vMnl0 -...

VOL. XXV. LOST AM* KEYS, 0> PUBLISHED EVERT MOUSING (3uxh U>-» cxccpUdjby THE EXPBESS PKIS.TINO CO. KO. 14 E. S W A fc TREET. Delivered by cmrrtar in th® city or *#nt by meil........................ 110 «0 annum. VN.«»> r ipreai, by n u ll ......... 1 >< do BUSINESS DIRECTORY.1. I OVf A I'.I > '.H OF A AMK, BUSINKSS A ND LOCA TION ON TUN | J jjsln »t , betw® n A/neri an Bio k ai;d Sen* LHADJ.SU UOUSKS ON DUFF ALO. te *» u-tween Main a d Michigan rf, Tne flmit-r *• • i.•; iawarded by leaving iLttn al 4 (Tbo*® of our reader* wbo max® pu/cbiM in liuf- Ju L,,,v ,, It ai" by o ittin* thi* out aud i<sin<( ■ ' a* a relerenoe, i - --- —— i w.ll ’•*»• tu.*® and trout*® Th* Selection bae bewi. ar«(u-> load* and uair.ctly ElK4»T'.LAnfl. | T OST-A LADI EV AM ETH 1ST PIN AIM HITECTS attach* I to a black bow, near 60 Sixth t ’. RUh K. PORT fcK, Sou Mau* rf AG’L IMPLEMENTS, ( ASTIM.*, AC. UOAAJID IRON * OAM.H, Chicago near OausL BANKERS. H. W. HURT A U , Ra*** cor|h*ue«a. BLIND HINGES. FINE CASTINGS, kc. ul .a i K a *" . ' r Niagara Ind Viripaia et*. BOOK4 AND STATIONERY. M AJvTI> 1A . LA j H. Ba5 Maui Kn -a i hadnfcK * BRO., 447 Main,cor Mohawk, h i.' i I* * LENT, Z40 Rail and tf O. beneca. I . i i OTIS, iaa Rain. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, AC. tOU L>A>bW‘>Ou H JullK'RON, *00 Mato. u m ia lY a J s.s k r., zuu and -an Main. BOOTS k SHOES. A. L. ICilRYVKK, 286 Ma.n . A-.1 l .- H. JEW KIT, 40# Maui. BLANK BOOK MA N I F A Cl U KE It. 1. L. CHICHESTER, IM ar.d 198 Washington. ONKECTIONEKS, (VVh.,le«*l. A K«Uil.) w H ».l CLOCK a CO., Iti 8. Dtvi*. -a. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, FEATHERS J L A J . KOOK, Lpb«. rfcrer*, 476 Main CARPET FITTER. ft. P‘ IM.IPM, «*« Main et. ) CONFECTIONERS, (Wholesaln.) THK BUFFALO EXPRESS, vMnl0 MONDAY. MAY 30. 1870. NO. 8294. U. :nk HKAK.hK, dl bwueia. wkNKKK, 450 ka:if-,|,| ^*D Tifft H.a»«. CHINA, CLASS k CROCKERY. U- n i l AW <*NKILL, $19 Main. OKU. E. NEWMAN, 441 Rain. CARRIAGES. . AHVKYfc WALLACE, Lock noar Courier House. CRACKERS, AC. B oVEIfd A SON. 166 and 107 Kllicott. COAL, (W hoiosai* and Retail.) f « ;f ..LirnKV fc CO., ■•■r Kri® and Terraco. OK »Rof. 1»AKIN, A|(t., Foot Geiio* *. COFFEE A SPICE MILLS. CHAhK A CO., 331 Main iqqeieite Cfcurches. COAL AND PIO IRON. Cl. It, WILHON & CO., (M i Obi,* cor Mi-*,«ipul. K. .. Hf liHTHOM, 2 Cumuitrcial Wharf, foot of M n lUuet. dry noons. l*OI)lBK«T fc Co., 192 Mam. DRAPERS* TAlfXJRS. H. H. THY Oh, *94 Mam DYER AND RENOVATOR. *.U< AH CHKnTKR, 4uh Main. ENVELOPE MANLFACTLRERS. II H HRoSnKK, Ti W. b *»n. E NO KA V KR S »> N VV OO D. ULo D. w .'OMTMAN, WO Main. F a Nc Y GOODS, AC. VOIA1KR. RIKHL. * CO., *M Main. h r :. ITI'RE, AC. ISAAC l> WHITE, »7 -,»m- K. BHISToL ft CO., 2tf i Mam FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. W. H. COHB. Terrace cor Erana. FRUIT AND OYSTERS. PLATT FK1 IT CO., 267 Waabn.ift..!^ FINE BRASS CASTINGS. B1KPAM) MKAHS KOL'NDKV, 70 fcaOian*®. GLASS AND PAPER SHOW CARDS. J . p. ll lPKMAN, IB Kbeneca M t up tftalra. GUO( ERS, ( Wboleaihie.) A > ,^-rwr. findirif u will I m >ku ta ■ y r.tu'Tiiurf i* t.*tbe ab ve number. tre^t rded b, eX7 3t Ay'ANTED —$20,000 OF THE STOCK * T of tne Mai ufacturen and Tradera* Bar.k Apply to J till JUOTTO h.Hearlel ®6 A '^ GENTS WANTED—RARE CHANCE • e». Hometiiimr new Call at tn»- Koffal 1 • faJ utfl'.-e, Mi . at. - Hull. ... N V » 6tf »• K IP FKM4LF.S. NIAGARA ST.—WANTED, A GIRL f *rK< ntr*i housework in a family of three e*7-*t EAST EAGLE ST.—WANTED, AN JO .) Johnson plac*,—vvamed, « aairlt <do||e eral iiouaeeori. M. JOiIN.VIh :< i . o G Rot 'ERS (Wh'ileMla And RctKil.) P.. l> Ohu • " 1 ge .s r> ADCiboN I* ft. .AWIil. ' n------ MOTT dl BLN r.l* v *• * '' ' ' GI'NS A ND JEvVKLKY. J. O. BOBHON * t^» . ■ HOT l LS. BONNLY’9 UoTKL, ei.r Wa«ni.'W n and Carroll. HARNESS, SADDLES. AC. J. a. LYTLK A SON, A) «C*< * p'UK N lsll I NG GOODS. >TiK'r'OKIl :t»: M-in. pfMMite Man* I Rl’lN , a C . or W. Swan. HELP BALE . W anted—AH intelligf.ni and rffh lent xer.e-aJ aveut tor an earnest, pro gT*»« vt audj op . ar I i!e Ir.» ranr i injwr f .r in* ' i.mtie, of |r.«, Myomin/, Cnatauq..*, cattarai. iT'i- *.r **4 All»K^:iy. Aililren* t .-day ‘ insurance t*f- ice," TMft Mwua U rANTED liENEK vi. AGE • I a ant a flrai cla* jjeueral aic nt to open a ret ail and whoba.le -t .rehouse in tb> city for ..ur linpr*.. ed Wlleon Shuttle Sewunr Macb'nei Fur i r iartici.ara f unuht-d <n appl . at .u Addreaa WI l.»i)N SKM INil m A CII 1.»K Ccr., t ,e»«ian«l O. rp viLORS wanted coat , pant A and Veet Maker* (Brat ilau «>nl ) wanted im n.ed atc.y al J VS. kbWiA.M) k C<r'n, Frai.klin, Vjl . tSO 4t U /'ANTED — AGENTS AND FED- ler» at Cue Tin Sbop 60 Kaal Sc-neca alrret. U r AN I ED-LM »*<rk on fl .u g ""l wage*. ApolH* U T ANTED JAPAN ERS GOOD COOPERS TO barrel®. Kt»».» work and ). W CKuWK1.L, 73_Mer- -A FIRST , ii ware; alao. one ,/ ler.iLf, Ac., to SITI ATIONS WAHTEU® thi. otflil A SITUATION AS Mther In the city or country, ea|*erienc*rd la*lv. Addr- ■« . e!3 JOAKIHVL AND LODGING. IOARD AND FURNISHED ROOM I ■A rr. d, weet aide of Mam at. Addr yy^AN rED BOA lire** IV*a ii. i j °:K, eia-i t RD life tm* r.—A FEW GENTLEMEN FOR A GEN a private family An md location. eCS- 2t i pri. Po-t. tii . " Tcrina m«*dera e__ | **• WEST SW vN ST. i- f ti PI-a NEAR MAIN n v. S, I>**')!», BK>. MUSK' I»I: \ Jr:IVKIT .v *tlti AC. HARD A AID C. V. MAI...Ill •<<*.. -M ii * -• 1 ’■ IIOKTONS A t KIP, *:<*r »*■ arl and Si r BIDNkYSll tPAHl* .x ' •. Mam TOWi.K. I v StlN.t.HS W a I>K W irrc . WKKDKCO .W* Main HARDWARE AND METALS. J'KATT A CO., *«. 4*v and 160 Term*. HOT AIR FURNACES. X. D. OILBKRT, 86 Main. HATS, CAPS AND FURS. f GKuKoCK, 60S Mam. BKltOT'**.I» VBKo., n i Main. WM W1P.U*HT. 321 Mm . IRON FOUNDRY. KAOLF. IKON WORKS, Perry.. r Mtadwippt. CLINTON IKON WOKK8 , Ciiurcii,o*»r Jackw.n. IRON rorNDERS. FSIIINKS, HOII.KH3 OK*> w. TIFFT, SONS A CO., Waah.iiKton,nrOhiO. IKON, NAILS. II. SI IKKS, Ao. PRATT X CO.. 40, 48 and 60 Terra... EAGER BEER, BILLIARDS, Ao. MICH A KL KOK81KK. 201 Mam >> t- LIGHT CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH, o. c. GODWIN, S.t3 and 336 Waahiiiftoii. LOOKISTI (.LASS, PICTURE FRAMES. HOWARD A Hi NITNO. 16 F. .Swan MALLEABLE IKON. FKATr * LlCTCllWORTH, 62 and 64 Terrace. MYIUILE mantles anu orates . c s I•ooPKfl, 611 D* !»w-vre. h HWART/ * CO., 303 Main. MARBLE * GRANITE WORKS. DBM MONK* KOKSON.Coni.r Cmirt and MnncM. MMS CKAWKollD. 1«7 and Inn Niagara. * 11LEIN ERY (Wholesale And RetaiL) { o ilK'KN.aw Mail. WOODWAKD, 4<h) Mam. MOURNING GOODS. * * CO, 414 Main. I.ERS AND PUBLISHERS. * 1 *A, a a Main. oK t, VN s lU''Oal»le Pipe.) acKxinK,rKiisui* KK1‘ * c,, ' w' 41 “J “ d u g VNS ME1 ODEONS, AC. ryl.nil. o [ [ s , , A1>, a P*»S*. 66 .nd 87 M.i.k ... PLAN I NO MILL*. POORS, SASH, AL. w. A. EVANS * CO., Mechanic. -M IS THUS A BLANK BOOK V,A.N'^ . ,„»£« juNits k sm ith.no ...j *•« w*. »'"«*“ rtr.o. PIANOS, MUSIC, AC. OO «T1RK A DENTON, 2B0 Main. PIANO MANUFACTURERS. O Kl UTZMAN. l'tt. losand UO luuvla. DEVIN KKt*8-.4«'l Niairara, oor Maryland. PAPER H VNGINGS, AC. ir h r: 'i-t m v,,Vi.., "I ,iV MU>»s.. •’ *•. Main. MKIIKKTT M '’ll<-I S. . Mau PHOTOGRAPHERS. ,, tfKiri UT, SSBMain. ? H livMlt. ^ru.V. .n.l Mil M.in, Sf KLF.S AND SAFES. m-KFALOSl ALK WORKS, tvl Main. SEWING MACHINES. WILSON d. M. CO., 276 Main, cor S'a. i GIBBS S. M (X>.. 14 S. Divialon W!la'<*.x ‘w , *p W. Swan. HOVA Ks ' n ‘OO., 401 Main. FLOIIKNI , EKY HX1;|,W.VRE. AC. NADI) a WORTH, 6* and 54 Terrace. , ' MANCFACTURKRS. SI E K II Vi ■»u^in. C. MACKENZIE, la ^lLqW WARE. STOVE Ht at. and Erie Cana BlA0 * CO., o*»r. Brace GLASS ST AIN F.D s WORKS, 29 Pearl. BUFFALO STAIN KO Ol.AS M O. L. BURNS. 208 Man.. SCHOOL FURNt lLKE- W. CHASE .t SON, 212 Seeerth. STOVES AND H A K »^v a k e * ■ HAW. FERRIS* CO., *48 Main RANGES. STOVES, FURNACES A S T I . SWARTZ k CO., 383 Ma.n. •jyXVIPL H. UUMPlIPJ5Y* Socceewoe 10 Jn0- Hnm_ phrey * Bro.. 80S Main X TOBACCONISTS. ?^ x A M ADAMS fc CO.,‘269Waahingt**®**^ OIBHON F. HOWARD fc CO., ilh) Waeh*n^V WATCHKS, JEWELRY A DIAMO.ND8 . PITKIN'S JBWF.LBY STUHB. *9J *•*“■ T A e. DICKINBOS.SM M.in. A , s ,•>, CASTLE, UB »«*■ BTEVaMaBB08.,4ia M.iil WAT "JH M AKERS A JEWELERS. JDLIUa ff iLKER, 2*7 M.Ll__________ _______ \ . ,'. i , A iiEN I'LEMAN ijleKisull.m.ncn ..l.uln will* a priiaie family. * 27 31 THREE PEE a TT .hed *r uufumUhed, with t few la.ile In-ard- n* de- cltf-M 128 ..a ... . board, witii pleasant room: *)»> j PEAKE ST I , ran bu hail. Also, FU K *4l,t H O I 8 KS. D tv-IKVBLE building lots fob «ALF.- 100"-2:6, i-eiaware it. K., 200 ft K. of North »L tba is. Linw> od avenue M , a. cor. Baker w. lltfxh***, Kdward at , cor. Virginia eZS LYONfcDtK’ R I ? #R rooa K SALE—A VERY DESIRABLE irnoat new houae oa Connecticut at between Teeth anti Eleventh «tr eta. The h"u contain* tf rwio* )*eaide* a large hx 1 and attic; b Vrxlldf T'-e above property wili be aold cheap \ applied for immediately. If not »old by the first o May wi I be r nt«d. JOHN OTTO. 81 Htarl at. J lOilAGEd FOK SALE—^ So 12fl Spruce at., lj-at.ry frame, lot 30x180 priae $1250 ><j 4«*3 8wan at , near aprln*, 1 -atory frame; pri .• $220 *. _ *26 _______ LYON' fc BAKER. Erie Land Office. Q ACRES OK LANI) EOR SALE AT A O bargain, on Limeat ne K <l«fe, between Whit* •Jorner* Pl«nk Kj.al and the Turnpike, with orchan •>f eeiecte i fru t. A very pi. aaa*.land de*irable tiori Pri $1600 Apply at No. 6 Ni*if»ra -t LEONARD WILSON X SON, Real Estate anu ln»’ir- aoc® Am n t a . ___________ Fl L JOK SALE AT A BARGAIN—4001 1 acres of land in Herkimer O unty, N. Y. fit* . ; artly ti'o < red. w.th gang -aw mill and maehin* r ■fall' • ids I .-j lire a: KDWAUUS fc BL'cKLAv I>, No. ? Prown * Ru-ldinr L^Oii SALE—291 NORTH DIVISION X? st., l-story * 1" 1 ,w®e»it; gaa, cellar and water Fn Divide** 1 * 1h-ap a* tbe j<a ty ii $2309. Apply to M . " Me OMB, No. I.IOR S A L E —'JSip hKNKL'A ST., *J r story mica, in good coodit' *n. Tiiis prip*-rt\ «ill he sold cheap v. the party ia g<ing u* the West If » • I within J o«ys wi 1lake *4'-* *. j dow ha ance easy. Apply to M. McCdMB, No; 6 South Di rial* n .*t. *■ ' I O TORE FOR SALE CHEAP—3-STORY IJ r r I -i : . No MS Bee ca at. Lot *8x100 ».!! he sold at a !*arga*a. HASTINGS fc OITO 4 Hrown’a Build ng. ______ L^OK sale —T H A T VERY DESIK f ai.le 2 st. r> w.th al earl st CIOR SALE—Tii 1? cottage. No. 3- yPark st , » ’ii gaa t 26x126. I'irjuir** at EDWARDS fc BLCKLAND’ n No. 2 Brown's Buil i g. ___ ___________ OR TC ble dwelling*, f-'i ,tc |s*s-es*ioii. Our May 1 now m*de up; also a n*'1 LEONARD WILSON . B f frame dwelling, No 42 Go*d- li st es. THE 1-STORY F i t AM It ! vWELLINGS FOR SALE « / KENT W o-1 -t of < iwel lings to rent ii t ofdw SON, No. 6 Niagara s»r*e I > R I( K DWKLLINC; M-"f.awk st., near F ile tt, ‘2 ie t hri.-V dwel iug; iias ga-. wa • >d order. LY‘*N A LAKER, FOR SALE story and b.»c .ter and ha’h; in 1 Br *•25 V/ OK S yi E NO. 18» EA r ry an.l at tin hr," dwelling: i.Yi Jn*. E A (iL E S l ’., *J grate*, mart hi er D.t 8"xlSl N \ HAKF.-r. Erie Land Offl ••. C* EN EC A ST. PROPERTY FOR SALE k j Rt a bargain. N - 414 Seneca *•., lot f.Othrough t.. l-ol-oni s t , with a 2 story b-itk house and i barns in r ar Thi- is a rare chance for a nulkniai or a n - *ther |>artv having husii ess in ‘hat l**i ation. Wiil l*o sold on li’ era, terms E -r further p*ru u iar* applv to II i MKfc SANFORD, 1« West Swan *t e25 NEW 1-STORY FRAM I ’arolina; cellar, tei nut. 170 R SALE N I JT ' .itta-je on T. i.t LYON h BAKER, Erie I and Offl« L*OH SALE OK TO EXCHANGE Fill, tills cit v ing Ju-t taril, out li qu re . - re-id*mi r in thi* ei' i..lity of land, lying ju as ii large orchard, o iw-*-et**ry hi ick bouse i*e sold ch* ' . HOWARD farm of 104 mt-i :c of tin ot the be«t i i.d three g**od HAPPKLL. DIVISION MOR s\LK l.W, S 'M 'T H D IV lsiO ' r «t . 1 st-.o I ..Itaji- lot 40x1 . 0, grapes ai.d fru’ trees. Th - i ■ iii ap.^1500. A, p y to M. McCO.Vi B No. Soth Division -t. rll FO H Sil.lv IA KU S: I J >R SALE OR EXOHAGF, -66 A< X of land, wi h good house and barn, fruit ED B l CHABi€ 8 BUSINESS PUOP1 RTY ur Snrin^s r<ad, wiiliin f< * ARDS -MBLCKLAND, No. 2 Br mhsfroi / 1EN rR AL U EUK -S \LK Merchants’ H *lel, ha' Kne ('anal, 41 fr t tending t rough to four stori nt iaiIv lm i ,,f br.ck. I LLI NEK Y STORE FOIL SALE eirable location with - '« k of good* amiable terms. UA 8 ITNGS A OTD»,4 Br wn Buihlings. t-M > r ii » r m : s \ m >( a r r ia g l s , sKi OND IJOR SALK I 1 hand phi® -n wagon, e. -nd ha'd coal ln*x wag> k C W. MILLF.lt. 3« CHEAP—A tgon. nearly new. M IM F I I, iN FO I S. IV rt’HER FIXTURES— tr..*West Forty-first st., near F FO K S i I. S’ . n o il SALE 2000 FEET OF LAND ON Apply to JOHN OTTO, hi r iart h I7DH SALE (*il X in Mam st , in a TO LET—A STORK genl location Will take a* vacart lot. Fnquire WARDS fc BLCKLAND, No. 2 Hr -wn's Burnt. _ 1 701: SALE LOT 35x100 FT., NORTH \\ am st. wi t -im near Allen. LYoN A 11AKKU. No. I Bmwn’s Building. d30 H OIKL PROPERTY FOR SALE—AT Pine llill, Cmiles from Batavia; huddirg is 8 stories frame. LYoN fc BAKKK, Erie Land Of rie. «• A li () GOOD ENGINE AND BOILER FOR at the Union Planing Mill. HOLLER A REC TENWALT, Corner C'hi LD PAPERS FOK SALK nd 75 rents a huudred. attl - AT 50 FMH SALEHIM SES. R SALE — THAT VALUABLE property on the south«c-t corner «»f Main and *. reels, w,th Urge ami tirM ' ■ass resnleor ifnL«hed. Also, several eh ga-t vacant I > i. adj unng the above property on the south. J*»llP OJT‘). 31 Pe irl St._______________________ e^3_ I tica i t s IN ESS » K u r i . u i t I | S ((1* SA L E—.Y1 ACRES OF LAND It I.EASE, know n a- the old j ^ in W* it Seneca, 4 miles from Main st., plenty aving a ironta.e ..f 103 fe*t rn, ,.f lr, L ,„, ,, ,„.u e an II arn. Inquire st ED- fc BLCKLAND, No. 2 Brown s BuildL T70R SALE OR EXCHANGE—32 1 ^«res .,f land under a fine state <*f cultivation, good hou-e and barn, nice fruit, well fenced, si uated mil* s ir-.iu Main strict on tin- Potter’s ( „ r u r - K .ad EDWAKDBfc BUCKLAND, No. 2 Bro*n’- Bmidng.____________________________ e28 T7 »R SALE—A FINE DAIRY FARM I <*f 2 0 acres, with good h use and barns, «d:u- a c in Colden Ci ntre, ah ut 2 uii’es from Colden EDWARDS A BUCKLAND, No. 2 Brow ft: ■ 11 e?b A LEN Dll) OPPORTUNITY—FOR e or exchange for improved city property, 1000 acres d laud iu Way ne Co . Mchigan, 25 miles from Detroit, part limbered and balance in flu** pnurc. Kir t mis apply t.> EDWARDS fc BULK* LAND, N... 2 B.owii’s Building. ___ e!7 Cl ARM FOR SALE —BEST GARDEN land in Eric County. Mist be sold to clou* K-res, 2 mil*-* from the C'ourt- W11 tie sold cheap by HoW'ARD fc CHAl’ ¥ PELL, 34.6 Mam nt n ARMS FOK SALE A GOOD F ARM 1 '.f 104 acres in the town of West Beneca [our - ml » half -ides fr ni Baffalo. 14-story !»■ ick hoipe, three hundred grafted good gla-s house, very cheap. HOWARD street. dll) OR EXCHANGE FOK .food gla-s CU APPEL. 3*8 Mu F njr sale city property or Weete'ii land®, 136^ n land along the Genesee River, al**>ut 5 iu os from 1’ rtage Impure soon st EDWARDS «L Lli'iv LA N••’ 8 , Keal Estate a* d Insurance Agents, Tru.-t and Loan Brokers, No 2 Brown’s Buil iing. e!7 ALE OR EX- i, 25 w«od land; il watered, fine orchard, new 2-story with barns, outhou-es, sheds, fce , r City pn*pcrty will l>e taken in e*sy terms. LEE fcPICK V FINK FARM FOR 1 V. chai all in good • EKING, 13 v , bnl. . Swai el3 T7ARM F( X 1 ..id ni"u il ..ng FOR SALB—31 ACRES OF »ted nn Ferry st, about 2 mile-* east of ith frame houa , splendid barn,-he Is, &r -chard . f lOOtf cwarf t^ar and 10-J appl* 4 ill h** s -Id cheap or will exchange for a goo.: 1. HASIINGS fc OTTO, No. 4 Brown s Build I IP.FIT FARM FOR SALE—36 ACRES X of land. 17i acres in apple orchard, he-idet other small fruit* in great abundance; ba’ance of land in tillage; large 2-atory farm house g ihI bam, fc. ; location verv pitaaant— J-mlle eaat ir>.m Me dina, Orleans county. A small property will I* ta'-en in part pay. Price of tarm $s*.(W . LY'UN & BAKER, Erie La* d Office. Fill LEE fc I’l' KEHING. 13 W Sum liii; S ale -NO. 119 SIXTH ST.. A D ESIRAHLK BRICK house FOR SALE- lj-at.*rv '.rick house, 174 Franklin »t. ga* and water. Lot 2.'* feet front lu an all.-y m r. ar. mill he sod cheap, terms easy. H\S1IN(*8 fc OTTO. 4 Brown’s Buildings_______________ d29 1 7IOR SALE.—A NEW AND FIRST . class 2J story reeidonce, with all tiie modern im provements; south side of Ferry street, west of Del aware. Lot 15i)x6o6 feet. Terms easy. F. BUELL, 9>n M 2 Hoilister Building I jlOR SALE ies, attic and ci 11 ur n; gas and A M .iil. w rol1* of w *u p* r r- m° r OT k i S . Hi: th.Ch«P &WSWJJ. 361 Main .t, *et- >’• » hh»d». in .nu 'le« v.r.ety, Floor OU Uotlu, ko. d9-eod-tf BRICK HOUSE. 2-ST0R- r, situate on Oak St., neai g ->d lot and Ram LYON fc BAKKK, Erie Land Othee. n ESIR ABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SA I K The 3-st rv hrick store. No. 3'Ju MldLlgau St.; upper fl or* finished for* dwelling, alth brl' k building iu rear and ga*. wa'er and ce! *r fc* »« f'®11adapted t<>hus’ .ne** or manufacturing rurno*es. i«** 25x100 to alley; will be sol 1 on rea»on- ihl7terma. U.aN 1 INGS fc OTTO 4 Brown « Budding. / v\E OF THE FINEST FARMS IN \ / Er e County for sale, consist:ng of about 120 a re , 10 a re* wood hi a .co ex- el <-nt soil und r a big . *?.it of cultivation, with »>rick dwelling, fine barti*. outhouses. fi*h pond, living water, and or chards of several i undred bearing tre.-s of every variety of fruit. This property can he bought very diet" ai.d on easy term-'. A ; ply to ,•1 ; I FF, v PICKERING. 13 W>,t9wan-t. TO LET STO KFS. TO LET-H«r«Es TWO STORY FURNISHED HOUSE TO ren’ within three minutes walk of the Pcsit- :Ec I - furu -bed throughout in gt od order; ha* , ' t n ace, fc; , and w.ll be rented cn reasonab.e i«ra< to a gocd tenant. HAbTlNGb fc OTTO, t B »i.’- B .:l - - g _____________________ *20 LET — TWO NEW 2-STORY frame h uses, fumi-hed c .mplete, situated on he *r>uthw*-pt c rner of Maryland and Twelfth st*. Wh te *ent*Kl cheap e30 T T> X fr D welling for sale cheap—a go>^I bargain will be given in the sale of the 2 story brick dwelling. No 427 Michigan st; 10 rooms, ga* aud water. LEONARD WIlBON fc SON, No. 5 Nlar»m *t e26 D wellings for sale or to rent cheap, with immediate poeaession— 8 ixth st.. No. 164, 2-story brick; 9 rooms, in Sue order; gxa and water. Sixth »t., No 408, l}-nory frame; 8 rooma. LKONABD WILHON &SON, e26 No 6 Niagara st. |7IN E r 136 ( RESIDENCE FOR RENT—NO. de ightful lo ati'.n. Will be rented low to a good tenant. LEE fc PICKERING, 13 Weat Swan ..treet. d23 ga DWELLING TO REN1—THE 2- ■-ia sv>ry baaement and attic buck dwelling. No. N iagara st., with gaa, hot and cold water and ■ath.aii :n good order. A convemcr.t lo at.un for a P'ofewtional or buaineas man. LEE fc PICKERING, 13 W. Swan it. el» h OARDING HOUSE FOR RENT— The large 3-story baaement and attic brick huii-i.ng,X<*.135 E. Seneca at.w ill l*e rented at a mod- rale rent. LKE fc PICKERING, 13 W. Swan st. d30 D ESIRABLE DW ELLIN G S TO RENT. lj-story brick, 32 Norris place, ga* and water. 1 f-story frame, 180 Clint n st, good cellar, gas and water. Apply to EDWARDS fc BUCKLAND, Ne. 2 Brown's Building e5 IT •'SIRABLE HOUSES TO RENT— With immediate pos*eseion, the 2-story brick house, No. 231 Seventh street, with gas, water, and cellar. Also, the very commodious 3-story brick Louse, No. 459 Frankli . street, very convenient, has gas, water, bath, ccller and *tal>le, and is finely located; a portion or the whole of the furniture now iti the houae can be bought cheap by the tenant if desired. HASTINGS A l OTTO, d20 4 Brown’s Building. F T KENT—'I HE FINE 2-STORY' ic dw* 11 ing No vo Norris Place, with bam . delightful l.’iatu n. V .be rented low to a good t-i.au*. l.EF. fc PICKERING. 13 West Swan st. el2 T7uR nALE 2 STORY BRICK HOUSE, X No. 2r>4 Franklin st., with every modern con- t jlO R RENT—THE NEW 2 STORY' brick house, with gas, water, bath aud furnace No. 5(tj Pro p*-ct Avenue A delightful location LKE fc PICKERING, 13 Wes* S van st. e5 A BARN IN THE REAR JOH el8 1 70 R RENT- ' of No lw* b oTTo, bl P. arl * X7 )R RENT—THE HOUSE KNOWN X H- h« I Erie Lan l Offli rented ard ,pf. I l*e g At.'vy House, on Muu > re* t, :Th ' rivdrge "f selling liquor** in ihe Tht n .■**■.- %large two-s’oiy frame, fitted a dwt ling. LY0-M8 fc BAKbR, F°r! 7UR REN I -A YERY DESIRABLE r»e, 294 Ninth st, 2-story fram®, nearly id wat r, in excellent order. JOHN oT- TO, 81 P-arl st. elO H ouses for renr by hum e a S \NFORD, 1(1 West Swan street. 56 Allen st, 2-story hr ck; bam, ga®, hot and cold water, bath, fur*.ace, etc. Delaware st, 3 story hrick; bam, gas, hot and cold water, bath, fum«c®,ete. 265 Pearl st, 3-story brick; ga*, water, bath, fur nace, etc ’0 Allen st, 2-stor> brMt; gas, water,bath, furnace, etc. yo Mohawk fuma- e, etc. Jersey *t., 2-st >ry brick; ga«, water, large ot. IS Court st, 2 story brick and basement; gas and -story brick; gas, water, bath. st, 3-rtory brick with basement; gas an-l water. 74 Cottage st, 2-story hrick with basement; gas. water, barn, »tc. 42 Chippewa -t,S-story hrick; r n and water. Si’’ Sixth st, 2-htory hrick, and French riM*f; (new) gas, water, hath. 44 Morgan st, S-story brick with basement: gas and water. 2i*4 Virginia st. 2-story frame; gas, etc, 131 7 a . oil st, 2-atory brick; ga* and water. 309 North Division st, 2-etory frame; gaa aud water. 26 Union st, 2-story frame; gas and water. 13 Allen st. 1-story frame with basement. 353 Eleventh -it, 2-story frame witn large lot. 75 1 ni*»n st, 2 story fram*:. 24 W ilkeson Ft, 2-story frame. 2 !) s. uth 1*.vision st, 2-story frame; water. 3 11 North Div hion ,t, *-storv frame; ciatern. Corn, r Vermont and Thirteenth »ts, 2-«tory frame, well and cistern. 235 Thirt* ei.th st, 2 story frame. Svsi Twelfth st. frame cottage. 251 Cedar st, frame cottage Seventh near Connecticut st, 2-atory brick; French roof, gas, wa’er, etc. 2 « Mackinaw st, 2 story frame; well and ciatern. 222 Miami st, fiam e cottage. 24 Arkansas st. frame cottaeg. d20 H o u ses to re n t by m. m ccom b, No. 5 South Division Ht. 835 Hudson st , 2-storv frame, gas, cellar and a g. oil web of water, finUbed in fine style. This is one of the finest locations in Buffalo; rent $400. 197 Geo gia st., 2-story brick, in excellent condi- tir.ii; eas,water and cellar; this is a very central lo- t ati .n; rent $450 62.* Swan *t., 2-story frame, house new; and flnish- e*l <ff in excellent manner with ali the modem im provement*; rent $150. Brick st*>re and dwe ling to rent in a good loeation for a family grocery; the same has a good hrick oven. 17URNISHED COUNTRY SEAT FOR 1 rent at Lewiston, on the Niagira River, con- dium sized dwelling, w r. s of land w ith a fin. shru ls ry, choice UowcrSjJruit and berries, a most .Ulitrhtful residence Wi l l*e rentetl c.mpUtelv um ished, f.»r four months or longer, with immedi- to |M>-sesaion. LEE & PICKERING, 13 W. Swan BRICK BARN FOR RENT—SITU- M O R T G U iE S. X T ITY AND COUNTY ORDERS, V J SUKiks, Bonds and Mortgages, Commercial Paper, negoiiated by EDWARDS * BUCKLAND, Real Esta.e a .d Loan brokers. No. 2 Brown’s Buiid- I ig. d26 1 >URUHASE M ONEY— MORTGAGES wanted by IN SC K A Y C e. T?1RE I r < ia-s loca 17ARMS ! FARMS—SEVERAL FINE I’ larg-* and small farm.* for sale or exchange. LEE fc PICKERING. 13 W swan st. hi dl5 ____ __________________ S fsiN E iS PROPERTY FOR SALE. 300x309..n Louisiana st., corner of Hamburgh st. ^ *200x300 on Hamburgh at.,corner wf Hamburgh it. Canal. 400x200 Erie Canal, comer Virginia »t. 197a 00 on Maryland it , corner Fourth rt ets LION A BAKER QESF.CA ST.—STOKE FOK SALE on 8eneea at., between Ma.n and Washington, 4-stor> br.ck. LYON fc BAKER, Erie Laud uft.ee. I70R RENT—STORE NO. 176 PEARL J. st., near Niagara st. LEE A PICKERING, 13 \\ est Swan st. e* _ O TORES NOS 83, '.*1 k 93 MAIN ST., IO to rent. Apply to JOHN OTTO, 81 Pearl st. rpo RENT — A FINE BUSINESS I stan 1 3 m es f- m Main St.. on Seneca st.. st re, dwelling an I bam. R* nt lo*. App'y w“*n at No. South I*-vis! n *t M. McCONB. e!7 INSURANCE—THE FIRST- id New Y'ork City Fire Insurance s’ at u«ual rate**. Losses promptly sd ld settled. At No. 5 Niagara rt. LEONARD WILSON fc NON. c24B HOI SE Fl KMSHING. GAS FIXTURES! GAS FIXTURES. D K T ICOODS. EXTRAORDINART INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS OP DRY GOODS AT BARNES &SBANCROFT. Our 25 Cent DRESS .GOODS COUNTER zz. !• xupplied at all time# with th# ^ £2 MOST DEoIRABLE 8TYI ES OP DRESS GOODS, |FRE(jUIKTLT WORTH 33 and 50 Centa per Yard. FRIDAY & SATURDAY .orj; each week We harel OUR 25 CENT COUNTER Of a variety of artlelee, aud AT GREAT BARGAINS, ENORMOUS SALES fc IN WHITE < PIQUES!! At 25 Ceuta per yard and'upwarde.. Black Alpacas, Embroideries, Glcv and Parasch. SHAWLS AND [WRAPS. ALSO, BLACK, COLORED AND JAPANESE SILKS! BARNES & BANCROFT, CASH HOUSE, e2fl 269 MAIN RTREET. MUSICAL II AUNTLNG IMAGE— Song for Soprano, composed by H . Sutter, prloe 30 centa. A very effective song for a concert, quite easy and haa aim. Gera an words. Lisetten Waltzes—Emil Wahle price 50 eenta. Amelia Polka Redowa—Emil Wahle.. do 30 do Among the best of Wahle’s compositions. We have just published the above and will mail the name on receipt of price el9 COTTIER* DENTON. 269 Main tt. C HRIS. KURTZMAN, PIANO MANU FAcTCRKR, corner Batavia and Elm sta., two square* from old Court Houae. The tubecriher keeps constantly on hand a choice assortment of Piano Fortes, lu elegant rosewood case®, which he warrants to be equal in tone, touch and finish to any manufac tured n the country. Persons desirous of obtaining a superior instrument are respectfully Invited to give him a ®aU before purchasing elsewhere CHRISTIAN KITRTZMA OTORK FOR RENT—BRICK STORE ►O No. 64 Ma n rt.. rhe p t" a g od te- ant D, 4 i.rowT.’s Building. TORES TO RENT- 64 Main it, now occupied by Ly n fc Flursheim. 84 West S*i.eca st, C. urter Ul vk. 99 Ellicott st, c*>r. of No: th Division. HASTINGS £ OTTO. d20 4 Brown'* Bu iding. TO LET —BLOOMS. Robinson k KoUKlTtts. M o a * 'a < n $ 4Aoo*ls. A eo.uplete a®*>>rtn rea^nah e prieea BUFF; vL(’ MOURNING STORK. 41 4 Main rt.. American Block. *ien«e in Lewiston.N. Y.; a fine house with 15 r-oms. built m the best manner, with eie<ant g.ouu.ls, urge s'a'-le, ct > i n n t - , ketitkfsl ch- mvte fin® drivel tn the vicinity.romantic scenery, 5 minute* drive from balls, on thn.ugh route to lo' ronto and Montreal, snd on L. O. Snore R. R., near deno" * > 1* 1 ®1 did home lor a family, or an elegant retreat Irom t’ie cit . ; sold low; terms easy Apply at Lewiston, v* JOHN OL1PHAXT. dfi-3.u T^tJOMS IOR RENT—THE UPPER jX part of a house pleasantly situated on Wadi- wor» »t. Inquire at No. 25 Wadsworth street. e3'-5t WEST CHIPPEWA ST.—TO LET. | tf Furnished rooms for one dollar per w®ek. Beffale Typ* Kowmdrj . . pviqTKK£r WAREHOUSK tumiibee every article required m the printing h.isine-t*. any #*- M »««,. a;*>. *S«**1 <•' OUkj •IM S, Glass. G1M4* 1000 Boxes Wlwd«w Glass, assorted Asea FLATS oSSa »«• stokbs »»b U,W » WHIT* LEAD, lw, bbls. L1SSSBD OIL. Fcr aale by T>°"* A. SBTNOLM * 00., -pvESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Kllicott st, 2-storv brick bouse, very desirable, in good order; price M * $ Mon st, house and lot; pnee $1» 000. Ninth rt, house and lot; price $3000. . . North Division st. be'ween Mich gan and theet- nut st*. 2 story brick house; price $66u0. HOWARD fc CHAPPELL. $48 Main st. pOR SALE CHEAP. Two new 2-etory frame houses finished complete; ga* v-My ac. eituated on th®southwest corner of Maryland and Twelfth *u, lot* t5 x lil each, are very desirable, will besotd cac P on easy terma New 2 story and wing bouse. 164 North William street finely finished, oarbb mantles, cella , ga>. fce. Lot MilM. UXBIUIOB * ono. » Brew»-. BaJ*- I XESIKA.BLEBCSIXES3 F.OOM* FOR If RENT—230 Rexd at , 'be 1st and 3d floor*, with gas and water. A good pls.-e for a doctor or f r a first clam dress making esta-di-haier t Wi 1 give a long lease. LYON fc BAKER, Ene Land Of fs *,______________ __________ ________ 0 ES1R4BLE ROOMS FOR BEST.— Centrally located in a good neighborhood, abuut *ix rooms with gas, water, fce.; marble rnan- t.es in line order, will be rent®d to a good tenant. e9 LEE fc 11 -KKKINO. 13 Hwau st. W. H. GLENNY, SONS fc CO., ;gas VERY LOW PRICES, Alio, all. of, our OLD STOCK OF FIXTURES AT LESS THAN COST. WE OFFER New Single Swing Bracket* fit 60 ct«. each. Doable Swing Brackets at 80 1 Light Pendant at 70 ** 2 Light Pendants at $1 50 *' GLOBES AT S5c AND UPWARDS. We call attention te oor EXTENSION CHANDELIER A most desirable article for Library or Dining-room*. A>e, the XOIdET.KSS ARGAND BURNER, with 10-mch Porcelain shade, at $1 76 ea :h. C«n be at tached to Portables or CL andeliers. Thi JEWETT & MTSCHKA’S < M U S I C S T O R E . 20 i Main Street. AGENCY FOR THE UNRIVALLED CH1CKERINC PIANOS At prices reduced to such an extent that they can be purchased for nearly the name figure which Inferior and worthies* instrument* command. Call and get an illustrated price list. We are also Agent* for the celebrated DECKER BROTHERS’ PIANOS Which are now taking the lead over all other New Y ’ork mikee Our large assortment of Pianos alao includes In strument* from the celebrated manufactorie* of J. B. DUNHAM, BLOOMFIELD & OTI8. AKNY8T 0 ABLER. We have on hand an assortment o the celebrated BEO. WOODS k 60. PABLOR AMD VESTRY 0R6AI, which for beautiful and ptpelike quality of tone, elegance of finish ai.d durability of construction ex ceed all other makes. Call and examine our large variety of PIANO STOOLS, PIANO COVER8, fce. Pianos moved, stored, boxed and shipped oa short aotice. OLD PIANOS taken ln exchange. We are constantly adding to our very large and well selected stock of Sheet Muaic, Musical InMru ment* and Musical Merchandise of every description JEYVETT fc MISCHKA, 563 MAI* STREET, I Buff,.,,, K. T. SEWING WACHINES. W H IS fce. pRKMlUM STOCK LAGER TAPPED TO-DAT AT ; KltRlfT.TV HALT. RESTAURANT. Mo. t t fc 24 Week Eagle street. LOUIS A. BUKHL, Proprietor. RI8LEY & CO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, GINS,(HUMS AND BRANDIES! JOBBERS jO F FINE WHISKIES, OFFER TO THE TRADE THE.R Superior Goods at the Lowest Prices D^OTS : 7 East Front «t., DUNKIRK, N. T., 157 W ashington st, Buffalo, N. Y. eld H. F. BiUGGS k CO., Distillers and Rectifiers. OfBoe and mlea rooms corner Washington and Quay streets. Offer to the trade Alcohol, Highwines, French Spirit* and Fine Whiskies of their own distillation. Also, a superior brand of Bourbon, Monongabela and imported whiskies. bl4 3m. CERTS' PlIKRISHIRC. GO! GO! GO!l TO BERGT0l ,D & BRO., U«T A .OOD PANAMA BAT. BERGTOLD & BRO., • r r A *OOD STRAW HAH BERGTOLD fc BRO., • r r A 000D HAT (of*TAT, UadA BERGTOLD fc BRO,, o r r A GOOD BOY'S HAT. BERGTOLD fc BRO., o r r A GOOD CHILD'S HAW BERGTOLD fc BRO., GST A GOOD GCCTS PKLT HAT BERGTOLD fc BRO., GET A 0O0D BILE HAT. BERGTOLD fc BRO,, J GET A GOOD WHITE BBAYJEK HAT. BERGTOLD fc BRO., GET GOOD WHITE CASSIHEEE HAT. Look for the Large Upright Bear 291 M ain Street- BERGTOLD Al BRO. GAUZE fc GDSSIMER MERINO SILK AND COTTON UNDERWEAR, AT KENNETT’S, •l* 273 MAHf ffTEZET.* tti Awm je» P M w n iifi J3VKRY DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRINTING ■UKVI ED BT FMBVOTO OOifFANT n w w t OOMPANY NO U BABF SWAM I BY TELEGRAPH. K0. U MfciT SWAM I The attention ef * e pnMM ls called Is tbe tea ow ing. whMb are hut a tew of tbe mwefceited notices of the Paeas la all parts of the eountry elicited a reseat qn dnss of our woek. [From th* N Y. World, Th* Express Printing Compear of Buffalo have Issued a Calender, In eolora, which 1* an admirable •peehnen of tbeir capacities for ormamental work of this leeerlption. (Fremtho N. T. Season ] Tbe Expreaa Printing Company, of Buffalo, ts be coming euebrated a or it* eolor printing. A recent specimen ef work from this enterprising young con cern—e Calendar for tbe new year—shows a variety of exquisite color that throws all the old faahione i rainbows into the shade. It ls almost worth whtl* going to Buffalo to live la order to get one’s decora tive typography axeowted in this masterly style. [From the New Terk Ledger ] The Calendar for 1868. issued by th* publishers of the Buffalo Expreaa, and printed in their Job Print ing Offioe, is oae of the finest spe.umwns of ornament al printing which we hsve ever seen. Buffalo is un doubtedly ahead of New York In this style of print- inf- (From ths Rhods Island Schoolmaster ] Oar thanks ars due to the Buffalo Express Print ing Company for their beaut fui Calendar Card iur ledo. Though tt had become somewhat bruised aod wrinkled while passing through the mad it i* eawy to perceive that it was once as smooth and lovely as tbe face of Spring, f[Prom the N. Y. Journal of Commerce.j Tbe Buffalo Evpress Printing Company bas scut forth a Calendar for 1866, whioh Is a vary handsome specimen of decorative art. EMPLOYING DECOKATIOS. pOST k VLERGIYER, Dealers In PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. WINDOW BASH. ARTI9TS’ MATERIALS.|fce.t gMo. 1$ K. Swan sC, Buffalo, M. T. L OFTaS FOR RENT—IN THE NEW block oorner of a ashington and Gr«.en street*. The second story over Now. 153 aod 156. The whole of the third »to*y Apply to ___ March 17,1870. cis-tf JEWETT fc ROOT. CUMELL LEAD CO. MANUFACTURERS OF W H I T E LEA D , WHEELER & WILSON’S N o iseless SEWING MACHINES. EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, PARIS 1S67 AWARDED, OVER 82 COMPETITORS, THE HI8HEST PREMIUM. The Only Gold Medal. 81,000 Machines Sold in 1869. THEY COMBINE ALL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS.) Wheeler and Wilson’s Machines combine every thing that aaa be required in the manufacture of garments. Our friends abroad may b* assured that they wiil give entire satisraction, and that to pur chase on* of them i» e safe investment.”—N. Y. Observer. 8. W. STONE fc C0» Agta. Office and Salesroom 275 Main street, eorner Swan AGENTS AND CANVASSERS WANTED. elfi-lm DgS. 029 I Three nice sleep ing rooms in that central locality, 333 Main street, ov p.idley fc BoefcweU. Apply to OEO. B. BULL tbepnK*!A WARRANTED PERFECTLY PURE. LEAD PIPE, BAR & SHEET LEAD For Sal* by all J. JOSEPHS, HOUSE, SIGN AMD FANCY PAINTER, 46 Exchange t., Buffal#,New T s* . GRAINING. MARBLING, GILDING ON GLASS. Walls and Ceilings Ka I comined In the BEBT M AN SKR W with despatch. SKILLFUL WORKMEN S K IL L F U L ^ W 0RKMKN And constantly being receipt of the NEWEST STYLES OF TYPE NEWEST 8TYLES OF TYPE And.the most appro red /meehanteal£eppltatie«e e the art. We ar* prepared te Ao all description printing ta tbe BEST MANNER BEST MANNER ANDgATjTH-B LOWEST RATES LOWEST RATES FAMPHLET*/ CARDS,| CIRCULAR*. BILLHEADS HANDBILLS, LETTER HEADING* LAW|FORMS INSURANCE IPOUC1E AND BVERY4KIND OF UKNIRAI^BVSIMEM POtTERa, PBOORAMMY.4, COUPONS. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPT*, BILLS Off LAD IN0, BYLAWS C. WOODRUFF k CO., ?im luuficnxm m mum, 14 and|26jPEARL STREETJRUFFALO, eep oo hand *ad manufacture to order papers every grade, at Wholeaale P i lues. CASH PAID for an Unde of Paper stock. Werebooee at tbe Niagara Fall* Papw MiCe Wy CASH PAID hOA ) LEAD. r[rV5§7“ f t , ^ EMMkrwm. :Ua / GtU IMOGLtCH, OCXXm C. VOODWTF ~ sey»M m ix . QOOPXRAGK. F. K. PLUMBLY. M lv .a . I *1 li md M lM ia * T B .-* -* irt!® ** ** m . m w S S m ' THE BUFFALO EXPRESS JOB PRINTING OFFICE OMpfcu!, iw dH «Uh THK VERY BEST MATERIAL, j ■ruruD to u rR n n in tr*ex TIOH OT BOOK. CAKB AHB JOB Y O U. ■a 14.KAJT SWAB r U T . (BMond noor.) THR FENIANS. A COUNCIL OF WAR Nkw Yoke, Job* 2).— A special from Malone aays: A Fenian coanoil of war wa« held yeeterdfiy afternoon at thia place and it waa resolved that for tho preeent the movement against Canada be abondooed. The Coanoil wee oompoeed of,commissioned officers, bat the leaders of the raid were nowhere to be found. The indignation of the officers and men knew no bounds, and the loud and hearty curses were uttered against the cowardly fhllowa fellows who having engineered the raid np to the point it has reached, and decieved the offioer* and men as to the prospects of success, and abandoned the cause at the trying hoar, when all depended npon their pluck, courage and m ilitary knowledge. GENERAL STARR. General Starr meanly stole himself away from here on the three o’clock train Friday afternoon. REPORTED 8HOT. Captain James Marphy of New York is reported as having been captured and im mediately shot at Tigron Hill. UEKERAL FOSTER TAKES CHARGE OF UNITED STATES AFFAIRS. A dispatch states that a council of war, composed of Generals Meade, Me Dowell, aud Foster, was held this morning in St. Albans, at whioh it was decided that the entire control of affairs on the part of ths United States government in thst vicinity should be left in the hands of General Foster. St. Albans is now quiet and a large number cf Fenians are leaving here, going forth in the direction fff home aud toward Malonr, where they expect stirring times soon. THE BROTHERHOOD ▲FAILURE. The Executive Counoil of the Fenian Brotherhood, at Philadelphia, have issued an address signed bv James Gibbons, Chair man, and Richard MoClaud, Secretary, stating that the late Canadian invasion was undertaken without any authority from the Brotherhood, and the failure cannot be recognized ss s defeat of the national organ ization. They declare thkt the loss of life and the war material, and sacrifice results in their years of toil and preparation. They say that O’Neill’ misoouduc-t has postponed only for a short time Ireland’s deliverance. ATTEMPTED SEIZURE OF A RAILROAD TRAIN Oodknsbcro , May 29.— The Fwians at Potsdam Junction are without transporta tion, and they attempted the seizure of a train of the Osdensburg k Lake Champlain Railroad going Fast, but were repulsed by a company ot United States stroops. Each train of tbis road is now furnished with a guard of regulars. GENERAL STARR. General Starr passed through this place to-day en route for home, having abandoned the expedition. He reporta that the Fenian force is an unorganized rabble, imposaible to handle and not subject to discipline. A RAID EXPECTED. Much apprehension of a raid exists at Prescott, Canada, to-night, and the volun teers hsve been exercising in firing and skirmishing for a large part of the day. TUE CANADIAN FEVIANN. Apprehensions of a rising among the Ca nadian Fenians to take place to-day are en tertained throughont the Dominion, as tbe government is in possession of information that such an understanding existed between them and the invaders. Additional pre cautions have been taken, and the civil and military authorities are on the alert. It is thongbt the poor success of the invaders will postpone or entirely prevent the oo-op erative rising. FATHER M’MAHON. Father McMahon of Fenian notoriety passed on to St. Albans yesternay in com pany with a body of Philadelphia Fenians. GEN. MEADE HAYS THE WAR IS ENDED. General Meade arrived here thi* after toon accompanied by General McDowell. Van Vliet will leave for New York to morrow. The government will not pro vide transportation for thn 1000 to 1500 Fenians remaining in the Malone vicinity. General Meade is of the opinion that the railroad companies must ao this at their own expense, as they received full fare for bringing them here. The General reports that they are behav ing very well, not disposed to be violent, and only desire to return to their homes. He is oonfident there will be no further trouble. There is great rejoioing along the Cana dian frontier at the inglorious termination of the movement. ADMITTED TO BAIL St. Albans, May 29.—Captain J. J. Monahan, of Burlington, who was arrested Fridsy evening, wss yesterday arraigned before Commissioner Rand and admitted to bail in the sum of $1000, Chief of Police L. M. Downing becoming his security. Major Hugh McGinnis, of Cambridge, Vermont, was also brought before Commis sioner Band and admitted to hail in tbe sum of $1000. Captain Daninl Murphy in default of $1000 waa ordered to be com mitted. COLLECTING THE ARMS Colonel Sullivan, who acted as Quarter master, has been since the tight busily en gaged in securing the arms. He claims that he has hidden a large quantity. He came into town tbis forenoon, but oo learn ing that all the leaders were being arrested, beat a hasty retreat to parts unknown. Deputy Marshal Farley has been at Franklin for two or three days gathering arms and ammunition. He has collected a large quantity, and General Foster has de termined that all persons who helped themselves shall turn then over to the United States authorities. LEAYING FOR HOME > Nearly all the Fenians have left for their homes. As the time for the departure of the southern train last night drew nigh they gathered in force in the depot, and in spite of all the railroad managers could do con trived to get aboard the cars without tick ets. A consultation was held, and it was concluded to take them along. The people feel greatly relieved at their departure. NOT HANGED. Murphy, the teamster, who waa captured by Canadian was not hung to-day, as was reported he would be. | REPORTED ARRESTS. Toronto, M ay 29.— Information was re ceived here from Malone of the arrival of United States Marshal Quimby and ths arrest of several men supposed to be Fenian officers, including Gen. Gleason and father McMahon. leaders and are very desirous of returning to their homes. Tbe British M inister ae alao ia reoeipt of telegram* from the authorities of a similar tenor, and tbat no farther trouble ie expected. Those Banians who have fallen into the hands of the Ca nadian government will be summarily dealt with. XLIrt CONGRESS—SECOND SESSION. W ashington , May 28. SENATE. Mr. SUMNER (Rep., Mans), present®! a petition frou the American Cable Com pany, of New York State, proposing to lay a cable from New York city to the Aaore Islands; thenoe to Lisbon, Postagel; thence to Lands, England; thence to Havre and Amsterdam, asking for aid. Referred. Also a petition from the oolored citisens of Marvland, setting forth that they wero Proscribed when they travel and were mal treated in their joorneyinge from one place to another, and asking for a remeday. At 2:15 o’clock the Senate proceeded with the District of Columbia business The bill to prevent any offioer or em ployee of a corporation from acting aa an election or registration officer was passed M r. ANTHONY (Rep., R. V j/w M deputed by resolution to preside during the temporary absence of the Vioe President. At fonr o'clock the Senate went into ciecusive session, and soon after adjourned till Tuesday. HOUSE. MrT SMITH (Rep., Vt.), after the ses sion, calling on the Secretary of the Treas ury for informstion ae tt> whether any tele- graph oom panics having offices in New Eort City have refused or neglected to re port to the proper Assessor the amount of their gross receipts aa required by law. Adopted. A nail on the House showud tho presence of 138 members. Mr. WILLARD (Rep , Vt.), Chairman of Committee on the Revolutionary Pen sions ami War of 1812, reported several pension bills. A discussion ensued, and aa much opposition was developed the bill was withdrawn. Mr. \\ 1LLARD (Rep. Vt.), also reported a general bill granting pensions to the sur viving soldiers and sailors of 1812. Con siderable debate arose on the question of requiring the soldiers entitled to the bounty in the war of 1812 living in the Southern States to take tbe iron clad ''ath. It waa finally passed with thst condition added. This bill also applies to the widows who had been married before the close of the war. The Honse then resumed the conaidera tiou of the bili to reduce the internal taxes. A numVer of amendments were offered and debated, after which the House adjourned to Tuesday night. STREAMERS, nmTATious, ORDERS OF DANCING, STREET BILLS, MILL TICKETS, FLACAltD* INSURANCE, BANKING, STEAJffiHIF, T H E A T R I C A L , 7 LAW, IBOAVnUF nNO PROMPTLY DOM IN T H IS IilW MOW XATlUZVTOm RAM IS WASHINGTON. BALES OF OOLD. W ashington, May 29.—The Secretary of the Treasury has directed the Assistant Treasurer of New York to sell $1,000,000 each on Wednesday the 9ih of June; alao, to purchase $2,000,000 worth of bonds on the first, third and fifth Thursday in Jane, and $ 1 , 000,000 on the second and fourth Thursday. Aggregate sales of gold $6,01)0, 000; aggregate purchases of bouds $8,000.- U0° ’ INTERNAL RffYENUB RECEIPTS. The internal revenue reoeipta to tbis date amount to $155,000,000, and $2,000,000 more will doubtless be reoeived by the ex piry of tbe present month. $20,000,000 will probably he realised next month from ifertile tax and other sources, making tbe i total of $175,000,080 for the preeent fiscal year. M. T. CM STEAL RAILROAD TAX Commissioner Delano aad Solicitor Smith have not yet come to a final conclusion with reference to the amount of liability of the New York Central Railroad as to the tax on dividends. The ease ia still under NOMINATION CONFIRMED. Tn the executive session of the Senate oa Saturday the motion to reimneidwr tbe o fiiHMtaoa of T. F. Harrison ne Mafshal for the M«ddla District of Tennessee, which has been pen ling, was withdrawn and hie oon ftssatme §• now fcnaonneed. NEW YORK. DISCHARGED FROM CUSTODY. N ew Y'ork , May 29.—William nail, Captain of the steamship Pennsylvania, who was accused of attempting to smuggle a bridal trousseau from Liverpool into this port was yesterday discharged by Cemmis siouer Oslmrn on the ground that there was not sufficient evidence against him. GRADUATED. The Cooper Union for the advancement of science and art graduated eleven etu- denta last ev< ning, including seven young women from the Female School Telegraphy. Peter Cooper presided. Governor Huffman delivered an ad dress. MISS CLAFL1N NEARLY MOBBED. Miss Claflin, of Woodhnll k Claflin, while canvassing for her paper in Newark Friday, narrowly escaped being She waa mistaken for Kdith O’Gorman sh aaasing the Fenian headquarters, aud was pursued by a crowd of men and boj s from whom she escape*! by taking refuge in a store and passiug. through to another street. RMIGRAHON. The emigrant* last week numbered 11,- 493, more than in any other week of the present year. “ SounRHAX Homes." Under tho sl>ove title the Erie Railway Company havo just published an interesting work, descriptive of the country adjacent to the line cf tho Eastern Division and branches of theif road and the Northern Railroad of New Jersey, together with a statement of the induce ments offered for the purchase of a suburb an 4hsideuce in the rich valleys 4f the Hackensack or I’assaic, the healthful mountain region of the Ramapo, or tba fair, fertile fields of Orange County. Thfire is no lovelier section in the world than that through which the Erie winds ita wt.y for the first ninety miles after it leaves New York; and the author of the work has evi dently spared no pains to make the inform ation thorough and accurate, as irell As in teresting to the general public. Hy those who may desire to inspect land in thu sec tion treated of, with a view to purchase, copies of the book msy be obtained free cf charge at the office of the General Piesen ger Agent, Erie Railway Company, New York. An AfTBESh’ Pincushion.—The ?our.g Prince Demidoff was, some years since, paying court to an actress who wru the fashion among the bloods of the day, and it was his custom on entering the room to fall on his knees before tbat adored bfcauty. In those days long neck scarfs and so|>erb breastpins were the fashion. The Prtnoo had of oourse in variably the superheat ef superb. The reigning favorite uevewomit- ted playfully taking the pin out >f the scarf and placing it in her pincushion, to the great amusement of the Prince. Tbe pincushion soon became literally studded with jewels of priceless valne. <*ne day the servant entered tbe room with terror stricken faoe. “ Madame, the Prince." “ Well," replied the actreea, “let him come in.” “ But, but, but madame," aaid the poor girl. “But what!" exclaimed her mistress. “Oh, madame! the Pnnoe wears a short neckcloth." “Tell him, then," re joined the beauty, “that I am notat home." It ia naedicss to :ay that in future the Prince never bad the courage to call with out a long cravat and extravagant breast pin. Manitoba!! Laee, which has given a title to the province formed out of the Red River region, derives its name from a small island from which, in tbe stillness of night, issues a “mysterious voice,” though there is no real “mystery” about it. On no ffhoount will the Objibways approach or land npon this iaisnd, supposing it to be the h ’roe of the Manitobah—“tbe Speaking God. ’’ The cause of this curious sound is the besting of the waves on the “shingla,” or large peb bles lining the shores. Along the noHhspi coast of the island there is a long low cliff of fine grained compact li meetoae, which, under the stroke of the hammer, d ists like steeL The waves beating oa the shore al the foot of the cliff cause tho falka frag ments to rub against each other, ssd to give out a sound resembling the ehhaes ef distant church bells. Tine phaokmsnon occurs when the gales blow from thaaorth, and then, as the winds kubside, low, wail ing sounds, like whispering roie/s, era heard in the air. English traveler* assert that the effect ia very imprsseive, aod hare been awakened at night under the impres sion that they were listening to thnroh bells. ________ Making Nrw Potatoes.—The PaU M a il Chmette tells how “new potatoes" are made in Faria. Old potatoes, the cheapest and smallest that can be obtained, aFs pur chased by tbe raJutolcur$ df porkau* de lerrt, ao they are called, who carry their property to the banka of the Seine, a good supply of water being necessary. Tbe po tatoes are pat into tabs half filled with water; then they are vigorously stirred about by the feet and legs of the maoufsc who roll up their trowasre anti raw potaireo} nntil only nnrepietel ’ rah- TW. SUM l . t h— IIIM—ll aty who M , r*fa*B* *»ob»7tk« tho orders of threr They ore then e *• <>■■>«■ le Sf. • . T hiH M *** SBwrtU Lmm. BMiBtfcstthBnyUafcOTaMlMBBMo ' HUadtfBoM eTSH J

Transcript of vMnl0 -...

Page 1: vMnl0 - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030921/1870-05-30/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · V O L. X X V . LO ST A M * KEYS, 0> PUBLISHED EVERT MOUSING (3uxhU>-» cxccpUdjby

V O L . X X V .

L O S T A M *KEYS, 0 >


(3uxhU>-» cxccpUdjby

T H E E X P B E S S P K I S .T I N O C O .KO. 14 E. SWAfc TREET.

Delivered by cmrrtar in th® cityor *#nt by meil........................ 110 «0 annum.VN.«»> r ipreai, by null......... 1 >< do


A A M K , B U SIN K SS A ND LOCA T IO N ON TU N | J jjsln »t , betw® n A/neri an Bio k ai;d Sen* LH AD J.SU UO U SKS ON D UFF ALO . te *» u-tween Main a d Michigan rf,

Tne flmit-r *• • i.•; iawarded by leaving iLttn al 4 (Tbo*® of our reader* wbo max® pu/cbiM in liuf- Ju L,,,v ,, It

ai" by o it tin* thi* out aud i<sin<( ■' a* a relerenoe, i - ---—— ■ ■ iw.ll ’•*»• tu.*® and trout*® Th* Selection bae bewi.ar«(u-> load* and uair.ctly ElK4»T'.LAnfl. | T O S T -A LADI EV AM ETH 1ST PIN

AIM HITECTS attach* I to a black bow, near 60 Sixtht ’. RUh K. PORT fcK, Sou Mau* rfAG’L IMPLEMENTS, ( A STIM .*, AC.UOAAJID IRON * OAM.H, Chicago near OausL

BANKERS.H. W. HURT A U , Ra*** cor|h*ue«a.BLIND HINGES. F IN E CASTINGS, k c .ul .a i K a * " . ' r Niagara Ind Viripaia et*.

BOOK4 AND STATIONERY.M A JvTI> 1A . LAj H. Ba5 Maui Kn -a i hadnfcK * BRO., 447 Main,cor Mohawk, hi.' i I* * LENT, Z40 Rail and tf O. beneca.I . i i OTIS, iaa Rain.

BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, AC.tOU L>A>bW‘>Ou H JullK'RON, *00 Mato. u m ia lY a J s.s k r., zuu and -an Main.

BOOTS k SHOES.A. L. ICilRYVKK, 286 Ma.n . A-.1l.- H. JEW KIT, 40# Maui.

BLANK BOOK MA N I F A Cl U K E It.1. L. CHICHESTER, IM ar.d 198 Washington.

ONKECTIONEKS, (VVh.,le«*l. A K«Uil.)w H ».l CLOCK a CO., Iti 8 . Dtvi*. -a.CA RPETS, OIL CLOTHS, FEATHERSJ L A J. KOOK, Lpb«. rfcrer*, 476 Main

CARPET FITTE R .ft. P‘ IM.IPM, «*« Main et.) CONFECTIONERS, (Wholesaln.)

THK BUFFALO EXPRESS, vMnl0M O N D A Y . M A Y 3 0 . 1 8 7 0 . NO. 8294.

U.:nk HKAK.hK, dl bwueia.

wkNKKK, 450 ka:if-,|,| ̂ *D Tifft H.a»«.CHINA, CLASS k CROCKERY.

U - n i l AW <*NKILL, $19 Main.OKU. E. NEWMAN, 441 Rain.

CARRIAGES.. AHVKYfc WALLACE, Lock noar Courier House.

CRACKERS, AC.B oVEIfd A SON. 166 and 107 Kllicott.

COAL, (W hoiosai* and Retail.)f « ;f ..LirnKV fc CO., ■•■r Kri® and Terraco.

OK »Rof. 1»AKIN, A|(t., Foot Geiio* *.COFFEE A SPICE MILLS.

CHAhK A CO., 331 Main iqqeieite Cfcurches.COAL AND PIO IRON.

Cl. It, WILHON & CO., (Mi Obi,* cor Mi-*,«ipul.K. .. Hf liHTHOM, 2 Cumuitrcial Wharf, foot of

M n lUuet.d r y n o o n s .

l*OI)lBK«T fc Co., 192 Mam.D R A P E R S * TAlfXJRS.



II H HRoSnKK, Ti W. b *»n.E N O K A V K R S »> N VV OO D.

ULo D. w .'OMTMAN, WO Main.Fa Nc Y GOODS, AC.

VOIA1KR. RIKHL. * CO., *M Main.h r :. IT I'R E , AC.

ISAAC l> WHITE, »7 -,»m- K. BHISToL ft CO., 2tf i Mam

FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN.W. H. COHB. Terrace cor Erana.

FR U IT AND OYSTERS.PLATT FK1 IT CO., 267 Waabn.ift..!^


GUO( ERS, ( Wboleaihie.)

A > , -̂rwr. findirif u will Im> ku ta ■ y r.tu'Tiiurf i* t.* tbe ab ve number.

tre^trded b, eX7 3t

A y 'A N T E D —$20,000 OF TH E STOCK * T of tne Mai ufacturen and Trad era* Bar.k

Apply to J till JU OTTO h.Hearlel ®6

A ' ^GENTS W ANTED—RA RE CHANCE• e». Hometiiimr new Call at

tn»- Koffal 1 • faJ utfl'.-e, Mi . at.- Hull. ... N V »6tf


f *rK< ntr*i housework in a family of three e*7-*t


J O . ) J o h n s o n p l a c * ,—v v a m e d ,« aa irlt <do||e eral iiouaeeori.

M. JOiIN.VIh :<i .oG Rot 'ERS (Wh'ileMla And RctKil.)

P.. l>Ohu • ’ " 1

g e .s r>ADCiboN I*ft. .AWIil. ' n------MOTT dl BLN r.l* v *• * '' ' '

G I' NS A ND JEvVKLKY.J. O. BOBHON * t^» . ■

HOT l LS.BONNLY’9 UoTKL, ei.r Wa«ni.'W n and Carroll.HARNESS, SADDLES. AC.J . a. LYTLK A SON, A) «C*<

* p'UK N l s l l I NG GOODS.>TiK'r'OKIl :t»: M-in.

pfMMite Man*I Rl’lN , aC .

or W. Swan.

H E L P B A L E .

Wa n t e d — A H i n t e l l i g f . n i a n drffh lent xer.e-aJ aveut tor an earnest, pro

gT* »« vt audj op . ar I i!e Ir.» ranr i injwr f .r in*' i.mtie, of |r.«, Myomin/, Cnatauq..*, cattarai. iT'i- *.r**4 All»K̂ :iy. Aililren* t .-day ‘ insurance t*f- ice," TMft Mwua

UrA N T ED liEN EK vi. AGE • Ia ant a flrai cla* jjeueral aic nt to open a

ret ail and whoba.le -t .rehouse in tb> city for ..ur linpr*..ed Wlleon Shuttle Sewunr Macb'nei Fur i r iartici.ara f unuht-d < n appl . at .u Addreaa WI l.»i)N SKM I Nil m A CII 1.» K Ccr., t ,e»«ian«l O.

r p viLORS w a n t e d —c o a t , p a n tA and Veet Maker* (Brat ilau «>nl ) wanted im

n.ed atc.y al J VS. kbWiA.M) k C<r'n, Frai.klin, Vjl. tSO 4t

U/'A NTED — AGENTS AND FED-ler» at Cue Tin Sbop 60 Kaal Sc-neca alrret.

Ur AN I ED-LM»*<rk on fl .u

g ""l wage*. ApolH*


GOOD COOPERS TObarrel®. Kt»».» work and ). W CKuW K1.L, 73_Mer-

- A FIRST, ii ware; alao. one ,/ ler.iLf, Ac., to

S I T I A T IO N S W A H T E U ®

thi. otflil

A SITUATION ASMther In the city or country, ea|*erienc*rd la*lv. Addr- ■«.



IO ARD AND FU R N ISH ED ROOM I■A rr. d, weet aide of Mam at. Addr

yy^A N rE D BOAlire** IV*a ii.

i j ° : K,

eia-i t



FOR A GENa private family An md location. eCS-2t

i pri.Po-t. tii . " Tcrina m«*dera e__

| **• WEST SW v N ST.

i- f ti PI-a


n v. S,

I>* *')!», BK>. M USK' I»I: \ Jr:IVKIT .v *tlti


HARD A AID C. V. MAI...Ill •<<*.. -M ii * -• 1 ’■IIOKTONS At KIP, *:<*r »*■ arl and Si r BIDNkY Sll tPAHl* .x ' •. Mam TOW i.K. I v StlN.t.HS W aI>K W irrc. WKKDKCO .W* Main

HARDW ARE AND METALS.J'KATT A CO., *«. 4*v and 160 Term*.



BKltOT'**.I» V BKo., n i Main.WM W1P.U*HT. 321 Mm .

IRON FOUNDRY.KAOLF. IKON WORKS, Perry.. r Mtadwippt. CLINTON IKON WOKK8 , Ciiurcii,o*»r Jackw.n.IRON ro rN D E R S . FSIIIN K S, HOII.KH3OK*> w. TIFFT, SONS A CO., Waah.iiKton,nrOhiO.

IKON, N AILS. II. SI IKKS, Ao.PRATT X CO.. 40, 48 and 60 Terra...



M ALLEABLE IKON.FKATr * LlCTCllWORTH, 62 and 64 Terrace.MYIUILE m a n t l e s a n u o r a t e s .c s I•ooPKfl, 611 D* !»w-vre. h HW ART/ * CO., 303 Main.


MMS CKAWKollD. 1«7 and Inn Niagara.* 1 1 LEIN ERY (Wholesale And RetaiL)

{ o ilK'KN.aw Mail.WOODWAKD, 4<h) Mam.

MOURNING GOODS.* * CO, 414 Main.

I.ERS AND PUBLISH ERS. *1 *A, a a Main.

o K t, VN s lU''Oal»le Pipe.) acK xinK ,rK iisu i* KK1‘ * c,, ' w ' 41 “ J “


ryl.nil. o [ [ s , , A1>,a P*»S*. 66 .nd 87 M.i.k . . .

PLAN I NO M ILL*. POORS, SA SH , AL.w. A. EVANS * CO., Mechanic.-M IS THUS A BLANK BOOK V,A.N' ^ . , „ » £ « juNits k sm ith .n o ...j *•« w*. »'"«*“

rtr .o .PIANOS, MUSIC, AC.


O Kl UTZMAN. l'tt. losand UO luuvla.DEVIN KKt*8-.4«'l Niairara, oor Maryland.

PA PER H VNGINGS, AC.ir h r: 'i-t mv,,V i.., "I ,iV MU>»s.. •’ *•. Main.MKIIKKTT M '’ll<-I S. . Mau


? H livMlt. ^ru.V. .n.l Mil M.in,Sf K LF .S AND SAFES.


WILSON d. M. CO., 276 Main, corS'a.i GIBBS S. M (X>.. 14 S. Divialon

W!la'<*.x ‘w , *p W. Swan.HOVA K s ' n ‘OO., 401 Main.FLOIIKNI , EKY H X 1 ;|,W .VRE. AC.

NADI) a WORTH, 6* and 54 Terrace., ' M ANCFACTURKRS.

SI E K II V i ■» u^in.C. MACKENZIE, la ^ lL q W W A RE.

STOVE Ht at. and Erie Cana BlA0 * CO., o*»r. Brace GLASS


SCHOOL FU RN t lL K E - W. CHASE .t SON, 212 Seeerth.

STOVES AND H A K » ^ v a k e *■ HAW. FERRIS* CO., *48 Main RANGES.STOVES, FURNACES A S T I . SWARTZ k CO., 383 Ma.n.

•jyXVIPL H. UUMPlIPJ5Y* Socceewoe 10 Jn0- Hnm_ phrey * Bro.. 80S Main X

TOBACCONISTS. ? ^ xA M ADAMS fc CO.,‘269 Waahingt**®**^OIBHON F. HOWARD fc CO., ilh) Waeh*n^V • W A T C H K S , J E W E L R Y A DIAM O.ND 8 . PITKIN'S JBWF.LBY STUHB. *9J *•*“■T A e. DICKINBOS.SM M.in.A ,s ,•>, CASTLE, UB »«*■BTEVaMaBB08.,4ia M.iil

W A T "JH M A K E R S A JE W E L E R S . JDLIUa ff iLKER, 2*7 M.Ll__________ _______

\ . , ' . i , A iiEN I'LEMANijleKisull.m.ncn ..l.uln will* a priiaie family.

* 27 31TH R EE P E E aTT

.hed *r uufumUhed, with t few la.ile In-ard- n* de-


1 2 8 . . a . . . .board, witii pleasant room:

*)»> j PEAKE STI , ran bu hail. Also,

F U K * 4 l , t H O I 8K S .

D tv -IK V B L E b u i l d i n g l o t s f o b«ALF.-

100"-2:6, i-eiaware it. K., 200 ft K. of North »L tba is. Linw> od avenue M’ , a. cor. Baker w. lltfxh***, Kdward at , cor. Virginia eZS LYONfcDtK’ R


irnoat new houae oa Connecticut atbetween Teeth anti Eleventh «tr eta. The h"u contain* tf rwio* )*eaide* a large hx 1 and attic; b Vrxlldf T'-e above property wili be aold cheap \ applied for immediately. If not »old by the first o May wi I be r nt«d. JOHN OTTO. 81 Htarl at.J lO ilA G E d FOK SALE—̂

S o 12fl Spruce at., lj-at.ry frame, lot 30x180 priae $1250

><j 4«*3 8wan at , near aprln*, 1 -atory frame; pri .• $220 *. _

*26_______LYON' fc BAKER. Erie Land Office.Q ACRES OK LANI) EOR SALE AT AO bargain, on Li meat ne K <l«fe, between Whit* •Jorner* Pl«nk Kj.al and the Turnpike, with orchan •>f eeiecte i fru t. A very pi. aaa*.land de*irable tiori Pri $1600 Apply at No. 6 Ni*if»ra -t LEONARD WILSON X SON, Real Estate anu ln»’ir- aoc® Am n t a . ___________ Fl

LJOK SALE AT A BARGAIN—40011 acres of land in Herkimer O unty, N. Y. fit* .

; artly ti'o < red. w.th gang -aw mill and maehin* r ■fall' • ids I .-j lire a: KDWAUUS fc BL'cKLAv I>,No. ? Prown * Ru-ldinrL^Oii SALE—291 NORTH DIVISIONX? st., l-story * 1" 1 ,w®e»it; gaa, cellar and waterFn Divide**

1*1* « h-ap a* tbe j<a ty ii ■ $2309. Apply to M. "Me OMB, No.

I.IOR SALE—'JSip hKNKL'A ST., *Jr story mica, in good coodit' *n. Tiiis prip*-rt\ «ill he sold cheap v. the party ia g< ing u* the West If » • I within J o«ys wi 1 lake *4'-* *. j dow ha ance easy. Apply to M. McCdMB, No; 6 South Di rial* n .*t. *■' IO TORE FOR SALE CH EA P—3-STORYI J r r I -i : . No MS Bee ca at. Lot *8x100 ».!! he sold at a !*arga*a. HASTINGS fc OITO 4 Hrown’a Build ng. ______L^OK s a l e —TH A T VERY DESIKf ai.le 2 st. r> w.th al earl stCIOR SALE—Tii1? cottage. No. 3-y Park st , » ’ii gaa ■ t 26x126. I'irjuir** at EDWARDS fc BLCKLAND’n

No. 2 Brown's Buil i g. ______________OR TC

ble dwelling*, f-'i ,tc |s*s-es*ioii. Our May 1 now m*de up; also a n* '1 LEONARD WILSON .

B f

frame dwelling, No 42 Go*d- li st es.


! vW ELLIN G S FOR SALE« / KENT W o-1-t of <i wel lings to rent ii t ofdw

SON, No. 6 Niagara s»r*e

I > RI( K DWKLLINC;M-"f.awk st., near F ile tt, ‘2

ie t hri.-V dwel iug; iias ga-. wa • > d order. LY‘*N A LAKER,

FOR SALEstory and b.»c

.ter and ha’h; in 1 Br

*•25V / OK S y i E NO. 18» EAr ry an.l at tin hr," dwelling:


Jn*. EA(iLE S l’., *Jgrate*, mart hi

er D.t 8"xlSl N \ HAKF.-r. Erie Land Offl ••.

C* EN EC A ST. PROPERTY FOR SALEk j Rt a bargain. N - 414 Seneca *•., lot f.O through t.. l-ol-oni s t, with a 2 story b-itk house and i barns in r ar Thi- is a rare chance for a nulkniaior an -* ther |>artv having husii ess in ‘hat l**i ation.Wiil l*o sold on li’ era, terms E -r further p*ru u iar* applv to II i MKfc SANFORD, 1« West Swan *t


’arolina; cellar, tei nut.

1 7 0 R SALE N IJT ' .itta-je on T. i.t


tills cit v ing Ju-t taril, outli qu re

. - re-id*mi r in thi* ei' i.. lity of land, lying ju as ii large orchard, o iw-*-et**ry hi ick bouse i*e sold ch* ' .HOWARD

farm of 104 mt-i :c of tin ot the be«t i

i.d three g**odHAPPKLL.DIVISIONM O R s \ L K l.W, S 'M 'T H D I V l s i O '

r «t . 1 st-.o I ..Itaji- lot 40x1 . 0, grapes ai.d fru’ trees. Th - i ■ iii ap.^1500. A, p y to M. McCO.Vi B No. Soth Division -t. rll

F O H S i l . l v I A K U S :

I J >R SALE OR EXOHAGF, - 6 6 A< X of land, wi h good house and barn, fruit

EDB l C H A B i € 8H»


ur Snrin^s r< ad, wiiliin f<* ARDS -M BLCKLAND, No. 2 Br


/ 1EN rR ALU EUK -S \LK Merchants’ H *lel, ha' Kne ('anal, 41 fr t tending t rough tofour stori

nt iai I v lmi ,,f br.ck.

I LLI NEK Y STORE FOIL SALEeir able location with - '«k of good*

amiable terms. UA8 ITNGS A OTD»,4 Br wn Buihlings. t-M> r

i i » r m : s \ m > ( a r r i a g l s ,sKi ONDIJO R SALK

I1 hand phi® -n wagon, e. -nd ha'd coal ln*x wag>

k C W. MILLF.lt. 3«

C H E A P — Atgon. nearly new.

M I M F I I , i N F O I S .

IV r t ’H ER FIXTURES—tr..* West Forty-first st., near F

F O K S i I . S’ .

n o i l S A L E 2000 F E E T O F L A N D O N

Apply to JO H N OTTO, h i r i art h

I7D H SALE (*ilX in Mam st , in a

T O L E T — A S T O R Kgenl location Will take a*

vacart lot. Fnquire W ARDS fc BLCKLAND, No. 2 Hr -wn's

Burnt. _

1701: SALE LOT 35x100 FT., NORTH\\ am st. wi t -im near Allen. LYoN A

11AKKU. No. I Bmwn’s Building. d30

HO IK L PROPERTY FOR SALE—ATPine llill, C miles from Batavia; huddirg is

8 stories frame. LYoN fc BAKKK, Erie Land Of rie. « •

A l i

( )

GOOD ENGINE AND BOILER FORat the Union Planing Mill.


LD PAPERS FOK SALKnd 75 rents a huudred. attl

- AT 50

FM H S A L E H I M S E S .

R SALE — TH A T VALUABLEproperty on the south«c-t corner «»f Main and *. reels, w,th Urge ami tirM' ■ ass resnleor

ifnL«hed. Also, several eh ga-t vacant I >i.adj unng the above property on the south. J*»llP OJT‘). 31 Pe irl St._______________________ e^3_

I tica

i t s IN ESS » K u r i .u i t I |S ((1* SALE—.Y1 ACRES OF LANDIt I.EASE, know n a- the old j ^ in W* it Seneca, 4 miles from Main st., plentyaving a ironta.e ..f 103 fe*t rn, ,.f lr, L,„, ,, ,„.u e an II arn. Inquire st ED-

fc BLCKLAND, No. 2 Brown s BuildL

T 7 0 R SALE OR EXCHANGE—321 ^«res .,f land under a fine state <*f cultivation,

good hou-e and barn, nice fruit, well fenced, si uated mil* s ir-.iu Main strict on tin- Potter’s („ru r-

K .ad EDWAKDBfc BUCKLAND, No. 2 Bro*n’- Bmidng.____________________________ e28

T7 »R SA L E—A FIN E DAIRY FARMI <*f 2 0 acres, with good h use and barns, «d:u- a c in Colden Ci ntre, ah ut 2 uii’es from Colden

EDWARDS A BUCKLAND, No. 2 Browft: ■ 11 e?b

A LEN D ll) OPPORTUNITY—FORe or exchange for improved city property,

1000 acres d laud iu Way ne Co . M chigan, 25 miles from Detroit, part limbered and balance in flu** pnurc. Kir t mis apply t.> EDWARDS fc BULK* LAND, N... 2 B.owii’s Building. ___ e!7

Cl ARM FOR SALE —BEST GARDENland in Eric County. M ist be sold to clou*

K-res, 2 mil*-* from the C'ourt- W 11 tie sold cheap by HoW'ARD fc CHAl’


PELL, 34.6 Mam ntn ARMS FOK SALE A GOOD F ARM1 '.f 104 acres in the town of West Beneca[our - ml » half -ides fr ni Baffalo.

14-story !»■ ick hoipe, three hundred grafted good gla-s house, very cheap. HOWARD

street. dll)OR EXCHANGE FOK

.food gla-s CU APPEL. 3*8 Mu

Fn j r s a l ecity property or Weete'ii land®, 136̂ n

land along the Genesee River, al**>ut 5 iu os from 1’ rtage Impure soon st EDWARDS «L Lli'iv LA N • •’8 , Keal Estate a* d Insurance Agents, Tru.-t and Loan Brokers, No 2 Brown’s Buil iing. e!7

ALE OR EX-i, 25 w«od land;

il watered, fine orchard, new 2-story with barns, outhou-es, sheds, fce , r City pn*pcrty will l>e taken in

e*sy terms. LEE fcPICK


all in good • EKING, 13 v

, bnl.. Swai el3

T7ARM F(X 1 ..id ni"u il


FOR SALB—31 ACRES OF»ted nn Ferry st, about 2 mile-* east of

ith frame houa , splendid barn,-he Is, &r -chard . f lOOtf cwarf t^ar and 10-J appl* 4 ill h** s -Id cheap or will exchange for a goo.:

1. HASIINGS fc OTTO, No. 4 Brown s Build

I IP .F IT FARM FOR SALE—36 ACRESX of land. 17i acres in apple orchard, he-idet other small fruit* in great abundance; ba’ance of land in tillage; large 2-atory farm house g ihI bam, fc. ; location verv pitaaant— J-mlle eaat ir>.m Me­dina, Orleans county. A small property will I* ta'-en in part pay. Price of tarm $s*.(W. LY'UN & BAKER, Erie La* d Office.

F i l lLEE fc I’l' KEHING. 13 W Sum

l i i i ; S a l e -NO. 119 SIXTH ST.. A

DESIRAHLK BRICK h o u s e FORSALE- lj-at.*rv '.rick house, 174 Franklin »t.

ga* and water. Lot 2.'* feet front lu an all.-y mr. ar. mill he sod cheap, terms easy. H\S1IN(*8 fc OTTO. 4 Brown’s Buildings_______________d29

17IOR SALE.—A N E W AND FIRST. class 2J story reeidonce, with all tiie modern im

provements; south side of Ferry street, west of Del­aware. Lot 15i)x6o6 feet. Terms easy.

F. BUELL,9>n M 2 Hoilister Building

I jlOR SALEies, attic and ci

11 ur n; gas and

A M .iil . w rol1* of w *u p * r r - m° r OT k i S . H i : t h .C h « P & W S W J J . 361 Main . t , *et- >’• » hh»d». in .nu 'le « v .r.e ty , Floor OU U o tlu ,k o .


BRICK HOUSE. 2-ST0R-r, situate on Oak St., neai g ->d lot and Ram

LYON fc BAKKK, Erie Land Othee.

n ESIR ABLE BUSINESS PROPERTYFOR SA I K The 3-st rv hrick store. No. 3'Ju

MldLlgau St.; upper fl or* finished for* dwelling, alth brl' k building iu rear and ga*. wa'er and ce! *r fc* »« f'®11 adapted t<> hus’.ne** or manufacturing rurno*es. i«** 25x100 to alley; will be sol 1 on rea»on- ihl7terma. U.aN 1 INGS fc OTTO4 Brown « Budding.

/ v \ E OF TH E FINEST FARMS IN\ / Er e County for sale, consist:ng of about 120 a re , 10 a re* wood hi a .co ex- el <-nt soil und r a big . *?.it of cultivation, with »>rick dwelling, fine barti*. outhouses. fi*h pond, living water, and or­chards of several i und red bearing tre.-s of every variety of fruit. This property can he bought very diet" ai.d on easy term-'. A ; ply to

,•1 ; I FF, v PICKERING. 13 W>,t9wan-t.

T O L E T S T O K F S .


ren’ within three minutes walk of the Pcsit- :Ec I - furu -bed throughout in gt od order; ha*

, ' t n ace, fc ; , and w.ll be rented cn reasonab.e i«ra< to a gocd tenant. HAbTlNGb fc OTTO,t B »i.’- B .:l - -g _____________________ *20

L E T — T W O N E W 2 -S T O R Yframe h uses, fumi-hed c .mplete, situated on

he *r>uthw*-pt c rner of Maryland and Twelfth st*.Wh te *ent*Kl cheap e30


T >X fr

D w e l l i n g f o r s a l e c h e a p —ago>̂ I bargain will be given in the sale of the 2

story brick dwelling. No 427 Michigan st; 10 rooms, ga* aud water. LEONARD WIlBON fc SON, No. 5 Nlar»m *t e26

D w e l l i n g s f o r s a l e o r t orent cheap, with immediate poeaession—

8 ixth st.. No. 164, 2-story brick; 9 rooms, in Sue order; gxa and water.

Sixth »t., No 408, l}-nory frame; 8 rooma.LKONABD WILHON & SON,

e26 No 6 Niagara st.|7 IN E r 136 (

RESIDENCE FOR RENT—NO.de ightful lo ati'.n. W ill be rented low to

a good tenant. LEE fc PICKERING, 13 Weat Swan ..treet. d23g a D W E L L I N G T O R E N 1 — T H E 2-■-ia sv>ry baaement and attic buck dwelling. No.

N iagara st., with gaa, hot and cold water and ■ath.aii :n good order. A convemcr.t lo at.un for a

P'ofewtional or buaineas man. LEE fc PICKERING, 13 W. Swan it. el»

hO A R D IN G H O U S E F O R R E N T —The large 3-story baaement and attic brick

huii-i.ng,X<*.135 E. Seneca at.w ill l*e rented at a mod- rale rent. LKE fc PICKERING, 13 W. Swan st.


D E S I R A B L E D W E L L I N G S T O R E N T .

lj-story brick, 32 Norris place, ga* and water.1 f-story frame, 180 Clint n st, good cellar, gas and

water.Apply to EDWARDS fc BUCKLAND, Ne. 2

Brown's Building e5

IT• 'S I R A B L E H O U S E S T O R E N T —

With immediate pos*eseion, the 2-story brick house, No. 231 Seventh street, with gas, water, and cellar. Also, the very commodious 3-story brick Louse, No. 459 Frankli . street, very convenient, has gas, water, bath, ccller and *tal>le, and is finely located; a portion or the whole of the furniture now iti the houae can be bought cheap by the tenant if desired.

HASTINGS Al OTTO, d20 4 Brown’s Building.

F T K E N T — 'I H E F I N E 2 -S T O R Y 'ic dw* 11 ing No vo Norris Place, with bam

. delightful l.’iatu n. V .be rented low to a good t-i.au*. l.EF. fc PICKERING. 13 West Swan st. el2

T 7 u R n A L E —2 S T O R Y B R I C K H O U S E ,X No. 2r>4 Franklin st., with every modern con-

t j l O R R E N T — T H E N E W 2 S T O R Y 'brick house, with gas, water, bath aud furnace

No. 5(tj Pro p*-ct Avenue A delightful location LKE fc PICKERING, 13 Wes* S van st. e5

A B A R N I N T H E R E A R JOHel8

17 0 R R EN T-' of No lw* b

oTTo, bl P. arl *

X 7 ) R R E N T — T H E H O U S E K N O W N X H-

h« IErie Lan l Offli


I l*eg At.'vy House, on M uu > re* t,:Th ' rivdrge "f selling liquor** in ihe Tht n .■**■ .- % large two-s’oiy frame, fitted

a dwt ling. LY0-M8 fc BAKbR,

F ° r !7 U R R E N I - A Y E R Y D E S I R A B L E

r»e, 294 Ninth st, 2-story fram®, nearly id wat r, in excellent order. JOHN oT-

TO, 81 P-arl st. elO

Ho u s e s f o r r e n r b y h u m e aS \NFORD, 1(1 West Swan street.

56 Allen st, 2-story hr ck; bam, ga®, hot and cold water, bath, fur*.ace, etc.

Delaware st, 3 story hrick; bam, gas, hot and cold water, bath, fum«c®,ete.

265 Pearl st, 3-story brick; ga*, water, bath, fur nace, etc

’0 Allen st, 2-stor> brMt; gas, water,bath, furnace,etc.

yo Mohawk fuma- e, etc.

Jersey *t., 2-st >ry brick; ga«, water, large ot.IS Court st, 2 story brick and basement; gas and

-story brick; gas, water, bath.

s t , 3 - r t o ry b r ic k w i th b a s e m e n t ; gas an-l w a te r .

74 C o t ta g e s t , 2 - s to ry h r ic k w i th b a s e m e n t ; g a s . w a te r , b a r n , » tc .

42 C h ip p e w a - t ,S - s to r y h r i c k ; r n a n d w a te r .S i ’’ S i x th s t , 2 -h to ry h r ic k , a n d F r e n c h riM*f; (n e w )

g a s , w a t e r , h a th .44 M organ s t , S - s to ry b r ic k w ith b a s e m e n t : g a s a n d

w a te r .2i*4 V ir g in ia s t . 2 - s to r y f r a m e ; g a s , e tc ,131 7 a . o il s t , 2 -a to ry b r ic k ; ga* a n d w a te r .309 N o r t h D iv is io n s t , 2 -e to ry f r a m e ; g a a a u d

w a te r .26 U n io n s t , 2 - s to r y f r a m e ; g a s a n d w a te r .13 A lle n s t . 1 -s to ry f ra m e w ith b a s e m e n t .353 E le v e n th -it, 2 - s to r y f r a m e w i tn la rg e lo t .75 1 ni*»n s t , 2 s to r y fram *:.24 W ilk e s o n Ft, 2 - s to r y f r a m e .2 !) s . u th 1*.v is io n s t , 2 - s to r y f r a m e ; w a te r .3 11 N o r t h D iv h io n , t , *- s to rv f r a m e ; c ia te r n .C o r n , r V e r m o n t a n d T h i r t e e n th » ts , 2 -« to ry f ra m e ,

w e ll a n d c is te rn .235 T h ir t* e i . th s t , 2 s to r y f r a m e .Svsi T w e lf th s t . f r a m e c o t ta g e .251 C e d a r s t , f r a m e c o t ta g eS e v e n th n e a r C o n n e c t ic u t s t , 2 -a to ry b r i c k ; F r e n c h

r o o f , g a s , w a ’e r , e tc .2 « M a c k in a w s t , 2 s to r y f r a m e ; w e ll a n d c ia te r n . 222 M iam i s t , f i a m e c o t t a g e .24 A rk a n s a s s t . f r a m e c o t ta e g . d20

H o u s e s t o r e n t b y m . m c c o m b ,No. 5 South Division Ht.

835 Hudson st , 2-storv frame, gas, cellar and a g. oil web of water, finUbed in fine style. This is one of the finest locations in Buffalo; rent $400.

197 Geo gia st., 2-story brick, in excellent condi- tir.ii; eas,water and cellar; this is a very central lo- t ati .n; rent $450

62.* Swan *t., 2-story frame, house new; and flnish- e*l < ff in excellent manner with ali the modem im­provement*; rent $150.

Brick st*>re and dwe ling to rent in a good loeation for a family grocery; the same has a good hrick oven.

1 7 U R N I S H E D C O U N T R Y S E A T F O R1 rent a t Lewiston, on t h e N i a g i r a River, con-

d iu m s iz e d d w e l l in g , w r. s o f la n d w i t h a fin.

s h r u l s ry, choice U o w c r S jJ ru i t a n d b e r r ie s , a m o s t .U li t r h tf u l r e s id e n c e Wi l l*e r e n te t l c.mpUtelv u m is h e d , f.»r four m o n th s o r lo n g e r , w i th immedi- to |M >-sesaion. LEE & PICKERING, 13 W. Swan

B R I C K B A R N F O R R E N T — S I T U -

M O R T G U i E S .

X T I T Y A N D C O U N T Y O R D E R S ,VJ SUKiks, Bonds and Mortgages, Commercial Paper, negoiiated by EDWARDS * BUCKLAND, Real Esta.e a .d Loan brokers. No. 2 Brown’s Buiid- I ig. d26

1> U R U H A S E M O N E Y — M O R T G A G E Sw a n te d b y

I N S C K A Y C e .

T ?1R E Ir < ia-s loca

1 7 A R M S ! F A R M S — S E V E R A L F I N EI ’ larg-* and small farm.* for sale or exchange. LEE

fc PICKERING. 13 W swan st. hi

dl5 ______________________S f s i N E i S P R O P E R T Y F O R S A L E .

300x309.. n Louisiana st., corner of Hamburgh st. ̂*200x300 on Hamburgh at.,corner wf Hamburgh it.

Canal.400x200 Erie Canal, comer Virginia »t.197a 00 on Maryland it , corner Fourth rt ets LION A BAKER

Q E S F.C A ST.—STOKE FOK SALEon 8eneea at., between Ma.n and Washington,

4-stor> br.ck. LYON fc BAKER, Erie Laud uft.ee.

I 7 0 R R E N T — S T O R E N O . 1 7 6 P E A R LJ. st., near Niagara st. LEE A PICKERING, 13 \\ est Swan st. e* _O TORES NOS 83, '.*1 k 93 MAIN ST.,IO to rent. Apply to JOHN OTTO, 81 Pearl st.

r p o RENT — A F IN E BUSINESSI stan 1 3 m es f- m Main St.. on Seneca st..

st re, dwelling an I bam. R* nt lo*. App'y w“*n at No. South I*-vis! n *t M. McCONB. e!7

IN S U R A N C E —T H E F IR S T -id New Y'ork City Fire Insurance

s’ at u«ual rate**. Losses promptly sd ld settled. At No. 5 Niagara rt. LEONARD


H O I S E F l K M S H I N G .


D K T I C O O D S .





O u r 2 5 C e n t

D R E S S .G O O D S C O U N T E R

zz. !• xupplied at all time# with th# ^ £ 2


33 and 50 Centa per Yard.

F R I D A Y & S A T U R D A Y

.orj; each week

We harel


Of a variety of artlelee, aud

A T G R E A T B A R G A I N S ,

E N O R M O U S S A L E Sfc


W H I T E < P I Q U E S ! !At 25 Ceuta per yard and'upwarde..

Black Alpacas,Embroideries,

Glcv andParasch.

S H A W L S A N D [ W R A P S .ALSO,




e2fl 269 MAIN RTREET.



Song for Soprano, composed by H. Sutter, prloe30 centa.

A very effective song for a concert, quite easy and haa aim. Gera an words.Lisetten Waltzes—Emil Wahle price 50 eenta.Amelia Polka Redowa—Emil Wahle.. do 30 do

Among the best of Wahle’s compositions.We have just published the above and will mail

the name on receipt of priceel9 COTTIER* DENTON. 269 Main tt.

CH R IS . K U R T Z M A N , P IA N O M A N UFAcTCRKR, corner Batavia and Elm sta., two

square* from old Court Houae. The tubecriher keeps constantly on hand a choice assortment of Piano Fortes, lu elegant rosewood case®, which he warrants to be equal in tone, touch and finish to any manufac­tured n the country. Persons desirous of obtaining a superior instrument are respectfully Invited to give him a ®aU before purchasing elsewhere


O T O R K FO R R E N T —B R IC K STO R E►O No. 64 Ma n rt.. rhe p t" a g od te- ant

D, 4 i.rowT.’s Building.

T O R E S TO R E N T -

64 Main it, now occupied by Ly n fc Flursheim. 84 West S* i.eca st, C. urter Ul vk.99 Ellicott st, c*>r. of No: th Division.HASTINGS £ OTTO. d20 4 Brown'* Bu iding.

T O L E T — B L O O M S .

Robinson k KoUKlTtts.

M oa*'a<n$ 4Aoo*ls.A eo.uplete a®*>>rtn rea^nah e prieea

BUFF; vL(’ MOURNING STORK.41 4 Main r t.. American Block.

*ien«e in Lewiston.N. Y.; a fine house with 15 r-oms. built m the best manner, with eie<ant g.ouu.ls, urge s'a'-le, ct >i n n t - , ketitkfsl ch- mvte fin® drivel tn the vicinity.romantic scenery, 5 minute* drive from balls, on thn.ugh route to lo' ronto and Montreal, snd on L. O. Snore R. R., near deno" * >1*1®1 did home lor a family, or an elegant retreat Irom t’ie cit . ; sold low; terms easy Apply at Lewiston, v* JOHN OL1PHAXT. dfi-3.u

T^tJO M S IO R R EN T—TH E U PPERj X part of a house pleasantly situated on Wadi- wor» »t. Inquire at No. 25 Wadsworth street.


W E S T C H IP P E W A S T .— TO L ET .| t f Furnished rooms for one dollar per w®ek.

B e ffa le T y p * Kowm drj. . pviqTKK£r WAREHOUSK tumiibee every article required m the printing h.isine-t*. any #*-

M»««,. a;*>. *S«**1 <•' OUkj

•IM S , G lass. G1M4*1000 Bo xes Wlwd«w G la ss , asso rted A s e a F L A T S

o S S a » « • stokbs »»bU ,W » WHIT* LEAD, lw , b b ls . L 1 S S S B D O IL . F c r aale b y

T>° " * A . S B T N O L M * 0 0 . ,

-p v E S IR A B L E P R O P E R T Y FO R SA L E.

Kllicott st, 2-storv brick bouse, very desirable, in good order; price M *$

Mon st, house and lot; pnee $1» 000.Ninth rt, house and lot; price $3000. . .North Division st. be'ween Mich gan and theet-

nut st*. 2 story brick house; price $66u0.HOWARD fc CHAPPELL. $48 Main st.

p O R S A L E C H E A P .

Two new 2-etory frame houses finished complete; ga* v-My ac. eituated on th® southwest corner of Maryland and Twelfth *u, lot* t5xlil each, are very desirable, will besotd cac P on easy terma

New 2 story and wing bouse. 164 North William street finely finished, oarbb mantles, cella , ga>. fce.Lot MilM. UXBIUIOB * o n o . » Brew»-. BaJ*-

I X E S IK A .B L E B C S IX E S 3 F.OOM* FORI f RENT—230 Rexd at , 'be 1st and 3d floor*, with gas and water. A good pls.-e for a doctor or f r a first clam dress making esta-di-haier t Wi 1 give a long lease. LYON fc BAKER, Ene Land Of­fs *,______________ __________ ________

0 E S 1 R 4 B L E ROOM S F O R B E S T .—Centrally located in a good neighborhood,

abuut *ix rooms with gas, water, fce.; marble rnan- t.es in line order, will be rent®d to a good tenant.

e9 LEE fc 11 -KKKINO. 13 Hwau st.



V E R Y L O W P R I C E S ,

A lio , a ll . o f , o u r




New Single Swing Bracket* fit 60 ct«. each. Doable Swing Brackets at 80 “1 Light Pendant a t 70 **2 Light Pendants a t $1 50 *'


We call attention te oor

EXTENSION CHANDELIERA most desirable article for Library or Dining-room*.

A>e, the XOIdET.KSS ARGAND BURNER, with10-mch Porcelain shade, at $1 76 ea :h. C«n be at­tached to Portables or CL an deli ers. Thi


2 0 i M a in S t r e e t .AGENCY FOR THE UNRIVALLED

CH 1CK ERIN C PIAN O SAt prices reduced to such an extent that they can be purchased for nearly the name figure which Inferior and worthies* instrument* command.

Call and get an illustrated price list.We are also Agent* for the celebratedDECKER BROTHERS’ PIANOS

Which are now taking the lead over all other New Y’ork mikee

Our large assortment of Pianos alao includes In­strument* from the celebrated manufactorie* of J. B. DUNHAM,


We have on hand an assortment o the celebratedBEO. WOODS k 60.

PABLOR AMD VESTRY 0R6AI,which for beautiful and ptpelike quality of tone, elegance of finish ai.d durability of construction ex­ceed all other makes.

Call and examine our large variety of PIANO STOOLS, PIANO COVER8, fce.

Pianos moved, stored, boxed and shipped oa short aotice.

OLD PIANOS taken ln exchange.We are constantly adding to our very large and

well selected stock of Sheet Muaic, Musical InMru ment* and Musical Merchandise of every description


I Buff,.,,, K. T.


W H I S f c e .p R K M lU M STOCK LAGER


Mo. t t fc 24 Week Eagle street.LOUIS A. BU KHL, Proprietor.

R I 8 L E Y & C O . ,






S u p e r io r G o o d s a t th e L o w e s t P r ic e s

D ^ O T S :

7 East Front «t., DUNKIRK, N. T.,

157 W a s h in g to n s t , B u ffa lo , N . Y.eld

H. F. B iU G G S k CO.,

Distillers and Rectifiers.OfBoe and mlea rooms corner Washington and Quay

streets.Offer to the trade Alcohol, High wines, French

Spirit* and Fine Whiskies of their own distillation. Also, a superior brand of Bourbon, Monongabela and imported whiskies. bl4 3m.

C E R T S ' P l I K R I S H I R C .

G O ! G O ! G O !l







• r r A 000D HAT (of*TAT, UadA







Look for the Large Upright Bear

2 9 1 M a i n S t r e e t -

B E R G T O L D Al BRO .




K E N N E T T ’ S ,•l* 273 MAHf ffTEZET.*

■ t t i A w m j e » P M w n i i f iJ 3 V K R Y D E S C R I P T I O N O F



F M B V O T O O O if F A N T

n w w t O O M P A N Y


B Y T E L E G R A P H .

K 0 . U M fc iT S W A M I

The attention ef * e pnMM ls called Is tbe tea ow­ing. whMb are hut a tew of tbe mwefceitednotices of the Paeas la all parts of the eountry elicited a reseat qn dnss of our woek.

[From th* N Y. World,Th* Express Printing Compear of Buffalo have

Issued a Calender, In eolora, which 1* an admirable •peehnen of tbeir capacities for ormamental work of this leeerlption.

(Fremtho N. T. Season ]Tbe Expreaa Printing Company, of Buffalo, ts be­

coming euebrated a or it* eolor printing. A recent specimen ef work from this enterprising young con­cern—e Calendar for tbe new year—shows a variety of exquisite color that throws all the old faahione i rainbows into the shade. It ls almost worth whtl* going to Buffalo to live la order to get one’s decora­tive typography axeowted in this masterly style.

[From the New Terk Ledger ]The Calendar for 1868. issued by th* publishers of

the Buffalo Expreaa, and printed in their Job Print­ing Offioe, is oae of the finest spe.umwns of ornament­al printing which we hsve ever seen. Buffalo is un­doubtedly ahead of New York In this style of print- inf-

(From ths Rhods Island Schoolmaster ]Oar thanks ars due to the Buffalo Express Print­

ing Company for their beaut fui Calendar Card iur ledo. Though tt had become somewhat bruised aod wrinkled while passing through the mad it i* eawy to perceive that it was once as smooth and lovely as tbe face of Spring,

f[Prom the N. Y. Journal of Commerce.j Tbe Buffalo Ev press Printing Company bas scut

forth a Calendar for 1866, whioh Is a vary handsome specimen of decorative art.


D E C O K A T I O S .

p O S T k VLERGIYER,Dealers In


gMo. 1$ K. Swan sC, Buffalo, M. T.

LOFTaS FO R R E N T — IN T H E N E Wblock oorner of a ash ington and Gr«.en street*.

The second story over Now. 153 aod 156. The wholeof the third »to*y Apply to ___

March 17,1870. cis-tf JEWETT fc ROOT.


W H I T E L E A D ,


N o i s e l e s s



THE HI8HEST PREMIUM.T h e O n ly G o ld M e d a l .

8 1 ,0 0 0 M a c h in e s S o ld in 1 8 6 9 .THEY COMBINE ALL

LATEST IMPROVEMENTS.)■ Wheeler and Wilson’s Machines combine every­

thing that aaa be required in the manufacture of garments. Our friends abroad may b* assured that they wiil give entire satisraction, and that to pur­chase on* of them i» e safe investment.”—N. Y. Observer.

8. W . STONE fc C0» Agta.Office and Salesroom 275 Main street, eorner Swan


DgS. 029

I Three n i c e s l e e p i n g r o o m s i nthat central locality, 333 Main street, ov

p.idley fc BoefcweU. Apply to OEO. B. BULL tbepnK *!A

W A R R A N T E D P E R F E C T L Y P U R E .

LEAD PIPE, BAR & SHEET LEADF o r Sa l* b y all

J . J O S E P H S ,



F A N C Y P A I N T E R ,46 Exchange t., Buffal#,New T s* .



W alls and Ceilings Ka I comined

In th e B E B T M A N S K R W w ith despatch .


S K I L L F U L ^ W 0 R K M K N

A n d con s tan t ly be ing re ce ip t o f the


N E W E S T 8T Y L E S O F T Y P E

A n d .th e m o st a p p ro red /m eehantea l£epp lta tie«e e the a rt. W e ar* prepared te Ao a ll desc r ip tio n p r in t in g ta tbe






F A M P H L E T * /

C A R D S ,|

C I R C U L A R * .



I N S U R A N C E I P O U C 1 E


U K N I R A I ^ B V S I M E M

POtTERa,P B O O R A M M Y .4 ,

C O U P O N S .




C . W O O D R U F F k C O .,

? i m l u u f i c n x m m m u m ,14 a n d | 2 6 jP E A R L S T R E E T J R U F F A L O ,

eep oo hand *ad m an u fa c tu re to o rde r papers ev e ry g rade , a t W ho le aa le P i lues.

C A S H P A I D fo r a n U n d e o f P ap e r sto ck . W erebooee a t tb e N ia g a ra F a ll* P a p w M iC e W y

CASH PAID hOA ) LEAD. r[rV5§7“ f t , ^ EMMkrwm.:U a / GtU IMOGLtCH, OCXXm C. VOODWTF

~ s e y » M m i x .



M l v . a . I *1 l i m d M l M i a *T B . - * - * i r t ! ®** ** m . m w S S m '


OMpfcu!, iw d H «Uh

T H K V E R Y B E S T M A T E R I A L , j

■ r u r u D to u r R n n i n tr*exT IO H O T B O O K . C A K B A H B J O B Y O U .

■ a 1 4 .K A J T S W A B r U T .

(B M o nd n o o r . )


N k w Y o k e , J o b * 2) . — A special from M alo ne a a y s : A Fe n ia n coanoil of w a r w a« held yeeterd fiy a fternoon a t th ia place and i t waa resolved th a t fo r th o preeent the m ovem ent aga inst C anada be abondooed. T h e C oano il wee oompoeed of,commissioned officers, b a t th e leaders of th e ra id w ere now here to be found. T h e ind ignation of th e officers and m en k new no bounds, and the loud and h e a r ty curses were u ttered against th e co w ard ly fh llow a fe llo w s w ho h av ing engineered the ra id np to th e po int i t has reached, and d ecieved th e offioer* and men as to the prospects of success, and abandoned th e cause a t th e try in g hoar, w hen a ll depended npon th e ir p luck, courage and m ilit a r y know ledge.

G E N E R A L S T A R R .

G en era l S t a r r m ean ly stole h im se lf aw ay from here on th e th ree o’c lo ck t ra in F r id a y afternoon.

REPORTED 8HOT.C apta in Ja m e s M a rp h y of N e w Y o rk is

reported as h av ing been captured and im ­m ed ia te ly shot a t T ig ron H i l l .U E K E R A L F O S T E R T A K E S C H A R G E O F U N IT E D

STATES A F F A I R S .A d ispatch states th a t a co u n c il of

w a r, composed of G enera ls M eade, M e D o w e ll, aud Fo ste r, w as he ld th is m orning in S t . A lb an s , a t w h ioh i t w as decided th a t the en tire con tro l of a ffairs on the p a rt of th s U n ite d S ta te s governm ent in th s t v ic in ity should be le ft in the hands of G enera l Foster. S t . A lb an s is now qu iet and a large num ber c f Fen ian s are leaving here, going fo rth in th e d irection fff home aud tow ard M a lo n r , w here th e y expect s t irr in g tim es soon.

THE BROTHERHOOD ▲ FAILURE.T he E xecu tive Counoil of th e Fenian

B rotherhood, a t Ph ilade lph ia , have issued an address signed bv Jam es G ibbons, C h a ir­m an, and R ichard M oClaud, S ecretary , s ta tin g th a t th e la te C anadian invasion was u nd ertak en w ith o u t any a u th o r ity from th e Brotherhood, and th e failure can n o t be recognized ss s d efea t of the national organ­ization. T hey declare th k t th e loss of life and the w ar m ateria l, an d sacrifice resu lts in th e ir years of to il and p reparation . They say th a t O’N eill’ misoouduc-t has postponed only for a sh o rt tim e I re lan d ’s deliverance. ATTEMPTED SEIZURE OF A RAILROAD TRAIN

Oo d k n s b c r o , M ay 29.— T h e F w ia n s a t Potsdam Ju n c tio n are w ith o u t tra n sp o rta ­tion, and th ey a ttem p ted th e seizure of a tra in of th e O sdensburg k L ake Cham plain R ailroad going F ast, b u t w ere repulsed by a com pany ot U n ited S ta tes stroops. Each tra in of tb is road is now fu rn ished w ith a guard of regulars.

GENERAL STARR.General S ta rr passed th ro u g h th is place

to-day en ro u te for hom e, having abandoned th e expedition . H e reporta th a t th e Fenian force is an unorganized rabble , imposaible to handle and not su b jec t to discipline.

A RAID EXPECTED.M uch apprehension of a raid ex ists a t

P resco tt, C anada, to -n igh t, and th e vo lun­teers hsve been exercising in firing and sk irm ish ing for a large p a r t of th e day.

TUE CANADIAN FEVIANN.A pprehensions of a r ising am ong th e Ca­

nadian F enians to tak e place to-day are en ­te rta in ed th ro u g h o n t th e Dominion, as tbe governm ent is in possession of inform ation th a t such an u nd ers tan d in g existed betw een them and th e invaders. A dditional p re ­cautions have been taken , and th e civil and m ilita ry au th o rities are on th e a lert. I t is th o n g b t th e poor success of th e invaders will postpone o r en tire ly p rev en t th e oo-op­erative rising.

FATHER M’MAHON.F a th er M cM ahon of Fenian n o to rie ty

passed on to St. A lbans y este rnay in com ­pany w ith a body of P h iladelph ia Fenians.

GEN. MEADE HAYS THE WAR IS ENDED.General M eade a rrived here thi* a fte r ­

toon accom panied by G eneral McDowell. Van V lie t w ill leave for New York to ­m orrow . T he governm en t w ill n o t pro­vide tra n sp o rta tio n for th n 1000 to 1500 Fenians rem aining in th e M alone vicinity . G eneral M eade is of th e opinion th a t the railroad com panies m u st ao th is a t th e ir own expense, as th ey received fu ll fare for bringing th em here.

T he G eneral reports th a t th ey are behav ing very well, n o t disposed to be violent, and only desire to re tu rn to th e ir homes. H e is oonfident th e re w ill be no fu rth e r trouble.

T h ere is g rea t rejoioing along th e C ana­dian fro n tie r a t th e inglorious term ination of th e m ovem ent.

ADMITTED TO BAILS t. A lb a n s , M ay 29.—C aptain J . J .

M onahan, of Burlington, who was a rrested F rid sy evening, w ss y este rday arraigned before Com m issioner R and and ad m itted to bail in th e sum of $1000, Chief of Police L. M . Downing becoming his security . M ajor H ugh M cGinnis, of Cam bridge, V erm ont, was also brough t before Commis­sioner Band and ad m itted to hail in tbe sum of $1000. C ap tain Daninl M urphy in d efau lt of $1000 waa ordered to be com ­m itted .

COLLECTING THE ARMSColonel Sullivan, w ho acted as Q u arte r­

m aster, has been since th e tigh t busily en ­gaged in securing th e arm s. H e claim s th a t he has h idden a large q u an tity . H e came in to tow n tb is forenoon, b u t oo lea rn ­ing t h a t all the leaders w ere being a rrested , b ea t a h asty re trea t to p a rts unknow n.

D epu ty M arshal F arley has been a t F rank lin for tw o o r th re e days ga thering arm s and am m unition . H e has collected a large q u a n tity , and G eneral F oster has de­term ined th a t all persons w ho helped them selves shall tu rn th en over to th e U nited S ta te s au th o rities.

LEAYING FOR HOME >N early all th e F enians have le ft for th e ir

hom es. A s th e tim e for th e d ep a rtu re of th e so u thern tra in la s t n ight d rew nigh th ey g a thered in force in th e depot, and in sp ite of a ll th e railroad m anagers could do con­triv ed to ge t aboard th e cars w ith o u t t ic k ­e ts. A consultation was held , and i t was concluded to tak e them along. T he people feel g rea tly relieved a t th e ir departu re .

NOT HANGED.M u rp h y , th e team ster, w ho waa captu red

b y Canadian was no t hung to-day, as was reported he w o uld be. |

REPORTED ARRESTS.T oron to , M a y 29.— In fo rm a tio n w as re ­

ce ived here from M a lo ne of th e a r r iv a l of U n ite d S ta te s M arsh a l Q u im b y and th s a rres t of several m en supposed to be Fen ian officers, in c lud ing G en . G leason and father M cM ah on .

l e a d e r s a n d a r e v e ry d e s iro u s o f r e tu r n in g to t h e i r h o m es . T b e B r i t is h M in is te r ae a la o i a re o e ip t o f te le g ra m * fro m th e a u th o r i t i e s o f a s im ila r te n o r , a n d t b a t n o f a r t h e r t r o u b le ie e x p e c te d . T h o se B a n ia n s w h o h a v e fa lle n in to t h e h a n d s o f t h e C a­n a d ia n g o v e r n m e n t w ill b e s u m m a ri ly d e a l t w i th .

X L I r t C O N G R E S S — S E C O N D S E S S IO N .

W a s h in g t o n , M a y 28 .S E N A T E .

M r. S U M N E R (R e p ., M a n s ) , p re sen t® ! a p e t i t io n f r o u th e A m e r ic a n C a b le C om p a n y , o f N e w Y o r k S ta t e , p ro p o s in g t o la y a c a b le f ro m N e w Y o rk c i ty t o t h e A a o re Is la n d s ; th e n o e to L isb o n , P o s ta g e l ; th e n c e to L a n d s , E n g la n d ; th e n c e t o H a v r e a n d A m s te rd a m , a s k in g fo r a id . R e fe rre d .

A lso a p e t i t io n f ro m th e o o lo re d c i t is e n s of M a r v la n d , s e t t in g f o r th t h a t t h e y w ero P ro sc r ib e d w h e n th e y t r a v e l a n d w e re m a l ­t r e a t e d in t h e i r jo o rn e y in g e fro m o n e p la c e t o a n o th e r , a n d a s k in g for a re m e d a y .

A t 2:15 o’clock th e Senate proceeded w ith t h e D is t r ic t of Colum bia business

T he bill to p rev en t an y offioer or em ployee of a corporation from acting aa an election or reg is tra tio n officer was passed

M r. A N T H O N Y (R ep., R . V j / w M depu ted by resolution to preside d uring th e tem porary absence of th e Vioe President.

A t fonr o'clock th e S enate w en t in to c iecu siv e session, and soon a fte r ad journed t il l T uesday .

HOUSE.MrT S M IT H (R ep., V t.), a fte r th e ses­

sion, calling on th e S ecretary of th e T reas­u ry for in fo rm stion ae tt> w h e th e r any tele- graph oom panics hav ing offices in New E o rt C ity have refused or neglected to re ­p o rt to th e proper Assessor th e am ount of th e ir gross receipts aa required by law. A dopted. A n a il on th e House showud tho presence of 138 members.

M r. W IL L A R D (R ep , V t.), C hairm an of Com mittee on the Revolutionary P e n ­sions am i W ar o f 1812, rep o rted several pension bills. A discussion ensued, and aa m uch opposition was developed th e bill was w ithdraw n.

M r. \ \ 1LLA RD (Rep. V t.), also reported a general bill g ran tin g pensions to th e su r ­viving so ldiers and sailors of 1812. Con­siderable d eb a te arose on th e question of requiring th e so ld iers en title d to th e bounty in th e w ar of 1812 living in th e S o u th e rn S ta te s to tak e tb e iron clad ''a th . I t waa finally passed w ith t h s t condition added. T his bill also applies to th e widows who had been m arried before th e close of th e war.

The Honse th en resum ed th e conaidera tiou of th e bili to reduce the in te rnal taxes. A numVer of am endm ents were offered and debated , a fte r which th e H o u se ad journed to Tuesday n igh t.

S T R E A M E R S ,

n m T A T i o u s ,

O R D E R S O F D A N C I N G ,



F L A C A l t D *

I N S U R A N C E ,


T H E A T R I C A L , 7

L A W ,



M O W X A T l U Z V T O m R A M I S


W a s h in g to n , M ay 2 9 .—T h e Secretary of th e T reasury has d irec ted the A ssistan t T reasu rer of New Y ork to sell $1,000,000 each on W ednesday the 9 ih of Ju n e ; alao, to purchase $2,000,000 w o rth of bonds on th e first, th ird and fifth T hu rsd ay in Ja n e , and $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 on th e second and fourth T hursday . A ggregate sales of gold $6,01)0, 000; aggregate p u rchas es of bouds $8,000.-

U0° ’ INTERNAL RffYENUB RECEIPTS.T h e in te r n a l re v e n u e re o e ip ta to t b i s d a te

a m o u n t t o $155,000,000, a n d $2,000,000 m o re w ill d o u b t le s s be re o e iv e d b y t h e e x ­p iry of t b e p r e s e n t m o n th . $20,000,000 w ill p ro b a b ly h e re a l is e d n e x t m o n th fro m if e r t i l e t a x a n d o th e r so u rc es , m a k in g tb e

i t o t a l o f $ 1 7 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 8 0 fo r t h e p re e e n t fisc a l y e a r .

M. T. CM STEAL RAILROAD TAXC o m m iss io n e r D e la n o a a d S o lic ito r S m ith

h a v e n o t y e t com e t o a fin a l co n c lu sio n w i th re fe re n c e t o t h e a m o u n t o f l i a b i l i ty of t h e N e w Y o r k C e n t r a l R a i l ro a d a s t o t h e t a x o n d iv id e n d s . T h e e a se ia s t i l l u n d e r


Tn t h e e x e c u tiv e session o f t h e S e n a te o a S a tu r d a y t h e m o tio n t o reim neidw r t b e o fiiH M taoa o f T . F . H a r r is o n ne M a f s h a l fo r t h e M « d d la D is t r ic t o f T e n n e sse e , w h ic h h a s b e e n p e n l i n g , w a s w i th d r a w n a n d h ie o on f ts s a tm e §• n o w fcnaonneed .


N ew Y'o r k , M ay 29.— W illiam n a il , C ap tain of th e steam ship P ennsylvania , w ho was accused of a ttem p tin g to sm uggle a bridal trousseau from Liverpool in to th is p o rt was y este rday discharged by Cem m is siouer Oslmrn on th e ground th a t th ere was n o t sufficient evidence against him.

GRADUATED.The Cooper U nion for th e advancem ent

of science and a r t g rad u a ted eleven etu- denta las t ev< ning, including seven young women from th e Fem ale School T elegraphy. P e te r Cooper presided. Governor Huffman delivered an ad dress.

MISS CLAFL1N NEARLY MOBBED.M iss Claflin, of W oodhnll k Claflin,

while canvassing for her paper in N ew ark F riday , narrow ly escaped being She waa m istaken for K dith O’G orm an sh aaasing th e Fenian headquarters, aud was pursued by a crowd of men and b o j s from whom she escape*! by tak in g refuge in a store and passiug. th ro u g h to an o th er s tree t.

RMIGRAHON.T he em igrant* las t week num bered 11,-

493, m ore th an in any o ther week of the p resen t year.

“ SounRHAX H om es."—U nder tho sl>ove tit le th e E rie R ailw ay Com pany havo ju s t published an in te res tin g w ork, descrip tive of th e co un try ad jacen t to th e line c f tho Eastern D ivision and branches of th eif road and th e N orthern R ailroad of New Je rsey , together w ith a s ta tem en t of th e induce­m ents offered for th e purchase of a s u b u rb ­an 4hsideuce in th e rich valleys 4f the H ackensack or I ’assaic, th e h ea lth fu l m ountain region of th e Ram apo, o r tba fair, fertile fields of Orange County. Thfire is no lovelier section in th e w orld th an th a t th rough which the Erie w inds ita wt.y for th e first n in ety m iles a fte r i t leaves N ew Y ork; and th e a u th o r of th e w ork has ev i­d en tly spared no pains to m ake th e in fo rm ­ation thorough and accurate , as irell As in ­teres tin g to th e general public. Hy th o se who m ay desire to inspect lan d in thu sec­tion tre a te d of, w ith a view to purchase, copies of th e book m sy be obtained free cf charge a t th e office of the G eneral P iesen ger A gent, E rie R ailw ay Com pany, New Y ork.

A n AfTBESh’ P in c u s h io n .—T h e ?our.g Prince Demidoff was, some years since, paying co u rt to an actress w ho wru the fashion am ong th e bloods of th e day , and i t was his custom on en terin g th e room to fall on his knees before tb a t adored bfcauty. In those d ay s long neck scarfs and so|>erb b reastp ins w ere the fashion. T he Prtnoo had of oourse in variab ly th e superheat ef superb. The reigning favorite uevewom it- ted p lay fu lly tak in g th e pin o u t >f the scarf and placing i t in her pincushion, to the g rea t am usem ent of th e Prince. Tbe pincushion soon becam e lite ra lly studded w ith jew els of priceless valne. < *ne day the se rv an t en tered tb e room w ith terro r s trick en faoe. “ M adam e, the P rince." “ W ell," rep lied th e actreea, “ let him come in .” “ B ut, b u t, b u t m adam e," aaid th e poor g irl. “ B u t w h a t!" exclaim ed her m istress. “ Oh, m adam e! the P nnoe w ears a sh o rt n eck c lo th ." “ Tell him, th en ," r e ­joined th e beau ty , “ th a t I am n o ta t hom e." I t ia naedicss to :ay th a t in fu tu re th e P rince never bad th e courage to call w ith ­o u t a long crav a t and e x trav ag an t b rea s t­pin.

M an ito b a !! L a e e , w hich has given a ti t le to the province form ed o u t of th e Red River region, derives its nam e from a small island from which, in tb e stillness of n ig h t, issues a “ m ysterious voice,” though there is no real “ m y ste ry ” ab o u t it. O n no ffhoount will th e O bjibw ays approach or land npon th is iaisnd, supposing i t to be the h ’roe of th e M anitobah— “ tb e Speaking God. ’’ T he cause of th is curious sound is th e b esting of the waves on th e “ sh ingla ,” o r large peb­bles lining th e shores. A long th e noH hsp i coast of the island th ere is a long low cliff of fine grained com pact li mee t oa e , w h ich , under th e stroke of th e ham m er, d i s t s l ik e steeL T he waves beating o a th e shore a l the foot of th e cliff cause tho f a lk a frag­m ents to rub against each o th er, s s d to give o u t a sound resem bling th e eh h aes ef d is ta n t church bells. T ine phaokm snon occurs w hen th e gales blow from th a a o r th , and th en , as th e w inds kubside, low, w ail­ing sounds, like w hispering ro ie /s , e ra heard in th e air. Eng lish tra v e le r* assert t h a t th e effect ia very im prsseive, ao d h a re been aw akened a t n ig h t u nder th e im pres­sion th a t th ey w ere lis ten ing to thnroh bells. ________

M a k in g N rw P o t a t o e s . — T h e P a U M a i l C h m e t te t e l l s how “ n e w p o ta to e s " a re m a d e in F a r ia . O ld p o ta to e s , t h e c h e a p e s t a n d s m a lle s t t h a t c a n b e o b ta in e d , aFs p u r ­c h a s e d b y tb e r a J u t o l c u r $ d f porkau* d e l e r r t , ao th e y a r e c a lle d , w h o c a r r y th e i r p ro p e r ty t o t h e b a n k a o f t h e S e in e , a goo d s u p p ly o f w a te r b e in g n e c e s sa ry . T b e p o ­ta to e s a r e p a t in to t a b s h a lf filled w ith w a te r ; t h e n th e y a r e v ig o ro u s ly s t ir r e d a b o u t b y t h e f e e t a n d leg s o f t h e m a o u fsc

w h o ro l l u p t h e i r t ro w as re a n ti r a w p o ta i re o } n n t i l o n ly nnrepie t el ’ r a h -

TW. SUM l . t h—IIIM—ll

a ty w h oM , r*fa*B* *»ob»7tk«t h o o rd e rs o f t h r e r

T h e y o re th en

e * • < > ■ ■ > « ■ l e Sf. •. T h i H M * * * S B w r t U L m m .B M iB tfc s tth B n y U a fc O T a M lM B B M o '

H U a d t f B o M e T S H