Vol. I zr Company. Utter. Steunihlp It - University of...

'l B !'- - ... fT . t :', FA k'r - 1 - R vtf II ' - la Vol. V. , HONOLULU, H. I TUESDAY. SBPTBMBEK 28, J897. No. 700. Oceanic Steamship Company. t TIME TABKE: -- . Tho Fiuo Passenger Stoamora ol This Line WiWArrive and Leave ThiB Port as Hereunder. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: AUSTRALIA OCT. 12th MOANA OCT. 2lat AUSTRALIA NOV. 9th ALAMEDA NOV. 18th AUSTRLIA DEO. 7th MARIPOSA DEO. lGth zr In connection with tho sailing of the abovo ptearaers, the Agents are preparod to issuo, to intending passengers, coupon through tickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and from Now York by any steamship line to all European ports. For further particulars apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co. LIlVlITE-D- . General Agents Oceanic S. S Company. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., LTD. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: ALAMEDA OCT. Uth AUSTRALIA OCT. 20th MARIPOSA NOV. Uth AUSTRALIA NOV. 17th MOANA DEO. 9th AUSTRALIA DEO. 15th P. O. Box 145. Fort Emo Sts. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED THE NEW Improved Planters Ho Solid Cast Stool Eye aud Blade Forged Entire. OYOLONE WIND MILLS, PUMPS, ETC., HOWE'S PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES, NORTON'S BALL BEARING JAOK SCREWS, PLOWS IN LARGE VARIETY, VISES, PIPE COTTERS AND WRENCHES, - VACUUM OILS, The Standard of Morit, Universal Stoves, and Ranges, PAINT, WALL & WHITEWASH BRUSHES, CALIFORNIA LAWN SPRINKLERS. A Large Assortment of General Hardware. Ba hsj gpi a $ f i 91 SUGAR FACTORS, IMPORTERS OF General Merchandise COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vgents for Lloyds, Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Lino, British Ss Foreign Marino Insurance Co., Northern Assurance Co. (Fire aud Life), Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Pioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool. Telephone 92. H. E. McINTYRE & BRO., East corner AND IMPORTEES AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed New nnd Freah Goods received by oyory paokot from California, Eastern States nnd Kuroponu Markets. Standard Grade of Ganued Vegetables, Fruits and Fish. . Goods delivered to nuy imrt of the City -- m ISLAND TRADE BOLIOTTBD. RATIflFAOTfON OIJA lf.ANTBKD. Senator Morgan's Reception. It ha ootue to Senator Morgan, lato in life, to become a demagogue, Tho time was when ho was a con- servative, true blue, old-tim- e Domo-cra- t, swore by the resolutions of '96, aud' tho immortal principles of Jackson and Jefferson. He is now on his way to Hawaii ou n nijfljion to marry other men's daughters to Kanakas, to make them sovereigns, constitute thorn n State, to give them representation in tho IIouso of Representatives, and ultimately representative power in tho Senate equal to that of the Empire State. Does anybody in his senses beliovo that ought to bo done? Tho bulk of Hawaii is to-da- y made up of a worse class of labor than that which degraded tho South in tho eyes of tho nations of the world for many years. The treaties with Hawaii continue with the slavo countries, aud nothing is done to abrogate and get rid of thorn. Hawaii does nothing, and thoy remain the blight aud curso of the islands, which this country will have to recognize, as sho has substantially promised Jap- an sho will do. Morgan and the whole South is for annexation, and ho is on his way to look for his future constituents. The reception he is about to receive, we have rea- son to believe, is not that which he has bben educated to expect. Ho will not find a native, or Japanese, or a Ohinaman, or a Portuguese, in favor of corruption, or servile labor. All, savo planters of missionary de- scent, are in favor of homo rule, as he is in his own beloved Slato. Sena- tor Morgan is a mau'of advanced years, and undoubted Ability, coupl- ed with many vagones, that fre quently render him it responsible for what he saySJ'riud tho planters will know how to show him tho bloom on tho ryo. The Senator goes to the islands, as wo firmly beliovo, upon a bootless mission. Tho bellicose attitude as- sumed by him whonover aud wher- ever fauoied opportunity has pre- sented itaolf, has weakened his in- fluence in this country and very materially discredited him abroad. The sober seuso of the American people is against the acquisition of Hawaiian or any other foreign terri- tory. Every argument in favor of tho absorption of this allegod "out- post" that has bean advanced by the advocates of such a dangerous de- parture from tho traditions and practices of the United States has been shattered. Tho more the pet scheme of Senator Morgan has been investigated the more apparent is its weakness; nnd when the question comes up next winter wo shall miss our guess if a vory great ohange of sentiment be not apparout. Tho conservative sense of tho country, when once thorpugbly awakened, wjll bo hoard in unmistakable and final condemnation of this dangor-ou- s experiment. S. F. Nexvs Letter. Tho Bishop Talks, In conversation with a representa- tive of Router's Agenoy, the Bishop of Honolulu, who is ou a visit to England, expressed the following viows regarding tho proposed anuox-atio- u of Hawaiii by tho Uuitod States. He said: "It is exceedingly unjust to the people of Hawaii, be- cause tho Hawaiians themselves do not dosiro it, and if the Unitod States lake tho islauds it will only be against tho will of tho people. Fraotically all tho natives aro dis- franchised. The few who side with tho Republican Government havo beon compelled to du so for the sake of their families. Previous to the overthrow of tho Government in 1893, I beliovo the United States might havo acquired tho islands without opposition, but owing to tho oircumstauces of that revolution whiah was only successful by reason of tho assistance of tho American marines from the Boston, thoro has since beon a revulsion of feeling on tho pait of natives. The nuucxAlion proposal is an immouso surprise to Hawaiians aud to their sympathisers. It seems incredible that the Great liepublin should not have first as- certained the views of tho people before concluding such a treaty. Tho contention of the United States that the Japanese ere trying to as- sume political control is without foundation. Annexation, too, will soriously injure British commerce, as duties on British imports which aro now only 10 per cout, would at once be increased to tho high tariffs of tho United States. My viow has always beon that it is to the interest not only of Groat Britain but also of tho Uuitod Status that tho islands should remain independent. barns-le- y (Eng.) Index. Status of Hawaii. What constitutional footing haB the Uuited Stales for a colonial polioyt Is Hawaii to be taken and hold as a fortified colony or is to be admit- ted to the Union as a State? If the former, where is tho constitutional warrnut? If tho latter, where is thn argumont of expediency? Tho pres- ent Government of Hawaii rosls upon 2 percent of the population. The other 98 percent havo feeble voico in it. If admitted as a State will the 2 percent continue to rule? If the 98 percent are admitted to full voice what sort of a State will it bo to equal California in the Senate? The Dolo Government by its act doclarcs 98 percent of tho people unfit for representation. If unfit for a voice in that Government what fits them for equality in an American State? Senator Morgan says wo will not consult them as to annexation, and if not thoy will not bo consulted nor have voico in their future govern- ment. If wo have war tho defensive force will not bo fouud on tho islands. It must be supplied from our conti- nental resources. These aro con- siderations which cannot be smother- ed and questions that must be an- swered. A patriotic jump into the air is easy enough, but strikiug tho earth again is a hard fact that must be cousidorod beforo tho leap is taken. S- - F. Call. FOUND THE NORTH POLE. Tho telegrams puolUUed Friday an- nouncing tho discovery of tins .North Tole by Dr. Frlthjof Nanscn created considerable surprise. It seems funny that Dr. Nansen should care to risk so much to find the North Pole, when he can get Rainier Beer, which Is cer- tainly more practical than the North Pole, by coming to Honolulu. Phone 783. " , t m BUSINESS LOCALS. Fishtail ferns for salo in quanti- - ties to suit. Subscribe for The Independent, 50 cents per month. Join our Suit Club, $1 por week Medeiros & Docker, Hotel street. ' A lady, who is an accomplished teacher of music, desires to givo lessons to a few pupils at their home, at 50 cents a lesson. Address, tho editor of The Independent. ' Bioycle boys remember that wo havo the fiuest brows of Buffalo Beer and tho Fabst gonial shaudy gaff at tho Royal, Facifia and Cosmopolitan and with our interchangeable uheeks you can take a turn around tho blooks betweeu refroshments. Ono ounco of provontion is better than ten ounces of oure. The Em- pire boasts of iufallible remedies against tho varioloid. Wielaud beer on draft boats vaccination, aud Dootor Charlie Andrew presides ovor tho finest stock of 'remedies" that can bo found in town. All for medi- cinal purposes and cash. Faddy Ryan is uow assisted by popular William Carlisle at the An- chor Saloon, where Seattle Beer is always on draught oud othor stimu-Inut- B furnished, Pointers on all sporting uvonts can bo had, free of charge from tho athletic manager of the Anchor. ' 1 Utter. Steunihlp Go, TIME T.3LE. 0. X,. WIGHT, Pres. S. B. KOBE, Bee Oapt.J.A.KINa.FortBnpt. Stmr. KXNATJ, CLARKE. Commander, Will Joave Honolulu at 10 A. M., touching nt Lnhnina, BInnlnea Bny nnd Mnkena tht Bnmo day; Mnbnkena, Kawaibno nnd the following day; arriving at Hilo tho Bnmo afternoon. LEVVES1IONOLULU. AMUVES HONOLULU. Friday Oct 1 Tuosday. 8opt28 Tuesday. Oct 12 JriOay Uot 8 Friday Oct -- 2 'luecday Oct 10 Tuesiluy Nov 2 Friday Oct 20 Friday Nov 1- - Taesdoy Nov 0 Tuo-dii- y .... Nor 23 Friday Nov 10 Friday Deo 3 Tuesday Nov 80 Tni-sdn- ....Dec 14 Friday Dec 10 Thursday... .Dec 23 Tiftdtiy Dec 21 Fridny Dec 81 Returning will leave Hilo nt 8 o'clook A. m, touching at Laupuhochoe. Alarm-kon- a and Kuwnlhau same day; Milkens, Mnalaea Bny and Lohaina the following day; arriving nt Honolnlu the nftemoons of Tuesdays nnd Fridays. asr Will cnlliit Fohoiki, Puna, on trlpB nuirkeci . jCr- - No Freight will be recoived nfter b A. m. on dny of Balling, The populur route lo tho Volcano is via Ullo A Kood carriage road the ontire dis- tance, liumul trip tickets, co ferine all expeiiPtif , $50.00. Stmr. CLAUDINE, OAMEKON, Commander, Will leave Honolulu Tnesdays at 5 p. m. touching nt Knlmlul, liana, Hnmoa nnd Klpahuln, Jlnnl. lteturning arrives nt Honolulu Sunday mornings. Will call nt Nuu, Knupo, once each month. CSf No Freight will be received after i r. u, on dny of Bailing. This Company will resorves tho nghtto moke changes in tho time of departure and arrival of Us Steamers without notice and It will not be responsible for nny conse- quences arising therefrom. Consignees must bo nt the Landings to receive their freight; this Company will not hold it3elf responsible or freight after it bas boeu landed. Live Stock received only at owner's risk, This Company will not oe responsible lox Money or Valuables of passengers unless placed in the care of Pursers. tSf- - Passengers are requested to pur- chase Tickets beforo ombnrking. Those falling to do so will be subject to nn addi- tional charge of twenty-fiv- e per cent. 0LAP3 BPBEOKELS. WM. Q. inWIN. Glaus Spreckels & Co., 3.2sti:k:s. HONOLULU ... San Danciieo Agents. Till! NEVADA HANK OF SAN FliANCISCO. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FKANOISCO-T- ho Neyndn Bauk of Ban Francisco. LONDON-T- he Union Bank of Loudon Lfd. NEW YORK American Exchange Na- tional Bunk. OHIOAQO-Mercha- nts National Bank, PAlUS-Comp- toir National d'Eseompte d Paris BERLIN Dresdner Bank. HONG KONQ AND YOKOHAMA-Ho- ng Kong&HhanglialBonkInCorporatlou, NEW AND AUB-RALI- A- Bank of Now Zealand. VIOIOIUA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North America. Trawact a General Banking and Exohan,Qt Business, Deposits llocolvod, Loans mado on Ap- proved boourlty. Conuuorcla' nnd Travel, era Credit Issued. Bills of Kxcaunge buught aud sold. Collections Promptly Accounted Foi

Transcript of Vol. I zr Company. Utter. Steunihlp It - University of...



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1 -


vtf II

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Vol. V. , HONOLULU, H. I TUESDAY. SBPTBMBEK 28, J897. No. 700.

Oceanic Steamship Company.t


Tho Fiuo Passenger Stoamora ol This Line WiWArrive and LeaveThiB Port as Hereunder.




In connection with tho sailing of the abovo ptearaers, the Agents arepreparod to issuo, to intending passengers, coupon through tickets by anyrailroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and fromNow York by any steamship line to all European ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.LIlVlITE-D- .

General Agents Oceanic S. S Company.




P. O. Box 145.

Fort Emo Sts.


Improved Planters HoSolid Cast Stool Eye aud Blade Forged Entire.




- VACUUM OILS,The Standard of Morit,



A Large Assortment of General Hardware.

Ba hsj gpi a $ f i 91


General Merchandise


Vgents for Lloyds,Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Lino,

British Ss Foreign Marino Insurance Co.,

Northern Assurance Co. (Fire aud Life),Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,

Pioneer Lino of Packets from Liverpool.

Telephone 92.

H. E. McINTYRE & BRO.,East corner



Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew nnd Freah Goods received by oyory paokot from California, Eastern

States nnd Kuroponu Markets.

Standard Grade of Ganued Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.

. Goods delivered to nuy imrt of the City --mISLAND TRADE BOLIOTTBD. RATIflFAOTfON OIJA lf.ANTBKD.

Senator Morgan's Reception.

It ha ootue to Senator Morgan,lato in life, to become a demagogue,Tho time was when ho was a con-

servative, true blue, old-tim- e Domo-cra- t,

swore by the resolutions of '96,aud' tho immortal principles ofJackson and Jefferson. He is nowon his way to Hawaii ou n nijfljionto marry other men's daughters toKanakas, to make them sovereigns,constitute thorn n State, to givethem representation in tho IIousoof Representatives, and ultimatelyrepresentative power in tho Senateequal to that of the Empire State.Does anybody in his senses beliovothat ought to bo done? Tho bulkof Hawaii is to-da- y made up of aworse class of labor than that whichdegraded tho South in tho eyes oftho nations of the world for manyyears. The treaties with Hawaiicontinue with the slavo countries,aud nothing is done to abrogateand get rid of thorn. Hawaii doesnothing, and thoy remain the blightaud curso of the islands, which thiscountry will have to recognize, assho has substantially promised Jap-an sho will do. Morgan and thewhole South is for annexation, andho is on his way to look for hisfuture constituents. The receptionhe is about to receive, we have rea-

son to believe, is not that which hehas bben educated to expect. Howill not find a native, or Japanese,or a Ohinaman, or a Portuguese, infavor of corruption, or servile labor.All, savo planters of missionary de-

scent, are in favor of homo rule, ashe is in his own beloved Slato. Sena-

tor Morgan is a mau'of advancedyears, and undoubted Ability, coupl-

ed with many vagones, that frequently render him it responsiblefor what he saySJ'riud tho planterswill know how to show him thobloom on tho ryo.

The Senator goes to the islands,as wo firmly beliovo, upon a bootlessmission. Tho bellicose attitude as-

sumed by him whonover aud wher-

ever fauoied opportunity has pre-

sented itaolf, has weakened his in-

fluence in this country and verymaterially discredited him abroad.The sober seuso of the Americanpeople is against the acquisition ofHawaiian or any other foreign terri-

tory. Every argument in favor oftho absorption of this allegod "out-

post" that has bean advanced by theadvocates of such a dangerous de-

parture from tho traditions andpractices of the United States hasbeen shattered. Tho more the petscheme of Senator Morgan has beeninvestigated the more apparent is

its weakness; nnd when the questioncomes up next winter wo shall missour guess if a vory great ohange ofsentiment be not apparout. Thoconservative sense of tho country,when once thorpugbly awakened,wjll bo hoard in unmistakable andfinal condemnation of this dangor-ou- s

experiment. S. F. Nexvs Letter.

Tho Bishop Talks,

In conversation with a representa-tive of Router's Agenoy, the Bishopof Honolulu, who is ou a visit toEngland, expressed the followingviows regarding tho proposed anuox-atio- u

of Hawaiii by tho UuitodStates. He said: "It is exceedinglyunjust to the people of Hawaii, be-

cause tho Hawaiians themselves donot dosiro it, and if the UnitodStates lake tho islauds it will onlybe against tho will of tho people.Fraotically all tho natives aro dis-

franchised. The few who side withtho Republican Government havobeon compelled to du so for thesake of their families. Previous tothe overthrow of tho Government in1893, I beliovo the United Statesmight havo acquired tho islandswithout opposition, but owing totho oircumstauces of that revolutionwhiah was only successful by reasonof tho assistance of tho Americanmarines from the Boston, thoro has

since beon a revulsion of feeling ontho pait of natives. The nuucxAlionproposal is an immouso surprise toHawaiians aud to their sympathisers.It seems incredible that the Greatliepublin should not have first as-

certained the views of tho peoplebefore concluding such a treaty.Tho contention of the United Statesthat the Japanese ere trying to as-

sume political control is withoutfoundation. Annexation, too, willsoriously injure British commerce,as duties on British imports whicharo now only 10 per cout, would atonce be increased to tho high tariffsof tho United States. My viow hasalways beon that it is to the interestnot only of Groat Britain but also oftho Uuitod Status that tho islandsshould remain independent. barns-le- y

(Eng.) Index.

Status of Hawaii.

What constitutional footing haB

the Uuited Stales for a colonialpolioyt

Is Hawaii to be taken and hold asa fortified colony or is to be admit-ted to the Union as a State? If theformer, where is tho constitutionalwarrnut? If tho latter, where is thnargumont of expediency? Tho pres-

ent Government of Hawaii roslsupon 2 percent of the population.The other 98 percent havo feeblevoico in it. If admitted as a Statewill the 2 percent continue to rule?If the 98 percent are admitted tofull voice what sort of a State willit bo to equal California in theSenate? The Dolo Government byits act doclarcs 98 percent of thopeople unfit for representation. Ifunfit for a voice in that Governmentwhat fits them for equality in anAmerican State?

Senator Morgan says wo will notconsult them as to annexation, andif not thoy will not bo consulted norhave voico in their future govern-ment.

If wo have war tho defensive forcewill not bo fouud on tho islands. Itmust be supplied from our conti-

nental resources. These aro con-

siderations which cannot be smother-ed and questions that must be an-

swered. A patriotic jump into theair is easy enough, but strikiug thoearth again is a hard fact that mustbe cousidorod beforo tho leap is

taken. S- - F. Call.

FOUND THE NORTH POLE.Tho telegrams puolUUed Friday an-

nouncing tho discovery of tins .NorthTole by Dr. Frlthjof Nanscn createdconsiderable surprise. It seems funnythat Dr. Nansen should care to riskso much to find the North Pole, whenhe can get Rainier Beer, which Is cer-tainly more practical than the NorthPole, by coming to Honolulu. Phone783.

" , tm


Fishtail ferns for salo in quanti- -

ties to suit.

Subscribe for The Independent, 50cents per month.

Join our Suit Club, $1 por weekMedeiros & Docker, Hotel street. '

A lady, who is an accomplishedteacher of music, desires to givolessons to a few pupils at theirhome, at 50 cents a lesson. Address,tho editor of The Independent. '

Bioycle boys remember that wohavo the fiuest brows of Buffalo Beerand tho Fabst gonial shaudy gaff attho Royal, Facifia and Cosmopolitanand with our interchangeable uheeksyou can take a turn around thoblooks betweeu refroshments.

Ono ounco of provontion is betterthan ten ounces of oure. The Em-pire boasts of iufallible remediesagainst tho varioloid. Wielaud beeron draft boats vaccination, audDootor Charlie Andrew presides ovortho finest stock of 'remedies" thatcan bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash.

Faddy Ryan is uow assisted bypopular William Carlisle at the An-

chor Saloon, where Seattle Beer isalways on draught oud othor stimu-Inut- B

furnished, Pointers on allsporting uvonts can bo had, free ofcharge from tho athletic manager ofthe Anchor. '

1Utter. Steunihlp Go,


0. X,. WIGHT, Pres. S. B. KOBE, BeeOapt.J.A.KINa.FortBnpt.


CLARKE. Commander,

Will Joave Honolulu at 10 A. M., touching ntLnhnina, BInnlnea Bny nnd Mnkena thtBnmo day; Mnbnkena, Kawaibno nnd

the following day; arriving atHilo tho Bnmo afternoon.


Friday Oct 1 Tuosday. 8opt28Tuesday. Oct 12 JriOay Uot 8

Friday Oct -- 2 'luecday Oct 10Tuesiluy Nov 2 Friday Oct 20Friday Nov 1- - Taesdoy Nov 0

Tuo-dii- y .... Nor 23 Friday Nov 10Friday Deo 3 Tuesday Nov 80

Tni-sdn- ....Dec 14 Friday Dec 10Thursday... .Dec 23 Tiftdtiy Dec 21

Fridny Dec 81

Returning will leave Hilo nt 8 o'clookA. m , touching at Laupuhochoe. Alarm-kon- a

and Kuwnlhau same day; Milkens,Mnalaea Bny and Lohaina the followingday; arriving nt Honolnlu the nftemoonsof Tuesdays nnd Fridays.

asr Will cnlliit Fohoiki, Puna, on trlpBnuirkeci .

jCr-- No Freight will be recoived nfter bA. m. on dny of Balling,

The populur route lo tho Volcano is viaUllo A Kood carriage road the ontire dis-tance, liumul trip tickets, co ferine allexpeiiPtif , $50.00.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,OAMEKON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tnesdays at 5 p. m.touching nt Knlmlul, liana, Hnmoa nndKlpahuln, Jlnnl. lteturning arrives ntHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nuu, Knupo, once eachmonth.

CSf No Freight will be received after ir. u, on dny of Bailing.

This Company will resorves tho nghttomoke changes in tho time of departure andarrival of Us Steamers without notice andIt will not be responsible for nny conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must bo nt the Landings toreceive their freight; this Company willnot hold it3elf responsible or freight afterit bas boeu landed.

Live Stock received only at owner's risk,This Company will not oe responsible lox

Money or Valuables of passengers unlessplaced in the care of Pursers.

tSf-- Passengers are requested to pur-chase Tickets beforo ombnrking. Thosefalling to do so will be subject to nn addi-tional charge of twenty-fiv- e per cent.


Glaus Spreckels & Co.,

3.2sti:k:s.HONOLULU ...

San Danciieo Agents. Till! NEVADAHANK OF SAN FliANCISCO.


SAN FKANOISCO-T- ho Neyndn Bauk ofBan Francisco.

LONDON-T- he Union Bank of LoudonLfd.

NEW YORK American Exchange Na-tional Bunk.

OHIOAQO-Mercha- nts National Bank,PAlUS-Comp- toir National d'Eseompte d


Kong&HhanglialBonkInCorporatlou,NEW AND AUB-RALI-



of British North America.

Trawact a General Banking and Exohan,QtBusiness,

Deposits llocolvod, Loans mado on Ap-proved boourlty. Conuuorcla' nnd Travel,era Credit Issued. Bills of Kxcaungebuught aud sold.

Collections Promptly Accounted Foi



EVERY AFTERNOON.(Kxcopt Baniliiv)

A.t "Brito HnU." Kouift Stmot.

IDST Telephone 841 JSfS

F. J. TE3XA, Proprietor Pub-nn- d

llshor.EDMUND NORK1E, Editor.

W. HOItAOK WltlGHP, AoDistantEditor.

Kesldlnc in Honolulu.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1897.


w the most farcical elec-

tion ever seen in theso ialauds willtake place. Eight hundred and six-

teen oitizeus aro entitled to cast avote and as there is only one ticketin tho Gold it is safe to say thathardly one half will tako tho troubleto go to the polling places. Themen, who aro to be eleotod, and themen who can vote, have statedsolemnly that the islands will boannexed before January, 1898, andthat tho Legislature, to which tneni-bor- s

are to bo eleoted to morrow,will never meet. Under the circum-stances wo cannot soo why tho Gov-

ernment should jo to great ex-

pense, why tho "p;.1 riots" shouldwrangle over platforms and candi-

dates, and in fact, why wo shouldbother about an election at all. Theauthorities, howover, take mattorsvery soriously and although allstores and offices will be open to-

morrow and tho general businona goon as usual, the saloons havo beenordered closed from 8 a.m. to 5 p m.to prevent tho hilarious and en-

thusiastic fraction ef 81G "goody-goody- "

voters from getting drunk.Tho saloon owners aro heavy con-

tributors to tho Treasury, but thoGovernment nevertheless delightsin injuring their business whonevera chance is offered. Tho election

will not oven be amusingleave alono dangerous to publiopeaco.


In tho Stamp duty case of thobill of salo of the S. S. China theshrinkage from $2,000 to $1 is rathorlarge. Tho Stamp duty assossod bytho Minister of Finance, t. e. 2,000,

represented the noeds of tho publioTreasury, while the assessmentmado by tho Supreme Court repre-sents the hard sense of that body.

The jealousy of tho financial suc-

cess of tho British minstrols asovinced by tho American annexationorgans is ridiculous as well as inconsummate bad taste. Tho Comusboys played for two oxellont charita-ble institutions but then ono was Ha-

waiian and the othor British. JHnoIllae lachrymae,

Now it appears that Messrs. W. A.

Kinney and Wm. R. CasWo are bo-hin- d

the invitation to Senator Mor-

gan to address Hawaiians upon thoburning question of annexation.Mr. Poopoe's agonoy in tho matterwas simply to mako it appoar thatthe invitation was the spontaneoussot of Hawaiians. In othor wordsMr. Foopoo is tho cat in tho handsof tho Simian to rake annexationchestnuts out of tho firo.

Tho romarks of tho Ministor oftho Christian Church, Rev. Mr,Garyin, as to tho condition of affairsin tho United States would loadsensible men, particularly thosowho have to employ labor on sugarand coffeo estatos, to rofuso annex-atio-

If tho impending struggle inthe Groat Ropublio is basod on thodiscontout of the laboring men, Ha-

waii should dooliuo an alliance. Farbetter that wo should bend everyonergy to perpetuate independentgovernment.

Tho Russian-bor- n Anglo-Hawaiia- n

editor of tho Star was quitewrathy ovor our disolosuro ofsome of tho childish and irrespouei

ble actions of some of tho Myrtleboys, whereat ho oloiuis that "thoaim of u cortain class of Royalists isto create race prejudice." Far bo itfrom us to do so, but The Indepen-

dent will at all timo'3 dofsud Ha-

waii and tho Hawailanr, and at thosanio time retort to any slurs andinueudos cast, whether maliciously,intentionally, or otherwise, upon therace and people of this country.Permit us to ask who was it thatdid more, to stir up race prejudicesand feelings during tho past fewyears than tho Star itsolf. But now,it has suddenly takon a tumble toitsflf and found a virtue in its partyand supporters, all of whom uiekanaka haters, Gghtiug race preju-dices and falsely professing theirlovo for tho Hawaiians. Bahl Loavetho Hawaiians alon, thoy can at-

tend to themselves, Mr. Star man,and devote your timo and space tomore fake stories.

It tho Attorney-Geuora- l does notreturn from Kauai on Thursday tho80th inst, there will bo gnashing of

toth nud great wailing in his de-

partment. It is pay-da- y on Thurs-day, and without thu valuable Hlgna-tui- e.

of the Attorney-Genera- l to sal-

ary drafts not a bean can be drawn,and the employees will have to licktheir chops and call on "uncle" at adiscount. Another instance of howtho "best" government attends topublic affairs.

In tho decision of tho SupremoCourt in tho China case, wo haveanother illustration of tho valuewhich can bo placed in tho judg-ment of Minister Cooper. Ho andhis organ wore cock-sur- that hisrefusal of a register to Colonel Mac-farlau- o

iron Id be sustained by thoSupreme Court according to lawaud evidence. Tho result has provedthat Mr. Cooper knows very little oflaw. is no judge of evidence, andhas placed Mr. Dole's Governmentin a very humiliating position in re-

gard to tho annexation howlers iuWashington, to whom it was pro-

mised that no Hawaiian registerwould bo grauted to any vessel notbuilt in the United States. We con-

gratulate Colonel Mncfarlane on hisvictory, but we cannot sympathizewith tho taxpayers, who yet tolerateMr. Cooper to ruu the ship of Ha-

waii onto every rook in sight. Bet-

ter to keep Hatch here, and letCoopor follow his adviser, J. B.Castle, to Washington. There thetwo ''olevor" jurists may do less harmthau here. Let us look out now fortho Japanose squall wheu Cooporaud Castle will securo more blackoyos for Hawaii.

Tho absurd proposition of usingtho hotel building as a sohool houseseems to be oncouraged by somo ofMr. Dole's sago advisors. Wo can-

not beliovo for a momont that Min-

ister Damon or Minister Cooper canseriously approvo of tho scheme,As Minister of Finance Mr. Damoncan hardly support a plau whichwill doprivo tho Treasury of $.000 ayear bosidos taxes, etc. As Ministerof Education Mr. Coopor cannotconscientiously recommend tho es-

tablishment of a school in a placowhere it is absolutely not needed,while tho rapidly increasing suburbsaro clamoring for school accommo-dations If now schools are ueedod,it is at Makiki, Manoa, Palama, andKalihi, and certainly not within astone's throw of tho High Sohool,tho Royal Sohool, Punahou Propar-ntor- y,

tho Pohukaina school, andFort-atroo- t school, Evon MinisterCooper will hardly advocato thoU3iug of the Hotel for tho Normalor Practical schools. Tho allegedovercrowding of tho Governmentschools would not be abated, and itwould bo rathor hard on tho tax-

payers to be asked to pay ayear for a building to be used bysuch ridiculous and usoless institu-tions as tho normal and practicalsoliools nouessnrily will turn out tobe. And how ore Thurston's touristsand tho coming inllux of senators,farmers and adventurers to be ac-

commodated, when they find aschool where Thurston told thornthey would find a first class hotel,Tho sale of tho hotel should not bepostponed. Damon's treasury noodsmouoy, and $1000 are not to beBQeezuU at.



Ed. Tue Ind-fende-nt:

An. Open Iiottor to Mr Morgan

Hon. J. T.Moroan, Senator of theU. S. Congress,

Sir: I had tho ploasuro of beingintroduced to you, upon tho occa-sion of tho roception given by Hon.Sowall, U. S. Miuistor Resident,to yourself and fellow Congressmen,and your immediate rolatives andfriends upon the ovoning of Mondaylast. The reception having beenone whero all wore invited to meetyou, I regret morn Hawaiians didnot attend to show the trait of hos-

pitality that they aro known for.However, boing conspicuous bytheir absence, out! in viow of thefact that a certain Hawaiian, J. M.Poopoe by namo, has been duringtho last fow days soliciting thenames of the most promiuent Ha-waiians to a petition, asking you toaddress the Hawaiian people upontho advantage tho annexation ofHawaii by Amorira will be to them,aud how they will bo cared for bytho American Government, that Itako this oonasion to address youthrough this medium, iu ordor thatyou may know from ono who hasdeclined to sign the petition to youand who knows the Hawaiian peo-pl- o

that the same does not havetheir approval.

Tho Hawaiian people siuce theovorthrow of tho ConstitutionalGovornmeut of theso islands by andwith the aid of tho troops of a shipof war of your country havo abso-lutely rofusod as a race to join handswith tho Government, of to-da-

called a ropublic, to promoto whatmight be to their advantage Theirhostility towards tho ovorthrow oftho monarchical form of governmentaud substituted by the ProvisionalGovernment and later by the Re-

public of Hawaii with tho watch-word, Annexation to America, hasnot been and is not to-da- y a fancy,but pure and simple patriotism, andthat deep from their hearts.

An address by you given in antici


pation of convortiug them will betimo and labor lost, and will hea momento to tho promoters of thopotition that thoy will never soonforget.

I will vonluru to say that youraudience upon the occasion of youraddroR will be a slim one, a far as

Hawaiians not holding offices un-

der tho Government aro concerned.Tho Hawaiians havo been, and to-

day are, just what you told Mr.Dole, and Mr. Dole told mo, "That ifyou wro one of them you wouldoppose annexation. That you do-sir-

being an Americanand from an AmericanIf our islands aro to bo anuoxod toyour great country by tho voto ofyoursolf and your brother Senatorswithout first tho willof tho Hawaiian people, you com-

mit tho second wrong towards them,and they will mourn tho loss of thoirflag and country forovor,

I trust you will not use the peti-

tion as capital to work on upon thofloor of your Senate, as the same is

by tho Hawaiians,This will bo borne out by a mouBtorpetition that will bo preaentod tothe President of the United States.

yours,Joun F. Couiuiin.

Honolulu, Oahu, H. I., Sept. 28, '97.

President Diaz Attacked.

Cm or Mexico, Sept. 1G. An at-

tack was mado shortly after 10

o'clock this morning on PresidontDinz as ho was proceeding from thopalace to tho Alameda to distributemedals to tho purvivors of tho wars.Tho city is iu a fever of oxoitemeutand tho stories are conflicting.

The most reliable version of thoaffair is that as the Presidont wasentoring on foot the Alameda, orcontral part of the city, a middle-age- d

man armed with a long poiunrdjumped forward from the crowd audmade an attempt to stab Diaz.

He was at onco seizod by thePresident's snite and the police andhoavily then by sidestreets to avoid publicity, he wastaken under a strong guard to theFourth Ward Police Station.

Tho would bo murderer ArnulfoArrayo was lynched the noxt day.

13-u.- t One SecuLrecL it is

is the to








Now Time

.. rt"3TO'"'MKJWP"1


Honolulu, Sept. 84, 1897

re on Velvet,

and so can you be, it' you willonly como and see and carryoff with you enough of ourRED VELfVET RUBBERHOSE to keep your lawnsand gardens in beautiful order.You lmvc experienced all tbeinconvenience and cost of allkinds of experimental andunsatisfactory boaes until youfelt inclined to give up water-ing your plants in sheer dis-

gust.Our agents havo been in-

vestigating for you, and at lasthave discovered tho very per-fection of a flexible corru-gated rubber hose. We havetested it in every way bytwisting, punching, poundingand cutting and and we can-

not make it crack, or kink orleak. It is undoubtedly amarvelous and almost life last-ing production. We only haveit at present in the 3-- d- inchbizo, but then it is exception-ally strong and llexiblc andits about tho same price as thethree ply ho.ue. Homi'mberit is tho

Red Veivot Rubber Hose.

We have also in slock aquantity of tho plain rubberhone, suction and steam hoseof various fcizes, and it willpay you to call and inspecttlnan at

Ttw Hawaiian Hardware Go,, l.'

2G8 Fort Street,



Queen St., Honolulu9

- We propose to HOLD A POSITION, that has been won by a


The things that havo made this Store ono of the

BEST DRY GOODS STORES IN HONOLULUAre Conscientiousness and Attention to the Interest of Our Patrons.

Handling the Very Dry Goodsthat the World Produces,


These principles are the bases upon which wo ask for your patronage. Whilestocktaking continues, we aro repeatedly throwing out


which are immediately marked down to ONE TH11TD of tho ORIGINAL TALUS.


WwwMa-a-- "'








Tho so.-ou- battalion will drill onFriday evening.

Latest uovdltii-- m Worsted DrossGoods at N. S. Snehs.

Our Jewish citizens are celebrat-ing tboir Now Yoar. Yotn KIpptirfolio wb.

Nicely furnished rooms id let onLUiha Street, opposito KuakiniStreet.

Congratulations Tom MossmanJFour girls one boy. Noxtl

Stop in to Sachs' sloro and soo thostock of now goods that aro nowopeni

At 5:30 aftoruoon thoAlioo M. and Stranger of tho MyrtleBoat Olub row for a dinner.

'A handsomo line of Irish printetnbroiderios, lusortions and Head-

ings at N. S. Sachs.

Plaids and Si ripes, Oropons effects,aro tho latest in Dress Goods, audcan bo found nt N. S. Saohs.

The German bark J. C. Pflugor,Haaver master, arrived yesterdayafternoon 1G0 days from Liverpoolwith 1800 tons of general mer-chandise.

Mr. G. A. Harker arrived by the.Gaelic last night to lake charge oftho science dopartraont of the HighSchool. Ho was met by ProfessorLightfoot.

Tho American bark Trnigard ar-

rived yestorday, 15 days from SanFrancisco with COO tons generalmernhatidiao consigned to F. A.Sohaafor & Co.

Members of tho Hagey SocialClub aro reminded that the regularmonthly mooting takos plane onSaturday ovouing next, aud thatvery important matters will bebrought up for consideration

Tho Suprome Court has sustainedtho docision of Judgo Perry in thomatter of tho S. S. China, and theColleotor-Geuor- al is ordered toregistt-- r her as a Hawaiian vessel.Tho stamp duty is also reducedfrom $2000 to one dollar.

Commodoro Fort aud his ollicersagain visited St. Louis College thismorning and wore photographed ingroup. Their visit yesterday to theCollege and tho Sister's School re-

sulted in a happy holiday for thoboys and girls of those excollentinstitutions.

The recoption on board thoDuguay Trouiu yestorday was anunqualified success. It is thoughtthat at loast a thousand persons, in-

cluding the St. Louis boys attended.Tho most charming attoution waspaid to all visitors and they thor-oughly enjoyed themselvea.

To-da- y being tho anniversary oftho birth of His Majesty of Portu-gal. Sonhor A. deSouza Oanavarro,Charge d'Affaires for Portugal, holda recoption at tho Legation. TheGovernment band serenaded in themorning hours. Consular ilags worehoisted and customary salutes firedat noon.

The now island stoamor Upolu, F.Revoley master, arrived last ovouiugwith its owner R. Hind, having loftSan Francisco on tho 12th. Shecomos to Honolulu to obtain a Ha-

waiian rogistor and will then returnto her port of Houoipu to engage intho coasting trade around Hawaii,She is 58 tonuago register.

To morrow morning CommodoreFort aud tho ofiicors of tho DuguayTrouin give a breakfast on boardtheir vessel to tho Bishop of Pano-poli- s

and other distinguished guests.In tho aftornoou thoro will be agrand recoption to all RomanCatholics to which tho Hawaiiansare especially cordially invited.Good things aro being convoyed onboard in large quantities.

Tho O. & O. S. S. Gaelic, Fiuohcommander, arrived off port lastevening 6J days from San Francisco,Tho passeugers aud mails worelanded by boat and tho vessel camein this morning, Tho passengersfor this port wore: Mr. F.W. GladoMrs. F. V. Glado, Col. Georgo Mao-farlau-

Mr. O. S. Bradford, Mr, G.A. Harker, Mr. Oharlos Fiuk, Mr, O.B. Overbook, Mr. A. Priosmeyer andMr. and Mrs. A. W. Stanford.

m m m

A Point for Morgan,

Tho horso attaohod to Haok 58ran away at noon today and orontodconsiderable oxoitement on Kingstreet uoar Kouia street. Tho Jnpa-nes- o

drivor had six passeugers in thohack, and had omitted to put ontho hoad stall to his fiery steed.Unohecked, tho animal, felt likeHawaii's funny ropublio, throwprudonco to tho winds and tho pas-

sengers to tho sidowalk and onp-size- d

tho yehiolo. No one wasseriously hurt excopt the haok.Moral: Even Japauoso horseB ueodbridles aud ohoek roins under pros,out circumstances,



Itoras of Interests From AH Fartsof tho World.

The "old" Board of San FranciscoSupervisors woro ejected from theirsoats by the polico acting under thoorders of Mayor Pholan. Furthorcontosts before tho Supromo Courtaro anticipated.

It ia reported, but with somo hesi-

tation as to accuracy, that GonoralWoodford, the American Ministerto Madrid, has notified Spain thatunle3 tranquility is restored inCuba by tho end of October, theUnited States will recognize tho in-

dependence of Cuba.A Tribuuo special from Washing-

ton cays: Prosideut MoKinloy ap-

parently narrowly esoapod boingmade tho Victim of another Guiteau.A man with a loaded rovolvor wasarrested in tho White House groundsSept. 20, after he had sought in vaiuto secure an interview on allegedimportant business with the Presi-pou- t.

Ho wa evidently a crank, buthis presence in tho grounds, his pre-paration for hostilities, and abovoall, his actions for the last few days,load to tho belief that the man wasmuch tnoro dangerous than thoavor-ag- o

lunatic.Yellow fovor continues to iucroaso

itB ravngos in Now Orleans. Eight-oo- n

caso3 woro reportod in one day.Every precaution is boing taken.

Lieut. Peary on the bark Hopehas safely roturned from tho NorthGreenland expedition. He broughtwith him the largest aerolite yetdiscovered.

The United Stalos has informedEngland thnt it is desirable thatRussia aud Japan should be repre-

sented at tho Seal conference. Eng-land suggests Washington as thomeeting place.

A dispatch from Hammerfest, thenorthernmost town of Europe, inNorway, dated Sept. 20th, says thattho whaling ship Falk has broughtthere the third pigeon dispatch fromProfessor Andreo, who loft tho islandof Spitzborgeu in a baloon on July11 in an attempt to cross tho polarregions, The raesinge reads: "July13, 12:80 p. in., latitude 82 dog. 2miu. north, lougtitude 12 dog. 5

miu. east. Good voyage eastward.All well."

It is officially aunounced that thetroops of Chief Samory, tho Africanoliieftaiu whoso territory adjoins thokingdom of Ashautee, surprised androuted on August 20 a French de-

tachment of troop3 sent to occupyterritory which Samory had offeredto evacuate

Tko accounts from tho Klondikedistrict aro very gloomy, but a syn-

dicate has been formed to build arailroad from Skaguay to Lake Ben-

nett. It is autioipated that 20,000

people will rush .in next summer.Tho road will be opened next May.

A dotaohmont of 25 men of tho8th U. S, Infantry has been des-

patched to Circle City to roach thatpoint in tho Spring.

An attompt is contemplated tooust tho Board of Education of SanFrancisco on tho ground of mal-

feasance in officeTho U. S. Government is rushing

food supplies iuto tho Klondike dis-

trict.Groat Britain is moving a ileot to

tho West Indies.Tho U. S. S. Marion arrived in

San Frauoisco on tho 19th inst,,after a passage of 21 days, Sheproceoded to Mare Island to be putout of commission for repairs,

Tho ship Indiana from Hilo has8afoly arrived nt Now York aftor apasiogo of 123 days.

Tho Guatemalan insurgents havocaptured Quezaltenango aud deposed Prosidout Roona Barrios.Prosporo Moralos aud his victoriousforces are marohing to Guatomalawith an army of" 10,000. It ia rumor-ed but not boliovo that ProsideutBarrios has Hod from the country.Disaster to tho coffee plantations ia

foarod.Tho Bank of England has con-

sented to hold one-fift- h of its noteissue in silvor provided always thatthe French mint is again open totho free coinage of silver, and thattho prices at whioh ailvor is procur-able nud saloablo are satisfactory,


The Koau Hou Returns No Gluo totho Murder of Dr. Smith.

The steamer Koau Hou returnedfrom Kauai early this morning, withGeneral Harlwoll and SenatorWatorhouse on board.

Tho Attorney-General- , Marshaland Detective Kaapa remained onKauai. No clue iu regard to whore-about- s

of tho murderer of Dr. J, K.Smith had bcou obtained when thostoamor loft, and tho idiotio"theories" advanced by certain Ho-

nolulu papers woro evidently theresult of somo soft brained re-

porter's unhealthy imagination.A reward of $1,000 has boon offer-

ed by tho Government for an in-

formation whioh will lead to the arrest and conviction of tho murderer,and it is hoped that this step willassist tho authorities in finding andpunishing tho coward who fired thofatal shot.

Mr. Kinney will loavo for Kauaithis evening to ronder assistance bo-fo- re

the Coronor's jury now investi-gating the death of Dr. J. K. Smith.It is found that Mr. Brown who thusfar has beon conducting tho examin-ation boforo tho jury, needs moretime for outside iuvostigation, and itis intended that Mr. Kiuney shallrelieve him in this rospect by assist-ing in tho examination of witnessesbefore tho jury.

Judge Carter, a relative of tho de-

ceased, will accompany Mr. Kinney,returning on Wednesday morning.

Pale Active.

Tho Kinau arrived this afternoonfrom Hilo bringiug the informationlhat tho Volcano is very active andthat pooplo from all districts of thobig island are travelling to Kilauea.Chester Doyle, who returned by theKinau says that the eruption hap-pened as soon as the Aloha Ainaloaders arrived iu Hilo. But thenyou can't believe Chester every time.

A Japanese Injured.A Japanese working on tho now

road which is boing graded by con-

tractors for the O. R. & L. Co. wassoriously injured yesterday whileblasting on the road near tho Kaenapoint. Tho man wae brought to townand sent to tho hospital this morn-ing


Mossman In Honolulu, H. I., onthe 27th of Soptomber, 1897, to thewife of T. R. Mo.'sman, a daughter.


COTTAGE AT 630ONE Avonuo, con Ij'fiSjjLrjJKtaining nvo rooms ana a Hsiibath. Innuiront tliourom- - Se'- -

isos or of J 8. WALK.EK.over Claust Spreokols ifc Co 's Bank,


$100 REWARD.

riMIE ABOVE REWARD OF ONEJL Hundred Dollars will be paid to theperson (hiding and delivering to wo myTwo Diamond Kings lost on Saturday,Sept. 1, 1MJ7 Unun tboir roturn, no ques-tions will bo asked.

D. KAWANANAKOA.Honolulu. 8ept. 21. 1807. (WO--tf


Photographic Studio(LATH II, L1CKTIO.)

No. 22, Berotanla Street, near Fort,(Waring Block.)

Is prepared to do First-olas- s Photo-graphl- o

work In tho Latest Styles withNeatness nud Dispatch The only RroundUoor Art Gallery and Studio on tho Isl-ands Correct Likeness and Good ViowsTakon.

None but experienced Hmuillim ArtistsEmployed, nod no Orientals.


TWO REASONSWhy pcoplo come long distances to buy at


IPalama GroceryREASON 1 Because ono customer tolls

anothor how much tboy havo Bavcd bydealing ul this live and let live establish-ment,

REASON 2 Because the savlni; fromtholr grocory bill helps tham to pay thohouso rent.

If you don't bellevo what our oustomorsay just glvo us a call aud be convlncod.

Hay sinci OralisHAKKY OANON,

Pal a m a Grocory.TEL. 760 Opposite Hallway Dopol


Founded, 1798. .... Cash Capital, $3,000,000Oldest fc'iro Insurance Company in the TJnitod States.Lo3scn paid tiincc organization over - - - $90,000,000.


Established, JSS9. .... Capital $5,00000b.Insurance effected ou Buildings, Goods, Shipe, and Morchnudiso

JF For lowost rates apply to



Good, Bad and Indifferent.


SCHLITZHasProven Its Superiority.

Noah's Certificate is Not Needed for the Best.Consumers Are the Jtidgos.

SCHLITZIs World Kcnowned, Holds Its Own, and Don't YouForgot It.

Macfarlane & Co.9 Ltd,,Sole Agents.


In tho Unitod States tho Govern-ment allows a rebate to tho manu-facturers on all agate waro-shipp- ed

out of tho country. It is ono of thefine points in the tariff question,and enables the foroign importers tocompete with dealers in the UnitedStates in tho sale of these articles.It makos it possible for our cus-tomers to buy such goodB from usat lower prices than they can buythoni iu San Francisco. Tho ap-pended list Bhows but a few of thearticles in this lino sold by us, andwhore more than one price is gradedwith the different sizes of the arti-cles. In every instance you will ob-serve that our prices aro much lowerthan the same goods may bo boughtfor at tho Coast. Theso prices aretaken from the cataloguo of ouo ofthe largest House-Furnishin- g Goodsdealers iu San Frauoisco; it is boua-fid- e.

and tho goods aro identical inquality as thoso advertised in thocatalogue. It is hard to boliove thatthe poople of Honolulu 2,100 milesfrom San Francisco can buy suchgoods for loss monoy. '

AGATE LADLE-Co- ast l'rico 20o., OurPrice, 2 lor 25.

LADY FINGER I'ANB-Co- ast Trice,20c, Our Price, 15o.

CORNOAKE PAN-Co- ast Prlco, 15 to76c. Our Price, 40 to 70

PIE PLATE-Co- sst Prleo, 12' to 20c,Our Price. 10 to 16o.

OVAL OAKE PANS-Co- ast Pxlco, 15 to65o.,OurPrico,40to50c

WASH BABINS-Co- ast Price. 50c, OurPrico,40c

SOAP DIBHES-Co- nst Trice, 20c, OurPrice, 15c.

WALL BOAP DISH-Co- ast Prleo, 25c,Our Prlco, V0o.

OHLONU SOAP DISH-Co- ast Price,250.. Onr Trloo. lib.

MILK BKIMMEU-Oo- ast Price, 15o ,Our Price. 10c

CLIMAX. QUIDDLE-Co- ast Price, 05c ,

Our Prico, 55o.TEA POTS-Co- ast Prlco. IU to 00c, Our

PrIce,S5 to FOc.OliSPIUOHES-Coa- st Prlco, 75c, Our

Price, GOc.COFKBE BOILEH-Co- ast Prlco. $1.50.

Onr Prlco, $1.25,8EAMBLKSB B A ICE PANS Coast

Prlco, 45 to 85o., Our Price, 40 to SOaK10E BOILEltB Coast Prico. 05o. to

$1.25 . Our Price 55 to 05a,LIPPED COFFEE POTS-Co- ast Prlco,

40 to 00c , Our Prlco, 35 to SOo.OIIAMBEU PAIL-Co- ast Price, $1.00,

Our Price, $1.55.COVE HMD BAUOEPANS-Co- ast Price,

10 to 85c, Our Price, 25 to GOo.

Ouo ol our windows Is filled with theseeoods; ench pleco marked In plain llgures,Your inspection is invited,

Wr4Von Holt Block,


Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands.



J. T. Wateviiouse.

There are three brands ofJams and Jellies known to beabsolutely pure. Crosse &

Blackwdls, Morton's andCode, Elfolt & Co. Duringthe pure food crusade in Cali-

fornia the goods of the latterpassed every inspection andnow come out of the factoryspecially stamped ' 'PureFood.'' "Wo have a completestocic of theso goods and offerthem to the public at very low


Our grocery department isfull to the brim with reliablgoods and our prices aro lowenough as ;to draw common

from other dealers. We buyfor cash in quantities to suitthe demand and consequentlythoy aro always fresh.

AVe handle the celebratedAlbert boneless sardines and

the Palace brand of slicedbacon, two articles for thetablo that are unexcelled.

"Wo carry a full lino of tabledelicacies, English and Amer-

ican tind promptly fill orders.Prompt delivery in all caseswhether in person or by tele-phon- o

and carol'ul attentionpaid to the selection of goods.






s m wi-- -

JUST ARRIVEDA now lot of the Finest

Musical Instruments.Autoharpn, Gultnro, Vtolino, Etc.

Also a now invoice of tlio Colcbrated

Wostermeyer Pianos,Bpoclally manufactured for the troplchl

cliinato, second to none,


On the Hawaiian Islands daring the lostyears.



General Merchandise.

Also the choicest European and Ameri-


Beers, Ale, Wines & LiquorsAT MOST REASONABLE MltCES.


Corner King & Bethel Streots.

T. B. HURRAYS21 fc 31B King Street.

The Lending

CamagB and

agon Manufacturer.. ALT. MATKIWAtS OK UAND . .

WJIJ fiirn'h everything outside steamboats and boilers.

Home Shooing a Specialty.

' vakTICI,lJPHONK r72. --etat

G. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED)

Win. Q. Irwin President & ManagerGlaus Spreckels , nt

W. M. Glflard Bccrotary & TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.i


Oceanic Steamship Gomp'yOf Ran Vrnnnlppo. Cal.

TBLirnoHE 007. P. O Box 321.


Carriage Manufactory128 & 130 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND REFAJEER.

Blacksmitlilng in all Its BranQlies

Orders from the other Islands in BuildingTrimming, Painting, Etc., Etc.,

promptly attended to.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Succossor to G. West).

Metropolitan Meat Go.


G. J. Waller, - Manaoek.

Wholesalo andRetail . . .


Navy Contractors

THE "ARLINGTON"A. TPixvciily HCotol.

T. KBOUSE, - - - Prop.

For Day ? 2.00Ter Woelr 12.00


The Beat ol Attendance, the Best SituationmM th .i v..). - tki. nit.

( ' .,

w pin &.u.(LIMITED,)


Ban Fronoisoo, Cal.

BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE AVORKS.,Philadelphia, Penn., U 8. A.

NEWELL UN1VER8AL MILL CO.,(Manf. "National Cnne Shredder'')

Now York, U. S. A.

N. OHLANDT & CO.,Ban Francisco, Cal.


682-- tf Ban Franolsco, Cal.

Occidental Hotel.Comer King and Alakca StreetH,


Mrs. A, S0HMEDEN, Proprietress.

Kooms Ensiiito nud Single, withBoard, from $5 GO per week, accord-ing to requirements of the guestfl,with Hot and Cold Bat Lb.

Tho only Promenade Roof Gardenin tho city. GEO. OAVENAGH,

Manager.E2T" Telephone : : : 064

fit is


General Business Agent


Conveyancing in Ml Its BranchesCollecting and All Business

Matters of Trust.

All bnslness entrusted to him will receiveprompt and careful attention.

Office. Honnknn, Hnmakna, Hawaii.


ARE RESPECTFULLYSUBSCRIBERS all tubsTlptlons are pay-able strictly in advanco by the month,quarter or year.


Business Oarda.



201 Merohant Street (one door fromFort Street.)

C55 Honolulu, H. I. tf.


Real Estate and General BusinessAgents, Also Surveyors.

Oilice 1 Konia Street, Honolulu.


Sorvevob and Real Estate Aqent.

Office: Bethel Street, over the Now230 Model Restaurant. iy


Plumbing, Tin, Coppeb and SheetInoN Work.

King Street, Honolulu.


Attorney-at-Law- .

Kaahumanu Btreet, Honolulu.


Frank Brown, Manager.

fa ami n Vfowtion (J, Hnnnlntn W, T.


Dealers in Lumber and Coal andBuilding Materials or

All Kinds.

Onann Rtrt TTnnolnln

te --. KSyy, JS ..-;- .

An American EmpireA rather significant incident,

which may lecoirn duo attentionafter! he Jubilee, is the conclusionof a treaty aunoxiug the SandwichIslands to the United States. To be

sure, as wo Ituow only too well, thosignaturo of n tteaty with the re-

sponsible Minister of that Republicis only one stop towards its adop-

tion vory ponsibly tho Senate,which has wrecked tho generallypopular Arbitration Treaty, will alsowreck au arrangement for whichthere aoeniB little publio enthusiasm.But possibly that incalculable

body, whioh seems todelight in acting counter to thewished of its constituents, will passtho Hawaii Annexation by the roquisito majority, and the States willcount ouo territory tho more.

Tboro is no reason for any othernation to take umbrage at theformal union of tho Islands withtheir protector. It has long beenreoognizod by the Powers doingbusiness and having possessions intho PaoiGo that Hawaii was espe-cially tho concern of tho UnitedStates. If England had wished tuanuex the group, she would havedone so fifty years ago; if she hadcared to object to the revolutionthat deposed the native dynasty andplaced on Araerioau party in power,she has had several opportunities ofprotest, These chances and riskshaving been deliberately disregard-ed, Great Britain has no moro tosay. As for Germans, Japanese, andothers having relations with theSandwich Islands, tboy will gainrather than lose by the substitutionof annexation foe undefined protec-tion. It wns known that tho "Ha-waiian Republio" would be backedup by the strong hand of the UndoSam, if seriously threatened; yotthoro seemed nothing to compel thobig Republic to assumo responsibili-ty for any freaks of tho little one.This was an unsatisfactory state ofthings, and it will bo well ended.

Tho absorbtion of Hawaii ia anoteworthy stop in the process bywhioh tho United States are be-

coming, slowly but surely, ono ofthe Great Powers. Tho differencesbetween the Amorican Republic anda European Republio such as Francowere always smaller than trans-atlantic orators and writers fondlyimagined; they wore accidentsrather than essontinls. The differ-

ences between England and thoUnited States am even less import-ant. The races are similar; the pro-

blems of government are in manyways alike; the social difficultiesfollow the same lines. Tho greatRepublic has all along been far morelike other great States than it hasadmitted; it is now to become onoof them. The annexation of Hawaii,two thousand miles away, is the be-

ginning of a Colonial Empire, of aGreater America. The Monroo Doc-trin- o

must either be abandoned orretained merely as a rational, if sel-

fish, rule of policy, by whioh thoUnited States reservo tho headshipof their continent for themselves,and oxerciso a sort of hegemony orsuzerainty over other AmericanStates.

If this vision bo realised in prac-

tice, it oan only be by forming alarge navy and a sufficient, thoughnot large, standing army. Tho Amer-

ican Empire will then bo much likethe present British Empiro, and thecoalition of the two should bo irre-

sistible. Nor is thoro any likeli-

hood that British joalousy willhamper tho expansion of the nowOoean State. Tho acquisition ofHawaii by Germauy might havecaused a war; by France, strainedrolutious and general hostility; thoEnglish Press treats the present an-

nexation as a more trifle, concerningthe Amorioau Sonate chiefly, andnot affecting ourselves. As was seenin the Venezuelan iuoident, it takestwo to mako a quarrel; and, with allthe goodwill in tho world, the Jin-

goes of tho West (a British uame,tool) failed to find equally fieryspirits to fling back their defiance,Tho Britisher merely lifted his oyo-bro-

and stared in mild andsorrowful astonishmont till the

storm of trans-atlanM- o bombast hadspent itself in the void. So will itbo again.

The inttiiostitig aBpml of the Ha-

waiian annexation is that it is thoJesuit of a revolution vory like thatattempted in tho Transvaal. Cer-

tain American capitalists and othershad sottled In the Sandwich Islamic,and wore cultivating sweetness, ifnot light; in other words, thoy growsugar. Tho sutar interest becamecousidorablo. Tho white residentsin the islands, possessing most oftho wealth and nil tho energy, woreannoyod by tho incompetence andcorruption of tho nativo Adminis-tration, The accession of a Sover-

eign avowedly hostile to foreign in-

fluence brought matters to a head.A revolution took plaue, much as atJohannesburg; but the sequel wasdifferent. The Quoou, though pos-

sibly a "Kwaaje Vrouw," was not aKruger; nor are the Kanakas Boers.So tho revolution of the AmericanUitlauders or whatever picturesqueprofusion of vowels may be the Ha-

waiian equivalent proved success-ful, and has remained so unto thisday.

Perhaps this outranco of Americainto the family of Great Pernors maybe a grief to those enthusiasts,nativo or other, who fondly hopedthat the United States would con-

tinue a world apart, with a develop-ment, a history, a future all its ownaud alien from anything to bo foundin tho corrupt aud decaying Statesof a decrepit Europe. But the iso-

lation of tho West, in so far as itrested on physical conditions, israpidly passing away; in so fr as itwas supposod to involve any uniquequalities of country or inhabitants,it never existed at all.

Washington desired to keep hiscountry out of all European com-

plications, but his country is gettingtoo big to stay outside altogether.And then, Washington was ratboran exceptional American. Marmi-to- n.

Sketch, London.

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