Voltage gated channels

Voltage gated channels • Molecular structure – Na + , K + , Ca ++ – Cl - • Voltage sensing • Action potential • Calcium signaling


Voltage gated channels. Molecular structure Na + , K + , Ca ++ Cl - Voltage sensing Action potential Calcium signaling. Core voltage-gating functional unit. 6 transmembrane segments One charged Pore facing Ion selectivity & V-dependence Tetrameric organization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Voltage gated channels

  • Voltage gated channelsMolecular structureNa+, K+, Ca++Cl-Voltage sensingAction potentialCalcium signaling

  • Core voltage-gating functional unit6 transmembrane segmentsOne chargedPore facingIon selectivity & V-dependenceTetrameric organization4x separate, 6 pass proteins1 protein with 4, 6 pass domainsTransmembrane domainPDB: 2r9rPotassium channel has 4 separate subunits

  • Voltage gated sodium channelIon selectivity and voltage sensitivity from S4 helicesLong cytoplasmic loops btw domainsIntracellular domains subject to modificationConductivityOpen probabilitySodium channel has 4 functional domains

  • Domain organizationCommon prokaryotic ancestorS5-S64 subunit/domainPore forming motifOrganizationS1S2S3S4S5-6Canonical subunitK+ structure

  • Voltage sensingTransmembrane potential stabilizes S4S4 moves S5/S6Pore open/close213456

  • Chloride ChannelDouble barreled, 2 subunit channelEach subunit has 3 charged helices with anti-parallel arrangement forming V-sensorPDB: 1kpl

  • Whole cell recordingClamp voltage Record currentAggregate channel activity & densityG=1/R=I/VDerived I-VDerived ConductanceRectification:Current diverges from straight-line conductanceCOVState Model

  • Channel InactivationFeedback mechanismMembrane depolarizationReduces driving forceSecondary conformational change

    DepolarizationVoltage stepsPreconditionedDepolarizedChannel opens with depolarizationChannel becomes refractory with depolarizationCOVIState Model

  • State transitions with voltage clamp

  • Characteristics of voltage gated channelConductanceIon selectivityThresholdOpen timeInactivation time

  • Anatomy of Action potentialVoltage gated channels selectively drive intracellular potential between different ionic equilibrium potentialsK+ -90mVNa+ +60mVThreshold for V-gated Na+ channelsNeural APCardiac AP

  • Ionic currents in APStep voltage to increasing depolarizationNet currentNa+ currentK+ currentSub-thresholdDepolarizing currentInactivatesLarge depolarization opens new K+ channelsDelayed rectifier

  • Ionic currents in APCurrent declines over time, even though potential remains constant

  • Ionic contributions to APKleak (Kir) set resting potentialInactivate at thresholdNaVOpen at thresholdRapid, large gKVOpen at thresholdDelayed rectifier (slow)Large g

  • Anatomy of Cardiac APLeaky membranes (7) give slow depolarization toThreshold opens CaV (3) & NaV (1)KV (4) and KCa repolarizeProlonged AP vs neuronCa currentMuch delayed K+

  • NaV causes local depolarizationMembrane capacitance of 10-6 F/cm210-6 (p r2)Na influx: n (1.6 10-19 C)Threshold ~-40mVV=Q/C

    20-30 channels/micron2~ 400 ions/channel to depolarize neighborsNa+r-90 mV-40 mV104 ions/mm2

  • Equivalent CircuitBorrowed from cable theoryBreak cell into parallel compartmentsPropagation depends on resistance/capacitanceExtracellularCmCmRmRmRiIntracellular

  • Neural cable theoryNeuron size vs conduction velocityLarge diameter, low internal resistanceMyelinated/UnmyelinatedInsulates membraneIncreases RMDecreases CMIncrease VNode of Ranvier

  • NaV Modulation10 genesAlternative splicingPhosphorylationProtein binding

    AltersThresholdConductivityKineticsSelectivityCnRPTPPKAPKCPKAPKCCnRPTPPhosphatases increase conductionKinases decrease conduction-28 identified binding partnersCytoskeletalAdhesionSignaling

  • Calcium channelMost common effector of APSame basic structure as other VG channelsMajor classesN-type NeuronalL-Type LongT-Type Tiny

  • NeuronsIonotropic = channelsMetabotropic = receptorsNeurotransmitter release depends on [Ca2+]IMultiple inputsNerve terminals & presynaptic vessicles

  • N-type calcium channelsNeurotransmitter release (presynaptic)Calcium dynamics same time scale as firing (10 ms)Highly localized changes (50-5000 nm)Post-synaptic, Ca-dependent remodeling

  • Striated MuscleCardiacSkeletalTwitch force50-200 msAll-or-noneTension depends on [Ca2+]ISpontaneousNeural

  • L-type calcium channelsExcitation contraction couplingLong open time (100 ms)ModulationCalcium dependent inhibitionOxidationPhosphorylation

  • T-Type calcium channelsTiny conductance (6 vs 25 pS)Low threshold (-50 vs -30 mV)Regulatory roleCell differentiationModulation of phenotypeNeuronal bursting

  • Smooth muscleTonicVascularRespiratoryPhasicGIBladderTension depends on [Ca2+]IHormonalMechanicalNeuralSmooth muscle cells in vasculature, gut, sphincter

  • Smooth Muscle CalciumLigand gated Ca channelsVoltage gated Ca channelsSecond messengers