Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?

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  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?







    Essay summary

    Literary translation into visual form

    In this essay I will explore the importance

    and impact of translation in literature

    and how these principles are applicable

    to design. For this the first step will be

    defining the meanings of translation and

    remediation in the context of the essay.

    As F. R. Amos states in Early Theories

    of Translation, there has never been

    uniformity of opinion with regard to the

    aims and methods of translation. I will

    explore if this is really so, or if there are

    differences of opinion and definition and

    whether this applies to remediation in the

    same way.

    The focus of the essay will be in

    understanding the importance and

    role of the translator and/or designer

    as the communicator of the message.

    The message is transformed by the

    understanding of every individual reader

    and is different to each one. This is why

    the translator and/or designer can never

    be neutral and it is their interpretation

    that we see. I will also explore different

    ways of expression in one language,

    looking at literary movements such as


    Further along in the essay I can start

    exploring the role of the designer as an

    interpreter. Graphic designers use similar

    tools as translators in interpreting andfinding the most important aspects of

    a message that they need to visually

    represent. As well as looking into the

    likeness of these tools, I will also explore

    the differences. When looking at the

    designer as a translator I will look at

    publishers such as Visual Editions, and

    hopefully conduct an interview with Anna

    Gerber about her views on the designer as


    As the founders of Visual Editions, I

    feel that the visual aspect of books and

    the role of the designer as an interpreter

    of the message, can add to the way

    books are experienced and read.

    it adds to the way we experience what

    we read and the way we absorb and

    understand the way stories are told:

    through words and pictures. I hope to

    conduct a few informal interviews with

    writers to find out how they feel about

    such visual interference and if they think

    that it adds to the message or distracts the

    reader from the message. Is this the same

    question as having a goblet that makes

    the wine taste even better, or does it just

    distract from the true taste?

    In the conclusion I will revise the

    main aspects of what I have discovered,

    and make a statement on whether the

    interference of a designer as an interpreter

    of the message adds or distracts from

    content and why.

    Alexandre Liziard

    dition srigraphie.

    Travail autour du songe.

    Another piece by Alexandre Liziard whose

    work I really admire

    If this is a reflection of the dream does

    that make this a work of translation /

    interpretation / remediation?

    Isnt translation in a sense the everyday act

    of speaking as a way of translating oneself

    to oneself (and then oneself to others)?

  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    I went to my friend Elanor Dymotts debut

    book launch last night, and it was great.

    Firstly I am very happy about all the

    reviews her book is receiving, but also, i

    had a chance to chat to some people from

    the book publishing industry. It was a bit

    too busy a party for proper conversation,

    but I feel i got some insight.

    On another note, I like the feel of

    the paper of this book and the lovely

    red edges. I lok forward to reading it,

    and hopefully meeting up with Elanor

    sometime to talk about visual writing and

    get insight into how a writer might feel

    about it.



  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    On Translation

    Language is one yet languages are many.

    In this very distinction lies the primordial

    need for translation. What all languages

    share in common is a capacity to mediate

    between a human speaker and a world

    of meanings (actual and possible)

    (Kearney 2006, p xiii)

    Now is this not talking about design?

    There is no perfect form of expression

    I have been putting a lot of thought into

    the coice of text for me to work with and I

    noticed that quite often i think no, I cant

    mess with that! I will just ruin the beauty

    of it. But then I realised that surely that

    is something every interpreter might

    encounter. Whether when remediating

    a novel into a form of visual writing, a

    screenplay or into another language. So

    I looked into some of the problems and

    truths about language.

    To express oneself in any way is a

    language. Whether it is speaking, writing,

    improvising or visualising your thoughts.

    The plurality of language, makes the

    encounter with the other a condition

    that requiers us to give up the dream

    of a perfect language and of a global

    translation without residue. The partiality

    and the finitude of individual languages

    is then viewed not as an insurmountable

    obstacle but as the very precondition

    of communication among individuals.


    These thoughts made me feel better.

    R. L. Stevensons Strange Case of Dr Jekyll

    and Mr Hyde By Alberto Hernandez



  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    Hybrid Novel

    Hybrid novels can be seen as image-text

    hybrids where written text and a number

    of graphic devices work together in order

    to hold the readers interest, enhancing

    the books interactivity and giving the

    printed page a multidimensional visual

    surface. This kind of books require the

    readers actions, they demand to be

    handled and experienced.

    -Alberto Hernndez

    Briana Garelli

    My Unborn daughter


  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    27 March 2012

    Catherine Tonge

    The Tigers Bride

    Volume 8

  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    Hybrid novel accorning to Hernandez

    A hybrid novel, according to Alberto

    Hernndez, can be seen as a hybrid

    image-text novel, not a childrens book,

    graphic novel/comic or gift book, but

    a book where written text and graphic

    devices such as illustration, photography,

    information graphics or typographic

    treatments may interject in order to hold

    a readers interest. This combination adds

    interactiveness to the book and also gives

    the printed page a multidimensional visual

    surface. A hybrid novel is a kind of book

    that requires the readers actions and

    also to be handled and experienced.

    (Apostolos Mitsios)


  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    Jung+Wenigs version of Robert Louis

    Stevensons novel The Strange Case of Dr.

    Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    Breach John Ecko 2008

    This is what I would not like to do when

    exploring visual writing. Very literal. But

    then again, he must have been trying to

    achieve something very different from me..

    Ten Poems from Hafez: Jila Peacock

    This poem is of course called deer

    Again not really what I am looking for

    when i talk about visual translation. But

    this publication looks quite nice. The

    library copy I have at home is not even

    nicely printed.


  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    From Calligraphie arabe vivante by Hassan


    It is easier for me to see everything as

    one thing than to see one thing as one

    thing - Antonio PorchiaThese calligraphic texts are looking a lot

    more appealing to me even though the

    idea is the same (especially in the first

    image). This is still not what I am looking

    for, but aspects of it are playing nicely.

  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    This Is a Photograph by Paul Thompson

    The Chase has created an unusual

    promotional campaign for photographer

    Paul Thompson. The twist is that his

    posters and postcards contain no images


    I wanted to make a genuine attempt to

    convey an image in words, so that youd

    have a good chance of picturing it when

    youre done and so you would feel

    drawn to Pauls website to see how close

    you were, says Asbury. At the same

    time, I wanted to highlight the comical

    impossibility of conveying a picture

    through language, because we all respond

    to them so differently. A picture is never

    just abou t ho w i t lo oks, but w hat it m akes

    you think and feel.

    All mediums and languages such as the

    language of images have their strong and

    weak sides.



  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    Words Fail Me

  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    Thoughts on the essay

    Importance of translation: Bible

    culture! . Latin Greek. Visual

    communication, is translation. Why?

    Because translation is communicating the

    same message in a different language or

    form. In this case the visual language.

    Sometimes an image can tell a thousand

    words. Visual communication though

    depletes some of the original meanings,

    can say some of them much quicker,

    more efficiently. Like in branding it is very

    important to get the whole ideology of the

    company across in one logo. Most people

    will not go further than that to find out

    more about the company. We live in a

    world whichs pace is rapidly quickening.

    Information needs to be grasped on to as

    quickly as possible. How is this done in the

    print media magazines and newspapers

    are using means of visual communication

    to organize the information so the readerwould have to read as little as possible.

    Find bit in Wards book about it. The right

    not to read?

    Theories of literary interpretation are

    invaluable in design discourse, to explain

    the construction of meaning in visual

    texts. I believe it is essential for designers

    to examine literary theory and analyze its

    creative process in order to then in turn

    be able to control the similar / overlapping

    aspects in design. To understand the

    theory behind what we often might do

    intuitively. Through this understanding,

    the designer can gain more control over

    the intended viewer / reader experience.

    Through gaining a better understanding

    of the design function, its practice can

    become more informed and thus more

    effective, diverse and eventually more

    sustainable. (p.10) There is an infinite

    amount of ways to tell the same story.

    Exercises in style by Quineau is a great

    example of this example, explanation

    here. It is the translators role to figure out

    the most appropriate way to do so.

    Ricoeur, a French philosopher who

    combined phenomenological description,

    an approach concentrating on the study

    of consciousness and the objects of

    direct experience (Oxford Dictionary) with

    hermeneutic interpretation, wrote that

    there are two paradigms of translation:

    the linguistic paradigm and the ontological

    paradigm. The first refers to the words

    that relate to meanings within one

    language or between languages and the

    latter to the occurrences of translation

    within oneself and that between people in

    everyday life situations.

    Flux Bible - mix three different religions

    in any way you want


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    TED: Ideas worth spreading

    Chip Kidd doesnt judge books by their

    cover, he creates covers that embody

    the book and he does it with a wicked

    sense of humor!

    The book cover tells the story of the

    content while being pulled off the shelf.


  • 8/2/2019 Visual Summary - Does graphic design belong to the realm of translation? So what if it does?






    New plan

    Does graphic design belong to the

    realm of translation? If it does so what?

    Questions: Is graphic design translation

    and are the theories of translation

    applicable o design? If the theories are

    applicable, are they needed? If it is better

    with theories, what to do?

    1. Graphic design follows the basic

    rules of translation. Give references! Meta

    language. On the level of metalanguage,

    graphic design transforms meaning

    without the necessary use of words.

    Typography, as part of graphic design

    is in between, in an interesting place.

    It binds word and image together. By

    that it differs. Boundaries between word

    and image are loosened and blurred in

    typography and typographic design.

    Graphic design is not word whereastypography can keep the verbal part. It

    is on the border of the two. Intermingle.

    Additive power, boost each other. Word

    + image.

    2. It is preferable for a graphic designer

    to also know the theory. Why, because.

    Tacit knowledge. Knowledge passed from

    person to person, from teacher, from

    peers. Only intuition is not enough. 1 out

    of 10 will do great things on intuition

    alone, but most need theory to be able to

    control the quality. Quality is achieved by

    stability. Not on inspiration.

    Tacit knowledge & intuition may

    result in repetition of the same mistakes.

    Might not explore things wider. In visual

    communication, we can learn from other

    fields. Knowing the theories. From music

    and even medicine. Clinical experience.

    Light bulb as a symbol for ideas.

    Word , visual, typography is one

    more step in this, with which to make

    continuum. More visual less verbal or

    opposite whenever. With such Complex

    systems are hard to work with without

    knowledge of theories.

    Translate to the language of the focus


    3. Examples. Laws of translation

    theories and what they look like in design.

    Images, examples.

    4. Future: Pedagogical theories. Why

    intuition and tacit knowledge are not

    enough. How to raise the general level

    of graphic design? It can be improved by

    adding it to the curriculum.

    5. Education today doesnt include

    these theoretical aspects. Need to note,

    pay attention to this and fix it so that the

    future designer can score the goal at any

    time. If you get a commission but have noinspiration, foot hurts. If you know the

    theory you will still do a good job. Talent

    + technique (skill, practice, procedure)

    = best work. Literacy, a pinned down

    technique, mastery, repetition.

    LIght Reading.

    Old Bricks Into Classic Books

    Daryl Fitzgerald has given the citys old

    bricks a new lease of life by transforming

    them into antique books.
