Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 - Kansas Lions District 17AFeb 01, 2020  · symbolic beginning....

Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 District Governor (DG) Lion Diane Hentges Editor Vivian DeClements Website: Kslionsdistrict17a.org Editorial Information Deadline to receive items for publication is the 20 th day of the month preceding publication the first day of the next month. Send electronic information to the Editor: [email protected] Inside this issue: Governors’ Message 2 1VDG Rick Dodson 3 2VDG Vania Castro 4 PCC Debra Weaverling 6 Lion Margy Sundstrom 7 Lion Vern Failor 8 Lion Sylvia Reinhardt 9 Lion Caroline Arter 10 MD17 Environmental 11 Zone Club Events 12 Kansas Leadership 14 Great Plains Registration 15 Kansas State Convention 17 Humanitarian 19 Websites: Lion Herring 20 Upcoming Dates 21 A message from our DISTRICT GOVERNOR Mid-Winter Rally was a big success, in- spite of the weather. International Director Michael Banks from Stillwater, Oklahoma was our speaker. There were two special sessions: PID Gene Vogel gave a presentation on membership and 1VDG Rick Dodson talked about LCIF. The Saturday luncheon focused on youth. Leo’s from the Goddard Leo’s and Blue Valley West were in attendance and the multi-district Peace Poster winners and parents were guests at the luncheon. PCC Helen LeBlanc gave an overview of the programs and accomplishments of the Kansas Lions Foundation. District Governor Diane Hentges The third District Cabinet meeting will be February 1 at the Abilene Public Library. It is important that we have zone chair and committee heads available to update the cabinet on club happenings and committee activities. District Secretary Kim Baker has sent a notice out regarding the meeting. Lunch will be served and the cost $7.00. The Kansas Lions Leadership Round-up is Saturday, March 28 th in McPherson, Kansas with four great sessions planned. A registration form and description of the sessions can be found in this newsletter. District 17A Convention will be in Concordia, Kansas April 24 & 25. It is my hope that we get a great attendance. Friday night, there will be an opportunity to visit the Orphan Train Museum. The PDG club will hold a pound auction and there will be theme baskets on Saturday. The State Convention will be in Topeka June 5 th -6 th at the Ramada Convention Center Downtown. PCC Bobbie Duvall and the Sunflower Lions are planning a great convention. The Kansas State Lions Band will be at Washburn University. The convention attendees will have dinner on campus Friday evening and then enjoy the Kansas State Lions Jazz Band. The band concert on Saturday morning will be at the White Concert Hall. Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute is July 24-26 at Northwest Missouri State University, Marysville, Missouri. This is a valuable leadership skills program for Lions and in their professional or community volunteer life. The PDG Club has scholarships available to help with the costs. District Governor Diane Hentges

Transcript of Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 - Kansas Lions District 17AFeb 01, 2020  · symbolic beginning....

Page 1: Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 - Kansas Lions District 17AFeb 01, 2020  · symbolic beginning. Welcome, Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier!. Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier Kansas Lions participated

Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020

District Governor (DG)Lion Diane HentgesEditor Vivian DeClementsWebsite:Kslionsdistrict17a.org

Editorial Information● Deadline to receive items for

publication is the 20th day ofthe month precedingpublication the first day ofthe next month.

● Send electronic informationto the Editor:

[email protected]

Inside this issue:

Governors’ Message 21VDG Rick Dodson 32VDG Vania Castro 4PCC Debra Weaverling 6Lion Margy Sundstrom 7Lion Vern Failor 8Lion Sylvia Reinhardt 9Lion Caroline Arter 10MD17 Environmental 11Zone Club Events 12Kansas Leadership 14Great Plains Registration 15Kansas State Convention 17Humanitarian 19Websites: Lion Herring 20Upcoming Dates 21

A message from ourDISTRICT GOVERNOR

Mid-Winter Rally was a big success, in-spite of the weather. International DirectorMichael Banks from Stillwater, Oklahomawas our speaker. There were two specialsessions: PID Gene Vogel gave apresentation on membership and 1VDGRick Dodson talked about LCIF.The Saturday luncheon focused on youth.Leo’s from the Goddard Leo’s and BlueValley West were in attendance and themulti-district Peace Poster winners andparents were guests at the luncheon. PCCHelen LeBlanc gave an overview of theprograms and accomplishments of theKansas Lions Foundation.

District GovernorDiane Hentges

The third District Cabinet meeting will be February 1 at the Abilene PublicLibrary. It is important that we have zone chair and committee headsavailable to update the cabinet on club happenings and committee activities.District Secretary Kim Baker has sent a notice out regarding the meeting.Lunch will be served and the cost $7.00.

The Kansas Lions Leadership Round-up is Saturday, March 28th inMcPherson, Kansas with four great sessions planned. A registration formand description of the sessions can be found in this newsletter.

District 17A Convention will be in Concordia, Kansas April 24 & 25. It is myhope that we get a great attendance. Friday night, there will be anopportunity to visit the Orphan Train Museum. The PDG club will hold apound auction and there will be theme baskets on Saturday.

The State Convention will be in Topeka June 5th-6th at the RamadaConvention Center Downtown. PCC Bobbie Duvall and the Sunflower Lionsare planning a great convention. The Kansas State Lions Band will be atWashburn University. The convention attendees will have dinner on campusFriday evening and then enjoy the Kansas State Lions Jazz Band. The bandconcert on Saturday morning will be at the White Concert Hall.

Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute is July 24-26 at Northwest MissouriState University, Marysville, Missouri. This is a valuable leadership skillsprogram for Lions and in their professional or community volunteer life.The PDG Club has scholarships available to help with the costs.

District Governor Diane Hentges

Page 2: Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 - Kansas Lions District 17AFeb 01, 2020  · symbolic beginning. Welcome, Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier!. Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier Kansas Lions participated


THE DISTRICT GOVERNORS’ CLUB VISITSFebruary 03, 2020 Onaga LionsFebruary 08, 2020 Wetmore LionsFebruary 09, 2020 Wanaga LionsFebruary 17, 2020 Scandia LionsFebruary 20, 2020 Marysville Lions

Please note that club visitation schedules are subject tochange due to road conditions and inclement weather.Safety and well-being forall is top priority.District Governor Diane Hentges

Pat Gennet Terri Parry Roger Clark Patti Clark

Mid-Winter Rally 2020

District Governor Diane HentgesPDG David Hentges

Assembly and Banquet Celebration

Morganville with the District GovernorMilestone Chevrons were presented to these members of the Morganville Lions Club in recognition fortheir long-term service and to encourage them to continue making a difference in their local communities.

Morganville Welcome New MemberDistrict Governor Hentges conducted the new member induction ceremony in this

symbolic beginning. Welcome, Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier!.

Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier

Kansas Lions participated in many specialinitiatives, programs and events at the Mid-WinterRally as noted throughout this newsletter and on KansasLions Facebook..

Congratulations to all Lions Club winners of the 2019 –2020 Environment Photo Contest whose inspiring imagesare revealed in this newsletter along with the winners ofthe 2019 – 2020 Peace Poster Contest, “Journey ofPeace,” from our young leaders with their wondrousthemes reflected in their posters.

The best and most beautiful things in the worldcannot be seen or even touched - they must be feltwith the heart. Helen Keller

Page 3: Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 - Kansas Lions District 17AFeb 01, 2020  · symbolic beginning. Welcome, Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier!. Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier Kansas Lions participated


LCI has a strategic 5-year plan called LCI Forward which includes a goal to serve 200million people per year by 2021 and to sustain that level of service every year thereafter.

To accomplish this, LCI Forward focuses on- Enhancing our service impact and focus.- Reshaping public opinion and improving visibility.- Pursuing club, district, and organizational excellence.- Improving membership value and reaching new markets.

There are many programs in place or being implemented to help accomplish these tasksand to measure our ability to do so. However, there is only one major source of data to

determine if we are meeting our goal of serving 200 million people a year. That source is MyLion.

Most of you know that prior to July 1, 2019, we reported the results of completed service projects on MyLCI. Key dataelements included the number of Lions working on a project, number of hours worked, number of people served, and amountof monies collected or donated. Since July 1st, all service projects must be reported on MyLion. This newapplication/program added substantial capability for announcing upcoming projects as well as reporting the results ofcompleted projects similar to what we used to do in MyLCI.

While the ability to show a future project that is visible to club members and almost any other Lion in the world is useful, thekey element of the program is still reporting the results of completed projects. It is only through these post-project reportsthat LCI can determine if we are meeting our goal of serving 200 million people a year.

Anecdotal evidence has emerged to show that service reporting in MyLion is significantly less than previous reporting inMyLCI. One of the initial drawbacks is that many Lions have had difficulty registering for a Lion Account to get intoMyLion. I have helped numerous Lions complete the registration process and am willing to assist anyone who needs help.Once you register, reporting results of completed projects is not that difficult—it just requires more screens to input data thanwhat we were used to in MyLCI.

This data is important for LCI to track our progress in enhancing our service throughout the world as well as providingservice data that LCI and LCIF can use when seeking grants for additional sources of funding for our global causes.

I have a PowerPoint presentation that I can send you. It will give you step-by-step instructions on completing the registrationprocess for MyLion and get you started on inputting your data. Or, I’ll get on the phone and assist you. Club Secretaries andAdministrators, if you are not registered and using MyLion, please contact me so I can assist you or put you in touch withsomeone who can.

We Serve.

1VDG Rick Dodson(913) [email protected]

1VDG Rick Dodson


Our Strategic Plan - LCI Forward

Page 4: Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 - Kansas Lions District 17AFeb 01, 2020  · symbolic beginning. Welcome, Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier!. Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier Kansas Lions participated

One of my goals for this year, as 2VDG, was to complete my many assigned district 17Aclub visits by January 31, 2020. I had to set this goal by taking into consideration severalfactors: a few clubs start their meetings in the fall season, weather conditions, variousclub meeting times, club visit cancellations, etc. I did all of this to make sure it is all donewithin a reasonable time. Thankfully, all of my club visits are now completed and Igreatly enjoyed doing it.

Moreover, this is just one example showing that without setting goals, life can becomea series of chaotic happenings out of your control. You become the plaything ofcoincidence. We could say that the whole human endeavor is geared towards setting and

achieving goals. Goals are part of every aspect of life: how you conduct your relationships and how you achievewhat is necessary as a leader by serving our Lions organization. Overall, there are numerous benefits to settingsgoals as it creates transparency and a clear direction as you serve as leader in your club or district(s). This is whywherever I go around our district; I like to share our lion’s GOALS, mission, purpose, and remarkable serviceprograms. In my opinion, SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound) goal setting isone of the most effective and least utilized tools for achieving goals. SMART goal setting brings structure andtractability into your goals and objectives. If your goals do not have these characteristics, they may be difficult toachieve.

For example, if you have several goals to be accomplished in a certain time period as a Lions leader by servingothers, wanting to rebuild communities, or make a difference in the life of others, you can ask yourself: What exactlydo I want to achieve? Where? How? When? With whom? What are the conditions and limitations? Why exactlydo I want to reach this goal? What are possible alternative ways of achieving the same result? Is my goal measurable?Is my goal attainable? Do I have a deadline? How urgent is my goal? Another aspect that's very important whensetting SMART goals is formulating them POSITIVELY and creating action plans that outline steps you must takein order to reach your goal for your club, district, and community service activities. Each step has a deadline and away to know when the action has been completed. Additionally, review your goals frequently to keep them freshin your mind.

To conclude, thank you fellow Lions for everything you do. I am both grateful and humbled by your support andamazing hospitality. Keep up the great work, “Never Give Up” and continue to create excellence through service,membership, leadership, and partnerships.

In Lionism,

2VDG Vania Castro

2VDG Vania Castro


The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shovesof its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes ofeach honest worker. Helen Keller

Continued on Page 5

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2VDG Vania Castro continued …


LIONS Make a Difference Everyday, Everywhere.

2019 - 2020 Mid-Winter Rally - Club Celebrations

Institute Manager GAT AreaLeader/PDG Greg William presented2nd VDG Vania Castro (middle), 1st

VDG Rich Dodson (not shown), andPID Bill Phillipi (right) with aDistinguished Action Award for theiroutstanding service at our firstMidwest Faculty DevelopmentInstitute.

Midwest Faculty DevelopmentInstitute Action Award

Midwest Faculty DevelopmentInstitute Action Award

at Mid-Winter Rally

Siena Masilionis's Peace Poster placedfirst in our Multiple District 17 PeacePoster Contest. She is from LeawoodMiddle School and was sponsored byLeawood Lions Club. Also, picturedDG Diane Hentges (left) and 2VDGVania Castro (right).

Youth honored at Mid-WinterRally through Peace Posters


LOUISBURG LIONS CLUB Lion Leroy Johnson10 year Chevron


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PCC Debra Weaverling, Global Leadership Team ChairpersonSuper Bowl Bound!

How exciting is it for Kansas City Chiefs fans? It’s been 50 years!! The game was exciting and a nailbiter but well worth the time spent watching it from the comfort of my home. If you are a KC Chiefs fan,Congratulations! If you are not, then I hope the other team is whom you are going to cheer for onSunday, February 2nd. All other teams will have to wait until next year, a statement that I have heard for30 years. Yep, Ron and I have been cheering for the KC Chiefs that long, when we first became seasonticket holders. Red is deep in my heart and I am so excited about this opportunity for our team to go toMiami and be in Super Bowl LIV! GO CHIEFS!

Since my last article in the DG newsletter, many things have happened. You read about what is going on in our District in theJanuary newsletter from our leaders. As the Global Leadership Coordinator, training has taken place at the last two DistrictCabinet meetings. There will be Zone Chair Training in the near future and I plan to have Guiding Lion Training too, both tobe announced either by email from our District Secretary or through the next DG newsletter. There will be several leadership-training opportunities for all Lions like the 2020 Leadership Roundup in McPherson, KS on March 28, 2020 (more informationwill be sent to all clubs/LIONS soon). This training and FUN time will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end around 4:00 p.m. Your lunchwill be provided, so get other Lions in your club and make the trip to increase your knowledge. Knowledge is POWER!

The Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute (GPLLI) will be held in Maryville, MO on July 24-26.2020. This is an excellent opportunity to brush up on your leadership skills and learn more aboutleadership as you continue to lead your club, your committees, and your LIONS. You are eligible fora scholarship through the District PDG Club and the State PDG Club. You must complete anapplication prior to attending GPLLI, attend and you will be reimbursed up to the specified amount asdetermined by each PDG club. The scholarships are limited; apply as soon as you can. The Districtand State PDG Club point of contact is PDG Carleen Rajala. You can contact her [email protected].

The District is looking for Guiding Lions to assist in helping clubs. As we make plans for the near future to increasemembership, we need Lions to come forward and help. Last year we lost four clubs and this year we have lost one club, theJunction City Sundowners Lions Club. The GAT Lions are making efforts to plan and then implement a new memberinitiative, training opportunities, and service projects. Your District GAT Lions are PCC Deb Weaverling, GLT; GlobalLeadership Team, Lion Margy Sundstrom; GMT, Global Membership Team, and PDG Carleen Rajala; GST, Global ServiceTeam. Our vision is to help clubs who are struggling as of this newsletter by providing pertinent information and offerleadership training to influence members of clubs and its leaders. I have full confidence that if we pull together as a team, we

can turn these very important issues (Leadership, Membership, and Service) around and re-enforce toeveryone why we are the best humanitarian/service organization in the world. The more hands we haveto help with a project or a service, the more we can provide to individuals of our communities.

Other Leadership Opportunities: ELLI, Emerging Lions Leadership Institute; ALLI, Advanced LionsLeadership Institute; and USA/Canada Forum. All of these excellent leadership training is worth yourtime and efforts to enhance, increase, update your leadership skills. Information regarding thesetraining opportunities and many more can be found at www.lionsclubs.org. If you are looking to inspireand energize your club officers, contact the GAT Team, we would be happy to visit with you and yourclub.

So, before the next newsletter, gather together and cheer on the Kansas City Chiefs, Sunday, February 2nd.I know I will, it is Red and Gold for me the rest of the week before Super Bowl LIV! I wish I could say Iam Miami bound, but sadly, I must stay here in Lansing/Leavenworth. Nevertheless, you can bet that Iwill be at the parade in Kansas City when we bring home the Lombardi Trophy! GO CHIEFS!

PCC Deb Weaverling

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BASEHOR SPONSORRick W Shaffer Ronald MilbournCONCORDIA SPONSORJonathan C Strowig Cameron ThurnerLEAVENWORTH SPONSORJack E Leroy Gary SanfordTOPEKA SUNFLOWER SPONSORBrittany M Dreiling Gerald LoneyWASHINGTON SPONSORDana D Kern Taylor Miller


We Lead by ExampleAs Lions, our actions and service inspires others. We provide courage and a uniquesense of empowerment to our communities and to the world. To do this, we depend ongreat leadership. And that takes great leadership development for our members.

www.lionsclubs.org ›

Our Leaders (2019-2020) | Lions Clubs International



Page 8: Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 - Kansas Lions District 17AFeb 01, 2020  · symbolic beginning. Welcome, Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier!. Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier Kansas Lions participated


Lion Vern Failor - District 17A Health Program Co-Chairman

Now is the time to go to your local day cares with children under six years old and get theirvision screened. With the new SPOT vision screeners, we now have four vision screeners with printers to be used. Wewill use the old screeners as long as they work. Since July 1, 2019 you have screened over 5,000 children under sixyears old with over 500 referrals and over 19,000 youth with over 2,000 referrals. Great project! THANK YOU! Toreserve a SPOT screener contact Lion Vern Failor at [email protected] or call him at 785.272.6102.

It is not too late to help find youth to go to diabetes camp. To help in this manner go to yourschool nurse and ask them if they have youth or children with diabetes and if the family would like a scholarship for adiabetes camp. Then give Lion Vern Failor’s contact information to the school nurse and ask them to pass thisinformation to the family. Ask the school nurse to have the family contact Lion Vern directly. For your informationDistrict A has six applications now and we would like to send 12 youth to a diabetes camp this year.

There are two camps to choose from in Kansas both operated by the AmericanDiabetes Association (ADA). Camp Planet D at Tall Oaks Camp nearTonganoxie, Kansas and Camp Discovery at Camp Tawakoni near Augusta,Kansas. Both of these camps cost $450.00 per youth. With the Lions District17A scholarship of $337.50, the family would pay the remainder $112.50registration fee to ADA. If your Lions Club finds a youth that would like to goto a diabetes camp and would like to donate for that camp, write a check toDistrict 17-A. On the memo line write (Diabetes Camp) and send the check toLion Vern Failor at 5201 SW 27th Street, Topeka Kansas 66614. If youwould like more information please contact Lion Vern.

Thanks for helping the District 17-A Lions Health program

Lion Vern Failor

District 17-A Health Program Co-Chairman

[email protected]



DiabetesLions from around the world voted to make diabetes our primary cause moving into thefuture. Once this was decided, we didn’t waste any time. We got right to work, educatingcommunities on the issue—while establishing initiatives and programs to improve the livesof those living with diabetes and helping prevent others from developing type two diabetes.

https://www.lionsclubs.org/www.lionsclubs.org ›

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Kansas Eye Bank introduced a new eye donor management softwaresystem this past August, and have already begun to see the benefits ofusing the system to collect and analyze data pertaining to eye donors

in Kansas. As such, our year-end data using our previous database up through August 2019 and connecting tothe new data we have since August will create some issues in providing a cohesive report to the SightFoundation to capture the complete picture for 2019. Beginning in 2020, we will have much better data toshare with you to show the true impact of our services.

Since the inception of our new database system, I can report the following:

2019 KEB Statistical Report (August 2019 – December 2019)

Referrals were made to Kansas Eye Bank from 40 Kansas hospitals during this period, resulting in eyedonation recoveries at 15 of these sites. The others were ruled out due to variable circumstances. In 2020, weplan additional nurse education to further explain the criteria for eye donation.

Please contact me at Kansas Eye Bank with questions or concerns:Jason Verbeckmoes, President & CEO404 S. Edgemoor St., Suite 310, Wichita, KS 67218

(316) 260-8220, (316) 260-8225 [email protected], website: www.kseyebank.org

2019 Data Table Total Per MonthReferrals for Eye Donation 495 123.75Eligible Potential Donors for Transplant 162 40.5Corneas Recovered with Intent for Transplant 262 65.5Eyes Recovered for Other Use (Research) 55 23.75Corneas Released for Transplantation 217 54.25

The Kansas Lions Sight Foundation is a public, non-profit, tax-exempt corporation. It wasincorporated to provide an avenue whereby Lions and others could donate funds that would then be disbursed for sight-related projects in Kansas. There are five main objectives of the Foundation: services for the visually impaired;screening for visual acuity and glaucoma, blood pressure, diabetes, and hearing; treatment of eye injuries and disease;educations; and eye research.

Follow Us On…

Page 10: Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 - Kansas Lions District 17AFeb 01, 2020  · symbolic beginning. Welcome, Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier!. Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier Kansas Lions participated




Social media, TV and print media bombard us by the moment with increasingly more difficult challenges. At the same time,photos posted on Facebook share a glimpse of the delicate healing begun anew following the devastating fires in Australia.

Our winners of the 2019 – 2020 Peace Poster Contest, “Journey of Peace,” our young leaders posit great hope for the now andthe future with the themes, joy and riotous colors of their posters.

The winners for Multiple District 17 are:

Siena Masilionis is our First-Place winner. Siena is a seventh graders at Leawood Middle School. Her sponsoring club is theLeawood Lions and District is District 17 – A.

Lyssa Bushy is our Second-Place winner. She is a sixth grader at Dighton Elementary School in Dighton, Kansas. Hersponsoring club is a new club, the Lane County Lions Club. She is in District 17 – K.

Kashiana Stallings is our Third-Place Winner. Kashiana is an eight-grade honors student at Mayberry Middle School inWichita. Her sponsoring club is the Wichita Northwest Lions Club. Her sponsoring district is District 17 – N.

These young women, young leaders, along with all of our entrants are truly remarkable!

The Peace Poster Contest theme for 2020 – 2021 is “Peace Through Service.” As I stated to the assembled at the Mid-Winter Rally luncheon, I can just hear our founder, Melvin Jones saying (in the manner of his time), “Now that’s what I’mtalking about!” The new packets are now available through October 1, 2021.

In this new year of the contest, I ask please, that you include those from your schools and youth programs who are sightchallenged. The rules for the contest are in the packet, and are the same, but for an Essay.

My appreciation goes to the Kansas Lions Foundation, PDG Jerry Looney, our District Governors, to all who have in the pastwho worked with schools and students, those who worked this year and those who will work in the future!

In Lionism,

Lion Caroline Arter

Siena Masilionis, First-Place District 17 - A

Lyssa Bushy - Second Place

Accepted by:Louise Greenberg, District 17-KPeace Poster Chairperson

Kashiana StallingsThird-Place

District 17 - N

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MD 17 Environmental Photo Contest

On behalf of myself and my co-chairman for the environment of the district we would like to send ourcongratulations to all of the Lions Club members that took the time to send their pictures to us. Itshows how well we are doing in our area that is needed and the beauty of this great state of Kansas. Itshows that we have to take the time to think of the wonderful things that are shown to us. Again, Iwould like to thank you all for your time and your work that you put into these great photos for us.

Now onto the best part that all are waiting to hear, the RESULTS!

Winners of the 2019 - 2020 Environment Photo Contest1st place -- Lion Barbara Higgins (Atchison Lions) Category (Plant Life)

2nd place -- Lion Frank Perez (Baldwin Lions) Category (Urban or Natural Landscape)

3rd place -- PDG John Burns (Olathe Lions) Category (Weather Phenomenon)

4th place -- PCC Bobby Duvall (Topeka Sunflower Lions) Category (Animal Life)

Lion Roger Yost and I send our gratitude to all of the Lions that participated in this event.

Now we are making new ideas for the 2020 - 2021 photo contest. Additional information will be postedsoon. See you all in August when the contest starts back up..

Respectfully submitted,

Lion Daniel MartinezEnvironmental Chairman

Lion Roger YostEnvironmental Co-Chairman


1st Place

Lion Barbara Higgins

2nd Place

Lion Frank Perez

3rd Place

PDG John Burns

4th Place

PCC Bobby Duvall

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NAVARRE LIONS CLUB MEETING DATE CHANGENAVARRE LIONS CLUB1390 N. 2nd StreetNavarre, Kansas 67451Navarre Lions meeting dates have changed. They meetonce a  month now on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00PM at the Navarre Community Center.Submitted by Zone Chair Beverly Greenwood

The Stay Strong Stay Healthy strength training classes led bythe K State Extension Dickinson County office meet Wednesday and Fridaymornings at 9:00 AM with coffee afterwards. Those interested in walking lapsin the gym continue the Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning routine.Come join us!

ZONE 7 GATHERINGWhen: Thursday. March 19, 2020 7:00 PMWhere: Navarre Lions Building 1390 N 2nd Street, Navarre, KS 67451

*Reservations to Zone Chair Bev Greenwood by March [email protected] or 785-223-1610

Agenda: Introduction of Zone 7 members- Abilene, Chapman, Hope,Milford, Navarre, Solomon, and Woodbine. (Goal: 100% represented.) Share ideas and suggestions of your clubs.

Special guest: ………. Zone Chair 6 and Keats Lions President, Lion Richard Webster - Lion NetworkingLCIF Donations: ……Abilene, Chapman, Milford, and Solomon. Goal 100% participation.Vision Screening: …. Mission in Colombia - Lion Bev Greenwood & Lion Dorothy Herring-Valley FallsWomen's Membership: Lion Bev Greenwood

Bev Greenwood Club VisitationsAbilene Wednesday - NoonNavarre Lions - March 19, 2020Solomon Lions - May 4, 2020Hope Lions - May 11, 2020Woodbine Lions - May, 14, 2020Chapman Lions - June, 15, 2020

Where There is a Need, There is a Lion!

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LIONS CLUB EVENTS - LION MARY HIRSCH – Robinson LionsRobinson Lions Club

Presents their53rd Annual Melodrama

The Play: “Stop That Villain” or “Have No Shame, Rip Roquefort?”

SHOW TIMES: Saturday, February 29th - 7:00 PM. Sunday Matinee March 1st - 2:00 PM Friday, March 6th – 7:00 PM Saturday, March 7th - 7:00 PM

WHERE: Birdcage Theatre 118 Parson Street Robinson, KS 66532.

Contact Judi Bruning at 785-544-7739 or 785-741-2282 to reserve atable of four for $35 or a table of six for $50. General admission ticketsavailable at the door for $7.00 per person.

FREEWILL offering - dinners served next door at the CommunityCenter prior to each show. Help us support our Community!

Audience at the Birdcage A lot of fun, laughs and surprises! Come join us!


WHEN: March 7, 20204:00 - 7:00 PM

WHERE: Milford City Building

DONATION It’s our mission to bring andglasses to OUR COMMUNITY and o

PCC Beverly Greenwood

It’s our mission to bring eye exams and glassesto OUR COMMUNITY and around the planet!

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Kansas LionsLeadershipRound-Up!

Comprehensive Leadership Seminars for All LionsSaturday, March 28, 2020 - 9 AM to 4 PM

Best Western Conference Center, McPherson, KS

Pre-Register by March 20, 2020 to qualify for Free Meal and Programs

Build a Vision for a Better Lions Club — PDGGreg Gilliam, Global Action Team Area LeaderYou are personally being invited to join in a specialsession to discuss a new and exciting way that Lions Clubs can meet the needs of their community.

During the session you will discover the meaningof IYADWYHADYWAGWYHAG and learn how tolead your club towards the development of a planof action, which will lead your club toward servingmore people, engaging more volunteers and identifying Lions to assist in your quest to be a "ClubChampion"

Leadership Theory: Red Teaming and GroupThink Mitigation in Lions - PCC Deb and LionRon Weaverling Adapted from a highly ratedpresentation at USA/Canada Forum, PCC Deb andLion Ron present the concept of Red Teaming andhow to use it in your Lions Club. Red Teamingtechniques help us ask better questions, challengeassumptions, and develop viable alternatives.

The Murder of Anytown Lions Club – GMT LionMargy Sundstrom - Participate in the trial of thecentury when you, as the jury, decide the fate ofthe President of the Anytown Lions Club.

Registration Form - Kansas Lions Leadership Round-UpName ____________________________________________  Club _______________________ Dist. ____

E-mail ____________________________________________ Phone _______________________________

Please Print Neatly—We don’t want to spell your name wrong!

You can e-mail this information to Lion Becky Funke at [email protected], ormail to Kansas Leadership Conference,  9 Argon, Goddard, KS 67052.

Notice:  Any Lion who registers and does not attend the leadership conference willhave their club charged $20.00 unless they find a replacement.

Registrations due no later than March 20.

The Kansas Lions Leadership Round-up will get your club headed in the directionfor growth with THESE topics:



Page 15: Volume 3 Issue 8 February 2020 - Kansas Lions District 17AFeb 01, 2020  · symbolic beginning. Welcome, Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier!. Lion Ashley Pfizenmaier Kansas Lions participated

GREAT PLAINS LIONS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTEWHAT GPLLI is an intensive, professional and valuable leadership skills program for

Lions who have not served as District Governor within the last five years. Youwill learn skills for club, job, community and church, as well as personaldevelopment.

WHEN July 24-26, 2020. Registration is from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. Friday, July 24.Adjournment and checkout is by 3:P.M. Sunday, July 26, 2020. Lunch onFriday, July 24 is at 12:00 noon sharp.

WHERE Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville Missouri

COST US$190 per attendee if received by the Registrar on or before May 1, 2020.

Cost increase to S$210 beginning May 2, 2020. Registration covers doubleoccupancy room, seven meals, and all course materials. Single occupancy rooms,if available, require an additional US$40. Any remaining costs will be coveredby funding from Lions Clubs International and contributions from participatingmultiple districts.

WHO Any Lion, Lioness or Leo who has attained majority and who has not servedas a District Governor in the past five years is eligible. No previousattendees are eligible without prior approval of the Institute Coordinator, PIDArdie Klemish.

This institute is being sponsored by Multiple Districts 9 (Iowa), 17 (Kansas), 26 (Missouri) and38 (Nebraska).

Dynamic presenters from across the Great Plains will provide emerging Lion leaders withmodules on communication skills, team building, delegation, time management, conflictmanagement, project management, diversity, motivation, goal setting/action planning/personalmission statement and leading effective meetings.

For additional information please contact Registrar PID Gary Fry at [email protected] 515-967-4645.


Be a participant in this greatlearning opportunityAttend the Great Plains LionsLeadership Institute


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16TH ANNUAL GREAT PLAINS LIONS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTESponsored by the Lions of Multiple Districts 9, 17, 26 and 38

Northwest Missouri State UniversityMaryville, Missouri

July 24-26, 2020

REGISTRATION FORM (Please type or print legibly)

NAME________________________________________ Badge Name__________ Gender ___Last First Initial

ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________________Street/PO Box City State/Province Zip/PC

PHONE ( ) ___________________ ( ) __________________________ ______________________________Home Bus/Cell Email

Home Club. _________ ________________________ Sub District Number ______ LCI # ___________Years in Lions _____Highest Office Held __________________________

Registration Fee is US$190 if received by the Registrar by May1, 2020, and must accompany the registration form.Beginning May 2, 2020, the base fee increases to US$210. Make checks payable in US funds to GPLLI and, alongwith the registration form, mail to Registrar PID Gary Fry, PO Box 606, Mitchellville, IA 50169. Sorry, no refundscan be made for cancellations.

Applications will not be accepted without full payment.

Your registration fee includes seven meals, all Institute costs and dormitory rooms (double occupancy) at NorthwestMissouri State. Please note that the dormitories are smoke free. A limited number of single occupancy rooms areavailable at an additional cost of US$40. You are permitted to request a specific roommate. Check in at thedormitory is permitted from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. on Friday, July 24th and check out must be completed by 3:00P.M. on Sunday, July 26th. We offer a souvenir shirt for an additional US$25. Shirt size__________ (they run alittle large).

The following information must be completed before registration will be accepted.______ Single occupancy room requested (Add US$40. to registration fee)______ Diabetic Diet requested______ Vegetarian Diet requested______ Wheelchair Access required______ Vision Impaired (List what accommodation(s) are needed)______ Hearing Impaired (List what accommodation(s) are needed)

Please list any other special requests________________________________________________________________Questions about the Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute may be directed to: PID Gary Fry, Registrar, PO Box606 Mitchellville, IA 50169 or 515-967-4645 or [email protected].


We are asking for the following information in case of an emergency arising during the 2016 Institute. Thisinformation will be maintained until the close of the Institute and then shredded.

Emergency Contact Name______________________________________Relationship________________________

Contact telephone: HOME____________________WORK_____________________CELL____________________

Medical information that needs to be shared with emergency responders: Please feel free to use the back.______________________________________________________________________________________



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All roads for the Kansas Lions will lead to Topeka, Kansas for the Kansas Lions 99th State Convention on June 5th

and 6th, 2020. The Kansas Lions MD17 will kick off its next 100 YEARS of Lions service to their communities. The Kansas Lion Convention will be held at the Ramada Convention Center Downtown, 420 SE 6th Street, Topeka, Kansas. 66607. The room rate will be $89.00 per night plus taxes. This will include a complete breakfast buffet each morning.

Our special guest and convention speaker will be PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT J. Frank Moore, of Daleville, Alabama and his wife, Lion Rita Moore. PIP Moore is currently serving as the Executive Administrator and Secretary of the Association. He was elected to serve as president of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 84th International Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, July 2 - 6, 2001.

The Kansas Lions Band camp will be held at Washburn University and the Kansas Lions will have two opportunities to hear Kansas band students from all over Kansas perform. They will perform for the Lions on Friday night June 5th and at the Kansas Lions Band concert on Saturday morning June 6th.

Friday night dinner will be at Washburn University, Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center across from White Concert Hall where we will be entertained by the Kansas Lions State band and Jazz band. There will be parking within a short walking distance. The Saturday band concert will be at White Concert Hall.

We are looking at having some tours in Topeka to include shopping on Kansas Ave and the NOTO Art District, great food, outstanding speakers and a lot of fun. Of course, we will have a lot of Lions stuff too. The PDG club will have gift baskets to bid on, committee meetings on June 5th, exhibition booths, Lions Club recognition, seminars and training to attend. There will be so much to do you will be tired when you go home.

On Thursday night , June 4th, all the Lions that will be in Topeka early for the State Council Meeting on June 5th

can attend the Topeka Sunflower Lions Club meeting and their cook-out.

Registration forms are out now and should be in the District Governors newsletter starting in February. More Convention information will be coming very soon. Mark your calendar and set these dates aside NOW for the Kansas Lions State Convention on June 5th - 6th, 2020.

Continued Kansas State Convention on Page 18


June 5 - 7, 2020Ramada Downtown

420 SE 6thTopeka, Kansas 66607

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99th STATE CONVENTIONJune 5—7, 2020Ramada Downtown

420 SE 6th

ROOM RATE for Lions will be $89.00. For ROOM RESERVATIONS call the Ramada Downtown at 785-234-5400 or 1-800-432-2424. Room Reservations must be made with the Hotel by May 14, 2020(Identify yourselves as being with the “KANSAS LIONS STATE CONVENTION”)

Registration: (all Attendees must pay this fee) ____ @ $10.00 __________

Friday Lunch 12:00 Noon ____ @ $15.00 __________

Friday Dinner 6:00 PM Washburn University ____ @ $16.00 __________

Saturday Lunch 12:00 Noon (See special price)* ____ @ $15.00 __________

Convention Banquet 5:30 PM (See special price)* ____ @ $19.00 __________

*SPECIAL PRICE both Sat. Noon Lunch and Sat. Dinner ____ @ $29.00 __________

Total ____________

All meal reservations must be made before May 27, 2020

NO RESERVATION CAN BE MADE AT THE DOOR(Non-attendance the fee will be charged to your Club

Lions Name ___________________ Lion or Spouses Name ______________________ Please Print circle one Please Print

Phone # (____) ____________ E-mail ________________________________ Please Print

Club Name ________________________________________ District K A N Circle 0ne

For RESERVATION PAYMENT: Make checks payable to: “Lions District 17” Mail to: Lion Vern Failor, 5201 SW 27th St, Topeka, Kansas 66614

Contact: Email: [email protected] Phone: 785 272 6102

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Audio Reader is now available on your Alexa smartspeaker! Just enable the Audio Reader skill, then youcan ask Alexa to play Audio Reader anytime 24/7. Youcan also listen to the Lions newsletters, Veteran’spublications, and lots of other local news andentertainment at soundcloud.com/audio-reader.

For more information call 785-864-4600 or go toreader.ku.edu.

Registered 501(c)(3)Charitable Organization

District 17-A willparticipate in collectingpersonal care items to bedistributed to middle andhigh school teens. Please

collect: bars of soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste,toothbrushes, deodorant, lotion, feminine care productsand shampoos.


Bring to our quarterly meetings.


For decades, Lions have provided humanitarianassistance to people affected by disasters. Lions servetheir communities with a standardized structureespecially in times of crisis.

Personal care items needed:MEN and WOMENToothpaste - ToothbrushDeodorant - CombShaving cream - RazorBandages - Wash ClothShampoo - Soap

Items can be brought to Lions functions.

Contact:Tonganoxie Lions ClubLion Michael Sundstrom, District 17 AlertChairperson [email protected]

KANSAS LIONS FOUNDATION STATE ALERTATTENTION KANSAS LIONS: Please submit yourwillingness to participate in the ALERT Program intimes of emergencies by email to Lions Alert Chair PDGDan Funke. Please include your name, completeaddress with city, state and zip code, your primary andsecondary cell phone number in applicable and the clubyou are affiliated with. Please also include any specialtools or equipment you have access to such as chainsaw,grill, trailer, generator etc.

Clubs and individuals are encouraged to send donationsto the Kansas Lions Foundation, PO Box 73, Humboldt,KS 66748. In memo, write ALERT.

Contact: PDG Dan Funke, ALERT Kansas StateChairperson at [email protected]

KSDS is fully-accredited by Assistance Dogs International (ADI) andoperates as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

KSDS provides guide dogs for the visually impaired, service dogs to assistindividuals with physical disabilities, and facility dogs that assist professionals in

the field of education, counseling, healthcare, retirement, or the legal system.The WISH LIST includes gift cards, and these housekeeping items: Bleach, Pine-Sol, Dryer Sheets, Paper Towels,Disinfectant Wipes. Other items include :Bottled Water, Dog Shampoo (Black Pearl) and Dog Toys

Find this information and more at http://www.ksds.org/

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Lion Dorothy Herring, District 17-A Webmaster

A Facebook Page is a public page for an entity that anyone can see, but restrictions on who can post. It can beeither public or private, but members share similar interests, i.e. Lions ClubsLions Clubs Help and Support Page/Group - aimed at sharing and problem solving all things aboutLions Clubs to gain insight and guidancehttps://www.facebook.com/LionsClubsSupport/

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1954698601510728/Lions New Voices – Official Lions Clubs International Facebook group on the topics of genderparity to support an increase in women's membership and leadership in Lions clubs worldwide.https://www.facebook.com/groups/lionsnewvoices/MyLion Forum – created for Lions and Leos to encourage collaboration, help train Members and share ideas and uniqueways for clubs and members to promote, use and to post questions about MyLion.https://www.facebook.com/groups/MyLionSupport/about/Global Lions Forum – An independent body of Lions that covers a wide range of Topics, i.e. ways to strengthen clubs,improve club management and amplify our communications using modern technology creating enrichment and more fun!https://www.facebook.com/groups/lciCyberClubs/about/Lions SMILE (Social Media including Lions Everywhere – Welcome to Lions SMILE, a private Facebook Groupto discuss successes and challenges with social media and share resources.https://www.facebook.com/lionssmile/https://www.facebook.com/groups/lionssmile/about/Kansas Lions Tech Help and Support – This group is all about helping solve problems using the Internet or Facebookfor Lions related things, including but not limited to setting up Facebook groups and pages, websites, and logging into andnavigating through the LCI websites and entering your reports.https://www.facebook.com/groups/706218506501652/

Kansas Lions Online InformationKansas State Lionswww.kansaslions.orgFacebook Group: Kansas Lions https://www.facebook.com/groups/1638162259829705/Email: [email protected]

Kansas Lions NewsEmail: [email protected] 17Kwww.Lionswowinks.orgDistrict 17Awww.kslionsdistrict17a.orgFacebook: Lions Club District 17-A https://www.facebook.com/KansasLionsDistrict17A/District 17A IT/Webmaster: Dorothy Herring, [email protected] or [email protected] 17Nwww.kslions17n.orgFacebook Group: KansasLionsDistrict17N https://www.facebook.com/groups/kslions17n/District 17N IT/Webmaster: John Scovill, [email protected]



A New Way of Talking About Who We Are and Why We Matter

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Lion Vivian DeClements Editor - Kansas Lions District 17A Newsletter

FOLLOW US ONDISTRICT CABINET MEETINGSFebruary 1, 2020 …10 AM-1 PM - Abilene Public Library, Abilene, KS.June 13, 2020 …… 10 AM-1 PM - KSDS, 120 West 7th, Washington KS.

DISTRICT CONVENTIONS17K - March 13-14, 2020 …Hays17N - April 17-18, 2020… Chanute17A - April 24-26, 2020…. Concordia

IMPORTANT DATESMarch 28, 2020 …………… Kansas Lions Leadership Round-up

McPherson, KansasJune 5-6, 2020 …….……… Kansas State Convention and Fourth State Council Meeting - Ramada Convention Center, TopekaJuly 24-26, 2020 …………. Great Plains Lions Leadership Institute Northwest Missouri State University, Marysville, Missouri

September 17-19, 2020 …. USA/ Canada LIONS Leadership Forum Louisville, Kentucky

LIONS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS June 26-30, 2020 Singapore June 25-29, 2021 Montreal, Quebec July 01-05, 2022 New Delhi, India July 07-11, 2023 Boston, Massachusetts

June 21-25, 2024 Melbourne, Australia