VOL. WINNSBORO, C., i5...Jaidin advance. squaro.Obiitary Notices andTributes $1.00 per Passage by...

b -- - -g- ------- VOL. 1] WINNSBORO, S. C., WEDNESDAT MORNING, SE PTEMBEI 26, 1866. [NO. i5 FAIRFIELD HERALD 18 PtUBI.SIICD WICEKLY BY GAILLARD, DESPORTVES & 00. Teris.-Tus 1R:ALD is published Week, ly In the Townx or Winnsboro, at 93.00 in. vareably in advance. ftgi All transient advertisements to be Jaid in advance. Obiitary Notices and Tributes $1.00 per squaro. Passage by thle House of t lie Bill Postponl ~- Ing the Courts of Mlimon Pkeas Until TuRSAna, Sepitember 18. The agitation of neasures for the relief of the people continued yesterday, but was ao. companied with more practical results and less elocutionary display titan might have been expected. Thu Bill before the House was that rdporied by the Senate, to Which Mr. liagood ofered the following subs.tiLtut for all after the enacting cl.ause: A 11111 to alter and fix the timo of holding tihe Courts of Common Pleas in this State- Sso 1. lie It enacted by-the S5enate and House of Representat ives, now met and sit. ing in General Assembly, and by the au. thority of the saime, That from and after the ratieittion of this Act, ti.e Judges of the Superior Courts of Law in this State shall hold tite Courts of Common Pleas in the several Circuits esiablished by law in this State annuallf in the Spring of every year at the times and places in each District already affixed by law.. 8xc. 2. That oil writs and other process of the said Courts of Common Pleas, meane and findi, how iade returnable to the Fall Torin heretofore established, shall be re. S turnable to the annual Spring Courts, the sameas if already so directed; and that the same Vilesosf ituparlanco, hnd the same or- der of proceedings now existing for te beii-annual Courts shall be extended to and apply to tht Courts established by this Act. St.1 3. That all Ants and parts of Acts of the General Assembly of the State in conflict with provisions of this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Mr. Hlagood said : That he In common with many others upon the floor entertained insuperable objoctions .to the constitution. nlity of the bill under consideration. The amendment proposed, in his judgtnent, ob. viated those objections. lie was informed by those whose experiene in the courts en- titled their opinion to weight., that under tho new legislation giving large jurisdiotion and frequont sessions of the Disftict. Courts, annual sessions would it all propability be ampl for the disoarge of lie business of the Courts of Common. 'leas. 1't1e aiiind- mont proptsedjo shut * nb Courts. It. left all the machinery of' justice in full opera. tion. It held out to the debtor no delusive hope of repudiation. Writs could be sied out at once; compromises of debt. when ad. justment was rossible, would take place; judgment and evy of execution were alone by the incidental operation of the proposod amendment postponed for a short pericd. This incidental operation of the amendment is the only objection which-. can 'be urged against it. And this said he, Mr. Speaker,' I must-frankly confess is one of its featus-es which recommends it. very .strongly to me. It is known to every .member on this floor that the majority of the planters of this State, th6 class which constItutes the bulk of its population, will be poorer on tihe first dtay or next January. than the last. It is eiqually well known that this fact is due to no want of industry orenergy on their 'art. An a class, they have labored hopefully and energetically with crippled resources to re. trieve the great disaster that line befallen their fort-unes. The failure iq due to unfa- vorable seasons unprecedented in the mem- ery of any man here. It is well known that with our -favored soIl and climate, sea. sons approxImating the last do not recur once In twenty years. In all human proba- bility the next seasibn will be as prosperous as th6 last was unfavorable and the notion of the proposed amendnent in the short de- lpy of the levy of exesutlon will enable the the. indebted planter to brIng one more crop into market, wherewith to meet his .obliga- ;Ytions, to make one more appeal to the mer- cies of a beniflcent,Prevideo--.', and itf after ihat the decree is unreversens, why, he must meet his doom as he may, Thus, Mr. Speaker, If as I ,,hink there Is 4upon fthe face of this amendment no .constl- tutional otdoottion ;if the probabIlItIes are, that it willeoffect a desirable economic re- form in the arrangement of our courts, and if, from its incidental operation, relief however meagre, comes to our distressed ~ ~and 1mpoverished people, It commends itself very strongly to my approval, and upon th~eso grounds I submit It to the considera- tion of the.House. Mr, Todd,- of Laurens, moved that the amendment, of Mr. Hagoodbe laid on the table, which was decided In the negative by * a vote of yeas 45, nays 57. The qutestlon now rectirred on the adop. tlon of thme amnenumnent, and the questioni be- ing taken by yeas and nays It was decided in the affirmative by a vets of yeas 66 ~syU 46. As a matter of record wopublish thenames of the members voting, that, this public mnay know who are friends and opponents of. the measmnre of relief proposed. Ymnas.--Alken' J. It., Alst on, Anderson, Ball, Black, Biorhanm, Bowen, Browning, Clybuirn, f'rayton, Culbreath, Easly, Elkin, F'larmer, Flowers, GJarlingtron, Gavin, Gayer, Goordwvn, tiagoodi, Hlammett, Hay, Hlayes, lier'st, flowzo", Joftes, Keels, Keith, Keltt Landrum, Ilipsey, Mantigault, Melchers, NoKewa, MIlling, MulIns, Price, Riawlld. nonm, Richardson, J. 8. Jr., Russell, Ryan, Bailey, Sessiods, Sheridan, Springs, Stokes, $uer, Talbert, Troscot, Wagoner, Walk. or',, Wallace, Win., Wannatnaker, Wa'rley, Wright-55.- NAvs.-D. Wyatt Aiken,.Baohmatmi, Bar- ker, Cannon, Carlisle, Coker, Coogati, Cov- ington, DePass,. DuPree, .Duncan, Elliott, IFair, Gaillar'd, Grahamn, Hlanokel, Htaskell, Hunnteor, flutson, Looe, Leitnter, Lewis, Lord, Magrath, Mart In, Mikoll. T. P., MIkell, W. E ,Milligah, Moore, J. W., Mulvaney, P orry, Petty, Pressly, Richardson, Shaw, S'tlgling, Sparakman, Staokhouse, T'alley, Thomas, Thomson, Todd, Townsend, Wal. lace, A. 8., Woodsuff, 8peakera-46 A motion by Mr. Warley to postpone the furtheoy consideration of the subject indell- nItely was agreed to by a vote of yeas 48, nays 55.- , Mr. Townsend, of Marlboro, moved to contliwuo the subject until the next sessIon. Mr. Talbert, of Abbeville, moved 'to lay 'that motion on the I able The yeas and -nays being ordered, it was agreed to by a vco of yeas 70, nays 84. Mr. Load, of Ohkatnn moved to subuti. tute as atitle for theblll "A bill- affording relief to debtors." Mr. Lord contended that the whoc argument had been not as to the nepossity of changing the terms of the Couis, but as to the nec csity of them for the relief of debtors. If such was the factthore should be no reason .in the minuds of gentlemen, why it.should not be expressed on the bill. Mr. Garlington asked the speaker if he as a lawyer announced that the bill, as it now stood borore the House, was in his opinion unoonst)tutioual. Mr. Lord replied that he had no heialta- tion in saying that, in any legislation which has for its object, the relief of the deb.tor,. whether It assumed the form of a change of remedy, or change in the time of holding courts was an unconstitutional evasion of Ihe spirit if not a,violation of the law. * Mr. Garlington said that the gentleman did not answer the question. Ho had, dis. cussed the objects of the bill apd declared. them to be unconstitutional and it was evi- dent that his object.was to put into the title of the bill something upon which the Court Qf Errors could seize for the purpose of making the act null and void. Mr. Lord said lie would ask if the gentle- man from Newberry denied that this bill was designed to afford relief to debtors by changing the term of the Court of Common Pleas. Mr. Garlington replied that Io did not deny that his own private view was to afford relief to debtors, but. no court in the world had-a right to interfere with his. motives, and doubly so when they di'd not appear In the bill under consideration. Mr. Trescot oboerved that he supported this bill, not because it was for the reliof.of debtors, but because he believed the interest of the creditors of the State required that the conrt should not be opened at a time when it would occasion much distress. There were thousands of planters in the State. especially in the low country, who, under the pecuniary circumstances which exist betweer, the State and Federal authori- ties whereby their estates are still in the hands pf other than their rightful owners who would be ruined unless time is afforded t'o recover further losses. It, was therefore a matter of public interest that he should support this bill but if he voted for changing th'e title in the manner suggested he would be'untrue to the conviotions entertained. Mr. Mullins moved to lay it on the table. The yeas and nnys were ordered and the nmotidn was sustained by a vote of yeas 68, nays 47. Ilr. Barker offered as a substitute the f9llowing -title te the bill: A bill to suspend the administration of justice In South Caro- linai for the general welfare. Alr. Trescot said that the intention of the 'gentleman from Charleston, had been sub- served by fring off his epigram; lie moved that it be laid on the table. -Mr. liarker replied that it'was nat his nature to deal with issues of serious impor- tamlec affect-ing the dignity of South CAroll- na, in tihe spirit suggested by the gentleman from Anderson. lie had but one desire, nariinely, to gee trqth ptit, upon the record, and h'e proposed. simply that, the advocates of this measure, as a last resort, having justified the suspension of the administra- tion of justice for general welfare they should announce it. Mr. Bonham suggested that it was usual foi'. friends of a measure to perfect and give to it their own title The assistance of the honorable member, who had suggested the amendment, was not. required. We (said Mr. B.) took the responsibibty of the bill. as it stanils, and no friend of the bill has proposed to alter the title; he moved there- fore, to lay the'motion to amend upon the table. . Mr. Lord derentled tihe right of the oppo. nents of the hill to amendlhe title, by cit- ing (he action of the UnitedStated Congress In 1880,'when Mr. Calhoun saw fit, under similar ciroumstances, to change the title of an important bill then under consideration. Mr. Trescot disclaimed any intention of misrepresenting his friend from Charleston, Mt. Barker. What he oblefly desired to impress upon the House was -that the bill was calculated to subservo the ends of jus- tice by suspending the 'oourtsr,.and not in the language of the proposed title to sus- pend justice for the gend al welfare. Mr. Bonhata reneeted his motion to lay the amendment on the table, which was agreed to, and the' bill as amended, lwas ordered to be. sent to the Senate. The bill amending an act entitled an aet to establiah district courts was taken up, perfected, received its seconst reading and was seat to -the Senate. A bill amending thie criminal law was likewise perfected after debate, and sen$ to the Senate for .eonourrenige. The bill toprovide an expeditious .mode of qeeting trespassers which Mr. War'ley explained, would enable'the planters at the end of the year'-to obtain possession of.th e negre quarters without gvn g thr-ee monthe notice was read a second titne and sent to the Senate for cncurrence. On. motion of Gen. Butler 'the House then toolt a recoss until half-paat seven o'clock. in the evon- ing. - NAPOLEON's LIBTTER TO 3NG Vic- TOR EMANUELer-The Mon feur adds : The Emperor Napoleon has made kcnown'his intentions to his Majesty. King Victor Emanuel, in .the follow- ing letter : Mv BR6THER : I have learnt wit pileasure that your Majesty has adher- ed to the armistice and prelimninarios of poace signed by the King of . Prus- sia and the Emperor .of Austria.. It is,.therefore, probable that a new era of tranquility, is about to open for' Europe. Your Majesty knows that I have actepted the offer of Venetia in order to preserve her from any Ieva*- tatio,n, and to prevent nseless bloo'd- shed, My intention has always been to restore her to her self; In order that Italy always might be free froth the. Alps to the Adriatic ; mistress of her destinies, Venetia will soon be able t4xpress her elshes by universal autf *'our 16jeptyN wil*o 5: ~ tis cireuttastanee the ~oenqetc has pgainboep. exeo s jlfavoi humanit aend the 4p~pc o the beope. Z renceti assurea~ ~ the sentiments of highi gateezs- in$ -l core friendship with which, r am Majesty's good brother, NAWosON. 16. fCLOarrn Aazgnd I leeft, Danger of Another Civil War. The Petersburg Express forcilbly o.b serves that there is *verything in the character and proceedings of the domi- nant party in Congress to.,justify the suspicion-yoa, to inspire in every re. flecting mind the belief-that they are not only disposed but detovmined to resort to the. most extreme measures, if necessary, to accommpirsh their vile purposes. Cowards as the leadois are, they can yet, with their infamous har. angues, influence the credulous and con- fiding multitudes of their followers to the inost violent courses, even to the shedding of blood, whilst they (the lead ers) will take good. care to keep their, own carcasses out of harm's reach. If they cannot draw the sword themselves, they can sound the -trumpet at a. safe distance,' and so -incite thodsands of zealots, phrenzied with fanaticism and. infuriated with hellish hate to deeds t.h. 0 -contemplation of wihich makes humanity I shudder. Men, ,or rather monsteys in the shape of men, like Stevens, Sumner, t Kelly, Chandler, Forney, Butler, and 'b scores of other radical chiefs that ivight r be named, talk of war-es if they had the nerves of Achilles, and tihe spirit of Julius Corsar-as -if'thef would be the first tq# panoply themselves fid rush to thie eneanguitned field: But let war come and they will ba found hidigig themselves in the deepest caverns of 1 narth to escape the perils of theconflict. -p But these dastardly brutes, unfortunate- ly, possess influence enough with their r tongues and pens. (the only weapon4 ( they know he use .of) to plunge the land into the horrors of anarchy an in. testine strife, and it is evident from re cent and daily developments that they t intend to exert this influence to the ut- . most. Who that thoughifully considers i the scenes which marked the late session t of Congress--the enormous unscrupu. lous assumption of power by the ruling r majority-their reckless violations of p the constitution-theirBflerce and malig. t nant'assaults upon the President for an 1: honest and patriotic discharge of his t duties their bold declarations of their treasonable purnoses-their contemptu- ( ous disregard of all the pleadings and tl arguments for a peaceful' re-adniision c of the Southern common wealhs to t.heir pas.s atho Unioin ,erintifaf i overthrow-who that thoughtfully con- t siders these things, and in connection a with them, the present still attitude of hostility in which those conspirators a against iahe republic stand towards its t Executive head and his millions of sup- t porters, can doubt for a moment that an- a othdr struggle, more bitter and bloody than that which has just been closed, is E impending? It is just as well-it is a 'j great deal better-for tihe conservative b press to ipeak out' openly at on'ct', and t tell.the people that a nev war is inimi- f: Oent-a war, the guilt of which will be 0 afltogether upon the heads of the radical t infrintes who have dared to -take issue g with the Presideut upon his. policy of r restoring the national unity, dignity and n prosperity. What is the use of Mine- c ing piirasl in so portentous a crisis-? q Why crf pence, penke, where 'there is c no peace?" Look at what has been I said and - done in Philadelphia In- the' last few days, in that assembly of politi r cal vipers called the "Loyalists Conven- r tion"-look at what tianspired at Cleve. land when the President passed through T that city on his way t Chlicago,-ook c at the spirit of deVelish animosity Against I that' brave and noble defend *~of the n Constitution, "which is displayed"by Tlle ift usur npg and revolutionary. p arty who e from~ eir "ebon throne" in the.ntion- al capitol, have ' as good.as'proclaimed themselves to bo the- supreme power.of the land I Look'at the appliances' whie4~ j are being .const'~itly brought by theal (d' boar upon the approachmgi- electdois: Look at the .turbulent' and fraudulent manner in .whioch they,.are attenpamii 't to put down popular, rights and crush, out resistance to thteir execrabld semed for subverting our~institutions and shntok- hang a free peopi 'with3 chains mo'e gal. hing and ddgradlrng than were ever forged by oriental despoth 1- s it ndt time to awaken the whole countky toait sense-of the peril which hangs oy'er it ? We are no propet, but we. cannot read the "signs Of the times," as they now starea us in the face In every direction, w'ith, out taking the warning from- them with which they are pregnant*- They denote, to say the least, an alarmingly precanoios'- state of eublic affairs; so much so in-' deed, as to- warrant the inference {hat ,0 we are on the verge of new troubles the,! end of which the eye of the Almighty; can alone see. ThE election. soon to come oft -in the Northern Statee will I subject this government of ours and the, t popfle living under it'to an ordeal infi- - nitoly mom'e trying than any they have ' yet had to pass through. . i The last New York Express has the. followving paragraph on this subject, ' which in a few words fully suyvains ours "Re~ad' the' inflammatory and inoen diary speechismnade by certain ledical ! Congre~esmen mnd Governors, In Ph! la deiphia last evenilng--and sa lthe'. pon sor the* all is not the inevitbilil 4f noher~a This war is to lie flh dat,-analttempt a tuwn electiope ldiocto n6. abtetnt of rididal hlrobgtyi in the 'North and West." Ex-GovI annin reprted sari.a puslyill t, hs resdenc~in' ulo.- Legislature of South''Carolina. IDAY, S6PTVEM;i11 14, 1866 The Senate met at II a. p. Tihe bill giving authoriwiyto the -Ciiy ounci] of hitrleton to ;rceed in tho natter of a fire loaII, with a viow to aid u building .ip the city ane , was read a hird time and its title chatlged to an Act. ' iessrs. Sullivan, WilliOns, . Tracy, [Eiphill and Thompson sabmit.ted re- )ortsof committees. The.eport of the speciil doimitttee on o nuch of tise Governor's Message No. as relites to procuring snq alies of food nd enlarging the powers o the Coim. pission'ers of the Poor, was Aiscussed. Mr. Townsend offered an resolution, vhich was agreed to, that aJoint coi, nittee, to be composed of t41 nembers f the Senate and three inenibers of the louse, be appointed, to proVile, if pos- ble, siiitable places for tlhe, imleotinlg of he two Houses of'the Geneal Assem- ly, atthe next session, and that. tht-y eport to this Legislature wi I as little tlay as possible. Adjou rned. OUSE OF REPSESENTATIVES. The Honse met at 10 a. i. Messrs- Shaw, llamiett, Stackhouse, Pally. and D. W. Aiken submitted .te- orts of committees. Mr. Barker introduced the following esoltiions, which were referred to the 'ommittee on Federal Relttons: Resolved, by the Senate and Htouse of ?epresentatives, now met and sitting in 7enera Assembly, That-the 'resident of lie United-States be requested to send tleial notice to the .niilitary coman ers in South Carolina of tlw1 fact that lie war is ended. Resolved, That the President be also equested to order the discon'nuancei of rovost courts in South Ca linla, and hat, the ju risdiction of miili 'ry courts e confined to the limits pre ribed by lie Rules and Articles of W. Reolvel, That his lxce noy the iovernor be reqiiestdd to co municate lie loregoing resolutions to I xcellen. y the President of the Uni tates. Mr. Lord introdno ' l4wids )r the resumption of specie payment by be banks of this State, or for their die- olution. Mr. Hutson introduced a bill to obvi- to the necessity of a multiplicity of suits 3 ascertain the real consideration of con. racts made betweein January 1, 1862, nd May 15, 1865. A message was received from the lenate, informing the House that Messrs. 'ownsond. Frierson and Author had een appointed a committee of three on lie part of the Senate, to mature a plan > -organizing and establishing a collt-ge, r soine other institutIon, in- conformity ) the requirements of.ti Act of" Con. ress "donting public lands to the seve.- ul States and Territories, which may rovide colleges for the benefit of agri ulture andt.hie modhainic arts." and re- t'ests th' appointilent. of a committee Dnsisting' of four ~members of your [onse, to act wi'th the comnitteo oj the enate ; and thAt they be instructed to sport at the annual session of the Gene-, tl Assembly. Messrs. Coker, Hagood, Iaskell and P. Mikell were appointed the House i'mittee. A in ssage was received fram the So. ate;.refusiiig to concur in the resoluatioii om th'e House, "regnesting . railroad ampahies to teduce their fare for refu- The Vill to relieve the pecuniary die.. essof the inhabitants of this State, wvas ade~ti1pe.ei 1 Qrder of the day for dnesday, 28th .day November nex't, ierthe discus'ion of several impor. nt. bills, the Honse adjourned.- 5rRDAT, SEPT. 16, 1866. S E1N ATE. 'Thinate 'met at 11 a. mn. A smber of papers were received em th'e Hiouse of Representatives. Messre, .Thomeson, *Hemnphill, Buist ad Williams submitted reports of Com-. mittees. Mr. Wilon offered a resolution, !hidh wa's 'agre'd. .to, anmd was ordered a beop~nt to the'Houise of Rapresenta- yea for concurrenceo; That the mem bers omnposingethis General~ Assembly be 3quested to ascertaiin the number of' adigent. p'ooh residing in'their respective ~istrioti-; also, the quantity of supplies )P.awill be absolutely n'eessary for ueir subsistance during theo ensuing ear, and- report the same at the nex., ~gular session of the General Assemt Mir. Arthur offered.a resolution,- whioh ae agreed to: That until -otherwisi rdered, the daily sessiona of the Sonate; ialh be from 11 a. m. to .half-past 8 .p. i. from and aft'e' this day. The Senard readned the do6naider&' on oe'a bill to alter and fix the timeW i~holding the Courts of 0omanson:le thhleState. The .bil'toestab)ish DstrictoL(oite's hich had Uben poetpolped. to' th~e regun tt~sidn-Wse teootigfdered; dhigusE hd reooiantistWd to. the OstiU.iitl [OUSdE'OP B10WBNINTATVES M4sre..ShtV,'oodwyui. and 1ich' rdson, Jr., presented reports of Con 31ttees. Mr. Huteon introduced a bill t~o obvi- ate tie necessity for a multiplicity of Suits to ascertain the real consideration of contracts mtado between Ist January, 1802, and 15th May. 85. Oil inotion of Mr: D. Wyatt Aiken, the vote had yeste.rday 'by which a reuo- letion from the senate, inc.-ructing the Attorney-oendral and Solicitors to in. sLitutc pi'oceedings to forluet the charters of an y railroad compmay whIch has'd.111 is now violsiting its charter in the inlatter of freight or fare, ras concurred in, was reconsid rod, and th6 resolution was referred to the special joint coniniittec raised at the ljgt. hession on that subject. On anotion ('f Mr. Campbell, the H-ouse proodded to the considtration of a bill (from thi Sonate) to dufine the term "porsons.of color," .and to declare the rights of such , persons. Thto Bill was read the so-;ond time, the title was changed so as' to read, "A Bill to de- clare the rights of persons litely known as slavds attd free persons of color," and was ordered to be retunud to the Se- ate. The House.bill. define the terms "per- sons of color," and to define the rights of such persons, was ordered to be laid on the table The report of the Commit'tee on the State Honse and Grounds was agreed to, and was ordered to b sent to the Senato for conirrence. The bill relative to Ioding lie Courts of Common Pleas was dbat.ed, a Iended and made the special order for Monday. Oin motion of Mr. A. S. Wallace, the use of the hall of the Iiouse of Repre.k seintatives was granted to Dr. 1'. Olin, Diannelly, Monday ight next, for the purpose of delivering a lectnre upon artificial Jimbs and relief to mainied sol- diers. Mr. DePast introduced a resolition, which wis aigreed to, and was ordered to be sent to the Seiate for concurrence, that Lte specialj1on ia.coimittee. to whom was reforred the bill to provide artificial legs for all citizens of the State who have lost their legs during the recent war, have leave to report thercon at, the next session of the Legislature ; aid thav the Governor be requested to take stich measures as may . he necessary to procure information of the minmber of top e iizen inl th StAto who havo o3t, their legs as aforesaid, and to iiavite proposals and specimens of artificial legs, and to report., at tho next session of the General Assembly, thu number needing artificial legs, t6gether ,;itht the nano of that manufacturer who will present the best and cheapost model, with the price thereof. Adjourned. MOADA Y, S EP TEMB' 17,1866. SENATED. The Senate met at 11 a. m. The House sent to the Senato the fqllowing House bills, which land been read three times in the Houso and twice ml- the Sonate,'viz : A bill to amend an Act entitled "An Act to majco appro- priations for the year coinmencing in October; A. D. 1865." The bills were read a third time and heir titles chiuned to Acts. t Messrs. Sullivan, Mc.Cutchen, Thom. son, HI-omphill And Dozier stibmijtted re- ports of cgmmittees. . A bill to provide for the redemptlon ofbills receivable by thi#iState reepived the second readitig,. was agreed to, and %Vas ordered to be returned to.the House 01f Rep resentatives.. HOURIDi OF RICPR SIDNTATI VIS. Then House njet at 11 a. m.. A bill giving authority. to'the City Council of Chaarlestn -to proceed in 'the matter of' a fire loa n,'wl h aL view, to aid in bniildia.g up'tho city auow, 'and a bill to make parties,.. plaiuatifu'. and:' defen- dants, ini all ,pues, conipefont to -give tesiiimon~y in suriha'oses uti "like mianner as ether witnesaes,' were sovet'ally read6 the third timo, aidd their ti~tles change to Acts. Messrs;' Wagonor, WVarey, Good wyn, Lord, Carli sle,' Qampbell and 'Iichard son, jr.,' submitted reports of commit. tees. Tho'bills relative .to testimony,- liens and imiparlancos, and to raise a fund lor the necessities of the people, w'ore die cussed till the hiiur of a ojurnment. TUDDA Y, A9EPT. 18, 1860. SEiNA T10 Tho Senato met at il a. mn. The1 bill to provIde' for the establish- ment of a penitentiarr'y received the third reading, passed and the .title was chitaged to an Act. -A bill from the House, to make par- tiesq plaintiffs and defendants, in all cases, competent to give t~qstimoeny in such onsos -as other. witnessesi was ordered to 'fra. Thompson made a report, from the&Oommitteo on the Jutdiciary( on a ball from the House, to provide for til iregistration of trust deeds of personal p ry hich was postponed to the n se~sion of the Geaneral Assemiblj. Msfar 'lcQuteen, Dozier, 'Sullivaui, To#edand Arthnr aaypnltted' repdrtse of ooiuttees. c. ,-j'!'.' a eg GW..Willia'ne rpnd a report 4'om tl ,Committe on t so. Jndiosary, ota bil, atiend aK .A6 Snied "An -Adt toes lishufnd 'tgltlat'e the domA- tid t-elittios of pergerIs 'of color,! au~d. to amnid' the law in relation to paupers And vagrancy," which was postp~oned to 'tTfe'faert session. Adlourned. .1 10USE 0OF~llPRESENTATI VES. The House met at I I a. m. A joint res.Alitioi w'as agreed to pro- vidiig for tho adjouriueit, of the Legis. latur oin Friday iext, a, 12 im. The Senate returned to the House the following Acts, which were commit- ted to tho. (otnunittee on Engrossed Acts: An Act to amend an Act enti- tdl -Ai Act to make appropriations for the year commencing in October, A. D. 1.865 ;" an Act to incorporate the Phnonix Fire lngiio Company, of Darlingt.on an Act to declare valid -,he recoit electioti for Intendant mid War dnem of the town of' Darlinigton.; an Act. to legalizo tlh clections of mnunicipal ollicers of the town of Moultrioville aniud Momit 1.'leasant ; an Act to incorporate the Planters' ai~d Farmers' Relitf - As sociation ; an Act to amend an ict to lend Lhe ,'rdit of tho Sate' tc aecure cer- taii.boids of th South Carollma Rlail. road Chmpatny ; an Act, to incorporate tho Peoplo's Steamship Company ; an A ct to ameni aInad extend the operations of filn Act outitied "An Act to provide a.mode by which to perpet'mate testimo- ny inl relati on to deels, wills, choses in action, and other papers and records do stroyed or lost durii g the recent war;" an Act to provido for tho drawing of jaries f'or the netxt term of tho Conrt of Commoii Pleais and Gleneral Sessions for D:Irliungton District ; an Act to vest, in the city of Colnnibia the right and title- of I he State ill certain lots ; an Act,' to provide for the redeinption of bills recoiv- able issued by Jiins State. IMr a Trescot introducedJ a resolution, which was ordered for considoration to- morrow, thA the Governor be, and ho is horoby, at.hiorized t contract for the purelmose of 500,000 bushels of corin, if lh0 deei so much nlecesstery, to supply die wants of the Stato consequent upon the loss of the food crop of this year. A djourned. W 11Dn Ar D A Y, SNP T 2 9, 1866. SENATE. The Senato iieit 11 a. im. ThI o following acts were refe'rred to thl ioEngrowing Committoo t Au Ap6 to provide for the drawing of juries for the next term of tho Court -of onnuoni Pleas and .General Sessions for Darlington District ;'an'Act to in- corporate the People's Mail Steam- shipt Company, of Charleston ; an Act to reqjuireo the (oinmisioners of Pub- lie Buildings for Groenvillo District to pay ovcr fmlnids to tho Commission- ors of the Poor for saig District ; .pn Act to vest in the city of Columbia the iight and title of the Stato in eerta.in lots ; an Act to lovidO for the redemption of bills receivablo issued by this State ; aln Act to amend the Act, to establish District Courts.. The Houso sont to tho Sonato the following bills,which woro continued to the next session : A bill to muend the law in r'elation to tonancies; a bill to provide an expeditious modo of ejecting trespassers ; and a bill to al- ter the Act entitled "AnAct to amend the Criminal Law." Messrs. Sullivan, 'Arthur, Thom- son;Tillnan, oimnphill and others submitted reports of comninittoos, Adjournod. HOUSE O itEPRESENTATIV.ES. Thle House met at, 10 a. n. The reopor't.of the commn~it tee with refer'ence to a more suitable place of meeting was taken up for cosidoera- t;ion, when, on motion of iM-.. lunllins, the keeper of the State Hlouse was in- atructed to fit upl th'e College Libriary and Chapel foi+ thono nxt i'ogular ses.. sion of tihe Oonornal Assembly. Mr. Huston 'introduced a' resolution, which was agreed to, andc wa's 'rdered to lio sent to the Senate for oneut-- ronce, that thoe Governor do adver- tise.for ontitantes of the cost of cover- ing thonow State House with a tern- porarf roof, and of fitting up. therein 'a sufiicient .nmber' of r'oomus for the usO of the Goncral Assembly and its offioers, and lay them before the-llouso at the next session.- Mr. Hfay introduced a resolution, which was agreed to, that two hiund red coles-of the rules of this House be prin ted, under thne direction'- of' the Clerk,. and that tlicy be ready for dis- tribution attheo noxt regular session. Mr. J. 1R. Alken introduced a reso- lution, which was agreed to, and was o'rdered to be Bent to thme Senateofor concurrence, tiat the Treasurer of the State be, and ho is hereby, authorized to sell the gold amid silver coin now in the Trotasury, and credit th~e premium of the sange to thme account of oxtraor d in arg cxpenditureit. Adjourned; hBEN. WOOD IN.. TROUnL.-A New York Jotter to the Cincinnati Gazefto Ee.Wood has'at last come to grief. His sry is about now out -like tie sands if the famous i-etii-ed physician r andshe comosent bankrupt in purse ani~du od in piindi.- Wood has latei lost &ihis .moiny. His losses in ( ot'lsairmonths will ~not two hnindred th6tiadc dolru. John Morrissoy is in possess' of the News .offie, and at present ms engaged in transferring It .to Wliitney, of the. Sunda- Mercury. Wood .mneantinto haunts te offie, and is evidontly dis- turbed in reiindq A High Tribute to the Character of Gen. Lee. In a long oditoriel article calling for a subscription of £10,000 to Washington Collego by the friends and admirers of General Leo in England,, the London Standerd of August I 7th, speaks of him is follows: "There is no living hero-there are few,if any, among those whose nime shines with the purest lustre in history- whoso character has commanded so high a triuute of affection and admiration from their friends, of' respect and honor from their foes, as tha.. of General Lee. No life more porfectl y heroic, no reputa- tioni more untarnished even by the ni- nor blenishes which are not uncommon- ly found in unison with the highest lieroism, has ever been connected with a great national struggle. No shade of va nity or egotismi), nothing of the self. wlll or potulance so often charactoristic of conscious genius, no linge of affecta- tion, no tint even of tho pride almost inseparable from ordinary greatnes of mind, which can endure anyihing but humiiation, and regards submission as a disgrace, alloy the simplo grandour of the Virginian soldier's nature. A piety withoki the slightest, shadow of Phari. saismn, a sense of duty to which. the bac. ritice of every personal feeling and inter. est appears a matter of courw, have marked his whole course and guided his every public act, whethe as a soldier or as a citizen- A family connection and the nearest living representative of .,&ho great chanipion of Amorican indepen- deonce, General Lee has been the Wash- ington of the Confedorate war ; like Washington, a man "whom onvy dared not, hate," but withouteven the one dark stain of doubt, if not of dishonor, which the death of Major Andre has loft on his prototype. No inoro "selfish man and stainless gentleman" ever lived ; no soldier over set, a more admirable exam. plo. of the soldiorly virtues of honor, chivalric generosity, and manly siniplici. ty ; no' great miian over retired into ob. ecurity, after witnessing alike the ruin of his cause and the destruction of his private fortune, with more of christian patience and fortitudo. "Of lia' military aciiovemonts we need net sioak. It is enough to say .that all hi victories wyoro woni against enormous odds and that his 6for years' defence of.Virginia' has few parallels in history asna example of great results accoinpliseb with small means and at fearful disadvahtages What is now more interesting to remember is the per- sonal choractor.of the man, as displayed in the varjous oxigences of that trying struggle: the simple honesty and kindly' feeling which prompted him to' console' his soldiers hs-they recoiled from the cannon-crowned heights of Gottysbuig, with the assutrance, "It is all my fault ;" the unaffected self. deprevinton which pronounced when Stonewall Jackson fell, "I woull wish, for the sake of oui cause, dal Ihad been disabled rather thanyou ;" christian chivalry, which ho outrage could provoke to retaliation, which, after Virginia had been rendered a desert, withhold the army that invaded PeNn sylvania from'inili,eting the most trivial injury on person or property ; which, when his own estates ia d beon plunder. od, ravished and confiscated. took care to protect the houses and property of his oiemies; the horror of usoloss blood. shed whiih withatood the cry' for retri., bution excited by the murder of South- ern prisoners in cold blood, anid support- the resolve 'of the President that unless the actual murderers wvero- takeon nio blood, should be, shed but on the field of battle the touehinig unselfishness of his last wvords to his disbaniding au-my, on the -9th of A pril, "I ha've do'ne my boat for you." Buth was when all was over- when thie chief of a great anid viotorious army was a private man and a paroled - prisonor-that the pectuliar greatness of. General Leo's~np~a~tro shines 'out with- unequalled brightess, Mn. DAVs' 14An.. -A Washington correspon dent of the Baltimore Gate~o wvrites as follows: Trie sUccess of the ralical tIc)hot. will prohably bring sa sad olosing-to the 'long asufferings.of Mr Davis. The ratdical* voice calls 'atoud for his blood, and Con' gross womdld not be slow, in violation of- ill law and jnstice and 4oemicy, to order a trial by a military commission. There aro othiern, too, who would not oppose such a, measure..* The bitter feelings of Mr. Seward are well knowb. It is' ho more than any other-to'whonm Mr. bvI* still.ewes his incarceration. is pain. fully distorted conntenance,' marked with the gashes made by the knife of Payne, rarilain unchanged. Hie seos himslfthe effect he produces upon strangers, aijd a knows that he will bear' these -temrl4 inarks to' his grave. This renders hima- exceedingly 'bitter against' all .those whom he oan, even 17' the force Qf 'Im aglnatida, connect with thq edsItny' tion. Air Davis he places in this cate gory. . Mr. Davis himself is quite afl're to the dangers. of his8 situat ion and with intimate frends) wamo are to etis him, discusses them calmly but r1. When tisse view. are' entertained b a leading member of the Johnson Oabi net, as Well as by the 'hole redidal pare ty, there is at least rotne grounid fog 'ap- prehension. "%A'n tishman giving- hI~ tastimon~ in one of our courts, a few day.since, in a rIot' case2 AMid, "13. Jabj,4h first man h'aw.borming at me~bea I ' gbt up, as two br ek'b a"

Transcript of VOL. WINNSBORO, C., i5...Jaidin advance. squaro.Obiitary Notices andTributes $1.00 per Passage by...

Page 1: VOL. WINNSBORO, C., i5...Jaidin advance. squaro.Obiitary Notices andTributes $1.00 per Passage by thle House of tlie Bill Postponl Ing the Courts of Mlimon Pkeas Until ~-TuRSAna, Sepitember

b -- - -g--------



GAILLARD, DESPORTVES & 00.Teris.-Tus 1R:ALD is published Week,

ly In the Townx or Winnsboro, at 93.00 in.vareably in advance.

ftgi All transient advertisements to beJaid in advance.

Obiitary Notices and Tributes $1.00 persquaro.

Passage by thle House of t lie Bill Postponl~-Ing the Courts of Mlimon Pkeas Until

TuRSAna, Sepitember 18.The agitation of neasures for the relief of

the people continued yesterday, but was ao.companied with more practical results andless elocutionary display titan might havebeen expected. Thu Bill before the Housewas that rdporied by the Senate, to WhichMr. liagood ofered the following subs.tiLtutfor all after the enacting cl.ause:A 11111 to alter and fix the timo of holding

tihe Courts of Common Pleas in thisState-Sso 1. lie It enacted by-the S5enate and

House of Representat ives, now met and sit.ing in General Assembly, and by the au.

thority of the saime, That from and afterthe ratieittion of this Act, ti.e Judges ofthe Superior Courts of Law in this Stateshall hold tite Courts of Common Pleas inthe several Circuits esiablished by law inthis State annuallf in the Spring of everyyear at the times and places in each Districtalready affixed by law..

8xc. 2. That oil writs and other processof the said Courts of Common Pleas, meaneand findi, how iade returnable to the FallTorin heretofore established, shall be re.

S turnable to the annual Spring Courts, thesameas if already so directed; and that thesame Vilesosf ituparlanco, hnd the same or-der of proceedings now existing for tebeii-annual Courts shall be extended toand apply to tht Courts established bythis Act.

St.1 3. That all Ants and parts of Actsof the General Assembly of the State inconflict with provisions of this Act be, andthe same are hereby repealed.

Mr. Hlagood said : That he In commonwith many others upon the floor entertainedinsuperable objoctions .to the constitution.nlity of the bill under consideration. Theamendment proposed, in his judgtnent, ob.viated those objections. lie was informedby those whose experiene in the courts en-titled their opinion to weight., that undertho new legislation giving large jurisdiotionand frequont sessions of the Disftict. Courts,annual sessions would it all propability beampl for the disoarge of lie business ofthe Courts of Common. 'leas. 1't1e aiiind-mont proptsedjo shut * nb Courts. It. leftall the machinery of' justice in full opera.tion. It held out to the debtor no delusivehope of repudiation. Writs could be siedout at once; compromises of debt. when ad.justment was rossible, would take place;judgment and evy of execution were aloneby the incidental operation of the proposodamendment postponed for a short pericd.This incidental operation of the amendmentis the only objection which-. can 'be urgedagainst it. And this said he, Mr. Speaker,'I must-frankly confess is one of its featus-eswhich recommends it. very .strongly to me.It is known to every .member on this floorthat the majority of the planters of thisState, th6 class which constItutes the bulkof its population, will be poorer on tihe firstdtay or next January. than the last. It iseiqually well known that this fact is due tono want of industry orenergy on their 'art.An a class, they have labored hopefully andenergetically with crippled resources to re.trieve the great disaster that line befallentheir fort-unes. The failure iq due to unfa-vorable seasons unprecedented in the mem-ery of any man here. It is well knownthat with our -favored soIl and climate, sea.sons approxImating the last do not recuronce In twenty years. In all human proba-bility the next seasibn will be as prosperousas th6 last was unfavorable and the notionof the proposed amendnent in the short de-lpy of the levy of exesutlon will enable thethe. indebted planter to brIng one more cropinto market, wherewith to meet his .obliga-

;Ytions, to make one more appeal to the mer-cies of a beniflcent,Prevideo--.', and itf afterihat the decree is unreversens, why, he mustmeet his doom as he may,

Thus, Mr. Speaker, If as I ,,hink there Is4upon fthe face of this amendment no .constl-tutional otdoottion ;if the probabIlItIes are,that it willeoffect a desirable economic re-form in the arrangement of our courts, andif, from its incidental operation, reliefhowever meagre, comes to our distressed

~~and 1mpoverished people, It commends itselfvery strongly to my approval, and uponth~eso grounds I submit It to the considera-tion of the.House.

Mr, Todd,- of Laurens, moved that theamendment, of Mr. Hagoodbe laid on thetable, which was decided In the negative by

* a vote of yeas 45, nays 57.The qutestlon now rectirred on the adop.

tlon of thme amnenumnent, and the questioni be-ing taken by yeas and nays It was decidedin the affirmative by a vets of yeas 66~syU 46.As a matter of record wopublish thenames

of the members voting, that, this public mnayknow who are friends and opponents of. themeasmnre of relief proposed.

Ymnas.--Alken' J. It., Alston, Anderson,Ball, Black, Biorhanm, Bowen, Browning,Clybuirn, f'rayton, Culbreath, Easly, Elkin,

F'larmer, Flowers, GJarlingtron, Gavin, Gayer,Goordwvn, tiagoodi, Hlammett, Hay, Hlayes,lier'st, flowzo",Joftes, Keels, Keith, KelttLandrum, Ilipsey, Mantigault, Melchers,NoKewa, MIlling, MulIns, Price, Riawlld.nonm, Richardson, J. 8. Jr., Russell, Ryan,Bailey, Sessiods, Sheridan, Springs, Stokes,$uer, Talbert, Troscot, Wagoner, Walk.

or',, Wallace, Win., Wannatnaker, Wa'rley,Wright-55.-NAvs.-D. Wyatt Aiken,.Baohmatmi, Bar-

ker, Cannon, Carlisle, Coker, Coogati, Cov-ington, DePass,. DuPree, .Duncan, Elliott,IFair, Gaillar'd, Grahamn, Hlanokel, Htaskell,Hunnteor, flutson, Looe, Leitnter, Lewis, Lord,Magrath, Mart In, Mikoll. T. P., MIkell, W.E ,Milligah, Moore, J. W., Mulvaney,Porry, Petty, Pressly, Richardson, Shaw,S'tlgling, Sparakman, Staokhouse, T'alley,Thomas, Thomson, Todd, Townsend, Wal.lace, A. 8., Woodsuff, 8peakera-46A motion by Mr. Warley to postpone the

furtheoy consideration of the subject indell-nItely was agreed to by a vote of yeas 48,nays 55.-, Mr. Townsend, of Marlboro, moved tocontliwuo the subject until the next sessIon.

Mr. Talbert, of Abbeville, moved 'to lay'that motion on the I able The yeas and-nays being ordered, it was agreed to by avco of yeas 70, nays 84.

Mr. Load, of Ohkatnn moved to subuti.

tute as atitle for theblll "A bill- affordingrelief to debtors." Mr. Lord contendedthat the whoc argument had been not as

to the nepossity of changing the termsof the Couis, but as to the neccsity ofthem for the relief of debtors. If such was

the factthore should be no reason .in theminuds of gentlemen, why it.should not beexpressed on the bill.Mr. Garlington asked the speaker if he

as a lawyer announced that the bill, as itnow stood borore the House, was in hisopinion unoonst)tutioual.Mr. Lord replied that he had no heialta-

tion in saying that, in any legislation whichhas for its object, the relief of the deb.tor,.whether It assumed the form of a change ofremedy, or change in the time of holdingcourts was an unconstitutional evasion ofIhe spirit if not a,violation of the law.


Mr. Garlington said that the gentlemandid not answer the question. Ho had, dis.cussed the objects of the bill apd declared.them to be unconstitutional and it was evi-dent that his object.was to put into thetitle of the bill something upon which theCourt Qf Errors could seize for the purposeof making the act null and void.

Mr. Lord said lie would ask if the gentle-man from Newberry denied that this billwas designed to afford relief to debtors bychanging the term of the Court of CommonPleas.Mr. Garlington replied that Io did not

deny that his own private view was to affordrelief to debtors, but. no court in the worldhad-a right to interfere with his. motives,and doubly so when they di'd not appear Inthe bill under consideration.

Mr. Trescot oboerved that he supportedthis bill, not because it was for the reliof.ofdebtors, but because he believed the interestof the creditors of the State required thatthe conrt should not be opened at a timewhen it would occasion much distress.There were thousands of planters in theState. especially in the low country, who,under the pecuniary circumstances whichexist betweer, the State and Federal authori-ties whereby their estates are still in thehands pf other than their rightful ownerswho would be ruined unless time is affordedt'o recover further losses. It, was thereforea matter of public interest that he shouldsupport this bill but if he voted for changingth'e title in the manner suggested he wouldbe'untrue to the conviotions entertained.

Mr. Mullins moved to lay it on the table.The yeas and nnys were ordered and thenmotidn was sustained by a vote of yeas 68,nays 47.

Ilr. Barker offered as a substitute thef9llowing -title te the bill: A bill to suspendthe administration of justice In South Caro-linai for the general welfare.

Alr. Trescot said that the intention of the'gentleman from Charleston, had been sub-served by fring off his epigram; lie movedthat it be laid on the table.-Mr.liarker replied that it'was nat his

nature to deal with issues of serious impor-tamlec affect-ing the dignity of South CAroll-na, in tihe spirit suggested by the gentlemanfrom Anderson. lie had but one desire,nariinely, to gee trqth ptit, upon the record,and h'e proposed. simply that, the advocatesof this measure, as a last resort, havingjustified the suspension of the administra-tion of justice for general welfare theyshould announce it.Mr. Bonham suggested that it was usual

foi'. friends of a measure to perfect and giveto it their own title The assistance of thehonorable member, who had suggested theamendment, was not. required. We (saidMr. B.) took the responsibibty of the bill.as it stanils, and no friend of the bill hasproposed to alter the title; he moved there-fore, to lay the'motion to amend upon thetable.. Mr. Lord derentled tihe right of the oppo.nents of the hill to amendlhe title, by cit-ing (he action of the UnitedStated CongressIn 1880,'when Mr. Calhoun saw fit, undersimilar ciroumstances, to change the title ofan important bill then under consideration.

Mr. Trescot disclaimed any intention ofmisrepresenting his friend from Charleston,Mt. Barker. What he oblefly desired toimpress upon the House was -that the billwas calculated to subservo the ends of jus-tice by suspending the 'oourtsr,.and not inthe language of the proposed title to sus-pend justice for the gend al welfare.

Mr. Bonhata reneeted his motion to laythe amendment on the table, which wasagreed to, and the' bill as amended, lwasordered to be. sent to the Senate.The bill amending an act entitled an aet

to establiah district courts was taken up,perfected, received its seconst reading andwas seat to -the Senate.A bill amending thie criminal law was

likewise perfected after debate, and sen$ tothe Senate for .eonourrenige.The bill toprovide an expeditious .mode

of qeeting trespassers which Mr. War'leyexplained, would enable'the planters at theend of the year'-to obtain possession of.thenegre quarters without gvngthr-ee monthenotice was read a second titne and sent tothe Senate for cncurrence. On. motion ofGen. Butler 'the House then toolt a recossuntil half-paat seven o'clock. in the evon-ing.

- NAPOLEON's LIBTTER TO 3NG Vic-TOR EMANUELer-The Monfeur adds :The Emperor Napoleon has madekcnown'his intentions to his Majesty.King Victor Emanuel, in .the follow-ing letter :Mv BR6THER : I have learnt wit

pileasure that your Majesty has adher-ed to the armistice and prelimninariosof poace signed by the King of . Prus-sia and the Emperor .of Austria.. Itis,.therefore, probable that a new eraof tranquility, is about to open for'Europe. Your Majesty knows that Ihave actepted the offer of Venetia inorder to preserve her from any Ieva*-tatio,n, and to prevent nseless bloo'd-shed, My intention has always beento restore her to her self; In order thatItaly always might be free froth the.Alps to the Adriatic ; mistress of herdestinies, Venetia will soon be ablet4xpress her elshesby universal autf

*'our 16jeptyNwil*o 5: ~tis cireuttastanee the~oenqetchas pgainboep. exeo s jlfavoihumanit aend the 4p~pc othe beope. Z renceti assurea~ ~the sentiments of highi gateezs- in$ -lcore friendship with which, r amMajesty's good brother,

NAWosON.16. fCLOarrn Aazgnd I leeft,

Danger of Another Civil War.The Petersburg Express forcilbly o.b

serves that there is *verything in thecharacter and proceedings of the domi-nant party in Congress to.,justify thesuspicion-yoa, to inspire in every re.flecting mind the belief-that they arenot only disposed but detovmined toresort to the. most extreme measures, ifnecessary, to accommpirsh their vilepurposes. Cowards as the leadois are,they can yet, with their infamous har.angues, influence the credulous and con-

fiding multitudes of their followers tothe inost violent courses, even to theshedding of blood, whilst they (the leaders) will take good. care to keep their,own carcasses out of harm's reach. Ifthey cannot draw the sword themselves,they can sound the -trumpet at a. safedistance,' and so -incite thodsands ofzealots, phrenzied with fanaticism and.infuriated with hellish hate to deeds t.h. 0-contemplation of wihich makes humanity Ishudder. Men, ,or rather monsteys inthe shape of men, like Stevens, Sumner, tKelly, Chandler, Forney, Butler, and 'bscores of other radical chiefs that ivight rbe named, talk of war-es if they hadthe nerves of Achilles, and tihe spirit ofJulius Corsar-as -if'thef would be thefirst tq# panoply themselves fid rush tothie eneanguitned field: But let warcome and they will ba found hidigigthemselves in the deepest caverns of 1narth to escape the perils of theconflict. -pBut these dastardly brutes, unfortunate-ly, possess influence enough with their rtongues and pens. (the only weapon4 (they know he use .of) to plunge theland into the horrors of anarchy an in.testine strife, and it is evident from recent and daily developments that they tintend to exert this influence to the ut-.most. Who that thoughifully considers ithe scenes which marked the late session tof Congress--the enormous unscrupu.lous assumption of power by the ruling r

majority-their reckless violations of pthe constitution-theirBflerce and malig. tnant'assaults upon the President for an 1:honest and patriotic discharge of his tduties their bold declarations of theirtreasonable purnoses-their contemptu- (ous disregard of all the pleadings and tlarguments for a peaceful' re-adniision cof the Southern common wealhs to t.heirpas.s atho Unioin ,erintifaf ioverthrow-who that thoughtfully con- tsiders these things, and in connection awith them, the present still attitude ofhostility in which those conspirators aagainst iahe republic stand towards its tExecutive head and his millions of sup- tporters, can doubt for a moment that an- aothdr struggle, more bitter and bloodythan that which has just been closed, is Eimpending? It is just as well-it is a 'jgreat deal better-for tihe conservative bpress to ipeak out' openly at on'ct', and ttell.the people that a nev war is inimi- f:Oent-a war, the guilt of which will be 0afltogether upon the heads of the radical tinfrintes who have dared to -take issue gwith the Presideut upon his. policy of rrestoring the national unity, dignity and n

prosperity. What is the use of Mine- cing piirasl in so portentous a crisis-? qWhy crf pence, penke, where 'there is cno peace?" Look at what has been Isaid and - done in Philadelphia In- the'last few days, in that assembly of politi rcal vipers called the "Loyalists Conven- rtion"-look at what tianspired at Cleve.land when the President passed through Tthat city on his way t Chlicago,-ook cat the spirit of deVelish animosity Against Ithat' brave and noble defend *~of the nConstitution, "which is displayed"by Tlle iftusur npg and revolutionary. party who efrom~ eir "ebon throne" in the.ntion-al capitol, have 'as good.as'proclaimedthemselves to bo the- supreme power.ofthe land I Look'at the appliances' whie4~ j

are being .const'~itly broughtby theal (d'boar upon the approachmgi- electdois:Look at the .turbulent' and fraudulentmanner in .whioch they,.are attenpamii 'tto put down popular, rights and crush,out resistance to thteir execrabld semedfor subverting our~institutions and shntok-hang a free peopi 'with3 chains mo'e gal.hing and ddgradlrng than were ever forged

by oriental despoth1- s it ndt time toawaken the whole countky toait sense-ofthe peril which hangs oy'er it? We areno propet, but we. cannot read the"signs Of the times," as they now stareaus in the face In every direction, w'ith,out taking the warning from- them withwhich they are pregnant*- They denote,to say the least, an alarmingly precanoios'-state of eublic affairs; so much so in-'deed, as to- warrant the inference {hat ,0we are on the verge of new troubles the,!end of which the eye of the Almighty;can alone see. ThE election. soon tocome oft -in the Northern Statee will Isubject this government of ours and the, tpopfle living under it'to an ordeal infi- -

nitoly mom'e trying than any they have '

yet had to pass through. . iThe last New York Express has the.

followving paragraph on this subject, 'which in a few words fully suyvains ours

"Re~ad' the' inflammatory and inoendiary speechismnade by certain ledical !Congre~esmen mnd Governors, In Ph!ladeiphia last evenilng--and sa lthe'.pon sor the* all is not the inevitbilil

4fnoher~a This war is to lie

flh dat,-analttempt a

tuwn electiope ldiocto n6. abtetntof rididal hlrobgtyi in the 'North andWest."

Ex-GovI annin reprted sari.apuslyillt, hs resdenc~in' ulo.-

Legislature of South''Carolina.IDAY, S6P TVEM;i11 14, 1866

The Senate met at II a. p.Tihe bill giving authoriwiyto the -Ciiyounci] of hitrleton to ;rceed in tho

natter of a fire loaII, with a viow to aidu building .ip the city ane , was read ahird time and its title chatlged to anAct.

' iessrs. Sullivan, WilliOns, . Tracy,[Eiphill and Thompson sabmit.ted re-)ortsof committees.The.eport of the speciil doimitttee on

o nuch of tise Governor's Message No.as relites to procuring snq alies of foodnd enlarging the powers o the Coim.pission'ers of the Poor, was Aiscussed.Mr. Townsend offered an resolution,vhich was agreed to, thataJoint coi,

nittee, to be composed of t41 nembersf the Senate and three inenibers of thelouse, be appointed, to proVile, if pos-ble, siiitable places for tlhe, imleotinlg ofhe two Houses of'the Geneal Assem-ly, atthe next session, and that. tht-yeport to this Legislature wi I as littletlay as possible.Adjou rned.OUSE OF REPSESENTATIVES.The Honse met at 10 a. i.Messrs- Shaw, llamiett, Stackhouse,

Pally. and D. W. Aiken submitted .te-orts of committees.Mr. Barker introduced the followingesoltiions, which were referred to the

'ommittee on Federal Relttons:Resolved, by the Senate and Htouse of

?epresentatives, now met and sitting in7enera Assembly, That-the 'resident oflie United-States be requested to sendtleial notice to the .niilitary comaners in South Carolina of tlw1 fact thatlie war is ended.Resolved, That the President be also

equested to order the discon'nuancei ofrovost courts in South Ca linla, andhat, the ju risdiction of miili 'ry courtse confined to the limits pre ribed bylie Rules and Articles of W.Reolvel, That his lxce noy the

iovernor be reqiiestdd to co municatelie loregoing resolutions to I xcellen.y the President of the Uni tates.Mr. Lord introdno ' l4wids

)r the resumption of specie payment bybe banks of this State, or for their die-olution.Mr. Hutson introduced a bill to obvi-

to the necessity of a multiplicity of suits3 ascertain the real consideration of con.racts made betweein January 1, 1862,nd May 15, 1865.A message was received from the

lenate, informing the House that Messrs.'ownsond. Frierson and Author hadeen appointed a committee of three onlie part of the Senate, to mature a plan> -organizing and establishing a collt-ge,r soine other institutIon, in- conformity)the requirements of.ti Act of" Con.ress "donting public lands to the seve.-ul States and Territories, which mayrovide colleges for the benefit of agriulture andt.hie modhainic arts." and re-t'ests th' appointilent. of a committeeDnsisting' of four ~members of your[onse, to act wi'th the comnitteo oj theenate ; and thAt they be instructed tosport at the annual session of the Gene-,tl Assembly.Messrs. Coker, Hagood, Iaskell andP. Mikell were appointed the Housei'mittee.A in ssage was received fram the So.

ate;.refusiiig to concur in the resoluatioiiom th'e House, "regnesting . railroadampahies to teduce their fare for refu-

The Vill to relieve the pecuniary die..essof the inhabitants of this State, wvasade~ti1pe.ei 1 Qrder of the day fordnesday, 28th .day November nex't,ierthe discus'ion of several impor.

nt. bills, the Honse adjourned.-

5rRDAT, SEPT. 16, 1866.

S E1NATE.'Thinate 'met at 11 a. mn.A smber of papers were receivedem th'e Hiouse of Representatives.Messre, .Thomeson, *Hemnphill, Buist

ad Williams submitted reports of Com-.mittees.

Mr. Wilon offered a resolution,!hidh wa's 'agre'd. .to, anmd was ordereda beop~nt to the'Houise of Rapresenta-yea for concurrenceo; That the mem bersomnposingethis General~ Assembly be

3quested to ascertaiin the number of'adigent. p'ooh residing in'their respective~istrioti-; also, the quantity of supplies)P.awill be absolutely n'eessary for

ueir subsistance during theo ensuing

ear, and- report the same at the nex.,~gular session of the General Assemt

Mir. Arthur offered.a resolution,- whiohae agreed to: That until -otherwisirdered, the daily sessiona of the Sonate;ialh be from 11 a. m. to .half-past 8 .p.i.from and aft'e' this day.The Senard readned the do6naider&'on oe'a bill to alter and fix the timeWi~holding the Courts of 0omanson:lethhleState.The .bil'toestab)ish DstrictoL(oite'shich had Uben poetpolped. to' th~e reguntt~sidn-Wse teootigfdered; dhigusEhd reooiantistWd to. the OstiU.iitl[OUSdE'OP B10WBNINTATVESM4sre..ShtV,'oodwyui. and 1ich'

rdson, Jr., presented reports of Con31ttees.

Mr. Huteon introduced a bill t~o obvi-

ate tie necessity for a multiplicity ofSuits to ascertain the real considerationof contracts mtado between Ist January,1802, and 15th May. 85.

Oil inotion of Mr: D. Wyatt Aiken,the vote had yeste.rday 'by which a reuo-letion from the senate, inc.-ructing theAttorney-oendral and Solicitors to in.sLitutc pi'oceedings to forluet the chartersof any railroad compmay whIch has'd.111is now violsiting its charter in the inlatterof freight or fare, ras concurred in, wasreconsid rod, and th6 resolution wasreferred to the special joint coniniittecraised at the ljgt. hession on that subject.On anotion ('f Mr. Campbell, the

H-ouse proodded to the considtration ofa bill (from thi Sonate) to dufine theterm "porsons.of color," .and to declarethe rights of such


persons. Thto Billwas read the so-;ond time, the title was

changed so as' to read, "A Bill to de-clare the rights of persons litely knownas slavds attd free persons of color," andwas ordered to be retunud to the Se-ate.The House.bill. define the terms "per-

sons of color," and to define the rights ofsuch persons, was ordered to be laid onthe tableThe report of the Commit'tee on the

State Honse and Grounds was agreedto, and was ordered to b sent to theSenato for conirrence.

The bill relative to Ioding lie Courtsof Common Pleas was dbat.ed, a Iendedand made the special order for Monday.

Oin motion of Mr. A. S. Wallace, theuse of the hall of the Iiouse of Repre.kseintatives was granted to Dr. 1'. Olin,Diannelly, Monday ight next, for thepurpose of delivering a lectnre uponartificial Jimbs and relief to mainied sol-diers.

Mr. DePast introduced a resolition,which wis aigreed to, and was orderedto be sent to the Seiate for concurrence,that Lte specialj1onia.coimittee. to whomwas reforred the bill to provide artificiallegs for all citizens of the State whohave lost their legs during the recentwar, have leave to report thercon at,the next session of the Legislature ; aidthav the Governor be requested to takestich measures as may . he necessary toprocure information of the minmber oftope iizen inl th StAto who havo o3t,their legs as aforesaid, and to iiaviteproposals and specimens of artificial legs,and to report., at tho next session of theGeneral Assembly, thu number needingartificial legs, t6gether ,;itht the nanoof that manufacturer who will presentthe best and cheapost model, with theprice thereof.



The Senate met at 11 a. m.The House sent to the Senato the

fqllowing House bills, which land beenread three times in the Houso and twiceml- the Sonate,'viz : A bill to amend anAct entitled "An Act to majco appro-priations for the year coinmencing inOctober; A. D. 1865."The bills were read a third time and

heir titles chiuned to Acts. t

Messrs. Sullivan, Mc.Cutchen, Thom.son, HI-omphill And Dozier stibmijtted re-ports of cgmmittees.

. A bill to provide for the redemptlonofbills receivable by thi#iState reepivedthe second readitig,. was agreed to, and%Vas ordered to be returned to.the House01f Rep resentatives..HOURIDi OF RICPR SIDNTATIVIS.

Then House njet at 11 a. m..A bill giving authority. to'the City

Council of Chaarlestn -to proceed in 'thematter of' a fire loa n,'wl h aL view, to aidin bniildia.g up'tho city auow, 'and a billto make parties,.. plaiuatifu'. and:' defen-dants, ini all ,pues, conipefont to -givetesiiimon~y in suriha'oses uti "like mianneras ether witnesaes,' were sovet'ally read6the third timo, aidd their ti~tles changeto Acts.Messrs;' Wagonor, WVarey, Good wyn,

Lord, Carli sle,' Qampbell and 'Iichardson, jr.,' submitted reports of commit.tees.

Tho'bills relative .to testimony,- liensand imiparlancos, and to raise a fund lorthe necessities of the people, w'ore diecussed till the hiiur of a ojurnment.

TUDDA Y, A9EPT. 18, 1860.

SEiNAT10Tho Senato met at il a. mn.The1 bill to provIde' for the establish-

ment of a penitentiarr'y received thethird reading, passed and the .title waschitaged to an Act.-A bill from the House, to make par-

tiesq plaintiffs and defendants, in all cases,competent to give t~qstimoeny in suchonsos -as other. witnessesi was ordered to

'fra. Thompson made a report, fromthe&Oommitteo on the Jutdiciary( on aball from the House, to provide for tiliregistration of trust deeds of personal

pry hich was postponed to then se~sion of the Geaneral Assemiblj.Msfar 'lcQuteen, Dozier, 'Sullivaui,

To#edand Arthnr aaypnltted' repdrtseof ooiuttees. c. ,-j'!'.' a

eg GW..Willia'nerpnd a report4'om tl ,Committe on t so. Jndiosary,ota bil, atiendaK.A6 Snied "An-Adt toes lishufnd 'tgltlat'e the domA-tid t-elittios of pergerIs 'of color,! au~d. toamnid' the law in relation to paupersAnd vagrancy," which was postp~oned to'tTfe'faert session.


.1 10USE 0OF~llPRESENTATI VES.The House met at I I a. m.A joint res.Alitioi w'as agreed to pro-

vidiig for tho adjouriueit, of the Legis.latur oin Friday iext, a, 12 im.The Senate returned to the House

the following Acts, which were commit-ted to tho. (otnunittee on EngrossedActs: An Act to amend an Act enti-tdl -Ai Act to make appropriationsfor the year commencing in October,A. D. 1.865 ;" an Act to incorporate thePhnonix Fire lngiio Company, ofDarlingt.on an Act to declare valid -,herecoit electioti for Intendant mid Wardnem of the town of' Darlinigton.; an Act.to legalizo tlh clections of mnunicipalollicers of the town of Moultrioville aniudMomit 1.'leasant ; an Act to incorporatethe Planters' ai~d Farmers' Relitf - Association ; an Act to amend an ict tolend Lhe ,'rdit of tho Sate' tc aecure cer-taii.boids of th South Carollma Rlail.road Chmpatny ; an Act, to incorporatetho Peoplo's Steamship Company ; anA ct to ameni aInad extend the operationsof filn Act outitied "An Act to providea.mode by which to perpet'mate testimo-ny inl relation to deels, wills, choses inaction, and other papers and records dostroyed or lost durii g the recent war;"an Act to provido for tho drawing ofjaries f'or the netxt term of tho Conrt ofCommoii Pleais and Gleneral Sessions forD:Irliungton District ; an Act to vest, inthe city of Colnnibia the right and title-of I he State ill certain lots ; an Act,' toprovide for the redeinption of bills recoiv-able issued by Jiins State.

IMra Trescot introducedJ a resolution,which was ordered for considoration to-morrow, thA the Governor be, and hois horoby, at.hiorized t contract for thepurelmose of 500,000 bushels of corin, iflh0 deei so much nlecesstery, to supplydie wants of the Stato consequent uponthe loss of the food crop of this year.A djourned.

W11DnAr DA Y, SNP T 29, 1866.

SENATE.The Senato iieit 11 a. im.ThI o following acts were refe'rred to

thlioEngrowing Committoo t Au Ap6to provide for the drawing of juriesfor the next term of tho Court -of

onnuoni Pleas and .General Sessionsfor Darlington District ;'an'Act to in-corporate the People's Mail Steam-shipt Company, of Charleston ; an Actto reqjuireo the (oinmisioners of Pub-lie Buildings for Groenvillo Districtto pay ovcr fmlnids to tho Commission-ors of the Poor for saig District ; .pnAct to vest in the city of Columbiathe iight and title of the Stato ineerta.in lots ; an Act to lovidO for theredemption of bills receivablo issuedby this State ; aln Act to amend theAct, to establish District Courts..The Houso sont to tho Sonato the

following bills,which woro continuedto the next session : A bill to muendthe law in r'elation to tonancies; a billto provide an expeditious modo ofejecting trespassers ; and a bill to al-ter the Act entitled "AnAct to amendthe Criminal Law."

Messrs. Sullivan, 'Arthur, Thom-son;Tillnan, oimnphill and otherssubmitted reports of comninittoos,


Thle House met at, 10 a. n.The reopor't.of the commn~it tee with

refer'ence to a more suitable place ofmeeting was taken up for cosidoera-t;ion, when, on motion of iM-.. lunllins,the keeper of the State Hlouse was in-atructed to fit upl th'e College Libriaryand Chapel foi+ thononxt i'ogular ses..sion of tihe Oonornal Assembly.Mr. Huston 'introduced a' resolution,

which was agreed to, andc wa's 'rderedto lio sent to the Senate for oneut--ronce, that thoe Governor do adver-tise.for ontitantes of the cost of cover-ing thonow State House with a tern-porarf roof, and of fitting up. therein 'asufiicient .nmber' of r'oomus for theusO of the Goncral Assembly and itsoffioers, and lay them before the-llousoat the next session.-

Mr. Hfay introduced a resolution,which was agreed to, that two hiund redcoles-of the rules of this House beprin ted, under thne direction'- of' theClerk,. and that tlicybe ready for dis-tribution attheo noxt regular session.

Mr. J. 1R. Alken introduced a reso-lution, which was agreed to, and waso'rdered to be Bent to thme Senateoforconcurrence, tiat the Treasurer of theState be, and ho is hereby, authorizedto sell the gold amid silver coin now inthe Trotasury, and credit th~e premiumof the sange to thme account of oxtraordinarg cxpenditureit.


hBEN. WOOD IN.. TROUnL.-A NewYork Jotter to the Cincinnati Gazefto

Ee.Wood has'at last come to grief.His sry is about now out -like tiesands if the famous i-etii-ed physician randshe comosent bankrupt in purseani~du od in piindi.- Wood haslatei lost &ihis .moiny. His lossesin ( ot'lsairmonths will ~not twohnindred th6tiadc dolru. JohnMorrissoy is in possess' of the News.offie, and at present ms engaged intransferring It .to Wliitney, of the.Sunda- Mercury. Wood .mneantintohaunts te offie, and is evidontly dis-turbed in reiindq

A High Tribute to the Character of Gen.Lee.

In a long oditoriel article calling for asubscription of £10,000 to WashingtonCollego by the friends and admirers ofGeneral Leo in England,, the LondonStanderd of August I 7th, speaks of himis follows:"There is no living hero-there are

few,if any, among those whose nimeshines with the purest lustre in history-whoso character has commanded so higha triuute of affection and admirationfrom their friends, of' respect and honorfrom their foes, as tha.. of General Lee.No life more porfectl y heroic, no reputa-tioni more untarnished even by the ni-nor blenishes which are not uncommon-ly found in unison with the highestlieroism, has ever been connected witha great national struggle. No shade ofva nity or egotismi), nothing of the self.wlll or potulance so often charactoristicof conscious genius, no linge of affecta-tion, no tint even of tho pride almostinseparable from ordinary greatnes ofmind, which can endure anyihing buthumiiation, and regards submission as a

disgrace, alloy the simplo grandour ofthe Virginian soldier's nature. A pietywithoki the slightest, shadow of Phari.saismn, a sense of duty to which. the bac.ritice of every personal feeling and inter.est appears a matter of courw, havemarked his whole course and guided hisevery public act, whethe as a soldier oras a citizen- A family connection andthe nearest living representative of .,&hogreat chanipion of Amorican indepen-deonce, General Lee has been the Wash-ington of the Confedorate war ; likeWashington, a man "whom onvy darednot, hate," but withouteven the one darkstain of doubt, if not of dishonor, whichthe death of Major Andre has loft onhis prototype. No inoro "selfish manand stainless gentleman" ever lived ; nosoldier over set, a more admirable exam.

plo. of the soldiorly virtues of honor,chivalric generosity, and manly siniplici.ty ; no' great miian over retired into ob.ecurity, after witnessing alike the ruinof his cause and the destruction of hisprivate fortune, with more of christianpatience and fortitudo.

"Of lia' military aciiovemonts weneed net sioak. It is enough to say.that all hi victories wyoro woni againstenormous odds and that his 6for years'defence of.Virginia' has few parallels inhistory asna example of great resultsaccoinpliseb with small means and atfearful disadvahtages What is nowmore interesting to remember is the per-sonal choractor.of the man, as displayedin the varjous oxigences of that tryingstruggle: the simple honesty and kindly'feeling which prompted him to' console'his soldiers hs-they recoiled from thecannon-crowned heights of Gottysbuig,with the assutrance, "It is all my fault ;"the unaffected self. deprevinton whichpronounced when Stonewall Jackson fell,"I woull wish, for the sake ofoui cause,dal Ihad been disabled rather thanyou ;"christian chivalry, which ho outragecould provoke to retaliation, which, afterVirginia had been rendered a desert,withhold the army that invaded PeNnsylvania from'inili,eting the most trivialinjury on person or property ; which,when his own estates iad beon plunder.

od, ravished and confiscated. took careto protect the houses and property ofhis oiemies; the horror of usoloss blood.shed whiih withatood the cry' for retri.,bution excited by the murder of South-ern prisoners in cold blood, anid support-the resolve 'of the President that unlessthe actual murderers wvero- takeon nioblood, should be, shed but on the field ofbattle the touehinig unselfishness of hislast wvords to his disbaniding au-my, on the-9th of April, "I ha've do'ne my boat foryou." Buth was when all was over-when thie chief ofa great anid viotoriousarmy was a private man and a paroled -

prisonor-that the pectuliar greatness of.General Leo's~np~a~tro shines 'out with-unequalled brightess,

Mn. DAVs' 14An..-A Washingtoncorrespon dent of the Baltimore Gate~owvrites as follows:

Trie sUccess of the ralical tIc)hot. willprohably bring sa sad olosing-to the 'longasufferings.of Mr Davis. The ratdical*voice calls 'atoud for his blood, and Con'gross womdld not be slow, in violation of-ill law and jnstice and 4oemicy, toordera trial by a military commission. Therearo othiern, too, who would not opposesuch a, measure..* The bitter feelings ofMr. Seward are well knowb. It is' homore than any other-to'whonm Mr. bvI*still.ewes his incarceration. is pain.fully distorted conntenance,' marked withthe gashes made by the knife of Payne,rarilain unchanged. Hie seos himslftheeffect he produces upon strangers, aijd aknows that he will bear' these -temrl4inarks to' his grave. This renders hima-exceedingly 'bitter against' all .thosewhom he oan, even 17' the force Qf 'Imaglnatida, connect with thq edsItny'tion. Air Davis he places in this category. . Mr. Davis himself is quite afl'reto the dangers. of his8 situation and withintimate frends) wamo are to etishim, discusses them calmly but r1.When tisse view. are' entertained ba leading member of the Johnson Oabinet, as Well as by the 'hole redidal parety, there is at least rotne grounid fog 'ap-prehension."%A'n tishman giving- hI~ tastimon~in one of our courts, a few day.since,in a rIot' case2 AMid, "13. Jabj,4hfirst man h'aw.borming at me~bea I '

gbt up,as two br ek'b a"