Vishaka Nakshatra

Timing of Events Via Vishaka Nakshatra Rules A. Any planet in Vishaka activates 5& 10 houses in 39 year. Ex no1. ST – 31oct,1964 05:50am,Calcutta Mercury is lord of 9&12 houses in Vishaka in Libra Ascendant Along with Sun and Combust .


Nakshtara Vishaka

Transcript of Vishaka Nakshatra

Timing of Events Via Vishaka NakshatraRulesA. Any planet in Vishaka activates 5& 10 houses in 39 year.Ex no1.ST 31oct,1964 05:50am,Calcutta

Mercury is lord of 9&12 houses in Vishaka in Libra Ascendant Along with Sun and Combust .

Age: 39th Year (2002-3) planet in u.Phalguni then in 39th year significant event in relation to career is activated

met old flame and affair continues ,joined big Company 16 sept 2002

Ex:V,21sep 1965

Mars owns 5,10 houses is Placed in Vishaka in 2nd house.

Age: 39 (2004) Planet in Vishaka activates 5,10 house Event No1: The native was given promotion, additional territories for operations/management, very good increment Got lot of Recognition within the company.

Ex no 3.Mr M., 17-11-1961,05:25am,Chennai

Sun , owner of 11th house placed in 2nd house in vishaka nakstra (Nakshatra Lord Jupiter owns 3,6 houses is neecha placed in 4th house)

Event no 1: Shifted from Big MNC media Company to another(customer of earlier one)with a change in profile, name and fame came but dip in monetary benefit, salary was 60% of earlier one.

Ex:no4Ab ,17-11-1956,17:50, Hyderabad India

Sun owns 5th House and is situated in 7th house with Saturn mercury and rahu ( Vishaka lord Jupiter is owner of 8th and 11th house and sits in 5th with venus who is lagna lordEvent no 1: 1994-95: the native was facing lot of problems (he faces every 4-5 yrs) and then suddenly Major event in life , he was offered Franchisee of a Major shoe brand, which was life turning event as he was given very good minimum guarantee for the shop . He became wellknown overnight as he opened big shop and the other competetiors/players in the city were hit hard.

Note: The Native after an major event transferred all business in name of his wife and every business is owned by her since 1989/90.