vol. 3, №1

International Journal of Slavic Studies Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vol. 3 № 1 Москва 2014 СловЭне Slověne



Transcript of vol. 3, №1

  • International Journal of Slavic Studies

    Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    Vol. 3 1



  • ISSN 2304-0785 (print)

    ISSN 2305-6754 (online)

    /Website: http://slovene.ru/

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    The Editorial Board

    Editor-in-Chief: Fjodor B. UspenskijIskra Hristova-Shomova, Angel Nikolov, Maria Yovcheva (Bulgaria); Milan Mihaljevi, Mate Kapovi (Croatia); Vclav ermk (Czech Republic); Roland Marti, Bjrn Wiemer (Germany); Andrs Zoltn (Hungary); Marcello Garzaniti (Italy); Jos Schaeken (Netherlands); Peter M. Arkadiev, Alexander I. Grishchenko, Ekaterina I. Kislova, Roman N. Krivko, Sergey L. Nikolaev, Maxim M. Makartsev, Philip R. Minlos, Alexander M. Moldovan, Tatjana V. Rozhdestvenskaja, Anatolij A. Turilov, Boris A. Uspenskij, Rev. Mikhail Zheltov (Russia); Jasmina Grkovi-Major, Tatjana Subotin-Golubovi (Serbia); Robert Romanchuk, Alan Timberlake, William Veder, Alexander Zholkovsky (USA)

    : ..

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    : .. , .. , .. : .. , ( ): .. English language copy editor: Claudia R. Jensen: .. (2012): ..

    Slovne = . International Journal of Slavic Studies. Vol. 3. 1. .: , 2014. 224 .

    Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014

    Authors, 2014 Igor N. Ermolaev (design), 2012

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  • Contents/


    5 , , (), . (). ( ) .

    Sknder Muaj, Suela Xhyheri, Irklid Ristani (Tirana), Aleksey M. Pentkovskiy (Moscow). Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    43 . , . (). I

    Andrey Yu. Vinogradov, Mikhail S. Zheltov (Moscow). The Last Will of Metropolitan Constantine I of Kiev and the Kanon At the Parting of the Soul from the Body

    72 . (). 40- XVII Svetlana M. Kusmaul (Moscow). Book Correction in the 40s of the 17th Century

    102 Alexander I. Grishchenko (Moscow). Rus'Rossiia, and russkierossiiane, and russkiirossiiskii in the Catalogue of the Kievan Metropolitans by St. Demetrius of Rostov

    . (). , , .

    120 Alexander E. Mankov (Moscow). A Scandinavian Island in a Slavonic Linguistic Environment. The Dialect of Gammalsvenskby: Nouns (Paper 2)

    . (). . : ( 2)

    171 (). . ( )

    Roberta Salvatore (Naples). The Evolution of Boris Pasternaks Poetic Language (Based on the Poems Mel'nitsy and Bal'zak)


    193 . (). - 1043 .

    Oleksandr M. Fylypchuk (Chernivtsi). Harald Sigurdsson and the Russo-Byzantine War of 1043

    206 . (.-).

    Anton M. Vvedenskiy (St. Petersburg). Stol'nyi Gorod Capital City in Old Russian and Folklore Sources

  • Conference Notes /

    221 . , . (). :

    Mariya A. Antipova, Yana A. Matveeva (Moscow). The International Conference Russian Linguistics: A History and the Present

  • 2014 1 Slovne This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

    , . I . -. . . IX . I , 870 . (), I - . 886 . - , . , . . 893 . - ( ),

    Sknder Muaj, Suela Xhyheri, Irklid RistaniInstitute for archeology (Tirana)

    Aleksey M. PentkovskiyVinogradov Russian Language Institute (Moscow)

    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    ( ) .

    , , ()

    . . . ()


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    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    , , - . .

    . , (Vel) . (Asomat) (), . IX . X . . . - , - . .

    . - , . - . - , - , , - , , , . .

    , , , , , , , , , - , ,

    AbstractThere were numerous Slavic se lements in South Albania (including the valley of Shushica River) at the end of the 1st millennium. In the second half of the 9th c. a signi cant part of this region was conquered by the 1st Bulgarian Kingdom, and a er 870 there were established ecclesiastical dioceses which became part of the church organization of the Kingdom. Slavonic ecclesiastical schools were es-tablished in that region as well, a er 886 in the context of the so-called Slavonic project of the Bulgarian prince, Boris. St. Clement took an active part in this proj-ect. It was South Albania where the rst Slavonic bishopric in Southeast Europe was founded, in 893, when St. Clement was appointed bishop. His bishopric was organized according ethnic principle, so that St. Clement was called the bishop of Slavonic people.

    The center of Clements bishopric was in Velica, which is related to the mod-ern se lement Vel in the Shushica valley. There are ruins of a cross-in-square church with a narthex in the Asomat region, which is located near Velica. The church was built at the end of the 9thbeginning of the 10th cc. and dedicated to the Archangel Michael. The plan of this church is identical with that of the so-called pronaos of the church built by St. Clement in his Ohrid monastery.

    In St. Clements bishopric Church Slavonic was used as a liturgical language. For that purpose, a set of Byzantine liturgical books was translated from Greek into Church Slavonic, and Clement took an active part in this process. Liturgical

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    Sknder Muaj, Suela Xhyheri, Irklid Ristani, Aleksey M. Pentkovskiy

    pecularities of these books partially observed in Greek manuscripts of South Ital-ian provenance testify to the hypothesis that Greek sources of the earliest Church Slavonic translations belonged to liturgical tradition of Epirus, similar to those of South Italy. This also proves the location of St. Clements bishopric in the valley of the Shushica River.

    KeywordsSt. Clement of Ohrid, Slavic bishopric, cross-in-square church, medieval Ohrid, Velica, Glavinica, South Albania, Shushica, Epirus, South Italy, Slavic liturgy, Archbishopric of Ohrid, First Bulgarian Kingdom

    1. 1845 . . . - , , , , - [GHIJGJKHL 1847: 12]. - () , , , , , , - [Z\^ _`: 27]. , - , , , , , - , - . ( ), . , [Z\^ _`: 11, 6, 2526].

    . . . XIX . . , . () [JK\kJKHl 1893: 84, 87], . - , . , - - (Ballsh) [u\ Z\G-vkH 1923]. , , . - . , - . - ( ) , ( . . 8),

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    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    , . , - - , 1.

    . , -, - . - [`zZkJKvkH{ 2007: 2124]. , - , , [`zZkJKvkH{ 2011: 657; 2014: 5051, 5859], - , - , . I . , . (Shushic), (Vlor) (Ballsh) (. . 1).

    2. 50 [K 1991: 2531, 4961, 99100, 113115, 124126; C . 2008: 219221] - [C . 2008: 213215], ( / Kanin / Mavrov) - , (Plo) [M 1998: 59; C . 2008: 204209], (Peshkpi) (Kro-pisht) .

    IVVI . - , 2. I - [C, M 2009: 71], - () [.: 16]

    1 . . . (. ) [u\Z\GvkH 1927: 268275], .: [HkJuJK\ 1997: 7883], . [z`I\GJK 1966: 302; D 1997: 73], [J^JvkH 1986: 208209], [G 1964: 202205, 214; P 1992: 177] [\JK 2011: 2324].

    2 344 . [T E A. 1913: 1 (N. 1)].

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    [K 1991: 3133, 6167, 116, 126], [M 1998: 9; C . 2008: 207; C, M 2009: 72]. - (Mesaplik) [K- 1984; M 2004: 24], , . (Smokthin) .

    3 (, , , , , , , , [Y 2000: 8586, 107, 188, 119,

    3 . . . , ( *) , [`uH`K 1931: 214, 241].

    . 1. .

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    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    134135, 165, 132133, 189, 95]) , VII . , , - 4. - . VIII ., . . VII . . VIII . - [S 1980: 356]. - VIII . [D 1981: 236, n. 304305] - , - VIIIIX . [M 2002: 266, 280], [A 1987: 6367], IX . (-) VVI . [M 2002: 268, 276277, 281].

    3. . 50- . IX . , (Krahina e Vlors, Krahina e Mallakastrs), - [Ju`\GJK 1979: 42, 6], , 864 . - . - - I - , 5. () - [u\Z\GvkH 1923: 6185] - , IX . - [M 2002: 277]

    4 , , , , , [`uH`K 1931: 55, 5758].

    5 - XXIII (67) [I 1995: 101 (884886); ; zHkH{ 1918: 126127], , , [G 1986: 205 (3536)].

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    , - I .

    , 885886 . - - , - . (6 . 885 .), , , - ( XVII.53XIX.59: [I 1995: 9899; -zH kH{ 1918: 116121]), . , - , , . ( ), - (-- ) , , - (- ). , , [`uH`K 1931: 5758; Y 2000: 198, 199], - - - , ( - ) [`v-zH k\ 1968: 136, 137].

    , 893 . . -, - -: . , , XIII ., . [`zZkJKvkH{ 2013: 91; HuHJvkH 2014: 319321]. , . - :

    I . IX ., - , , , ;

    - I - ,

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    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    . . , - , ;

    - ( ), . , . ;

    - , , - , [\v ^ `G 19061907: 388390, 200201];

    - , , - , , [`zZkJKvkH{ 2007: 2122];

    , - - , - , - [`uZJK 2007: 291335, 340341, 346347; 2014: 249252], [`zZ kJK-vkH{, `zZkJKvk\ 2003: 145152, 160161], [`zZkJKvkH{, JKL`K\ 2001: 49, 5758], [JKL`K\ 2001: 60], [JJK 2007: 305306; GHK-kJ 2008: 6466, 77, 7881], - , - X . [HL\` 1991: 159] , - 13 [M 1963: 9096], - , [`zZkJKvkH{ 2011: 657; 2014: 5051, 5859].

    , , [Jz`K 1915: 45; u-\kHz 1917: 15], , - . .

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    , 893 . , - , (), I - . , - ( [`uH`K 1931: 316318]), - , - , , - - .

    , - , - - , , , . . - , , . () - , , , , , . , - .

    , . , - - . , , , . . - , - , , , XIIXVII . . , . [zI`uJK H G. 1970:

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    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    56, 74, 246, 249, 251, 253, 256, 258, 261, 264], XIV . (7 .) [Z\^ _`: 379, 587]. . ( XXII (62) [I 1995: 100; zHkH{ 1918: 122]), , . , - ( 5 [K\zJK 1931: 318]), - 6.

    , . ( ), - (c., .: [`zZkJKvkH{ 2012: 424425]), - , - . I ( ) - , . , , , . . , . . XIXIV . [G 1892: 257 (237)7; D 1981: 372 (356); z`I\GJK 1924: 192193, 339, 343], - [D 1981: 317(228), 371(832)]8. , X . , I , -- , - , . - , . [K\zJK 1931: 307].

    6 . IXX ., , XIXII . .

    7 .8 -

    , , II 1020 . [K\zJK 1931: 560561].

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    4. . XI . , - , , - II 1018 . [z`I\GJK 1924: 5263]. II 1019 ., , , [K\zJK 1931: 551; c. z`I\GJK 1924: 168171], , , - [K 1991: 3334, 117, 127]. . . . XI . , . (Vjos), , - , [G- 1892: 257 (225, 235); D 1981: 371372] . [G 1986: 245]. -, . [.: 202205], [K\zJK 1931: 551].

    1204 . - ( 1205 .), - II, (chartolarat) - [T . 1913: 4122 (n. 129)], [z`I\GJK 1924: 98]. , 1215 . - . . XIII . , - II 12571258 . , , I -. 1272 . , - , 9.

    9 12861287 . [T E A. 1913: 149 (n. 500), 150 (n. 503), 151 (n. 505)].

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    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    . XIII ., II , - - , , . 1307 . II - , - [A 1941]. - , [.: 179 (42, 50, 52)], Sherrisht, Risili Kropisht , [.: 180 (54)], . , , - Ismokina, , - 14311432 . [I 1954: 36 (n. 79), 42 (n. 95), 45 (n. 105), 49 (n. 116), 50 (nn. 119, 120)]. , [A- 1941: 180 (5354)], Aso-mat, 15191520 . [B 2005: 185 (n. 421)], Asomat, - (Vel). . XIV . , - , - (. Sherrisht [A 1941: 179 (38, 4142)]), (Pesh-kpi) . , . XIV . , -, .

    1345 . (13451363 .), , , 14171418 . , [X 2009: 246262, 334341]. - , [`uH`K 1931: 7879; `v zH k\ 1968\: 256], - , . XIV . XV . - [M- 1969: 222224], 41 119 , 14311432 . , [Y 2000: 6667].

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    , [X 2009: 251254, 296], - , - 14311432 . [I 1954: 43, n. 100], .

    5. . - (Armen), XIXII . [M 2004: 147149], . (Brataj)10 [.: 220221] , , , , - .

    -, - - , :

    , - shn (Shn Gjerg ji / . , ; Shn Kolli / . , ; Shn Kolli / . . );

    Kish / Kisha ; , ki-

    sha , , (, Kisha e Salo Braks, Ki-sha e Myslym Jaupit, Kisha e Arapit );

    , (., Bregu i Kishs , 1979 . ; Maja e Qishs , , , );

    , (Qishbardh , - - ).

    , - 14311432 .

    10 XV . , , Ayo-Yorgi [I 1954: 34, n. 76; 51, n. 123, 124, 125].

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    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    (Ayo-Yorgi, Ayo-Nikola, Aspro-kilisa [I 1954: 34, n. 76; 39, n. 88; 51, nn. 123, 124, 125]). - : Peshkpi (), , II, Asomat, . . -11. - 14311432 . , - , , 12, - 1018 ., , . , - 14311432 ., 13, , , Mega-Vodice, Mikri-Vodice [I 1954: 39, n. 88].

    6. , - , kish, , Qisha Mne 14, - XX . . , 2013 2014 .15,

    11 ., , . [\GZ\ 1996: 332], . .

    12 15191520 . , , Isveti Petka ( . ), Ishtarova (. C) [B 2005: 177 (n. 183)].

    13 ., , Ayo-Panaya [I 1954: 46 (n. 107)], Ayo-Yorgi [I.: 34 (n. 76), 51 (nn. 123, 124, 125)], Ayo-Nikola [I.: 39 (n. 88)].

    14 .

    15 - : . - (Sknder Muaj), . - , (Suela Xhyheri), (Irklid Ristani) (Erten Halilaj) (Lorenc Sheremetaj), . - . .

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    , -, -, . , - , - . - -, - 1,80 - (. 2) 0,3 - , -. - -, , , , - - , - , - , , . - . ( ).

    , - - () (. 3). , , 11,512,0 , 7,0 . () 5,305,40 5,355,40 , 2,853,05 5,45 . 0,750,80 (. 4).

    ( . . - 0,71 0,76 , - 0,61 0,66 ), - , - , .

    . 2. , - ( ).

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    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    , . - in situ , - (0,41 0,46 ), - (. 5). - -, - . , , .

    - (. 6), , -, , -. -

    . 3. , .

    . 4. .

  • | 21

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    ( , ), - - , -, - , - ( -) .

    , . - - - , ,

    . 5. ..

    . 6. ( ).

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    Medieval Churches in Shushica Valley (South Albania) and the Slavonic Bishopric of St. Clement of Ohrid

    , . , ( - ) - , , -, , (. 7).

    - ( - ), - . 16. - , - - , in situ - (Peshkpi) (Kropisht), Maja e Qishs Maja e Lutroit.

    , -, , ,

    16 . [M 2004: 220221]. XIIIXIV ., , .

    . 7. ( ).

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    - ( )17 . IX . [M 2002: 277]. , , -, -, - - IXX . . - (Blerimas)18 [M . 2004: 9698, 115116]. , . . XII . , II (11661189 .) , - - 1185 .

    7. - -- ( ) - , - . . X . (. 8), .

    - . [\ u`z-kJ 2004: 295 (Pl. 2)], . [JJ 1958: 68 (. 12); 1966: 93] , ( )19 [\GZ\ 1996: 247],

    17 . [MUAJ, HOBDARI 2004: 190194, 198207].

    18 60 ().19 , 2014 .,

    , , , . , .

    . 8. , . X . ( [\u`zkJ 2004: 295]).

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    , . [JJ 1966: 93]20.

    . . - [K\zJK 1931: 313], . , -, . . , , . , - , , -- - . . , - , . - . [`zZkJKvkH{ 2013: 9799].

    . - . -, . XIII . - () . ( - ) [JZH 1980: 2124; \GZ\ 1996: 397], (. . ) [\GZ\ 1996: 392], - . . - , . . ( ), . , . (. ?) [Z\^ _`: 341; HukJK 1899: 106], . [HukJK 1899: 104], . (. ?) . , ( - ), -, . (. ?) [Z\^ _`: 62; P 2006], , ( ) . XVIII . . , , .

    , -

    20 . . 1958 . [JJ 1958: 7879].

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    . . - . () . , - . , . - - . , . 80- . IX . - , . . , . - ( . ) [z I` uJK H G. 1970: 237286] . - . ( [`zZkJKvkH{ 2012: 426]), . . .

    8. - , ( ) . - . , , . , , , , (Vel), , . [Y 2000: 183]. - -- 14311432 . - , - , - ( ) (., . [I 1954: 35, n. 79]), Velie - 15191520 . [B 2005: 185, n. 411], - *. , . , - ( XX (62), XXIII (67), XXIV (70) [I 1995: 100 (817), 101 (884), 102 (916); zH kH{ 1918: 122, 126, 128]). . ( ), (7 .) XIV . [zI`uJK H G. 1970: 379, 587], XI . [K 1955: 306:34].

    , - . , . ,

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    . , - , *, , - , XVXVI ., (Vel) , - 21.

    . - (< *) / , 22. , , , , - II 10191020 ., - - [K\zJK 1931: 550562], [G 1892: 256(214)257(237); D 1981: 371372 (col. 2)], - , , . . . XII .23 , , - , 24. (< *) / - (Drashovic),

    21 , , . , .

    22 / [] ( XX (62) [I 1995: 100 (817); zHkH{ 1918: 122]). . () [G 1964: 202205, 214; P 1992: 177], - , [\vu`JK\ 1956: 84, 93], [D 1981: 278 (n. 299), 299 (n. 185), 316 (n. 218), 358 (n. 228)]. , -, I 904 . [u\Z\GvkH 1927: 340341], . , .

    23 .: , [D 1981: 372 (nn. 842, 844)].

    24 .: , [D 1981: 371 (n. 838), 372 (n. 845)].

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    14311432 . (Draovice, * (?)) [I 1954: 33, n. 75; 38, nn. 84, 85], - - , . XIV . . XI . - , - , , . , XIXII . .

    - ( ), . -, , (), -25, , - , . , [K\zJK 1931: 565; J_HuJK 2011: 102]. , - XIXII . [Z`Jvk\ 2008: 8084], - () , , - , , 26, . XII . ( ), I 893 . , . ( , , , ) [HkJuJ-K\ 1997: 7275, 8384, 8790], -, . , , , , - , , - . - . , -,

    25 [K\zJK 1931: 565; J_HuJK 2011: 102 (1213)].

    26 , X , () () [D 1981: 330 (nn. 616619)].

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    IXX ., - [`zZ-kJKvkH{ 2013: 86]. , . , [K\zJK 1931: 565; J_HuJK 2011: 102], , - , - 27, , , , .

    , - . , - , . XIII . (- . [`zZkJKvkH{ 2013: 8890]), , . 28, [Z\^ _`: 8889], -, , - 29. , - . , , . ( 6, 9, 11 [K\zJK 1931: 318319]), . , . .

    9. . . - () (!), . XIX . [Gv Z\-zJK 2007: 437]. - . XVII .,

    27 C. [`u`K 2002: 111113], , , , [uH`K 1994: 69, 72].

    28 T , ( 56: [K\zJK 1931: 318]).

    29 [D 1981: 372 (nn. 853, 854)].

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    [z` I\GJK 1932: 176], . . , - , -, , 1373 ., . (Mbreshtan) , [P 1958: 246; 1964: 238]. 1373 . -, [P 1998: 8485, n. 90]. , . 40- . XIV ., [M, H 2004: 206 (n. 29)], , . . [X 2006: 173207], , , -, . .

    . , - , - , - . , 1381 . , . - [JK\kJKHl 1893: 225228], -, . - . , 13831384 . - . . , . -, , -, . ( .: [`zZ-kJK vkH{ 2013: 102103]).

    ( -) XVIIXIX . , , , , , , , - 26 . [Y 1868: 112], . (25 .), - - [`zZkJKvkH{ 2013: 104105].

  • 30 |

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    (. 9), XVII . [-I; T 1982: 475479]. - , , , , - . - , - [T 1982: 478].

    . 9. (?) . XVIII .

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    - , ()

    . 10. . .

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    - ( - -), . XVIII . - . - - . , , , , . - (. 10)30. - . - - -, - - [ Y 1868: 112], - [P 1958: 246; 1964: 238].

    , 1967 ., (c. [`-^` _H ` K 2010: 142143]). 6 . 2013 . . . , C. . -, 1986 . , , (0,89 0,41 0,23 ) - (. 11). , [`^`_H`K 2010: 142], , (. 12), , (. 13)31.

    . , -

    30 , , .

    31 (Anila Droboniku) , , . , , , .

    . 11. . .

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    . - . - , - - - . XII ., - - . , - (!), [K\ zJK 1931: 565; J_H uJK 2011: 101:9102:11]. - - XIV . [H . 1969: 440] - - - ,

    . 12. , .

    . 13. , .

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    , . . , .

    , - ( -) . , - (), - , , . , .

    10. . - , - . , ( - . 80 ) , . . VIIIIX . - -. . - (. ), - , - , , - - , .

    11. , , : . -

    , ; , . I . -

    , . ;

    , . / (Vel);

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  • 2014 1 Slovne This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

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    *1 . . , . . , . . , . . . . . ( 12-04-00342).

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    The Last Will of Metropolitan Constantine I of Kiev and the Kanon At the Parting of the Soul from the Body

    Andrey Yu. Vinogradov

    National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow)

    Mikhail S. ZheltovSS. Cyril and Methodius School of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Studies (Moscow)


    . . . ()

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    The Last Will of Metropolitan Constantine I of Kiev and the Kanon At the Parting of the Soul from the Body

    . , - . , : , , . , , , - . - , - XIIXIII ., . . , . . , , , , . , - .

    I, , , , , , -, ,

    AbstractThe article puts forward the suggestion that the mysterious last will of Metropoli-tan Constantine I of Kiev, in which he ordered that a er his death his body should be torn to pieces by dogs instead of receiving a proper burial, was inspired by a very speci c literary text. This text is still used in the Orthodox Christian tradition; it is known as the hymnographical kanon At the Parting of the Soul from the Body. While nowadays this kanon is used in the course of an ordinary liturgical rite, in the 12th century, when it rst appeared, it was used among some Byzantine in tel lectual and ascetic circles as a particular element of personal piety. The 12th cen tury is exactly the epoch of Constantine's activities, and the descrip tion of fune ral procedure given by this kanon is very close to the last will of Constantine. The kanon At the Parting of the Soul from the Body has close ties to another hymn of roughly the same epochthe Penitential kanon wri en a er the 5th chap ter of the Ladder of John Climacus. Both kanons conceal a didactic story under the structure of a hymnographic pa ern. What is more important, both are from the very beginning intertwined with a distinct illustrative program: each monostrophe is accompanied by a speci c picture, which discloses the contents of the text. These comics-like stories have no parallel among other Byzantine ka-nons. Finally, both kanons witness the growth of the in uence of Palestinian and, more gene rally, Eastern ascetic traditions on the monastic practices of Constan ti-nople and its surrounding regions. This in uence was associated, most of all, with the Everge tian movement, with its strict disciplinary and fasting rules, etc. Metro-politan Constantine, who was an outstanding representative of the Byzantine intellectual elite of those times, should have been acquaintedat the very least!

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    with this movement. Moreover, the con icts of the bishops in his circle with the Russian princes concerning the fasting discipline suggest that Constantine was trying to introduce the new Evergetian ascetic standards among the Russians. Thus, the literal adherence to the provisions of the kanon At the Parting of the Soul from the Body at the funeral of Metropolitan Constantine should be in ter-preted as a sign of his full con dence in his ideals.

    KeywordsMetropolitan Constantine I of Kiev, Russian Church history, Byzantine hymnogra-phy, liturgical studies, funeral rite, Byzantine monasticism, asceticism, Byzantine manuscript illumination, private apocalyptism

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  • Slovne 2014 1 This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

    , - 40- . XVII . - 1648 ., 1648 . 40- . , - , 3 n, . / : 3, n, 3, , , z. u/ . 31 z31 , , . 1640- . , - , XVII .

    1640- , , , ,

    AbstractThis article deals with some of the spelling changes that occurred in the 1640s. Many changes began before Meletius Smotrytskys Grammar was published in

    Svetlana M. Kusmaul

    Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)

    Book Correction in the 40s of the 17th Century

    40- XVII

    . .. ()

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    Svetlana M. Kusmaul

    1648, and the spelling rules of the Grammar 1648 were formed as a result of correc-tions in texts produced in the 1640s. At this time, demonstration of word border in writing manifested in clitics separation from autosemantic words, in the ap-pearance of broad grapheme 3 and n, and in changes in the spelling of the con-junction i. The stable orthographic opposition beginning / not beginning of the word begins to appear at this time as follows: in the beginning there were 3, n, 3, not in the beginning, , z. The distribution of the graphemes u/ was associ-ated with the accent and the position a er the vowel o. The article also touches upon the appearance of the lexical homonyms 31 nationz31 tongue distinction, changes in the spelling of some borrowed words, and use of the le er . Spelling changes of the 1640s are compared with the orthographic norms xed in the various grammars, as well as in the advice of the Azbukovniks of the early 17th century.

    Keywords1640s, Church Slavonic language, correction of divine service books, history of orthography, doublet le ers

    XVII . - , -. XVII . [^HZGH`KvkH{ 1895; ^H ZGH`KvkH{ 2004; \zvK`ZJK 1883, 1884; HkJuvkH{ 1896; -z 1861; GuJK 2009], [HGJ^\\ 1981; v`z vkH{ 2002: 437467]. , - , 40- XVII . 1640- . -1, . . , - . - ( / 687 , , 1645 . ( . [GuJK 2009: 292294]); / 1654 , 1646 .) . .

    1 XVII . [GuJK 2009: 142148, 271273, 292294], ( , , , ) .

  • 74 |

    Slovne 2014 1

    Book Correction in the 40s of the 17th Century

    162030- 1640- . - , - 2, - 1640- . , - , . , ( ) -, - .

    - 40- . XVII . - . - , , - , - . - , , . . , , , . , .

    , - - [\{`GZ 2008: 7980], ( ) - , 3.

    (16421652 .) 1648 ., . .

    2 XVII . [HGJ^\\ 1981], 1640- .

    3 , , , 1640- . , (, 1647 ., 1649 .), , . . . . 1648 . 1649 . [`Gz 1953: 75], [Z\^ _`: 144169].

  • | 75

    2014 1 Slovne

    Svetlana M. Kusmaul

    1648 . - , . 1650- .4, ( , - ), 1640- ., - . XVII .5 40- 50- . ( ).

    1640- . - - : -- .

    163040- . ( ) . - ( ) [`z-kJK vkH{ 1970: 59143, 156184; \Z`G`K 1913: 105168], - . , , - 1640- . ( , , ) [`zkJKvkH{ 1970: 92]. - . , - 6 (16551658 ., XVII .). - (16421652 .)7.

    4 1651 . / 4905 1652 .; 1648 . / 44 1653 .; 1652 . . 381 224, , 1625 ., .

    5 1640- . 16401641 . XVII . , 1640 . (1627 1633 .) .

    6 XVII . 2 . . . [v`zvkH{ 2002: 235], ( , .-. ., . .) 1652 . [`Gz`G 2013: 121]. 1648 .

    7 , 1620- . -

  • 76 |

    Slovne 2014 1

    Book Correction in the 40s of the 17th Century

    (--) , - ( , - -, , , [\ GH z\ 2007: 187, 191])8 ( , ). - - , - .

    . XVI . XVII . ( . ) ( - ) -. ( , , ), - , - ( ) (, 353, 380, 354; .: [JKZz 1975: 220225]), (, 336). - 80- . XVII . (. [JzkHL 2009: 11100])9. , ( [IHL 1895: 749777; ^HzJ-K\ 2002: 113152]), .

    XVII . -- , (i 818g 3y 36 1 1, 3 4< 1< 1596 .; ), (i 1z 1 v1 1619 .; ), - . ,

    ( 16201633 .). 1637 . .

    8 1640- . ( ) , 1642 ., 1644, 1648 ., . .: [\GHz\ 1998; GzJK\ 2007].

    9 - 1630- ., 1681 . ( ), . -- [JzkHL 2009: 101187].

  • | 77

    2014 1 Slovne

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    , , , , , - . 1620- . , - (, j 7 8j 31 18 1 1 7 1 336, 123, 8295), - [^HzJK\ 1999]. 40- . XVII ., - - [\Juvk\ 2000: 307; \ Ju vk\ 2003: 216], (, . 178, 1403, 4518; . 310, 974; . 236, 182).

    1630- ., (734), - ( .: [\-Juvk\ 2010]).

    1648 . - ( 1648). , - - , , , ( [H 1964; ^HzJK\ 2007]). - - , 734, . 1648 . , 10 [ 2007: 543], f1 , - , . , - 1648 , . 1 3f1 [1648 . .] ( , XVIXVII .), [ ^ H zJK\ 2007: 520; . . .].

    10 ( / 141), .

  • 78 |

    Slovne 2014 1

    Book Correction in the 40s of the 17th Century

    11. -, ( . . .12), - 1620- ., - 13. , 734, , - 162030- . - 40- . XVII . - 1648. , 1648, , , - 1640- . 1640- . , - .

    - - , - , 1648 734, - .

    , XVII .:

    1. , , 1622 .14, 340 . (. 1100, 200330). 1622.

    11 , . .: [\Juvk\ 2008: 210].

    12 336 : , (), , j3, ow, u, , iI, , zZ . ., . . . (. 4, 83).

    13 . . . (Z, , , I, ) () . , , .

    14 . 461, , , . : , 2 , 1- ; , . 259. ; , , 8- (. 260270 ). , ; . 128 : ; . 142., 143. ,

  • | 79

    2014 1 Slovne

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    1622. 1620- ., 15.

    1640- . - 162030- . - , ( - ), .

    2. , 1629 . (. 110, 200209, 406415, 30 ). , 1646 . (. 19, 179187, 355362, 26 ). , , , 1629 1646.

    3. , 1636 . (. 110, 204208, 222226, 397406, 30 ). , 1645 . (. 19, 238242, 220224, 435444, 29 ). , 1636 1645.

    4. 1635 . (. 211, 312321, 578587, 30 - ). 1648 . (. 210, 289298, 522530, 28 -). , 1635 1648.

    5. .2 ( 58) 1638 . 1649 . ( ). 1638. - 1649 . 1649.

    , 1648, 1648. , - 1640- . , - , - .

    , 40- XVII .

    1640- . , , - .

    1623 . [JGvkH{, `KJvZG`K 1869: 114115]. 1623 . ( , ). 1622 28 7 130 . 1 7 131 ., 1622 . .

    15 , , , . 381, 248, 651 . 1630 . .: [GuJK 2009: 285291]. 1622, .

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    Book Correction in the 40s of the 17th Century


    1640- . - . - , . - XVII . (, 1620 1617).

    - 1640- .16: 1 1 87 17, 1 1 406355., 32 4 3 2 4 406.356; 8 8 3.3., 81 8 1 405.443.; 3u31 3 u31 65, 24 4 8.9, 31 w31 583.526.; 1z u1z 1638 107 18, 109., c 6 c 2 111. . ( 45 , , ; 1649 ). XVII ., 1640- .