Visitor's Guide




Transcript of Visitor's Guide

Page 1: Visitor's Guide

West Kentucky Community & Technical College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097: Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award the associate degree.

West Kentucky Community & Technical College, a member of the Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS), is an equal educational and employment opportunity institution.


Higher Education Begins Here

Updated: July 17, 2013


A Visitor’s Guide to

Page 2: Visitor's Guide

Deans/Directors/Coordinators of Academic, Administrative, and Educational Support Units

Associate Vice President of Learning Initiatives Dr. Renea Akin (270) 534-3461

Director of Library ServicesKen Bradshaw (270) 534-3169

Coordinator of Institutional ResearchDr. Karen Boyd (270) 534-3404

Director of the Clemens Fine Arts CenterGail Robinson Butler (270) 534-3213

Director of Teaching Enhancement CenterFaith Crim (270) 534-3258

Coordinator of Student Development, Activities & RecruitmentAmy Elmore (270) 534-3118

Dean of Online Learning&RQQLH�+HÁLQ (270) 534-3470

Director of Student Support Services/TRIOJohn Krupansky (270) 534-3176

Director of External Education, Workforce SolutionsDavid C. Morrison, Jr., (270) 534-33387

Coordinator of Continuing Education & Community ServicesKevin J. O’Neill (270) 534-3206

Director of Adult EducationSamantha Williams (270) 534-3476

Director of Information TechnologyRuby Rodgers (270) 534-3184

Director of Admissions/RegistrarJessica Puffenbarger (270) 534-3249

Veterans Affairs Liaison Kristin Amaya (270) 534-3861

Director of Financial AidNathanial Slaton (270) 534-3244

Director of Master Advising and Assessment CentersDeborah Smith (270) 534-3479

Director of Online Student ServicesSandra Tucker (270) 534-3263

Coordinator of Academic Support CenterMason Tudor (270) 534-3179

Coordinator of Disability Services6KHOLD�+LJKÀO�(270) 534-3406

Director of K-12 PartnershipsLorry Beth Wilson (270) 534-3117

West Kentucky Community & Technical College

Page 3: Visitor's Guide

West Kentucky Community & Technical College

Visitor’s GuidePresident & CEO: Dr. Barbara M. Veazey������������������)$;����������������

[email protected]

If you need any additional assistance, please feel free to contact Janett Blythe at any time at:


[email protected]

Kentucky Community & Technical College System

West Kentucky Community & Technical CollegeLeadership Team

President/CEODr. Barbara Veazey (270) 534-3090

Vice President of Academic AffairsDr. Tena Payne (270) 534-3342

Vice President of Learning InitiativesSherry Anderson (270) 534-3145

Vice President of Student AffairsDr. Belinda Dalton-Russell (270) 534-3388

Vice President of Business AffairsSusan Graves (270) 534-3155

Vice President of Workforce and Economic DevelopmentJim Pape (270) 534-3370

Vice President of Administrative ServicesJohn Carrico (270) 534-3089

Vice President of Institutional DevelopmentDr. Steve Freeman (270) 534-3363

Director of Marketing/ Public RelationsJanett Blythe (270) 534-3079

Director of Human ResourcesBridget Canter (270) 534-3458

Director of Advancement(Paducah Junior College Foundation, Inc.)Kay Travis (270) 534-3084

Director of Cultural DiversityJipaum Askew Robinson (270) 534-3420

Deans of Academic Divisions

Dean of Allied Health &Personal Services DivisionPeggy Block (270) 534-3464

Dean of Applied Technologies DivisionStephanie Milliken (270) 534-3394 Dean of Business & ComputerRelated Technologies DivisionTammy Potter (270) 534-3278

Dean of Developmental Education DivisionMaria Flynn (270) 534-3140

Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts &Social Sciences DivisionSharla Hutchinson (270) 534-3275

Dean of Nursing DivisionShari Gholson (270) 534-3372

Dean of the Paducah School of Art & DesignPaul Aho (270) 408-4277

Dean of Science & Mathematics DivisionDr. Karen Hlinka (270) 534-3236

Page 4: Visitor's Guide


Source: Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. (EMSI), 2011

Added Income

College operations effect $19,458,000 Job equivalents 501 jobsStudent productivity effect $107,485,000 Job equivalents 2,769 jobsGRAND TOTAL $126,944,000 Job equivalents 3,270



Total Added Income in West Kentucky Region Due to WKCTC ($Millions)


Kentucky Community & Technical College System

West KentucKy community & technical college

LEADERSHIPCollege President/CEO: Dr. Barbara M. VeazeyChair, Board of Directors: Deborah EdmondsChair, Paducah Junior College, Inc.: John Williams

CREDIT STUDENT PROFILE(FALL 2012)Enrollment: 7,052Part-time students: 64%Full-time students: 36%Female: 58%Male: 42%

PERSONNELFull-time faculty: 141Part-time faculty: 142Staff: 168

CREDENTIALS AWARDED (2010-2011)WKCTC offers more than 200 associate degree, GLSORPD�DQG�FHUWLÀFDWH�RSWLRQV�LQ����DFDGHPLF�and technical programs. In 2011-2012, the college conferred:� �������DVVRFLDWH�GHJUHHV�� ���������FHUWLÀFDWHV�DQG�GLSORPDV


COMMUNITY/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTICIPANTS (2010-2011)Workforce Solutions served over 5,200 participants in credit classes and 6,700 in community education classes in 2011-2012.

WKCTC’s ECONOMIC IMPACT:.&7&�SOD\V�D�VLJQLÀFDQW�UROH�LQ�WKH�ORFDO�economy and is a sound investment from multiple SHUVSHFWLYHV��6WXGHQWV�EHQHÀW�IURP�LPSURYHG�OLIHVW\OHV�DQG�LQFUHDVHG�HDUQLQJV��7D[SD\HUV�EHQHÀW�from a larger economy and lower social costs.

According to a recent study by Economic Modeling Specialists Inc. (EMSI), WKCTC contributes more than $126 million each year to the community through a combination of college operations, student spending, and productivity of graduates in the workforce.

West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) has been recognized for two consecutive years E\�7KH�$VSHQ�,QVWLWXWH�DV�RQH�RI�WKH�WRS����FRPPXQLW\�FROOHJHV�LQ�WKH�QDWLRQ�IRU�SURYLGLQJ�VWXGHQWV�ZLWK�strong job training and continuing higher education opportunity, for achieving high completion and transfer rates, and for realizing strong employment results for its graduates.

Page 5: Visitor's Guide


WELCOMEWelcome to West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Recognized by The Aspen Institute as One of the Top Community Colleges in the Nation!

West Kentucky Community and Technical College is a comprehensive, regional community college that not only offers traditional two-year transfer Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees, but also offers an Associate in Fine Arts degree, $VVRFLDWH�LQ�$SSOLHG�6FLHQFH�GHJUHHV��GLSORPDV��DQG�FHUWLÀFDWHV�LQ�VHYHUDO�WHFKQLFDO�ÀHOGV��

WKCTC is committed to providing high quality educational experiences, meeting the educational needs of the College community, serving as a full partner in business and workforce development, and contributing to the overall economic and social well-being of the region. As we continue to move toward our vision of the College being recognized as a preeminent community college nationwide, our focus continues to be on access, retention, and student success.

,Q�������:.&7&�ZDV�UHFRJQL]HG�E\�7KH�$VSHQ�,QVWLWXWH�DV�RQH�RI�WKH�WRS�ÀYH�FRPPXQLW\�FROOHJHV�LQ�WKH�QDWLRQ�IRU�providing tremendous opportunities for students and the region. In 2012, the college was once again named one of the ten ÀQDOLVWV�IRU�WKH�$VSHQ�3UL]H�IRU�&RPPXQLW\�&ROOHJH�([FHOOHQFH��WKH�QDWLRQ·V�VLJQDWXUH�UHFRJQLWLRQ�RI�KLJK�DFKLHYHPHQW�and performance in America’s community colleges. West Kentucky was recognized for outstanding achievement in the areas of student learning outcomes, degree and college completion, labor market success in students securing jobs after college, and minority and low-income student success. Our focus on improving student learning helps ensure our students graduate with the knowledge they need to secure jobs or transfer to four-year schools.

West Kentucky Community and Technical College also provides a great return on your investment. The White House’s recently released College Score Card, ranked WKCTC’s average net price in the low range compared to other community colleges in the nation. The report added that individuals who graduate with an associate degree will make on average almost $5,000 more a year than individuals who only have a high school diploma.

:HVW�.HQWXFN\�KDV�D�ORQJ�KLVWRU\�RI�KHOSLQJ�VWXGHQWV�DFKLHYH�WKHLU�GUHDP�E\�SURYLGLQJ�DQ�DUUD\�RI�RSWLRQV�WR�ÀW�VWXGHQW�needs and foster student success. I hope you enjoy your visit with our college and will come back to see us!

Barbara Veazey, Ph.D.3UHVLGHQW�&KLHI�([HFXWLYH�2IÀFHUWest Kentucky Community and Technical College

Dr. Barbara Veazey

WKCTC At A Glance

West Kentucky Community and Technical College is a thriving, comprehensive community and technical college where more than 9,000 students annually change their futures with short-term training, programs geared to today’s workplace opportunities, or courses that will count toward a bachelor’s degree when they transfer.


West Kentucky Community & Technical College

WKCTC Mission

The mission of West Kentucky Community and Technical College is to provide excellence in teaching and learning, promote student success, and support economic development.

WKCTC is nestled on 234 beautiful acres in Paducah’s north side and includes 18 separate buildings and three leased, off-campus facilities for a total of more than 665,000 square feet of facilities. In addition to the main campus on Alben Barkley Drive in Paducah, classes are offered at:





409/413 Broadway in downtown Paducah



Page 6: Visitor's Guide


A History of West Kentucky Community & Technical College

West Kentucky Community and Technical College is a powerful example of what a successful postsecondary institution must be in the 21st century. Our comprehensive college arose from the foundations of two remarkable institutions – Paducah Community College and West Kentucky Technical College.

West Kentucky Technical College was founded in 1909 by Dr. Dennis Henry Anderson as West Kentucky Industrial College���D�WUDLQLQJ�VFKRRO�IRU�$IULFDQ�$PHULFDQ�WHDFKHUV��7KH�ÀUVW�EXLOGLQJ�ZDV�ORFDWHG�DW�ZKDW�LV�now 1400 HC Mathis Drive. West Kentucky Industrial College became a state-supported junior college in 1918.

In 1932, the citizens of Paducah and McCracken County embarked on a mission to provide quality education in a municipally supported junior college, known as Paducah Junior College (PJC). PJC was founded as D�SULYDWH��QRQ�SURÀW�MXQLRU�FROOHJH�LQ�WKH�IRUPHU�<0&$�EXLOGLQJ�DW�����%URDGZD\��5HYHUHQG�8��5��%HOO�ZDV�3-&·V�ÀUVW�SUHVLGHQW���

Meanwhile in 1938, West Kentucky Industrial College’s teaching program merged with West Kentucky State College in Frankfort. The college became known as the West Kentucky Vocational School and more YRFDWLRQDO�WUDLQLQJ�SURJUDPV�ZHUH�DGGHG�WR�WKH�VFKRRO·V�RIIHULQJV��0�+��*ULIÀQ�ZDV�WKH�VFKRRO·V�ÀUVW�SUHVLGHQW�

,Q�������3-&�MRLQHG�WKH�8QLYHUVLW\�RI�.HQWXFN\�FRPPXQLW\�FROOHJH�V\VWHP�EHFRPLQJ�D�´QHZµ�FROOHJH�²�Paducah Community College. �5��*��´'HDQµ�0DWKHVRQ�UHWLUHG�DQG�'U��'RQDOG�-��&OHPHQV�EHFRPHV�WKH�QHZ�PCC president, overseeing the construction of the Learning Resource Center and the Students & Fine Arts Centers.

Over the years, there have been many changes in both colleges, including changes in the focus of academic programs, changes of college names, changes of college campus locations and change of governance. In 1997, the two colleges were united under one system umbrella when they joined the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) as a result of the Kentucky Postsecondary Education Improvement Act of 1997.

Collaboration grew among the two colleges until an effort to consolidate into one seamless institution was ERUQ���,Q�������'U��%DUEDUD�9HD]H\�ZDV�LQDXJXUDWHG�DV�WKH�ÀUVW�SUHVLGHQW�RI West Kentucky Community and Technical College.

Each year more than 9,000 students come to West Kentucky Community and Technical College seeking traditional two-year transfer associate degrees in arts and science, applied science degrees, diplomas or FHUWLÀFDWHV���West Kentucky Community and Technical College is committed to providing high quality educational experiences, meeting the educational needs of the college community, serving as a full partner in business and workforce development, and contributing to the overall economic and social well-being of the region.

Page 7: Visitor's Guide


The City of Paducah

7KH�KLVWRULF�FLW\�RI�3DGXFDK�RIIHUV�YLVLWRUV�DQ�LQFUHGLEOH�DUUD\�RI�H[SHULHQFHV��([SORUH�WKH�ÀQH�DUW�RI�TXLOWLQJ�DW�3DGXFDK·V�LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\�FHOHEUDWHG�1DWLRQDO�4XLOW�0XVHXP�RI�WKH�8QLWHG�States. Enjoy interactive family fun at the state-of-the-art River Discovery Center. Don’t miss the impressive 19th century architecture as you visit Downtown antique shops and boutiques or stroll the tree-lined streets of LowerTown, Paducah’s oldest neighborhood and home to the highly acclaimed Artist Relocation Program.


Paducah, Kentucky is an award winning community. In addition to being the home of one RI�WKH�QDWLRQ·V�WRS�ÀYH�FRPPXQLW\�FROOHJHV��3DGXFDK�KDV�DOVR�EHHQ�QDPHG�WKH�1DWLRQDO�7UXVW�for Historic Preservation’s 2011 Distinctive Destination Fan Favorite and one of the 100 Best &RPPXQLWLHV�IRU�<RXQJ�3HRSOH�

The National Quilt MuseumCost: Free215 Jefferson, I-24 Downtown Loop 3DGXFDK��.<������270-442-8856

WhitehavenCost: Free Lone Oak Road,�����([LW���3DGXFDK��.<

Flood Wall MuralsCost: Free Downtown Paducah

Yeiser Art CenterCost: Free����%URDGZD\�3DGXFDK��.<

West Kentucky Community & Technical CollegeAGENDA FOR YOUR VISIT

(All times CST and subject to change)

Thursday, July 18 1:15 p.m. Arrive in Paducah - Anderson Technical Building

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 Review the process that WKCTC uses to follow-up with applicants to matriculate them to enrolled students

Friday, July 19


8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Anderson Technical Building� � 6RPH�PHHW�ZLWK�)LQDQFLDO�$LG�VWDII�LQ�ÀQDQFLDO�DLG�DUHD� to discuss other enrollment management activities, including SAP � � 6RPH�PHHW�ZLWK�WKH�5HJLVWUDU·V�2IÀFH�WR�GLVFXVV�RWKHU� enrollment management activities

10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Jessica Kern and Tabatha Butler meet with Janett Blythe in � � $QGHUVRQ�7HFKQLFDO�%XLOGLQJ��ÀUVW�ÁRRU�FRQIHUHQFH�URRP�

WKCTC Participants:Nate Slaton, Director of Financial Aid, � �����������������QDWKDQLDO�VODWRQ#NFWFV�HGX Jess Puffenbarger, Interim Director of Admissions & Registrar, � �����������������MHVV�SXIIHQEDUJHU#NFWFV�HGXDebbie Smith, Director of Advising and Assessment, � �����������������GHERUDK�VPLWK#NFWFV�HGX Amy Elmore, Coordinator of Recruitment and Student Life, � �����������������DP\�HOPRUH#NFWFV�HGXAngel Rhodes, Coordinator of Financial Aid Student Services, � �����������������DUKRGHV����#NFWFV�HGXJanett Blythe, Director of Marketing/Public Relations, � �����������������MDQHWW�EO\WKH#NFWFV�HGX

Nate Slaton

Jess Puffenbarger

Debbie Smith

Amy Elmore

Angel Rhodes

Janett Blythe

Page 8: Visitor's Guide


West Kentucky Community & Technical College Main Campus and Paducah School of Art’s Madison Hall

1. Waller Hall (WAL)2. Rosenthal Hall (ROS)3. Carson Hall 4. Carson Annex��� +DZV�*\PQDVLXP���*<0�6. Guard Building7. Maintenance Garage8. Nemer Building9. Clemens Fine Arts Theatre/Student Center (SCA)10. Matheson Hall/ Learning Resource Center (MLC)11. Crounse Hall (CRO) 12. Crisp Building/Challenge Learning Center (CLC)13. Allied Health Building (AHB)14. Emerging Technology Center (ETC)15. Anderson Technical Building/Bookstore (ATB)

1/15/13 919 Madison St, Paducah, KY 42001 - Google Maps,+Paducah,+KY&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&aq=1&oq=919+Madison+&sll=37.03… 1/1

Paducah School of ArtMadison Hall location919 Madison Street



Page 9: Visitor's Guide


West Kentucky Community & Technical College Main Campus and Paducah School of Art’s Madison Hall

1. Waller Hall (WAL)2. Rosenthal Hall (ROS)3. Carson Hall 4. Carson Annex��� +DZV�*\PQDVLXP���*<0�6. Guard Building7. Maintenance Garage8. Nemer Building9. Clemens Fine Arts Theatre/Student Center (SCA)10. Matheson Hall/ Learning Resource Center (MLC)11. Crounse Hall (CRO) 12. Crisp Building/Challenge Learning Center (CLC)13. Allied Health Building (AHB)14. Emerging Technology Center (ETC)15. Anderson Technical Building/Bookstore (ATB)

1/15/13 919 Madison St, Paducah, KY 42001 - Google Maps,+Paducah,+KY&daddr=&hl=en&geocode=&aq=1&oq=919+Madison+&sll=37.03… 1/1

Paducah School of ArtMadison Hall location919 Madison Street



Page 10: Visitor's Guide


The City of Paducah

7KH�KLVWRULF�FLW\�RI�3DGXFDK�RIIHUV�YLVLWRUV�DQ�LQFUHGLEOH�DUUD\�RI�H[SHULHQFHV��([SORUH�WKH�ÀQH�DUW�RI�TXLOWLQJ�DW�3DGXFDK·V�LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\�FHOHEUDWHG�1DWLRQDO�4XLOW�0XVHXP�RI�WKH�8QLWHG�States. Enjoy interactive family fun at the state-of-the-art River Discovery Center. Don’t miss the impressive 19th century architecture as you visit Downtown antique shops and boutiques or stroll the tree-lined streets of LowerTown, Paducah’s oldest neighborhood and home to the highly acclaimed Artist Relocation Program.


Paducah, Kentucky is an award winning community. In addition to being the home of one RI�WKH�QDWLRQ·V�WRS�ÀYH�FRPPXQLW\�FROOHJHV��3DGXFDK�KDV�DOVR�EHHQ�QDPHG�WKH�1DWLRQDO�7UXVW�for Historic Preservation’s 2011 Distinctive Destination Fan Favorite and one of the 100 Best &RPPXQLWLHV�IRU�<RXQJ�3HRSOH�

The National Quilt MuseumCost: Free215 Jefferson, I-24 Downtown Loop 3DGXFDK��.<������270-442-8856

WhitehavenCost: Free Lone Oak Road,�����([LW���3DGXFDK��.<

Flood Wall MuralsCost: Free Downtown Paducah

Yeiser Art CenterCost: Free����%URDGZD\�3DGXFDK��.<

West Kentucky Community & Technical CollegeAGENDA FOR YOUR VISIT

(All times CST and subject to change)

Thursday, July 18 1:15 p.m. Arrive in Paducah - Anderson Technical Building

1:30 p.m. - 4:00 Review the process that WKCTC uses to follow-up with applicants to matriculate them to enrolled students

Friday, July 19


8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Anderson Technical Building� � 6RPH�PHHW�ZLWK�)LQDQFLDO�$LG�VWDII�LQ�ÀQDQFLDO�DLG�DUHD� to discuss other enrollment management activities, including SAP � � 6RPH�PHHW�ZLWK�WKH�5HJLVWUDU·V�2IÀFH�WR�GLVFXVV�RWKHU� enrollment management activities

10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Jessica Kern and Tabatha Butler meet with Janett Blythe in � � $QGHUVRQ�7HFKQLFDO�%XLOGLQJ��ÀUVW�ÁRRU�FRQIHUHQFH�URRP�

WKCTC Participants:Nate Slaton, Director of Financial Aid, � �����������������QDWKDQLDO�VODWRQ#NFWFV�HGX Jess Puffenbarger, Interim Director of Admissions & Registrar, � �����������������MHVV�SXIIHQEDUJHU#NFWFV�HGXDebbie Smith, Director of Advising and Assessment, � �����������������GHERUDK�VPLWK#NFWFV�HGX Amy Elmore, Coordinator of Recruitment and Student Life, � �����������������DP\�HOPRUH#NFWFV�HGXAngel Rhodes, Coordinator of Financial Aid Student Services, � �����������������DUKRGHV����#NFWFV�HGXJanett Blythe, Director of Marketing/Public Relations, � �����������������MDQHWW�EO\WKH#NFWFV�HGX

Nate Slaton

Jess Puffenbarger

Debbie Smith

Amy Elmore

Angel Rhodes

Janett Blythe

Page 11: Visitor's Guide


A History of West Kentucky Community & Technical College

West Kentucky Community and Technical College is a powerful example of what a successful postsecondary institution must be in the 21st century. Our comprehensive college arose from the foundations of two remarkable institutions – Paducah Community College and West Kentucky Technical College.

West Kentucky Technical College was founded in 1909 by Dr. Dennis Henry Anderson as West Kentucky Industrial College���D�WUDLQLQJ�VFKRRO�IRU�$IULFDQ�$PHULFDQ�WHDFKHUV��7KH�ÀUVW�EXLOGLQJ�ZDV�ORFDWHG�DW�ZKDW�LV�now 1400 HC Mathis Drive. West Kentucky Industrial College became a state-supported junior college in 1918.

In 1932, the citizens of Paducah and McCracken County embarked on a mission to provide quality education in a municipally supported junior college, known as Paducah Junior College (PJC). PJC was founded as D�SULYDWH��QRQ�SURÀW�MXQLRU�FROOHJH�LQ�WKH�IRUPHU�<0&$�EXLOGLQJ�DW�����%URDGZD\��5HYHUHQG�8��5��%HOO�ZDV�3-&·V�ÀUVW�SUHVLGHQW���

Meanwhile in 1938, West Kentucky Industrial College’s teaching program merged with West Kentucky State College in Frankfort. The college became known as the West Kentucky Vocational School and more YRFDWLRQDO�WUDLQLQJ�SURJUDPV�ZHUH�DGGHG�WR�WKH�VFKRRO·V�RIIHULQJV��0�+��*ULIÀQ�ZDV�WKH�VFKRRO·V�ÀUVW�SUHVLGHQW�

,Q�������3-&�MRLQHG�WKH�8QLYHUVLW\�RI�.HQWXFN\�FRPPXQLW\�FROOHJH�V\VWHP�EHFRPLQJ�D�´QHZµ�FROOHJH�²�Paducah Community College. �5��*��´'HDQµ�0DWKHVRQ�UHWLUHG�DQG�'U��'RQDOG�-��&OHPHQV�EHFRPHV�WKH�QHZ�PCC president, overseeing the construction of the Learning Resource Center and the Students & Fine Arts Centers.

Over the years, there have been many changes in both colleges, including changes in the focus of academic programs, changes of college names, changes of college campus locations and change of governance. In 1997, the two colleges were united under one system umbrella when they joined the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) as a result of the Kentucky Postsecondary Education Improvement Act of 1997.

Collaboration grew among the two colleges until an effort to consolidate into one seamless institution was ERUQ���,Q�������'U��%DUEDUD�9HD]H\�ZDV�LQDXJXUDWHG�DV�WKH�ÀUVW�SUHVLGHQW�RI West Kentucky Community and Technical College.

Each year more than 9,000 students come to West Kentucky Community and Technical College seeking traditional two-year transfer associate degrees in arts and science, applied science degrees, diplomas or FHUWLÀFDWHV���West Kentucky Community and Technical College is committed to providing high quality educational experiences, meeting the educational needs of the college community, serving as a full partner in business and workforce development, and contributing to the overall economic and social well-being of the region.

Page 12: Visitor's Guide


WELCOMEWelcome to West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Recognized by The Aspen Institute as One of the Top Community Colleges in the Nation!

West Kentucky Community and Technical College is a comprehensive, regional community college that not only offers traditional two-year transfer Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees, but also offers an Associate in Fine Arts degree, $VVRFLDWH�LQ�$SSOLHG�6FLHQFH�GHJUHHV��GLSORPDV��DQG�FHUWLÀFDWHV�LQ�VHYHUDO�WHFKQLFDO�ÀHOGV��

WKCTC is committed to providing high quality educational experiences, meeting the educational needs of the College community, serving as a full partner in business and workforce development, and contributing to the overall economic and social well-being of the region. As we continue to move toward our vision of the College being recognized as a preeminent community college nationwide, our focus continues to be on access, retention, and student success.

,Q�������:.&7&�ZDV�UHFRJQL]HG�E\�7KH�$VSHQ�,QVWLWXWH�DV�RQH�RI�WKH�WRS�ÀYH�FRPPXQLW\�FROOHJHV�LQ�WKH�QDWLRQ�IRU�providing tremendous opportunities for students and the region. In 2012, the college was once again named one of the ten ÀQDOLVWV�IRU�WKH�$VSHQ�3UL]H�IRU�&RPPXQLW\�&ROOHJH�([FHOOHQFH��WKH�QDWLRQ·V�VLJQDWXUH�UHFRJQLWLRQ�RI�KLJK�DFKLHYHPHQW�and performance in America’s community colleges. West Kentucky was recognized for outstanding achievement in the areas of student learning outcomes, degree and college completion, labor market success in students securing jobs after college, and minority and low-income student success. Our focus on improving student learning helps ensure our students graduate with the knowledge they need to secure jobs or transfer to four-year schools.

West Kentucky Community and Technical College also provides a great return on your investment. The White House’s recently released College Score Card, ranked WKCTC’s average net price in the low range compared to other community colleges in the nation. The report added that individuals who graduate with an associate degree will make on average almost $5,000 more a year than individuals who only have a high school diploma.

:HVW�.HQWXFN\�KDV�D�ORQJ�KLVWRU\�RI�KHOSLQJ�VWXGHQWV�DFKLHYH�WKHLU�GUHDP�E\�SURYLGLQJ�DQ�DUUD\�RI�RSWLRQV�WR�ÀW�VWXGHQW�needs and foster student success. I hope you enjoy your visit with our college and will come back to see us!

Barbara Veazey, Ph.D.3UHVLGHQW�&KLHI�([HFXWLYH�2IÀFHUWest Kentucky Community and Technical College

Dr. Barbara Veazey

WKCTC At A Glance

West Kentucky Community and Technical College is a thriving, comprehensive community and technical college where more than 9,000 students annually change their futures with short-term training, programs geared to today’s workplace opportunities, or courses that will count toward a bachelor’s degree when they transfer.


West Kentucky Community & Technical College

WKCTC Mission

The mission of West Kentucky Community and Technical College is to provide excellence in teaching and learning, promote student success, and support economic development.

WKCTC is nestled on 234 beautiful acres in Paducah’s north side and includes 18 separate buildings and three leased, off-campus facilities for a total of more than 665,000 square feet of facilities. In addition to the main campus on Alben Barkley Drive in Paducah, classes are offered at:





409/413 Broadway in downtown Paducah



Page 13: Visitor's Guide


Source: Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. (EMSI), 2011

Added Income

College operations effect $19,458,000 Job equivalents 501 jobsStudent productivity effect $107,485,000 Job equivalents 2,769 jobsGRAND TOTAL $126,944,000 Job equivalents 3,270



Total Added Income in West Kentucky Region Due to WKCTC ($Millions)


Kentucky Community & Technical College System

West KentucKy community & technical college

LEADERSHIPCollege President/CEO: Dr. Barbara M. VeazeyChair, Board of Directors: Deborah EdmondsChair, Paducah Junior College, Inc.: John Williams

CREDIT STUDENT PROFILE(FALL 2012)Enrollment: 7,052Part-time students: 64%Full-time students: 36%Female: 58%Male: 42%

PERSONNELFull-time faculty: 141Part-time faculty: 142Staff: 168

CREDENTIALS AWARDED (2010-2011)WKCTC offers more than 200 associate degree, GLSORPD�DQG�FHUWLÀFDWH�RSWLRQV�LQ����DFDGHPLF�and technical programs. In 2011-2012, the college conferred:� �������DVVRFLDWH�GHJUHHV�� ���������FHUWLÀFDWHV�DQG�GLSORPDV


COMMUNITY/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTICIPANTS (2010-2011)Workforce Solutions served over 5,200 participants in credit classes and 6,700 in community education classes in 2011-2012.

WKCTC’s ECONOMIC IMPACT:.&7&�SOD\V�D�VLJQLÀFDQW�UROH�LQ�WKH�ORFDO�economy and is a sound investment from multiple SHUVSHFWLYHV��6WXGHQWV�EHQHÀW�IURP�LPSURYHG�OLIHVW\OHV�DQG�LQFUHDVHG�HDUQLQJV��7D[SD\HUV�EHQHÀW�from a larger economy and lower social costs.

According to a recent study by Economic Modeling Specialists Inc. (EMSI), WKCTC contributes more than $126 million each year to the community through a combination of college operations, student spending, and productivity of graduates in the workforce.

West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) has been recognized for two consecutive years E\�7KH�$VSHQ�,QVWLWXWH�DV�RQH�RI�WKH�WRS����FRPPXQLW\�FROOHJHV�LQ�WKH�QDWLRQ�IRU�SURYLGLQJ�VWXGHQWV�ZLWK�strong job training and continuing higher education opportunity, for achieving high completion and transfer rates, and for realizing strong employment results for its graduates.

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West Kentucky Community & Technical College

Visitor’s GuidePresident & CEO: Dr. Barbara M. Veazey������������������)$;����������������

[email protected]

If you need any additional assistance, please feel free to contact Janett Blythe at any time at:


[email protected]

Kentucky Community & Technical College System

West Kentucky Community & Technical CollegeLeadership Team

President/CEODr. Barbara Veazey (270) 534-3090

Vice President of Academic AffairsDr. Tena Payne (270) 534-3342

Vice President of Learning InitiativesSherry Anderson (270) 534-3145

Vice President of Student AffairsDr. Belinda Dalton-Russell (270) 534-3388

Vice President of Business AffairsSusan Graves (270) 534-3155

Vice President of Workforce and Economic DevelopmentJim Pape (270) 534-3370

Vice President of Administrative ServicesJohn Carrico (270) 534-3089

Vice President of Institutional DevelopmentDr. Steve Freeman (270) 534-3363

Director of Marketing/ Public RelationsJanett Blythe (270) 534-3079

Director of Human ResourcesBridget Canter (270) 534-3458

Director of Advancement(Paducah Junior College Foundation, Inc.)Kay Travis (270) 534-3084

Director of Cultural DiversityJipaum Askew Robinson (270) 534-3420

Deans of Academic Divisions

Dean of Allied Health &Personal Services DivisionPeggy Block (270) 534-3464

Dean of Applied Technologies DivisionStephanie Milliken (270) 534-3394 Dean of Business & ComputerRelated Technologies DivisionTammy Potter (270) 534-3278

Dean of Developmental Education DivisionMaria Flynn (270) 534-3140

Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts &Social Sciences DivisionSharla Hutchinson (270) 534-3275

Dean of Nursing DivisionShari Gholson (270) 534-3372

Dean of the Paducah School of Art & DesignPaul Aho (270) 408-4277

Dean of Science & Mathematics DivisionDr. Karen Hlinka (270) 534-3236

Page 15: Visitor's Guide

Deans/Directors/Coordinators of Academic, Administrative, and Educational Support Units

Associate Vice President of Learning Initiatives Dr. Renea Akin (270) 534-3461

Director of Library ServicesKen Bradshaw (270) 534-3169

Coordinator of Institutional ResearchDr. Karen Boyd (270) 534-3404

Director of the Clemens Fine Arts CenterGail Robinson Butler (270) 534-3213

Director of Teaching Enhancement CenterFaith Crim (270) 534-3258

Coordinator of Student Development, Activities & RecruitmentAmy Elmore (270) 534-3118

Dean of Online Learning&RQQLH�+HÁLQ (270) 534-3470

Director of Student Support Services/TRIOJohn Krupansky (270) 534-3176

Director of External Education, Workforce SolutionsDavid C. Morrison, Jr., (270) 534-33387

Coordinator of Continuing Education & Community ServicesKevin J. O’Neill (270) 534-3206

Director of Adult EducationSamantha Williams (270) 534-3476

Director of Information TechnologyRuby Rodgers (270) 534-3184

Director of Admissions/RegistrarJessica Puffenbarger (270) 534-3249

Veterans Affairs Liaison Kristin Amaya (270) 534-3861

Director of Financial AidNathanial Slaton (270) 534-3244

Director of Master Advising and Assessment CentersDeborah Smith (270) 534-3479

Director of Online Student ServicesSandra Tucker (270) 534-3263

Coordinator of Academic Support CenterMason Tudor (270) 534-3179

Coordinator of Disability Services6KHOLD�+LJKÀO�(270) 534-3406

Director of K-12 PartnershipsLorry Beth Wilson (270) 534-3117

West Kentucky Community & Technical College

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West Kentucky Community & Technical College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097: Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award the associate degree.

West Kentucky Community & Technical College, a member of the Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS), is an equal educational and employment opportunity institution.


Higher Education Begins Here

Updated: July 17, 2013


A Visitor’s Guide to