VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in...

"VISITORS TO BETHL E HEM" , The short winter day was drawing to a close when the two travelers from the north finally arrived at Bethlehem. Had not been easy traveling for M ary; but Home had demand ed that she must go. E veryone had been giv- en order to return to home of their origin to be registered in the census. And Caesar must be obeyed. ·r he way had been long - three days on the road at least. But Mary's heart happy. Her vhild is to be born in Bethlehem - city of her fathers. Joseph sighs with relief - at last there is the inn. the innkeeper has an eye for business. It is time of the feast. Now he must make money. Now he can choose those with prestige. This in not the time to pay attention to two peas- ants from Galilee. There was no room for them in the inn. That night, in the quietness and soli- tude of the stable with oxen standing by, the Christ-child was born. The Shep herds Scene shifts to hills near Bethlehem. Stillness and starlight lies over Judean · hills. Shepherds watching flocks. Night is chilly. N ot here for poetic beauty of the night. Have to earn their living. Not ri ch - just a small flock. Beasts of prey to be driven off. sheep have to be brought back - are so silly. underneath all their labor is an undertone of hope · and joyous expectancy. For there is always the coming springtime, with its fresh pastures and newborn lambs. But these men had also felt the impact of great - er hope - hope of better world - world of goodwill and peace. In which men would live

Transcript of VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in...

Page 1: VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in the quietness and soli ... Addressing the Man on the Cross, Renan says, "Thou art


, The short winter day was drawing to a close when the two travelers from the north finally arrived at Bethlehem. Had not been easy traveling for Mary; but Home had demand ed that she must go. Everyone had been giv­en order to return to home of their origin to be registered in the census. And Caesar must be obeyed.

·rhe way had been long - three days on the road at least. But Mary's heart happy. Her vhild is to be born in Bethlehem - city of her fathers. Joseph sighs with relief -at last there is the inn. ~ut the innkeeper has an eye for business. It is time of the feast. Now he must make money. Now he can choose those with prestige. This in sure~y not the time to pay attention to two peas­ants from Galilee. There was no room for them in the inn.

That night, in the quietness and soli­tude of the stable with oxen standing by, the Christ-child was born.

The Shepherds Scene shifts to hills near Bethlehem. Stillness and starlight lies over Judean ·

hills. Shepherds watching flocks. Night is chilly. Not here for poetic beauty of the night. Have to earn their living. Not ri ch - just a small flock. Beasts of prey ha~e to be driven off. ~andering sheep have to be brought back - s~eep are so silly.

~ut underneath all their labor is an undertone of hope ·and joyous expectancy. For there is always the coming springtime, with its fresh pastures and newborn lambs. But these men had also felt the impact of great ­er hope - hope of better world - world of goodwill and peace. In which men would live

Page 2: VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in the quietness and soli ... Addressing the Man on the Cross, Renan says, "Thou art

Addressing the Man on the Cross, Renan says, "Thou art destined to become the cornerstone of humanity in such wise that to tear Thy Name from this world would be to shake it to its foundations.

Whatever may be the unexpected phenomena of the future, Jesus will not be sur­passed. His worship will constantly re­new its youth, the tale of his life will cause ceaseless tears, his sufferings will soften the best hearts; all the ages 4lt will proclaim that, among the sons of men, there is none born who is greater than Jesus".

Ernest Renan in "Vie do Jesus"

Page 3: VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in the quietness and soli ... Addressing the Man on the Cross, Renan says, "Thou art

-2-as children of God. And because these shep­herds were men of hope, they heard song of angels and celestial light fell athwart the darkness. For reme~ber that angelic music never comes to insensitive ears. Around the shepherds was a stillness in which God could be heard. Vl ithin them was a simplicity to which God could speak.

All so heavenly; so beautiful; so incom prehensible. Then came darkness. But they do not hesitate; they have a · conviction God has been speaking.. They say one to another; "Let us now go, even unto Bethlehem". And so to Bethlehem they hastened and found it even as the angels had said unto them.

Wise Men From the East But already there were others; follow ing a star leading

~ them to Bethlehem. They had traveled far -.. from the land of the 'Euphrates. Over moun­

tains, plains and valleys; across leagues of desert sa~ds - following a star and bearing gifts. Already the Christchild was laying claim upon men of science and learning. The wise men had started farther off than simple shepherds; they had come by a longer road -they all meet at the manger.

. These wise men who came to Bethlehem had all the learning and wisdom of the past. But they came searching for a new wisdom -looking for an answer. And in the little Babe they found the answer to their seeking. No record they were disappointed. Were look for One who could give the answer to the p sistent "Why" of their pilgrimage upon this e ~arth.

They found their answer in a stable; in a manger; in a child. Fell down and worship ed Him giving gifts of gold, frankincense an myrrh. Their search was ended. Had found God incarnate in human flesh.

Page 4: VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in the quietness and soli ... Addressing the Man on the Cross, Renan says, "Thou art


The Soldiers of Herod The hope of poor shepherds and all the learning of

wise men, were not the only motives bring-· ing men to Bethlem that first Christmas! . Soldiers of Herod came also. Came with the tread of cruelty. Herod's order was to slay all the male children in Bethlehem. Hoped to uut an end to the Chr1stch1ld. Willing to destry the only. hope that could bring men out of slaughter, war, hatred and cruel ty. -

Tread of marching soldiers echo through Bethlehem that Christmas of long ago. How true it is; when hope is on verge of fulfil ment, that hope is disturbed by martial sounds·. Probably none of these soldiers themselves would have slain a child; but they marched that day to the command of hatred, cruelty, greed and fear. Marched under the compulsion of evil and fear.

The happ iness and the joy of angels singing, was heard no more in Bethlehem -only · the voice of Rachel weeping for her slain children. The joy of motherhood gave place to inconsolate grief. The beauty of angelic songs, the mother's deep prayer and the baby's low cry, charm our hearts with the beauty of Christmas. But the tramp,, tramp, tramp, of agony, pain, bloodshed wi not be shut ·from our ears. All the earth goes to Bethlehem - but some go to destroy the world's hope and the world's joy.

Herod hop ed to put an end to Christ. But tyranny and slaughter can never wholly exterminate the spirit of love and goodwill. Herod d'id his worst. But there was some­thing there calculated to outlast all evil. He could not put an end to that born of God

Page 5: VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in the quietness and soli ... Addressing the Man on the Cross, Renan says, "Thou art

How silently, how silently, The wondrous gift is given! So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of His heaven. No ear may hear His coming; But in this world of sin,


Where meek souls will receive Him,still · the dear Christ enters in.

0 holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us we pray; Cast out our sin and enter in, Be born in us today. We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell; 0 come to us, abide with us, Our Lord, Emmanuel.


Page 6: VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in the quietness and soli ... Addressing the Man on the Cross, Renan says, "Thou art

Some Anonymous Visitors . Other visitors to Bethlehem that first Christmas

night. Shepherds went with hope; wise -men wnt with learning; soldiers went with pain; bu,t there were others. Who were they? We do not know. Anonymous. But sure were there. Came down for the census. Inn was full of them.That's all we know - they fil­led the inns of Bethlehem. Probably good people; prudent people; careful of them­selves and their needs. It was probably cold outside. Inside was gaiety.

They made no pretense of wisdom. saw nothing in the pattern of the ages had sent wise men on long journey with only a star as guide. They had no hatreds or political ambitions to serve like Herod. l we know is that they crowded the inn. They celebrated. This decree of Caesar gave th a Roman holiday. They fill·ed the inn to overflowing while the glory of God passed by.

Outside, in the stillness of the ni sht, when the revellers had worn themselves out, "The star rains its fire, and the beautiful sing, and the Manger of Bethlehem cradles . a King"'".

Remember this - all the world went to Bethlehem that night symbolically. Today, all the world must still go to Bethlehem. But how shall we go? Shall we go this Christmastide to worship and adore the hope of ~he world; or shall we go to slay hope of the world - commanded by evil and fear; or shall we go to Bethlehem and close the door to the Christchild by our indifference and selfishness.

Let us now go, even unto Bethlehem. Believe me, there is our only hope; either for this life or that to come.

Page 7: VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in the quietness and soli ... Addressing the Man on the Cross, Renan says, "Thou art

0 little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie! Above they deep and dreamless sleep The silent stars go by. Yet in thy dark streets shineth The everlasting light; The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee to-night.

Page 8: VISITORS TO BETHLEHEM , The short winter day was drawing to a TO BETHLEHEM.pdf · That night, in the quietness and soli ... Addressing the Man on the Cross, Renan says, "Thou art

.. .... (The Song

A.. BURST of angelic song, such as human ears had

never heard. A flood of light, such as eyes had never

seen. A wondrous message of peace and good will.

A Savior proclaimed to all people. A little Child, destined

to become the focal point of human life and worship. The

Son of God in the form of a servant. That is Christmas.

"Glory to God in the highest. "

The retelling of that story with its significance for the

world, and with its meaning to the individual, will always

cause man to sing, "Glory to God." Nothing else, nothing

less seems appropriate. For who can contemplate the infinite

love of God in sending His Son to redeem us from sin and

death, without being moved to deepest thankfulness! And

no expression of thankfulness and joy can possibfy replace

that song of songs, "Glory to God in the highest."

God created man that he might glorify his Maker. Man

threw away his birthright and chose death rather than life .

But God, in His unspeakable mercy, sent His only begotten

Son to deliver man from death. Our Savior made it possible

for man, by the grace of God, again to glorify his Maker.

Oh, that we might this Christmas demonstrate that the

song of our lips is also the praise of our hearts when again

we sing, "Glory to God in the highest." For unto us is born

this day a Savior, Christ the Lord.

A.P. H. No. 7123. l it ho in U.S.A.

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Song of the :Ages

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Fred Clarke, Minister Minister of Music Janet Price Davis

Church Secretary Grace L. Gifford

Minister's Assistant Alicejoy France


ORGAN PRELtiDE - "In Dulci Jubilo11 Bach "In Dulci Jubilo 11 Dupre

CALL TO WORSHIP - By the minister Hnm 92 - 11 It came upon the midnight clear 11 Car!Ql

Minister: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up unto the Lord.

MiriTS'ter: 0 Lord, open thou our eyes; PeopTe: · That we may behold wondrous things.

1J!inrs'te1·: 0 Lord, open thou. our lips; Peop~: And our mouth shall show forth thy prais e .

DOXOLOGY - To be sung by all * RESPONSIVE READING - 50th Sunday - Page 618 GLORIA PATRI :: APOSTLES' CRRFD SCJUPTURE LESSON - Luke 2:7-15; Me. tthew 2: l-12, 16 ANTHEM - "Lo, How a Rose e'er Blooming;" Praetorius PASTORAL PRAYER :: LORD'S PRAYER

ORGAN OFFERTORY - "O Hail, this Brightest OFFERTORY SOLO - "O Holy Night"


Bach Day of Days"


HYMN 108 -"Hearken, all~ '.Vhat holy singing;" Gloria


J-m,m 100' .. "0 little town of Bethlehem11

BENEDICTION - By the minister 0RGAN POSTLUDE - 11 All egrott * Interval for Ushering

St. Louis

Mende lssohn


10:30 11:00 11:45

3:00 6":50 7:30


Third Sunday in Advent. Morning Worship with sermon - "Visitors to Bethlehem". Soloist will be Mrs. Robert Wemple. Church-time Cherub Hour. Junior Church with Miss France. Church School Hour. Everyone invited. "Mess~ah" rehearsal for Fremont Choir. Youth Choir rehearsal at First Methodist Church. Carol Service presented by the Youth Choirs of the city churches • . · This service will be held in First Methodist Church. Guest soloist will be Prof. Gustav A. Leh~An, professor of music at Colgate-Rochester Divinity School.

Altar flowers are given in memory of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Thompson by the family; and in memory of :!v'!rs. Eliza­beth Evans by her daughter, Irene Evans All en. -

MON . 11:00 6:00 7:30

TUES. 6:30 7:30

WED. 2:30 7:30

TH URS • 6: 3li ~ 7:45

FRI. rr:oo 6:00

SAT. ~

Weekday School; grade 10. E. F.'.Y . Class leaves for Christmas Party . Boy Scouts meet at the church. Epworth Workers' Christmas Party. Couples' Club decorates the sanctuary. Weekday School; grades 4, 5 and 6. Mid-week Servic e; everyone invited. Junior High Christma s Party. Cordial Class-Triangle Club Party. Fremont Youth Choirs broadcast -WENT. Weekday School; gra de 9. Youth Fellowship Christmas Party. Kinder garten and Primary Christmas Party.


High School Choir, Tuesday, 7:00; Fremont Choir, Tues­day, 7:30; pre-broadcast r ehearsal for Youth Choirs, Tl'}ursday, 7:00; Fremont Choir, Thursday, 9:00; Chapel Choir, Friday, 3:30; Carol Choir, Sat1rrday, 9 :30.