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Vocabulary Worksheets by Rachel Spack Koch Intermediate level Azar Grammar Series: Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3rd edition Vocabulary Worksheets help students learn new vocabulary in the context of the grammar covered in the tables of contents of the Azar textbooks or any comparable syllabus. An Answer Key and Word List for target vocabulary are provided for each chapter. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your classroom needs. Vocabulary Worksheets are available as Word documents or PDF files. Chapter 11—Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles 1. Reading: Lara’s Blog 2. Vocabulary practice: Lara’s Blog 3. Hurricane Katrina: Lara’s Blog 4. Vocabulary practice 5. Reading: After the Hurricane 6. Vocabulary practice 7. Recipe for Beignets 8. Vocabulary practice 9. Which word belongs? 10. Crossword Answer Key Word List

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Vocabulary Worksheets

by Rachel Spack Koch

Intermediate level

Azar Grammar Series: Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3rd edition

Vocabulary Worksheets help students learn new vocabulary in the context of the

grammar covered in the tables of contents of the Azar textbooks or any comparable

syllabus. An Answer Key and Word List for target vocabulary are provided for

each chapter. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your

classroom needs. Vocabulary Worksheets are available as Word documents or PDF


Chapter 11—Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

1. Reading: Lara’s Blog

2. Vocabulary practice: Lara’s Blog

3. Hurricane Katrina: Lara’s Blog

4. Vocabulary practice

5. Reading: After the Hurricane

6. Vocabulary practice

7. Recipe for Beignets

8. Vocabulary practice

9. Which word belongs?

10. Crossword

Answer Key

Word List

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 1. Reading: Lara’s Blog

This reading comes from a blog on the internet.


I returned to New Orleans on a hot, humid Wednesday night in late 1

August from a summer job. I had been teaching drama at a camp 2

in Switzerland. By Friday night the weather news was all about an 3

approaching hurricane. 4

The mayor came on TV and urged everybody to evacuate the 5

city! Nobody wanted to leave, but we were scared. My family and I 6

decided to heed the warnings and escape the danger. On Sunday 7

morning we got into my father’s car and headed out of the city, to 8

Houston. It’s normally a five-hour drive to Houston, but the roads were so 9

crowded that it took us 12 hours. Traffic moved at a snail’s pace. We 10

traveled at less than 5 miles an hour for a long time. 11

We had made a hotel reservation in Houston, and finally arrived there in the 12

middle of the night. On Monday morning, we saw the news reports of the 13

terrible devastation of our beautiful city from the hurricane that had hit 14

during the night. We were hearing that people were lost, and there was no 15

means of communication because even the cell phones didn’t work. It was 16

horrible. We didn’t know yet that the worst was yet to come that day: the 17

levees broke, and the Mississippi River flooded most of New Orleans. 18

The city had no electricity, no refrigeration, no water. People ran out of 19

supplies. Stores could not open. Some hospital facilities didn’t work, and 20

patients and staff had to be evacuated. Some people who had not left the 21

city were rescued by boats and helicopters, but thousands of people were 22

stranded for days at the Superdome (the huge sports center) with little 23

help. 24

Those like us who had left the city could not get back in. Nothing would be 25

functioning “until further notice.” Schools were going to be closed for the 26

fall semester, and maybe longer. I was supposed to start a new job teaching 27

drama at a city high school. Now I was not able to return to my beloved city, 28

but I didn’t have a job there anyway. 29

Our friends were scattered all over in many different places. Nobody knew 30

what they were going to do next. I decided I would go to Florida to stay with 31

my brother who lived there, in Miami. Miraculously, I got a job teaching in 32

a high school right away. 33

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 1, page 2

My parents were able to move back into their home after a few weeks. They 34

were lucky. They had roof damage, but not much damage from flooding. I 35

did not go back to visit during that first year. Now I am not sure what I am 36

going to do in the future, or where I am going to live. I do know more than 37

ever how much I love my city and its people. 38

It’s like the song by Louis Armstrong, “Do you Know What It Means to Miss 39

New Orleans?” 40

Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans

And miss it each night and day

I know I’m not wrong -- this feeling's gettin' stronger

The longer I stay away.

(Photo from Wikipedia)

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 1, page 3. Vocabulary practice: Lara’s Blog

Circle the letter of the word or phrase with the same meaning as the bolded words.

The line number refers to the lines in Lara’s Blog.

1. In line 1, humid means _____.

a. dry b. damp

2. In line 4, approaching means _____.

a. coming near b. very strong

3. In line 5, urged means _____.

a. made a strong suggestion b. made a weak suggestion

4. In line 5, evacuate means that everybody _____.

a. leaves a place to be safer b. stays inside their homes

5. In line 6, scared means _____.

a. very tired b. afraid

6. In line 7, heed means _____.

a. leave in a hurry b. pay attention to advice

7. In line 7, warnings means _____.

a. fears about a danger b. notices about a danger

8. In line 10, the phrase moved at a snail’s pace means ___.

a. moved very slowly b. moved without being comfortable

9. In line 17, the phrase the worst was yet to come means _____.

a. the worst thing happened b. the worst thing was about to happen

10. In line 22, rescued means _______.

a. injured b. saved

11. In line 23, stranded means _____.

a. stuck b. taken care of

12. In line 26, until further notice means _____.

a. forever b. when you learn something new

13. In line 30, scattered means _____.

a. spread out b. stuck

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

14. In line 32, miraculously means _____.

a. as expected b. very surprisingly

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 2. Hurricane Katrina: Lara’s Blog

Choose the correct answer according to the information in Lara’s Blog.

In Item 6, circle all the correct answers.

1. This passage is _______.

a. a blog on the Internet

b. a letter to a friend

2. The passage is about _____.

a. the causes of the hurricane

b. the effects of the hurricane

3. Which statement is true?

a. Lara and her family stayed in New Orleans during the hurricane.

b. Lara and her family left New Orleans before the hurricane.

4. How does Lara know about the events in New Orleans?

a. Her friends called her on their cell phones.

b. She saw and heard about it on the news.

5. Which was worse for New Orleans?

a. The floods that followed the hurricane

b. The hurricane itself

6. Which of these statements is / are true about New Orleans after the storm

and the floods?

a. Most people didn’t have electricity.

b. Most people didn’t have refrigeration.

c. Most people didn’t have water.

d. The stores were open.

e. Hospitals were a good place to find food, water, and shelter.

f. Many people were evacuated from the city.

g. Many people were stranded, stuck, in the city.

h. Most people who had left New Orleans returned the next day.

7. What did Lara do after the hurricane?

a. She returned to New Orleans to teach drama at a high school.

b. She got a teaching job in Miami, Florida.

8. What is Lara’s feeling toward New Orleans now?

a. She misses New Orleans very much.

b. She doesn’t miss New Orleans at all because the experience of the

storm was so bad.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 3. Vocabulary practice

Complete the sentences with the correct word from the word pool.

approach camp devastation escape evacuate

hurricane mayor rescue warning

1. A place where children and teenagers go and take part in various or

special activities is a _______________________________.

2. Over the Pacific Ocean, this powerful storm is called a typhoon. Over the

Atlantic Ocean, it is known as a _______________________________.

3. If you are in an area near a strange dog, don’t _____________________

it. Although it might be friendly, it could bite you.

4. The leader of a city is its _______________________________.

5. In a theater, you can see a sign over some doors that says Exit. This sign

means that in case of emergency, you can ________________________

through this door.

6. We flew over the area where the hurricane had hit. We could see the

awful _______________________________ all over the city.

7. A water pipe broke in the office building and water began flooding the

building. The police helped the people ____________________________

the building as fast as possible.

8. The fire fighters broke down the door with an ax. They were able to

_______________________________ an old man in his wheelchair.

9. This sign to the right is a _________________________. It

means you must not enter this road.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 4. Reading: After the Hurricane

Read the blog entry from a worker who served in New Orleans after Hurricane

Katrina. Answer the questions that follow it.

After the Hurricane

About a month after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, I went down there with my unit of the Northernmost States Electric and Power Company to help restore the electric power. When we arrived, most of the stores and shops were closed, including the famous Cafe Du Monde. But, the city was coming back to life, little by little, and I was there when the café reopened. What a sensual experience! There was a heavy aroma of chicory coffee in the air, mixed with a sweet fragrance that came from freshly-made beignets.

During the next weeks, I looked forward to the routine of having beignets and coffee at the café at 6:00 A.M. every morning. I was sorry to leave New Orleans when my work ended after two months. I have wonderful memories of the beignets and the Cafe Du Monde, not only of that great breakfast treat, but also of the spirit of hope and renewal that this New Orleans icon represents.

Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.

T / F This blog was written by an employee of a power company. T / F The writer helped to bring back the electricity to New Orleans. T / F The Café Du Monde was open when he arrived in the city. T / F The writer describes the smells of the café. T / F He did not like these smells. T / F The writer went to the café early every morning. T / F The writer stayed in New Orleans for two months. T / F The writer had beignets every morning. T / F He says that the beignets were a special treat. T / F He thinks the Café Du Monde is a symbol of hope and renewal.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

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Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 5. Vocabulary practice

Complete the sentences in Column A with the letter of the correct definition from

Column B.

Column A Column B

1. A unit is ____.

a. a pleasant smell

2. Restore means ____.

b. a special food that tastes good, especially

one that you do not eat very often

3. Sensual means ____.

c. a group of people working together as

part of a larger group

4. A routine is ____.

d. when an activity, situation, or process

begins again after a period when it had


5. A treat is ____.

e. relating to the feelings of your body

rather than your mind

6. Spirit means ____.

f. a symbol of a person or thing that

represents the person or thing

7. Renewal means ____.

g. in the direction toward the south

8. An icon is ____.

h. courage, energy, and determination

9. “I went down there”

means that I went


i. make something return to its former

state or condition

10. Aroma and fragrance

both mean ____.

j. the usual order in which you do things, or

the things you regularly do

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 6. Reading: Recipe for Beignets

New Orleans Beignets


• 1 stick of butter

• 2 tbsp. of sugar

• 1 tsp. of salt

• 1 package of yeast

• 1 egg, beaten

• 2 cup of boiling water

• About 6 cups of flour

Cooking procedure

• Melt the butter, and add the sugar and the salt to it.

• Add the butter mixture to the yeast to dissolve it. Mix in the egg and the


• Add the flour gradually by kneading it until you form a nice dough.

• Put the dough aside for at least half an hour while it rises.

• Put some flour on the surface of your board and spread the dough over it.

• Roll the dough out so that it is about two inches thick.

• Cut the dough into squares, about 2 inches X 2 inches.

• Drop the squares gently into hot oil. The squares will fry very quickly.

• Now they are beignets! Take them out of the pan and place them on

absorbent paper to get rid of the excess grease.

• Sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Serve while they are nice and hot.

yeast = a type of fungus used to make bread rise

dough = a mixture of flour and water ready to be baked into bread

knead = to press a mixture of flour and water many times with your hands

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 6, page 2

Choose the correct word in parentheses to complete each sentence.

1. Beignets are like (round / square) little cakes.

2. Tbsp is the abbreviation for tablespoon. There are

two tablespoons of (salt / sugar) in this recipe.

3. Tsp is the abbreviation for teaspoon. There is one

teaspoon of (salt / sugar) in this recipe. (3 tsps.= 1 tbsp.)

4. When you melt the butter, the butter becomes (solid / liquid).

5. Dough is a (mixture / liquid) of flour, water, and some other ingredients.

6. When you (add / dissolve) a solid, you mix it with a liquid and it

becomes part of the liquid.

7. A product of wheat is (flour / sugar). Bread is made from it.

8. If you place something nearby and you are going to use it soon, you put

it (away / aside).

9. The top of something is its (board / surface).

10. Bread that is not baked yet is in the form of (squares / dough).

11. When you throw away something or destroy it because you don’t want it

any more, you (get rid of / look forward to) it.

12. A raincoat isn’t (humid / absorbent), but paper towels are.

13. Excess means (too much / not enough)

14. (Sprinkle / Knead) a little salt on the tomatoes. They taste good with

just a little salt.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 7. Vocabulary practice

Complete the sentences with the correct word from the word pool.

aside beat boil dissolve flour gradually

grease mix rid roll spread sprinkle

1. You can ___________________________ peanut butter

and jelly on two pieces of bread to make a nice sandwich.

2. The children didn’t like their new teacher right away, but

_______________________________ they learned to love her.

3. A ball will _______________________________ when you kick it, but a

large rock will not.

4. When you _______________________________ yellow paint with blue

paint, you get green paint.

5. Put some sugar in your hot coffee. The sugar will __________________.

6. A fire can start in a kitchen if hot _____________________________ drops

on the stove.

7. Water will _______________________________ at 212 degrees Fahrenheit

(100 degrees Celsius).

8. Let’s get _________________________ of all the junk in the garage. We’ll

clean it out on Saturday.

9. Take a little rest. Put your work ______________________________

and finish it later.

10. Those flowers need a little water every day. You can

________________________________ them with

water from a watering can.

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 8. Vocabulary practice

One word in each item is incorrect. Cross out the incorrect word and replace it with

a logical word from the word pool.













1. As a result of the hurricane, there was a lot of dough devastation. It was


2. People were being dissolved from the buildings.

3. You’d better escape the warning: stay in your house.

4. Roll a little sugar on top of the strawberries.

5. The spirit of money in several European countries is the euro.

6. Spring is the time of excess for flowers, plants, and trees. They begin to

grow again.

7. After the sailors had been stranded on the island for a week, they were

restored by a Navy helicopter.

8. The cat was melted by the loud thunder and hid under the bed.

9. Astronauts take scattered eggs in aluminum bags with them on long

flights. Even after several weeks, they can add water to the package and eat

the mixture.

10. We often take beaten eggs with us on picnics. I eat the

whites, and Sam eats the yolks.

egg white

egg yolk

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 9. Which word belongs?

Complete each group with a word or phrase from the word pool that has a similar

meaning to the other words in the group.









little by little


small cake


1. damp, wet, _________________________________________

2. evacuate, escape, _________________________________________

3. afraid, frightened, _________________________________________

4. oil, fat, _________________________________________

5. smell, aroma, _________________________________________

6. sign, symbol, _________________________________________

7. donut, beignet, _________________________________________

8. heat, fry, _________________________________________

9. ruin, destruction, _________________________________________

10. gradually, slowly, ________________________________________________

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Worksheet 10. Crossword

Complete the crossword puzzle. Use the clues to figure out the words. All the words

are from Chapter 11. Write the correct words across and down. Write one letter in

each space.


3 The _____ is yet to come: more bad things will happen.

5 Get ______ of it; throw it away.

6 Put that ______ until later.

7 Directions for cooking something.


1 Until further _________; until you receive new information.

2 Little by little.

4 At a snail’s pace ____; to go very slowly

8 Symbol

1 2



5 6

7 8

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rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

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Answer Key Worksheet 1 1. b. damp

2. a. coming near

3. a. made a strong suggestion

4. a. leaves a place to be safer

5. b. afraid

6. b. pay attention to advice

7. b. notices about a danger

8. a. moved very slowly

9. b. the worst thing was about to happen

10. b. saved

11. a. stuck

12. b. when you learn something new

13. a. spread out

14. b. very surprisingly

Worksheet 2 1. a. a blog on the Internet

2. b. the effects of the hurricane

3. b. Lara and her family left New Orleans before the hurricane.

4. b. She saw and heard about it on the news.

5. a. The floods that followed the hurricane

6. a. Most people didn’t have electricity.

b. Most people didn’t have refrigeration.

c. Most people didn’t have water.

f. Many people were evacuated from the city.

g. Many people were stranded, stuck, in the city.

7. b. She got a teaching job in Miami, Florida.

8. a. She misses New Orleans very much.

Worksheet 3 1. camp

2. hurricane

3. approach

4. mayor

5. escape

6. devastation

7. evacuate

8. rescue

9. warning

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Worksheet 4 1. T

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. F

6. T

7. T

8. T

9. T

10. T

Worksheet 5 1. c

2. i

3. e

4. j

5. b

6. h

7. d

8. f

9. g

10. a

Worksheet 6 1. square

2. sugar

3. salt

4. liquid

5. mixture

6. dissolve

7. flour

8. aside

9. surface

10. dough

1. get rid of

2. absorbent

3. too much

4. Sprinkle

Worksheet 7 1. spread

2. gradually

3. roll

4. mix

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rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

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5. dissolve

6. grease

7. boil

8. rid

9. aside

10. sprinkle

Worksheet 8 1. dough devastation

2. dissolved evacuated

3. escape heed

4. Roll sprinkle

5. spirit unit

6. excess renewal

7. restored rescued

8. melted scared

9. scattered powdered

10. beaten boiled

Worksheet 9 1. humid

2. leave

3. scared

4. grease

5. fragrance

6. icon

7. small cake

8. boil

9. devastation

10. little by little

Worksheet 10


3. worst

5. rid

6. aside

7. recipe


1. notice

2. gradually

4. pace

8. icon

Vocabulary Worksheets Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3

rd Third Edition

Chapter 11: Count / Noncount Nouns and Articles

Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce or adapt for classroom use.

Word List absorbent






















get rid of













































