Volatile Constituents of Achillea millefolium L. ssp ...

~I -- FLAVOUR AND FRAGRANCE JOURNAL. VOL. 11.265-267 (1996) Volatile Constituents of Achillea millefolium L. ssp. millefolium from Iran Suleiman Afsharypuor and Sadigheh Asgary Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Isfahan, Iran G. B. Lockwood Department of Pharmacy. University of Manchester, Manchester M 13 9PL. UK The vola~ile constituents of Achillea millefolium L. ssp. millefolium growing wild north-east of Teheran. Iran, were studied by GC and GC-MS. Twenty-one constituents were identified. The main components were IX- bisabolol. spathulenol, cis-nerolidol. cis-carveol and trans. trans-farnesol. The percentage of sesquiterpenic components was high, attaining 55.4% of the total oil. KEYWORDS: Achillea millitolium L. ssp. millefolium; Compositae; volatile oil: IX-bisabolol INTRODUCfION '. Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) is a rhizomous herbaceous medicinal plant which is commonly found growing wild in the British Isles, southern Europe, Asia, Australia and North America.' In Iran, it grows in several areas,2-4and its essential oil is used to treat neuralgia and rheumatic pain.4 No previous investigation of the volatile con- stituents of the A. millefolium ssp. millefolium growing in Iran has been carried out but the composition of the essential oil of this and closely related species growing in other regions of the world has been studied by several investi- gators.5013 EXPERIMENTAL Plant Material Aerial parts of flowering plants of A. mille- folium L. ssp. millefolium were collected in May 1992 from a population growing wild near Polor (north-east of Teheran, Iran) at an aititute of 1900-2220 m. The plant material was identified in the Botany Department of Sciences, Univer- sity of Isfahan, Iran and a voucher specimen has been deposited in the Herbarium of the Pharma- cognosy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy and CCC 0882-5734/96/050265-03 @ 1996 by John Wiley & Sons. Ltd. Pharmaceutical Science~, Isfahan University of Medic:al Sciences. Iran. Isolation of the Volatile Oil The air-dried plant material was grossly pulver- ized and the volatile fraction was isolated by hydrodistiIIation for 4 h according to the British Pharmacopoeia.14 The isolated pale yellow oil was collected in 1ml of pentane and then \.!Sedfor gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses. Gas Chromatography GC analyses were performed using a Hewlett Packard 5890 gas chromatograph fitted with a flame ionisation detector and a megabore cross- linked methyl silicone fused-silica column (OV-l, J. & W. Scientific 30 m x 0.31 mm i.d., film thick- ness 3 f.Lm).The carrier gas was nitrogen with a flow rate of 2.5 mI/min. The oven temperature was programmed from 70°C to 280°C at lOoC/min. Injector and detector temperatures were 270°C. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry A ~tatos Concept 25 spectrometer was used, equipped with a Sun Mash 3 computer data out- Received 18 May 1995 Accepted 29 January 1996 .

Transcript of Volatile Constituents of Achillea millefolium L. ssp ...


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Volatile Constituents of Achillea millefolium L. ssp.millefolium from Iran

Suleiman Afsharypuor and Sadigheh AsgaryFaculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Isfahan, Iran

G. B. Lockwood

Department of Pharmacy. University of Manchester, Manchester M 13 9PL. UK

The vola~ile constituents of Achillea millefolium L. ssp. millefolium growing wild north-east of Teheran. Iran,were studied by GC and GC-MS. Twenty-one constituents were identified. The main components were IX-bisabolol. spathulenol, cis-nerolidol. cis-carveol and trans. trans-farnesol. The percentage of sesquiterpeniccomponents was high, attaining 55.4% of the total oil.

KEYWORDS: Achillea millitolium L. ssp. millefolium; Compositae; volatile oil: IX-bisabolol



Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) is a rhizomousherbaceous medicinal plant which is commonlyfound growing wild in the British Isles, southernEurope, Asia, Australia and North America.' InIran, it grows in several areas,2-4and its essentialoil is used to treat neuralgia and rheumatic pain.4No previous investigation of the volatile con-stituents of the A. millefolium ssp. millefoliumgrowing in Iran has been carried out but thecomposition of the essential oil of this andclosely related species growing in other regionsof the world has been studied by several investi-gators.5013


Plant Material

Aerial parts of flowering plants of A. mille-folium L. ssp. millefolium were collected in May1992 from a population growing wild near Polor(north-east of Teheran, Iran) at an aititute of1900-2220 m. The plant material was identifiedin the Botany Department of Sciences, Univer-sity of Isfahan, Iran and a voucher specimen hasbeen deposited in the Herbarium of the Pharma-cognosy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy and

CCC 0882-5734/96/050265-03@ 1996 by John Wiley & Sons. Ltd.

Pharmaceutical Science~, Isfahan University ofMedic:al Sciences. Iran.

Isolation of the Volatile Oil

The air-dried plant material was grossly pulver-ized and the volatile fraction was isolated byhydrodistiIIation for 4 h according to the BritishPharmacopoeia.14The isolated pale yellow oil wascollected in 1 ml of pentane and then \.!Sedfor gaschromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses.

Gas Chromatography

GC analyses were performed using a HewlettPackard 5890 gas chromatograph fitted with aflame ionisation detector and a megabore cross-linked methyl silicone fused-silica column (OV-l,J. & W. Scientific 30 m x 0.31 mm i.d., film thick-ness 3 f.Lm).The carrier gas was nitrogen with aflow rate of 2.5 mI/min. The oven temperaturewas programmed from 70°C to 280°C atlOoC/min. Injector and detector temperatureswere 270°C.

Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

A ~tatos Concept 25 spectrometer was used,equipped with a Sun Mash 3 computer data out-

Received 18 May 1995Accepted 29 January 1996



RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONput. The same OV-1 column was used and theGC operating conditionswere as above but usinghelium as the carrier gas. Massspectrometer con-ditions were the following: ionisation potential,70 eV; ion source temperature, 150°C; resolu-tion, 1000;scan time 1 s. The identificationof theconstituents was based on computer matchingagainst the library spectra built up using puresubstances and components of known essentialoils, and MS literature data.15.16For further iden-tification of the constituents, co-injections withsome authentic components were carried outusing a Chrompack 438 gas chromatograph, fit-ted with a flame ionisation detector and a CPSIL-5 (Chrompack) column (25 m x 0.32 mmLd., filmthickQess0.25 J.Lm).'The carrier gas washelium with a flow rat~ of 2.5 mVmin.The oventemperature was programmed from 50°C to280°C at 6.5°C/min. Injector and detector tem-peratures were 270°Cand 28o.°Crespectively.


Twenty-one constituents representing 80.4%of the total oil were identified (Table 1). Themain components, a-bisabolol, spathulenol, cis-nerolidol, cis-carveol, and trans, trans-farnesolamounted to 50.0% of the oil.

The mono terpene fraction amounted to17.6%; cis-carveol (5.0%), trans-carveol (3.7%).and cis-sabino I (2.5%), being the most abundantconstituents. It is noteworthy that this fractionoccurred in higher amounts (up to 83%) in theoils isolated from flowers and from leaves of thesame subspecies, collected during the floweringperiod in the Botanical Garden of Lisbon. 1,8-Cineole (25%) and trans-sabinene hydrate(10%) were reported to be the most abunda!1tcomponents of the oil from the leaves, while 1,8-cineole (29%) and sabinene (15%) were foundto be the major constituents of the oil obtained

Table 1. Volatile constituents of dried aerial parts of Achillea millefolium L. ssp. millefolillm growing wildnorth-east of Tehran. Iran






* =on OV-l

n.r =Not previously reported in the v.olatile oil of Achillea millefolium ssp. millefolillm; RI = Retentionindex; Co-I =Co-injection.


Constituents Kovats indices* Identification %

Phenol 1062 GC-MS 3.9cis-Sabinol 1140 RI.GC-MS 2.5trans-Carveol 1215 RI.GC-MS 3.7cis-Carveol 1225 RI.GC-MS 5.0Bornyl acetate 1281 RI.GC-MS.Co-1 1.3CIO HIMO2 1298 GC-MS 3.5Geranyl acetate 1365 RI.GC-MS 0.9Neryl acetate 1375 RI.GC-MS 0.7Caryophyllene 1425 RI.GC-MS 0.9I3-Himachalene 1443 RI.GC-MS 1.2cis-I3.Farnesene 1448 RI.GC-MS 2.7a-Patchoulene 1445 RI.GC-MS 2.22-Pentyl- 5-propylresorcinol 1480 GC-MS 1.8Spathulenol 1575 RI.GC-MS 12.4cis-Nerolidol 1585 RI.GC-MS.Co-1 5.7a-Bisabolol 1685 RI.GC-MS.Co-1 22.9trans, trans-Farnesol 1710 RI.GC-MS 4.0Campherenone 1715 RI.GC-MS 1.74-0xo-3.4-dihydro-2.3-diazaphenoxathiin 1775 GC-MS 0.9C's H2O0 1805 GC-MS 1.76.10,I4-trimethyl pentadecan-2-one 1905 GC-MS 0.8

Grouped constituents:Oxygen-containing monoterpenes 17.6Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons 7.0Oxygen-containing sesquiterpenes 48.4Non-terpenic constituents 7.4

Volatile oil yield (mVl00 gm dry weight) 0.4



from the flowers of the Portugese subspecies.sWe were unable to detect the oygenatedmonoterpene l,8-cineole in the oil isolated fromthe Iranian flowering plant. However, thismonoterpene was only reported as a minor con-stituent of the oil obtained from leaves of A.millefolium collected during the vegetativephases and the oil obtained from the same flow-ering plant growingwildin Kerepes (Hungary).12On the other hand l,8-cineole has been reportedto be the major constituent in the oils of severalAchillea species.I9-21

No thujane monoterpenes were detected in thevolatile oil of the Iranian A. millefolium ssp.millefolium. Components of this type have beenfound in relatively high amounts in the PortugeseA. millefolium ssp. millefolium,S.6 A. abrotanoidesand A. grandifolia.17

The oil isolated from Iranian A. millefoliumpossessed a high percentage (55.4%) ofsesquiterpenes a-bisabolol (22.9%), spathuJenol(12.4%), cis-nerolidol (5.7%), and trans, trans-farnesol (4.0%) being the major components ofthis fraction. The percentage of sesquiterpenes inthe oil obtained from flowers and leaves of theplants grown in Portugal was much lower (up to8.5%) and was dominated by germacrene-D. Incontrast, a high percentage of sesquiterpenes wasfound in the oils of A. millefolium ssp. collinaBecker,18 A. distans W. et K. ex WilId,19.20A.ochroleuca Ehrh.20,A. nobilis L. and A. ptarmicaL.21

No azulenes were detected in the volatile oil ofthe Iranian A. millefolium ssp. millefolium. How-ever, Lamaison et al.1Ohave reported the presenceof trace amounts of azulene in the French A.millefolium ssp. millefolium. A correlationbetween the ploidy level and the ability of Achil-lea species to synthesize proazulenes has beenshownY' Although in a few cases, proazuleneshave been detected in diploids of the millefoliumgroup,22 the majority of the diploid Achillea taxaare not able to produce proazulene com-pounds.21.23

As can be seen in Table 1, two mono terpenic,seven sesquiterpenic and four non-terpenic com-pounds were not previously reported in the


essential oil of A. millefolium ssp. millefoliumgrowingin other parts of the world.


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2. K. H. Rechinger, Flora Iranica, No. 158:Compositae. VI-Anthemideae, pp. 62--63, Akademische Druk-u. Ver-lagsanstalt. Graz. Austria (1986).

3. P. H. Davis. Flora of Turkey. Vol. 5. pp. 244--245. Edin-burgh University Press. Edinburgh (1975).

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