VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT - Ms. Haynie's 6-1 Science...

Name: Class: Date: VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT This project is to be done in pairs. Your challenge is to research a volcano that has had at least one major eruption in the past and create a resume to describe important features of the volcano. At a minimum, your resume must describe the volcano’s location, its physical characteristics and a summary of a major eruption in the past. Example: A Human Resume Your Volcano Resume! A. Basic Information Name Address, phone number, email Photograph (optional) A. Volcano Information Your names, class, date Volcano name Location (must include country, latitude and longitude coordinates, and a nearest major city or settlement) Photograph B. Description Education (schools attended) Qualifications or Certificates Additional training B. Volcano Description Type (shield, cinder cone, composite/stratovolcano) Type of eruptions (violent, explosive, small, weak, etc.) Current status (extinct, dormant, active) C. Employment History List of companies or places where you had a job (major jobs only) Each listed item should include the things you did at each job C. Eruption History List of past eruptions (major eruptions only) You must write a summary of one MAJOR eruption. Your summary must include: A description of the eruption (when it occurred, how long it lasted, what came out of the volcano) The effects on the environment The effects on the humans/cities/towns nearby D. References People who know you professionally and will speak about what you are like to work with Each reference should include proper details (name, address, phone, etc.) D. Works Cited A bibliography of all resources you used for information You must use at least 3 different sources that are reliable (e.g. books, encyclopedias, approved websites) Each resources should be listed in proper format (see www.mrenns.com for proper formatting steps) Suggested Resources: Volcano World http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/ Earth’s Active Volcanoes www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/world.html Volcanoes of the World http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/

Transcript of VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT - Ms. Haynie's 6-1 Science...

Page 1: VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT - Ms. Haynie's 6-1 Science Sitemshayniescience.weebly.com/uploads/5/2/5/8/52585973/volcano.res… · VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT • This project is to be done in

Name: Class: Date:

VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT • This project is to be done in pairs. • Your challenge is to research a volcano that has had at least one major eruption in the past and create a

resume to describe important features of the volcano. • At a minimum, your resume must describe the volcano’s location, its physical characteristics and a

summary of a major eruption in the past.

Example: A Human Resume Your Volcano Resume!

A. Basic Information

• Name

• Address, phone number, email

• Photograph (optional)

A. Volcano Information

• Your names, class, date

• Volcano name

• Location (must include country, latitude and longitude coordinates, and a nearest major city or settlement)

• Photograph

B. Description

• Education (schools attended)

• Qualifications or Certificates

• Additional training

B. Volcano Description

• Type (shield, cinder cone, composite/stratovolcano)

• Type of eruptions (violent, explosive, small, weak, etc.)

• Current status (extinct, dormant, active)

C. Employment History

• List of companies or places where you had a job (major jobs only)

• Each listed item should include the things you did at each job

C. Eruption History

• List of past eruptions (major eruptions only)

• You must write a summary of one MAJOR eruption. Your summary must include:

• A description of the eruption (when it occurred, how long it lasted, what came out of the volcano)

• The effects on the environment

• The effects on the humans/cities/towns nearby

D. References

• People who know you professionally and will speak about what you are like to work with

• Each reference should include proper details (name, address, phone, etc.)

D. Works Cited

• A bibliography of all resources you used for information

• You must use at least 3 different sources that are reliable (e.g. books, encyclopedias, approved websites)

• Each resources should be listed in proper format (see www.mrenns.com for proper formatting steps)

Suggested Resources:

• Volcano World http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/ • Earth’s Active Volcanoes www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/world.html • Volcanoes of the World http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/

Page 2: VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT - Ms. Haynie's 6-1 Science Sitemshayniescience.weebly.com/uploads/5/2/5/8/52585973/volcano.res… · VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT • This project is to be done in

Name: Class: Date:


CRITERIA Developing Skilled Excellent STUDENT INFORMATION 0 1 3 5

Identifying information is poorly listed. Much

information is missing.

Identifying information is adequately listed. Very little

information is missing. A picture of the volcano is

included but it is not clear.

Identifying information is thoroughly listed. An

appropriate picture of the volcano is also included.


The description of the volcano is poor. Eruption types,

magma composition, and/or status are not listed or


The description is adequate: the type of volcano, type of

eruptions, and current status are partially listed.

The description is thorough and includes the type of

volcano, type of eruptions, and current status.


A poor summary of the eruption history is listed.

An adequate summary of the eruption history is listed.

A thorough summary of the eruption history is listed.


The sources are not listed in proper bibliographic format or

they are not reliable.

There are two or less than two sources reliable listed in

proper bibliographic format.

There is a minimum of three reliable sources listed in proper

bibliographic format.


There is poor use of color, borders, pictures, and

graphics. The resume is not the required length.

There is adequate use of color, borders, pictures, and

graphics. The resume is close to the required length.

Excellent use of color, borders, pictures, and graphics. The resume is one page in length

and the paper is filled..

LITERACY 0 1 3 5

Major errors in spelling, punctuation, paragraph format,

indentation, and sentence structure.

Significant errors in spelling, punctuation, paragraph format,

indentation, and sentence structure.

Minor errors in spelling, punctuation, paragraph format,

indentation, and sentence structure.

Total Points ( / 30):

Percentage [%]:

Teacher Comments:

Page 3: VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT - Ms. Haynie's 6-1 Science Sitemshayniescience.weebly.com/uploads/5/2/5/8/52585973/volcano.res… · VOLCANO RESUME PROJECT • This project is to be done in

Sak ura-jima                          

I  am  located  near  Kagoshiima,  Japan.    The  latitude  and  longitude                                                                                are  31.6  N,  130.7  E  and  the  elevation  is  3,663  feet  (1,117  meters).  

 Volcano  Description  

I  am  a  composite  volcano  located  on  a  small  island  off  the  larger  island  of  Kyushu,  Japan.    My  eruptions  are  explosive  with  many  bombs  and  lots  of  ash.    The  eruptions  are  classified  as  Strombolian  after  Mt.  Stromboli  in  Sicily.    I  also  produce  pyroclastic  flows  that  can  be  very  dangerous.    

Eruption  History  

I  am  a  highly  active  volcano.    I  first  erupted  in  A.D.  708  and  since  then  I  have  been  erupting  constantly  which  makes  it  difficult  to  provide  a  list  of  my  eruption  history.    I  had  many  large  eruptions  between  1471-­‐1476,  1779,  and  1781.    My  most  current  eruptive  time  began  in  1955  and  I  have  erupted  between  100-­‐200  times  each  year  since.    For  example,  I  erupted  126  times  in  1994.    

Additional  Information  

I  am  monitored  by  the  Sakurajima  Volcano  Research  Center  which  was  founded  in  1960.    I  have  not  caused  too  many  people  to  die  except  in  1914.    I  am  mostly  an  inconvenience  to  the  local  population  due  to  showering  the  people  with  ash.    

Works  Cited   Earthquake  Research  Institute  University  of  Tokyo,  1996,  Welcome  to  Decade  Volcano:  Sakurajima,  http://hakone.eri.u-­‐tokyo.ac.jp,  accessed  on  April  17,  2008    Kyoto  University  Disaster  Prevention  Research  Institute,  2007,  Sakurajima  Volcano  Research  Center,  http://dpri.kyoto-­‐u.ac.jp/~kazan/default_e.html,  accessed  on  April  18,  2008    Volcanoworld,  2007,  Sakura-­‐jima,  Japan,  http://volcano.und.edu/vwdocs/volc_images/north_asia/sakura.html,  accessed  on  April  17,  2008  

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Volcano Name Country Volcano Type 1. Kilauea U.S.A. Shield

2. Mount St. Helens U.S.A. Composite / Stratovolcano

3. Mauna Loa U.S.A. Shield

4. Etna Italy Shield

5. Stromboli Italy Composite / Stratovolcano

6. Vesuvius Italy Composite / Stratovolcano

7. Galunggung Indonesia Composite / Stratovolcano

8. Merapi Indonesia Composite / Stratovolcano

9. Krakatuau / Anak Krakatuau Indonesia Cinder Cone

10. Kelut Indonesia Composite / Stratovolcano

11. Erta Ale Ethiopia Shield

12. Ol Doinyo Lengai Tanzania Composite / Stratovolcano

13. Unzen Japan Composite / Stratovolcano

14. Sakurajima Japan Composite / Stratovolcano

15. Fuji Japan Composite / Stratovolcano

16. Yasur Vanuatu Composite / Stratovolcano

17. Arenal Costa Rica Composite / Stratovolcano

18. White Island New Zealand Composite / Stratovolcano

19. Ambrym Vanuatu Composite / Stratovolcano

20. Pacaya Guatemala Composite / Stratovolcano

21. Feugo Guatemala Composite / Stratovolcano

22. Rabaul Papua New Guinea Shield

23. Paricutin Mexico Cinder Cone

24. Popocatepetl Mexico Composite / Stratovolcano

25. Pinatubo Philippines Composite / Stratovolcano

26. Mt. Pelee Martinique Composite / Stratovolcano

27. Nevado del Ruiz Colombia Composite / Stratovolcano

28. Cotopaxi Ecuador Composite / Stratovolcano

29. Lamington Papua New Guinea Composite / Stratovolcano

30. Eyjafjallajökull Iceland Composite / Stratovolcano

31. Eldfell Iceland Composite / Stratovolcano

32. Piton de La Fournaise Reunion Island, France Shield



