VISION - Gd Goenka Rohini

G.D.GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTOR – 22, ROHINI “Life is like a magazine. It is full of wonder. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page.” Aarav Jain 6A Adish Agarwal 6 B Akshat Jain 6 B Aashna Bansal 6 B Chahat Gupta 6 D Riya Goyal 6 D Kanika 6 E Bhuvi 6 E “The drive of the institution is to endow the learners with carried competencies to awaken the intelligence and cultivate a global perspective which stimulates them to reconcile scientific temperament with core traditional values and ethos, leading to the genesis of futuristic citizens with human values." VISION

Transcript of VISION - Gd Goenka Rohini

“Life is like a magazine. It is full of wonder. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page.”
Aarav Jain 6A
Chahat Gupta 6 D
Riya Goyal 6 D
Kanika 6 E Bhuvi 6 E
“The drive of the institution is to endow the learners with carried competencies to awaken the intelligence and cultivate a global perspective which stimulates them to reconcile scientific temperament
with core traditional values and ethos, leading to the genesis of futuristic citizens with human values."
A true educator, distinctively and creatively, grows with experience and wisdom. The Goenkan Fraternity is humbled to have Madam Principal, Ms. Anuradha Pant, as its pillar of support and guiding force. The story of her impact and success reaches far and wide as she was honoured for her outstanding contribution in the field of Education with "Educational Leadership Award" by Indraprastha School Sahodya and Delhi Sahodya Schools Complex as a part of the prestigious "Savitribai Phule Samman 2020." She was also honoured with the " Exceptional Academic Leader" award for stupendous Board Examination results in the session 2019-2020 by AKS Education Awards. Her vision and qualitative impact on each arena of school's developmental aspect have indeed accelerated the progress of both faculty and the students.
Accolades Galore
Have you ever observed that the bird sitting on a tree is never
afraid of the branch breaking down, why does it happen? It’s
only because of the indomitable trust of the bird on its wings
rather than on the branch. Similarly day in, day out billions of
people fail to attain their desires the moment they come across
the first obstacle but it doesn’t mean that they should stop
chasing their dreams rather that very juncture of losing should
blaze forth the spirit of working diligently towards the goal
again. For this we need to be ready to accept the gauntlet, dig
deep within ourselves to conquer fear and this very thought
should motivate us to keep going.
This time of pandemic has encapsulated us physically and a lot
of old practices have now been amended and donned in a
responsible robe. We learnt that how a beautiful life can be
lived with minimalistic approach. We are all set to paint a
bright future for our young learners by nurturing them with
hope and possibilities, enabling adaptive lifestyles and making
them strong so that they can convert difficulties into
Every day is bursting with opportunities for us to do and serve,
to act and to express, to love and to live. We must make use
of these lush chances and diligently make our life rich,
fruitful, and useful for others at all times.
Keep working hard and believe in yourself!
Believe you are somebody and
the rest will believe too.”
Ms. Monika Gupta
A Time To Believe
Children, life is queer with its twists and turns. Amidst this global pandemic, to each of us, life may be tough and the days might be extremely rough. There may be bad days, but in some time, all the hazy days shall fade. At this point, the present is hard to comprehend and the future is terrifying to imagine. Yet, we must find ways to remain hopeful. When major parts of our lives seem to change in a flash, we are reminded that our belief can help us to cope with new realities and assess the unknowns ahead.
I, once read a verse by Lynn Ungar that reminded me to trust the uncertainties and embrace them. The verse is-
“And when your body has become still,
reach out with your heart.
Know that we are connected
in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.”
My dear children, let us together for some time obliterate the thought of corona pandemic and wholeheartedly wonder about the reality which is full of buoyancy and optimism. Believe that you’re not alone and that life is a gift. Embrace this gift of God and cherish it forever. These days, when you’re being stronger and wiser than before will be forever etched in the memory of your hearts.
Spend time with family, spare moments to follow your passion, learn a new skill and wait patiently in the hope that wonderful surprises will come our way as our hopes and dreams will be finally achieved.
Unrelenting Pursuits
Social distancing and safety measures
are a duty to my country.
Playing games the old way,
taking a walk in the grass hay,
my mom cooking for me,
Dad spending time with me!
Living with the phase of virtual classes,
doing online shopping catering to masses.
This lockdown taught me
relax to keep sane,
and with deep breaths
take a big break!
Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths is so cool
I learn it every day in school. I use it in my daily life as a tool .
Maths Maths Maths is so cool I learn it every day in school.
From morning to evening We count count count
Each little thing has Maths around . Yo, Maths Maths
Maths Maths Maths, Maths is so cool.
Maths is like a big king Integral part in everything Hop on ! I’ll give you a ride Watch Maths in every side.
Food processor Fashion dresser Speedometer Thermometer Keyboards
Clocks Mobile phone
Maths is seen in every zone. Maths Maths Maths is so cool I learn it every day in school.
Bills Cheques
Daily date Number plate Kitchen’s oven
Eggs in a dozen.
I can see you in every bit.
Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths is so cool
I learn it every day in school.
Life with Maths is sure a bless So no worries and no stress.
‘Cause Maths is soooooo cool.
-Devvaansh Mittal
our weaknesses, but to discover our
Doctors all over the world are given the status next to God as they all are the lifesavers who work tirelessly for mankind. Doctors have a very noble profession. They are equipped with knowledge and devices that enable them to diagnose the patients with correct procedures and offer them a fair medical treatment. Doctors require medical staff that helps in treatment of patients. Doctors specialize in various branches of health and medicine. They are specialists who study and treat diseases of specific parts of human body. For example – an orthopedic doctor treats bone fractures and related ailments. A dermatologist deals with skin disease. Similarly, an ENT specialist treats various conditions of eyes, nose and ears. Doctors are true warriors, and we should respect them.
me shine.
be mine.
Give me a chance.
Of course, I will
and make it bright.
Let me stand.
and believe in, and it will
come naturally.”
– David Frost

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Atelier Francais
La fête du jour de l’indépendance
C’est le 15 AOÛT, Le jour de l’indépendance del’Inde, Nous pouvons célébrer la liberté de Bretagne, Et sonner une cloche pour Aujourd’hui. Une fête avec des drapeaux,des Défilés et des chansons aussi, Une fête avec des feu d’artifices, Et des délicieux plats indiens. Alors, fais ressortir de drapeau d’orange , blanc et vert, Pour célébrer L’INDE en Août, C’est le 15 AOÛT.
Écrit par - Devvaansh Mittal
En 1971, le président Richard Nixon a déclaré le 20 juillet Journée
nationale de l'atterrissage sur la lune pour célébrer l'anniversaire du
premier atterrissage sur la lune de l'homme. Cependant, aucune
résolution cohérente n'a suivi.
Entre Richard Christmas. Il a pris le relais en lançant une campagne
d'écriture de «cartes de Noël». Le natif du Michigan a écrit des
lettres aux gouverneurs et aux membres du Congrès dans les 50
États pour les exhorter à en faire le jour national de la lune. Il a
également obtenu un certain succès. En juillet 1975, 12 États ont
parrainé des projets de loi après le jour de la lune.
Un autre promoteur moderne de la Journée nationale de la lune est
l'astronome James J. Mulleni. Il sait aussi certaines choses sur la
lune. En tant qu'ancien conservateur d'expositions et d'astronomie au
planétarium Buhl original de Pittsburgh, Mulne est en mission. Il dit:
"Si Columbus Day est sur le calendrier, ce devrait certainement être
le Jour de la Lune!" Leur objectif est un jour férié reconnu par le
En 2019, le président Donald Trump a déclaré le 20 juillet comme la
célébration du 50e anniversaire de l'atterrissage lunaire Apollo 11.
Cependant, aucun jour national de la lune n'a été déclaré.
Bastille Day Celebration
Globalization is a fact and the Goenkan vision and philosophy believes in opening global gateways and inspires students to explore beyond their national borders. Our students studying French celebrated French National Day by engaging themselves in a plethora of activities which further ignited their passion for French language and culture.
Aspire Trends
Remembering the Real Heroes!
"To my countrymen, I’m the shield. To my enemies, I’m the sword."
To commemorate the contribution of our warriors who sacrificed their lives and won the war at Kargil, the school celebrated 21st Kargil Vijay Diwas on 26 July 2020. Our young patriots paid their heartfelt homage to the martyrs of Indian Army through an array of creative pursuits highlighting their patriotism, sacrifices and most importantly the values- Integrity and Unity.
Champions of the Environment
Rise and Shine with Nature!
The continued existence of wildlife and wilderness is important to the quality of life of humans. On the occasion of International Tiger Day, our students of grade VI took the initiative of raising awareness for tiger conservation. Through collaborative efforts, they emphasised the glory of this amazing species and showed how Project Tiger reversed the trend of tiger’s population in India. The hard-work and enthusiasm of our students for this project was enlightening and
instilled awareness as well as hope for a better future of tigers on our Earth.
Paws, Think , Save a Tiger!
himself forever.”
attached with the birth of Lord Krishna was manifested
amongst the students. On this special day, creativity was
in full bloom as the students gave colours and shapes to
their thoughts and ideas and showed their skills with
positive spirit.
Festive Fervour
Fly in glory, Moments of Freedom in shade of joy.”
The students of Grade VI celebrated the Independence Day filled with
patriotic fervour and exuberance. The students ,by participating in
various activities, cherished the ones who made our independence
possible. The Goenkans know that patriotism is not just a feeling. It is a
manifestation and representation of a history of collective living and
Project Ateet, was an engaging platform that comprised of activities
which focussed at collaborative and innovative learning experiences of
sharing history with the peers.
The students also pledged for the freedom for our little birds- freedom
from injuries and accidents. They created e-posters which are the
manifestations of their firm resolutions.
Flying The Freedom Flag
“May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country!”
- Bhagat Singh
Candid Kins
“Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life
sends. Joy and laughter or tears and strife, holding hands tightly as
they dance through life.”
-Suize Huitt
Raksha Bandhan is the celebration of the bond of love between brothers
and sisters who are as close as hands and feet. The festive spirit is
further strengthened when the Goenkans celebrate it in socially
responsible manner, by spreading awareness towards harmful effects of
undisposed wastes in the environment. Preparing cards and eco- friendly
rakhis for the siblings highlighted the significance of the everlasting
bond that the siblings share and the need to conserve our Mother
“A good teacher is like a candle; it consumes itself to light the way for others.”
Teachers all over the world are entrusted with the power to transform the innocent minds with their caring touch of knowledge and inspiration, making the world a happier place to live in. The great and lasting influence a teacher can have on the student’s life is undeniable. Young Goenkans celebrated the sincerity of their teachers with incessant love, reverence and veneration. They outpoured their gratitude and warmth towards their teachers by making beautiful cards. It was truly a day worth remembering.
Aspire Trends
"Each day is an opportunity for us to expand the horizon of our learning."
The school believes in letting the students explore a bevy of opportunities
available for them and unbridle the door to success with their dedication,
determination and diligence. Our young learners got another such
opportunity on 17 July 2020 when they keenly participated in an Online
Inter-Class Contest ‘Science Behind Magic’ and displayed their knowledge
and skills on assigned theme.
Firm is my will, strong is my faith.
My God will see me through."
- Abimbola T. Alabi
For the perseverant, nothing is impossible. Our young learners have
proved their mettle by ensuring that they continue to blossom even in
the storm! We congratulate the Goenkan stalwarts for their
praiseworthy participation and achievements in the Talent Hunt
Competition organised on Friday, 24 July 2020. Let's continue to stride
ahead, always seeking the glory of the sun!
III Aurel Bansal
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” - Plutarch
Creative writing expresses the writer’s thoughts and feelings in an
imaginative way. Online Hindi Creative Writing Competition ‘Abhivyakti’ was
held on 31 July 2020 for the students of class VI. Riveting topics were
given to the students which made them completely engrossed in the activity.
Students gave full expression to their creative ideas and penned them down
in the form of beautiful essays. The compositions were very vivid and
impressive. The competition provided an opportunity to the budding authors
to hone their artistic and creative skills.
Rank Student’s Name Class & Section House
I Samriddhi
- Earl Nightingale
The history of the world is full of people who rose to the occasion and proved themselves by the absolute force of courage, creativity, willingness and confidence. We, at G.D Goenka, influence our learners to broaden their horizons by awakening their enthusiasm and cultivating their talents. The school conducted an online ‘Acrostic Poem Composition’ competition, themed Nature, for students of Grade VI on 7 August 2020. Zealous participants proved their mettle with sheer creativity and perseverance.
Heartfelt congratulations to the winners!
Aspire Trends
III Maanyya Gupta
“Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.” - Albert Einstein
The school organised an online Inter-Class Graffiti Making Competition for the students of Grade VI on 21 August 2020. All the students prepared Graffiti on various agendas enveloping the mindsets of the people in the present era. It was inspiring to see different participants come together and celebrate their art.
Heartiest congratulations to the winners!
The Mavericks!
Aspire Trends
I Aurel Bansal VI D Tagore
II Prinkal Goel VI E Teresa
III Ananya Garg VI D Radhakrishnan
III Avika Bhateja VI A Tagore
Aspire Trends
The Torchbearers!
A nation endows us with the greatest assets available to us- the land we
honour, the food we consume, the resources we use and the culture we
engage with. A nation is not just an entity, it is a manifestation of hopes
and dreams for uncountable, a personal memory for all of us.
To honour the nation and commemorate the spirit of our existence,
Digital Collage Making Competition was organised on 14 August 2020. Our
heartiest congratulations to the achievers!
I Ananya Garg VI D Radhakrishnan
II Aurel Bansal VI D Tagore
III Smriddhi Chadha VI E Tagore
Aspire Trends
“The fire of literacy is created by the spark between a child, a book and the stories in it.”
As a part of CBSE’s initiative to mark the occasion of International Literacy Day, celebrations of Reading Week revved up on 8 September
2020 at the school. The week-long LITFEST unfolded a whole new world of books for the students of Grade VI . The young Goenkans discovered the joy of reading the books of their interest and partook in intriguing activities to hone their reading skills. They spruced themselves up and
mimicked the popular dialogues of their favourite characters. Huzza to the leaders of tomorrow!