
7/23/2019 VitaminPresentation5_1_ 1/29 Effect of Vitamin/Mineral Supplements on Children with Autism James B. Adams  parent of a child with autism President of Greater Phoenix Chapter of ASA enineerin professor at Ari!ona State "ni#ersit$

Transcript of VitaminPresentation5_1_

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Effect of Vitamin/MineralSupplements on

Children with Autism

James B. Adams

 parent of a child with autismPresident of Greater Phoenix Chapter of ASA

enineerin professor at Ari!ona State "ni#ersit$

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%esearch &eam

' Jim Adams( orani!er)

' %ichard *a+es( statistician) chair of ,uman %esources and

*amil$ -e#elopment at Ari!ona State "n.

' Carol Johnston( professor of nutrition at Ari!ona State

"ni#ersit$) expert in #itamins and minerals

' %aun Melmed M.-.( de#elopmental pediatrician) co

medical director of Southwest Autism %esearch Center 

' Cind$ Schneider M.-.( comedical director of Southwest

Autism %esearch Center 

' man$ #olunteers from ASA and SA%C

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Goal of our stud$(

-etermine if #itamin/mineral supplements can

reduce some of the s$mptoms of autism

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0h$ consider #itamin/mineral supplements1

Vitamins and minerals are essential for ood health of e#er$one.

&he lac2 of essential #itamins and minerals results in disease this is the

definition of an 3essential #itamin/mineral4

-eficienc$ of Vitamin C( scur#$

-eficienc$ of Vitamin -( ric2ets

-eficienc$ of 5ron( anemia

,ih le#els of #itamin/mineral inta2e ha#e +een shown to impro#e health in

man$ cases

Man$ t$pical Americans suffer from #itamin/mineral deficiencies( 678 of Americans

are deficient in Vitamin C

man$ women are deficient in calcium and iron978 of Americans suffer from deficiencies in manesium and chromium

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0h$ consider #itamin/mineral supplements

for people with autism1:; often restricted diets <3pic2$ eaters4;(

limited #itamin/mineral inta2e

=; poor diestion <=>8 ha#e chronic diarrhea =>8 ha#e chronic constipation;)

0a2efield?s wor2 shows intestinal pro+lemslimited a+sorption of #itamins/minerals

6; Shaw?s wor2 suests presence of $east/+acterial infection in intestine(

fewer 3ood4 +acteria which actuall$ produce se#eral #itamins

@; :9 studies demonstrated +enefits of #itamin B/M

>; : stud$ showed #itamin C was +eneficial in autism; Prof. Meson( cod li#er oil <with hih le#els of #itamin A - and essential fatt$

acids; helped with a!e a#ersion +eha#ior 

; -r. %imland?s set of parentreported case studies on +enefits of #itamins/minerals

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-r. %imland?s data+ase(

selfreported +$ parents

Supplement # respondents % worse % same % better

calcium : @: >9

#itamin C ==7 6 @9 @

folic acid == 6 >6 @@

#itamin B and M =7>7 > @ @

!inc 99 @@ >7

dimeth$ll$cine :@ >= @:

niacin or niacinamide @ 9 @ @>

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Vitamin/Mineral &estin +$ -r. Emar Voelaar 

&ested +lood le#els in =7 children with autism

*ound low le#els of the followin #itamins/minerals

in o#er >78 of children

A B: B6 B> +iotin selenium !inc and manesium.

Also found that o#er >78 of the patients had low

le#els of essential amino acids and two essentialfatt$ acids <EPA and -GDA;.

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0h$ test a multi#itamin/mineral


:; #er =7 essential #itamins and minerals so #er$ difficult to

test e#er$ one indi#iduall$

=; Man$ #itamins/minerals wor2 toether(

Vitamin B and M

Vitamin C and +iofla#onoids

Vitamin - Calcium and Manesium6; 5f indi#idual #itamins/minerals help some perhaps includin

all the essential #itamin/minerals would help more

@; -espite widespread use no prior research on effect of multi

#itamin/mineral supplements on people with autism

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&housands of supplements on mar2et)

0hich to choose1

Criteria(:; want hih le#el of B and Manesium with some/all B in P>P

form <other forms ma$ not +e well a+sor+ed if $east infection;

=; no copper <too hih in most children with autism;

6; no iron <not needed in most children;

@; hih le#els of all other #itamins/minerals within safe ranes

<especiall$ careful with A - F which are fatsolu+le and can +uild

up in +od$;

6 optimal choices Fir2man?s Super u&hera Brainchild?s Spectrum

Support and -Aplex <all de#eloped for children with autism;

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Spectrum Support

-e#eloped +$ a father of a child with autism)

 ew) pre#iousl$ used +$ a+out :77 children with autism)

6 le#els <5 55 and 555; all in liHuid form with lemon/lime fla#or 

contains hih le#els of all #itamins and minerals except(

no #itamin A) <contains +etacarotene instead;

moderate calcium <in case drin2in mil2;moderate - <so can ta2e with cod li#er oil;

sweetened with #eeta+le l$cerin)

no artificial colors or fla#ors) G*C*

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A <as Carotenes; 777 5" >77 5" =778

B: =7 m => m =98

B= =7 m => m ===8

B6 iacinamide =7 m => m 6@8

B6 5nositol ,. :> m =7 m <a+o#e;

B> 7 m 9> m :>@>8

B <as P>P; =7 m 6> m =>778

B:= 77 mc 977 mc 98

*olic Acid >77 mc 77 mc @8

Biotin 7 mc :77 mc @77I

Choline 7 m 7 m I

5nositol 7 m 7 m I

Vitamin C 6>7 m @>7 m :7778

Biofla#oinoids =>7 m @77 m I

-6 =77 5" =77 5" >78

E :=> 5" :>7 5" >78

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Calcium =97 m @77 m @98

Manesium 6=> m @77 m 6=8

Potassium 9 m m Iinc =7 m 67 m @778

Mananese > m 9 m I

Chromium > mc :77 mc I

Selenium > mc 9> mc I

Mol$+denum >7 mc > mc ISilica 7 :7 m I

I #alues not set +$ "S *ood and -ru Administration

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ther 5nredients


Betaine :77 m =77 m

MSM =77 m => m

-MAE97 m 7 m

 Acet$l C$steine :> m => m

trace amounts of man$ her+s(

Ashwaanda %oot Burdoc2 root Chinese Astralaus %oot

Gin2o Bil+o+a Deaf Gotu Fola Deaf G$mnema S$l#estre Deaf

Schisandra *ruit Mil2 &histle Seed Si+erian Ginsen Slipper$


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*indin Participants

:; Mass mailin to :777 families with autism in A

=; Elii+ilit$ criteria(

' ae =.> to $rs' dianosed with autistic spectrum disorder 

' not ta2in an$ other #itamins/minerals <except reular

children?s #itamin allowed;

' no chanes in an$ treatments in last = months' willin to 2eep other treatments constant durin stud$

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%esearch Protocol

' 6 month stud$

' ,alf of su+Kects recei#e place+o

' ,alf of su+Kects recei#e #itamin/mineral


' -osae is slowl$ increased to maximum o#er

first = months then held constant

' -ou+le+lind( participants and examiners don?t

2now who is ettin what until stud$ ends

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Eliminated from stud$( place+o roup

Case :;

de#eloped diarrhea = wee2s into stud$

  <had histor$ of freHuent +outs of diarrhea;)

 parent stopped 3supplement4 +ut diarrhea continued for 

another wee2)

Case =;

started risperdal = wee2s into stud$)

one wee2 later child freHuentl$ lost control of +ladder and


 parent stopped 3supplement4) pro+lems continued

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Eliminated from stud$( supplement roup

Case :;

*amil$ went on #acation and stopped i#in supplement)

Cases = and 6;

&wins reported occasional #omitin onl$ in e#enin)

supplements i#en at pm on empt$ stomach L

Case @;

Child did not ta2e supplement consistentl$

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*inal Group of Participants

' Place+o( +o$s : irl)

' Supplement( +o$s : irl)

' Same a#erae ae in each roup <>.> $ears;

' Sa#e a#erae se#erit$ of autism <moderate;

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' &estin at 7 and := wee2s includin(   ph$sical exam +$ medical doctor 

   +lood sample to measure #itamin/mineral le#el

  urine sample to measure #itamin/mineral le#el

' SA%C medical histor$ <:>7 Huestions;

' Parent reports <:77 Huestions; at wee2s 7 =

@ 9 :7 and :=

' -iet anal$sis +ased on :: dail$ food los

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Vitamin C results <at end of stud$;

rane a#erae

Place+o( 7.:.@ :.76

Suppl. :.7=.7 :.66

&he difference of 7.6 is statisticall$ sinificant to >8 confidence

&$pical children ae 6: a#eraeN:.6)

Below 7.> is marinal and +elow 7.= is deficient

-ata suests control roup had slihtl$ low le#els of C and

suests that supplement did impro#e le#el of C in +lood

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Vitamin B le#els

Prestud$( place+o( >@ n/ml

supplement( >

Post stud$( place+o( >


&$pical controls( 6> <==@ rane;

Conclusion( children with autism ha#e sinificantl$ ele#ated B le#els and

supplement increases them

Explanation( recent stud$ +$ -r. &apan Audh$a found that en!$me forcon#ersion of B is defecti#e in autism such that con#ersion rate is :/:7

of normal

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#erall %esultsBased on parent e#aluations on final da$ of stud$

point scale

:Nmuch worse


6Nslihtl$ +etter 


>Nslihtl$ +etter 


Nmuch +etter 

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Alpha Dipoic Acid De#els

' Autism( a#erae 6.9 rane =.9.:

' &$pical Adult( rane =.6>

' &hus children with autism don?t seem to ha#e a+normal

alpha lipoic acid le#els althouh #alues for t$pical

children <not adults; are needed to +e sure

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#erall %esultsCategory Placebo Supplement Difference

Socia+ilit$ >.: >.6 O7.:

Expr. Danuae >. >. O7.6

%ec. Danuae @. >.9 O7.

E$e Contact @. >.> O7.

General Beha#ior @.6 >.: O7.9

Sleep 6. >.@ O:.>

Stools/Gastrointest. 6. >.@ O:.>

#erall >.: >.> O7.@

Sleep and Stool results are statisticall$ sinificant to .>8 confidence)

%ecepti#e Danuae and General Beha#ior are sinificant at 978 le#el

Expressi#e Danuae



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Some children impro#e much more than others

 o+od$ worse

Supplement seems to help children independent of ae

Average Score vs. Age








30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

child's age (months)

  a  v  e  r  a  g  e

  s  c  o  r  e


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:77 uestions

*illed out e#er$ = wee2s +$ same parent

Scale of : to >

:Nne#er =Nrarel$




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MaKor %esults from Sur#e$ +$ Cateor$Cateor$(place+o chane supplement chane difference

Sleep O7.79 O:.=6 O:.:9

Aression O7.7 O7. O7.7

Communication O7.7 O7.>= O7.@

Motor S2ills O7.7= O7.@@ O7.@=

Coniti#eO7.:6 O7.>> O7.@=

%ep. Beha#. O7.=@ O7.7 O7.6

-ail$ Di#in O7.:@ O7.@ O7.6=

Sensor$ O7.: O7.@> O7.=

-iet O7.:= O7.= O7.:@

Social 5nter. O7.67 O7.@= O7.:=

5nappr. Beha#. O7.69 O7.@6 O7.7>

,$peracti#it$ O7.@7 O7.6 7.7:

Conclusion( Supplement especiall$ helped sleep and also eneral impro#ement in man$ other areas

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' Children with autism are low in #itamin C hih in B <+ut

need e#en more B;

' Multi#itamin/mineral supplement led to man$

impro#ements in the s$mptoms of autism especiall$

reardin sleep and G5 pro+lems

' Darer stud$ needed with pre and posttestin of all

#itamin/mineral le#els

' See http(// for cop$ of handout

and other information

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*inancial support from the ASA *oundation Ari!onaState "ni#ersit$ ASAPhoenix and *EA&&ucson

SA%C for use of facilities and staff 

&he families who participated in the stud$

Brainchild utritionals for pro#idin product and

 place+o at cost <96:; @>7:7@

 ote( %esearchers ha#e no financial lin2 withBrainchild utritionals