VoIP, Chat, and Blogs: The Integration in Elementary, Middle and High School Levels By: Fihmiya...

VoIP, Chat, and Blogs: The Integration in Elementary, Middle and High School Levels By: Fihmiya Hamdan Kevin Koelbel

Transcript of VoIP, Chat, and Blogs: The Integration in Elementary, Middle and High School Levels By: Fihmiya...

VoIP, Chat, and Blogs: The Integration in Elementary,

Middle and High School Levels

By: Fihmiya HamdanKevin Koelbel

Overview of VoIP

• Voice Over Internet Protocol, also called VoIP, is the routing of voice conversations over the Internet or through any other IP-based network. Protocols used to carry voice signals over the IP network are commonly referred to as Voice over IP or VoIP protocols.

• Two types: DID—Direct Inward Dialing- which connects the dialer directly to the VoIP user

access numbers-require the caller to input ext. number

• VoIP allows individuals to travel anywhere in the world to make and receive free phone calls

• VoIP phones can integrate with other services available over the Internet

• Drawbacks to VoIP include difficulties sending faxes related to the software, reliance on an internet connection and the inability to utilize the system during power outages.

Overview of Chat• A chat room, is an online site where people can talk online. Chat rooms can

be moderated through volunteer patrols.• Chat systems come in a variety of styles, from text only to 3D systems

which include graphics to create or build spaces.• Can be used educationally for interactive conversations between students

and teachers, or student to student.• Allows people to closely interact with each other through online communication• Users can communicate via emails, exchange private messages, or join in

group chats through personal computers or other computing technology• Creates an appropriate amount of physical space for students to engage in

learning• Allows for engaging and motivational learning through a different

instructional tool

Examples: Office hour chat rooms, chats established for interaction with students working on a project or group activity.

Overview of Blogs

• Known as “Web logs,” a sequential group of personal comments, thoughts, and links to sources

• Many people are using the communication tool ranging from group blogs, community blogs, family blogs, and business blogs to voice opinions and thoughts

• Used as an online documentary to promote a two-way communication process between the blogger and the visitor

• Promotes the interaction of people’s thoughts and discussion of ideas• Educational tool used to enhance learning and provide feedback on

classroom discussions, projects, and/or other assignments

ExamplesExamples:- Students are able to present their assignments or projects on various subject areas such as Math, Science, etc- Students can upload pictures or displays to add in a visual effect for further understanding and enhancement of the content

Elementary Education: 3rd grade English/Literacy

(VoIP)• ObjectivesObjectives: Students will gain literacy skills through the application of VoIP

to enhance and improve learning. Students will also discuss the story selection to test for complete understanding and knowledge. Information will be presented to demonstrate visual understandings through personal entries.

• Reading Selection: “The Lost and Found,” reading segment from Houghton Mifflin– Prior to implementing VoIP, a group of 3 students will read the selection

on their own– Once selection is read, one student will use VoIP as an “Internet Phone

Call” to discuss the characters, setting, problem/solution, and main ideas.

• For ex.: Students discuss all the criteria areas and develop the story’s beginning, middle, and end

- The second student organizes all the information together and checks for clarification and understanding

• The third student will use “VoIP” to present their readings and discussions to the class

• Other students will provide feedback and questions


• Teacher will grade students on appropriate content and use of VoIP in regards to the reading selection

• Implementation of VoIP enhances student learning effectively and efficiently• Increases a student’s motivation to present information to fellow peers with

efficient time and knowledge• Improves student learning through personal feedback and responses from

peers, and the instructor as well• Students reflect and critique own work for future improvement

Integration of Chat

– Prior to the chat activity, teacher will have set up classroom chats on several computers; and students will have read the story selection

– Students will discuss with each other what happened in the story• For ex.: Students will ask comprehension questions to test for understanding

– Discuss key vocabulary words and its examples for full understanding of the story

– Lastly, students will ask each other questions about the story to clarify any misunderstandings

• For ex: A student asks, “What are the main ideas of the story?”– Students will interactively connect with each other in order to discuss

the assignment– Chat is a stimulating learning tool that students can use to enhance and

reinforce their knowledge and comprehension about the content– Chats allow the opportunity to discuss and review course content to

enhance and improve learning

Integration of Blogs

– After completing the reading selection as a whole class, students will use a classroom blog set up for assignments and/or projects

– Students will write a summary about the story, along with their favorite part

– For a visual demonstration, students will include a illustration For ex.: Students will illustrate their favorite part of the story– Other classmates will provide feedback and questions

• For ex.: A student asks, “Why did you choose this illustration as your favorite piece?”

– The teacher will use the blog as a way to grade the task for appropriate understanding and knowledge of the material

– Blogs give students an opportunity to take part in a stimulating environment that entails motivation for further learning

– Student learning is enhanced and improved through the interaction with not only their peers, but their instructor as well

– Blogs are excellent ways for students to practice reading and writing skills

Elementary: 4th grade Science(VoIP)

• ObjectivesObjectives: Students will research the Solar System and its nine planets and present their findings to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge. Students will also discuss the characteristics of the planets, how they differ from one another, and present the information to their peers.

– Solar System: Nine planets of the Solar System and their characteristics• A group of 4 students will research and gather information: Mercury,

Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.– For ex.: Each student will explore 2-3 planets and its origin in the Solar

System • Students will gather all information together, check for clarification and

understanding, and upload the content on a VoIP• Present the VoIP and its material to the class

- For ex.: Students will discuss their research in a well-organized manner• Peers and teacher will provide feedback and questions

– For ex.: A student asks, “What’s a new fact that you learned about the Solar System?”

• Teacher will grade students based on its appropriately “fit” content, clearness and understanding, and sufficient background information


• VoIP engages students to share and communicate their work and/or assignments to a reliable audience

• Enhance student learning through “actual” voice conversations with others

• Students are able to spend efficient time on tasks for better quality material

• Develop important thinking and knowledgeable skills through creative skills

• Engaging “internet” phone calls, which motivate a student’s desire to learn and absorb content

Integration of Chat in Science

• Prior to using chat rooms to discuss the content, students will have researched and studied the Solar System for thorough understanding

• Students will discuss the characteristics of all the nine planets to fully comprehend the background and history of the Solar System

– For ex.: Discuss the characteristics of Neptune, Pluto, etc• Students will also review how the planets differ from one another

along with examples for a visual effect– For ex.: Explain how Earth and Jupiter differ from each other

• Chats will allow students to feel closely connected with their peers in a highly stimulating and engaging learning environment

– For ex.: Students are able to freely express their thoughts as well as discuss the content

• Students are able to reinforce content through discussion and review for further understanding

• Highly-motivated learning environment, which allows students to display their internet skills

Integration of Blogs in Science

• Students will demonstrate their understanding of the Solar System through the aid of visuals

– For ex.: They will construct a diorama of the Solar System• Students will post what they know about each planet, its

characteristics, descriptions, and differences– For instance: Saturn is the only planet with a ring around it.

• Students will also upload a picture of their diorama displays• Personal commentaries will be shared about the project

– For instance: Students will share what they thought about the assignment in itself, and if any improvements should be made

• Feedback and/or questions will be posted• Interaction with a different instructional tool enables students to learn

through different tactics with the aid of a hands-on activity• Students are simultaneously engaging in a well-rounded atmosphere• Blogs motivate a student’s desire to learn with its application to encourage

student and teacher involvement through communication

Middle School: 7th grade Math(VoIP)

• ObjectivesObjectives: Students will discuss the meaning of geometry, and key vocabulary that ties in with its concept. Students will also review the types of triangles and different types of polygons through similarities and differences.– Geometry: Definitions and key terms

• With VoIP, teacher will discuss what geometry is to help students get a thorough understanding of it

– For ex. : Geometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with space relationships

• Discuss key vocabulary terms: Point, line, surface, angles– For ex.: A line is the intersection of two surfaces

• Students will listen to key terms through VoIP for clear understanding• Teacher and students will review key terms, prior to applying its

terminology to math problems– For instance: Students need to understand the words to ensure proper

application• Review of math concepts and terminology will ensure students’ better

understanding of material• With the reinforcement of content through VoIP, students will appropriately

apply its tactics to math problems to enhance their mathematical skills

Integration of Chat

– Geometry: Types of triangles and similarities/differences• Through a classroom chat room, students will converse about the

types of triangles: Scalene, Isosceles, and Equilateral triangles– For ex. : An equilateral triangle is one with three sides equal

• Discuss similarities about the triangles– For ex.: Scalene, Isosceles, and equilateral triangles all have 3 sides

• Chat about the dissimilarities among the triangles– For ex.: An isosceles triangles has 2 sides equal, whereas a scalene

triangle has no equal sides• Students will apply their understanding through a short quiz on the

classifications of triangles– For ex.: Which triangle has two sides equal?

• Students closely and interactively connect with peers to discuss the characteristics of triangles

• Students are involved in a monitored learning environment through a new mode of communication about the course material

• Chats allow students to discuss how its application improved his/her learning as well as what he/she learned from the content

Integration of Blogs– Geometry: Different types of polygons

• Students will post discussions on the types of polygons– For ex.: student will review a square, rectangle, rhombus, etc as well as

their thoughts on the concept of polygons• Peers will respond to student’s posting and offer feedback and/or

questions– For ex.: His/her peer may offer his/her own opinions on the student’s

discussion forum• As a creative and visual effect, students may create their own

version of a polygon and upload it to the blog– For instance: Students use his/her own imagination to create a unique

polygon.• Teacher will use the blog to review the student’s work based on

appropriate content and display• Blogs help students review and discuss geometry concepts, as well as

connect with peer-to-peer feedback and/or thoughts • Students engage in an active learning environment allowing room for

creativity and expressiveness• Blogs are great educational tools to enable effective and active learning

Middle School Education-Integration of VoIP in 8th Grade


• ObjectiveObjective: Students will use VoIP in order to communicate with students in other parts of the world, to gain information for an essay on differences in geography. This will allow student’s to gain understanding of other cultural perspectives, related to geography, from sources other than text and Internet.

• Lesson: Students will write a five paragraph essay comparing the geography and climate of Central Michigan with their assigned geographic location.

– For ex., Students will contact another student in their assigned geographic location, to learn about that particular area.

• Students will utilize VoIP to communicate with other areas of the world.

• Due to concerns about safety, students will not be allowed to give out personal information on the VoIP network.

Integration of Chat in Geography

• ObjectiveObjective: Students will utilize the classroom chat room to complete the class assignment. This would be beneficial, because it prevents the students from picking their own groups, and it requires participation as well from every student group.

• Lesson: Students will connect with 3-4 students in the class, through an established group. Each student will have different information, all of which is necessary for completion of the assignment.

– For ex., Students will need to interact with each other on the chat room, to determine what information each individual was given, in order to complete the assignment.

• Students will then present information to the class regarding their combined knowledge.

Integration of Blogs in Middle School Geography

• ObjectiveObjective: Students will utilize a Blog in order to journal and participate in a threaded discussion related to global warming. Blogs are beneficial to the classroom in this type of lesson, as students are not providing input in the traditional sense, ie., raising a hand in class. It allows for open dialogue without risk of ridicule.

• Lesson: After students complete research on the causes and effects of global warming, they will participate in a threaded discussion, using persuasive arguments, supported by factual information obtained by their research.

– For ex., Students will present arguments in support of or against the theory of global warming.

• The instructor will monitor the blog for appropriate language and context of discussion.

High School Education 9-12- Integration

of VoIP in Business Management• ObjectiveObjective: All students will improve communication skills related to a

business setting, through the use of VoIP. This type of technology is very beneficial in the business classroom setting, as it simulates an actual business office. It requires utilization of skills learned in class, related to non-visual communication.

• Lesson: Students will use VoIP to simulate an actual business office setting, to practice office skills with one another.

– For ex., students will contact one another and discuss accounts payable issues.

• Actual phone conversations will be utilized through VoIP within the group.

• Groups will be no larger than 3-4 students.

• Feedback would be provided by both the instructor and other members of the group.

Integration of Chat in Business Management

• Objective: All students will understand the operational aspects of a business through the use of chat rooms. This type of technology allows for open student communication.

• Lesson: Students will utilize a classroom chat room to discuss financial aspects to running a business.

– For example: Students will discuss incorporation, paying taxes, and financial solvency related to a successful business.

• Students will interact dynamically with each other related to the specific lesson.

- For example: Students will discuss with each other their ideas of what is a successful business.

• The instructor will monitor the chat room for appropriate language and etiquette.

Integration of Blog in Business Management

• Objective: Students will use a Blog to participate in a group discussion related to business ethics.

• Lesson: Students will be given an ethical situation and be required to post on a blog their personal opinions and reflections on the dilemma. Students will also be required to monitor the blog over the current school week, in order to respond to any postings by their classmates or instructor.

– For ex., Students will post on the blog their opinions on software piracy in the business world.

High School Education- Integration of VoIP in 10th Grade English

• Objective: Students will use VoIP in order to practice their vocabulary, enunciation and pronunciation in a high school English class. VoIP technology could also be used to communicate with students in other classes, related to English vocabulary.

• Lesson: In groups of 2-4 students, students will use school computers with VoIP to communicate with each other, while practicing proper pronunciation and enunciation of weekly vocabulary.– For ex., Students will participate in the lesson, by using vocabulary

assigned, correctly in conversation.

• Students will present information to the class, thereby conveying their understanding of the material.

Integration of Chat in High School English

• Objective: Students will utilize the classroom chat room to discuss a chapter read in the “Iliad”. This type of technology allows for another option in reflective writing lessons.

• Lesson: Students will read the first section of the “Iliad” prior to the assignment.

• Students will utilize the chat room to discuss with each other their thoughts on the assignment.

-For ex., Students will discuss characters, plot and setting.

• Students will then write a summary of their knowledge to present to the class.

-For ex., Students will present information on the chat room related to the reflective questions.

Integration of Blogs in High School English

• Objective: Students will use a Blog to respond to daily reflective questions assigned. Blogs is a technology that can be utilized in English classes to provide an opportunity to post information related to the lesson of the day. Students can also delete and edit their posts at any time.

• Lesson: At the beginning of each class, students will log into their computer and check the Blog for the questions assigned. Upon reflection, students will then post a response to the Blog, as well as reading responses by other students. This lesson should take no more than 10 minutes of class time. It is meant to be an activity that prepares the student’s for the lesson the instructor intends to present for that day.

– For ex., students will respond to questions related to APA format issues.

Review of Resources

• The applications of VoIP, Chat, and Blogs are all used to enhance and improve learning of not only the students, but teachers as well.

• These highly effective resources entail the beneficial effects of a well-rounded learning environment.

• Allow for future improvement, and an increase in students’ desire to learn and expand knowledgeable content

• Apply different learning tactics to improve student learning through the aid of technology resources

• Develop a strong set of critical thinking and literacy skills such as reading and writing

• Efficient and effective way for students to collaborate with each other and discuss content

• Highly motivating and stimulating to all students, including those who are not experienced with these resources


• Blogs: 7 Things You Should Know About, (2005, August). Retrieved on November 4, 2006, from http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7006.pdf

• Fryer, W.A. (2006). Skype In The Classroom. Integrating Technology Into The Classroom, TechEdge / EdTech Article Archive, (1-2).

• Instant Messaging: 7 Things You Should Know About, (2005, November) Retrieved on November 4, 2006, from


• Voice over IP, Retrieved on November 8, 2006 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_over_IP

• Chat room, Retrieved on November 8, 2006 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chat_room

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VoIP, Chats, and BlogsVoIP, Chats, and Blogs

For More Information, Click on For More Information, Click on the Following Links!the Following Links!

• http://www.e-articles.info/e/a/title/Benefits-and-Advantages-of-Online-Education/

• http://www.worldwidelearn.com/education-articles/benefits-of-online-learning.htm

• http://thejournal.com/articles/17184_1

• http://supportblogging.wikispaces.com/Educational+Blogging?token=acd5feb35a9a0984230d74c547a34c98

• http://www.glencoe.com/sec/teachingtoday/educationupclose.phtml/47

To review any digital communication integration, simply click on the technology under the school and subject.

VoIP Chat BlogElementary Elementary Elementary

English English English

Science Science Science

Middle Middle Middle

Math Math Math

Geography Geography Geography

High High High

Business Business Business

English English English