Vocabulary Aims Checklist Language Analysis

© CyberBook AS | YDP SA Core Curriculum for English Teacher’s Guide Friends 3 Lesson 49 Can you dance? Vocabulary Aims Talking about ability Asking and answering Can you ...? questions Learning verbs for everyday activities Contents Grammar Present tense verbs Vocabulary drive, jump, run, Revise: dance sing Can you (sing)? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Checklist One master handout for each student (can + activities) Language Analysis Can youYes, I can. /kən/ No, I can’t. /kɑːnt/ Can is followed by an infinitive (without to) dance is pronounced differently in BrE /dɑːns/ and AmE /dæns/

Transcript of Vocabulary Aims Checklist Language Analysis

© CyberBook AS | YDP SA – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide

Friends 3

Lesson 49 Can you dance? Vocabulary



Talking about ability

Asking and answering Can you ...? questions

Learning verbs for everyday activities




Present tense verbs


drive, jump, run,

Revise: dance sing

Can you (sing)? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Ch



One master handout for each student (can + activities)

Language Analysis

Can you…

Yes, I can. /kən/

No, I can’t. /kɑːnt/

Can is followed by an infinitive (without to)

dance is pronounced differently in BrE /dɑːns/ and AmE /dæns/

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Warm-up Off the screens

1. Revise the verbs: jump, drive, dance, sing, run.

2. Ask one of the students to come to the board and draw one of the verbs (you may secretly write it for the student somewhere or whisper to his or her ear).

3. Other students guess what is being drawn. The student who guesses first, comes up to the board for the next word.

4. Do it with all the words above. In stronger groups you can add to the list: paint, ski, watch TV, play computer games etc.

Screen 2

Alex: Can you jump?

Tablet: Yes, I can.

Tablet: I can jump! Look! You can’t


Servant: I can’t jump. It’s not fair!

Table: Can you run, Alex?

Alex: Yes, I can.

Tablet: Look I can drive, I can drive!

Servant: No you can’t!

Tablet: Can you drive?

Servant: No, I can ‘t!

Tablet: Oh hello again Alex. You can

run! Can you dance?

Alex: Yes, I can. La-la-la-la …

Alex: What about you? Can you sing

and dance?

Servant: La-la-la-la …

Exploit the scene by asking the Ss to describe what they can see. This will help students with pronunciation and meaning.

Additional activity 1:

In stronger groups you may ask comprehension questions (or help students give the answers) e.g.

Can Tablet jump? Yes, she can.

Can Servant jump? No, he can’t.

Can Alex drive? No, he can’t.

Can Alex dance? Yes, he can.

Can Alex run? Yes, he can.

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Additional activity 2:

Play role the whole activity – put students in groups of three, you may play the animation mute in the background to help them organize their dialogues.

Screen 3

Audio 1:

Alex: Can you jump?

Tablet: Yes, I can.

Audio 2:

Tablet: Can you dance?

Alex: Yes, I can.

Audio 3:

Tablet: Can you run, Alex?

Alex: Yes, I can.

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Audio 4:

Tablet: Can you drive?

Servant: No, I can’t.

Audio 5:

Tablet: Can you sing?

Servant: La lalala. No, I can’t.

Key: see pictures above (random


Screen 4

Key: 1 run 2 dance 3 jump 4 drive

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Screen 5

Audio 1: Can you run?

Audio 2: Can you dance?

Audio 3: Can you jump?

Audio 4: Can you drive?


1 Yes, I can 2 No, I can’t 3 Yes, I can

4 No, I can’t

After doing the task, ask Can you …? questions and students answer Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Their answers depend on the artwork that is enlarged.

Screen 6


Can you dance?

Can you sing?

Can you drive?

Can you run?

Can you jump?

Key: N/A

1. Let students play with the screen.

2. First they listen to the audio and then answer for themselves.

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Now it’s your turn.

This is a free practice stage. The aim is personalization. Tell Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions.

Now it’s your turn:

Students work in pairs and ask and answer the questions .

Additional activity: Handout

Put students in pairs first, give out the Handout.

They need to ask students about their abilities (dancing, singing, painting), collect their answers in the table. Make sure students know the word paint.

When they are done, change pairs, so that everybody interviews at least four classmates.

After the activity is done, ask a few random questions using students’ names, they should check their answers in the table e.g. Can Adam dance? No, he can’t. If the answer was written incorrectly, Adam should now shout: I can dance!

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Friends 3

Lesson 50 I can ride a bike.

Grammar &




Talking about ability

Asking and answering questions with can




Verb: can

Pronouns: I, you

Short answers


Ride a bike/bicycle/scooter, kick a ball

I can kick a ball. I can’t ride a scooter.

Can you …? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

swim, drive, dance, jump, run, draw, sing




1 master handout for each student (can/can’t – practice)

A set of visuals (flashcards) to present vocabulary

Language Analysis

Can – is one of modal verbs, used to talk about abilities. It can be used to talk about someone’s skills or abilities in general.

Can is followed by an infinitive (without to).

We can/can’t …

Can you … ? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.

can. /kən/

can’t. /kɑːnt/

It is important to note that it is not the ‘t’ sound that is so important when we pronounce the word can’t as t often gets lost in a fast conversation. One should be careful about the vowel inside. In AmE the vowel is pronounced: /æ/, in BrE it is /aː/.

dance is pronounced differently in BrE /dɑːns/ and AmE /dæns/

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Warm-up Off the screens

5. Ask students a few revision questions. Nominate students.

Can you dance?

Can you paint?

Can run?

Can you jump?

6. Remind students the two ways of answering: Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Screen 2

Boy alien [Spaceman]:

I can kick a ball.

I can ride a bike.

I can swim and I can run.

I can’t draw.

I can’t dance and I can’t sing.

Girl alien [Tablet]:

I can draw.

I can sing and I can dance.

I can ride a scooter.

I can’t kick a ball I can’t swim.

Exploit the scene by asking the Ss to describe what they can see. This will help students with pronunciation and meaning.

After watching it for the first time, play it again, mute the sound and ask students to chorally act out alien’s sentences. You may help by writing a few verbs on the board they should use: kick, ride, swim, draw, dance, sing, run, ride.

Use visuals to practise vocabulary.

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Screen 3

Audio 1:


I can kick a ball.

I can ride a bike.

I can swim and I can run.

I can’t draw.

I can’t dance and I can’t sing.

Audio 2:


I can draw.

I can sing and I can dance.

I can ride a scooter.

I can’t kick a ball and I can’t swim.


Servant 1 False 2 True 3 True 4 False

Tablet 1 True 2 False 3 True 4 True

After doing the task, Ss take turns being the boy/girl alien and talking about what they

can/can’t do. Then they compare the aliens with themselves. Enlarge the pictures for this


Screen 4

Lucy: Can you ride a scooter, Pat?

Pat: Yes, I can.

Lucy: Can you kick a ball?

Pat: No, I can’t.

Lucy: Can you ride a bike?

Pat: Yes, I can.

Lucy: Can you dance?

Pat: No, I can’t.

Lucy: Can you swim?

Pat: Yes, I can.

Lucy: Can you draw?

Pat: No, I can’t.

Key: 1 True 2 True 3 True 4 False

5 True 6 False

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Screen 5


After they’ve done the task, children can say if the sentences are true/false for them.

Screen 6

Spaceman: I can kick a ball. I can ride

a bike. I can swim and I can run. I can’t

draw. I can’t dance and I can’t sing.

Key: 1 kick 2 ball 3 swim 4 run 5 can’t

6 dance 7 sing

Give Ss the instructions for the Listen and choose activity.

1. Look at the verbs on the right.

2. Listen and drag and drop the verbs into the speech bubbles.

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Now it’s your turn.

This is a free practice stage. The aim is personalization. Tell Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions.

3. Listen and choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

4. Work in pairs – ask students to tell each other what they can and can’t do.

Additional activity

Give out Handout 1 with 7 pictures. Ask students to colour the pictures that represent

things they can do. After they are read ask them to work in pairs and tell their classmates

what then can or can’t do.

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Handout 1

I can…

I can’t …

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© CyberBook AS | YDP SA – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide

Friends 3

Lesson 51 Can he bounce a ball?

Grammar &




Talking about ability

Asking and

answering questions

using the can and

the 3rd person

singular and 2nd

person plural

Asking and answering questions with can – consolidation




Verb: can

Pronouns: he, she, we, they

Transitive verbs + object

Can he/she/they …?

Yes, he/she/they can. No, he/she/they can’t.


bounce/kick/catch/throw a ball




2 master handouts to practise vocabulary and can

A small ball that students will be able to throw, could be e.g. a beach ball or tennis ball.

Language Analysis

Can – is one of modal verbs, used to talk about abilities. It can be used to talk about someone’s skills or abilities in general.

Can is followed by an infinitive (without to).

We can/can’t …

Can you … ? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.

can. /kən/

can’t /kɑːnt/

It is important to note that it is not the ‘t’ sound that is so important when we pronounce the word can’t as t often gets lost in a fast conversation. One should be careful about the vowel inside. In AmE the vowel is pronounced: /æ/, in BrE it is /aː/.

Bounce /baʊns/

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Warm-up Off the screens

7. Give out Handout 1

8. Ask students to find the words in the wordsearch. You may need to pre teach the word bounce. You can draw a simple picture on the ball showing a ball that bounces 8 (an arrow to show it).

From left to right, top do the bottom, never across.

bounce (3 times)

catch (3 times)

ball (3 times)

throw (5 times)


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Screen 2

Teacher: OK, everyone. Can you

bounce the ball? Look – bounce ..

bounce … bounce the ball ..’’

Teacher: ‘Now, Sam. Can you catch the

ball? Good.’


‘Throw it to Alex, Sam – good, now can

he catch it? Yes, well done Alex!’

Teacher: Now, Alex, bounce the ball

and throw it to …

Kim: Me! Me!

Alex: Can you catch it, Kim?

Teacher: Can she catch it? Yes! Of

course she can! Go on Kim, catch the


Teacher: Well done everyone!

Exploit the scene by asking the Ss to describe what they can see. This will help students with pronunciation and meaning.

Listen and watch. Do it for a few times.

Ask students to stand up, take the ball and bounce the ball then throw it to one of the students. Act out the scene in the classroom. Repeat with as many students as you want so that everybody can take part.

Screen 3

Audio 1:

Jill: Can he bounce a ball?

Sue: Yes, he can.

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Audio 2:

Jill: Can she throw a ball?

Sue: Yes, she can.

Audio 3:

Jill: Can they kick a ball?

Sue: Yes, they can.

Audio 4:

Jill: Can she catch a ball?

Sue: No, she can’t.

Audio 5:

Jill: Can they bounce a ball?

Sue: No, they can’t.


See pictures above (random order)

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Screen 4


1 Yes, they can.

2 No, she can’t.

3 Yes, he can.

4 Yes, they can.

5 Yes, he can.

6 No, she can’t.

Screen 5


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Screen 6

Teacher: Can he bounce the ball?

Yes, he can.

Teacher: Can she catch the ball?

No, she can’t.

Teacher: Can he throw the ball?

Yes, he can.

Teacher: Can she kick the ball?

No, she can’t.

Exploit the scene by asking the Ss to describe what they can see. This will help students with pronunciation and meaning.

Give the Ss these instructions for the ‘Look and say’ activity. The aim is to practise a short natural dialogue.

5. Look at the picture and listen then drag and drop the phrases to the right place.

6. Repeat as many times as you want to.

7. Go to the next sub-slide.

Now it’s your turn. This is a ‘free practice’ stage. The aim is personalisation.

Students work in pairs and ask and answer Can you / he / she + bounce / throw / catch / kick the ball. …? questions for all the pictures.

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Additional activity: Handout 2

Give out Handout 2. Ask students to complete the sentences with the correct verb. Then to

complete the answers. You may ask students to check their answers with a partner before

doing a class feedback.


1 Can he bounce the ball? Yes, he can.

2 Can he kick the ball? Yes, he can.

3 Can she catch the ball? No, she can’t.

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Handout 1

Handout 2

1 2 3

1. Can he _____________the ball? Yes, _____________

2. Can he _____________the ball? Yes, _____________

3. Can she ___________the ball? No, she ___________

a w b o u n c e h t

c a t c h y h u b h

t t h r o w e w a b

h e w q i t r t l o

r b o u n c e t l u

t y t h r o w h a n

c u i h b b t t b c

a t t t a a h h l e

t h b b l l l r h t

c r b h l l l o t h

h o h a b t t w h t

w t c a t c h l l

t h r o w t b h t b

Bounce (x 3)

Catch (x 3)

Ball (x 3)

Throw (x 5)

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Friends 3

Lesson 52 We can speak English.

Grammar &




Talking about ability using the 1st and 2nd person plural

Asking and answering questions with can




Verb: can

Questions and answers


bounce/kick/catch/throw a ball, ride a bike, drive, draw, read, speak English Ch



Handout 1 – for T only to introduce and practise vocabulary, alternatively a set for each group

Language Analysis

Can – is one of modal verbs, used to talk about abilities. It can be used to talk about someone’s skills or abilities in general.

Can is followed by an infinitive (without to).

We can/can’t …

Can you … ? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.

can. /kən/

can’t. /kɑːnt/

It is important to note that it is not the ‘t’ sound that is so important when we pronounce the word can’t as t often gets lost in a fast conversation. One should be careful about the vowel inside. In AmE the vowel is pronounced: /æ/, in BrE it is /aː/.

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Warm-up Off the screens

9. Ask a short question at the beginning: Can you speak English? Elicit Yes, I can. OR Yes, we can.

10. Write a few verbs on the boards: dance, throw, paint, jump and drive.

11. Put students in pairs and ask them to practise these sentences. You may start with a model dialogue – one pair should do it as a sample, then a few minutes to practise.

12. Check it with some pairs and ask them to act their Q/A out.

Screen 2

Sam: Let’s answer these questions.

Number one – Can you draw?

Alex: Yes, I can.

Lucy: I can!

Sam: OK. So …Yes, we can.

Sam: Now, here’s a good question. Can

you catch a ball?

Sam/Kim and Alex: Yes, of course we


Lucy: Wait … I can’t catch a ball.

Sam: OK, Lucy. you can’t catch a ball..

Alex: Now, question 3 – Can you


Lucy: I can, you can, he, can and she

can so YES, we can dance!

Alex: And now, question 4. Can you

speak English?

All together: Yes, we all can speak


Exploit the scene by asking the Ss to describe what they can see. This will help students with pronunciation and meaning.

Listen and watch then ask students to role play the dialogue. You will need four students in each group.

In weaker groups you may need to display a caption from the animation e.g. 0:45 where it shows the questions.

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Screen 3

Sam: Let’s answer these questions.

Number one - Can you draw?

Alex: Yes, I can.

Lucy: I can!

Sam: OK. So …Yes, we can.

Sam: Now, here’s a good question. Can

you catch a ball?

Sam/Kim and Alex: Yes, of course we


Lucy: Wait … I can’t catch a ball.

Sam: OK, Lucy, you can’t catch a ball..

Alex: Now, question 3 - Can you


Lucy: I can, you can, he, can and she

can so YES, we can dance!

Alex: And now, question 4. Can you

speak English?

All together: Yes, we all can speak



1 Yes, I can. 2 No, you can’t. 3 Yes, we

can. 4 Yes, they can.

Listen again, ask students to choose the correct answer. Listen again to check the answers. Do a class feedback to double check their answers.

Screen 4

Audio 1:

Man: Can you kick a ball?

Pat/Alex together: No, we can’t.

Audio 2:

Man: Can you dance?

Man/Woman: Yes, we can.

Audio 3:

Man: Can you drive?

Man/Woman: Yes, we can.

Audio 4:

Man: Can you speak English?

Man/Woman: Yes, we can!

Audio 5:

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Man: Can you draw?

Man/Woman: No, we can’t.


1 False 2 True 3 True 4 True 5 False

Additional activity

Display the enlarged picture again.

Write the following verbs on the board: kick, dance, drive, speak. Put students in pairs and ask them to practise the conversation.

Screen 5

Key: 1 kick 2 scooter 3 run 4 bounce

Kick, dance,

drive, speak

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Additional activity: Handout 1

Prepare six pictures as a teacher’s set. Ask one of the students to come to you, show the picture, ask the student to mime/show so that the class get guess the word. The words are: kick, scooter, run, bounce, catch, throw.

In stronger groups you may wish to copy the set, put students into groups of four or five, and let them play with the cards, you then only need to monitor. They might also add their own cards to the game (draw them and put them all in the cap or bag) to make the game a bit more challenging.

Screen 6


Can you draw?

Can you catch a ball?

Can you drive?

Can you speak English?

Can you sing?

Key: 1 Yes, we can. 2 No, we can’t.

3 No, we can’t. 4 Yes, we can.

5 Yes, we can.

Give the Ss these instructions for the ‘Listen

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and say’ activity. The aim is to practise a short natural dialogue.

8. Look at the picture and listen to the question, click one of the answers: Yes, we can. / No, we can’t.

9. Repeat as many times as you want to.

Now it’s your turn. This is a ‘free practice’ stage. The aim is personalisation.

1. Students work in groups of four.

2. In pairs first they write Can you …? questions in a notebook.

3. They ask the other pair their questions.

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© CyberBook AS | YDP SA – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide

Friends 3

Lesson 53 I can’t swim but I can run. Pronunciation



Speaking and pronunciation skills




Verb: can / can’t

Strong and weak sounds


Everyday English: What can we do? I know!




2 master handouts – one per pair or for individual work (can + everyday activities)

Language Analysis

Can – is one of modal verbs, used to talk about abilities. It can be used to talk about someone’s skills or abilities in general.

Can is followed by an infinitive (without to).

We can/can’t …

Can you … ? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.

can. /kən/

can’t. /kɑːnt/

It is important to note that it is not the ‘t’ sound that is so important when we pronounce the word can’t as t often gets lost in a fast conversation. One should be careful about the vowel inside. In AmE the vowel is pronounced: /æ/, in BrE it is /aː/.

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Warm-up Off the screens

13. Put students in pairs and ask to do a quick quiz.

14. Give out Handout 1.

15. They put ticks or crosses, then report to the class.

Ask a pair of students (but nominate one of them) Can you… (dance).

Yes, we can dance. / No, we can’t dance.

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Screen 2

Pat: We can’t run and we can’t jump.

Kim: No ... We can’t ride our bikes and

we can’t play football.

Pat: What can we do?

Kim: I know! We can dance and we can


Exploit the scene by asking the Ss to describe what they can see. This will help students with pronunciation and meaning.

Listen and watch.

Ask comprehension questions:

Can they run? No, they can’t.

Can they jump? No, they can’t.

Can they ride their bikes? No, they can’t.

Can they dance? Yes, they can.

Can they sing? Yes, they can.

Screen 3

Audio 1:

We can’t run.

Audio 2:

I can play football.

Audio 3:

He can swim.

Audio 4:

They can’t dance.

Audio 5:

You can sing.


1 can’t 2 can 3 can 4 can’t 5 can After doing the activity, ask students to listen

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and repeat to the sentences.

Additional activity: Handout 2

Give out Handout 2 – one for each student or pair. Complete the text of the first animation with the missing words. You can go back to the previous screen to check their answers. Then feed back as a class.


Pat: We can’t run and we can’t jump.

Kim: No ... We can’t ride our bikes and we can’t play football.

Pat: What can we do?

Kim: I know! We can dance and we can sing.

For weaker groups, give the set of words from the bottom of the handout, for stronger groups cut it off.

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Screen 4

Audio 1:

Ms Black: Can you sing?

Sam: Yes, I can. La la lalala

Audio 2:

Woman: Can you draw?

Boy: No, I can’t.

Audio 3:

Woman: Can you ride a scooter?

Boy: No, I can’t.

Audio 4:

Woman: Can you touch your toes?

Boy: Yes, I can.

Key: from left to right

1 Yes, I can. 2 No, I can’t. 3 No, I can’t.

4 Yes, I can.

Screen 5

Audio 1:

We can’t swim.

Audio 2:

They can kick a ball.

Audio 3:

She can’t kick a ball.

Audio 4:

I can swim.


1 picture of ‘can’t swim’

2 picture of ‘can kick a ball’

3 picture of ‘can’t kick a ball’

4 picture of ‘can swim’

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Screen 6

Pat: Yay! We can go out now.

Kim: Yes! We can run and jump.

Pat: We can play football!

Kim: And we can ride our bikes! But we

can’t sing in the rain.

Pat: Let’s go! We can sing in the rain!

Give the Ss these instructions for the ‘Listen and say’ activity. The aim is to practise a short natural dialogue.

10. Look at the picture and listen to the dialogue.

11. Repeat as many times as you want to.

Now it’s your turn.

Brainstorming sessions

1. Ask students to name as many things they can and can’t do.

2. Ask them to work in pairs first. Then feedback as a class.

3. Put their answers on the board (you may draw a table or two mind maps).

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Handout 1






play football

speak English

ride a scooter

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Handout 2

Pat: We can’t run and we can’t jump. .

Kim: No ... We can’t ride our bikes and we can’t

play football.

Pat: What can we do?

Kim: I know! We can dance and we can sing .

Handout 2

Pat: We can’t run and we can’t jump. .

Kim: No ... We can’t ride our bikes and we can’t

play football.

Pat: What can we do?

Kim: I know! We can dance and we can sing .

run, jump, ride, play, dance, sing, can

run, jump, ride, play, dance, sing, can

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Friends 3

Lesson 54 You can do it! Skills Listening



Practising listening skills

Listening for gist and specific information




Can / can’t practice


Everyday English: Yes, you can! You can do it!

Tell me about your family.




2 master handouts, one per pair to practise can

Language Analysis

Can – is one of modal verbs, used to talk about abilities. It can be used to talk about someone’s skills or abilities in general.

Can is followed by an infinitive (without to).

We can/can’t …

Can you … ? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.

can. /kən/

can’t. /kɑːnt/

It is important to note that it is not the ‘t’ sound that is so important when we pronounce the word can’t as t often gets lost in a fast conversation. One should be careful about the vowel inside. In AmE the vowel is pronounced: /æ/, in BrE it is /aː/.

© CyberBook AS | YDP SA – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide


Warm-up Off the screens

16. Ask everybody to write down three things they think they can do.

17. Put them in pairs, ask them to have a chat about things they can do.

18. Encourage to ask additional questions: Can you… Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Screen 2

Jill: I can’t ride a scooter.

Kim: Yes, you can.

Kim: You can do it!

May: I can’t kick the ball.

Alex: Yes, you can.

Alex: Come on, May. You can do it!

May: I can kick the ball!

Exploit the scene by asking the Ss to describe what they can see. This will help students with pronunciation and meaning

Additional activity.

1. Give out Handout 1 and listen to the animation again.

2. Ask students to circle the words they hear.

3. Encourage students to listen and repeat all of the words.

Key: ride, scooter, kick, ball, you can do it!

© CyberBook AS | YDP SA – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide

Screen 3

Man: Hello, Lucy.

Lucy: Hi.

Man: Tell me about your family.


All right. This is my dad. He can play


This is my grandfather. He can’t ride a

scooter, but he can ride a bike.

This is my brother, Ben. He can dance.

And this is my grandmother. She can


Man: Thank you, Lucy.


After doing the activity, enlarge the pictures and ask students to tell as much as they remember about the characters, help them with verbs.

© CyberBook AS | YDP SA – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide

Screen 4

Audio 1:

Woman: Hello, Ben. Are they your


Boy: Yes.

Woman: Can they sing?

Boy: No, they can’t.

Audio 2:

Woman: Is she your sister?

Boy: No. She’s my friend.

Woman: Can she play football?

Boy: Yes, she can.

Audio 3:

Woman: Is he your grandfather?

Boy: Yes, he is.

Woman: Can he swim?

Boy: No, he can’t. But he can jump.

Audio 4:

Boy: Look. This is my dog.

Woman: Oh! Can it run?

Boy: No, it can’t. It’s tired.


1 False 2 True 3 False 4 True

© CyberBook AS | YDP SA – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide

Screen 5


Hello. My name’s Anna. I can kick the


I like bicycles, but I can’t ride a bicycle.

I can ride a scooter and I can speak


I can’t draw or paint.

Key: (from left to right)

1 False 2 True 3 True 4 False

Screen 6


1 I can’t play football. My friends can

play football.

2 I can swim. My friends can swim too.

3 My sister and her friends can draw.

4 My grandmother can’t jump. I can


5 We can ride bicycles. What can you

and your friends do?

Give the Ss these instructions for the ‘Listen and say’ activity. The aim is to practise a short natural dialogue.

12. Look at the pictures and listen.

13. Repeat as many times as you want to.

Now it’s your turn. This is a ‘free practice’ stage. The aim is personalisation.

1. Students work in pairs.

© CyberBook AS | YDP SA – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide

2. In pairs first they write Can you …? questions in a notebook.

3. They ask the other pair their questions. Give out Handout 2 to make sure they have enough ideas to ask about.

Additional activity:

Play the slideshow from the last screen again, stop at each photo, mute the sound. Ask students to say what the children can or can’t do.

© CyberBook AS | YDP SA – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide

Handout 1

ride paint drive run bike scooter kick ball

throw you can do it catch

Handout 2

play football swim draw jump ride bikes paint

drive sing

Handout 1

ride paint drive run bike scooter kick ball

throw you can do it catch

Handout 2

play football swim draw jump ride bikes paint

drive sing