volume 6 10/26/12 - Allen East Schools Volume 6(1).pdfvolume 6 10/26/12 . October 26th, 2012 Morgan...


Transcript of volume 6 10/26/12 - Allen East Schools Volume 6(1).pdfvolume 6 10/26/12 . October 26th, 2012 Morgan...



volume 6


October 26th, 2012 Morgan Truex Page 2

Here at Allen East there are always tons of things going on. Seasons ending, other seasons beginning and all other sorts of activities. Here are all of your Upcoming Events!

Football Tonight the football team is playing at Swanton. The game will start at 7:30pm.

Junior/Senior Class Play November 1st and 2nd starting at 7pm in the Auditeria.

Quiz Bowl Northwest Conference High School Quiz Bowl Tournament will be November 3rd here at Allen East Starting at 7:00 a.m. in the Auditieria.

Girls Basketball Open gyms are Tuesdays and Thursday 3-4:30 pm The first practice will be Monday, October 29th at 3:10 pm.

Boys Basketball Open gyms are Mondays and Wednesdays 5-6:30 pm.

Talent Show November 15th at 7pm in the Auditeria. Rehearsal is November 13th at 6pm. See Mr. Mattevi to sign up now!

Picture Retake day will be Friday November 9th.

Page 1 - Cover Page 2 - Upcoming Events Page 3 - Agenda book Page 4 - Editorial Page 5 - SADD Page 6 - Brass Page 7 - Choir Page 8 - Quiz Bowl Page 9 - Soccer Page 10 - Volleyball Page 11 - Cross Country Page 12 - Football Page 13 - JH Football Page 14 - Cheerleading Page 15 - Fall Sports Collage Page 16 - Meet a Senior Page 17 - Meet a Newby Page 18 - Meet a CAM Student Page 19 - Readers Rides Page 20 - My Favorites Page 21 - Polls Page 22 - Ms. Advice Page 23 - Mr. Advice Page 24 - Kids in the Hall

FCAEvery Wednesday at 7:15 in Mrs. Prichards room. There will be Donuts!!

Table of Contents

october 26, 2012 kenzie conrad page 3

HhEeYy  MmUuSsTtAaNnGgSs!  WwEe’RrEe  WwEeLlLl  IiNnTtOo  TtHhEe  2012-2013 school year and our trusty agendas

are still by our sides. TtHhIiSs  WwEeEeKk  WwEe’LlLl  BbEe  GgIiVvIiNnGg  YyOou some more awesome vocab words,

study tips, quotes and interesting facts from pages 70 and 71 in our agenda’s.

TtHhIiSs  WwEeEeKk’Ss  VvOoCcAaBbUuLlAaRrYy  WwOoRrDd  IiSs  docile .

docile is an adjective that means:

ready to accept control or

instruction; submissive. an example of

docile in a sentence is: german

shepherds are very docile creatures

and are ready to train at any moment.

TtHhIiSs  WwEeEeKk’Ss  SsTtUuDdYy  TtIiPp  IiSs  to attack! you

should get actively involved with the

text that you are reading, as you read

IiTt.  TtHhEeNn,  AaSsKk  YyOoUuRrSsEeLlFf,  “WwHhAaTt  IiSs  

important to remember about this


“MmIiSsTtAaKkEeSs  AaRrEe  AaLlWwAaYySs  FfOoRrGgIiVvAaBbLlEe,  IiFf  

one has TtHhEe  CcOoUuRrAaGgEe  TtOo  AaDdMmIiTt  TtHhEeMm.”  ­–

bruce lee. bruce lee was an actor,

martial arts instructor, philosopher,

film director, film producer, and


a spacecraft must travel at 7 miles

PpEeRr  SsEeCcOoNnDd  IiNn  OoRrDdEeRr  TtOo  EeSsCcAaPpEe  EeAaRrTtHh’Ss  

gravity. if the spacecraft doEeSsNn’Tt  

travel at this speed, it would crash

back down to earth.

TtHhIiSs  WwEeEeKk’Ss  CcHhAaRrAaCcTtEeRr  CcOoRrNnEeRr  TtRrAaIiTt  IiSs  

courage. courage is the ability to do

something that scares you, it also means

that you have strength in a time of pain or

GgRrIiEeFf.  AaLlSsOo  IiNn  TtHhIiSs  WwEeEeKk’Ss  CcHhAaRrAaCcTtEeRr  

corner, is the book club section that

suggests books that have a theme of

courage. the book club recommends that

you read the red badge of courage by

stephen crane, the lord of the rings by

j.r.r tolkien and the sea wolf by jack


Editorial October 26, 2012 Paige Mason Page 4

This morning, I stopped at my locker to remove my eyebrow ring and my nose stud, just like I do every morning. It’s not that big of a deal, so why should it matter? It matters because it is part of people’s personal style and they should not have to remove it.

Should we have to remove our facial piercings when we enter the school building? No. We are allowed to have as many piercings as we want to in our ears, so why should any other place be different?

To find out the other side of the story, we went to speak to the

primary school principal, Mr. Altenburger. We asked why facial piercings are not allowed in our school. He said that it was mostly because they are seen as distracting. He also claimed there was an incident around sixteen years ago where there was a boy who was suspended because he refused to take out his piercing during proficiency testing because other student were distracted by that.

We also went to Mr. Baumgartner, the high

school principal and asked him why facial piercings were not allowed. He said he

realizes it has become a social

norm nowadays to have facial piercings, but the decision is not up to him, it is up to the

Board of our parents. They say they have to have the rule or people would go overboard with the piercings and have their face riddled with them.

Although all of this is understood, it would still be nice to be able to wear our piercings throughout the day. Al

You see them everywhere, except for school. It’s a new age form of personal expression. Varying from the tiny nose stud to gages, these are facial piercings. Is it a form of personal expression or just plain distracting? Should it be allowed in school? This week we are bringing you an editorial from our very own Paige Mason where we will be discussing the views on the ban of facial piercings.

October 26th, 2012 Bradley Agler Page 6

Hey there Mustangland! This week we have an update on your favorite group of kids here at Allen East. The crazy kids on the S.A.D.D team! On October 25th, the S.A.D.D. team held an assembly for grades 9 through 12. First, former OSU player and motivational speaker Jimmy Bell share his thoughts with the student body. He talked about being responsible for your

choices no

matter what. Then the S.A.D.D. team did a couple skits and energizers. On October 26th,

S.A.D.D. held an assembly for grades K through 8.

Through the week of October 22nd through the 26th, spirit week went on. On the 22nd, the theme was “Be a Good Sport”, where you wore your favorite sports team. On Tuesday, it was “Plow Away Drugs and Alcohol”, or dress up as a farmer.

Wednesday was “RED-y to Live Drug Free”, wear lots of red. On Thursday

it was “Friends Have Your Back”, where you put pictures of your friends on your back. On Friday it was “Blue and White Day”.

october 26th, 2012 jordan sloan page 6

Hey there, Mustangs! The Mustang Brass season is coming to an end, and although we’re all sad about that, we’re still very excited for the future events that

they have in store!

The Brass has its final game tonight at Swanton supporting the football team. Although many brass members are glad that they have a bit of a break from

Marching, some of the seniors lament the end of the season. Let’s hear what some of the Seniors have to say about the season coming to an end.

Trisha Drury: I’m pretty sad, because it’s my last game.

Lenzy Strunk: I’m incredibly sad, because it went by so fast.

Megan Neal: Pretty sad. I’m gonna miss the other seniors.

Brett Weitzel: Kinda disappointed because we had a bum season.

Charity Bodine: I’m having mixed emotions.

Ben Rodriguez: Sad because it’s my last year, but happy because we went out with a bang.

Athy Long: I’m really going to miss it. It’ll be weird watching from the stands next year. At least I’ll get to see the legacy live on. Jenny McCombs: I’M GOING TO BE SO SAD

Marci Meeker: I’m pretty sad.

Julia Daigle: EXCITED!

Alex Mertz: I have mixed emotions.

Grant Coon: It’s very bittersweet.

October 26, 2012 Haley Joseph Page 7 You hear them in the halls on Friday singing our fight song and the alma mater. This group is so big that you might even be in it! Yes, you know them. These are the people with vocal chords that you can hear from a mile away, they Allen East Choir!!!  The  choir  is  getting  ready  for  their  big  dinner  theater  that  is  on  Tuesday  October  24  at  6  o’clock  in  the  Auditoria. Get your Tickets! This show is going to sail you away!!

Q: Hey Jillian! How is your school year and choir going this year?

A: Everything is going great so far. Q: What is your favorite thing about choir? A: My favorite part of choir is singing

with my friends and having a great time.

Q: Who are your favorite people to

sing with? A: My favorites are Mackenzie Kretzer and Amanda Lotz. Q: So, we heard that the choir had a dinner theater on

Tuesday October 24. How do you think that went? A: The dinner theater went very well. We all had a great

time all dressed up in our pirate gear. Q: I hear that you were one of the main parts. Tell us a

little about your character. A: I was Captain Bree in the play. I was the captain of

the ship. I guess you could say that I was a good, mean. I was protecting the people on my ship but I was kind of mean to other people.

Q: Can you tell us a little bit of what the play was about? A: They play was about pirates taking over the ship.

They ended up joining crews and they took over the British.

Q : Do you plan on being a part of the choir until you graduate?

A: Yes, I do plan to be in choir until I graduate. I

love choir. Q: Spence is a crazy-cool teacher. What do you

think of her crazy antics of a teacher? A: Spence is a great teacher. She can definitely

relate to all of us and she has a great time with us.

Q: What are some events that the choir is going to be

doing throughout the year? A: In December, the choir is going to be singing for TV 44

and that day we will also go to Lima Memorial Hospital to sing Christmas Songs. We also will be having our Christmas concert. In the Spring we are going to be doing a musical called Carousel.

Q: Is there anything else that you would like to add? A: GO BLUE!

October 26, 2012 Bryden Davis Page 8

Hey there Mustangland! The quiz bowl team is practicing very hard for their upcoming matches and is looking pretty good so far. This week we are going to be talking to one of the very intelligent seniors on the team, Trenton Carey. The next match is November 3rd here at Allen East.

Q: How is the team looking so far this year Trenton?

A: We are looking quite impressive.

Q:  What’s  your  favorite  thing  about  quiz  


A: I enjoy watching Aaron Runk get humiliated by Trey Gossard during practice.

Q: How many year have you been in quiz bowl?

A: This will be my second year.

Q: Who is your favorite person to be on the team with?

A: Mr. Casey because he is the best coach ever.

Q: What is your favorite memory from quiz bowl?

A: Mouthing an answer to Jon Swaney so he could answer the question

Q: What is your best subject during quiz bowl?

A: My only subject is sports.

Q: What do you usually do before a match?

A: I listen to classical music to become intellectually stimulated.

Q: Is there anything else that you would like to add?

A: November 3rd is our NWC match at Allen East, be there!

Quiz Bowl

October 26, 2012 Trisha Drury Page 9

The lady soccer team has fought their hearts out this year. The team has been working hard all year but this is the time that counts, tournaments. Unfortunately, the girls came out short to Coldwater.

The starters for this game were Jadin Salyers, Abby Joyner, Claudia Rettig, Savannah Silone, Cheyenne Bierly, Trisha Drury, Alexis McCluer, Michaela Jenkins, Shelby Stevens, Erica Fox, and Kyra Plaugher. The Mustangs had control of the game but was not able to make any goals. The Lady Mustangs held tough and did not Coldwater score, but they could not get a good shot on goal either. Jadin Salyers, Cheyenne Bierly, and Claudia Rettig had many opportunities to score but just couldn’t get one to go in. As the game goes on the Mustangs kept control of the ball on their side of the field and worked hard but Coldwater’s defense kept them from scoring. At the end of the second half the score was still zero to zero. At this point the game was put into overtime. Overtime is 15 minute sudden death. This means that the first team to make a goal wins the game. The Mustangs played their heart out yet could not make a goal. After the 15 minutes were over the game went into over time again. The same

rules apply again. Yet again the ladies were not able to score.

After the second overtime it then goes to a shootout. They had to do a coin toss again to see who would kick first. The Mustangs won the toss so they kicked first. The order of the kickers was Savannah Silone, Abby Joyner, Michaela Jenkins, Claudia Rettig, and then Jadin Salyers. Kyra Plaugher was also in the goal when Coldwater was kicking.

Silone’s kick soared over the goal. Coldwater’s kick was hard and to the corner and Plaugher was not able to stop it. Joyner’s kick then also did the same as Silone’s kick and went over the goal. Coldwater’s next kicker also kicked hard and low. Then it was Jenkins’ turn. Jenkins’ kick was hard but went straight to the goalie. The next kicker from Coldwater made their next goal and they won the game. This was a sad day for all of the team. The whole team worked so hard to get there and the better team did not win that day. The team, however, should be proud of making it this far.

October 26, 2012 Jadin Salyers Page 10

This week will be disscusing and wrapping up the 2012 volleyball season. The Lady Mustangs Volleyball team has been extremely succssfull and improved a tremondous amount! Lets check out how the girls did in the tournaments!

The Lady Mustangs Volleyball team traveled to Findlay on October 16, to play Patrick Henery for the division three tournaments.

The girls fought hard but came up short. They lost in three

matches. Lost to Patrick Henry first match, 13-25, Second Match, 14-25, Third match 13-25. Kaycee Rowe and Morgan Truex both chipped in 7 kills each. Morgan Truex also led the team in digs with 10. Kaycee Rowe also had nine assists. The Final record for the volleyball team was 11-8.


Caitlin Shuey #1

Spencer Stippich #15

Madison Hammond #10

Sawyer Stippich #5

Kelli Leis #21

Olivia Golden #26

Sarah Allen #7

Alyssa Young #24

Hayley Rhine #32

Hollie Rhine #4

Sam Barton #23

The eighth grade girls worked hard all year and improved every day. The girls finished with a 1-7 record in conference and 1-13 overall record. Good work ladies!

Cross Country October 26th, 2012 Kenzie Long Page 11

Hey there everybody! Kenzie Long here to report you about the Allen East Cross Country team. They recently competed at Liberty Center in the Northwest Conference Championships!

On a starting note, there were a few runners absent from the meet due to the competition the Mustang Brass competed in.

For The Girls

The Girls did not compete as a whole team because they had too few runners to compete. Individually though,

finishing 12th place, Hailey Perkins had the best Allen East performancefor the girls

Also in the conference, Paige Swinehart had a personal best time of 23:07. Coming in behind her was Madison Schantz who ran a time of 27:44.

For the Boys

The top Allen East finisher was Trey Gossard with his personal best time of 18:29.

Right behind Trey was Tyler Tafe who set his seasonal best time of 18:39. Ben Thayer, Killian Brunswick, and Carter all contributed to the score overall for the Allen East boys team.

Overall, the Allen East High School team as a whole finished seventh place.

For The Middle School

Corey Spees ran 14:05 which was his second best time of the season and behind him was Alyssa Bowerman who ran a time of 17:15.

October 26th,2012 Andrew Kill Page 12

For this week’s football page we are going to talk to you about the Lima Central Catholic vs. Allen East game. We are also going to sit down and talk to one of the star players of the team “Grant  Criblez”!!!!!

The Allen East Mustangs football team recently played against one of the top teams in the league (LCC). The Allen East Mustangs were able to hold up against their strong offense very well through the first quarter. The Mustangs headed into the second quarter and then LCC was able to score a few times. The Mustangs came back out after half time and were able to stop them somewhat but LCC still was able to defeat the Mustangs 51 to 0. The Mustangs record is now 1-8.

Q. So Grant, since you are a senior, knowing that this is your last year playing for the Mustangs has that affected how hard you have been playing this year?

A. Yeah, I have been playing a lot harder because I know that this is my last chance to prove something.

Q. Do you think that you will continue a football career after high school?

A. I hope to continue a football career. I guess it all depends on what happens.

Q. How do you think this next game will affect the other seniors because this is their last game?

A. This will probably affect them because of the fact that this might be the last game of football for some people.

Q. Well Grant, is there anything else you would like to add?

A. Come support our last game. GO BLUE!!!

October 26, 2012 Erica Fox Page 13

The Junior High Football team ended their season this last week. They played Crestview last Thursday, ending with a season record of 4-4. Let’‛s take a look on how the game went and word with the coach.

Crestview Last Thursday’‛s game against Crestview was the Junior High Football boy’‛s last game of the season. They had a hard fought game. In the first quarter Allen East scored a touchdown. This score was made by Spencer Miller. In the rest of the first half, Crestview scored four touchdowns. Their very last touchdown was scored with just seconds left in the half. This made the score 28-6 at halftime. Coming back out in the second half, the boys were able to hold Crestview and also get a touchdown. The touchdown was also scored by Spencer Miller. After the touchdown, they went for the extra 2 points. The extra point was thrown by Spencer Miller to Austin Tafe. This made the score 28-14 for the final score. In the game, Austin Tafe had two interceptions. Chris Kleman had a fumble recovery. There were also sacks made by Johnny Brinkman and Caleb Baumgartner. After the game in the extra quarter it was a good quarter. Allen East had a pass to Bubba Butler from Ryan Snyder for a touchdown.

Then Crestview brought back the equalizer with a touchdown. This tied it 8-8. This was the final

score for the extra quarter. We were able to get some information from one of their coaches, Brad Hutchinson, and get some stats on the season. Here is what he had for us. Spencer Miller led the way for the Mustangs in both passing and rushing with over 350 passing yards and 500 rushing yards. Also Brent Wilson had 300 plus yards rushing along with

Johnny Brinkman with 250. Austin Tafe led with 12 recepitions for 200 plus yards. Defensively

for the Mustangs, Johnny Brinkman led the way with 58 tackles followed by Spencer Miller, Brent Wilson, and Kyle Nickles each with 30 tackles. Austin Tafe added 4 interceptions. The boys ended the season with a record

of 4-4. Their wins were against Bluffton, Delphos Jefferson, Columbus Grove, and LCC.

October 26, 2012 Abby Burley Page 14

The football season has almost come to an end so we caught up with Senior Allen East Cheerleader

to see how her last year is going!

Q: How is your senior year going?

A: My senior year is awesome so far!

Q: What’s your favorite part

about cheering on the Mustangs?

A: My favorite part would have to be encouraging the fans to cheer on the boys!

Q: What do you plan on doing

after high school? A: I plan on going to college to

become and orthodontist. Q: Do you do any activities other

than cheerleading? A: I ran cross country.

Q: How do you feel about it being

your last game tonight? A: It’s bittersweet; I will definitely

miss Friday night football under the lights.

Q: Do you plan on taking your

cheerleading career any farther than high school?

A: If I can cheer at college, I would love to.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like

to add? A: Good luck boys!

October 26, 2012 Erica Fox Page 15

Let’‛s take a look at the fall sports happening here at Allen East.

October 26th, 2012 Bradley Agler Page 16

Hey there Mustangland! This week we have a special treat for you. An interview with one of your favorite seniors, Julia Daigle! Q. How is your senior year so far? A. Its spectacular! It’‛s way harder than

I originally thought though.

Q. Are you involved in

any extracurricular activities?

A. I’‛m in band and I play softball in the spring.

Q. Who is your favorite teacher? A. My favorite teacher is

Madame K, because she’‛s funny and a really good overall teacher.

Q. What is your favorite class? A. It’‛s Biology 3 because you work at

your own independent pace. Q. What is your favorite school

lunch? A. Chili and peanut butter and jelly

sandwiches are the best!

Q. What is your favorite memory about high school?

A. Since I’‛m from Louisiana, I guess it was meeting new people. Q. What are your plans after high school? A. I want to go to college. Q. Where are you planning on going to college?

A. The University of Toledo is where I want to go. Q. What are you planning on

majoring in? A. I want to be a speech therapist, but I also want to go to beauty school.

Q. Is there anything you would like to add?

A. Don’‛t look forward to your senior year, things go by way quicker than you think!

October 26, 2012 Lenzy Strunk Page 17 October

You can see her playing her heart out on the field on Friday nights during football season or even in the Pep Band section during basketball season supporting her brother. Laughing during lunch with her friends is what she does best.

Who is this freshman? Meet Sara Plaugher!

Q: How is your school year going so far?

A: My school is going pretty good so far!

Q: Is high school different for you

than junior high?

A: Yeah, it’s actually a lot

different. There are a lot of

different ages in my classes.

Q: Do you like high school more than junior


A: Yes, I like it a lot more! There are more

people, more choices in your classes and you’re

allowed to carry book bags. It sort of makes

me feel old though.

Q: What do you enjoy doing in your spare


A: I do my homework, like a good student of

course, things for brass, I play piano, and do

some artsy things. I also do normal things like

eat, sleep, breathe and watch TV.

Q: What activities are you in?

A: I’m in the Brass and I also plan to be

in Pep Band.

Q: What type of music do you like?

A: I like a lot of different types of music

actually. I mostly listen to alternative. I really

like Imagine Dragons, Ed Sheeran and John

Mayer. You should look them up!

Q: Alright, well thank you for your time

Sara! Is there anything else you’d like to


A: Go Brass and Go Blue!

October 26, 2012 Lenzy Strunk Page 18

Have you noticed a Skyline worker who looks oddly familiar? Maybe you caught a glimpse of him doing his best to keep the other team from scoring on the football field or maybe even getting furious pins on the wrestling mats. This exciting and interesting individual is almost always spotted smiling and making people laugh. This blond haired, blue-eyed guy could only be the Grant Criblez. We had the chance to catch how his senior year is going  so  far,  and  here’s  what  he  had  to  say:

Q: What position do you play in football?

A: I play Defensive Tackle.

Q: Do you have special privileges in football since you’re  a  senior?

A: I just basically have seniority, I get to do things first and make decisions about what goes down.

Q: Who do you enjoy playing with the most in football?

A: I enjoy playing with Max McAdoo the most because  we’re  buds,  but  a  few  of  the  

underclassmen are enjoyable too.

Q: Do you enjoy football or wrestling more? Why?

A: I  enjoy  wrestling  more  because  I’m  better  at  it.  I  

started  in  1st  grade  so  I’ve  been  doing  it  a  while.

Q: Which season (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) has been your favorite so far? Why?

A: For football it has definitely been my senior year because  it’s  been  more  fun.  I  can’t  really  say  about  

wrestling  because  I  haven’t  experienced  my  senior  

season yet, but probably junior year so far. I love wrestling and I could really talk about it for hours.

Q: What do you enjoy most about wrestling?

A: I enjoy getting pins, winning championships and the feeling of winning. I really love wrestling. (:

Q: Do you enjoy working at Skyline? Why?

A: I  sort  of  enjoy  it  I  guess.  I  don’t  get  many  hours  


Q: Do you work with anyone from Allen East there?

A: I’ve  worked  with  

Lindsi Woods, Justin Pryer, Jeremy Pryer, Brittney Lawson, and a bunch of others too.

Q: How long have you worked at Skyline?

A: I’ve  worked  there  

since about December.

Q: Anything else you would like to add?

A: Everyone should follow me on Twitter! @gcriblez

A: I enjoy getting pins, winning championships and the feeling of winning. I really love wrestling. (:

October 26, 2012 Jon Cox Page 19

There has been an addition to our student parking lot this year. This black beauty is one of a kind and is in a close running for nicest car in the lot. Who could own such a magnificent car? It

is our very own Jacob Sherrick and he took some time out of his busy day to talk to us. Q: What kind of

car do you have?

A: I own a 2008 V6 Mustang!

Q: What do you like most about your car? A: I like the looks of the car and that all the

ladies love it. Q: Is there anything you would like to do to

your car? A: I would like to put a new stereo system in it,

rims, and also a supercharger. Q: Do you have a

special name for your car?

A: My car’s name is The Black Stallion

Q: Would you

recommend this car to anyone? A: Yes I would recommend this car to anyone,

especially Travis Wireman, who is looking for a cool car.

Q: How does your car do on gas? A: My car gets about

25 miles per gallon. Q: How long have you

had your car? A: I have had my car

about 6 months. Q: Is there anything that you dislike about

your car? A: I dislike the

fact that it is not a V8.

Q: If you could have any car/truck what would

it be? A: I would like to have a 2013 Ford Raptor. Q: Is there anything

else you would like to add?

A: My car may not be as nice as Jon Cox’s  Honda,  but  it’s  still  pretty  good.

October 26, 2012 Kenzie Conrad Page 20

Hey there Mustangland! Last week we got to know some of our student’s favorite things. This week we’re going to be learning more favorites from Ben Rodriguez, Joe Miller, Erica Fox and Trisha Drury.

Trisha Drury I have been in the brass for 5 years now; I was an A-9, which was an accelerated 8th grader. I am the line sergeant of row 11, which is on the 47 yard line. The Brass is known all over this area for our dancing styles. Most bands are competition type bands, and those bands are known for making shapes and different formations. I love our brass! I love our energy and just everything about it. I remember when I was little and watching my brother and sister in the brass.

Erica Fox My favorite class is Mr. Schelb’s history class. I enjoy his class because we have some debates and they get interesting. I also enjoy learning about history, because it can be really interesting to learn about what happened in history.

joe miller My favorite hobby is a

tossup between fishing

and hunting. I enjoy both

of these things because I like the outdoors

and the peace and quiet. I get to get away

from all the distractions of life and just be

alone. However, these aren’t my only

hobbies, I also enjoy watching football on

Saturday’s and hanging out with my


ben rodriguez in my free time i like to rebuild car engines and make it so they have more horsepower. i like doing this because a car engine was so confusing to me before and now i know all of the parts to an engine and i can modify stock car engines and turn them into power houses that will blow any car off the line.

October 26, 2012 Paige Mason Page 21

Since Halloween is right around the corner we asked about everyone’s favorite part of Halloween: Candy! our polls question this week is “What is your favorite Halloween candy?” Let’s see what everyone has to say! Kit Kats or Halloween gummies shaped like body parts. -Jenny McCombs Butterfingers are the best! -Ian Slone Twix, but only when it’s upside down. The Left Twix and Right Twix thing doesn’t make any sense. So upside down. -Grant Criblez Reese’s Eggs, no, wait, it’s Halloween. Reese’s Pumpkins. -Mrs. Miller Brains. Definitely brains. -Jordan Sloan Hershey’s Drops. -Kori Hawk I really like Take 5 and Sixlets. They’re yummy in my tummy. -Abby Burley

Candy Corn because Halloween is the only time you can find Candy Corn. -Abby Joyner Anything with chocolate in it! -Brock Spencer Crunch Bars because they’re chocolately and delicious. -Nate Roessler Tootsie Rolls are clearly the best candy. It doesn’t matter if it’s Halloween or not. -Macy Roeder My favorite kind of candy for Halloween is banana Laffy Taffy. -Jon Cox Skittles and Smarties make me happy. -Shelby Stevens Sour Patch Kids because first they’re sour, then they’re sweet, then they’re gone. -Nate Twining

October 26, 2012 Megan Neal Page 22

Hello, Mustang Land! We’re well into the school year and many of us have been dealing with different types of problems and struggles. I, Megan Neal, am here to help give advice and asisst you, here are some of the questions that got answered. Dear Ms. Advice,

The nine weeks is almost over, what can I do to keep my grades steady until grade cards come out?

-Worry Wart Dear Worry Wart,

Just keep up with what you are doing. If your grades are not where you would like them to be, ask if there is any extra credit available for you to complete. If you can’t get your grades up this nine weeks, work on improving in the next nine weeks.

-Wishing you the best of Luck, Ms. Advice

Dear Ms. Advice, What do you I do if I forget to do my

homework the night before, but I realize once I get to school?

-Forgetful Student Dear Forgetful student, Write down assignements given to you by teachers in your Agenda. That way you can relook at the homework you have. If you forget to write them down, try to finish them in study halls you may have. You can also talk to teachers about your problem and they will help give you tips as well

-Good Luck from, Ms. AdviceDear Ms. Advice, Can you tell me a really classy, romantic way to ask a girl to go to prom with me, Something so amazing there is absolutely no way she would ever say no to it? I want something that will really impress her. -Hopeless Romantic

Dear Hopeless Romantic, You should just really go with your

gut, and do what your heart tells you. Something from the heart should really

impress her, because you took the time to think about her, and put a lot of effort into it.

-Good Luck, Ms. Advice

October 26, 2012 Joe Miller Page 23

Wow  this  year’s  lunches  have  been  awesome!  The  lunch  ladies  have  really  been  working  

hard  in  the  kitchen,  let’s  see  what  we  are  eating  this  week.

Monday October 29, 2012 Grilled chicken Wrap Baked Fries Mandarin Oranges Teddy Grahams Milk Tuesday October 30, 2012 W/G Pasta Garlic Toast Broccoli Chilled Fruit Milk Wednesday October 31, 2012 Hamburger W/G Bun Baked Beans Berries Milk Thursday November 1, 2012 Chicken Patty W/G Bun Corn Frozen Fruit Milk Friday November 2, 2012 W/G Sausage Pizza Fresh Veggie and Dip Applesauce Milk

What do the students think? Kenzie Long: I like the school food, but I pack because I like more diversity. Clay Plaugher: I like the school lunches. They are very astonishing! Max McAdoo: The Lunches are most improved from last year and they fill me up every day. Lindsi Woods: I like to pack my lunch because  I’m  a  vegetarian,  but  I  like  the  chips  

and drinks. Garrett Heuerman: I really like the Iced tea and the chips, and the turkey hot dog is my preferred choice. Tyler Friesner: The school lunches make me smile. Doug Criblez: I love the school lunches and I eat them every day! Carly Clum: I love the school lunches and all my friends at my table.