Visual impairment


Transcript of Visual impairment

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(A Descriptive study at Eight Grade of SMPN 3 Tegowanu in the Academic Year of 2015/2016)

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Education is certainly not in the sense of acquiring teaching, but the components related to the implementation and success of an educational process is also the case that cannot be separated in fulfilling the need for education. Because, lack of fulfillment of one component in education will lead to the occurrence of gaps in education.Fulfilling the educational rights of citizens would not only be given in class or a particular race, but all citizens of the country with many different background should be accommodated to achieve the basis of justice, democratic, and non-discriminatory.

A. Introduction

Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Chapter 5, verses 1 to 4 have mentioned that:

1. Every citizen has a right to obtain a quality education. 2. Citizens who have a physical disadvantage, emotional, mental, intellectual, and or social groups are entitled to special education. 3. Citizens living in remote or underdeveloped and isolated indigenous communities are entitled to special education services. 4. Citizens of countries that have the potential of intelligence and special talents are entitled to special education.

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Integral education in life should be able to shelters and support all components of the nation, regardless of social background, economic, tribe, religion and belief, gender, and physical and mental differences and variations. Education like this is called education inclusion. Many school systems today tend toward inclusion, or incorporate students with disabilities into the general education classroom, because of many benefits in inclusion. Although inclusion may not be for all students with disabilities.

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Being the inclusion school is not easy. At least the school should handle themselves with innovations for Visual impairment students to follow the process of learning well.

In addition, schools also should be able to provide awareness to all academicians that undergraduate students can also follow the blind education in public schools.

Restructuring the curriculum, teaching methods, teaching aids, teacher competency, evaluation, and academic services MUST BE ARRANGED in such a way that would take time and a substantial investment.

This is because learning model requires the inclusion of media, infrastructure facilities, curriculum, teacher competence, academic and non academic services in such a way, to be able to serve all students without exception.

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As one of inclusion schools in Indonesia, SMPN 3 Tegowanu has become a model for other schools in the case of difabel service in Grobogan Regency.

But what are the services provided is completely SMPN 3 Tegowanu inclusion? How the implementation of learning activities will is the essence of education?

For this reason, research and studies like this need to be held, as a reference material for government-related institutions in the implementation of learning for visual impairment students

in various fields of knowledge, including the English language.

From these various problems, the author felt interested in studying inclusion school model developing at SMPN 3 Tegowanu.

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b. The researcher thinks that it is more difficult to teach visual impairment students with some weaknesses in reading the text, moreover foreign language (English). The researcher wants to know how to teach English for visual impairment students

1. Reasons for Choosing the Topic

a. The researcher is interested in describing an English language teaching learning for visual impairment students because the impaired students has weakness in visualization. It has a big deal to language as communication tool.

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2. Research Questions

a) What materials are covered in English course for visual impairment students at eight grade of SMPN 3 Tegowanu in The Academic Year of 2015/2016?b). What methods are implemented in English teaching and learning process for visual

impairment students at eight grade of SMPN 3 Tegowanu in the academic year of 2015/2016?

c). What obstacles results in English teaching and learning for visual impairment students at Eight grade of SMPN 3 Tegowanu in the academic year of 2015/2016?d). How does the teacher cope with the obstacles in English teaching and learning

for visual impairment students at eight grade of SMPN 3 Tegowanu in the academic Year of 2015/2016?

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1. To describe the language materials in English course for visual impairment students at SMPN 3 Tegowanu in the Academic Year of 2015/2016.

2. To describe some teaching and learning methods applied in English for visual impairment students at SMPN 3 Tegowanu in The Academic Year of 2015/2016.

3. To describe some obstacles results in English teaching and learning for visual impairment students at SMPN 3 Tegowanu in The Academic Year of 2015/2016.

4. To describe some copes with the obstacles in English teaching and learning for visual impairment students at SMPN 3 Tegowanu in The Academic Year of 2015/2016.

Objectives of the Study

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This research is expected to be able to give information for the researcher himself and people in educational field dealing with teaching materials, teaching methods, and learning assessments for visual impairment students effectively and efficiently.

3. Significances of the Study

b) For the school, this research will be expected to be a reflection for teaching and learning process at SMPN 3 Tegowanu.

a) Students The researcher hopes that the students will get an appropriate treatment in English learning so that they are going to learn English comfortably and do not get any difficulties anymore, and to motivate visual impairment students to compete with normal students.

c) TeachersIt is expected to be kind of teaching method and reference for the teachers in developing or creating new more interesting methods and techniques of teaching English for the visual impairment students especially in inclusive school, so that they can teach successfully.

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4. Review of the Related Literature

Maghfiroh (2010) picked up American Sign Language (ASL) as a special method that used to students with hearing impairment. She made combination between ASL with general methods that were used in English language teaching such as Grammar Translation Method (GTM), Total Physical Response (TPR) and also used picture and other media that could be used to teach students with hearing impairment. She used the material based on SKKD which were appropriated to their conditions. The materials were given for students with hearing impairment easier to be understood by them, such as introducing self, greeting, things in the classroom, and professions.

Based on the result, the writer gave some suggestions, such as; the teacher should use the methods that it could improve student’s motivation in learning and using English as frequently as possible.

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a. English Language Teaching and Learning1. Foreign language Teaching and Learning

2. Characteristics of Visual Impairments3. Causes of visual impairment

b. Teaching students with visual Impairmentc. Methods of Teaching English as Foreign Language

1. Several methods used in English Language Teaching 2. Material Selection 

a. Material for Eight GradeThere are some materials for Eight grade students, according to education curriculum unit level (KTSP) in (Strevens, 2006: 27), the materials cover introduction, meeting and leaving, offering, invitation and agreement. They also cover some genres (recount, narrative and procedure). Teaching process also uses some media (textbooks, video and audio tapes, computer software, and visual aids).

b. Material for Visual Impairment Students1. Alternative print formats, which may require text conversion 2. Magnification devices 3. Bright, incandescent lighting 

B. Theoretical Framework

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Type of Visual ImpairmentsStudents with non-correctable vision problems have visual

impairments. Depending on the severity of the condition. To qualify as a visually impaired student, certain criteria must be met, like low visual acuity, visual field limitation, progressive eye disease, or cortical visual impairment.

1) Partially Sighted: A visual impairment that adversely affects a student's educational performance even when corrected to the extent possible.

2) Low Vision: If someone's vision is between 20/70-20/160 and cannot be corrected, the student has moderate to low vision.

3) Legally Blind: From 20/200-20/400 is legally blind with severe low vision. From 20/400 20/1000 is profound visual impairment, and is very close to total blindness.

4) Totally Blind: The lack of light perception is known as total blindness or total visual impairment.

 At one point the term visual impairment referred to an eye disorder at the

tissue level, but subsequently, visual impairments took on a broader meaning to include the consequence of a functional loss of vision caused by a number of eye disorders in (


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The research method is used in ways in which research in the research process. This is done to determine the selection of appropriate methods in influencing the success or failure of research, as with any method, is expected to obtain objective data.

1. Type of Research. The type of research is Descriptive Study. The descriptive study is the investigation depth (in-

depth study) of a social unit such that it produces well-organized picture and details on these social units.

2. Research Approach. The approach in this study is A Qualitative Approach, namely the research procedures which

produce descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken about people and behaviors that can be observed.

3. Subject In a qualitative study did not use the term population, but according to Spradley called "Social

Situation" or social situation that consists of Three Elements: P2A (Places, Actors, and Activities) that interact synergistically. So the subjects of this study are visual impairment students.

D. Research Methodology

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1. Observation “by means of observation and recording of the object under study, then recording conducted necessary to obtain the corresponding data to the research”

to see firsthand how the evaluation techniques applied in English course for students with visual impairment in SMPN 3 Tegowanu and to observe directly form about the English language.

2. Interview a. Visual impairment students of SMPN 3 Tegowanu. Information to be excavated is about how their English language teaching and learning experience as well as the obstacles they encountered in the teaching and learning process. b. English teacher who teaches visual impairment students. The information will be applied on the subject of this study that related to how the planning process of teaching and learning English

3. Documentation Picture, Video recorder , observation instrument and others.

4. Data analysis techniqueData analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling the data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials, so it can be understood easily, and its findings can inform others

E. Techniques of Data Collection

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Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and compiling the data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials, so it can be understood easily, and its findings can inform others.

In analyzing data had been collected, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative research. As using this technique, the researcher collects data, arranges data and presents data. The qualitative method is kind of research without using any calculation or statistic procedure. To know the English learning process at SMPN 3 Tegowanu, the steps done are as follow:

F. Data analysis technique

1. Data Reduction.Data reduction is a form of analysis that classifying, directing, and organizing data in such way, so that it can be reduced data verification. Collecting the data obtained from interviews, observations, and documentations.

2. Data Display. The data have been reduced and then made the presentation of data. The presentation of data can be done in the form of brief description, charts, relationship between categories,

3. Conclusion Drawing/Verification. The conclusion in qualitative research may be able to answer the formulation of the problem that formulated from the beginning, but maybe not, because as has been stated issues and problems in the qualitative research is still tentative and will be developed after research in the field.