Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this...

Volume 28, Number 4 The Official Publication Of The White Plains High School PTA Special points of interest: Please donate to the PTA Recognition Award, Page 2. Staff Appreciation Luncheon, page 4. Summer Employment Applications, page 7. Volunteer For Loucks Snack Bar, Page 8. Please Volunteer For PTA Position, Page9 PTA Recognition 2 A Message From The Principal 3 Staff Appreciation 4 School Budget Informa- tion 5 Library Link 6 Pictures From The Last PTA Meeting 8 WPHS PTA Board And Committees Open Posi- tions For 2009-2010 9 Inside this issue: The signs of spring are finally showing and we hope everyone had a rest- ful Spring Break! Here’s what’s new from PTA: At our January PTA meeting we hosted a joint program with the Adoles- cent Health Issues Com- mittee on Teen Driving, presented by Student As- sistance Services. The program covered what SAS programs are offered to students and some re- sources and tips for par- ents. Teacher/Advisor Tim Selg, and four senior students in the Authentic Science Research (ASR) presented their final re- search projects, showcas- ing the talents of our WPHS students. We also honored Board of Educa- tion member, Peter Bas- sano. On March 19, the PTA hosted the refreshment table at the 8 th Grade Orientation, welcoming in next year’s freshman class and their parents. We look forward to get- ting to know the new stu- dents and their families in the fall. Many thanks to Colette Collins and her team of volunteers for organizing the refresh- ments! At our March meeting, the program covered an update on the High School Curriculum and recent Regents test re- sults. Mr. Toper showed how the Regents results over the last several years have been improv- ing and, in particular, highlighted the substan- tial progress made in nar- rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ing to WPHS being named a High Achieving school in New York by a recent study. Dr. Marga- ret Dwyer, Assistant Su- perintendent for Curricu- lum and Instruction, and the Department Coordi- nators covered the cur- riculum objectives of the district’s Strategic Plan and the progression of course offerings and elec- tives in the subject areas at the high school. If you have curriculum ques- tions, please contact Dr. Dwyer, or the subject area coordinator listed on district’s website and in the school calendar. COMING EVENTS: Looking ahead, on Thursday, April 23 we will host our Staff Luncheon. Volunteers are still needed to send in food and help serve. Con- tact Nancy Ruttenberg at 949-3247 or nancyrutten- [email protected] if you can help out. This is a wonderful way to interact with your children’s teachers and an opportu- nity for the PTA to say thank you to all the great teachers and staff in the school. Please join us if you can! As we all face the impli- cations of these turbulent economic times, so too does the school district as it puts together the budget for next year. Be an informed voter! Come hear the presentation of the proposed 2009-2010 school budget on Wednesday, April 29 at 7:30pm at Eastview (a Wednesday). This will be a joint meeting of the PTA’s (Middle School, High School and PTA Council). We will learn details about the spend- ing and tax effects of the (Continued on page 2) Co-President’s Letter April 2009

Transcript of Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this...

Page 1: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to

Volume 28, Number 4

The Off i cial Publ i cation Of The White Plains High School PTA

Special points of


• Please donate to the PTA Recognition Award,

Page 2.

• Staff Appreciation

Luncheon, page 4.

• Summer Employment

Applications, page 7.

• Volunteer For Loucks

Snack Bar, Page 8.

• Please Volunteer For

PTA Position, Page9

PTA Recognition 2

A Message From The Principal


Staff Appreciation 4

School Budget Informa-tion


Library Link 6

Pictures From The Last PTA Meeting


WPHS PTA Board And Committees Open Posi-tions For 2009-2010


Inside this issue:

The signs of spring are

finally showing and we

hope everyone had a rest-

ful Spring Break! Here’s

what’s new from PTA:

At our January PTA

meeting we hosted a joint

program with the Adoles-

cent Health Issues Com-

mittee on Teen Driving,

presented by Student As-

sistance Services. The

program covered what

SAS programs are offered

to students and some re-

sources and tips for par-

ents. Teacher/Advisor

Tim Selg, and four senior

students in the Authentic

Science Research (ASR)

presented their final re-

search projects, showcas-

ing the talents of our

WPHS students. We also

honored Board of Educa-

tion member, Peter Bas-


On March 19, the PTA

hosted the refreshment

table at the 8th Grade

Orientation, welcoming in

next year’s freshman

class and their parents.

We look forward to get-

ting to know the new stu-

dents and their families

in the fall. Many thanks

to Colette Collins and her

team of volunteers for

organizing the refresh-


At our March meeting,

the program covered an

update on the High

School Curriculum and

recent Regents test re-

sults. Mr. Toper showed

how the Regents results

over the last several

years have been improv-

ing and, in particular,

highlighted the substan-

tial progress made in nar-

rowing the achievement

gap over this period, lead-

ing to WPHS being

named a High Achieving

school in New York by a

recent study. Dr. Marga-

ret Dwyer, Assistant Su-

perintendent for Curricu-

lum and Instruction, and

the Department Coordi-

nators covered the cur-

riculum objectives of the

district’s Strategic Plan

and the progression of

course offerings and elec-

tives in the subject areas

at the high school. If you

have curriculum ques-

tions, please contact Dr.

Dwyer, or the subject

area coordinator listed on

district’s website and in

the school calendar.


Looking ahead, on

Thursday, April 23 we

will host our Staff

Luncheon. Volunteers

are still needed to send in

food and help serve. Con-

tact Nancy Ruttenberg at

949-3247 or nancyrutten-

[email protected] if you

can help out. This is a

wonderful way to interact

with your children’s

teachers and an opportu-

nity for the PTA to say

thank you to all the great

teachers and staff in the

school. Please join us if

you can!

As we all face the impli-

cations of these turbulent

economic times, so too

does the school district as

it puts together the

budget for next year. Be

an informed voter! Come

hear the presentation of

the proposed 2009-2010

school budget on

Wednesday, April 29 at

7:30pm at Eastview (a

Wednesday). This will be

a joint meeting of the

PTA’s (Middle School,

High School and PTA

Council). We will learn

details about the spend-

ing and tax effects of the

(Continued on page 2)

Co-President’s Letter

April 2009

Page 2: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to


proposed budget. This is an oppor-

tunity to have your questions an-

swered both as a White Plains tax-

payer and supporter of high quality

public education in our city. It is

also important to have the PTA

membership attend as we will be

holding a vote at the conclusion of

the presentation on whether the HS

PTA supports the district’s proposed

budget. The budget vote and board

of education elections will be held

on Tuesday, May 19 – mark your

calendars and please vote! Ab-

sentee ballots are available at Edu-

cation House; for additional infor-

mation please call 422-2071.

At the Loucks event on Saturday

May 9, PTA will be running the

snack bar for the athletes and spec-

tators. If you are available to help

out or can donate a batch of brown-

ies or pasta salad, please let us

know. On June 5, we will be host-

ing the Senior Breakfast and need

volunteers to help that morning. If

(Continued from page 1)


'The White Plains PTA Recognition Award for seniors is a long-lasting ser-vice the PTA provides for students who complete graduation require-ments, community service, and intend to continue their studies, either four year, two year, or vocational school. Last year the PTA raised over $6,000 which was awarded to over 60 graduating seniors.

Please donate to this worthy cause. Donations are eligible for corporate matching gift programs.

Donations should be sent to :

WPHSPTA Recognition Fund

550 North Street

White Plains, NY 10606

Please Contact Louise Doyle at 914-287-0693 for more information.

PTA Recognition Award

you would like to volunteer for ei-

ther of these events, please send a

note to our email account at

[email protected].

Nominations for our 2009-10 PTA

board and committee chairs are be-

ing solicited now. Have you wanted

to get more involved at the high

school? PTA is a great way to stay

in touch and network with other

parents through those teenage and

college-searching years. Whether

you are a new parent who would

like to volunteer or you have helped

on an event this year and might

consider chairing or co-chairing

next year, or you would like to join

the executive board, please let us

know….we welcome all! There are

many opportunities to help for just

an hour, a day or on an ongoing ba-

sis, whatever fits your schedule.

The PTA needs YOU!

The board and committee openings


Co-president (1), Newsletter, Pro-

grams, Membership, Publicity, Hos-

pitality, Secretary, Spanish-

Speaking Liaison, Craft Fair, Staff

Luncheon, 8th Grade Open House,

School Budget Representative.

As always, we welcome your ideas

and feedback on programs, ques-

tions or concerns about the high

school. The PTA is your liaison to

the administration – we are happy

to discuss your issues at our

monthly meetings with Ivan Toper.

Please give us a call or send an

email at any time

([email protected]).

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Vicki Cignarella, Marsha Geller and

Karen Reynolds, PTA Co-Presidents

Page 3: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to


Message from the Principal

Recently an article, “High School Report Card” was published in the April 2009 issue of Westchester Magazine concern-

ing the academic performance gap. I am very pleased with the article because it highlights the progress that White

Plains High School has made over the last five years. We continue to strive to maximize learning for all students. I

have included an excerpt from the article from Westchester Magazine for review. For the complete article, please see:


High School Report Card SATs, RaMPs, PhDs... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to evaluate

your local high school.


Honor Roll: Outstanding Programs

White Plains Measures Up

Much justifiable acclaim is paid to Westchester schools that deliver an endless supply of applicants to Ivy League

universities, but that’s an easier task in many respects than the one accomplished by White Plains High. During the last five years, the second-largest high school in the county has nearly erased the academic performance gaps in its diverse student population.

The Regents test scores tell the tale. In the 2004 English exam, 95 percent of white students scored 65 and above while only 75 percent of the black and 71 percent of the Hispanic students made that grade at the school. With a multi-faceted approach and substantial effort, the school not only pushed 99 percent of the white students to that level by 2008, but brought Hispanic and black kids up to 91 percent and 87 percent, respectively. Similar gains were seen in the Math Regents. Principal Ivan Toper says they won’t stop until there is no performance gap at all.

Nearly everyone pitches in to make it happen. “We run an after-school academic tutoring program three days a week,” Toper explains. “During the day, we have a tutoring program run by our National Honors Society. Teachers provide extensive time for students during their common lunch time when students can go for extra help.” Participation is vol-untary, but nearly 200 students (that’s 10 percent of the total student body) take part in the after-school tutoring alone, encouraged and prodded to do the extra work by counselors, teachers, other students, and involved parents.

In addition, White Plains has developed a weekly after-school program for Hispanic students that focuses not on aca-demic tutoring but on helping them understand the importance of scholastic achievement in our society. “We might have a former student who was successful in college come back and speak to that experience,” Toper says. “We’ll have a registrar from a college in the area speak about what it means to get into the college and what it means to stay in col-lege. We’ll have a trip to a university to show them what their life could be like. We’ll expose them to scholarship op-portunities.”

The Hispanic enrichment program started three years ago. The first year, the target was 23 senior Latino students who hadn’t yet passed the English Regents, a requirement for graduation. They went through nine weeks without direct academic intervention, Toper explains, “but we gave them all these other things in terms of self-esteem, learning to communicate, do job interviews, etc. We also gave them the opportunity to go into the after-school tutoring if they wished—we wanted them to be self-motivated.” Twenty-one of the 23 students passed that year.

The extra effort isn’t just for seniors at White Plains. Four years ago, the school launched the Emerging Scholars

(Continued on page 4)

Page 4: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to



APRIL 23, 2009

The WPHS PTA Staff Appreciation luncheon will be held April 23, 2009. On this oc-casion the PTA expresses gratitude to the people

who work so hard to make White Plains High School a

wonderful place for our children.

Volunteers are needed with the luncheon set-up and service.

We also need FOOD, glorious FOOD.

Please send in a lunch item or dessert to celebrate the Teachers,

Administrators, and Staff*.

It’s a great way to get involved, meet other parents and staff, and say “Thank you!”

*Food items may be delivered to the Main Office or B-1 between 7:30-10am. Please send in disposable items or clearly mark you name on the serving pieces.

Please contact Nancy Ruttenberg

(949-3247/[email protected]) if you are interested in participating in this event.

Program, designed to identify middle school students whose academic scores suggest they have the ability, but who haven’t otherwise been honors or advanced students. They’re encouraged to accept the greater challenge by a pre-freshman year summer institute. Once in the high school, special counselors are assigned and they have a special study hall period manned by teachers. Roughly 100 students are part of that effort. “It’s been incredibly successful in not only identifying students who might not have otherwise been in honors or AP,” Toper says, “but maintaining them in those programs.

(Continued from page 3)

Page 5: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to


Presentation of the

2009-2010 School Budget

Wednesday, April 29 at 7:30pm

(Eastview School)

This will be a joint meeting of the Middle School PTA, the High School PTA

and the White Plains Council of PTA's for a presentation on next year's school


Saturday, May 2 - Voter registration at Mamaroneck Ave School noon to 5pm

Tuesday, May 19 - Board of Education Elections and School Budget Vote, noon to 9pm

Support your student. Please vote on Tuesday, May 19! Support your student. Please vote on Tuesday, May 19! Support your student. Please vote on Tuesday, May 19! Support your student. Please vote on Tuesday, May 19!

Be an informed voter!Be an informed voter!Be an informed voter!Be an informed voter!

White Plains School District Budget vote and School Board

elections will be held on

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Noon to 9 PM

Anyone needing an absentee ballot should call 422-2000

and request an application for an absentee ballot.

Please note that polling places and times are not the same

as for a general election. Voting locations are:

Battle Hill Fire Station #5

Church Street School

Mamaroneck Avenue School

Ridgeway School

Rochambeau School

Highlands Middle School

Page 6: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to


Wednesdays, April 15, 22, 29

6:00-7:30 PM in Room A

May 6—Publication Party

6:00-7:30 PM in Room A

Bring your family and friends!

Refreshments served

100 Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601

422-1480 www.whiteplainslibrary.org 2009

Presented by Gail Karlitz, the workshop covers what you need to know about yourself, current

options and career paths to create your own career

exploration portfolio.

Program is funded by The White Plains Library Foundation

Career Exploration Workshop

For Teens

April 28, 2009 ● 7 p.m. ● Room B

To register for programs visit www.whiteplainslibrary.org and sign up on our

events calendar, or call 914-422-1480, or email [email protected]

Teen Poetry Westchester!Teen Poetry Westchester!

Also, don’t miss Preparing for College Interviews on Tuesday, April 7 at 7 PM and Surviving Senior Season on Tuesday,

April 14 at 7 PM—presented by Collegewise.

Page 7: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to


White Plains Youth Bureau ~ Youth Employment Services




APRIL 1, 2009




Proof of Residency Required

APP DEADLINE: Thursday, May 21, 2009

Resume/Interview Training Sessions

WPHS Computer Lab C126 (Library)

(THURSDAY’S) 2:45 – 3:45 PM

APRIL 16th, 23rd, 30th

MAY 7th, 14th

Page 8: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to



Help is needed to plan, set up and run the PTA snack bar during the Loucks Games on

Saturday May 9, 2009.

Please contact Joanne Mannarino, 684-1595 or [email protected] as soon as


Many volunteers are needed before and during the event. Thanks for your help!

Board of Education member Peter Bassano was honored at the January PTA meeting.

Teacher Tim Selg and seniors from the Authentic Science Research (ASR) Program presented at the January PTA meeting. From left to right are: Daniela Parra, Katelyn Costable, Fernando Luo and Victor Brady.

WPHS Principal, Ivan Toper, presented the Regents test results at the March PTA meeting.

From left to right Curriculum Coordinators, Science - Meg Doty, Dr. Margaret Dwyer, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, Social Studies - Lois Gordon, English - Ron Palladino, LOTE - Jeff Farris, Math - Lisa Weber

Page 9: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to


Thursday April 23Thursday April 23Thursday April 23Thursday April 23rdrdrdrd ---- Staff LuncheonStaff LuncheonStaff LuncheonStaff Luncheon

Wednesday April 29Wednesday April 29Wednesday April 29Wednesday April 29thththth ---- Joint PTA Meeting, 7:30pmJoint PTA Meeting, 7:30pmJoint PTA Meeting, 7:30pmJoint PTA Meeting, 7:30pm School Budget Presentation & PTA School Budget Presentation & PTA School Budget Presentation & PTA School Budget Presentation & PTA VoteVoteVoteVote @ Eastview school@ Eastview school@ Eastview school@ Eastview school

Saturday, May 9Saturday, May 9Saturday, May 9Saturday, May 9 ----Loucks Meet Loucks Meet Loucks Meet Loucks Meet –––– Snack Bar Snack Bar Snack Bar Snack Bar @ Loucks Field @ Loucks Field @ Loucks Field @ Loucks Field

Friday June 5Friday June 5Friday June 5Friday June 5thththth ---- Senior BreakfastSenior BreakfastSenior BreakfastSenior Breakfast

WPHS PTA Calendar Events 2009WPHS PTA Calendar Events 2009WPHS PTA Calendar Events 2009WPHS PTA Calendar Events 2009

WPHS PTA Board and Committees: Open Positions for 2009 WPHS PTA Board and Committees: Open Positions for 2009 WPHS PTA Board and Committees: Open Positions for 2009 WPHS PTA Board and Committees: Open Positions for 2009 ---- 2010 2010 2010 2010


Co-President Open

Co-President Marsha Geller

Co-President Vicki Cignarella

1st VP, Programs Open

2nd VP, Membership Open

2nd VP, Membership Janet DiIorio

3rd VP, Newsletter Open

3rd VP, Newsletter Open

4th VP, Snack Bar Kathy Marks

4th VP, Snack Bar Phil Viola

5th VP, Publicity Open

5th VP, Publicity Open

6th VP, Recognition Louise Doyle

7th VP, Hospitality Open

7th VP, Hospitality Donna Louis

Secretary Open

Treasurer Donna Spitz

Spanish Spkg Liaison Open

Faculty Rep Dennis Polanco

STARS Rep Monica Taranow


Craft Fair Open Staff Luncheon Open Senior Breakfast Louise Doyle 8th Grade Open House Open Staff Breakfast Brenda Velez PTA Council Rep Nancy Blaney School Budget Rep Open Loucks Snack Bar Joanne Mannarino

Please call or Email us if you have any questions or interest in any of these positions.

Thank you!

EMAIL: [email protected]

Karen, Marsha, & Vicki

Page 10: Volume 28, Number 4 April 2009 Co-President’s Letter€¦ · rowing the achievement gap over this period, lead- ... We give you all the stats, info, and explanation you need to

Please Join Us For The

Budget Presentation

Date: Wednesday April 29.

Time: 7:30 P.M.

Place: Eastview


The Newsletter of the WPHS PTA 550 North Street White Plains, NY 10605