A VISIT TO HAÏTI. . . . .Y/Y. . ¦ ? SOMK HAY. IAN TBA1YB. t-»n»»ni.d»iire M 11»» N- t. Trii.oi»*. Minis «ir tka»i.u lice of tn»»»'l are often unsatisfactory air] aelihh e when they treat of 'he charact»*r of .1 eignjeople. Personal prejudice« and rapid. n*f)ir;f*. and BBJI I Mt_B8tM "f BBflieodlj di'bts, i nwaverinily MMMted and bfleeaofl, lo uoVi- th» m. ti a maj.iii'y of «-a»"'«, the rah ol moi«, hah-trir a. d itahnkia Ihn« of thel d.rpnt; ihle ami t-haraeter »ti-. Th»r«' .- m> MI where great«? >.r more numerous difficulties ¦trad ihe MB.Mata "i the fioMBctmtiou« travi wl.efh.-r ',». coi -»ilt if» history or i's aBV i! »¦¦»¦. whellier I.»- talk «:tl »be wln'c«, »he black«» 01 mix- I bloods, than Ifcientea f.i thwart him at »¦ «t«p and in paary tlepaittneal "' lav*taigal1oa ir P.tpuldit of the very name ot Brhicfc, eaamnie, there only the ananfletri and i ihaci'.wy particle «if truth. II« in«-, if, m h'tter» of more rec.-n* date. I I cootiadicN'd. in minor flot«lie, the BMRthmB "i earlie-r «¦oiiiiiiuii'.'atioii«. i* musí !*¦ attributed, l I», * o-.flitrtiog oral testimony reeeived. and eb Vi the prejadice »it tkmdtt (whicfa BSncti euphoniously culled the hostility ol race») that is'.» It. taa«e ii | .,- btaha and MB mixed blood BaytL It th« :.. are oeens'oiial rep«-titioiis, it n be tle'iile'l l»i the fact that III» l-lt.-rs Were aritt» n in tie- syateBBnBe order in which th-y h be« n pabiiahed h I HI i BIM BE. . \\ heh I reached Co'iltiM «, I «listnvercil, III «.eiinp:.::oiisly than I bad « 'ii i' before, the ei «MM «d B il« «-p.tooted jealousy or prejudice IftvA th»- Iwti shailes ot native», and thai it would ju-t to the couniry. and danrngJBg tomy own r»' lation as a tru\e.» i, tooecept the tt*stimony of ell tan «it citizens without tii- BBOte ear.iul and | loi.i» d ¡ir-esiiiratioii. Instead, therefore, of con uiii»; my letters, I commenced my notes of tut and »»tote out daily, with gnat care, the farts lanced la eonvemtiooB, ami th«'se I tubmitted ¦ nraneatlj to «Lib-rent persons t«»r eon-»-».Bon. I hi thus enterad, <ui many pointe, the mnlti at bm loi,(¿and valuable e\peri«'!iee«. I ib«.red t«)pr»'»»-lll iL«- truth| and »cry lea penoaethera wr.- qualit to ll it all. Some were too Iricndly.mer»' at rifts; other-t«.tipr»-¡uiiiced.tu»'re paiTotSOt l'rei writi-is; punie wen iueiiinpi'terit from their w; of Inoighl and powirnof uhnnatimii othenflr theirHtuited and unftronble ranewof r*_periei and position. If what I relate.when] baveentj my letter». nsneya u bin.whether friendly oulriei.dl» . impression ol the people, 1 may p"-u trel the biet, bul must unless my inabih'y «eatete or prêtent the truth withgrnatfirfiBihlof in naire impaitial «pint. Nothing ciiuhl be «-as than to prow Huyti a success, or to demonslr; thai it is a gnat and OVeTWheiniillg failure; bu ha»«- too ween ¦ etnrtaapt for the prafrnioti <> n.ere advócate to p* runt »it«- to »vril«. a parti« pleu on cither side. V\ iili this anderetanfliag, and with the hope t! whntcvi t « -Hors I may make, my friend« in Ha may not«- ami inform meet, in order that I niayni sei|U*iitly, when revisuiir, corree; them. I shall pi e«-e«l vvi»h Mr) letter», as »»ritten mit frniii my not at the Cap!'..I. niicl Ja> niel, and nth»'r plann M t aaast. kly subject i».Ilaytian traits. Many of th» m hi«»«' already not« ii al considerable length.mi «then will Aad a hnrried re-cord here l'Aiiti«11j-m BJ.« »I. ritini:. I'Rinr. < n »ci:. " i>v\ thi«. and you will my the tru'li," said Bngheh ii'is-.i.'iiiiy . " then is no inch thing «s p triotisiu in H.ivti." " '1 he soldi.-i-m," «aid a native, " have mi ,sp> di eoips. («e'lraid must create that, in order bate an army to be proud of." Ihi« was in the South. At Cap«' Haytie-ii th prolesMonal pride exists to BOUM client ; for I In ar the people speak V»lth J-ritie of otle refiillieilt, whicl it I remember rightly, was called '. the Fight. In vi-ntli." Ask Ihe black» what Hod is, or the Holy Qhof or Christ, or the uugcl«, and they »»ill foil yon, wil grant »iinpiiciiy. " 'is sect! toute» Mann" they ai all white toiks" Nay, tl is notion is emlialined I native art. In theCathedral al I'orl-au-l'rim thcr«' a sfakgnfatr painting! God, from the ehnd btaaing a black aad a mulatto, whn both «i dn-sseil in rei:!iiienta!s.their hnndsclasped tocetlu in hypin iitn ai iratenùtjr. I nj^geated i<» a Haytia ILal ihcir le« t should h:.\. been plante.I en tliecoiTi ol a white, und then the peiatillg would hat b«cn well historical a- emblematical. " No, No. be said, " thai »vouid iia»e Iteen out of place." " And not that «tut of pine«' '" I asked, " thi flBUi»- id Colt '" " It's con, mon t non eh i»i all Caiholic countries, he kind. " 1 liiin't sec Buy thing blasphemous in it, " Nor unpatriotic .'" "Mo, ol emu se not: why '" he demand««!. " l.ook al it.the head of a wiutc man, a inod af the Cuucusian type: if 1 were a black. I wui «ot ben«'»«' that One »va» a white, Ihe ÍB* v»u» any other color than whit«'." He hitinhed. "lllunc. «' < »t «liable, " he «aid: "that« alia; linn i loveib." "The arahangrl Gabriel a white man, with h taint tin body and hi- «»Mud upraised Bg«ÍttBÍ til devil, who it» n black man.1 ».iw a rude nativ paiiiin » ol ktiul ut l_ñs;ini-e, I n-joinc« " Now, how do voll «-»er eiBOOt ti« be ri*«peet»'d b others, unie«» »on first make fttkt vow «bn«XÍM rolor respected m »our own eye« He said Bathing. A I«»» du»«ntt«r, I called at the «tudio a youn «Matear Bittet, Ile exhibited s*».t;i1 porlraif« of »h«> varioii lli-ytian ruler«, and one or two fancy or BDegitfMI pians, Bttmng which wn a tolerably fair paiutin af Charity. She stood the pretretrom of thr.- little « hiltln n. One «>f thi'iu was a lieejvss. " thoinvht." be «iiicl.m» aBnaion had L».-a. ri mad»- ti ¦ «lUestloli ol pride Of race." I fhnio.'lf I Clllli'.» enfolds all, 1 »Aoiil.l put h.Te beside lltT ¡ r«ir« atyntntive ot my tnra pcpic." It »»as tie uni] instance 1 < ver a itnc«-.-d of prid» «d ii.c-*- In Haiti. Hvtti the barbaric «'lenient.tin« Mieters in tin Alti.-nii religion.acknowledge in thcr ivligioui *««aed the innata rapervorit1 «>t the CnncRaian raen. " Bern lui" «." ni a a »vis« nuBenma, "when] have been provoked l»\ ibe Haitians in mi BetTvien, I have i .rsi d tl.t'iii. ami told BMM fo 1 1 diepiwd them, thml eouiiliy, and their llunt¡us." «fhaWaaga h the Spirit, 1 beaem), to arhan idolatrous riles are paid. 'lli«y wot.Id answe: . '' \h' yon lu.-i» «ay that. [with impaaity].for yon an a white man. and y«»ur \\ anga ;s strangei tta .. «nrs.M Thcj bei..'».., he fold m.-, that the wln-.-s h ,\«. a ajecrat worahka etnnewhat sinuui In themyaterin «i the \ aiitlot'v Onh r. I his bel d. hct»»e,er, has v.o i-'XccX on theil con¬ duct: bu' m »tar and m Had.- th.'» hold that 1'tov,- deuce alwiiv» la».»is Ih»- heaviest SattBÜnnt and th»- J.-I.cest head. rioCini»." they say, ». is better \N au»:a." 1 «aiiy ::'ilic.l tkat the Nub,an type of «talan was cvce.ii'içiy rai.- i Haiti, moompart«d with it» u'.i»er-a,'ty in oar iMguthern states. \ »poke of the mrenmstanre i" an intelligi at the C.p.lal. lilal l-ktilfhe had lattn-.-d the tac', and li"W 8 .ii'iM.i t-,l tor it, "Hi* ai;a "i « .:...',,: to." he said. He lum¬ ia f. a mulatto" had ( 'as ¦:» an hntnisn.and i ran BrnnTTiT an». Not i!.!ic, ¦ -it of mar myari«, and to¬ tal!» dertiid of A(He .. . all the nnt about an heb <,» eoimentral «i in nsy ..« «1.1 rH aenld aot nrewhai my pmnun'iit uami '. in «»r hi« .»r*»i:r k.urtip«-:,ii »», ,- ,,| j;,,.,. ,,,,' tu »i. »Mia th.- pngnn «t HajBtiaa ahilixatkin, ,ind fra-.klv »pr.-»-- | pn»i.t.- tanta thai ti, >rharact«>ol Übeconotrv, it* momtitate air, m-.d i)¡, uvundai.-« oflimrstlM n ««very »«liriivt, bad probably brtvuI deal taatm to do with it than the avancement of . s-.-tv or the grand iii'ita!.*..« of Oeeoraanenta and «____._, T ,,:"',. " l '. a tr*u' "f cvi'-zatltei, Y\i!h.n the last twenty ».«rsthe Afrieotj type hua BSM r.ii'.dh atakjfiaiing, It ¡» ...t ,H.,,ul.r. f flntfrvn km njhn p.nk thiir a.,,,. t. -»,/, ,/.., gn/wi/.,..." If« attributed ;l" ». aV ;vv*. "I tb* }»..r»'..'tv th« fa«" that the) weee «saebiac* ai I - .' aa .. HF»-.evhu-'i ftftl tni.* of an> eBBM af dftU lift» ol any pia«»* ¡n H».u. VVhrtt 1 more feaTaefftall' I. rr«-«, l-i him («ir, however, w..« hi« t-l*-«ina doe tana, lhattbi |sopi«-"i Uayti topeyH »<.p.««lo art )¦'¦ -.* ,-. «oui Ruj Afrkran or blieb n.« - in the aorld. Her» « the f »da« h.,-,.>. of n, Bgbt«*aed .-*. d arriBHrUfartB) pat ri .. aa», !'.'.' I fa* v.- that lmm BOSMI v.-ry BrktaM ttoagkl «'i . little. I k-i'.w. - data to trn-i-ia:.* it .¡y,, a .* " rae« <>ii.' !:-(.«-I. litv MB pat"!, "a- '"¦«* '!.,_. talku«.' with a I t an n -r ..- I Bl th* < 'apt*, ul th t- .I.*..,- «.'. «'t Ihf I«.o -I I'. i. .: -k- i v th« '. .v« ..,; >'. ,....;.. .-.e:,'. Tarife I..- uid, in a eVfiatil tone* ..'!'-. « r< i, '. * «.? .-v.-, the I !io|,-r,i b eter bet*» twlf to .nte- Hoy'.. I Ilk»* »pui.h. and tin« a «.. sneaky, thai its ibj i,<-s of «-.iiiipiineiiti may be pardoned; tot Ito I..W I«*v«r Im* ant m. tJttm it Oblitera htoi baant. Probably ti,»* nuTi-'.a -t i?nag»af-d Vaikkees in tin* Iniwels of tftfl bud wouM IHM ' Rtti on the I'.t-i-tit-it.on of Halt: tl y. (TrV-l-ru Mtab»«, when in bow«-!- of Irtotki k j usually bai «m the « oii*tiIu!:oii of mm:. I!-* < r it h>* l hieb I s«>. .Hatred of the rr«-r«'h '.* a riroiniii.-it tra ¡tof Haytiio pe-'pl« in.d. j'ii!''!'ii¡«ly iiiii'iaii'-d. ¦ t...- brth f., a iiitio'ial unity and pa'ii«t':«u: hitherto, egeept Vii|;i;i lv in KlUK ( 'hn«toprir '- I r.*L'urdt«l M a tx.ssil.le r»-«-iit. A war with I'm aaaalde nor«* to <...!....*,it (he union of the < la*-t s arul to aro.i-«* I «pint ol' patriot aai in put tfieni, RfBÍM, in a peeitioo fit ti.-'iie., to oeeapy, thai any other COIM* iv, «vent. No iiioderii powt r e«,:ld OOftMJftwr Hi lad tin- re.-ult of a war with Prance woald lief In in the pre.¦¦!.' épi«*!*!!» Nati'iiial Debt was fntred on «"he p»*ople, in ft» day« af fte ifl «II* Ili'Vel, hi the pel hilili'l« Ireliell (, iV'T'i .1 and should be répudiât. *«l in just it-»* to the Hair j nationality. Bal it arould ret{aire a great arai «-.miiiet »ii.'L ¡i war: and (.erli.irl blBBOtyH tar aal hiarw, »raved biawclf e.jual to a tail gigantic. Whtrther I«»* or oat, Boetreogei hi!. i VMM.. .White r.-iilei.'t» »ay thai th«* organ <»f run is pioii-iio'titly «lev.*;,,pail m the Hnytrtn »kull. tak»'. u lone time to diamver or believe how p louiidly cuBBÍftfJ some ot them are. bbmI a bar» t on-ill; "tl.«' Iiior-t s!i|p:«¡-i«Mikln¿ t.-ll'iW you in the afreet will oobm latoyouand appear -toi '1 that you WOttld never iinat;:,!'* !)«. intruded or <'.ui«l ibcal vous, aad yet to w.ii have a «le¬ la:«! »< !.. i: «¦ behind bis »an all the time, ami !"ii OB» but lie will «ne«*e«'d ill bvolili«-» yv/'l." Ihe fen«ral teitiruOD« wa« that the mulatt« are itiore i:nunirii» than the black«. :urd really nn llii'tllL'IIIHit and «uhlle. *' I heir «-»lui.'ru.'," Mid a I'.uro|a*,;n .«ildo f.. Il " make« Tin-Hi Ike best ni «¿neiiiia -iii,i.*r-.'' I'fll.ll I.M.SS, Ilayti has h. u aplii' call.d th« « î Iran««* ol fte West: and with r.»p.ot t«i maiin. the definition il ju-t RlH If »itty. l*o|it.*n. pet vadea every rlaas ol aoeiet) in naytii it |iroii,ineiit in the caluis of fte taontea us in t parloi. nf tin- ei'ic». K«it«*r a r» -1:111 -'or., t«. pi «.lui-,- an Orange or :. bun.-ii of li« bananas, and toe do not first tálate the mtutàtmé, abe will r»*ga you il«*ti«*i«*nt liii." «ul manmr««. Su. alfO, wb yon h ave; if \nii do a* the) do in H.tyti. y< ii,u-t bid Ii«t fsnod day. lire, eh!.«« boyi ri their 4'oinrades MtMtitmr. Country folks tn'v n 1.1 without a eoiiiteoi,« «aln.utioii. It is rude a-k any one I question in fte «tr.-.-f. or on tl road, until yotl touch yoor hat, and say " Bof Jfft .Mot'Miur." I.a.lies ki-« vvlien tiny meet; and «on,el lines do the nan.with men' 1 never Ml milled in my «iwn person to this unseemly Fren« taskMBi but my (.luipinioii, Mr. M., wa« on« ki««*«-«i l«y a roiiuli-iaee«! (1, neral until his cheeks, believe, i»lt lik<* i poreapines htkadirnartrr' " li. n it " said an .Mahama aUv^heUer I hear of, when in Ilayti, "I tunal take PBiW wtoa I r. .. tara to the State», or I'll find myself lifting m "hat t«< «'very ie ito on ajj plarit.iti.iti !" Tli tribut«* wai a ieaeiTed one, for we are barbariai in tin- reipeai euopared with the llaytians. Till VIVMIItilllMSS. White re»i«l«'n!s ntnl native« of intellii!''U'*e a ape*.1 p.ttv tl.etl.rrri/ »M-tty theft .i« a ei.i ai lei,»tic ol the lower orders, I have already n erred t«i it. V «t rnftmeriftl at«- very rare, and thei are in; iii«taiiefs tin record of tru-t iietiayed, A rehant al («onaives iuf«inn«'d in«* that to ha reqaentl) -rren bo.itni.ii t^,UU0aad flW,!JUO- Uaytian money. t«» cany t<> ftf Cftftf or Capital ami y-t he I,mi never bar] a < Hut, be add«', leave ii lew dollar» lito-e. or any little thilii; RftOBJ and Ito) v. ¡11 take it. 'I hey do not seem to retar pettythéfl a-rriiiiinal. I have ffbfB «¡iveu uien- ftft) man 1 chanced to meet in the street.laru bundle« to cany to the Cane, and they wnuhl pu! on their head and take it liiii«* BBMly, neither «tea m«.' il theun-elve« nor inolc«ted by any one. "And tiny would rather die aVfteadiag it." »ai an Aniei'icun to whoin I cad ftf not«*, "than allot ft] \ OJBf to tftkf a «'«'lit.' "TftfJ ai«' very honorable when tr.i<t«*d." roi linioii a imssioiian ; "tin y like to be cutitided in and in'.'T vi late ci iti'l'ii«'«'.'' " In Ir.ivi luir.." «BidB» old whit» resident. " vv lu¬ yen t-tay lit a house over night, you may uivc an oi« nil you have m tore for yon, till you i.'u-.«* net Baorningt »ad Ito) will keep it bonectlj and »e.-iin-l -,|.i|i o\.r.'.niul aVliver it upon .bum' «1. V" Deed have no fear." v--\-in\iii>n.. i'<>ii»«i\;\ .. Some win!«'« «I"«'lar« «I that »eerel ii-mi* linatbi . by ptBBOft chietly.are i.t urn oiiiiiion; others. and o.ii.r raneeatl.that tto) are v-ry rare. Th rc.-ii!ts ot :.!1 BTJ ,'opi'r,. - !,'d me to a«lopt the bite «.pinion. The BiiMHinarM» report only one :ii<f:ni«* iu twelve year-; with fte exeeptioa of ft piftM linirdcr, b) m.-ii whose exeeaftwi 1 have ¡iln-ail. aWerrihed. It U not aia*4nnBMMi to hear efperaoo hein«- poisoned: but tin- > th" reeull rather ol Ml pen tit m>» than of otirae, Tto raperstitioa of tin evil 1 le.all manner id belief« in all maiin«*r .. Miiivroiii« iufliieiKVs.ui.iv¦ 'Imftll] (iri'vail. a* 1 «liai »fterwaid show, Bmmbbj the people ..i ilayti. >i univei'Mi! are t.¦«.-«. BMjdieV»! a In- -, that -«Idotn person dies but Mine out" ». i»ge»l« a pieternatu a oatwe ti r hi- deee»«*. foivign« ra, until the) di- « ovi-r this tact, t"i m vv. opinion« of the Dativ« ftan Um y «u Mire. Ilii-iii vi ITT. Kvciy on«* agreed thai tin* IIiytiaM are h htam ti* 1*1« |i.p':«-i «\«'ii the n.o«t pri'jinlu't'd pro-alavi j Wftil, n -«tit'iit-. N«, one ever 'i;--- ««i h ma r m iioiti i.«-icci: tin; foiiniry pentth*, Mf/tseially, d-- bgbtiftf '.> a»«>t fftrh oiii'r, aad Mpntyia* fteii n. hbors' m «'«'*. Kl>i'i:« i lu" vvomiin. A miMMM .. ry vv:!.- stated «'la- v-ry ILiII-r'n-- fnc:. t..r whii'h the HaytUt» chiuai't- aaUMtld lie en!« Ell« tl every where. .. I bate fon«* ftiaagh the «tr,-et- of l'ort-au- rrin«*«',"'sin- sard, "at al) hours of the Biftftt, and lo vt | i.i.if was iii«.iite«l. 1 could nut »a« IBUck ti r ai y Anrrícii eitj of saMibtrsiae. aiiatai." ¦be continued, "white or black, will ever be .* suited by the iitiie- at a:iv hour of the nii.Lt, uii- «. ahj i. .kc- ;!... Irsl advance».'' IM M I I «.! IVII'1 Id V! i-M 01 V,,ii: vi ft 1 have Ral, ,:-l. -.;'¦« n ¦-¦ ited inatai res of r u- n «ti'Iii-ii i. inlitienre ol **«¦ rnuinue's y j Al! the whit itivM 1 rooveraed B th, <¦«¦ i'.1 thai « re |i had bee» '.» tl Em i arhtu -m." lt.- the -; .. "i,y oi a biímmj .ary in »-,l,-ii: .¦')!.- li.i ¡an-ar>- a -..."il |M..p',.'.iverj I tin,* ..,. p'i .wi1 ling tu fte '. rightly, bal« sad!., I.X.I.V.-niul. and by | MkVtJV« r'.meri; «il. Hi. v i,-e .«..ine raailj pm'eraed; bat it i* m j wible i.mtinae m »governiaei t leag. .. l>ur« j ii c th,* I., -t Iwehe ton, th.-1 b»mv«w oae tbej hftv» «lul'.lnl. IftC illiaili., th« y have OOTU ¡1 ttigk pla«*»'*. ba»debaeedthe» greatly, .v,,u. »..wa¬ tt dark ituuul Bajftft. At LÍBMM 1 iuiik»! de»iit:ir.*d ol Ilayti. It«ftaaafffflIf us il ('itlr-nl was m.«,ii un ft] Qtmi, ftaaaei wa» t.» *aa p «Jbbbj i<i ii. !.v« rani¦». l"r th'« |m.;>le. . I here mm b.-nn iTict cliiuicc t'.r !!.-«. v.MM in fte r«,-- fftaa» ¡j.. [.'.." h. Bftid : I ftfl .'her Inn. ¦. | .- t ....!.. t ii Ifti year». aawa» BtaVtCftftftstl .-. ...iLri',. d b. a «:J. : ' lw»i.!y y tar». ftBai b) IPVefaJ olio r }..-r». «.it vin i un. I h.utda «lory ol IwMlfBxenjB, wtaak is aM «.( tto f, a ." .¦' '«.««¦- re'iitetl «'I h iu v> h.«'b lu h -:.«.( Iv hil ehernerer «ir d'isp «»it.. n. A»B BmBttntaatrnl th«- y pie, n Beonetofle ra-. letter with it.»-va a »»ry "hl "."L'r» I P¦.--.».i-pri'V" ,i i d. any bh «. w¡',». ¡m Im al !.¦ t». '.»rtrk procured a pr«- -t.-ti"' ¦. _. t !..... bh ;i m b Getnmo merehaal _.. ... arl "i «la., i»., day, -he matei ;, ,,.. ai,d . '. ... »t went empty away from .... aa '" bañan «j. «t free leieiw-"'. if ... He fcD sink, and arm nsb ,,i,.. id H ¦: re, also, I lifod c,. . their < '.'1 w.i- dne : .. v. i- ih to n- ¦. Instigated er person ol European birth, the creditor, legal praecn I ' li at«- t.ol si | iblic ;:.-t tni a here. Prias en niute fred t,«m-i.e.. or be fl i . .i bj Ihe r ir..-i.d-, «>r. la ling to ¦!.. . tr i r,.- n.'..¦»! .. te ¦«¦ ;¦'.' r " -'¦ i ¦ hi,i »er. One d y the pnM In - al ay hie I n » i Men " Gnod tlfli. food VA lid; | ¡I'-VAered. SI» e: !e!«'.|. »»'it MM t«'i'l that hat f friend wa» in jail ami why. !-he lnmi'diat-'iv went ap to the pahweof Emprrar aad wa.». I beta« thepssrb, Rei her: and. .ittra-l.-d bj h.r d-rre,. I appe-aran h»rt<) COMe HI'. >!..' vva- t«0 l«cblet»i a»c the -'air». I!>- nnl «- >wb soMien tc carry b«r Rbe wee ctmdncted into the Baa_nee-«hamft a;id i laced in a cluiir. .. Ale yiio the Emperor !" she aafend, "I» ." -tsah witfa the '.¦ peror." " i.... oid ini.itii-,' sahl S-mli'i pi«- 'what 8 watt "I can..- : n a-t. j ;-.i< .." «be «aid, for a n Dnjnstly ¡mprisoard li.«- Enpenn -v.i ennani, Be «»iieet»d bear a plea against bis .»¦.'. n haj istice bat told I to go ti "nt »¦ '.v ..i.ll h-ar her. "--ir»-," «I..- fa an i UM « 'ale BB) y..u and you.I um i««'.!-- with old ags a ni ' tu. h agi r w-rk. Bad am almo»! blind. I I iiv "f -i fl'-r« d with I ¦...-¦. «I .-re wa petit blanc (little white a ho tare am alms .», «ay« He did at ki m me. «d ¦«¦¦¦<¦ >' »?nr, bat be never .I me awn] » thou gitt. II» Ml liehj I '.»".». -liib-i» »I -" Lunger :t« wh.-ti tl,«- ' a tick. Wk i. y lin ., '.'¦ a - h. '.. ».... hb. .1 ..¡'i .. bad, and aben he wn well again be «reala M»t p bifl debt Another white nui kin in ja;l. km w he n< aid i aj i he and mmrj bat be is p. now, ami «ai.i.of pa». He h ittSkgry asm, and foil« Pray, flirt«, give him liburtj Bgaini ètejnsti la the fin ¡I petit hi';e." rjfae told ms name and the aaaae of Ua credit« V be Emperor an dceplj u,"V»ii "Ni vi r liai, old ino'.i.» r'" !.. ,, ¡fl, "ji.-tie» thi I»- done loll.»- p.-;.t bl.iii.'" .!.¦ ». f' a ",! t',r the 1 Bipm and to h-- th.- story of ih- good iiMmsrnin. Bhe wn Roved,and broaghl bei be« and erne _ C-l-ithtS. \.'h< ii «In- went from the' -i- had în.'imy h.r. rket n ¦¦ did .¦' brim «-b "''. ih I.i; |.»Tor --i.r the Proenrateur fJ^mnr ami niflend bim k «ne a Brannte ol retase. lb. Germaa v.:.« r. ;...».d, bat eirireeeed hi« a pr»-»:» -i-io! s that be would Benin in- imsrtaned. ..N' n at" mid the officer, "wluie Senlt ... live« wui -hall ti» .»-r be impiteoned tgmin. -,- REDPaTI THE RESILLA VAU£T. ,..',.-. I. !!. Mi «n ». trteona, Md it. I '¦'¦ 1 '<. I»W. i inr | »cei'e an looking forward w ¡th gîta atudsl to see w hut C"liL'i>»» Will tl" for M M it» «ASt M MUM ll must ,1" s'i':i.ïl,'i;.'-«'i'h. r u'.v» tt-.parate Ten lorinl oiiMiii/ntmii <>r ¦ new .Indi.-ml District W inii-t bavebsws; and the tears of New-MssJro are i n,,-' t..i»la- 'in'he i. nt that they areevei worn ia Ban installe«-» r lut n no law« at nil. ( liir only (Mart lure the I''. Court, wham aown is tahed n ¦ b, si at wh" e haada in can asea «o dn < whn « -¡vil t criminal. Ii b in.m own over one bundnd dollani the Ti-rrttorv be ¡s ptrrfoctly «sfo, there ia m ,«¦ t collect i». If a man romndta ¦aider M na ooh con mine.) for trial.the Lord kmrars whom Ws haï a jail hen, kin trae; ihm is, a thing bnih af «Mattel w "i .1 logs, and chained together, shoot lea !.¦¦' lea and six te. t »v a!« in d in tin- B I bava s»*-ti BO MS tb.-.n right ama charged with Btardu M bm Bm About on.»' in tt»o month- the BkTWMMfa, «/«-Itittif de»).« rate. . »a. « ami w e li I v. ., ,t. h tri in n I», .."!.»' :.... wl. would re lb« ¦. lloa». !" Is n coi .unity reed] to kill or Meal m coaeeaisnee. F«i ail 'l,i tbeie ti" remedy, our (fovernmeM Btahhaj n provision either In fplHrd <>r iced th. m: tnd no8 Hbfiil »los n».' Reel wfairon ol aMJniiiiaingageards his S n BJ I"'.. 10 bl » p tai MteflSnbte rn-' .«Is !.. jai tl.«»-oí ñire !..«»¦ ieivaira... and dig theirwaj Ml 'Ii 'is it has been for yean, atei that h «rill ba until w I a», -cine preteetioo fr.un OUT d neial I loverttun-ti! and the id« a adeaaced by rout et»»Tesru>adete " Oila, ihm the i«"i" do not wmui a Territorial flimrnimni im. rit lai», ami pnpofltenttfli 1 ban in my pm ri-s'i.ti a doeament, »igned by -. me thirty Amencai i.-ilct-.. "I Terrilitry, otTerin« "Mr. Gila tb si,ii. lirill stun of .«»1.1,1.11 and f.. pay his .'XpaBBBfl her andliat'k, if be will And twi respoTMiblfl cil en tl «¦ Ici m. .t y wbo »»ill it-.«!« i-»- I - statement! laiiv to the Ten lorv. il.. !. t" rrscpsfl i' :* 1 « . ¦' hi,.u*ima« -. . »,..«' If hswi |r,.,' c -ig ti ii twelve reipecl . Ar lou I.,...... t .¦: i, tl.» untV »y 'i.V. . » I by tb* Over», nn Dwa ti. »tin. ..'"¦'. .-j .' » m the lerritary." Si.-ne '¦y K. H ..i I.J.Ttll ..ii, i. - .. t-aliiiii » li r:i. »¦ - Oral '.'¦ Hit:) .N '. ».| «. i juin» il- Liy .! «'¦ a' i .- tker», i«-»p«ii« -u»-.i_:» nuoiy. THE Hi \RT <>F I'll I / 1/7. ? forre.pcnel»il» »; The N V Tn» ? Cult II »Mi. N. ... Oet ."'. I*'»'.». It may aot be uninteresting to the maaj reader <f ThbTkibi st:, liie pe,.p|. » pap.-., to ini tba the \i> public ans ef Centrai New-York an a infii pnpnnng i-r the Bjenronrhing ciitct. In littk Coriiaiid the v ...el.-'it. :.. t.. t:i_ k.iidleil. and 1 In »»oik oforganizathm gore bravely on. 'I ;.' - _.,» ¡i,, time« Bit' » miñona of the tora rout ami oserthiun ol the - 'a» «-.In» ni; I'»"'i"cra. y llallot-stiicii.ç in y»mr c.t«. ami Harp-is Ferry, will prere in putent to snstnia th. ir fitilmg fortune., Tbe decree is wrBhrn. \v«i ii. |;i '.i i ¡i.,», tour city h lahm lag v ¡tt I na, and laboring most enfâ^tnnUv. The influenn which he i»-:r.e- up->i. a commui ty it ting. lay« opeo tbe o,ue«tiou« al imue i». tn'eefl the Fr. Lsborand v re-Labor par .-, aitk nehefonr« ansnnfl powi rthat every bean r ansí be mar seed of tbe Boundm in! 1. roodusioos, whether those con» ici m- are suffer»«! tn r^trrttrel onte ot. Ii;» ;¦. tninst the Ki ensiun of Blaverj !" tfee Territtirie« ;;!¦»¦ oonrlnaive. i argnancntai m »»»'il th»- expwitta »»' lim snhser. »n ia y e! the lvm. erntic party t.» the innve l'«»w. r. are »-atore. »I v. ;h un reuiueiM-e al eh len ponen, aad with atmwerto a bit ronldbe added. Mr. U »he« tinues bis labors anl day of '. * .' that h .- .'. :.- n,r m be »»ill do :. -. l ' »wort i" i Hand will sei d Lrt'-'fii,' .n i c::-"! daj. i,_ K » « i -...-._ \ db»MS '.» ' |e etlal <e .. I t. i i.« ihe folios -, ¦. 'I. Bf !' N » of rity iron! ¦" ' I t Matwhsl f.»r- ¦»»tenet of I ,. ,i, ,, j |, ' .' thiefJuel rheela *¦.-'.( t .' " ». J. »V. Albright. Ü 'I ¦¦.'¦' 1 *- - . t ... - . .; ' '. " r t. « |. 1 I the Judge had fi d before he hall I a fanai.«,! ,ro»» i t k . , 1 ..hit letok the | ,...¦:. MMneloa« ¦ . .:.-,,'. t. , ,<,.. ,. ... ,- '. a '¦¦ . ,, wüh a « h'|tll .... v, " .. . :.-.'..- , .- ¡¦.»i: beiti used - ll i o .. . .'. tew; Ibal « rmmjti t*> !». _ .. the hnastaf o perwrn oi s arril -. bahn* corpa, fia«-» «abet» . I..-.-. -, .< and lb» math« » a lilu ditrej led. PERSONAL -Vi-. g - ciel I.if-" il ihafhiniBt BB» baa's I brD .' ....,.-- H v m ,-.'..- I .. >' t et« . -etc- .t in tv- .. *, ;....-. . mm Ottawa, HK» - Basrtff « ..) . .-. i - t be a . H a i- m .. Miasoari roba t.» k I i . - II. v«a» - a i, bat, » _ t. " .1 ... -i ¦ oda fea ata -. an ». 7 1/ | tborily, t hat bis Bey .! «ni Prii of M hy the l'olomul S". irv, ;«' I «.'h-r d.-'".' i.-ii.-l | . ¦-.-.-¦.> '1 \ f ,t rtbfl i . fini i .' i .< run»; of thfl , i li- _. ».. ... .Mr. 1 il li- .'¦' n. j the inn real -, I . K .--..-... ' ¦¦ '' y- » - , « -... ,--. 7 » « ..-.-.. . - irg |.«rry tt d a _»» :' ..*»t»H .-. » . -'.eh.lL .....-. . .* \V e otrst s - ' « I . , '' p, witbtbeii » Usai |_| W a r * :. I I trfcsa sur ttaoau Sssus < lowitii- .'¦» « T wtmttmm .. »»...: ,..- ...- -- . ': J t . « .. »' I ¦'¦'.- a. .o. , .- : Í .'¦¦..!¦. I I ... i 1 . .. - par. Om | rol « s bit*- I w< nip for t'as v. sisal a 11 I.m . ». ted." JT i r Pott ot jett i the fol« lowing [ utiicnti b: >. Whaa Mi .,.»»., -..»¦. a <>,_.. ,.Mr. Wi .«¦ . ». ! v ¦.'. .¦.'!. . -, red that tk | '-.,..-. y of th* ; '». ¦» V t M »11110. * mti -'- Mad i.-.» . 11 - ! »i»i-». Tr.t I I m, h.,*»t«r. MJ .I . ]>*". I - I . -.'.».» i .' || I'll« r -¦»..!'¦ k ... , ", 1 .\ ' I . ' .- .. Mr. Kt»r»tt ii .While Tom C««rwiB wn adir, «ting s Isrge ¦ at* im.- at Springfield, Ohi >, not brog tiare, and wa- «oar« fog Lato the higj n -i n of poHikal eliyquence, a b'a.K, iiii-i'll' --i/, d. nd BWM 'Jnokhnj ball terrier .. "im:, d ih«- phnform, and, tahJng I is phtn h ride th-' speaker, » th.- BBBBSBBSwd .-'V*rrii*ns with ¡i », v. !.«¦ lontii'.'Utnce iiiniu iiie'in«!...!» wagol ¡Srattdul ;. Hi» debut was greeted »»;,h r»..,»- at btnghter, and l'on Corwin paused ia the middle o! b Beatones. Turning inward the ratradiag animal, ho wnted hit i iad coiiit«-»u-iy. mvmg: »'coate, ana a' ntfane, if plane« 'Ii" terrfer retirad a W a- pans, and gbaosd «pii/./it ally at the s|« ak»r. wh» n Corvv.n ad. reared t<> the esta efths stand, and mal m Ute sople, ht a «sir soahatenrial tensi MIflohsBsn ks iatsads t.. loan the other dogs and join tbe republic an party I" i - pal] al k fail an a ¡t. d m Bb a leaapsM of Inttgh- ' ter Bad sppktaae, fas dte stenslof which hisdogship trotted ote "f the hall with bis tau al M an le of»Ml- . .Among the Letters band hi "Old Ilrowii«" poo» I aeflsion eras one from Clterln Bbirof CoBinseille, in Coma», in relation tn nrertaia BoMimt. Mr. Blair fa a »V'.rkniHii "f th«- " Collitiaville Ax Company,' em¬ pli.» Dg 'i '. aa 'i andi r him. and lahiag what eoatmct» I.» pknses. Boose time in IflSd or 1857, " Old Broera ream lo CitBinsviQe,and coutructed for a thousand i -,. |abe and in Kansas, Phre bandead «ran bn« I-I..' for him M thi« time, and tin othsrgrs bnndmd w.... !. rit n ll bands » f the eoatraetor. LaM June .- o it, »v» n ai-. :ii ..,:..!. taappearaan in> iii'e. and s ted Mr. Blah tnfak up tin» n- ,er "i the pik« -. Blair n-k« I hin to »» bat us.- h< intended to p*' tant, now that the «»nnnutlfatnrh. aareswenorerl To this onssrion Bron»agaveaa eveshr« rnpiy« The fnlshing of i Mmem i.» a Mr. ll .f "f l':'i"!i»!Ü... It arasIbaad, however, t1 at n wii'.hi be impend Me to furnish mice -han fonr I ondrrd and Rfty of lb« t. nob« i ia.i lbs tvontrnet- nahinf . Bflnd and HtjiaaO, win-n then wn -!!¦.. Blnii mrt w¡;h them tht letteithMha been publiai i- .The I«, i. '. i W. M.I. y. mrmbi r of iho IV- «- bytery « J M. usaippi, -hoi and kOlodsDr. V\ - .VI' :. 1- .i'-t. Dr. W faon a .. ¦.: ; plan, aad had a with ami ,om -"ti grown and a daughter mar- ii i. il i. b.. -i ¦ thing i c.» .' :i«iv..t.«. to Biteek , who fa the «anther of ris i n. IL- »»»"'. h.r u letter of eight pagos, pro- agón elopem ni and marriage, and mi it by ;- . who baaded il to Mo ley - nother. bite - .,- .1 'r. W.1-.. VI -. y w; .'. aad m (tutted by the -«;'¦ naaad of tht I .. - ruing f ;!,» ( .¦" -.¦ .- ft I c w ill air hw n .v numndn of i. DW .¦..-.;.... I to ur- ..-. . , .. e to this Mr. »i fa. !.. Cook, one of M en per« I I I .. ¦ «¦ ¦ ,..., ,:,, ,,. i I anal tarn ¦ . lot1 but a .-i.i.'h d ... ban 1 stely I -. g *'-. (iHik was It many years in y .; th» .MaiMi. i .. and s j'ii. m Ttfagiapli i , led their I -.. u.. li. ». .:.. .--.-,- i. ra. Tl. h : i.. ..- ( '. Jones, tehon A : ) - ! f Tennessee. In 1st -, i. .. - \v ... on r K r Dei : nssbta < i i 's"! Mr. I' Hi w.,- el rjsen a I , . - -. ¡- - : . i ! h - i. .1 i- .1 ... w .-. te ¦. C B v bod; «is y- ar- with « mat theflian«he ..¦«¦¦*..I. .Tbe I '..."¦ -;.: /'"-¦. P 1 t I -.¡i ri. b 1> ... '.!;nn. ap¡aar. i :u that ' «. tan, n e.-' h.ti ban I a I.''' ¦¦.«'. He Wa* - md i whs AU ta »¦- .il i-iitv» !-. tunal in the . riua I "- .' ¦.:¦.'. to eouie - ..i.-..i b i thai be weald !>*. than bomb « rnts of l tori ar» t. be r». M '.¦ --.¦-., cham- ' '- : ...' -' '-¦ :i * -i .... ".'¦-. l FROM WISí oSSIS. (.»....a»« ef T "le S Y I*,u«*e. Oa kaftft, Komi bt ftmw, Oti W'- 1 lift»* ftto Wntt, aie. .- . *.*.* '.'. * .. -ab) :.-.(¦ v ft tto fa» , ...r M " ">'_* "' '. -t .'f lb« '.rsr-ile* VV R ,'t D».' I.Tl-i a-' *: 1 !'. : !d'l I-»-.h-'-v \ - 1 . i tnatat w.'1'- ,....,.., .- ., n .. kW* Bad . .: -: l \" «r . . . ¦. ...-¦¦,» . ---... C'.-rn ' l*at of A *-. [an, fia* -. Rad tata» I :!«' a" i r ..t ! i lt.ra f fine I BftBM r : ...» .' I - 1 «taw -, . .-,. .,.-, - ,v- .. -. i urrril fc* * Jaa« which an * .«-11 v.n r.K* I . .* auayed tl.«- Irait t-r- . e tto Mven drouth v. .¦¦'. ..;. BBBM p..r'« :-**.-¦ 11, -, t i. .-. a ¦. « . -. eh '.'"»- ». *r - *w :... iad *'* t mm a saeead ¦' ito ~, *, - *,,, .v-, .-*. ¦*. Hunni, I have a r¡«i,. d nth.' open air in >*vp- t. I . r. 'I! .. D '- " IBM t ..«!' «'"'.«-![' ti. Indian A «riMia -ait "ir ft la i v.. ., r t( ,v A* i.l,*. is very itimiiion. a "in Bi v\ vat ly t ( Iktnati», and i«igini< from tl a i > a er mmh 1. r., line a.l-i r.« m ifbt be made from ¦< rere I tWgBl »TO How. r«. The Waster« an longer ltoa ear», aad Ito fter BMBMrlerUK .'.- .'«'Id. be' .'It'll', » iV i. its Mvere as at ft» bast, forai Ito a --«n« i of wird. I ' -. -' « ii'- '¦<<. "i. and a . le ir .-...t,. to their Winew, aad th« dry, I ktr, « «¦ here rentier ibi« clima'.- .a«-. It -. .1 vv n | ,i!iii,i',ary ., n.;il,i;:,'-. It «w.-iiir I «jri ¡ally trood for nerv-"- ¡-.-.-| kt Bad th"- tn «bl« ¦! will t.« , km»wntoreawonat»»I t gooden. t*in< Mawnthre ,. .. ire Birth« ford da I... .¦. rmtain«, named from »he .\r« aawi which »upr-h ii with water beai p. iiri-e of a great city. Il iakuntedon VVm- nel'uc i.l I ¦-¦ n v rabie commun»« it a wi«h the «r*- --.. ii. 'lie. i», i«pert pro-irteaadpurl teootfl rid..« liver dividing it, 1 vv«Kc y««;._ ¦.'h id Bev, and tto pockataof umbI oi ta .. irtv -. ¦'. i- a ¦.. t n rtieaM M tto bouw« of th - atom M . iv ] | irt« nance now il toa a popnl ition of «vat eitibl inowand, churelies if ttrtoct kinds, actool« u es, tome tn-e «:.«re«. ind one «?». «.-. J|y tin«* block, containing a toll which is said lo ha 'he h.n«I-.«ine-t .a t!.«' VA e-*.. «t,. 1 ru pable of a.-. ..ii.-.n,..1 «titn.* aaarl) ihr** thousand people. The Hall to« ¦ cn'-r d-'ine ,. -'.ii.'l gliM, art ia ven pJeaahnr, From *hr t' | «,;' th'* buildiUR all iri.'"ll!p.,l':ih¡.' VI. VV to '.«* bad i the cily, like, prairie, river, ami woimmv Tb» i .n element here i German, and inielliirent i of i roj I»-. «-' »dient lo hi* i-nding tl e .'t rtui --'i-v- rMrbrs to ibem aad their children, The people loot health) and hippy, ind tbeie ia an ippcaranc« irt mforl md thrift inout tltem and their dwellioi Baoetow) hoam, bal reit, w,'I-itr-i*i-- .1 hnildiutr«, with fards, in wi kh atuad ito foroa ire« foend 'lier.' and ulivaned bv th am aad skrato lb. ... ;t!«r- h.ivi -levvi ftMt» an I I leaped for I'le leaving 'h. in 'intnoh-si«'«!. and «dump« of o.ik- and biekork s in the cultivated ti, ! Is ar«* pleamni to look upon, and their «abade mm» delight the cattle in Bataa . r. Tto beauty o( «this i-onntry is indearritohle, tto wl..!. having the app« «ranee of a well cared tor park. \ ridge ol Inn«-'"tie r-iu« firUM Qn*fl llavtoMn end of Labe Michigan, uumeroa» (treemi nm from, and va»t-i'iari'itie» of UttMMtinw dab« Had) fol n*.- can in* tiikt n ir,.m ito i|'n.i lies and furnhstod to tl «. cily at tv.«, «*eut« a - ¡ti.i'e f.i.-i. t'r.ucl ¡ilniti- «lat.t and .i<*c*«il,|e. and tto «my Ml riou-.vinir the planks from th«* read, ht) qbj on navel, and will in tin I av.- tit.e -id,-walk- :in«l faod i«>ade. 4)n this ridgl are Knie line fariiis, and tto SSjpee! of Ito couu- tt v rt'inr I- nit of DutchCM ( ouniy. New-York. li. ni tb» hir-h teaks, views oi th«' city, prairie and lake an' to be h.i'l. and .11 the ¡li ait everytaxBM is m «I Btiact that the iyi teeha in vaia for ito horiaoBa Tto most tonntiful pl»M and the inest improved Owaaao, tto htaaa of tto bata Joba H. Italy, The tarín C',n»i-ts of I.'JIM! a-Te», iiifludiiiif prairie land, a «I aii'l paatara it Is wall wanwvd aad fera*ad,aaa divided intuito and 50 aera Iota, There ¦« upon it a ii.n.i >l,.>ii« In -i,.-, irieeli bous,', n loWM carden, an itt Irnrd ul thrift) frail trees, .ample :iiv«.iiiiii.i«bttiolls for hörnt», i «>w s, mid «hep, I la* «lait y bull ot stun.', a 1 ..nil' v vv.'h MlWOH Of Water runnitik,' through, farm Bee«, ne toase, un«! every apntutenani-e tolooging i«, a ha* «'..nntiy tent. Bvery ti«!«l has water La it. an«l R «nek run« errati« Call« thl.ili.ll the wiiole. Two line lake», well »tocied »vith li-h. ar«- m ur the LuaaitoB, and tr-,m one <«t tit--,*. wh'iM- is ever rippl. «I, the piara t»kie ,i- nui.,-, <»wa.- o. ,«r the glittering water, is nearly and, anil Us sides, with lb* ITlTBtaBft M OftaftBM. are per] eadkalar. The crash feVrwing t>-im thai Labi taaaM» the lawn, «.v. r w lu« h ire tbrowB baadiMM bridge» b ult of th«- sli I from the iri-I.e. tin* w ide-irriiv. ¡.-1 Walks, | ntches of Ibiwer«, tine ,.|«1 tree«, liovver-^arden through vvhieh the -tie,un toa hollowed abadiato a hieb pipe« tove been i brunt, ¡ml on! of which let! t t W:i!t -(int. and bach of wh:«'h ale ««Ilk- an«l hick WftMi, »ad u hedtre of wild |.luui trees make a pretty | ictiire. Tht-r«* a «.ilinnes- aii«| ranoM in the whole, who h :- Very -outliiiL' atnl evert where ihe eyestarn. l) e) re-l Upon beautiful «cenes, ;.u«l With every breath uIBMBMS new life. A Dew religious movement ftejg t*OMMMMMMl at Komi dn laUC, and M well entule«! to lie «ailed the llrott-i ( hureb, for It la Without «reed, ami it« emOftrmM» MO live to man iin-l our d'l'ie« to hiin. All are invited to «. tu* to wor-hip. ami the lar.'.'-t iilllgngllloil in the arty pravM tto «yntaathy with Ito opinion« of the ii.iei« r, who was eiliuate-l a I'r» sbv r«*rian. but 'vh«,se 11.11« asiag libéral views have led him oit ft the pale of tto ana, ha! whoM baiaanhavata irupulr«-« BjaVaai to tin- MBrefetafieB. Like The«i«!ore I'urker. to baatto (iowrrto 1',1'iimaii'l the whale at'eiiti.iii «if hi«'i- and, when ho c n-«--. vin ai.- «uriv tin.i he hi- lliaalfd. and, al- ibongb M may have Lalhod nearly an hour, it »et.iu« to rl e li«'e«:i r i-ut I few irimnies. An impromptu Pestiv il mi held Rl Aa*ory Hall for th« il:«ie:i«e ol the Siibhatb-chiitil |i',r.i-y. and if 'lie liberalitj ol tto eoagrr«a-4tioa be the leal of the pas* lor's pot rxtaritj , Ine wm raba aal iutad. Bach bean« of jir«ivi-,i,n glthirad at tWO ft»J - notar eoold only have been colleetad oui Wut, where btosaHt) i.« bora m it« trna boMO, and at <>f tto hei*itng» with ihe ¡.nul. I Wa- ., tiii:i«!|.*il by Ito -iiddeli uppeur nice hereof two Imliaa women who were attiaêtad b) tto «I* rira to 1 iar music. I «batted w¡th aad found -he was a (bwcrndanl of the Stoekbridg» tribe fraM ICnaaa> ehntett« Itol her irrindparents BaJgramMl from thence to OaeMBt, Sew«York, aad t' t^httara in Ufta to «; ¦. Bi) ins wind immI thai fta tafta«*Wfttt un- ¦ laMed .linon.- ib» «-n¡«*l VV Lnneta»ni«*and Cnippawai who reverenced them tor ibeir superior intelligrac«. t'.r. -,.\.« »to, VVe vv« re Lr.iii-.'hl like whir«: folk«. Ah.' coatinned -he. «n ¦ toaa if a Mftaaa», wfta whit* .'1...1. . «ii*>-.i-r- ¦ nd ito ahi't*'« itirii kill ItoaoM L «¡..i- -," Th«* dignity of thia vt-«-m.iii w-nil-1 b.tve VTitie'' ¡t Dadhaa with a tVelah pe«li»Tee. n. it. Iv.iv*. laXOia ITBBI * IS ml --i"*»'..There are rhree Indinri ItWialalniT« ti"w hi session xvtmt of this State. The ( hetn kee ( «ni,, il i- in .«ereioii tat lablaqaah, C. N..-i.vtv raihwfrom this place. Tto annual ntseaite» «,I l!el lot wo« «er,! in .,;, lbs BTM VI.,ml.iv in tins Mi. .L.i n I;. - a tto principal Chief, wbteh ..«..- be has told for th« -. ihat) >.-..?.. bv. Bom I vv i it-i liane baanagM than oiiy ¦¦-.i.ri'executive th» I -..'. Mtute*. Tb| «I,«.taw I.e_-.- all re - I. r: * Boggy De- i, ¦. .. l - '.,...) t!'«; overliad i I route. Gov. Walker -.*n| o bisa.uRnoalbe r...i./at.i.ii of the I.«*, ture, We bave . .-i . .v - .,-« in the -<-.¦» « .- line* 11 e<tnn« i..« .ci a ,i ot of tto Is .. <. ». Wilker r- fend Mr. 1.. lei,* -. ..i- lim. Gov. W. an excel« lern man, honor ie Lti aven ,.d Mana a irjxad vemor. V\«- boj e i;..v. 1.. - w « L'k -..vv I., irielalur n .' I' -'.- ' _.; « V. I art VV..-Í .'... \\, t .'-. Hele :.rr till«!* ll.di.itl 1..- _'l-i..I ,i r, - it, -...u a! '¦.i «Il Í .a. iw0|iket.l.. « ¦- : ito I i. «,.-.orgitnized with . :.-.*-.'ativ.*, v .t.«.; nrjien».each miti n run ol into .-. '.v, :, .¦; :...!. j, hlBBfBW» Of t e BUT» H.ilu »... [ft n «¦. it! Tin:-.. Bsh. Nr. a i « |olb a .i» fta «Mi-i .--« »...* dav ? af w«*t*k W-e'ti/cti. I . ItUrkbnm. . ¡.. »old «tl BmfrOM to« t't Path u .¦: Booee < i «aty, bv the name ,,f ¿ i», I kner, who we» en MoBaaj \'..~- «bipyad lat lh« »t»uni«r i BaTaihridge, to go South. T .- i .nul ri«!)<e, it wili le rtm.'tnlM i.-d. -imk on fta eveaiuB of that dàv a atoft -l.-ti ».. ¦- i.ltiw thectv, and vv.- have beard'it wl...«.rni t'.st m fta eonltosoB ahieh .*i.e.i.-d ia ...u« B -pi» BM < t" the femaUftf the MIMM itiiyiir th.'ir faaftftC and are m-w «.a tawat way t«.- ( anada. I lte».iia.»*i Lt > Jrer. j*..«. WEEKLY REYIEW OF PATk . . geventy-eigbt pmeata a r*d for tb« ntaj . ¦. ¡ « '. ». S ' 't ' ill » II« : tdaptatioti VV « ¦. nd v" . II», ia '.¦ Wllh ' y the it!, and Whtti Hll 01 ' 0, Ü-'ill'-'-- r ¡.-k teg, i «nanead » ...- »j.*»; ¦ '. | , n»»«I. nBMBBBri ¡«»W' p it pesrre and bbim h hat In tta n nnv ».!;.»>.. Law ¡al ; s- ,t. rn- ¡,11 n«.: Basra! -i» v... », .... !¡.¡,: m nag am» t, ». n. in« ata '«- . i tl at »I » | "'.' :i< ».'.-<..! dy. «n .¦."-' i>. . t. w. i n- w'-i, :.,liy v !. C"ic- II ... n-*n t predan aa «mnMSM mmm M pasta '....'. - I .. c i. * ti.i«. wi ».;«. the man i«-» al a ringle am thi tower nl iimiiy horses, und a- the h ,,;" null power is only »_-¦*.. ». « i bv .it\ci. .v.- »....,;;,.. ll never, raj idly y de« -, a far IB pis v. ti. ¦- l>i ah IrBiaee* of Kew-1 .,»» t ly r*ve. n.« ; in »ti ¡.m engb m mj - " | efata u .. n -' "t> ng ¡.n : eeml .:Lit- » »«i-oí! cams ..lid adi'i-tin^ r. «-, .t , revolvingni.d «lidiag r.»»-slu«r. «shManlallj .»--.-- »li-d. i.r.Id «»nib In . Mies« With »he iiM'Hlisiie«. '¦. '. for working puppta valvre m im Miginoa, nbetmi» ly a* und lor lb« rtttiy>*e* ->(.«.« in«. I < .* iu tl.* n . limn «n noMtrwel or nsii .. <»i ».i Ofl call:-. II tin ll pin «>».. ot .a.«I'l Uli; MS In'it er . adjust tbe pon: al »» en ihe »'«-11111 t«» ha taeaT i 11 :.. t on of the ttroke, whether ii be done a i ne li eel :.'.". 's ill «.;.». :. .,i ..r III r. - - -. r.l » "I Bad -In.»»I . ¦Lnies liüiiliili.s of It.'-l"!: pafi an I ,| Try ( 1 ck ii»r Ptram-I oiling, win« L eonaiste ia n 1 on« n Bgatingfa cock and attaching faoifae bj ml fa join;, thai y ra -m- 01 low m.eie to in.liiatc the kighi of «the amter, ihre «nt ag »i.»i rj an .-i thne otdh ary «i>«k». Owing to the .¡.¡li. ally ol ¡ratting good -.t rcatoili.l'ic pi ice, sinokti« ut rapidly adoptiog lid popalai sin« tl:« p|« the ncreased «bitiund forwlinh 1. kthaaloted tevantivi nnta h» this dheetioa. li on erdrasry pipe,the thian all pam Ihseagh the un- ronsunwd t* sriag the »tern, flrpoaiting i-tutc by the condensation of a portion of the of« fctiMveml. which gwMlydettrinnin bh* anma »4 all -k» an a w..i. ill M tl Ma vor ,,f apipen fligM »t ...ii ui'ti. Wt md .- from tl ». folfonhtg « lit mi .»I Wat, M. Hi-yatu «f \\ Bahtaja ton, I». C., for a " bsaehing Ihhe," thai be get th«, removal ol thtadiffruhy; M any rat«», il rightly coa» -.1... ted, bfa »i«.»¦ ». a M tt otmpifak thi ml. li. mysi " I da.In B lebalsf tta -, lips Whit fa oiil.nil- th«» supply of tobeccowhbiait, and fa in-led nilha :! d t"ih »»«-r. m tbeii e |ahralsata, ihm tari 1 at) the toban o ;.i the bornins poini. or beaibre, m foal n it i- co!isiim«-«l. siil'staiuiallv 111 ih» manner and lor th»« par* ose set forth." lain ill!»' la» 'lei been H labor mi-, ind'1«! i"U4 pursuit, but improved :i.rl. nl'mal iiiiiclit'icry will eventually do the drudgerj. Tbongh il ta bentofli e boon m .essary, in i/ndea l In« plow, to follow il oil foot, it sasy t.» renesiva «»1 a nieta by wh.« b aha plow n m may do this a bile ridiag, a- íi tras 'tt ¡uv*nt the neper aad Bsewer. Deaist BUnflef MenaenBfc III., ha« invente«! a plow "I. which ihe dti»i| n,j\ ride, and in addition ««usable device« f>>r 1nntin.talll «raiding it, the furrows n.a» In- turned from the saino side of the Ian.I, wliil.' 'lie plow is movi'ii* iu .-ither direction. Tboegh metallic ».als for leiten« mu«f rie».e««aiiljr tie men sspeuaive than tiie adhesivi m i.-iIh.'» , ordinarily used, a «h« up, simple, easily ap|tb» »I ». may be useful l»r «| «.. ml pur,)«*»«'». C. A. K»".t of Kithinoutl, Va., p it.-ni« r, ». Metallic Baal foe Let* (its, Ac. w i li 1 olisist» of two dl-k» ot Ihm »beet, ti «tul. s«, constructed thai whin on« plaee«! inside UM onvelnjie and the- othe-r outride tb»' tl» I, .t, .ml pic-red lit ml» foBjettk t. 1I1 iredgi ire »<» interlocked as to cine tie seulini/. Person« iisiiiir movable »he w ind"»v blind»are aware of the liability of:'. » eonaortbms beesarfag dhM imaged or broken. .1 .1 n (J. Il.iltt 1 iii.-ik'tior f<-hiiQ- relf and «\»a 1.. Can ei . of Washington, I). ('., for an Improve ment in t! .. B«»d« of Window Wind-, «ay«: "I , hum the peciihar const nut ion of thill ne'alii'' libe». Iba I»»" edj/es ¦.<. lontlilli/ the eai.« or rili»'», 8 e »-, in ri vibiuutioti wilh win- «tuple« «>r rliii/«. r«t eemoi t wood riete tor mo»able blind», nbstaatiaDy «a ». t forth." Though coal and m»in are usually considered 'le» tuest practicable material« for illuminâtini* gas, it is ¡i-.ihle ihht, with iiii|.r"Vet| nppHiiitu«, ¡n ,-oiti»- lo¬ calities peaf tnity bcinl.litlta'/eollsly 'l-a'l. «I. liuirowsj Hyde of Newark, N. J., assignor to Phebe Iluminan of sume placel, tor an Improvement in lb« M*-»h»»I "I" Making Abb Item Peat: "Cliiiins. Iir»t. Ptporiag «m h peat y inatt«r «i thoraagb osskcation by artidcial bent, aim.nyhlg i' .») the re tort w ithnnl rniittin«,' it to abwarb moistvure In m the air. S rend, Orunufatinx or jMiwderiti«; «ucli peaty matter, ilistillint,' ami eiM,liiu/ it in rloosd I'MBBB, BBdeseribsd. Third, Kinployinj' i be In,if evolved iu cooling the caihoin/eil mut. rial t" aid ia d»- inlteg the | BBJty nuttier, as dc-cribed. A inn».» m»-elin«; is s.»in »<) be li» 1*1 nl Molifgo'. I »', Ala., to iriv«- e.\nri"-i"ii lo public »¦ iitimeiil in bat on to |ha Harjirs Keri-y ti:i»redy. hVmtswmsry i», we believe, the IrM city al the South thai lia« deemed «ui h a step necessary or expedient. JgeBBBSOB '1 in in »»it»..We barn from I falta B. Tki St. Lmmit ReprnMiemu that k Convention toBSfM a I'n,» i.-loiin; OoV« rim mmt In'-t at Apollo Hall, m l>»n- v«-r lit», u,i. li', ami iii'.niii'z«*! by eUcting Mr« W. Stiele Trc«..'.-in, .lohn C. Moor, an OSflM '*. Ti a ratariss, Meesra. II» «ir» Alta M ta Kan. II oi Oeltfaa City, and lliekon k».e, ,,, I», a* V.-r, Vlc-l''.-!'!. ,!-. and Cap!. >>. W Wink, r Sr- i'eiint-ai-.\rmr. Altara lotiir diecusaion relnl .. lotbs I er] r »t y »of forming ¡i IVovirional f«ovenini«-nl lbs ( »n vet tit n reeoleed BreM teto GommiMm of tta Whole " Oa the (hnte afta Orannfa A»f. mii M 11 it. d a I i »it m n.n similar in he pnnoktt m tl.n*"- .,.'. I'.'i and «rated down by tha partpfo) M Mm 1*smm** tut:, nal Cl liv.-it;. n b.-l.l m'A nun»» U»t. Hi» «»'-'aim* Ail tunan rastateid by lb* Conn »iik.ii. Mr. >i..b-, late cati'li«1;;!.' for Cimirreus, wn» nomins»«sil n.r tlov» |en..r: Mr. Hi-- "f «."hi'ii taty, for Bscntary of State. Mr. Ceeh at Aanrin, ta snaaanr, and other tficer» of minor ImpOl lain-«'. Making a coiiip'. te t of (¡ove-l f.ll'i-tif cft'ciil». a r. -"iii'i, n w.s off red and paaasd indaning tha fate eleetitm, and intern lieg tin delegate eltw-t t*t Coa« gran m restais point» n alivt to tha wwlfori cttantry; after which, the Coavemioa Mafoain* »/,»¦. 1 he »V"t«r who '.rit. - thfa it:t, liiiatio:, BBStlMf -»«-: "'Ihe ( o!.v«-titi«ii tras «hiiüeit. ri/. «I liii.c _(...iit as -. -1 '¦' -. ritt, han ooj'aad nsanrmnia dtho i: ml ». .:..« j ¡y t...» th. i...-jt,',n»ilnlitv of th. ii - latfae. II ,.t was t<» .,\'e a :.'.v. i.i»i. m aad laWS 'ttd tnUrtm to a reeple who fa aadameew, witboteflap 1 »'I, ¦'' - whatever. Whut n,- BtoveroetU any r'Mtlt It. tenait . yet to be «.'.tl. {.¡. I i,, v. rilVttl i- only lo ex.»t until t ¦. n -- -ban \ .¦.< to tu a T< r*"* toral oikrhr.i/niioii, when, by ;be Ocva'a .itertsb- li«led by tl e Convention, it e-rav». | be late cl » » i n -.i t.- r.» t ot _r> -- h,,r tn.t. ¡,» ».t. bon dsridaeV ho tar i » beardfn m, V, lliug I. a»'.- V\ ilHama, ..t .Inn*", II t\ ( o. - I. | :»-,-.»le.- I.MB rote«, («re** »M "t:- »> *.».!!" !" -.'',:» W'lllli-,| ciei l < I. rioii» .1:., k Bei . Ka -a» noHiri. ty, I lay- i'e.'H rompit lotis haiitl in the mailer; mid al am doubt that exist« as to Willini*'« beiui/ elected ton * of the laMmafa »ot.-, ¿m nmsnmm [threeBBBSaharjenaaats, ¡.t tb«» «rhah <.' e/hfahthn» 1 nre not o»» r M vean.N »» - TOP KlHTMlal 4KI ki III» BlMMBBM «â*J| hn. N. Ii., papen ti"t c ihe em ¦»¦:»»¦¦. » GU '., »uy» it ix-.'tir.-d .bout balf-pitst gefllssk 88 Bte Bieeniagef thetesli. 'iTi«- nnuliliiiir ti"»»«* ft* «.'.',«. distiiHt, andihe hoi,». »eh.a.K »». Ji tin vibrteion. ''¦.' fhock continued aboutotu-minnte. 7*» Frx aaansm I. aary (i«rit.»ni< telt the «hock. Stuie ihoatfht tb» "«»'J»* Irveeuibled that of h « on tin; olb»r» tbouühl it like the astee af nsay wúgoii* «>r "f m\tr<-ui BRam Wi luve not heard th.«» an» iims^f wa« uvu«. i

Transcript of VISIT TO...

A VISIT TO HAÏTI. . . . .Y/Y.. ¦ ?

SOMK HAY. IAN TBA1YB.t-»n»»ni.d»iire M 11»» N- t. Trii.oi»*.

Minis «ir tka»i.u

lice k« of tn»»»'l are often unsatisfactory air]aelihh e when they treat of 'he charact»*r of .1

eignjeople. Personal prejudice« and rapid.n*f)ir;f*. and BBJI I Mt_B8tM "f BBflieodljdi'bts, i nwaverinily MMMted and bfleeaofl,lo uoVi- th» m. ti a maj.iii'y of «-a»"'«, the rahol moi«, hah-trir a. d itahnkia Ihn« of theld.rpnt; ihle ami t-haraeter »ti-. Th»r«' .- m> MI

where great«? >.r more numerous difficulties¦trad ihe MB.Mata "i the fioMBctmtiou« traviwl.efh.-r ',». coi -»ilt if» history or i's aBV i! »¦¦»¦.

whellier I.»- talk «:tl »be wln'c«, »he black«» 01

mix- I bloods, than Ifcientea f.i thwart him at »¦

«t«p and in paary tlepaittneal "' lav*taigal1oa ir

P.tpuldit of the very name ot Brhicfc,eaamnie, there i« only the ananfletri and i

ihaci'.wy particle «if truth.II« in«-, if, m h'tter» of more rec.-n* date. I I

cootiadicN'd. in minor flot«lie, the BMRthmB "i

earlie-r «¦oiiiiiiuii'.'atioii«. i* musí !*¦ attributed, l

I», * o-.flitrtiog oral testimony reeeived. and ebVi the prejadice »it tkmdtt (whicfa i« BSnctieuphoniously culled the hostility ol race») thatis'.» It. taa«e ii | .,- btaha and MB mixed bloodBaytL It th« :.. are oeens'oiial rep«-titioiis, it n

be tle'iile'l l»i the fact that III» l-lt.-rs Were

aritt» n in tie- syateBBnBe order in which th-y hbe« n pabiiahed h I HI i BIM BE.. \\ heh I reached Co'iltiM «, I «listnvercil, III

«.eiinp:.::oiisly than I bad « 'ii i' before, the ei

«MM «d B il« «-p.tooted jealousy or prejudice IftvAth»- Iwti shailes ot native», and thai it would 1»

ju-t to the couniry. and danrngJBg tomy own r»'

lation as a tru\e.» i, tooecept the tt*stimony of elltan «it citizens without tii- BBOte ear.iul and |loi.i» d ¡ir-esiiiratioii. Instead, therefore, of con

uiii»; my letters, I commenced my notes of tutand »»tote out daily, with gnat care, the fartslanced la eonvemtiooB, ami th«'se I tubmitted ¦

nraneatlj to «Lib-rent persons t«»r eon-»-».Bon. I hithus enterad, <ui many pointe, the mnlti at bm

loi,(¿and valuable e\peri«'!iee«. I ib«.red t«)pr»'»»-llliL«- truth| and »cry lea penoaethera wr.- qualitto t» ll it all. Some were too Iricndly.mer»' at

rifts; other-t«.tipr»-¡uiiiced.tu»'re paiTotSOt l'reiwriti-is; punie wen iueiiinpi'terit from their w;

of Inoighl and powirnof uhnnatimii othenflrtheirHtuited and unftronble ranewof r*_perieiand position. If what I relate.when] baveentjmy letter». nsneya u bin.whether friendlyoulriei.dl». impression ol the people, 1 may p"-ur« trel the biet, bul must unless my inabih'y«eatete or prêtent the truth withgrnatfirfiBihlofin naire impaitial «pint. Nothing ciiuhl be «-as

than to prow Huyti a success, or to demonslr;thai it is a gnat and OVeTWheiniillg failure; buha»«- too ween ¦ etnrtaapt for the prafrnioti <>

n.ere advócate to p* runt »it«- to »vril«. a parti«pleu on cither side.

V\ iili this anderetanfliag, and with the hope t!whntcvi t « -Hors I may make, my friend« in Hamay not«- ami inform meet, in order that I niaynisei|U*iitly, when revisuiir, corree; them. I shall pie«-e«l vvi»h Mr) letter», as »»ritten mit frniii my not

at the Cap!'..I. niicl Ja> niel, and nth»'r plann M t

aaast.kly subject i».Ilaytian traits. Many of th» m

hi«»«' already not« ii al considerable length.mi«then will Aad a hnrried re-cord herel'Aiiti«11j-m BJ.« »I. ritini:. I'Rinr. <

n »ci:." i>v\ thi«. and you will my the tru'li," said

Bngheh ii'is-.i.'iiiiy." then is no inch thing «s p

triotisiu in H.ivti."" '1 he soldi.-i-m," «aid a native, " have mi ,sp>

di eoips. («e'lraid must create that, in orderbate an army to be proud of."

Ihi« was in the South. At Cap«' Haytie-ii thprolesMonal pride exists to BOUM client ; for I In ar

the people speak V»lth J-ritie of otle refiillieilt, whiclit I remember rightly, was called '. the Fight.In vi-ntli."Ask Ihe black» what Hod is, or the Holy Qhof

or Christ, or the uugcl«, and they »»ill foil yon, wilgrant »iinpiiciiy. " 'is sect! toute» Mann" they ai

all white toiks" Nay, tl is notion is emlialined Inative art. In theCathedral al I'orl-au-l'rimthcr«' i« a sfakgnfatr painting! God, from the ehndi« btaaing a black aad a mulatto, whn both «idn-sseil in rei:!iiienta!s.their hnndsclasped tocetluin hypin iitn ai iratenùtjr. I nj^geated i<» a HaytiaILal ihcir le« t should h:.\. been plante.I en tliecoiTiol a white, und then the peiatillg would hatb«cn n« well historical a- emblematical. " No, said, " thai »vouid iia»e Iteen out of place."" And i» not that «tut of pine«' '" I asked, " thi

flBUi»- id Colt '"

" It's con,mon t noneh i»i all Caiholic countries,he kind. " 1 liiin't sec Buything blasphemous in it,

" Nor unpatriotic .'""Mo, ol emu se not: why '" he demand««!." l.ook al it.the head of a wiutc man, a inod

af the Cuucusian type: if 1 were a black. I wui«ot ben«'»«' that One »va» a white, Ihe ÍB*v»u» any other color than whit«'."He hitinhed."lllunc. «' < »t «liable, " he «aid: "that« alia;

linn i loveib.""The arahangrl Gabriel a white man, with h

taint tin body and hi- «»Mud upraised Bg«ÍttBÍ tildevil, who it» n black man.1 ».iw a rude nativpaiiiin » ol ktiul ut l_ñs;ini-e, I n-joinc«" Now, how do voll «-»er eiBOOt ti« be ri*«peet»'d bothers, unie«» »on first make fttkt vow «bn«XÍMrolor respected m »our own eye«He said Bathing.A I«»» du»«ntt«r, I called at the «tudio a youn

«Matear Bittet,Ile exhibited s*».t;i1 porlraif« of »h«> varioii

lli-ytian ruler«, and one or two fancy or BDegitfMIpians, Bttmng whichwn a tolerably fair paiutinaf Charity. She stood the pretretrom of thr.-little « hiltln n. One «>f thi'iu was a lieejvss. "

thoinvht." be «iiicl.m» aBnaion had L».-a. ri mad»- I«ti ¦ «lUestloli ol pride Of race." I fhnio.'lf IClllli'.» enfolds all, 1 »Aoiil.l put h.Te beside lltT ¡r«ir« atyntntive ot my tnra pcpic."

It »»as tie uni] instance 1 < ver a itnc«-.-d of prid»«d ii.c-*- In Haiti.

Hvtti the barbaric «'lenient.tin« Mieters in tinAlti.-nii religion.acknowledge in thcr ivligioui*««aed the innata rapervorit1 «>t the CnncRaian raen.

" Bern lui" «." ni a a »vis« nuBenma, "when]have been provoked l»\ ibe Haitians in mi BetTvien,I have i .rsi d tl.t'iii. ami told BMM fo 1 1 diepiwdthem, thml eouiiliy, and their llunt¡us."«fhaWaaga h the Spirit, 1 beaem), to arhan

idolatrous riles are paid.'lli«y wot.Id answe:.'' \h' yon lu.-i» «ay that.

[with impaaity].for yon an a white man. andy«»ur \\ anga ;s strangei tta .. «nrs.M

Thcj bei..'».., he fold m.-, that the wln-.-s h ,\«. a

ajecrat worahka etnnewhat sinuui In themyaterin«i the \ aiitlot'v Onh r.

I his beld. hct»»e,er, has v.o i-'XccX on theil con¬

duct: bu' m »tar and m Had.- th.'» hold that 1'tov,-deuce alwiiv» la».»is Ih»- heaviest SattBÜnnt and th»-J.-I.cest head. rioCini»." they say, ». is \N au»:a."

1 «aiiy ::'ilic.l tkat the Nub,an type of «talanwas cvce.ii'içiy rai.- i Haiti, moompart«d withit» u'.i»er-a,'ty in oar iMguthern states. \ »poke ofthe mrenmstanre i" an intelligi at theC.p.lal. lilal l-ktilfhe had lattn-.-d the tac', andli"W 8 .ii'iM.i t-,l tor it,"Hi* ai;a "i « .:...',,: to." he said. He lum¬

ia f. a mulatto" had ( 'as ¦:» an hntnisn.and i ranBrnnTTiT an».

Not i!.!ic, ¦ -it ofmar myari«, and to¬

tal!» dertiid of A(He .. .all the nnt aboutan heb <,» eoimentral «i in nsy ..« «1.1 rH aenld aotnrewhai my pmnun'iit uami '. in «»r hi« .»r*»i:r

k.urtip«-:,ii »», ,- ,,| j;,,.,. ,,,,' tu »i. »Mia th.- pngnn«t HajBtiaa ahilixatkin, ,ind fra-.klv »pr.-»-- |pn»i.t.- tanta thai ti, >rharact«>ol Übeconotrv,it* momtitate air, m-.d i)¡, uvundai.-« oflimrstlM n««very »«liriivt, bad probably brtvuI deal taatm todo with it than the avancement of . s-.-tv or thegrand iii'ita!.*..« of Oeeoraanenta and«____._, T ,,:"',. " l '. a tr*u' "f cvi'-zatltei,Y\i!h.n the last twenty ».«rsthe Afrieotj type huaBSM r.ii'.dh atakjfiaiing, It ¡» ...t ,H.,,ul.r.f flntfrvn km njhn p.nk thiir a.,,,. t. -»,/, ,/..,gn/wi/.,..."

If« attributed ;l" ». aV ;vv*. "I tb* }»..r»'..'tv th«

fa«" that the) weee «saebiac* ai I - .' aa ..

HF»-.evhu-'i i« ftftl tni.* of an> eBBM af dftU lift»ol any pia«»* ¡n H».u. VVhrtt 1 more feaTaefftall'I. rr«-«, l-i him («ir, however, w..« hi« t-l*-«ina doetana, lhattbi |sopi«-"i Uayti topeyH »<.p.««loart )¦'¦ -.* ,-. «oui Ruj Afrkran or .¦

blieb n.« - in the aorld.Her» « the f »da« h.,-,.>. of n,

Bgbt«*aed .-*. d arriBHrUfartB) pat ri .. aa», !'.'.' Ifa* v.- that lmm BOSMI i« v.-ry BrktaM ttoagkl «'i.

little. I k-i'.w. - data to trn-i-ia:.* it .¡y,, a .*

" rae« <>ii.' !:-(.«-I.litv MB pat"!, "a- '"¦«* '!.,_. talku«.' with a I

t an n -r ..- I Bl th* < 'apt*, ul th t-

.I.*..,- «.'. «'t Ihf I«.o -I I'. i. .: -k- i v

th« '. .v« ..,; >'. ,....;.. .-.e:,'.Tarife I..- uid, in a eVfiatil tone* ..'!'-. «

r< i, '. * «.? .-v.-, the I !io|,-r,i M« beter bet*» twlf to .nte- Hoy'..

I Ilk»* »pui.h. and tin« a «.. sneaky, thai its ibji,<-s of «-.iiiipiineiiti may be pardoned; tot ItoI..W I«*v«r Im* ant m. tJttm it Oblitera htoibaant. Probably ti,»* nuTi-'.a -t i?nag»af-dVaikkees in tin* Iniwels of tftfl bud wouMIHM ' Rtti on the I'.t-i-tit-it.on of Halt: tl y.

(TrV-l-ru Mtab»«, when in bow«-!- of Irtotki k

j usually bai «m the « oii*tiIu!:oii of mm:. I!-* < r

it h>* lhieb I s«>.

.Hatred of the rr«-r«'h '.* a riroiniii.-it tra ¡tofHaytiio pe-'pl« in.d. j'ii!''!'ii¡«ly iiiii'iaii'-d. ¦t...- brth f., a iiitio'ial unity and pa'ii«t':«u:hitherto, egeept Vii|;i;i lv in KlUK ( 'hn«toprir '- Ir.*L'urdt«l M a tx.ssil.le r»-«-iit. A war with I'maaaalde nor«* to <...!....*,it (he union of the< la*-t s arul to aro.i-«* I «pint ol' patriot aai put tfieni, RfBÍM, in a peeitioo fitti.-'iie., to oeeapy, thai any other COIM* iv,«vent. No iiioderii powt r e«,:ld OOftMJftwr Hilad tin- re.-ult of a war with Prance woald i«lief In in the pre.¦¦!.' épi«*!*!!» Nati'iiial Debtwas fntred on «"he p»*ople, in ft» day« af fte ifl«II* Ili'Vel, hi the pel hilili'l« Ireliell (, iV'T'i .1

and should be répudiât. *«l in just it-»* to the Hairj nationality. Bal it arould ret{aire a great arai

«-.miiiet »ii.'L ¡i war: and (.erli.irl blBBOtyHtar aal hiarw, »raved biawclf e.jual to a tailgigantic. Whtrther I«»* i« or oat, Boetreogeihi!.

i VMM...White r.-iilei.'t» »ay thai th«* organ <»f run

is pioii-iio'titly «lev.*;,,pail m the Hnytrtn »kull.tak»'. u lone time to diamver or believe how plouiidly cuBBÍftfJ some ot them are. bbmI a bar»t on-ill; "tl.«' Iiior-t s!i|p:«¡-i«Mikln¿ t.-ll'iW youin the afreet will oobm latoyouand appear-toi '1 that you WOttld never iinat;:,!'* !)«. intrudedor <'.ui«l ibcal vous, aad yet to w.ii have a «le¬la:«! »< !.. i: «¦ behind bis »an all the time, ami !"ii

OB» but lie will «ne«*e«'d ill bvolili«-» yv/'l."Ihe fen«ral teitiruOD« wa« that the mulatt«

are itiore i:nunirii» than the black«. :urd really nn

llii'tllL'IIIHit and «uhlle.*' I heir «-»lui.'ru.'," Mid a I'.uro|a*,;n .«ildo f.. Il

" make« Tin-Hi Ike best ni «¿neiiiia -iii,i.*r-.''I'fll.ll I.M.SS,

Ilayti has h. u aplii' call.d th« « îrly-n.adIran««* ol fte West: and with r.»p.ot t«i maiin.

the definition il a» ju-t RlH If »itty. l*o|it.*n.petvadea every rlaas ol aoeiet) in naytii it i«|iroii,ineiit in the caluis of fte taontea us in t

parloi. nf tin- ei'ic». K«it«*r a r» -1:111 -'or., t«. pi«.lui-,- an Orange or :. bun.-ii of li« bananas, andtoe do not first tálate the mtutàtmé, abe will r»*gayou a« il«*ti«*i«*nt liii." «ul manmr««. Su. alfO, wbyon h ave; if \nii do a* the) do in H.tyti. y<ii,u-t bid Ii«t fsnod day. lire, eh!.«« boyi ritheir 4'oinrades MtMtitmr. Country folks tn'v

n 1.1 without a eoiiiteoi,« «aln.utioii. It is rudea-k any one I question in fte «tr.-.-f. or on tlroad, until yotl touch yoor hat, and say " Bof Jfft.Mot'Miur." I.a.lies ki-« vvlien tiny meet; and«on,el lines do the nan.with men' 1 never Mlmilled in my «iwn person to this unseemly Fren«taskMBi but my (.luipinioii, Mr. M., wa« on«

ki««*«-«i l«y a roiiuli-iaee«! (1, neral until his cheeks,believe, i»lt lik<* i poreapines htkadirnartrr'" li. n it

" said an .Mahama aUv^heUer I hearof, when in Ilayti, "I tunal take PBiW wtoa I r... tara to the State», or I'll find myself lifting m"hat t«< «'very ie ito on ajj plarit.iti.iti !" Tlitribut«* wai a ieaeiTed one, for we are barbariaiin tin- reipeai a« euopared with the llaytians.

Till VIVMIItilllMSS.White re»i«l«'n!s ntnl native« of intellii!''U'*e a

ape*.1 p.ttv tl.etl.rrri/ »M-tty theft .i« a ei.iai lei,»tic ol the lower orders, I have already n

erred t«i it. V «t rnftmeriftl at«- very rare, and theiare in; iii«taiiefs tin record of tru-t iietiayed,A m« rehant al («onaives iuf«inn«'d in«* that to ha

reqaentl) -rren bo.itni.ii t^,UU0aad flW,!JUO-Uaytian money. t«» cany t<> ftf Cftftf or Capitalami y-t he I,mi never bar] a < Hut, be add«',leave ii lew dollar» lito-e. or any little thilii; RftOBJand Ito) v. ¡11 take it. 'I hey do not seem to retar

pettythéfl a-rriiiiinal. I have ffbfB «¡iveu uien-

ftft) man 1 chanced to meet in the street.larubundle« to cany to the Cane, and they wnuhl pu!on their head and take it liiii«* BBMly, neither «tea

m«.' il theun-elve« nor inolc«ted by any one.

"And tiny would rather die aVfteadiag it." »aian Aniei'icun to whoin I cad ftf not«*, "than allotft] \ OJBf to tftkf a «'«'lit.'

"TftfJ ai«' very honorable when tr.i<t«*d." roilinioii a imssioiian ; "tin y like to be cutitided in

and in'.'T vi late ci iti'l'ii«'«'.''" In Ir.ivi luir.." «BidB» old whit» resident. " vv lu¬

yen t-tay lit a house over night, you may uivc an

oi« nil you have m tore for yon, till you i.'u-.«* net

Baorningt »ad Ito) will keep it bonectlj and »e.-iin-l

-,|.i|i o\.r.'.niul aVliver it upon .bum' «1. V"Deed have no fear."

v--\-in\iii>n.. i'<>ii»«i\;\ ..

Some win!«'« «I"«'lar« «I that »eerel ii-mi* linatbi. by ptBBOft chietly.are i.t urn oiiiiiion; others.and o.ii.r raneeatl.that tto) are v-ry rare. Thrc.-ii!ts ot :.!1 BTJ ,'opi'r,. - !,'d me to a«lopt the bite«.pinion. The BiiMHinarM» report only one :ii<f:ni«*

iu twelve year-; with fte exeeptioa of ft piftMlinirdcr, b) m.-ii whose exeeaftwi 1 have ¡iln-ail.aWerrihed. It U not aia*4nnBMMi to hear efperaoohein«- poisoned: but tin- > th" reeull rather ol Ml

pentitm>» than of otirae, Tto raperstitioa of tinevil 1 le.all manner id belief« in all maiin«*r ..

Miiivroiii« iufliieiKVs.ui.iv¦ 'Imftll] (iri'vail. a* 1 «liai»fterwaid show, Bmmbbj the people ..i ilayti. >i

univei'Mi! are t.¦«.-«. BMjdieV»! a In- -, that -«Idotnperson dies but Mine out" ». i»ge»l« a pieternatu aoatwe ti r hi- deee»«*. foivign« ra, until the) di-« ovi-r this tact, t"i m vv. opinion« of the Dativ«ftan Um y «u Mire.

Ilii-iii vi ITT.Kvciy on«* agreed thai tin* IIiytiaM are h htam

ti* 1*1« |i.p':«-i «\«'ii the n.o«t pri'jinlu't'd pro-alavi jWftil, n -«tit'iit-. N«, one ever 'i;--- ««i h ma r miioiti i.«-icci: tin; foiiniry pentth*, Mf/tseially, d--bgbtiftf '.> a»«>t fftrh oiii'r, aad Mpntyia* fteiin. i¡ hbors' m «'«'*.

Kl>i'i:« i lu" vvomiin.A miMMM .. ry '« vv:!.- stated «'la- v-ry ILiII-r'n--

fnc:. t..r whii'h the HaytUt» chiuai't- aaUMtld lieen!« Ell« tl every where.

.. I bate fon«* ftiaagh the «tr,-et- of l'ort-au-rrin«*«',"'sin- sard, "at al) hours of the Biftftt, andlo vt | i.i.if was iii«.iite«l. 1 could nut »a« a« IBUckti r ai y Anrrícii eitj of saMibtrsiae. N« aiiatai."¦be continued, "white or black, will ever be .*

suited by the iitiie- at a:iv hour of the nii.Lt, uii-

«. -» ahj i. .kc- ;!... Irsl advance».''IM M I N« I «.! IVII'1 Id V! i-M 01 V,,ii: vi ft

1 have Ral, ,:-l. -.;'¦« n ¦-¦ ited inatai res of r u-

n «ti'Iii-ii i. inlitienre ol **«¦ rnuinue's yj Al! thewhit itivM 1 rooveraedB th, <¦«¦ i'.1 thai « re |i had bee» '.» tlEm i arhtu -m."

lt.- the i« -; .. "i,y oi a biímmj .ary in»-,l,-ii: .¦')!.- li.i ¡an-ar>- a -..."il |M..p',.'.iverj

I tin,* ..,. p'i .wi1 ling tu fte '. rightly, bal«sad!., i« I.X.I.V.-niul. and by | MkVtJV« r'.meri;«il. Hi. v i,-e ;» .«..ine raailj pm'eraed; bat it i*

m j wible i.mtinae m »governiaei t leag. .. l>ur«

j ii c th,* I., -t Iwehe y« ton, th.-1 b»mv«w oae tbej hftv»«lul'.lnl. IftC illiaili., th« y have OOTU ¡1 ttigk pla«*»'*.ba»debaeedthe» greatly, .v,,u. »..wa¬tt dark ituuul Bajftft. At LÍBMM 1 iuiik»! de»iit:ir.*dol Ilayti. It«ftaaafffflIf us a» il ('itlr-nl was

m.«,ii un ft] Qtmi, a» ftaaaei wa» t.» *aa p «Jbbbj i<iii. !.v« rani¦». l"r th'« |m.;>le. . I here mm b.-nniTict cliiuicc t'.r !!.-«. v.MM in fte r«,-- fftaa»¡j.. [.'.." h. Bftid : I ftfl .'her Inn. ¦. | .-

t ....!.. t ii Ifti year».aawa» BtaVtCftftftstl w» .-. ...iLri',. d b. a r» «:J. : '

lw»i.!y y tar». ftBai b) IPVefaJ olio r }..-r».«.it vin i un.

I h.utda «lory ol IwMlfBxenjB, wtaak is aM «.( ttof, a ." .¦' '«.««¦- re'iitetl «'I h iu v> h.«'b lu h -:.«.( Iv hil

ehernerer «ir d'isp «»it.. n. A»B BmBttntaatrnlth«- y pie, n Beonetofle ra-. letter with it.»-va a »»ry "hl "."L'r» I P¦.--.».i-pri'V",i i d. n» any bh «. w¡',». ¡m Im

al !.¦ t». '.»rtrk procured a pr«- -t.-ti"'

¦. _. t !..... bh ;i m b Getnmo merehaal_.. ... arl "i «la., i»., day, -he matei

;, ,,.. ai,d . '. ... »t went empty away from.... aa '" bañan «j. «t free

leieiw-"'. if ... He fcD sink, and arm nsb,,i,.. id H ¦: re, also, I lifodc,.

. their < '.'1

w.i- dne : .. v. i- ih to n- ¦. Instigateder person ol European birth, the creditor,

legal praecn I '

li at«- t.ol si | iblic ;:.-t tnia here. Prias en niute fred t,«m-i.e.. or be fl

i . .i bj Ihe r ir..-i.d-, «>r. la ling to ¦!.. . tr

i r,.- n.'..¦»! .. te ¦«¦ ;¦'.' r .¦ " -'¦ i ¦hi,i »er.One d y the pnM In - al ay hie I

n » i Men" Gnod tlfli. food VA lid; |

¡I'-VAered. SI» e: !e!«'.|. »»'it MM t«'i'l that hat ffriend wa» in jail ami why.

!-he lnmi'diat-'iv went ap to the pahweofEmprrar aad wa.». I beta« thepssrb, Reiher: and. .ittra-l.-d bj h.r d-rre,. I h»rt<) COMe HI'. >!..' vva- t«0 l«cblet»i a»c

the -'air». I!>- nnl «- >wb soMien tc carry b«rRbe wee ctmdncted into the Baa_nee-«hamft

a;id i laced in a cluiir...Ale yiio the Emperor !" she aafend, "I»

." -tsah witfa the '.¦ peror."" i.... oid ini.itii-,' sahl S-mli'i pi«- 'what B« 8 watt"I can..- : n a-t. j ;-.i< .." «be «aid, for a n

Dnjnstly ¡mprisoardli.«- Enpenn -v.i ennani, Be «»iieet»d

bear a plea against bis .»¦.'. n haj istice bat told Ito go ti "nt »¦ '.v ..i.ll h-ar her.

"--ir»-," «I..- fa an i UM « 'ale BB) y..uand you.I um i««'.!-- with old ags a ni 'tu. h agi r w-rk. Bad am almo»! blind. I I iiv "f-i fl'-r« d with I ¦...-¦. «I .-re wa

petit blanc (little white aho tare am alms .»,

«ay« He did at ki m me. «d ¦«¦¦¦<¦ >'

»?nr, bat be never .I me awn] » thou

gitt. II» Ml liehj I '.»".». -liib-i» »I -"

Lunger :t« wh.-ti tl,«- i» ' a tick. Wki. y lin ., '.'¦ a - h. '.. ».... hb. .1 ..¡'i ..

bad, and aben he wn well again be «reala M»t pbifl debt Another white nui kin in ja; w he n< aid i aj i he and mmrj bat be is, ami «ai.i.of pa». He h ittSkgry asm, andfoil« Pray, flirt«, give him liburtj Bgaini ètejnstila the fin ¡I petit hi';e."

rjfae told ms name and the aaaae of Ua credit«V be Emperor an dceplj u,"V»ii

"Ni vi r liai, old ino'.i.» r'" !.. ,, ¡fl, "ji.-tie» thiI»- done loll.»- p.-;.t bl.iii.'"

.!.¦ ». f' a ",! t',r the 1 Bipm '¦ and toh-- th.- story of ih- good iiMmsrnin. Bhewn Roved,and broaghl bei be« and erne _

C-l-ithtS.\.'h< ii «In- went from the' -i- had în.'imy

h.r. rket n ¦¦ did .¦' brim «-b "''.

ih I.i; |.»Tor --i.r the Proenrateur fJ^mnrami niflend bim t« k «ne a Brannte ol retase.

lb. Germaa v.:.« r. ;...».d, bat eirireeeed hi« a

pr»-»:» -i-io! s that be would Benin in- imsrtaned...N' n at" mid the officer, "wluie Senlt ...

live« wui -hall ti» .»-r be impiteoned tgmin.-,- REDPaTI


,..',.-. I. !!.

Mi «n ». trteona, Md it. I '¦'¦ 1 '<. I»W.i inr | »cei'e an looking forward w ¡th gîta atudsl

to see w hut C"liL'i>»» Will tl" for M M it» «ASt M MUMll must ,1" s'i':i.ïl,'i;.'-«'i'h. r u'.v» tt-.parate Tenlorinl oiiMiii/ntmii <>r ¦ new .Indi.-ml District Winii-t bavebsws; and the tears of New-MssJro are i

n,,-' t..i»la- 'in'he i. nt that they areevei worn ia Baninstalle«-» r lut n no law« at nil. ( liir only (Mart lurethe I''. Court, wham aown is tahed n ¦ b, siat wh" e haada in can asea «o i» dn < whn « -¡vil t

criminal. Ii b in.m own over one bundnd dollanithe Ti-rrttorv be ¡s ptrrfoctly «sfo, a« there ia m ,«¦ t

collect i». If a man romndta ¦aider M na oohcon mine.) for trial.the Lord kmrars whom Ws haïa jail hen, kin trae; ihm is, a thing bnih af «Mattelw "i .1 logs, and chained together, shoot lea !.¦¦' leaand six te. t »v a!« in d in tin- |« B I bava s»*-ti BO MStb.-.n right ama charged with Btardu M bm BmAbout on.»' in tt»o month- the BkTWMMfa, «/«-Itittif de»).«rate. . »a. « ami w e li I v. ., !¦ ,t. h tri in n I», .."!.»'

:.... wl. would re lb« ¦. lloa». !" e» Is ncoi .unity reed] to kill or Meal m coaeeaisnee. F«iail 'l,i tbeie i« ti" remedy, our (fovernmeM Btahhaj n

provision either In fplHrd <>r iced th. m: tnd no8Hbfiil »los n».' Reel wfairon ol aMJniiiiaingageardshis S n BJ I"'.. .¦ 10 bl » p tai MteflSnbte rn-' .«Is !.. jaitl.«»-oí ñire !..«»¦ ieivaira... and dig theirwaj Ml'Ii 'is it has been for yean, atei that h «rill ba until wI a», -cine preteetioo fr.un OUT d neial I loverttun-ti!and the id« a adeaaced by rout et»»Tesru>adete " Oila,ihm the i«"i" do not wmui a Territorial flimrnimnii« im. rit lai», ami pnpofltenttfli 1 ban in my pmri-s'i.ti a doeament, »igned by -. me thirty Amencaii.-ilct-.. "I Terrilitry, otTerin« "Mr. Gila tbsi,ii. lirill stun of .«»1.1,1.11 and f.. pay his .'XpaBBBfl herandliat'k, if be will And twi respoTMiblfl cil entl «¦ Ici m. .t y wbo »»ill it-.«!« i-»- I - statement! r» laiivto the Ten lorv.

il.. !. t" rrscpsfl i' :* 1« . ¦' hi,.u*ima« -. . »,..«' If hswi|r,.,' c -ig ti ii twelve reipecl . Ar lou

I.,. V» .....

t .¦: i, tl.» untV »y 'i.V. . »

I by tb* Over», nn Dwati. »tin. ..'"¦'. .-j .' » m the lerritary." Si.-ne'¦y K. H ..i I.J.Ttll ..ii, i. - n» ..

t-aliiiii » li r:i. »¦ - Oral '.'¦ Hit:) .N'. ».| «. !¦ i juin» il- Liy .! «'¦ a'

i .- tker», a» i«-»p«ii« -u»-.i_:»nuoiy.

THE Hi \RT <>F I'll I / 1/7.?

forre.pcnel»il» »; The N V Tn» ?

Cult II »Mi. N. ... Oet ."'. I*'»'.».It may aot be uninteresting to the maaj reader

<f ThbTkibi st:, liie pe,.p|. » pap.-., to ini tbathe \i> public ans ef Centrai New-York an a infiipnpnnng i-r the Bjenronrhing ciitct. In littkCoriiaiid the v ...el.-'it. :.. t.. t:i_ k.iidleil. and 1 In»»oik oforganizathm gore bravely on.

'I ;.' - _.,» ¡i,, time« Bit' » miñona of the torarout ami oserthiun ol the - 'a» «-.In» ni; I'»"'i"cra. yllallot-stiicii.ç in y»mr c.t«. ami Harp-is Ferry,will prere in putent to snstnia th. ir fitilmg fortune.,Tbe decree is wrBhrn.

\v«i ii. |;i '.i i ¡i.,», tour city h lahm lag v ¡ttI na, and laboring most enfâ^tnnUv. The influennwhich he i»-:r.e- up->i. a commui ty it ting. H«lay« opeo tbe o,ue«tiou« al imue i». tn'eefl the Fr.Lsborand v re-Labor par .-, aitk nehefonr«ansnnfl powi rthat every bean r ansí be mar seedof tbe Boundm in! 1. roodusioos, whether thosecon» ici m- are suffer»«! tn r^trrttrel onte

ot. Ii;» ;¦. tninst the Ki ensiun ofBlaverj !" tfee Territtirie« ;;!¦»¦ oonrlnaive. iargnancntai m »»»'il a« th»- expwitta »»' lim snhser.»n ia y e! the lvm. erntic party t.» the innve l'«»w. r.

are »-atore. »I v. ;h un reuiueiM-e al eh lenponen, aad with atmwerto a bit ronldbeadded. Mr. U .¦ »he« tinues bis labors anlday of '. * .' that h .- .'. :.- n,r m be»»ill do :. -.

l ' »wort i" i Hand will sei d Lrt'-'fii,'.n i c::-"! daj. i,_

K » « i -...-._ \ db»MS '.»

' |eetlal <e .. I t. i i.«ihe folios -,

¦. 'I. Bf !'N

» of rity iron!¦" ' I t Matwhsl f.»r-¦»»tenet of I ,. ,i, ,, j |,' .' thiefJuel rheela*¦.-'.( t.'


». J. »V. Albright. Ü 'I¦¦.'¦'

1 *-- . t ...j« - .

.; ' '. " r t. « |. 1I the Judge had fi

d before he hall Ia fanai.«,! ,ro»» i t k . ,1 ..hit letok the | ,...¦:.MMneloa« ¦ . .:.-,,'. t. , ,<,.. ,. ... ,-'. a '¦¦ . ,, wüh a «

h'|tll .... v,

" ..

. :.-.'..-, .- ¡¦.»i: beiti used - ll i

o .. .

.'. tew; Ibal« rmmjti t*> !». _

.. thehnastaf o perwrn oi s arril -. bahn* corpa,fia«-» «abet» t» . I..-.-. -, .<

and lb» math« »

a lilu ditrej led.


-Vi-. g - ciel I.if-"

il ihafhiniBt BB» baa's I brD .'

....,.-- H v m ,-.'..-

I .. >' t et« . -etc- .t in tv-


*, ;....-. . mm Ottawa, HK»-

Basrtff « ..) . .-. i -

t be a . H a i- m

.. Miasoari robat.» k I i.


II. v«a» - a i, bat,» _ t. " .1

... -i ¦ oda feaata -. an ».

7 1/ |tborily, thatbis Bey .! «ni Prii of Mhy the l'olomul S". r» irv, ;«' I «.'h-r d.-'".' i.-ii.-l

| . ¦-.-.-¦.> '1 \ f v» ,t rtbfli . fini i .' i .< run»; of thfl

, i li- _. ».....

.Mr. 1 il li- .'¦'

n.j the inn real-, I . K

.--..-... ' I¦ ¦¦ '' y-» - ,


-... ,--. 7» « ..-.-.. . - irg

|.«rry tt d a _»» :' ..*»t»H .-. » . -'.eh.lL

.....-.. .*

\V e otrst s -' « I. , .¦


p, witbtbeii » Usai|_| W a r * :. I

I trfcsa sur ttaoau Sssus <

lowitii- .'¦» « T wtmttmm..

»»...: ,..- ...--- . ': J t

. « .. »'I


a. .o. ,.- :

Í .'¦¦..!¦.I I V»



1 ... - par. Om| rol « s bit*-I w<

nip for t'asv. sisal

a 11 I.m .

». ted."

JT i r Pott ot jett i the fol«lowing [ utiicnti b:

>. Whaa Mi B».,.»»., -..»¦. a <>,_..

,.Mr. Wi -¦ .«¦ .

.» ». ! v ¦.'.

.¦.'!. . -,

red that tk |'-.,..-. y of th*;'». ¦» V t M »11110.

* mti -'- Mad i.-.» . 11

- ! »i»i-».

Tr.t I I m, h.,*»t«r. MJ.I . ]>*". I - I . -.'.».» i


|| I'll« r -¦»..!'¦

k... , ", 1 .\'

I . ' .- .. Mr. Kt»r»tt ii

.While Tom C««rwiB wn adir, «ting s Isrge ¦ at*

im.- at Springfield, Ohi >, not brog tiare, and wa- «oar«

fog Lato the higj n -i n of poHikal eliyquence, a

b'a.K, iiii-i'll' --i/, d. nd BWM 'Jnokhnj ball terrier.. "im:, d ih«- phnform, and, tahJng I is phtn h ride th-'

speaker, » th.- BBBBSBBSwd .-'V*rrii*ns with ¡i

», v. !.«¦ lontii'.'Utnce iiiniu iiie'in«!...!» wagol ¡Srattdul;. Hi» debut was greeted »»;,h r»..,»- at btnghter,

and l'on Corwin paused ia the middle o! b Beatones.

Turning inward the ratradiag animal, ho wnted hiti iad coiiit«-»u-iy. mvmg: »'coate, ana a' ntfane, if plane« 'Ii" terrfer retirad a W a- pans, and

gbaosd «pii/./it ally at the s|« ak»r. wh» n Corvv.n ad.reared t<> the esta efths stand, and mal m Ute sople,ht a «sir soahatenrial tensi MIflohsBsn ks iatsadst.. loan the other dogs and join tbe republic an party I"i - pal] al k fail an i» a ¡t. d m Bb a leaapsM of Inttgh-

' ter Bad sppktaae, fas dte stenslof which hisdogshiptrotted ote "f the hall with bis tau al M an le»Ml- .

.Among the Letters band hi "Old Ilrowii«" poo»I aeflsion eras one from Clterln Bbirof CoBinseille, inComa», in relation tn nrertaia BoMimt. Mr. Blair faa »V'.rkniHii "f th«- " Collitiaville Ax Company,' em¬

pli.» Dg 'i '. aa 'i andi r him. and lahiag what eoatmct»I.» pknses. Boose time in IflSd or 1857, " Old Broeraream lo CitBinsviQe,and coutructed for a thousandi -,. |abe and in Kansas, Phre bandead «ran bn«I-I..' for him M thi« time, and tin othsrgrs bnndmdw.... !. rit n ll bands » f the eoatraetor. LaM June.- o it, »v» n ai-. :ii ..,:..!. taappearaan in>iii'e. and '¦ s ted Mr. Blah t« tnfak up tin» n-

,er "i the pik« -. Blair n-k« I hin to »» bat us.- h<intended to p*' tant, now that the «»nnnutlfatnrh.aareswenorerl To this onssrion Bron»agaveaaeveshr« rnpiy« The fnlshing of i Mmemi.» a Mr. ll .f "f l':'i"!i»!Ü... It arasIbaad, however,t1 at n wii'.hi be impendMe to furnish mice -han fonrI ondrrd and Rfty of lb« t. nob« i ia.i lbs tvontrnet-

nahinf . Bflnd and HtjiaaO, win-n thenwn -!!¦.. Blnii mrt w¡;h them tht letteithMhabeen publiai i-

.The I«, i. '. i W. M.I. y. mrmbi r of iho IV- «-

bytery « J M. usaippi, -hoi and kOlodsDr.V\ - .VI' :. 1- .i'-t. Dr. W faon

a ..¦.: ; plan, aad hada with ami

,om -"ti grown and a daughter mar-

ii i. il i. b.. -i ¦ thing i c.» .':i«iv..t.«. to Biteek , who fa the «antherof ris

i n. IL- »»»"'. h.r u letter of eight pagos, pro-agón elopem ni and marriage, andmi it by ;-

. who baaded il to Mo ley - nother.bite - .,- .1 'r. W.1-..

VI -. !¦ y w; .'. aad m (tutted bythe

-«;'¦ naaad of thtI . .

- ruingf ;!,» ( .¦" -.¦ .- ft

I c w ill I« air hw n .v numndn ofi. DW .¦..-.;.... I to ur-

..-. . , .. e to this

Mr. »i fa. !.. Cook, one of -¦ M en per«I I I ..

¦ «¦ ¦ ,..., ,:,, ,,.

i I anal tarn¦ . lot1 but a .-i.i.'h d ... ban 1 stely

I -.g *'-. (iHik was It many years in

y .; th» .MaiMi. i .. and s j'ii. m Ttfagiaplii ,led their I -.. u..

li. »..:.. .--.-,-

i. ra.

Tl. h : i.. ..- ( '. Jones, tehon A:) - !

f Tennessee. In

1st -, i. .. - \v ... on r

K rDei : nssbta < i

i 's"! Mr. I'Hi w.,- el rjsen a

I , . \» - -. ¡- - : . i ! h - '¦

i. .1 i- .1 ... w .-. te ¦. C Bvbod; «is y- ar- with « mat

theflian«he ..¦«¦¦*..I.

.Tbe I '..."¦ -;.: /'"-¦. P1t I -.¡i ri. b

1> ... '.!;nn. ap¡aar. i :u that' «. tan, n e.-' h.ti ban

I a I.''' ¦¦.«'. He Wa*

- md i whs AU ta»¦- .il '» i-iitv» !-. tunal in the

. riua I "- .' ¦.:¦.'. to eouie

- ..i.-..i b i thai be weald !>*. than bomb« rnts of l tori ar» t. be

r». M '.¦ --.¦-., cham-' '- '¦ : ...' -' '-¦ :i

* -i.... ".'¦-. l


(.»....a»« e» ef T "le S Y I*,u«*e.

Oa kaftft, Komi bt ftmw, Oti W'-

1 lift»* ftto Wntt, aie. .- . *.*.* '.'. *¦ *

.. -ab) :.-.(¦ v ft tto fa», ...r M " ">'_* "'

'. -t .'f lb« '.rsr-ile* VV R

,'t D».' I.Tl-i a-' *: 1 !'. : !d'l I-»-.h-'-v\ - 1 .

i tnatat w.'1'-

,....,.., .-., n .. kW* Bad. .: -: l

\" «r . . . ¦.

...-¦¦,» .---... C'.-rn

' l*at of A*-. [an, fia* -. Rad tata» I :!«' a"

i r ..t !

i lt.ra f fine I BftBMr : ...» .' I - 1 «taw

-, . .-,. .,.-, - ,v-

.. -.

i urrril '¦ fc* * Jaa« which an * .«-11 v.n r.K* I . .* auayedtl.«- Irait t-r- . e tto Mven drouthv. .¦¦'. ..;. BBBM p..r'«:-**.-¦

11, -, t i. .-. a ¦. « . -. v« eh '.'"»-

». *r - *w :... iad *'* t mm a saeead ¦' ito~, *, - *,,, .v-, .-*. ¦*. Hunni, I have

a r¡«i,. d nth.' open air in >*vp-t« t. I . r.

'I! .. D '- " IBM t ..«!' «'"'.«-!['ti. Indian A w« «riMia -ait "ir ft la i

v.. ., r t( ,v A* i.l,*. is very itimiiion. a "in

Bi v\ vat ly t ( Iktnati», and i«igini< from tl ai > a er mmh

1. r., line a.l-i r.« m ifbt be made from ¦< I«rere I tWgBl »TO How. r«.

The Waster« an longer ltoa ear», aad Ito fterBMBMrlerUK .'.- .'«'Id. be' -« .'It'll', » iV

i. its Mvere as at ft» bast, forai Ito a --«n« i

of wird. I ' -. -' «ii'- '¦<<. "i. and a . le ir

.-...t,. to their Winew, aad th« dry,I ktr, « «¦ here rentier ibi« clima'.- .a«-.

It -. .1 vv n | ,i!iii,i',ary ., n.;il,i;:,'-. It «w.-iiir I

«jri ¡ally trood for nerv-"- ¡-.-.-| kt Bad th"-tn «bl« ¦! will t.« ,

km»wntoreawonat»»I t gooden. t*in< Mawnthre,. .. ire Birth«ford da I... .¦. rmtain«, named from »he

.\r« aawi I» which »upr-h ii with water beaip. iiri-e of a great city. Il iakuntedon VVm-nel'uc i.l I ¦-¦ n v rabie commun»« it a wi«h the«r*- --.. ii. 'lie. i», i«pert pro-irteaadpurl teootfl rid..«liver dividing it, 1 vv«Kc y««;._ ¦.'h idBev, and tto pockataof umbI oi ta .. irtv -. ¦'. i- a

¦.. t n rtieaM M tto bouw« of th - atom M. iv ] | irt« nance now il toa a popnl ition of «vat

eitibl inowand, churelies if ttrtoct kinds, actool«h« u es, tome tn-e «:.«re«. ind one «?». «.-. J|y tin«* block,containing a toll which is said lo ha 'he h.n«I-.«ine-t.a t!.«' VA e-*.. «t,. 1 rupable of a.-. ..ii.-.n,..1 «titn.* aaarl)ihr** thousand people. The Hall to« ¦ cn'-r d-'ine,. -'.ii.'l gliM, art ia ven pJeaahnr, From*hr t' | «,;' th'* buildiUR all iri.'"ll!p.,l':ih¡.' VI. VV 1« to '.«*bad i the cily, like, prairie, river, ami woimmv Tb»i .n element here i German, and a» inielliirent

i of i roj I»-. «-' »dient lo hi* i-ndingtl e .'t rtui --'i-v- rMrbrs to ibem aadtheir children, The people loot health) and hippy,ind tbeie ia an ippcaranc« irt mforl md thrift inouttltem and their dwellioi Baoetow) hoam,bal reit, w,'I-itr-i*i-- .1 hnildiutr«, with fards, inwi kh atuad ito foroa ire« foend 'lier.' and ulivanedbv th am aad skratolb. ... ;t!«r- h.ivi -levvi ftMt» an I I leaped for I'le leaving 'h. in 'intnoh-si«'«!. and «dump« ofo.ik- and biekork s in the cultivated ti, ! Is ar«* pleamnito look upon, and their «abade mm» delight the cattlein Bataa . r.Tto beauty o( «this i-onntry is indearritohle, tto

wl..!. having the app« «ranee ofa well cared tor park.\ ridge ol Inn«-'"tie r-iu« firUM Qn*fl llavtoMn

end of Labe Michigan, uumeroa» (treemi nm, and va»t-i'iari'itie» of UttMMtinw dab« Had) foln*.- can in* tiikt n ir,.m ito i|'n.i lies and furnhstod totl «. cily at tv.«, «*eut« a - ¡ti.i'e f.i.-i. t'r.ucl ,« ¡ilniti-«lat.t and .i<*c*«il,|e. and tto «my Ml riou-.vinir the

planks from th«* read, ht) qbj on navel, and will intin .¦ I av.- tit.e -id,-walk- :in«l faod i«>ade. 4)n this

ridgl are Knie line fariiis, and tto SSjpee! of Ito couu-

tt v rt'inr I- nit of DutchCM ( ouniy. ni tb» hir-h teaks, views oi th«' city, prairie and

lake an' to be h.i'l. and .11 the I« ¡li ait everytaxBM is

m «I Btiact that the iyi teeha in vaia for ito horiaoBaTto most tonntiful pl»M and the inest improved i«

Owaaao, tto htaaa of tto bata Joba H. Italy, Thetarín C',n»i-ts of I.'JIM! a-Te», iiifludiiiif prairie land,a "« «I aii'l paatara it Is wall wanwvd aad fera*ad,aaadivided intuito and 50 aera Iota, There ¦« upon it a

i« ii.n.i >l,.>ii« In -i,.-, irieeli bous,', n loWM carden, an

itt Irnrd ul thrift) frail trees, .ample :iiv«.iiiiii.i«bttiollsfor hörnt», i «>w s, mid «hep, I la* «lait y bull ot stun.',a 1 ..nil' v vv.'h MlWOH Of Water runnitik,' through, farmh« Bee«, ne toase, un«! every apntutenani-e toloogingi«, a ha* «'..nntiy tent.Bvery ti«!«l has water La it. an«l R «nek run« errati«

Call« thl.ili.ll the wiiole. Two line lake», well»tocied »vith li-h. ar«- m ur the LuaaitoB, and tr-,m one

<«t tit--,*. wh'iM- is ever rippl. «I, the piara t»kie,i- nui.,-, <»wa.- o. ,«r the glittering water, is nearlyr« and, anil Us sides, with lb* ITlTBtaBft M OftaftBM.are per] eadkalar.The crash feVrwing t>-im thai Labi taaaM» the lawn,

«.v. r w lu« h ire tbrowB baadiMM bridge» b ult of th«-sli I from the iri-I.e. tin* w ide-irriiv. ¡.-1 Walks,| ntches of Ibiwer«, tine ,.|«1 tree«, liovver-^ardenthrough vvhieh the -tie,un toa hollowed abadiatoa hieb pipe« tove been i brunt, ¡ml on! of which let!t t W:i!t -(int. and bach of wh:«'h ale ««Ilk- an«l hickWftMi, »ad u hedtre of wild |.luui trees make a pretty| ictiire. Tht-r«* i« a «.ilinnes- aii«| ranoM in the whole,who h :- Very -outliiiL' atnl evert where ihe eyestarn.l) e) re-l Upon beautiful «cenes, ;.u«l With every breathe« uIBMBMS new life.A Dew religious movement ftejg t*OMMMMMMl at Komi

dn laUC, and M well entule«! to lie «ailed the llrott-i( hureb, for It la Without «reed, ami it« emOftrmM» MOlive to man iin-l our d'l'ie« to hiin. All are invited to«. tu* to wor-hip. ami the lar.'.'-t iilllgngllloil in the

arty pravM tto «yntaathy with Ito opinion« of theii.iei« r, who was eiliuate-l a I'r» sbv r«*rian. but 'vh«,se11.11«asiag libéral views have led him oit ft the paleof tto ana, ha! whoM baiaanhavata irupulr«-« to tin- MBrefetafieB.

Like The«i«!ore I'urker. tobaatto (iowrrto 1',1'iimaii'lthe whale at'eiiti.iii «if hi«'i- and, when hoc n-«--. vin ai.- «uriv tin.i he hi- lliaalfd. and, al-ibongb M may have Lalhod nearly an hour, it »et.iu« torl e li«'e«:i r i-ut I few irimnies.An impromptu Pestiv il mi held Rl Aa*ory Hall for

th« il:«ie:i«e ol the Siibhatb-chiitil |i',r.i-y. and if 'lieliberalitj ol tto eoagrr«a-4tioa be the leal of the pas*lor's pot rxtaritj , Ine wm raba aal iutad. Bach bean« ofjir«ivi-,i,n glthirad at tWO ft»J - notar eoold only havebeen colleetad oui Wut, where btosaHt) i.« bora m it«trna boMO, and at <>f tto hei*itng» with ihe ¡.nul.

I Wa- ., tiii:i«!|.*il by Ito -iiddeli uppeur nice hereoftwo Imliaa women who were attiaêtad b) tto «I* rirato 1 iar music. I «batted w¡th aad found -he was

a (bwcrndanl of the Stoekbridg» tribe fraM ICnaaa>ehntett« Itol her irrindparents BaJgramMl from thenceto OaeMBt, Sew«York, aad t' t^httara in Ufta to«; ¦. Bi) ins wind immI thai fta tafta«*Wfttt un-

¦ laMed .linon.- ib» «-n¡«*l VV Lnneta»ni«*and Cnippawaiwho reverenced them tor ibeir superior intelligrac«.t'.r. -,.\.« »to, VVe vv« re Lr.iii-.'hl a» like whir«: folk«.Ah.' coatinned -he. «n ¦ toaa if aMftaaa», wfta whit*.'1...1. . «ii*>-.i-r- ¦ nd ito ahi't*'« itirii kill ItoaoML «¡..i- -," Th«* dignity of thia vt-«-m.iii w-nil-1 b.tveVTitie'' ¡t Dadhaa with a tVelah pe«li»Tee. n. it.

Iv.iv*. laXOia ITBBI * IS ml --i"*»'..There are rhreeIndinri ItWialalniT« ti"w hi session xvtmt of this State.The ( hetnkee ( «ni,, il i- in .«ereioii tat lablaqaah, C.N..-i.vtv raihwfrom this place. Tto annual ntseaite»«,I l!el lot wo« «er,! in .,;, lbs BTM VI.,ml.iv in tins

Mi. .L.i n I;. - a tto principal Chief, wbteh..«..- be has told for th« -. ihat) >.-..?.. bv. BomI vv i it-i liane baanagM than oiiy ¦¦-.i.ri'executive

th» I -..'. Mtute*.Tb| «I,«.taw I.e_-.- all re - I. r: * Boggy De-

i, ¦. .. l - '.,...) t!'«; overliadi I route. Gov. Walker -.*n| o bisa.uRnoalber...i./at.i.ii of the I.«*, ture, We bave r« . .-i

. .v - .,-« in the -<-.¦» « .- line* 11 e<tnn«i..« .ci a ,i ot of tto Is .. <. ». Wilker r-

fend Mr. 1.. lei,* -. ..i- lim. Gov. W. i« an excel«lern man, honor ie Lti aven ,.d Mana a irjxad(¦ vemor. V\«- boj e i;..v. 1.. - w

« L'k -..vv I., irielalur n .' I' -'.-' _.; « V. I art VV..-Í .'... \\,

t .'-.

Hele :.rr till«!* ll.di.itl 1..- _'l-i..I ,i r, - it, -...u a!'¦.i «Il Í .a. iw0|iket.l.. « ¦-

: ito I i. «,.-.orgitnized with . .¦ :.-.*-.'ativ.*,v .t.«.; nrjien».each miti n run ol into

.-. '.v, :, .¦; :...!. j, hlBBfBW» Of t e

BUT» H.ilu »...

[ft n «¦. it! Tin:-.. Bsh.

Nr. a i « |olb a .i» fta «Mi-i .--« »...* dav ? af w«*t*kW-e'ti/cti. I . ItUrkbnm. . ¡.. »old «tl BmfrOM

to« t't Path u .¦: Booee < i «aty, bv the name ,,f ¿ i»,I kner, who we» en MoBaaj \'..~- «bipyad lat lh«»t»uni«r i BaTaihridge, to go South. T .- i .nul ri«!)<e, itwili le rtm.'tnlM i.-d. -imk on fta eveaiuB of that dàva atoft -l.-ti ».. ¦- i.ltiw thectv, and vv.- have beard'itwl...«.rni t'.st m fta eonltosoB ahieh .*i.e.i.-d ia ...u«B-pi» BM < t" the femaUftf the MIMM itiiyiir th.'ir faaftftCand are m-w «.a tawat way t«.- ( anada.

I lte».iia.»*i Lt > Jrer. j*..«.


geventy-eigbt pmeata a r*d for tb« ntaj. ¦.

¡ « .¦ '. ».

S ' 't 'ill »

'¦ II« : '¦ .¦ tdaptatioti VV «

¦. nd v" . II», ia '.¦

Wllh ' y theit!, and Whtti

Hll 01 ' 0, Ü-'ill'-'--r ¡.-k teg,i «nanead » ...- »j.*»;


'. | r» , n»»«I.

nBMBBBri ¡«»W' pit pesrre and bbim h hat In tta

n nnv ».!;.»>.. .¦ Law ¡al ; s- ,t. rn- ¡,11n«.: Basra! -i» v... », .... !¡.¡,: m nag am»

t, ». n. in« ata '«- . itl at»I » | "'.' :i< ».'.-<..! dy. I» «n

.¦."-'i>. . t. w. i n- w'-i, :.,liy v !. C"ic-

II ... n-*nt predan aa «mnMSM mmm M pasta

'....'. - I .. c

i. * ti.i«. wi ».;«. the man i«-» al a ringle amthi tower nl iimiiy horses, und a- the h ,,;"

null power is only »_-¦*.. ». « i bv .it\ci. .v.- »....,;;,..

ll never, raj idly a« y de« -,a far IB

pis v. ti. ¦-

l>i ah IrBiaee* of Kew-1 .,»» t ly r*ve.

n.« ; in »ti ¡.m engb m mj -

" | efata u .. n -' "t> ng ¡.n : eeml.:Lit- » »«i-oí! cams ..lid adi'i-tin^ -« r. «-, .t ,

revolvingni.d «lidiag r.»»-slu«r. «shManlallj .»--.--

»li-d. i.r.Id «»nib In . Mies« With »he iiM'Hlisiie«. '¦. '.for working puppta valvre m n« im Miginoa, nbetmi»

ly a* und lor lb« rtttiy>*e* ->(.«.« in«. I < .* iu tl.*n . limn «n noMtrwel or nsii .. <»i ».i

Ofl call:-. II tin ll .¦ pin «>».. ot .a.«I'l Uli; MS In'it er .

adjust tbe pon: al »» en ihe »'«-11111 1» t«» ha taeaTi 11 :.. t on of the ttroke, whether ii be donea i ne li eel :.'.". 's ill «.;.». :. .,i ..r III r. - -

-. r.l » "I Bad -In.»»I .

¦Lnies liüiiliili.s of It.'-l"!: pafi m» an I ,|

Try ( 1 ck ii»r Ptram-I oiling, win« L eonaiste ia n 1 on«n Bgatingfa cock and attaching faoifaebj ml fa join;, thai y ra -m- 01 lowm.eie to in.liiatc the kighi of «the amter, ihre «nt ag»i.»i rj an .-i thne otdh ary «i>«k».Owing to the .¡.¡li. ally ol ¡ratting good -.t

rcatoili.l'ic pi ice, sinokti« ut rapidly adoptiog lidpopalai sin« tl:« p|« the ncreased «bitiund forwlinh1. kthaaloted tevantivi nnta h» this dheetioa. lion erdrasry pipe,the thian all pam Ihseagh the un-

ronsunwd t* sriag the »tern, flrpoaitingi-tutc by the condensation of a portion of the of«

fctiMveml. which gwMlydettrinnin bh* anma »4

all m» -k» 1« an a w..i. ill M tl Ma vor ,,f apipen »t ...ii ui'ti. Wt md .- fromtl ». folfonhtg « litmi .»I Wat, M. Hi-yatu «f \\ Bahtajaton, I». C., for a " bsaehing Ihhe," thai be aü get th«,removal ol thtadiffruhy; M any rat«», il rightly coa»

-.1... ted, bfa »i«.»¦ ». a M tt otmpifak thi ml. li. mysi" I da.In B lebalsf tta -, lips Whit fa oiil.nil- th«»

supply of tobeccowhbiait, and 1» fa in-led nilha:! d t"ih »»«-r. m tbeii e |ahralsata, ihm tari 1 at)

the toban o ;.i the bornins poini. or beaibre, m foal nit i- co!isiim«-«l. siil'staiuiallv 111 ih» manner and lor th»«par* ose set forth."

lain ill!»' la» 'lei been H labor mi-, ind'1«! i"U4

pursuit, but improved :i.rl. nl'mal iiiiiclit'icry willeventually do the drudgerj. Tbongh il ta bentofli eboon m .essary, in i/ndea l In« plow, to follow il oil

foot, it i» n» sasy t.» renesiva «»1 a nieta by wh.« b ahaplow n m may do this a bile ridiag, a- íi tras 'tt ¡uv*ntthe neperaad Bsewer. Deaist BUnflef MenaenBfcIII., ha« invente«! a plow "I. which ihe dti»i| n,j\ ride,and in addition i» ««usable device« f>>r 1nntin.talll«raiding it, the furrows n.a» In- turned from the saino

side of the Ian.I, wliil.' 'lie plow is movi'ii* iu .-itherdirection.Tboegh metallic ».als for leiten« mu«f rie».e««aiiljr

tie men sspeuaive than tiie adhesivi m i.-iIh.'» ,

ordinarily used, a «h« up, simple, easily ap|tb» »I ».

may be useful l»r «| «.. ml pur,)«*»«'». C. A. M» K»".tof Kithinoutl, Va., p it.-ni« r, ». Metallic Baal foe Let*(its, Ac. w i i« li 1 olisist» of two dl-k» ot Ihm »beet,ti «tul. s«, constructed thai whin on« i» plaee«! insideUM onvelnjie and the- othe-r outride tb»' tl» I, .t, .mlpic-red lit ml» foBjettk t. 1I1 iredgi ire »<» interlockedas to s« cine tie seulini/.

Person« iisiiiir movable »he w ind"»v blind»are aware

of the liability of:'. » eonaortbms beesarfag dhMimaged or broken. .1 .1 n (J. Il.iltt 1 iii.-ik'tior f<-hiiQ-relf and «\»a 1.. Can ei . of Washington, I). ('., foran Improve ment in t! .. B«»d« of Window Wind-, «ay«:"I , hum the peciihar constnut ion of thill ne'alii''

libe». Iba I»»" edj/es ¦.<. lontlilli/ the eai.« or rili»'»,8 e »-, in ri vibiuutioti wilh win- «tuple« «>r rliii/«. r«teemoi t wood riete tor mo»able blind», nbstaatiaDy «a». t forth."Though coal and m»in are usually considered 'le»

tuest practicable material« for illuminâtini* gas, it is¡i-.ihle ihht, with iiii|.r"Vet| nppHiiitu«, ¡n ,-oiti»- lo¬

calities peaf tnity bcinl.litlta'/eollsly 'l-a'l. «I. liuirowsj

Hyde of Newark, N. J., assignor to Phebe Iluminanof sume placel, tor an Improvement in lb« M*-»h»»I "I"

MakingAbb Item Peat:"Cliiiins. Iir»t. Ptporiag «m h peat y inatt«r «i

thoraagb osskcation by artidcial bent, aim.nyhlgi' .») the re tort w ithnnl p« rniittin«,' it to abwarb moistvureIn m the air. S rend, Orunufatinx or jMiwderiti«; «uclipeaty matter, ilistillint,' ami eiM,liiu/ it in rloosd I'MBBB,BBdeseribsd. Third, Kinployinj' i be In,if evolved iucooling the caihoin/eil mut. rial t" aid ia d»- inltegthe | BBJty nuttier, as dc-cribed.

A inn».» m»-elin«; is s.»in »<) be li» 1*1 nl Molifgo'. I »',Ala., to iriv«- e.\nri"-i"ii lo public »¦ iitimeiil in r« bat on

to |ha Harjirs Keri-y ti:i»redy. hVmtswmsry i», we

believe, the IrM city al the South thai lia« deemed«ui h a step necessary or expedient.JgeBBBSOB '1 in in »»it»..We barn from I falta B.

Tki St. Lmmit ReprnMiemu that k Convention toBSfMa I'n,» i.-loiin; OoV« rim mmt In'-t at Apollo Hall, m l>»n-v«-r lit», u,i. li', ami iii'.niii'z«*! by eUcting Mr« I«W. Stiele n» Trc«..'.-in, .lohn C. Moor, an OSflM '*.Ti t« a a« >» ratariss, Meesra. II» «ir» Alta M taKan. II oi Oeltfaa City, and lliekon k».e, c» ,,, I», a*V.-r, n« Vlc-l''.-!'!. ,!-. and Cap!. >>. W Wink, r Sr-i'eiint-ai-.\rmr. Altara lotiir diecusaion relnl .. lotbsI er] r »t y»of forming ¡i IVovirional f«ovenini«-nl lbs( »n vet tit n reeoleed BreM teto GommiMm of ttaWhole " Oa the (hnte afta Orannfa A»f. mii M11 it. d a I '¦ i »itm n.n similar in he pnnoktt m tl.n*"-.,.'. I'.'i and «rated down by tha partpfo)M Mm 1*smm**tut:, nal Cl liv.-it;. n b.-l.l m'A nun»» U»t. Hi» «»'-'aim*

Ail tunan rastateid by lb* Conn »iik.ii. Mr. >i..b-,late cati'li«1;;!.' for Cimirreus, wn» nomins»«sil n.r tlov»

|en..r: Mr. Hi-- "f «."hi'ii taty, for Bscntary ofState. Mr. Ceeh at Aanrin, ta snaaanr, and othertficer» of minor ImpOl lain-«'. Making a coiiip'. te -» t of

(¡ove-l f.ll'i-tif cft'ciil».a r. -"iii'i, n w.s off red and paaasd indaning tha

fate eleetitm, and intern lieg tin delegate eltw-t t*t Coa«gran m restais point» n alivt to tha wwlforicttantry; after which, the Coavemioa Mafoain*»/,»¦.

1 he »V"t«r who '.rit. - thfa it:t, liiiatio:, BBStlMf -»«-:

"'Ihe ( o!.v«-titi«ii tras «hiiüeit. ri/. «I liii.c _(...iit as-. -1 '¦' -. ritt, han ooj'aad nsanrmnia dthoi: ml ». .:..« j ¡y t...» th. i...-jt,',n»ilnlitv of th. ii - latfae.II ,.t was t<» .,\'e a :.'.v. i.i»i. m aad laWS 'ttd tnUrtmto a reeple who fa aadameew, witboteflap1 »'I, ¦'' - whatever. Whut n,- BtoveroetU anyr'Mtlt It. tenait . yet to be «.'.tl. {.¡. I i,, v. rilVttli- only lo ex.»t until t ¦. n -- -ban \ .¦.< to tu a T< r*"*

toral oikrhr.i/niioii, when, by ;be Ocva'a .itertsb-li«led by tl e Convention, it e-rav». | be late cl »

» i n i« -.i t.- r.» t ot _r> -- h,,r tn.t. ¡,» ».t. bon dsridaeVho tar i » beardfn m, V, lliug I. a»'.- V\ ilHama, ..t .Inn*",

II t\ ( o. - I. | :»-,-.»le.- I.MB rote«, («re**»M "t:- »> *.».!!" !" -.'',:» W'lllli-,| ciei

l < I. rioii» .1:., k Bei . Ka -a» noHiri. ty, I lay-i'e.'H rompit lotis haiitl in the mailer; mid al amdoubt that exist« as to Willini*'« beiui/ elected i« * of the laMmafa »ot.-, ¿m nmsnmm

[threeBBBSaharjenaaats, ¡.t tb«» «rhah <.' e/hfahthn»1 nre not o»» rM vean.N

»» -

TOP KlHTMlal 4KI ki III» BlMMBBM «â*J|J» hn. N. Ii., papen ti"t c ihe em ¦»¦:»»¦¦. »

GU '., »uy» it ix-.'tir.-d .bout balf-pitst gefllssk 88 BteBieeniagef thetesli. 'iTi«- nnuliliiiir ti"»»«* ft* «.'.',«.distiiHt, andihe hoi,». »eh.a.K »». Ji tin vibrteion. ''¦.'fhock continued aboutotu-minnte. 7*» Frx aaansmI. aary (i«rit.»ni< telt the «hock. Stuie ihoatfht tb» "«»'J»*Irveeuibled that of h « on tin; olb»r» tbouühlit like the astee af nsay wúgoii* «>r "f m\tr<-ui BRamWi luve not heard th.«» an» iims^f wa« uvu«.
