl\San Saba rivers;' expe'dition againtst Ki- owvas, C'ommanches and Cheyennies, IndIan -Terr'itory, 1874;. ,ngagemients1 with Intdiana, lilack Hills and phey- enne iver. D~akota, Decemtber, 1887; engagements against hostile inelians, 'Sherldan, Nebraska, August, 1878; en- gagemnents wvitht Indiants at P'opular' Creek 'agency, Jaftuary 2, 1891. - panlihaAmerman war: Porte Rico, 1'898. Piltlippine 'Insurrectiont: Mindanao, LOCAL CHAPTER LEAD THE NATION Largest Contribufion of Clothing Made Through Local Ited Cross of Any Chapter Ila United States. . L. Smith, chairman of the Lau- rens county chapter.of the American lIed Cross, -including the chapters at Laurens and Clinton, is in receil-pt of a letter from 'Red Cross headquarters in Atlanta in which this chapter coMies in for high praise for its work in gathering clothing for the stricken people- of 1tiope. The letter states that this chapter had contributed more clothing to the cause than any other chnmpter in the entire country, this being spoken of as a "remark- wb'e" record. he clothing campaign in the coun- Ly nyas under the direction of N. C. Hughes, Jr., who gave a great deal of is time and attention to the work. rhe shipment consisted of 37 boxes >f good used clothing and one 'bale >f new cloth, the net weight 'being ;,650 'pounds and the estimated value )eing $3,000. Mr. Hughes said that he Clinton chapter entered enthusi- istically into the campaign af'i made t large contribution to the cause. The following is the lettgr from he Atlanta office: Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 1, 1921. Jr. M. L. Smith, Chairman, 14Lurens County Chapter, A. R. C., Laurens, S. C. JTy dear Mr. Smith: There has Just been called to my ttiention tle very remarkable fact hat the Laurens County Chapter 'has ontributed more clothing for the suf- (ring children of Europe than any ther chapter in the United States up o the present time. This is a very emarkable record and I hasten to ongratulate you and Mr. N. C. Iughes, Jr., chairman of the drive. Very cordially yours, 'Harry L. I-opkins, Manager, Southern Divisjon, A. R. C. NE 0RtO SHOOTS WIFE Reo. C. Smith, Colored, Shot fits Wife Friday Night and Delivered Him- self to Sheriff. After killing his wife 'by shooting ier dead in the public road, near the luff place in the lower ipart of Sulli- ,an township, Friday night, George Smith, negro, imliediately rode to he home of N. B. Wood, magistrate of sullivan township, and surrendered imself and requested the officer to ake him at once to the county., jail. ccomipanied -by the negro's landlord, I. '11. Carlisle, Mr. Wood brought lmith to the city before daylight and lelivered him to the sheriff. The killing was the result of Jeal- )usy, it appears, as it is stated .that 'mith's iwife had gone to church some Ix or seven miles with other partles, wo negro men and a negro woman, tfter Smith had warned her not to go, t is alleged. Borrowing a horse from Ilr. Carlisle, Smith is said to have ollowed~the party and met them ~oming b'ack towardi home. Riding 1p to the buggy In which his wife was t'aveling, it is alleged that Smith )rdleredl her to dismoutnt, andl as she itepiped ouit in the roadl lhe dleliberate- y fired on her, one of the shots pierc- ng the heart, killing her instantly. The fell over into a side (ditch. The arty and Smith drove away, leaving he body13 ewhere it tell until some time satitrday when the inquest was. 'held >y Coroner Owvings. This is the -flrst murder in Lau- ens, county since Juno 11, when Vance ffllakely is charged with killing mother negro, 'Boss Gary, at 'Clinton. At Hickory Tavern Thie youing people0 of Friendship avili give an entertainment andl ice *eam suiper at Ilickcory Tavern school house, Septembmer 8, beginning 10 8 o'clodk1. The entertainment sists of a play, songs and humorous :llalogues. The public is invitedi. A smdll admission fee will 'be charged. 1902; Samnar, 1901-1902; leyte 1901- 1902. Worild war. St. Mihiol offensive, irance, September' 12-10, 1918; Mleuse- Argon ne offensive, France, Oc tober- 12-2.2, 1918;- Mouse-Argonne offenisive, lirance, October 27-Nov, 11, 1918; Ar- nould sector, Vosges, France, June li-July 16, 1918; St. Die sector, Vos- gas, France, JTuly 17-August 23, 1918; Mdamtache sector, France, Sept. 19-29, 1i8A SIX SHOCKED BY LIGHTNING BOLT Seven Bales of Cottoni Ignited When Lightning Strikes Truck at Grny Court. Gray Court, Sept. 2.-Six persons were shocked this afternoon about 2 o'clock when a ibolt of 'lightning struck near the farmers cotton ware- house, igniting seven obales of cotton i on a loaded ;truck. The .injured persons Awere immie- I diately giveni Imledicai -aid and tonight t were thought to 'be out of danger. I Those injured were T. A. Willis, a t cotton 'buyer, States Curry, a farmer; Miss Claudell lolider, teleplihone oper- ator, and three negroes who were assisting in the .loading of the truck load of cotton. 'With the exception of Miss Holder, t who was .in the central office several c blocks away, all of the injured lper- I soils were near the cotton warehouse 1 when the bolt struck. But a few scat- c tering clouds 'were visible at the time 1: and 'there was little warning before i the bolt struck within a few feet of the truck and shocking all those .1 nearby. Others who saw their 'plig'ht p rushed to the assistance of the in- c jured ones. .J Te lightning entered the central fl ofilce by a wire from near the ware- 't house, 'burning out a number of con- nections and injuring the 'operator V who was at her post of duty. 1, Both telephone and telegraph con- v nections northward were cut off 'but .1 for th time ;but were restored tonight. The cotton loaded on the truck was n badly damaged although it was some r time after the bolt that the flames I were discovered. Whdn the truck s started moving some time afterwarda F the smouldering flames burst forth, damaging the entire load of cotton. c All of the injured persons .were s9 said to be out of danger tonight, al- ti though maintaining vivid recollections tl of their experience. t( CITY BALN BURNED Flames Claim City Barn Wednesday t Night. Livestock Rescued but Gar- bage Truck Destroyed. - f Fire of unknown origin, discovered 8 about 9 o'clock Wednesday night, practically destroyed the city barn In tile rear of the Gilkerson House on V North Harper street, the city garbage truik also .going uip in the flames. The 0 livestock was rescued. n The alarm of fire wa sgiven -by Mrs. Thos. C. Bolt from the home nearby of her mother, Mrs. fW. ii. Bagwell. t The high school foot-ball stjuad, which was receiving a lecture from Mr. Bolt, foot-ball coach, rushed to the' barn and under the direction of Mr. Bolt and Chief of Police Crews, who ap- peared on the scene about the same time, succeeded in getting all of the animals out of the building, but had to 'leaye the garbage truck and other smaller material behind. The fire department appeared V promptly on the scene, but the fire e had spread so rapidly that it could i (10 nothing more than prevent the c spread of the blaze to surrounding a builudings, several of ruvhlch were of a very inflamabule nature. The building was erectedl several '3 years ago and was of frame andi cor'- a rugated iron construction. 'While 'the Iron plates still remain standing, tile building Is a practical loss. 'rie loss on the -building was p~artially coveredl by insurance, but no0 insutrance wvas carrledl on the garb~age truck. I< Mumch Interest in Contest "A great deal of interest is 'being ~ shown in our contest by the schmol children," said Mr. E. P. 'Mint'er, of MInter Company, yesterday. 'As is C seen in their advertisement in thist issue of Tihe Advertser, this concern offers a total of $10 in cash prlzes to tihe children writing the best essays on tihe subject."lilowv Minter Company Helped Me Get Ready For School". 'rho prizes are open to any school boy or school girl in the county below 16~ years of age andl must be based on actual experlence ini tile Minter Comn- Pmauy store. The contest closes Trhurs-- dlay, Sciptember 15, and the essalys 'lmst nlot he over 300 words in length. ', .1T. Sexton- New8 was received in the city Mon- day of tihe (death of W. Tr. Sexton in itomeo, (Ga. Mr'. Sexton was a native of this place, having left here about fifty years ago. lie mwgs a brother of Mr. J. D). Sexton, wvho wvent to Rome11 to attend the funeral. A younger afster, IMrs. Goodwin, died a tow weokg agos. 1OUNCIL COINS1iD0Eki' VARIOUS MATTERS J.ommuzitteo Appointe( to Investigate Feiasibility of Emiergenley Steitna Plant. City Couniell, at its regular hi- nth01lily Illeeting Monday niiight, ap- >ont1(d a cmi)lllittCe ConlVOse0d of Al- lermen Irvin, Simpson al(l i)ial to nivestigate the advisability of the city i the ctledy River Power company roviding an emergency steam plant 0 sl!:Ily the city with electric cur- [ ent when drouglihts or other coldi- lons Cause the present supply to be it off. The committee is to go into full investigation of costs and to onfer with President Dial of the ower comipany. Considering other phases of the wa- or ald light 'plant, the council decid- d to have a survey of the city made n order that broken moters might be eported and any 'leakages in powver r water located. The mayor was em- owered to employ an extra man for short time to (10 this work. A cominittee composed of Aldermen lishop, Simipson and Dial was ap- ointed to investigate various makes f trucks to take the place of the gar- a-ge truck burned in the city barn re and-to make a recommendation as a purchase. On motion of Alderman Moore it 'as decided to postpone surfacing 'leming street until the effects of 'ear on the gravel <placed on North rarper street are found out. On motion of Alderman Irvin, ine tayor and street committee were di- acted to investigate the plans of the aurens Mills for the proposed in- allation of water and sewerage on leming street. On qnotion of Alderman Dial the )uncil voted a gift of $50 to the high .hool football squad for the ipromo- on and maintenance of athletics at to high school as a reward for the tam's "material assistance and gal- ntry" in saving the city's livestock hen the city barn was burned. A request, from Maj. (W. A. Watts, lat the city plow up the plot of land ear his home from which the top-soil >i a large part of North Harper reet was secured, was received as iformation and no actioti taken. Al- ermen Irvin and Bishop supported to request of 'Naj. Watts, which was Ated down 4 to 2. Mr. Irvin pointed itt that Maj. Watts had suipplied early all of the top-soil for this reet and that it would take heavy ams to put the land back in condi- on. On motion of Alderman Smith. Fire- an Fooshe was -granted a nweek's va- )tion with pay. MASONS MEETING CHANGEID o Be Held Thursday Instkad of Fri- day of This Week. Meeting to Be. gin at 3:30 'P. H. The district meeting of Masons, Pn- lously arranged for Friday of this I ecek, is to be held on rhirsday, ac- Drding to an announcement by Rice . Nickels, district deputy. The hange in (late wvas found necessar'y fter' the -first plans were made. A Ltge number of Masons are expected t the meeting, including Past Grand laster Geo. T. igryan, of Greenville, ndl Grand Master S. TP. Lanhamn, of attanbu rg. ('aught Fox in City The mystery of tile disappearance t many chickens from yards on \Vest lain andl~ adjoining streets wan solved 'ridlay of last week whien a big gray x was caught in the act of catching1 hickens in tihe yardl of Dr. W. 11. Dial Sthe vet y hear't of tihe city. Hearing wild. commotion arntong tihe chtick- ina durling the afternoon, menllhers of h~e family wvent out to dliseover its ause anld were greatly usmlprisedl to ee a big gray fox chasing chickens rourjd the yard. The alarm was giv- nl and~very soon tile pack of fox ounds belonging to Mr.. TPoml Irennett ext dloor' was calied into s vice. In very short time the fox was chased o his den underneath the overhtead 'ridge of the C. & W. C. railroad anid us campliaign against the local harin- ard fowlis rsas endled. Ddrinag the inst few wveeks a lav ninmber of hickeni; hav'e been mj Ased from that ection of tihe civy. ('otton, .Mkes ,1 unip The cotton miarket. which 'has been1 ti'adiiy rising for' tile past few weeks, vnent tup about $10 a blel on the Newv fork1 mtarket yesterd(ay vwitht a total .d anice of 200 p)oits. Local buyers vere gtivinig around 20 cents yestt e-1 ayv DELEGATES APPOINTED TO COTTON MEETING Iarmiers to Discuss Co-Operative Markeling at ColumbIa September Air. W. D. Byrd, president of the Lauren.. county branch of tile Ameri- aan Cotton Association, has appointed lIfly delegates to represent this coun- ty at the meeting to be lheld in Colum- bla Friday, Sept. 9th, to discuss the -o-pi)perative marketing of cotton and ther matters of interest to farmers. Carl Williams, of Oklahoma 'City, president of the American Cotton Jrowers Ikxchange, will make the principal address of the (lay and oth N prominent speakers are on the pr ,ram. On accqint of the importance of Jhis meeting, Mr. -Byrd urges all the lelegates aripointcd to attendt the nceting. A list of them is as follows: A. C. Coats, Mountville. lion. C. 1). Nance, Cross '11ill. S. S. Farrar, Mountville. Wash Long, Laurens. George Bolt, Laurens. S. R. Cain, ILaurens. J. M. Sumerel, Gray Court, Route 1. P. B. Bailey, Laurens, Route 3. Chaney 8tone, Clinton. R. M. League, Clinton. D. A. Glenn, Clinton. T. 'P. Poole, Laurens, Route 2. Senator 0. 3P. Goodwin, Laurens touto 2. W. Willis Yeargin, Gray Court. I. B. Workman, Goldville. James A. Browning, Clinton. B. It. Copeland, Renno. Ii. H-. Fuller, Cross 1111. C. 33. Owings, Ohvings. I. 0. Hunt, Owings. R. G. Harris, Woodruff. J. W. Kellett, Gray Court, Route 4. W. M. Nash, Gray Court, Route 4. M. WV. Gray, Owings, Route 2. .1. N0. Wham, Owings, Route 2. J. F. Wallter, iLaurens, Route 4. W. W. Culbertson, Laurens, Route 4 'W. L. Cooper, Waterloo, Route 2. M. 'W. 1111, Waterloo, Route 2. W. B. Sims, Waterloo, Routo 2. S. A. Browne, Cross Hill. J. T. Hill, Cross Hill. J. B. Cook, Fountain Inn. W. B. Garrett, Fountain Ins. 10. J. SlQan, Fountain Inn. A. J. Monroe, Princeto. . 10. Simpson, Prisceton. F. W. Little, Laurens, Route 2. J. W. Donnan, Laurens, Route 2. 11. S. Wallace, Gray Court, Route 1. 0. C. Cox, AWoodruff. J. 11. Davis, Clinton. '1. W. Workman, Mountville. 1. ). Smith, Fountville. J. Frank Davis, Princeton. M. L. Copeland, Laurens. 1. B. Blakely, Laurens, Route 3. J. Roy Crawford, Clinton. John M. Copeland, Renno. Reese Young, Clinton. JlEENWOOD FOL K SEE GRIFFIN DIE iegro Pays Penalty for Murder of D~r. ILipscombI at Ninety Six, Greenwood, Sept. 2.-About twenty-- lve men from Greenwood county went o Columbia .todlay to witness the: .xecution of Pink CGriflin, senteniced o die for the murder of Dr. Lawton .. Llpscomb, pr'ominent business man Lind planter of Ninety Six. Olrlfmln vent to the electric chahi at 11:30 a. n. with a smile on his face. A statement left b~y Girillin with two icgro preachers, his sailritual advis- rs, turgedl all negroes to go to church, >ehave themselves and leave tneir runs at home. He said tihat If lhe iadl followed that Injunction he would lot have miurder~ed Dr. Lipscomb. Just before execution, Grillln do- lared he had killed D~r. Lipscomb In elf-defense, that lie (1id .not get. a 'air trial but that he was egoing to is God, where he would get justice. Colunmhia, Sept. 2.-Pink. Gritln, :ireenhxvoodl county negro, was put to Icath in the electric epiair at the state icnltentiary .at noon1 today for the0 (tilling of Drl. lawton C. ipscomb o'i 'inlety Six, J~uly 5. ( Grifllin killed Dr. A ilscombl when~u Di. *L ip1)scomb reim'on- d ratedl with the negro fqr heatIng one >f 'th e farm animal.s op1 the Lips- 'oimb plantation. Trho negro was '1sh1edl'to thle 9eniItentI ary3' -immnedlale-- y alfter his confletlii 'at a special ~erm of court to capel) mobi violenee, tlthough there evas no demronstration igainst the negro.. Mrs. (1. A. Nickles wvith her little laughter, of Chiarhqt , is the: guest >f Mir, ahd Mrs. G . Wri, IN RU8SIAN PROYINt Hunger and Death Virtually Unnoticed THOUSANDS DIE ,FROM UUNGER Refugees fror -Faine istriets 111141- died Toget n )serted 11uil1d. Ings 1and11 Re Almost Unnot' ChilrIenl l'er8 ish thle Thelksand -ara, Rtthia, Set er n1(d cath go vrtual y unndoticed in the neglected treet a4d alleys of Samara. Refuges cfrovi famine dis- tricts near the cIt estimated from h rty to 'ffty thou'and arc huddled together in deserted buildings, un- ised factories, tattetid tents and in mvgons massed about the open spaces bo 'the railway stations and the lock along the Volga river. Hunger, typhus, cholera. and ex- iaustion are carrying off hundreds of hese miserable fugitives, young chil- iren falling victims readily to the 'amine and its attendant scourges. 3edraggled and ragged refugees are .onstantly caprying pine coffins to vard the cemetery, where unpainted vooden crosses mark hundreds of new ,raves 4w.hich have -bcen dug since the light 'before the advancing famine be- an.- From 60 to 100 starving children are ,athered up daily from the streets, or urned over to the central refuge, 'by Parents 'who cannot feed them. Mlany if these little sufferers have typhus ever, but the hospitals are without eds and medicine. Vladimir Sokols- :y, chairman of the Samara provin- ial soviet, told The Associated Press ast week that the entire peasant pop- hiation of 2,500,000 will be deipendent pon outside food 'by November. Al- eady 110,000 peasants are without iread, this number including 50,000 hildren who have been placed In oviet homes. Conditions at Semayenkena, a vil- aIge 30 miles from Samara and re- bote from railway or river communi- ation, are typical of the misery ex- sting throughout the province of Sa- lara. The peasants there are eating read made from melon rinds, sun- lower seed an(d grass seed. One nother killed her baby last week, say- ng she could not bar to see it starve. )ther mothers are threatening to kill heir children. One woman with six hildren said to The Associated Press: "You kndWv, it takes children so ong to die. It is too horrible to watch hem shrivel up." Hundreds of families were moving oward Samara when the correspond- nt passed through Semayenkena. rhey were carrying all their belong- ngs on rickety wagons, drawn by tarved horses which were dropping lead by the wayside. Igo Quonetzoff, peasant, was found standing swith is wife, grown (laughter andl young on, nyatching their horse die at the op of a long hill. Ihenderson IHeunion There will be a reun'ion of the vhole 'llenderson generation at the mome of Tobias Henderson, the old lenderson homeplace, near' Barns- lale, Satuirday, September 10, 1021. All 'elatives and friends are r'equiested to >e present andl bring pienie -dinner. W. 0. W. Unveiling Fairview~ Camp WV. 0. W. wIll m rell a monument to the late Sov. 0, ar Flmore at Mt. Olive church cemn- ~tery Sunday afternoon, Sept. 11, I o'clock. The pitblic is invited. NOTICE Teachers and Students Th'ie Advertiser mualtes a 51pe- eital mlsubsripti on, rate to teachi- (ers and studen4~ts of '$1.00 For the School Year Th'lose desiinig to subIscribo(i are ref(llestedl to mil or hrinig in lheir subsCript ions before leaving home, so thatnt we may start -the pap'~er nith the0 first, Issiin.

Transcript of VOLUME [[[NTH INFANiRY -...



Hiking from Columbia toFort Thomas,


IEleveithUnited States Infaintry fitJilke from Camp Jackson to NewPost. at Fort. Thomanas, y., Expectedto Arrive Here Friday morninlg.Tie Eleventh United States Infan-

.try, with about sixteen hundred menand two hundred head of mules andhorses, on its hike from Camp Jack-son to Fort Thomas, Ky., is expect-ed to arrive in the vicinity of Lau-tens Friday morning about 10 o'clock.As far as could be learned, no officialnotice of the. regiment's arrival hadbeen received by tle city authoritiesor the chamber of commerce yester-'day and the location of the camp-could not ibe learned.The regiment camped at Newberry'Tuesday night, spending .the day in

New'berry today. It is expected toleave Newberry Thursday niorning tand canp at Kinards that night. ItmYill leave Kinards early Friday morn-ing, marching in the coolest part ofthe (lay, and reach here about teno'clock. It is expected to remain hereuntil Saturday morning, when it willtake l) the march to Owings, where it-will camp that night. It will ropendSunday at Mauldin and reach Green-ville Monday for a rest of a (lay ortwo. 'From there it will proceed toAsheville and thence to Knoxville and'Fort Thomas.The march of the Eleventh infan-

try is one of the longest on record intite history of the American army and

t according to the present schedule theregiment will not reach Fort Thomas,which :is across the river front Cini-.cinnatl, Ohio, until the twentleth of-October, making a total marchingtime of about seven nweeks from Jack-son to Thomas.Commanded by 'Colonel Frank Hal-

stead tile Ef.leventh is one of the' old-egp ,reginents in' the armty. Colonel(j.Ialstead is very well known in SouthCarolina. He was in command of tleThree Glundred Twnty-tlrst Infantry.regintent, station and trained atOamp Jackson and at Camp Sevier,prior to being sent overseas -with the tEighty-first "Wildcat" division in1918. Colonel (i-alstead saw actlyeservice with the Wildcats in tle Vos-ges mountains and in the second1phase of tle Mouse-Argonne light,'when the Eighty-fl rst division attackedon tile ninth of November, 1918, tothe north of Verdun.'The Eleventh has a very enviable

history. Until the recept reduction inthe army the regiment was pai't ofthe Fifth regular division and has beenstationed at Camp Gordon, Ga., antoat Camp Jackson. The fifth divisloihas been ordered on the inactive listand the Eleventh regiment will be 411-yldedl betwveen .three posts of thte 01(1i'egular gat'rison. Uindler Its presenitoprders Onto battalion nyill go to .Fe'Thomtas, anothter' to Fort IlenjamintIHarrison, at Jndlanalpoli, Ind., 4ndanother' to Columbus B~arracks, Ohio.'lte posts to whilh Ithe r'egimtent is as-signed are very, desirable qiuartetrs.

Dating 'back to the Civil wvar, thtecolors of the Eleventht Infantry beat'streamters -indicatintg its battles, thellurat beingj the 'Peninsular, March 17-Alg. 3, 186'2; Manassas, Aug. 7-Sept.'2,'' 1862; Anttidtam, Sept. 3-16, 1862;FredeleIksbur'g, Nov. 9-iD'ec. 15, 1862;Chantcellorsviile, A'prii 27-May 6,18113; Giettysbturg, June 29-July 3,1i893; Wildlerness, May 4-7, 1864;'Spottsylvanla Cou rt House, May 8-21, 1864; Cold I iarbgr, May 22-.! unet3, 18641; Peterabtirg,- .Junte 4-Novemn-hor 5, 186.1; Battle of fktines Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862; flattle of Marvin 11111,Va., .Jule 30, 1862.

Indlian wars:' liattle ,,witht IndiansJune'16, 1872, Johnson'B Mall statIon,"Texas; -engagements 'with IndIans,July 14-19-23, '1872, Colorado andl\SanSaba rivers;' expe'dition againtst Ki-owvas, C'ommanches and Cheyennies,IndIan -Terr'itory, 1874;. ,ngagemients1with Intdiana, lilack Hills and phey-enne iver. D~akota, Decemtber, 1887;engagements against hostile inelians,'Sherldan, Nebraska, August, 1878; en-gagemnents wvitht Indiants at P'opular'Creek 'agency, Jaftuary 2, 1891.- panlihaAmerman war: Porte Rico,1'898.

Piltlippine 'Insurrectiont: Mindanao,


Largest Contribufion of Clothing MadeThrough Local Ited Cross of AnyChapter Ila United States.

. L. Smith, chairman of the Lau-rens county chapter.of the AmericanlIed Cross, -including the chapters atLaurens and Clinton, is in receil-pt ofa letter from 'Red Cross headquartersin Atlanta in which this chapter coMiesin for high praise for its work ingathering clothing for the strickenpeople- of 1tiope. The letter statesthat this chapter had contributedmore clothing to the cause than anyother chnmpter in the entire country,this being spoken of as a "remark-

wb'e"record.he clothing campaign in the coun-

Ly nyas under the direction of N. C.Hughes, Jr., who gave a great deal ofis time and attention to the work.rhe shipment consisted of 37 boxes>f good used clothing and one 'bale>f new cloth, the net weight 'being;,650 'pounds and the estimated value)eing $3,000. Mr. Hughes said thathe Clinton chapter entered enthusi-istically into the campaign af'i madetlarge contribution to the cause.The following is the lettgr from

he Atlanta office:Atlanta, Ga.,Sept. 1, 1921.

Jr. M. L. Smith, Chairman,14Lurens County Chapter, A. R. C.,

Laurens, S. C.JTy dear Mr. Smith:There has Just been called to my

ttiention tle very remarkable facthat the Laurens County Chapter 'hasontributed more clothing for the suf-(ring children of Europe than anyther chapter in the United States upo the present time. This is a veryemarkable record and I hasten toongratulate you and Mr. N. C.Iughes, Jr., chairman of the drive.

Very cordially yours,'Harry L. I-opkins, Manager,

Southern Divisjon, A. R. C.


Reo. C. Smith, Colored, Shot fits WifeFriday Night and Delivered Him-self to Sheriff.After killing his wife 'by shooting

ier dead in the public road, near theluff place in the lower ipart of Sulli-,an township, Friday night, George

Smith, negro, imliediately rode tohe home of N. B. Wood, magistrate ofsullivan township, and surrenderedimself and requested the officer toake him at once to the county., jail.ccomipanied -by the negro's landlord,I. '11. Carlisle, Mr. Wood broughtlmith to the city before daylight andlelivered him to the sheriff.The killing was the result of Jeal-

)usy, it appears, as it is stated .that'mith's iwife had gone to church someIx or seven miles with other partles,wo negro men and a negro woman,tfter Smith had warned her not to go,t is alleged. Borrowing a horse fromIlr. Carlisle, Smith is said to haveollowed~the party and met them~oming b'ack towardi home. Riding1p to the buggy In which his wifewas t'aveling, it is alleged that Smith)rdleredl her to dismoutnt, andl as sheitepiped ouit in the roadl lhe dleliberate-y fired on her, one of the shots pierc-ng the heart, killing her instantly.The fell over into a side (ditch. Thearty and Smith drove away, leavinghe body13 ewhere it tell until some timesatitrday when the inquest was. 'held>y Coroner Owvings.This is the -flrst murder in Lau-

ens, county since Juno 11, whenVance ffllakely is charged with killingmother negro, 'Boss Gary, at 'Clinton.

At Hickory TavernThie youing people0 of Friendshipavili give an entertainment andl ice*eam suiper at Ilickcory Tavern

school house, Septembmer 8, beginning10 8 o'clodk1. The entertainment

sists of a play, songs and humorous:llalogues. The public is invitedi. A

smdll admission fee will 'be charged.

1902; Samnar, 1901-1902; leyte 1901-1902.Worild war. St. Mihiol offensive,

irance, September' 12-10, 1918; Mleuse-Argon ne offensive, France, Oc tober-12-2.2, 1918;- Mouse-Argonne offenisive,lirance, October 27-Nov, 11, 1918; Ar-

nould sector, Vosges, France, Juneli-July 16, 1918; St. Die sector, Vos-gas, France, JTuly 17-August 23, 1918;Mdamtache sector, France, Sept. 19-29,



Seven Bales of Cottoni Ignited WhenLightning Strikes Truck at GrnyCourt.Gray Court, Sept. 2.-Six persons

were shocked this afternoon about 2o'clock when a ibolt of 'lightningstruck near the farmers cotton ware-house, igniting seven obales of cotton ion a loaded ;truck.The .injured persons Awere immie- I

diately giveni Imledicai -aid and tonight twere thought to 'be out of danger. IThose injured were T. A. Willis, a tcotton 'buyer, States Curry, a farmer;Miss Claudell lolider, teleplihone oper-ator, and three negroes who wereassisting in the .loading of the truckload of cotton.'With the exception of Miss Holder, t

who was .in the central office several cblocks away, all of the injured lper- Isoils were near the cotton warehouse 1when the bolt struck. But a few scat- ctering clouds 'were visible at the time 1:and 'there was little warning before ithe bolt struck within a few feet ofthe truck and shocking all those .1nearby. Others who saw their 'plig'ht prushed to the assistance of the in- cjured ones. .JTe lightning entered the central fl

ofilce by a wire from near the ware- 'thouse, 'burning out a number of con-nections and injuring the 'operator Vwho was at her post of duty. 1,

Both telephone and telegraph con- vnections northward were cut off 'but .1for th time ;but were restored tonight.The cotton loaded on the truck was n

badly damaged although it was some rtime after the bolt that the flames Iwere discovered. Whdn the truck sstarted moving some time afterwarda Fthe smouldering flames burst forth,damaging the entire load of cotton. c

All of the injured persons .were s9said to be out of danger tonight, al- tithough maintaining vivid recollections tlof their experience. t(


Flames Claim City Barn Wednesday t

Night. Livestock Rescued but Gar-bage Truck Destroyed. - f

Fire of unknown origin, discovered 8

about 9 o'clock Wednesday night,practically destroyed the city barn Intile rear of the Gilkerson House on


North Harper street, the city garbagetruik also .going uip in the flames. The 0livestock was rescued. nThe alarm of fire wa sgiven -by Mrs.

Thos. C. Bolt from the home nearbyof her mother, Mrs. fW. ii. Bagwell. t

The high school foot-ball stjuad, whichwas receiving a lecture from Mr. Bolt,foot-ball coach, rushed to the' barnand under the direction of Mr. Boltand Chief of Police Crews, who ap-peared on the scene about the same

time, succeeded in getting all of theanimals out of the building, but hadto 'leaye the garbage truck and othersmaller material behind.The fire department appeared V

promptly on the scene, but the fire ehad spread so rapidly that it could i(10 nothing more than prevent the cspread of the blaze to surrounding abuiludings, several of ruvhlch were of avery inflamabule nature.The building was erectedl several '3

years ago and was of frame andi cor'- arugated iron construction. 'While 'theIron plates still remain standing, tilebuilding Is a practical loss. 'rie losson the -building was p~artially coveredlby insurance, but no0 insutrance wvascarrledl on the garb~age truck.

I<Mumch Interest in Contest

"A great deal of interest is 'being~shown in our contest by the schmolchildren," said Mr. E. P. 'Mint'er, ofMInter Company, yesterday. 'As is C

seen in their advertisement in thistissue of Tihe Advertser, this concernoffers a total of $10 in cash prlzes totihe children writing the best essayson tihe subject."lilowv Minter CompanyHelped Me Get Ready For School".'rho prizes are open to any school boyor school girl in the county below 16~years of age andl must be based onactual experlence ini tile Minter Comn-Pmauy store. The contest closes Trhurs--dlay, Sciptember 15, and the essalys'lmst nlot he over 300 words in length.

',.1T. Sexton-New8 was received in the city Mon-

day of tihe (death of W. Tr. Sexton initomeo, (Ga. Mr'. Sexton was a native ofthis place, having left here about fiftyyears ago. lie mwgs a brother of Mr.J. D). Sexton, wvho wvent to Rome11 toattend the funeral. A younger afster,IMrs. Goodwin, died a tow weokg agos.


J.ommuzitteo Appointe( to InvestigateFeiasibility of Emiergenley SteitnaPlant.City Couniell, at its regular hi-nth01lily Illeeting Monday niiight, ap->ont1(d a cmi)lllittCe ConlVOse0d of Al-

lermen Irvin, Simpson al(l i)ial tonivestigate the advisability of the cityi the ctledy River Power companyroviding an emergency steam plant0 sl!:Ily the city with electric cur- [ent when drouglihts or other coldi-lons Cause the present supply to beit off. The committee is to go intofull investigation of costs and to

onfer with President Dial of theower comipany.Considering other phases of the wa-

or ald light 'plant, the council decid-d to have a survey of the city maden order that broken moters might beeported and any 'leakages in powverr water located. The mayor was em-owered to employ an extra man forshort time to (10 this work.A cominittee composed of Aldermenlishop, Simipson and Dial was ap-ointed to investigate various makesf trucks to take the place of the gar-a-ge truck burned in the city barnre and-to make a recommendation asa purchase.On motion of Alderman Moore it'asdecided to postpone surfacing'leming street until the effects of

'ear on the gravel <placed on Northrarper street are found out.On motion of Alderman Irvin, inetayor and street committee were di-acted to investigate the plans of theaurens Mills for the proposed in-allation of water and sewerage onleming street.On qnotion of Alderman Dial the)uncil voted a gift of $50 to the high.hool football squad for the ipromo-on and maintenance of athletics atto high school as a reward for thetam's "material assistance and gal-ntry" in saving the city's livestockhen the city barn was burned.A request, from Maj. (W. A. Watts,lat the city plow up the plot of landear his home from which the top-soil>i a large part of North Harperreet was secured, was received asiformation and no actioti taken. Al-ermen Irvin and Bishop supportedto request of 'Naj. Watts, which wasAted down 4 to 2. Mr. Irvin pointeditt that Maj. Watts had suippliedearly all of the top-soil for thisreet and that it would take heavyams to put the land back in condi-on.On motion of Alderman Smith. Fire-an Fooshe was -granted a nweek's va-)tion with pay.


o Be Held Thursday Instkad of Fri-day of This Week. Meeting to Be.gin at 3:30 'P. H.The district meeting of Masons, Pn-lously arranged for Friday of this Iecek, is to be held on rhirsday, ac-

Drding to an announcement by Rice. Nickels, district deputy. Thehange in (late wvas found necessar'yfter' the -first plans were made. ALtge number of Masons are expectedt the meeting, including Past Grandlaster Geo. T. igryan, of Greenville,ndl Grand Master S. TP. Lanhamn, ofattanbu rg.

('aught Fox in CityThe mystery of tile disappearance

t many chickens from yards on \Vestlain andl~ adjoining streets wan solved'ridlay of last week whien a big grayx was caught in the act of catching1hickens in tihe yardl of Dr. W. 11. DialSthe vet y hear't of tihe city. Hearingwild. commotion arntong tihe chtick-

ina durling the afternoon, menllhers of

h~e family wvent out to dliseover itsause anld were greatly usmlprisedl toee a big gray fox chasing chickensrourjd the yard. The alarm was giv-nl and~very soon tile pack of foxounds belonging to Mr.. TPoml Irennettext dloor' was calied into s vice. Invery short time the fox was chased

o his den underneath the overhtead'ridge of the C. & W. C. railroad anidus campliaign against the local harin-ard fowlis rsas endled. Ddrinag theinst few wveeks a lav ninmber of

hickeni; hav'e been mj Ased from thatection of tihe civy.

('otton, .Mkes ,1 unipThe cotton miarket. which 'has been1

ti'adiiy rising for' tile past few weeks,vnent tup about $10 a blel on the Newvfork1 mtarket yesterd(ay vwitht a total.d anice of 200 p)oits. Local buyersvere gtivinig around 20 cents yestt e-1ayv


Iarmiers to Discuss Co-OperativeMarkeling at ColumbIa SeptemberAir. W. D. Byrd, president of the

Lauren.. county branch of tile Ameri-aan Cotton Association, has appointedlIfly delegates to represent this coun-

ty at the meeting to be lheld in Colum-bla Friday, Sept. 9th, to discuss the-o-pi)perative marketing of cotton andther matters of interest to farmers.CarlWilliams, of Oklahoma 'City,president of the American CottonJrowers Ikxchange, will make theprincipal address of the (lay and oth Nprominent speakers are on the pr,ram.On accqint of the importance of

Jhis meeting, Mr. -Byrd urges all thelelegates aripointcd to attendt thenceting. A list of them is as follows:A. C. Coats, Mountville.lion. C. 1). Nance, Cross '11ill.S. S. Farrar, Mountville.Wash Long, Laurens.George Bolt, Laurens.S. R. Cain, ILaurens.J. M. Sumerel, Gray Court, Route 1.P. B. Bailey, Laurens, Route 3.Chaney 8tone, Clinton.R. M. League, Clinton.D. A. Glenn, Clinton.T. 'P. Poole, Laurens, Route 2.Senator 0. 3P. Goodwin, Laurens

touto 2.W. Willis Yeargin, Gray Court.I. B. Workman, Goldville.James A. Browning, Clinton.B. It. Copeland, Renno.Ii. H-. Fuller, Cross 1111.C. 33. Owings, Ohvings.I. 0. Hunt, Owings.R. G. Harris, Woodruff.J. W. Kellett, Gray Court, Route 4.W. M. Nash, Gray Court, Route 4.M. WV. Gray, Owings, Route 2..1. N0. Wham, Owings, Route 2.J. F. Wallter, iLaurens, Route 4.W. W. Culbertson, Laurens, Route 4'W. L. Cooper, Waterloo, Route 2.M. 'W. 1111, Waterloo, Route 2.W. B. Sims, Waterloo, Routo 2.S. A. Browne, Cross Hill.J. T. Hill, Cross Hill.J. B. Cook, Fountain Inn.W. B. Garrett, Fountain Ins.10. J. SlQan, Fountain Inn.A. J. Monroe, Princeto.

. 10. Simpson, Prisceton.F. W. Little, Laurens, Route 2.J. W. Donnan, Laurens, Route 2.11. S. Wallace, Gray Court, Route 1.0. C. Cox, AWoodruff.J. 11. Davis, Clinton.'1. W. Workman, Mountville.1. ). Smith, Fountville.J. Frank Davis, Princeton.M. L. Copeland, Laurens.1. B. Blakely, Laurens, Route 3.J. Roy Crawford, Clinton.John M. Copeland, Renno.Reese Young, Clinton.


iegro Pays Penalty for Murder ofD~r. ILipscombI at Ninety Six,Greenwood, Sept. 2.-About twenty--

lve men from Greenwood county wento Columbia .todlay to witness the:.xecution of Pink CGriflin, sentenicedo die for the murder of Dr. Lawton.. Llpscomb, pr'ominent business manLind planter of Ninety Six. Olrlfmlnvent to the electric chahi at 11:30 a.n. with a smile on his face.A statement left b~y Girillin with two

icgro preachers, his sailritual advis-rs, turgedl all negroes to go to church,>ehave themselves and leave tneir

runs at home. He said tihat If lheiadl followed that Injunction he wouldlot have miurder~ed Dr. Lipscomb.Just before execution, Grillln do-

lared he had killed D~r. Lipscomb Inelf-defense, that lie (1id .not get. a'air trial but that he was egoing tois God, where he would get justice.

Colunmhia, Sept. 2.-Pink. Gritln,:ireenhxvoodl county negro, was put toIcath in the electric epiair at the stateicnltentiary .at noon1 today for the0(tilling of Drl. lawton C. ipscomb o'i'inlety Six, J~uly 5. (Grifllin killed Dr.Ailscombl when~u Di. *L ip1)scomb reim'on-d ratedl with the negro fqr heatIng one>f 'th e farm animal.s op1 the Lips-'oimb plantation. Trho negro was'1sh1edl'to thle 9eniItentI ary3' -immnedlale--y alfter his confletlii 'at a special~erm of court to capel) mobi violenee,tlthough there evas no demronstrationigainst the negro..

Mrs. (1. A. Nickles wvith her littlelaughter, of Chiarhqt , is the: guest>fMir, ahd Mrs. G . Wri,

IN RU8SIAN PROYINtHunger and Death Virtually



Refugees fror -Faine istriets 111141-died Toget n )serted 11uil1d.Ings 1and11 Re Almost Unnot'ChilrIenl l'er8ish thle Thelksand

-ara,Rtthia, Set ern1(d cath go vrtual y unndoticed in

the neglected treet a4d alleys ofSamara. Refugescfrovi famine dis-tricts near the cIt estimated fromh rty to 'ffty thou'and arc huddledtogether in deserted buildings, un-ised factories, tattetid tents and inmvgons massed about the open spacesbo 'the railway stations and thelock along the Volga river.Hunger, typhus, cholera. and ex-

iaustion are carrying off hundreds ofhese miserable fugitives, young chil-iren falling victims readily to the'amine and its attendant scourges.3edraggled and ragged refugees are.onstantly caprying pine coffins tovard the cemetery, where unpaintedvooden crosses mark hundreds of new,raves 4w.hich have -bcen dug since thelight 'before the advancing famine be-an.-From 60 to 100 starving children are

,athered up daily from the streets, orurned over to the central refuge, 'byParents 'who cannot feed them. Mlanyif these little sufferers have typhusever, but the hospitals are withouteds and medicine. Vladimir Sokols-:y, chairman of the Samara provin-ial soviet, told The Associated Pressast week that the entire peasant pop-hiation of 2,500,000 will be deipendentpon outside food 'by November. Al-eady 110,000 peasants are withoutiread, this number including 50,000hildren who have been placed Inoviet homes.Conditions at Semayenkena, a vil-

aIge 30 miles from Samara and re-bote from railway or river communi-ation, are typical of the misery ex-sting throughout the province of Sa-lara. The peasants there are eatingread made from melon rinds, sun-lower seed an(d grass seed. Onenother killed her baby last week, say-ng she could not bar to see it starve.)ther mothers are threatening to killheir children. One woman with sixhildren said to The Associated Press:"You kndWv, it takes children so

ong to die. It is too horrible to watchhem shrivel up."Hundreds of families were movingoward Samara when the correspond-nt passed through Semayenkena.rhey were carrying all their belong-ngs on rickety wagons, drawn bytarved horses which were droppinglead by the wayside. Igo Quonetzoff,

peasant, was found standing swithis wife, grown (laughter andl youngon, nyatching their horse die at theop of a long hill.

Ihenderson IHeunionThere will be a reun'ion of the

vhole 'llenderson generation at themome of Tobias Henderson, the oldlenderson homeplace, near' Barns-lale, Satuirday, September 10, 1021. All'elatives and friends are r'equiested to>e present andl bring pienie -dinner.

W. 0. W. UnveilingFairview~ Camp WV. 0. W. wIll m

rell a monument to the late Sov. 0,ar Flmore at Mt. Olive church cemn-~tery Sunday afternoon, Sept. 11,I o'clock. The pitblic is invited.

NOTICETeachers and Students

Th'ie Advertiser mualtes a 51pe-eital mlsubsription, rate to teachi-(ers and studen4~ts of

'$1.00For the School YearTh'lose desiinig to subIscribo(i

are ref(llestedl to mil or hrinigin lheir subsCript ions beforeleaving home, so thatnt we maystart -the pap'~er nith the0 first,Issiin.