VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and...

ATTENTION We now have Bariatric Fusion vitamins in the office. We are carrying mixed berry and tropical flavors. They are $27.36 ($24.99 +$2.37 tax).These vitamins are an all- inclusive vitamin that is especially made for weight loss patients, which eliminates the need for purchasing multiple vitamins. I have included a cost comparison and ingredient information on the next several pages. So call us at the office to purchase them or go to our website at www.morasurgicalclinic.com and click on the "informative links" tab at the top to take you to the Bariatric Fusion Vitamin link. VOLUME 14 December 2013 NUMBER 12 Editorial Notice Editorial Staff: Melissa Grant Items for the newsletter must be submitted by the 1 st of the month for consideration for publication in the upcoming issue! submit items to: [email protected] If you no longer wish to receive Bariatric Bulletin, contact: [email protected] This newsletter is published monthly for Dr. Parham Mora 645 McQueen Smith Road. Suite 205 Prattville, Alabama 36066

Transcript of VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and...

Page 1: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal


We now have Bariatric Fusion vitamins in the office. We are carrying mixed berry

and tropical flavors. They are $27.36 ($24.99 +$2.37 tax).These vitamins are an

all- inclusive vitamin that is especially made for weight loss patients, which eliminates the need for purchasing

multiple vitamins. I have included a cost comparison and ingredient information on the next several pages. So call us at the office to purchase them or go to our website at www.morasurgicalclinic.com

and click on the "informative links" tab at the top to take you to the Bariatric Fusion

Vitamin link.

VOLUME 14 December 2013 NUMBER 12

Editorial Notice

Editorial Staff:

Melissa Grant

Bariatric Coordinator.

Items for the newsletter must be submitted by the 1

st of the month

for consideration for publication in the upcoming issue!

submit items to: [email protected]

If you no longer wish to

receive Bariatric Bulletin, contact:

[email protected]

Bariatric Bulletin,

This newsletter is published monthly for Dr. Parham Mora 645 McQueen Smith Road.

Suite 205 Prattville, Alabama 36066

Page 2: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Compare Us

Gastric Bypass







R Sucralose Aspartame Sucralose Sucralose








(citrate) NO*

















No chelated






VITAMIN D 2000IU 400IU 1000IU 800IU

BIOTIN 600mcg 300mcg 600mcg 600mcg

IRON 30mg 30mg No iron* No iron*

Page 3: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal


VITAMIN C 180mg 60mg 120mg 180mg

THIAMINE 12mg 1.5mg 6mg 12mg





Cream, Mixed



Tropical, Wild


Orange Citrus






PRICE $24.99/mo. $26.99/mo. $50.00/mo.

price includes additional

calcium, iron, and B12


price includes additional

calcium, iron, and B12







*Additional supplements required

**Interferes with anticoagulants

Page 4: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Adjustable Gastric Band










(citrate/carbonate) NO*

VITAMIN B12 280mcg






VITAMIN D 1000IU 600IU 800IU

THIAMINE 6mg 3mg 3mg

BIOTIN 300mcg 300mcg 600mcg

IRON 15mg 18mg 18mg


VITAMIN C 90mg 120mg 90mg


Orange Cream,

Mixed Berry,


Tropical, Wild

Mixed Berry Blackberry

Page 5: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal



USE 2 tablets per day 2 tablets per day 4 tablets per day

Includes additional calcium

PRICE $12.49/mo. $13.32/mo. $29.45/mo.

price includes additional calcium

*Additional supplements required

**Interferes with anticoagulants


Keys to Success

5–7 meals per day

Each meal should consist of 5–20 grams of protein (>60g per day)

Lean meats and low fat or non-fat dairy products

Minimal nuts or peanut butter

Bariatric Fusion® Meal Replacement is an excellent source of protein

Must be chewable

Must have chelated minerals

Lean meats and low fat or non-fat dairy products

Page 6: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin

Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an

ideal bariatric vitamin

48–60 oz. of water daily

Flavored water, Crystal Light, Propel

Try to avoid caffeine

Every patient should start an exercise program

3–5 days per week

Program should consist of cardio, core, balance, and resistance training

BF–15X Exercise Routine, 3–5 Times Per Week

Page 7: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

How to Keep the Pounds Off during the Holidays Don't let the holiday season sabotage your weight loss efforts. With a little careful thought and planning, you can succeed during the holidays.

From Halloween through New Year’s Day, American adults gain an average of one to two pounds each year. Though that might not sound like much, research shows these pounds are not lost, but add up year after year. Try the following savvy strategies to keep weight gain at bay this holiday season.

Bring your own. When you’re invited to someone’s home, offer to bring an appetizer such as fresh vegetables and low-fat dip, or a healthy dish to serve at the main meal. This way, you are assured there will be something “safe” to eat.

Don’t “save” calories for later. Before an occasion involving food, eat a piece of fruit, a yogurt or other light snack before you go. This helps to curb hunger so you don’t binge when you’re there. If the event is in the evening, make sure to have a healthy breakfast and lunch.

Be choosy about sweets. If you know you’re the type who can’t stop at one bite, you’re better off taking a small portion of a single dessert than piling your plate with several treats you plan to just “try.”

Keep healthy snacks at work. This can help prevent overindulging on break room treats or the candy jar on your office mate’s desk.

Limit leftovers. Make your home a safe haven. Send your guests home with the high-calorie leftovers if you have entertained.

Limit alcohol. Not only does it contribute extra calories, it also lowers inhibitions and can cause you to eat more. Mixed drinks contain from 150 up to 450 calories per glass. If you choose to drink, stick to one or two, and alternate with water or seltzer.

Buddy up. Make a goal with a friend to maintain your weight during the holiday season. That way you are accountable to someone other than yourself.

Exercise. Sign up for a 5K, a fitness walk, a work challenge or other fitness event. This will motivate you to focus on exercise and keep your body moving.

Maintain perspective. A single day of overeating won’t make or break your eating plan. If you overindulge at a holiday meal or party, put it behind you. Return to your usual eating plan the next day, and leave your guilt behind.

Celebrate the true meaning of the holiday. Try to give food less importance by focusing on what the holidays are really about—spending time with family and friends.



Page 8: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

6 Reasons to Join a Bariatric Support Group Statistics show that patients who attend bariatric support group meetings after their surgery have more success losing weight and maintaining that loss.

No matter how committed you are to changing your lifestyle after surgery, facing these changes alone can be challenging.

Why join a bariatric support group?

Stay motivated after the “honeymoon” weight loss period has leveled off

Reinforce that you’re not alone and others may be going through similar struggles

Share stories and information regarding your journey to better health

Get support for new behavioral skills when it comes to dealing with stress, anger, anxiety and other emotions that may have driven you to eat in the past

Receive encouragement and guidance on how to manage your diet

Enjoy a little healthy competition (if he can do it, so can I)

Support groups vary among centers. Some are led by patients, others by healthcare facilitators. Many offer guest speakers who present on topics such as exercise and plastic surgery. Some hold monthly clothing swaps and/or food demonstrations. Larger programs may have tailored support groups for each type of surgery.

Additional support groups can also be found online. Be aware that many Web-based resources are run by former bariatric surgery patients, and not healthcare professionals. Be sure to use them as a supplement to, but not in place of, the information and support provided by your bariatric team.

Finally, remember that seeking out support is not a sign of weakness. Quite the opposite, it signals that you are being realistic about the weight loss challenges facing you.



Page 9: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

How to Tighten Loose Skin after Weight Loss Surgery Though cosmetic surgery is a must for some, there are steps you can take to reduce the effects of sagging skin and possibly avoid costly skin-tightening procedures.

Though losing significant amounts of weight can positively affect your health, it often leaves behind loose skin in various areas such as the stomach, arms, buttocks, thighs and chin. These tips can help:

Eat plenty of protein, which is necessary for the body to repair itself and produce elastic fibers. If you do not consume enough protein following surgery, your skin may not heal sufficiently.

Strength train on a regular basis, but only once you are cleared by your doctor. Weight training can help provide a firm surface under the skin, improving the appearance of sagging skin. Exercises like planks, squats, crunches and lunges also help to tighten skin after weight loss.

Drink plenty of water every day. Staying hydrated helps to rejuvenate the skin, making it smooth and tight. Be sure to drink seven to eight glasses of water every day.

Use a moisturizer day and night. This will help you regain some of the lost elasticity of the skin.

If you continue to be frustrated by sagging skin, talk to a cosmetic surgeon. If you experience significant skin sagging, body-contouring procedures or lifts may be your only option. Your physician may recommend you wait at least two years after weight loss surgery before undergoing these procedures to ensure you are at a stable weight.



Page 10: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Stay Fit Even in Winter

Look guys, I know it's tough to work out when you have to rise before the

sun and bundle up before you head outdoors. What you really want to

do — and the last thing you should do — is to hit the snooze button and

pull the blankets up over your head. But it's only winter! Don't let it throw

you off your game.

Yes, the so-called winter blues produced by short days and cold weather

can be very real and very draining, but exercise is one of the best ways to fight those feelings. Stop

wasting time mulling over whether you should get up at 5 a.m. Get moving! That means getting your

gear ready the night before so you can grab it and go. Remember, no excuses! Once you're outside,

you'll be glad you stuck to your plan — and you'll find out pretty quickly that cold air can be just as good

as coffee when it comes to getting you moving.

Here are some other tips for getting outdoors when the temperature drops:

Protect yourself. Dress in layers of soft, breathable fabrics such as bamboo, organic cotton, and merino wool. You'll be able to adjust the layers according to your body heat — remove them as you warm up, and putting them back on as you cool down. Take care to protect your head, hands, and neck with hats, gloves, and scarves, and don't neglect any exposed skin — apply layers of organic SPF face cream and lip balm as needed.

Stay hydrated. When your body's working hard to stay hydrated out in the cold, dry air, each exhalation can sap your system a little more. People tend to forget that they can get dehydrated as easily by exercising in cold weather as in hot, so it's extremely important to up your water intake. The same goes for fuel: Even if you aren't out to run a marathon in Antarctica, getting a hearty helping of complex carbs an hour or two before vigorous exercise can make all the difference.

Warm up…and stretch and cool down inside, where it's warm. When it comes to the cold weather, it's really important to make sure your muscles aren't stiff, so take the time to warm up slowly to prevent pulling a muscle.

Be smart. Listen to your body — and the weather forecast. Bring it indoors if the mercury dips unusually low — freezing temperatures can end up doing more damage than good for even the most ambitious of outdoor enthusiasts. After all, you can always do my circuits or DVDs indoors!

Remember — the best way to liven up the dead of winter is to make great use of it. Running, hiking,

downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, and ice skating are all ideal for getting

outside and enjoying winter's beauty.


Page 11: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Daily Stretching Routine 10 Stretches You Can Do Anywhere!

-- By Nicole Nichols, Fitness Instructor

Are you always on the run and running out of

time to stretch? Try adding a few standing

stretches throughout the day. Whether standing

in line, waiting for the bus or watching a soccer

game, you can squeeze in some quality

flexibility training. You can do these stretches

as a set or one at a time, wherever or whenever

you find yourself on your feet. Remember never

to stretch to the point of pain. For more

stretching tips and guidelines, refer to our

Reference Guide to Stretching.

Hold each stretch listed for 15-30 seconds, repeating two or three times, depending on how you

feel. For detailed instructions and larger photos, click on the name of each stretch. Please note

that while some of these stretches depict various body positions, you can perform these upper

body stretches while sitting in a chair.

Neck Stretch

Sit or stand with shoulders relaxed, back straight. Bring your left ear down toward

your left shoulder and hold. Roll your head down toward the ground and bring your

chin to your chest. Hold and finally, roll your head to the right and bring that ear to

your right shoulder. Inhale and exhale in a slow and controlled manner.

Chest Stretch

Stand tall or sit upright (not pictured). Interlace your fingers behind your back and

straighten you arms. With arms straight, lift arms up behind you while keeping your

back straight and your shoulders down. Keep the shoulders relaxed away from the


Standing Triceps Stretch

Stand tall or sit upright (not pictured). Place your left elbow in your right hand.

Reach your left arm overhead, placing palm on the center of your back and

supporting the elbow in your right hand. Reach your fingertips down your spine.

Page 12: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Keep the shoulders relaxed away from the ears. Repeat with opposite arm.

Shoulder Stretch

Stand tall or sit upright (not pictured). Bring your left arm across your chest, holding

it below the elbow with your opposite. Keep the shoulders relaxed away from the

ears. Breathe deeply and hold. Repeat on opposite side.

Wrist and Biceps Stretch

Stand tall or sit upright (not pictured). Extend left arm in front of you, palm facing

outward and fingertips pointing downward. Use your right hand to apply light

pressure to the hand, as if pulling your fingertips toward your elbow. Keep the

shoulders relaxed away from the ears. Breathe deeply and hold. Repeat on opposite side.

Wrist and Forearm Stretch

Stand tall or sit upright (not pictured). Extend left arm in front of you, palm facing

outward and fingertips pointing upward. Use your right hand to apply light pressure

to the hand, as if pulling your fingertips toward your shoulder. Keep the shoulders

relaxed away from the ears. Breathe deeply and hold. Repeat on opposite side.

Torso Stretch

Clasp hands together and slowly raise them above your head toward the ceiling.

Reach as high as you can while inhaling deeply and hold for 20-30 seconds. Bring

your hands down slowly while letting out your breath.

Hamstring Stretch Stand tall with back straight, abs engaged, shoulders down,

and feet hip-width apart. Bring your left leg forward, heel down, toes up and leg

straight. Keeping back straight and abs engaged, bend the right knee as if sitting

back, while supporting yourself with both hands on your thighs. Repeat on

opposite side.

Quad Stretch

Stand tall, holding onto a chair or wall for balance if necessary (not pictured). Keep

your feet hip-width apart, your back straight and your feet parallel. Reach back and

grab your left foot in your left hand, keeping your thighs lined up next to each other

and left leg in line with the hip (not pulled back behind you). Repeat on opposite side.

Inner Thigh Stretch

Stand tall with back straight, feet wider than the hips, toes turned out, abs engaged

and arms at your sides. Slowly bend the knees, squatting straight down, hands

supported on your thighs, until you feel a stretch through the inner thighs.


Page 13: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal
Page 14: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

This month's featured weight -loss story Let me start by saying that I have always been overweight. I have struggled with obesity since

childhood. Both sides of my family have always been “big” people. I was a size 18/20 when I graduated

high school. My weight has never bothered me, other than it not being healthy. The only health

problem I had was Sleep Apnea. I watched both of my parents struggle with diabetes, heart disease, &

high blood pressure. I wanted to take action against these problems before having to deal with them

myself!! I also wanted to be around to enjoy my son growing up and be able to enjoy activities with him

and my husband.

I had gastric bypass on December 11, 2012. I knew my world was going to change, I just didn’t realize at

the time, how drastically. No matter how much you prepare, you never really understand until you are

experiencing it. Dr. Mora told me numerous times, and still tells me, “This is a tool to help you, NOT A

CURE!!” It still takes exercise and healthy choices to keep going!! In the past year, I have lost a total of

134 pounds. I’ve gone from a size 22/24 pants to a size 8. I have changed my entire lifestyle for the

better!!! I eat a lot healthier than I did before, and feel amazing!!! I have also formed a new addiction,

RUNNING!!!!! I never would have thought that I would enjoy running, but I do!!! I have been able to

run in a regular 5k with my 13 year old son, and we also did the 5k mud run together!!! That was a

HUGE accomplishment for me. I have a ton more energy to enjoy life with my family and friends!!

I could not have done any of this without the support from my husband, son, family, and friends!!! Also,

the support from Dr. Mora and his staff has been a blessing!!! I love my new “Mora Family” that I get to

see at the support group meetings!! When people ask me if I have any regrets, the only thing I can say

is, “I regret not doing this 15 years ago!!” God has truly blessed me with having the opportunity to

make this lifestyle change!!!

May each of you have a very Merry CHRISTmas and a blessed New Year!!!

Alice Pilgreen

Page 15: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Dec 11 2012 Dec 11 2013

Dec 11 2012 Dec 11 2013

Page 16: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Thanks Alice for your inspiring story. I have loved seeing the transformation of the

new you. Keep up the great work!!

Thank you for letting me be part of that. Love, Melissa

Page 17: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Lime Grilled Chicken With Cuban Salsa

If you prefer not to grill the chicken, simply broil it indoors.

This has a wonderful fresh taste and appeal, and you can

make it as tame or as spicy as you wish.


TIME: 32m

This recipe makes 4 servings


1/2 can(s) beans, black, 8 ounces, rinsed and drained

1 mango(es), ripe, peeled, and finely chopped 3 tablespoon onion(s), red, chopped 3 tablespoon lime juice, fresh 2 tablespoon cilantro, fresh, chopped 1/2 pepper(s), jalapeno, finely chopped (optional 4 chicken breast halves, boneless, skinless 2 teaspoon lime peel, grated 2 tablespoon lime juice, fresh 2 teaspoon oil, canola 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper, black ground


To make the salsa: In a medium bowl, stir together the beans, mango, onion, lime juice, cilantro, and

jalapeño (if using). Set aside while grilling the chicken.

To make the chicken: Place the chicken in a shallow dish. Add the lime peel, lime juice, oil, salt, and

pepper and rub the mixture into the chicken. Cover and let stand for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, preheat the grill or broiler. If using the broiler, coat a broiler-pan rack with cooking spray.

Place the chicken on the grill rack or broiler pan. Cook 4" from the heat, turning once, until the chicken

is no longer pink in the thickest part, 10 to 12 minutes.

Serve the chicken with the salsa. If desired, slice the chicken into strips to serve.

Nutrition facts: Calories: 175, Total Fat: 5 g, Sodium: 620 mg, Total Carbohydrate: 19 g,

Dietary Fiber: 4 g, Protein: 36 g


Page 18: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Parmesan Rice & Pasta Pilaf http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-


Introduction After the pasta and onion are sautéed, the

oil is drained to minimize the fat content

of this interesting pilaf. After the pasta

and onion are sautéed, the oil is drained to

minimize the fat content of this

interesting pilaf.


o 2 tablespoons olive oil o 1/2 cup finely broken vermicelli, uncooked o 2 tablespoons diced onion o 1 cup long-grain brown rice, uncooked o 1 1/4 cups hot chicken stock o 1 1/4 cups hot water o 1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper o 1 bay leaf o 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese

Directions 1. In a large skillet, heat oil. Sauté vermicelli and onion until golden brown, about 2 to 4

minutes over medium-high heat. Drain off oil.

2. Add rice, stock, water, pepper, and bay leaf. Cover and simmer 15-20 minutes. Fluff with

fork. Cover and let stand 5-20 minutes. Remove bay leaf.

3. Sprinkle with cheese and serve immediately.

Yield: 6 servings--Serving Size: 2/3 cup each

Page 19: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Quote of the Day

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but

often we look so long at the closed door that we do not

see the one which has been opened for us." – Helen Keller

About Helen Keller

American author and activist Helen Keller was born in Alabama in 1880; she became blind and

deaf after a childhood fever. When Helen was seven, her teacher, Annie Sullivan, coaxed her

out of her sullen, angry shell and taught her to communicate. From then on, Keller took on the

world. She graduated from Radcliffe, traveled the world visiting sweatshops and speaking out

for the powerless, helped to found the ACLU, and wrote 11 books. She died in 1968.

Page 20: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Melissa's Corner

Well it's hard to belive it's already Christmas. I don't know about you but I am

about tired of this weather, cold one day, hot the next. And don't get me started

about this rain. I can't remember the last time I saw the sunshine.

As you can see we are now selling theBariatric Fusion vitamins in office and

online. These vitamins were designed just for bariartic patients like you. They are

a "one stop shop." They have everything you need all in one pill! No need for

extra supplements! The big bonus is you save money!!

We should hopefully have some news on the clothing swap soon. Jennifer Byrne

has agreed to help us with that. I can get you her contact info if you would like to

help her with this. The more people we have assisiting her on this project, the

easier it will be and the smoother it will flow.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

Page 21: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

You can now hear our commercial on Bama

Country 98.9 and Q96

We have also changed our office email addresses. To reach me

it is [email protected]. Please make a note of this

and change it in your address book. If you don’t have Email please make sure I know. This is how I do a

lot of my communication with you.

Search morasurgicalclinic

Don't forget about our website www.morasurgicalclinic.com

We will feature a new weight-loss story every month.

You can now see us on the big screen at the Prattville Promenade

Page 22: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal


1. Maintain a healthy, low calorie diet that is

low in carbs and fat, but rich in protein. Your

water intake should be at least 64 oz. per day.

2. Exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, biking, cardio, etc.) 1 hour per day, 5

days a week.

3. Take vitamins and prescribed minerals without fail.

4. Seek out help from a mental health care individual (psychiatrist, psychologist)

to learn new ways of coping with stress as needed.

5. If you are a lap band patient and you have had an adjustment to your band,

and start having problems keeping foods or liquids down that day, that night,

or the next day, CALL US IMMEDIATELY and let us know. Adjustments are

usually done on Mondays and Wednesdays when Dr. Mora is in clinic. You

MUST let us know by Friday if you are experiencing problems so Dr. Mora can

evaluate you before the weekend. Do not go over 24 hours without reporting

problems to us or you can damage your band.

6. If you are a gastric bypass patient, 3 months or more out from surgery,

have your lab-work done one week prior to your follow-up appointments.

7. Regularly attend support group meetings.

Page 23: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal

Please write a story of YOUR weight loss

story with pictures and submit to Melissa

@ Dr. Mora’s office for publication in

the newsletter. Submit to

[email protected] or call

the office @ 361-6126, ext 2



WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! The support group meetings and newsletters are for you, our patients. We want to make sure you’re getting the information you want from both the meetings and the

monthly newsletters. Send your suggestions to Melissa at [email protected] or call the


361-6126, ext 2

Page 24: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal





Prattville Doster Community Center

124 South Northington Street, Prattville, AL.

TIME: 6:00 P.M. -7:00 P.M.

DATE:2013 December 16

2014 January 27, February 17, March 24, April 28, May 19, June

23, July 28, August 25 and September 22

PLEASE note all dates are subject to change due to availability of Dr. Mora or other

extenuating circumstances. We encourage you to call to check that the date has not

been moved ahead of time each month, especially if you live out of town!

Page 25: VOLUME December 2013 · Must include high levels of Vitamin B12, calcium, Vitamin D, folate, and biotin Bariatric Fusion® Complete Chewable Vitamin & Mineral Supplement is an ideal


Everything said and heard in the group will be treated with respect for the

participants’ privacy. What is said in the group stays in the group.

• Silence is acceptable. No one needs to say anything she/he does not wish to say.

The group is supportive rather than judgmental.

• The group offers respect for individual choices and experiences.

• Only one person talks at a time.

• Turn off all mobile phones and pagers.

• No one is allowed to dominate the conversation.

• The group facilitators’ roles must be respected.

• Begin and end meetings on time.

• The group is a safe place to share feelings, and to obtain and provide support,

information, reassurance and encouragement.

• The group is broadly defined. It is flexible; flowing with the participants’ needs

and interests, and provides an opportunity to reduce feelings of isolation.

• Bariatric surgery support groups are open to all persons going through the

surgery process, including family members and others in a supporting role.

• Although the results of going to the group can be therapeutic, the group is not

meant to replace individual behavior therapy.

• Every effort should be made within the group to resolve conflict arising from or

during group interaction.

If you have any concerns or questions after attending one of our meetings, please feel free to contact Melissa

confidentially by email at [email protected]