Vol. 26, Issue 11 The Messenger

Vol. 26, Issue 11 November, 2020 The Messenger NEWS INSIDE: Session News Committee Reports Worship Volunteers Help Wanted/Needed A Page for Prayer Happenings Martha Circle Mission Maneuvers Advent Devotional A Look Ahead: Christmas Event Thoughtful Honor Veterans Celebrations Calendar of Events FROM OUR PASTOR: The END is Near! How many of you remember the old folk tale of Chicken Little? In the story an acorn falls from a tree, striking Chicken Little on the head, whereupon the concerned little chicken fearfully concludes "The sky is falling!" She dashes madly about the barnyard telling others that the end is near, and whips them into a kind of mass hysteria. In the darker version of the story, the unscrupulous character named Foxy Loxy takes advantage of the situation and manipulates the frightened animals (Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Turkey Lurkey, et al.) by offering to shelter them in his den from the collapsing sky. Then Foxy Loxy enjoyed a hearty meal. Ironically, their irrational fear about something which was not happening nonetheless became a self-fulfilling prophecy…i.e., their irrational fear ultimately brought about the end of their world. It’s no wonder that the name “Chicken-Little” has been applied to people accused of being unreasonably afraid, who imagine the worst-case scenario is about to happen. It’s also a name that reminds us to be cautious towards those who would incite an unreasonable fear in us to manipulate or control us. Right now, we live in a world where “The Sky is Falling” seems to be a refrain running in the back of many hearts and minds. It also has many of us looking over our shoulders wondering who the fox is who is out to get us. As I stated in a recent sermon, the antidote to uncertain and anxious times is Wisdom, Truth and Love. The writer of Proverbs 3:21-26, states, My child, do not lose sight of these—keep sound wisdom and discretion, and they will be life for your soul and adornment for your neck. Then you will walk on your way securely, and your foot will not stumble. If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught. If we were to base our understanding of our world on what newspapers, tabloids, and even the television media are telling us, it would be easy to despair. So it’s important to know the Truth…which calls for discernment, but more importantly C i d

Transcript of Vol. 26, Issue 11 The Messenger

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Vol. 26, Issue 11 November, 2020 The Messenger


Session News Committee Reports Worship Volunteers

Help Wanted/Needed

A Page for Prayer

Happenings Martha Circle

Mission Maneuvers Advent Devotional

A Look Ahead: Christmas Event


Honor Veterans


Calendar of Events


The END is Near! How many of you remember the old folk tale of Chicken Little? In the story an acorn falls from a tree, striking Chicken Little on the head, whereupon the concernedlittle chicken fearfully concludes "The sky is falling!" She dashes madly about thebarnyard telling others that the end is near, and whips them into a kind of masshysteria. In the darker version of the story, the unscrupulous character named Foxy Loxy takes advantage of the situation and manipulates the frightened animals(Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Turkey Lurkey, et al.) by offering to shelter them in his den from the collapsing sky. Then Foxy Loxy enjoyed a heartymeal. Ironically, their irrational fear about something which was not happeningnonetheless became a self-fulfilling prophecy…i.e., their irrational fear ultimatelybrought about the end of their world. It’s no wonder that the name “Chicken-Little” has been applied to people accusedof being unreasonably afraid, who imagine the worst-case scenario is about tohappen. It’s also a name that reminds us to be cautious towards those who wouldincite an unreasonable fear in us to manipulate or control us. Right now, we live ina world where “The Sky is Falling” seems to be a refrain running in the back ofmany hearts and minds. It also has many of us looking over our shoulders wonderingwho the fox is who is out to get us. As I stated in a recent sermon, the antidote to uncertain and anxious times is Wisdom, Truth and Love. The writer of Proverbs 3:21-26, states,

My child, do not lose sight of these—keep sound wisdom anddiscretion, and they will be life for your soul and adornment for yourneck. Then you will walk on your way securely, and your foot will notstumble. If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, yoursleep will be sweet. Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin ofthe wicked, when it comes, for the LORD will be your confidence andwill keep your foot from being caught.

If we were to base our understanding of our world on what newspapers, tabloids,and even the television media are telling us, it would be easy to despair. So it’simportant to know the Truth…which calls for discernment, but more importantly C i d

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From Our Pastor continue prayer. Pray that the Truth would come to light. Do not give yourself over to fear; that is not who we are as followers of Jesus. Pray always that the Truth would shine brightly, dispelling the darkness of fear. Even though the earth shakes and the mountains fall into the sea we will not fear, because God has it all in his hands. Avoiding despair can be a great effort and we need the truth of God’s Word and the love of God’s community to establish hope in our hearts. It is why I believe strongly in gathering together as God’s people…something that fear has kept us from doing.

One of the writers of Scripture was the Apostle Peter. In his first epistle he says these words, “The end of all things is near.” (1 Peter 4:7) But he was not saying this in the same way Chicken Little, or others in our world say it. Three times in his letter Peter uses the word sober, “Be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.” His use of the word sober can mean refrain from drunkenness, but more to the point, sober has to do with the idea of being self-controlled. In other words, even though the end is near, do not to live your lives panicking about it. Instead he speaks of love. In verse 8 Peter says, “Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.” In verse 22, he says “Fervently love one another from the heart.” Love is the antidote for fear because “perfect love casts out fear!”

If the Truth be told, the end is certainly near for each of us…whether it’s the end of world as we know it, or the end of our individual lives; it’s coming and you can’t escape it by worrying or being frightened. In fact, being frightened all the time may even hasten the arrival of that day. Being ruled by anxiety and fear is a sure recipe for destroying your health, and it will absolutely ruin your ability to live in the way Christ calls us to live. How then shall we live? Peter tells us,

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”

Wisdom, Truth and Love; pray and live by these and do not fear! Your end might come tomorrow! Regardless, we will shine forth the love, truth and wisdom of Jesus Christ by living as he lived. In this world you most certainly will have trials and tribulations, leaving many to cry out, “The sky is falling!” But our Lord says, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!”

Blessings and Peace in these turbulent times, Steve


PASTOR: Steve LaSor 724-836-3784 CHURCH OFFICE: Diane Dale 724-834-4960 MUSIC DIRECTOR Rich Anthony Email: [email protected]

Web: www.maplewoodpc.org

Elders & Committees:

Christian Education

David Hileman, Chair Mike Cerilli Church Life

Rita Perotti, Chair Donna Costelnock


Sharon Elkettani, Chair Diane West Missions/Outreach

Bob Cochran, Chair Dennis Leavy

Personnel Sharon Elkettani Property

Dana Ferry, Chair Ray McAteer Worship

Bob Bereit, Chair Katy Doran

Clerk of Session

Sharon Elkettani Deacons Chair

Bonnie Peebly


Arlene Troster Financial Secretary Diane West Roy Myers, Assistant Webmaster Bob Bereit Messenger Staff Katy Doran, Editor Marie LaSor Arlene Troster

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News from Session

Actions approved in October:

ACTION: a congregational meeting (to elect officers for 2021 and to approve the Pastor’s terms of call) to be held Sunday, November 15, 2020, following the worship service, was approved. ACTION: to approve the Pastor’s terms of call as reported in the 2021 budget and to be presented to the congregation for approval. ACTION: to approve the employee salaries as reported in the 2021 budget. ACTION: to accept the 2021 budget as presented. Committee Reports: Personnel –Following review, Committee determined the compensation of all paid employees and recommends the increase stated in the budget for 2021 Finance – The draft of the 2021 budget was presented and the budget was highlighted; changes between the current budget and the proposed budget were summarized. . Church Life – The Christmas party is scheduled for December 20. The catering will need to be finalized after the November Session meeting so the type of event will be decided at the November Session meeting. Hanging of the Greens is scheduled for November 29 at 3pm, however, there will be no soup dinner at that event. Mission and Outreach –The next Latrobe Mission meal is scheduled for November 10, but the committee members will bring their food to the church for Bob to take to the Mission. No one from the committee will visit during the meal this month, which is the first since February. Operation Christmas Child is underway. Shoe boxes are to be returned by November 22. Property – The soffit installation project has been completed and that the exterior light at the Music Director’s Office has been installed. Nominating Committee –Report on the committee’s progress in identifying members to serve as elders and deacons starting in 2021. Next Session Meeting: November 16, 2020

WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS Lay Reader –Katy Doran Greeters (Upstairs) Marie LaSor, 11/1, 11/8 Ann Ryan 11/15, 11/22 Bonnie Peebley Greeters (Downstairs) 11/1, 11/8 Lorraine Roth Acolytes 11/1 Karen Bouknight, 11/8 Marie LaSor Prayer Team 11/1 Karen Bouknight, Carmella McCormick 11/8 Mike Cerilli, Marie LaSor 11/15 Karen Bouknight, Carmella McCormick 11/22 Mike Cerilli, Bonnie Peebley 11/29 Marie LaSor, Karen Bouknight

NEWS from the PEWS New address: Bob & Doris Bogert, 1001 Redmont Place, Greensburg, 15601. Phone 878-295-8755

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Rich Anthony’s wife, Natalie & Rich’s family The Bogerts Karen Bouknight Rosemary Fry Dave & Nancy Gosser Lee Immel’s brother-in-law Darrell Barnes Pat & Penny Labeka Marie LaSor’s brother Tommy Cliff Leonard’s daughter, Annette Peggy Potts & daughter, Tracy Don & Mary Ann Livingston Paul & Sylvia Shearer Lois Weyandt

Prayers for peace and calm across our nation, a coming together in ways we can still be

the church to our world. For all our high-risk healthcare workers, particularly those who are family of our members: The Bogerts daughter, Nancy Arlene Troster’s sister, Margaret Katy Doran’s son, Tom Scott Wonderling Kathy Leavy Prayers for comfort and peace to members/friends who are shut-ins, in care facilities/nursing homes and cannot receive visitors - Marcia Remaley, Shirley Myers, Nancy Hofelt, Vince Falvo, Pat Labeka, Joan Scales, Lois Weyandt.

Prayers for Maplewood and all churches, for our community/nation/world during this pandemic. Prayers that a cure would be found, and the pandemic would be less severe than what we fear. Prayers for those most vulnerable to the corona virus...the elderly and those with compromised

immune systems. Prayers for those who are lonely or frightened. Prayers for those who have been laid off of work, struggling to keep businesses afloat.


Continuing Prayer Concerns

Coffee Hour Schedule – 2020:

November: Hanging of the Greens (Martha’s Circle) December: Christmas Party (Church Life)

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Maplewood Happenings

MARTHA CIRCLE: We had a wonderful get together this rainy morning. Thanks so much to Ann and Carmella for a wonderful brunch. Top notch job. Doris and Claudia will be our hostesses on November 18th, 9:15am and in the church fellowship hall. Mary Lou will present our devotions. Our program has not been decided yet. Our Christmas meeting will, again, be held at the Lakeview Restaurant December16th. Hopefully all of our members will be able to attend. There will be further plans made at our November meeting. This year, for the first time in many years, we will not be making our chili and soups for Hanging of the Greens on November 29, but will furnish cookies, coffee and hot chocolate for all who come to help decorate the church for Christmas. We hope we will still have a lot of members to come and help. A side note. We missed all of you ladies that were unable to attend this last gathering. Hope you are all well and that we will see you next month. Arlene

HOME-GROWN DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR ADVENT: Responding to a call of the heart, Katy Doran will be offering a series of brief daily devotions for this 2020 Season of Advent beginning Sunday, November 29. The theme is Ending Hunger, focusing on the “hunger of the spirit” all of us have been experiencing in this Year of Covid, 2020 . . . a hunger for Hope, for Peace, for Joy & for Love. The devotions will be short anecdotes, personal musings, an occasional poem along with a scripture verse & a prayer. ANYONE from our Maplewood family is welcome to contribute, if so moved, by getting your submission to Katy by Sunday, November 11th. Printed copies will be available in the Narthex and will be posted daily on the website & Facebook pages. Anyone needing to have one mailed should contact the Church Office.

MISSION MANEUVERS: * Quarterly meal will be delivered to the Union Mission of Latrobe on November 10th. The need remains for meals for the homeless residents at the Mission although our usual sharing of the meal & socialization with the residents are not available due to COVID-19 concerns. * Operation Christmas Child. During 2020 travel restrictions were placed on 100 countries to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes can safely be collected and delivered. This is a global missions opportunity that can be safely done at home. The shoeboxes are available for you in the Narthex. Please take them home and begin your Christmas shopping so that you can return them to the Church by November 22, filled with toys, school supplies and other gifts. Suggestions for items to include in your box as well as a way for you to track its destination are included in each box. Have fun shopping and remember the return date of November 22, 2020. Thank you for your prayers and support.

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MORE Happenings



SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020 Thisyear,duetoCOVID,weareestablishingprocedurestocomplywiththeCommonwealth’sCOVIDrestrictionswhichwillcontinuetoevolvedependingonoutbreaksofthevirus.

The Fellowship Hall ~ 4:30 PM

Catered Hors d’oeuvres Desserts & Beverages.

Entertainment ~

A Family Favorite Christmas Movie (To be determined)

There will be social distancing. Please wear your masks. Reserved seats will be set up in close proximity for groups of families, and may include friends upon prior request. A certain number of tables can also be set up, upon request.


Due to the size of our Fellowship Hall, participation must be limited. RSVP’s will be collected via Sunday morning offering basket or calls to the Church Office

There will be a waiting list which will be maintained for anyone who would like to attend in the event of cancellations. If you need to cancels, please notify Reta Perotti prior to the Party so someone else can take your place.

You will be on the Guest List or notified that you are on the Wait List.

If this seems confusing or if you have questions, you are welcome to contact Rita Perotti.

More information will be available as time goes on.

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Something Thoughtful Submitted by Bill Young


“Psychologists report that it is impossible to feel grateful and unhappy at the same time.”  Excerpts from “Mastering Happiness: Practical Skills and Ideas for Living Well,” a lecture by Dr. Joel Wade, a psychotherapist who has dedicated his career to helping people create and embody a truly extraordinary life.

When Joel Wade uses the word happiness, however, he isn’t talking about more parties, laughter or high times. He’s referring to something larger: having a sense that you are flourishing, of feeling fully satisfied with your life. Living a more satisfying life, Joel insists, is a skill that can be developed. It is mostly about the attitudes you embody and the choices you make. Like any skill, however, it requires time, attention and dedication

To illustrate his point, Joel demonstrated how easy it is to feel miserable. All that’s necessary are

three simple steps: 1. Be as self-absorbed as possible. Always ask, “What’s in it for me?” 2. See yourself as a victim. Observe that life has conspired against you; blame others for your problems, frustrations and setbacks. Tell yourself that you are helpless in your particular set of circumstances. 3. Spend a lot of time ruminating over past negative events, about things that make you angry, on what makes you bitter. Spend a lot of time reliving and re-experiencing these events in your mind.

People who make these steps a habit are well on their way to a life of dissatisfaction and misery. The

good news is that doing the opposite is a tonic – and will almost certainly add to your satisfaction with life. In other words...

1. Instead of asking, “What’s in it for me?” try “How can I help?” Absorb yourself in your work, friends, family relationships and outside interests. 2. See yourself as in control of your destiny. We all have problems and setbacks. But things begin to turn around only when you take ownership of your situation. 3. Focus on what’s right with your life rather than unfortunate economic or personal circumstances. Accept that the past is past; forgive any transgressors, not for their sake but for yours, and start imagining how things could improve.

Joel points out that the best way to achieve a higher sense of well-being and life satisfaction is to

cultivate a sense of gratitude. He suggests taking a moment each evening to recall three things that happened during the day that make you feel grateful. It could be a problem resolved, an unexpected call from a friend, a smile from someone you love or just a good meal on a starry night.

These steps may sound simple – and they are. But that doesn’t mean they can’t make a profound difference in your quality of life. As the British essayist Erich Heller observed, “Be careful how you interpret the world; it is like that.” To learn more, visit DrJoelWade.com to receive a free Learning Optimism e-course and listen to his Mastering Happiness Podcast. Joel is also the author of two books, “The Virtue of Happiness” and “Mastering Happiness.”


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   In Honor of Veterans

 One day each year is not enough for honoring veterans. Veterans deserve to be honored and esteemed every single day. Some need care and some need benefits and every veteran has earned and needs our respect.

The few, the proud…

Each generation of Americans send fewer of their young men and women to protect this country. Less than one percent of the population can claim veteran status.

During World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War a larger percentage of the population served in the military. The selective service, or draft, was discontinued in the 1970s and the American military became an all-volunteer force. Although our military no longer relies on the draft, we have been involved in more, although smaller, conflicts in the last forty years than we were prior to that.

Honoring veterans who keep us safe

These conflicts demand that our service members be better than their predecessors are. The lessons learned in the last half of the twentieth century have equipped our warriors with the drive and ability to wage war anywhere in the world. Quickly, efficiently and with an eye toward their own humanity.

The military has changed. In addition to keeping us safe, soldiers deliver food and medicine to remote villages, protect indigenous people from terrorists who would harm their own neighbors and work with local governments to help the population, not rule them. Honoring veterans who have learned that being a soldier means helping as much as hurting is our responsibility.

Honoring veterans all year round

Honoring veterans doesn’t mean taking care of them. It means giving them the tools to take care of themselves. It means understanding the sacrifices they have made and giving them the help to overcome the demons they have faced. There are so few of them around, it should be easy to give them the respect that they are due.

The National Veterans Foundation

What might the last surviving Veteran

of any war, every war


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Do you have a birthday, anniversary, graduation or other special occasion to rejoice about? Are you remembering a loved one who has died? Are you joyful about God’s love? If so, share these events with others by placing flowers in our church for Sunday service. It’s very easy. Choose a date you wish to have flowers, fill out the form below and put in the church’s office. The rest will be taken care of for you. For $24.00, you can have fresh flowers for a service, a note in the bulletin to commemorate your special occasion and you can take the flowers home with you. If you do not want the flowers, the Deacons can deliver them to shut-ins. Detach and send to church office:

M.U.P.C., 108 Woodland Road, Greensburg, PA 15601 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Name____________________________________________Phone________________ Date for flowers (Sunday)________________ Notice for bulletin to read: In honor of___________________________________________ OR: In memory of__________________________________________________________ I wish to (check one)_____take the flowers after the service _____let the Deacons deliver them to shut-ins ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

November Celebrations

Celebrate or Commemorate

2….Marie LaSor 4….Helen Taylor 14...Wayne Lash 15...Nancy Hofelt Michelle Christianson 19…Bill Costelnock

22…Pat Acita 24…Carol Enos 25…Kyle Boronky 26…Mary Leamer 30…Carol Limegrover

Celebrating 50+ Years of Marriage:

Allan and Joyce Neville

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