Vitamin d3 and its advantages


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Page 1: Vitamin d3 and its advantages

Vitamin D3 Benefits

Vitamin D3 benefits are the most sought after by many people because it helps them live a

healthy lifestyle. Though most people do not know much about Vitamin D3 benefits, a lot of

folks are aware of the sources of Vitamin D3, but they do not just know it. This is because

Vitamin D3 is often found in ordinary foods and sunlight itself.

Vitamin D3 sources

So what is Vitamin D3 then? It is otherwise called as cholecaliferol, which is Vitamin D’s

active form. What’s amazing about it is that our body produces Vitamin D3, which comes

from the skin itself. It is manufactured when the skin receives sunlight. Vitamin D3 benefits

are on their way to building you a better body if you get exposed to sunlight for at least 15

to 20 minutes a day.

You can also get small amounts of Vitamin D3 from cereals, milk, mushrooms, egg yolks,

and oranges. To get premium Vitamin D3 benefits, a daily intake of these foods is

recommended BUT the best source of vitamin D is the sun light or vitamin D-3 supplements

What Vitamin D3 can do for you?

Vitamin D and depression

One of the Vitamin D3 benefits is that it helps brain development and it is essential in motor

coordination and emotional stability. This is the reason why kids who often play sports and

are exposed in the sun tend to have a higher emotional quotient (EQ) than children who

stay at home just playing video games.

Page 2: Vitamin d3 and its advantages

Vitamin D and osteoporosis

Another benefit is that it prevents people from getting osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and

multiple sclerosis. The first two diseases are bone-related. It is a wide-known fact that

drinking milk strengthens the bones, that’s why being able to stay away from these bone

problems is one of the Vitamin D3 benefits. Multiple sclerosis on the other hand is

something that affects the central nervous system. Studies show that people who don’t get

enough sunlight are prone to getting multiple sclerosis.

Vitamin D and colds, the flu and fever

Vitamin D3 benefits also include protection from fever, flu, and cold because it strengthens

the immune system. People who eat eggs as part of their breakfast meal are often those

who barely get sick. They do not catch a cold that easily and somehow, fever does not get

through them either. This is because egg yolks are a rich source of Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D and Cancer

One particular gain from the list of Vitamin D3 benefits is its ability to prevent cancer—

specifically breast cancer, colon cancer, colorectal cancer, and prostate. People who are

active and go for a run or walk everyday and eating the right breakfast afterward have the

advantage of not getting these types of cancer.

Vitamin D and the heart

Vitamin D3 is also good for the heart. It also prevents diseases related to the cardiovascular

system such as heart fatigue, obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Some fish have a

Vitamin D3 benefit that’s why men and women who make it a point to eat fish regularly can

say hello to a healthy heart.

Vitamin D and the skin

The skin is also in need of Vitamin D3 benefits. It has properties that prevent inflammation

and it protects the skin from itching and psoriasis, two of the common skin diseases. The

most helpful Vitamin D3 source for the skin is sunlight, and a regular exposure to it keeps

the skin healthy. If the skin does not get enough sunlight, it tends to be ignored of what it

needs and the body system mistakes it for something else, causing it to develop rashes,

flakes, and other symptoms of skin disease.

Page 3: Vitamin d3 and its advantages

Vitamin D and sleep

Since milk is also known to help people get good sleep at night, a sound sleep is also one of

the Vitamin D3 benefits since milk contains Vitamin D3. A regular intake of milk (usually

more effective when drank before bedtime) cures sleeping disorders and enhances the

sleeping condition. Insomniacs are advised to drink milk daily to alleviate their condition and

get better sleep.

Vitamin D against decay, cavities and gum disease

A good smile is also one of the Vitamin D3 benefits. It protects the gums and the teeth from

decay and cavities which is often the problem of many people that’s why they frequent the

dentist a lot. Getting enough Vitamin D3 can even cut your dentist expenses and make your

teeth and gums stronger.

The risk of having too little Vitamin D3

While there are a lot of Vitamin D3 benefits, there are also a number of risks associated

with the lack of Vitamin D3. These include hypertension, high levels of bad cholesterol

(because the body will eventually not be capable of removing fat from the bloodstream),

and as a result, weight gain. These are often the cause of stroke and heart diseases which

are very dangerous and is the one of the leading cause of deaths in recent years.

If any of the foods with Vitamin D3 benefits and exposure to sunlight cannot be attained in

a regular basis, supplements are available in the market. One is Pure Vitamin D-3 – 5,000

IU – Pure Essence, and another is Now Vitamin D and Vitamin K supplement.