Vol. XI. No. 41 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · goodness.’ there was no speechmak- ... The roll...

Vol. XI. No. 4 1 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1903. One Dollar the Year. WHAT CLUB? WHY THE ONLY CLUB—THE McK. AND R. FIRST IN HEAT OF FRAY Opened lor Baslnesss oa tbe Local Pollti- •' cal .Stamping Ground With a Bravs Showing of Numbers—Assembly Can*l- date CartOn'Wlll Be the Slab’* Guest at < a smoker »n next Tuesday Evening 11nnrrnh for the club, ’. The McKinley club, The club that la leading the way Hurrah for the club, Tbe Kooarrelt club, That wns firat in tbe heat of rbe f rny.’* Owing to-the lack of sufficient training anal the absence of cultivated voices tho club Bong was not sune when Ocean Grove’s famous political organization, the McKinley., and Roosovelt Club, on Tuesday evening resumed Its regular -weekly meetings for tho winter. This omission was a set-back for Crawford ■'Mason and J o h n , E m o ry . The. latter had spent somo time practicing In secret and had tho words and tune of tho song down fine. They wero mollified, how- ever, by the promise ot a sauer kraut luncheon after the flrst snowfall. • Tho club has new quarters. It Is now locatod. In the rnlddl^ storeroom of the Clarendon building, . through tho courtesy of Judge Moran, who graciously allows all good Republi- cans to toast their shins by his fire In ■cold weather. For tbits piece of thoughtfulness the members gave him a voto of thanks. Crawford Ma- son has threatened to paint an appro- priate banner for the front window. That’ll bp nice. . Very little business wan transacted on Tuesday evening. Heally, there was nono to transact. And thank goodness.’ there was no speechmak- Ing'. - It was simply a "getting togoth : er” of the elub members nnd plcklmr "up tha-political threads where they wero. dropped last March. Frank Tantum suggested that tho d u b endorse the Assembly, .nominees; ! .“let them bo who they may.”' This ..latter sentiment had to do with va- cancies on tha ticket, and implied ex- ploit confidence In the county con- --ventlon’s committee to fill the places .of thosii1 who decline to stand for the nomination. So the endorsement went through with bells on. Dr. A. R. Todd, William 13. Osborne and Prof. Walter J. Mulford were elected to membership. The roll now numbers about 210. Next Tuesday evening a smoker will bo held In the clubroom. James D. Carton, of Asbury Park, candidate for Assembly, has' been Invited to come over nnd make himself known to tho voters of this district. There will bo something doing. Tho entertainment • committee, of which George C. Pridham Is chair- man,. will endeavor to make it Inter- esting for the members this coming winter, more so than over. The club is social as well as political,. and membership ls(open to every voter In this district, Irrespective of political belief’or previous condition of servi- tuile. ' The. attendance at .the first meeting of tho season, was gratifying. Devotional day exorcises at St. Paul's church, Ocean Grove, last Mon- day morning Included the reading of a portion of Psalm cxlx and prayer, both by the Rev. Samuel Barnes. The. minutes of the meetings of September. 21 and 28 wefe read and approved. Rev. H. Jj:-Hay ter reported for the committee on temperance and Rev. WV E.- W aters on Sabbath Observ-: lince, Rev.- W iliam Russell .opened .the question box. ' Oh report of the Rev. A. Wagg, dis- trict secretary of .the Conference Mis- sionary Society, the dates;October 19 and November 2 for the district mis- sionary meetings at Hlghtstown and Freehold, respectively, were left to the discretion of Dr. Wasg. The sermon was preached by the Rev. H. J. Hayter from the textfound in Deut. xxxli, 31: “Their rock Is not as our rock, our enemies themselves being Judges." The preacher stated that the text presented a great fact—r a fact admitted,by the enemieB of re- ligion, a fact divinely expressed and a fact that enters into the exultations of the people. of God. A vote of thanks was extended Mr. Hayter for his ex- cellentdlscourBe. Dr. Barnes apoke briefly on the sub- ject of Immortality as revealed in the Old. Testament. I- / ■■■■ ’. Next Monday the Rev. Dr. H .J. Zel- ly, pastor, of Simpson M. E. Church, Loflg 'Branch, will read a- paper on “The.klifd of preaching reqjilred.by the times.” . ;.. MISS MILLER’S BIRTHDAY PARTY Bancroft Rett Home tb* Scene of a Merry Gathering Last Friday Evening Miss Martha Miller,-who has now entirely, recovered from her recent Ill- ness, was given a birthday party last Friday evening. Miss Miller has late- ly taken up her residence at Ban- croft Rest Home, on Cookman avenue. It was there the affair was held. The party had Its conception In the . mind of Miss Anna E. Mosher. the matron of ,the homo. A most delight- ful evening was spent by the attend- ants, who numbered about thirty. There waB singing by MIbs Ham nnd Mr. Hess, and short addresses by Dr. Boswell' and Rev. Mr. Hancock. A col- lation was served. '. Through the kindness of numerous friends and well-wiBbers Miss Miller wilt pntes tho winter at the Bancroft Homo. V-. . — ■ <«■ : N«w Btuincsi for George Fergtuon . George S, Ferguson, of Heck ave- nue, has resigned his position'’>s as bookkeeper in the Asbnrj-, Paik aim’- O.cean Gjxivo Bank, Mr.' Fefsuson gives, up, his bank job: to enlace in Hho real eBtato business In . i\abur> Park. Ho will bo associated v;ltl\hle father, J. Stanley FerguBon, o' Ocean Grove, who lms ofllceB In tho-postof- flce building. -V . . I,' . PREACHERS' MEETING Rev. H. J. Hayter’s Sermon Forth a Vote ol Thanks Calls' TWENTY-NINE JOIN ST. a Noteworthy occasion last SUNDAY MORNING FIHST FALL COMMUNION DUAL CELBBRATIOH. Favor .Divided Betraen an " At Home” and Baby’s BlrtMay ' At1 her residence, 02 Heck avenue, last Friday afternoon, Mrs, George S. Ferguson gave'an “at home." in honor of .her guest, Mrs. Frank . A; Slncer- beaux, of New York City. The latter is well remembered here as Miss Jes- sie Batterson, a former .teacher In' the Ocean Grove schoola. • The reception was from 4 to C o’clock. Mrs; Feruu- son and Mrs; Slncerbeaux. doing the matronly honors. .Mrs. Samuel Reif- snlder poured the cocoa. She was as- sisted by the MiBses Mi K. Hoff-' meier and Gertrude Goodcnouch. With ItB ferneries, its snowy damask, sparkling china and cut glass the din- ing table presented a beautiful sight. The Invited guests were Mrs. L. Rainear,. Miss Lulu " Rainear, '..MJbs Phebe Hulshart,, Mrs. John M. Good- now, Misses Louella/ Anna and Edith Gdodnow,' Mrs, J. Stanley Ferguson; MrB, John LeRoy Taylor, Miss Louise. Barline, Miss M. K. Hoifmeler,. Miss Gertrude Goodenough, Miss Alice X^ookwood, Miss Theresa Baker,, Mrs. C. I. Long, Miss Alice Dunham, Mrs. Albert Clark, Miss L. A. Doren, Mrs. Isaac Green, Miss Mabel Green, MIbs Grace Eppley, Miss Alice Bible,'MIsb Augusta Scott, Miss.Ina Wright, MIbb Gleunle Comyges, Miss Dora Towns- end. Miss' Florence Shemeley, Miss Mary M. James. The first birthday anniversary of Mr. and'M rs. Ferguson’s young son, Harry Stanley, fell on Friday lust In brder that Mr. Slncerbeux .might; at- tend, the celebration of that event waB postponed until Saturday even- ,lng. Master-Ferguson was the re- cipient of numerous remembrances. OCTOBER TERM OF COURT Nice Jab for rainier Tonkins . . Painter William B. Tonkins, of 76 Main avonuo, Oeetm Grove, will dec- ' orate thp-ball room-of the Wheelmen's club in Aabury Park. The room Ib fo havo new trimmings and will be re-, varnished and painted. Th’e floor will be newly polished. • • ' Sew Cottage an Asbury Ave»u« . Linnid K. Bradt Ib having erected at 83 Asbury aventio a commodious two- • story-frame cottage.:.'The.building Is now well under way. Holmes .MeglU is the contractor, t •• 7 . . i.,;. V_. List of Good Hen. and True Who - Will . Serve on Grand Jury “Members of thei October grand 1ury are Richard W,: Herbert. Frank B. Heyer, Robert- W. Reed, : Alexander. L. Morrell. John 'P. Walker, wniiam C. Ely. Charles M. Polhemus, Iiewis C. Hathaway, Lievi F. Emmons,. Pat- rick •' J. Devlin, Charles Tindall; Ed- ward C. Beekman, John Chamberlain; Albert {T. Rogers, Asher S. Burton. Thomas V. ArrowBmith (excused), Al- fred B. Stoney, Leonard D. Roberta, William T. Parker, Jacob C. Shutts, Jacob Stejnbach, Edward A, Heyer, Asher H. Burtis and Allen B. Wick- ham. .' \:y . Court convened at Freehold on Tuesday,; Justice. J. Franklin Fort sit- ting. There are lOS clvll cases.on the caleidar, and 40 Justice’s court ap-. peals; In charging, the; Jury , Judge Fort expressed hlB hope that indict- ments would follow In cases In1 which the evidence warranted^ . : Twenty-Three Probationers and Six by ' Certificate Admitted to Full Mtmt»r- ihlp—A Number Continued One Moath to Demonitrate Their Pitne»s—frayer for thost Who Leave the Grove , At S t Paul’s church -last Sunday morning was celebrated the first com- munion of the fall season. It was a noteworthy ■ occasion—'noteworthy, for one-, reason, because there were taKen Into tho church by certificate and from probation twenty-nine per-, sons, six of;the former and "twenty- three, of the latter. It was expected that there would be a still larger dads of probationers, but several Of-these at their own request were continued In the -probationary relationship a month longer to’demonstrate their fit- ness to be received Into full church, .membership. . When Rev.: Mr.. Hancock asked the congregation if they knew of a reason why any of the candidates should not be admitted ;a the church he paused long enough in the. .ceremony'to say that this .Question was not a mere form, aB'many persons might suppose. He related an Instance ; where this' question was'once asked and from .tbe congregation, there arose, a man> who declared that he objected1 most de- cidedly to one of the candidates being, admitted to the church. The cere- mony was; stopped while the persons Interested adjourned to an ante room, where explanations followed. When they returned. to the church the; ob- jector publicly withdrew ' his objec- tion:; and the, ceremony . proceeded, the person to whom objection had been made being admitted. The probationers received; Into full membership at St. Paul’s last, Sunday were Albert D. McCabe, H. .H: Guyer, Margaret -Browne, Lulu F. Brqwne, Bertha Naylor, Ethel G. Truax, Helen M. White, Richard S; Gasner, Charles F. Kenyon, Lizzie W. Kenyon, C. C. Clayton, J^wlti F. Rainear, Edna W-, Johnston, Willie McBride, -Frederick Shibla, Sarah Shibla,' Lees ;Broome. Otis F. 'J,ee;; Dora p. Lee, Alden F. Bartlett, Georglanna Bartlett, Rena Meglll and Deborah A. Giffard. Those who presented certificates were Allda M. Hulshart, - Mary L: Diinshee, Anna E. Mosher, Halsey J. Lisle, Edltb Llsk and Mrs. B. F. S. Miner.- The, right hand of fellowship was also'given at, the altar .to Mr.. and Mrs. Jeffrey, who recently Identified themselves with this church.. Mr. Hancock' said he esteemed it the greatest privilege of his life to welcome, these people into the com- munion of the. church. At the Sacramental service, which followed, Dr. Alday conducted the rit- ual worship. Those who assisted .In the administration of tho consecrated elements-were, the Revs. William Rus - sell, Charles ‘Boswell, B. B, Loomis, A. E. Ballard, J; H. Hawxhurst and 9. H: C. Smith. In the closing prayer Rev. Mr, Hancock .remembered- those Who go away from the Grove for the win- ter. He earnestly prayed that ;God would be with them wherever 'they may be. '.' ' -'• They Will Hold Weekly Meetings Until Election Day W ith Rev. William Russell of Ocean Grove presiding, the semi-an - nual meeting of the Neptune Town- ship Prohibition Alliance was held on Monday evening. There are twenty- nine similar alliances In the State and about 2,500 In the nation.! The meet- ing of the local • alliance was held in the Mikado-building, Asbury Park, The following officers were chosen: President—Rev. William Russell. Vice President—Dr. John H. Shot- well. Secretary—William Beaiies; Treasurer—Seth Shear., The ofBcftrs, exceptlns 'the secre- tary, are elected every six months.. :Mrs. E. Hill Is chaplain and Z, Nye marshal.. ' ■ To boom Messrs. Rogers, Shotwell and Eaton, the Prohibitionist candi- dates for Assembly, weekly meetings Will be held until , after election. .It expected that on next Monday evening campaign Issues will be pre- sented by able speakers, and that there' will also be a general' discussion of party Interests. . Baztr Circle Hext Week Homemade bread and cako sale this (Saturday) afternoon at. West GrOvo Bazar Circle • fair, •Johnson merry-go- round. . Chicken potpio imppor, 25 cents; Wednesday evening, October 14. Groceries; - provisions, fancy gopds, etc.- Light lunch.served. Fair open every afternoon and evening, October 10 to 17—It ■J . Mapte Tree Putting Ferth new Leaves It isfnoticed that since the recent Btorrd a maple treo in front of the Ocean Grovo postofflco Is putting forth leavo.-i. This Is something very rare. Second crop blossoms and fruit; are)-more or less common with fruit-bearing trees, but' with shade trees a second crop, of leaves, is a sight-seldom witnessed.- Scholars Will Putllstf (lass Parer A class paper is to bo published by the. scholars of the Ocean Grovohleh school. 'Its name will be "The Tri- dent." The staff will ho mado. up of Stevens, Jacob IJpros, ;Ralph Johnson, Ethel Goldor and Besslo Bornhart. V • - . .\ c . .** . ulv/'isvv; STRAW-RIDE FOR ORCHESTRA Concert io Be Glyen for Summerfleld Sckool Library Fund Th’e, Neptune Township High School Orchestra has resumed .Its regular weekly-, rehearsals, under the. leader - ship of Mr; vanGilluwe, There are at present about thirty-five' members, with others to join, it is .thought, in the near future. , It Is proposed to take a trip short- ly to the ■ Summerfleld ■ school and there give a concert for the beneflt of the school library fund, Tho mem- bers’of the orchestra, are looking for- ward to going to this-concert; on - straw-rldi. Correct Designs te Complete; Monument To complete; the. battle monument ,.at Freehold, an effort will-be'! made to secure’a design .which will truly rep- resent, certain models of cannon' used -during, the Revolution, to be placed upon -the ,thfee’ corners' of the base which now appear to be unfinished, 1 The -original plan 'contemplated some - thing of the kind, and tho granite ped- estals were left so thnt the design might sometime,be completed. To Ganvesj *ecent Vote ; On Tuesday of this week Governor Murphy appointed. Senators' Bradley, of Camden; Cross, of Union; McKee, of Passaic: Ferrell, of Gloucester, and Childs, of Somerset, a State board to canvass the vote, bast; on the legisla- tive amendments'a't the tecent special election.' The board will meet in tho State, house next Tuesday, and count the votes. , :'v' , PROHIBITIONISTS ASTIR DELAYED INAUGURATION CROSBY JAILED PARK SUMMER VISITOR PROVES TO B E NOTORIOUS CROOK POSED AS BIG SPECULATOR 0RE0S WON, OF COURSE Dr. Patton to Be Formilly Installed at PflBceton Tieelogicai Seminary , Next Wednesday ,the formal Inaugu- ration ,of 'Dr. Francis E., Patton > as president of Princeton Theolbglcat Seminary will take place. Dr, Patton took his station at the lieatl c! the Theological Seminary, last fall, but tfie formal Installation wasippstponied un- tilthis'fail, on account of the inaug- uration.of Dr. Woodrow'Wilson as president of the Princeton Universi- ty. . ' . Services will be held in the First Presbyterian Church .at 11 o'clock in the; morning, to be ’followed by1 a luncheon served In Stuart ’. Hall. A' number of prominent clergymen and scholars will be preseht;: but . the names :have not'been announced. <At the luhclieon there will be speeches by several of .the prominent visitor's. ANCKER, INNOCENT, IS SUED- Charged With Complicity in the Flrit .-National Bank Trouble. Clarence E. Anclter.of Asbury Park,', was .arraigned before : Judge Kirk- patrick, in the United States District Court) at Trenton, on Monday, chargbd with irregularities In connection with the First National Bank failure. Anck- er denied complicity. He will be tried next Monday'. , It seems that Ancker, who.was em- ployed in the bank, at the'suggestion of some of ita ofllclals.was made a di- rector 'in order to complete a full board. A certificate of stock changed hands, the latter being, transferred back to' the bank.. When; the: receiver of the .bank levied an'assessment^ on the stock.: Ancker’s anomalous posi- tion was explained. HR. AND MRS. CONKLIN AT HOME Surprised? Yes; Bat Perfectly Willing, So They Entertain a Mtrry Parly: . Mr.’ and •Mrs. W.arren ConWin’ ofi 91 j-lQck avenue, \v.hose marriage Is of re- cent date, -were treated to' a. genuine surprise ‘ on . / Montlay-•• evening.; .Mr. Conklin stole a inarch on Kis friencls when lie left h^re last--week to keX ‘m a r r i e d , it was resolved to return the compliment Hr. Conklin was called to Asbury Park onMonday.i'feyening;-'‘When came back :he . fquud- his home in pos- sion of “the ehemy.” A pleasant even- ing was spent in consequence of the ability and perfect willingness of the surprised.to act ag host and hostess. ONE SESSION ? WELL, MAYBE School Boar* w ill Debat* That Proposition at Next Heeling , Absence of a quorum caused a post- ponement of the school board meeting scheduled- for last Monday evening. The pupil,: of the high school-are. In favor of holding but one session a; day. A petition to that effect wfll be .pre- sented tb the board at it3 next mcfl- Irig, presumably the,early part of the coming week. ■ . TBe new^rnoms in' the high school basemept are nearly completed. When .furnished.'they will, compare favorably with the other rooms in tlie bulldine. Sunday Servlcei af St. Paul'i ’ The pulpit of , St. Paul’S'ohurch on Sunday morning -wili >be occupied by tha' Rev.- S. H. C. iSm ithj.ot this place. In',thef eyning:the ReV. Satfiuel-Barnes will ’preach. Tho paBtor«,.gf this church, Rev. E. C. Hancock, Uo. out of town for.a fow days.'' " Fair In Merry-Go-Kound This (Saturday) af ternoon the fair of tho W est Grove Bazar Circle opens In the Johnson merry-go-round, at the north end of the Pilgrim Pathway bridgo over Wealey lake, to continue every afternoon arid evening until October 17. This atternoon home- made bread, and cdke will be on sale. Wednesday ovanlug a' chicken potple supper will bo served. Light lunch may be had. every evening. Also, ice cream. -A shooting gallery will be in - operation. Groceries, provisions, fancy goods, etc., will be; for sale, displayed on pretty booths attended by courte- ous. and .obliging, members of the Ba- zar Circle. Go. to the fair. ; It will be- a popular place to visit ,. • The Specific Crime for Which He Was Ap- prahendcd Is Robbing. Hall ' Poaches. Bis Accomplice a Woman, Bright and Witty, Who Entertained Hotel Guests With Her Hany Accomplishments - Word was received, late' on -Friday evening of last week by tbe Pinker- ton Detective Agency, acting for the Postofflce Department of New York tha,t. the notorious letter pouch thief and forger F. H. Crosby, alias A. E. Bell, alias Crawford, alias"Hammond, had been arrested by' Its representa- tives in Denver, Col. Since his re- lease from prison last year, where he had-been serving time, almost ' con- tinuously since 1894; it la said, Cros- by ha3 cleared up a snug half million by bin operations. 1 Early last summer Crosby and a wo- , man, whom he Introduced ns his wife, registered at. the Edgemere; Inn, As- bury. Park, from;-, Crewe, England.' .Crosby said he was a fruit speculator, and he received an abundance of mall- from New York stock brokers. Fre- quently in the summer he made short trips from Asbury Park,. casually in- forming acquaintances there that he was negotiating the purchase of fruit on various farms about the; country and in Pennnsylvanid, Delaware and Maryland, ‘ , ", Declaring he was in poor health himself, he allowed, his wife to associ- ate freely with the younger guests at tho hotel,, and she became a general favorite. About September 10 ;Crosby went with his wifa to Jersey ‘City with sev-. era! acquaintances, announcing his in-- tention to start for Europe after a- ‘short visit in New York and Brooklyn. ’ About .this time W. W. Dickson, chief postofiice Inspector at Philadel- phia, was Informed that a Small pouch, containing bank remittances from ■Philadelphia to Pittsburg, Penh., had been. stolen' at Philadelphia on the night of September S. - Assistant Superintendent Dougher - ty,, of tie Pinkerton Agency, connect- ed this case at once with the theft of a pouch last April at Springfield Junc- tion, 111.; by onevA. E..Hammond; anil Hammond’s picture wns at-once iden - tified by the Asbury people as that of -Crosby,: also., The" couple vyere traced to Denver,: from which place Mrs, Crosby came originally. Crosby has shown great daring In these robberies. He 'accomplished his ends in most, eases by wearing the uni- form of a postofiice or railroad em- ploye. He is thirty-three years old, of refined manner and good education. The woman is a brilliant conversation- alist,-and- dresses excellently, . ..In' 1894 Crosby was arrested la New; York while - trying to cash, with a Malden Lane: Jeweller, a stolen draft fo r S 1,200. For. this he served from April , of that year to. November,-1S97. In 1SJID he was arrested in New. York In company w’lth “Ktd” Foster, of Peoria, 111., pickpocket, while attempt- ing,to cash a $425 draft with Marcus & Co., tbe Broadway jewelers; ..This draft was stolen from a'mall pouch at Buffalo, and Crosby went to Auburn on a five-year sentence. He also served a three-year term . at i one time In "Jefferson City, Mo.; for .a--similar' offence.. Through an agreement, with the Pinkertons and the Postofiice De- partment, Crosby will be surrendered to the. St. Louts authorities for swind- ling the Lincoln Trust Company, in that'-city, in April of this'year; The report Industriously circulated by the metropolitan papers-that Crosby bad victimized the iocarba:nks to the tune of thousands of dollars is absolutely false in every particular. He was the object of. suspicion, while: In the Park, and if he obtained any money at all It could only have been a ; very small sum.' -■ , ;■ Dr. Wallace’s Family Reurn Thinks • The widow and. children of the late Dr. A. Wallace desire through this pa- per to. thank their many friends who have sent them letters of tender sym- pathy. and prayers for the bereaved. It would be Impossible to; reply per- sonally to each; one, ■ . e v e n '. briefly, without overtaxing .those wliose. suf- fering is too' severe to have, this ad- ditional burden at this time. They are indeed deeply grateful for the. many manifestations of kindness sjhown them in their great bereavement. Opponents Bowled Oyer Like Straws by a Strong 'Wind Score one—the first one— for the Oreos. Tbe local football, season opened auspiciously lust Saturday. A fair- sized crowd witnessed the initial game. The Richmond A. C.. of Now Brighton, Staten Island, opposed the Oreos on the'gridiron. The visitors, man for man, were much heavier than the locals. That made no dlflerenco. to the latter, who tossed their oppon- ents all over the field. In the.flrst half the first touchdown of tho season was made by Walter Rushton. The kick for goal waa missed, leaving tbe score 5 to 0 for the Oreos. In the second half the players of both.teams wero thoroughly warmed, up to their work. The play was much faster, and some pretty runB were made by Dudley and Applegate, two of the Oreos most reliable men. Ap- plegate made the second touchdown and Dalton kicked the gonl. Final score—Oreos, 11,; Richmond, 0. \ The game today (Saturday) will bo with the-team representing the'First Battalion, Naval Reserves, of New York. SERIES OF SERMONS Arranged by Rev. Samuel Sargent, of West Grove M. B. Church Rev. Samuel Sargent, pastor of tbe West Grove M. E. Church, has ar- ranged a series of Sunday morning sermons which, tn its entirety, prom- ises to be unusually entertaining^ and Instructive. The series comes proper- ly under the title of "LettcrB of JeBua to the Churches.” Tbe first of these sermons will be preached on Sunday,'. October ISth. They will be continued, one every Sunday morning, until Do- c e m h e r 1.1. The following Is the Rov. Mr. Sargent’s schedule: October IS—“The Apostle John and tbe Isle of Pntmos." October 25—"Jesus Walking Amid . the Golden Lamps." November 1—Letter to church at Ephesus; subject, “Loss of First Lovo and the Prescribed Remedy." November S—Letter to church at Smyrna; subject, "Christ’s Sympathy for His Suffering People," November 15—Letter to church at, Pergamos; subject, "Holding -Fast Christ’s Name In ;Unravorahlo Sur- . roundings.” ' November 22—Letter to' church at. Thyatirn; subject, "Judgment nt the Church Door.” ... November 29—Letter to church at Sardis; subject, "Unspotted Gar-* ments." December- 0—Letter to church at Philadelphia; subject, "Glorious Re- wards of Christian Patience,” December J3—Letter to church at Laodlcea; subject, “Christ’s Counsel to Lukewarm Christians.” ASSOCIATION WINS SUIT Rlis VanGilluwe May Lead Orchestra An effort is holng .made to organize an orchestra; among; the pupils .In' the Aabury Park, hlgli kchqpl, ...iCtfie, ,ef- fort ■ in auccosafuX the orchestra v.’ill bo directed-by Mias Edith vanGllliiwo of Ocean Grove. > V , - ’.'. - i\-' TIME-TABLE IS CHANGED Fall Schedule of Railroads Reduces Num- ber ol l’asseager Tutus A change was made In the railroad time-table on Tuesday. Pennsylvania trains. Nos. 276, 283,: 287, . 378, 423; 424, ■191, 490, (iilOf and 091 w ere w ithdraw n. There Was also a'.change, in several other, trains, as noted In the schedule elsewhere in this paper. . ' The fall schedule of 'the Central .railroad becomes operative' tomorrow. ■rokea window Replaced . The large plate- glass window at .vanGlllufto’s Btore, destroyed' by the dVy/at’orm whs replaced tfie :refcent'tiedv first'of tho week."'Tho came from New York. new glass Jadgmeut for $500 igam st Charles W* Sanders Is Jodge. Fort’s Decision At Freeh^d on ’.Tuesday,"; ’jildko' Fort gave Judgment in full to tho Ocean Grove Association . In its suit against Charles W. Sanders for un- paid lot and sewer assessments. The' amount of the judgment Is $500, tho assessments -covering a period oC about seven years. ■■ '■■ Tbo Association’s interests were .represented by Counsellor Samuel A. Patterson, of Asbury Park; Apple- gate & Son, of Red Bunk, appeared for the defendant. ' TAX-SALE A6AIN POSTPONED Out It Pays, Becauso1 Delinquents- Are Hurrying io Square Accounts Township Collector Shreve has again postponed the township tax sale. Unless there should be another big- run of tax payments the sale will how be held on Wednesday afternoon of next week. The time and place'are' given In the advertising columns of the Times. The collector on Wednesday last— the day of advertised snle— -received1 about-$1,000 In back taxes. At thta’ rate It will pay the townshlp-.to have a few more postponements. Transferred Uls Alfecllons Albert Robbins, formerly of Ocean Grove, on Friday ovening of last week tenderod his resignation ns a mombpr of tho Eaglo Hook and Laddor Com- pany of this place. Mr. ltobblnB re- signed in order to join, the lioso com- pany of North Asbury Park, where b e. now resides. • Donahue Will Recover It is now belloved that Joseph Don- ahuo will, recover from tho frightful Injuries he sustained last week by failing beneath the wheels of a train at tho local depot. Although his In- juries necessitated tho amputation of an arm and a leg, Donahue continues to Improve. - Afro-American Celebration At the Mt. Plsguli Baptist Church on Springwood tveuuo, WeBt Park, ia now boiiig celebrated the eleventh an- ' nlversary of tho Afro-American Bap - tist Association.. The meetings, which', were opened on Thursday, will bo con-. ;tlnued over Sunday. V £’’

Transcript of Vol. XI. No. 41 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, … · goodness.’ there was no speechmak- ... The roll...

Vol. X I. No. 4 1 OCEAN G R O V E , N E W J E R S E Y , S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 10, 1903. One Dollar the Year.




Opened lor Baslnesss oa tbe Local Pollti-

•' cal .Stamping Ground With a Bravs Showing of Numbers—Assembly Can*l-

date CartOn'Wlll Be the Slab’* Guest at < a smoker »n next Tuesday Evening

11 nnrrnh for the club, ’ .The McKinley club,

The club that la leading the way H urrah for the club,Tbe Kooarrelt club,

That wns firat in tbe heat of rbe f rny.’*

O w ing to - th e la ck of sufficient tra in in g anal th e absence of cu ltivated vo ices tho club Bong w as n o t sune w h en O cean Grove’s fam ous political o rgan ization , th e M cK inley., and R oosovelt Club, on T uesday evening resu m ed Its re g u la r -weekly m eetings fo r th o w in ter. T h is om ission w as a set-back fo r C raw ford ■ 'M ason and J o h n , Em ory. The. la t te r had sp en t som o tim e p rac tic ing In se c re t and h a d tho w ords and tune of tho song dow n fine. T hey w ero mollified, how­ever, by th e prom ise o t a sau e r k ra u t luncheon a f te r th e flrs t snow fall. •

T ho club h a s new qu arters. I t Is now locatod. In th e rnlddl^ s toreroom of th e C larendon building, . th rough tho courtesy of Judge M oran, who graciously allow s a ll good R epubli­c an s to to a s t th e ir sh in s by his fire In

■cold w eather. F o r tbits piece of though tfu lness th e m em bers gave h im a voto of th an k s. C raw ford Ma­son h a s th rea ten ed to p a in t an appro­p ria te b a n n e r fo r th e fro n t window. T h a t’ll bp n ice. .

V ery li t t le business wan tran sac ted on T uesd ay evening. Heally, th e re w as nono to tra n sac t. And th a n k goodness.’ th e re w as no speechm ak- Ing'. - I t w as sim ply a "g e ttin g togoth

: e r ” of th e elub m em bers nnd plcklm r " u p th a -p o litica l th re a d s w here th e y

w ero . dropped la s t M arch.F ra n k T an tum suggested th a t tho

d u b endorse th e Assembly, .nominees;! .“ le t th em bo w ho they m ay.” ' T h is . . la t te r sen tim en t h ad to do w ith va ­

cancies on th a ticke t, and im plied ex­p l o i t confidence In th e county con-

--ventlon’s com m ittee to fill th e p laces .o f thosii1 who decline to s tan d fo r the nom ination . So th e endo rsem en t w en t th rough w ith bells on.

Dr. A. R. Todd, W illiam 13. O sborne and P rof. W alte r J . M ulford w ere e lected to m em bership . T he ro ll now

■ num bers abou t 210.N ex t T uesday even ing a sm oker

w ill bo held In the clubroom . Jam esD. C arton, of A sbury P a rk , cand idate fo r A ssem bly, has' been Invited to com e over nnd m ake h im self know n to th o vo te rs of th is d is tric t. T here w ill bo som eth ing doing.

T ho e n te rta in m en t • com m ittee, of w hich George C. P r id h am Is ch a ir­m an,. w ill endeavor to m ake i t In te r­e sting fo r the m em bers th is com ing w in ter, m ore so th a n over. T he club is social as w ell as p o litic a l,. and m em bership l s (open to every v o te r In th is d is tric t, Irrespec tive of political b e lie f’ o r previous condition of servi-

■ tu ile . 'T he. a tten d an ce a t .the first m ee ting

o f th o season , w as g ratify ing .

D evotional day exorcises a t St. P au l's church, O cean Grove, la s t Mon­day m orning Included th e read ing of a portion of Psalm cxlx and prayer, bo th by th e Rev. Sam uel B arnes. The. m inu tes of th e m eetings of Septem ber. 21 and 28 w efe read and approved.

Rev. H. Jj:-H ay te r repo rted fo r the com m ittee on tem perance and Rev. WV E.- W aters on Sabbath Observ-: lince, Rev.- W ilia m R ussell .opened

.the question box. ' •Oh rep o rt of the Rev. A. W agg, d is­

t r i c t sec re ta ry of .the Conference Mis­sionary Society, th e d a tes;O c to b er 19 and N ovem ber 2 fo r the d is tr ic t m is­sionary m eetings a t H lgh tstow n and Freehold, respectively , w ere le f t to th e d iscretion of D r. W asg .

T h e serm on w as preached by th e R ev. H . J. H a y te r from th e te x t f o u n d in D eut. xxxli, 31: “T h e ir ro c k Is n o t as ou r rock, o u r e n e m ie s them selves b e ing Judges." T h e p reach e r s ta ted th a t th e te x t p re sen ted a g re a t f a c t—r a f a c t a d m itte d ,b y th e enemieB of re ­lig ion , a fa c t d iv inely expressed and a fa c t th a t e n te r s in to th e e x u l ta t io n s of th e p e o p le .of God. A vo te of th a n k s w as extended Mr. H ay te r fo r h is ex- c e lle n td ls c o u rB e .

D r. B arnes apoke briefly on th e sub ­je c t o f Im m ortality a s revealed in th e Old. T estam en t. I- / ■■■■ ’.

N ex t M onday th e R ev. D r. H .J . Zel- ly , pastor, of S im pson M. E . Church, Loflg 'B ranch, w ill read a- paper on “T h e .k lifd of p reach ing re q jilre d .b y th e tim es .” . ;..

M ISS M ILLE R ’S B IR TH D A Y PARTYB ancroft R ett Home tb* Scene of a Merry

Gathering Last Friday Evening

M iss M artha M ille r,-w ho has now e n tire ly , recovered from h e r re c en t Ill­ness, w as given a b irth d ay party la s t F rid ay evening. M iss M iller has la te­ly ta k e n up h e r re s idence a t B an­cro ft R es t H om e, on Cookm an avenue. I t w as th e re the a ffa ir w as held.

T h e p a rty had Its conception In the . m ind of M iss A nna E. M osher. th e

m a tron of ,th e hom o. A m ost delight­fu l even ing w as sp e n t by th e a tte n d ­a n ts , w ho num bered abou t th irty . T here waB sing ing by MIbs H am nnd Mr. H ess, and s h o rt add resses by Dr. Bosw ell' and R ev. Mr. H ancock. A col­la tio n w as served.

'. T hrough th e k indness of num erous friends and well-wiBbers M iss M iller w ilt pntes th o w in te r a t th e B ancro ft Homo. V -.

. — ■ <«■ :N«w B tuincsi for George Fergtuon

. George S, Ferguson, of H eck ave­nue, h a s res igned h is position'’>s as bookkeeper in th e Asbnrj-, P a ik aim’- O.cean Gjxivo B ank , • M r.' F e fsu so n g ives, u p , h is b an k job: to e n la ce in

Hho rea l eB tato b usiness I n . i\abur> P a rk . H o w ill bo assoc iated v ;ltl\h le fa th e r, J . S tan ley FerguBon, o ' Ocean Grove, w ho lm s ofllceB In tho-postof- flce building. -V . . I , ' .


Rev. H. J . Hayter’s Sermon Forth a Vote ol Thanks


ST.a No t e w o r t h y occasion l a s t



DUAL CELBBRATIO H .Favor .Divided B etraen a n " At H om e”

and Baby’s B lrtM ay ' ■A t1 h e r residence, 02 H eck avenue,

la s t F rid ay afternoon , M rs, George S. F e rg u so n g a v e 'a n “a t home." in honor of .h er guest, M rs. F ran k . A; Slncer- beaux, of New Y ork C ity. T h e la tte r is well rem em bered here as M iss Jes­sie B atte rso n , a fo rm er .tea ch e r In' the O cean Grove schoola. • T h e recep tion w as from 4 to C o’clock. M rs; Feruu- son and M rs; S lncerbeaux. doing the m atron ly honors. .M rs. Sam uel Reif- sn ld er poured th e cocoa. She w as as­s is ted by th e MiBses Mi K. Hoff-' m e ie r and G ertru d e Goodcnouch. W ith ItB fe rne rie s , i ts snowy dam ask, sp ark lin g ch in a and cu t g lass th e din­ing tab le p resen ted a beau tifu l sight.

T h e Inv ited gu ests were Mrs. L. Rainear,. M iss Lulu " Rainear, '..MJbs Phebe H u lshart,, M rs. John M. Good- now, M isses L ouella / A nna and E dith Gdodnow,' Mrs, J. S tan ley Ferguson; MrB, John LeRoy T aylor, M iss Louise. B arline , M iss M. K. Hoifm eler,. M iss G ertru d e Goodenough, M iss Alice X^ookwood, M iss T h e re sa B ak er,, M rs. C. I. Long, M iss Alice D unham , M rs. A lbert C lark, M iss L. A. Doren, Mrs. Isaac G reen, M iss M abel G reen, MIbs G race Eppley, M iss A lice B ib le ,'MIsb A ugusta Scott, M iss .In a W righ t, MIbb G leunle Comyges, M iss D ora T ow ns­end. Miss' F lo rence Shem eley, M iss M ary M. Jam es.

T he first b irth d ay ann ive rsa ry of Mr. a n d 'M rs . F e rg u so n ’s young son, H a rry S tan ley , fe ll on F rid ay lu s t In b rd e r th a t M r. S lncerbeux .might; a t ­ten d , th e celebration o f th a t ev en t waB postponed u n til S a tu rd ay even-

,lng . M aste r-F erg u so n w as th e re ­c ip ien t of num erous rem em brances.


Nice Jab for r a in ie r Tonkins .. P a in te r W illiam B. Tonkins, of 76

M ain avonuo, Oeetm Grove, w ill dec- ' o ra te thp -ba ll room -of th e W heelm en 's

club in A abury P a rk . T he room Ib fo havo new trim m ings and w ill be re-, varn ished an d pa in ted . Th’e floor w ill be new ly polished . • •

' Sew Cottage an Asbury Ave»u«. Linnid K. B rad t Ib having erected a t

83 Asbury aventio a commodious two- • story-fram e cottage.:.'The.building Is

now well under way. Holmes .MeglU is the contractor, t •• 7 . .

i . , ; . V_.

L is t of Good H en . and True Who - W ill . Serve on Grand Ju ry

“M em bers of thei O ctober g rand 1ury a re R ichard W ,: H erb e rt. F ra n k B. H eyer, R obert- W . Reed, : Alexander. L. M orrell. Jo h n 'P . W alker, w n iia m C. E ly. C harles M. Polhem us, Iiew is C. H a thaw ay , Lievi F . Em m ons,. P a t ­ric k •' J . Devlin, C harles T indall; E d­w ard C. B eekm an, Jo h n C ham berlain ; A lb e rt {T. R ogers, A sh e r S. B urton . Thom as V. ArrowBmith (excused ), Al­fred B. Stoney, L eonard D. R oberta, W illiam T. P a rk e r, Jaco b C. S hu tts, Jacob S tejnbach, E dw ard A, H eyer, A sher H. B u rtis and A llen B. W ick­ham . .' \:y .

C ourt convened a t Freeho ld on Tuesday,; Justice. J . F ran k lin F o r t s it­ting . T here a re lOS clv ll cases.on th e c a le id a r , and 40 Ju s tic e ’s cou rt ap-. peals; In charg ing , th e ; Jury , Judge F o r t expressed hlB hope th a t ind ic t­m ents would follow In cases In 1 w hich th e ev idence w arranted^ . : ■

Twenty-Three Probationers and Six by

' Certificate Admitted to Full M tm t»r-

ih lp —A Number Continued One Moath

to Dem onitrate Their Pitne»s—fra y e r

for thost Who Leave the Grove ,

A t S t P a u l’s chu rch -la s t Sunday m orning w as ce leb rated th e firs t com­m union of th e fa ll season . I t w as a no tew orthy ■ o cca s io n —'n o tew o rth y , fo r one-, reason , because th e re w ere taK en Into tho chu rch by certifica te an d from p robation tw enty-nine per-, sons, six o f ;th e fo rm er and " tw en ty - th re e , of th e la tte r. I t w as expected th a t th e re would be a s till la rg e r d a d s o f p robationers, b u t severa l O f-these a t th e ir own req u est w ere continued In th e -p ro b atio n ary re la tionsh ip a m onth longer to ’dem onstra te th e ir fit­ness to be received Into fu ll church ,

.m em bersh ip . . •W hen Rev.: Mr.. H ancock asked th e

congregation if they knew of a reason w hy any of th e cand idates should not be adm itted ;a th e church he paused long enough in the. .c e rem o n y 'to say th a t th is .Question was no t a m ere form , aB 'm any persons m ig h t suppose. H e re la ted an Instance ; w here this' question w as 'o n ce asked and from .tbe congregation, th e re a rose , a man> who declared th a t he ob jec ted1 m ost de­cidedly to one of th e cand idates being, ad m itted to th e chu rch . T h e cere­m ony w a s ; s topped w hile the persons In terested ad journed to an a n te room , w here exp lanations followed. W hen th ey re tu rn e d . to the church th e ; ob­je c to r publicly w ithd rew ' h is objec­tion:; and the, cerem ony . proceeded, th e person to whom objection had been m ade being adm itted .

T h e p robationers received; Into full m em bersh ip a t St. P a u l’s last, Sunday w ere A lbert D. M cCabe, H . .H: Guyer, M arg a re t -Browne, Lulu F . Brqwne, B erth a N aylor, E th e l G. T ruax , H elen M. W hite , R ich ard S; G asner, C harlesF . K enyon, Lizzie W . K enyon, C. C. C layton, J^ w lti F . R ain ea r, E d n a W-, Johnston , W illie M cBride, -F rederick Shibla, S a rah S h ib la,' L ees ;Broome. O tis F. 'J ,ee ;; D ora p . Lee, A lden F . B a rtle tt, G eorglanna B a rtle tt, R ena Meglll and D eborah A. Giffard.

Those who p resen ted certificates w ere A llda M. H u lsh art, - M ary L: D iinshee, A nna E. M osher, H a lsey J. Lisle, E d ltb L lsk and M rs. B. F. S. M iner.- The, r ig h t hand of fellow ship w as a lso 'g iv e n a t, the a lta r .to Mr.. and Mrs. Jeffrey, w ho recen tly Identified them selves w ith th is church..

Mr. H ancock ' sa id h e esteem ed it th e g rea te s t priv ilege of h is life to w elcom e, these people in to th e com­m union of the. church.

A t th e S acram en tal serv ice, w hich followed, Dr. A lday conducted the r i t­ual w orship. T hose who ass is ted .In th e a d m in is tra tio n o f tho consecrated elem ents-w ere, th e R evs. W illiam R us­sell, Charles ‘Boswell, B. B, Loom is, A. E . B allard , J; H . H aw x h u rs t and 9. H: C. Sm ith. In th e closing p ra y e r Rev. Mr, H ancock .rem em bered- those Who go aw ay from th e Grove fo r the win­te r . H e earn estly prayed th a t ;God would be w ith them w h e rev er 'th e y m ay be. • ' . ' ' -'•

They Will Hold Weekly Meetings Until Election Day

W ith R ev. W illiam R ussell of Ocean Grove presiding, the sem i-an­nual m eeting o f the N eptune Town­sh ip P roh ib ition A lliance w as held on M onday evening. T here are tw enty- n in e s im ila r a lliances In the S ta te and about 2,500 In the nation.! T h e m eet­ing of the local • a lliance w as held in th e M ikado-bu ild ing , A sbury Park, T h e following officers w ere chosen:

P res id en t—Rev. W illiam R ussell. V ice P res id e n t—D r. John H . Shot-

well.S ec re ta ry—W illiam Beaiies; T rea su re r—Seth S h ea r.,T he ofBcftrs, excep tln s 'the sec re ­

ta ry , a re elected every six m onths..:M rs. E . H ill Is chaplain and Z, Nye

m a rs h a l.. ' ■To boom M essrs. R ogers, Shotw ell

and E aton , th e P ro h ib itio n is t candi­d a te s fo r A ssem bly, w eekly m eetings W ill be held u n til , a fte r election . .It

expected th a t on n ex t M onday even ing cam paign Issues w ill be pre­sen ted by able sp eak ers , and th a t th e re ' will also be a general' discussion o f p a rty In te re s ts . .

• B az tr Circle Hext Week H om em ade b read and cako sa le th is

(S a tu rd ay ) a fte rnoon a t. W est GrOvo B azar C ircle • fa ir, • Johnson merry-go- round. . C hicken potpio imppor, 25 cen ts; W ednesday evening , October14. G roceries; - provisions, fancy gopds, etc.- L ig h t lu n c h .served . F a ir open every a fte rnoon and evening, O c tober 10 to 17— I t

■J .

Mapte Tree Pu tting Ferth new Leaves I t is fn o tic e d th a t since th e recent

Btorrd a m aple treo in fro n t of th e O cean Grovo postofflco Is p u ttin g fo r th leavo.-i. T h is Is som ething v e ry ra re . Second crop blossom s and fru it ; are)-m ore o r less com m on w ith fru it-bearing tre e s , b u t ' w ith shade tre e s a second crop, of le av es , is a s ig h t-se ld o m w itnessed .-

Scholars W ill Pu tllstf ( la s s P a re r A class paper is to bo published by

the. scho lars o f th e O cean G rovohleh school. 'I ts nam e w ill be "T h e T ri­den t." T h e staff w ill ho mado. up of

S tevens, Jacob IJpros, ;Ralph Johnson, E th e l G oldor and Besslo B ornhart. V

• - . . \ c . .** . u l v / ' i s v v ;

ST R A W -R ID E FOR ORCHESTRAConcert io Be Glyen for Summ erfleld

Sckool L ib rary Fund

Th’e, N ep tune T ow nship H igh School O rchestra h a s resum ed .Its re g u la r weekly-, reh earsa ls , u n d e r t h e . le ad er­sh ip of Mr; vanG illuw e, T h e re a re a t p re sen t abou t th irty -five ' m em bers, w ith o th e rs to jo in , i t is .th o u g h t, in th e n e a r fu tu re . ,

I t Is proposed to tak e a tr ip sh o rt­ly to th e ■ Sum m erfleld ■ school and th e re give a co n ce rt fo r th e b eneflt of th e school lib ra ry fund, T ho mem- b e rs ’of the o rchestra , a re looking fo r­w ard to going to th is-co n cert; on - s traw -rld i.

Correct Designs te Complete; M onument ■ To com plete; the. b a ttle m onum ent

,.at F reeho ld , an effort will-be'! m ade to secu re ’ a design .which w ill tru ly rep ­re sen t, c er ta in m odels of cannon ' used

-during , the R evolution, to be placed upon -the , th f e e ’ corners ' of th e base w hich now a p p ea r to be unfinished,

1 T he - o rig inal plan 'co n tem p la ted som e­th in g of th e kind, and tho g ra n ite ped­e s ta ls w ere le ft so th n t the design m ig h t so m etim e,b e com pleted.

To G a n v e s j *ecent Vote ;On T uesday of th is w eek G overnor

M urphy appointed. S enato rs ' B radley, of C am den; Cross, of U nion; McKee, o f P a ssa ic : F e rre ll, of G loucester, and Childs, of Som erset, a S ta te b o a rd to can v ass th e vo te , bast; on the leg isla­tiv e am en d m en ts 'a 't th e te c e n t special e le c tio n .' T h e board will m e e t in tho S tate, house nex t Tuesday, and count th e vo tes. , :'v' , •








Dr. Patton to Be F o rm illy Installed at PflBceton T ieelogicai Sem inary ,

N ext W ednesday ,the form al Inaugu­ra tio n , of 'D r. F ran c is E., P a tto n > as p re s id en t of P rin ce to n T heolbglcat Sem inary will tak e place. Dr, P a tto n to o k h is s ta tio n a t th e lieatl c! the Theological Sem inary, la s t fa ll, bu t tfie form al Insta lla tion w asippstponied un­t i l t h i s ' f a i l , on account of the inaug­u ra tio n .o f Dr. W oodrow 'W ilson as p re s id en t of th e P rince ton U niversi-ty . . ' .

Serv ices w ill be held in the F ir s t P re s b y te r ia n Church .a t 11 o 'clock in t h e ; m orning, to be ’followed by1 a luncheon served In S tu a rt ’. H all. A' nu m b er of p rom inen t c lergym en and scho la rs w ill be preseht;: bu t . the nam es :have n o t 'b e e n announced. <At th e luhclieon th e re will be speeches by sev e ra l of .th e p rom inent visitor's.

ANCKER, INNOCENT, I S S U E D -Charged W ith Complicity in the F lr it

.-National Bank T ro u b le .

C larence E. A nc lte r.o f A sbury Park,', w as .arra igned before : Judge K irk­patrick , in the U nited S ta tes D is tric t Court) a t T ren ton , on Monday, chargbd w ith irreg u la r itie s In connection w ith th e F ir s t N ational B ank fa ilu re. Anck- e r denied com plicity. H e w ill be tried n e x t Monday'. ,

I t seem s th a t A ncker, w ho .w as em ­ployed in th e bank , a t th e 'su g g estio n o f som e of ita ofllclals.w as m ade a di­re c to r 'in o rd e r to com plete a full board . A certifica te of stock changed h a n d s, th e la tte r be ing , tran sfe rred back to' th e bank.. W hen; the: receiver of th e .bank levied a n 'a sse ssm e n t^ on the stock.: A ncker’s anom alous posi­tio n w as explained.

H R . AND M RS. CONKLIN AT HOMESurprised? Y es; Bat Perfectly Willing,

So They Entertain a Mtrry Parly: •. Mr.’ and •Mrs. W .arren ConWin’ ofi 91

j-lQck avenue, \v.hose m arriag e Is of re- c en t da te , -were tre a te d to ' a . genuine su rp rise ‘ on . / M ontlay-•• evening.; . Mr. C onklin s to le a in a rch on Kis friencls w hen lie le f t h^re last--w eek to keX

‘m a rried , i t w as resolved to re tu rn th e co m p lim en t

H r. Conklin w as called to A sbury P a rk onM o n d ay .i'fey en in g ;- '‘W hen cam e b a ck :he . fquud- h is hom e in pos- sion of “the ehem y.” A p lea san t even­in g w as sp en t in consequence of th e ab ility and perfec t w illingness of th e su rp ris e d .to act ag host and hostess.

ONE SE SSIO N ? W EL L, MAYBESchool Boar* w ill Debat* That Proposition

a t Next Heeling, A bsence of a quorum caused a post­ponem ent of th e school board meeting scheduled- fo r la s t M onday evening. T h e pupil,: of th e high sch o o l-a re . In favo r of hold ing b u t one session a; day. A pe tition to th a t effect wfll be .pre­sen ted tb th e board a t it3 next m cfl- Irig, p resu m ab ly th e ,e a r ly p a rt of the com ing w eek. ■ .

TBe new ^rnom s in' the high school b asem e p t a re nearly com pleted. W hen .fu rn ished .'they will, com pare favorably w ith th e o th e r room s in tlie bulldine.

Sunday Servlcei af St. Paul'i’ T he p u lp it of , St. P a u l’S 'o h u rc h on

S unday m orning -wili >be occupied by th a ' Rev.- S. H . C. iS m ith j.o t th is place. In ',thef ey n in g :th e ReV. Satfiuel-Barnes w ill ’ p reach . T ho paBtor«,.gf th ischurch , R ev. E. C. H ancock, Uo. o u t o f tow n fo r .a fow d a y s . '' "

Fair In Merry-Go-KoundT his (S atu rday ) af ternoon th e fa ir

of tho W est Grove B azar C ircle opens In th e Johnson merry-go-round, a t the n o rth end of the P ilgrim Pathw ay bridgo over W ealey lake, to continue every a fte rn o o n arid evening un til O ctober 17. T h is a tte rnoon home­m ade bread , and cdke will be on sale. W ednesday ovanlug a ' ch icken potple supper will bo served . L ig h t lunch m ay be had. every evening. Also, ice cream . -A shooting ga lle ry w ill be in ­opera tion . G roceries, provisions, fancy goods, etc., w ill be; fo r sale , d isp layed on p re tty booths a tten d ed by courte­ous. and .obliging, m em bers of the Ba­z a r C ircle. Go. to th e fa ir. ; I t w ill be- a p o p u la r p lace to v i s i t ,. •

The Specific Crime for W hich He W as Ap-

prahendcd Is R obbing. Hall ' Poaches.

Bis Accomplice a W oman, B right and

W itty, Who Entertained Hotel Guests

With H er H any Accomplishments

- W ord w as received, la te ' on -Friday even ing of la s t w eek by tb e P in k er­to n D e tec tive A gency, a c tin g fo r the Postofflce D ep artm en t of New York tha,t. th e no torious le t te r pouch th ie f and fo rg e r F . H . Crosby, a lia s A. E. Bell, a lias C raw ford, a l ia s " H am m ond, had been a rre s ted by' Its rep re sen ta ­tives in D enver, Col. S ince h is re ­lease from prison la s t year, w here he h a d -b e en serv ing time, a lm ost ' con­tinuously since 1894; i t la said, Cros­by ha3 c leared up a snug ha lf million by bin operations.1 E arly la s t sum m er Crosby and a wo-

, m an, w hom he Introduced ns h is wife, reg is te red at. th e E dgem ere; In n , A s­bury . P a rk , f ro m ;-, Crewe, E ngland .' .Crosby said he w as a f ru it speculator, and he received a n abundance of mall- from N ew Y ork stock b rokers. F re ­quen tly in th e sum m er he m ade sh o rt trip s from A sbury P a rk ,. casually in ­fo rm ing acqua in tances th e re th a t he w as nego tia ting the p u rchase of f ru it on various fa rm s abou t the; country and in Pennnsy lvan id , D elaw are and M aryland, ‘ , ",

D eclaring he w a s in poor h ea lth him self, he allowed, h is w ife to associ­a te free ly w ith th e younger guests a t tho hotel,, and she becam e a gen era l favorite .

A bout S ep tem ber 10 ;Crosby w ent w ith h is w ifa to Jersey ‘C ity w ith sev-. era! acquain tances, announcing h is in-- ten tio n to s ta r t fo r E urope a f te r a-

‘sh o rt v is it in New York and Brooklyn.’ A bout .th is tim e W . W . Dickson, ch ief postofiice Inspecto r a t P h ilade l­phia, w as Inform ed th a t a Small pouch, con ta in ing bank rem ittances from ■Philadelphia to P ittsb u rg , Penh., had b e e n . s to len ' a t Ph ilade lph ia on th e n ig h t of Sep tem ber S.■ - A ss is tan t S uperin tenden t D ougher­ty,, of t i e P inkerton Agency, connect­ed th is case a t once w ith th e th e f t of a pouch la s t A pril a t Springfield Ju n c ­tion , 111.; by onevA. E ..H am m ond; anil H am m ond’s p ic tu re wns a t-o n ce iden­tified by th e A sbury peop le as th a t of -Crosby,: a lso ., The" couple vyere traced to D en v er ,: from w hich place Mrs, C rosby cam e originally .■ C rosby h a s show n g re a t daring In th e se robberies. H e 'accom plished his ends in most, eases by w earin g th e uni­fo rm of a postofiice o r ra ilroad em­ploye. H e is th irty -th ree y ea rs old, of re fined m an n e r and good education. T h e w om an is a b r il lian t conversa tion ­alis t,-and - d resses excellently ,. ..In' 1894 Crosby w as a rre s ted la New;

Y ork w hile - try in g to cash , w ith a M alden L ane: Jeweller, a s to len d ra ft fo r S 1,200. F o r. th is he served from A pril , of th a t y ea r to. November,-1S97. In 1SJID he w as a rre s ted in New. York In com pany w’lth “K td” F oste r, of P eo ria , 111., pickpocket, w hile a ttem p t­in g ,to cash a $425 d ra ft w ith M arcus & Co., tbe B roadw ay jew elers; ..This d ra f t w as stolen from a 'm a ll pouch a t Buffalo, and Crosby w ent to A uburn on a five-year sentence. H e also served a th ree-year te rm . a t i one tim e In "Jefferson City, Mo.; fo r .a--sim ilar' o ffence .. Through an agreem ent, w ith the P in k erto n s and th e Postofiice De­pa rtm en t, Crosby w ill be su rrendered to the. St. Louts au th o ritie s for sw ind­ling th e L incoln T ru st Company, in that'-city , in A pril of th is 'y e a r ; T he re p o rt Industriously c ircu la ted by the m etropo litan p a p e r s - th a t C rosby bad v ictim ized th e iocarba:nks to th e tune of thousands of dollars is abso lu tely fa lse in every p a rticu la r. H e w as th e ob jec t o f . suspicion , w h ile : In the P a rk , and if he obtained any m oney a t all I t could only have been a ; very sm all s u m . ' -■ , ;■

Dr. Wallace’s Family R eurn Thinks• The widow and. ch ild ren of th e la te Dr. A . W allace desire th rough th is pa­p e r to. th a n k th e ir m any friends who h av e s en t them le tte rs of ten d e r sym ­pathy . and p raye rs for the bereaved. I t would be Im possible to ; rep ly per­sonally to each; one, ■. e v e n '. briefly, w ithou t o ve rtax ing .those wliose. suf­fe rin g is too' severe to have, th is ad­d itional burden a t th is tim e. T hey a re indeed deeply g ra te fu l fo r the. m any m an ifes ta tions of kindness sjhown them in th e ir g rea t bereavem ent.

Opponents Bowled Oyer Like Straws by a Strong 'Wind

Score one—the first one— for th e Oreos.

T be local football, season opened auspiciously lust S atu rday . A fa ir- sized crow d w itnessed the in itia l game.

The Richm ond A. C.. of Now B righton , S ta ten Island, opposed th e O reos on th e 'g r id iro n . T he v is ito rs , m an for m an, w e re m uch heavier th a n th e locals. T h a t m ade no dlflerenco. to th e la tte r, who tossed th e ir oppon­e n ts all over the field.

In th e .f lrs t half the first touchdow n of tho season w as m ade by W alter R ushton. T he kick fo r goal waa m issed, leaving tbe score 5 to 0 fo r the Oreos.

In the second ha lf the p layers of b o th .te a m s wero thoroughly w arm ed, up to th e ir work. T he play w as m uch fas te r , and som e p re tty runB w ere m ade by Dudley and A pplegate, tw o of th e O reos m ost re liab le m en. Ap­plegate m ade the second touchdow n and D alton kicked th e gonl.

F in a l score— Oreos, 11,; Richm ond, 0. \

T he gam e today (S atu rday ) will bo w ith th e -te a m rep resen ting th e 'F i r s t B attalion , N aval R eserves, of New York.


Arranged by Rev. Samuel Sargent, of West Grove M. B. Church

Rev. Sam uel Sargen t, p a s to r of tb e W es t Grove M. E. C hurch, has a r ­ran g ed a series of Sunday m orning serm ons w hich, tn its en tire ty , prom ­ises to be unusually entertaining^ and Instructive . T he ser ies com es p roper­ly under the title of "L e ttc rB of JeBua to the C hurches.” Tbe first of these serm ons will be preached on Sunday,'. O ctober IS th. They will be continued, one every Sunday m orning, u n til Do- cem her 1.1. T he following Is th e Rov. Mr. S a rg en t’s schedule:

O ctober IS—“T he A postle John and tb e Isle of Pntm os."

O ctober 25—"Jesus W alking A m id . th e Golden L am ps."

N ovem ber 1— L e tte r to church a t E phesus; subject, “ Loss of F irs t Lovo and th e Prescribed Rem edy."

N ovem ber S— L e tte r to church a t S m yrna; sub ject, "C h ris t’s S ym pathy fo r H is Suffering People,"

N ovem ber 15— L ette r to church a t, P ergam os; sub ject, "H olding -F as t C h ris t’s N am e In ;Unravorahlo Sur- . round ings.” '

N ovem ber 22—L ette r to' church a t. T h y a tirn ; sub ject, "Judgm en t n t the C hurch D oor.” . . .

N ovem ber 29—L e tte r to church a t S a rd is ; sub jec t, "U nspo tted G ar-* m ents."

D ecem ber- 0—L e tte r to chu rch a t P h ilad e lp h ia ; sub ject, "G lorious Re­w ards of C hris tian P a tien ce ,”

Decem ber J3—L e tte r to ch u rch a t L aodlcea; sub jec t, “C h ris t’s C ounsel to L ukew arm C h ris tian s.”


R lis VanGilluwe May Lead Orchestra A n effort is holng .m ade to organize

an o rchestra; am ong; th e pup ils .In' the A abury P a rk , h lg li kchqpl, ...iC tfie , ,ef- fo r t ■ in auccosafuX th e o rch estra v.’ill bo d irec ted -b y M ias E d ith vanGllliiwo of O cean Grove.

■ > V , - ’ . ' . - i \ - '

T IM E -T A B L E IS CHANGEDFall Schedule of Railroads Reduces Num­

ber ol l’asseager T u tus

A change w as m ade In th e ra ilroad tim e-table on T uesday . P en n sy lv an ia trains. Nos. 276, 283,: 287, . 378, 423; 424, ■191, 490, (iilOf and 091 w ere w ithdraw n. T here W as also a '.change , in seve ra l other, tra in s , a s no ted In th e schedu le elsew here in th is paper. . '

T h e fa ll schedu le of 'th e C en tra l .railroad becom es op e ra tiv e ' tom orrow .

■rokea window Replaced .T he la rg e plate- g lass w indow a t

.vanG lllufto’s Btore, destroyed ' by th e dVy/at’orm whs rep laced tfie:refcent'tiedv

f i r s t 'o f th o w eek ." 'T h o cam e from New York.

new glass

Jadgmeut for $500 ig a m st Charles W* Sanders Is Jodge. Fort’s Decision

A t F re e h ^ d on ’.Tuesday,"; ’j ild k o ' F o r t gave Judgm ent in full to tho O cean Grove A ssociation . In its su it ag a in s t C harles W. Sanders for un­paid lot and sew er assessm ents. T h e ' am ount of th e judgm en t Is $500, tho a ssessm en ts -covering a period oC ab o u t seven years. ■ ■ ■ '■■

Tbo A ssociation’s in te re s ts w ere .rep resen ted by Counsellor Sam uel A. P a tte rso n , of A sbury P ark ; Apple­g a te & Son, of Red Bunk, appeared fo r the defendant. '

TA X-SALE A 6A IN PO STPO NEDOut It Pays, Becauso1 Delinquents- Are

Hurrying io Square AccountsTow nship Collector S hreve has

again postponed th e tow nship tax sale. U nless th e re should be an o th e r big- run of tax paym ents the sale w ill how be held on W ednesday a fte rnoon of n ex t week. T he tim e and p la c e 'a r e ' g iven In th e a d v ertis in g colum ns of th e T im es.

T he co llecto r on W ednesday la s t— th e day of advertised snle—-received1 a b o u t-$1,000 In back taxes. A t th ta ’ r a te It will pay th e townshlp-.to have a few m ore postponem ents.

Transferred Uls Alfecllons A lb ert Robbins, form erly of Ocean

Grove, on F riday ovening of la s t w eek tenderod h is resignation ns a m om bpr of tho E aglo Hook and L addor Com­pany of th is place. Mr. ltobblnB re­signed in o rd e r to join, the lioso com ­pany of N orth A sbury P a rk , w here b e . now resides. •

• Donahue W ill Recover I t is now belloved th a t Jo sep h Don-

ahuo w ill, recover from tho frigh tfu l In ju ries he susta ined la s t w eek by fa ilin g b en ea th th e w heels of a tra in a t tho loca l depot. A lthough his In­ju r ie s n ece ss ita te d tho am putation of an a rm an d a leg, D onahue con tinues to Im prove.

- Afro-American Celebration A t th e Mt. Plsguli B ap tis t C hurch on

Springw ood tveuuo, W eB t P a rk , ia now boiiig celebrated th e e leven th an- ' n lv e rsary of tho Afro-Am erican B ap­t i s t A ssociation .. T h e m eetings, w h ich ', w e re opened on T hursday , w ill bo con-. ;tlnued over Sunday. V £’’


W H Y H E D ID N 'T M A R R Y.

• P h i l M a r 's S t o r r o< a n A iw tra U m i, P r in o n e r , '

. Phil itfay, the English artis t, worfted . In hie youth on tho B ulletin o f Sydneyi

A ustra lia . Oecnslonnlly tlio young m an would bo nBSipnod hy tho B ulletin peoi. pic. to tlie polleo. courts, and from ;tliese assignm ents he would bring back

. sketches, now 1111111 orous and now pa*: thctic , t lia t w ere ndm im bla

Ono of the best o f tho Bulletin sketches p o rtray s a thJn, hangdog m an in th e p risoners’ b a r 'ta lk in g to a .very m ild and sym pathetic looking Judge. M r. M ay’s sto ry o f tbo sketch w a s .tb a t th e ,p r iso n e r lind been drngged before th e judge every few m onths fo r a num* b er of years..

V' “Your face Js fam ilia r here,” th e la t­te r now said.

■ “ I t is, y o u r honor, worse lack .” re­tu rned tho prisoner..

" A r e y o u m a rr ie d yet?**'“N ot y e t s ir.” ‘ / '“N ot yet, eh? Flow long is i t now

th a t you have been engaged?’*. • • ••. ■."Seven years, you r honor.’1 “So long a s th a t? W hy in tlie w orld

- haven’t you got m arried in all - tlia t tim e?"

"B ec au se , your honor,’* tl^e prisoner £ explained, ’‘Ann and I haven’t m an­

aged to b e both out of ja il a t the sam e - tim e."—Boston P o s t

M i if t o t im L t i t t t T f .

' The B ritish museum w as begun w tth $500,000 raised by a lottery scheme. Of th a t lottery, authorized in 1733, the archbishop of. C anterbury , the lord chancellor and the speaker o f : tbe bouse of commons wore, tho m anagers, and trustees. T b s .am o u n t w as $1,500^000, raised by fifteen dollar tickets, to pro­vide §1,000,000 for prizes nnd $500,000 for tho purchase o f the Sloane collec*

» tlons and the . JTarleinn lib rary and for • cases, house room anil a ttendan ts .

The operations of one “ P e te r Leheup, J3sq ./’ shys tho London Chronicle, m ade tho lo ttery notorious, tie fraudulently / ‘cornered” the tickets. G.000 o r so of •them passing by liis aid to a Sampson Gideon, who sold them a t a premium!

A n Inquiry Institu ted by the house erf* .commons resulted I n 'th e prosecution by the a tto rney general o f Leheup, The penalty w as a fine of £1,000,; but th is w as b y -n o means .excessive, as £40,000 w as Leheup’s estim ated profits from the fraud .

C h in a ’* A lu m M o u n ta in .In China, about tw elve m iles from

th e village of Lioneliek, there Is, ac- ■ cording to a w rite r In th e Liverpool

Post, n m ountain of alum , w hich, In addition to being a na tu ra l curiosity, is a source of w ealth fo r tlie inhab­i ta n ts of tlie country, w ho dig from i t

. yearly tons o f alum-. T he m ountain isnot less than ten miles In circum fer­ence a t Us base and bas a heigh t of nearly 2,000 feet. The alum Is ob­ta in ed by quarry ing largo blocks of

u to n e , w hich a re first heated In g roa t furnaces and then In v a ts filled w ith

~_UoUJng, w ater. The a lum crystallizes ’ and form s a layer about s ix inches ln

thickness. This layer is subsequently v broken up in to blocks w eighing about

te n pounds each. •

H u m b le P ie .W e often b e a r of eating "hum ble pie.” In the old hunting days o f MMer- rle E ngland,” w hen a s tag w as brought down, th e "q u arry w as broken” on the spot, the choice pa rts o f th e venison being reserved fo r the huntsm en, w hile tlie en tra ils, heart, Itver, etc., called in th e hun ting language o f the day the “num bles,” w ere given to the common people.

Of these they mode a pie called ‘‘niimble pie.*’ H ence to eat “num ble pie" became to abase oneself—apolo­gize abjectly. T he transition from “ num ble pie” lo “hum ble pleV was' easy, especially In view of the signifi­cance o f the. word.

, A D<;«ih F e ljrn lu fir P lt tn t .T h a t certa in Insects, birds, m am m als

an d rep tiles .hab itua lly , pretend to be d ead when danger th rea tens them Is a w ell known fact, b u t it Is generally be­lieved, tha t (Ills s tra tagem Is resorted to only by anim nls. In Sonth America, how ever, there is a p lan t—a species of jntm osn—w hich resorts to death feign­ing, evidently for the purpose of pre­ven ting tho g rass eating anim als from e a tin g It. I n 'its na tu ra l s ta te th is p la n t has a vivid green hue, b u t di•;

' rectly It is touched by a hum an finger o r by aoy living anim al i t ca iIrise s Into a tangle of apparen tly dead and w ithered stem s.—London Globe.

" > s . . " 't Ueutv)- u»<i S k ‘T «m o ii.

W* E. H enley once' m et R obert Louis Stevenson and found his friend dis­tressed because lie w as not a Voltaire o r a. Dum as, though he lmd an equip­m ent which ought to have m ude him th e ir peer. Stevenson p u t his “ fa ilu re” dow n to the w eakness of his lungs. "P e rh ap s you lire right, Louis," said H enley. “ I ’ve a lw ays fe lt th a t If I had no t been a blessed cripple I could have tak en tho ea rlh iu my hand and hurled I t Into th e suu .”

• T h e T o u t .

Lily—Well, did you see her? Is It tru e ? Is slie really engaged to him or

• Is I t only idle rum or?N ellie-^There isn’t a w ord of tru th

In I t I had a long ta lk w ith her and to ld ’her ot’ the m en Who are J u s t w ild a boo t me. and she never said a word ab o u t him .—iirook lyn Life. ;

M ean .1 "Come, dear, kiss my d ieek and mnlte tip,** she eald forgivingly.1 " I ’ll kiss it,” he answ ered, ‘‘b u t I

don’t th in k I t w on ts any more m aking upl* .

4Tliere aro no e levators running up dow n tbe la d d tr o f fame.

H erd your troubles; don’t le t them win w ild.—Atchison Globe.

H a i r s U p o n H i . . * - ;

,\ The fine ha irs about the uui«'».i o f the borse a re o rgans o f touch o f extrem e delicacy. They serve; to a certa in ex­te n t tlie sam e purpose a s ou r linger ends, tlie w hiskers of the ca t o r the tru n k of the e le p h an t Sensitiveness Is due to specially deyeloped endings of nerves ln tlie skin, w hich a re con­tinua lly sending* m essages'to the brain.

The lip ha irs of the horse first receive the stim ulus, w hich is com m unicated to the end organs and so passes-on to tlie brain. They come tuto play w hen the horso sam ples n new artic le of food, l ie first sm ells it and, having so fa r satlslled him self, touches It delicately w ith those sensitive hull's. T he upper Up m o w s softly In quick sym pathy and eonilrms the opinion suggested b£ the hairs.. T he tongue Judges finally as to tbe fitness o f the food.

W hen tlie horse wishes*to drink, these h a irs assure him th a t the w a ter ia free from foreign m a tte r on tb e su rface,.fo r; be drinks from the surfaco only. They detect the sm allest particle"of d ir t and* gu ide him to the pu res t place. .

“ Oo^ h o»<1 ‘‘D u n d y r a n k . -“Biscuits, or, a s . they a re fam iliarly

called a t sen, ‘pantiles,’ a re served out. w ith a liberal hand,” says Charles Protlierob ln ‘‘L ife In th e M ercantile M arine.” “Tp m ake a satisfy ing m eal of them would occupy all th e w atch below, for, being as liaixl a s nulls, m as­tication is necessarily a slow operation. To obviate tills /d if f ic u lty they are placed in a sm all canvas brig an d by d in t of much pounding reduced to- a powder. Sufficient liquid, som etim es pea soup th a t is . le ft oyer from dinner, Is m ixed1 w ith th is until I t becomes a paste. A few pieces of f a t pork stuck here and there over tlie -surface to give, flavor, this by tbe indulgence of th e cook, is allowed In the oven, and w hen brow ned Is known as ‘dog’s body.’■ ‘D andy funk’ is ano ther dish o f the sam e kind, the substitu tion of a llttlo,. molasses furnlfihlug th e excuse fo r an ­o th e r name.”

OnlotiN n n tl t i u r l lc . _ *T he onion is a vegetable of g re a t an­

tiquity , being found among the earliest of cultivated species. A kind o f onion grow n, in E gypt’ 2,000 years and inoro ago w ns considered so excellent th a t It received divine hquorsi being w orship­ed as a god. This w as considered a good joke by the Rom ans o f those days, who, as well ns the Greeks, w ere ac­quain ted w ith several varieties of on­ions.. I t Is . likely th a t th e p lant; ■ first, grew in Persia or A fghanistan. Gnr{lc has been raised in China fo r thousands of years, and the ancient. E gyptians m ade-great use o f It. No p ic tu re o f It has ever been found on the monuments, b u t this jn ay he because the p lan t w as considered unclean by the priests.

T c llln R U ln e b jf t b e ,P o rc h .T he oldest system by which men

have to ld /the tim e o f day Is sundials. T here a re sundials still in existence since long before the C hristian era. In fact, they hav e/b een found in E gypt da tin g .before the ptiaraohs. The In ­dians and w ild nations told the tim e by the position o f . the shadow s of. trees or m ountains. The Chinese have carried the a r t of sundials to perfec­tion and w e n today use p o ck et; sun ­d ials Instead of w a tch es .. One Chinese w atchm aker h a s ' a rranged h is fron t porch in such a w ay the shadow o f the posts tells the tim e by which to regu­la te the watches.—Ada Paterson in P il­grim , '

W h a t a J o u r n a l i s t I s .

The editor’s only .son w as seemingly struggling w ith a perplexing problem. H e moved uneasily on his hobbyhorse and finally tw isted all the m ane off his steed. T hen he c ra d le d up ou his fa ­th e r’s knee and, looking Inquiringly lu his face, sakl;

“ P a , w h a t Is a Jo u rn a lis t? ”“My son,” sold the editor as he medl*.

tatiyely stroked the golden head o f his ofTsprIng-^"my son, a jo u rn a lis t is a m an who w ears a p lug hn t and no shoes and borrows rnouey from new s­paper men ."-^-Memphis Scim itar.

J J c « t I C i n d o f P r o o f .

"H ere!” exclaim ed the Inite custocuer to th e tru u k dealer. " I though t you said th a t cliest I bought o f you w as m oth proof?” .

“W ell,” sold the dealer. "W asn’t It?* "No! W ien I opened It m y th ings

were full of moths I”G reat ’ Scott, m an! W hat better

proof of ’em do you w a n t? —B row n­ing 's M agazine. .

. M oney a n d D ruins.A newly arrived w esterner w a s * con­

firm ted in a s tree t o f New York lii to a t n igh t .by a ruffian w ith r leveled:-' re ­volver, who made tho stereotyped de­mand, "G ive me y ou r money or I ’ll blow your brains out,"

"Blow aw ay ," Bald tho w esterner. "You con live in tfew York w ithout brains, b u t you can’t w ithou t money.”

U n e rr in w C h ild h oo d . -. The child is so often r ig h t I t has not th e miscellaneous knowiedgo o f the grow nup person, who reads new spapers and keeps a t im e Encyclopmdfa Bri- tann lca hi a carefu lly devised cage. B ut the childish mind h a b an unerring log­ic a l facu lty no t ia any w ay confused by superfluity of Inform ation.—-London Academy. •. ~

■ A n g e r a n d D ig e stio n .A w ell known physician has w ritten :

"A nger is a passion w hich especially unfits the Btomach for. doing much work. I f it occurs often or be pro­tracted , bu t little food should be taken.; Those who indulge in it buvc a double, cause fo r abstinence. Both th e ir folly an d th e ir stom achs call fo r a fa s t.”

A l i * u l l IIOHIM 3 .

Lady Guest—Your fa th e r Ib such Q hospitable gentlem an! H e dearly lo v er a .fa ll house, doesn’t he?

Jack—Well, yes-lf It happepa to be on his side of tho tables—Kansas City JoamaL ”■ > - .



H. G.SHHEVE; Collector

W o d rteaday , O c to b e r 14, 1903Public notice Is hereby given by Harry G. ShroVe, collector of tho

To-i/ashlp .of Neptune, iu the County of Monmouth and State of New Jersoy. that by virtuo ot a tax warrant issued on t ie 6th day o£ A.uguBt, 1303, by tha Township Committee of said Township, he will sell a t public vend'ua all the lands,-tenements, bereditamontc aivl real estate hereinafter mentioned, for the shortest term for which any person or porsons will agree to tajfe .the same, and pay the taxes assessed against the eama for the y&ar 1902, with the interest thereon accruing and all costs, fees, charges and expenses, in relation to (be lew , assessment and collection of said ta e s . The said salo will take place at Township Hall,,No. 47 South Main street, on Wednesday October 14, 1903, at. 2 o’cioci! p. m. T ie said lands, tanements, herodita- manta and real estate so sold, and tkenames of the persons against rwhom the taxes have been laid on account of the somo, and tlie amount of taxes on acount of each parcel, aro as follows; , ., ;.a.v. ,.

O c e a n G r o v e >'

A pplegate, W illiam , lo t 610,^511, 512, W est Asbufry ...................................4 62Atlantic^ C oast E lec tric R. R., % mil© tra c k ......... ^ 61 04Beegle, W. H arvey , lot 327.............................. .. 36 65B oggs,.E lizabe th .L ., lo ts 362 to 3 7 1 . . . . . . i . ......... ; . . . ........... . . . . . 8 3 5 12Barnes, L ydia H., lo t 1 0 8 7 . . . . ............................. / ......... . . . . . . 21 30Baker, S. jH. and C. L., lo t 1123.............................. 18 35B arnes, Sarah , E . % lo t 2, R ango B. CorlleS avonuo 15 28C oatant, G ardner. lo t 1 1 2 5 ^ .................................... 30 62Caldwell, M ary A. B., lo t 1 2 5 7 . . . ....................... . . . . . . 21 S9Clayton. C harles B^ ..................... 91 19Dayldyan, E m m a1 M., lo t 1 0 3 0 . . . . . .1 . 1 . . . . - ................................... 30 52Dewson, B. C., lo t 1 6 9 7 . . . . » . . . . . . . . . 0 8 .

* f r a n k lin , John, Iot 196..-........... 3 08Gall, Mrs. A nna R., lo t 1G4.................. ... 42 76Grlgg, M iss Sarah , lo t 1 0 0 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... 6 13Gibson, M iss Lizzie, lo t 1032 3 08

* Gordon; H erbert, lo ts 24, 25, R idge a v e . . . • • • — .......... . . 24 41Goodenough, Amelia, F ay Btreet, F ay t r a c t ....................12 23Helss, Miss Em m a, Iot 7 1 . . .................................... . ......... !.......... 6 13HlUman, H a ttie M., lo ts 842, 844, 845 .......... . . . . . 1 0 0 76H^yB, Mrs. A nna, lo t - S 5 9 . . . . ............ . 15 28H ughes, Rev. Goorgo, lo t 8 7 8 . .................... 27 61HlUer, Mrs. M ary E., lo t 1 9 0 8 . . . . . / . . . ........................... 85 49 •Hurloy, A nnie, South M ain s tre e t , n e x t w a ter w orks* .......... 30 62H avens, R obert J ., lo t 4GO, W est G ro v e ................ 21 39H agerm an, Sarah E., co m er Corllea ^nd R idge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3 5 'Ireland, Mary, R idge a v e n u e . . . . . . . . .......... 15 23Jam es, Noah, lo t 907-......... - 15 28Johnson, Samuel, lo t 1 5 3 6 . .. .................. 12 23Jobes, F rank , lo t 15t E lev en th a v e n u e ............ 15 28 ,Leek. Charles, lo ts 848, 2 5 0 . . . . . . . . . .■ .• • • « » • * • • 30 62Lane, Mrs. A. M., lo t 1162........................... 45 80Lannlng, R ebecca E., lo t 1382................. 15 28Lord, George R~, M eadow ............................... *122 08

. McGronigle, A nnie G., lo t 0 2 4 . . . . . . . . ............. .. ......... .................... ............21 39M cFadden, Jan e , lo t 61, S outh Main, s tre e t ..................... 15 28M cLaughlin, Jam es J ., l o t . 19, R ange B •• ....................................... 6 1 3Moody, M ary L., lo t 5 4 5 . • • • • • • • • 68 03Moody, MaiTr'L., lo t 5 4 G . . ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 9Moody, Mrs. M ary L ., lo ts 1677, 1 6 7 9 ................ 9 19Moonoy, Solomon, F ir s t ave., n e a r D iv ision s tre e t , W est G r o v e . . . . . .‘, . 1 2 23M urphy, Thoraas V inton, lots 424 to 45^ .......... 305 20Noyes. C harles W ., lo t 1606 .......... 24 .45Opdyke, Mrs. S a rah A., lo t 66.*.................................... . . 21 39Oble, Asa, F ay and D ivision s t r e e t . . . . . .......................................... 9 19Oble, Asa. F ay s t r o e t . ............................. 9 19Oble, W illiam , lo t 16, F ay s t r e e t . . . . . . . . . . - V ^ ^ . . . . . , . i .-. 15 28Prout. A nna M., lo t 1 0 7 4 . 1 8 35 Seyman, M rs. J .; lo t 1 0 4 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . * * • • • • • • • • 9 19Shaffer, M rs. I*., lo t 1 7 2 4 . .; ......... . — •• •* . . i . . . . . . . 18 35Shaffer. L u ther, lo t’ 1 7 2 5 . . . . . . . . .................. 9 19Snyder, W infield, co rn e r P haro and D l^ 3!011 s tre e t ............ 6 13Shuro, Ida, lo t 576. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • • • * • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 28.-Sm ith. HarriotX».. lo t 5 6 6 . : . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 08Taylor, A.nthony, lo t on P h a ro avonuo. i . . . . . ......... ..................... 3 08Tyndall,. R achael, lo t , 9 . . . . .............. 9 19V anW lcklo ,.Jesse F.i J r ., lo t 948............ ,-30 65V anV alkenburg,, W alter, lo t 906............ 24 45V anV alkenburg, Louisa, lo t 1 6 0 2 . . . . . ........................... 24 45W illiam s, A. E „ lo t 1 5 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . — 21 39 'W aym au, W., lo t. 1 9 7 . ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . J . . . . 15 28W hittaker, S arah A.; lo t 1 7 2 0 . .; .............................................. 9-19.W hite ,.B en jam in , South side Eloventh. avenuo .............. 18 35

W e s t P a r k

A nderson, W illiam V.i w e st % lo t 8, R an g e B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 36A berm artha, M argaret, C hurch s tree t, W est P ro sp e c t 8 S6A pplegate, Minnie* lo t 2 3 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « « . . . . . . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.66B e s t Bon jam in J., E a s t % lo t 1 J, R a n g e A . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.90B urdge, Moj^» lo t -192. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m. . . . 41 66B anacco, Joseph , lo t 4, B lock 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 12Banker# M rs. John , lo t-5 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SOBr own; W 1111am M<, lo t 4 9 .. . . . . . . . . . f . . . . . . . . . 8 26B rahn , John, lo t 2 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. '...................... 3 S6Bell, J . W., lo t 5, B lock 2 . .................. 5 5 fBrooklyn Colored O rphan Asylum, S o u t h s lo t 7, R ango S ........................ 11 12Brown, Georgo, lo t 3 7 ... . . ._ • • .* ............ 2 80B utcher, M rs. B., lo t 1 3 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 '76B right, Mildred, lo t 34, A tkins a v o n u e . ............•.............. 8 36-Barber, Belle, Sylvan a v e n u e . ....................... 16 68Brown, John H., j o t 1244, W ;ashington s tre e t 8 36.Badean, H a rry G„ W ash ing ton s t r e e t . ......................... 18 90Belg, H enry, lo ts 82, 8 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 18Brown, Jam es W ., lo t 26, H e trick t r a c t . . . . . . ................. - 2 08Brown, R. R .. »•»•»•••»«• . . . . . . . . . i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . 86Capoblonco, P e te r, lo t 21, A tk ins a v o n u e .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; ; . . . . . 1 1 1 2

. Colem an, E st., H . D., lo t 6 1 . . . . . . ............ 2 80Cram or, C harles S., lo t 1 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... « •••••• XjS 68C ram er. M ary, lo t 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 68..Cago F ra n k ,.lo t 324 . . .1 6 58Crum m ell, E m m a D„ Springw ood a v e n u e . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . 8 86C rum m ell, R udolph, Springw ood a v e n u e . 11'12*D’Allosto, Fro.uk, lo ts 11, 12, B lock 1 . .................................... 2 80Dean, M ary, W hltesvlllo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 6Doran, E lizabeth , W h i t o s v i l l o . .............. 11 12Davis, H arry , P ro sp ec t av o n u o . ............... 16 68Daley, F ranc is , S u n se t avenue, aloilfc D eal l a k e 41 66Ennis, Joseph , lo t 1, B lo c k .......... . . . . . . 13 90Em m ons, Joseph , N orth % lo t 8,.R a n g e P . . . . * . ♦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............* 6.57Forrls, M ary G.; lo ts 18, 38, N. W . A. P . .................. . i « . 6 57Gibbs, Annie, lo t 1110, Adama a t r e e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 22G raham , A lbort, lo t 35, N. W. A. P . . 11 12GrareaUe, J . B.j lo t' 3, B lock 3. *..- • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 80 -Guest, D ianna, N o rth ’ % lo t 3, R ango S . . . . . . . . . . ............ 2 80Guerin, E m ily M., lo ts 77, 78 .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 86 ,G uerin, E m ily M., lo ts 7 5 , 7 6 . . . . . . . *.......... 49 98Giles, N elson V., lo t 3 0 0 . ................. 41 66Greenwood, M rs. C hauncey, lo t 1231, W ash ing ton s t r e e t . • • • • • . • • • • . • ^8 88H ulick , C harles T ., lo t 330 ............ 8 86 'H ulick, C harles T., lo t 3 2 0 . . . . . . . . . . . » * \ '• • • • .» ..{ « .« » .» » • 5 57H aley, Caleb H „ lo t 600, P ro sp e c t a v e n u ^ ;• • • • • '• ............................ 13.90H olm es, Josoph S., K ortli % lo t 7, R an g e J . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . 12 90H ancock, T hom as B^ lo t 621, C hurch e trp e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 86H ancock, ..Thom as B .,.v acan t l o t . . . . . . . . J . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w . 6 67H eald, T . W ., lo t 8 6 2 , . ................................. G 67H opkins, J la ry F ., lo t 30, A tk ins a y je n u e .J . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2

Hopklnsi William,'Wa£*Ingtos. s tree t. ....... . , ......................................13 90Higglns. Wm. D. ??asSington s t r o e t . ................. . . . , - 1 3 90Johnaott, Stephen, lot 6, Block 2.............. 2 80

\ Jones,. William F., Sos’th % lot 4, Range P . . . . . . . . . . ................ 8 88Johns, B et, Mary F„ Bangs avenue, near.Prospect avenue ............ 21 70Joffroy, Mary, West % lot 219. .......... . . . . . . 8 38Jamison, Elizabeth, lot 12G ..................... OS 42.Tames, Elizabeth, Prospect a v e n u o .....J ..................... 22 22Kinsey, Sarah, lots 114, 123........................... 27 76’Kelly, Samuel G., lot 6, Range B . . 22 22

' Kane, James, lot 642, Prospect avoaue. . . . . . . . . . . . - ............ 5 G7Lacdln, Jtev. G. W., plot ground out Springwood avenue .................... 5 67Landin, R. R. and David, Baal Vs lot 4, Range 22 23Larrabee, W. W., lots 165, 1 6 6 . . . . . ; ........ .'.. 22 22Lord, George TL, 2 acres ground, Mattlson avenuo, W. of itk lns avenue 13 00Lord, George B., lots 5. 6%, 25 01George R. Lord, lots 17 to 2G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 62Qoofga.R. Lord, lots 56, 57, 5 8 .. .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 33George R. Lord, lots 66,to 7 3 . , . . . .................. 66 62George R. Lord, lots 84 to 92. ........... '. .......... 65 62Lord, George R., lot 93 ........ 41 66Lord, George R., lots 103 to 109. ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '41 UCLord, George R., lots 259, 2C0, 301, vacant lot . . . . _________ ; 16 6SLord, George.B., lota 49, 50,'60, vacantlots ■......................... .. 33 83Ixird, George R., lot-? 4^ to»47, vacant lots . . . E6 62McKossle, Duncan, lot.163 ................ .3612McIntosh, James. Fifth avenuo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...............................; 25 01Meglll, Amelia, lot 2 0 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 3 3 33Murray, 1311a, lot 1310! Asbury avonue...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4GMiller, Qeorge L„ Ridge and Ileci avenues............................. .. 2. . 27 76Mooney John, Dunlewy street,. . . . . . . . . . .'.,>y; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 90Mooro, P. J., i lots Sussmerfield avenuo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 22Presto, Louis, Iot 3, Block 2.............. 8 30Poland, Peter, lot 43, N. W. A. P............... ; . . . . . 5 67Plckney, D. C.. Atkins a v e n u e .. . '. . . . ........... . . 8 36Roblno, Joseph, lot 1 5 . . . . . . .................... 13 90Itobino, Rosie, lot 23, Atkins a v e n u e .... ......... 2 .V ..... 8 86Reardon, Michael, Whltesvlllo.,................ 8 36Rock, Poter, lot 1, Block 4 . . . .............. 6 57Ryerson, Elizabeth, North % lot 24................................ 16 68Reary, ’i'Uoman D., .1271 Washington s tree t . . . . ..................................... 8 36Stout, Wesley B„ S. W. corner Atkins and Mattlson avenues ............... 27 76Schanck, Morris, Waahington s t r e e t . . . . . ; . . . . .............■. 5 67Spencer, Bet., Elizabeth, lot 239 '...;.............. 44 44Sarutie, Mary, lot 30, Hetrick t r a c t . . .............. 2 80Taylor, JohnBon, lots 151, 162........... ........... . . . . . . . . .................... . 25 01

'Taylor, JohBCTi:, lot 161, Sowall avenue. . . . . . . . . ..................................... 8 36VftftCleeC, William H„ iot 1114, Atlantic avenue 13 80VanDornor, Mrs. Libbic, Spritfgwood avenuo ___ 1112Vobraeno, Michael, lota- 28. 29 Hetrick Tract .................................... "i 67Sanders, Mike, West Side MyrUo. . . . . . \ . . . ............. 8 36Schanck, Josiali, lot 1110, Atlantic avenue ..........................................23 00BttUlvan, Benjamin J., lot 14, Range I, Atkins, opposite Union avenue.. 8 86White, Remington, Whitesville 13 90White, Caroline, Rallrood and Mujiroo V . , . . 27 76Williamson, Henry, lot 6, Range E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ 27 76Worhnaa, Margaret, lot 1136, Adams streot .......... ; ............... i l 12Wolch, Mary B„ Whltesvlllo,.. 2......... .12 12'Williams, John, lot 15, Block 3 . . ........... S 38Williams, CyruB, lot 14, Block 1 . . . 2 . .......... 8 86Wright, Richard, lot 17, Block 2..-......... 2 80Wlllets, Fred, lot 281 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -----.-. 18 68Willois, Est,'Stephen, Asbury avenue .........; . .................... . . . .13;90'

Bradley Park and HamiltonAckerman, John, 16 acre larm, Hamilton .................. 40 68"Applegate. D. G.. lot 139......... 4 10Bennett, Henry M., lot 160.................... 13 67

• Brown, Samuel, lot 84............................. . . . . . J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-16Baeher, Bertha, lot 138 ......................... 4 10Brown, Jacob Lewis, lot 2 9 . . . . ; ................ . . i ‘. . i 10Brower, C. W. ahd George f/>rd, 13 acres, North Corlies,.................... 18 33Crammer. George R., lot 2 3 5 . . . . . .................... . . . v . , 4 10Dolton, Harry, O. G. H ............... ............... . . . . . ; ........................ . 2' 73Doljitt, Lizzlo,.North Corlies avenue..................... J-16Drummond, Robert, land in township.: .............. 13 67Estelle, Mary,.O. G .H ............................ 13 67Ford, Wlllltm, lot 1 9 0 ................................................................................... 4 10Garrabrant, Clarence, lot 192. .......... 16 29Griffin, A. A., Iron Company, lot 2 5 . . . . ........... 2*13Hurley, Mrs, il. M, Baet of Ed, ICnlght's farm ............"..'18 57Havens, William, lot 335 .................... 16 29.Herbert, J . B„ lots 126, 127 .............. 8Hudson, S. B., lot 858 ...........-...................... 4Irons,'Maria, lot 103 ....................... 9.Jeffrey, John R, lots 186, 187........ •.................. 8 16Lowis, Ellas H., lot 150 .......... 16 29LeCompte, John,lot 140 ........... . . . 2 . ................. IS 23LoMaistre, Kate L, lota 166 to 170, 137. . . ....................... 27 11Miller, John A.; Iot 65 .............. . . . 2 73Meyers, Anthony, 3 loir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at 70Morris, Emily, rear of Ellsworth Bennett ................ 6 44Newman. Mary, lot 46 ......... 6 44O’Brien, Elizabeth, lot 352 4 10Parker, George, lot 97 .......... 10 86Ruhl, Carrie, Fifth avonue. O. G. H . . . . . .......... 10 86Rose, Charles R., South piiio Tenth, avenue, B. P ...................... 18 99Rogers, Emily, lota 73, 96,105, 106.......... 10 86Rogers, George, lots 145, 148, 173............................... 4 10Slocum, Cliii'-of E., 2 acrBB .-r jund out Springwood avenue ..............10 86Shafto, H. M., 6 acres. Hamilton ................. 16 29Snyder, Sanford, lots 429, 130 ................................................. 8 18Scanlon, Thomas, lot 12 ................... 2 73Shallcross, lot 277 ............................. 4 10Bchleseingc-r, Louis, lots 26, 27 .................. 13 67Truer, Benjamin 8 ., O. G. H. ........ IB 87White, Caroline, Hamilton, J. A, Simpson, Owner v 73Whit®, fiemlcgton, 2 Jots on Corlies avenue ............ ,6-44Wilson,' Wiiliam, South side Sixtbl avonue.. ........... *, 66Williams, Thomas, Hleventh avenue................................. ; ............ 6 44Williams, ,W. H., lot 48 ......... 2 73Toung, Sam uel ...................... ............. . '.................... 2 73Wolssert, Charles 2............ 10 86

H. G2 SHREVE. Collector.


New Jersey -Title Guarantee 0 Trust Co.CAPITAL . . . $200,000.00UNPIVIDBO PROPITS $8o0,oo0.oo

Receives dcposlU aubjcct to check and allows Interest on dally balances. Issues time and demand certlllcnses of deposit bearing In te re s t..

IMPORTANT TO RENTERS OP SAFE DB POSIT BOXES IN N. Y.“TUe Lepuoy and Inhorl5ftuce T a r Law,” aB cuncted undor tho la-yvs of tho S tate

of Now Yoric, scctlon 0, chnptorB99, of 1H02, authorizes city or county olll cla Is to ex­am ine tbo coatonta of «afo deposit boxes u t tho death of routpr, In order to deWr- mlno tbo am ount of ta x to bo levied on tho estate.

Boxes to Rent from 85 to SSOO per annum.The N ew Jersey T itle G u aran tee and T r u st C om pany


REID & NORWOOD Plumbing '

T in n in g an d S h e e t > M etal W o rk

6 7 -Mount Tabof Way, Ocean GroveP./ O. 80 x 86 *;"’ '

P ro m p t a t te n tio n g iv e n to, jo b b in g . S to v e r e p a i r s a s p e c ia l t y

Adam StetterTha

Old N .t» l.o n Bvq„ n t» r P. O.

A a b u r y P a r k 1Makc-a a specialty ol a l te r in g , repair­ing, uloaui scouring, dry i/aaniag anti pressing Siuliea’ aud gnuClKCQen's gap. monte. Goods oaUed tcf a-id (Saliva*. e£. Mall ordera prompt? attended , to.


Steam • LaundryQ U H L-lTy .

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810 COOKMAN AVENUE-A a b u ry P a r k , N . J , . .. •

Pliable Domestic flnleh. H and worfc if dw lred.) Telephone 40-u. . ;


HENRY CLAY, TROTTER.■ T h « P r ic e G e o rg e M. P o to h e n , HI*

O w n e r, I*ut U pon H ln uW hen ‘W illiam W adsw orth of Gen-

csoo, as John G ilm er Speed te lls the Btory in th e .C en tu ry , w en t to George

, M . P a tch en of New Jersey to buy the fam ous rac ing stallion H enry Olay, Mr., P a tch en th o u g h t to p u t a prohibitive price upon h im ,. . *

°W e w ill give th e horse all th e w a ter : he .can drink*” said he, “and then w6lgh . him , and you m ay, g ive m e a do lla r a. pound f o r . hlm .M Mr. "W adsworth p rom ptly accepted, and. a s the horse Weighed 1>050 pounds th a t . fixed, his price In dollar^ fo r w h a t Mr. Speed evidently thinks, one o f th e finest sires

V In ;th e h is to ry o f th e A m erican \tu rf;. The story Is 'to ld o f H enry Clay th a t,

jw hen >Miy W adsw orth needed fo r b is Bister a : doctor from R ochester, thirty- e ig h t m iles aw ay, H enry Clay w a s bar- nessed t o - a two- seated w agon .and: did

• th e journey bo th w ays in less th a n five ;hours, n • ••

“T hen again,” Mr.> Speed w rites, “When Mr. W adsw orth had a m atch a t m ile heat/s, best th re e in five, he drove h is h o r s e • hinety-flve m iles th e day be-

' fore th e ra c e /ra th e r th a n , p a y ' fo rfe it a n d then won the race, one b e a t being tro tted in 2:35. T his w as in 1847. Con­sider, the clum sy shoes, the heavy su l­kies and o ther im pedim enta of th a t tim e In com patfson w ith tho w irelike plates,., ball bearing, pneum atic tired sulkies and cobwebllke harness of to­day, an d decide w h e th er even th e moRt phenom enal of ou r tro tte rs Is be tte r th a n t h a t ” _______‘

Lin a t F la y ln g r C h o p in .A s L isz t p layed his dem eanor changed

in sym pathy w ith the •intensely d ra­m atic content o f the w ork. D uring the som ber fan tasie his teeth w ere set, his lips and m assive ja w Arm, his entire face a lm ost rigid, h is g ray eyes burned w ith th e com poser's inspira tion , and his body s tra igh tened o u t as ho leaned Boniewhat aw ay from the keyboard. W ben he s truck the ponderous chords o f te rro r th e re wrta a vehem ence a lm ost diabolical In the /sudden swoop o f bis g re a t hands, and th e trem endous crash

. fa irly m ade one shiver. H is nostrils becam e distended, and h is b rea th cam e quickly, as one laboring under g re a t ex­citem ent. Indeed, I t . seem ed th a t the spell o f the g rea t “tone poet," w ith w hom in his e arlie r years be had been

# on such friendly term s, had completely , m a stered ' him, as though be fe lt hlra-

solf again In his presence and be w oujtl once mow? prove h is devotion to CMtfpln's inspired a r t and show him th a t L isz t still knew and could po rtray his innerm ost soul.—Silas G. P r a t t in th e Booklover's M agazine; /

B y H o o k o r C ro o k .• Several explanations a re given of

-.; the expression “by liqok o r croott.” s0“ !'w o London law yers, H ook and Crook,

H ere celebrated for locating sites of buildings a f te r the g rea t Are, tbe ow n­ers often concluding tl ia t they m ust get back tlie lr property by “Hook or Crook.” Qnco voters open ty bribery Indicated i t by placing s tra w s In tlielr shoes nnd w ere called “s tra w meD," nnd w ben prosccuted fo r tills offense th ey w ere b rought before Judges Hoolc nnd Crook and often got off “by Hook and Crook.” I t not Infrequently hap­pened tlia t a w rit of habeas corpus w as Issued, and an often the sh e r iffs re­tu rn had not the Indorsem ent “b le est corpus”—th a t Is ,-“here Is the body"— and the offender w en t scot free, w hich action the public regarded as “hocus pocus."

*. " T b o W om en o f -Haro.T he wom en’s dress In Bongoa shows

. g re a t varie ty of color, b u t because of thy lr black hucd teeth , w hie’-i nre often filed to a n arch ln fron t, they ore, ns a rule, not charm ing to look upon. Their h a ir Is fringed over the forehead and tem ples, w lille n t the bnck i t is draw n Into a knot, from w hich one end Inva­riably straggles, giv ing a m ost untidy effec t The w ealth ier wom en w ear th e ir finger nails very long, ln some In­stances a lm ost as long ns th e finger It­self, and som etim es the nail Is protect­ed w ith nn a r t |l lc la ] . shield of silver. A ll have th e ir ears pierced; and many of them w ear a round bone o r a stick resem bling a cigarette in shape and Size th ru s t th rough th e apertu re .—Ev­erybody's) M agazine.

“ Im p ” a n d flB ra t. '* . ■H ow th e use: of "w ords changes Is

well illu s tra ted by th is e x tra c t from >; B acon's “P a th w ay U nto P ray e r:”

“Lot us p ray for. th e p reservatlon 'o f th e k ing’s /m o a t excellent m ajesty and fo r th o prosperous success of his en­tire ly beloved son, E dw ard , o n r prince,

. th a t moBt angelic im p." - ' Y , ■In those days “b ra t" h ad also quite

ano ther significance. In an old hym n by Gascoigne is tho line:

' “0 A brahnm 'n b rats, O brood ofblessed seed.”—John Bull. • '

A Self M ilker.M ra M eadows—Yaas, 111 ram got rid

</ th e t brlndle cow th e t o s te r s tea l her ow n milk.

Mrs, K orntop—Dew tell! I s'poso he took m ost any th ing he could get for

. h e r ? - ■ ■ 1. . ,Mrs. M eadows—H o je s t got double

w fat he paid fo r her; sold her to th e t new m an from tlio city ez a “self m ilker.”

T lie 8 p n r o t t h . O o e a .fo tu Young men ta lk of tru s tin g to the

spur o f th e occasion. T h a t trnBt i» vain . Occasions cannot m ake epnrs. If you expect to m ake njmrs yon n jnst w in them . I f you w ish to use them yon m u s t' buckle them to your heels before yon go Into tho fig h t

. ,v- B e t t e f S u i te d . • .».' *SI—I though t H an k w as to college

fo r a:career- aa p r e a c h e r . . ' ■'B y ^ -S o he w as, b u t from th e b ig b ills

he kop’ sendin ' in I though t I o ugh t to

M IS T A K E S O F B IR D S. .

T h e y A re th e R e a u lt o f C o n tact W ltfi: . C h 'i l i ia t lo n . .

Probably In u stiite of w ild n a tu re b irds never innk'e m istakes, b u t w here they come in con tact w ith ou r civiliza­tion, and are confronted by new condi­tions' they .very na tu ra lly m ake m is­takes. ;; F o r Instance, .their, .cunning in iaest build ing som etim es d e se rts them . T he a r t of the bird is to conceal its n est both as to position and as to; m a­teria l, b u t now and then , i t is be trayed ‘ in to w eaving into, its s tru c tu re showy, and b izarre b its o f tliis o r th a t, w hich give its secre t aw ay and w hich seem to v io la te all tlie trad itions o f its kind.- I have tiie p ic tu re o f a 'robin’s n e s t be­fore me, upon th e ou tsk le o f .w hich a re stuck a , sm all Oiuslin flower, a le a f; from • a small calendar and. a. ‘photon graph of a local celebrity. . A more incongruous, use of m ateria l in bird a rch itectu re i t would be h a rd to find.I liave been told of ano ther robtn*s n est upon th e outside o f w h ic h 'th e b ird had fastened a -wooden* label from a near by flower bed marlced ‘W a k e Robin.” ,^till: 'ano ther n est I have seen b u ilt , upon a large, showy foundation o f the paperlike flowers o f an ten n a ria ,: o r ev­erlasting . Th e wood th ru sh frequently w eaves a frag m en t of-new spaper o r a w h ite • rag in to the 'foundation o f its n e s t “ Evil com m unications co rrup t good m anners.'’ The new spaper and the. ra g bag unsettle th e w its o f t b e ; birds,'.:

T he phdebe b ln l Is capable of th is k ind o f mistake, o r indiscretion. A11 the p a s t generations of h e r tribe have b u llt upon n a tu ra l and therefore n e u tra l , sites, usually under shelv ing a n d over­hang ing rocks, and the a r t of addp tlng the n est to its surroundings, b lending i t w ith them ,, has been h ighly devel­oped. B u t phtebe now frequen tly builds under our sheds and porches, w h ere / bo f a r as concealm ent is con­cerned, a change of m ateria l; say from ; moss’ to dry; grass or shreds o f-bark , w ould be an advantage, to her. B u t she d eparts no t a m ite from th e fam ily t r a ­d itions ;•, she uses ■' the ; s am e ; w oody , mosses which, in som e cases, especially . w hen tlie riest is p laced upon unevenly saw ed tim j)er. m akes her secret! an open one -to1 all eyes.-r-John B urroughs in C entury , v : ;\ ' • * ' V ; !■; -r : -

APHORISMS.No legacy Is So rich as honesty.—

Shakespeare., A gratoful-'flos is b e tte r th a n an un ­g ra te fu l mun.—SaadL \

W e first m ake; o u r hab its an d then ou r hab its-m ake us.—Em mons;

The re trospect o f life sw arm s w ith lost opportunities.—S ir H . Taylor.

To bo happy Is1 no t the ' purpose of ou r being, bu t to deserve happiness.— Fitch.

F ortune may find fi pot, b u t your own industry must- m ake It boll,— R ousseau.". ' • •

W hen n ; person is down ln tho w orld nn ounce of Help Is b e tte r th a n n pound of preaching.—Bulwer.

No, m an- over did a designed Injtlry to anotlier bu t a t tlie sam e: tim o ho dld n g rea te r to him self.—Iloine. : V’

W hen a miin has no t n good reason fo r doing n th ing he lias one good rea ­son fo r le tting It alone.—Thom as S c o tt . T o .b e perfec tly jM t Is rin a ttr ib u te o f the divine n a tu re ; to be bo to tho u tm ost of our abilities. Is th e glory of m an.—Addison,


V ia P e n n sy lv an ia R ailroad , A ccoun t Meeting National B an k e rs ’ '

. ‘ AssociationOn acco u n t of th e m eeting of th e

N a tio n a l j a n k e r s ’' A ssociation, to be held a t . S an F ranc isco , Cat., October 20 to 2.'i, th e P ennsy lvan ia R ailroad C om pany o ile rs a perso'nally-conduct- ed to u r to th e Pacific coast n t rem ark ­ably low r a te s , '

T h is to u r w ill leave New Y ork, P h ilade lph ia , B altim ore, and o th e r points on the P ennsy lvan ia . R ailroad e a s t of P ittsburg ,..W ednesday , O ctober 14, by specia l tra in of . the. h ighest g rade P u llm an equipm ent. . A .quick ru n w estw ard , to San: F rancisco will b e m ade; v ia Chicago, Om aha, Chey- enne, and Ogden. ,

F ive days w ill be devoted- to San FranolBoo. R etu rn ing , .th e specia l t ra in w ill ru n to. Los A ngeles, .w here tw o days w ill bo sp en t am ong th e re­s o rts of Sou thern C alifornia. S an ta B a rb a ra ; D el M onte, S a lt L ak e City; Colorado Springs, D enver, and St. Louis w ill he v is ited ,o n '.th e journey eas tw ard .. T he party^w lll reach New Y ork on th e evening of N ovem ber 4.

Round-trip .ra te , covering all ex­penses fo r e igh teen days, except fivei days sp en t in S an F rancisco , ?190.

R a tes from P it ts b u r g w ill be $5 less, F o r fu ll Inform ation apply to T icket

A gents, o r George .W . Boyd, G eneral P a sse n g e r-A g e n t, Broad S tree t S ta­tion , Philadelphia', P a .— 10-42.


October 6 , 7 , 8 and 9, 1903-To fu r th e r accom m odate th o se de­

s irin g to v isit th e F a ir a t M t. Holly: N. J„ on the above dates, th e Penn­sy lv an ia R ailroad Cotnpany will te ll excursion -tickets from a ll s ta tlo n s on th e tTnlted R ailroads of New Jersey D ivision, In New Jersey , and from At­lan tic City, M illville, B ridgeton, Salem,- Pennsgrove, and 'In te rm ed iate sta tions on th e W est J e rse y and Seashore R ail­road, a t reduced, ra te s , including ad­m ission to th e F a ir . grouhds,

Special tra in s -will be ru n as fol­low s: F rom P h ilad e lp h ia (M arke tS tre e t W harf),.-on O ctober G, 7 arid R a t "8.12 a. m „ and on October 8 only a t 9.00 a. m., s topp ing a t all p rinc ipa l s ta tions betw een Cam den and B urling ton ; on O ctober 7 and 8 only a t .10.20 a. m., and on .O ctober 8 only a t ll-.lO a. m., s topp ing a t all p rinc ipa l s ta tio n s excep t R iverton and D elanco: on O ctober 7 and 8 on th e M edford Branch,, connecting w ith tra in leav ing Haddonfield a t 7.40 a. m;; on O ctober 7 and S, from Tron­ton, B ordentow n, and . Ea!;t Burling- :ti}n, leav ing T ren ton a t ,9,50 a. m .; and on th e sam e da tes from s ta tio n s .on •the K ln k o ra - B ranch, leav ing K lnkora a t 8.06 a. m.

F o r ' specific inform ation .co n su lt tick e ts agents.— 40.

ZIc D id n 't U n d c rH tan d . ,A l i t t l e . fellow ou t W est R oxbtiry

w ay some ten years old, perhaps tw e lv e ,. bested his g randm others tho o ther day ra th e r neatly . All th ree w ere a t tlie tab le w hen one of th e la­dles, casually mentioned* the nam e of th e fam ily nurse. .Im m ediately the little fellow w anted to know w ho tlie lady w as. '.One g randm a Innocently re ­m arked th a t It w as tho nurse th a t took eare o f the boy w hen he w as born, ’

“B u t w hy d idn’t m am m a ta k e 'c a r e of ine? I wiis her bnby, w asn ’t 1 'i" queried the little fellow.' ■ "T rue,” says, grandm a; ”b u t , jo u see, m am m a doesn’t understand how, to look u fte r .lltt le ba ­bies; particu larly th e first oiie, an d wo have to have nurecs w ho have learned how ln the hospitala"!:: T h a i seem ed to settle it, bu t (ill of a sudden th e little fellow- b lu rted -o u t "W ell, then , w ho took care o f Gain?’’—Boston T raveler.

■'.:vv m i n d f o i a . .Nine persons ou t of ten would prob­

ably give th e derivation of - blind aa coming d irectly from blind and fold from tlie ’ practice of folding a cloth round th e .ejjes, as in th e 1 gam e of, b lind m an’s buff. T he w ord htfs, hqw- eycr, no th ing to do w ith fold, b u t m eans follcd or struck blind and m ight be w rltted bllndfollod. In tho sam e w ay th e w ord bu tte ry Is easily con­fused w ith the common te rm bu tter, w ith w hich, however. It has no con­nection save ln tlie m inds of those who do not know It to be a contraction for bo ttlery , a place w here Ijottles a ro k ep t and over w hich tho bottler, o r butler, presides.—C ham bers’ Journal.

' T h e E u a y . I lo n tu .. T he old squ ire lay a-ilying; and his fa ith fu l coachm an w a s . sum m oned .to the bedside. "W ell. John,’’ sold, th e old- gallant, " I’m going now on n longer Journey th a n ever you could drlvo me.”

“N ever mind, squire; never m ind," cried the serv an t in a broken voice. “I t 'l l be downhill all th e way.".—Lon­don Globe. —'

H e r m l l l t n r r T n n r t e .

"Is she fond of the m ilitary ?"" I should say she was. W hy, sho hati

all her books bound ln one color, so they will be uniform ."—Chicago Rec- ord-IIerald . ' ' ■

W hat a-happy w orld th is w ould be 1! every m an-spoke as well o f Ilia live Celgl'.bors as he docs of h is dead ones!

Never, suffer th e prejndlce of th e eye 1'j determ ine th e ^ b ea rt—Zlm m cim an.

Lilt ot UncUlmed LettersT he following le tte rs r.em alnv un­

claim ed in the O ceanic,rovo postoflice fo r th e w eek .en d in g O ctober 7, 1903: v M iss R. B lake, L illian B ailey , -Jlrs. M. E . B atcU elder, 'M rs '. : Thos. B. Briggs, Airs. John B irch ,-S usie Brown,- M rs: F . A. Boyd, J . H arold -. Borton, M rs. J . II. B um stead, M rs. C. W . Buoy, ■SI- J . Budd, Mi;s. E . B ickley, N elly G harlesson; M fs. M. E. '.Crawford;', 0 M t. C arm el W ay, W m. Corney, H elen Cook, D earborn, M rs . A. D earborn, Mrs. .M. S. D unbar,•M rs. M. J. Ealen . Miss F lo rence Em erson, Jam'es E lder. M rs. J . o : F ord , John G raham , H. W. G ates, Rev. D. H arbison, M rs. Jesse Li. H arpe r, M rs. A ddle H arris , Wm. H ;-H arg ro v e , F ann ie Johnson (2), Ida V. Jones, T . M ..,Kennerly, Mrs. S. K illian, R ichard ■ J, L an e ,- Mrs. AliceA. Lew is, .Mrs. Ju liu s - Lelm s, Jenn ie Slalin, M aggie M cFadden, C hristian 'C. Meglll, .M rs. S. -M ouuterey, C. ,W.. S iorton, M rs. Isaac Morrow', j^aura M urry, Id a N lckle; M rs; C. F. Ogden, M rs. A rdella. P ayne, C lin ton Polbem - us, M rsrM . Powell, M rs. Rogers, Miss Sadie R ose, .George; W . Slater! Mrs. C. V. Sm ith, JIrs , A nnie . Sim m s, Cone Slckels, M rs.. J . A. Sm ith , M iss SI. E. S tillw eil, Sirs. R. C. S tu a rt, M rs. A. C. Tw ItchelV M r. T ilton, . M iss L. A. T hrockm orton , M rs. A. C.'ToW ’nsend, Ida W ilson, C lara M. W illiam s, M rs. M artha. .W illiam s,M rs . W . G. W ym an,

Second ' C lass—F rau . K reszen tia M ayer. V.', •' - ■ :■

W . H . HAM ILTON, P . M.

$62.50 to C allla rn ia a n d R a tu rnV ia Chicago & N orth -W estern R ’y. .From Chicago to S an F ran c isco and Los A ngeles, dally , O ctober 8 . t o 17. C orrespondingly low ra te s ' from a ll points.-, T hree fa s t daily tra in s , w ith m agnificent equ ipm ent th ro u g h to the coast, includ ing the": fam ous electric-

•llghted O verland L im ited ;. lesB than three, days en route , over . t h e . only double-track T allw ay , be tw een Chicago and th e M issouri river. All. agen ts sell tick e ts v ia th is lin e . Send fo r illu s tra t­ed booklets, m aps am ' fu ll in fo rm a­tio n to W. A, Cox, G01 C hestnu t s tree t, P h iladelph ia , Pa .—37-42.

*30.00 to co lsrad f and RatnrnV ia Chicago & N orth -W estern R ’y. Chicago to D enver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, dally u n til S ep tem ber 30, aqd from O ctober 4 to 8, Inclusive. Cor­responding ly low ro-tes from a ll po in ts o a a t Only one n ig h t to D enver from Chicago and the C en tra l S ta te s . Two faB t tra in s dally. T o u ris t • sleeping cars to D enver, For Illu stra ted book­le t, tick e ts and s leep ing c a r re serv a ­tions app ly to your n e a re s t a g en t or add resB ,W. A. Cox, 601 C hestnu t streQt, P h iladelphia .— 37-41.

' W A NTED — SEV ERA L' PERSO NS of character and good reputation ln each Stato (ono in this county re­quired) to represent and advertise

old established wealthy buslnoss houso of solid financial standir?. Sal­ary J21 weekly with expenses addi­tional, all payable 11 caah direct each Wednesday from head offices. Horoo and carriage furnished when neces- Bary. Reference. EnclOB0 self-ad­dressed envelope., ' Colonial, 332 Dear­born atreet, Chicago.—364f\t.

O n e-W ay R a te sE v ery day. from S ep tem ber .15th to

N ovem ber 30th, Inclusive, th e U nion Pacific will sell , one-way tick e ts from M issouri R iver T erm inals (Council Bluffs 't6 K ansas City, Inclusive) as follow s: - .

$20 to Ogden and S a lt-L ake City.J20 to H elena and Biitte,' M ontana.S22.50 to Spokane and W anatchee,

W ashington .■ |?2 .50 to H u n tin g to n ' and Nampa, Idaho. •

$25.00 to . P o rtlan d , T acom a and Sea ttle . . :

$25.00 to V ancouver and V ictoria.$25.00 to. A shland and A storia, Ore-,

gon, v ia .P o rtla n d .. V '$25:00 . to San F rancisco , Los Ange;

les nnd S a n D Ie e o .C orrespondingly low ra te s to m any

o th e r C alifornia, Oregon, W ashington, M on tana , U tah and Idaho points.

From Chicago and St. Louis propor­tiona te ly low ra te s a re In effect by lines connecting w ith tho Union • P a ­cific. s. F o r fa ll Inform ation calL on address

,R. T enbroeck, G. E. A gent,JU nion P a ­cific R„ R „ .287 B roadw ay, -New York' City.—39-49, . ,

■ *■— r— ■ -— '■ y 'A Wonderful Invention

I t is .in te res tin g to note, th a t fo r­tunes a re frequen tly m ade by th e in­ven tion o f a rtic le s of m ino r Im port: ance. M any of the m ost popu lar de­vices a re th o se designed to benefit the people and m eet po p u la r conditions, and one of* th e m ost In te re s tin g of th ese th a t .h a s e v er been Inven ted Is th e D r. 'W hite E lec tric Comb, pa ten ted Jan . *1, ’99. These w o n d e rfu l. comba positively curb dandruff, h a ir fa lling outj s ick and nervous headaches, and w hen used in connection w ith Dr.. W hite 's E lec tric H a ir B rush a re poslr tlvely guaran teed to- m ake s tra ig h t h a ir curlyU n 25 days' tim e. T housands of these , e lectric-com bs have b een sold In th e v a rious c ities o f th e U nion, a nd th e dem and Is co n stan tly Increasing . O ur ag en ts a re rap id ly becom ing rich selling th e se combs. T h ey -p o sitiv e ly ' se ll 'o h s ig h t Send fo r sam ple. M en ’s size, 35c.; lad les’ 50e.— half p rice w hlie we a re in troducing them . See w an t colum n of th is p a p e r .: T he Dr. W h ite E lec tric Comb Co., D ecatur, HI.

Sept. 19, 3 mos.

■ | 3 3 ' to t b e Pacific C d e i tV ia th e .(Jhlcago & N orth -W esf^m R ’y from Chicago dally S ep t 15 to Nov. 30, .to San F ranc isco , L ob.A ngeles. P o r t­land, S ea ttle an d T acom a , and o th e r Pacific C oast Po in ts. V ery lo w ra te s to H elena; B u tte ,-S pokane , Ogden' and S alt L ak e C ity. C orresponding low ra te s , from all points. D ally and per­sonally conducted excursions In P u ll­m an . to u ris t, sleeping cars to San F rancisco , Lbs A ngeles and P o rtland , th rough w ith o u t change, double berth only-$G.00. Choice of' rou tes.. F o r p a rtic u la rs . address- W . A. 'Cox, G01 C hestnu t s treet, P h ilade lph ia , P a . ,

Two Big Bargains ■ JI can se j. you a tw elve-room -board­

ing .house w ith in one nud a : .halt.'blocks of th e ocean, fu rn ished , ind m 'gbod re ­pair, fo r $2,400, p a r t of w hich c.tn re ­m ain on mortgage.- . A n exce llen t op­po rtun ity to. an invoBtor.. .

A lso havo tw o fine lo ts on C lark avenue, h igh ground, .with a four-room co ttage on them (tw o s to rie s ,) ;s e w e r an d w a te r , fo r $1,000; and $500 cfin;re. m ain on m ortgage. Apply to E . ' N. W oolston, R eal E s ta te and Insurance, '50 M ain avenue. Ocean Grove.—-tf.

W A NTED —Live, agen ts to sell Dr. W h ite ’s E lec tric Combs, pa ten ted Jan . 1, ’99, C ure dandruff, h a ir fa lling ou t, slclc and nervous h eadaches, y e t co st no m ore th a n an o rd inary comb. Sells on sigh t. A gents a re w ild ' w ith success. Send 50c. fo r sam ple (half P rice). W rite quick. Tho Dr. W hite E lec tric Comb Co., D ecatur, 111.

' Sept. 19, 3 mos'.

* A Delightful Outing ,A tr ip up D eal L ake. '250 boat* and

canoes to choose from . W hite ’s B oat L ivery , P a rk avenue an d D eal Lake.—

P e r r i n e & J a c k s o n



No. 135 Heck A yenue.C o r; :v . '

OCEAH O R O V E , H. -I.

e a s ily an d q u ick ly \ erad icated w ith

BenzineW e se ll it in con ven ient size

. B o ttles , 5 . 10 an d Isc .* . ' ;

E. J. Stroud .609 rin in S tre et, A sb u ry P o rk

• Tflephono 69-1

Otto A. Spies6O9 M ain S tre e t

A s b u ry P a rk , N ew Je r s e yP . O . B o x 8 3 3

r , ; Upholsterer And Interior DecoratorCarpets fit ted a n d ro la ld . S hades, cur­tains and draperies. .Wall covering. Mattresses renovated. My motto la piotapt delivery. . r . s.

V u 'i. ’ ' ’ • " ' , » * , I

N .H . K IL M E RP ro p rie to r

3 and 5 Pitman Aremio, Ocean Grove, New Jeriey

Cozy sun parlor*; Hot and cold water baths. Cool rooms and comfortable accommodations for summer guests, pcrma- nant and transient Open all th* year.

atioo— or %o C uxa. U swia A Oa

t)oors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Mouldings, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Etc.

7V IT U N S T R E E TAsbury Park, N. J .

Factory, Oonklrk* SlraAfl* Turd, Hpdox LaJoe, Me-v tesavy

The Shrewd Landlord Mechanic*’ Tools Mill Supplies

HaB foresight nnd common sense enough to know that if he equips his buildings with all the modern conveniences in the way o f heat­ing and plumbing, etc., he Is going to ront thom for more money. Give the people what they want and they will pay; for i t . Full In­formation can be obtained by visiting our show rooma or calling ua on telephone 1841.

Bollere, R adiators, Vatvos, Pipe, Fitting**, rte-

bestoa Covering*, tilgh Grade Plumbing Goode

2 0 0 S> 2 0 2 MARKET St r a w w N J .

21 ST23 •S m H iW fcC ST.


If Y o u A r e G o in g t oB u y ono o f o u r b ra s s tr im m ed S u it Cases to p a ck s o u v en irs o f y o u r v is it in .W o se ll th e m a t 08 cec te each . ___

I f you s ta y we h a v e a l in e o f so ft b la n k e ts in w hite , s tee l an d fancy etripoij - a t 59o., 7Cc. a n d $1 a pa ir. S ilkulino an d s a te e n covered co m fo rts an d qu ilts , filled w ith th e s o f te s t co tto n dow n—p re tty p a tte rn s .

E v e ry th in g to a ss is t in com fortab le h o u sek eep in g —-shoots, pillow caaea, b ed sp read s , ta b le lin e n un d to w e ls 'a t th e r ig h t prices.

BAUMGARTNER’S LINEN STOREOOO-etl O c o k m o n A v e n u e , A a b u r y P o r k

Crosbie Furniture Co.Household Furniture

Stoves, Bedding, Garpets, Oil Gloth, Refrigerators, Etc.

S e o o n d v t ln n d P u r n ltu r e o f a l l d e e o r lp t lo n s . G o o d * no ld oaa c o m m is s io n , t l l o h e e t p r ic e p a id fo r

• a c o n d h a n d g o o d s

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W H Y H E D ID N 'T M A R R Y .

P h i l Mny*H S t o r y o l fun A i m tr o l l f l a , F r lH o n e r , ■

Phil May, th e English a rtis t, worked in his yoatli on tho B ulletin of Sydney; A ustra lia . Oeeuslonnlly tiie young m an w ould be .'unsigned by the Bulletin peo\

. p ie to the.police courts, and from Uliese assignm ents lie would bring1*-back

.sk e tch es , now hum orous a m f now pa- .; th e tic, th a t, w ere adm irable.

- O ne o f the best of the Bulletin scotches p o rtrays a th in , hnngdog m an In th e prisoners* Im r ta lk in g to a very m ild and syrapnthotic looking jn d g a Mr. M ay’s s to ry o f the sketch w as th a t tho. prisoner had been d ragged before th e judge every few m onths fo r a num ­b e r of years.

**Yoiir face is fa m ilia r here,” th e tat-. . te r now said.r ?■•-•It.is, y ou r honor, w orse Jock,” ro-

tu rn ed the prisoner.wA re you m arried yet?**

. •’‘W ot yet, s ir.” ' / •.• : "N ot yet, .eli? n o w long Jb I t now• th a t you have been engaged?”• “ S e v e n y e a r s , y o u r h onor/*

“ So long a s th a t? W hy in the w orld haven’t you got m arried In all th a t tim e?” V

. . “ Because# your h o n o r/' the prisoner explained, “ Ann and I haven’t m an­aged to be-both ou t of Jail a t th e sam e

. tim e.*—B oston Post.

O riiiN li M im vnm Lo< tt*rf.T he B ritish m useum w ns begun w ith

$300,000 raised by a lo ttery scheme. Of th a t lottery, au thorized in 1753, the a rchbishop of* C anterbury , the lord chancellor and the speaker o f the house o f com m ons w ere th e . m anagers and trustees. Tbs am ount w as $1,500,000,

• ra ised by fifteen dollar tickets, to pro­vide $1,000,000 for prizes an d $500,000 fo r th e purchase o f the Sloane collec-

• tions and the TTarlelnn lib rary and for cases, house room and a ttendan ts .

The operations of one “P e te r Lehetip, JSsq.,” says the London Chronicle, m ade tho lottery notorious. He fraudu len tly '‘cornered" the tickets, 0,000 o r so of them passing by Ills 'a id to a Sampson

. Gideon, w ho sold them a t a premium!7 - An inquiry Instituted by the house o f‘‘

commons resulted In' the prosecution *,? by. tho a tto rney general of Eeheup.• T he penally w as a fine of £1,000, bu t

th is w us by no m eans excessive, as £40,000 w as Leheup’s estim ated profits from th e fraud.

"N C h l n a ’ H A l o m M o a n t n i n .

In China, about tw elve miles from th e village; o f L iorchek, th e re Is, ac­cording to a w rite r in th e Liverpool Post, a m ountain of alum , w hich, in add ition to being a n a tu ra l cariosity , is a source of w ealth fo r tho inhab­ita n ts of tho country, w ho d ig from It yearly tons o f alum. T he m ountain Is no t less thau ten miles ln d rcum for- enco a t its base and hns a heigh t o f nearly 2,000 feet. The alum Is ob­ta in ed by quarry ing la rge blocks of stone, which arc flrst heated in g rea t fu rnaces and then in v a ts fllled w ith

-^.boiling w ater. T he alum . crystallizes a n d form s a lay e r abou t s ix inches in thickness. T his layer Is-subsequently

1 broken up into blocks w eighing about : te n pounds each,

■ H u m b le P ic ,Wo often h e a r o f e ating “hum ble

pie.” In th e old hunting days o f “Mer* r le E n g lan d /' w hen a s tag w as brought down, the “q u arry was broken’! on the spot, the choice, parts of th e venison being reserved fo r the huntsm en, w hile the entrails, heart, Itver, etc.. called in th e hun ting language o f the day the “n am b le s/’ w ere given to th e common people.

Of these they m ade a p ie called “ ju m b le p ie /’ H ence to eat “num ble pie” becam e to ubnse oneself—apolo-

.g ize . abjectly . T be . transition from “ num ble pie", to “hum ble pieu w as

^easy, especially in view of the signifi­cance o f th e word.

' A Dcntli Fetflfn lnc P la n t./ T h a t certtdh Insects, birds, m am m als an d reptiles .habitually protend to be d ead when danger th rea ten s them is a w ell known fac t, but i t is generally be­lieved thnt th is s tra tagem is resorted l/>oniy by anim als. In South America, how ever, there is a p lan t—ti species of jntm oaa—wblcli resorts to death feign­ing, evidently for tlie purpose o f p re­ven ting the g rass eathig anim als from eating it. In 'its na tu ra l s ta te this p la n t has a Vivid g reen hue, b u t d i­rectly. t t is touched by ii hum an finger o r by any living onlm al i t co litis e s into, n tang le of. apparen tly dpad and w ithered stem s.—London Globe.

.)'■ * ' U en lov ujmI Stevctmon.'W . E. ilen ldy once m et R obert Louts

S tevenson . and s found his friend dis­tressed because ho w as not a V oltaire o r a Dum as, though he had an cqulp-

: m en t which o ugh t to have, m ade .him tb e lr peer. Stevenson p u t hJs “ failure*’ dow n to the w eakness of h is lungs. “P erh ap s you lire right, Louis," said H enley. “I ’ve a lw ays fe lt th a t if I had not been a blessed cripple I could have token the ea r th in my hand and hurled It Into th e B un/* ; , . . .

' . w . --------------- :------- -T h e T o u t.

LUy—Well, did you B e e her? Is i t tru e ? Is she rea lly engaged to him or is it only idle rum or?

Nellie—T here isn’t a w ord of tru th ln I t I had a long ta lk w ith her and to ld 1 her of the men who are ju s t wild ab o u t me, and she never said a word ab o u t h ira .-^ irook lyn Life.

Mean,“Gome, dear, kiss my dbeck and m ake

tip,” she sa id forgivingly. .“ I'll kiss it,” lie answ ered, •‘b u t I

don’t th ink i t w an ts any m ore m aking u p r • ______ _____

W here are no e levators runn ing up a n d down th e ladder o f fam e.

■ EEcrd your troubles; d o n 't le t them •rtih w ild.—Atchison Globe!

H n lr r t U p o n '\ The fine ha irs about tlio uh»;».;j uf the horse a re organs of touch of extrem e delicacy. T hey serve, to a certain ex* tent, tlio sam e purpose a s our linger ends, tlie w hiskers o f the ca t o r the trunk o f ' the. e iep lm n t Sensitiveness Is due to specially deyeloped endings of nerves in the sldti, which' a re ; con* tluually sending messagos- to. the-brain.

The lip hiiirs of tlie horse first receive, th e stim ulus, w hich is com m unicated to the end organs and so passes:on to tlie brain. They come in to play w hen th e horse sam ples a ne v* artic le of food. H e first sm ells it and, having so fa r satisfied hiniSelf, touches i t delicately w ith those sensitive hail’s. T he upper lip moves sp ftiy in quick sym pathy and confirms tb e opinion suggested b £ tlie hairs. T he tonguo Judges finally as to the fitness of the food.

W hen th e horse wishes^to drink, these hiiirs assure him th a t the w a ter is free from foreign m a tte r on tbo surface, for be drluks from the surfneo only. They de tect tlie sm allest purtlc le 'o f d ir t and guide him to the purest place.

“ D o b *! I k n l J ^ immI “ D a n d y F u n k . " .“Biscuits, .or, as they a re fam iliarly

called a t sen, ‘pantiles,’ a re served. 6n t w ith a liberal hand,” says C harles P rotheroe in “L ife In the M ercantile M arine.”. “ To m ake a s a tis fy in g m e a t o f them w ould occupy , a ll tlie- w atch below, for, being as hard as hails, m as­tication Is necessarily a slow operation; To obviate th is difficulty they a re placed in a small canyas btig and by d in t of much pounding reduced to. a powder.' Sufficient liquid, som etim es pea soup tiiu t is le ft over from dinner, is w ith th is u n til i t bew m cs d paste. . A few pieces o f f a t pork: stuck here and ' there over the su rface to give flavor, th is by tlie indulgence of th e cook, is allow ed in the oven, and w hen browned. Is know n as ‘dog's body/“ ‘D andy fu n k ’ is ano ther dish o f the

sam e kind, the substitu tion of a little^ molasses fu rn ish ing tlie excuse fo r a n ­other name/'*.’ . • • ' /

. O o l o n n a n d U a r l l c .

■ T he onion is a vegetable of g re a t an* tlqhlty , being found among the earliest o f cu ltivated species.; A kind o f onion grow n in E g y p t 2,000 years and mora ago w as considered so excellent th a t i t received d h in e honors, being w orship­ed as a god. • T his wns considered a good joke by th e Rom ans of those days, who, as well as the Greeks, w ere ae? qualn ted w ith several varieties o f on- lotis. i t is likely th a t 'th e : p la n t first grew In P ersia or A fghanistan. Garlic has been ra ised in C hina fo r thousands of ' years, and "the! ancien t E gyptians m ade g rea t U6e of I t No picture, o f i t hoe ever been found on the m onuments,, bu t this m ay be because the p lan t w as considered unclean by the priests,

T e l l i n g l i m e b y t b o P o r c h .The oldest system by which , men

have to ld /the tim e o f day hi sundials. There are sundials still In 'existence since long before the C hristian era . In fact, they have been found in E gypt d a t in g ;before the pharaohs. T he In ­d ians and w ild nations 'to ld the time by the position of the shadow s of trees or m ountains. The Chinese have carried th e a r t of - sundials to perfec­tion and even today use pocket /sun­dials instead ' of w atches. One Chinese w atchm aker has a rranged his fron t porch In such a w ay tlie shadow o f the, posts tells th e tim e by w hich to regu­late’ the w atches.—Ada Paterson in P il­grim. . . - .

W h A t u J o u r n u l i H t !» .The editor’s only son w as seemingly

struggling w ith a perplexing problem. H e moved uneasily on his hobbyhorse and finally tw isted all the m ane off his steed- T hen he cra\Vled up On his fa­ther’s knee and, looking inquiringly in his face, said:

“ Pa, w h a t is a journa lis t?” .• “My son/,' said the editor as. he medi­tatively stroked the ,g0ideh head o f ills ofTspring—“ini’, son, a • Jou rna list is a m an who w ears a plug, h a t and no shoes and borrows money from new s­paper men/*—M emphis Scim itar.

D c « t I C l n d o f P r o o f .

“HoreJ” exclnlmcd the ira to custom er to, th e trunk dealer. “ I thought you said th a t chest I bought of you w as m oth proof?”

“W ell,” said the dealer. “W asn’t it?*1 “No! W hen I opened it m y th ings

w ere full of m oths!”G reat Scott, m an! W hat be tte r

proof of ’em do you w an t?"—Brow n­ing 's M agazine. ;

M o n e y a n d D r a in s .A newly a rrived w esterner w as’con­

fronted In a s tre e t of New York la to a t n ight by a ruffian w ith leveled re­volver, who mado tho stereotyped de­mand, “Give m e your money o r 1*11 blow your brains out.” ■

“Blow aw ay,” said tho w esterner. “You con live In New York w ithou t brains, b u t you can’t w ith o u t money.”

U n e r r i n g C h i l d h o o d .

The child is so often r ig h t I t has not the m iscellaneous knowledge o f the grow nup person, who rends new spapers and keeps a tom e Encyclopcedta Bri- tnnnica ln a carefully devised cage. B ut the. childish mind h a B an unerring log­ical faculty not In any w ay confused by superfluity of inform ation.—London Academy.

A n « ; c r a n d .D I « C H t l o n .A well known physician has w ritten :

“A nger is a passion which especially unfits the stomucli for doing much w ork. If It occurs often or be pro­tracted , bu t little food should be taken. Those who Indulge in it have a double cnuso fo r abstinence. Both the ir folly and th e ir stom achs call fo r a fa s t.”

A. F u l l llotJrto,Lady’ Guest—Your father is such a

hospitable gentleman! He dearly ioves a full houso, doesn’t he? .

Jack—Well, yes-if it hnppeps to be on his side of tho. tables—Kansas City Journal. . .. .... .... C v ; .



H. G.SHHEVE, Collector

W»dne*«Say, October 14,.1903Public notice is hereby given by Harry G. Shreve, collector o£ thfc

Towaohli) of Neptune, iu tbo County of Monmouth and S tate of New je rse y , . th a t by ,-Ictue of a tax w arrant Issued on the 5th day of August, 1903,-by tho Township Committee of said Township, ho will sell a t public vend’uo a ll the. lands,* tenem ents, hereditam ente and rea? estate herelriafte?.' mentioned, for the shortest term for which any person or persons will Egrea to. t a j e the samfj, and pay the taxes assessed agains; th e sam e t o r the year 1802, wlU) the .in terest thereon accruing and ali;costs ,'fees, charges and expenses^ in ’ relation to the. levy, assessm ent and collection of said taxes. The said salo will take place a t TownBhip Hall. .No. 47 South Main street, on Wednesday October 14, 1903, a t 2 o’clock p. m. Tho said landB, tenetaents, . lierodita- menta and ica l estate so sold, and thenam es o t th e persons against twhons tho taxe3 have been laid on account ot tho same, and the amount of taxes ou acount of each parcel, aro as foUowB’. ; .

Ocean Grove <A pplegate, W illiam , lo t 510. '611, 612, W es t A nbury .................A tlan tic ’ C oast E lec tric R. R ., % m ilo t r a c k , ............... .............. ..Beegle, W. H arvoy, lo t 3 2 7 ._____ ____________; ......................Boggs, E lizabe th j-., lo ts 302 to 3 1 1 . . . . . . .................................... ..Barnes, L ydia H., lo t 1 0 8 7 . . . . . . . : , . ........... ...................... ....................B aker. S. I I . and C. L., lo t 1123. ............... .. ..........................BarneB, S&rab, E . Vi .lo t 2. Itan e o B. C orlies avenue .............C ontant, Q ardner, lo t 1126 ........................................................................Caldwell, M ary A. B.. lo t 1257 ..'................................................................C layton. C harles R , ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . -------------- . . . . . . ^D avjdyan, Em m a M., lot 1 0 3 0 . . . . . . . . . . i i . . ! . . . . . . ............. .DowBon, B. C., lo t 1G37........................................ - . . . . . . . .

i f ra n k lin , John,; !»i 19G........................................... . - .......G al’, M rs. A nna U., lo t K-'-i.. . . . . . . . . — ,Grlgg, M iss Sara^i, lo t 100*:.............. .......... .......... ............. ..............Gibson, M iss Lizzie, lo t 3032' .......... • - .............. . . . . --------

’ Gordon, H erb e rt, to ts '24; 25,-RWgo a y e . .Goodonough, Am elia, F a y s tro o t. F a y t r a c t ......................................Holes, M iss E m m a, lo t 71........................ ............... . - . . I . ..............H illm an, H a ttio M ., lo ts 842, 844, 846 . - - " , ............. -H ays,;M rs; A nna, lo t 8 5 3 .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . .HugheSi'Rev. George, lo t 878............ .H iller, Mrs. M ary.E ., lo t 1908,H urley, Annie, 'South M ain s tre e t , nex t -ssrorttfl'. . . . . . . . ...H avens, R obert-J.. sot 460, W es t G ro v e - . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H agerm an , S ara li E., u o m e r 'C o r lie s and R idge

: Ireland , M ary. R idge a v en u o .......................................... . . « , . ................Jam es, Noah; a-i GO? .......... .. — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '..................Johnson , Sam uel, lo t 1636._____ • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lobes F ran k , lo t 16t aie^rentix a v en u a ........... .............. ..Ijeelc, C harles, lo ts *48, 2 5 0 . .......... « . . ..Lane, Mrs. A; M., lo t 1 1 6 2 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . i . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L anning, R ebecca E., lo t l 3 8 2 . . . . . . . ..................... ; . . . . » .....Lord, George R-, M eadow t r a c t ........................ .. ..............................

. M cGronlgle. A nnie G., lo t 6 2 4 . . . . . ............................... .........................M cFadden, Jane , lo t Gl, S outh M ain s t r e e t ............... - ..................M cLaughlin, Jam e s J ., lo t 19, R ange B . • > • • .• • • ........................Moody. Majy. 1,., lo t 5 4 5 . . ................................ ................Moody, Maiy.X,., lo t 5 4 G .. . . . • •• •Moody, Mrs. fcary L., lots 1677, 1679. ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mooney, Solomon, F ir s t ave., n e a r d iv is io n s tre e t , W est Grovo.;M urphy, Thom as Y inton, iota 424 to 454-................................ ............N oyes. C harles W „ lo t 1806.■ ....'...........................................................O pdflro ,'M rs. S ara li A., l o t :6 6 . . . ' . . . . ..........•••’•.............. • • • • ........ .Obie, Asa, F ay and D ivision s t r e e t___OMa, Asa! F ay s t r e e t . . . . > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ..........O bie /W illiam , lo t 16, F a y . s t r e e t . * ......... ..F ro n t. A nna M„ io t 1074 . ......... .. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Seym an, M rs. J.. io t 1 0 4 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . - * - • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . .Shaffer, M rs. L.. lo t 1 7 2 4 . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . .3haE er, L u ther, lo t 172 r> ......... ......... ....... .....................Snyder, W itifiald, eo rner P lfaro and D i ^ i o r t s t r e e t ...........Shuro, Ida, lo t 576............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sm ith . H a rr ie t L.. lo t 566........................ ..................... ............. ..Taylor, Anthony, lo t on P h a ro a v o n u o . .................................Tyndall,. R acbael, lo t 9 . ............. .................................... ..........................VanW lcklo, Je sse F., Jr.; lo t 9 4 8 . . . . . . ..........................V anV alkenburg,. W altor. lo t 9 0 6 .......... ............ ........................... ..VanValkonburg, Louisa, lo t 1 6 0 2 . . . . . . . ...........W illiam s. A . E „ lo t 15(J....... ; . . .W aym an, W., lo t 1 9 7 . . ......................... ...................... ..W hittaker. S a rah A., lo t 1 7 2 0 . . . ......... • • • • ............................. ............W hite, B en jam in ,, South side E leven th av en u e ‘............. ................

. . . . . 4 62 61 04. . . . . 36 65 . . . . .3 3 5 72 . . . . . 31 39 . . . . . 18 35

16 28 30 52 .........21 S3. . . . . 91 19 80 52. . . . . . 3 08

3 08 . . . . . 42 76 ; 6 13. . . . . 3 08 . . . . . 24 41 12 23. . . . . 6 13 , . . . .1 0 0 76 . . . . . 15 28 . . . . . . 27 51 86 49 30 62. . . . . 21 3S . . . . . 18 36

. . . . 16 23 15 28. . . . . 12 23 .. . 16 28 , 30 62. . . . . -IS 80 15 28. . . . . 1 2 2 08 21 89 15 28 6 13 68 03. . . . . 9 19 9 19. . . ’. . 12 23 . ...305 20 . . . . . 24 45 21 39. . . . . 9 19

9 19 . . . . . 15 28 18 35. . . . . . 9 IS , . , , . 1 8 35 9 19. . . . . 6 13 15 28. . . . . 3 08 . . . . . 3 08 . . . . . 9 19 . 36 65 24 4S• , . • . 24 46 . . . . : 21 39. : . . . . iE 28 . . . . . ' 9 19 18 35.

West ParkAnderson, William V., w e s t .% lot S. Range B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ------- . . . s 36Abermartha, Margaret, (Ihurcii streov Wesr, P ro s p e c t . . . . . . 8 88Applegate, Minnie, lot 23!i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . ' * , . . . . . . . . . . . 41 fi!Best, Benjamin J.,.E ast % lo t 1J, Range A ....................................... . ; 13.90Bnrdge, Mary, lot 192............................... - 41 G6Banacco, Joseph, lot 4, Block 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11'13Banker. Mrs. 'John, lot. 58i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 80Brown. William M., lot 49.......... .. , 8 36Braim. Johr?, lot ^, . ........................ 3,‘JJ6'Bell, J . W., lot 5,.Block i ................ o 57Brooklyn Colored Orphan Asylum, South "A lo t 7, Range S .............. 11 12Brown; George, lot 3 7 . . . . . .............. ........................ ................................. X 80Butcher. Mrs, E., lo t 136................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 t -70Bright. Mildred, lot 34, Atkins av enue. .................................. 8 36Barber, Belle, Sylvan avenuo. ........... 16 68Brown, John H., iot 1244, W ashington stree t . > . . . . .................... S 36BaiKran. H arry Cl, W ashington s tre e t . . . ' ........... 18 90BolK, Henry, lots 82, 8 3 . . . . ........ .....................................................................97.IS

.Brown, Jam es W,', lo t 26, H etrick t r a c t . . . ...........' 3;.68Brown, R. R . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . ' . 8 3*3Gapoblanco, Fotor, iot 21, Atkins av enna. ............ 11 12Coleman, E s t , H. D., lot 61 ........... 2 80Cramer, Charles S., lot 1 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - * .......... 16 68Cramer, Maty, lo t-22 ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 68Cage Frank, lot 324 1.................... 16 58Crummell, iSmma. D„ Springwood a v e n u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 80Crumraell, Rudolph, Spricswood avenue................................ 11 12D’Alloste, Frank, tote 11,12, Block 1 . ......... 2 isODean, Mary, WhltesvlUe . . . . . r . .......... .. . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . .Doran, Elizaboth, Whitesvlilo. ............. 11 15Davis, Horry, Prospect av enue. ................. IB 68Daler, Francis, Sunset avenue, alom? Deal lake .................... 41 68EnniB , Joseph, lot 1, B lock ............ 13 90Smmons, Joseph, North % lot 8, R angeP .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i x . . 6 67Forris, Mary G,; iota i t , 3B, N. W. A. P . . ............................ ; ........... 5.67Gibbs, Annie, lot 1110, AdamB s tre e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 22 22Graham, Albert, lot 35, N. W. A P . . . . . . . . ........... 11 13G rareaU e.J.B ., lot 3, B l o c k s . . . . . ..................... 2 80.Guost,'Dianna, N orth-% lot 3, Rango 8 ....................... .2 8hGuerin, Emily M., lots 77, 7 8 ,..............•........... 85 8DGuerin, Emily M„ lots 7 5 ,7 6 ... ......... 49 98Giles,-Nelson V., lot 800........... 41 60Greenwood. Mrn. Chauncey, lot 1231, W ashington s tre e t ............. S SOHullcir, Charles 1?., lo t 830. ............ .... ............................. ................. .. 8.80

. Hulick. Charles T., lot 820« . , . . . , . . . . . . , . . , , . i « , . * \ 5 67Haley; Caleb H., lo t 600, Pxoopeot <£»*!»«...................... 18 80Holmes, Joseph S., N orth 14 lo t 7, Range I .......................................... 12 toHancock, Thomas B , lo t 621, Church s tre e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -8 88Hancock..Thomas 8 , -/scant Iot .................. G 67Heald, T. W„ lot 8 6 2 . . . .W .. ....................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 67Hopkins, {iary F., lo t 80, A tld n sa v e n n e .... . . . . . . . . 1112

Hopkins,.W illiam, W ashington s t r e e t . .............................................. 33 SiiHiggins, Wm. D., W ashington s t r e e t . . . - . ......... 13 90Johnson. Stephen, lo t 6, Block 2 ......... 2 80Jonee, William F„ South % lot 4, Range P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 36Johns, Eat-, Mary F., Baage avanuo, near Prospect avonuo ......................27 TBJeffrey, Mary, W est % lot 219........ ..................... ........................................... 8 3 6Jamison, Elizabeth, lo t 126 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 42James, Elizabeth, Prospect a v e n u e . . . . ............................................. 22-22-Kinsey, Sarah, lots 114, 123....................... . . 27 76'Kelly, Samuel O , lo t 6, Range E . . ; ............. . ............................. 22 22

' Kane, James, lot 542, Prospect a v o ju o ............ 6 67 .Landin, Rev. G. W., plot ground out Spriagwood avenue-.......................... f« 67i-andin, R. R. and David, B ast % lo t 4, Rango B . . . w . . . . 22 22 Larrabeo, W. W„ lots 166, 1 6 6 . 2 2 22 Lord, Gsorgo I t , 3 acres ground, M attison avenuo, W. of 4.tkins avenuo 13 SOLord, George R., lo ts 6. 5%, 6................ ........................................................ . 26 01Georgo R. Lord, lots 17 to 2 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... -.. 65 52GeorgaiR. Lord, lota 66, 67, 6 8 .. ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 33George R. Lord, lots 66 to 7 3 .. .................... .................. « . . . .................. . 55 52GeorgeR. Lord, lots-84 to 9 2 . . , ; ........... . . . . . . . 56 62Lord, George R.. lot 93.................................... .......... ... ............ .. 41G6Lord, George R., lots 103 to 109..-............ ....................... . ..................41 66Lord, George R., tots 258. 260. 301, vacan t lot .......... 10 68Lor:i. Georgs B», lots 49/60, 60, facan tlo ta ............................... 33 "3T^ord, Georco R., iota.44 to.47, vacant lots . . .V . . .............................. . 7 . . . 66 63McICensie, Duncan, lot.163 .......... ...................... 36.12McIntosh; Jam es,. F ifth avenuo :.- ................-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 01Moglll, Amelia, lo t 209............................................................................ ” 33 33Hurray, Ella, lot 1310, Asbury avenue ......... , . . 10 46 .Miller, Hsorgo t „ Ridge aad Heck avenues ....................... 27 76Mooney, John, Dunlowy s tr e e t . ........... 13 90Moore, I \ J,; 4 Jots Summerfleld avonuo ................... . 22 22.Presto, Louis, lot 3, Block 2 . . ........ ................. .. ......................... . . 8 80Poland, Peter, lot 43, N. W. A. P . . . ................... .6 67Plckney, D. C.. Atkins a v e n u e ,.. '. ............... 8 36Robino, Joseph, lo t 1 5 . . ............. 13 90Roblno, Rosie, lot 23, Atkins a v e n u e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 86 *Reardon, Michael, W hitcsylllo ........................ 8 36Rock, Peter, lot 1, Block ..................... . 6 57Ryerson, Blizabetti., North % iot 24................................................................. 10 68'Reary, Thomas D., 1271 W ashington s tr e e t- .................. 8 36Stout, W esley B., S. W, corner A tidas acd M attlson avenues ......... 27 76Schanck, Morris, W ashington s tre e t ......................................................5 67Spencer, Bst., Elizabeth, lo t 239......... 44 44Sarutie, Mary, lot 30, H etrick t r a c t . . . . . . ; ................................. 2 80Taylor, Johnson, lots 1 5 1 ,1 6 2 . . . . . . . . . ........... . ! . . . 26 01 '

(Taylor, Johnson, lot 161, Sowall a v e n u e . . . . . . . . . ........................................... 8 36• VanCloef, William H., lot 1114, A tlantic avenuo .........•;..........'.. 13 90VanDoraej, Mre. Libbie, Spritfgwood avenue .................... 11Vobraeno, Michael, lots 28; 29 H etrick T ract .................... ;......... 6 67 .Sanders, Mlko, W est Sldo M yrtle . ........... 8 36Schanck, Josiah, lot 1110, Atlantic avenue .............. ."........... 13 90Sullivan, Benjamin J„ lot 14, Rango I, Atkins, opposite Union avonue., ,5 86W hits, Remington, W hltcsville ...........................: ........................... 13 90White, Caroline, Railroad and Munr oe ; , . ........ .>.,. 27 -76Williamson, Hehry, lot 6, Rapge E ................................... 27 76Workman, M argaret, lo t 1138, Adams stroot 11 12Welch. Mary H.. W hitesv lilo ... 13 12WilliamB, John, lot 15, Block 8 . ................................... 8 36Williams, CyruB, lot 14, Block 1 . . . . ........ v . ............. . 8 36W right, Richard, lot 17, Block 2 ........... 2 80W illets, Fred, lot 2 8 1 ............. -...-. 16 68Willats, Bs^, Stephen, Asbury avenue .............................. 18.90 ;

Bradley Park and HamiltonAckerman, John, 15 acre farm, H a m ilto n : ............. 40 68"Applegate. D. G;, lot 139................................. 4 10Bennett, H enry M., lot 160........... 13 57

■ Brown, Samuel, lot 84...........................................................J . 8 16Bacher, Bertha, lot 138 ............... 4 10Brown, Jacob Lewis, lo t 2 9 . . . . . . . .......... 4 10Browor, C. W. and George Lord, 13 acres, North C o r l i e s . , . . , , ................ IS S3Crammer, George R., lot 236............................ ........... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 10:Dolton, H arry, O. G. H ........................ 2 73Dollitt, Lizzie,.North Corlies avonue. .................. ; .............8*16Drummond, Robert, land ln tow n sh ip . ............................. 13 67Estelle, Mary,,O. G. H ....................................... 13 67Ford, W lllitm, lot 190 ..................... 4 10Garrabrant, Clarence, lot 192.................................. 16 29Griffin. A. A,, Iron Company, lot 26............................................................... 2*78Hurley, Mt >. E . M., E ast cf Ed. Knight’s f a r m .................... ; .................... . 18 67 . .1Havens, William, lot 335 ................. 16 2 9 r

•Herbert, J. B„ lots 126, 127 ................................... 8 I t .Hudson, S. B„ lo t 858 ..................... . . . ' ................... i V 'Irons, Marla, iot 103 ......................... 8, 53 .,Jeffrey, John R, lots 186, 1 8 7 . . . . . . . . . ................ . 8 16 .Lewis, Elias H„ lot 150 .............................. ................ f . . . . . . . 16 M 'LeCompte, John, lot 140 ..................................... 16 29’jeM aistre, K ate L, lota 166 to 170, 137 ........... ; 27 11Miller, John A , lot 66 ................. /. 73Meyers, Anthony, 3 lots ............... 21 70Morris, Etcliy, roar f E llsworth B ennett ............. 5 44,Newman. Mary, lot 46 ........... 5 44O'Brien, Elizabeth, lot 352 ................................ 4 10 .P arker, George, lot 97 .................................................................... 10 86Ruhl, Carrie, F ifth avenuo. O. G. H ., ..........................- ...................... 10 88Rose, Charles R., South side Tenth avenue, B. P . . . . . ............. 18 99Rogers, Emily, lots 73, 95, 105, 106........... 10 86Rogers, George, lots 145, 146, 1 7 3 , . . . ................................... 4 10Slocum, C harlie E., 2 acres ground out Springwood avonue .............. 10.88Shafto, H . M., 6 acres, H am ilton ............ 16 29Snyder, Sanford, lots 129, 130 ........ . .................................... ......... , 8 16 'Scanlon, Thomas, lot 12 ................................................. 2 7 3Shailcross, lot 277 ........... 4 10Bchlessinger, Louie, lots 23. 27 .............. 13 57Truex, Benjamin S., O.'G. H . . . . . ............... 13 67Whito, Caroline, Hamilton, J, A. Simpson, Owner ......... %.......... 2 73White, RomlQEtoc. 2 lotn on Corlies avenuo ............... ,G 44Wilsoa, William, South, side SixtH avonue.. .................. 9 6 5Williams, Thomas. Eleventh a v e n u e , . . . . .................................. ; . . . . 5 44

-Williams, W. H„ lot 48 ................ -...-......... 2 73 :Toung, Samuel .................................. : ..... 2 73 .Weissort. Charles ............. 10 86

H. G. SHREVE. Collector. /-■


New Jersey Title Guarantee> Trust Go.ca pita l $200,000.00UNDIVIDED PROP ITS S8o0.oo0.oo

Receives deposita subject to check atid allows Interest on dally balances. Issues time an<l demand cer(If(case? of deposit bearing Interest.

IMPORTANT TO RENTBRS OP A A PE D8P0SIT BOXES IN N. Y.'•1*110 Locuoy und InhorJ5nnco Tax Law,” as enacted undor tbo laws of tho State

of Now York, section 9, chaptor 899, of 1802. authorizes city o r county ofllclala to ex­am ine tlio contentw of saTo deposit boxes a t tho dea th of rontpr, In order to deter­m ine the am ount of ta x to be lovlud on tho oa^ate,

Boxes to Rent from $5 to $800 per annum .The N ew Je r s e y T itle G u aran tee and T ru s t C om pany



Tinning and Sheet Metal Work

67/ Mount Tabor Way, Ocean GroveP. O. Box 86

Prom pt atten tion grlven to, Jobbing; Stove rep a irs a specia lty

Adam Stetter-The, • :

TAILOReia M nttiaon P. O.

A v b u r y P a r kMokes a specialty of altering, repair­ing, eteam scouring, iry deanlng and preErslng iftdlea* and g^fJem en’s gap- moats. Qooda oalled for &nd deUveff. ed. Moll orders ff , . ; • ■ attendea ta '


Steam»LaundryQU H L IT Y ■

U I C K N B 8 S ' • U nN T IT Y

8 10 C O O K M A N A V E N y EA s b u r y P a r k , N . J , . ;

Pliable Domcatfo flniBh.H and work If defllred,) 'TeiophoQe 40.n..\- : y : .


kENRY CLAY, TROTTER.• T he P r ic e Georsre W. Patohen^ HI*

O w ner, l 'a t Upon H im,• W hen W illiam W ndaw orth o f Gen- csoo, aa John G llm qr Speed te lls tbo

. ptory In the C entury, w ent to George M. P a tch en of New je rsey to buy the fam ous racing Btallion Hefcry Clay, J l r . Patcbcn though t to p u t a prohibitive price upon him.

“We w ill give the horse a ll th e w a ter he can drinfc/* said he, "and then w eigh him, and you m ay give me a do lla r a pound fo r him.* Mr. W adsw orth prom ptly accepted, and a s th e horse weighed 1,050 pounds th a t fixed his price In dollars fo r w h a t M r. Speed evidently th inks one of the finest sires In the history of the A m erican tu rf .

The story is 'to ld o f H enry C lay th a t when Mr. W adsw orth needed fo r his Bister a doctor from Rochester, th irty - e ig h t m iles aw ay, H enry Clay w as h a r­nessed to a tw o seated v?agon an d did th e journey both w ays in less th a n five hours.

"T hen again,” Mr.* Speed w rites, f^when Mr. W adsw orth had a m a tch a t mile heats, beat th ree In five, he drove h is horse nlnety-flve miles the day be­fore the race ra th e r th a n pay fo rfe it a n d then won th e race, one heat being tro tted in 2:35. ThiB w as in 1847. Con­sider th e clum sy sboeB, tho heavy pul- kies and o ther Im pedim enta of th a t tim e in, com parison w ith the. w irelike p la tee .^ba ll bearing, pneum atic tired sulkies , and cobwebllke barnesp o f to ­day, and decide w he ther even th e m ost phenom enal of our tro tte rs Is be tte r th a n th a t.”

t L la it P la y in g C tioptu . .As L lszt played his dem eanor changed

In sym pathy w ith tbe ‘intensely d ra ­m atic content o f tbe w ork. D uring the

• som ber fan taste his teeth w ere set, , his Ups. and m assive 3aw Arm, his entire

Nface almoBt rigid,, his g ray eyes burned w ith the com poser's Inspiration, and his. body s tra igh tened o u t aa be leaned Boniewbat aw ay from th e keyboard. W hen he s truck tho ponderous chords o f te rro r there w as a vehem ence a lm ost diabolical in th e /sudden swoop of his g re a t hands, and the trem endous crash fa irly m ade one shiver, r i i s nostrils became distended, arid his b reath came quickly, as one laboring under g re a t ex­citem ent. Indeed, it seemed th a t th e spell of the g re a t "tone poet," w ith w hom in his earlie r years he had been

'o n such friendly term s, had completely , m astered 'h im , as though be felt, Uim-

Bdlf again in h is presence and he w ouin onoe more prove his devotion to Chopin's inspired a r t and show him th a t L lsz t still knew and could po rtray hifl innerm ost souJ.—Silas Q. P r a t t in th e Booklover's M agazine. <

By H ook o r C rook.Several explanations, a re given ot

„ the expression "by book o r crook."London law yers, H ook and Crook,

r . VKere celebrated for locating sites of. : buildings a f te r ,the g rea t Arc, the ow n­

ers ofcten concluding th a t they m ust get back the ir property , by "H ook o r Crook.” Onco vo ters open t? bribery Indicated It by. placing straw s In’ th e ir shoes and w ere called "s traw men," an d w hen prosecuted fo r th is offense th e y w ere b rought before Judges Hook an d Crook and often got off "by Hook

, and Crook." I t not Infrequently hap-, pened tlia t a w r it of habeas corpus.w as Issued, and as often thQ sheriff’s re ­tu rn had not the Indorsem ent "hlc e st corpus”—th a t Is, "here Is the bodyH and the offender w en t scot free, w hich action the public regarded as "hocus poeus.” . -

Tlie "Women o f Moro.Tbe w om en's dress In Bongon shows

j g roa t varie ty of color, b u t because of iby lr black liucd teeth , w hich n re often Sled to nn nrch in fron t, they are, as a ra le , not charm ing to look upon. T heir

• h a ir Sa fringed over tlie forehead and tem ples, while a t th e back I t is draw n In to a knot, from w hich one end inva­riab ly straggles, giv ing o m ost untidy effec t The w ealth ier women w ear th e ir flnger nails very long, in some In­stances a lm o s . as long ns th e flnger it­self, and som etim es tlie nail 5s p ro tec t­ed w ith a n nrtjfriclfil shield o f silver. All bavo. th e ir cars plerccd, and many o f them w ear a round bone o r a stick resem bling n cigarette in shape and Bfcws tim is t th rough th e apertu re .—E v­erybody’s M agazine.

“I m p " a n d « B r o i M H on the use of w ords changes is

w ell illu s tra ted by th is e x tra c t from Bacon’s “P a th w ay Unto P ray e r:”

“L et ub. p ray for th e p re servation 'o f tho king’s m ost excellent m ajesty and Sor tho prosperous success of b is en­tire ly beloved soil, E dw ard , en r prince, th a t m ost angelic im p."

I n thoBB d a y s “b ra f * h a d a lso q u ite a n o th e r .s ig n if ic a n c e . I n a n o ld hy m n b y G asco igne la th e lin e :

“O A braham 's brn ts, O brood of blessed seed,’’—John B ull. 1

A S e lf M ilk e r .Mrs. Mei'.dows—Yaae, H iram got rid

ef thet brindle cow thet aster steal her own milk.

Mrs, Koratop—Dew tell! I s’poso he took most anything he conld get for her? • ,

Sirs. Meadows—Ho Jest got double Vf*ot he paid fu r her; sold her to thet new man from the city ez a "Belf milker.”

.T l ie S p n r o l l b e O t-fia iloo-Yoviog men ta lk : of trusting to the

spnv of tho occasion. That trust. is ?oii!, Occasions cannot make spurs. I f you expect to make spurs yon must Win them. I t you wish to use them yon m ust'buckle them to your heels before yotf (jo into the tight

. B e l t e r S a l te d , i.'6V-I thought Hank was to college

for a career na preacher,3 y —So he -was, bnt from the big bills

h e hop’ sendln’ in i thought I ought to tcf.kj- a doctor o f ;hiin.—Beverly Times,

■- ' 7 ' rt>\. V- , ' ;


*H*ey A re tU e -R e iiu lt o f C o n ta c t /W ith ■■ C h 'iU x a tlp a , •

Probably in a s ta te of wild n a tu re b ird s n ev er m ake 'm is takes , b u t w here they come in contact w ith ou r clvlllza- tlcm and are. confronted ■ by new ..condi­tions tliey jVery n a tu ra lly - malee mis­takes. F o r Instance, th e ir cunning in nest building som etim es, deserts them . The a r t of tiie b ird is to conceal its n est both as to position and as to m a­terial, b u t now and then it is be trayed in to w eav ing into , its s tru c tu re showy abd bizarre" b its of this, or th a t , which: give its secret aw ay and w hich seem to v iolate all tlie trad itions of Its kind. I have th e picture of a rob in 's n est be­fo re me* upon tlie ou tside o f w h ich a re stuck ' a em ail m uslin flower, a leaf from a sm all calen d ar and a photo­g raph o f - a local celebrity;- A inoro. incongruous use of m a te ria l in b ird a rch itec tu re i t w ould b e , hlntd' to find..' I have been told of ano ther robin’s nest upon the outside of w hlch th e bird had fastened a wooden;.label from a near by flower bed. m arked ,rW nkc Robin.” S'tlJ 1 ano ther nest .1 have seen ' b u ilt upon a large, sh6w y foundation o f this paperlike flowers o f an tennorla , o r ev­erlasting:. The wood th ru sh freq u e n tly ’ w eaves a fragm en t o f new spaper o r a w hite -rag Into tbe foundation o f its n e s t " E v il com m unications corrup t good m anners.” T he newspaper: an d the ra g bag unsettle th e w its o f the -birds. Y-V-:

The phoebe bird Is capable of th is k ind o f m istake o r indiscretion. All the p a s t generations of her tribe have bu ilt upon n a tu ra l an d therefo re neu tra l slt^s, usually under shelving an d over­hang ing rocks, and the a r t of adap ting the n e s t to Its surroundings, blending It w ith them , has been h ighly ' devel­oped. B u t . phcebe now frequently bu ilds u n d e r o u r sbeds j an d porchcs, where/' eb f a r a s concealm ent ls ‘ con­cerned, d cliange of m ateria l, say from moss to d ry grass o r shreds of bark, would be an advan tage to. lier. B u t She departs not a m ite from the fam ily t r a ­ditions; she uses' the ’ sam e woody mosses w hich in sqnie cases, especially w hen th e n est is p laced upon unevenly saw ed tim ber, m akes h e r secre t a n open one to a ll eyes.-—John B urroughs in C entury . . ...


. No legacy, is so rich a s honesty.—- Shakespeare. .... A gratefuK dog is b e tte r th a n tin iin- g ra te fu l m an.—S a a d t \

W e first m ake o u r hab its and then our hab its m ake us.—Em m ons.

The re trospect of life sw arm s w ltli lost opportunities.—Sir H . Taylor.

To be happy is n o t th e purposo- of o u r being, but* to deserve happiness.— F itch . ... . . . / • ' ••

F o rtune m ay find a pot, b u t y o u r own industry must* m ake i t . boil,— Rousseau. . ' -■ W hen a person is dow n in the . w orld an ounce of help is be tte r th an a pound of preaching.—Buiw er;. No, m an over did a designed in ju ry to ano ther b u t a t th e sam e tim e lie! did-a g rea te r to him sclf.—H o m a

W hen, a m an has n o t n good reason fo r doing a th in g he has one good rea ­son for le ttiug i t aloTie.—T hom as Scott.

T o .b e perfectiy j j ^ t is dn a ttribu te - o f tlio divine n a tu re ; to be so to the u tm ost -of .Our abilities is th e glory of m an.—Addison. „


Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Account Meeting: National Bankers*

* AssociationOn accoun t of th e m eeting of th e

N ationa l B an k e rs ’" A ssociation , to be held , a t San F rancisco , . CaL, O ctober 20 to .23, th e P ennsy lvan ia R ailroad Com pany offers a perso'nally-Cdnduct'!, ed to u r to th e Pacific coast, a t re m ark ­ab ly low ra te s.

T his to u r w ill leave N ew . York, Ph iladelph ia , B altim ore, and o th e r p o in ts on th e P ennsy lvan ia R ailroad e a s t of P ittsb u rg , W ednesday / O ctober 14, by special tra in of . the h ig h est g rade P u llm an equipm ent. A qu ick ru n w estw ard to San F rancisco w ill be m ade, via. Chicago, O m ahai Chey­enne, and Ogden. ' . ;’ F ive days will be devoted .’ to San Franc isco . R etu rn ing , . the’ specia l tra in ' .will run t o ‘ Los A ngeles,/ w here tw o day3 w ill be sp en t am ong th e ,r e ­so rts of Sou thern California.. S a n ta B arb ara , Del M onte, S a lt L ak e C ity / Colorado Springs, D enver, and St. Louis Will be v isited on th e ■ journey, eastw ard : T he p a rty will reach New,, Y ork on th e evening of N ovem ber 4.

Jlound-trlp ra te , covering a ll ex­penses fo r e igh teen days, excep t five days sp en t in San F rancisco , $190.

R ates from P ittsb u rg w ill be $5 less;F o r full in fo rm ation apply to T ick e t

A gents, or George W . Boyd, Generaii P a ssen g er A gent, Broad S tre e t S ta ­tion, Ph iladelph ia , Ph.— 40-42V


. O c tober 6 , 7 , 8 and 9, 19 0 3 <. To fu r th e r accom m odate th o se de­s irin g to v isit the F a ir a t Mt. Holly, N. J„ on the above d a te s / th e ’ Penn­sy lvan ia R ailroad Company w ill &ell excursion tic k e ts from a l l s ta tio n s, on th e U nited R ailroads of New Jersey

.Division, In N ew Jersey , and from At-, lan tlc City, M illville, B ridgeton, Salem , P ennsgrove, .and ’in te rm ed ia te s ta tions on th e W est Jersey ; and Seashore R ail­road, a t reduced r a te s , . Including ad­m ission to the F a ir grounds. •

•.Special, tra in s w ill b e : run as fol­low s: From P h ilad e lp h ia ’ CMarketS tree t W harf), on QctOber 0, 7 and ’ a t 8.12 Ui m., ami on O ctober 8 only a t 9.00 ,a., m., s topp ing a t a ll

•principal s ta tions between- Ca.mdeh and Burlington,*, on O ctober 7 and 8 only a t 10.20 a. m„ and on O ctober 8- only a t 11.10 a.; m., .stopping a t a ll p rinc ipa l s ta tio n s excep t R iverton and D elanco; on O ctober 7. and 8 on th e M edford Branch, connecting., w ith

j.tra in leav ing Haddonfield at. 7.40 a. m .; on O ctober 7 and 8; from • T ren ­ton, B ordentow n, and Ea&t Burling­ton,. leaving T ren ton at^p.BO a. m .; and on- th e sam e da tes from s ta tio n s on th e K in k o ra B ranch, leav ing K lnkora a t 8.05 a. m. • .• V , -:J.

F o r specific ’inform ation ' consu lt .tickets agents.-—40. ,

; H e 'D i d n ' t U n d c m ta n d iA little . fellow ou t .W est. Roxbury

w ay som e ten years old, perhaps twelve, bested his g randm others tlio o ther day ra th e r neatly. A ll. three: w ere a t tlie' tab le w hen ono o f th e la­dies casually m entioned the nam e o f the fam ily nurse. Im m ediate ly . tho little fellow w anted to know w ho the lady Was. One grandm a innocently re -; m arked th a t It w as the nurse th a t took; care of the boy, w hen he w as born.

“B u t w hy d idn’t m am m a take car© of me? I w as her baby, w asn ’t I??- queried -the little fellow .^' “T rue," says g randm a; “but,,yqu see, m am m a doesn’t undew taiid ii6w, to look: a f te r little ba­bies, .particularly; tlie first one, and wo have, to have nurses w’ho have learned, how in the hospl ta l a ” T ha’fc* seemed to se ttle it, - b u t ally o f a sudden- th e l i t t i e ; fellow b lu rted -out, ‘‘W ell, tlien , who took care o f Cain?”—Boston T raveler.

Illlnd fo ld .N hie. per sons o u t of te n would, p rob­

ably ' give .the derivation of blind as coming directly from blind and fold from the practice of folding a c lo th , round the eyes, as in th e gam e of blind m an’s buff. The w ord hds, how­ever, nothing to do w ltli fold, b u t means felled or s truck b lind and m igh t be W'rittod blindfelled. In th e sam e way the w ord bu tte ry is easily con­fused w ith the common term bu tte r, with which, however, It has no con­nection save in th e m inds of those who do not know it. to be a contraction for bottlery, a place w here bottles a re k ep t and. over w hich tlie bottler, o r butler, presides.—C ham bers’ JournaL

Tlie En«y, llun to ,-The old squire lay a-dying, and his

fa ith fu l coachm an w as sum m oned to the bedside. “Well, John,” said tho old gallant, “ I ’m going now ou a ' longer journey th a n ever you could drlvo me,”

“N ever mind, squire; never mind,” cried the serv an t In a broken. voIco.: “It 'll be dow nhill all the w ay .”—Lou­don Glotie. ■■■■"

H er M illta r j 'T iis te ,“I s ahe fond of the m illtory?’*“I should say sho w as. W hyv sho has

all h e r books bound In one color, so they will Ibe uniform .”—Chicago Rec-, ord-Herald. •' -

W hat a happy w orld th is w ould be i l every m an. spoke as well of ids live neighbors as be does of his dead ones!

tfe v e t, saffer tne prcjodlcs of tho feye Jn determine the-hean,---i;SinmeTnian.

i m m -

LUt.o! Unclsim edXetiers

The follow ing le tte rs .rem ain', un­claim ed In th e Ocean^Grove postofiice fo r the werf; ending October, 7, 1903:

Miss li. B lake, L illian Bailey, M rs. M. E. B atchem er, Mrs. , T hos, 13. B riggs, Mrs. John lilr'cli, Susie Brown, M rs. i'. A. Boyd, J. Harold Barton! Mrs.' J. I i B um stend, Mrs. C. W . BUoy, M, J . Budd, Mrs. :E. BIcldey, Nelly C harlesson, Mfs. M. E. C raw ford, G i\It. C arm el W ay, Wm. Corney, H elen Cook, D earborn , M rs. A. D earborn, M rs. M. S. Dunbar, Mrs. M. J. Halen. M iss • F lo ren ce . Em erson. Jam bs E lder, M rs. J . O. Ford, Jo h n Graham , H .' W , Gates, Rev. D. H arhison. M rs, Jesse

H arper, M rs: Arttila H arris , Wm. II. H argrove, F ann ie JohnEoa (2), Ida; V. Jones, T, M. K ennerjy , M rs. S. K illian , R ichard J Lane, ‘M rs. Alice A, Lew is, s irs . Ju liu s L elm s,-.Jennie

'M alin, M aggie M cFadden, C hris tian C. Megili. M rs. S. M oiinterey, C. W. Morton, M rs. Isaac M orrow, j.a tira M urry, Ida N ickle, M rj. C. F. ORden, M rs. A rdella Payne, C linton Polhem - HS, Mrs. M: Pow ell, 'i rii. R ogers, Miss S ad ie Rose,: George W . S la ter, M r3. C. V. 3nUth,' Mrs, A nnie Sim m s, Ccine S lckeis, M rs. J. A. Sm ith, M iss M. E. Stillw ell, M rs.’Ri C.. S tu a rt , M rs. A. C, Tw ltcheli, Mr. -Tilton, M iss L.

' Throckm orton . Mrs. A. C .'T ow nsend Ida W ilson, C lara M.' W illiam s. M rs M artha W iliiam a, M rs. W .'G . W ym an,

Second C lass—F rau ' K reszeu tlaMayer.-


$63.50 to California and ReturnVia. Chicago & N orth -W estern R 'y. ■From C hicago to S ac F ran c isso " and Los A ngeles; daily! O ctober 8 ' to, 17, C orrespondingly low ra te s from all points. T hreo fa s t dally tra in s , w ith magnifies!!! “qu ipm ent ih rough to th e coast, including th e ’ fam ous electric- ligh ted O verland L im ited; leu.; th an th re e days on rou te , over th e only double-track railw ay, betw een Chicago an d tho M issouri river. All agen ts soil .tlcicats v ia thia line. Send fo r illu s tra t­ed booklets naps «nd full info rm a­tion to W . A. Cox, 001 C h estn u t s tre e t , Ph iladelphia , P a .—37-42,

$30.00 to Colorado *04 R itu rnV ia Chicago & N orth-W estern R ’y. C hicago to D enver, Colorado Springs an d Pueblo, dally un til Sep tem ber 30, o ijd 'frora O ctober 4 to 8, inclusive. .Cor­respondingly low ra te s frcm all points oast. Only one tiig h t to D enver from C hicago aiid th e C entra l S ta te s . Two fa s t tra in s daily. T ourist sleeping care io D enver, F o r Illu stra ted book­le t; tic k e ts and sleep ing e a r re serv a ­tions apply to y o a r n ea res t a g e n t or ad d re ss ,W. A. Cox, C01 C hestnu t s tre e t , P h ilad e lp h ia —37-41.

W ANTBD— SEVERAL PERSONS of character and good reputation In each State (one i s th is county re­quired) to represent nnd advertise

old established 1 wealthy business house ot solid financial BtandVE?. Sal­ary $21 weekly with expeiues addi­tional, all payable 11 cash direct aach Wednesday from head officeB. Horse nnd carriage furnished %?hon neces­sary. .ftelcrence. Bnclcso solt-afl- dresBed onvelope. Colonial, S32 Bear- born street, Ohlcago.—86-lfit.

O n e-W ay R a te sE very day from S ep tem ber 15th to

N ovem ber 30th, inclusive, th e Union Pacific w ill seli one -w ay : tick e ts from M isso u ri, R iver T erm inate (Council Bluffs t6 K ansas City, Inclusive) as follows: .

$20 to Ogden and S a lt L ake.C ity ,$20 to H elena- and B utte , M ontana.

.$22.50 to Spokane . and W anatchee. W ash ing ton . •

$22.50 to H un ting ton and N ainpa,■ Idaho.

323.00.- to P o rtland , T acom a and Seattle ,

$25.00 to V an co u ref and V ictoria.$25.00 to A shland anti A sto ria , Ore

g o n ,-v ia P o rtlan d .$25.00 to Sah F rancisco , I.os Ange

lea j in d Sari D ieeo.C orrespondingly Sow ra te s to m any

.o ther Californio, Oregon, W ashington, M ontana, Utah- and Id ah o po in ts . \. .From Chicago and St. Louis? propor- tio n a te ly low ra te s a re In ,;e f fe c t hy. lines connecting jvith th e U n io n , Pa- •diiic. ... - . - ■ ■ ; , ; :

: F o r .full in fo rm ation call on add ress R. Teiibroeck, G. E . A g en t,jlln ld n Pa-, cific H, H,, 2S7 B roadw ay, -New York City.— 88-49.

A W o n d erfu l In v e n tlo aIt is in te re s tin e to no te , t h a t for­

tunes, a re freq u en tly sn&de t>y th e to- vention of a rtic le s of m inor im port­ance, M any of. th e m o st; popu lar de­vices a re those d esigned .to beneflt th e people and, m eet popu lar conditions,, and one o r th e jnoss in te re s tin g ot these th a t has ev er been inven ted Is th e D r. W hite E lec tric Comb, pa ten ted J a n i~1, ’99, -T h e se -w onderfu l com bs p o s itiv e ly . curb dandruffj h a ir fa lling o u t, 's ic k and nervous headftchee, said w hen used in connection w.itf Dr, W b ite ’s E lec tric H a ir B rush ' a re posi­tively - guaranteed ' tt- m ake s tra ig h t h a ir cu rly In 25 days’ tim e. T housands of th e se e lectric combs haye b een sold In th e various c itie s o f tho .Union, arid th e 'dem and '!;; co n s ta n c y increasing . O r agen ts a re rap id ly becom ing rich Belilttg, th e se combs, They- positively s e ll’on sigh t. Send fo r sanaple. M en’s size,; .35c,, ad io t' ■ 80c,— half price while we are' in troducing them . See w an t colum n o f th is paper, T he Dr. W hite E lec tric . Comb Co., D ecatur, 111.

Sept, 19, 3 mos.

$33 to th e p ac ific C o e s tV ia th e iyWeago & N orth-W esfSrri R ’y from Chicago dally S ep t 15 to Nov. 30, to San F rancisco , L ob A ngeles, P o rt­land, S ea ttle , and T acom a a n d 'o th e r Pacific CobBt P o ln ta V ery low ra te s to H elena, B utte , Spokane, Ogden arid S a lt.L a k e City. C orrespond ing tew ra le s ;from al! polnta. D aily and per­sonally conducted excursions In P u ll­m an to u r is t sleeping cars' to S an F rancisco , L o s ; A ngeles an d P o rtlan d , th rough w ithou t change, double berth only $6.00. Choice of rou tes ,, F o r pa rticu la rs adcJresB W. A. Cox 001 C hestnu t s tree t, P h iladelph ia , Pa . ,

T w o ,B ig B s rg a iin s1 can se i. you a tw elve-room board-

ihg house w ith in one aud ar .hjilf'blocks o f th e ocean, fu rn ished <nd m sood re ­pair, fo r $2,400, p a r t of which e.tn re ­m ain on m ortgage. An e x ce llen t op­portun ity to aD InvoBtbr. ’

X lso havo tw o One lo ts o n ' C lark avenue, h igh ground, w ith a four-room co ttage on them (tw o sto ries;) sew er and . w ater, fo r $1,000, and *500 c a n ,re ­m a in on m ortgage. Apply to 13.' N . W oolston, R ea l E s ta te and ’ lusisrance, 50 M ain avonue. O cean Grove.— tf.

W ANTED—Live agen ts to sell Dr W h ite1'.. E lec tric Combs, p a ten ted Jan . 1, ’39. C ure dandruff, iia ir fa iling out, sick and nervous-, hea'daches, y e t co st no m oro th an an o rd inary comb. Sells , on sight, A gents a ro w ild 'w ith success. Send &0o. for sam ple (ha lt p rice ). W rite quick. T he Dr. W hite E lec tric Comb Co., D ecatur, 111.

' . ■ ' Sept. 19, 3 mos.

* A DeUghttnl OutlngrA tr ip up D eal L ake . '250 boats end

canoes to choose from . W hite’s B oat L ivery, P a rk avenue a jid D eal Lake.—

P errine & J a c k s o n



No. 125 Heck AvenueCor. Wblteflelc^

OOJEAiW O R O V E , W. .! ,

Grease Spotse a s ily an d q u ic k ly ) erad icated w ith

BenzineW e se i! it in con ven ient size

B o ttles , 5 , To an d 15c.-

E. J. Stroud609 r ia in Street, A sb u ry P a rk

Telephone (KM;

Otto A. Spies6O9 M ain S tre e t

A s b u ry P a rk , N ew Je r s e y

P, O. Box 833

Upholsterer And Interior Decorator

F e w e r gallons; voo. ;.' 1 . : . , . '

weara lenger;

-.- i t ' ; . 1'. ’- o .av .a j. a ,. ,

O arp e ts fitte il an d Volold. S lm des, c u r- | ta in s a n d d rap erie s . W all co v erin g .

M attre sses renovated , .M y m o tto Isv i»>w >ni»tdelivery. •■' . - i :. .

*s v - ’«'■?-{ ■ V ’-V i -■ * .:-1>?r-: - V : ■' ■■ ■ >'■ - V' 1

. N. H. KILM ERP ro p rie to r

3 and 5 Pitman Avenue, Ocean Grove, New Jer*ey

Cozy Bnn parlor*. Hot and cold water baths. Cool rooms and comfortable accommodation# fox summer guests, perma­nent and transient. Open all year.

an o o w o r io Chaw, harm s * Oa

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Mouldings, Hardware, Paints,Oils, Etc.

§ O U T H M H I N S T R E E TAabury Park, N, J .

r&ot»ryf Donklrk, R vk Jm ttr Arm&oA Yard, Bprln^ tAfce, Satsvy

l iie Shrewd Landlord Mechanic*’ Tools Mill Supplies

H as fo re s ig h t a n d com m o n senge e n o u g h to k n o w th a t If he eq u ip s h is b u ild in g s w ith a ll th e m o d e rn o o n v en lsn ces in th e w a y o f h e a t­in g a n d p lu m b in g , e tc ., h e la g o in g to r e n t th e m fo r m o re m oney . G ive t i e p oop le w b n t th e y w o n t a n d th e y w ill p a y / o r it . F u ll in ­fo rm atio n oan b e o b ta in e d b y v is i t in g o u r sh o w ro o m s o r co llin g u« on te lep h o n e 1841.

Boilers, R adiators, Valvos, Pipe, Flttlnge, rls-

be«to« Covering*, lilfih Grade Plumbing Good*

2 0 0 K 2 0 2 MABfiFrSt-

■ O T tR K K J ,

r> : 21 8T23 St&iBM eCHAN* s i:

I MCViftW W.i..

If Y o u A r e G oin ^ t oU s

Buy ono of our brass trim m ed S uit Cases to pack aouvenire ol your v isit In. We eoll them a t 08 centa eaoh.

. I f yo u s ta y ive h a v e a lin e o f so ft b la n k e ts in w hite , s teel a u d fan cy stripe '* a t 59o„ 75c. an d SI a pa ir . S iikaiino a n d sa teen co v ered co m fo rts a n d q u ilts , iliied w ith th e so fte s t co tto n dow n—p re tty p a tte rn s .

E v e ry th in g to a es is t in com fortab le h o u sek eep in g — sh ee ts , p illow cases, b e d sp rea d s , ta b le lin en a t d tow els a t th e r ig h t prices.

BAUMGARTNER'S LINEfN STORE' aoe-3Sf Gcekman ftvanuo, Aabury Pork-

Crosbie furniture Co,Household Furniture

Stoves, Bedding, Garpets, Oil Gloth,1 Refrigerators, Etc.

S e c o n d , H and r u r n l t u r o o f a l l d n a o r lp tlo n e . Q o o d « a a ld -o n c o m m is s io n , t l l i b c s t p r i c e p a id to r

a w o n d h a n d g o o d s

5 0 8 M ain S t . , A e b u i - y P a rk

NOW OPENFirst-class in every particular

Directly on the oeean front. Broad southern expotare. Ail ino&ssn conveniences. Send for booklet.

Lllliigore’s PavilionO c u a Orove

Itotccanent oarbon flnSahed pboton 4 fa t 10 OBXltB.

BMMng piotmee oar apecijUty. IBitgrpe*.

407 L®ke AvenueA t b a r j P i r k

Y o a ; piotrtro oa poeM eard White’s ping-pong photos. TrrentT-or.o for 25 centa. Tlntypee.

Amateiif devaloplng and flnishlog'y


J . E ; Q U IN N * E d i t o r

E . N . W O O L S T O N . BuaiNE98\MANAQCtt •


E n te red a t ihc.postoJH ce tit O cean Grovo, N ow Je rsey , a s second-class m a tte r .

TO C O IlH IS S r0 X p E N T S -W c sh a ll lie g lad to receive Heins o f now s and com- muiUctitions on su b jec ts o f In te rest to th is com m unity. W rite only on ono side of th e sheet.

Tho full nam e and add ress of th e w rite r should accom pany a il com m unications, riot necessary fo r pub lication , b u t a s a g u a ra n te e o f good fa ith . A nonym ous le t­te rs w ill rio t bo noticed. .

. SU BSCRIPTIO N R A T E 'One y e a r ................... -................ ..\.'.?1.00s ix m o n th s ........................... 60Threo r m o n t h s , ................ . . . 35

• S ingle i nples, a cen ts, .

S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 1 0 / 19 0 3 ,


F o r A ssem blym en, JAM ES t>. CARTON, • GEORGE W. PATTERSON,. O. E . DAVIS.

T he L eg isla tu re .will bo convened n e x t T hursday to se tt le upon a school law . to rep lace th e so-called M cKee a c t / T he ex tra session w ill be a sh o rt one. N o business w ill be tran sac ted o th e r than tlia t fo r w hich the mem ­bers a re called to g e th e r a t th is time. No doubt th e needs of the school d is­tr ic ts a re now fam ilia r l o each leg is­la to r, and the . bill to be adopted will cover every necessa ry dem and.

Before leaving tho Grove fo r th e ir •w inter hom es subscribers to th is pa-- p e r should not neg lect to bring o r send to . th is ofllce no tice ''of., the change. By. so doing they will g rea tly fa c ilita te p rom pt delivery of th e ir pa­pers. V ery often subscribers who leave here fa il to notify us of tho fac t. C onsequently th e ir papers a re re tu rn e d to th is office for th e address. W hile \ve may have the old address: possibly, ye t i t en ta ils considerable troub le to search through th e back lis ts to find It.

The M cK inley and R oosevelt Re: publican Club of Ocean Grove h a s re ­sum ed operations fo r the fa ll and win­te r . .T h is club w as th e f lrs t in th is

,'"'.i un try organized in the m em orable “ cam paign w hich ended In tho election

of Its s tan d ard bearers. I t h a s m ain­ta ined its organ ization in ta c t ever since, and is probably th e only po liti­cal club, in th is coun try th u s d is tin ­guished. I t .m eets weekly. Social as w ell as, political, Its m eetings a re a l­w ays full o f-in te re st. -Every voter, in 'th o d is tr ic t \s e lig ib le to m em bership. T here a re now over tw o hundred nam es on th e roll.. T he M cKinley and R oosevelt Club is th e adm ira tio n of a)I politicians who know of it. T h a t such an organ ization can be m ain­ta ined in a town of O cean Grove’s size is a source of w onderm ent to them . V isitors a re a lw ays welcom e. T he la tch str ln g hangs on th e outside.

P res id e n t R oosevelt is receiving m any cong ra tu la tions fo r th e firm and skillfu l, m anner in w hich he dealt w ith th e labor problem involved in the. M iller con troversy . T he day fol­low ing Ills re tu rn to W ashington he held a conference w ith a com m ittee of

. th e A m erican F edera tion of L abor a t ■which w ere u iscussod m any bills w hich union lab o r.in ten d to b ring be­fore Congress. T he question of Fore­m an M iller w as also m entioned and

. th e P res id en t took tho opportun ity to Inform the labor le a d e rs .th a t h is attir tude on th e sub jec t had rem ained un­changed and th a t th e decision which he was abou t to give the public w as final. ’ A ftor a conference a s ta te ­m ent w as given out from tho W hite H ouse in which th e P res id en t de­clared th a t the laws of th e land for­bid any discrim ination betw een union and non-union men in th e em ploy of

, th e governm ent, and th a t he could no m ore decide ag a in s t a m an because he did no t belong to a union, th a n be­cause he w as a C atholic o r P ro tes t­an t, w hite o r black, Jew o r Gentile, F o r th is reason M iller would not be d is­missed. on th e ch arg es m ado by tho Bookbinder's Union, an d . the Govern­m en t P rin tin g Office as well as a ll o th e r governm ent bu reau s w hich em ­ploy laborers would rem ain open shops.. T he labor loaders w ere evi­den tly d isappoin ted in the P res id e n t’s 'decision but. in a s ta te m e n t , w hich th e y Issued the next day . ‘.’T o O rganiz­ed L abor of A m erica,” they refra ined from a n y d irec t c ritic ism of th e Ad-

,m in is tra tion although' th ey declared- th a t union , labo r stood firm for the

. principle of "un ion shops.” I t- Is be* lioved th a t John M itchell w hom , the P res iden t aidod du ring tho a n th rac ite coal Btrlke ami wiio took luncheon a t the W hite H ouse on th e day of th e conference, used h is influence to in ­duce tho leaders to adop t a conserva­tiv e course. As. f a r as th e -A d m in is tra ­tio n is concerned, th® Inc iden t is' now c lo ried .. ‘ .1 i> .- :

* W illiam R. H e ars t Is being boom­ed in v som e sections for the P res i­dency. On the D em ocratic ticket;. M r. H e ars t will have the N ew Y ork Jo u r­nal to b ack him , H e ars t. and th e Jo u r­nal a re a com bination hard to 're s is t .

: - I t is .said,, w itli good au th o rity , th a t Senator. W akelee will be. chosen, presi­dent of the n e x t S enate of New J e r ­sey. T he S enato r is ;a sum m er v isito r to O cean p ro v e a n d 'o u r people have a kindly fee ling ;fo r him. So have they fo r S en a to r -Brown. W hat's the m at­ter-.. w ith : B row n! fo r president?.

I t only needs a little wind, to fan; a sp ark in to a flame. .Following th e a r ­re s t, of C rqsbjv / th e notorious mail p o u ch . thief, .came the . r e p o r t . th a t he had victim ized seve ra l of th e . P a rk banks to th e tuno of tho u san d s of. dol­lars. P robably the fa c t th a t. Crosby sp eu t tho sum m er in Asbury P a rk led the c ity papers to believe h e h a tf op-, e ra ted ex tensively w ith th e losal banka;, or, ii h e h adn ’t, he neglected b is opportunity . A t any ra te itj rounded. Out th e s to ry nicely to add th a t he sw indled th e banks of the c ity w hich he w as a sum m er, visitor. ‘ To. secure- “ thousands of do lla rs’' ' from any of th e local banks a m a n 's . pedi-. gree m ust be b e tte r know n than was C rosby’s;* a n d -th e re m u s t be som e­thing. tang ib le back of a n y su,cli. de­m and upon a bank. T here is abso lu te­ly no t a b it of t r u th 'in th e Crosby sto ries iu tho c ity dailies so fa r as they, re la te to h is o pera tions w ith the^ As- oury P a rk wanks, if you see i t in the m etropo litan papers It’s not. so, • nine­ty-nine, tim es ou t of a hundred .

| Press V ie w s £ | and N ew s & I


The F ir s t N ational' Bank, of R ah­way, of w hich - Mti* G a rre tt S. Jones, of Keyport, is cashier, opened -for, business la s t M onday >m orning In a new. bu ild ing w hich;’is sa id to be the; handsom est banking'' house: I n : the S ta te ; The b ank w a s a s u c c e s s from the s ta r t and has m ade a ' cred itab le record u n d er th e m anagem en t of Mi*. Jqnes, who has been -its cash ie r from

.the beginning.—-E n terp rise , K eyport.

O. TH A T W Ej TOO, -HAD ONE. .Our councilm en are "already consid­

ering p lans fo r the . m agnificent new 'b o a rd w alk w hich we are to have con­s truc ted p rio r to th e opening of nex t season. .A t th e ir m eeting Monday- n ight i t w as decided .that th e board m eet on th e beach fro n t and go over th e ground in order to come to some decision in reference to- the s ty le san& c h arac te r of w alk b est su ited for the; borough. A re p o rt will p ro b a b ly 'b e m ade n e x t M onday n ig h t and th e ’flrst s tep tak en to ra lso ' th e necessary funds fo r the. im provem ent,


■ .- . 9

T he flre a la rm - was sounded about 5.10 p. m .-on Monday. Sm oke had been discovered om itting from a sm all building a longside the barri. In th e ro a r of "W yckoffs mill. A sm all child ran Into th e mill and told, the em ployes of the'.’flre. B uckets w ere a t once procured and w a te r w as throw n on the building. The firemen- turned ou t prom ptly, b u M h o fire w as u n d e r:

con tro l when: itfrev- .arrived'. T hey renrierd valuable assis tance , however, in p reven ting fu r th e r danger. W e un­d erstand th e building con tained a q uan tity of fresh, hay. • T he loss w as about $4fi.—News, M anasquan.

W E’RE ALL DOING T I I E SAME.T h e re a re m any people who would

.like new spapers t o -p rin t th e ir a tta ck s on o thers , w hile they them selves h ide in the shadow of an assum ed name, m oreover the man, who would - seek to- ge t an a rtic le -published a tta ck in g o thers w hile h e sneaks behind, an a s ­sum ed nam e w ould be ju s t th e sort, of m an, if - h is. a r tic le w ere re fu sed ,'w h o would declare th a t base /reasons led the ed ito r to re fu se it. Iri T h e R eg ­is te r office anonym ous le tte rs g e t in the w a s te 1 b ask e t?w ith o u t delay; .and q on tribu tions w hich seekj Ito a tta c k indiv iduals u n d e r c o v e r of assum ed nam es sh a re the sam p ia te .—R egister, Red Dank. '* -


W ith th e com ing of O ctober the doors of Borae of the la rg e w in te r ho­te ls and of m ost of th e boardm g cot­tages which housed th e ‘thousands of Lakew ood' v is ito rs w e re : once again throw n opon. F o r tw o’ woeks p ast people who m ake th is ; place th e i r . residencev fo r eifebt m onths o f . the y ear and spend tho rem ain ing period in Europe, in th e m ountains o r 'a t the seashore have been re tu rn in g and re ­opening th e ir co ttages. Before*- an^ •other m onth .has passed th e th ro n g will be w ith us and w e sh a ll again bq devoting ourselves energetica lly to tho e n te rta in m e n t of the. s tran g ers w ith in our ga tes.—Tim es and’ Jou rna l, Lakewood.

. DROP T H E AMENDM ENTS,T he T ranscrip t,.' p rio r to the elec-:

tion upon tho constitu tiona l am end­m ents, had a word to say in fav o r of som e of thorn w hich seem ed to con­ta in tho m erit of a b e tte r 'a d ju s tm e n t of thb Judicial system to p resen t^con­ditions, bu t i t a c c e p 's th e ; r 'esrilt/as /a / final d isposition of. th e ' m a t te r / T he' suggestion m ado in, som e q u a rte rs of a ,ra th e r techn ica l n a tu re th a t perhaps aomo of them werei adopted a f te r a ll

and th a t 'a re c d u u T 'd rth e vo te’ would dem onstra te the fact, ought n o t to m eet with, favorable •consideration, T ho e rro r was m ade ln the form of the ballo t and the m ethod of Its sub ­m ission • to. the people. ' So im portan t a m a tte r deserved more care and a t­ten tion than it. re c e iv e d .; The in a tten ­tion am ounting to p o s itiv e ’care less­n ess -w as inexcusable. T rifling w ith the m a tte r now will only add fresh fuel , to previous critic ism .—T ra n ­sc r ip t,• F reeholds

M ATTER OF MUCH UNCERTAINTYT inkering with New Jersey ’s school

law does no t seem to. pan. o u t s a tis ­facto rily , The Stokes :law revolu­tionized the school ..system of the S ta te and, on the whole, we ; believe w as a'jStep In /th e righ t , d irec tion / The. co u rt of la s t resort;. ' how ever, held th a t it w as • u n constitu tiona l. 'T tien th e M cKee jaw / w a s ; passed . and • th is .was supposed t o h a v e '• avoided .'.the rocks . th a t- w recked the previous me&sure. Now. th e cou rt of e rro rs an d appeals hns decided th a t som e fea ­tu re s of th is law a re unconstitu tiona l and school m a tte rs a re in a changed condition. Tho . constitu tiona l pro-, vision tforblddlng special* leg islation mnftea i t exceedingly d iff icu ltev en for. o u r best law yers to draw- a m easure .that w ill pass th e test. In all p roba­bility, if th e judges .of the co u rt of e r ­ro rs ' and appeals, w e re • s e t 'a t the^ ta sk . of d raw ing Up a law*;they.would fa ll in ­to the saine e rro rs. I t Is Koweyer; very u n fo rtunate th a t .a. matter* th a t so..vi­tally in te re s ts the whole people of :the S ta te should . b e the su b jec t of so m uch u ncerta in ty .— W eekly, K eyport.

— — — ------- - “J .


Frefl Margerum Rules O’er Fakir- . land' at Trenton Fair ■

Fred M argerum,1 of Ocean Grove, boii of S ecre ta ry M argerum- of the In ­te r-S ta te F a ir A ssociation, holds an iin iportan t position aach y e ar a t th e In ter-S ta te Fair. H is -official title is “privilege agen t,” b u t , . according to th e Trenton. T im es, Fretf Ib b e tte r know n as "K ing of tlio F ak irs .”

O ther, than his fa th e r, he Is th e m ost sough t for. m an on the grounds, and he has a rough lot. of custom ers to d e a l with. . H e has a w ay of Ills own o t avoid ing com plications and fo r th re e years i t has prpyed highly suc­cessful. • • ■ ' 1

Tljo business of F red Is to see th a t tbe fak irs pay to the A ssociation th e money which Is due tho o rean ization fo r privileges o t varied c h a ra c te r .; ,v

F red comes- ln co n tac t w ith those people who “do ' a w illing public fo r a living and bo has ye t to bo “done” by them .

E ach day du ring th o .fa ir “hero aro num erous applications a t the secre-. ta ry ’u. ofllce fo r “de guy w ha t tak e s de; m oney" assfi “d a t te l le r w h a t rid e s de old w hite nag ." H e rides a r. w h ite hdi’Re w hich h as. done seve ra l y ears -service a t 'th e fa ir. - '< . •' A f

D uring fa ir w eek “K ing" had m any experiences ' w hich a re hum orous and o th e rw ise ,. l i e has th e re sp ec t of th e persons w ith whom be has dealings and when they seV him com ing on "Dolly' .there Ib a search for th e cash which Is; due the A ssociation, ■'. • : .

F red m et w ith a tunny inciden t ono day la s t week w hen he w en t to collect from 'm e V>f th e • Women who reads “m its” or palm s.. She k n ew .h im and when he a ligh ted fro ir "Dolly” she m et him w ith these w ords:

“M ake ou t the recoipt. I have the money ready. I don’t know who could keep money from you. . T h a t sm ile you w ear is w o rth tho p rice ' of m y privi­lege."

T he “K ing” w ent to collect from one delinquen t side show man M onday af­ternoon and a fte r a p leasan t interview he go t the money. A fter the m anager had paid he .sa id :

“How muen docs the Association .pay you for th is? I'll give, you tw ice as m uch if you will only s tan d up n fron t of my te n t ami g e t the crowds together. You wbn’t have to say a word. As f-:ocri ns the people see you th ey wlll-glvo up th e ir cash;"

“Dolly' has grown to he .known am ong th e fak irs and w hen she Is seen coming, they know som ething is w ant­ed and a t ‘once. Slio is, a kind old m are, and w ithout h e r the fa ir would be incom plete. T he ch lld ren who v isit the grounds from y e a r to y e ar know “ Dolly" apd they never pass h e r w ith ­ou t p a tting h e r noso and say ing a kind word, -

ST A TE 1 5 . C. T . D .Thirtieth Annual convention at Morris­

town, October 13-J6

’ T he T h irtie th A nnual Convention of tho New Jersey W om an’s C hristian T em perance Union will be held in th e F ir s t P resby terian ‘ C hurch, M orris­tow n, October 13, 14, 10,-16, 1903.

Tuesday, 3.30 p. m.—Executive Com­m ittee , and D elegates’ P ray e r Service. E vening— W elcome^.. A ddress by Rev. A nna Shaw , M. D. U nions on Roll of H onor announced. ; .

W ednesday— M iss E lizabeth W , Greenwood, B rooklyn. _

T hursday a fte rnoon—Loyal T em per­ance Legion—A ddressed by N ational P res id en t and V ice-President. Spe­cial P rogram —E vening—A ddresses by Mrs.- L. M. N. S tevens, M aine; M iss A; Gordon,, E vanston , Illinois. .

Miss M. L. O rr, of E llis Island, Dr. S a rah T. E lliott, and M rs. M /D y e E l­lis, P ro tes tan t Episcopal Deaconess, will m ake afternoon addresses.

H e'i Got His Eye On 'EmR. -L. B ennett, of 83 Mt*. Carm el

Way, has been appointed a police of­ficer a t Deal. Mr, B ennett’ served on th e Ocean Grove, fo rce-the p a s t sum ­m er. .

" 'S trength and vigor com e of good food, duly digested. 'F o rce,' a ready- to-serve w h eat and barley food, adds no burden, bu t su sta in s , nourishes, In­vigorates."^. , . • . j ,..a ; t . s ..

y / / 1 A D o lltttlfu l OMtlag /I: A tr ip np Deal Lake. 260 boats and mnoes to choose from. WMto’a Boat [W ^irt .Park dvonno to d Deal Lake,—*



From ojiir Regular’Correspondent/. • W ashington, October ’ 6,.19Q3. .A m ong th e m ost recen t v fslto rs a t

the. W hite H ouse was M r. R o b ert. Pi Skinner, U nited S ta te s C onsul' Gener-. al 'iat-' M arseilles^ F rance , who is now. In W ash ing ton m aking final a rra n g e ­m ents for. his, tr ip in to Abyssinia- H e. goes -there to. invite K ing Meneliic to th e ’,S t : , Louis; E xposition an d a t t h e . sam e tim e to induce the A frican m on­arch to m ake, a.* commerclnV • ag ree­m ent w ith th e U nited S ta tes. Ho will bring to H is M ajesty a m essage of friendsh ip and high esteem from P res iden t R oosevelt, and w ill a tte m p t to e stab lish d ip lom atic re la tions w ith his coun try , w hich is a lready a- good p u rch ase r of A m erican goods. Mr. S k inner says th a t one-third of th e goods w hich a re im ported, in A bys­s in ia com e from the U nited S ta te s and th a t th e Im ports of A m erican cotton goods am oun t to . $5,000,000 annually . Wo g e t from M enellk 's people ivory, hides, carpfet wools and o th e r raw m a­te ria ls . An A m erican w ar sh ip will tako the consul tq th e A frican, co ast and ho will be' fu rn ished .w i th a n es­cort of U nited S ta tes m arines on his tr ip overland. He hopes to reach '.the captial of A byssin ia somo tim e in No­vem ber. .

Official socia l an d d ip lom atic cir-, eles In W ash ing ton w ere m uch grieved to hoar th a t S ir M ichael H er­b e rt, the B ritish A m bassador to th is country , had died in Sw itzerland of consum ption. S ir M ichael had - been III fo r som e tim e bu t he hoped to re ­cover his h ea lth ln S w itzerland and re tu rn h e re th is fall. He w as Am­b assado r bu t a few m onths y e t h e con­ducted tho im p o rtan t nego tia tions w hich followed tho a tta ck on V enezu­ela by E ngland and h e r allies, and a l­so those w hich resu lted in th e ‘c rea ­tion of th e A laskan B oundary Com­m ission which; Is now in sossion in London. H e w as in W ashington on tw o form er occasions, once a s charge id’afFalrs and once as sec re ta ry of the legation. On his firs t v is t to : th is coun try he m arried an A m erican wo­m an and also becam e : a personal friend of P res id en t R oosevelt, who ta u g h t him how tb play base ball. He w as only forty-six years old and w as one, of th o youngest dip lom ats, who ever held an Im portan t post in W ash­ington. T here has been somq specu­la tion hero as to h is successor, bu t the question h a s no t y e t been con­sidered in London.

T here is every Indication th a t Con­gress w ill ipake an olKcial investiga­tion of th e . postofflco departm en t. P res id en t R oosevelt lh said to favo r it, and to adv ise th e appo in tm en t /b y C ongress of a special * com m ission w hich will m ake a public investiga­tio n s im ila r to th a t carried out by tb e fam ous Lexow com m ittee w hich m ade -such a thorough exposure of th e ,c o r­ru p tio n in , th e New York c ity g overr- •ment. The P res id en t a lso hopes to h a v e /so m e .in iluence in deciding' th e personnel of the^com raittee in case one i8 au thorised : M any R epublicanm em bers of C ongress bellev* th a t a congressional investigation would 1 )0 - a good political mov*i as they could thus a n tic ipate the D em ocrats who a re certa in to in troduce such a m eas­u re in case tho, R epublicans do not. R ep resen ta tiv e H em enw ay, of Indi­ana, w h o 'w as the confidant of Speak- or-to be-Cannon, says, "My idea would be to ’ hav? a resolu tion fo r an investi­gation introduced a t the p ro p er tim e by a R epublican m em ber and adopted by the H ouse. T he inqu iry can be rapid ly conducted, a f te r the carefu l' w ork a lready accom plished by the P res id en t.” . '

The D is tric t of Colum bia g ran d ju ry h as found an ind ic tm ent a g a in s t W. Scott Tow ers, postm aster of a W ash­ington substa tion , who is a lleged to havo accep ted a com m ission from a type-w rlten com pany on aH goodp:sold by i t to th e governm ent.’ H e is said to h ave received $50 on every book type-w rlter bought by th e governm ent a t a p rice of $200. The paym ents to him am ounted to .$1,800. P o s tm a ste r G eneral Payne dism issed him _as soon as the ind ic tm en t w as m ade public.


Receiver Appointed for tlie Misslnf Key porter’s Property

. A t T ren to n on Monday- in b ank ­ru p tcy 'p ro c eed in g s ag a in st B enjam in B. Ogdon, M ayor of K e y p o rt,. Judge K irk p a tr ic k 1 appointed H enry S. Ter- hune, of Long B ranch, jc c e lv e r . Og­den ’s p ro p erty Is valued a t abou t $3,000.. Ogdon, M ayor and p o stm aste r a t K eyport, has been m issing since Sep­tem b e r 11, Ho w as p re s id en t o f th e school tru s te e s , s ec re ta ry of th o Sec­ond K eyport L oan A ssociation, tow n­sh ip counsel, a d irec to r In the; People’s' N ational Bank, and lead er of th e R e­publican p a rty In K eyport. T he peti­tion to. have him declared a bank­ru p t was filed by Jo h n P. Lloyd, of M ataw an.

It Is believed th a t all tra n s fe rs of p ro p erty and m ortgages, m ade o r exe­cu ted by Ogdon, which have been re ­corded w ithin four m onths of th e da te of th e petition, can be se t aside. This, it fB said, will affect a m ortgage fo r $15,000 w hich Ogden gave th e Peo­p le’s N ational B ank of K eyport la s t N ovem ber, b u t w hich w as no t record­ed un til A ugust 17. A num ber of tra n s ­fe rs of p roperty rocorded recen tly will 'also be invalidated, and a ll cred ito rs will como In fo r a pro ra ta d is trib u ­tio n of Ogden’s esta te . T h e re la no.t r a c e o f O gd en y e t .

Judge Vreeland May Get Vacant PlacaF orm er Judge J .. B. V reoland, of

M orris tow n,'is said to have been .p rac- tica lly decided upon fo r the U nited S ta te s D is tric t A tto rneysh ip , succeed­ing David O. W atk ins, the p re sen t S ta te :C om m issioner of B anking and in s u ran ce . • - ; v . ;

C ortland t P a rke r, Jr., a ss is tan t dls- trio t a tto rney , is filling th e vacan t, of­fice u n til the nom ination of* fo rm er Judge V reeland is s en t to th e U nited States. S ena te by Pre&lden£ R oosevelt,,


Aeknowledges Embezzlement and False Entries .

Enoch L. C owart, 'of Asbury Park , whose em bezzlem ents a s . cash ier w recked th e N avesin lc .N ational Bank, o f 'R e d Banki p leaded guilty on Mon-; diij* a t T ren ton -to th ree iid lc tin en ts , H e fu rn ished & bond .o f $10,000;to ap - p a a r next M onday, fo r sen tence . The flrst Indictm ent w as fo r the embezzler m en t p f $20,000. -'

C ow art was accom panied by hlh. brbtlier. H e showed no sign of ag ita ­tion , en te rin g tb e p leas in person. H is b ro th e r toid friends th a t come of the ?20,000 had been useu by 'E noch in paying d ividends on th e bank stock, and this, to g e th e r w ith the voluntary Picas of guilty , he hoped would Induce lenloncy on tho p a r t ot tho. court.

I t Is s e t o u t In th e second Indict­m en t that. C ow art In s truc ted Henr;^ C. T erhune , hit! a ss is tan t, t,j m ake false en trie s in tho bank 's books, thereby enab ling the c ash ie r to obtain $6,175 a t -no tim e and ?4,454 a t another. It fu r th e r charges the appropriation by C ow art of $2,100 - oi U nion Pacific bonds. ■

Am ong tho coun ts in th e th ird ln- d lo tm ont aro th a t C ow art reported to th e C ontro ller o f the T reasu ry th a t th e bank had a su rp lu s when thero w as actually a deflciency, and th a t St had $7,016 of undivided profits when th e re w ero none;

■A O r«at BargainBest rargaJn oSered, a IG-room

hoarding houso; wsUfuraSahad a.ad two flne lots, for $3,600; {1,500 cash, bar once ou mortgage a t 6 per c e n t in­vestigate thlfi. E. N. Woolston, real estate, 50 Main avenuo. Ocean CJsove,

B ’ C L lL L iH D ’S SU C C E SSO R ? ,

The Secretary of Wew York State Has ' Called for an Election fo Decide

Tho S ecre ta ry of S ta te has issued an election no tice to the W estcheste r County C lerk to provide for. tho olec* / tion of a b ta te S enato r fo r tho T w en­ty-second Senatoria l D is tric t of New Y ork .to fill th e vacancy caused by t h e ; rec o n t resignation o f S enato r Charles* P. M cClelland.

Mr* .M cClelland Is a s u m m e r . real- ! den t of Ocoan Grove. As told in th is paper somo weeks ago, .he resigned h is ofllce to accep t the position of general custom s, ap p ra ise r a t th o p o rt 1 of New Y ork.' ■

New Disease Among Horses A fa ta l dlsoaae has-becom e opldom-

Ic am ong horses in South Jo rsey , w hich seom s so fa r to cen tre in C ape M ay and A tlan tic counties. I t has no t been diagnosed and baffles t h e 1 skill of v e te rin a ry su rgeons to find tho cause or a rem edy. Som e a ttr ib u te it to tho feeding of s a lt hay. T he a n i - : m al suddenly , falls dead a f te r a few hours of w h a t does n o t seem very se­vere suffering. I t Is said serious re- Bults a re antic ipated if S ta te o r gov­e rn m en t aid Is n o t forthcom ing. .

Prohibition Patltton ClrcttlattdA pe tition to allow th e county P ro ­

hibition tick e t to bo placed In th e field a t the com ing election h a s . been c ircu la ting In th e Grove th is week. T he law requ ires th a t th e re be a hun­dred nam eB to th e potltlon fo r i t to be­come effective. O ver half th a t num ­b e r have a lready been secured in th is vic in ity , with* tho re s t of tho county tq. ' h ear from . > . 1 ,

bargains in Properties for %$ale

f ire insurance j£oms Rates Mortgage J^oans

Acknowledgments taken for all states


Ei. N. Woblston3 0 M a in A v e . , O c e a n G r o v e , N , J .

H. O. W iNson, President E. E, D a y to n , Cashier

C. C. C la y to n , Vice President Jessb M in o t, Asst. C a s b ie ry

Asbury Park Ocean Grove BankOrganized Jan u ary , 1889

Capitai - - $60 ,000 Surplus - ■ $SOjOOOU n d iv id e d P r o f i t s 3 2 5 , 0 0 0


.Mattison Avenue and Main S treet, Asbury P ark >M ain A v e n u e onU P ilg rim , P a th w a y , O o ear, d r o v e

Transacts a general bank ing business, issues foreign and (domestic drafts; P rom pt a tten tion given to a il m atters en trusted to n s .. Y our patronngB solicited.

Collections m ade and prom ptly acknow ledged .Safe deposit boxes to rent.

D irectors; N. E.-Buchanon, J . 6. Feiguson, C. O. Clayton, A. E . Ballard, George W. Troat, J o h n H ubbard , H enry C. W insor, T. F rank Apploby, Lewis Itainear, AmoBTilton. .

Ocean Grove National BankA ssociation Building, Main Ave., O cean Grove

Capital, $25,000 Surplus, $5,000W i l l i a m H . H a m i l t o n

PresidentN a t h a n J . T a y l o r

Vice President'

Jo im HuisnAOT ■ S tb p u e n D. W ool,le v T . N e ls o n L s lla o o iik T a u lm a h A. M i l l e r

T. A. M i l l e r , CashierBOARD OF DIRECTOR!?.

WlLLIASt II . HaMILTOK N a th an 3. T a y lo r

_. WiLLLAjr M o ran W. D. Bdapneu !

Calvin , V . H dhlev J acob Siil k s E . N . W oolston 'I'hoslss W ykcoop

Transaots a general banking business, issues le tters o f credit available in th e principal cities of th e world Collections carefully m ade and prom ptly rem itted

Capital $s0,000Organlzid February 28, 1510.5

-SbT plaf $50 ,000

J -

Seacoast National Bankof the city of Asbury Park, N. J .

BOA^D OP OIRBCTORSH enry S le lnbacb

Jstnts M. RalstonMARTIN H. SCOtT, Qwhler v

Frank B. Conover Ju n e s P . AcJcerraan Clarence S. Stainer

M. L. Bomraan

Transacts a geberal banking business and ;pffg^s ever^ facility, consistent with safe methods

T H E S T . E L M O77 M ain AVbnae. D elish tfa lly located on principal thoroaghfare. • Open all th e year; Term s 07 to 810 ft week. Bpeolal r&Ufc spring, fall a^ 4 winter.* W rite for booklDt. W m .'Johks/J^top.,'

Sa t u r d a y , . Oc t o b e r 10;- 1903.- •PHE»<DCEAN G R Q g E TIM ES—

Tho O cean Grovo postofiice hours a re now from 7 a. m. to 7.30 p. ra.

M. H arveste r, of 23 O cean P athw ay , io having h is co ttage n ea tly pain ted .;

Mias S. J . T lb b a ls /o f N ew York, w as a v is ito r to th e Grove on. Tues-

. day .F. E . E dw ards and wife, of 90 M ain

avenue, a re a t N orw alk, Conn. They •will s tay th e re for tw o weeks.

T he How ell fam ily la s t S a tu rday closed, th e ir co ttago a t 47 Broadw ay. T h e ir homo la In Philadelphia.

R oss’ h o t salt-w ater b a th s w ill he k e p t open un til O ctober 15tb. Tlio fa ll tra d e has been' unusually good.

H. G. Shreve and w ife and E. N. W oolston and wlfo on T uesday re-; tu rn e d from a four d ay s’ trlp ^ to Bos-

"too. • rA bram Woglom, of 15 H eck avenue,

h a s ■ been v isiting h is s is te r , . M rs. Jacob Cole, a t T o ttenyille, S ta ten Is ­

la n d . - ' *\T h e local C hau tauqua C ircle m et

la s t T uesday evening a t the home of Rov. W illiam R ussell, on H eclt ave-

•nue.• h- E . W ataon, who is in the lum ber business a t C hase City, Va., w as a vls-

'l t o r a t h is hom o bore during the •week. -t

Mlsa V iola M ahoney, of n e a r E lk ­ton, M<1., Is th e Rueet for som e w eeks of h e r cousin, Mlaa Lpuella Goodnow. 87 H eck avenue: ..•'

Rev. J . R.. D aniels and fam ily sneh t la s t Sunday a t S u ffe ring Rocltland county, N. Y. T hey re tu rned ' to the Grove on M onday. . < .

L a s t S a tu rday a team of Juvenile ■football p layers rep re sen tin g W est Grovo defeated an eleven from B elm ar by th e scoro of G-0. 1 1

R ev.W illiam M argerum w as called to S eab rig b t la s t Sunday to preach m orn ing and evening in tho M. .E . chu rch a t th a t placo,

M rs. D. P rall, who was the g u e st of h e r cousin, Mias Addie W oeiam . i of Hock avonue, on M onday re tu rn ed to h e r homo on S ta ten Ialand.

John M. Slanoy haa taken h is fam ily b ack to Brooklyn. T h e ir sum m or homo 'In Ocean Grove Is a t 08 B roadw ay. T hey le f t hero on T hursday .

M rs. G.. W illiam Schw artz , of Em ­b u ry avenuo, h a s gone to C am den to m ako a fo rtn ig h t’s vlBit w ith ; her m o th er, M rs. Philip M ager.

Capt. W. S. F e rr is has gone to hla "Winter home, _ Oscawana-on-thfr-Hud-

sqDj D uring tho s u m m e r 'h e occupied;th j^co ttag o a t 7B A bbott avenue.

T hrough th e F erguson agency tho W atso n pronerty, 120 H eck ifvenuo, •Ocean Grove, hns been sold to M rs.

’ E m m a Jam ison , of B elvldere, N. J. .Mr. and Mra. J. A. H elllngs for the

com ing w in te r will occupy tho Cole •cottaEe a t 90 M ain avenue, In ' w hich they a ro a lready com fortably located.

' M rs. E. H. S tokes and s is te r left y e s te rd a y fo r H addonfleld, a fte r clos­in g th o ir co ttage n t‘' the co rn e r of B each and P itm an avonues fo r tho

. w in ter.H a rry R eeves, of the^ C levenger &

Sum m ers grocery, is in the South on n. vacation tr ip w hich tak e s h im to Old P o in t Com fort, R ichm ond and W ash­ington



Mr. and Mrs. S. D. W oolley, of M ain avonuo. who passed several w eeks a t Shady Glen and A lbany, N. Y .,..re tu rned to the Grovo on M onday evening.

MrB. J. R. Creeley, who sp en t the su m m er a t 9 P itm an avenue, has gono to h e r home In P h iladelph ia . H e r sou ’s fam ily will rem ain hero for. .somo wooks. .

Tho S t. Elm o H otel, co rn e r M ain and New Y ork avenues, is now num ­b ered am ong th o houuea th a t a re kep t o_pen th e y ear th rough. W illiam Jones la tho p rop rie to r. ;- ••• .{;<'

T he cellar a t th e Insk lp H 0U80. cor­nor O cean P a th w ay and Beach ave­nue, h a s been onlarged sufficiently to ad m it of a lau n d ry being added to tho ho te l’s equipm ent.-

.-. . Tho fam ilia r face ot MIbs Lida P a t ­te rso n la miBslng from the postofflco. Sho ia en joying a fo r tn ig h t’s vacation, w hich Bhe is passing w ith friends a t W oodstock. N. Y .

F o r a m o n th M rs. Jolm .M . Goodnow,' of H eck avenue, will he the g u est of h e r dau g h te r, M rs. C harles F arrow , in P h iladelphia . Mrs. Goodnow w en t to th a t city, on T hursday , v

Mr. and M rs. O. H. Tom pkins, o f M t, H erm on W ay, over Sunday la st en te rta in ed *Mr. and M rs. E ugene Hill, from Gladstone, N. J. T he Tom p­k inses nnd H ills a re couslnB .

Mrs. H attio Toby, who has been 'V is­iting her Blfiter, M ra. W illiam H yers, of 12 Corlies avenue, W est Grove, for seve ra l days; loaves fo r her homo a t Falm oj^h , M ae s .,th is evening.

G rocer vanG illuw e oxpects shortly , d ire c t from the p lan ta tion , a consign­m en t of th o famouB Now O rleans mo- lasaeB w hich had such a big run n t h is Ocean Grovo s to re la s t w in ter.

Jo seph B. Thom pson, who spoilt tw o w eeks hero a t tho homo of his

' paren ta on .W ebb avonue, h as gono back to H am pton , Va., accom panied by h is w lfo and tw o children.

H aving closed h e r hotel, tho "New P h ilade lph ia , M ra. C. A.- Cox has gono to tho Q uaker City. She w ill spond Eome w eeks thero . L a te r Bhe w ill go to' W ashington,- D. C., fo r th e w in ter.

Tho'•old Law rence H ouse, corner M ain and C ontral avenuoB, w iilch was p a rtly destroyed by • Are la s t aum-

. m or, la being to rn dpwn. I t Is under- • stood th a t- th e lum bar w ill bo used In

■somo fram e s tru c tu re s ,(o..bo e rec ted o v e r l a W e s t P a rk , ' •: ''-'-Vv U T '

Mias M aggie W hite la s t S a tu rdav took- poBBession of the. M ain avenue property , the Aldine, w hich she re­cen tly purchased , and th e nam e of which she : will change to T he Law ­rence.

Louis F . Becker, of vanG illuw e's atoro, h a s d iscarded h is g roce r's apron for a w eek; w hich he la spend­ing Ini th e 'C atsk ills. A ccom panied by h is ,so n s C harles and H e rm a n 'h e is. a t Shady Glen.

Mlaa Agnes R ussell, o f , W obb ave­nue. on Tuesday, w en t to Philadelphia, to v is it fr ien d s fb r a few days. On W ednesday sh e w as one of the bridesV m aids .'.at a ch rysan them um 'w edding In th a t;c ity .. .M r., and M rs. M, B ; H eritage have' .re tu rn ed to th e ir home in P h iladel­phia,; 1713 Jefferson s tre e t. M rs. H eri­tage, who' haa conducted Ihe ,'L llla­gaard fo r a num ber of years, has Be-' cu red a le a se 1 of the. Ocean. View Ho­tel fo r n e x t season. ■ :

Mr. and M rs. F ran k . Johnson,' of. A delphla, .w e re /g u ests . Over : Sunday la s t a t th e hom e of Jo seph T aylor. 96

•Webb avenue. Mr. T ay lor w ill sh o rt­ly tak e a tw o-w eeks’ -vacation , th e g re a te r p a r t of w hich he expects to spend- w ith, the JohnsonB a t A delphla.

, Dr. ,0. B. B ird on T hursday moved his^ fam ily from h is -p c e a n Grove cot­tage, a t 73 M t. P isg ah W ay to 200 Eaflt F ifteen th s tre e t,. New. Y ork C ity .; T he ,f)6ctor. is ' exam iner ' in chief ,ot th e In-.- to rna tlonal C orrespondence School' of M uise. P rof: M organ ia a t th e head- o f th is school: ''. .M isa 'M ary .McMullen, who operated the. A ldine fo r seve ra l su m m ers.-h as tak en th e Shady Side bottage, co rner iBm'ory’;s tre e t and Sewell avenue. As- !bury P a rk . She Is accom panied to tHat -p laoe 'by her m o ther and sis te r. The la tte r (Mlaa E llen) conducted the Borjjentow n ;th e past-.soason.

On M onday m orn ing la s t M r; ‘arid. M ra:;A . W . L ym an closed up th e Hp- f e S tM tford and to.ok th e ir d epartu re fo r th e ir home. In P h iladelphia . Mr! Lym an lq in te res ted to som e ex ten t in Q uaker C ity politics. H e Is a m em ­ber of th e R epublican C ity C om m ittee and is also p re s id en t of one o f the w ard clubs. ,

'jo h n ! N orris W lster, fo rm erly em ­ployed ■■at, C., C. C lay ton’s d ry goods em porium , h a s gone to P h ilade lph ia . H o .will, lea rn thef*trade of w eaving k n itted , goods. D uring h is app ren tice­sh ip ho will reBlde w ith h is b ro the r JeBse, a P h ilade lph ia policem an. John sp en t fou r y ears a t Olay.toii’a sto re , and w as .highly fcstcemeil .by h is em­p loyer a s well as by the public.

WORTH HERWBIGHT IN GOLDSo Says H nbtsj; But FiSty cents Paid the


Jam es E. Collard, who was a rre s ted a t K eyport a sh o rt tim e ago anti re ­leased upon his; bride; fu rn ish ing bail, w as again a rre s ted , i t -having been tliscoveited . th a t: th e u^w ly-m ado

y i f e ’s bond' wbb w orth less. T he m an w as tak en to th u coun ty ja i l to aw ait th e action of the g ran d ju ry . I t haa since developed th a t Collard is a tra m p an d h a s sp en t tw o te rm s in the county ja il. l i e w as bn his way from F reeho ld , In com pany w ith a colored m an, w hen he ran across Mrs, 'Jo h n ­son; whom he m arried .

Collard h as seve ra l a lia ses , bu t his rig h t nam e Is sa id to ho F red Ros- well. ."H e halls from Denver, Col. W hen1 he applied to Rev,' J , F . Hellen- mori, he rep re sen ted , to him. t h a t . i e bad been liv ing In Long B ranch fo r a year. A t the conclusion of th e rce re - m ony h e ’iisked w hat tho charges wore and Mr. B o llen m an replied . th a t w hat­ev er he th o u g h t hla bride w as w orth. A fte r h esita tin g a few m om enta he re ­m arked th a t’ Bho w as w orth her w eigh t In goiu; a t the sam e tim o liaud- ing over fifty cents, w hich ho said w as all he could sp a re .'

Syned Meets a t Lakewood For tho firs t t im e in its h is to ry the

P re sb y te r la tl ' Synod of ' New ; Jersey , w ill m ee t th is y e a r In Lakew ood. T h e sessions w ill com m ence T uesday : a f­te rn o o n , O ctober 20, In th e F ir s t church , .of w hich R ev; C ortland t P. B u tle r1, la pasto r; T h e 'se rm o n will So preacbpd by tho re tir in g m oderato r and s ta ted c lerk , Dr. W alte r A. B rooks i o f the P ro sp ec t S tro e t Church of T ren ton , and thon a now m odera­to r w ill'b o elected. . -

Determined Salclde■ L a s t F rid ay • a t F reehold Christo-,

pber Gibson com m itted su icide by cut- . t in g h is th ro a t. G ibson was form erly em ployed Un a Lakewood butchor shop. H o1.uset! a pfo iket'knlfS .aB a m eana df ae lf-d estru c tlo n .1 T h is w as h is second \ a t t e m p t ,a t s u ic id e . ' He sho t him self, In th e n eck th e previous W ednesday, \ and . w&s -thereupon, placed in ju il .V lt is belleveJ his m ind w a s unbalanced b j^ o in e s t l c ; triublesV

W ANTED—Goftd strong boy; at 0. C. 01ayton!s drir \gooda emporium.

INA Correspondent Writes of Dr. Wal­

lace and Joseph Thornley

M any y ea rs ago, th ree lads, w ent to' the sam e . Sunday, .school and were In th e sam e class M E nniskillen , t Ire-, land. -As the tide, p re m ig ra tio n s e t in, one by one these lads, w ith the ir friends,, c rossed the ocean to try-their; fo rtunes In America.- Twenty-live yearff.'thereafte r, tw o of the liids,. Adam. W allace and Jam es Ni Davis, in e t a t O cean Grove and recalled the days.o.f yore . •

One day, as th e Doctor, w as ta lk ing to mei. he poin ted to ; a y o u n g . m an com ing tow ards us, w ho w as lam e. VDo y o u . know who th a t la?.” h e ' a sk ­ed? ‘'W I m e t P o lan d , I shouldth in k it •; was Joseph T hornley ,” i re -. sponded. “T h a t is exactly who i t i s / ' responded Dr. ■ W allace. ■. •;V

So; a fte r . iwenty^ftve’-^years;, ■ w6 th ree m e t a t O cean, Grove again, and th e re a fte r anhuaily^ w e ta lk e d of tlio old tim es un til Joseph T horn ley was tra n s la ted . ■'■■ ■• v Vv •. '■/ • i;. -.

T he p ast .'.season;, .after th e •last/sQr-' vice in the A uditorium ,’ I had a pjieas- a n t c h a t again w ith Dr. W allace abou t th e scenes and (lays : of our childhood., My niece had ju s t re tu rn ­ed from a -' •tour abroad , and ' she b rough t pictures, of the church>, also th e old school house and th e g rave­yard a t Enniskillen.' As I showed them to the tioc tb r, his - eyes filled w ith tea rs and a s we. toge ther. looked a t th e fam ilia r places; he tolil me if ;h e ’ lived he hoped to ta k e la ru n across ne?it season and v lsft the- places oi;cb m o r e ; ' - - ; . ; 1 ;':; I n ■ le ss •. th an th r e e ;/; W eeks' th e re comes to me the.: tid ings of h is talcing His dep art lie fo r h is heaven ly home. 1 wifcii to drop th is flower of ’ rem in­iscence to h is m em ory: How large th e world seem s and y e t how sm all w hen one has an experience like mine!

A gain, to o , 'th e re com es ;thJs lesson hom e of: the u n c e r ta ln ity . of life and! c e r ta in ty of d e a tb r ° ,

. A b o ve a 11; ; com es • th e com for ting1 th o u g h t of th e hom e aw aiting lis, w here" th e re shall come no m ore p a rt­ings, changes o r sorrow .;

. W e th ree , fro m o u r .homeland, who' m e t in Ocean Grove, shall m eet in th e hom eland of Im m orta lity , I t ru s t- .A little; w hile longer to journey,

And then, , p a s t- all ’ sorrow s and’-‘.tdiirsi

In heaven w ith loved ones and Jesus, W e'll spend th e . im m ortal years.

"V ; JAM ES: N . DAVIS, :Je rsey City , S ep tem b er 28, 1903. -


Cranberries' Introiucefl Here By a -’ I Shrewd Yankee

T here a re abou t ten thousand acres devoted by Now Je rse y fa rm ers to the ra is in g o f c ran b errie s and the sale of t h e p rep re sen ts la rge am ounts - of m oney annually . ■;

The- c ran b erry grow s wild ; on swamjiy- g round, but i t is th e cu lti­vated, b e rry th a t Is largeBt, and poa- sessea th e m ost deliciously ta r t flavor. T he b e rry .is grown principal­ly In New Jersey , C onnecticut, M assa­ch u se tts and- W isconsin, and i t is a s ingu lar fac t th a t a one-legged Con­n ec ticu t Y ankee nam ed John W ebb -was f lrs t to. cu ltiv a te the cranberry . P revious, to 1857 th e v ines had grow n -wild In Ocean county N, J„ and no a t­tem p t a t cu ltivation o r p reserv a tio n of th e v ines had been m ade by tbe grow ­e rs . ■ : ' ■ -

T he fru it w as first Introduced into '{his S ta te In 1850 w hen John W ebb, a fa rm er in Ocean county, a ta rted In to cu ltiva te h is m arshes. The, first y e a r a f te r t h s befry . has .been planted the coat o f caring fo r i t is abou t $100 an acres, and jn Septem ber of .'the th ird y ear the b lossom s-appear and give in ­dications of w ha t may. be .expected of the crop. W hile w orking h is acre d u rin g 'th e firs t y e a r W ebb discovered ivhat th e whole w orld has now to be thank fu l fo r—th a t on spots' o f the p ea t bottom , w here th e re w as sand, th e vine w as doing b e tte r than e lsew here —and a f te r g a th e rin g hla crop a t the end of the th ird year ho covered the p ea t w ith ' th re e inches, of sam l' w hile the. other, grow ers w o n d ered .’

T h e n ex t crop w as som eth ing , . to; -wander a t fo r th e b e rry w as 'larger, of a r ich e r co lo r'an d a fa r fiAer flavor to say no th ing o f the crop being double w ha t th e o th e r grow ers had realized.- F rom th en cefo rth th e -h ills w ere torn down to cover the .peat bogs anti John bought .more' land and continued b is grow ing. In ..twenty years: lie was a

rrtch m an and th e c ran b erry did it.T he th ird d es tro y e r o f the c ranberry

v ine la a .d estru c tiv e little Insect called th e w.ebworm, T he .sharp-edged g rass' and bu lru sh havo to bo rem oved by. gougea and grt'-b hoes, and tills pro- cobs. m u s t be kep t up, every, w eek dur­ing tw o seasons, so. fu lly ' does th e spil seem to bo Im pregnated w ith . th e ir g erm s and so rap id ly do th ey grow.

In New Jo rsey alono there a reao m e 10,000 acrea of sw am p land devo ted’to tho cu ltivation of th e c ranberry , and probably tho *ame am ount in tho o th e r c ran b erry grow ing S tates, and even th is is insufficient; to supply tho Increasing dem and fo r the . be rry . ."Eng­lan d and o th e r fo reign coun tries w ere no t slow. in app recia ting the delicious tartnesB .of , the c ran b erry and its pe> c u lia r adap tab ility ,to tho tu rkey , w hich is a n o th e r a rtic le of d ie t indig­enous to the. U nited States'.'

N o t le ss th an one-third of tho en tire c ran b erry crop is shipped to fo reign countries," and, like bu r ever delicious apple, th e - fo reigne r seem s to go t itho pick. N o tw ith s tand ing tlila fac t, a l­though prices w ill ru le 'high,' th e re can lie nb doubt th a t w e w ill n o t bo de­prived of our. delicious c ran b erry a t o u r tu rkey d inners, which will soon bo in season.. ,

Father Glennon’s Monument DcltcttidT h e handsom e,,.granite.rm ldinum ent

in. Mt;;:'. Calvary.: Cem etery ..erected.: to- -tlie 'rhjsm bfy of Rev. Father. Glonnon.' J a tp .p r ie s t of the C hurch of th e H oly S p ir it; In. A sbury ^ a rk ,.. w as; form ally ded icated la s t Sunday .:’ ifternonn. M any v is itin g p rie s ts w ere ' p resen t. THe exerelBes w ere: In charge of R ev-

T o B e R e l e a s e d F rom Lifeu

A lm o s t I n s a n e iV o m N e r v o u s n e s s .

D r. M ile s ’ ;N e r v in e M y S a lv a tio n .

Do yoii enjoy life; or. do you sleep so poorly, tha t , you are 'more tired when you get up .thjvn v? hen vou go to beU.? la your. appetite failing, are^’ou getting’ thin; does your head ache, hack ache, eyes lire easily ?a These are symptoms of/'.a 'nervous' disorder, which should be promptly treated or fainting spells, mental and: physical "nervousness,: morbid fearsand loss o f control*'will lead to insanity ‘ •or mehtal ■ irresponslbUtty, .'Strengthen‘ the • nerves with; Dr. Miles* Nervine. I t quickly supplies rierverforce and vitality to the w eak­ened system, briinrirtg' sleep,.appetite and -health.;V:- • ■' ' • ’'•••'; “ I was almost insane with nervous trouble.

Could not eat or sleep: Could see np pleas­ure in life; indeed* life.was a burden to me,, hhd I.even prayed God to release me from it.'- Three, doctors d id all they could for.me, all to no purpose. I wa3 in despair, of evei getting better when I saw the ' advertisement of Dr. Miles’ .Restorative Nervine. I got bottle,’ commenced taking it and wrote you for advjce.:' I followed it carefully, taking ybur Nerv ine, Restorative Totiic, and N erve ana Liver Pills. •' Those remedies were, my sal­vation.. IH s some months-.since. I stopped, taking the* Tonic but I keep the Nervine in the house all the time,.as it is a friertd;that I d o : not feel safe w .th o u t... I f any sufferer should doubt the - truth of this statement, le t ■ •them write to me and I w ill do mv best to drive all doubt from their mind. —Mrs. Mabel R rdden,-La Jose, 1’a. .

AU druggists .seU ;a«d guarantee; first b o t- ' tie Dr. Miles' Remedies, r Send for.free book on Nervous a n d ; H eart- Diseases. Addres* D r. Miles Medical Co* E lkhart, ln&


A Ble Hotel, aiid New Boardwalk Amon? Early improvements ?

T h e .c o n trac t for th e e rection of th e m am m oth hotel a t S p ring L ake was, aw arded la s t F rid ay nlg{it to jFrank. S'. R ig g s . Com pany, of P h iladelph ia . T h e ir bid w as $ 18 3 ,0 0 0 .

T h e re w ere several o th e r b idders who subm itted .'estim ates, .but th e first th ree ivere the'»only ones considered . T he.o thei; tw o low bidders beaidea tho R iggs ■.Company w ero H orace H. Moore, of Spring X/akei $187,000, and the; C ram p Com pany, of P h iladelph ia , $19^,000.VThb ho te l is to be one of th e Onest on. th e New Tersey coast. I t w ill con­ta in 200 room s and sixty-n ine b a th ­room s, and Will have a ll Im prove­m ents. T he co n trac t calla fo r Its com pletion by -June 1 of n e x t " year, a n d I t |a though t th a t w ork will be commenced: n ex t . w eek. - - ,• In add ition to th e new hotel Spring liakb will have an o th e r Im provem ent to -a ttr a c t , sum m er vlaltoxl nex t year. Tuel old boardw alk, w hich -.was'-dam­aged by th e recent- sev e re sto rm , will be rep laced by a now. one ex tend ing fn>m L ak e Como to W reck Pond. It will; be eighteen, fee t w ide, fou r feet w ider th a n a t p resen t, and abou t a half: m ile lonser.

STATE SL EU T H S IN SE SSIO NGen. Patterion, ol Ocean Grove, Is Ihe

Oldest Chief of Felice

Gen. J . C. P a tte rso n , of Ocean Grove, a ttended the seven th an n u a l convention of the S u p erlo - Officers Police! P ro tec tiv e A ssociation In Tren- toii on T uesday . I t developed during the; session th a t Gen. P a tte rso n Is, th e o ld e st chief of police In .the S ta te , i.- f

As p a r t of the day ’s p rogram tlie^ ch ie fs ,to o k a tro lley ride to P rinceton .'' A fterw ard th e y w ere given a b anquet a t the T ren ton H ouse. 'Chief,. Sm ith, of ABbury P a rk ,’.was also, p resent.

1’e tk 's Bad Boy.If you have a broken leg send fo r a.

surgeon, but if you only h ave a bail' caae.-;af th e blues,, o r .-melancholia; w e w ou ld -p rescribe th a t you go and see th a t b ea t o t al! m usical fa rce com plies, i “Peck’s Bad Boy," fo r th e re ’s no th ing lik e a" good h earty ."laugh to drive aw ay tro u b le ’and ; care. . T h e above': 'com pany will appear a t th e P a rk op­e ra h o u s e ' on': W ednesday evening,- O ctober 14: M an ag e r 'G a rr lty say s i t was: necessary fo r him to .cancel tw o of. h is b e s t show s to m ake room for th is production . . The piece Is new- th is seaso n ,: having been en tire ly re ­w ritten , re ta in in g -all- th e old charact-. ers, b u t adding m any new ones. The c a s t engaged ia tho la rg e s t and best over seen in th is play. T he pleco Is b rim ful o t new, b rig h t and spark ling specia lties. ,

T his (F riday ) even ing "T rin ity C him es” wlil be p resen ted n t the P a rk O pera-H otise.

This I o ; Acts as Mall CarrierA rm strong B ennett, of p ra n b u ry

Neck, has a very in te llig en t dqg. E very, m orning the dog goes. o u t. to m eet th e m ail wagon, and In stead of C arrie r P u llen placing th e ie tte rs ; 'an d p apers In the m ail box h e p laces them in tho dog’a m outh . T&e’ an im al im­m ediately, se ts off on a ru n -for th e bouse w ith hla m aster 's m all, v The dog. seem s pleased w ith his position aa le t te r c arrie r. ' , \

Mexican Rcmcmbert American FriendF red erick Truox, of F reehold , haB

■been presented--w ith a handsom e Mex- Ican '.saddle and accom panying outflt, w hich includes a com plete Buit of bucksk in and som brero. I t Is th e g ift ot S eno r V ales, of Morldd, Moxlco, w hose son w as a t th e m ilitary school In th a t p la c e 'la s t year.

. $ ^ t e r S till Leaking, Taps Cut O lf .In lieu of w a te r leakage abou t tojvn,

tlio responsib ility fo r w hich ' seomB h a rd ’ to ; p lace, th e AssoclaVion. bae ordered a ll tap s cuti,oft th a t a re n o t

There is a Tidein tlia affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads, on to fortune. The fickle goddess who brings it to your door only knocks once, and half the time you are out when she calls. She is making her offering to ‘you this week in Pianos and Organs, and you can save money by purchasing now.

A Sp ecial Stu d y in Piano Econom ics

l \ B f t l U B Y u p r ig h t In w a ln u t case , u sed th reo m o n th s . A n e x p o rt co u ld n o t d is t in g u is h in g th is p iano from a new one ju s t o u t o f th e fa c to ry . . . . . .. . . .$165

fVN E M C K S O N u p r ig h t In b u rl w a ln u t ease , th e b eau ­tifu l a ty le know n a s 31, w o rth new $357 i u sed a b o u t o n e m o n th . -When w ords a re d e ed s ,; w h e n . Action is fac t, w hen c re d it is c ash , you m a y b e ab le to g e t as

- go o d a p ian o fo r a s litt le m oney os th is , o n ly . ■ S2G O

f t B B B W & T B iB i u p r lg h t ln d a rk m a h o g a n y case , per-; feo tly new , a sam p le p iano , w hich w ou ld bo c h eap at" S76 m o re th a n wo ask , w h ich is o n ly . . . . . . S173

f t G R O V E 8 T E I I N sq u a re In go o d co n d itio n . . . S 2 5 .

Are You Superstitious ?

. Some folks will tell yon .' | that.it is unlucky to fall over­

board on Monday, or‘take hold of a buzz saw in motion on, Tuesday,.or shoot yourself.on Wednesday, or fall downstairs on Thursday, or sit-down at a table with thirteen and only food enough for ten on Friday, etc. We know it is quite as unlucky to allow such bar­

gains as the above to be within your reach and yet al­low some one else to pluck the bargain plum ! s A t least call and examine them, for more piano at less . money never was offered. _ *...

R. A* TUSTING.Mattison Avenue and Bond St.

Asbury Park, N. J.

\ :

Bank H«n, Sentenced, Will App«alJ . W. N ew bury and R udolph New­

m an, tlio p res id en t and c ash ie r o t th e M ercantile Co-operative bank, o f Red B ank, w ere sen teuced a t 'F re e h o ld on T uesday jafternoon. N ew bury w as sen tenced to pay a fine of $1,000 and to be im p riso n e d .in S ta te p r is o n .a t h ard lab o r fo r th re e y e i r s an d ' six . m onths., N ew m an . w as sen tenced to pay a fine of $500., B oth cases a re to be appealed . .

Letter, Lately .Delivered, Bore Poetical, Address . V .

T h e ’o th e r day a le tte r w e received a t th e A tlan tic H ighlands'- poBtofllce bearing th is novel, a d d re ss :? j-,;,v ■': “H Jilo; U n c le . Sam ! I’m aa lig h t as a rag , so give m e rid e In y ou r'o ld :m a il bag; . New Jerso y Is the end of -my.

:ro u te ; A tlan tic H igh lands, p lease le t m e o u t; M iss F rancos H ayden is w ait­ing fo r m e th e re ; H ere ’s m y [s tam p ],, hand le w ith 'c a re ." ■ ■■' '

OUR G R O C E R Y T A L K. . Demonstrations are over for the present, but the goods demonstrated during the sum­mer are carried in stock. Yon can. get them when needed.

Just now our bargain, coun­ter is being furnished with new goods at very low prices.- There are fruits at from jo to 13 cents, fully worth a half more, and vegetables' equally cheap. No "slops” in any of them. M y guarantee goes with everything— if it ia - not as represented bring it back..

Remember that excellent coffee at 20 cents? ► Just bought another big lot, almost a- ton, so as to have it same quality. .

L. van Gilluwi CtHired Avenue and O/m S/.

Ocean Grove

STENOGRAPHYOIqbs now forming. A nv etudout of o rd i­

nary ab ility guam ntoed to be ftblo to wrlto onoliupdrocl wi>ril«tt m \nu to n t tho oxplm - tlon of »lx woekn. Day olasflcs overy d»y ox- coptSatw rday. Height clutwes Mondny, Tucs* d ay and Thursday ovonlaga. P rice for course commonolhg October 15, 825. F or fu rth e r par- :tlcu laraapp ly U>; ' .?•-: h C:- •---


i l v 1 i ■/>

GoodPlumbing ?

I want a chance to figure on your plumbing jobs, no matter how big-nor how little. If I ain given a chance to figure, ' nine times out of ten I get the job. That is because my price meets yours. Although I am reasonable in my • charges— ’ something unusual, perhaps"," with plumbers— my work is ; never slighted. ; ,?. v :

A plum ber can m aite or m ar your •' -j;comfort—easleat th ing in tho world If an y fau lt lollowa ray . work I am open to conviction and accessible for quick repairs. ’’J

M y place of • business is on Pilgrim Pathway,‘No. 45— and I am depending upon the pu1> lie to keep my name above the door. I could not do a botch job if I would, nor would riot do that kind if I could. I take pride in what I da Therefore - I do it well to please myself aud satisfy i\iy.patrons.

What kind of a. mechanic am -- .- . .. I ? Ask T. J; Preston, of .the Association; ask E . N. W ool-4 ston, the real estate man John H . Em ory;. ask .Grocer* ' . Van Gilluwe. Ask a n y o n e ^ ' of a dozen other' p r o m in e n t ; people of Ocean Grove' for • whom I have executed con* tracts. . . ; :.•-.'

WUUo I d'oothor woric plumbing Is 4'my Bpeclalty, I havo mado' It a ,HGiontlllo study.

Andrew T. Van CleveThe People’s P o p u la r P lum ber

P . F . D O D D {■'

Justice of the PeaceC om m lsslo n o r o f D opds ’

^No. ,47 South Main Stroet; Opp. Ocean Orove G atea: , ;

; . '^bu iT r Parle New Jerjey,





CojiyriQhU IMS. bi; T. C. McClure JTlio tra in stopped w ith a ;'Jo lt, n u d .

tho passengers ’thronged out, filling th e s ta tion w ith bustle nnd confusion.

' Obatterton, who w as on hie w ay to . H a lifa x ,.w as looking idly o u t o f th e ,

sm oker window, w hen suddenly there '• passed across Uis range o f vision a cer-

' ta in well cut profile w hich he knew• coujd, belong to only one w om an, in tlie

world. W ithout nn In stan t's hesitation he picked up his h a t and left the' car, c learing the steps J u s t . as the tra in s ta rted heavily forw ard . ■ -

The email station w as crowded w ith : people, and C hatterton looked some

tim e fo r the lady of the proQle before be espied her s ittin g quietly In ono co r­ner of the dingy w aiting room.

She had throw n open her coat and Was leaning back against the w all w ith closed eyes, evidently prepared to w a it some time. C hatterton seated him self In the opposite corner of the room and, d raw ing out a paper,^protended to read th e w hile he w atched her furtively.. .People passed and repassed betw een

them . The nolso and confusion ebbed and flowed, os tra in a f te r tra in cam e in an 3 departed.

T hen all a t once a lull came. Sllcnce reigned on the p latform , and C hatter­ton suddenly realized th a t bo, and the lady.'w ere alone In the w aiting room. H e rose and w ent ou t abruptly , and as he passed through the door he stopped for a m om ent before a timo tab le tlia t hung ( beside it, one name h a rin g

/c a u g h t his eye.“Aytwin/* be m uttered. “O f course

: going home for the de-ar* old people’s, anniversary dinner. H ow ,could I have

fo rg o tten ‘ it? I d o n 't believe she ever traveled alone before, nnd lt*s n whole h o u r to w a it >Jo this fiole. D on't I know the , long, , in term inable dragging on of the minutes, don’t I knov^-oh, b u t i t did not seem long la st year w h e n 'w e w aited here togethert". H e passed out on to the deserted, p la tform and, lighting ii cigar, smoked furiously while he paced up and clown, revolving many th ings hi bis mind.• A t last, throw ing back his bend w ith a*sudden resolution, he tossed aside his

• c igar ahd re-entered the w aiting room.. A s- th e /d o o r closed behind him the

girl In the corner opened her‘eyes, and jfy /su d d e i/ wuvo of color touched her

l' cheeks. Pier cool, grtty eyes rognrded , his steadily for a moment, tlien slie

tu rned h e r. fnee slowly from him . B ut ,,, th e m an, lifting his hut, advanced r~ quickly....

“M argaret,” ho (uied as he stood be*: fore .her, “I w nnt to ta lk to you.” H er

baflUng gray eyes m et his w ith no tra ce of em b arrassm en t

"1 know of noth ing you can have to say to me. You w ere very explicit.

- N othing of Importance w as om itted, but if som ething else bus occurred to you you^have my law yer's address and

- ca n com m u n icate w ith h im .’ *H e-m ade no answ er fo r a m oment,

then he suld abruptly :“You. are going home fo r tbe ann i­

versary dinner tom orrow. I can ju s t see tbo table binding w ith lights and flowers, tbe dear old p a te r beam ing w ith pride and the little m other all so ft smiles and tender happiness. To­morrow will bo the llrs t tlm e.thero has

.over been on em pty pluce at*the ann i­versary dinner. I am afra id the little m other will not like th a t. Sho has al-'

.w ays had p erfec t fa ith in h e r sons-In- law.” ;

' ’ " I t 1b easy to deceive old people," she /■Interrupted, “particu larly such dear, /g u ile le ss , tru s tfu l old people as they..

Will you kindly leave me? U nder ex­is ting circum stances no gentlem an

• should h a w to be rem inded th a t lie .has renqiincpd his righ t to inflict h is com­p any upon his—the w om an”—' ’ •

• / “H is w ife /’ lie finished gently* “W hy /h e s ita te ? Is the word so hntefu l to

you? ' A separation is no t a divorce,1 ( you know. I don 't w a n t to force my­

self upon you, M arg are t B ut I cn'nnot get the little m other out o f my mind.

• Do they know a t home of ou r trouble?”- The g irl w as silen t for a m oment, then she faced, him suddenly, h e r eyes

v. blazing. „“No," she cried; “ they, d o n 't . You

a re not tho only one who loves them !' Ypyx have been the cause o f m y doing

m uch th a t I regret, and .now you are m aking me do the one th in g I have al-

. w ays Iqathed w ith nil niy . soul, . Ypu have forced me to lie to them fo r the first tim e.In my life! I lmve told them

‘ fio^hlng yet of the truth.' In my letters . I h a v f alw ays added your love and

such messnges as you ^ised to send. They expect vou tonight. 1 shall te l l ' them th a t ju s t as w e w ere s ta r tin g an

. ,u rg en t telegram cnme from th e Hall*• fa x branch dem anding your Im m ediate

/ presence. Oh, I shall get through! Ihave had my schooling.” T he la st

'.w o rd s w ere ra th e r faint, b u t she threw back her head and added a lm ost fierce-

; . ly, “And It w ill not'lie. acting to show /;*. them how happy I am!”[ ' / He did not toll her t h a t her face, her

^vdice, h e r very a ttitude , belled her w ords, fo r som ething w as teaching h im ’

v .wisdom .’ Instead he answ ered gen tly :•; “ i t ;w il l . bd. impossible to deceive the.

little m other. W hen those c lear blue ./ eyes look'Into yours and ljoi* so ft voice :’•>, nsks,1 ‘W hy,' Jlm lda,' w here’s o u r Ted-

all lies vrlll shrivel up and die; You will linvp to tell her everything,

’ .a n d tiia t will in.c^in th a t a ll joy w ill go• riot only out o f the. ann iversary dinner,,

b u t ou t o f her life.. You know how she regards such things. M arg are t, don’t you t^ ln lc .tlia t fo r h e r pake and th e pa-

- .to r’s I. had b e tte r go dow n .with yoii• :Just for the d inner? I. can m ake my

- excuses and leave on the'*' m idnight /tr a in ;to m o rro w . I shall not trpnble

you, believe me. They m ust not be u lowed to suspect anything, bu t when w e nre alone we shall be a s strangers.I shall not even ta lk to you if you do not w ish It, Thero Is plenty of tlrne^ fo r you to decide. I am asking nothing for myself—I know th a t tlia t Is fruit*, less—b u t I am pleading fo r tho little m other and the puter,” ‘ »■

H e tu rned as he flnlshed spealdng. and le ft h e r alone.

I t seemed scarcely live m inutes be­fore sho heard his voice again- “Tlie Ay 1 win tra in Is coming,” ho said. “Shair-I ge t a ticket?” * y

“Yes,” she answ ered simply.The cars w ere crowded, b u t bo found

a s e a t arid, p u tting her in i t w ith the old a ir o f . proprietorship th a t had a lj w ays been so sweet to her, bo seated him self beside her in silence.

T he tra in ra ttled on, and as they sat so’ n ear together, y e t so very f a r apart, the thoughts of each tu rn ed to the la st tim e they had tra w le d th a t road to­gether, on the ir first v isit home a fte r th e ir honeymoon.

How happy they had been then! H ow happy they m ight have been now If only th a t little r if t w ith in the lute—*

Through tho mind of each the sam e questions rang—had there been ju s t and sufficient cause? A little patience, n little forbearance, a Uttle sacrificing of p ride a t tho beginning— . . «/

C hatterton looked down a t th e slight figure beside him. They would no t be able to deceive the little m other a fte r all. H appy? W ith th e old spark le nil gone from her eyes; and' those p a th e tic : little ' lines abou t her m outh! A nd be had sworn to love her, to cherish her and pro tect her through good and ill till death sh o u ld -p a rt them . In s tinc­tiv e ly ' his band closed oyer h e rs ' a s i t lay listlessly on the sent ^beside him.

A t the touch of his fingers she turned,; and som ething shone in her eyes a s sb e | drew closer to him. •' '

“D ear,” she Bald softly, “I ’m so lone­ly, so tired and so sorry. Will you”—

H is firm clasp of the hand tightened as tbe conductor th rew open the door and shouted, “Aylwln next; s tation!”

“H ush,” h e w hispered, “i t w as all my fau lt, little girl.. I have been a b ru te /b u t a ll the rest of m y life/1 shall make, atonem ent, fo r w e’ll s ta r t all. over again, and—wo won’t ]have to act a lie to tlie little m other, w ill we, M adda?” : /.-. V: v ■'/’/ / V'.'

And, though sho answ ered no th ing in w ords, each understood and w as hap ­py. • - . . . • -7h : / / / ; >; V - >

No W in d fa ll* - F o r n im , / : / “W hen I read of folks finding b a n k ­

notes stuffed In old ‘sofa pillows and ' pinbushions,” said a w est side dealer in secondhand iiousehold fu rn itu re to /a New York Times m an, “I t / ju s t m akes me ready to cry. H a lf the Btories p rin t­ed about such finds I don’t beliievo, I ’vii been In th is business th irty-one years righ t here in, little old Now York. I 'v e m udo.it n point of ga thering in all so rts of odds and ends from old c ranks t h a t l .thouglA. would be-likely to hide mon­ey. I ’ve never le ft unytliiug like a pil­low or a - th in g w here money coiild be hidden in hny lot I bought o u tr ig h t a l­though I’ve had to brave ranny a p iti­fu l appeal fo r fa th e r 's tobncoo box and m other’s/ sowing b u sk e t I nevc4 let any piece of fu rn itu re go ou t of liere again ufitil I have been through i t my-/ self. W ife and I have pulled h a ir s tu ff­ing put of th ings and p u t i t back again when w e could have saved ourselves trouble and, money by le tting the stuff go ou t fo r sale w ithou t I t F in d ’ any-,

^ l n g ? Not a c e n t Once I found an old book hidden in a m attress th a t w as bought from a ^voman who died. I took i t to a bookseller, w ho said i t w as not w orth my car fore. No, s i r ; 'th o only w ay to get m oney ln th is business, like any other, Is to w ork for i t a n d not expect to find I t ” , -

I la in B ro u g h t No O rders.Philip D. Arm our one day received a

very long le tte r from an a g en t lu re­gard to,conditions of trad e In tlie coun­try thrdugh which he w as traveling. Page a fte r page w as devoted to telling his em ployer th a t tlie w eathe r and un­certa in crop conditions w ero responsi­ble for tlie m eager orders.-and not a lack o f energy or perseverance on his own p a r t R ain w as heeded In th a t section. W ith the first dow npour hope would en te r ln to : the despondent com­m unity, and nn order com m ensurate w ith the benefits g ran ted to n parched/ earth could be expected. R ain s a tu ra t­ed the earth , lengthy, le tte rs continued to arrive, b u t no ordersJ , .. “H ow about orders?” w rote the m er­chant, who w as w eary o f footing; non­productive expensive a c c o u n ts ^ and re^xllng long le tters. • “W rite an d le t me know ln the few est possible w ords w h a t m erchants say now th a t they havo ra in .”

By re tu rn mall tho fam ous m erchan t received a le tte r w hich told him in a few w ords the recoptlon accorded the agen t in tbe npwly drenched te rrito ry , “D ry up, ohl m a n /d ry up."

S fa n n e ra lU jik e th ih e M an .T h a t w e a rc a rushing, busy people

is no excuse for lack of “m anuers.” I t Is Ju st as easy to be polite a s Impo­lite and takes no more tim e. - *

Bad nationul m anners aro th e re su lt of bad tra in ing , or en tire lack o f It, a t home. I f the w ife and m other would be very carefu l abou t her ow n deport­m e n t children would lenrp by exam ple —the orily .truc '-w ny to lenrn. Good m anners nre tlio resu lt of tho .refiulng influences o f.hom o life nnd can n o t bo acquired w ithout p ractice ln th is w ay. C ulture cannot bo sim ulated o r p u t on for oc9asions. / v .

Samuel. Johnson aays, “T he difference* betw een a well bred arid ill bred m an 1b th is—one Im m ediately a t tra c ts your liking, th e .o th e r your aversion.”

M anners certain ly cover 41 m u ltitude of o ther ^ins. A m an m ay be poor, homely, too sm all or too large, b u t ' i f he is inna te ly refined—for tru e m an­ners a re inbred—ho will a lw ays at*, t r a c t . T his is equally tru e o f )both sexes. I t is cuUure thaK inhketh m ann­er w om an.—A m erican Q ueoii.' ; ’

KINGBIRD AND ORIOLE.T be Diffcrenet* In th e Qlriln Shown

by T h « ir Nest D nild lnnThe difference In ihe na tu re o f tbo

kingbird and oriole Is s trik ing ly exhib­ited In the sty le of the ir nests. The kingbird hasn’t a partic le of im agina-' tlon, not an atom o f the a rtis tic . HIe shape, dress and voice declare i t ; l ie is h a rd headed, s tra igh tfo rw ard , an d se­rious, shinew h a t overbearing, perhaps, and testy, b u t businesslike and refined in all h is tastes. H is uost is blm self over agaln^rstroug, plain, adequate, but, like’ Its builder,, refined. ' C ontrast tlie' oriole’s. .Romance, poetry nnd th a t in ­describable touch—tlio 'light, easy, negli. gen t touch of tho artlst^-ln every line of it! WTiy, the - th ing w as actually w oven of new mown hay— is. if one should build his house of saddalw ood— w itb all th e /s c e n t o f the hay field about i t I put. my nose near;a iid took a deep, delicious breath. T he b ird s lipd selected and cut the gras's them selves and worked It in w hile green. Som e of It wad still uncured, still so ft and-sweet w ith sap. One side, exposed to the sun through a leaf r i f t had gone a golden yellow, b u t tbe o ther side, deeply shad ­ed the day through, w as y e t green and m aking more slowly under the leaves. And th is nest w as woven, not b u ilt up . like the k ingbird’s; i t w as hung, hot saddled upon the limb, suspended • from the slenderest of forks so th a t every little breeze would rock t t And so loosely woven, bo deftly , s lightly tie d l— R atio n a l M agazine. . . ‘

W om en on- th e Sta0 «.An ottempfr w as m ade a t B lackfrlars

th ea ter ln 1620 to Introduce F rench wom en on the stage, bu t w ithou t suc­cess, and the appearance o f Mrs. Cole­m an :ih p a v en a n t's “S iege ; d f Rhodes” In 1G5(1 Was of a private character. *

O n/D ec. 8, lGGO, an' actress, ’“whose nam e In not certainly known,- took the p a rt of- D esdemona a t IO U IgreV s thea- te re In ■ Vere- ^ treet, w hen a /*prologue to introduce the first y o m a n ” w as w rit­ten, by Jo rdan . f:./' -;;;:'; / / / /-7’;/f//,-.;;/:: -

L e tte rs ■ patent.*1 w ere g ran ted by Charles I I M dated Jan . 1G, 10(32, to Sir W illiam , D avenaht, and these'V recited

'th a t w hereas women’s pa rts had fo r­m erly befen talcen by men, to- remedy th is ab u so .it w as now “ perm itted and leave given” th a t all wom en’s pa rts then, nnd for th e .tim e to com o,'should be perform ed by women. •

In Popys’. Dlnryi under da te o f Jan . 8, 1000, we find th e record, “To- tlie thea ter, w here w as acted' ^Beggars’- D ash,’ It being well dono, nnd here tlie first tim e th a t ever I saw wom en come upon tho stage'.”—London S tandard .

Illtnk inK Eye*.I f you find yourself blinking your

eyes rapidly w ithou t aiiy cause stop th e hab it a t once or i t ■will grow In to ; an Incurnble hnblt th n t will m ake your eyesight fall early In life. N atu ra l blinking is necessary to : clear and

.m oisten the eyo. Tho average num ber; of n a tu ra l blinks is abou t tvvonty .p er ralnuto. B ut a nervous , b lin k e r‘ will wftik 100 tim es ln a. m inute. T he re­su lt of this will bo an excessive de­velopm ent of tho eyelid muscles. I t also Involves a w counter Irritation , w hich acts on th e optic nerve and ron­del's the s ig h t'd a ily m ore w eak and Ir­rita b le ./ Once con tract th is h a b it and you w ill find .you Cannot bear-a strong light, o r rend smaII -types, arid th e eyes will g e t w orse and worse. The sym p­tom s m ay ind ica te a need o f spectacles.

, n o w L ong M oHqnltoea/LIvo.I t is no t know n ju s t h o w 'lo n g mos­

quitoes can livtf, b u t the ir average life Is much lo n g e r 'th an is ordhm rlly sup% posed. Thousands of them live through w inter, h iberna ting or asleep in dark p laces in b a rn s or house cellars. : In sparsely settled localities, w here they cannot find 'such piuoes fo r shelter, they live th rough the w in te r in hollow trees, in caves and liojes under u p tu rn ­ed trees, arid even though the tem pera- tu re may .fall fa r below freezing they

•are n o t w in te r killed, b u t on th e ap­proach of w arm w eather become active again.. M osquitoes a re frequently: seen’ flying abou t .in the woods before the sn o w jias wholly le ft th e ground.—W1I-. lam Lym an Underwood in P o p u la r Sci­ence M onthly. i ".,

T u rn e d th e T able*.An Irishm an w as called on to give

evidence in a shooting affray, ?‘Dld you see the shot fired?’? asked the m ag­istra te .

“No,” replied tho w itness, “b u t I heard i t ”. M agistra te (sharply)—T h a t is no t sa t­isfactory. Go down.

As th e Irishm an tu rned his back lie commenced to lau g h ,'b u t w as rebuked by tbe m agistra te, w ho added th a t i t w as contempt" of c o u r t ;

l^nt—Did you see me laugh?M agistra te—No. I heard y o ttP a t—T hat’s h o t satisfactory .And the court-laughed.

S a v a jje R e v e n u e o f a G y p sy B a n d .A* young H ungarian gypsy w ho had

betrayed his p a rty to the au thorities a f te r a robbery begget^ th e m agistra tes a t M agyar E gres for protection, os his com panions threatened >to kill him . The mnn w as given shelter, bu t th e room w as found em pty on th e following day.

p ven tun lly his body w as discovered in /a field. Tho eyes had been burned o u t th e tonjfue excised and the man hanged by the feet oii tw o acacia trees. T he body had been cloven ih two.

W e ll C o n n e c te d .V isitor—I i'car I m ust ■ confjratnlnte

you on the engngenfcnt of your son. W hnt on extrem cb 1 nice looking girl elm tsl

Nolonger B row n—Yos, nnd so well coijnected too. In fact, I 've bpon to ld th a t her ancestors w ere relations o t the Spanish an n ad n . .

A f to r i raan passes fifty be Dndu ttm t b l i hopes, have to be JacUefl iip and re- pnlnted tw lcp as often us ton years be- fore.—Atclilson Globy..

S H E R IF F 'S SALE—By v irtu e of a w hit of a. fa. to mo directed , issued o u t of th a C ourt of C hancery of the

S ta te of New Jersey , w ill.b e exposed to salo a t public vendue, OK MON- DAY. T H E 5tb DAY p F OCTOBER, 1903, betw een tho iio u rs .o f 12 o’clock and 5 o 'clock (a t 2 o ’c lock), in - the afternoon of said day, a t th e Court H ouse, Freehold, in tho tow nsh ip of Freehold , county of M onm outh, New Jersey , all the following t ra c t o r p a r­cel t'f land .and p rem ises here in a fte r p a rticu la rly described, s itu a te , lying, and being- in the tow nship of N eptune, In th e county ot M onm outh and S taU of New Jersey , n e a r A sbury P a rk , anil w hich on a m ap o r p lan of lotB. tnade by Jam es P. A llaire, su rveyor for M ary E. Lord,' ia know n and desig­n a ted a s lo t num ber te n (10). Bozin- n ing a l a p o in t in tb e sou therly lin e of Garfield avenue, d is ta n t one hundred and flfty-four fe e t w este rly from tho sou thw est corner -.if Garfiold and P ros­pect avenuea, w hich said co rn e r is the n o rth ea ste r ly co rner o f C harles T il­to n 's lo t; ‘.honce ru n n in g 1 s t ' sou ther­ly, a t r ig h t ang les w ith Garflel'd av e ­n ue one hundred and seven teen fee t to :a 's ta k e ; th .eace '2n d w esterly , p a ra l­le l w ith Garfleld avenue fo r ty fe e t ft; a s tak e ; th e n c e -3rd n o rthe rly , agate a t r ig h t ang les %vith G arileld avenue on;; hundred anil seven teen fe e t fo a s tak e in th e sou therly lin e of Garfield avcjii:o; thenco i th eas te rly , a long the sou therly side o f G arfleld avenue forty fe e t to th e point' o r p lace o f beginning. B eing th o sam e p rem ises ■ conveyed to tho said B y ro n V an g en sch o ten by tw o c e r ta in sieeds, ono from G eorge H. i o r d , execu to r of M ary E . .Lord, de­ceased ; and oijr, from - C laririda, B room e; each bearing, d a te t i e n in th day of M arch, eighteen: h undred s a d n inety -fire . ■

Seized; as th e p ro p erty o f L ydia A. Y anB enschoten , e t a ls ,..tak en in eso* cu tlon a t th e su it o f E lizabeth C. B ergen a n d ,to be so ld .b y

; O. C. BOGARDU3, ShertfJ.3. A. P a tte rso n , Sol’r.D ated Aug. 29, 1803. *9.00.

Notice of Special Borough Election

N otice ia hereby given th a t a spe­cial election of th e votors c.f th e Bor­ough of Avon-by-the-Sea; w ill be held lo sa id B orough/ a t th o fire : eng ine house of-A ctive F ire Com pany, No. 1, on th e F o u rteen th day of O ctober, 1903.. i

T h a t th « polls fo r th e conducting of said election isha.ll be opened a t h ix o 'clock ;a the-- m ora ing of Baid day and con tinued opoa untU seven o ’clock in th e evening,- w ith th e iixccptlon of an ia te ftn lss lo n o t one hour, from one o 'c lock p. m. to tw o o ’cloci; !?. n :.

T h a t th e purpose' and ob jec t o f hold­in g sa id e lection is to de te rm ine fo r or ag a in s t the- question- of issu ing bonds of said B orough to th e iim ount th irty -av c thuusond d o lla rs , ' ap'por- tio n ed ae follows; F o r the, paym ent of th o c o st o l co n stru c tin g and e s ta b ­lish ing a sy stem of w a te r w orks and a p la n t fo r th e supply of w a te r fo r do­m estic and public uses: in Bold bor­ough, th e Bum of th irty -fou r tbousand dollars, fo r-th e paym ent-cf th e co st of ncau lring land o r a rig h t ' of - w ay ■therein in sa id B orough, fo r th o cos s tru c tlo n and e stab lish in g of said wate;- system and p lan t, .'the su tr of ono thousand dollars, according to tho p lana and specifications th o re fo r m ade by H alsey & Logan, Civil E ng i­neers. and now'On: file In th e ofilce ol th e C lerk of sa id B orough, ana- ac­cording t o ‘ th e resolu tion . of Council of - Bald Borough,, dated an d adopted A ugust 3rd.-1803. "

'D ated Septem ber 11, 190S,■ y H . E . STANTON. -

19-26-3-10 Borough C lerk.

Notice of Special Borough Election

N otice is hereby g iv en ..th a t a spe­cie! election of th e vot -ra of th e Bor­ough of Avon-by-the-Sea will be huld ir sa id Borough, a t the d re engine house of A ctive F lro Com pany, N o 1, o n th e fifteenth day of O ctober, 3903.

T h a t tbe-po lls fo r th^ conducting of said election shall be opened a t fiix o 'clock in th e m orning of said day and continue open u n til seven o’clock in th e 1 evening, v?ith th e exception of an ih term is^ion of one hour, from one o’clock p. tn. to tw o o 'clock p. m.

T h a t the .pu rpose and ob jec t of hold-- -ing saiii e lectjon la to dete rm ine fo r o r ag a in s t th e question of issu ing bdndn. .n. said Borough to tho am ount of th irty-one thousand -dollars, appor­tioned as folIowS: F o r th e paym entot the cost of fconstructlng and e s tab ­lishing a sew erage system and p lan t fo r th e operation and m ain tenance th e re fo r 'In said Borough, tlio . sum of th ir ty thousand do lla rs; fo r ttie 'p ay - m en t of th e cost o f a cqu iring land o r ; a r ig h t of w ay th e re in In . . sa id Bor- uogh, fo r th e construction and ostab- lish in g ot said sew er p la n t and sys­tem , th e sum of ono thousand dollars, acco rd iag to th e . p lans an d SBeo.ifica- tions th e re fo r m ade "by H alsoy & Lo­gan, Oivil EnglDeeri-, and no?; on flle in tb e ofilco .of th e C lerk of sa id Bor­ough. and according to th e resolu tion

,o{ Council of said Dorough da ted p.nd adop ted A ugust 3rd. 1903.'

D ated Septem ber 11, 1903.H. E . STANTON,

19-26-3-10 . Borough Clerk.

■Oppoeito U. S. P a tan t Oftl W ASHINGTON, O. C.

QEORGE M. B iEN N EtrV ... . .,


No: (16 Hcck Avenue, OCEAN QROVB, N. J,

Reading System 1N iw J in iy Oimtral

A o O irtc lt* ( o i l Or<s B id t u lT t iy , U n u r- la( CleanU neM « s d (om fo rL

Corrootod to Ju n o Z$, isos. .F or N ew York, v ia a li-ra il rou te , HO a.

a)., (T hu i-w aya ouly) 8.16, (7.00, 7.80 Now ro r k oiily) N ew ark only) s.<», 10.6* R- m., 3203. 2.10, 4.00, 7.CG a. ru.(trcw. ijitorlaJion s ta tio n ) t - t 7.85 r . m., « .« , 8-SSp. m.

P o r '.or!r. v ia B andy -H ook Route... S.S0, 7.10. M S & m., M.OJ. LB3, *.4», t.'-t v

ra. Bmifloy* (ft-wa IntorlaSton; a t 10/ .iR. Ir: , 3, 25, 6.46, 8.03 D.

F ct N ow ark 3r.a EIla.t)Ottl, 5.1S, T.M, B.00,10.66 *. m ., 12.02, J J 0, 4.00, 7.05 p. m. Sun­d ay s {from In te rlak o n fltatio-nj 7.fi- a. m ., 4.IS, 1J.S3 p. m. .

P o r P h ilad e lp h ia ruad T ren to n , v ia BlJjat-1 boU iport, 5.35, 20.55 a. m .; 12.03, 4.00 p . tn. Bun d ay s (tra m In te r la k e n s ta tio n ) 7.6*a . m ., 4.13 p . m.

F o r B altim o re an d 'WaaWng-ton T.RE o» ni., f.OO p. sx;. B undays (from In tcrlaU on ntc~ Uon) 7.8S a . in;, 4.1S j. pi.

P o r Bftatc;,, Bct&ftftrcn, A llen tow n a.n.1 M nuohiC htm k, <!.16 ( t s B aaton on iy ), 7 .aa . c j., 12.03, 4.00 (to BMto® oniy) - rr_ Jur.days ! £rom Jn to rlokon s ta tion ),

a m ., 4,18 p. m.F o r W lilteobftrrR and S cran ton , T.82 a. m. F o r BuJXelo a n d C liica ro , v ia D. i ,, V/.

B. R., 7.K a . m.W . BESlwffiK, V . P r*a. an d G en. ‘

C. M. BURT, dan. Pasa. A c t

S H E R IF F ’S SALE.—By v irtu e o f a w rit o f 11. fa . to m e directed . Is­

sued o u t of th e C ourt 0f C hancery of th e . S ta te of N ew Jersey , w ill be ex­posed t o sa le a t public vendue, -on MONDAY, T H E 19th DAY O F OCTO-, UER, 1903, between, th e - hou rs of 12 .o’clock End 6 o 'clock, ( a t 2 o’clock) in th e afte rnoon of sa id day, a t- tE e C ourt H ouse, F reeho ld , In th e tow n­sh ip o f Freehold, C ounty o f : Mon­m outh , New Jersey , a ll t h a t t r a c t o r parcel of lan d and p rem ises, ie re te -. a f te r p a rticu la rly described , s itu a te , ly ing and b e in g 'In -the B orough ; o f B rad ley B each, In. th e tow nsh ip of N ep tuns, in th e C ounty o f M onmouth and S ta te of New Jersey ., know n and designa ted a s lo ts num bered fifty and fifty-one oi! a c e r ta in m ap of Ocean Par!-: (now B rad ley B each) m ade by C. L ip fo ri and lithographed by Wii- lleni A. K ipp, bounded a ad described as follows;. B eginning (1) a t a s tak e in th e n o rth e a s t co rn e r of Newarir avenue and C entral avenue as laid down on sa id m ap ; thenco along the.' edge of C en tra l avenue n o rth one h u n ­dred fe e t ; '. th e n c e (2 ) e a s t sixty-Blx fac t and ' s ig h t In ch es;. ' thence (3) sou th one hundred fee t to the edge of N ew ark avenue; th en ce (4) along the edge of N ow ark avenue sixty-six fe e t and e ig h t Inches to th o piaco of begin- .nlng.

Being th e sa in t p rem ises conveyed to t l je s a id M a r th a s , B ickertou by W il­liam B. B ra 'dner an d M ary/ H . B raBner, h is w lfei by deed b ea rin g ; d a te 'th e sev en tee n th ' day , of Ju ly , .ia tb e y a r one; thousand eigh t h undred an d elch- ty-two, and recqrded In ,the M onm outh C ounty C lerk’,? ofllee a t F reeh o ld ta Book 350 b£ D eeds, p age SB8, e tc ’- : '4] ■ Seized a s th o p ro p erty o f ^ I a r th a S.' B ickerton , ta k e n ' ln execution a t tho su it of jila rth a A.' H ollis, and to be S0I4 by

- O. C. BOGARDTJS. .Sheriff;E ran it D uranfl, Sol’r.Bate;;, S ep tem ber 11, 1803. >7.20


To C. F ra n k A blm n-and Iva ]t, Ahl­um. h is w ife, and F ra n k Thom pson:

By v irtu e of an, o rd e r of th e C ourt of C hancery of New J e r s e y , . m ade on tb e day of th e da te hereof, ss a caUBO 'w here in K a ta S .' IJearce is' com plain­an t, and you: a re defendan ts; you,tare requ ired to appear, a n d plead, and de- tn u r 'o r a s s w e r to th e . com plainant’s b ill on, o r beforo ithe s ix teen th day of N ovem ber nex t, or th e s a id bill will bo tak en a s confessed a g a in st you.

'.The sa id b ill is filed to fore­close a m prlgago giveii by you, C. F ra n k A hlum anti Iva R. Ahlum. his wife, to t h o , com plainan t da ted the e leventh day o f Ee.eember, A. D. 1899, on leasehold prom ises in O cean Grove, M onm outh County, N. J., a n d you p. F ran k A hlum a re u a d e defendan t be­cause you hold title to sa id .prem ises an d you Iv a R. Ahlum a re innde de­fen d an t because you a re th e -w ife of said C. F ra n k Ablurn and m ay have som e in te re s t in. Bald . p rem ises r.nd you F ran k Thom pson a re nmdo de ­fen d an t b e cau se ’ you, claim to own said prem ises.

D ated Sept. 16th, 1903FR A N K DURAND.

So licito r C om plainant, P , O ae- dress, A sbury P a rk , N. J . 38-42

S H E R IF F 'S SALE—By v ir tu e of a Writ of fi. fa , to m e d irected , issued

out- o f ' th e C ourt of C hancery of th e S tatS ,o f New Jersey , w ill be exposed to sa le a t pub lic yendue, on MONDAY, T H E 20th DAY O F OCTOBER, 1903, be tw een tho hou rs of 12 o’clock and 5 o’clock, (a t 2 o’c lock), Jn t i e a fte r­noon of said day, a t th e C ourt House. F reehold , in th e iownBhlp of Freehold ,

;Coiinty o f M onmoutb, New Jersey , a ll th a t ce r ta in p lot, ; ieeo o r parcei cl ground known, an d designa ted a s l o t num bered, seven teen bundreo and tw onty-four (1724) on tho som r. side of C lark avenue, bu tho m ap of lo ts of cam p ground of th a Ocean Grove Cam p M eeting A ssociation of tlio M etbbd ist E p iscopal C hurcb, being th e sam e prsmise& dem ised 'aud le t to L u th e r S h a fe r and M ary S hafer by th e sa id Cam p M eeting A ssociation, |>y a ce r ta in in d e n tu re of ieaBO dated 1 th e tw enty-eigh th day of Jan u a ry , ill' tfie y e a r e igh teen hundred and ninety-one.

Seized a s th e p ro p erty o f Xfither Shafer, e t als, ta k e n in executi&ri a t th o su it of A nnie P . Robinsoj), and to bo sold by I ’

O. C. BOGARDDS. Sheriff.J am fe D. C arton. SoVr. / -D ated S ep tem ber 22, 1903. j $5.40

D I 5 B R 0 W ’ 5 )

TOOTH W iS HFor Cleeulns Pnan^rlos Ote

Tiwii and Gum*, Irap*rfi4iia a R*.ftywhlag T<urt* scd tio tiuiMoothi / \

’ Ctanponnfled »»il for eaS» byS . D, WOOiUBV

D ram #}* -4 .7 M ain A v o... . tUiWouth W oln Bt

... Oppoille Oc«cuj>^W« QMe» ■ '

Pennsylvania fi RTH « t t f t n d v d R a i lro a d o t A m tr lo a

On anO n fto r O ctober' G. 1903.TR A IN S ' L E A V E -O CEA N G llO V E -

W EEIC DA.YS,F or N ew ark nnd New York^ 7.20, 8,17,.

11.20 a. m ., 2-20 anil 5.37 ]>. .m. "F o r E lizabeth ,1 9.20 a. m ., 2.20 and 5.37 p.

rn.F o r H alnvay, 9.20. a. m .fc 2.20 and 5.37 p. m . - F o r M ataw an , 9.20 a. m „ 2.20 and/G.37 p, ''• m.F o r L o n s B ranch , 6.53, 7.20, 8.20, 9.20,10.23, ' ,10.13, 11.05, 11.35 a. m ., 2,20, 2.54, 5,32r5.37,. • 0.32, 7.-10 p. m.

F o r Red B ank, 7.20, 8.17, 9.20 a. m ., 2.20- and 5.37 p. m . . ,

F o r P h iladelph ia , B road St., and Tron­ton, 7.25, 7.62 a. m ., 1.47, 3.57 and 5.28 p. m. .

F o r Canidon, v ia T ron ton and B otden- tow n, 7.25, 7.52 a, m., 1147, , 3.57 an d6.28 p .m . , ■

F o r Camdom and P h iladelph ia , v ia Tom a R iver, 0.59 a. m ., 2,30 and 5.33 p. m. . •

F o r Toms Rlvo«y is la n d H olghta an d In­te rm ed ia te , s ta tio n s , C.59 a. m ., 2.30, and '0.33 p.'. m.

F o r P o in t P le a sa n t an d In te rm ed ia te s ta ­tions, G.09, 10.51 a . m .,-2,25. 2.30, 5.10, 5.33,. '

. C.02, G.45 p.-m . * 'F o r . New B runsw ick , E liza b e th , N ew ark

and N ew Y ork, v ia M onm outh Ju n c­tion, f ©2 a. m ., 3.57 and 5.28 p. m.


F rom W est T w en ty -th ird S tro e t S ta tio n ,8.55 a rm ., 12.10, 3.25, 4.10,\4.G5 p. m. • Sun­

d a y s , 9.25 a. m. /and 4.55 p. m. 'F rom DeBbrosaes . and C ortlan d t S tree ts

S ta tions a t 9.00 a. m ., 12.20, 3.40,, 4.20,5.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.45 a, mV and 5.00 p. -m ... • • . •

On S undays -will s to p a t In to rlak an a n a • A von in p lace of N orth A sbury P a rk an d A sbury P a rk to lot off passengers.


A t 6.58, 8.22 ■ a . ; m ., 12 27, 3.30 • and 4.00 v p.‘ m. w eek-days. Sundays (stop a t In -

. te rlak en fo r A sbury P a rk ) , 8.31 a . m . F reehold onlyj',5.00 p . m . w eok-days. M ark e t S treo t W h a rf , v ia Cam don an d

. T ren ton , 7.1G arid : 10.25 a. m., 2.40. 3.25,■ p. m. 4.2S p. m. (F reehold only), w eek­

days, L eave M ark e t S tre e t W h a rf ,- v ia ' Jam esb u rg , 7.1G a . m ., 3.52 p. m . w eek­days. M ark e t S tree t W h a rf, v ia Setu- side P a rk , 8.00 and 9,12 n. m ,, 4.12 p, m. w eek-days. ’ S undays, 7,30 a. m.W A SHIN G TO N AND T H E SOUTH. •

Septem ber. 15, 1903. .F o r B altim ore and. W ash ing ton , 3.45, *0.85, ’

7.20, 8,82, 10.20, U.23 a . m .,. fl2.36, *113;3.13, 4.4G, 5.23 p. m ., and 11,28 might w eek-days. S undays, 3.45, *6.35, 7.20,*9-12, IL23 a. m., *1.13, 3,13,-4.4(1, 5.25, U.28 . p. m. ; ‘ .

F rom W est P h ilad e lp h ia only,* »1L65 a , m.'v .3.25 (*5.33 “ Congressional L im ited”), •5.55, *6.50, *7.35 p. m,, 12.01 n ig h t, dally .G.15 p. m. w eek-days.

F o r B altim ore , accom m odation, 0.12 a . m .,2.09 and 4,01 p. m . w eek-days. 6.07 p . m , dally.•D ining car,T im e-tables o f a ll o th e r tra in s o f th e

system m ay bo obta ined a t tho tic k e t of­fices o r s ta tions.W. W . A TTE R B U R Y . Gen. M anager.

■ J . R. WOOD, P asa’r T rafllc A gent.GEO. W . BOYD, Gen. P ass. A g e n t....

New York and Long Branch R. R.

T im e-tablo In elTfect. O ctobor G, 1903..}___

S T A T IO N S .IN N E W YORK. ? C en tra l R . R, of N ew Jersoy , foot"X Jbei- .. ty and '.W hite lia ll s tre e ts (South F e rry ) . .

P enn sy lv an ia R . It., f o o i 'W e s t 23rd, . . C o rtlan d t and D esbrosses s tree ts . \ ••New Je rsey S o u th e rn /R a ilw a y , foo t of:

R octo r s tree t . (Sandy H ook routo).L eave N E W YORK for OCEAN GROVE

and ASBURY PARK*. . • V ; F oo t L iberty S tre e t .4,00, 8.30, 11.30 a , m .J ■. 1.30, 3.§3, *1.45, *5.30, G.30, 11.50 p .-m . - F o o t W hitehall S tree t (S ou th F e r ry * e r - ’ .

m lnal) 8.25, 11.25 a . ta., L15, 3.35, *4,35,.!- .5.25,' 6.25, ILlO p. m. ‘ .; ;

F o o t W est 23rd S treo t. 8.55 a . m ;, 12.10, *3.25, 4,10,- 4,55 p. m.

F o o t C o'rtlahdt and D esbrosses S tree ts ,' U.00 a. m ., 12.20; 3.40, 4,20, 5.10 p. m . * *F o o t R ector' Styfcet 10.00 a. m ., 4..30 p. m . .


1.40-(except M ondays) 0.15, 7.00/ 7.20 , 7.30,i7.38, 8.00, 8.17,-9.20 a . m., 12.02, 1.52, 2.10,

. 2.20, 4.W), 5.37,. 7.00 p. m . •:F o r R ed B an k , N ow ark an d /E liz a b e th '

(except M ondays) 1.40, (N ew ark oxcept­ed) G.15, 7.00 (N ew ark and E liza b e th ex -, eepted), 7.20 .(E lizabeth oxcepted), '8.00, •

- 8.17 (N ew ark only), 9.20 a. m., 12.02. 2.10, *2,20, 4.00, 5.37, 7.00 p, m . •

F o r T re n to n and P h ilad e lp h ia v ia P en n a ,. R., R. a n d ‘Sea .G irt, 7.25, 7.52 a . mV, 1.47, '

3.57, 5.28 p. -m.F o r F reeho ld v ia P enna. R . R . and Sea

G irt, 7.52 a. m.,. 1.47, 3.57, 5.28 p. m. .F o r T re n to n and P h ilade lph ia v ia Bound

Brook routo, C.15 a. m^, 12.02, 2.10, 4.00 . p.: in. • •,. . -F o r P h iladelph ia , Cam den and M t. H olly . v ia Sea Sido P a rk , 6.59 a . m .. 2.30, 5.33 •

p . m . ■ ■ ; • v .F o r T om s R iy e r arid In te rm ed ia te s ta ­

tions v ia Bay. H oad, 6.59-a. m „ 2.30, 5.33 p. m . , ‘ . • •

"For B eim ar, S pring L ake and . M ana- J sauan , 0.41, - 6.59, 7.52, 10.35, 10.54, '11.55 a . m., 1.27, 1.47, 2.25,-2,30 , 3.34 , 3.57, 5.14 , 5.28, •5.33 , 5.50, G.02, C.15 , 6.20,.6.45 , 6.58, 8.30 p. m.

F o r . P o in t P le a sa n t, 6.44, 6.59, 10.35, 10.54,11.55 a. m „ 1.27, 2.25 , 2.30, 3.34 , 5.14, 5.33,*-

. 5.50, 0.02, G.15, 0.20, 0.45 p. m. . ..F o r sta;tIons In L ong B ranch , 1.40 (Mon«»

days excepted), 6.15, 7.00,x.7.20, 7.30, 7.38,. 8.00, 8.17, 9.20, 10,23, 10.43 11.05, 11.35 a. m .,

12.02, 1.52, 2.10, 2,20, 2,54,: 4.00, 5.32, 5.37,G.32, 7.00, 7.10 p.- ra.• D enotes express tra ins.

GEO, W . BOYD., G. P . A ., P . R . R.C. M. BU RT, G. P. A., C. R. R . O F N . J , R U FU S BLO D GETT, Supt. N. Y. & L.

B. R . R . .t ■


Hotels and Cottagea for R ent Mortgage Lortns )


JAS. H. SEXTONT u t ic M l D i r e c to r a n d e m t a l m s r

AIbo Supt^M t. Prospect CemeteryA la rg e asso rtm e n t of C ask e ts , e tc ., co n s ta n tly on hand. F low era a n y design a t s h o r t notice.

P a rlo rs an d ofllee:No. 17 M*ln S treet, Asbury P ark , New Jersey

G. HANDSCHUCH638 Mattlaon Ave.

A sbury P a rk • /• yCustom Boot an d Shoent!,akor

arid Repaired • Ouarantbbs !?lV9t~cias3 Work


Wm™ ?:v \v


P la c in g IU h F ly In N ot Mot® C U anoc,- l»ui a I'M n o A r t . ' \ '

Tbe a r t of casting ia In ltaelf sim ple and m ay be rondUy acquired by any p a in stak ing ttshormnn. ’.The rod passes only th rough a quudi'rint; I t s ta r ts p a r­allel w itli tb o -w a te r and, com ing to tlio perpcndlculai<, stops., T lie; motion Is a quick, rlgl^i je rk as fa s t as f t can be m ade, and the rod does , tb e rest. T be m otion fo rw ard Is a t th e beginning a g radual feeling fo r tbe tension o f the line—tb a t is, w hen i t Is abou t to stra igh ten . Once th is Is assured .th e m ovem ent Increases ln rap id ity from b u t t to tip, the resu lt being much the sam e as d riv ing a t a peg w ith a long handled ham m er—slow u t th e s ta r t and qu ick a t th e finish, the bend o f the rod toaliig first a t tlie b u tt und g radual­ly ascending to the tip.

In casting nothing is left to chance, by th e expert caste r. H e know s exac t­ly w herti he w an ts 'to ^p u t his fly, w ith ­in a foot or tw o, and p u ts vl t there, tlie fea the red barb traveling p a s t him a t from six liiches to four feet abovo th e w a te r , a s ho m ay elect, althongh i t m ay go above the shoulder If desired, In •Bome long cas ts one m ay See-the f ly 1 pass below the hip. Indeed tlio degree o f commuml one 'can g radually acquire Is really w onderful.

A single c as t w here fish .a re located is, as a rule, sufficient.. They will rl^o ■at once, and If < tlie fisherm an is a n ex­p e rt a t dropping bis fly ho .tan bring fish to tlie spo t from somo distance. O ne m ay frequen tly see. fish a ttrac ted from a point bo f a r from -the fly tlia t they b re a k -w a te r tw o. o r ,th ree *tlmes before tak ing the hook. O n ;thb o ther hand, a fly aw kw ard ly dropped w ill be taken w ith ' a leisurely gnib, the flsh pimply sucking i t In, and th e exhtlara*- tion of a sp irited rise is lo s t T he more ex p er t a fisherm an is a t fly’casting the m ore thoroughly he enjoys tho s p o r t— Collier’s W eekly.

T H E T Y P H O O N .

A C h in e s e L eR ond o f tb o O r ig in o t T h in FMeree S to rm .

This very odd b it is by .a C hinam an: "A little schoolboy w hile on h is w ay

to school one day picked up w h a t seem ed to him a' sm all w hite pebble. H e p u t i t into his p o ck et I t proved to ■be. a snake egg„ and in tim e through- th e h e a t of his pocket i t batched out. a

.young reptile.i'-^The boy. fell ln love w ith i t and car?

rlefl i t from day, to day to Bchool w ith ' h!:n and fed i t w ith a p a rt o f j i i s ow n lunch! un til l t becam e too big to be car­ried, .w hen he m ade , a nest* fo r i t a t hom e., .* *" B u t one day it suddenly g rew to

enorm ous size, and uponf the *boy’s a r ­rival home ho w as frightened to death.'

“ Wijen tho m onster Baw w h a t he had done be .w as sorely afflicted an d re­fused to be fed, bu t im m ediately p u t on m ourning by tu rn ing his color from brow n to pu re black. H e craw led be­side Ih e g rave of his departed friend a n ti lay th e re fo r seven days and n ights.

“A t th e completion o f the seventh n ig h t he cam e back to his la to home,

. 'b u t 't h e boy’s old m other w as po en­raged a t him for kllling her only son th a t she picked up an a x and chopped liis ta ll off.

“ W ith a fearfu l §crenm and a lash o f h is bleeding ta ll he felled tho house an d m ade h is w ay to th e Moo Soon Ban m ountains, w here he never show s him ­self b u t once a year, ju s t ' abou t the tim e w hen lio lost his tail, to come out and m ake trouble for the people by cre­a tin g sto rm s called the typhoon. T h is he does to squure him self for losing hik va luab le t a l i ”

Lo d d r u A n a to m y , .T he m odern In terest In science

^through—"observation*.; .vhas become m ore o r less of a m ania. Evcn tb ech il- dren are bitten by i t TJhe L ittle C hron­icle says th a t Oeorglo, aged flvo, tukes a g rea t in te res t in physiology a n d an a t­omy.

One day somo m em bers o f tlio fam ily had been studying a d issected porcu­pine and m aking draw ings of th e 1 bones. . . .

N ot long a f te r bis slBtere took a n old lounge ap art, and Georglo w atched them . P resently ho cam e running, to ano ther m em ber of the fam ily, his eyes on flre,. his checks . flushed a n d bis

1 locks flying behind him;“Come! C om er' ho cried. " I f you

w a n t to study physerology now 's your vchance. T he g irls havo got tho lounge nil to pieces!” •; '

Sho TI^ih A nh n m cd . ,M istress (angrily)—B rid g e t I And

th a t yon wore’ one of my evening gowns a t tho bus drivers’ ball la st evening. I t 's the w orst pieco o f im ­pudence I vev e r heard ofl Yon~ougbt to bo asham ed of yourself!

B ridget (metfkly)—Oi wuz, mum, 01 wuz. A n ' mo young m an said as i f Oi ly lr w ore slch a frock in public ag*ln Iio’d break ou r engugem in t—X ondonN Telegraph.

. iV o u ltl L o o k I t .Photographet^-B eg pardon, sir, bu t

can ’t you look a littlo less s tern and severe? .

S it te r—N ever m ind how s tern I look. This photograph is for cam paign u s e . ' I *m "a candidate fo r Judge. Go ahead.— Chicago Tribune.

T b o P h y n tc la n 'f l A ffro n t.“ So you have decided tb get ano ther

physician.H ^“ I havo,1* answ ered Mrs. Cnmrox.

“T he Idea of his prescribing tiaxaeed tea and m ustard p lasters .for people as rich \as w e are!”—W ashington. Star.

. Aa O tbeva K n e w H e r , w -• •“She soems to be a natural flirt,” ho

f la ld ,j %“Natural?** the woman Impatiently

replied. “There's nothing natural about her but the framework.**—Chicago Eeo* onJ-Hdrald. >;•

.C a n in e C o n r td s y .^ “Dogs h a w the ir captains an d com­m anders In the chase, and they follow th e ir leaders ii^ u w ay th a t sham es the practices o f men iTt, .tim es/’ said the m an who, is foiid of the h u n t "Itejil!y,I havo often though t th a t m an could profit a g rea t deal by going to tlie-dog for exam ples of .v irtuous co n d u ct and I ’m still inclined to believe th a t h is ’ civic virtues would _ oo strengthened som ewhat, by a clAs|r observation of the good th e re Is In 'tb o .d o g . ‘Going- to tho dogs’ is used in re p ro ach .' Liv­ing as .some men live is Infinitely worso. Some men huve aU th e i dog’s fau lts w ithou t show ing nny o f the dog’s, virtues. R u t I w as th ink ing of the cap ta ins..and com m anders in the chasei . Dogs pay each o ther flno cour­tesy tf they a re good dogs and well tra ined . ' T he dog who would run ahead of tho dog who Is th e accepted and acknowledged leader of tho pack or who would show h im ' tho discour­tesy of crossing tho l in o 'o f p u rsu it ahead of him would be disgraced, dam ned and shunned by its fellows:

‘The leader Is to be. followed. Dogs b o ; hind him m ay bo fleeter of fo o t B u t lie Is th e leader, and th a t se ttles i t And, my. how 'Bensltivo somo o f theso : old dog leaders aro! How Jealous they ore of the ir r ig h ts ' I ,h av e seen them qu it the chuse becauso some grodn m em ber of tlio p ack crowded In ahead of them . They would sim ply q u it tbo tra il, get In behind the ir m aster, and th a t would be the- end’ of their, frolick­ing th a t dhy. . Dogs aro g rea t fellow s w hen 'you come to know them ."—New O rleans T lm e^-D em ocrat. ■ . ' ; ; ;------'•.< N ot P r ic n i ln i J u s t G ushcrN .. I n ' a". big d e^)li l-tmo n t s to re a dain ty ,

p re tty little wom an In the ac t o f buy­ing some lace cau g h t s igh t o f ano ther p re tty little wom an -w ho w as buying some ribbon. As the ir eyes m et both shoppers dropped tho articles a t w hich ' they had been looking nnd rushed Ipto each o ther's arm s. ^

“Old and dear friends reunited a f te r m any years," though t tho clerk1 behind the counter. - - i : 'i ) . '

A t la st th e tim e for partlrigrcaino. “Now do come>and see rae.rcal soop,1’ .

said tho flrst wom an. ’ ,“ Oh, I never pay calls, you know ,** re ­

plied thb o ther. “You come and see •me., ’ ■ ■ <;•

“W ell, I don 't know your address.’ ." I t is the 'la s t house on* - — s t r e e t

next to R iverside drivo. ■: "B ut I do. not know your nnftie since y o u r .la s t m arriage.” * 1

I t w as then th a t tlie clerk w oke up to- the real/situation .

“J u s t a pair of gushers," ho said to ilm se lf dlsgustedly.-^-New York Press.

D e ttc r T h n n Arty C o»m ctto .A. charm ing oW lady who. lives in

the country gasped Iii horror w hen she ^saw .the various cosmetics on the’d ress ing table ;of hor niece. “My dear,’’ she. said g e n tlj, "th row aw ay those vile

, concoctions or you won’t; have any skin a t all le ft when you are m y age. I w ill give, a beau ty recipe to you ■worth, a 'to n of such trash . Take h a lf a teacupful of fine oatm eal and g ra d u ­ally- s tir . i t Into a p in t of .boiling w a­te r; using a doublO ; saucepan to p re ­ven t any -possib ility of burning. Let i t boll till c lear looking; then stra in through u cloth, boll again nnd. once more stra in . To th is odd enough rose- w a ter to u?ake It i>our easily and about un ounce of glycerin. P erfum e jn any w aj’ you like: bottlo and shake well before using. I f you n ib i t Into the 8kln every n ig b t y o u r complexion will be like pejiches und cream l*<rfore long,”—New Y orkvPress.

.A Q oN > r. F lo a t in g , I n la n d .T h e re Is a flo a tin g I s ln n i in D erw en t* ’

w a te r, E n g la n d , n o t f a r fro m Lodore; fa lls . I t s t ra v e le rs a r e r e s tr ic te d to a l ­te rn a tio n s b e tw e en th o . b o ttom o f th e la k e a n d tho eu rfuco . W hen.m ov*ed to r e t ire m e n t i t s in k s a u d rem a in ^ In w a ­te ry bocIusion fo r pe rio d s w hlch> v a r jf f rom a ‘few m o n th s to ub long as'eovefn- o r e ig h t, yea rs . I t s e x is te n c e ab o v e o r below w a te r appoury to be d e te rm in ed : by th e p resen ce w ith in th e is la n d o f g a se s w hose q u a n t i ty g o v e rn s i t s buoy­a n c y . E s th w u lte , lu k t \ in th e a im e neighbo rhood , b o i^ ts a n o t le ss puz.* z lln g b u t m ore am cn ab lo Is lan d . T h is h a s se rv ed aB a fe r ry b o a t to c o n d u c t as m a n y a s fifteen p e rso n s a t a ' t i m e a c ro ss th e bosom o f th e w a te r u p o n w h ic l r i t rides. p

A L r t e r n r y I le c o rd .; S ir E d w a c d R u sse ll’s reco rd in tho w a y o f l i te r a ry w o rk w aa b is a r t ic le o n M a tth e w A rno ld on th e d a y t h a t g r e a t m a n d ied . S ir E d w u rd h a d e x c lu s iv e in fo rm a tio n o f th e e v e n t w h ic h h a p ­p ened on a S unduy . H e d id n o t-g e t to w o rk u n ti l h a lf p a s t 7 In tb o ev e n ­ing, m id i t w a a n ec essu ry f o r h im - to c a tc h a t r a in a t O’o’clock.. By. dtoit o f d ic ta t in g to h is s e c r e ta ry - a n d w r itin g h im se lf , ho g o t th ro u g h a b io g ra p h ica l a r t ic le o f a co lum n und a :.b u lf a n d a tw o co lum n le a d e r w ith in ono h o u r; a n d tw e n ty m in u te s . S uch a f e a t .h a s n e v e r b ee n ex ce lled , ;

N A P O LEO N ’ S L E T T E R .

I Iotv t l i e . t n l t t n l ‘ 'BI** P n n c t n n t o d . t b o G r e a t C o n q u e r o r ' * . C a r e e r . •, -

From M arengo to Moscow w as the long sw ing in the pendulum of Napo­leon’s life, tlie otio the g rea test battle out of w hich he eamo w itli h is life, the o ther th e abyss w hich engulfed him. Mr. J. M. Buckley, who is a literary expert on coincidences, points out how strangely the le tte r M played a p a rt In the Ilfo of the g re a t conqueror.

M arboe w as the flrst to recognize tho genius of Napoleon a t the Ecole BII1I-. talro. Melas opened to him the w ay to Ita ly . M ortier w ns oho of his flrst gen­erals. M oreau betrayed him, and Mu­ra t w as the first m arty r to his cause. M arie Louise partook of his h ighest destinies. M etternlcb conquered him on tho field of d ip lom acy ..

Six m arshals— M assena, M ortier, Mar- mont, M acdonald, M urat and Money— and tw enty-six of bis generals of divi­sions had. nam es beginning w ith the le tter M.

M q ra t . <3uko of Bassano, Was' the counselor In w hom he placed tlie g rea t­est confidenco. H is flrst g re a t bdt- tlo wub th a t of M ontenotte; bis la st w as th a t of M ount S t ie a n .' Ho gained, tho battles of'M oscow, M ontm lrail and M ontereau. Then cam e the a ssau lt of M ontm artre, M ilan w as the flrst ene­mies’ capital ond Moscow tho la s t In which ho entered.

He lost E gypt through the blunders <of M enoa and employed Miollls to m ake Pius V II. prisoner. \ MaJet .con­spired against him, a fte rw ard M ar^ m o n t H is m inisters w ere M aret, Moik ta llve t and Molllen. H is flrst cham ­berlain was. M ontesquieu.

^ o r i J s tv o r t h 'n S e c re t .A nd;W ordsw orth’s secret? Any poet's

secret? Well, for a iigh t w e can see, it rem ains a s e c re t a som ething ns fa r beyond hum an sub tle ty to explain a s It Is beyond hum an Ingenuity to produce. “The w ind blowctb w here i t .listeth*.” "G enius,” "inspirationV—it Is hard to get on w ithout tho old w ords, vague though they bo. Nay, i t Is p redsely because they a re vague th a t they serve so useful a purpose. E v en 'p ro fe sso r Raleigh, a fte r speaking alm ost con . tem ptuously of “im patien t critics” who- seek to account for^ W ordsw orth’s “am azing-inequality '’ by assum ing th a t some tim es bo w as Inspired, a t o ther tlm ea. n o t la heard a little a fte rw a rd lam enting th a t In W ordsw orth’s case, aa in Coleridge's, "the high tldo o f in­sp ira tion w ub followed by a long and w andering ebb." •

One feels liko quoting Lowell, whoso arrow In such com petltlohs is a p t to h it tho w hite. • W 'ordswortb, he says, “w as no t on a r t is t in th e s tric te st sense of the w ord; ne ither,w as Isaiah , b u t He bad a ra re r g i f t the 'capab ility o f being greatly Inspired.”—B radford T orrey in A tlantic.

P b l l ’ M ay a n d H la M odel* .M any of the figures In Ph il M ay's

book “G uttersn ipes” ' w ere sketched from memory whlle«Btaylng up the riv- er.

"Ono day,” he said, w hen speaking on the su b jec t " I saw a deligh tfu l lit- tlo model for my purpose, a d irty , rag ­ged b it o f girl hum anity . I spoke to her and w rote a m essage on my card fo r her to givo to her m other. Next; m orning she cam e In charge o f an older slater, as ta tte red and unkem pt, aa her­self. W hen I had m ade my sketches o f the tw o of them I aBked th e elder one If she had any m ore Bisters like herself, *Ob, yes; fou r or. five, worse th an I am.* ‘B ring them round,' said I, ’Is tho littlo uu to como again?* she asked. ‘No, I ’ve done, w ith her,’ The

‘next day they cam e, the’ UttlQ un in ­cluded. She had persisted in*U, for sho said: ‘H e’s m y a r t i s t I found him flrs t* n—Condon T it-B lts.

F i r e p r o o f W o o d .T h o u g h th e re a r e n n u m b e r o f d if ­

f e re n t k in d s o f w ood, ebony , ironw ood, etc ., o f such ; close, h a rd fib e r t h a t ev e n

j th e fie rces t flre h a s d ifficu lty in “g e t­t in g bold” o f It, th e re is o n ly o n e s o r t so f a r ob now know n , 'th a t Is prac tica l^ ly f ireproof, y h is is a sm a ll, sc rag g y tre e , a n a t iv e o f S o u th A m erica ,'cu lled th e Bhopala, w ith th ick , tough , string>’ b a rk fu ll o f a s o r t o f fire re s is tin g sap , T h is ca rio u s s h ru b g ro w s la rg e ly on tho g r e a t g ra s sy sa v a n n a s , w h ic h a re s w e p t by flro a lm o s t e v e ry y e a r d u r ­in g th e h e a t o f th o su m m e r. T h e re it th r iv e s sp len d id ly , fo r th e a n n u a l scourgo on ly k ills off Its b ig g e r a n d h a rd ie r com poU tors a n d le a v e s th e . g ro u n d fre e fo r tho g ro w th o f; th is v e g e tab le UBbcstus.

' i . ^ S c p tia n d I d n a lte d .A h ig h lan d , w a i te r »onco re fu s e d to

Berve M ax 0 ’R e ll* a t d in n e r , a n d w h e n rep ro v ed e x p la in e d : " I t ’s no’ to bo e x ­p ec ted th a t a s e lf re s p e c t in g S c o tsm a n couldj 's e rv i '. ' h im w i t l i . . c<?eveettty. D id n 't ho sp y w o to o k to th e k il t‘ be- cauB oyour fe e t, w o re too la rg o to g e t th ro u g h . t r o u s e r s ? '— S t J a m e s : G a- ECtte. j ‘ V."v‘

“ 7 1 —'T““ -j ■• W hore , tb o W o r k C am e In ,

D ’A u b c r—l on ly g o t $2.^ f o r . t h a t p a in tin g . . . . *:*

F r ie n d —W ell, you d id n ’t p t i t m u c h w o rk o n i t ; r ’ -[ - r . .•

D ’A u b e r—W b a tl I g u ess y o u n e v e r Baw m b t ry in g to se ll i t —P h ila d e lp h ia L odger. • V ,

; ; P l a i n ly E v id e n t .• “B rid g e t* ’ q u e ried .M rs. S c rib b lo ,’Mdo

y o u ’ k n o w w h y I am . cabled a ; li te ra ry w o m a n ?? ,„C.! V. ■■■'•./ ' ?

“Y is s u m ,/p i t*ink v6i.- do,** resp o n d ed th o m o n laC 'vvltlf 'd e s p a ir in g l o o t a t th o room .—H oustop '; P o s t ; ; <

S m a r t S a y in g s .Lord P alm erston’s, rep ly to tb o ’Illit­

e ra te ' m em ber who asked him , “Aro there tw o beuc in 'O niton?" is n specl*, m en of his • ra th e r ' boisterous chaff. “No; only ono. T h a t's ,why heggs a re ao Bcarce th e re ." ' . r

Mr! Disraell'B com m ent upou a por­t ra it of himself, “ Is It not hideous—and so like?” exhibited a discernm ent not common w ith unfla ttered B itters.— "T w enty Years In Parliam ent.”

Bujlam DirectoryCUAS; MUKLLER

Pianos nnd OrgaiiH Hcpuired, Tuned and Rcvnrnlshedd a specialty

71 South JIain Street,'Anbury-ParkEMPLOYMENT OFFICE’

Mrs. 8. Uey, Proprh tor. .Best Help Furnished. Hf-lpnlwAjnon hniid. ,• 600 Main 8 t , near Munroe, Adbury Park

’ • / C. I t ZACHA.RIAS.AutoinobUes stored aiid repaired, laivn mow­ers ground, Bleyelen repntred. C; R. Znch- arlan, 72T) M attison ave,, A sbury P ark , 'Phone m \ n ■

M’lN'lJYRfi'H Fine Confectionery aud lee Cream

Cookman averui**, u«ar Uond. stree t . A sbury P ark , N.-Jr

■ C. F. HEMMKNWAYdiCD. KsUibllshed 1875 . . . Tel«)phonc23u

Awnings, Tents, F lags .817 Cookman, (UHMaitlhou aves.; A sbury Park

CABWELL’8 JEW ELRY STO ItE..." Oho o f the largest In Uie S tate

- (Wtf M attlson avonue, A sbury P ark , N. J . Near I ’o.stolUce

• ‘ AUGUST W OEHRER Dealer' in Boots, Shoes, Slippers an d Rubbors to r ladles, gohtlemen aud children. Custom boot and snoernaktr. R epairing In a ll Its branches. 13-15 y. M ain St.. A sbury Parft,

EMPLOYMENT OFFICE . FurnlHhed rooms to let

Board by tbo Jdiiy o r week Mrfl. M, McNair, 01 Soutb M ain Street

M. L. BAMMAN Our Grocer. Cor. Iln 11 road Square an d Main street,•A sbury P ark, Is tho placo to find re­liable goods In large variety a t sm all price. Come and sco. •

W. II. CARTER, BAKER 103 M ain street. A sbury P ark. Old rellablo Hlore. Establldlied 1880. H tels, cottages and private Inmllles supplied. Cakes iced and or­nam ented. Spcolal a tten tion paid to parties and weddings.


HSgh-claaa and ,-trlcOy p r l7a!.e. No. 30 Ocean. Pathway, Oeean Grove.

A n yO ldT h in g 99

will not do for the progressive business man who. advertises, (arid a business man who does no£ advertise is surely not progressive.) A bright man-knows that poorly print­ed stationery, circulars or cat­alogues will do more harm than good. As no one fishes to deal wi^h a slovenly shop­keeper, so there is no induce­ment’ to purchase gonds'of a many who tries :o sell them thi'ough the medium < f cheap printing of the back-number kind. . ^

. What you need to bring in orders

is Some of the kind of print­ing that is neat, attractive and artistic. ’ People, appreciate such, more so now than ever, and rally around the man who is wise in choosing his printer,

.Those who w ant the best In printing can gfct it a t ,

The Times Printing House On Main avenue

’ Iri the town, of Occan Grove

Professional CardsP R O F . W A L T E R J. J1U L FO R D ,

10 4 M ain A v e n u e . O cean G ro v e

T e a c h e r o f P la n o , O r g a n a n il S in g in g

S e n d fo r T e r m s .

FLO RA M. P H E L P S , M. D. D iseases o f . W om en an d Children. N er­

vous diseases. X -rays. E lectricity . H ours: 10 to 12 a. m ., 2 to 4 p. m.

69 P ilg rim P a th w ay , n ea r postofllce, O cean Grove, N ew Jersey .

SAM UEL A. PA TTERSO N , Counselor-dt-Iaw ,

Room s 4, 5, :G, M onm outh Building, A s­bu ry P a rk , N J.

N o ta ry Public. .A cknow ledgm ents taken fdr all sta tes.. C om m issioner o f D eeds fo r N ew V ork

and Pennsy lvan ia.

New York* Back 80c.Allantic Coast Electric Railroad

Oo. and the Patten Line via Pleasure Bay

Comefius1 2 o . i 2 4 C e e k m t H J l t e u u t

J t e b u r f P a r k


OpticianLatest Designs in Jewelry and


T h o S o c ia l Slilo.Mrs. Waldo-Ceell—Ho has a barrel of

money. . 'E dith W aldo-Cecll—B ut ts bo all

righ t socially?‘ Mr. Waldo-Cecll—Ol). y « ; ha hasn't

tho least Idea bow bo got It!— Puck.

; m i n e M On.De<Jiido—That man callefl mo a Uar, a

cad, a BcomiJrel and a puppy. Would, .you advise tne fa fl«ht for U iat?

Old B lun t—By all m eans. Tbfere'S noth ing nbblcr in th is world," yontig m an, th aaH g b tln g for tlio t r u t h . '

A OariraJci Counter ilu ib iw d .“I don’t think it’s a nice thing to sa j

of Mrs. Odsent tb a t sbo got-her hu»- band a t a bargain counter.■ "Oh, but it*8 true, tte was the young Juan that saved her life in a crpsh at & gioye salo ot Spotcash’s one day.’'— Chicago1 Trlbuns. -

We W ant to Give You W hat You W ant to Get

In exch an ge or cash lo r th e ; exa ct Value of y o u r

Old Gold and SilverAlso full line of Watches Jewelry and Diamonds Watches ond Jew elry repaired

M 0 R R IS L . W E IN S T E IN625 Cookman Avenue, Asbury'Park

John f t , ilurtia . Undertaker and Embalmer

. 6 4 ;5 M a t t l s o n A v e .-.. A s b u r y P a r k . N e w J e r s e y

Cofllns and buria l c a sk e ts on h and o r fu rn ished to order. Special a tten tio n given to fram ing, p ic tu res. T elephone 92.



•88 Abbott Avenue, or “; 91 Mt. Tabor W ay

OCBAN QROVB, N» J ..• Vi: ^

E R N E S T X. W OOLSTON, ■' • -

Com m issioner of. Deeds fot* N ew Je rse y■ and N o ta ry Public.

.5 0 M ain . A venuo, ‘ * •OCEAN GROVE, N. J . •

A cknow ledgm ents ta k en fo r a ll s ta te s .DR. W . I. TH O M PSON , '

D cntpi Surgeon,Suceessdr to Dr. G. B. H erb ert,

GOG Cookm an avem le, ABbury P a rk , N. J .Over Chadw ick’s d rug store.

Ofllce hours, 9 a . m. to 0 p , m.


A sbury P a rk and O cean G rove B ank building, co rner M ain s tr e e t an d

M attlson ave., A sbury P a rk .Offlco hours, 9 a . m . ’to<5 p. m.

• E V EL Y N B .‘Y EA G ER, Sclentlflc M assage,

A ibatro ss , .34’ Ocean P a th w ay . P h iladelph ia references.


Successor to B u rto n B rotherSi »26 Cookm an avenuo, A sbury P a rk .

H ours—9 a. m . to 5 p. m.

. LA U RA M. W H IG H T , M .* D.;. ■; • . 101; H eck 'A venue, /

, Corner New Jersey Avenue,O cean Grove, N . J , •

H ours: U n til 10 a, m ., 1 to -2, 6 to 8 p. m:

: • • D AVID H A RV EY , JR ., C ounselor-a t-L aw ,

; M onm outh Building, A sbury P a rk , Com m issioner of D eeds o f New Y ork ap d P ennsy lvan ia . A cknow ledgm ents, ta k en fo r all s ta te s , '

GEO. K 'D . TO M PK IN S, D. D. S., ■V--. . ; • • .D EN TIST,. •.

. Room s l i 2, 3, 4, PostoiBce Building, .A sbury P a rk , N . J . .

Office H ours: 9 a_ m. to 5 p. m .Gas A dm inistered. .Telephone, 37-F.

P. REBEKA JOHNSON, M. D;H om eopa th ist and e lectrical sp ecia list

In nervous diseases of w om en, and chil­dren , of 1C5 W e st 71st s tre e t, New T o rk C ity, w ill be a t the M orrow In n , 52 M ain avenue", O ceah Grove, during th e sutfflner Of 1903.

WILLIAM H, CARMAN,.Builder. . ■ ■

Office: M ain avenue, n e x t to A ssociation Building-. Residence: 103 E m b u ry Ave.- .

P lans and es tim ates prom ptly furn ished .

DR.* THOMAS H. RRA TT, D en tist, C layton building-, 620 Cookm an

avenue, A sbury P a rk , N. J . N eu tra la ln , an Improved local an aesthetic- or. den tal gas adm inistered before th e ex trac tio n o f tee th . H o u rs 9 to . 6.

' DR. A.: R. TODD,23, C en tra l Ave., re a r Y oung peop le’s

. T em ple .'O cean Grove. ,Ofllce H ours until 10.00 a .:m ., 1 to .2 , 6 to

8 p. m • . - t .

DR. S. -T. SLOCUM, . . D en tist; 204 M ain s tre e t, A sbury P a rk ,

N. J. OVer M ilan Ross’ real e s ta te ofllce, opposite ra ilroad station . G as ad m in is te r­ed.. '

Summer Excursions to ■West«rn Resorts, via

Union Pacific Railroad“ Tbe Overlaid Routo ”

Sp*cl»l Sound T rip R ites follow a ;



K a n s u City Leavenworth Oounail Blvffs Omaha

$17.50- 17.50 17 60 ■ 17.S0


SprloK*O fd en •

Salt L'ke.c u r

829.50 23.60

, 29.60 " 29.50

*80.60 00.60

- 80.50 W.60

TiokttA on aftle’ovtry day un til Heptenabtr 80,1603 F inal foturn lim it OctoWrr 81,1908. F rom O bloM oana St. LouU proportionately low fk ru will lie plated ln effect by Uueroon* ntotlng w ith \M% Union PaoSflo. P nll InJor sta tio n w ill be oheerfully furnU hed oa ap- pllcationi . . •/.R* TfcNBROECK, 0 . E. Agbnt,

387. B rotdw ay»New' York Cltyy.

Mrs. C. BECHTELaaS CeokmsM A veaas

Asbury Park, N? J ,Branch Store, Lakewood# New Jen oy

n u I Men’s and Women’s Fur­nishing Qoods .

M rs.. C. Buelitel, o t Asbury Park, bogB to announce that sho will keep he;- store open until Octobor 1, and tb a t sho wl'.i mako special reductions In i-.dles’ant] gents’ furnishing gooda, Utopia worsteds and eauvonire of nil kindB for the month of Septembar. Be siiro to call as you will secure bar­gains.

NELSON H. KILMERArchitect and Buiider

P i tm a n A v e . , O c e a n G r o v e • P lan s and specifications d raw n fo r a ll klnda of m odern wood, Btono o r b rick buildings. F o r w orkm ansh ip a n d p rices w ill re fe r to all fo r w hom I h ave uono w ork in tho Grovo o r P a rk . E s tim a te s cheerfu lly g iv e n ,/ - ,

Time Table of July 15, 1903W E E K DAYB. ' .

Leave N ow Y ork * • "Prom Now York, a t F oo t of W est 13th

S tre e t 3 blocks belo-.v W H th S t Forry. Leaves a t 8.55, 11.00 and2.40 p. m. 1 S a tu rdays:'—8.55 a . m.,12.45 an d 2.40 p. m.

B atten ’, (near South F erry .) —L eay « a t 9.20. 11.30 a. m., and 3.10 p. m. Saturdays—9.20 a, m., 1.15, 8.10 p. n_

Arriva Long Branch about 12,10 p. m. *2.15 p. tn., (^Saturday 4.15 . p. m.,'j and 6.10 p. m.

R etu rn in g Irom B ra n d ' laavsRockw ell avenuo 7.10 a m „ 3.30 and4.45 p.' tn. P leasu re Bay IT roiley connection) 7.20 a . m., 3.40 a n d 5.00

. p. m . A rrive N ew Y ork abou t 10.00 a. in., 0.30 a n d 7.60 p. m . .

'. BtJNDAYB. ' 'No F re ig h t ItoooJTAL

F rom New Y ork i-.t.Foot o t W est 13tli S t , 3 b locks bolow W est 1 4 t i S t. F e rry . Leaves a t 8.6G. J.40 and10.40 a. m.

B attery (n e a r S outh F e rry .) Leave* a t 6.20, 10.10 and 11.10 a . m.

A rrive Long Branch, a b o u t 12.00 m ,12.50 an d 1.50 p. m.

R etu rn in g from L ong B ranch isav* Long B ranch, R ockw ell avenue, 4J.5,4.30 and 4.45.

P lea su re Ba: (T rolley connection)4.30 4.40 an d 5.00 p. m.

A rrive N ew Y ork ab o u t 7.15, 7,80 and7.50 p. m.T o te a tr « U o h leave* A sbury Pejris

n o t la te r th a n o n e Itour before bob! ieavee Ploaouro B ay.

B aggage " /iir ied tro e w ith, p a s ­sengers. .

A fter S ep tem ber 30, 1903, th e 9.0.0 a. m. boa t from Long B ranch w ill bo dis­continued.

Fire Alarm Slgntl BoxeeOcmo Qreve

22 C lay ton 's S tore, M ain A venue23 ................ S u rf an d Beaoh24 ................. E m bury and Beach25 .................-..Main and P ilg rim P a th w ay2G .. . . . . .B ro a d w a y and P ilg rim P a th way-27 .......... s . .T a b o r W ay. an d P ennsy lvan ia20 ............................. M cC U ntock-and Beach32 ............................. C la rk and Now JenJey24 ................................. H eck a n d W hltefleld35 ....... ....................... * Main A venuo Gated42 Corlies and So. M ain, W . Grovo43 .....U n ex ce lled ,F lro Co. Houso, W . G.

1—Wire Trouble.2—Taps,' F lre Out.3—7 a. m.. T im e and T est.5-5-5—G eneral A larm .

To send in an ^ a la rm , go to tho n ea re s t S ignal Box, pu ll th e hook dow n an d le t go,, b u t rem ain a t th e box un til th e first a p p a ra tu s arrives to givo ex a c t location of fire.

A s b u r y Park17 ................ Bond and Bangfl19 .....................................C ookm an an d M ain2S ........................ .......C o o k m a n and B angs30 ................ Second an d M ain:37 ...................... M unroe an d M ain44 ........................ Second and G rand

................................... A sbury and E m ory51 ....................................... H eck and SowaU55 ................................. A sbury and K ingsley63 ......................................... F o u rth and BondM* ........................... F o u rth and G rand72 ....... Second an d K ingsley73 ................................. F o u rth and K lng3ley52 ...................................... Seventh and Bond84 ...................................... .S ix th and G rand91 ........ Seventh and W obb93 ................ Sunset and W ebb

6—6-6—G eneral A larm .• 2—F ire E x tinguished.

5—Wesley.0—N eptuno.7—Cook. ,8—Independence.

Pure Manufactured and Natural



D «ilverUM i m a d s d a l ly . T w i t e on S a t u r d a y

O r d e r b y p o s t a l c a r d .

Special attenUea- to the email trade thle e e u e o , wfelcb w ill bo *#rv> id prom ptly oa beralefore, i\

N. E. Bucuanon Presidoot

G. A. SMOCtt Boo^y and Troaa.

Buchanon & Smock - Lumber Co.

• Dealers In '

L u m b er, M illw o rk an d B u ild ers ’t.• H ard w are

Second, Third and Railroad Avenues ASBURY PARK

Bolo Mnnnfacturore of tbo Albem arle b rand of Cediir ShlnglCfl. P ain ts,

Oils, Vnrulshoa and Bruahea. * •Solo ueenta for King's W indsor cem ent for

M onm outh an d Ocean counties.

w i l l /a m a . CROSSReal Estate and Insurance

Boarding Houses and Cottages for Rent and 5a!e,and Exchange

37 Webb Avenue, Ocean Grove; N. J.

Henry Mocklemann Boot and Shoe Maker


Repairing Neatly Don o ,

A. R. SHREVE & SON■ Dealers in

B est Q uality F resh arid Sm oked

... M E A T SJersey Lnrd and Poultry a Spoclalty. Good*

delivered freoof charge. On receipt1 1 . of request will cull a t your

residence any tim e. ■’M a r k e t : Olin S tre e t

Opp. PostofllceO CEAN G R O V E, N . J. 1

M. C. Griffin Contractor and Builder

Resjdence, 66.H eck Ave. O cean Grove


O t'A’o men are built exactly alike' and conse­quently no garment can fit any two men fault­lessly/: W e have never claimed for oar ready­made garments, as have many dealers, that they " fit as well as made-to-order garments.*’ This is obviously an impossibility, for although a ready-made,garment can possess much, sty Is and individuality, it can never conform as

closely to the figure as one which is made to measure;The "question of ready-to-wear, versus to-measure

garments, is one that, every man has thought out for himself, and our only intention in this advertisement isj' to use a slang expression, “ to put you next” to the best custom department in the state—-the one which can supply your tfants best and most economically— on the second floor of our Mammoth.

The Mammoth The Ocean Palace

T H E OCEAN GROVE TIMES'S tV - ib r k Amusements j

V N at.M .’$ ] l l l s i l n ; “A 'S o n 'o f R est." is the a ttra c tio n anua'uiiccd fo r tbe W est E nd T h ea tre fa r , tb e .Week be­g inn ing M onday October 5, rind man-

'ag e ra W eber and F ields announce th a t . they .have secured : in ta c t the com pany th a t originally b rough t fam e and fo rtune to the s ta r and h is su p ­p o rte rs . Mr. W ills' Individual efforts ns a m onoloctie e n te rta in e r in vaude­ville a re no t unltuow n to theatre-goers of H arlem ; ami iyhen. i t Is said th a t he Is su rrounded by a com pany of b I x - ty clever, persons, the Im portance of the engagem ent m ay be appreciated . In bis c h a rac te r of H unting Grubi). Mr. W ills bar, b ro u g h t a c erta in Indi­v idua lity th a t would be lack ing lit an o rd in a ry acto r cast fo~ tho p a rt. The s ta r Is su rro u n d e d . With e n te rta in e rs of m erit and th« ulay is s taged upon r. sca le of m aguiflcence. P rom inen t in th e supporting com pany are L am ar and G abrie l; Suzanne R ocam ors, John and Maud Allison. M ona W ynne, T hom as .1. Grady. K a th ery n M anning. Ed. H ayes, E d ith O 'Keilley, F ran k Dearduff, Georgie Irving, E . C olt Al­b ertson , M adge M elbourne, M aude E l­lio tt, R u th B aiae, Georgie W bito, Lin- ;.et F iske, D orothy M arlow anti N ora Johnson.

An an an tido te fo r blues, "W licop- Dee-Dbo” a t W eber and F ie ld s 'M u sic H all is to bte'recom m ended. Since the flrst Perform ance rh e play h as . bees.', sub jected to the usual condensing pro­cess and there is not ,i dull line In I t T he appearance, o f Lillians R ussell. In m ale a ttire is alw ays the signal fo r rh

'en th u s ia s tic ou tb reak ,' not only on ac­count of th e novelty ot th e s in g er’s hab ilim ents, bu t th e g race w ith which she w ears th e garm en ts. ijrebc?. F ields and Louis M ann a re scream ing­ly funny !:i th e ir severa l scenes and b its of ihe lrco n v ersa tio n have a lready been added to th e language of th e day ju s t us the so n g ' a re w histled and hum m ed Pete.- F . Dailey, w ith h is 'coon1' songs in, w hich tho gorgeous­

ly d ressed chorus assis t, ; ia again th e rollicking, Jesting ad v en tu re r and .loitn T. Kelly, am i Evio - S tefsou ex- change re p a rte e w ith the usual laugh­ing rpsu lts . T he 'M cC oy S is te rs aud C arte r de H aven m ake an excellen t tr io : in ' tjie seve ra l scenes and th e ir singing and dancing Is ono of tb e fe a ­tu res of E dgar S m ith ’s la te s t co n tri­bution to the gaie ty of nations.

T h e 'a t te n tio n -if m usic lovers and opera goers in New York is' a lready aw akened by the h igh c lass perfo rm ­ances of g rand oi>era in English by H enry W. Savage's r English Grand O pera Com pany. • T he .fea tu re ot la s t w eek 's rep e rto ire w as th e flrst p ro­duction lu .'E ng lish in . G rea ter New York of Puccini's “.Tosca," Tho B rooklyn Academ y o f Music w as £111- o..'.. w ith m usical en th u sias ts and th e perform ance w as ra ted a pronounced success. -

J ro r ; th e com ing week Mr. 'S avage announces an e labo ra te p roduction-of V erld’s “ (Hello,’’ given Iti E nglish for th e flrs t tim e in A m erica. T hese two o p era tic gem s a re b u t two of a reper­to ire of over a dose.'s operas being pre- Bent.ed.-by- th is fam ous’ organization th is season,• In tw o-w eeks th e com pany w ill go to B oston fo r a m onth and then to Chicago for. its a n n u a l ' engagem ent, before re tu rn in g to New York.

T he success th a t has a ttended Klaw k E r la n g e r’s revival of “Ben-Hur" a t the N ew i o rk T h ea tre is a mo&t s tr id ­ing evidence of j.he rem arkab le hold .th is tru ly w onderful d ram atic produc-' tlon h a s ta k e n on public favor.' N o rev ival in New Y ork City i a i ; ever m ade such -a success- a s th is has scored. People flock to see I t w ith; th e sam e In te re s t d isplayed w hen It wa3 orig inally p resen ted a t th e Broafl- way T h ea tre fotir years age and every indication points to even a la rg e r rec­ord of a ttendance.

More, m assively staged and ■present­ed by a la rge r and, perhaps, m pr? ta l­en ted com pany, w ith al! Its m agnifi­cence displayed w ith far g re a te r opul­ence of detail, there is little w onder th a t "B en-H ur" again seandu flrst in public a tte n t io n ,‘not only In New York, b u t also In ’all th e c ities and tow ns con tribu ting to tbe patronage or its am usem en t en terp rises.

T h e 'g re a t ch ario t race1 in th e fifth aei, ‘ w ! t t four cb arlo ts and six teen horses. Is the m ost im pressive reality, over seen on. th e s ta g e .» B ut no tw ith ­s tand ing its rem ark ab le m erit, i t does n o t su rpass In i realism th e p a th e tic m irac le scene In the ..-Nth act, in w hich a chorus of over 100 voices re n ­der P rof. "Edgar S tillm an " K elley 's touching anfhem s, w hich h ave a ttra c t­ed th e a tten tio n o t th e e n tire m usical world.

; S ea ts fo r “Ben-H ur” m ay he order­ed by m all. P rices range from $1.50 to 50 cents, Special a tten tio n is given so Ailing o rd e rs fo r tho vomer, and ch ild ren’s . m atinees W ednesday and S a tu rday afternoons.

. . Letter to E. B. FosterOcean *3rove, N. J.

D ear S ir: L e t’s ,have a littlo private ta lk by ourselves on business; noboETy

‘else, p lease , read . - ',You w ant to know liow to do a

cheap job of pain ting , and have It look gocd. 's e re i t is: T ho cheapest tiling th e re Is Jn th e w ay of c, good-, looking job—say n o th in g ,ab o u t its be­ing good—is Devoe; th e Tegular th ing In Dpvoo. .

T he reason i s - D evoe,goes fu r th e r th a n any th in g piss. Lead-and-oll Is, good-looking; don’t go so fa r and costs m ore. T he othor. pa in ts a re m ore or loss sh o rt In ono way o r a n ­o th e r; don’t go so fa r and costs m ore th a n Devoo. ,

.Devoe costs le a s t of a ll; you don’t l llnd its - la s tin g longer;, do you? W e c a n ’t help i t ; a ,p a in t t b i t goes fu r th e r la s ts longer’}.' w e can ’t help I t

Y our tru ly ,F . W . DEVOE & CO.

1 0 ■T*. S.—B uchanon & Sm ock sell ou r

pa in t., . ■'.-:

Prlsky: Piis» pas 28 Toe* T h o m a ^ 'i lc l l i^ o i 'd fe S S Ip 'M , haB a

'freak cafw h lch ' has soven' toes oe all' •Jour feet. making twenty-oight...toes in all. . "•


A y e r sTo be su re , you are growing old. B ut w hy let everybody see it, in y o u r gray hair? K eep yo u r h a ir dark and rich and postpone age,, If you will

Hair Vigoronly use A yer’s H a ir Vigor, your, gray h a ir will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold fo r 60 years.

" . I a m n o w o v e r 60 y e a r s o ld , a n d I h a v o a thtek, g lo ssy h e a d o f lu n g l i a i r w h ic h is n w o n d e r to e v e ry o n o w h o se e s I t . A n d n o t a g ra y h a i r In I t , a l l d u o t o A y e r ’s H a l f V lg o r ., ? ' .

M n a . n . i t , B o j m f l , B o c ld a , M in n .

p i.tt) a h o t t t o , 'j . o . A Y ER CO.,

f o i*

White Hair

K » l E iU te Traasfera ; >T ho following tra n s fe rs of re a l es­

ta te in th is v ic in ity w ere recorded in th e offlce -ot tb e C ounty C lerk a t F re e ­hold to r th e w eek en d in g ' S aturday, O ctober 3: -

E lizabe th J. K othery. it - als, C ali­fo rn ia,> to A, R o m srn P ierson . .Land B radley B each, $600. -

W illiam ,E. W oolley, ; t 'u x ; - New York. Ui Lew is W oolley. ; L an d Oak- h u rs t, JS00. , " ;

M arj Ja iie D oren abd J o h n .J ie r h u s­band, tow nship N eptune, to Adeline H a rt. IxOt 8 ,-llaugo F, W est P ark , $350. .-s'.-.'..

'Asbury !Park to George A. Snfock, L o t 952; A sbury P a rk , $1.

A sb b ry -P a rk to G eorge A .‘ .Smock, L o ts '1059..1060, Asliury Par}:, $1.• John . L abaw , tow nship N eptune, to W lillai. Lubav.-. , L o t 280, W est- Park , $1,000. ' " ' ‘

Charles* a . S herm an, .et ux, Now York, to Sam uel H . Labaw L o t 199, B lock K, W est Asbury P a rk , $2,600

E lla J. Gibbs , and Coleman A., lie r husband, A sbury P a rk , to Rullef H. Brow er. L o t 387 atfd -vesterly p a rt 397, A sbury P a rk , $1. ’

H elen, V anloan and George, h e r hus­band, Brooklyn, to C h arles W. JamCH. L o t 880, OceuiT Grove, $3,000.

H o rten se P . A rm strong , ■ A sbury P a rk , tc H a rr le tte C. A rm strong,' w ife of F red e rick W . A rm strong. L o t 89, Loch A rbour. $1.

M artha L. Ogden, o t als, New York, to F ran e lsk a Coomaus,, L and -tow n­sh ip ,O cean . $1.

Joseph R. W eir, Jr., e t ux, to Edw in R, ^lead. L o t 101C, A8ll'l ry Park,' $9,000.

Sarah IC T enbroeck. Asbury P ark , to K a te in.. .Terolaman. Lots. 555^ 656, A sbury P a rk , $1,' ■ t '

T hom as-J. F letcher,' e t ux, tow nsh ip Ocean, .to 'Isirael H . G ant, t o t iOG, E d g e m e re , '$ l . , ' ■

Xsraol H . 'G a n t , tow nsh ip N eptune, to M ary B. F le tcher. T^ot 106,' Edge- more, $1. , .

A m anda E . N ichols, tow nship N ep­tune, to A rth u r 'Springfield. ’ 1080,Oceun Grove, 11,000. . ® .,"■'

O ceaa Grovo Oatap M eeting A sso c ia ­tion it- A m u r SprlngTBold; L o t 10g0, O cean Grove. $400. ,

C ora L .’ W alton and H: A., 'h er mis-,! band, O cean Grove, to S a rah J . O’Dell. L o t 03, O cean Grove, $5,000. j.

O liver H . B ennlt, e t ux ,-Jjoch /Ar. boui, to Mr»tthlas T. Applegate. L o t’ 158, Loch A rbour, $6,500, '

M atth ias T, A pplegate, e t ' ux.ijAs- bury .J’ark , to E d ith I. B ennlt. L ot'4S , O cean Grovo, $1,600. /

M aria CaVrino and A lfonsc-,, "tier h u sb and ,^ tow nsh ip N optuno, to ' Gut- 6«>pp:i, wlfo o f Joaoph Spina. L ot R ango B, West. P a rk , $2,000

J . P e te r W alker, e t :;x, A llonburst, tn E v e re tt C otter. L o t 113,. W est Ats- 'bury P a rk , $4,200. '

E v e re tt C otter, e t ux, AsSniry P a rk ,: to J. P e te r W alker. L d t 113, W esJ A s­b u ry P a rk ; JEOO. >V

R a lp h 'S . H uH 'N ojB’-Y ork. tb .'H e n lyte p io o ic r so,.

IDoal, $1. • . ' ’v-T ow nsh ip L.

• W hite. ..Land totattfeUlp -yjejptdlie, ^189.61.' -V , :

F ran k D urand, e t ux, M anosnuaa, to C harles C. Lockwood. L ots ES0, D91, and eas te rly p a r t 06D, on m ap of Spvh' esta te , A llenhurst, $1. .

L au ra Brown M iller ttnd E dw ard C.. he r-h u cb an d . Brooklyn, to Allno C. Lyon. .Lots G31, ,632, 633, 034, S je J r e sta te , A llenhurst. $i.

1 A F F F 0 R CONGRESS** Biil Only as a a inaependtnl,” s»ys *s

C cesn- Grove Summer BesldemA, R aym ond Raff, of th e Tw enty-

n in th Ward', P h iladelph ia , has bolted th e ''rb g u la r D em ocratic nom ination fo r C ongress in th e F o u r th D istric t.

Mr. Raff is -an Ocoan Grove p ro p erty o w n e r.',H o res ides here w ith h is fam i­ly du ring the Bupimet m onths H e w as flom jnateu by the D onnelly-Ryan D em ocrats and a lso by th e independ­ent fac tion of tiia t party . T h e o th e r n ig h t ho a tten d ed an independen t m eeting in . th e Tw enty-nin th W ard and publicly announced th a t s& had r e fu s e d 'to run on tbo Donnelly-Ryatt t ic k e t and ' th a t be ha« notified City C hairm an Donnelly to th a t affect.

T ho nom ination of Mr. R ail by. th’e reg u la r D em ocrats w as decided on by th a t faction a t tb e la s t m inu te to .co n ­fuse the independen t forces, who had; m ado previous announcem ent of the ir in ten tion to nnrr.e him fo r C ongress to succeed th e la te R obert H. Foordgr- er.

How N«me for Hew P»per Wa* ChuesJ W. N aylor is to s tay , n new spaper

a t 'A llentow n, th is county. Mr. N ay­lo r Invited the people o t A llentow n to nam e th e paper. M any nam es w era aubm ltted w ith M onm outh to r tho flrs t part, b u t th is w as finally voted dowji and A llentow n m ade th o first p a r t of tho nam e. L aw yer H . R. B er­gen m ade a m otion th a t since th e peo- plo had nnm ed th e flrs t p a r t th a t each should w rito his choice of a nam e on s slip nnd subm it them ' tn Mr. Nay- is r and he m ake his own selection of the la t te r 'p a r t of th e n am e ,. T h is >vas done. A llentow n M essenger is th o nam e m o st favorably spoken of and It Ib th o u g h t th te will be Mr. N aylor's selection A r A llentow n Is 'Ik ; hom e ef. th e la te Bx-G oyeraor W illiam A. Newell, a cu t c? a Hfe-savlng s ta tio n ■will ap p ea r In th e head ing o f the pa­per, as a m a rk of re sp ec t t-‘> tbo s ta te s ­m an w ho w as tb e fa th e r of th e life- sav ing serv ice.

..Hew lu ll£ lie» lln f a t D ial Laks C aptain R ainea r. o f Mairi avenue,

has cotnpleted th e w ork o f bulkhead-' ing a lo n g 'D e a l lak e In fro n t of Dr. Sam uel Johnspn ’a p ro p erty a t L od tf A rbour. T ho la ta s to rm w as respoBBl. blp fo r considerable dam age a t th a t po in t.’T h e new bulkhead covers a dis­t a n c e 'o f over 200 te e t. ,

Reduced rates lor September and October ’ a t . ; tlie Atlantic Houso, -S’!'.- roan avenue,-near tho ocean, Sim pal­lors, Bteam heat—S6-88.', ’' , ..’


. .F reeho ld is to have an e lectric fire-alarm system . ",

..M onm ou th county has. s ix teen !boroughs ou t of a to ta l num ber of 118 lri the S tate ,• ..-W ork on th e county rood from M iddletow n to Red B ank ‘ w as com­m enced la s t week.

..W illiam F. Madge, of A delphla, h a s lo s t tblrty-flve sh o a ts nnd th ree o ld 'h o g s from c h o le ra .'

. ,'Tbe M onm outh M em orial H ospit­a l em ploys flve men,, e ig h t dom estics and tw enty-tw o nurses.

.S p ring L ak e’s ta x ra te th is year. Is $2*1.40 p e r $1 ,000, a decrease of

-. tw e n ty .c e n ts 'f ro m la s t year.T h e 'J u n io r A m erican M echanics,

of R ed B ank, h a s-p re sen te d a (lag to th e h igh school of th a t place.

..M an y fa rm ers a? South Jersey in t i alm ost th e ir en tire lim a bean

■ crop, due to the w hite mould, ’: ,W , W . R am say, of K eansburg ,

h a s en te red the race fo r the appoin t­m e n t of postm aster a t K eyport.

. .T h t pay ro ll of, the New Jersey B ridge Compans a t M anasquan, am oun ts to $1,700 every tw o w eeks.

. .M a r tin R . V anK euren . th e ow ner o f M onm outh P ark , offers to donate fifty acres of laud fo r a facto ry site .• . .T h e A tlan tic H igh lands borough council is endeavoring tc have- tho tro lley extended from K eyport to th a t

: place. -:> •. .L a v in ia W aters , colored, of Red

B ank , h a s been ,held fo r th e grand ju ry , charged w ith keep ing a d isorder- ly house. \ f

iiev . N. J. Sprout, of D unellen, for- m erly of lEngllsbtoW n, has re ce iv e ' a

; call to th e F ir s t P resb y te ria n Church■ .a t; Quincy,-'M ass.

, .Tho-’new ly organ ized Long B ranch boor.’ of tra d e is offering induce­m ent? for', th e e stab lishm en t of fac­

to r ie s a t th a t place. ,{ . . I t Is now th o i» ;h t th a t- th c w reck­ed M ercantile Co-operntive B ank, of

' R ed B ank, will be able to ' pay abou t 75 cen ts on a dollar.

..'.T unis S ickles, of H olm del, h a s re­covered th e two blankets, robe and ■whip stolen from his carriage a t M ataw an severa l w eeks ago.

. .J a m e s M. S tra tto n , of N orth Long B ranch, has been appointed fisi' and gam e p ro tec to r to succeed George R i­ley, of.N ew ark , who w aa re tired . .

' . .C a r l M atth iasen , of K eyport, has purchased th e dw elling of th e m issing m ay o r end postm aster. B enjam in B. Ogden, on M ain s tre e t, for $7,000.

. .T h e hay p ressing p lan t of A lfred V oorhees, near H arm ony, w as de­stroyed by Are. T he loss included 50 to n s of bay and valuable, m achinery.. . .C harles ' W alnw rlgh t w as

$20 and costs by Ju s tic e Schoenleln, - " o f 'L o n g B ranch, fo r shooting two

wood ducks d u rin g the closed season.- . .R e v . F ran k G. B assett, a re cen t

g rad u a te of P rince too Sem inary, has accepted a call to the P resb y te rian C hurches of N e w , E gyp t and Cream R id g e ,

..M iss B lanche Reid, of Long B ranch, h a s . entered th e w om an’s col­lege a t B altim ore, for a ' four-year’s course. She wilt tak e up the s tu d y of m edicine.

..G . R. M itchell has beer, super­seded 3B superin tenden t of th e J e r ­sey C entral T rac tion Com pany a t K eyport by Sam uel H algh of near P h iladelphia .

. .H e n ry Van P elt, of Eatontow n, s p e n t it n l f i t in th e town lock-up and paid a $5 lioo recen tly because he " sasse ti” J . R. C lark, the tow n’s only policem an.

. .Rev: R. T . Leary, a fo rm er pasto r o f St. Jo h n 's M: E. C hurch, South K eyport, bos en tire ly recovered from t i e m ental troub le w ith w hich he w as afflicted.

7 . .T he n ex t m eeting o t tiie S ta te Board of M edical E xam iners will be held a t .Trenton, os O ctober 20 and 21, : Dr. Jobr; W . B ennett, of Long B ranch , Is p res id en t of the board. .

...M atthew s B ro thers , of Red B ank, h ave a 'co n trac t to put down a six- lncb well fo r Mr. K inney, of E lberon. T h is well is to go down to tbe 390. foo t s tra tu m of w ater-bearing sand.

, ; .D r . H . H. Cate, who d isappeared - f ro m Lalcewoof: several m onths ago

and w a s.fo u n d later* a t Poughkeepsie in a dem ented condition, has been tak en to a san itarium a t Goshen, N.

, v .Mrs, H am ilton P. Burnoy, a eum- m e r re s iden t a t th e E aton co ttago tjt E lb e ro n ' ’’o s t a handbag con ta ju in^ diam onds aud o th e r jew els valued a t $2,000 w hile on h e r way to Long B ranch.

. .B e lm ar’s common council lir.s : vo ted an appropria tion of $150 fo r tho In sta lling of sto rage b a tte rie s for die frrg alarm system ami th e rep lac ing of w ires th a t w ere to rn down by tbe r e c e n t sto rm .

.S ubscrip tions a re being m ade to « fund fo r th e rebu ild ing of th e Cul­ver}' O aptlst C hurch a t Red B ank, w hich w as lifted from its foundations by th e sev e re .g a le severa l w eeks ago and bad its w alls sh a tte red .

. .M iss Lcfuise E . P r ic k e tt and nephew . 'W arner F. P a tte rso n , of A t­

l a n t i c H ighlands, expect ::oo::< to sail fo r F rance, w here fney w ill spend sev­e ra l m onths w ith Hon, W . A. P rick e tt, U nited S ta te s Consul a t R belm s.

. .J o h n -W hitehead, of Sout& River, h as purchased th e en tire block e lectric H ght Im provem ent bonds is-*

.su e d by th a t borough, to tho a rao u at ' o t $6,600, pity ing u prem ium of tw o

por cent, in' addition, to th e face value.

Money on Bond and flortgagePersons desiring secure ' money

•on boEjSjjad mortgage,i.wonld do woty to. wifely VS* B. N. Woolston, 3f M ain] avenue. Sums from $300 to $5,000. {

- -M a g is tra te F e rr is h a s . new offices at- 726 M attiso n ' avenue,

— T he tw o pavilions; on! the beach fro n t a re to be rem odeled. •

—T hrough the w in ter local b arber shops .will be closed on Sunday.,

—E d ito r K lnm ontb of the P ress, and w ife a re v is itin g 're la tiv e s in Iowa.

—Loca^ hotel keepers have a clam ­b ake a t Port-au-Peck today (F rid ay ),\ — j-opqrt be correct, a $200,000 ho­te l is to b e ’b u ilt a t A llenhu rs t, before nex t spring ., '


P E N lfS Y GOES i l FOR FO R E STR YRailroad's Laust Scheme Hat Mccb to

Commend Ji

I t Is s ta ted . th a t th e P e nnsy lvan ia R ailroad Company haB o rd e re d 50,000 young lo cu st tre e s , w hich a re to be s e t o u t th is fa ll on land owned-’by ,the com pany aao th a t th e policy of the com pany w ill bp .to p la n t add itional tre e s each year. In 'baying r ig h ts of. w ay th o : com pany h a s • purchased m ore land'- th a n w as needeu : fo r tb s tra c k s , and som e of its, fa rm s , w hich have bees: leased w lil ’ be devoted to th e cu ltu re o t locust, tre e s w here , th e sol! is su itab le.

W ooden tie s a re th e b e s t and a s . th e re is continued dem and for them ,lt Would seem, to m ako i t desirab le for. fa rm ers to consu lt th e S ta te fo res te rs and de­vo te to fo re s try such of th e ir lands aa can be s ra S tab ley used .fo r th a t purpose. St has. been proven th a t fo r­e s try in New Jersey , w hen tielaiitiflc- a lly ' conducted pays; ,

W A R D 18 HOW SERG EAN TPrem tiure Announcement Followed By

Ex-ABiemblyman's AppolmmentOn W ednesday :m orn ing Ex-Assem -

b lym aii John A. H ow land, of Long B ra n c h ,.'^ a s appointed sergeant-a t- Arms o f ; th e M onm outh . Gourity. Courts. Ho succeeds th e la te C harles M orris. ■ . *■.

Mri H ow land ‘for m any y e a rs has been Identified with' th e s h e r iffs office'. It w as repo rted som e tim e ago th a t he

#had been appointed . sergeant-a t-arm s. T h is .rum or, .however, , w as prem ature,' a lthough well grounded^, as Mr. How­land bad been to ld th a t he could ^haye th e appo in tm en t if he desired it. i ;

Love for L iq v tr Gets Priest la TroubleV Rev. Joseph I^arp inski, p a s to r of th e In d ep en d en t \ Ro^tsh C atholic Church, of P e rth Amboy, wras a r re s t­ed, a t th a t place W ednesday: of la s t weeki on a charge of be ing d ru n k and d iso rderly p referred by. .three neigh-' bors. - One ot the com plainan ts claim* ed th a t the .p rie s t had been annoyinfi h is w ife and only th e h ig b t before had caught h e r in a hallyw ay and k issed her. • K arp insk l ad m itted being u n d er th e influence of liquor. T he re ­corder fined him $5. H av ing no money th e p rie s t w as taken back, to h is cell, w here he had to spend th e n igh t. He prom ised to leave tow n when re­leased. •

SwKt T n u n l Officer a t Long: Branch.E dw ard I. P itch e r, t ru a n t officer a t

Long B ranch, has posted th is notice fo r the benefit of the scho lars of th e tow nship:

“T h e S ta te home for’ boys is a tJam esburg . T he S ta te industria l .school for g irls is a t T ren ton . Iam tru a n t officer, EDW ARD I.PITCHER'.” "

Taxpayer* Aid Roai WorkJ . J . Leonard, th e road superv iso r

of M iddletown tow nsh ip , has received ab o u t1 $600 from p roperty ow ners and sum suer re s id en ts along th'e Hart's- h o rne .road; from J am e s Sw an’s pond to R obert H a rtsh o rn e 's line. T he

, m oney w as-g iven Mr. .Leonard for. the purpose of- regravelllng toad ,

P.clltics W arm a t Bradley Beach .C outicllm an E v e re tt B .i F o s te r and

Ex-M ayor. T. R ogers a re ruention- e'd a s cand idates fo r m ayoralty ' hon­o rs a t B radley Beach. I t ?3 repo rted th a t th e p re se n t m ayor, H enry C. F ra tt , is to resig ii !o accep t th e posi­tion of m arshal. T h is re p o rt has been deuled. •

New Site F*r Saptitt ChurckT ho tru s teca ' of th e F ir s t B ap tist

C hurch o t A sbury P a rk , have been au­thorized to purchase fo r a new church s lto tho M orfard p roperty , corner Sew ell avenue and E m ory s tre e t. Tt is expected th a t w ith in a few m onths th e new build ing will be w ell under w ay. ■____

Hopewell il t th o a ii ts A rt BopetulT ho Hopowell-M . B, Churph, through

lta pasto r, th e Tlev. John J . M essier, a n d official board, Is m aking a s tren u ­ous effo rt to cancel its m ortgage,

■ am ounting , to $3,300,' b y pub lic sub­scrip tions a t fifty cen ts-each . L e tte rs te llin g of th e ir s trugg le and ’ appeal fo r h e lp a re being Beat a round 'the county. , .

Qnarterly -Staff a t HospitalA new r sta£f of pbyslciane .will re­

p o rt daily fo r dut-;. a t th e M onm outh

—T hom as A'. Edison, Jr., son of W izard E dison, Is v isiting A sbury P a rk fo r a m onth. • . .

.—T h e h igh school a th le tic assoc ia­tion has been reorganized, Joseph T u rn e r is Its presiden t. . ,

— C hief Sm ith , of the P a rk police, h a s b ough t tw o lo ts a t the co rner of M ain s tre e t and S ix th avenue. ■ 1

—C barles 6 . S traa t, la te -with t i e •Consum ers’ Coal and Supply - Com- panyi>has leased the T enney H q u te ,

—Stores of th e local M erchan ts’ P ro tec tiv e A ssociation w ill close a t-7 o 'clock p. m . d u rin g th e “om ing win-; te r . '- ' ■ .'

—T ho S a tu rd ay Club re sum es its weekly m eetings ou O ctober i ^'ii. A', s tudy of Sco tt w ill be m ade th is sea- eon,

—W illiam S. W ells, p riva te sec re ­ta ry to Jam er, A. B radley, has b e ta seriously ill th is w eek a t b is bom.e In W est P a rk .

—C orin th ian C astle, K . G. E „ . Ib sponso r fo r th e firs t hop of th e season, to be g iven n e s t M onday evening In C layton H all, ' . . '’ —R um ors of a new. th ea tre In, A s­bury P a rk a re rife. J . IC M orton Is m entioned Sts connection .-•with Its m anagem ent. .

—Rural ftV-e delivery mail service w ill be established In tha villages west of town, with Aabury .Park as. th e s is - tributlng centre. . ,

—Im provem ents on the'!.beacb front a t D eal will be com m enced n e x t J a n ­uary, I t is proposed to build a board ­w alk, bathhouses, casino, etc . ..

—D am age to tbe am ount o f-ab o u t $1,000’ w as caused by fire M onday a t th e sum m er home of M rs.'G eorge .Mc- Keown, S p ie r avenue, A llenljurst. ;

—A "coun try husk ing bee ' w ill .be g iven W ednesday evening, p c t .- £ '\ a* L ib rary H ail, fo r’ th e benefit o f 't h e F ir s t B ap tis t C hurch bu ild ing fu n d .'

—H orace. Byrara la s t SaturdJiy (til! from t. horizontal b a r and broke t i ls ’ le f t w ris t. T h e acciden t occurred 5a tb e re a r o f B yram 's home, on L ake avenue. • ."

—W esley E ngine and H ose Com­pany,. abou t Hfty strong, w ent to Al­lentow n, Pa.', to pa rtic ip a te In tt\e b'|g firem en's parade a t th a t place 'o n T h u rsd ay .

—R ichartl'.S to lle lias b e e n 'a p p o in t­e d 'to serve o u t th e unexpired te rm of Enoch I<. C ow art-as^ councilm an a t . D eal. Mr. Stolle.'.ls. iriahager 5? .tb ’e Deal C ountry Club.

—F o rtu n e Harris,I. colored.".of .Weal P a rk , has been granteil an ■ exem pt firem an’s ; certificate. H a rris • is : be-' llev ed . to’'he* th e only colored m an Iii tjils coun try tliua favored. • K

■—On T hursday , evening uf nex t week- tbe guild of tbe F ir s t .Congrega- tifinal C hurch will give a New E ng­land supper; the, proceedsv o f which go to1't h e cltu reh d eb t fund,-. •

—F. L. y ree la n d , o f B ayonne. Was la s t S a tu rd ay evening aw arded the g en tlem en 's cup fo r high spore on the Colem an bow ling alleys. M rs. E. M. D avenport, of B ethlehem , Pa., cap tu r­ed th e lad les’ cup. . :;J - '

—A , to u r of inspection of-'A sbury P a rk w as la s t S a tu rd a y , m ade by a delegation of O cean C ity officials; T hey w ere w ell p leased w ith th e ir v isit. i\nd to o k 1 hom e som e valuable Ideas on public Im provem ent.

—I t is said ' th a t qu ite a .num ljer o! p e rso n s . In A sbury , P a rk in a vicin ity h ave been affected by the troubles of th e C itizens’ M utual B anking and Building' Society of E lizabeth . ■ They havt. placed, th e ir claim s in tbe h ead s

.o f law yers. '

SRHTA CLMJS G ETS B U C K EYENotwithstan€lng Mds BaU w lnrs Crttfctim

He W ill Come Up Smlllnir Dec. 25

A t th e annual convention of tho M onm outh County Sunday School As­sociation ' held a t Red B ank , M iss S. L*. B a ld w in ,. of N ew ark, S ta te p ri­m ary superin tenden t, conducted a round tab le on “Problem s in Child" N atn re .” Ono of the questions M iss' Baldw in w aa asked to answ er was, “Is i t th e 1 p ro p e r th in g to deqeive children w itb th e S an ta C laus ^ y t h ? ”

M iss B ald w in . a lluded to . t h e crltlr cism s to Wf.hiclj/sho had been subject-: ed fo r answ ering a s im ila r qeustloni som e tim e ago, and said th e ; c riti­cism s had hot caused h e r to change h e r m ind on th e sub ject. She declared th a t i t-w a s .wrong to b ring S an ta Claus Into tho. Sunday school because o f . th e sch o la rs1 ten d en cy to fo rget C h ris t an d the tru e m ean ing of C hrist­m as. She said fu r th e r th a t when the child grew to accoun tab ility he would be w rongly Influenced, m ore o r 'le e s . on acco u n t of th e deceit.. • . / -■ .

H arry Martin Is M arried TH a rry B. M artin , of the ’ Asbury

P a rk postoffice fo rce , w as m arried a t B oston on ^T uesday. H is b ride w as M iss E m m a O. Bye. A fte r th e ir wed­ding tou r Mr: and M rs. M artin w ill llvo a t 1102 S unse t avenue; .A sbury P a rk . The groom. 3s a ten o r-s in g e r of n o te In local m usical circles,• _ | . \ .

Paint Vonr Bugjjy-loc 7gc.u o n o

M e m o r i a i - 4 i i » p i t a ! ' t £ o i i ^ l ^ « n ! % i ^ f l ^ n t .M M ^ W .s ' ' S ' ^ 8 H i 1 foora-tom onths. ^ o rm an a n d rJ J r - th e p ln t- tiia iro th e ra , fwoars^lpnger, andS cudder J .. W oolley, succeod Dr. E. F. gives a g loss equal to new w orkt/SpM T aylor an^l D r. W alte r S. W hitm ore. ' ’by B uchanon & Snyjck.. ••*. < >.•