VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure

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  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure


    VMware CloudApplication PlatormModernize Todays Apps.

    Build or Tomorrows.

  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure


  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure



    Competitive organizations demand that IT leaders increase the velocity o new

    application development. By improving time to market, enterprises can more

    eectively address competitive threats, accelerate success in new business

    opportunities and meet business objectives. Business applications are central

    to many strategic initiatives. Thereore, it is imperative or IT to simpliy the

    development, delivery and management o new customer-acing and internal

    applications while ensuring that they meet evolving business requirements.

    Yet delivering increasingly sophisticated unctionality in shorter development

    cycles is dicult or teams relying on heavyweight application development

    and runtime environments that predate the cloud computing era. For example,

    development teams are challenged to leverage ull-stack Java Platorm,

    Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application servers. According to Gartner, a drastic

    application overhaul is required to eliminate redundancy, standardize business

    processes, consolidate solutions and establish platorms or tomorrows agile

    and growing business environment.1

    For IT leaders looking to transorm the application liecycle, VMware provides a

    customer-proven cloud application platorm or modernizing legacy applications

    and accelerating new, modern application development and delivery. VMware

    enables enterprises to ollow a pragmatic path that increases agility while reducing

    the complexity and operational costs o application development and delivery.

    Modernize Applications.

    Todays IT organizations are aware that modern applications are dramatically

    dierent rom prior generations and increasingly:

    Web-oriented Users expect access to applications and data rom a variety o

    sources, on a variety o devicesanytime, anywhere. This requires enterprises

    to provide Web-based access rom desktop computers and mobile devices.

    Dynamic To handle predictable and sudden unpredictable spikes in trac,

    businesses must deploy inrastructure that easily scales applications, pools

    resources, and quickly and automatically adjusts capacityadding it and

    releasing it, as needed. Businesses must also be able to easily recongureapplication architecture to ensure greater application speed or reliability.

    Real-time Business and government leaders want to make decisions based

    on real-time situational awareness. Whether the goal is to improve customer

    satisaction, create competitive advantage or identiy potential threats, they

    cannot aord to act on outdated inormation.

    Drive Application Velocity.

    Transorm Your Business.

  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure



    Data-intensive The volume o

    data fowing through businesses is

    predicted to grow by 5060

    percent a year.2

    Managing thisgrowth using a traditional relational

    database approach is costly

    because these systems are unable

    to scale horizontally. Organizations

    want access to real-time data

    delivered more cost-eciently and

    systems that can scale elastically

    as demand requires.

    Virtualized By enabling aster

    provisioning, virtualization allows

    enterprises to simpliy application

    delivery and urther reduce time to

    market or new applications.

    Modern applications will likely be

    deployed on virtual inrastructure

    or within private, public or hybrid

    clouds. Organizations must

    consider how to ensure that these

    applications are portable so that

    they can run in the most

    appropriate environment or

    business needs.

    Develop and Deploy Modern

    Applications with VMware.

    IT organizations need a new

    approach to application development

    and deployment to accommodate

    these modern application

    characteristics. They need a new

    model conceived and designed with

    the cloud in mind. As the global

    leader in virtualization and cloud

    inrastructure, VMware delivers it.

    The VMware vFabric Cloud

    Application Platorm is engineered

    to enable IT to eciently build, run

    and scale modern, data-intensive

    applications and deploy them inprivate, public or enterprise hybrid

    clouds. The vFabric platorm

    improves application delivery by

    intelligently leveraging underlying

    inrastructure or the highest

    application perormance, quality o

    service and resource utilization.

    Figure 1: VMware Cloud Application Platform solutions support the complete cloud

    application lifecycle.

    VMware Solutions Enhance Application Development, Delivery and Management

    IT is undergoing a transormation:

    Applications are changing,

    inrastructure is changing,

    and organizations are looking

    or a pathway to harness the

    promise o the cloud. Application

    platorms o today have

    markedly dierent requirements

    than those we have relied upon

    in the past. VMware vFabric is

    evolving to meet the needs o

    todays organizations.3

    Rachel Chalmers

    Director, Inrastructure,The 451 Group

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    Reduce Development Complexity.Modernize Your Applications.

    The typical IT organization has

    become relentlessly tactical in nature,

    driven by short-term imperatives,

    reports Gartner. The result is an

    application portolio that is aging,

    expensive and infexible.4 VMware

    solutions accelerate application

    modernization by reducing

    development complexity. At the same

    time, they dramatically lower costs

    and enable a fexible application

    deployment model that bettersupports users and business needs.

    Increase Developer Productivity with

    a Proven Application Framework.

    IT organizations have embraced the

    Spring development ramework to

    deliver high-quality, modern enterprise

    and Web applications. More than three

    million developers use Springnow

    the most popular Java development

    ramework in the world.

    Unlike legacy Java EE platorms,

    Spring speeds the creation o

    enterprise, Web and integration

    applications. The core values o

    Spring include increasing developer

    productivity, and ensuring

    application portability and quality.

    These capabilities have made Spring

    the de acto standard or developing

    enterprise Java applications

    or banks, governments and

    e-commerce, as well as or packaged

    independent sotware vendors (ISVs).

    The application development

    ramework o choice or 83

    percent o organizations with large

    development teams,5 the open

    source Spring ramework delivers

    dramatic advantages in every phase

    o the application liecycle.

    Spring signicantly reduces the

    amount o coding required, ensures

    high reusability o code, supports

    application portability and simplies

    application testing. A recent study

    shows that Spring accelerates overall

    development by more than 50

    percent compared with traditional

    approaches, greatly speeding time to

    market or new applications.6

    For enterprises modernizingapplications and moving to the cloud,

    vFabric with Spring provides the

    best path orward or developing

    mobile and social applications in a

    ramework already amiliar to millions

    o developers. New capabilities in

    Spring Mobile, Spring Android and

    Spring Social equip applications

    with the latest eatures to run on

    the newest generation o end-user

    devices. Spring Data Access adds

    the capability to interact with

    non-relational data sources such

    as key-value, graph and document

    data stores, as well as distributed

    data caches.

    Gain Deployment Efciency and

    Productivity with vFabric.

    When it comes to application

    deployment, platorm consistency

    can be a major challenge or

    enterprise development teams. For

    example, a production environment

    might run on legacy Java EEapplication servers, but developers

    still choose to build and test

    applications using a lightweight

    application server. The vFabric

    platorm includes an enterprise

    version o Apache Tomcata popular,

    lightweight application server

    that runs in production at some o

    Telecom Italia

    Using Spring, our

    development time,

    debugging and testing is

    reduced by 30 percent.

    This is a critical advantage

    because o our tight

    deadlines or prototype


    Marco Ughetti

    Senior Sotware Architect in

    the Inormation Technology

    Innovation Group,

    Telecom Italia

  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure



    the largest global organizations.

    vFabric leverages Tomcat at its core

    to simply and uniy development,

    testing and production environments,

    decreasing the cost o updates.

    The fexible solution also ensures

    consistent management.

    Reduce Costs with Lightweight

    Runtime Services.

    Lightweight runtime environments

    such as vFabric typically cost

    enterprises 6070 percent less

    than legacy solutions.8 They also

    enable greater application server

    consolidation ratiosat least two

    times greaterwhen deployed on

    VMware virtualized environments.9

    Purpose-built to support applications

    developed with modern rameworks

    such as Spring, vFabric provides

    superior scalability, perormance,

    management and system utilization.

    Unlike traditional Java EE servers

    with large disk and memory

    ootprints, the vFabric platorms

    lean architecture maximizes disk,

    memory and CPU resources. When

    deployed with VMware vSphere

    the industrys leading virtualization

    platorm used to optimize underlying

    computing inrastructuresthe

    tightly integrated solution ensures

    that applications deliver unmatched

    deployment automation and sel-

    service provisioning.

    Figure 2: vFabric provides infrastructure consistency from development to quality assurance (QA)

    to choice of production locations.

    vFabric Speeds Application Development and DeliveryLinkedIn

    Spring is nonintrusive,

    allowing LinkedIn developers

    to concentrate on businesslogic and code, without

    having to worry as much

    about the inrastructure.10

    Yan Pujante

    Distinguished Sotware Engineer

    and Member o the Founding Team,

    LinkedIn Corporation

  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure



    Data in the enterprise is growing

    exponentially year ater year. To

    harness its value, businesses are

    seeking better ways to achieve elastic

    scale. They also want to simpliy

    database provisioning and enorce

    governance to improve security

    and eliminate database sprawl.

    Meanwhile, real-time access to data

    is now a business imperative.

    With most enterprise data storedin monolithic relational database

    management systems (RDBMSs),

    businesses are being orced to scale

    their databases vertically by adding

    larger machines in big quantities to

    handle the current explosion o data.

    However, this has increased license

    costs and management overhead.

    Todays enterprises want to scale

    systems both incrementallyby

    leveraging commoditized x86

    hardwareand dynamically, up and

    down, in response to variable data-

    consumption demands. Yet their

    RDBMSs are incapable o partitioning

    data; nor are they optimized or

    virtual or cloud environments.

    The latency issues associated with

    traditional RDBMS queriescoupled

    with the challenge o working with

    outdated inormationsubject

    enterprises to undetected risk and

    missed revenue opportunities. For

    example, a less than optimal userexperience with a travel Web site

    would likely result in a lost sale. Now

    imagine hundreds o lost salesall

    because o slow page rereshes and

    outdated booking inormation.

    IT teams must enable the regional

    and global distribution o very

    dynamic data. In business and

    government, the need has never been

    greater or IT to provide decision

    makers with a single, consistent view

    o data that is constantly changing.

    With data rapidly crossing borders,

    signicant events must be detected

    so that the necessary systems

    are updated and the appropriate

    personnel are alerted.

    Speed Data Delivery.

    As IT leaders look or ways to

    mitigate data latency issues and

    achieve real-time data capabilities,

    they are rethinking their database-

    centric architectures. To support

    cloud applications and to improve

    scalability and perormance while

    reducing costs, many are moving

    rom RDBMSs designed decades

    ago to non-traditional databases.

    vFabric improves high-perormance

    data management by delivering

    in-memory speed and dynamic

    scalability with the reliability, security

    and data management capabilities o

    a traditional database.

    Gain Elastic Scale and High-

    Perormance Data with VMware.

    Memory-based database technology

    which can complement or replace

    existing database inrastructurehas

    emerged as the approach o choice

    or global data grids and cloud data

    management. By managing datain-memory, vFabric is designed to

    handle exponential data growth and

    real-time data access and processing.

    It allows data to sleep in the database

    but to live in the data abric, so

    that data is always accessible and

    up to date.

    Take a Modern Approach to Data.Enable Real-Time Decisions.


    GemFire technology had the

    scale, fexibility and reliability

    to make our systems ourstrength.11

    Martin Davies

    Chie Technology Ocer,


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    With its built-in, distributed data

    management platorm, vFabric

    provides dynamic scalability, high

    perormance and database-like

    persistence. It blends advanced

    techniques such as replication,

    partitioning, data-aware routing

    and continuous querying to help

    enterprises achieve unparalleled

    perormance. It also includes

    database-class reliability and improves

    operational eciency with non-

    disruptive up-and-down scalability.

    Power Database as a Service

    or the Cloud.

    Frustrating to both developmentteams and database administrators

    (DBAs), the cumbersome database

    provisioning process has led

    to unprecedented database

    sprawl. vFabric oers just-in-time

    provisioning o ully congured

    databases in minutes. Included are

    built-in, automated policies to enable,

    monitor and test database backup

    and recovery, saving DBAs time and

    enhancing business agility. vFabric

    increases developer productivity

    by allowing a developer to use a

    sel-service portal to get a clone

    up and ready in minutesrather

    than daysregardless o database

    size. A series o vSphere optimized

    databases, beginning with the

    popular PostgreSQL, will allow ITteams to take advantage o virtual

    and cloud evironments.

    Figure 3: vFabric delivers in-memory speed and elastic scalability with the reliability, security

    and data management capabilities of a traditional database.

    VMware Delivers a Modern Approach to Data Management

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    VMware enables the delivery o

    enterprise private clouds, and it

    partners with more than 3,500 service

    providers to deliver compatible public

    cloud inrastructures. The vFabric

    Cloud Application Platorm provides a

    pragmatic path to a seamless, dynamic

    operating environment through a

    common runtime environment and

    common management services

    between clouds.

    To provide maximum fexibility or IT

    teams to deploy applications onsite

    or osite, VMware has established

    strategic relationships with leading

    service providers including Bluelock,

    Colt, Terremark, SingTel, CSC and

    Verizon. These partnerships deliver

    application portability and enable

    developers to quickly and easily

    deploy Spring applications on their

    choice o public cloud platorms

    powered by these VMware vCloud

    Datacenter service providers.

    Developers can dynamically move

    Spring applications, as needed,

    between a private cloud environment

    and VMware enabled clouds hosted

    by vCloud providers. In act, all ve

    cloud service providers placed in the

    leaders quadrant in the most recent

    Gartner, Inc. Magic Quadrant or

    Cloud Inrastructure as a Service and

    Web Hosting12 are partially or wholly

    VMware based.

    This integrated approach bridges

    private cloud application services

    with available public cloud services,

    enabling enterprises to achieve the

    ull fexibility and benets o cloud

    computing. The result is a hybrid

    clouda model that oers the best o

    both worlds at the lowest total cost,

    without compromise.

    Hybrid clouds enable lower IT

    spend through virtualization andconsolidation, optimized workload

    sourcing, optimized provisioning, and

    higher productivity in application

    development and maintenance.

    According to recent VMware

    and EMC research, hybrid cloud

    deployment would typically reduce

    total IT spend by approximately

    2030 percent.13

    Experience Freedom o Choice.Deliver Portability Between Clouds.


    The development

    community has chosen

    the Spring Framework or

    the development o Java

    applications due to the core

    tenets o productivity and

    application portability. As

    organizations move business

    processes to the cloud, they

    identiy ideal workloads to

    transorm, and we are giving

    them a simple, secure and

    managed inrastructure

    upon which to run those

    applications, on a platorm

    that is optimized or Spring


    Siki Giunta

    Vice President Cloud Computing

    and Hosting Services,


  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure



    Meet Your Business Needs.Let Licenses Match Your Use.

    VMware understands how important

    it is or businesses to rapidly and

    cost-eectively respond to changing

    requirements. Whether your

    enterprise needs to meet seasonal

    demands or react to a specic

    market, customer or competitive

    development, VMware oers the

    right vFabric sotware conguration,

    at the right price.

    The unique vFabric licensing andpricing model allows enterprises to

    purchase application inrastructure

    sotware based on virtual machines

    rather than physical CPUsand to

    pay only or the licenses in use. This

    model eliminates the decades-old

    need or organizations to purchase

    excess sotware in anticipation o

    peak loads, incurring signicant costs

    and allowing sotware licenses to sit

    dormant outside o peak periods.

    The model closely aligns with cloud

    computing deployments that directly

    link the cost o sotware to use,consumption and the value delivered

    to the organization.

    Figure 4: The vFabric licensing and pricing model enables enterprises to purchase application

    infrastructure software based on virtual machines and to pay only for the licenses in use.

    vFabric Includes Unique Licensing and Pricing Model

    With Java EE being a major

    platorm on enterprise, a good

    PaaS platorm like vFabric is

    very exciting. This gives a lot

    o choices or existing JavaEE-based applications to move to

    the cloud.15

    Cloud Computing Journal

    March 20, 2011

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    Todays applications are increasinglydeployed to pools o virtual

    inrastructurenot physical

    machinesmaking the legacy

    approach o licensing application

    inrastructure based on physical CPUs

    decreasingly relevant. On virtualized

    inrastructure, an application may be

    running on a server with our CPUs

    at 9 a.m., but when employees log

    on during their lunch hour at noon,

    the application will be automatically

    moved to a server with 16 CPUs.

    With vFabric virtual machine-based

    licensing, enterprises simply license

    the number o virtual machines to

    run vFabric components, as needed.

    Additionally, licensing is based

    on average use, rather than peak,

    which allows or predicted andunpredicted usage spikes without

    requiring enterprises to license

    based on the high-water mark o an

    application workload. For example,

    i an enterprise licenses 10 vFabric

    virtual machines, it can burst to use

    signicantly more virtual machines

    than 10 as long as over a 12-month

    period, the average usage is 10 or

    ewer virtual machines.

    Only VMware allows vFabric license

    reuse across dierent types oserversto support application

    inrastructure reconguration oten

    resulting rom time-to-market

    pressures that require releasing

    applications early and oten.

    vFabric Enables Deployment Flexibility and Speeds Time to Market

    Figure 5: Only VMware allows vFabric license reuse across dierent types of servers in support

    of enterprises that need to recongure their application infrastructure.

    The VMware vFabric licensing

    model is per VM (virtual

    machine), and is based on

    average VM usage during a

    twelve month period rather thanthe high water-mark, allowing an

    option or bursting during peak



    June 14, 2011

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    Explore Cloud Development.Try Cloud Foundry.

    For enterprises well into their journey

    o application modernization and

    high-perormance data management,

    VMware oers Cloud Foundry. Cloud

    Foundry is the open Platorm as a

    Service (PaaS) project initiated and

    managed by VMware. It supports

    multiple rameworks, cloud providers

    and application servicesall on a

    cloud-scale platorm.

    The perect complement to internalvFabric deployments, Cloud Foundry

    streamlines the development,

    delivery and operation o modern

    applications. It signicantly enhances

    developers ability to deploy, run

    and scale their applications in cloud

    environments while embracing the

    widest choice o public and private

    clouds, industry-standard high

    productivity developer rameworks,

    and application inrastructure


    Traditional application deployments

    require developers to congure

    and patch systems, maintain

    middleware and worry about network

    topologies. Cloud Foundry enables

    developers to ocus their attention

    on applicationsnot machines or

    middlewareand deploy and scale

    applications in seconds.

    Cloud Foundry supports MongoDB,

    MySQL, Redis and RabbitMQ today,

    with additional services being

    continually added. A ull catalog

    o current and uture services is

    available at www.cloudoundry.com.

    Figure 6: Cloud Foundry is the industrys rst open PaaS.

    VMware Supports Freedom o Choice

    Cloud Foundry streamlines

    the development, delivery

    and operations o modern

    applications, signicantly

    enhancing the ability odevelopers to deploy, run and

    scale their applications in

    cloud environments while

    embracing the widest range

    o public and private clouds,

    high productivity developer

    languages and rameworks and

    application services.17


    April 12, 2011

  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure



    Enable Your Cloud.Team with VMware.

    Cloud computing is transorming

    application development. It is helping

    enterprises create competitive

    advantage through improved

    response to increasing business

    demands. Virtualizationthe

    undamental technology enabling

    cloud computingprovides the critical

    rst step in transitioning application

    development and delivery to this new

    model. More than 250,000 customers

    rely on VMware virtualization andcloud inrastructure solutions to

    reduce capital and operating costs,

    and to increase business agility while

    preserving reedom o choice.

    As enterprises move to the cloud, they

    are choosing the vFabric platorm

    to eectively transition their legacy

    applicationsand to architect new

    cloud-ready applications more

    eciently to realize the ull benets

    o IT as a Service. With vFabric,

    organizations are increasing the

    reliability, availability and scalability

    o applications and enhancing

    application portability between their

    private clouds and VMware enabled

    public clouds. They are also improving

    application perormance through

    advanced management, monitoring

    and optimization.

    VMware cloud application platorm

    solutions allow your enterprise to

    increase the velocity o new application

    development and transorm your

    legacy application portolio. The

    VMware approach preserves your

    existing investments and supportsyour unique business requirements.

    With VMware, you can enable the

    most important cloudyour cloud

    accelerating IT and the value your

    development organization provides

    to your business.

    Your Cloud.

    Modernize Todays Apps.

    Build or Tomorrows.


    Build modern, Web and

    enterprise applications inless than half the time of

    traditional approaches.18

    Deliver cloud-ready

    applications that are

    optimized to run on virtual

    and cloud infrastructure.

    Enhance application

    portability between public

    and private clouds.

    Overcome relational

    database bottlenecks and

    enable real-time data.

    Increase the reliability,availability and scalability

    of applications.

  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure




    GenoveseJuly302002 IDCWorldwideDataProtectionandRecoverySoftware200204ForecastCloudDeduplicationand


    3 VMwarePressReleaseVMwareIntroducesCloudApplicationPlatformtoDriveITasaServiceAugust3200

    4 GartnerIncKeyIssuesforApplicationStrategyinApplicationOverhaulAndyKyteJuly2200

    5 EvansDataCorporationSpringUsageGuide2009

    6 EvansDataCorporationSpringUsageGuide2009

    7 VMwareCaseStudyTelecomItaliaSpeedsDeliveryofInnovativePrototypeswithSpring200


    9 RedwoodConsultingCloudMiddlewareTotalCostofOwnershipReportMarch20

    0 VMwareCaseStudyLinkedInEnsuresPositiveUserExperiencewithSpring200


    2 GartnerIncMagicQuadrantforCloudInfrastructureasaServiceandWebHostingLydiaLeongandTed


    3 GartnerIDCmarketdata;GartnerITKeyMetricsData2009;EMCandVMwareteamanalysisSaaSPrivatecloudand


    4 CSCPressReleaseCSCTrustedCloudFeaturesVMwarevFabricInfrastructureForJavaSpringApplications


    5 CloudComputingJournalWindowsAzurevsVMwarevFabricSrinivasanSundaraRajanMarch2020

    6 InfoQVMwareAnnouncesvFabricCloudApplicationPlatform5SimpliesLicensingandDeploymentCharles


    7 eWeekVMwareLaunchesCloudFoundryOpenPAASSolutionDarrylTaftApril220




    VMware vFabric Cloud Application Platform solutions include:

    Spring- The most popular Java development framework in the world.vFabric Web Server - A high performance, scalable and secure Apache

    HTTP server.

    vFabric tc Server - An enterprise version of Apache Tomcat optimized for Spring

    and vSphere.

    vFabric RabbitMQ - The leading open source implementation of the Advanced

    Message Queuing Protocol, it enables a cloud ready approach to messaging.

    vFabric SQLFire - An in-memory SQL data solution with horizontal scale and

    lightning-fast performance.

    vFabric GemFire- Fast, secure, reliable and scalable access to data in support ofmodern enterprise and cloud applications.

    vFabric Data Director- Powers Database as a Service (DBaaS) by securely automatingroutine tasks, including database provisioning, backup and cloning.

    vFabric Postgres - A vSphere optimized ACID and ANSI-SQL relational database, it is the

    frst o a broad range o commercial and open source databases to be supported by

    vFabric Data Director.

    vFabric Hyperic - Proactive performance management of custom applications

    through transparent visibility into modern applications deployed across

    physical, virtual and cloud environments.

    Cloud Foundry - The industrys rst open Platform as a Service (PaaS).

  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure


    Learn More

    Contact VMware

    3401 Hillview AvenuePalo Alto, CA 94304



  • 8/3/2019 VMware Cloud Application Platform Brochure



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